#because you know what i'll do? act like a sweet sad girl in a movie sitting in the bus riding home
atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Some soft yandere jake lockley with a fem s/o who looks like Elaine from love witch and acts like her (but doesn't kill jake with her love in the movies)
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(I don't want to do the reader as one set person because I generally like to keep the reader just general so everyone can imagine themselves)
Maybe it made him sadistic, but then again he was sadistic.
He loved it when you cried, not because he liked when you were sad but he loved how vulnerable you were when you cried.
He sat in your bed and ran his hand through your hair while you cried.
"I know you miss them, my sweet girl. But, that pain will end." He whispered as he ran his hand over your hips and waist.
"Stop touching me..." You muttered as Jake gently massaged your hip.
"I know you're afraid because it's all unfamiliar, but I'm going to keep you safe. You're going to be my precious girl, so spoilt and taken care of." He whispered as you sat up and looked at him.
"I've seen movies, I know what you're going to do to me." You muttered as Jake shook his head and chuckled.
"You have a wild imagination, don't you? I'm only going to be taking care of you, my love." He whispered as he reached forward and ran his finger over your jaw.
"Why don't you come have some breakfast, my sweet girl? I've got your favourite cereal and muffins." He said as he rested his hand on your thigh.
"Can I have coffee?" You muttered making him chuckle softly.
"Of course you can, mi amor. I got your favourite coffee too." He said as he stood up and held his hand out to you, you cautiously took it and let him help you up.
You followed him out to the kitchen where he pulled out a chair for you.
"There we are, angel. Just sit and relax and I'll take care of everything." He said as you sat at the table and remained quiet.
"Do I have to do...stuff for you?" You muttered as Jake brought over your breakfast.
"What do you mean by that, angel?" He asked sitting across from you with a cup of coffee.
"Like... Sex." You muttered as he looked at you sadly.
"Oh, sweetheart. I would never do anything you didn't want to do sexually, I'm not that kind of person." He reassured you as you nodded a little.
"I'm sorry for asking." You muttered as he pulled his chair closer to yours.
"It's okay, mi amor. All of this is new and you're afraid, ask as many questions as you need, okay?" He replied as you nodded and started eating breakfast.
You talked with Jake and had asked him many questions, but he didn't mind.
He wanted you to feel safe.
He knew this wouldn't be hard, you were desperate for love and he was giving you everything yiy wanted. It wouldn't be long until you loved him.
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cheerscoops · 9 months
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ship: Chrissy Cunningham/Steve Harrington wc: 3.4k A/N: this one was requested by my favorite person @sherifftillman <3 it was originally supposed to go up on their birthday, but I am terrible at time management. hopefully, I did our blorbos justice. also, apologies in advance for the minimal angst. I apparently can't write cheerscoops without making one of them a little sad.
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“We don't have to stay long,” Eddie said as he parked his van. “I promise. As soon as I'm sold out, we can go back to my place and watch whatever movies you want. It probably won't take more than fifteen minutes.”
“It's fine,” Chrissy replied. “I don't mind being here. I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to come with you tonight. If it takes you longer than that, I'm sure I can find someone else to talk to. It is a party after all.”
“And that's why you're my best friend. You ready for this?”
“As ready as I'll ever be.”
Chrissy knew the real reason why Eddie had invited her to go to this party with him. He could say it was just because he wanted the company, but she knew the truth. He just wanted to get her out of the house and back around other people again. Ever since Jason had unceremoniously dumped her during halftime at the basketball game two weeks before, she hadn't really left the house for anything other than school. She hadn’t been feeling very social, and she knew she was starting to worry her best friend. So, even though the last thing she really wanted to be doing was attending some weird Christmas rager filled with people who witnessed her most recent humiliation, she agreed to go because it meant Eddie wouldn’t worry about her anymore.
The fact that they wouldn’t be there very long helped, too. If she had to spend the whole evening there, she wouldn’t have been able to force herself to go. She wasn't sure if she was really ready to face this crowd - the people that would either be hyping Jason up or looking at her with those horribly pitying glances that made her feel about two feet tall - but there was another reason why she didn't want to be at this house in particular: this was Steve Harrington's house.
It wasn't that she had anything against Steve. It was the opposite really. Back when she'd been a freshman, she'd fawned over him just like all of the other cheerleaders did. It had been so easy to develop a crush on him because she'd always thought that he was so out of her league. It was just a sweet little fantasy that occupied most of her daydreams. 
When she started dating Jason, her crush had faded away, and she'd figured that she was completely over that fantasy. They were at the same sporting events and the same parties, she talked to him on occasion, and she didn't think she felt anything for him. But then Jason dumped her and everyone started treating her differently - except for Steve. He stopped Tommy H. from making jokes at her expense when he started up with his stupid comments at school, and he didn't look at her with the same pitying glances that everyone else gave her. He treated her just the same as he always had, and it made her realize that maybe her crush had never really gone away. It was just lying dormant and waiting for an opportunity to resurface. The fantasy was back, and she was feeling more delusional than ever. Steve would never go for a girl who'd been dumped in front of the whole town like that. She wasn't good enough for him, but it was nice to dream. 
That dream was why she couldn't be at his party though. It felt too risky with her crush. Every other time she'd been to a party at his house, she'd been with Jason, so this hadn't been an issue. Now, she didn't know how to act.
As Eddie ushered her into the house, she scanned the crowd in front of her. It wasn't hard to find Steve in the midst of it all. He stood out on a normal day. For this party, however, he was wearing one of those sleazy Santa hats that had mistletoe on the end, and Chrissy hated how that wasn’t a turn off for her. As she watched Rachel P. make her way over to Steve and point at the mistletoe on his hat before reaching up to give him a kiss, Chrissy couldn’t help but think she wouldn’t mind getting to have that same opportunity herself. She’d never be bold enough to go up to him on her own though, and she certainly wasn’t bold enough to say whatever it was that Rachel P. whispered in Steve’s ear after their kiss that made his eyes go wide before shaking it off and adopting his signature confident smirk again. She was content to keep her distance and avoid any and all potential humiliation that would undoubtedly come from her being anywhere near him.
But she was hanging out with Eddie that night, so she should have known that he was going to unintentionally put her face to face with the guy she was trying her hardest to avoid. She loved her best friend more than anything, but he was oblivious to the chaos he caused her. Sometimes it was through more over the top means, but tonight it was via the simple action of calling for Steve’s attention. He acknowledged Eddie with a slight nod before saying something to Rachel P. and abandoning her to head their way.
Chrissy started panicking almost immediately. He was going to be standing in front of her wearing that ridiculous hat, and she'd have to find a way to kiss him without being awkward about it. Of course, there was always the chance that Eddie would jump in and kiss Steve to mess with him. Or worse, he could push Chrissy forward and urge her to kiss him and make a big deal out of it. She felt like she was going to be sick.
But then something that she hadn't anticipated happened, and it was maybe even worse than anything she had imagined. As Steve got closer to them, he noticed Chrissy was with Eddie for the first time, and he stopped dead in his tracks. He recovered after a moment, and as he started walking towards them again, he pulled the hat off of his head and ran a hand through his hair. That settled it then. He didn't want to kiss her at all, so he was taking away any chance that it would happen. Even though she'd been panicking about it, she'd be lying if she said that didn't sting.
“What? No kisses for me?” Eddie asked. “I'm wounded.”
 “I'm sure you'll survive,” Steve told him before turning his attention back towards Chrissy. “I didn't know you were coming.”
“That's because I forced her out of the house. We're just staying until I sell out, and then it's a night of debauchery.”
Eddie threw an arm around Chrissy's shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows, and she turned bright pink before slapping his chest.
“He's kidding,” she insisted. “We're going to watch Christmas movies and probably end up annoying his uncle.”
“I think he'll be charmed by our antics and just how often I plan on pausing the movies to add in my own scenes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have party favors to hand out.”
Eddie gave an exaggerated bow before heading into the party, leaving Chrissy standing there awkwardly with Steve. She didn't know what to say to him, and he didn't appear to have anything to say to her, so she was standing there wishing that the ground would just open up and swallow her when Heather Holloway appeared and threw her arms around her in a bone crushing hug. Whatever was in the cup that she was holding sloshed, and a little bit dribbled on the floor.
“You came!” she said as she pulled away from Chrissy. “You said you weren't feeling up for a party, but you came!”
“I did.”
Heather was clearly more than a little buzzed already, and Chrissy watched as she turned her attention towards Steve.
“Stevie. Would you mind terribly if I stole Chrissy for a minute?” she asked. “I can never get her to go to parties anymore, so I need to go get her a drink or seven to make up for lost time, okay?”
“She's all yours,” he replied. “Don't get too crazy.”
“Me? Never.”
Heather grabbed Chrissy's hand and started to pull her towards the kitchen, but as Chrissy glanced back at Steve, she noticed that he put that stupid hat back on the second he wasn't looking at her anymore, and she felt that same sting from before again.
“Can I just say that Jason is a rat?” Heather said. “A stinky garbage rat. The lowest of the low. He was never worthy of you, and you can do so much better than him anyway.”
Jason was the absolute last person Chrissy wanted to be discussing right now. Tonight was supposed to get her mind off of everything, and already she was feeling awful. She knew Eddie had meant well by bringing her here, but she needed to not be around these people.
“I'll be right back,” she told Heather. “I need to find the restroom.”
“Use the one upstairs. The one down here is probably super grody by now.”
Chrissy made her way upstairs and easily found the master bathroom. Luckily, no one was in there already, so she was able to lock herself inside and take a moment alone. She took a few deep breaths as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She could do this. She could be at this party and act normal and pretend she wasn't hurt by what Jason did to her and how Steve had clearly been repulsed by the idea of kissing her. She had to handle this. Just a little while longer, and then Eddie would be ready to leave. She could make it that long. She knew she could.
She exited the bathroom and started to make her way back downstairs. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Eddie leaning against a wall and flirting with Nancy Wheeler. He was trying to look cool, but Chrissy could tell that he was freaking out on the inside. This was a new development, and while she was happy for whatever was happening with her best friend, she had a feeling that she was going to be staying at this party a lot longer than she originally intended.
She would just have to make small talk with people and try to handle being there the best she could. Maybe if she stuck by Heather, she could get away with not doing any talking at all, and she could just let her friend talk at her for a while. However, that plan was ruined when she walked back into the kitchen and found Heather making out with Jason. He had her sitting up on the counter, and he was standing between her legs with her hanging all over him. So much for him being the lowest of the low.
Chrissy turned on her heel and ran out of the room knowing Heather wouldn’t have seen her. She was too invested in Jason’s tongue to notice her hurt friend or care if she did. She couldn’t grab Eddie and make him leave. She didn’t want to be a burden on him, so she tried to go hide in the bathroom again. This time, the door was locked, so she ducked into the first unlocked room she could find. 
After locking herself in said room, she sat down on the edge of the bed and willed herself not to cry. She wouldn’t give Jason the satisfaction of knowing he still had the power to hurt her. She couldn’t. She just needed to stay isolated from the rest of the party until it was time to leave. Eddie would come find her soon enough, and she could put this whole stupid night behind her.
She was only alone for maybe five minutes before someone tried to open the door. When they realized it was locked, they pounded on the door.
“Hey!” a voice called through the door. “No one is supposed to be up here!”
Chrissy got up from the bed and opened the door to find Steve standing there. Once again, as soon as he saw it was her, he pulled that stupid hat off of his head and held it behind his back. This was the last thing she needed, and she could feel herself crumbling from the inside out. She had to get out of that party, and she had to get out now.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t know. I’ll just leave.”
Her voice cracked as she spoke, and she moved to exit the room, but Steve was blocking her path.
“Were you in there by yourself?” he asked. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, and she didn’t want to cry in front of Steve. She didn’t need to add on to the humiliation she was already feeling. She tried to push past him, but he moved to stop her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Wait. If you need to be alone up here for a while, you can stay. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. Or I can go get your boyfriend for you if you don’t want to be alone.”
Chrissy let out a dry laugh.
“What boyfriend?” she asked. “Jason dumped me two weeks ago. You were there. Don’t you remember?”
“What? I wasn’t talking about that jackass. I meant Eddie.”
“You think Eddie and I are dating?”
“Well, yeah. Aren’t you?”
Chrissy was silent for a moment before doubling over from the force of her laughter. She moved back to sit on the edge of the bed as a way to steady herself because even in this laughing fit, she knew she didn’t want to fall to the floor in front of Steve.
“I’m so sorry,” she said once she’d calmed herself down enough to speak. “I’m not laughing at you. I promise. It’s just that the idea of me dating Eddie is the most ridiculous thing to me.”
“So, he’s not your boyfriend?” Steve asked. He moved to sit down next to her, and he set the hat on the bed in between them as he did.
“I certainly hope not considering the fact that last time I saw him he was very clearly flirting with another girl. He’s just my best friend, and he lacks all sense of personal boundaries when it comes to the people he’s closest with. I guess I can understand why someone would think we’re dating, all things considered. It’s just that kissing him would be the same as kissing my little brother.”
She scrunched up her nose in disgust before wiping the tears of mirth from her eyes.
“Thanks for that though. I really needed that laugh.”
“Glad I could be of service,” he told her. “Can I ask what had you upset enough to lock yourself in my bedroom in the first place?”
“It’s stupid,” she told him. “I saw someone who I thought was my friend making out with Jason. Which is fine. He’s allowed to do whatever he wants. We’re not together anymore, so it shouldn’t have had this effect on me. It’s just that he chose Heather, and she let him choose her after just telling me what a piece of shit she thought he was. But it’s fine. I just didn’t want to be forced to see it, and I didn’t have anyone else to talk to, so I came up here to get away from everything until Eddie was ready to leave. It’s easier that way.”
“Do you want me to kick him out? Because I can make him leave if you want.”
“He’s not worth the effort. I’m already ruining your party enough by keeping you away from your guests. I don’t need you to make a scene on my behalf.”
“I could spit in his eggnog then. Or accidentally spill some punch on him. Maybe trip him or something? Whatever I can do to help you get back at him.”
“It’s fine. Really.” She let out a tiny giggle. “Technically, he didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’d say he did plenty wrong if you asked me.”
“How do you figure?”
“I mean, setting aside him making out with your friend, the way he treated you at that basketball game was one of the worst things I’ve ever witnessed. He was needlessly cruel, and you deserved better. Frankly, I don’t think he treated you very well while he was dating you either, but that’s a whole other thing entirely. You always seemed too nice to be with a guy like him, and he didn’t appreciate you enough.”
“Maybe that’s just your opinion.”
“Well, it should be everybody’s opinion. I bet there are loads of guys in this school who would realize that you're the best thing that's ever happened to them.”
“You're sweet, but I'm not that special.”
“Not that special? Chrissy, you're -”
Steve paused for a moment and ran a hand through his hair.
“I remember this one day from back around when we first met. A bunch of the cheerleaders and the guys from the team were hanging out outside the gym. Barb Holland was walking past on her way to her next class, and she tripped and absolutely ate it in front of everyone. Jason went to make some stupid comment, but you scolded him and told him to shut up before getting down on the ground to check if she was okay and help her gather her things. I'd already thought you were cute before that, but I think that's when I started to have a crush on you. I never said anything, and then you started dating Jason a week later, so I figured I'd missed my shot and kept quiet. Anyway, my point is that you are special. Anyone who doesn't see that is kidding themselves.”
Chrissy smiled, but avoided looking at Steve to hide the fact that she was certain she was blushing.
“So, you have a crush on me?” she asked.
“I kind of let that slip there, didn't I?”
“Yeah. You did.”
His admission only confused her though. If he liked her, he should have wanted to kiss her, and yet he took that hat off every single time he saw her. It didn't add up.
“Can I ask you something?”
Steve nodded.
“If you're really into me, why'd you take the hat off? Why eliminate the perfect opportunity to act on your feelings in a non-obvious way?”
“A couple reasons. First, up until about five minutes ago, I thought you'd just started dating Eddie, and I didn't want to kiss another guy's girlfriend. Second, the hat wasn't even my idea. It was Tommy's. He gave me this line to use about how it's bad luck if you don't get a kiss when you're standing under the mistletoe, and said it works every time, but I kind of hate wearing the thing. And maybe most importantly, I didn't want you to feel obligated to kiss me. The whole idea of it made me feel gross. If you kissed me, I wanted it to be your choice.”
The sting from earlier had vanished completely and was replaced by a swarm of butterflies that were making her heart flutter. She wanted to be cool about this, but she didn't know if she could be. She had to try though, so she grabbed the hat and pulled it into her lap.
“You know, I kind of have a crush on you, too,” she told him.
“You do?”
“Mmhmm. And I would have welcomed the opportunity to kiss you even if it came with Tommy's admittedly terrible line.”
“Duly noted.”
She picked the hat up and placed it on her head.
“Well, would you look at that,” she said as she pointed at it. “I think that's mistletoe.”
“I think you might be right.”
 “You know, I heard it's bad luck if you don't get kissed when you're underneath the mistletoe.”
“I think I've heard that somewhere.”
“You wouldn't want me to have bad luck now, would you?”
“That sure would be terrible.”
“So, what do you say, Steve? Wanna help me make sure I don't have any bad luck?”
With that, Steve leaned in, and Chrissy pulled him closer for the first of many kisses.
Later on, when Eddie was finally ready to leave the party, he felt terrible for how long he'd ended up leaving Chrissy on her own. But, when he found her sitting on the sofa, snuggled up to Steve and looking happier than he'd seen her in months, any trace of guilt vanished away.
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Miller's girl
I decided to watch the movie tonight while I'm drawing and sort of live-comment or come back here and share my thoughts about it. This isn't Twitter, but I'll make it work and somehow make it seem like a thread tweet. I adore Jenna Ortega to the extent that I'm not sure if I want her or want to be her. This is a question that crosses the mind of every woman attracted to another woman. So far, this feels like something straight out of a Wattpad 'deep girl' fanfiction. Well, ladies and gentlemen, Cairo Sweets is definitely a Tumblr girly. "Lonely girl longs to be loved. Books make longing to seem romantic, but it's awful. It's greedy, and I wear longing like a fucking veil.'" I quite like this quote, but just in the moment. You know some quotes you read them at first. You find meaning in them, but the more you read it, you realize how stupid it.
Well, well, I never thought I would say this, but Martin Freeman looks quite handsome here, but I don't feel any charisma from him. Squid said that he looks like a realistic fanfic teacher. My dear girl, you are quite right.
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A beard can make most men look hotter. This is the same guy from Lord of the Rings and Love Actually. Cairo, sweetie, I get it now. I would strive to become the teacher's pet too. Love Actually was a bizarre mess of a movie that I quite enjoyed. I miss those 2000s movies. I kind of see where the movie is going. It's going to be about a teacher and his student crossing the line, and that is because his wife isn't satisfying him, and she is quite mean because she is quite honest and a go-getter, and he is not. Biggest eye roll, and of course, that's how they showcase her in the movie. So yeah, another film trying to justify cheating and make us not sympathize with the wife. Funny how he called her vile at the end. My opinion, all of them are vile to some level. Ugh, hate this. Moving on... "He sees you even though you hide in plain sight." Same opinion about the previous quote. 'A madman's love'... God, I'd give anything to feel that. What muse could inspire this deranged yearning, to inspire, to be so inspired. Could we be that to each other?... It is like a sugar cube under the tongue. I want your attention." I love this quote, but again, can't we fucking have a good teacher-student relationship that doesn't involve cheating? I know a couple, but they are decent and not like this crap. If only this movie didn't involve cheating, it wouldn't have irked me so much. I don't mind the age gap of the actors; both are adults and of legal age. I don't like this one bit. I just have no respect for a girl who goes after a person just for fun, knowing they are married, no matter how much his marriage sucks. I mean, he is also pathetic in the situation, the blind guiding the blind. At this point, just go jump over a hill. Completely unrelated, but I can't stop thinking about Winnie's shoes in the scene where she is on top of Mr. Miller's desk. I need to find them. Her writing screams Wattpad fanfiction, and yes, that is not a compliment. It is just bad pretense, deep wannabe erotic writing. The dialogue is just excruciatingly painful. I do love pain, but this one is just extreme. Oh, this is just sad. I love the fantasy that she wrote, but really I can't overlook the bad writing and Martin's acting. Jenna is great though.
I liked the overlaying of their dialogue. That was nice. I don't know if I would like reading the whole script more than watching the movie. Just why the fuck do they pick up and drop the accent, this is so annoying. I love how confrontational Cairo is in that scene. "You can't blur the lines and suddenly set a boundary when I decide to cross it." Oh sweet Cairo, how wrong you are. This is also the stupidest argument I have heard today. "You thought you were going to be somebody? Right? Overreaching without ambition. Do you know what that means? It means you weren't brave enough to be better. It means you are deliberately impotent. It means that you, Jonathan Miller, are mediocre." Here, however, Cairo is right. He is just an excuse of a pathetic man, letting life walk all over him and doing nothing about it, and finding excuses, searching for a thrill but not executing it right. A blinded man. There is nothing more pathetic than someone always using the circumstances around them to justify their choices. For example, just because you had a shitty upbringing doesn't justify for an instance having a shitty character or shit behavior. A lot of people grew up in shit holes and that not for a second prevents someone from being a decent human being. At the end of the day, we are all human capable of making choices, and if someone ends up making a bad choice, they are aware of that and all they have to do is acknowledge it.
Jenna's acting is fantastic. This guy is stuck in a loveless marriage. I don't know why people let themselves stay in such agonizing marriage. I don't understand these relationships where communication is basically non-existent. People would rather stay sad and together than confront and maybe get better. Bunch of cowards. The only person I feel bad for in the movie is Winnie. She is rather volatile but didn't deserve to be played with like that. However, she is the person who sparked the idea, so not that innocent after all.
Whoever is playing Mrs. Miller is extremely hot despite being drunk 95% of the movie xD. The confrontation from his wife topnotch. Whoever has sympathy for this man is an utter idiot. Here, the last passage is good. That was decent. No, I take that back; I think I only said that because I was like "fucking finally this shit writing is about to end". "In the end, I ultimately understood our mutual naivete; my trust, his arrogance exposed us to the caprices of society and rendered us defeated, suddenly alone in separate camps. What will become of us? Will he measure himself an unwilling participant, falsely banished and beggared, with no job, no wife, no forgiveness, or will he be brave enough to accept his complicity in a way that is meaningful, a way that changes him like it has changed me? The answer evades me. I wanted to experience something I didn't understand; I reached for it and was made a fool by my own childish notion of love. But where was my error? Was it in the reaching or the wanting? Is this what it is to be an adult? The same exquisite longing of adolescence but with the burden of constant accountability, no excuses to be made for your choices, for they are yours alone. I cannot say whether or not I am grateful for the experience, for the knowledge. The levity of youth has been ripped from me like skin, and exposed as I am, so raw and open, I can feel it shaping me into something new: hero, villain, writer, grown from the human ruins for a madman's love."
Look, this is two people that mistake their story as forbidden love, because she is a student and he is a teacher, she young and he is old. It would have been the case if this fucker wasn't married. Those two are just two delusional idiots driven by lust. This is not a love story, this is stupidity.
So this is a review I found and wanted to share. "What starts as a manipulation game on Cairo's part turns into genuine affection, and what starts as sheer academic intrigue on Miller's part turns into longing desire. What complicates things is that both characters are sympathetic; you can see why they act the way they do, and you're left wondering, is this wrong or is this okay?" You can never justify something that is morally wrong; you can just live with it. I honestly believe I would have something positive to say about this movie if it didn't involve cheating. I like the complexity of a relationship with someone younger and old. I like the mentor and mentee trope; however, it should be done right, in the sense where it's morally right, but also you can write a story about two morally wrong people like in 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses,' but it needs to be good writing, and this one doesn't have one or the other. In conclusion, the movie is trying too hard that you just want to throw a shoe at it. I can see the idea behind it, but the execution is just plain bad; the writing is bad. I think I would have loved the movie if I put it on mute and just watched because at least it is pretty to look at. It is pretty. Plain pretty.
Something that I hate with new writers is when they want to make you believe an idea that is false, like Cairo being a talented writer and then not showing it. I mean, you can't make a character smarter than you actually are. If you are a mediocre writer, no matter how much you say your character is, your character will always seem as mediocre.
I would like to add more but tumblr is not letting me.
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youraveragegoat · 8 months
Fr had a dream where my brother brought a child hinted to be related to me in some way to my parents house but then just sat on the couch and watched sport while I had to take care of her.
Usually I wouldn't mind, but 1) I don't fucking talk to my brother and 2) he's the one who brought her you can't just leave her alone and expect me to pick up the slack when I'm literally not supposed to be here. (I came to pick up some boots I ordered) Take responsibility, oh my god.
And this little girl was a fucking handful. I'll talk bad about children all day I don't care but it was clear to me that the way she was acting was because of her home life so I can't blame her too much on that front.
Eventually, more people got to the house, including my parents. And my poor fucking mother was so excited that my brother and I were under the same roof. When I was trying to make food for this little girl, going back and forth with her about what to make, my mom saw she already had a box of some dessert and we made a deal with her that she could have the dessert /after/ she ate dinner instead of /as/ dinner and she was happy about that.
Oh but all of a sudden my brother speaks to me for the first time, "Dont let her only eat sweets"
And im already aggravated. I'm putting the fucking dinner in the oven and he gets to act like he cares all of a sudden? But My mom is there so a half-shouted "I wasn't going to" is all I can do without making her sad.
In real life, for some reason, the onus is on ME to make up with him when HE'S the one who caused this rift in the first place. I tell my parents every time they bring it up that all he has to do is apologize to me AND MEAN IT, and I won't have a problem anymore. But he wouldn't mean it. So we remain here. With my mother sad. Anyway.
The dinner gets served and my dad asks my brother to pray and he makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that 1) he isn't remorseful and 2) he's doubling down. He lifts his beer bottle and makes a pledge and it's all I can do to say "Oh My God Fuck You" and I'm already moving towards the door to leave when he calls back and threatens to "Gut [me] like a fish" so I say "Do it then, bitch" and shut the door behind me.
I'm going to an auditorium I used to hang out in when my father, who always took my brother's side in this argument texts me that if I "speak like that again, he'll shut my mouth for me."
It takes me a moment before I decide to not text him back because I know he's just reeling from me cursing in front of him. My dad's not that kind of person, he just gets mad easily, so giving him time to calm down is the best way to have an intelligent discussion with him.
That doesn't mean im not mad too though. I'm stalking up and down the empty rows of seats because the familiarity both hurts and grounds me and I knew it would. But I'm still pissed.
Real life context: my friends and I just watched the fnaf movie, and saw a few horror movie ads
So. You know. I'm walking in this big empty theater, angry as all hell, when I hear the tinkle of a bell and children's laughter behind me.
I'm literally too angry to be scared I guess, because I just turn around and stand there and wait for the thing that was trying to scare me to show itself. And as soon as the thing turns the corner, I just grab it and start wailing on it.
It's like a furry plush type monster, and there's blood on my hands, sure, but im too mad to care. The struggle moves out into a stairwell, but It eventually stops moving and ITS A DREAM so I just pull throwing knives out of my back pocket which definitely weren't there before and stab the thing into the wall so it's hanging there.
And I take a breath but hear more bells tinkling and children's laughter on another floor. And im still mad, so I start running up the stairs to kill that thing too.
At this point, I'm like Okay that's too unrealistic and I wake myself up.
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navramanan · 3 years
everytime i step out the door i'm like. need to be the sweetest girl while throwing away trash. walking on the pavement. buying groceries. roaming around in the plant store. crossing the road. waiting at the bus stop. on the public transport
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love-toxin · 2 years
knowing me, knowing you - eddie munson & steve harrington
plot: new boyfriends eddie and steve overhear jason trying to ask angelface out, and they know they have to rescue you--not just because they're your friends, but because they can't let him steal you away from them and hurt you...even if you're not theirs, yet.
cws: established steddie, hurt/comfort, throuple, tw: homophobia, derogatory use of 'queer', bullying, threats, manipulation, jason's a huge dickhead, protective steve, mild violence, confessions, jealousy, threeway mutual pining, friends to lovers, eddie pov, fem reader.
word count: 2.6k
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"...So we should go on a date, then. I'll take you to dinner."
Eddie sidles up quietly against the wall, risking a peek around the corner to check before he waves Steve over. Yep, Wheeler was right–there you are, leaning against the school outside with Jason fucking Carver, who cannot physically get any closer to you without it being considered a felony.
"No shit," Steve pokes his head out over his boyfriend's, whispering incredulously because Eddie knows he can't believe it either. Of course, the one person in the school that they both despise the most is making a move on you. Steve rubs Eddie's shoulder, hoping to soothe him as the two of them watch from their position of relative safety.
"Um, aren't you…aren't you and Chrissy..?" Jason shakes his head at you, but he's still smiling like he's still got it all under control.
"Nah, she…I heard she's been sleeping around. So I dumped her–girls like that aren't worth it. Not like you."
"That's not true!" Eddie whispers–he knows Chrissy, she's a sweet girl, and she definitely dumped him because he made one too many awful comments about her appearance. What a fucking liar. But he maybe says it a touch too loudly, because Jason's brow raises and just as he turns to look around, Steve grabs Eddie by the collar and yanks him back around the wall to hide. But once they hear you start talking again, they both slowly sneak a peek once more, knowing that Jason's eyes will be on you and you alone.
"Thank you, uh, I'm flattered, but…"
"But? Is there a but? C'mon, just one date." Such a pushy bastard, it's annoying enough to Eddie, but looking up he can see that Steve's practically got steam coming out of his ears. You fidget with your sleeve, the bag slung over your shoulder swaying as you do so while you try not to look him directly in the eye. "You're so cute when you get shy. C'mon, babe."
Oh, that "babe" is almost enough for Eddie to go fucking berserk, and he can feel that Steve is feeling the same–but they both agreed not to intervene unless it was totally necessary. They might be totally whipped for you, but they're not your babysitters and they both know that if they start acting like it, you'll just end up resenting them. Plus, the three of you are good friends right now, and you're one of the very few that doesn't think them dating is weird or somehow related to the devil, so to mess that up would result in a lot of nights moping around and watching sad movies in each other's laps that neither of them are emotionally prepared for at the moment.
"Y'know, we could even do some more stuff if you wanted…a little birdie told me that you have yet to lose something." You look scared. This is nowhere near good. Steve's hand digs into his shoulder, hard.
"It's okay to be inexperienced, babe. I can show you how to do it…show you how to make love. You can trust me–even if that's all you want, I'll let you use me for it." How manipulative can he be? Eddie knows there's no way you would ever do something like that, but he can also see now that Jason really just wants to get into your pants. Figures, he doesn't deserve your kindness or any part of you, so he's just scraping to get whatever he can, like a rat–and it gets worse when Jason starts touching your face, trying to get you to look at him. Steve quietly growls a "don't" from above him, kind of like a dog getting territorial. It's kinda hot, if he's being honest…focus. He has to focus.
"I'm not a virgin,"
You finally breathe, your eyes flicking up to meet the blond's whose hand is still on your chin.
"And you're not my type. Sorry." You gently push his hand away, and wait with shaky hands for him to back off. But both Eddie and Steve's anger increases when he just dips his face closer to you, almost like he's gonna kiss you–Eddie has to put a hand on Steve's chest to stop him from lunging forward, whispering a "Stevie, calm down!" quiet enough that neither you nor Jason notice while you're in your own little world.
"What do you mean by that? Explain it to me, so I can understand." His voice is low, but angry, fury simmering just below the surface like he's close to blowing up. But if he thinks he can just intimidate you into doing what he wants, then he's got another thing coming.
"What…What is there to explain? You're a bully. You're cruel. I saw what you did to Gareth's hand," Your brow furrows–god, you're so pretty when you're mad–and Eddie finds himself breathless as you raise your hand to your chest and push him, just hard enough for Jason to take a step back with an incredulous look on his face. "And you're always calling my friend a freak."
"Who, Munson? He is a freak! Why would you even want to be friends with someone like him? You're too good for that."
"No, I'm too good for you." Jason just shakes his head in disbelief, a scoff on his lips. Eddie's chest is so tight, heart beating so fast at the protectiveness in your voice as you say his name. "Eddie's my friend. He's sweet, and he would do anything for his friends. He's nothing like you–and that's why I like him."
You like him. He's on cloud nine right now, he wouldn't even notice if the world was ending. All his dreams are coming true, even if he never imagined Jason would be involved with them at all.
"You like that queer? Are you fucking serious?"
"Shut up! You're a cunt, Jason!" You shove him again, hard this time, your words spit with venom and your fists shaking with anger. But he's so proud of you for stepping away, you're so mature, and you don't even look back at him as you start walking towards the side of the building where they're hiding–until you stop suddenly, and Eddie realizes that Jason's grabbing you by the wrist to drag you back to him.
"You do not walk away from me, you understand that?!"
"Let go of me! I'm gonna tell-" Jason slaps a hand over your mouth, and yanks you close enough that your faces are only a few inches from each other. Too close.
"Who's gonna believe you?" Your eyes widen, and it is far past the last straw. Steve is shouldering past him and dashing towards the scene before Eddie even realizes he's gone from his side.
With the kind of strength that befits a former high school athlete, Steve runs up and wedges himself between you two so he can shove Jason off, breaking his grip and sending him stumbling back while your friend stands protectively over you. You look a little dazed, confused, but when Eddie hustles over to take your arm in his and soothe you, it sets in that you're safe and you gladly melt into his embrace. You're so warm, and you're scared, but…he just can't help thinking about how soft you feel against his chest.
"You touch her again, and I'll make sure you regret it."
"The fuck are you doing here, Harrington?" Jason spits, flushed and clearly jumped up from getting interrupted. Eddie doesn't even want to think about what would have happened if Wheeler hadn't tipped them off, what Jason might have done to you if they weren't here–but if he somehow wasn't sure before that he always wants to be there for you, then he absolutely does now.
"Oh, y'know, hanging out. Seeing some old friends. Defending pretty girls against creepy douchebags. Whatever strikes my fancy." Jason's eyes slide over to Eddie, who feels and probably looks a lot braver with Steve in between them. He can feel you tense up against him when Steve says that, and he pulls his arms tighter around you to hug you closer. It's relieving to feel that you're comfortable with him, enough that you're clinging to his jacket and subtly nuzzling even deeper into him.
"What was that you said, again? 'Who's gonna believe you'? I think the school counselor would love to hear that. Probably would have to let the basketball coach know, though. And you can say bye bye to the rest of the season." Steve sounds so confident when he's ripping him apart, it's honestly kind of…well, it's not something you might find attractive, but Eddie certainly does, and by the awed look in your eyes he can sense that you feel the same. "Gimme a reason, dude, cause I would love to kick your ass right now."
Jason looks between all three of you, frustrated and wounded by the blow Steve's managed to deal him, but the intensity only lasts a couple seconds. Because before long, he's made his choice, and he brushes you all off and stalks away with his hands shoved in the pockets of his letterman jacket.
"Oh, Jason! Almost forgot!" Both you and Eddie are surprised to see him actually stop and turn his head when Steve calls out to him, his glare violent enough that all three of you can almost feel the holes burning through you. "You ever get near my boyfriend again, or Hellfire, or her, I'll rip you many, many new ones. You just gimme the word, big boy."
Jason says nothing, just spits, and gives all three of you the finger which Steve gladly returns before he turns and disappears through the door into the school. By the time Steve moves to walk back towards you two, Eddie's loosened his hug to let you slip out, but you're still clutching at his arm like it's a pier in a storm.
"Don't be scared, honey. You're okay." Steve affectionately rubs your head, ruffling your hair a bit in the process. But he's a lot more gentle than when he does it to Dustin or the other kids, careful, and fortunately so when you've still got such a disturbed expression.
"I..I thought he was gonna.."
"He won't. Stevie's got us–look how strong he is." Eddie smiles over at you, and rubs the hand you've got gripping his sleeve so you can feel his rings against your skin.
"Did you, um…I don't know how much you heard of that.."
"Well, we got to hear you call him a cunt. That was fun." Your eyes turn back to Eddie, big and doe-like, and god, there's rarely been a time he's wanted to kiss you more than he does right now. "...And I heard what you said about me."
Fear strikes across your face, and you quickly avert your gaze from him like it's too much to even meet his eyes. He hates how shaky you still are, even when the danger has passed–he never wants you to be afraid of him, scared of what he's gonna say next. Ever.
"I-I…Eddie, I…I don't want to ruin what we have. And I…Steve, I'm sorry I-" Your voice is trembling, and even though your head is turned away he can clearly tell you're on the brink of tears. But that's when Steve pipes up, a hand brushing your cheek as he guides you to look up at him.
"You had a crush on me, right?" You stutter, taken aback by his query, but he just keeps going. "You were younger, I remember. I was a senior. You used to wear your hair like,"
He motions around his head, trying to charade his way into describing it before his hands land on his hips.
"Like that. It was cute."
Eddie knows you're not nearly as close with Steve–you would definitely be considered friends, but you mostly know Harrington through him and you haven't spent much time together alone. Before they started going out, that fact would relieve him. He didn't even know that you and Steve knew each other before you all started hanging out.
"Listen, Eddie's not gonna say it, but he likes you. And I like you. And from what I can tell, you might feel the same. So," He raises both hands up to show he's being vulnerable, and steps around you to stand closer to Eddie's side. "If you don't, that's totally cool. We can pretend none of this happened–but if you do, and you don't mind sharing, well…we can stop running after you like lost puppies to make sure you're okay."
You're speechless, clearly. Your eyes dart from one boy to the next, searching for some sign that they're gonna burst into laughter and admit that it was all an elaborate prank. But all Eddie does is keep stroking your hand, until you slowly release it from his jacket and let him take hold of it.
"Is…this really happening? This isn't a dream, right?" You're the one who's incredulous now, and the two of them look between each other as a spark of fear ignites. It's just now occurring to Eddie and his boyfriend both that they might have made a huge mistake by saying this right now.
"I…y'know what, now I'm thinking this might have been a bad time to say all that. I'm sorry, I just, seeing you scared like that-"
"Did you mean it?" You interrupt Steve's near-frantic babbling, your eyes now intense in a way that Eddie has to mentally slap himself to not find as incredibly hot.
"Well yeah, of course. We mean it, right Eds?"
"Damn right." You look between the two of them. Are you still questioning, he wonders? Will you walk away, thinking they were liars this whole time, just waiting for a chance to make fun of you?
"Do you…wanna get some dinner?" Only now does your question come out as meek, soft, just like the absolute goddess that first came to Eddie to ask if you could get something from the theatre while Hellfire club was in session. He still remembers that day so fondly, the way the club members teased him for how gently he spoke to you and how he paused the game for a whole ten minutes just to explain what they were doing to you. And the first time you got frustrated with him, yelled at him for something stupid he did that he doesn't even remember anymore, and how whipped he realized he was when he witnessed how forceful you were when you were worried about him.
"Oh, like…now?" Steve's voice breaks him from his reverie, he didn't even realize he was staring at you, or that your eyes flicked over to stare right back.
"Yeah." You bite your lip. Mercy.
"Yes," Eddie sighs, his eyes totally fixated on you, like he's already lovesick. "Anywhere you want. I'll pay for yours."
"Think again, Munson. Keep your money, I'll cover everyone's. C'mon, beautiful." He snaps his fingers in front of Eddie's face to bring him back to reality, drawing a giggle out of you in the process as he loops an arm around your waist and leads you away towards his car. He might have been left behind, if he wasn't still holding your hand–you give him a tug to pull him along with you, and he hurries up to walk on your opposite side from Steve.
It might be impossible to tell what's gonna happen next, what you're gonna say when you all sit down at a booth at the diner and have the conversation that he's been waiting so long to have–but it doesn't matter, none of it does. Because all those nights of lying awake with Stevie and talking to each other about you, about how perfect it would be to pull you into their little universe with them…now, it might be possible for it to all come true. There's a chance. And that's more than either of them could ever ask for from an angel like you.
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eddie-van-munson · 2 years
The Kiss (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: When you admit to your best friend Eddie that you haven't been kissed since the seventh grade, he offers to kiss you. There's only one catch: You don't know when he's going to do it.
Warnings: Kissing, Implied Sex (sort of?), Cursing, Eddie Being a Little Shit, She/Her Pronouns, Eddie gets a Boner lol.
(If you enjoy this fic at all, please please please drop a like, comment, or reblog. I've been feeling really discouraged lately when writing, and interaction helps so much. Requests are open, but the waitlist is long.)
Eddie couldn't help but notice your expression as you watched Andy unknowingly pull little Mikey into a cave. You looked far too melancholy for someone who was actively watching The Goonies. You sighed as the characters shared a sweet, child-like kiss, resting your head in your hand.
"Does Brant wear braces?"
Eddie nudged you with his foot, "Can you stop thinking so loud? I'm trying to watch the movie."
You snorted, giving him a teasing shove. "Not all of us have blissfully empty brains, Munson."
"Not all of us stare longingly at the television while watching kids movies."
You rolled your eyes, blushing, "You interrupted a flashback, jerk."
"Ah." He nodded, as if this were a perfectly reasonable explanation. "I see. Did you often kiss your unsuspecting peers in caves? He earned a shove this time, an evil giggle escaping him.
"I just-..." You trailed off as you watched Andy gush to her friend, eyes starry in the lantern light.
"Stef, it was beautiful."
You pulled your knees to your chest, glancing over at Eddie, "I have to tell you something embarrassing."
His dark brows quirked up with interest, kicking his sneakers up onto the coffee table. "Pray tell, my lady."
The movie prodded along in the background as you looked over into those big brown eyes, "You're going to laugh at me."
His shoulders shrugged, "Probably." He grinned as you whacked his shoulder, "What if I promise not to?"
You studied his expression with suspicion, "I don't believe you, but I'll tell you anyways because you have best friend privilege."
"Hell yeah!" He pumped his fist triumphantly, "C'mon spill it!! I have privilege!"
You hesitated, cheeks flushing as Eddie stared at you. You braced yourself for oncoming ridicule. "I haven't been kissed since the seventh grade."
He frowned, pausing to count on his fingers, "Oh man."
His voice wasn't teasing. It was half-way sad, which was debatable worse. You'd much rather take a good natured poke than be pitied.
"Are you serious? That's like, seven years."
"Trust me, I know." You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.
Eddie looked confused. He bit at his thumbnail. "What, you just haven't found anyone you've wanted to kiss? No 'worthy soul hath appeared' since you were thirteen?"
"No that's not even it." Your ears went warm with embarrassment. "I've been interested in plenty of people. I think I'm just...unkissable."
There was a long silence. Eddie frowned, "Kissing isn't all that great anyways, you know? Spit and teeth and too much tongue...It's gross."
"Don't bullshit me." You narrowed your eyes and he sighed.
"Yeah, you're right. It's incredible." That one was on him. He should've known better than to try and deny enjoyment of one of his very favorite pastimes. "But you're not unkissable! You're very kissable! Look at you!"
You don't seem to be consoled.
His heart ached. Now this, he couldn't allow. His best friend, the girl he'd been hung up on for as long as he could remember, thinking she was unkissable? Simply ridiculous.
"I'll kiss you." He said it before he even realized he had. Your eyes went wide, but he kept his cool.
"You heard me." He kept his voice even. "I'll kiss you."
The room went quiet, the movie buzzing distantly. You gave him a fond look, "You'd do that for me?"
He giggled softly, "Well, don't act like it's a chore. I'd love to lay one on you." He winked, bonking your foot with his.
You hid your blush, the butterflies in your tummy going obnoxiously crazy. Eddie grinned, mischief gathering in his brain.
"But! I have one condition!"
Your brows raised, and you looked a little nervous. Like you were worried he'd changed his mind.
"I get to pick when it happens, ok? I'm not going to tell you when. It has to be a surprise...So you'll never know when I'm going to sweep you right off your feet ruin all other men for you."
You chuckled, humming. "Not in front of anyone we know, though."
"Well of course not." He smirked, blowing you an air kiss. "I'll keep it nice and intimate. Just you and me, baby."
It was suddenly very hard to focus on The Goonies.
It wasn't until the first time it happened that you realized his plan to torture you.
You were in Gareth's garage, laying across the cigarette smoke infused couch that sat in the corner as you watched the band practice. You lazily skimmed through a magazine, sucking on a lollipop you'd found in Eddie's jacket pocket. His sweet tooth was terrible, and he almost always had some kind of candy on him. You hadn't even noticed the band call break. Jeff and Gareth ran inside to grab some drinks from the fridge, leaving the two of you alone.
He propped his guitar up in its stand, stalking over to you, and straddled your hips where you laid across the couch. Your eyes went big as he took the magazine from you and tossed it to the side, tilting your chin to look at him. He was close, and you practically stopped breathing. Here is comes. Holy shit. Here it comes. Eddie was going to kiss you.
Slowly, he pulled the lolly from your lips and  popped it in his own mouth. He smirked, winking. "You took my last Root Beer one."
With that, he kissed your forehead messily and stood up from the couch, leaving you red faced, frozen, and a little turned on as the other boys filed back into the garage.
That little shit.
The next time it happened was at one of the band's semi-weekly gigs. You were at a bar...the same bar the boys played at every Friday night. Wayne knew the owners, so they were allowed to play there even though they weren't old enough to drink.
You got to the little green room backstage just in time to hear your best friend cursing colorfully. "Eddie?"
Eddie sulked out of the bathroom, tossing a kohl pencil onto the counter. "I can't do it."
"Do what, bub?"
 He sighed as he jumped to sit on the counter, toying with the hem of his shirt. "My eyeliner."
It was only then that you took a good look at him. His eyes were completely raccooned in smeary black, his skin red with irritation in a few places where he'd tried to rub it off.
"Oh, Eds..." You chuckled as you walked over to asses the damage, thumbing at one of the marks. "Why didn't you wait for me? I could've done it for you."
"I want to learn to do it myself. I just-..." He gave a frustrated groan, burying his face in his hands. "I messed up and I tried to take it off and it got everywhere."
Your lips tugged into a sympathetic smile, "Alright. Just give me a minute and I'll fix it up."
He was a little squirmy as you cleaned off the old makeup with a washcloth, but he managed to sit still for you as you worked, aside from the occasional flutter of his thick eyelashes. Your brow furrowed as you carefully dragged the pencil below his waterline. His big brown eyes were even more stunning like this...ringed in dark smoke. His gaze darted to your mouth as you cradled his jaw, and you couldn't help but stare right back, eyes tracing the curve of his pretty cupid's bow. His big hands held your waist to steady you, and you could nearly taste him as he wet his lips. The air was tense and thick.
"Much better." You capped the pencil and tapped his nose with it playfully. His voice snagged you as you were about to walk away,
Your focus returned to those dark eyes. He swallowed thickly, tugging you back over to him by your belt loops. Your brain stalled on his thumb rubbing little circles over your hip.
He smirked, "Do you think I look hot?" You snorted and rolled your eyes, but he didn't relent. "I'm serious! I want to know."
You studied him as if you had to think it over. His curls were fluffy and big tonight. He'd just washed his hair, you decided. His shampoo smelled like green apples.
Slowly, you gave a shy nod.
He beamed as his warm eyes found your lips again, and you thought he may have actually been about to kiss you this time when Gareth wandered in. "Five minutes, Eds."
You groaned, and Eddie shot you an amused smile, shrugging before he quickly hopped off the counter to grab his guitar.
God, he was going to kill you.
The third time it happened, he was driving you home from Hellfire. It'd been a few weeks since the initial agreement now, and you were starting to think he'd decided against kissing you entirely. He pulled into your driveway, grabbing your hand in his before you could go to leave the van.
He laced your fingers with his, drawing you back to him. "I haven't forgotten, you know."
Sometimes you wondered if he could read your mind. You shook your head, "Why haven't you-"
"Just haven't found the right moment, yet." You crossed your arms, looking incredulous, but he just smiled. "Come on, babe. There's a lot riding on this. First kiss in seven years? I'd be a bad friend if I didn't make it a good one."
He reached out to hold the collar of your shirt, gently tugging you closer. "Gotta make sure you want it..." Closer still. The very tip of his nose pressed against yours. His voice was soft and raspy. "Real bad..."
Suddenly, he hissed, crooning his neck and darting forward to playfully sink his teeth into your neck. You screamed, pushing him away as he cackled with laughter.
"Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you!?" You shrieked.
He slapped his knee through giggles, head lulling as he clutched his stomach. "You should've seen your face!"
"Eddie Munson, you are so absolutely insufferable I-"
He took your hand in his warm one again, cutting you off, and slowly turned it outward. He kept his eyes locked on yours he guided you forward, pressing a soft kiss to your inner elbow. You shivered as he moved down, breath hot on the delicate skin as he grazed his lips over the center of your forearm. Finally he pressed one last slow, hot kiss to the inside of your wrist. Right over your veins. He grinned at your loss of words, and you were almost sure you weren't breathing.
"I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"
When it finally happened, you were doing the dishes.
Your parents were away on business, so you and Eddie rented five scary movies from Family Video and set up camp in the living room for the week. You'd just finished your reheated spaghetti dinners, and were washing your dishes in between giggly attempts to spray each other with the detachable faucet.
Eddie sighed happily as you dried the last dish, packing his backpack from where he had his books and papers all sprawled out on the kitchen table. "I'm probably gonna head out. Wayne should be home soon."
You frowned, "You don't want to stay the night?"
He gave a non-committal shrug, "I will the rest of the week if you want, but I figured I should tell him or he'll wonder why I'm gone."
"Alright. I guess I'll watch Elm Street without you, then."
He whipped around, "You wouldn't!"
Giggling, you threw the dish towel at him over your shoulder, "I'm just fucking with you. Tell Wayne I said 'Hi'."
"Will do." He headed for the door as you started putting a way forks, but you called back to him through the hall.
"Call me when you get home safe! It's raining!"
He paused in the hallway, smiling to himself. You always made him call when he got home, and though he acted like it annoyed him, it made him feel so cared for. So loved.
You hummed to yourself softly as you sorted the cutlery, trying to fit each spoon against one another the way your mom liked them to be arranged, when Eddie reappeared in the kitchen. You looked at him, brows quirked in confusion. He stole your breath as he walked over, shoved the drawer closed, and pressed you against the counter. Before you could even process what was happening, he took your face in his warm hands, dark eyes locking with yours for a moment before they fluttered shut.
He kissed you, long and slow and deep. Your hands went slack from where you had gripped the kitchen counter in surprise, arms sliding up his chest to drape over his shoulders. You stood on your tip toes and leaned into him, finally gathering your wits enough to return his movements. It was needy and sweet and warm, and even though it lasted nearly thirty seconds, it was over far too quickly for either of your liking.
You were cross eyed for a moment as you tried to find your bearings. Eddie's thumb grazed over your lower lip, affectionately. His voice was little more than a breathless whisper when he finally spoke again.
"I um..." He swallowed thickly. "I'll call you when I get home."
And then he was gone. He turned from you awkwardly, his sneakers clunking as he hurried back down the hall and retrieved his bag. You heard the front door slam.
You stood there, frozen in place. Holy shit. Holy shit that was...wow. Your fingers grazed your lips in shock. His lips. They'd been hot and soft and chapped. Needy. And his hands...they'd been so rough and warm where he cradled your face. You needed them all over you. You needed the warm weight of his body pressing yours against the counter, again. Needed his kisses making you drunk.
Maybe it was because it'd been so long. Surely that was why. You were just imprinting on him like a silly little duckling. That's why you suddenly felt so very much in love with Eddie Munson. Had you always felt that way?
You found yourself wanting to do a lot more than kiss him. You squirmed a little as you abandoned the kitchen, where the air was still too thick for you to breathe right, to return to the living room. Trying to calm your heartbeat, you flipped through your family's collection of records. Music. Music would help. Music was a distraction. You settled on an older Elton John record, your hands trembling as you dropped the needle.
Tiny Dancer had just started to drift through your speaker when your front door whipped open again to reveal your best friend, his cheeks red and his curls damp from the rain.
He looked a little panicked as he shut the door behind him, politely kicking off his sneakers before striding over to you. "Sorry...I um..." He stuck his hands in his jacket pockets, "Was it just me or did that feel-?"
Amazing? Magical? Life changing?
You nodded, not even needing the adjective to know what he meant. It was only then that Eddie noticed your slight trembles. He shrugged off his damp jacket, tossing it onto the couch and pulling you into a hug. He gave a content hum, stroking your hair. "You're such an asshole, you know that?"
You laughed into his curls, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes. He rubbed your lower back soothingly where he held your waist. "What did I do, now?"
"You gave me a boner. I literally got hard just from that stupid kiss."
He chuckled in amazement, his cheeks going pink as your eyes widened.
"That's why I ran the hell out of here. I mean, I was nervous, sure. That was part of it. But I was also about to bust out of my fucking jeans. I needed to go calm down." He scratched his head awkwardly, breaking into a smile as you laughed.
"That's what you get!" You gave him a little shove. "That's what you get for teasing me all this time, you jerk!"
He groaned, nudging your nose with his as he grinned, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Come're."
He kissed you, again. And it was even better than the first time.
Your hands snaked up into his hair, giving it a gentle tug he held your hips. He cursed at the feeling, giving a soft moan. His words were hot against your tongue.
"Jesus, babe. You're not playing fair." He tilted your head back, and you gasped as he worked his mouth down the delicate skin of your throat. "Making me feel like I'm in seventh grade."
You laughed breathlessly, letting him suck a light mark just below your ear. You made the prettiest sound Eddie had ever heard as he dragged his tongue over the spot, clinging to him. "I-...mhm...I suppose you're staying for Elm Street, then?"
He pulled back to admire you with those pretty brown eyes. "Oh sweetheart...I'm staying fucking forever."
And he did.
@eddielives1986 @steeldaisies
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
never stop loving me
Summary - Spencer lashes out at y/n after being upset for a while, only to be far too harsh and push her away.
TW: mean spencer, swearing, bomb, injured reader, kissing
WC - 5,647
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spencer had been acting weird lately.
and it wasn't his normal, quirky, adorable weird self. it was quiet. too quiet. he didn't ramble like he usually did when you brought anything up.
he was distant. he didn't sit beside you on the plane ride home, or hold your hand as you drove the both of you to your shared apartment.
you didn't want to push him to say anything he didn't want to, but you were getting worried. you rarely had to corner him into talking, but there was the occasional time where you knew he wouldn't get through whatever it was eating himself up until he spoke up and voiced the words in his mind.
so when you both entered the apartment, you hung your coat up on the hook and placed your bag beside the couch as you plopped down.
"spencer?" you asked quietly as he hung his coat up. he turned to face you as you began to pat the seat beside you, wanting him to sit down. he complied with a huff as you took note that he sat at nearly the other end of the couch.
"what?" he asked without looking at you, you could sense the attitude in his voice.
"i'm worried about you," you whispered. "can you open up? what's bothering you right now?" you moved closer to him and placed a hand on his lower thigh comfortingly.
"you're worried about me?" he spat out, looking at you incredulously. "i'm sure that's true," he scoffed sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he flicked your hand off his leg.
"spencer why would yo-" you started as you scooted closer to him on the couch.
"why would i what? why would i not believe you when you ask me that? you're a smart girl, y/n. figure it out," he nearly yelled at you as he began to get up from the couch. you grabbed his hand with both of yours, not wanting him to leave you like that.
"please, spence. i just need to kno-"
"you should be able to figure it out yourself!" he shouted. "and stop touching me! oh my god all you ever do is touch me! did you ever think that maybe something's wrong with you if you have to always be touching someone? god! just don't ever touch me! you're so annoying! what the hell is wrong with you?"
"i-i'm sorry. i didn't think it wa-" you started apologizing.
"exactly! you didn't think! you never think about anyone but yourself! you never stopped to think about how fucking uncomfortable you touching me is! i hate being near you. i can't do it," he started shaking his head as he ran his hands over his face.
"wh-what?" you asked as the teas you didn't know were gathering in your eyes began spilling down your cheeks.
"you heard me," he said as he started to turn around. "i'm just gonna sleep alone tonight," he started walking towards your bedroom.
"i'll sleep on the couch," you spoke up before he made it to the room, he stopped in his tracks. "your back's been hurting lately, and you're too tall to fit on the couch comfortably. i'll sleep on the couch," you whispered, partially afraid that he wouldn't be able to hear you, wiping at the tears.
"whatever," he said as he finished his journey into the bedroom, not bothering to look at you.
you wanted to wait until he was asleep to get any blankets or anything, so the only things going through your mind were his words to you.
what the hell is wrong with you?
i hate being near you...
just don't ever touch me!
you weren't sure what was bothering him this much, but if you knew anything about spencer it was that that man could hold a grudge.
when emily had 'come back from the dead' it was like it was a different kind of person. it wasn't the spencer you fell in love with and you knew it, but that doesn't excuse his words.
so, you did what anyone in your position would do. you gave him space. you dialed the number of a trusted friend and colleague, praying she would pick up.
"hello?" the groggy voice rang out from the phone speaker.
"hi," you meekly replied. "sorry, i know it's pretty late. i umm," you sniffled, "i just didn't know who else to call."
"what happened, y/n? are you hurt? is everything okay?" she asked worried.
"yea, yea. everything's okay," you sighed. "i think spencer might just need some space is all."
"ummm, okay. is there anything i can do?"
"actually, yea? i hate to ask you this or put you in a weird position, but i was wondering if i could stay with you for a while?" you rambled out.
"of course you can. do you even have to ask?" she replied quietly.
"oh my gosh, you're a lifesaver. i-it might not be for long, i'm not really sure," you began. "it might be until spencer is ready, o-or maybe until i umm," you sniffled again, "until i find my own place?"
"that's okay, honey. i promise," she answered sweetly.
"thank you so much. i owe you, em," you sighed as you wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"don't even worry about it, y/n. i'm glad you came to me. are you coming here tonight?"
"if you don't mind... i'm not sure if spencer would want to see me when he umm, when he wakes up," you nodded even though she couldn't see you.
"okay. i'll be waiting."
"alright. i'll probably leave in like half an hour. bye."
"bye," she replied before you hung up.
you snuck into your bedroom, and noticed how spencer was sleeping peacefully.
you had began as friends at the bureau. you didn't even think of him in a romantic way until he admitted his feelings after one drunk night out with the team. it was sweet, a bit sloppy, but sweet.
he kept rambling about how beautiful you were, and how good you smelt when you would lay your head on his shoulder to fall asleep or when you were cuddled up on your couch watching movies. he told you about how you made him feel like less of a weirdo when he would ramble about things he knew, just wanting to be liked by others.
he mentioned how he loved that he could come to you for anything at any time. he also told you about how he appreciated that when you met him, you didn't try to shake his hand. you knew how uncomfortable he was with touching a stranger and allowed him to make the first move. you let him be the one to cross the bridge that was physical touch because you were just that caring for others, and that's truly what he loved about you from the beginning.
then he said that he would never tell you how much he liked you because he never wanted those things to stop.
by that time, you had already driven him back to his place, and helped him into bed. he begged you to stay, so you obliged kindly and opted to take the couch. he told you to stay in the bed with him. he was the one to pull you closer onto his chest. he was the one to stroke you hair as you fell asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
he didn't even remember that night. he woke up with you in his arms, content with the warmth you provided him. he loved the way you instinctively curled into his chest even more.
you never brought it up.
then you realized that you felt the same for him on one of the later cases. you wanted to hold him while he cried, and rejoice with him when he had his wins. you wanted to hear his stupid rants about something as miniscule as sprinkles on a birthday cake. you wanted that closeness he graced you with. you just wanted him.
and now, as you picked a few more pieces of clothes to pack, you heard rustling coming from the sheets. you turned to see spencer now sitting up in bed, looking at you.
"...hi," you whispered with tight lips.
"what're you doing?" he asked. you couldn't tell what he was thinking since it was still dark.
"i'm umm, i was gonna stay with emily for a while," you said as you wiped the tears from your cheeks for the thousandth time. "i um, didn't think you'd want me to be here when you woke up," you nodded as you folded the clothes in your hands. "i was going to leave in about 20 minutes, so i'll be out soon," you felt your lip quivering.
you didn't want to cry in front of him. maybe it was that you wanted to have a sense of dignity, but if it came down to it you would bet that you just didn't want him to feel bad. even after he basically said he hated you.
because that's who you were.
you were a touchy person. that's how you show love to others. that's how others know you care for them.
but now he said he hated that about you.
he hated the way you would gently graze his hand with yours when you could tell he was upset. he hated the way you ran your hand through his hair when he was stressed. he hated the way you placed your hand on his shoulders when he was sad or frustrated.
he hated you.
and he just looked at you standing there. he didn't say anything. he looked at you as tears welled in your eyes from his words.
the words that felt like a burning blade being dragged along your spine. the words that felt like bile rising from your stomach.
"i'll just go now," you said as you ran out of the room and into the living room, not noticing the way that spencer followed you.
"hey," spencer spoke up as you piled the clothes into your go bag that was still beside the couch.
"yea?" you sniffled, not bothering to look at him while pulling on the sweater that was keeping you warm.
when you finally turned to see him he was looking at you with a blank expression. he was looking at the sweater you were wearing. you looked down at it, not remembering it was one of his he had let you worn during the case in north dakota. it was the one you wore when you realized your feelings for him, almost a month after he admitted them for you.
the one you wore when you shared your first kiss in the snow.
"oh," you said as you felt the tears build up again. "you... want it back?" you asked as the tear fell down your face, leaving a burning sensation that felt far better than what you felt inside.
he didn't say anything. you couldn't even see him since the tears were blinding you. so, you slowly unbuttoned the sweater and folded it nicely as you handed it to him.
"i-i'm sorry," you sniffled. "i didn't um - i didn't want to make you un-uncomfortable," you said as you zipped the bag up and grabbed your keys, heading to the door. "just know that i um, i love you."
and you were gone. you rushed out of the door. you didn't want to wait to see if he would tell you he loved you back, scared that you'd be waiting for a lifetime. so you ran to your car and drove off to emily's place, leaving spencer standing in the living room, frozen from what just happened.
but you couldn't see his heart breaking in return. he pulled his sweater up to his face and recognized the sweet scent of you on it that made him break down.
when he noticed how cold you were from the snow from forgetting your jacket at the hotel, he automatically gave you his. he didn't even care how cold he would get - just that you'd be a bit more comfortable.
he draped the sweater over your shoulders to help you put it on, and rubbed your arms for more friction to get you more warm. then, when you turned to look him in the face, you leaned in slowly and grabbed his face.
"can-is this okay?" you asked kindly.
he didn't even respond. he just connected his lips with yours after giving you the brightest smile. he relished in the moment of feeling content, whole, peace. you.
and now you gave him back that very sweater.
in reality, he was looking at the sweater you were wearing as a sign of hope. he thought that maybe since you were still wearing it, he hadn't completely squandered his chance of forgiveness with you.
but you gave him his sweater back with tears in your eyes.
he made you cry.
he drove you away.
when emily answered the door, you broke down in her arms, which was quite the role-reversal.
you were always the one to comfort the other team members. you never really went to anyone for help, you never wanted to burden them with your problems when they all had lives. you just wanted to help them. that's just how selfless you were.
"i'm here, y/n," emily consoled you. "let it out, sweetie. that's it," she stroked you hair as she led the two of you to the couch so you could cry in her arms.
when you finally calmed down a little bit, you started apologizing.
"i'm so sorry. i know it's really late, i just didn't know who else to go to and i'm just so..." you sniffled.
"don't worry about it. i'm glad you came to me. now, care to tell me what happened?"
so you told her. everything.
okay, so you made him seem like less of a douche bag, but you told her. you just tried to explain to her his side of the story, trying to be more understanding.
"and you feel bad? you aren't mad at him?" she questioned in disbelief.
"yea, of course i feel bad. being myself has made him uncomfortable, em. how could i be mad at him when i'm so hopelessly in love with him?" you asked in question.
"oh, sweetheart," she said as she pulled you back into a hug.
she had a plan.
okay, it wasn't much of a plan.
it was more of just chewing him out.
but she knew that would work.
because she also knew how much he loved you. and she knew there had to be a reason he was treating you like that.
the next day you had gotten called in at 4 a. m. with a new case. you drove to the office with emily and walked in behind her. once you saw spencer sitting at the round table in his normal seat beside yours, you felt a kind of rage boil inside of you.
he was just sitting there with a gloom look on his face, not trying to apologize for what he had said to you or anything. you'd thought that maybe he'd even look at you by now but he hasn't even noticed your presence. nothing.
you huffed, walking over to sit in a chair you normally wouldn't be in. spencer finally turned to see it was you who sat down, so you looked him up and down before turning your eyes towards hotch who was giving you all the briefing.
there was a bomber in charleston, california. he would send bomb to local corporations that had a history of animal testing. He was essentially trying to rid the world of those who harm animals, which is quite ironic since that involved killing humans.
each of the buildings were two stories, yet the bomb didn't level it. that's how you knew the bomb was meant to send a message rather than kill more people.
so until his message was spread and out in the open for all people, he'd continue to kill people without hesitation. human life wasn't valuable to him, so it was your job to stop him.
once you had gotten to california, you had all been divided into teams. you went with morgan and spencer to the most recent bomb site to analyze anything they might've missed.
the entire scene smelled like burnt papers, no surprise there. aside from the fact that people had previously died where you were standing, the tension in the air was so thick it felt as though the smoke had remained from the explosion.
you had avoided spencer, tried to talk to him as little as possible when you had to. unless it was for the case, you didn't speak. until hotch decided to room the two of you together.
you had asked the girls if you could room with them, only for them to refuse and make you 'work things out with your beau.' so essentially, you were screwed.
you trudged into the room before spencer had made it, being sure to lock the door behind you just to annoy spencer. was it petty? sure. did he deserve it? yes. would you apologize? absolutely not.
once you turned around, you realized there was only one bed. of course hotch would do that. what a dick. you sighed before placing your things on the couch, deciding that spencer's back pain is completely different than being temporarily locked out of your room. you were truly doing it for yourself so you wouldn't have to hear him complain the next day about his back hurting.
after you had gotten out of the shower, your body in only a small towel, you heard the door knock. you knew it was spencer, his signature knock giving it away, and decided you could open it for him. when he realized you were practically naked and everyone had a view of you from the hallway, he quickly pushed you further inside along with himself and slammed the door shut.
"what the hell, y/n?" he whisper-yelled at you, gesturing to what you were wearing. "anybody could've seen you and you're practically naked!"
"and?" you crossed your arms over your chest. "i don't see why you should have any say so in what i'm wearing."
"you're wearing a towel," he stated as if you hadn't already known.
"and?" you shrugged. "is my body making you uncomfortable? is that why you don't want to touch me, spencer?" you rolled your eyes before turning to get your clothes from your suitcase.
you decided to just strip right in front of him, just to tease him a bit more. you slowly slid the towel down your body, your back still towards spencer as you shimmied into your shorts that barely covered anything. you turned around to get your shirt, revealing your bare chest to spencer who stood in awe of what was happening in front of him. you put your thin shirt on tantalizingly slow, aware that he could probably see your nipples through the fabric, but that was the entire point.
spencer walked over to you slowly, you smiled at him happily as he approached you. when he brought his hands up to cup your face gently, you swatted his hands away from you.
"ah-ahh," you shook your head no. "there's no touching allowed," you rolled your eyes one last time before getting comfortable on the couch, pulling the one extra blanket in the room over your body in an attempt to keep warm.
as the minutes turned into an hour, you felt yourself becoming more upset. his words, even if he didn't mean them, had an impact on you. he couldn't just unsay the words or take them back, that's not how it works. instead, he made you live with the thought and constant worry that you made him uncomfortable by touching him.
and that pained you. that pain turned into tears, which ensued sniffling because of your runny nose. and your tears and sniffles pained spencer even more. he listened in wait as you cried yourself to sleep once more, the sniffled slowing down which told him of your slumber.
when you woke up, you had realized you were awake before spencer. you quickly got ready and made your way downstairs to retrieve some mediocre coffee. deciding to not be a complete asshole, you got spencer his own cup as well just how he liked it and placed it on the bedside table for when he would wake up.
when he did wake up, it was to the smell of coffee beside him. he had obviously realized you had gotten it for him, he wasn't a complete idiot other than the fact that he had hurt you in the first place. when he took a sip of it, it was just as he liked it.
of course it was, he thought, it's you.
since there were so many animal activists that were recorded online, you couldn't really narrow down the suspect range. once you had all made it back to the precinct that morning, they had widdled down all the companies that have ever used testing on animals. there were four companies in total, so you would all split up and investigate each one.
you, of course, had been paired with spencer once again. it was obviously the rest of the team conspiring to get you two to make up, but he hadn't even apologized. and you refused to make the first move.
so as you drove to the company you had been assigned, there was yet again that irritable tension in the air that made it seem like someone could choke on it. you pulled into the parking lot and got out as quickly as you could.
making your way inside, you asked where the owner of the company was while flashing your badge, spencer making his way inside just in time to catch where you were going and follow.
"hi, ma'am," you introduced yourself, extending your hand for her to shake. "i'm here in regards for the-"
"recent bombings? yes, i figured you would be," barbara cooke sighed as she released your hand.
"yes, i'm agent y/n yl/n/ and this is dr. spencer reid," you motioned to him as he gave her an awkward wave. "we were wondering if you've received any recent threats concerning your history in-"
"animal testing? we get those all the time, agent... what was it again?" she asked disrespectfully.
"y/l/n," you informed her once again.
"right, well we get those too often for it to be significant. in fact, we get those almost weekly," she rolled her eyes before turning back to the computer on her desk.
"ma'am, if you wouldn't mind just trying to think of a threat that stuck out to you. one in particular that made it seem as though they might follow through?" spencer asked kindly.
"i actually do mind. i have a company to run and don't need to waste my time on something that won't ever affect me. so please, see yourselves out," she motioned to the door with a sigh.
you and spencer looked at each other before turning around and leaving her office. instead, you decided to ask the employees if they saw anyone that seemed as though they were landscaping the office.
"no, not really. i'm too busy trying to finish the work cooke gives me."
"i'm sorry, no. i try to just ind my own business around here."
"i'm sorry, there have been bombings?"
there wasn't much luck.
you were making your rounds right back to the front of the office, asking nearly everyone that you passed if they noticed anyone suspicious until you noticed a mailman near the front of the room.
he was dressed in an all-brown outfit, but with no logo of what company he worked for. not even a hat to display the name. all the companies that delivered had company logos displayed on the outfits, just to display for publicity.
when you looked around at who was near you, your eyes locked on spencer who was walking towards you, his head down. once you saw the mailman walk out of the office and saw the lady at the front desk begin to open the tape, you grabbed spencer by the arm.
it all happened so quickly.
you pushed spencer out of the door and locked it, blocking him from the blast that would surely ensue, and ran as quick as you could to drag the woman away from the box. you shielded her with your body, turning your back to where the bomb would go off to lessen the impact on her body. before you could even register what happened, you were pushed into the wall cati-corner the desk, knocking you unconscious.
spencer didn't know what was happening until he heard the bomb.
he assumed the blast wasn't as intense as it was previously by the fact that the second story was still standing. the blast from the other bombs at least made a bit of a dent in the second story.
in an instant, he realized that he might've lost you forever. the love of his life. gone.
and you were still mad at him. you hated him. you thought he hated you.
once he was able to form a coherent thought, he pulled his phone out and called 911, being sure to tell them there was a possible agent down in an explosion. once he hung up, he mustered up his inner derek morgan and kicked the doors in, it helped that they were already frail due to the explosion.
with the doors now open, smoke flowed out of the now open space, looking for an escape as spencer was looking for his love. all he could hear were coughs and whines of the employees around him. then he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked to see the face of the lady from the front desk.
"she-she saved me," the woman told spencer in reference to you. "she's over here," spencer helped her navigate himself to where your body lay limp on the ground, drywall covering your face and body.
"oh my god, y/n," he called as he moved the rubbish from your body before looking for a pulse.
he found himself whispering a series of pleas that you were okay, that he would find the pulse in your neck or wrist. that he would feel the warmth off your body against his, be able to touch your skin and have you grab his hand when you were nervous. he wanted you to never stop touching him.
because ever since you had joined the bureau, you had been a touchy person. you were the person people went to when they needed comfort because they wanted a hug. you were the person the team counted on when comforting the mothers or children because you had a comforting touch.
and he wanted that comfort. he needed that comfort right then. but the one person he needed the comfort from didn't think he wanted it from them. you didn't think he wanted you anymore.
so you had to be okay. because he couldn't imagine a world where you weren't his, which sounds so cliche but couldn't be any more true.
ever since you waltzed into his life, he could never remember what it was like without you. what it was like without your hand running through his soft hair. without your hand on his knee underneath the bau table during a meeting. without your face buried in his neck while you were cuddling at night. without your kiss...
without you.
he needed you.
and he found the small, faint, minuscule pulse that beat throughout your body. a gentle but safe way to know you were alive and still with him. maybe you'd still want to be with him.
when the ambulance arrived, he didn't hesitate to hop in the back of the van, opting to call the team to inform them of what happened.
they had put an oxygen mask on you to ensure your safety and had told him that you had a concussion from the blast. they would do further tests once they got to the hospital, which felt like it took forever, according to spencer.
once they had wheeled you away, spencer sat in wait once again. the team slowly trickled in, trying to comfort spencer but ultimately failing. when the doctor finally came in, spencer was the first to jump up and ask how you were.
"she'll make a full recovery, she's rather lucky," he nodded at spencer before checking his chart. "she has three bruised ribs and a minor concussion. she'll be able to fly in a couple of days, but will have to stay out of the field until her ribs are fully healed. she shouldn't be doing any strenuous activities until then as well," he informed the doctor. "other than that she's healthy as a horse."
"thank you. can i see her now?" spencer asked eagerly.
"yes, of course," he nodded before turning around. "right this way."
when spencer came into your room, your eyes were barely open. it looked like you were struggling to stay awake. your face and arms were littered with an occasional bruise, which he's sure were worse on your stomach and legs. your skin was a bit paler than usual, it didn't have that glow you normally had, that liveliness.
but you still looked like you. you still looked beautiful.
spencer took the seat beside your bed and moved it closer to you, taking your hand in his before you snatched it away, turning on your side to face the wall opposite of where spencer sat.
"y/n, please..." spencer pleaded, feeling his eyes well with tears. he thought you were just angry at him until he heard your soft sniffles. "darling, please look at me," he placed his hand on your shoulder, gently pulling you back to face him. you turned yourself back around to face him, eyes red and swollen as your lip was quivering.
"what?" you spat out, trying to maintain your own composure until you saw he was crying himself. you raised your brows in shock before asking him, "what's wrong?"
he laughed, "you're asking me what's wrong?" you nodded. "i'm just so, so sorry i'm sorry i said all those things about you. i'm sorry it took you almost dying for me to apologize. and i'm sorry for ever making you feel like i didn't love you, y/n. i love you so much. every part of you, your touch included. it's anything but annoying. it's comforting, and sweet, and calming, and does so much more to help me than it does hurt or annoy me," he took your hand in his once more, placing a kiss to your knuckles. "i love you so much and i'm so sorry."
"and i'm sorry i had to touch you to push you out of the way of an explosion," you rolled your eyes with a chuckle so he knew you were joking.
"thanks for that, by the way - saving me," he shrugged. "which brings me to my next point... do you know how reckless that was? how dangerous and stupid and how you could have died? because you could have died and if you died i don't know what i'd do with myself. especially knowing you were mad at me when you died," he held your hand to his chest so you could feel how his heart broke in those moments he didn't know if you were alive. the moments he thought he might've lost you forever.
"but i'm alive. i'm right here," you assured him, bringing his hand to your lips this time to press a kiss before holding the one with both of yours. "why'd you say those things anyway? why were you so upset?"
"well remember the officer that was on the case?" you nodded. "remember how he kept touching you?" you rolled your eyes with a nod.
"god, it was so annoying," you interjected.
"well it didn't seem like you thought it was annoying," he avoided eye contact with you, you pulled his arm to get his attention once again.
"are you saying you thought i wanted him to be so handsy?" you questioned, he nodded guiltily. "spencer, are you kidding?" you chuckled. "i had to do that because if he knew i hated him he wouldn't have been so cooperative. i promise, you are the only one for me. you're the only one i want to touch me like that. but that doesn't excuse you talking to me like that. you saying those things hurt me, a lot."
"i know, i know they did... and i plan on making it up to you. i will make it up to you, i swear," he nodded along eagerly.
"yea, you better dr. reid. i'm holding you to that," you huffed out a laugh, spencer following suit as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
then to your nose. then right and left cheeks. then your lips. it wasn't a kiss that demanded anything. it wasn't hostile or passionate. it was content. it was a way of showing you love and saying that your love was enough. that you were enough.
"i love you, spencer," you whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"and i love you, y/n," he whispered back. "please never stop loving me the way you do."
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goofyhoffy · 3 years
known stranger | jjk | Chapter 1
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people say your bestfriend's rival is your rival too. But what if you fall for your rival.
✿ Pairing :  Jungkook × female reader, Jimin × best friend reader
✿ Genre : enemies to lovers, stranger au, personal assistant au, manager au, mutual au.
✿ Summary : always seen him around your mutual friend, but one day you  noticed the known face. Everyone find you so interesting that they always want to be your best friend, yet you never find anyone close to your heart. Jimin your so called bestfriend gone through the worse break up but instead of caring him you fall for his rival. You never thought of liking someone who would beat your bestfriend, but you fall for Jungkook there. Unfortunately, Jungkook became your personal assistant who hated you the most for supporting Jimin. What if Jungkook also wants you back?
✿ Warnings : fluff, strong languages, reader is a psychopath, angst, anxiety, anxiousness, double faced, bullying, overthinking, mean people, Jimin here is the meanest, ignoring, explicit, smut, fake friends, manager and personal assistant au, mutual friend, swearing, filled with flirty lines, rival, lovey dovey, break up, makeout, humiliation, oneshot, texting.
✿ Series : a drabble fanfiction of 3 sets
✿ Word Limit : 5 k+
✿ Author's note : wishing you many happy returns of the day, kook. I thought of making this fanfic a oneshot but my mind never cooperates with me. So, here I'm again with my drabble series. Read it and let me know if you liked it. To get add on taglist, send an ask.
"See, I changed your contact name to 'Bestie' , it's looking perfect dude." Jimin rejoiced. You just gladly looked at his phone screen with your two owl eyes. "Now, you also need to change my contact name in your phone to 'bestie'. Do it fast, I'm waiting, piggy."  Jimin said happily.
"Ya, I'll do it later some day." You weirdly smiled at him. It's always been like that. Jimin being too clingy, always said that you're his best friend, his own girl, whom he adores the most. But somewhere you never felt that. You never denied him of being your friend or you can say your best friend but you always hesitated to accept. You never called him sweetly, never even seen him like your bestfriend but something less than that. A vibe just didn't match with him. Yet, he was always the one who texted you, asked for hanging out, call you by pet names, always loved you, always treat you like his bestfriend. You never showed this emotions neither you did denied all that .
"You always do this things. You know, you're always first for me. First priority,____(y/n)." Jimin sighed.
"Ya, always first. But-" you got intreuppted by him.
This Areum gonna kill me one day. This girl already broke up with me but still cling to me." Jimin said while checking his phone. Few weeks ago, Jimin had a worst broke up. More likely, a betrayal kinda thing happened with him. Before that he was so happy, bright and always busy with his girlfriend. And never ever asked you how were you back then. There you got it, how really a toxic person he was. That's why, you never wanted to call him your special person. Cause after every break up he only comes to you. And during his relationship phase he never even asked you nor did he talk to you. A complete stranger basically.
" Why don't you just ignore her. Block her if she's distrubing you so much." You said.
"I did, but still. Well, she's only for fun. She also have fun making out with me and I do the same. So no problem." Jimin chuckled.
"Also fun when she calls his boyfriend and his friends to beat you up as you're assign of molesting her." You rolled your eyes.
"____, you clearly know that. You have seen that. She was the first who directed me to kiss her , touch her and everything. But later that bitch just called her bodyguard boyfriend to help her out. It's only a strategy for breaking up with me." Jimin sighed.
"Then, why did you do the same thing again Jimin? Just leave her. It really feel bad to see your friend suffering." You asked.
"Bestfriend not friend." Jimin corrected.
"Whatever. Do you want to have red stamps on your ass again?" You sighed.
"No, but I can't. That time I was so mad at Areum so I didn't do any harm to her boyfriend. Unless I would have kicked him in nuts." Jimin giggled.
"Everything is not a joke, Jimin." You rolled your eyes as you left for your daily shift.
You got freahen up after a hectic day at your work. After taking good hot shower, you sat on your bed and checked your phone. You glared at how many messages Jimin had sent you to ask about your day, your mood, what's you're doing and stuff like that. You completely ignored it. Sometimes you feel that, the boy put so much of his time on you just to get some friendly love from you. But at the second thought, you imagine all those moments when he ignored you, your texts, your calls for hours and days just because he don't need you.
At last you saw the flooded messages at the new group chat you got added. You don't have enough patience to read what the group chat was about and who were the members. So, you directly called the one who added you.
It's Bora, who added you. Your long lost another best friend. Who also treated you like her best friend but you never like being her friend. But you felt so glad that someone still remembered you. You called her.
"Hello!"  You nervously chuckled.
"____, I missed you bub. Don't you missed me sweets?" Bora excitedly asked.
"Sure. I-I mean I did. A lot. Bora." You weirdly smiled
"Then you're definitely coming to the Mall? Don't you?" Bora asked.
"Mall? About what?" You asked.
"I added you to the gc dude. Checked that. Everyone is coming. Please you also need to come. I have many things to talk about you." Bora pleased.
"I saw that, that's why I called you. Cool idea! Definitely gonna come Bora." You said.
"Call me sunshine. Okayy, tomorrow at eight at evening near the south mall. Don't be late. We all will be there." Bora said happily.
"Sure sunshine. I'll be there promise. Good night. Meet you tomorrow." You said cheerfully.
You're kinda excited to meet your old goldies. Not to lie but you missed them so much. All the shit they talk, crazyness they do and everything about them is all you need right now. You missed Bora in real. Like, in days she was so toxic that gives you anxiety unnecessarily but still she missed you. You always love the person who mentioned you anywhere unless or untill it's Jimin.
At the Mall, you're already late to go their after your hectic schedule. But still you're not late as it's only nine and they asked you to be their till eight. But you always a late lateefa. More like a queen for whom everyone waits. You saw Bora, and ran cheerfully towards her.
"Sunshine!" You sang.
"_____, again late." Bora exclaimed arrogantly.
"Really sorry Bora. Tell me if I missed anything." You asked.
"Everything. Legit everything." Bora said.
"Why? I'll cry dude." You sighed
"Everyone already gone for movie. I'm just here to wait for you girl. Thank me." Bora rolled her eyes
"Then let's go for the movie. We can join the movie." You cheerfully smiled.
"Wait. I didn't call you here to hangout with you. I need to tell you many things." Bora said.
"Then whom we're waiting for. Let's have some goosip coffee, Sunshine." You chuckled as both of you just walked upto the near counter coffee shop. There you sat the same place you used to and have endless laughter.
She explained how she's going to marry the man of her dreams. Tells you everything about what happening in every one's life and their love life. During your old days to, Bora was the one who tells you all the goosip and love life of others. She was so much interested in other life than her own. Unfortunately you were always the one who used to hear all those boring goosips. You were never interested, neither you are now interested.
As the weather is getting happier the dark clouds surrounds the mood. You saw Areum and his Boyfriend Seokjin was also there at the mall. They're strolling down the Mall with grabbing eachother hands. They looked so happy. But you felt so bad for his boyfriend Seokjin. He never knew the actual face of Areum. You have seen after Jimin's break up also, she used to make out with him. Jimin share each and everything about that. How she bite his upper lip so much and how she was acting that everything was good and still were together. Jimin was an actual fool and you knew that. He didn't understand that, the thing which he was telling fun and gain is actually the entire opposite. Areum was all having fun with her new rich boyfriend and having a good physical life with Jimin. But here Jimin was always so sad because of her. She's an actual bitch  and act like an innocent fool.
"Bora, this is the girl I'm talking about." You pointed at Areum indirectly.
"She was Jimin's girlfriend? Ew. I always know he had a bad taste." Bora said.
"See the boy beside her, he's her new boyfriend. A total bitch." You fumed. As both of you sitting at the corner of the coffee cafe looking at them and goosiping.
"That's Seokjin. Lord." Bora yelled.
"You know him?" You asked.
"For sure. He's the friend of Jungkook. That boy is way too flirt." She giggled.
"Jungkook? You mean that boy?" You asked.
"Ya, remember during the high school party I invited him. You met him quite a few time, ____" she said.
"Wait. There's a  Long story about him also dude. Let me finish." You chuckled as you sipped your cold brew.
You explained her how during the break up of Jimin and Areum, she called her new boyfriend. With his new boyfriend there was Jungkook there to threaten Jimin. You had witnessed all the threatening Jungkook given. The way he said 'back off your little ass' , 'fuck another girlfriend, leave Areum' , 'seokjin is like my brother, if anything happens to her girl I won't leave you". All his aggression, confidence in his eyes and a way of firece. Not to mention you liked it.
All this years, you have seen Jungkook. You have seen him in the partis, malls and streets. But after he threatened your bestfriend, you kind of liked him. After that you noticed him in real. How he was flexing his arms while talking to Jimin, how he was rolling his eyes, how he was just standing there looking immensely handsome. With the white t-shirt on and cargo pants, he was looking handsome. That's the first time you actually noticed him.
You really felt bad for Jimin that all the boys get over him. But a certain part of your giggling to recalling all the moment of Jungkook. You never talked to him, neither he took an interest on you. You both were just a known stranger to each other. Known by the faces and stranger by the identity.
At the end of the meet and greet day, you were on your way to outside. Bora was with you. You both were laughing. You met with other old friends too after so long. You took some good memories photo and you felt so good at the end.
"Bora! Hey!" Someone shouted at Bora who was standing beside you at the exit of the mall. She looked back and realized it's Jungkook.
"Hey, Kook. You're here." She giggled.
"Come here with Seokjin. You too here?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah, with _____(y/n). Meet my bestu." She pointed at you.
"I see." Jungkook just rolled his eyes on you. It's completely like ignoring you. You also completely just looked at your phone to cut off eye contact. It was like ignoring both of their conversation.
You know why he always looked so uninterested on you. After Jimin's broke up, you took Jimin's side and then all those so called cold war started. He absolutely hate you because you opposed him and supported your friend. But you know you were correct. But that never mean that you could not have a crush on him.
His dark hairs falling at his eyes with the little puppy eyes look immensely fierce. His everything is quite recognisable and you remembered each of the detailed about him. But always a guilt that you never spoke to him. You wanted to but his expression kills your inner whore.
"Then spend time with Seokjin. Meet me soon." Bora said.
"Cool. You also spend time with your bestu. I'll meet you soon." Jungkook greeted as he left both of you alone. He gave you a scary look before leaving which you clearly noticed but rolled your eyes.
You entered at your work place. That day you had a lot of work to do. So, you piled up all the papers needed for the work. Basically, you were working as a manager in a hotel as you want to have enough money to publish your book. You work daily so hard to accomplish all your dreams to be a writer. Being a manager you saved enough for your book and have enough to spend the rest on your own. Your work was always way to comfortable for you.
"Good Morning,____." Your boss entered at your work place and greeted you.
"Good morning boss. Do you need something?" You asked.
"I want you to meet someone. Kook! Come in." He shouted to call someone. As he called, a guy entered in the room and it's none other than Jungkook itself.
"Meet Jungkook. From now onwards he will assist you. Your personal assistant." He said.
"Dad! I'm not anyone's assistant here. I'm not doing this thing." Jungkook barked angrily.
"You have to think about that before the car accident. To be more sincere, you have to work as an assistant until or unless I'm sure you can do something on your own." Your boss hissed. You never knew that Jung kook was son of your boss. Your boss looked quite young for a big boy like Jungkook. And never did Jungkook had been in this five star hotel you worked at. You were quite shocked while giggling inside that he had to assist you. That's mean proper supremacy.
"But dad -" Jungkook been cut off by him.
"Meet _____(y/n). I really want you to work with her. She's sincere as well as profound at her work. I think you will be a good Manager -  assistant thing." You boss said. As he mentioned your name , Jungkook looks at you. He was as stun as you.
"Thanks Boss. Hello Mr. Jeon Jungkook." You greeted and try to be as professional as you want to stop him from invading in your personal life.
"Now, you both can start your work. I'm leaving." You boss said as he left your work place leaving you and Jungkook alone.
For few minutes it was like a dread silence. Only your computer making the typing sound. You don't know how to start a conversation. The only thing you know was that you should be professional with him. No perosnal talks. Only see him as your assistant or more like your boss's son. Jungkook was there right behind you still astonished and don't know from where to start. He was already feeling so sad about being someone's assistant but it made worse after realising it's you. You were his manager. Internally he hated you, but you liked him. You know he hated so much. But neither you had talked to him nor he talked to you. It was an internal war of friendship. Because both of your mutual friends were rivals. So, you both also knew you have to be each other rivals too.
"You work here?" Jungkook smirked.
"Yes, Mr. Jeon. As you're my assistant now, I'll teach what you have to do." You weirdly smiled.
"I'm not your assistant first of all. It's for my dad sake. Or I would never have to work here." Jungkook arrogantly said.
"It's okay Mr. Jeon. But I have to abide by my boss rules." You said.
"What's with Mr. Jeon? Don't you know me?" Jungkook asked smirkingly.
"Do I?" You asked.
"Dude, you're Bora's as well as Jimin's bestfriend. I clearly have seen you hundreds of times. Don't deny that you never have seen me." Jungkook smirked.
"Sorry, Mr. Jeon. But I'm at my work place. No perosnal talks please." You hesitantly said. You felt like a large piece of stone got off from your heart. You never want to talk to him about your personal matters or it would go real wrong.
"Stop calling me Mr. Jeon for God sake. Call me Jungkook." He ranted.
"Okay, Mr. Jungkook. Anything you like." You said.
" God! You're so annoying dude. No more formalities please. Jungkook only." Jungkook yelled at you. You know how to annoy people. You were just testing his patience and as expected he was way more patienceless than you have thought.
"Okay Jungkook. Call me _____(y/n) then." You smirked.
"Whatever." Jungkook rolled his eyes as he sits at the table.
He was on his phone through out you were working. You thought of giving him some work. But the way he was sitting, getting annoyed by you and those priceless smiles across his face whenever he was playing in his phone. You can't deny but you want to admire him all day long. You and Jungkook was all alone in the room. No one was there. You were working on your files and peeping at him when he was not looking at you.
"Dude, give me some work or something. I'm getting bored." Jungkook sighed as he put his phone aside and looked at you.
"I thought you don't want to work! But sure, being your manager I'll give some work to do." You proudly said.
"Only for my dad. And also I'm bored so thought doing something with you." Jungkook said.
"Something with me?" You asked. Your sarcasm is way too knowledgeable to your friends. How you turn simple things to some random jokes.
"I-I mean some work with you." Jungkook stumbled.
You told him everything he have to do. All the rules and regulations he had to follow. But at all your words he just rolled his eyes. That kind of annoying to you and you want to beat the shit out of him. But you can be a bigger annoyance than him. And you decide to be one. As Jungkook would never find you interesting or beautiful but you would force him to do so.
After the work, when you finished all your daily work and wrote down all the things you have to do tomorrow on your diary. You were ready to go to your home and work in your book and have some delicious coffee.
"Jungkook now you're good to go. See you tomorrow." You greeted him with a smile.
"So, now what are you gonna do?" Jungkook asked.
"We did all the work today so early. So, now you can go home and so do I." You said.
"Go home! Don't you have anywhere to go? Hangout or parties?" Jungkook chuckled devilishly.
"I prefer home Jungkook. Meet you tomorrow." You said and you're on your way to exit.
"Wait ____. I'm trying to start a conversation. And you're only ignoring me." Jungkook yelled.
"I'm not ignoring. It's just I have pile of work to do." You laughed
"So, if your professional life ended can we talk about your personal life?" Jungkook asked jokingly.
"No. I don't want to." You said as you left the venue for your home. Jungkook was standing there all astonished that why you react like that. Thinks if he asked you something wrong.
As soon as you reached home, you got a text from an unknown number.
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You're internally giggling and smirking that it was not you who texted first but it was him. You were happy that finally you got his number. But still you don't want to show that you liked him or anything. You just want to be professional with him so that he'll beg you to talk to him. You're way too annoying and you want to show that to him. You now just want to go tomorrow and annoy him more and more.
"You did well today. You should be proud of yourself!" You smiled at him.
"I'm always proud of myself. Well, now home?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah, let me just get my things and we'll be good to go." You said as you packed your bag up.
There Jungkook standing looking at you and your curves. He was really so rude to you at first but now he was cooperating with you. He does everything you told him and obediently he did that. As you were busy packing your things. He grabbed your diary across the table to hand over to you.
But before that he looked through the pages of the diary. First few pages, you marked all your day to day plan. Yet as he turn the pages over he looked the brief description you have pointed about everyone. This was something you do whenever you find someone interesting. You always note down their physical and behavioural characteristics about them. Because in a thought that maybe it'll help you in the near future on your books. You always make your books character with attachment of the real people existed. It's kind of a thing you really like.
"His deep ocean eyes when he looked at his rival. For me it his dark hairs which he glides with his veiny hands." Jungkook louldy sang. As you didn't noticed that Jungkook already have your diary and you're looking for it. But those lines he sang just clicked your mind.
"Jungkook! What the hell? Give me my diary." You shouted at him and punched his arms.
"Dude, I'm giving. Wait, let me read some more." Jungkook chuckled devilishly.
"Give me or I'll leave." You rolled your eyes. As he gave the diary back to you. You look at the pages he turn over and generously you looked at it. Properly examining if he fold any of the pages.
"It's okay. I didn't eat your pages." He rolled his eyes.
"I'll check that up." You arrogantly said as you pick your bag up and left for home.
The lines Jungkook read loudly was actually about him. You have written everything about him which you find interesting. You don't want to reveal your secret that you liked him. But you just wished that he didn't read his name there.
As soon as you went home, you got Jungkook's text. It's now kind of become a routine for you to get text from him at night. The whole day you just spend with him and at night we wished you 'sleep well' to end the day. You can't thank your boss enough for him. He's rude but kind. You're annoying but sweet.
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"Today we don't have many work Jungkook. You can take a leave today. " You said as you pile up the papers.
"It's okay, I'll help you." Jungkook nonchantly said.
"Well, I also don't have work. So, I'm leaving already." You chuckled.
"It's only afternoon dude." Jungkook sighed
"So? You're so enthusiastic to work, huh?" You asked.
"For you." Jungkook sighed under his breath.
"Wait. You're free now? Any plans for evening?" He asked.
"No I guess. Will eat and watch something so far." You excitedly said.
"Let's hangout?" Jungkook smirked
"Huh? With whom?" You dumbly asked.
"With me of course dude. You and me. I never have talked to you in person. You always so professional." Jungkook giggled
"Umm... I might be - " you got intreuppted by him.
"Please don't say no. I also want to know why every one wants you be there bestfriend." Jungkook pleased. You really want to go at the first go but you want him to plead to you. And he did, and you accepted that.
"Okay then but home by night." You smiled. 
He accepted and asked you to wait for him till he take his car at the front. You waited for him at the main door. But you saw he forget his phone at the table. And repeatedly his phone just lights up as there were messages flooded on his phone. You decided to peep into it. Your inner detective rises as you checked his phone. You know it's wrong to check anyone's personal thing but he also did first with your diary. You looked at the top messages, it's filled with many flirty girls texts, some work related texts and lastly Seokjin text which popped up as soon as you open it.
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Your inner self was burning right then. You thought Jungkook was not like that but you were wrong. He was like that, a total rude brat. But before you he acts like all sweet and flirty. Yet he was totally the different personality in real. He still thinks of you as a ugly and rival person. You can't process what did he mean by 'I'll fuck a pig than you'. You were keep repeating the lines in your head. The more you imagine it, the more your blood was boiling for him. He was traitor or a chameleon who only knows how to changes colour. You can guess how he thinks about you. He only thinks about you as a ugly, little and fatty bestfriend of his rival. You just want to see him and kick him so hard and want to know why he acts like he actually interested in you.
You were already been worse , you don't want anymore to get worst. You only need to go home and drift in your blanket and sleep till you forget that Jungkook is okay to fuck a pig but not you.
You left for your home without greeting Jungkook a bye. You don't want to hangout with him anymore. You now just want him to beg you to fuck him. You're a total psychopath for this. Your ego is far more bigger than anything in this world. Either he should beg you to fuck him or you never will see his face. You know your ways how to do that. As you think, Jungkook already called you to enquire why did you left after promising for hanging out. But you declined the call. He texted you over hundreds time to know what's wrong with you. But neither you did answer. You were completely ignoring him.
The past days you just ignored him, his texts and calls everything. Everytime he comes to talk to you at interval you just passed him. If comes to ask you something you directed him to the other managers. Even ones he asked you why you were acting so differently and ignoring him. But you straight up rolled your eyes on him. He got so annoyed by your actions. He only wants to know if he made some mistakes. But more than the mistakes you feel that it's a double game. He only wants to insult you and nothing else. You also know it's better to stay away from double faced people.
You were at your workplace constantly ignoring Jungkook. You never pick any personal calls during your work. But as it's lunch time and Jimin was calling you, being a good bestfriend you picked it up.
"Bestie! You're at work?" Jimin asked through the phone.
"Umm.. yeah. Anything?" You said.
"Today, I prepared dinner for you. Specially for you. Please come over at my place." Jimin said.
"Ahhh! Jimin! Tonight I can't. There's a lot of undone work." You ranted.
"You always say this things. Shut up, you have to. Else I will pick you up. Okay?" Jimin asked smiling.
"No need to come here. I'll come, it'll be late." You sighed.
"Great bae. Love you always." Jimin sang.
"Meet you tonight. Bye." You said.
"Say it back, piggy." Jimin shouted.
"Ahhhh love you Jimin! Bye." You also sang the same way he did and declined the call. You were already tired and again you have to go there.
Someone was there to noticed all the things you were doing, it's Jungkook. He heard all the talks with Jimin. Heard the way you have a plan tonight with Jimin, the way you sang love you to Jimin and the way you were giggling all the time talking to Jimin and not him. His inner spirit boiled to know you were again talking to that little brat who was his rival and he got jealous that you never hangout with him but you at once get ready to hangout with Jimin. He couldn't sit with his inner boiling ego. He need to ask you what happened, why did you hangout with Jimin and many other questions which a boyfriend need to ask his girlfriend. Time by time there was some sudden urge which keep him engaged with you. It  could be your personality, your way of showing emotions and everything you do. He also fall for you but still didn't know it.
Jungkook just entered the room where you were working and shut the door arrogantly. You were amazed what he just did but without caring much you did your work.
"Working, huh?" He asked. You just nodded a yes.
"Free tonight? Thinking of taking you to any restaurant." Jungkook smirked.
"Busy tonight. Hope you will understand." You rolled your eyes.
"Busy tonight with your boyfriend Jimin, huh?" Jungkook chuckled devilishly. Your eyes just burned to hear that. You frowned.
"Sry, my mistake. I mean your so called best friend Jimin." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Jungkook, mind your own business." You shouted. He walk up to you and stand straight right before your face.
"Now,I understand why Jimin broke up with Areum. Jimin got you." He said as he pinned you at the wall. He thoroughly looked into your eyes leaving no gap. His hot steamy breath could be sensed by your cold skin. Each word he spokes makes your heart pound. His wide chest touches your torso. He was furious and angry that time you could clearly guess. But more he come nearer to you. You felt like hugging him. Instead of asking him to leave you, you just glared into his eyes. Both of you were stolen in each other eyes. No one was taking back.
"Love you Jiminiee." Jungkook mimicked you.
"Jungkook, stop it"
"Tell me that you love Jimin and I'll leave."
"What if we stand like this forever." You winked.
"Don't play with me, ____(y/n)" Jungkook smirked as he come closer to your face.
"What if I kiss you now?" You smirkingly said.
"Then do that! Jimin again got a cheater girlfriend. Poor Jimin." Jungkook giggled.
"I'm glad that he didn't get a girlfriend like Areum." You frowned.
"Mind your business. Dare not to speak anything about them." Jungkook arrogantly said.
"Who started, huh? Who's now pinning me? Who's jealous about Jimin? Who wants to take me to dinner? Hear yourself, baby." You playfully winked as you punched him to get off from him. He took a back from you.
"Seokjin is right my taste is real bad. Live with your Jimin happily." Jungkook said.
"First of all he's right to say that. Having a friend like Seokjin shows your taste. Secondly, Jimin is not my boyfriend. Lastly, don't ever dare to talk to me and fuck off." You ranted as you leave the room.
(✿ ♡‿♡) (✿ ♡‿♡) (✿ ♡‿♡)
TAGS : @mellie1409 @pariyansha @alienatedkitten @chans-baby-girl @mwitsmejk @hello-stranger24 (sry the tags are not working)
160 notes · View notes
fics-n-stuff · 3 years
Affluenza | Pt2
Pairing: JJ × Kook!Reader
Summary: Y/N celebrates her birthday with a party that she didn't want to throw and finds out a sad truth about the boy that's not quite her boyfriend, but being in each other's company makes things at least a little better.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and descriptions of injury, reference to drugs
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: I'm so happy that so many people liked pt1!! It means the absolute world to me that people are reading and enjoying my work 🥰 Pt3 might take a little longer to get out, but I'll try to post it asap.
Taglist: @alotbnouf @fairypitou @305weasley @thecraziestcrayon @sofamochi @arvinrussellseggplant
Thanks for reading guys ❤
Pt1 here | Pt3 here
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“Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday on Saturday!?” JJ exclaimed, letting go of your hand and sitting up from where you had both been lying on the deck of your boat.
“I didn’t think it was that big a deal.” You replied with a laugh. “I kinda just forgot to mention it.”
“But what if I wanted to buy you a present?”
“I don’t need a present from you JJ.” You smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek and pulling him down for a kiss.
The two of you had been dating for a couple of months now, and although you very much considered yourselves to be together neither of you had said the words ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’ yet. The time you spent together was private, you kept it a secret from everyone; you didn’t want your family to know and he was hesitant to tell his friends, exactly why you weren’t sure but you didn’t want to pry. It wasn’t as if you were sneaking around, you were just being careful.
“I have plenty things already, your company is enough.” You said, pulling away from the kiss and sitting up yourself. “But unfortunately I won’t be able to see you on my actual birthday. Mom’s making me throw a party and every teenager on Figure Eight will be there, so I doubt you’d want to come.”
“I wouldn’t be welcome even if I did want to.” JJ chuckled. You hummed in agreement.
“That’s why I wanted to celebrate today.” You chirped, getting up to retrieve a cooler that you had brought with you.
“What’s in there?”
“A special birthday picnic.”
“Oh, I see.” He grinned as you took your seat opposite him again. “And what does that consist of?”
“Well, let’s have a look.” You opened up the cooler and looked in at what you had packed with a smile. “Of course the standard picnic items; sandwiches, fruit, some baked sweets.” You listed as you took them out of the cooler. “And then, as I learned from my mother, a young lady cannot celebrate her birthday without a bottle of champagne.”
“Fancy.” JJ nodded, taking the bottle from you.
“Not as fancy as these.” You said, taking the glasses out. “Crystal champagne flutes. I snuck them out of the cabinet. We only use them for the most special of occasions and my mom loves them so we have to be careful.”
“I can be careful.” JJ poured the champagne, and you clinked your glasses with a smile. “Happy early birthday.”
“This is a much better celebration than my party will be.” You sighed, finishing your sip and setting your glass down. “I don’t understand why my mom insists that I have to have one, I’m not actually friends with anyone that’s coming.”
“But I thought you said every kid on Figure Eight was going? You’re not friends with anybody?”
“No, not really. They’re all just so fake, I can’t stand it. I genuinely don’t think that any of them are really friends with each other and they’re just constantly pretending, but I can’t be bothered to pretend.” You rolled your eyes and JJ laughed.
“Sounds exhausting.” He smiled.
“What are your friends like, J?” You asked, genuinely just curious. He told you a bit about them, stories of the crazy stuff they had done, but you never got in depth about it. You felt like it was probably because he wasn’t ready to integrate the two parts of his life.
“They’re good.” He nodded. “I mean, we’re basically family. They’re just not the biggest fans of Kooks.”
“Well, neither are you.” You giggled.
“You know what I mean. I think you’d like them, I’m just worried that they wouldn’t want to give you chance.”
“How much do you bet I could win them over just like I did you?”
“I wouldn’t love it if you won them over exactly the same way as me.” He smirked, gently taking hold of your chin and pulling you in for a kiss, which you both laughed into. “I'm gonna get you a birthday present. What if I come by on Saturday just for a minute to deliver it?”
“You know I’ll be happy to see you, but nobody else at the party will.”
“Eh, who cares.” He shrugged, and you grinned broadly.
“Okay, if you insist.” You conceded. “Now let’s eat this picnic that I so painstakingly curated.”
+ + +
Your birthday party was in full swing, the ground floor of your house teeming with teenagers. People were drinking, dancing and jumping in the pool and you weren’t enjoying any of it.
Your mother had gifted you a particularly ugly necklace that was basically just a tangle of gold chain, and Nicholas had openly bad mouthed your father for only getting you a few books, even though that’s what you had asked for. The detest that you felt for him was justified. Your dad was actually supposed to have arrived back on the island the day before, but it wasn’t unusual for him to get held up with work.
You pushed past a group of boys having some loud conversation on your way into the kitchen and poured yourself a strong drink. You threw the drink back in one gulp and slammed the plastic cup back down onto the countertop with a loud sigh.
“What’s wrong, birthday girl?” Topper asked over the music, his arm slung around Sarah’s shoulders as they came up beside you.
“I’m fine.” You shrugged.
“Did your dad get you a good present this year?” Sarah asked with a smile. “A new car maybe?”
“I already have a car.” You replied with a flat chuckle. “He got me some books that I asked for.”
“That’s kinda boring.” Topper commented. You rolled your eyes and Sarah smacked him in the side.
“I think that’s sweet. What kind if books?”
You told Sarah about the books you had gotten, actually kind if enjoying the conversation. Sarah was actually pretty easy to talk to, you felt like the fact that you weren’t putting on an act made her kind of drop hers, and it was a refreshing break from the way that the rest of the teens on Figure Eight were constantly pretending to be the perfect versions of themselves.
Your explanation of the premise of one of your books was interrupted when you felt your phone ringing in your pocket. You took it out and saw that it was your dad, and you smiled.
“I gotta take this.” You excused quickly before rushing outside to get away from the music. You answered the call excitedly, greeting your dad with a bright tone.
“Hey, Pumpkin, happy birthday!” He exclaimed. “I’m sorry I didn’t call this morning, I got caught up in meetings. You know how it is.”
“I know, dad. It’s okay, you’re calling now. Are you done with work? Do you think you’ll get here tonight?” You questioned eagerly. You heard him let out a sigh, and your smile fell.
“About that, sweetheart, I’ve had a few bumps in the road.” He began. You felt your heart sink and you were already scolding yourself for getting your hopes up before he could even tell you what the reason for missing your birthday was. “My meetings haven’t gone as well as I’d hoped and it looks like I’m going to be held up for a few more days.”
“Oh, right, okay.” You nodded, keeping your voice steady even as your eyes welled with tears. “Hope things get better then.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really did want to be there. I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get back; we can have a movie marathon night, completely your pick.” You let out a chuckle despite yourself. He might not be around much but he still knew you well, and movie marathon nights were one of your favourite things to do with him.
“Sounds great, dad. I can’t wait.”
“I hope you’ve had a good day, at least. What have you been getting up to?”
“I’m having a party, actually.” You replied. You didn’t need to tell him that you didn’t want to have the party and weren’t actually really enjoying it.
“Right now? I’ll let you get back to it then.” Your dad smiled down the phone. “Have fun.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Love you, Pumpkin.”
“Love you too.”
You said your goodbyes and ended the call, and you tucked your phone back into the pocket of your shorts. You just stood there for a few moments, the loud music and whooping of partying teenagers emanating from the house, before tears began to fall. You shook with a silent sob and had to take a seat on the concrete of your driveway.
You sat there, with your legs pulled up to your chest and your head in your knees, for a few minutes. You sniffed, wiping your tears away on the back of your hand, when you heard a shuffle of footsteps and looked up quickly.
“JJ.” You acknowledged quickly, furiously wiping at your eyes as he walked up the driveway.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asked, his voice edged with concern. You were ready to brush away his concerns, but as he got closer you saw the bruising on his face and suddenly you had some worries of your own.
“What happened to you?”
“I asked first.” JJ countered. You watched him as he came to sit down next to you, lifting your hand and softly placing it just below his purpled cheekbone, inspecting the fresh bruising around his eye and the split in his lip, then noticing the discolouration around his collarbone. He took the hand away gently, intertwining your fingers, and you saw that there was no bruising on his knuckles; these weren’t injuries earned in a fair fight. “Why are you crying?” He repeated.
“No, that doesn’t matter.” You shook your head. You weren’t trying to downplay your upset anymore, you just knew that whatever had happened to JJ was more important. “Who did this to you, JJ?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smiled, but there was no joy or amusement behind it. You hesitated for a moment before conceding.
“My dad missed my birthday again.” You told him. “The last time he actually made it home for my actual birthday was when I turned eleven, and yet somehow I still get my hopes up every year. I hate this party, there are at least three different types of club drugs being taken in my house right now, I’m sad. You’re turn.”
JJ sighed. He looked down at your joined hands, pausing to think for a moment before looking back up at you. He let out a short breath of soft laughter, lifting his free hand and smoothing his thumb over the crease that had formed on your brow.
“Promise not to freak out?” He asked.
“Okay.” You replied shakily. You could try to limit your reaction at least. “But you have to tell me the truth, J.”
“My dad hits me.” JJ said quickly, and you felt your lips part in shock. “I stay with John B most of the time, I try to stay out of his way when I’m home, but it’s not like I can avoid him completely.”
“Wha- Why don’t you tell somebody?” You stuttered. “Call the police or protective services or-?”
“I don’t want to.” He interrupted. “I’m happy here with my friends and if I get protective services involved then they’ll ship me off to the mainland. I can deal with my dad.”
“This doesn’t look like dealing.” You muttered softly, pushing the collar of his t-shirt to the side to get a better look at the bruise that it was partially covering. “When is this from?”
“Yesterday. I went home to get some money so I could buy you this.” JJ shifted to reach into his pocket and pulled out a small, flat box. “It’s not much but it’s all I could afford.”
You took the box from him curiously, unlinking your hand from his so that you could pull off the lid. Inside was a small silver necklace, a thin chain with a small circular pendant. When you lifted it up you saw that the pendant had a map of the world etched into it. The necklace was simple and sweet, and you felt a big smile take over your face.
“You didn’t have to get me this, J.” You simpered.
“I told you I wanted to.” He smiled back. You handed the box back to him and turned to face away, and JJ eagerly fastened the chain around your neck. He struggled a little with the tiny clasp, making you giggle. His hands ran over your shoulders before he dropped them, and you turned back to him with the smile gone from your face.
“You went through that just so you could buy this for me?” You murmured. JJ's smile faltered but didn’t fall, and he nodded slightly.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. It’s just what happens.”
You sat silently for a little while, but your peaceful moment was interrupted by a loud round of cheering from inside. You looked over your shoulder towards the house with a groan, but then lightened up when you got an idea.
“You wanna get away from this bullshit?” You asked, gesturing towards the party.
“You wanna leave your own birthday party?” He asked with a chuckle. You shrugged.
“Nobody will notice that I’m gone. I’ll just have to come back at, like, midnight to kick everybody out.”
“Okay, then let’s go.” JJ smiled.
“Alright. Give me one minute.” You giggled, getting up quickly. “Just wait here a sec.”
You ran back into the house and pushed past all of the people to the stairs, heading up to your bedroom. You had kept the door locked to keep out horny couples. You rooted through one of your drawers until you found a set of keys, switched out of your party sandals to a pair of converse, and grabbed your car key off of your vanity before heading back out, making sure to lock your door behind you again.
You paused on the stairs to scan the crowd until you spotted Sarah, and pushed past the bodies towards her.
“Y/N! Where’d you go?” She shouted over the music.
“Just outside. I’m gonna disappear from the party for the bit, can you call me if something major happens?” You asked. Sarah frowned.
“But this is your birthday party.”
“I know it’s weird, but I’ve got some other stuff going on right now and I just need to get away for a bit.”
“Okay, I guess that makes sense. I’ll call you if anything happens.” She nodded, though the confusion was still clear on her face.
“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” You smiled, before heading back out.
JJ was stood at the side of the driveway waiting for you when you came back out, slamming the front door shut after yourself. You grabbed his hand and pulled him after you to your car with a smile.
“Where are we going?” He questioned as you started the engine and began backing out.
“My other house.” You answered.
“Sorry, did you say ‘other house’?”
“My dad’s house. He hasn’t been home in eight months and I haven’t been there in about five, but a cleaner comes by every two weeks to maintain it.” You explained.
“Jesus you’re rich.” JJ mumbled. He had a teasing smile on his face but the comment made you feel a little guilty.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to show off or anything. We don’t have to go to my dad’s if you don't want-"
“Y/N, it’s fine.” He laughed. “You didn’t choose to be born into a rich family the same way I didn’t choose to be born into a poor one.”
“I know, I just don’t want to be... insensitive isn’t the right word. I just don’t want to seem like I take it for granted; I don’t want you think that I’m that kind of person.”
“I don’t.” He assured you. “You don’t treat me like I’m any different for being poor, so I don’t care that you’re rich.”
It wasn’t long until you were pulling into the driveway of your dad’s house. It was grand and expensive looking, but it was still smaller than your mom’s; she had kept the house after the divorce and since your dad wasn’t even home most of the time he’d decided that he didn’t need quote so much space.
The inside was modestly decorated, no elaborate sculptures or outlandish wall decorations like so many of the other houses on Figure Eight. The furniture was very nice, and the few paintings and things that were on the walls were expensive, but your father was a man of simple taste. He didn’t even have any fancy chandeliers.
“I expected something more opulent for the richest man in the Outer Banks.” JJ commented as he looked around.
“Since when was opulent a word in your vocabulary?” You questioned with a giggle. JJ gasped, and pinched you in the side with a frown.
“I’m not completely dumb.” He objected.
You laughed, grabbing his hand and dragging him after you into the living room. You flicked on the light before dropping yourself onto the sofa and pulling JJ down with you.
“What kind of movies do you like?” You asked him as you picked up the remote and switched on the TV.
“Uh, I don’t know, action and horror.” He shrugged.
“What kind of horror? Slasher? Psychological? Paranormal?”
“I don’t know.” He chuckled. You gave an exaggerated sigh, going into the horror section on Netflix.
“Fine, I guess I’ll pick.”
You ended up putting on The Blair Witch Project after discovering that JJ had never seen it, and the two of you settled down. You were thankful to be away from the crowded mess of your birthday party and just have a quiet night with JJ.
“But I don’t understand how they managed to make it scary, basically nothing happened.” JJ perplexed after the movie ended.
“Yeah, that’s why it’s genius.” You grinned up at him. Throughout the course of the film you had ended up lying across the sofa with your head resting on his lap. “All of the horror is in the fact that you know that something this out there but you never see it. Modern horror movies could never.”
“That’s crazy bro.” He said, making you laugh. He looked down at you with an amused smile and a sparkle in his eye that made your heart jump.
“Do you wanna stay here for the night?” You offered once your laughter subsided. “I’m sure my dad has some stuff in his closet that you can sleep in.”
“Are you sure? I mean, don’t you have to go home?”
“Nah, my mom and Nicholas are staying at a hotel tonight so that I can have my party so they won’t know that I’m not there.” You shrugged. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“No, I’d like to stay.” He smiled. You let out a relieved breath that you didn’t realise you’d been holding.
“Cool. I need to go and kick everyone out of my house but we can watch another movie when I get back if you want?”
“Sounds good to me. Do you want me to come with you?”
“Probably best if you don’t, you know, with the whole ‘every Kook on the island is there’ thing.” JJ laughed lightly at that.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He nodded. “Can I have a shower while you’re gone.”
“Sure.” You chuckled as you sat up. “You can use my en suite and I’ll get you something to change into.”
You took him upstairs, grabbing a t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts from one of your dad’s drawers before showing him into your room. It was plainly decorated like the rest of the house, but you had posters and photos tacked up and covering almost every inch of the walls.
“This is nice.” JJ smiled, looking around.
“Don’t go snooping around while I’m gone, a person’s bedroom is their kingdom.”
“I’ll mind my own business.” He agreed with a salute that made you grin.
“And make sure you dry off properly, I don’t want you dripping all over my nice carpet.”
“Jeeze, any more rules?”
“Uh, nope. I think that’s it.” You chirped. “I should be back in, like, half an hour. I’m pretty sure I left some chicken nuggets in the freezer last time I was here, you can have those if you get hungry. Or maybe I’ll get takeout on my way back?”
“Takeout sounds good.” JJ nodded, beaming, and pulled you in for a kiss before you left.
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valyntynamaro · 3 years
Homesick - Thomas Raggi
Requested by @fairyth0rns In which a homesick Thomas confides in you after a show. I changed up the premise a little but I love how it turned out!! LOTS of fluff and feelings! Hope you like it <3 this is basically Thomas Raggi stan acc at this point ahaha.
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word count: 1,914
-no warnings
Being on tour with your best friends wasn't always easy, there were small fights, drunken mistakes and harmful words that got said, but it was just the pressure they were all under, no one was ever mad at each other for long, it was just the lifestyle catching up to everyone.
No matter how hard things got out on the road you knew there would always be someone you could turn to for help and consolation, and things did get hard being away from your life back home. However, you knew that everyone gets that way and all you can do is support each other.
Loud cheers erupted from the audience as the show came to an end, you had been out on the road with Måneskin for a few weeks and as the tour was coming to the end you couldn't help but smile, thinking about how far they had come not only in the last few months but over the last few years that you had known them.
Every single milestone and achievement made you all the more proud of the four people before you on the stage which you called your family, that's what you had become a close-knit family and you couldn't imagine your life without them.
"Thank you, everybody, we have been Måneskin, goodnight!!" Damiano screams excitedly into the mic as the band begin to leave the stage, you clapped and cheered for them from in front of the stage, but in front of the crowd barrier. Snapping a few pictures of them as they held up their instruments and waved at the crowd, Vic stuck her tongue out at you and leaned into the camera as you took her picture.
After the show, you all made your way back to the hotel you were staying at for those few nights, there was an off day tomorrow so everyone decided that it would be fun to go down to the bar and have a couple of drinks.
Down at the bar, you all raised a glass to the great show they had put on and the successful tour also for good luck in the future. Music played loudly as you all danced together, laughing with one another at the terrible moves coming from each of you, everything was perfect and it was moments like that which made all the fights and upsets worth it.
Swaying your hips to the music you felt someone's arms slip around your waist, looking down you recognise the rings on their hand, It was Thomas and you instantly relaxed into him, moving softly to the music in time with him. Whilst you loved everybody in the band, you and Thomas had a special bond, you just understood each other a lot more deeply than the others.
"Are you okay my love?" turning around to face him in his arms, you met with a slight frown, you hated seeing him like that and would do anything to make him feel better.
"I guess, I just feel...I don't know I think I'm just tired" You could barely hear him over the loud music and the screaming from your friends as they fooled around, picking one another up and throwing them around.
You take Thomas' hand, leading him away from the dancefloor and out the backdoors to the beer garden outside. The atmosphere instantly softened and you could tell he was a bit more relaxed. "What's going on in your head sweet?" the two of you take a seat at one of the tables, he pulls a cigarette out of the pack in his pocket and lights it, he offers you one but you politely decline.
"I'm just so tired of being out here away from home, it's catching up to me now. I just want to wake up and not have to worry about how I'm going to do that night, the pressure is just getting to me y/n." He rests his head on your shoulder, your hands instinctively go to his shaggy blonde hair, he loved when you would play with his hair.
“ I know my lovely, everyone feels like that sometimes It's completely normal you just have to do your best and that's all anyone can expect from you, we'll be home before you know it" Placing a kiss to the top of his head he sighs, putting out his cig he takes your hand in his and plays with the many rings on your fingers. You never wore rings until you started touring with the band, they introduced you to them and would always buy you one as a thank you at the end of every tour- they were so special to you and you made sure to wear them every day for good luck.
"Y/N, I don't want to be at this place anymore, I can barely catch my breath" you knew what he was feeling was social anxiety, you had spent so many times with Thomas backstage just calming him down when he'd work himself up into a panic, it was never a bother to you though you just loved to make him feel comfortable and safe.
" We can go back to the hotel if you want, watch your favourite movie and cuddle?" you suggest, he doesn't say anything but just nods, "I'll just go tell the others, meet you out the front." Getting up, you place another kiss on his head before helping him up and making your way inside, for a minute you struggled to find anyone but you saw Vic by the bar being chatted up by some guy.
"Vic, me and Thomas are going back to his room, I'll see you in the morning" you hug her, Vic had always admired your relationship with Thomas, she knew that no one made him feel like you did, she would often tell you how cute it would be if the two of you were dating. Whilst you liked the idea of being with him, you knew that it was far important just being there for him you wouldn't want to risk everything and then not be able to be there when he needed you the most, so you were okay with just being friends.
“ Don't do anything I wouldn't do girl, have fun" she teased, causing you to roll your eyes everyone in the group would make jokes about how you and Thomas acted like you were already a couple but you paid no mind to it.
Meeting Thomas outside you walked hand in hand down the road, taking in all the sights the city had to offer whilst you made your way back to the hotel you were staying at.
Back in his room, you changed into a comfy shirt of his, whilst he only wore a pair of grey shorts. You couldn't help but think how good he looked in them, those shorts of his were a weakness of yours and he knew that which is why he always wore them around you.
Relaxing on the bed, you lay your head on his chest your arm draped over his lower torso, he had an amazing body and you would often catch yourself sneaking a look whilst the two of you changed together. "what do you want to watch then?" you asked, tracing circles around his 'Må' tattoo, you had been there with him, holding his hand as he got the tattoo done.
"you choose" his voice was soft, you could tell he was tired, so you just put on a film you had seen a bunch of times so you didn't have to pay attention to it, so he could just relax and fall asleep.
"You know, I don't want the tour to end" you could tell something was on his mind. "why's that?" leaning upon your elbows you turn to look him in the eyes, getting lost momentarily in them.
"Because you won't be there" a tear falls from his eyes and you quickly wipe it away, holding his face in your hands.
"aw sweetie, I'll always be there, even if I'm not with you every day, you can always call me" you kiss his cheek, comforting him, wiping away more tears.
" it's not the same, I just want to be with you all the time, you make me feel like nothing else on earth, when I'm with you nothing matters y/n, I don't know how you do it but I don't want it to ever stop" now it was your turn to cry, no one had ever made you feel so special or important in your life and it felt so good to hear those words leave his mouth.
"Oh Thomas, I don't ever want to be without you either, but you know I have a life back home, outside of the band. I'm only a short drive away, you can come to see me whenever you want and whenever you feel sad I'll be there as soon as you call" It broke your heart to see him so vulnerable, but you knew there was nothing you could do, you lived about ten minutes out of Rome, you couldn't afford the city.
"I feel so selfish, I just want you all to myself all of the time. I count down the days to the start of every tour because I know that I'll get to wake up and see you every day, that I get to spend all the time in the world with you, with nothing keeping you from me" He sits up, pulling you into a tight embrace.
"I know sweetheart, I know" Is all you could say, you were choking on your own words, it hurt so much that you couldn't be with him all the time.
"I don't even just mean with me physically, y/n you complete me, you make me a better man and I..." he pauses, wondering if he was really about to say what he was going to say.
"I love you y/n and I know you feel the same way about me, I've just always been too scared to do anything in case I scare you off because I can't bear to lose you" you pull away from the hug to look him in the eyes once more.
"Thomas, I've been in love with you since we first met you have no idea what it means to me to hear you say this" the two of you lean into each other, your lips inches away from his but before anything could happen the door bursts open, causing you to jump away from each other.
"Y/N Dami's been siiiickkkk" Ethan whines, stumbling into the room throwing Damiano down onto the bed beside you. Just like that, you had been snapped out of your cute moment with Thomas and back to the reality of the mother of the group.
"oh dear, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" you get up pulling Damiano up with him and take him to the bathroom, stopping at the door to look over at Thomas who just had the biggest grin on his face that you had ever seen. Even though you had been interrupted you knew that things had changed forever and that you'd have plenty of time to carry the moment on later, running a bath for your drunk friend you couldn't hep but smile too, everything was perfect in that moment and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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pretoriafics · 3 years
If I wasn't a goddamn werewolf - Pt. 3
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You find out that Derek is your Alpha, and he will be the one who will teach you how to defend yourself. Word count: 2.676 Pairings: Reader x Derek Contain: Pure angst!!; Derek being a dick; Derek being a sad puppy Warnings: English is not my main language <3; Inappropriate language TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST PART 1 | PART 4 Gif credits here
Your world turned upside down. But, at least, you had Laura with you.
Both of you never were too close. Laura was always really nice to you when you saw her a few times at Derek's loft. Your conversations were superficial most of the time, but if you and Laura were doing nothing, both of you could talk for hours. Of course, you guys stand back from each other after that argument with Derek that made you so heartbroken.
But then, you were bitten.
Laura was the only Hale you were significantly close now. You only spoke with Cora sometimes, and you didn't meet Talia yet... You didn't meet Peter either, and even if you had, you surely will not stay close to him now. Well, you were pretty close to Derek, but now you don't want to see him even if he appears painted in gold in front of you. So, Laura was the one who was helping you to understand the world you are now part of.
She explained everything to you: Laura admits that her entire family was made of werewolves, but you didn't need to be afraid of it. Laura told you, even, that she needed to run away from Beacon Hills, and because of it, Derek thought she was killed by her own uncle. She was the best mentor you could ever ask for. During your first two weeks as a werewolf, Laura lent you a few books so you could read and learn more about your new world. It was only after reading a few books and learning a few things that you finally went on your first pack meeting.
You were driving your car to the new Hale house. You were pretty anxious about everything and with no idea of what to expect. You were trying to stay calm, focused, and trying so hard not to think about Derek and all the drama surrounding his name. Of course, Laura knew about your anxiety. Your hands were sweating, your heart was beating fast, and your body language was tense. There is just one thing Laura didn't tell you, and she would do it right now.
"Uhn, so (Y/N)..." She started, taking care to say the right words "I told you that everyone would help you with the knowledge about the supernatural and all... I told you about the hunters... But did I told you how could you defend yourself against them?"
"No." You said, looking at her for one second and already expecting the kind of news that would let you disconcerted. "But I can imagine. I mean, I just need to attack them, am I right?"
"Sometimes, but sometimes not... I mean, we train our betas to be able to defend themselves. We will do the same with you. That's why I requested you to wear your gym clothes."
"Oh, okay" Well, isn't seems that bad. Your body relaxed. "What do you will teach me?"
"Me? Nothing. Derek will do it. This is at his charge, he's the alpha. Your alpha."
You took a peek at Laura, with your body starting to get tense again and your heart running fast inside your chest. Derek would teach you self-defense? And he was your alpha? Oh, God. You didn't even reply to her.
"I mean" Laura continued, after some seconds of tense silence "Sometimes I help him with it. Yesterday I was helping Erica with it. She is each day better."
"But can't you help me with it instead of Derek?"
"No. I would love, but... The Hale Pack is not a matriarchy anymore."
You let out a long sigh, with your body tense and a bad mood dominating you. Without a sign of doubt, you're still so fallen by him... But things have happened between you both. And suddenly, the scenes of your argument with Derek invade your mind.
It was exactly one month since your first kiss with him. The sky was with a bright moon and full of stars. Oh, you remember that sky like it was yesterday! It would be a pretty romantic night: You would tell Derek that you were been in love with him even before the first time you felt the taste of his lips on yours. You were hoping that he felt the same. After all, Derek was so caring and so sweet to you...
You were wearing a red dress because you remembered the night he said to you how beautiful you were wearing red, and how much that color suits you. With shaking hands of anxiety, you were stopped in front of the loft door, with a low gaze and playing with your own fingers when Derek opens the door.
Your eyes meet his, and still anxious you gave him a sweet smile. You felt your cheeks burning when you noticed his green eyes running through your body, looking at you with your red dress.
"Hi." You said, hesitantly and low, with your sweet smile still on your lips. However, despite Derek's eyes run through your body, looking at you with that red dress, he didn't say anything. Actually, his face was pretty cold. That made you shrink, with your smile disappearing on your lips, thinking that maybe you didn't choose the right dress.
"Hi." Derek replied, forcing a smile on you. He gave a step left, letting you the space you needed to come into his loft. "Come in."
You know that there's something wrong now. After the first kiss of both of you, Derek always receives you at his loft with a soft kiss. What was happening?
You came into the loft and sit on the couch, looking at him. Derek closes the door and walks to the table, saving a few sheets into a briefcase. It was like you were invisible. Confused, you look at him and, hesitant, you had started to talk.
"Uhn... I was thinking that maybe we could eat pizza and watch a movie tonight. Alissa told me about a new movie on Netflix that-"
"I can't."
And he even looks at you when he replies to you so coldly. You felt as if cold water had been thrown at you. Flummoxed, you look at him, and he isn't looking at you, still fiddling with that stupid briefcase. A few seconds of uncomfortable silence fills the loft until you find the strength to talk.
"Why? Are you busy? I can return tomorrow, don't worry."
"I'll hang out with a girl soon. I'll pick her up at her house in a few minutes, and I really don't want to get late."
Your heart breaks into thousand pieces, and you already felt your eyes watering. What?
"...A girl?"
"Yeah." Derek closes the briefcase and lets it into the table. He crosses his arms and, with a cold face, looks at you. "A girl."
"I didn't know that you were hanging out with other women."
Derek arches his eyebrows and lets out a low and short chuckle of derision.
"Do you really thought I would stop seeing other women just because of you?"
You stare at him in shock. Your heartbroken threatened to be exposed in tears, but you tried to hold them. A little bit embarrassed and feeling foolish as never before, you shrink on the sofa, staring at your own hands. Your voice was low.
"I thought that we're having something special."
Derek rolled his eyes, grabbing his jacket on the chair and wearing it.
"I just wanted some fun, (Y/N). You can't blame me."
Derek was punching your heart word by word. Why was he treating you with such indifference? You look at him, with a tear escaping from your eyes and running through your face.
"So is that all I was for you? Just someone who you could have some fun with?"
Derek let out a long sigh, sitting on the chair and staring at you with his crossed arms.
"I can't understand. What did I do with you that made you thought you were so special?"
"Are you kidding with me, Derek?" Your voice gets louder in anger and shaky with your cry. You can't hold your tears anymore. In anger and hurt, you stood up from the couch. "Everything! You were just... playing with me during this time?"
"Oh, crap. Goddamn women and all of this silly sentimentalism. You are nothing to me, so stop acting like a..." He stares at you, with his eyes cutting you like blades "...Like a stupid teenager in love."
Derek spits those words with such disgust that you just felt another blade inside your chest, cutting what has left from your heart. You hadn't the strength to reply to him, and even if you had, the news tears that were running through your cheeks and that knot in cry on your throat would restrain you.
"Look." Derek stood up from the chair and touches your arms. You shrink yourself. His touch was the last thing you want now "Why don't we solve this soon, and you tell me why you came here?"
Disgusted by his touch, you grab his wrists and move his hands away from you.
"I just came here to say that I think I was falling for you, and I would like to know if you felt the same. But you clearly don't, and I'm the fool here. I'm going home. Good luck with your date."
You were sitting on the couch in the living room of the Hale house, just waiting your turn to start the training. Your fingers were sliding the screen of your phone. However, you can't pay attention to it because you were so anxious about interacting with Derek since the episode in the supermarket. You were feeling mixed feelings: You miss him so much, but at the same time, you were still hurt with the supermarket episode and with the arguing both of you had on his loft. You just want to run away from him, but he is your goddamn Alpha now. Things would be easier if Laura was your Alpha. However, with her time away from the city, Derek took her sister's place. It occurred when he killed his uncle and became the Alpha he is nowadays.
Oh damn, you were pretty sure everyone knew about your anxiety. Actually, you had noticed the older woman in the house looking at you from the kitchen sometimes. Yeah, Talia was looking at you and pretty curious about you as well. However, she knew you just needed some time. Then, at the right time, she could meet you.
You heard the door from the basement being opened, and you saw from the living room couch Erica walking in wide footsteps through the entrance hall, going out of the house. Damn, she seems so pissed off! Boyd was trying to reach her.
Laura appeared after Boyd, rolling her eyes while walking from the entrance hall to the living room.
"Goddamn teenagers." She fell onto the couch close to you, with her eyes looking at the ceiling "Your turn. Derek is waiting for your downside."
Oh, Gosh. Your heart began to run faster in anxiety, and the wanting of just run away from there arouse even stronger. Well, maybe if Laura went with you, all of that could be bearable.
"You come?"
"Not yet." She said, looking at you. "It will take time until I'll be able to watch your training."
"How much?" You questioned, standing up from the couch.
"Maybe I could watch your training next week."
You were so fucked up! Would you need to spend all that time alone with Derek? Oh, man...
"Uh... Okay."
You replied, letting out a long sigh and accepting your current situation. You compress your own lips and walk to the basement door. You gotta be strong now and needs to face it.
You open the basement door, gaining access to a small mezzanine that overlooks the entire basement below. Derek had his back to you, sending a message on his cell phone. When he felt your smell, he turned to see you.
He was so damn relieved to see you there, healthy and so beautiful. Lycanthropy suits you, and the bite made you more beautiful than ever. This time, Derek was not with a cold expression for you. Actually, you could saw a hint of sweetness inside of his green eyes. However, all Derek could see on yours was melancholy.
All he could think about is how much you probably hate him. Derek wanted so badly to ask you if you were okay and tell you that you weren't alone to deal with your new lycanthropy. He wanted so bad to tell you how worried he was about you and how he wasted both of your times staying away from you. Damn, Derek wants so much to recover all the time both of you were lost away from each other... Maybe you could recover those time in some vacations, or just staying in a cheap motel cuddling each other and laughing.
But he wasn't strong enough to be rejected by you. So, he conducts your training as distant as possible. His voice was stable all the time, and all you did was listen to his instructions and look at him just to see the movements you should do and nothing more.
When your training was over, he just looks at you while you drink the water from your bottle, with your back to him. Derek was reuniting all of his courage and strength to talk with you. At the same time, he was hiding all his fear of being rejected for you. Then, he finally gets to say something.
"During all this time, I was trying to keep you safe."
You took the water bottle out of your mouth and finally looks at him with a cold voice.
"Safe from what?"
"Safe from everyone who could hurt you to get to me. Hunters, other werewolves..."
You rolled your eyes. You didn't believe him.
"My boyfriend is waiting for me at his home, so I have to go."
You start to go upstairs. With his heart aching, and even a little bit desperate, Derek follows you.
"Wait, just let me talk with you. Please."
Your footsteps became faster and faster until you reach the door. You opened the door so angry that Cora, who was talking to Isaac in the entrance hall, jumped in fright.
You didn't reply to Derek. Hoping that you would listen to him and just forgive him, he starts to talk for a second time.
"I didn't want you to come to me again because it was dangerous. I really needed you to hate me. You would be safe that way."
Dominated by rage, you stop close to the front door and turn yourself to face him.
"Go fuck yourself, Derek!" You yell, with tears invading your eyes that were glowing yellow. However, you won't let them fall through your face this time. "Do you really think that I'll believe this bullshit? You will not make me a fool again!"
Your reaction made him just freeze, looking at you, not only surprised for your sudden rage and words. Derek was hitten for your rejection, just like he feared. Cora and Isaac were looking at the scene with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. Oh, man... The Pack was already doing tons of gossips about you and Derek, and that arguing would be the main one.
You walk out of the house, walking to your car, letting Derek behind. He did not follow you this time. He hasn't strengthed for it.
Suddenly, Derek noticed someone he hasn't seen before: Peter. His uncle was now stopped close to him, moving away from his mouth a bottle of Jack Daniels. He pushes the bottle to his nephew while letting out a long sigh. Derek just grabs the bottle and turns it in his mouth.
"I know, I know," Peter says, giving at his nephew a few pats on his shoulder. "Women's..."
TAG LIST: @teen-wolf-obsessed4life
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Gang of Secrets!
I'm very late today at writing this because life ;-; You know it's a bigger episode when they start off with a problem. Ladybug doesn't want to detransform so she's desperate to find reasons to remain Ladybug. I love how the entire time, Chat Noir knows something's wrong and wants to get her to talk about what it is, but she just tries to pretend she's fine. If anything, Chat Noir would probably be the best person to talk to considering everything he's dealt with too both with Kagami and his responsibility as Chat! She could mention that she was seeing someone but they broke up because of her secret, and she could tell him how much being the Guardian's having an affect on her. All perfectly well and good without exposing any identities or things like that with questions for details asked. Instead she puts up a front with him and pretends she's okay in front of him and it's just so sad. :/ I understand why she doesn't, probably because she doesn't want him to know how much she's struggling. But ugh my heart hurts for her. Chat: I know where we can go where we won't have to talk! Ladybug: Yes, take me there Chat! *in the theater* Ladybug: You lead me into a trap. I MEAN HE'S NOT WRONG THOUGH! Not many places you can go where it's okay or encouraged to not talk without there being an awkward silence. But that cracked me UP. Also that casual attempt to wrap his arm around her lolol still hasn't give up, I see. I also find it simultaneously hilarious and extremely depressing that Ladybug's ranting like that in the theater because of a romance movie. When your heart is broken, that's probably the last thing you want to be doing. And Chat Noir yanking her down asking that she be quiet 😂 Literally just rants her entire love life out for everyone including Chat to hear in that theater. CHAT NOIR, YOU BETTER BE LISTENING BECAUSE SHE'S TALKING ABOUT ADRIEN HERE "She takes a long time to tell him and stutters and blah blah blah" lol sound familiar, sunshine? If anything please have him recall this later and be like, wait, didn't Ladybug say girls stutter around a guy when she likes him? BAM. Then he's off on his path towards Marinette. I can dream. Ladybug: And how do you know if he loves her? IMPOSSIBLE. Adrien: No, Marinette couldn't possibly be in love with me. *eyetwitch* But at the end of the day. This is Marinette ranting to Adrien about how she had to give up on Adrien and then couldn't make things work with Luka because of her secret. Ooof. And poor Chat having to apologize for everyone because Ladybug's disturbing them XDD THE GIRL SAVES EVERYBODY'S LIVES PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY AND THEY'RE PISSED SHE'S RUINING A MOVIE THEY CAN JUST REWATCH? 😂 She's clearly having a hard time right now, c'mon people! Chat can tell she has a broken heart. This boy is so sweet. He wants her to at least admit that and talk about it so she can feel better but you know, Ladybug's stubborn. I WANT TO GO SWIMMING LET'S GO SWIMMING CHAT, WOO HOOOOOO! Ladybug acting like Chat to hide her pain just like how Chat acts like Chat to hide his pain. YOU KNOW WHAT, IT'S FINE. :') It doesn't matter how much pain she's dealing with, those pictures mean too much to her to remove them. x3 Thanks Juleka for showing us how sad Luka is now, that's very helpful. Marinette's been going into the bathroom at school to cry, and then had planned stupid looking glasses to hide her tears so people wouldn't have to know she's cried because wearing a ridiculous pair of glasses that's embarrassing is better than being asked what's wrong. Because the pain I feel for her wasn't already enough. Ugh I adore Trixx. Trixx being the voice of reason when Tikki's not there, trying to help and letting her know that Tikki may need to rest too when she's so upset it doesn't cross her mind. And the tears in her eyes when she apologizes to Tikki for not thinking of her like she should. ;-; SO MUCH PAIN. OH DANG Alya was literally a second away from seeing a detransforming Marinette lol But she did say DETRANSFORMATION or well in the English dub it'll be "Spots
off" I love Rose, she's really sweet. and considerate But she also shouldn't be touching things in others rooms like that. I never liked it when my friends went around my room touching stuff. Also didn't help that a couple of them stole from me... but it's just not a cool thing to do. Would've probably ended up much better had she not had to desperately hide an exposed Miracle Box. But then we wouldn't have had what happens so it's all good c: Marinette saying she doesn't want to be friends with the girls anymore
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It hit Alya deep. Everyone else is like *le gasp* but her eyes all shrunken like that, you can tell it really got to her hard.
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This entire exchange right here. Alya's glance at her in the first picture is piercing, like I can feel that OOF feeling in my chest when I see it. The new music dramatizes it so well that a lot of people probably didn't pay attention to it the first time around. Can we just appreciate how these animators got all these emotions so right and did such a good job animating everything for us? And those that work on the music too? Everything's so spot on. Marinette's red-rimmed eyes is so well done. "No, it can't end like this!" Awww Alix getting super upset too x3 I honestly think Alix could be the next one.... you know what I mean BUT I'll wait until the end to talk about it. Trixx pulling a Plagg and rescuing Marinette! x3 I seriously love Trixx, I really do. I know the other Kwami's got mad, but if he hadn't done that it would've been disaster, probably. And the episode wouldn't have ended how it did! And Plagg knowing it was Trixx who caused the Eiffel Tower to be all weird xD Why do I get the feeling the relationship between Trixx and Plagg would be like that of Chat Noir and Rena Rouge? And I want to point out, we got 7 whole seconds of Adrien again! Aren't we lucky? The last time we got so little of Adrien in an episode was when we had his parallel episode Lies. I don't think that'll happen this time but I do hope it means more Adrien later on. Ladybug: They're after Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chat Noir: Okay but remember everybody likes her (so don't go thinking she's a bad person for causing their akumatizations) Yes, I read between the lines. Ladybug being able to get through to Lady Wifi and have her deakumatize herself was absolutely amazing! I know Chloe was the first to fight off being akumatized but once you're akumatized it's obviously extremely hard to break. That says a lot about Alya. "Because you're an incredible friend, Ladybug." One, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Two, did you notice the little jerk of her head, gesturing to Ladybug like that when she said it?? It's the little details guys that make this so good. 😍 "Chat Noir, nooooo!" Guys, we got our tiny little Marichat scene! It's not actually real, but still! (okay but why do I also get this really weird feeling like something like this may end up being real later?) Alya giving Ladybug that hug 😭 Marinette has such good, supportive friends. I love them all. x.x YES THANK YOU. Alya's finally realizing there are more things going on with her than just boys. One of the things that's always irked me since Chameleon is that any issue Marinette has, be it with Lila or otherwise, she always assumes it has to do with Adrien. Of course, at the time she didn't know she was Ladybug but she should've still listened and realized there's something else up. But now she finally is noticing and I love how she was going to respect her regardless and not push. Pushing has always been one of Alya's characteristics, but she knew whatever it was was something too big and serious to push her on. "Marinette, I'm your best friend, and I always will be." 😭😭😭 This episode brought me so close to tears so many times. Marinette admitting she's keeping secrets, lying to everyone. Admitting that that's why she draws a line between her and Adrien, and why her and Luka didn't work out. Alya saying however heavy it is, they'll carry it together (MY HEART) And then Marinette saying "If I tell you, things between us will never be the same. It's going to destroy everything, change it all." It sounds like this girl is thinking about Chat Blanc and oop there's the sound of my heart breaking again. So much paaaain. "Je suis Ladybug." YESSSSSSS Why they had to leave it off on a cliffhanger But YESSSSSSS First, the expressions she had flash on her face, the gasp 😮, then the expression like she's trying to get her mind to process. Then if you notice, Marinette gives a little nod, as if letting her know that it's true. Then the way her eyebrows furrow and pulls her into the hug as she understands all that she has on her shoulders as that music plays. I'm getting
emotional just writing this. 😭 This episode is just so amazingly good in so many ways, I don't think I can actually cover it all. I'm very impressed. I've loved nearly every episode this show has put out, even those that a lot of people seem to hate. But this one, I don't see how this could actually be hated if you're trying to think of everything that happened from Marinette's point of view, her thoughts, feelings, struggles, depression. I will say, personally I hoped Chat Noir would learn who Ladybug is first. He's been such a good partner, very thoughtful, always putting his life on the line. He's also been dealing with a lot of the same struggles. I felt like he deserved to know first. However, this isn't about who deserves what, it's about what Marinette needs. It's not that she doesn't want to tell him who she is! Don't misunderstand. There are many times throughout the past 3 seasons where she wants to or regrets not being able to. But now, Chat Blanc's in her mind. She knows what could happen if she tells him with Hawk Moth still there, so she can't do it. So instead, she tries to pretend in front of him that she's fine even though talking to him about everything would help and fix so much. In her mind, that's not an option. I just hope that when he finds out she told someone else first, he doesn't think that she doesn't trust him enough to tell him. Next I thought maybe Alix. That way it'd be more understandable to Chat that she'd know, after all future Bunnyx clearly knows and said to Ladybug that she chose her because she's capable of keeping secrets (notice how Alya said that to Ladybug in the alley? I bet Alix will find out in the near future. Maybe not this season, but she'll find out.) But that's for another time. But now Alya knows! Her best friend, the one to have her back and will no doubt have it even more so now! Watch out, Lila. Alya doesn't hold back so I can imagine how vicious she could be to her (and I can't wait). And that brings up a very interesting thought. Alya will realize Adrien has been the only one to have her back in Lila situations. Why would he do that, hmm? When everyone else was so sure Lila's an angel and Marinette must be bad for saying anything negative about her. Journalist Alya, incoming! There's also the matters of Alya bringing up Marinette's feelings for Chat Noir because duh, everybody can see how much she loves him! There are even photos of them kissing, one of which happened in front of Alya's own eyes! Though affected by an akuma, they all know that kiss didn't happen because of it. And of course, Alya has brought up twice in the show so far that Adrien and Chat Noir could be the same person. And last time Alya said that neither of them could be Ladybug and Chat Noir. Except, she's now found out that Marinette is Ladybug. So maybe Adrien could after all be Chat Noir. I look forward to seeing how their new dynamic is. I wonder how this affects their relationship with the other girls. And I'm most curious about how Nino and Adrien may react to this change. I thought during Truth and Lies both that their best friends were going to find out about their breakups. Gang of Secrets was Alya finding out. Even though I feel like another parallel episode is just wishful thinking, I can't help but think it may be a possibility. Nino and the boys are going to wonder what's up with Adrien too. They're going to wonder why he's not with Kagami anymore so suddenly. So what if i the end, Chat Noir ends up telling Nino? I could see it, if this takes place shortly after Gang of Secrets, where she tells Chat that she's confided her identity in a very close friend and somehow they agree that he can tell someone too that he trusts to make it fair. It'd be an amazing way to exercise Ladybug's trust in Chat Noir too. Then we'd have both Alya and Nino in on it, keeping their best friend's secrets for them without knowing about the other one. Oh that'd be so beautiful! And also let them keep their Miraculouses too after the charms are given to them and Alya has the ability to break
free after being akumatized. I adore Rena and Carapace so much I'd be ecstatic if they kept them. 😭 Anyway, so much potential can come out of this episode and I honestly cannot wait until episode 4!!
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futuregws · 3 years
I love how tom is "so happy in the relationship" that he is having reoccurring dreams of getting a girl pregnant (i.e s*x dreams (we all know how getting pregnant requires) - censoring so you don't get your account in trouble by tumblr, not sure about the guideline but don't want some tomdaya to try to report the account🤣) and being happy to have a baby daughter with her even though its with a random girl! This proves it's PR! Because it shows how desperate he is to be in a stable long term relationship and how much he wants his own kids!
The only thing that is making me still a tom fan is know how he acted before the PR relationship that it is really him and also the astrologer and clairvoyant future wife reading (on faiths blog)! She sounds great, creative, happy, adventurous and down to earth, and i can't wait for that era for tom! I can't wait to see him be with someone who loves him fully and unconditionally! He is so sweet he deserves it! And I can't wait for everyone to support them and for their power couple moments! I just want to see him truly happy, and not the happy he is trying to be on Instagram and infront of paparazzi he called, like really genuinely happy! and not posting things on social media about their relationship and drawing attention to himself to make him trend on insta or twitter, or purposely kiss/hug/hold hands/laugh infront of a camera to draw attention! Just genuinely happy!
I can't imagine him leaving Hollywood for ever, i think he will just take a break and try to find balance within himself and they get back to making movies (hopefully with harry and maybe his future wife one day (astrologer and clairvoyant mentioned that)!!!!) So we can't blame tom because I would just listen to whats in the contract, because as the other anon said sony can either make or break you career and by tom following though it shows that he is going to keep making movies and acting - I think he is just warning us about him taking a break (which is 100% understandable) Also no hate to Zendaya her movies/performance haven't been doing the best and we also don't know what was threated against her in the PR contract! And we will never know! But all we can do is wait for it to finish and then more on!
I'm just not going to follow him during the press tour and take a break! I don't want to see him not acting like himself and having this persona to fit into their PR stunt! So I'm just going to let it go, and when the PR is over I'll support him again! I just don't want to deal with the toxicity anymore! The sad thing is, that him followers is going up due to this but you can see in the videos how much he is trying to act like his normal self - happy-go-lucky, positive, vibrant, chill, funny and energetic self; but he just looks sad, anxious, tired, uncomfortable and depressed (you can really tell the difference between the 2016-pre-PR videos, pics and content compared to the content were getting of him during the PR! I in a way want him to take a break and just focus on himself (not getting in a relationship, work or anything else thats stressing him out), just his mental health! Because when he sorts out his internal issues and challenges his external ones will positively change due to his positively changed mindset! So if he takes months off and goes to a mindfulness retreat where no one can access the internet or goes backpacking across Europe or lives in a small house in the middle of no where - it makes him improve and develop into a better version of himself then h can go as long as he needs🤣
"Because it shows how desperate he is to be in a stable long term relationship and how much he wants his own kids!" Anon you actually have a point specially with that phrase and the whole dream thing I know other people had talked about it but idk if it's the way you worded it or bc I don't have a headache now but it makes even more sense than before like 10x more 🤣
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy here comes the next chapter ! Number .... lemme look. Okay, number six! 🥳🥳🥳
And yes, my thoughts as usual will be a messy, very Everlark-biased and full of typos. Letsss gooooo 🥰🥰🥰
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Is this the first time Katniss and Peeta have been to their floor or is this just the most opportune time to explain and introduce the Tribute Center living quarters?
Also why are they called tributes anyway? That word suddenly seems weird to me after nine years... 🤔🤔🤔
“I've ridden the elevator a couple of times in the Justice Building back in District 12. Once to receive the medal for my father's death and then yesterday to say my final goodbyes to my friends and family” .... 😶😶 so only good memories and connotations to elevators then, huh?
“The walls of this elevator are made of crystal so that you can watch the people on the ground floor shrink to ants as you shoot up into the air.” My mind is just imagining the elevator in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone’s Spider-Man movies 🤗.
“It's exhilarating and I'm tempted to ask Effie Trinket if we can ride it again, but somehow that seems childish” this is so cute and innocent omg. Katniss, like I said in my last chapter blog, still has some childlike innocence left in her 🥺🥺🥺. I’m a sad.
Also excuse the unnecessary extra gif use but 🤭🤭🤭
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Oh wow, so Haymitch hasn’t been around since they were on the train? No wonder neither Katniss nor Peeta fled they could trust him for basically the entirety of the first book. 😐😐😐
You know it’s bad when Effie being around feels like a blessing to Katniss. Girl has more restraint than me, I’d have ripped off this woman’s janky wig by now without remorse. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Effie acts like they’re her purebred show dogs. I know I know how is this news, that’s a blatant fact. The movies really softened her up tho for the general audience. And I bleed the movies and books together more than I should 😔😔😔
Well at least she’s made herself useful, trying to get Everlark sponsors ... even if it’s ultimately to benefit herself above anyone else .... 😤
Effie calling Twelve barbaric while she’s preparing them for the slaughter isn’t even ironic it’s like literally just brainless. Johanna probably had the nickname floating around for a lot of people before she officially knighted Katniss with it 😭
“Everyone has their reservations, naturally. You being from the coal district.” Is this how they refer to Twelve? So basically if a district makes a better item, it’s a more worthy one in the Capitol’s eyes? So essentially, if District Eight made like diamonds or pearls or whatever then it would be more worthy? So are the districts assigned their numbers (one, two, three, four, etc) based on their order of importance to the Capitol’s lifestyle? I always thought it was based on their distance in relation to the Capitol? Okay so I didn’t really pay much attention to these facts previously when I read these books ok look away I’m an idiot
Omg 😭😭😭😭 Effie is such an idiot. But the coal turns to pearls thing is my favorite line from her only because it serves as the cutest inside joke when Peeta makes a callback to it in Catching Fire and Finnick is just like “why are these two teenagers so stupid who did I ally with? 🥵😳🥵😳🥵”
“I wonder if the people she's been plugging us to all day either know or care.” After reading Songbirds and Snakes, I’m sure they don’t have a clue, boo. 😑😑😑😑 although not everyone was an idiot back then ... maybe Snow is putting lead in the drinking water?
“But don't worry, I'll get him to the table at gunpoint if necessary.” I know she’s trying to help and I know we say this kind of thing today, but considering this is two kids she’s well aware will be heading into a death match this is just bad wording I know surprise surprise 🙄🙄🙄😬😬😬😬
“Although lacking in many departments, Effie Trinket has a certain determination I have to admire.” Katniss really does see the best in people. What’s sad, y’all, is I think Katniss unconsciously really tries to like people and that’s why she has her guard up so high. Because the softer you are, the easier people will step all over you. Terrible phrasing here, Samantha, I’m so sorry to any of my readers ... okay now that sounded arrogant, implying I have readers 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅
“My quarters are larger than our entire house back home.” Omg? I mean, yes, I knew this already obviously no duh but like also. Just the fact that three people live in a space smaller than a bedroom and bathroom arena is saddy sad sad. Also do they have indoor plumbing in the Seam or is their backyards just full of—okay, I’ll see myself out. 😶🤭😅🙃
“The shower alone has a panel with more than a hundred options you can choose regulating water temperature, pressure, soaps, shampoos, scents, oils, and massaging sponges.” I’m just imagining a Spongebob scene ngl.
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I’m sorry there’s so many gifs this time around it’s probably taking us out of the reading headspace I’ll never do it again 😩😩😩😩 I talk like I have a class of people listening to me 🤭🤭🤭
“Instead of struggling with the knots in my wet hair, I merely place my hand on a box that sends a current through my scalp, untangling, parting, and drying my hair almost instantly” I need this someone invent this NOW my brush is yanking out my hair 😔😩
“I program the closet for an outfit to my taste.” ‘Yes, Alexa, I’d like a hunting jacket, some boots and a green shirt. Yes, it can be brown.’
“You need only whisper a type of food from a gigantic menu into a mouthpiece and it appears, hot and steamy, before you in less than a minute.” I like this idea because it means that Peeta could order hot choccy to comfort Katniss after her nightmares in Catching Fire from the comfort of her their own bed. 🤗🤗🤗 also I want this for myself. The bad people are giving my greedy self ideas look away everyone 😬
“I walk around the room eating goose liver and puffy bread until there's a knock on the door.” 🤢🤢🤢🤢 Of everything you could have chosen, child, this is what you decided on? Someone help my girl and her rotten tastebuds now.
“Effie's calling me to dinner. Good. I'm starving.” Baby, you were just eating. She’s so nutritionally messed up. 😔😔😔
Katniss trying wine 🥳🥳🥳 she’s so funny, trying to find a way to improve the taste 😅. She’ll make a good taste tester for her baker husband one day.
Hahahaha Katniss not liking the feeling and judging Haymitch for always being tipsy. Also this is sad because she ends up addicted to morphling later one which is far worse than a little wine.
I’m glad to know Baked Alaska survived the apocalypse 😅🥳
Katniss just constantly trying to decipher the recipe of every meal and how to recreate it reads cute on a surface level but it’s actually so tragic because everything to this girl is based around food. Like even more than is typically noticed. They really should have given a hint at this in the first movie. Good thing she marries a man who can always keep her full.
I’m just forever side-eyeing you, Gare Bear.
That’s Gary Ross for the confused kids in the back.
Why does Katniss yelling mid-sentence, “oh! I know you!” add to her innocence? 🥺 it’s because she was overwhelmed by all the food and new luxuries she’d never even been able to imagine ... and also this is pre her first games so she’s still got some childhood left in her 😩😔
I wonder how Lavinia felt seeing Katniss volunteer and knowing she’d be her Avox? I wonder if she, like Cinna, somehow volunteered to be her Avox?
I mean ... talk about convenient placement that this specific girl was assigned to Katniss’ district—oh wait, y’all, I just caught myself. She’s from Twelve. She was assigned to Twelve’s tributes because she’s from there, duh. I’m such an airhead omg just call me Effie.
Don’t you actually dare.
“When I look back, the four adults are watching me like hawks.” Meanwhile, Peeta is just like 😬😬😬 eating his dinner.
Actually, ngl, this could be such a reach and it probably is but like maybe Peeta sensed a confrontation coming and, because of his implied upbringing, he naturally becomes silent or makes himself invisible when trouble starts looking like it’s gonna arise. 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t know why I say these things I’m just hurting my own feelings but ya know the drill. I thought it so I said it.
Why is Effie yelling at Katniss for saying she knows the Avox girl like omg overreaction much? And I know, the sky is blue 🙄🙄🙄 she’s prejudiced against basically everyone, I know, I know
Rip her wig off, Katty Deen 🤗🤗🤗
Oh I stupidly forgot that Avoxes are supposedly known by everyone to be traitors or criminals. So I suppose this isn’t Effie’s worst offense but I’m keeping a tally anyways
Katniss is blaming her stuttering on the wine but my girl just has social anxiety 😔😔😔
Peeta coming in with a save 😭😭😭 he’s already trying saving his girl 🤧
Alsoooo the unspoken friendship, the covering for the other and teaming up against the adults, is still riding high and going strong here 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 look away, y’all, the shipper comments are coming in strong
Also why is this the first real interaction with Peeta in this chapter yet? My baby needs more page-time 🤭🤭🤭
“Delly Cartwright is a pasty-faced, lumpy girl with yellowish hair who looks about as much like our server as a beetle does a butterfly.” Now why did Katniss just tear Delly to shreds for no reason at all 😭😭😭 this was a surprise assault on the poor girl 🙃🙃🙃🙃
“She may also be the friendliest person on the planet - she smiles constantly at everybody in school, even me.” Okay not to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... but to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... this description of poor, sweet Delly is actually indicative of Peeta’s character? Since Delly, we find out in Mockingjay, is Peeta’s childhood best friend, her personality being this sunny, kind, good-natured person tells us Peeta has always probably been somewhat like her and perhaps not as much like the other town kids Katniss implies to be stuck up or snooty. Maybe Katniss is just shady and deflects onto others 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️.
Also the fact that she gives this like ... mean description of Delly but saw Peeta as popular, even though surely Delly and Peeta spent time at school together, implies further that Katniss did indeed harbor a secret crush on Peeta even before the reaping. A very mild comparison of his on her though, of course 😅😅😅
“It must be the hair” “something about the eyes too” their piggybacking on the other’s comments really is just chiefs kiss 😘🤗🥰🤧 FYI I know the saying is chefs kiss but I made the typo once a long time ago and decided to add it forever to my brand 🤗🙃🥳
Also though this Everlark interaction is reminiscent of when two kids get caught by their teacher goofing off in class and covering for each other 🥰 only it’s a lot more deadly stakes
“A few of the other couples make a nice impression, but none of them can hold a candle to us.” She’s so modest 🤧🤧🤧 her narration here and during the Tribute Parade just has the vibes of ... well .... sorry in advance
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Haymitch’s comment “Just the perfect touch of rebellion. Very nice” leads me to think he and Cinna and maybe Portia were always in cahoots about the rebellion even before Katniss and Peeta came along and well ... lit their match on fire 🥁🤗🤣🤭
Katniss is like “rebellion??? Rebellion where??? What’s that you old people speak of???” And yet, girlfriend goes out to the woods and hunts illegally every day of her life 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
“But when I remember the other couples, standing stiffly apart, never touching or acknowledging each other, as if their fellow tribute did not exist” too lazy too look it up but there’s a quote from Ballad about Lucy Gray and Jessup being distinguished by their visible friendship too that set them apart from the other tributes.
Either Suzanne thought of drawing a nice parallel showing what a failed Everlark attempt looks like, because I firmly stand by the fact that without their real feelings behind their act, even Katniss’ unconscious ones, they wouldn’t have pulled it off, or Suzzie just reused her own content. I prefer the former but I think it’s probably the latter 🤭🤭🤭
“Now go get some sleep while the grown-ups talk." I know Haymitch is being facetious here but this quote reminded me of the fact that the movies would have hit differently if they’d cast actual sixteen year olds in the roles.
“When we get to my door, he leans against the frame, not blocking my entrance exactly but insisting I pay attention to him.” This is such a flirty, high school boy pose, you cannot convince me otherwise 😭😭😭
Also I definitely feel like Peeta is getting more and more confident here because he’s oblivious to Katniss’ inner monologue as much as she is his actually we all are his sadly and he probably thinks she’s starting to like him 🤧🤧🤧
“So, Delly Cartwright. Imagine finding her lookalike here." 🤣 He honestly cracks me up idk why this line isn’t even special or that great. He’s just so ... subtly nosy / funny. Which brings me to that quote from Mockingjay where Katniss talks about his sense of humor because it’s one of the things she loves most about him 😭😭😭
But he’s like, “I can keep a secret, Katniss, tell me who that tongueless chick is to you 😬”
Katniss stop talking about debts, friends cover for the other all the time 🙄🙄 I know it’s in her character stop yelling at a fish for swimming that’s not a real phrase I know that too
Okay first of all, they’re about to share a secret 🥰🥰🥰🥰. My shipper goggles are on tight and obstructing my vision. I know this and am proud 😬🥳🤗
And secondly, “Maybe sharing a confidence will actually make him believe I see him as a friend.” Hey, butthead, you two are already friends. She doesn’t even recognize that the girl who constantly sits with her, talks to her, eats with her and trades with her is her friend either though, I’m shocked she calls Gale her friend
Does Peeta get to know Cinna too? I don’t think so but it’s mentioned now a couple times in this chapter alone that Peeta has interacted with Cinna. Katniss never interacts or has a conversation with Portia.... then again, is that even surprising? Katniss isn’t ... what you would call ... social. Hashtag relatable.
Awww, they’re communicating so effectively together 🥰���🤧🥳
Also rooftops belong to Everlark only 😍😊😉 I mean, seriously, Katniss never goes up on a rooftop with anyone else. Besides Haymitch in the first movie but we ignore.
“Electricity in District 12 comes and goes, usually we only have it a few hours a day.” Earlier she said the Seam didn’t often have electricity, in particular, so either she’s not specifying her section of the district anymore or Suzanne is backtracking.
“But here there would be no shortage. Ever.” I’ve had two power outages recently so clearly the Capitol isn’t based on us currently today then 😐😐 I’m just joking ok
“I asked Cinna why they let us up here. Weren't they worried that some of the tributes might decide to jump right over the side?” .... boyfriend, where does your mind go sometimes? Peeta’s darker than we realize, y’all 🤭🤭🙃🙃
“He holds out his hand into seemingly empty space. There's a sharp zap and he jerks it back” between this and Catching Fire, Peeta is addicted to getting shocked by forcefields 🤧🤧🤧
“I wonder if we're supposed to be up here now, so late and alone.” If this was a romantic drama or comedy, that line would have meant something a lot more fun 😒😔😬😉😏
“On the other side of the dome, they've built a garden with flower beds and potted trees.” Is this meant to resemble Snow’s grandmother’s garden???? Like he had them put a garden there to like ... put a piece of his Grandma’am in the games? Idk this made zero sense it was a stupid thought
Two people in a garden at night, with wind chimes, sounds romantic in any other context. 🥺🥺
Ummm does everyone in the entire district know Katniss and her father used to hunt together?
Oh nevermind, Lavinia is not from District Twelve. My bad, guys. I should go up and edit my previous thoughts but that’s a lot of work. 😅😅😅
Katniss, stop being so hard on yourself. You and Gale were kids. 😣😣
Ummm, Katniss for a girl always complimenting Peeta’s storyteller, you’re pretty good at painting a picture yourself...
Peeta noticing she’s shivering 🥰🥺
He gives her ... his jacket 😭😭😭😭 such a romantic troupe Samantha, get over it there’s literally children dying
Oh wow, Lavinia was from the Capitol originally. Hmm, it is sus now that she got District Twelve this particular year.
But also 🤧🤧🤧 “he secures a button at my neck.”
His hands .... are .... often .... at her .... neck .... 😶😬 .... look away, y’all
Oh wow, Katniss is over here thinking, “who’d leave the Capitol if they were from here???” And Peeta’s like instantly, loudly, without hesitating, “well I would 🙋🏼‍♂️”
Hot take, y’all ready? Peeta was a bigger rebel than Katniss from the start. At least internally.
Awww, Peeta is so jealous 😭😭😭😭 and kind of nosy 🤭🤭🤭
Katniss : “me and Gale are not related” Peeta : “😬🙃😭😩😶”
“I'd set out to tell her I was sorry about dinner. [...] my apology runs much deeper. [...] I let the Capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger. Just like I was watching the Games.” I feel like this is actually a good comparison though, because of you grew up in a society where you have to watch kids die, your whole entire life you’ve watched it in a glorified television show, you would be really desensitized to it...
“You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope.” Here she’s talking about Lavinia but it applies to Peeta too. Katniss was Lavinia’s last hope and she feels like she let her down but Peeta was her last hope once and he came through. And, as she said in chapter one, she’ll never forget him for it. And for other things too. Later on. 😏
Of course my last bullet point was focused on Everlark 🤣 is anyone surprised you shouldn’t be we all knew who this post was written by right? 😅
And once again, if too made through this marathon, congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳 maybe next chapter I’ll talk less not likely though so don’t count on it 😅
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
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Agave Syrup: ship kid. Secondary collab verse.
Annnnnd here's the new baby! She's my Cciller ship kid. She exists the the secondary ship kid universe which is a collab verse with @thebluescreen. She's from the Multiverse Rem is a part of, but not from the multiverse Coffee creamer is from. (They are two separate multiverses with different ships and storys.)
Both Agave and 4Loko are the same person, I'll explain below.
"yall really for a no caff, full foam, double chocolate latte, with an extra hit of caramel syrup!? It's my own special blend..... Added just for you~"
Name: Agave Syrup
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Strate
Parents: (Bio) Ccino (Da) and Killer (Baba). Non bio Nightmare (Father).
Other family: Rem (older half brother) Vanta (older half brother) Somba Lullaby (older half brother). Dream (uncle) Cross (Uncle) Radiant Hope (Cousin) Empathy (Cousin). And many cats.
Nicknames: Kitten (by killer) and Gave
Agave is the youngest of the Fluffynightkiller ship kids from the second verse. She grew up primary raised By Ccino and her oldest brother Rem. Killer and Nightmare were there, but weren't massively involved parents.
Agave is pretty close to her brother Rem, despite the 13 year age gap and will normally have a fortnightly movie night where they will watch crappy horror movies (like Jack Frost or The Sand) and laugh about how stupid they are. They also both love to watch old horror movies and play a game of "what incredibly stupid choice will character A make that will result in there death? Hmmm". It's there favourite thing to do together.
Agave isn't a huge fan of generally good horror films though and especially can't stand the saw films. So she doesn't watch them unless it's with Rem.
Agave and her other brother Somba aren't as close (he's 5 years older) but she still cares alot for him and isn't above defending him if needed.
Agave has two main sides to herself, this being how she is normally and her persona/alterego 4Loko. But more on that below.
Normally she is a very bright and chipper girl who's abit of a goof. She sees the fun or silly side in alot of things in life and is rarely not in a good mood. She's also quite a passive person (or at least pretends to be) and is quite kind. Her personality is abit to much like Dream's for Nightmare's liking so the two aren't really close.
She's that person who is very fun to be around but just slightly unnerving. Like there is something going on underneath her smile. Something just slightly off.
Being born with her soul on the outside of her body wasn't suprising because of her relation to Killer, however it caused Ccino to be conserned during her up bringing. He were quite scared about how easily she could be hurt of killed so always kept a close eye on her. Killer didn't care as much and gave her more free rain. For example, letting her play with this pocket knife as a 1 year old.
Agave works primarily at her Da's coffee shop and takes great pride in it. She grew up there and its been a part of her life ever since she can remember. She enjoys making her own flavouring syrups and blends to put into drinks to make them taste better. Other then that she's studying a business degree (at age 18 +) at a local university in order to get better with the business.
About 4Loko and her soul.
"Me? And serial killer? No no I'm a barista, those aren't even similar....."
Now this is where things start up, because she's got to inherit some things from Killer, right?
Agaves soul glitches, much like Killer's does, from being heart shaped to being target shaped. It does this many times a day. When this happens it normally doesn't last longer then a few seconds till it goes back to normal. To an outsider it may even be unnoticeable and for the most part it doesn't effect Agave.
However sometimes she will trap her soul into a jar or some type of container. Doing this will stop it from glitching and stick it in whatever form its in (she can't do this all the time as it strains the soul and brings pain). So sometimes she will stick it in target mode. When she sticks it in target mode, her eyes drip.
Unbeknownst to any of her parents when her soul is like this, it changes her. She feels basically nothing, no fear, no sadness, no guilt or empathy. She realised at a young age that this was her super power.
In this mode she could do anything and not suffer any emotional consequences.
It started with stealing cookies from the biscuit tin at age 9 and evolved into hurting bully's at school. Then into giving food poisoning to rude customers by mixing up syrups to slip into drinks to make people ill.
For the most part she stays out of this mode, only dipping in when she felt she needed to test how far she could push it.
When she was 15 she started to consider pushing it to the limit.
She was watching the news and found out about some kind of abuser or murder being arrested and she thought. Why do we let people who do such horrible things live? Wouldn't it be better if they were dead? Then she realised, with her super power, could she kill someone?
When she was 16 she had her first kill. They were robber shed caught beating someone in an alleyway. (I don't know to much about this yet so I'll need to think more about it) but afterwards, she realised that she'd been right in the fact that she didn't feel guilty. She could use this to make the world a better place!
She didn't kill again for about a year. (just incase, I wanna point out that I'm not saying that what Agave does is justified. She's just an ship kid, a act of fiction and not ment to be taken seriously)
So anyway, by age 17 Agave makes her second kill and continues on that path. These are alot more thought out and planned. Her method of choice is through creating poisonous syrup and killing people that way, though she isn't above a good old knife death. Her Baba taught her well. She also carries around chemicals to clean blood and things like that.
She doesn't like her victims to dweal in pain and gets the deaths over quickly and painlessly. She gets no pleasure from causing pain to others, and when she doesn't have a target soul it makes her upset to hurt people.
Agave ended up calling her killer mode 4Loko. That's the name for her alterego the serial killer. She separates 4Loko from herself and doesn't want it to impact her Day to day life. So she will use make up to cover the birth mark on her face. When she's in her 20s she ends up working as an hireable assassin for killing criminals. But more on that later.
Non of her parents know about her double life. But that doesn't mean no one does.
Rem has always kept a close eye on his little sister. Over the years he noticed her odd behaviour and her collection of 'syrups' that she keeps in her room hidden.
During her 17th year he confronts her about what she does (which was a huge mess) the two fought as she attempted to stab him through the soul with her knife. She couldn't let him live if he knew right? She would have been able to but she just couldn't bring herself to hurt him. Since she wasn't in target mode she just couldn't do it especially as he spoke to her and talked her down. (tbh it's actually a kind of sweet scene between them).
After he's calmed her Rem offers to help her kill people, and he's very happy to. (Rem has alot of darkness under his kind surface which I'm sure @thebluescreen would be more then happy to explain in better detail).
So the two grow closer through that.
And yeah, that's the basic run down of my Cciller baby.! Hope you like her! My barista turned murderer/hitman I figured this would be a good mix of both her parents.
You have no idea! How long I spent working on her colour scheme..... It took about a month till I finally had this one and I'm pretty happy with it. I hope I explained everything about her double life well, I wasn't sure how clear it is. If you have any questions, please ask.
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