#but i will be sweet and kind and smiley and lovely despite despite despite
leeknowlover99 · 8 months
Sweet tooth
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pairing: Jake x reader
synopsis: friends (idiots) to lovers - where everyone can see they have feelings for each over except for them - coworkers au, set in cute coffee shop/bakery
word count: 8,7k
warning: fluff, mentions of anxiety and insomnia, swearing, kissing making out, eventual smut (pretty vanilla), slow burn, one bed coach trope, they’re both a bit silly, no mention of protection 🫣
A/N: this was so much fun to write, the way they are both in denial 🙈 hope you enjoy it 🫶🏻
Jake has always smelled sweet, like vanilla and cinnamon. like a hug from comfort person. but ever since he started working at his uncle’s cafe it intensified. now it was more like cake frosting but with a hint of roasted coffee beans. you wondered if you smelled the same after working there with him for over two months. little cafe became your safe space quickly. escape from stressful uni life. Jake and the rest of the cafe workers were always kind and gentle to you. even during the rush hours it felt like time slowed down here. but the thing you loved the most was hours after closing when you cleaned up and tried new recipes with Jake. you were not much of a baker but you always were good with art so your job was taking care of the visual presentation of Jake’s new creations.
however today both of you were too exhausted to stay up. you cleaned up in a hurry and closed up. you were both heading to the nearest bus station as cafe was quite far from your apartments.
“i’m sad that summer is ending. evenings are already so chilly. aren’t you cold y/n?” Jake looked at your sundress concerned.
“a little bit” you admitted. “i didn’t expect for the temperature to drop so much.”
“let’s walk a little bit faster then” he said wrapping his arm around you. “is this okay?”
you nodded and snuggled into him. he emanated pleasant warmth and that sweet scent you loved so much.
“how’s uni?” you asked.
“it’s already starting to be busy. so many assignments, i will probably have to take less shifts at the cafe.” Jake was majoring in
“yeah same for me. i’m so jealous that this is your last year.” you still had two years left.
Jake laughed and his voice sounded so melodic, every time you heard it your mood elevated instantly.
“it will pass fast, you’ll see. look your bus will be here in 1 minute, lucky you” he pointed at the live schedule at the bus stop as you approached it.
“thank god, i actually started shivering” you commented.
“i hope you won’t catch a cold. drink some tea with honey when you get home.” Jake insisted. it was sweet how caring he was.
“i will! when is your next shift?” you asked before getting in the bus.
“Monday! see you Y/N!” Jake screamed and waved through the bus window.
you waved backed as the bus started moving and soon Jake smiley face disappeared from your sight.
you met Jake in your home town - Busan when you were both in middle school. your mums started working together in the office and quickly became close friends. when summer came barbecue parties in your garden became a weekly event. Jake wasn’t always coming by with his parents, usually he would visit every two or three weeks. at first it felt a little bit awkward as you were complete strangers without much in common. Busan was a big city and you attended different schools and hang out in different friend groups. Jake was also one year older than you. but despite all of this you quickly started to get along well, exchanging stories and interests. however you never kept in touch between those parties. when warm summer days ended replaced by cold and dark days your parents started meeting less often and usually Jake wouldn’t come, too busy with studying. your bond always strengthened over the summers. when you were in high school you started your tradition of stealing some beers from the fridge and sneaking out to sit on the beach and talk drinking the liquor. you always cherished this moments, knowing they will soon become the past.
after Jake graduated high school he moved out to Seoul and you haven’t seen him for two years. you graduated next summer and also decided to continue your education in the capital city. you moved out with your best friend and started your major in chemistry. during summer after first year of uni you got a text from Jake asking if you would be interested in part time job in his uncle’s cafe as they needed new people immediately. you were actually in the process of looking for a summer job so you gladly accepted the offer without thinking too much about it. soon you fell in love with the little cafe and rebuild your bond with Jake, spending multiple hours working together. now you could say you went back to being friends, even closer than ever.
it was already 10 pm when you arrived at your dorm, you were sharing a room with your best friend Hari. you both got in the same university and moved to Seoul together. you were glad for having her in your life as she was the only person keeping you sane through all the hardships and stresses.
“hi cupcake” he greeted you using the nickname she gave you in primary school connected to your love for sweet things.
“hey there” you said back with a sigh, you were exhausted and although weekend was starting you knew it won’t bring you any rest, only more work.
“you’re early. you and jake didn’t bake today?” she asked stretching out on her bed.
“nope, we were both too tired.”
“oh and i thought that maybe you had some trouble in your paradise” she giggled. Hari was shipping you and Jake ever since you started working together and getting closer again. as she claimed you two were destined to be together.
“please don’t start” you plopped down on your own bed too tired to even change your clothes.
“i’m not starting. but just saying. i’m waiting until one of you finally will realize that you have feelings for each other!”
“but we don’t, so there’s nothing to realize. we’re just friends.” you and Jake had a sort of special bond but it wasn’t anything romantic. sure you noticed how handsome he was, how his blond hair completed his pretty face and how bright his smile was. you also knew he was a great, kind and gentle person. but that was something everyone could see about him. you were only objectively noticing his good qualities.
“yeah yeah just friends my ass. friends don’t look at each other the way you do or have this dreamy eyes when they think about the other person” she wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“i’m just tired, it’s my tired eyes” you defended yourself a little bit annoyed at this point.
Hari could talk all she wanted. you knew there was nothing between you and Jake besides old good friendship. you cut her blabbering by disappearing in the bathroom to take a shower and putting on loud music. you needed some time to yourself to rest and get ready for tomorrow. you had two assignments and tone of studying to do. and if you’ll be lucky maybe you’ll have enough energy to go to one of the weekly frat parties. you were dying to finally let loose and have some fun.
somehow you managed to get on top of your productivity and complete everything from your Saturday’s to do list. moreover you actually had a lot of energy left, only one last thing was left - get wasted - as you scribbled in your journal. Hari couldn’t hide her enthusiasm when you informed her that you’re going out today.
“it’s been so long! finally the best party duo will be back in town!” she put on taylor swift and insisted on doing your make up. “please y/n i have the greatest idea in my mind, it will look beautiful on you i promise.” you could only agree so now you were patiently waiting for her to be done so you can pick your outfit.
“we’ll go to house party at Kappa” Hari informed you. “sunghoon told me he’s going to be there, i hope we’ll get to talk.” she shared, Sunghoon was Hari’s crush since forever but just recently they finally started talking and things were slowly starting to get serious between them.
“girl we need you in that pink dress tonight! he’ll lose his mind when he sees you in it” you suddenly remembered the dress you bought her as a birthday gift. it complimented her figure perfectly and cool shade of pink was bringing up her features.
“yess, it will be perfect!” she clapped excited. “by the way i heard Jake is hanging out with Sunghoon a lot recently. so there’s a chance he might be there too.” she winked and you rolled your eyes. but your stomach twisted at the possibility of spending time with Jake outside of work. despite you two being pretty close now you rarely texted or talked besides the cafe. you didn’t even follow him on any social media, only have his number saved up.
“it will be nice to see him outside of work.” you commented keeping your face straight.
“sooo what are you going to wear now that i gave you this precious piece of information?” Hari asked.
the final choice was made after the long debate that was also be the reason of your late arrival to the party. but the way white lacy corset and denim skirt you wore was totally worth it.
“girl you’re going to have all the guys falling to your feet” Hari giggled as you entered the frat house. the place was loud and crowded but nothing over the top. you found your usual squad consisting of an odd mix of art and chemistry students occupying one of the large coaches.
“ahh finally you made it!” Jungwon greeted you with a broad smile.
“the queen is never late, everybody else is early” Hari announced loudly.
“she’s not even drunk yet” Ryujin laughed and went for a tight hug with both of you.
“it’s good to see you, i was worried that you’re overworking yourself y/n but here you are looking hotter than hell!” Ryujin definitely had few drinks already. you giggled at her compliments.
“i’m going to check out the kitchen.” you informed them leaving Hari space to say hello to Sunghoon.
you wondered into the large kitchen, where all the counters were cluttered with liquor and snacks. you checked out your option and went for good old ponch. you wondered if Jake is going to show up as it was already pretty late and he was nowhere to be seen. you didn’t know why you even wanted to see him today but you felt bitter taste of disappointment. but you didn’t let yourself grieve too much. you came back to your friends with two drinks, one for you and one for Hari. she was already gossiping with Sunghoon so you just handed her the drink and plopped down between Jay and Yeji. soon alcohol started buzzing in your veins and you got invested with loud conversations with your friends. it was nice to catch up after a long time and hear what’s up in other people’s lifes. however after some time pleasant buzzing in your head turned into a slight headache, the effects of insomnia and being overworked. you excused yourself to the kitchen, but this time only purred yourself a glass of water. you took a sip and felt better immediately. you leaned against the counter with sigh.
“are you alright?” voice startled you. the voice you knew all too well.
“jake? hii” you light up. “yeah i’m alright, just a bit tired after the week, you know how it is” you muttered to stunned by him.
he was wearing simple white shirt but left few upper buttons undone and his firm chest was exposed for your eyes. he fixed his messy hair and looked at you with pink cheeks. he must’ve been pretty drunk you thought.
“you look gorgeous” he whispered and looked down immediately, if you didn’t know him you would think he’s frustrated. but this wasn’t really in Jake’s character.
“thank you” you blushed, deeply happy that he liked your outfit. all that efforts did not go to waste.
“do you want to get some fresh air?” he asked suddenly and you sent him a confused look.
“i don’t mean smoke, just walk around? i’m a bit overwhelmed here” he explained.
“sure let’s go. i’ll join you at the door in a minute” you agreed without hesitation.
you stopped by Hari to whisper to her that you’re leaving with Jake only for her to wiggle her eyebrows furiously at you. “have fun” she screamed at you when you were leaving and you poked your tongue at her.
Jake was waiting for you with his denim jacket in hand.
“wear it, i don’t want you to get a cold” he said while putting it on you.
“but aren’t you going to be cold?” you asked concerned.
“don’t worry, this shirt is pretty thick.” he dismissed you but you weren’t going to give up so easily.
“at least button it up a bit” you scoffed and reach out to help him. you realized what you’re doing when your fingers made contact with hot skin of his chest. it was probably alcohol making you bold as you usually weren’t the type to be touchy with your friends. you buttoned two buttons of his shirt and looked up. Jake was averting his gaze and you could swear his cheeks were more pink than before.
“all done. we can go.” you said and opened the door.
for first couple of minutes you walked around in silence, emptiness and quietness of the streets being the nice contrast to the loud party. sky was clear tonight leaving a perfect view of constellations. here in seoul they weren’t visible as good as in busan but still astonished you with their beauty.
“what are you thinking about?” jake broke the silence first.
“i’m thinking about the stars. do you remember when we used to watch them during summer nights sitting on Songdo beach?” you asked looking up.
“life was easier back then, i felt in peace during those nights. i miss the beach. i like seoul but busan will always be in my heart.” he responded.
“did you ever think about coming back after graduating?” you turned your gaze towards him.
“yeah it crossed my mind, but i don’t think so. at least not just after graduating. maybe in the future.” he kept eye contact with you.
“same for me. i won’t have same opportunities there.” you agreed.
“these are some serious topics for a party night” he laughed out of the sudden and it reminded you that he was way drunker than you.
“sorry, didn’t want to ruin the mood” you reflected yourself.
“no, i didn’t mean it like that” he quickly protested grabbing your arm. “you didn’t ruin anything. i just would rather escape this topics today.” his touch burned you.
“sure, i understand.” you smiled gently at his worried face. “let’s get back to the party.” you proposed.
“i think i’m gonna head home already. it’s late and i need to rest a bit” Jake yawned and stretched out.
“sure, i think i’m gonna get going too, Hari has company and i could use some sleep too.” you decided.
“i’ll walk you home. it’s dangerous to walk alone at night.” Jake said. your dorm was about ten minutes away and you were sure you’re going to be fine but didn’t decline the offer. you liked Jake’s presence more than you wanted to admit. “by the way what’s up with Sunghoon and Hari? are they a thing now?” he asked as you were walking towards your dorm.
“ohhh so Sunghoon didn’t share any details?” you asked surprised. you thought they were close when Hari told you they hang out a lot.
“nah he’s pretty reserved and i didn’t want to push him. but i definitely noticed something is going on.”
“well Hari on the other hand is not secretive at all.” you laughed. “i think they’ll start dating officially soon. Hari liked Sunghoon since forever and well she can be very persistent. i guess her efforts paid off.” you explained.
“oh but Sunghoon definitely had an eye on her too. but good for her that she did not give up.” he commented as you crossed the street getting close to your building.
“oh she never gives up. can you believe she still didn’t stop shipping us?” you blurted out and immediately regretted it. you were grateful that it was night time because your face turned red instantly. you always said too much after drinking. Jake turned towards you surprise evident in his wide eyes.
“she is shipping … us?” the way his eyes switched between you two made you even more embarrassed.
“yeah, no matter how many times i tell her that we’re friends she keeps insisting” you brushed your hand through your hair nervously.
Jake’s expression was unreadable, but you saw him watch you intently.
“sorry don’t know why i brought it up, she’s being annoying with it.” you started talking to deal with awkward silence between you.
“it’s fine. i was just surprised. i didn’t know that.” Jake reassured you but you could tell by his eyes that he was confused.
“let’s forget about it. we’re here, i’m going to get going. don’t want to stop you anymore.” you quickly blurted out, in a rush to get away from Jake and die out of embarrassment in the comfort of your apartment.
“have a good night y/n and see you on monday” Jake smiled.
“wait your jacket!” you remembered and started to take it off.
“you can keep it, i’m fine. you’re the one who’s always cold.” he said and proceeded to walk away.
“good night!” you shouted back at him after a few seconds of shock.
after he turned around the corner and disappeared from you sight you hidden your face in your hands. you cringed at the whole walk with him, first you started too serious conversations and later you started talking about shipping you together. you seriously needed a ban for alcohol. you hugged his jacket around yourself tighter and his scent hit your nose, the sweet scent you loved so much. you went back home to go to sleep and escape from embarrassment.
you actually managed to get some rest throughout the sunday, you pushed all the thoughts about Jake away and Hari was too busy talking about Sunghoon to keep questioning you. however now as you were on your way to cafe after classes you felt anxiety creep up your spine. you hoped Jake was too drunk to remember and care. at least that was what you wanted to believe in. you opened cafe door with your head high and smile on your lips. „hi!” you greeted Mina, your other coworker, who was just ending her shift.
„hi Y/n! so glad to see you. and you look so pretty today!” she smiled at you from behind the counter.
“thank you” you beamed at compliment. “i’ll go change. is Jake here already?” you asked.
“no, he actually called and said he will be a bit late today. i can stay with you if you want” she proposed but you could tell she was dying to go home.
“no, it’s fine. it’s not busy today” you looked around. not even half of the tables was occupied.
you got ready and started evening shift alone. it felt nice to stop thinking and focus on all the tasks, you didn’t even noticed when an hour passed. you realized when you looked at the clock above the door when Jake run inside with messy hair and pink cheeks.
“i’m sorry, i had to stay some extra at labs” he started explaining immediately but you stopped him.
“hey, it’s okay. no need to be so dramatic. here have some water” you purred him a glass.
“thank you” he said breathing heavy and taking a sip. his adam apple bobbed and you couldn’t help but find it attractive when he was a flushed and sweaty. “i know you’re fine on your own but i just hate being late, it’s all in the head” his voice broke you out of the haze.
“i know. you don’t have to be so hard on yourself you know” you instinctively reached out to rub his shoulder in comforting manner. you were about to withdraw your hand after you realized but he actually leaned into your touch and put his big hand on yours. your eyes met, softness in his gaze making you smile.
“thank you. i’ll go change now.” he said finally.
“how was your sunday? did you get some rest?” he asked later on when you were sorting the cups in dishwasher.
“yes i finally did, felt so good. i can tell i started the week with good energy” you responded. “and you?”
“yeah i got some rest in the morning but then i was out again.” he chuckled.
“ohh our social butterfly” you joked.
“yeah, i had a date” he suddenly admitted.
“oh” you could stop the sound from escaping your lips. “how was it?” you corrected yourself quickly. you were surprised. Jake never mentioned his love life to you before and he didn’t seem like the person who was looking for relationship now.
“it was nice, i had a good time” he said.
“that’s great! so happy for you” you tried to make your enthusiasm sound honest, but your insides twisted a bit.
“well actually i was already on few dates with her” he scratched his head while looking down. you steadied yourself against the counter. “at first i had hope for something but the more we met the more it became obvious that it’s not working out. i couldn’t really feel anything towards her. i think something was stopping me. like i kept thinking that’s not it..”
“excuse me can we get another cinnamon roll?” women’s voice interrupted your conversation.
“sure, coming” Jake responded and went to grab the cinnamon roll from the counter.
your mind was spiraling from all the information he gave you. you didn’t understand why he suddenly shared so many details with you, but maybe he just needed someone to vent to. you gritted your teeth unconsciously and went back to work. when Jake came back from the table he did not continue the conversation and acted like it didn’t happen so you you did the same.
“can we schedule baking for friday? i’m too exhausted today and i think friday is our next shift together.” he asked towards the end of your shift.
“sure, friday sounds good, we won’t have to hurry” you agreed. you were too drained today too.
“perfect! you can go already, i’ll take care of the closing. we’ll be even for my delay today.” he proposed.
normally you wouldn’t agree and stay with him but today you wanted to escape his presence as fast as possible so you just nodded.
“thanks it would be great.”
you felt relief when you walked out of sweet cafe into the fresh air of the night. coldness of the wind wasn’t bothering you this time but bringing much needed refreshment. you didn’t know why lately all your interactions with Jake were so awkward. you blamed Hari for waking up weird ideas in your head and hoped this odd feeling will disappear till Friday.
Friday came suddenly, this week felt like a breeze and you were full of energy. you were looking forward to baking with Jake. it’s been a long time since you’ve done it and new season was just around the corner so you needed to make some preparations. technically this wasn’t part of your job, but the owner being Jake’s uncle made cafe feel like a family business and you both really wanted to help as much as you could. and combining your talents always brought back the best results.
tonight was super busy in the cafe so you decided to close an hour later than usual and were left with ton of cleaning to do but neither of you wanted to cancel your plans, you worked quickly in silence and managed to finish daily tasks around 11 pm.
“okay let’s get to work now, it’s already so late” Jake scratched his head.
you put on some quiet jazz music in the background and put on the apron.
“so what are you doing tonight chef?” you asked with a broad smile.
“we need something new for fall menu. i was thinking about trying something we’ve never made here before- pumpkin cupcakes with dark chocolate and cinnamon.” he started telling you all about his idea while preparing ingredients.
“i’m already hungry at the thought of it.” you licked your lips and you noticed Jake smiled at you. “so what size are they going to be? do you want the decorations to be in fall vibe as well?” you asked him for more details.
“here are the forms” he showed you medium sized forms, cupcakes would be about a size of his fist you thought. “i was thinking that we may even go more for spooky Halloween decor. what do you suggest?” he asked.
“sounds like a plan. let me think for a while” you said already picturing all the possible options. you picked out your journal from black bag and sat down ready to draw. while Jake started working on pumpkin dough you scribbled few ideas down. after giving it a thought you crossed out the ones you didn’t like and went to show Jake some options.
“i did few spooky ones and one with fall vibes.” you explained showing him your doodles. “for spooky ones spiders web is a must, here look at that design, it will look like it’s melting down the cupcake. second one i have are this little ghosts, they are spooky and cute at the same time, i got inspiration from the little ghosts from ghibli movies. and for fall ones i was thinking about white cream and little pumpkins from frosting. here take a look.” you were focusing on describing the drawings while Jake watched you with silent adoration and admired your talent. you only noticed when you finally stopped talking and your gaze met his eyes.
“i love all of them. but will you be able to make that pumpkins out of the frosting? it seems complicated.” he questioned.
“i’ll try but i’m positive about it” you reassured him, you already had a plan in your mind.
“great, always the best ideas in that pretty head of yours” he ruffled your hair but you were too focused on the fact that he called you pretty to care. it never happened before and you felt yourself blush at the sudden compliment. you looked away.
“let’s get to work then. i’ll prepare the cream and frosting!” you smiled and started your job.
you were silent for the next hour, enjoying your company and focusing on the things you loved, there was some kind of comfort in all of that. dim lighting of the cafe and sweet scent of your baked goods making the night even more atmospheric.
when you finally finished baking and decorating you were dying out of the hunger. you took some pictures to capture your creations and then you let yourself get the taste.
“oh. my. god. Jake. that’s so delicious” you complimented him mouth full of delicious cupcakes. sweet taste of pumpkin was perfect with combination of bitter dark chocolate and cinnamon. “that’s the best shit you ever made.”
“i’m glad you like it” he laughed throwing his head back. “i have to admit i love them too” he said taking another bite. “but the decor is what makes them top tier. you’re really so talented y/n. i’m sure they will sell out so fast.” he continued.
you ate way too many cupcakes than you should and lazily cleaned up the kitchen.
“ah i’m exhausted but at the same time i feel so rested after our baking session” you shared.
“it’s like the comfort thing, just like our evenings on the beach in Busan. we found a worthy substitute here in Seoul.” Jake smile warmly at you.
“you’re right. let’s get going, i think we’re done with everything here. what time is it?” you asked collecting for stuff from around the cafe.
“oh shit” you heard Jake whisper.
“what?” you asked concerned.
“it’s past 1 a.m already. i have no idea how it passed so quickly.” he said frowning at his phone.
“fuck. i don’t think we have any buses left.” you cursed out.
“i’ll check kakao taxi.” Jake said and started scrolling on his phone. “you’ve got to be kidding me!” he exclaimed loudly few seconds later. “i’m not paying fucking 400,000 won to go back home.”
“oh my god” you agreed. you were already on the budget and couldn’t afford any unnecessary spendings.
“i’m sorry y/n i didn’t know it’s so late” Jake started apologizing you, guilt painting his eyes.
“hey we both got lost in time.” you reassured him. “let’s think what are our options.”
“hmm i guess we could stay here until the morning buses. when do they start? i think around 4 am. it’s only 3 hours then” he started thinking out loud pacing around the cafe.
“that’s not a bad idea.” you agreed. “we can just crush here. we have the couch and blankets.”
“okay then.” Jake grabbed some blankets from the storage room. “you can take the coach, i’ll settle down for one of the armchairs.” he said. space of the cafe wasn’t big so there was only one big coach.
“i think we can both fit here if you don’t mind, should be enough space” you examined rearranging the pillows. “you’ll be uncomfortable on the armchair.” you didn’t mind sharing the space with Jake and you felt bad that he’s always sacrificing his comfort for you.
“if you are fine with it then sure. coach is definitely better.” he laughed and plopped down. “i’ll set the alarm for 4 o clock, is that okay?” he asked and you nodded in agreement. he fidgeted a bit on the coach and got comfortable. you lied down next to him and threw a blanket over your bodies, there was enough space for both of you on the coach but your limbs were touching. at first you thought it will be awkward but it actually felt good, warmth of Jake’s body was giving for comfort. you didn’t even know when you drifted away to sleep.
Jake was fucked. you were laying next to him asleep and fidgeting, you must be dreaming about something. he tried to fall asleep but your scent and warmth was distracting to say the least. his body burnt in places where your limbs were touching. he shouldn’t agree to sleep with you on the coach. he knew it wasn’t normal for a friend to feel this way towards you but he was also well aware he crossed that line a while ago. he realized when his heart skipped a beat whenever you would smile at him. he tried to deny it, explain it. he justified the ache in his heart, everybody would feel intimidated in the presence of someone as nice and pretty as you right? but deep down he knew. oh and when he saw you in that dress on the frat party. he needed some fresh air immediately to calm himself down. but then you started talking how Hari is shipping both of you. and you were looking so cute with his jacket on, like you were his. he was so embarrassed but at the same time he wanted to ask you “would it be so weird for us to be together?” but of course he never did. he just laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing ever not his dream. he didn’t know why he mentioned his date to you the next day. it’s not like it meant anything to him, it was a failed attempt to forget about you. he wanted to die when you were looking at him with big confused eyes when he was talking nonsense about it. he knew he couldn’t with for you to feel same way about him. you deserved so much better, someone who was brave enough to confess, someone who would always keep in touch with you, not disappear from your life like he did many times. he was always a coward.
now his heart was pounding as you turned to your side your back making contact with his chest. you sighed in your sleep and went still. maybe it was time to finally start acting on his feelings, being someone who’s sure and confident. in a sudden wave of bravery he put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer burying his face in the crook of your neck. he closed his eyes and tried to steady his breath enough to fall asleep.
sharp sound of the alarm woke you up and your body jolted. however you couldn’t get up as there was a weight holding you down. you blinked your eyes open and noticed Jake’s arm holding your waist and you realized that your bodies are curled up together. you stopped the ringing of alarm and turned around in Jake’s embrace to look at him.
“good morning” he muttered slowly waking up.
“hi, did you sleep well” you swallowed and asked in the whisper highly aware of his proximity. his firm and hot body pressed against yours making you feel dry at your throat. he kept his arm around you, caressing your side.
“yeah, i actually slept amazing. and you?” he asked.
“i did too. definitely better than expected.” you responded.
Jake’s fringe was messed up, loose strands covering his pretty brown eyes, you wanted to look at them without distractions. the urge was so strong that you reached out and fixed his hair gently. however after you didn’t withdraw your hand, just kept it tangled in his golden strands. now you kept eye contact, his pupils were dilated and eyes squinting slightly. you felt his breath fasten and saw his eyes flick down, you also averted your gaze towards his plump pink lips. you didn’t even noticed when you got closer to him and tagged at his hair lightly, it was all your bodies doing. now you were breathing heavily too, chest rising and falling visibly, cheeks flushed. tension was high between you two and Jake was the the first one to break it.
“can i kiss you?” he basically moaned.
you didn’t respond verbally just smashed your lips against his and finally tasted him. you started the kiss rather gently, carefully discovering the feeling of his lips. Jake returned the kiss immediately and you felt arousal in your stomach at the simple movement of his lips. they were perfect and the kiss quickly became less shy. Jake licked your lower lip asking for permission and you granted it immediately, your tongues curiously meeting. you felt him groan in your mouth and pull your body closer. you moaned at the sensation, your boobs meeting his hard chest and feeling of his boner pressing against your abdomen. you tagged at his perfect hair and grinded against him, throwing your leg over his hip to gain better access. Jake’s hand travelled to your ass, squeezing the soft flesh and pushing you against his hard on. you moaned and your lips disconnected for the first time, a string of saliva between them.
“what are we doing?” you asked breathless, Jake looked stunning like that, with lips swollen from your kisses and dark eyes filled with lust.
“something i’ve been wanting to do for way too long.” he said, his voice raspy. his words send another wave of arousal straight to your core. you thighs clenched uncontrollably and he definitely noticed, you saw him gulp.
“do you want to keep going baby?” he asked and you melted hearing the nickname. you didn’t know how much you were craving him, both physically and emotionally but now you have realized it, you were in love with Jake. “babe, can you give me an answer?” he asked you for the second time gently caressing your face. you leaned in his touch.
“yes Jakie, i want all of you.” you said and added “please” just to see him fold.
“fuck, you’ll be the death of me” he hissed and kissed you again. this time it was much rougher and full of urgency, you sucked on his tongue and he bit your lip all while trying to get you out of your clothes. when your shirt and bra were gone he moved down and captured your hardened nipple with his mouth, flicking his tongue around it and pinching the other one with his hands. the sensation was making your head spin. you needed him bad. when he moved up to suck on your neck your hand found his belt and unbuckled it to slip underneath his pants and palm him. his length felt thick and hard beneath your fingers. Jake bucked his hips in your hand.
“needy are you?” you giggled.
“you don’t even know.” he whispered. “but you’re no better i’m afraid” he teased slipping his palm into your panties, wetness immediately meeting his fingers. “fuck you’re so wet.”
you moaned when he found your clit and started rubbing circles around it. “Jake i need you” you pleaded too impatient to cherish the moment, you needed him inside now.
“i know baby, i know. i’ll just warm you up a bit okay?” he asked inserting one finger inside your warm pussy. you were starving for anything but finger did not feel enough.
“need more” you urged him.
“be a good girl” he scolded you.
“please” you moaned when he added second finger and fastened his moves. “i’m ready.”
Jake couldn’t resist you anymore, not when you pleaded like that. he was hot and needy for you, his precum leaking in his boxers. you got rid of the rest of your clothes and Jake settled between your legs, his dick so pretty you drooled at the sight, perfect length with red tip and one vein slightly visible. you wanted to taste him, but not now. he started rubbing his leaking tip against your wet core. “are you sure?” he asked one last time and when you nodded he pushed the tip inside. you were so wet it slid right in, you both moaned at the sensation. Jake was so lost in the feeling that he unconsciously started thrusting not giving you anytime to adjust but the slight sting disappeared almost immediately replaced with pleasure. his thrust were fast but not too rough, his tip perfectly abusing your sensitive spot, you knew you’ll cum fast. but it was the same for Jake, seeing your pretty tits moving with every thrust, your lips slightly opened in pleasure and hearing your moans was enough to send him over the edge within minutes. you came in the same time connecting your lips in messy kiss. you clenched around him and your vision darkened, sparks travelling through your body. it was one of the best orgasms of your life. Jake peppered your lips in kissed once you both came down from your highs and caressed your face gently.
“y/n i love you” he whispered eyes wide with adoration. “i’ve loved you since forever.” you melted after hearing his confession.
“i love you too” you responded overwhelmed with the sweet feeling.
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sincere1ystar · 1 month
billy the kid x fem! reader
You and Billy have been friends since childhood, having gone through everything together. One day he sees you with another man and he finally realizes his feelings for you.
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For as long as Billy could remember you were his oldest friend. You were there with him thorough it all. You were there when he lost his ma and little brother to that awful disease, when he moved from town to town, and even when he lost track of his morals and who he was you were still there.
Being friends since childhood meant that the two of you saw all sides of each other, the pretty and the ugly. Still despite everything, Billy was grateful to have the privelage to call you a friend.
Friends who truely knew each other inside and out. Friends who took care of each other in times where internal wounds bled into external ones. Friends who were bonded together for life after the horrors they experienced together. The term friend had a nice ring to it. Atleast that’s what he thought before he saw some guy flirting at the market.
It had been routine at this point. At the start of each day, you would go off to sell goods at the town marketplace while Billy would go off to do work of his own.
It shouldnt have bothered him as much as it did, you were single after all. Sometime he forgot that although he considered himself yours, you werent exactly his… yet.
Instead of storming in and demanding that the guy get away from you, he holds himself back. Billy definitely underestimated how badly that would hurt, and the worst part was that he couldn’t even do anything about it since you weren’t even his to begin with.
That day you and Billy walk back home from the market like you always do during the evenings, except this time you’re far too giggly.
“What’s gotten you all smiley?” He asks even though he has a good idea of what the reason is.
“You know that new guy in town? John? He’s mighty kind ain’t he”, you respond with that same giddy tone you always had.
“John huh?… Y’know he seems okay at best, I jus’ don’t think he’s all that”. He tries his best to conceal his jealousy but unfortunately it’s as obvious as a fish in the water.
That night sleep doesn’t come easy to Billy as thoughts of you and this newcomer John plague his mind. He decides to get a cup of water to clear his mind, a remedy that his ma would always give him whenever he had nightmares as a kid. Back then there was a pinch of childhood innocence thrown into the mix so his Ma’s “remedy” used to work , and the next day he was worry free and ready to frolic in the fields with you and the other children in the neighborhood.
He remembers those days even now as he’s staring at the ceiling as sleep runs further and further away from him. His ma would always tease the two of you as kids. He reminisces one day in particular when he was just a boy and his Ma made cookies. You’ve always had a sweet tooth so he decided to save one for you.
“Awww how cute is that supposed to be a lil’ gift for her? Well would ya look at that you have a crush don’t ya?”, his Ma would tease.
“Eww Ma!! No I do not!!!!”, Billy would respond the same everytime.
Billy’s mind then wanders to another past memory where him and his Pa were stargazing one night. Neither of them could sleep and the stars always held a sort of comfort.
He remembers asking his father how he chose to settle down with his mother. His Pa chuckled at the question and answered it along the lines of: “Well, you see Billy what your Ma and I had was true love”.
“True love?”, Billy was far too young at the time to understand the concept but was still curious as ever.
“Yup son. True love. True love is when someone who’ll stick with you no matter what…”
Just like how you stuck by him when he was hopeless after losing everyone, barely having the motivation to get up in the morning yet you still stayed.
“…True love is when someone sees the light in you even when you’re blinded by the darkness…”
Just like how you still saw the good in him even when he was struggling to find honest work.
“…True love is tough to find son. Once ya find it ya can’t doubt it ‘kay? Jus’ go for it”.
Just like how you were truely one in a million. Since childhood he could truely say that he has never met anyone that could even compare to you.
After revisiting the past, sleep comes and embraces Billy with open arms. He wakes up the next morning not only refreshed from a good night’s sleep, but also determined. The first beam of sunlight that hits his face is as he makes his way to your place. You two have always made it a tradition of sorts to have breakfast together, it reminds you two of the past back when you still had a grip on the innocence of childhood.
Usually Billy would have to knock on your door over and over again until the noise became to annoying to bear. It was the only way to get you to of bed since you were not a morning person.
Today was different though, you weren’t inside like usually you were. Instead you were sitting on the porch looking defeated with your eyes wet from tears.
“Hey…”, Billy approached you slowly, “What’s the matter? Somethin’ happen?”
“It’s John”, you respond with your lip trembling, “He didn’t wanna actually be with me.. It was just a bet between him an’ his buddies. I feel like an idiot..No I am an idiot”.
Billy stops you right there, not being fond of you talking down on yourself. “Woah woah don’t say that okay? You ain’t an idiot, if anythin’ he’s the idiot”.
You two sit in a silence for a bear after that before Billy starts again, “You know a real man wouldn’t treat ya like that… You should be with a real man?”
“Like who? I know everyone in this town, and everyone’s found someone so I must be some sort of lost cause!!” The hurt in your tone has now morphed into an anger of sorts. You’re too upset over what happened with John to realize that the man that you’ve been looking for is right in front of you.
“Like me”. His response is clear leaving no confusion over the fact that he’s just confessed the love he’s had for you since childhood.
As much as you try to hide it, his words take you aback. Sure you’ve considered the possibility of Billy as your lover but for him to say it so clearly. Thats a man who knows what he wants. If you were still a girl you would have been all giddy and probably would have ran off and told the fireflies about it.
Oh how you used to dream for moments like these. After seeing all your friends conquer their own romantic relationships while you remained along yourself, you had deemed yourself as unlovable. It seemed to be the only label that fit you, for no man’s last name did.
But now.. now love didn’t sound so foreign after all. It didn’t feel new either, maybe because it wasn’t. Throughout your shared youth and all the losses the two of you experienced, love was what got the two of you through it. Billy truely believed he could get through anything as long as if you were by his side. If you were ever taken from him then the world would truely know what it meant to see the Billy the Kid lose it.
But for right now you were here alive and well in front of him, willing to love him and allow him to be yours. He doesn’t waste a moment and when Billy’s lips met yours, you quickly learned that the syrup on your pancakes wasn’t the only sweet thing you would be tasting that morning.
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absolutebl · 20 days
Hi P’abl!!
Basically, I died back in early July and have missed all things BL, GL, and all the works. I tried to figure out on my own, but I just keep running into spoilers of things I didn’t know had even aired!
Could you just give me a rundown of what’s been going on/happened? I honestly trust you with my life now~
In the last 3 months? Sure:
(I feel like this should be sung to We Didn't Start the Fire)
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Wandee Goodday 9/10
Such a FUN show. A charming quintessentially modern Thai BL about a doctor and a boxer who start as a one night stand and then fall in love. Great rep for everything from Muay Thai, to safe sex, to FUN sex, to ace, to bisexuality, to smiley kisses, to the first legal gay wedding in a Thai BL. It’s a delight and I enjoyed (almost) every single moment of it. 
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Century of Love 9/10
This is a great little show about a young man who fell in love with a pretty girl 100 years ago, and when she died in his arms, he was cursed to live until he could meet her reborn self. Only this time around, she’s reborn into the body of a man. I love it when Thailand gets all up in its own historical business and reincarnation and shizz.
I like this pair. (It’s not DaouOffroad’s fault I didn’t enjoy most of their first series.) Daou’s wushu is pretty snazzy and we got a fun meet cute. (Erm… Remeet cute? Meet cute 2.0?) Plus this is a very PRETTY show. Despite some ham handed comedy moments, this ultimately has more in common with something like I Feel You Linger in the Air meets First Love Again, then (as one might expect) Until We Meet Again or The Director Who Buys Me Dinner.
The leads turned in great performances, although Daou outclassed everybody else on that screen. It’s a good story and a great BL. I’m not sure this is going in my rewatch rotation, but I can’t find any major faults with it beyond a certain level of camp that is sadly endemic to lackorns. Also I’m going to give it credit as the kind of BL that one could safely recommend to lovers of melodrama and historical romance, without having to qualify it as “good for a BL.” It was, to put it succinctly, simply a VERY ENJOYABLE show. 
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We Are 9/10
We Are was slow to find its stride (I didn’t get into it until ep 7) but I’m very glad I gave it a chance. It’s a soft ensemble piece with multiple couples and very little plot, but I didn’t care because it’s not trying to be anything more substantial. Essentially this was a series of vignettes covering one year of uni for a queer friendship group finding love, new friends, and laughter. It’s not being harsh with us or it’s characters the way some offerings of this ilk have been (side eyes Friend Zone and Only Friends) nor did it tumble into Gen Y chaos.
In fact, this reminded me more than anything of a refined and elevated Love Sick - just with older characters and occurring within a genre that has matured too. It has that close queer friendship group meets earnest gentleness that made me adore Love Sick so much. In other words, this was Thai BL at its finest, finding it roots again 10 years on, but also stretching upwards and showing us what it could do with that original seed. So? I loved it. Did it blow my mind? No. But it left me smiling and made me belly laugh quite a bit.
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Cosmetic Playlover 9/10
I loved this little show. It was a classic office BL about the older workaholic who loves his job and the younger upstart who unexpectedly loves his boss. It’s a hyung romance where everybody is extremely earnest and sweet and pretty about everything. Except our seme, who is slightly unhinged and a little obsessed in all the ways one likes best from Japan. Plus the kisses were good! I can’t ask for anything more, utterly charming unexpected gem. What a great time!
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The Rebound 9/10
This was a sports romance Thai BL pulp with everything I could have asked for given this sub genre. More, actually, since MeenPing are both great basketball players and the team component really did form part of the connective tissue of the show (vital in a sports romance). Meen has his shirt off within the first two minutes which is all I needed but he's still pretty great as the sullen secret keeper against Ping's cheerful survivor - childhood sweethearts torn asunder and now reunited. Then Frank sweeps in to give everyone a bad case of second lead syndrome.
I always try to judge BL for what it is AS BL, and what it’s trying to do within its own territory and purview. This did exactly what it claimed on the tin: gay boys play b-ball and fall in love. That was all I wanted from it. Sure there was random kidnapping and a light bought of mass murder, but what’s a BL in 2024 without a touch of the mafia? You do you little pulp, I’m disposed to be pleased.
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My Love Mix-Up (Thai Remake) 8/10
It was fine and it was charming, but it was also a little meh. Thailand managed to take one of Japan's softest cutest most bonkers BLs in recent memory and make it softer and cuter and… dull. They did this by watering it down. JBLs almost always have an edge to them, even the rom-coms, by dulling the edge, MLMU lost a great deal of the sparkle and tension as well. What an office setting managed to mostly maintain in the consummate hands of TayNew felt somewhat lackluster when handed off to the next generation and a high school setting. Cherry Magic was a lovely reinterpretation, Mix Up was an amateur's watercolor rendition of a colorful oil painting.
Am I being harsh? G4 tried their best, and Fourth turned in some outrageously good acting in the latter half. But the show? It was fine. If you like water colors and you haven't seen (and loved) Kieta Hatsukoi.
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This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans 8/10
A story about a kid who infiltrates a cooking competition under false pretenses and then has to deal with the consequences when he falls in love with the head chef. The side couple is a poor little rich boy meets physical therapist (morality chain). The core friendships are excellent and the chemistry cannot be faulted across the (charcuterie) board. What this show lacks in substance it makes up for in health code violations. It was all chili all the time.
Considering that the plot centered on betrayal but the romantic relationship never sweetened enough to balance that bitterness; one could be forgiven for throwing this one in the compost. But I got over all its weaknesses in flavor balancing for an ultimately satisfying meal, with a great dessert course. I've always loved spicy food. Plus the blooper reels were fantastic.
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My Stand-In 8/10
Adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KinnPorsche.
Stuntman Joe dies on the job and wakes up in the body of another Joe with an entirely different life. But Joe just starts repeating the mistakes of his previous self - love, work, play.
I enjoyed the experience of watching this show, I looked forward to it every week. I thought everybody did a great job with it and in it, and I liked that is was something substantially different for Thai BL.
But I’m not sure I'll rewatch it or if it's bingeable. It left me feeling more sanguine than happy. Is there, objectively, anything wrong with it? No. But am I in love with it? No. I think that rests on the central characters, Ming in particular. I never liked him or warmed to them as a couple. I spent most of this show just very very sorry for poor Joe. Thus I was never rooting for their romance.
I would recommend it, if you enjoy your BL more cerebral, with complicated unlikable love interests, and a downtrodden sympathetic lead. Is it, perhaps, more JBL that ThBL? Am I biased because it's a Thai production and I had expectations? What magical carnage could Japan have done with this IP? I'm left with questions, but I'm ultimately glad I watched this.
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SunsetXVibes 8/10
Classic CEO meets ingenue archetypes make for a somewhat banal and simplistic romance. This could’ve come from an 80s Harlequin, except that they’re gay. It's… old fashioned. There was nothing meta about this, there was no subversion or commentary on anything BL, queer, or beyond. It’s just a straight up (okay not straight) romance. I was not wild about these characters for this particular pair, but that’s not the pair's fault, they did a decent job with their parts and I look forward to their next show - here’s hoping it’s a bit more meaty. I preferred the side couple because they were more complex and true to BL archetypes, even if they were also a bit miss-handled.
Ultimately? This is a serviceable show if somewhat lacking in its convictions, but with some beautiful sex scenes, people, and fashion. I was a particular fan of Lin‘s gender bending femme style. It’s groundbreaking to see that aesthetic on one of the leads. There were multiple times they could’ve leaned into well established plot points, paranormal elements, and character tension, and instead just glossed over them. This should probably get a 7/10, but I’m giving it an 8 because of that one oppa line at the beginning, Tenon's tatas, and the call back to Big Dragon with that iconic musical refrain in the final episode. It was a pretty fun ride, emphasis on pretty and ride. 
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Love Sea 7/10
Same couple as LITA2 (FortPeat) , new characters to the Mameverse. While traveling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man (who also breaks into his hotel room, among other red flag agendas). FortPeat are hot and great together, the GL sides are problematic, neglected, and forgotten. Frankly, this is probably a 8/10 show but I’m mad I wasn’t madder at it, and I'm mad I was so bored throughout. So it gets a 7/10 and let us not speak of this again. I’d like to simply forget about it. Trash watch here.
Knock Knock Boys 7/10
A story about 4 boys of differing personalities who end up living together and pair up, falling in love. Slow moving and waffling, with some artificially generated family drama makes this a classic Thai pulp except that in general it's a smiley kiss of a show. It had plenty of good qualities like great communication and sexual rep (including toys, first time, safe sex, and sexual identities). The heat levels were on point and well executed, and the performances were good. It’s just that the script and the directing were lackluster, rendering it ultimately forgettable. Still, fine on a rainy afternoon with some camomile tea or whatever.
For what's currently airing go here.
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snowave · 25 days
I was finally able to play Zayne's birthday card, "Eternal Attachment", and I am out of words at how intimate this card was for me. Everything, I mean everything about this card is perfection, fluff, and diabetes.
Despite of Zayne's image, this card just showed how people around him loves him and admires him for who he is and how he is as a person. The hospital staff (Dr. Greyson, Nurse Yvonne, Dr. Riley, and others), really appreciated MC's plan to celebrate Zayne's birthday. If people just see him as a co-worker and colleague, I doubt that they'll go out of their way to celebrate his birthday, but no, they literally cooperated and did their own contributions for the surprise and it really, really warmed my heart.
(Also, special mention to Dr. Greyson who literally pulled out Nurse Yvonne out of the car to give the two lovebirds a moment after he noticed their intertwined hands. Literally a Zayne and MC shipper, I see.)
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I also love how they dived a bit about Zayne and MC's past as childhood friends, how MC thought that Zayne didn't like her at first because of how he was around her before. I just find it endearing how bold Zayne was to ask MC about her opinion about his "dislike" for her in the present while they were in front of everyone else. He was literally like, "I wasn't the same person as before, wasn't I?" and proceeded to ask if MC still thinks that he dislikes her, only to be answered by MC with, "It is to be determined." I swear, these two.
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Also, the talk after the birthday party for Zayne at the balcony. The way they talked about their separation from years ago, and asked if there were ever regrets with the distance between them, I think it was beautiful. Especially when Zayne said that despite of what happened, it was assuring and it was good that both of them grew up well.
Zayne's short video message for his parents was shown as well. It was short but I think it was cute how he reassured his parents that he's doing well, especially this year because he wasn't celebrating his birthday alone, but rather celebrating it with people who cares about him. And Zayne saying that he'll take care of the people around him and make sure that they're healthy. Also liked how he didn't let MC edit out the video since she was caught talking and was like, "Just send it to them, they know you already." He is just literally showing off and proud of her, isn't he?
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The birthday voucher part! I love, love how Zayne was all so soft and smiley at this part. The way he was leaning onto the truck with that pose, it was divine. He looks so handsome with his new outfit plus the yellows, oranges, and browns on the background made the scenery and him, perfect. I also admire how natural Zayne and MC were with skinship, and how he is not afraid of being all soft and mushy around her, letting her do her thing and smiling to himself as he fondly watches her antics unfold in front of his eyes. The cake smearing, MC putting more icing on his nose, and Zayne leaning in to "share" the icing on MC, which I think was an eskimo kiss since after he leaned in, the icing was gone from his nose and wiped something off of MC's face.
But here comes the fun part, I love how perceptive Zayne is when it comes to MC, he knew that something was up, and the way MC tiptoed to reach him to place a soft kiss on his lips? I literally squealed and giggled.
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The way Zayne's gaze softened even more, a small chuckle escaping his lips when MC pulled away, it was all perfect. He even smiled before leaning down for another kiss which he initiated. I love how it contrasted the Hidden Motive card, which was very spicy and passionate. The way his birthday card is just all fluff, tenderness, gentleness, everything under the sun that could be described as sweet, it perfectly completed this card. It was fun and endearing to see and watch Zayne be showered with the love and appreciation that he deserves, and that he was able to celebrate his birthday without any work, worries or whatsoever.
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May Zayne continue to have more birthday where he'll be able to celebrate it with the love of his life (MC/Us), with the people who cares and loves him, and that his birthdays will always be fruitful and filled with blessings. The guy deserves it, and deserves all the love he is receiving.
And I may be five days early but...
Happy Birthday, Zayne.
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lovesicklovermia · 2 months
“I don’t get it, Clora.” Winifred’s gaze fell across the room, over to Sebastian. “He doesn’t know his arse from his elbow, but every time he so much as breathes, you act as if he’s cured dragonpox.” Sure, perhaps some inconsiderate words were used from the girl, but could you blame her? Clora was a bright-eyed, intelligent and kind girl, someone from a Grimms Brothers tale. An avid lover of Sherlock Holmes, yet clearly also an avid lover of some miserable sod, too. 
“I understand.” Clora was quick in her reply, yet not at all judgemental. Winnie wished she only had half the compassion the smaller girl beside her did, for she was quite sure she’d never shut up about her ‘good nature’ and ‘ability to withhold a relationship’. Those were, after all, some of the most feminine and ladylike traits one could possess. Not that she could ever blame Clora - after all, what was to be blamed? The entire female population? There was nothing to be ashamed of, after all. 
“Do you?” Winnie caught her nose wrinkling up in disgust. Currently, the man in question was simply sitting with Ominis, his arms folded. Heck, Sebastian seemed to be immune to any thoughts of uncomfortable eye contact, for he was staring Clora down like nobody’s business. It made Winifred shift uncomfortably on the spot, glancing from the Slytherin’s face, down to the Ravenclaw’s beside her. Clora seemed smiley, so maybe it was all alright.
“I mean, have you even told him that you like him?” Winifred tutted, a small smile tugging at her lips. 
“Pardon?” A splutter of laughter escaped Clora’s lips. Of course, the kind girl was never one to expect everyone to be keeping up with her daily life, the ins and outs of the ‘new students’ life. Except, she wasn’t the new student anymore. It was midway through seventh year, and Sebastian had just about cemented to everyone that Clora was his love. It was quite admirable, to a somewhat overconfident Gryffindor like Winnie.
A smile cracked across said Gyffindor’s face, patting Clora’s shoulder with such enthusiasm she immediately glanced back over to Sebastian, to make sure he hadn’t pulled out his kill list. “Joke, Clora, that’s a joke.” Clora seemed slightly relieved by that information, nodding and releasing a puff of laughter from her lips. “But, I mean, are you planning to spend forever with him? Personally, I think he likes Slytherin a bit too much. You don’t want to be dragging yourselves back to the cold quidditch field to watch the young ‘uns play in your eighties, do you?”
Clora seemed to ponder this for a moment, pink lips pursing together in thought. Winnie admired the girl ever so much, and of course was only teasing, so she provided a bright smile, as Clora replied. “I wouldn’t mind, actually!”
“Although green suits you well, red does too. Think of it, Clora. We could be cottage wives forever.” Winnie teased, running a hand through her long, dark curls, starkly different from Clora’s smooth, almost-white locks. 
“Although that does sound tempting,” Clora started, a small smile on her face, as she waved goodbye to Sebastian, who seemed all too eager to take that goodbye as a sign to follow him, “I’ll only be your cottage wife if we carry on the ‘Holmes continuation club’. So, please, Winnie, come on!” Clora giggled, and even more so at the look of pure shock on her dearest’s face, as he walked over, looping his arm around Clora’s, having heard the last snippets of the conversation.
Winifred was all too happy to walk behind the loved-up pair. After all, who wouldn’t want such declarations of love? Even as Winifred kicked up her feet, accidentally somewhat-harshly kicking Sebastian in the back of the legs, his confidence in making sure Clora was safe - despite the fact she was nowhere near - was enough for Winnie’s stamp of approval. The pair were as sweet as honey, and she could certainly imagine the pair growing old together.
this is of course for the lovely @choccy-milky !! your work has been a constant source of joy since i discovered it in march after a terrible breakup, and has continued to bring stability and joy to me and the entire fandom!! you inspired me to get more involved and im so glad i did, because this fandom is so lovely :,)
so i hope you like this tiny little fic!! i tried to include lots of moments from your fic, in honour of the amazing NOVEL that is your fanfiction!! hopefully people understand the references 🤭
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larsnicklas · 4 months
What is that people don't understand about Barky?
eh i think it's less that he's misunderstood as it's.... idk. that he flies very under the radar by choice and tends to be overshadowed by flashier personalities. on purpose. i guess if there's one thing i'd say — with the caveat that none of us know the guy personally! — i don't really think he's shy at all, which is how he was described a TON when he was younger. he speaks when he has something to say and has always had yappers in the leadership group to balance things out lmao. but he's so funny!!! and tbh the older he gets the more he lets his personality show on camera i think lol
i, a longtime nicke enthusiast, am used to basically all of this and even drawn to these traits, and therefore voraciously consume every longform sasha interview/piece that is available to me in order to kind of get a grasp on what makes the guy tick. here are a few of my favorites + a few highlight videos for fun!
SASHA MINI PRIMER ⬇️ aka an incomplete but lovingly curated collection of required reading/videos/essential moments below the cut!!!
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📰 Sushi With Sasha: Barkov jests that all being captain really means is, “I have to open my mouth sometimes.” [...] The fact Barkov cracks wise about his quiet ways, though, is in line with a defining characteristic — knowing how to pick your spots, both with the puck and one-liners. “Yeah, that’s exactly it,” says Pittsburgh Penguins defenceman and fellow Finn Olli Maatta. “Definitely not the loudest guy in the room, but when you get to know him he has almost like a sneaky sense of humour.”
🎥 32 Thoughts: Barkov Reminisces About Panthers Magical Playoff Run (he is so cute in this. hair fluffy. smiley. sweet.)
📰 Q&A: Sasha Barkov is home in Finland and discusses his love of chicken wings, Jaromir Jagr and the Miami Heat: How fast does that car go? Well, 65 is the speed limit, right? So, 66. But I think it would hit 200 if you really pushed it.
🎥 Aleksander Barkov Shootout Goals But They Get Increasingly More Impressive (what it says on the tin)
📰 The NHL’s new Patrice Bergeron? Panthers’ Aleksander Barkov fits the bill — ‘He does everything right: Affable as always, Barkov, despite his short offseason, looked noticeably more jacked than he’d even been during the Panthers’ tremendous playoff run. He smiled and extended his hand before discussing his motivation to captain the Panthers back to the spot that had been so grueling to get to in the first place.
📰 Barkov Keeps His Cool: It’s right after one of those long days of work at the rink in November that Barkov, known better around the locker room as “Sasha,” has me on his car’s speakerphone as he works to traverse through a bit of traffic around rush hour. In the background, vehicles can be heard zooming and honking around him. But just like he does on the ice, the Panthers captain is keeping his cool. As he maneuvers through congestion with his foot tap dancing on the pedal, he doesn’t talk much about his extension, but rather of the first time he attempted to traverse the highways of South Florida as a fresh-faced, 18-year-old hockey prodigy during his rookie season in 2013.
🎙️/ 🎥 The Hockey PDOcast Episode: Aleksander Barkov's Defensive Impact and How He Does It (analysis of barkov as a player with accompanying video clips)
🎥 Panthers Celebrate Captain Aleksander Barkov (this video is so fucking funny to me because joe t.hornton just talks for ten seconds about how big sasha is. which. yeah real.)
📰 Dwyane Wade crashes into fan at Heat game -- Panthers star Aleksander Barkov: Barkov said he would like to see Wade at a Panthers game this season. The Panthers play at BB&T Center in Sunrise, which is 35 miles north of AmericanAirlines Arena, where the Heat play. Barkov predicted Wade would get a standing ovation from Panthers fans and said he wouldn't let boards stop him from trying to see Wade during that game. "I'll try my best to fly over him," Barkov said.
🎥 Ask Me Anything | Aleksander Barkov (this is where he says his dream golf quartet is his ex bf his current work wife and his dilf mentor)
📰 Q&A with Sasha Barkov: Fast cars, Miami sports and his first move as NHL commish: Yeah, the palm trees were cool and he really liked the ocean. But he also liked to drive. To do that, he needed to head to the DMV and get himself a Florida driver’s license. “I don’t have a car but I have the license,” Barkov said during his first training camp with the Panthers in 2013. “I failed the first time because I didn’t understand the questions.”
🎥 Laine and Barkov go to town on Finnish chicken wings (literally just a minute long video of them eating chicken wings LOL)
🎥 ALEKSANDER BARKOV VS. PAVEL BARBER | HockeyShot Shootout Challenge! (silly trickshot video... fans throw rats at sasha and he's like thank you :D... it's like an artificial sheet on the beach, sasha is very cute)
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withahappyrefrain · 10 days
this one is so cute! 🍂🍁🍃
A stands in a queue when they notice a leaf stuck in the hair/on the clothes of the person in front of them. They offer to remove it for them.
for bob and maeve?
AHHHH so excited to start writing for these two! And of course I had to bring in Bradley and Birdie! ❤️❤️ Enjoy!
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Fall in San Diego was different. By the time October started rolling, the average temperature had cooled down to a ‘crisp’ seventy degrees. Chunky sweaters were traded in for light cardigans. Sure, you could wear a scarf, but not a functional one. Gone were the days of needing gloves.
It was a stark difference from the east coast.
Gone was the scenic view of mountains and orchards. In its place were micro-breweries and overpriced wineries. But also gone was a shitty ex husband. In its place, the unknown.
At least the farmer markets here still sold apple butter.
It was a consolidation prize for Maeve. She was forever grateful that Nora wanted to show her around, but that also meant third wheeling for Nora and her fiancé. Worse, they were sickeningly in love. She had never been so happy for her best friend, but also so fucking jealous at the same time.
So she would enjoy these last few moments, while Nora was trying to find her partner amidst the crowd. They tried to not make her feel bad, but being around them reminded Maeve how alone she had become.
Wait, did that guy have a leaf on his back?
Upon squinting her hazel eyes, she saw that man standing in front of her did in fact, have a leaf on the back of his plaid shirt.
Should she- oh thank God, he was reaching for it. Now Maeve wouldn't have to look at it while standing in line.
Nope. Despite his long arms, the leaf had wedged itself in a place where he couldn't reach. Oh God, was she going to have to watch him struggle the whole time?
Wanting to save her sanity outweighed her dislike of talking to strangers.
"I can get it for you, the leaf. If you want?"
He turned around to reveal a face that made her heart flutter. Bright blue eyes, bluer than the ocean. Tortoiseshell glasses that framed his face. Sunkissed hair, tousled in waves. A button nose that brought a sense of sweetness to him. A smattering of faded freckles, no doubt from hours upon hours of being out in the sun.
"Could you? That would be great, otherwise it's gonna bother me all day?" His voice was smooth as whiskey, a rural upbringing lacing his words.
But what was most astounding was his smile. The way his thin pink lips contorted to form a small, slightly crooked smile. The creases that formed around his oceanic eyes, showing years of smiles and laughter.
God, he just looked kind. The type that Maeve always wondered what it would be like to have. To see first thing in the morning and the last thing when she closed her eyes at night.
"M'am?" It didn't come across as condescending, it was actually charming. It was also said in such a deep vibrato that Maeve to snap out of whatever the fuck those last two minutes was.
It's been three months, for fuck sake's Maeve.
Why would he even be interested in you?
This is why you're a twenty-eight year old divorceé.
Maeve nodded as she mentally scolded herself, "Absolutely, not a problem."
Bob turned around, despite not wanting to. He would rather focus on the umber curls that framed her face. Or the way shades of hickory and green swirled together in her eyes. His favorite had to be how her eyes squinted when she smiled. His mother would call that as having 'smiley eyes' when he was a child.
Jesus Christ, we're really desperate now.
It wouldn't end well for you anyways. Never does.
That's why you're thirty-four and still single, Robert.
So in a way, he was grateful to turn around, as it was a chance to get himself together.
That lasted for maybe ten seconds. Bob couldn't tell if touch was incredibly gentle or if she wasn't touching him. So he turned his head, catching her reaching out.
The eye contact made Maeve freeze for a beat or two. Once Bob flashed her that sweet smile, she found the strength to continue, internally marveling at how soft his shirt felt.
He must use fabric softener. Maybe he attends this market regularly. Maybe-
It's been three months.
Yes, three months since the document was signed and it was made official legally. But the acceptance of a unsustainable marriage had occured a year ago.
She held up the leaf for effect, "You want to keep it as memorabilia?"
Bob chuckled, making Maeve feel warm all over, as if she had just drank mulled cider, "No, no, I think I'm good. But I'd love to buy that for you as a way to say thanks."
This time it was her turn to shake her head, "Oh, it was nothing! Just a leaf." Bob noticed that when she shook her head, the curls that had fallen over his forehead shook slightly.
God, she was adorable. Absolutely, completely endearing.
"Yeah, but that would have bothered me the whole time I was with my friends. I wouldn't have been able to focus on anything else," he grinned, "Plus you had no issue talking to a complete stranger. That's gotta be commended."
A laugh escapes from her rosey lips, "I usually hate talking to strangers." Fuck, why would you even say that?
If he found it odd, the handsome stranger didn't visibly or vocally show it, "Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of that either. Again, gotta be commended."
She looked down at the jar of apple butter, "It would be faster if you paid for mine. I'm meeting some friends too."
"Happy to serve," the unintentional pun about his career was lost on her. At least he could bring it up to Mickey, who would get a good laugh out of it. And his wife Cielo too. And then they would probably do something sweet, like kiss while holding hands, unintentionally reminding Bob how utterly alone it felt coming home from work every day.
Their hands brushed against one another when Maeve transferred the jar to Bob. He turned around, partly to see if he needed to step forward, partly to hide the smile on his face.
Had he turned around, he would have seen the same smile on her face. One that was full of excitement, felt for the first time in years. Just like him.
Eventually, he looked back, this time mainly to see if his friends were amidst the crowd of shoppers.
He felt the need to explain, out of fear of coming across as creepy, "My friend went looking for his fiancé. She's bringing her best friend."
What a coincidence, Nora's fiancé was bringing a friend too.
Yeah, to help you feel less shitty about always being their third wheel.
"Well does your friend have any idea where his fiancé could be?" Maeve asked as Bob paid for the two jars of apple butter.
"Oh yeah, Birdie's first stop is always the Takyaki stand," Bob paused, "Birdie isn't her real name, it's just-"
"Do you mean Nora?" Maeve's voice was now timid. Blood rushing through her veins, wondering if it was too good to be true.
Bob stopped in his tracks, brows knitting together, "How do you know her name?"
Before Maeve could explain, two new voices interrupted.
"Bob?" "Maeve?"
Turning around revealed Nora (who many referred to as 'Birdie'), who was holding the hand of her fiancé, Bradley (who at work was referred to as 'Rooster').
Bob and Maeve turned their attention back to one another, realization hitting like a brick wall.
He's the kindest guy I know. You'll love him.
She's honestly just the sweetest. It's a damn shame what happened.
They're like you. They've been through similar shit.
"You're Maeve?" He had a long finger pointed at her (God his hands were huge) but it wasn't accusing.
Maeve felt at ease, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders as she nodded, her eyes creasing due to her smile.
There were those smiley eyes that made his knees weak.
"I am and you're Bob? Just Bob, right? No totally random, work nickname?" With anyone else, it would have been demeaning. A few years ago, Bob would have taken offense.
But his shoulders were feeling lighter these days thanks to the past actually staying in its namesake more often.
"Well, my full name is Robert. I have some family who call me Rob, some call me Robby but that's because I gave them explicit permission to do so, not everyone reaches that level. And then some of my friends call me Bobby. So in terms of work nickname, you're correct, it's not totally random." His eyes were so expressive, it was memorizing to watch.
Charming. He was actually charming.
"Well, I think having multiple nicknames that are based off of your actual name is better than having one and it's a children's game or bird," she turned her head to flash a smile, "No offense Bradley."
Bradley, who was used to her strong opinions on call signs and now only a foot away, simply rolled his eyes, "No offense taken Maeve. But we do call him Bagman, remember?"
A coy smile spread across her face, something Bob found so endearing.
"So you two....know each other?" Nora asked, raising an eyebrow. She swears she would have remembered her best friend meeting one of her fiancé's best work friends.
"We actually just met. Maeve saved me from an afternoon of trying to reach a spot on my back to get rid of a leaf," Bob explained, gently putting his hand on Maeve's shoulder. His touch was pleasant, considerate even.
"Bob got me some apple butter as a thank you," Maeve held up the jar while looking down, hoping no one would notice the rosy hue that was spreading across her face.
"Which, I assume is to make your famous cinnamon sugar apple butter pie?" Bob now turned to her, his eyes lit up with excitement.
Catching her confused expression, Bob jumped in, "When you left a pie after visiting Birdie, Bradley brought in leftovers. It was a huge hit, I still think about it."
Charlie always had an issue with whatever she cooked. Too salty. Not healthy babe. Why are you even making that?
But Charlie wasn't here. He was on the east coast, no doubt trying to find another gullible person to invest in one of his bullshit 'ideas'.
Instead there was Bob, who had a sparkle in his eyes. Who had not only heard about you, but remembered details too.
God, the bar was so fucking low.
Meanwhile, Bob hadn't thought about Cassie once since meeting the curly, raven haired woman with the most adorable smile he had ever seen.
"Well, given the lack of a paper bag in Nora's hand, I'd say it's time we head to the Hog Haven stand and get some breakfast sandwiches," Maeve suggested, hoping it would turn the attention away from her.
"Absolutely! I know Bob wanted to stop by the pickling stand for Sauerkraut and that's on the way!" Nora grabbed Bradley's hand, and walked forward, leaving Bob and Maeve to walk side by side.
Almost as if it was planned that way.
"What's the Sauerkraut for?" Maeve asked, secretly noticing how he slowed his stride to match hers.
"I'm making Bigos. It means 'Hunter Stew' in Polish. My mom made it for me and my siblings all the time growing up. She's back in Wisconsin, and since it's finally 'cooled down' here, figured it was a good time to make it."
Bob can't remember the last time he felt this talkative to someone new. Usually it takes hours, sometimes even multiple outings for him to warm up. And that was if he liked the person's company.
It took him two months to warm up to Jake.
But something about Maeve had him talking a mile a minute. Even Bradley had turned around to raise his eyebrows at how much Bob was talking. He had to be careful; the last thing he needed was to be in the same situation he was in six years ago.
"I'm not super familiar with Polish food- other than bagels and pierogi's- but I'd like to learn more about it," her voice was sweet, albeit slightly reserved. Not wanting to appear too eager, or insinuate anything.
"I have a whole box of recipes from my mom and Aunts and Grandma. I can bring it next time-" He paused. No, don't assume. Never assume. "I can pass it on to Bradley who can give it to Birdie. Whichever you prefer."
"We can leave y'all to talk to each other if you want!" Bradley called out before turning his attention back to Nora.
"I have a feeling this won't be the last time we see each other. Not if those two lovebirds have anything to say about it." Her comment brought out a laugh in Bob, which in turn caused a big smile to break out across Maeve's face.
"Glad I'm not the only one who calls them that. Everyone else says it's too cheesy." "Well, those people have no love or appreciation for puns. Luckily for you Robby, I do."
He didn't correct her. In fact, he liked how the name sounded coming from her pink lips.
"Maybe we can keep talking about puns and recipes while they," Bob pointed to Bradley and Nora, who were currently holding hands and exchanging (what they thought to be) sneaky kisses, "Are themselves."
"So they act this way around you too?" Maeve's eyes lit up, relieved she wasn't the only one who had to deal with the most sickeningly sweet couple on the planet, "Being a third wheel with them is rough."
The two had now stopped at the pickles goods stand, ignoring their friends who had invited them out.
"I think it's going well! I never saw her smile this much with Charlie," Nora whispered excitedly, unable to take her green eyes off of Maeve and Bob.
"I'd say so," Bradley looked at Nora, not needing to see that his friend was talking to Maeve with a gleam in his blue eyes, a rare sight, "You know it's not going to happen overnight, right?"
"I'm aware. But I think they're off to a good start," Nora grinned. The sight of her best friend, looking the happiest she's seen in the past year, kept her bounce on her toes.
Bob and Maeve were indeed, off to a good start.
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chiiyuuvv · 6 months
xikers as descendants tropes!
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descendants!xikers x fem!reader 1.3k words requested!
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
Mal and Ben’s dynamic has been pretty cute over the first two movies. The constant “I can’t do it” , “Yes you can, I'm right here with you.” personally warms my heart to see the level of assurance and comfort that takes place between the two characters.
If Minjae fitted into Mal’s character, he would definitely need a bit (a lot) of reassurance, and that's okay! He could be stressed out about producing or school, and your kind words would make the time go by a little faster. One thing I noticed is that Mal is trying to live up to her parents' expectations, so I could see the same with Minjae and his parents. Maybe they wanted him to go the typical doctor route, but he knows deep down that he loves producing. Being there with him and helping along the way, showing, telling him that he is his own person and that he should find his own light will definitely make him shed a tear. Of joy, of course.
If Hunter fitted into Ben's character, I can definitely see all the sweet gestures and words he would give you. Sure, you may have argued the previous day, but Hunter would do everything in his power to break the ice, and talk to you about it – resolve the situation. The amount of pet names he would give you would make your head spin because he truly wants you to know how special you are and how much you mean to him. He definitely is your prince charming.
Evie and Doug over the first two movies have been super cute, but not that much action should I say? Compared to Mal and Ben, their storyline hasn't been as clear. One minute they're sharing glances, then the next minute they're talking as friends/classmates? I think Disney could have done a better job at connecting everything (this is based off of the first two movies btw) but, this is obviously love at first sight, and he fell first, yet she fell harder 🤭
If Junmin fitted into Doug's character, I could definitely see him play the more nerdy role. Junmin knows a few things and despite the stereotypes given to Evie (or to you), he'd be more than willing to help you out.. study together.. indirectly asking for your number/a date. This is so junmin. He would be a little shy at first because of his newfound feelings, but once you get closer and he gets to know you more, he'd be a little flirty, touchy, smiley.. are you picking up what I'm putting down?
If Hyunwoo fitted into Evie's character, I feel like hyunwoo would have this desire to kind of fit in, but through Doug (or you again), he would learn to be more of himself. I don't really know what I'm saying for this one, but hyunwoo would feel more like himself whenever he's with you. He'd be a little oblivious to your liking towards him, but once you start talking more and befriend each other, he'd kind of get slapped with that feeling, and fall even harder than before. 
Again, Disney didn't really do a good job connecting everything when it comes to Jay and Lonnie. There were some things that didn't make as much sense.. but I'm still going to write about them 🫡 In the second movie, Lonnie says wordlessly that girls can do the same things as boys, and in the few scenes, they showcase how astonish yet proud Jay is to see her go. In the end, Jay gives away his captain role so Lonnie could still play with them, without breaking the rules.
If sumin fitted into Jay's character, which I can definitely see btw, he’d almost be like a frat boy; insanely good looks and he’s good at sports too?? The girls are drooling over him. And sumin acknowledges that, yet he doesn't decide to hook up with a random girl (he prob did but this is a kids movie for god's sake) because he shows respect to them. He’d, again, be shocked to see a girl that’s so courageous like you, and that would give his heart a little ping. Who knows, he might even invite you to the school dance ;)
If Junghoon fitted into Lonnie’s character, I think he would fall for someone who allows him to be himself (?) Like since Lonnie issn’t the traditional girl and Jay didn’t try to do anything to interfere with that, you know? He thinks to himself, “wow.. I’m able to be my complete self around her,” and he’d definitely showcase that in your presence. And if you return the energy? He’s jumping off the walls on the inside, but giving a small smile to hide his happiness. 
I remember watching Descendants 2 when I was little and grinning whenever Jane and Carlos came on the screen. Their love life is honestly what I daydream about, and I’m not jealous obviously. Carlos spends his time on the movie pining for Jane, but is too nervous to tell her about it. He does confess to Jane, but it’s through this ramble confession that makes my heart flutter :((
If jinsik fitted into Jane’s character, he’d be a little (very) oblivious to your feelings. Like you want to go out for coffee because you like being around him? He’d think it's some kind of compliment or maybe because you want to get some homework done or something. So he does accidentally put you into the friend zone which you desperately want to escape, but he probably  won’t realize his feelings unless you confess to him and basically put him on the spot. Because this feeling is so sudden, he would want to start everything slow, just so he can adjust to it all. 
If yechan fitted into Carlos’s character, which I can definitely see btw pt. 2, he would use his more silly and whimsical side to get your attention, and to get some laughter bubbling out of you. When he starts to get all fuzzy while hearing your laughter, he knows he’s fallen deep, and things start to get a little awkward. Maybe that’s why you accidentally friend zone him? But just know that he’s been practicing his confession on his friends (they all hate it), and he feels prepared.. He just needs to find the right moment ;) pt. 2
For the third time, Disney doesn’t do a good job at explaining Uma and Harry’s ship, so this is all based on something I found on the internet. Uma and Harry’s dynamic is more like teasing your best friend, but knowing that they will always have your back and vice versa. They also have more perks, like giving away something that means a lot to them to the other. (*cough cough* Harry giving uma his hook) They are very silly around each other but know when to get serious!
If seeun fitted into Harry’s character, he’d definitely be your personal trickster, only giving you sly smiles whenever he gets caught. You also have lots of childhood memories that you both adore, sometimes spending your shared time giggling under your pillow fort together. Not only that, but seeun is also your personal bodyguard. You don’t like how someone looks at you? He’d do everything in his power to separate the both of you, and if the person gets mad, he is there to take any hits. He is very loyal to his bestie. Heck, he’d even take your side when he knows that you’re in the wrong.
If yujun fitted into Uma’s character, he would be a little more assertive through your teachings, and loyal as a dog to you. You were most likely childhood besties, so you’d always have a special place in his heart. If you were to give him something that meant a lot to you, he’d honestly get a little teary eyed, because it shows that he means a lot to you too :(( You are definitely his comfort place, and he’d do everything in his power to protect the one he loves.
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︴bonus! i loved this idea saur much! You know, despite disney making cringe movies, they actually have very good morals built into them. Like girls can do the same as boy, and you don't always have to follow your parents strict expections; it made me smile to that. Also, funny story, I was taking notes while watching the films and then I come back the next day to find the notes gone?! Turns out it was saved to a different file which is weird.. anyways please request for more fun headcanons!
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🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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macsimagines · 1 year
Yandere!Hakkai Shiba w/ an S/O he 'bought'
(I was sick of waiting for him to win the polls and wrote this myself. OOPS. Angsty too. Set in the timeline that Hakkai became the leader of the blackdragons.)
TW: NSFW Minors DNI, Yandere behavior, Coercion, Manipulation, mentions of possible Prostitution.
Your family is in debt. Huge debt. And you have no choice but to try and sell yourself to save them.
Searching for some kind of work you figure out the best way to make back the money they owe is a 'Host' club ran by a man named Nahoya Kawata.
The process is exhausting, they almost don't hire you. You're very shy despite your pretty face and they don't think you'll be a good fit until they hear you're a virgin.
You should have never said anything but you just blurted it out when they asked. Suddenly Nahoya himself contacts you and explains he knows your situation.
He says people will pay top dollar for a young virgin that is as pretty as you. You'll have to comply with some blood tests and a screening to make sure you're telling the truth but that if the results come back good, he can make sure your families debt is payed off within the year.
Its all a lie of course, as soon as your virginity is gone he'll make sure you're stuck with him for the next five years until you're all used up.
But then Hakkai Shiba sees you. He tells Smiley he likes your pretty face, and Nahoya tells him you're a new contracted girl working for him. He explains your situation to him and Hakkai asks to have you entertain him.
Surprisingly, he doesn't want sex. Just wants something pretty and innocent on his arm for one night to make him seem more menacing in comparison.
What he doesn't expect is to fall in love. Your gentle touches, your sweet voice, the genuine concern you have for him when he gets rough with some punk he tried to make a deal with.
You're too good for this. All of it. And he's sick to his stomach to think how Smiley is going to turn you out.
He then buys out your contract. Pays off your families debt. Smiley tells you what happened and now Hakkai owns you. Nahoya has a new contract drawn out for you, and you sign it without looking at it.
That night, Hakkai is quiet, as he slowly pulls you towards the bed. Loves the pure white lingerie you're wearing. Probably courtesy of Smiley.
Lays you down on the bed, and kisses your lips lightly then trails kisses all the way down to your panties. His rough hands run up and down your legs and finally takes the garment off, pulls your thighs apart and stares down at his meal.
You weren't expecting him to start licking you up and down. You thought it would be the other way around. But he expertly eats you out with long strokes of his tongue, gently inserts a few fingers when you start to get nice and slick, groans at all your whimpers and loves knowing you're never going to be touched like this by any one else.
Takes your virginity, and you don't know what's worse. The fact that a man you know to be a murderous gangster had your first time, or the fact that he was so kind and gentle with you that you actually enjoyed it.
He's big- No, he's huge. But you came on his tongue and fingers and for whatever reason having him fill you inch by inch, raw, felt so amazing. You can feel your pussy pulse around his girth, and you swear you can hear him gasp when you clench around him...
You feel him fill you up, and can't even force yourself to stay awake while he actually goes down on you again. Licking you clean with his own cum leaking out of you.
Hakkai never says one word to you...
Congratulations! The Leader of the Black Dragon Sect is now your sugar daddy. And even though he says he's going to help you, you feel like you're sinking more and more into debt.
Hakkai is also stark quiet with you. In his head he thinks you two are slowly falling in love and that you understand the depths of his affections. But you don't understand why a man who only speaks two words to you, Yes and No, when he sees you is paying for your nice apartment and nice clothes....
The paranoia is eating away at you. He's going to want something from you, not just your little hands on his arm and for you to have sex with him occasionally... even if its so amazing.
But Hakkai insists he just wants you with him. Here a new handbag. His sister told him this is a good brand. What about some diamonds for your neck? You're so pretty...
Eventually you tell him, you want to get a job. Pay him back in a real way. Your breaking his heart baby, he doesn't want you to go anywhere. Don't you know he loves you? Don't you know you're married?
You're once again shellshocked. That's not possible, you'll tell him, he just bought out your contract and had you sign a new one right!?
Through his tears and sniffles Hakkai pulls out the contract that Smiley had you sign and that's when you realize it was never a fucking agreement or contract of any kind. It was an incredibly detailed and thorough unbreakable marriage license.
"I-I had no idea!" you tell him, feeling yourself about to cry but for very different reasons, "S-smiley didn't tell me! Pl-please Mr.Shiba you have to-!"
He grabs you and wraps you in a crushing embrace, his huge form needing to bend just so he can fully hold you.
"D-Don't call me Mr.Shiba. I'm Hakkai. I'm your husband. You're my wife."
You can feels his tears fall onto where his head is buried in your shoulder, you see the way his own shoulders shake as he cries.
"Please, I'll be good. I swear I'll be good. We'll be a real married couple. Just please...don't leave me.
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esmedelacroix · 10 months
Coffee Shop Love Pt.5
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: He's as stern and cold as the snow falling from the sky blanketing the bustling streets of Nueva York, Miguel O'Hara stumbles upon a hidden gem of a coffee shop just around the corner from Alchemax. Only problem is the annoying-as-shit smiley-ass barista.
contents: slow burn, no use of y/n, fluffy, not proofread
author's note: Hi lovies, exams are done! I'm starting vacation soon so I'll be writing a lot more. Hope you like this chapter I had fun writing it. Let me know what you think, and comment to be added to the taglist for this series, enjoy...
word count: 1.4k
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt. 5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Sequel: Sweet Tooth
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Your eyes fluttered open as bright morning lights glared through your curtains. There was something strange about this morning, but it was a good kind of strange. You felt a strange warmth, it wasn’t your blanket or heater, it was—Miguel?! Memories of last night resurfaced in your brain and you felt your cheek and ears flush, and Oh my god, Miguel is cuddling me right now, you thought to yourself as you looked down and saw his huge arms wrapped around you. He was holding your hands delicately, sharing his warmth with you. You could feel his soft breaths fanning your forehead, slow and tranquil, in and out. You fit perfectly against him, like the last puzzle piece of a Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle.
Despite your tangled legs, having Miguel this close was perfect. He began to stir in his sleep and soon woke up himself. He immediately pulled away from you frantically. “Sorry, I just, you were cold and I-“ he started. The familiar chill encapsulated your body the second Miguel let you go leaving you a bit disappointed. “It’s fine, I don’t mind at all," you reassured, placing a hand on his forearm.
"It was nice," you muttered looking away hoping he didn't hear you. Your sudden soft shyness sent butterflies to his chest. Your bedhead made your change in demeanor even cuter. Not to mention those reindeer onesies you were wearing. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" you questioned feeling his laser glaze burning through your figure.
"No, it's nothing," he said as he dragged himself out of your bed.
You followed, and put some coffee on in the kitchen. Miguel freshened up and sat on the couch with his laptop in hand and glasses on his nose. Although the storm was still happening his job kept him busy. You heard him typing away and finished making him a hot black coffee. Making him coffee as he worked reminded you of being in the shop late at night.
Miguel honed in on his work, you, taking your time cleaning up the shop before closing so that Miguel could have more time to work. The little peeks you took at him while he worked. As you watched him you learned many things about him. You noticed that he chews on his pens when he seems stuck or stressed. He runs his hand through his hair when he is tired, and he enjoys the Frank Sinatra songs that you play. He thought you didn't hear him singing Girl From Ipanema in the shower. His voice was amazing; it was deep, rich, and flowed like honey.
Miguel could smell the coffee you were brewing for him from the couch. The scent was strong, he could tell you were using different beans than you use in the shop. Miguel couldn't deny that he felt the same deja vu. He felt like he was back in your shop doing his "work". Half of the time he was sitting there on his laptop, he was typing gibberish into the Google search bar. When he wasn't doing work, he was looking at you. Watching, memorizing, because every movement you made beguiled him.
He took notice of the subtle sway of your hips to the music, the gentle tilt of your head matching the slow melodies. Your movements seemed to encapsulate a suppressed passion and excitement. Unbeknownst to you, Miguel watched as you slipped into the kitchen, believing you were unobserved, dancing exuberantly to the music just because you could.
Miguel never overlooked those instances when you sang along or hummed certain parts of the songs; each detail etched into his awareness.
So as you stood before him waiting for some kind of reaction to the coffee that you had made, he was fully aware of your anxiousness. He took a slow sip, swallowed, and then looked up at you. You fiddled with your fingers awaiting his reaction. But nothing. He just sat there and drank, showing absolutely no reaction. "So, what do you think?" you squeaked trying to get anything out of him. You watched him duck his head down suppressing laughter.
"You stinker! You're making fun of me!" you laughed, placing your hands on your hips.
"Sorry I just can't help myself, your reactions are so cute," he chuckled putting his reading glasses at the top of his head.
"Seriously though, do you like your coffee?" you asked softly.
"No, I love it, Baby," this might be the best coffee I have ever had," he revealed.
"Oh, wait till you discover cream and sugar," you quipped sarcastically. To which he gave you a playful eye roll.
The day went by very quickly. The shop was closed due to the blizzard so you worked on the holiday decorations for the store. With Miguel upstairs on business Zoom calls. His coworkers saw the festivity and warmness of your home in the background and immediately drilled him with questions. Asking if he was at his girlfriend's house, and revealing that Miguel has no love life.
You walked back up to your apartment after all of the work was done in the shop. You came back to Miguel surprisingly watching a Christmas movie. "Hey wanna come join?" he asked motioning for you to come over.
"What a pleasant surprise, you? Watching holiday films? Hell has officially frozen over," you teased as you plopped down next to him.
"Oh, stop it," he rebutted as wrapped an arm around you pulling you into his side. To say you were taken aback by this sudden gesture was an understatement. You looked up at him with a puzzled face hoping your flustered expression wasn't too visible. He looked down at you with a small smirk. You felt a million jingle bells go off in your stomach at that very moment.
You snuggled against him enjoying the film he put on, and the warmth he radiated. Without realizing it, you had both fallen asleep on the couch together. You were both softly snoring, your head resting on his chest. Your arms wrapped around him like he was a giant teddy bear. Amid your rest, both of your phones began to buzz uncontrollably. Miguel woke up and shook you awake. "The storms are over," he said softly. You groaned, too comfortable to get up.
"C'mon Baby, I have to get up," he chuckled.
The two of you finally got up. Miguel got his things together and you both headed down into the shop. You were going to see him out of the shop when you forgot that you prepared a special something for him while he was working.
As he began to walk out the door, you heard the bells jangle and called out to him, "Wait!"
You caught up with him outside and you handed him a brown paper bag that had gingerbread man cookies decorated to look like him. "I made these for you," you huffed shivering a bit as the frigid air hit your face.
"Thank you, Baby, now get inside, and get warm, you're shivering," he said, ushering you to get your freezing butt in your warm shop.
You waved goodbye to Miguel and watched him get into his car before opening up the shop. The day went by well. Loads of customers came in excited to try out the new holiday menu you made. The grumpy(Miguel-themed) gingerbread man cookies were a hit.
As the customers all left and the clock hit 9:30 pm you wondered where Miguel was. He was usually there by this time. But there was no sign of him at all. It was unusual but you decided to shake it off and lock up since he obviously wasn't coming that night.
You were more disappointed than you would've imagined you'd be. I guess I've gotten too used to his company, it's like routine now, you thought to yourself. You slept that night hoping to see Miguel the next morning.
Next Pt.6...
@iite-cool @jewelz-teehe @br0-please @thesilenthill @d1lf-loverrr @corpsebridenightamare @laysmt @bitchystrawberrystudent @lotionlamp @local-mr-frog @scaleniusrm @migueloharastruelove @thedevax @veyveys @amber-content
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httpiastri · 1 month
also omg spill the tea on meeting the drivers in spa!!! (only if you want to ofc, ignore this if you don’t 🙏)
aaaaaa okay its time!!!!!! dont grill me if my opinions don't match someone else's, i tried to be as kind as i can 🙏 gonna divide this into categories bcs i met some ppl who are not currently on the f2/f3 grids aaaaa but yeah here we go 🤭
(i saw and was close to pretty much all drivers, but im only including the ones that stood out to me in certain ways here 😊 in order of their racing numbers !!)
f3 !!!
dino beganovic - okayyy soooo. this and paul's will go kinda in the same direction… like i was not surprised to see him act not like super happily lol. i understand! when around fans or just people he doesn't know too well, he was not very excited. but when he was talking to jamie (ollie's... idk what he is? manager ish?), he was that cute happy self he can be! but most of the time, it was the dino we get to see in most prema videos from this year (like the "how well do you know your teammates" one) where he's just…. idk :/ dont blame him tho, im sure he's a great guy once you get to know him!!
gabriele mini - honestly i feel like i barely saw him, except when he and his gf were leaving 😭 welp. but he seemed happy to carry around his trophy!!
arvid lindblad - saw him already on thursday and was shocked both because i couldn't believe my eyes (it's him!! he actually exists!!!!!) and bcs he was much shorter than i had anticipated 😭 sorry arvid
sami meguetounif - i didn't see him around a lot but i saw him on the friday helping his team pack up the tent (carrying big things and such), while all other drivers seemed to not really care (from what i could see)(not just trident, but all teams). respect !!!!!!
tim tramnitz - i knew he was tall but he looked even taller irl!!!! i was so shocked, i felt so tiny
ollie goethe - seemed really happy and lowkey surprised when fans wanted to take pics with him 🥺 had a terrible haircut tho lmao i felt so bad for him... but he seemed so sweet all weekend!!! rlly wish i had talked to him aaaaaa
sebastian montoya - saw him around a lot talking to all kinds of drivers, seems very social butterfly-y :) he seemed very happy after the feature, and he seemed to definitely bring up pepe's mood too because they were talking and joking around for a long time 🥺 his sister (paulina) is also even more gorgeous irl omfg i didn't even think that would be possible…. like we always talk about how amazing she looks in pics but she was so so gorgeous irl (sadly didn't get to see her interact with nikita but 💔 i'll live ig)
luke browning - saw him tons and !! why is he so handsome ?!?!?!! genuinely fell in love all over again. what even. like i keep constantly thinking back to the eye contact we shared and im just. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 seemed sweet with fans too, not super energetic but agreed to pics and such. wish i had shown him my browning bracelet or asked him to sign my sm shirt but i was too shy 💔
christian mansell - saw him get really happy when fans recognized and talked to him, i wanted to show him my mewsell bracelet but didn't have the courage 💔 but sweet and happy as usual!! no surprises there
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f2 !!!
victor martins - actually dont think i saw him all weekend 😭 idk how i managed that
zak o'sullivan - i saw him a few times, he seemed like a bit down ?? very understandable considering how he had glandular fever ?!?!?!?!!! poor boy :( but god did he look good despite it lmao
ollie bearman - very tall and definitely very popular, always ppl waiting to take pics with him lol! didnt speak to him and wasnt very close to him either but he seemed smiley and happy :) tbh i think i saw jamie more than i saw ollie himself ?? lmao
kimi antonelli - tiny!! and the hair is so so curly!!!! he was actually cuter irl, dont understand how he can do that but yeah. also very popular, and was very happy and kind when fans wanted pics hehe
zane maloney - think this guy had like a magnet attached to me or something because i saw him everywhere all the time 😭 like even when there were no other f2 drivers left, he was there… seemed sweet, his freckles are really cute irl too :)
jak crawford - so so tall!!! and the hair looked even better irl oh my god
juan manuel correa - was a second away from asking him for an autograph but he started talking on the phone at that exact moment 😶 seemed so sweet tho!
gabriel bortoleto - aka bortolotti as the commentators said 😐 saw him chatting with a bunch of different drivers, very much a social butterfly like sebas (or is it just because he's very liked in the paddock? likely both). wanted to go up to him when he was talking to luke (they stood outside their hospitality for a long time just talking) and ask for autographs on my sm tshirt (and to tell them that i loved their appearances on the pod) but was too nervous shdjdhdj
enzo fittipaldi - he had the cutest interaction ever with his gf, i nearly melted at the sight of them 🥺 and big bro was there supporting him all weekend too which was cute lol
paul aron - the driver i think most ppl are gonna read and ignore all other drivers lol. i only saw him on the friday and… well….. i wasnt surprised because i had not expected him to be the most open and excited etc. 🤷‍♀️ like he did agree to take pics and such! he put on a little smile for the fans! but there was nothing extra, which i understand. i think we all know the kind of expression he puts on and how "neutral" he looks at most times? like, when he's not around a close friend etc then he seems a little cold. to me, i feel like it just makes his smiles much more valuable in some way!! he wasnt very smiley even with karl or ralf, ig maybe he was focused on qualifying, but he didnt give anything extra and i dont blame him for that. still owns my heart !!!! <33 and i think that the difference from dino is that he seemed more focused and more ig neutral than cold like dino. paul didnt seem neither happy nor mad etc, just blank. 😌 (but god did he look SO GOOD, his hair was so light and my heart wanted to jump out of my chest istg. he looked so so good that i was too shy to even look too much at him 😭)
is*ck h*djar - pls i dont wanna say what i actually think but. his mom was so sweet 😭 my dad (who, for context, does hobby photography) held his camera aimed to the campos truck door in case pepe would come out, but she came out instead and like apologized and stuff for being in the way? so cute :((
pepe marti - 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 how do i even begin to describe him? when there aren't enough words in the entire world? the most gentle and sweet person ever actually, he seemed so tired and just done with the weekend when i talked to him but he still made time for me and tried to stay optimistic. sweetest boy ever <33333333 (i actually still cant really believe i met him and talked to him. like my brain still short-circuits a bit when i think about it. he was just truly an angel and i miss him so much <//3 i also cried a ton after that lol but he didn't see it so that's okay)(also his hands look even bigger irl 😁 sorry gtg)
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former drivers/others !!!
fred vesti - like 10 minutes after the gp had finished, i just happened to accidentally run into him? like he was just heading out of the gate i was going into and so i stopped and gasped and just!!!!! and no one around me even looked at him (we were walking around general admission yk, just a big crowd all heading out on the track) which made me really sad but it was so cool to see him irl!!! he was taller than i had expected awww and so pretty
ralf aron - the only sentence that's still swirling around in my head: "is it possible to fall in love at first sight if you're already a fan?"....... because i think i fell in love 🫠🫠 when i tell you he was gorgeous, i mean it on a NEW LEVEL. like im obsessed. i was obsessed before but now im obsessed^2. actually insane. and he has the exact same voice as paul omg i would not be able to tell them apart irl. i love him so much, please help
adrian campos (jr) - sorry for including two team principals but 😭 idk where i get my shyness and social anxiety from because my dad has some kind of talent with people. he talks to everyone and everyone like him ??? anyways so he just randomly went up to the campos team principal and asked about pepe and they had a short but very friendly discussion 😭 and then he even came up to my dad later for new pepe updates lmao so he was a really sweet guy!!!
rene rosin - i didnt speak to him, saw him around a lot tho, but pt 2 of "my dad collecting team principals"…. my dad went to the f3 paddock and came back to tell me that he talked to "some prema dude" about dino's car… the convo went my dad: "is dino's car perfect now?". prema dude: "perfect for what?!". dad: "perfect for winning, of course!". prema dude: "yes, of course!!" and they had laughed and joked around and what not. i thought it was a funny interaction but didnt think more about that. until a while later, my dad pointed at rene and went "there's my friend from before!!" and i just ?!? you asked RENE if dino's car was good????? so yeah thumbs up to rene for being a funny dude 😁
sacha fouquet - sorry for including this but he also looked very good irl 😶 alsoooo like when i was hurrying to the f3 feature (i was running very late and wanted to be there for the start), i had to go under this tunnel to get from the paddock to the grandstands?? like a pretty narrow tunnel, only like 2-3 ppl width... and guess tho were heading to the paddock right when i was rushing away? all of the prema performance/race engineers! lovely timing! because they're all so so cool and made me so so so nervous 😭 (and the way i was just having to pretend like i haven't seen them all in 100 vids and even made gifs of them lmao what)
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gold star to anyone who made it this far ⭐️ sorry for the random yapping lol and for saying everyone looked better irl but it is true!!!! this isnt proofread so i apologize for any mistakes etc, pls feel free to ask if anyone has any questions... <3<3
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
Hello! After seeing articles about Louis denying the Larry rumors once again, I wanted to share a "receipt" - although it is pretty short. The details might not be very clear as it was from the summer of 2018 (maybe August?) ... I tried looking for photos of me from the exact day, but couldn't find any - although I vividly remember that it was very hot so definitely late summer! Anyways ...
Basically I was visiting London that summer from late July to early August and was sitting on a bench with my mom in the park. I was not a big Harry fan but I did know Sign of the Times and a few others - also, he definitely wasn't the level of fame he is now where people are constantly recognizing him. He caught my eye because I liked his outfit and obviously I thought he was attractive. From my memory, he was wearing an all white outfit, with white vans, and those cute paper boy hats he used to wear. He was also wearing sunglasses which was part of the reason I didn't recognize him at first.
He was walking with two other guys - one was wearing jeans, a blue (I think) shirt, and also sunglasses ... and the other was also wearing jeans, a white shirt and a hat (more of a baseball cap - unlike Harry's).
From the direction they passed by Harry was closest to me and then it went the baseball cap guy, then the blue shirt guy, standing next to him (but from my view on the side they were directly behind him). As a result, I couldn't see the others that well. However, I guess I was staring at Harry for more than a normal amount of time because then the baseball cap guy leaned forward and looked at me (kind of a "back off" intimidating look haha) - and I saw that he was holding Harry's hand - and in my head I was like "Harry Styles is gay?"
So when I got back to my hotel I looked up "Harry Styles boyfriend" and came across Larry and then realized that it was Louis (which I did know was from 1D despite me not being a huge fan) ... and I fell down the Larry rabbit hole. However, with school the past few years I kind of backed away from all of it.
Being delusional, I love to think that Louis thought I was pretty and viewed me as "competition" haha ... which of course I think Harry is attractive, but Harry looked like he was in his own little world and was very smiley and giggly (and did that screech laugh he does when he finds something really funny - so cute!) They were all walking pretty quickly and I looked away awkwardly after Louis looked at me (because to be honest I was kind of scared haha) - so that is all.
Anyways, I just thought that our fandom needed a lift due to Louis "denial" haha. So unless something has changed, (which I don't think it has), Harry was very in love in 2018 - and based off of Harry's House, still is.
Hopefully I made some people's days better! :)
I looooooove this!!! Thank you for sharing, anon!!! Much appreciated. A looooot of receipts (and also just their interactions) show that Louis is quite protective and possessive, and also a chance he didn’t want you seeing them hold hands.
Was it any chance this day? Because that’s very sweet if it was!!! Matches the outfit description pretty well, and was early august!!
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cookiesuga55 · 8 months
Full of Life (Minimoni)
TW: eating disorder.
You know what I adore. Healthy fat. Round soft jiggle laid over muscle, proving that someone is loved. Gaining weight as a form of healing. Comfort and safety and trust.
Jimin gets "healthy fat." His previously malnourished and over-exercised body is finally getting more than the bare minimum number of calories to function. This all begins when he starts dating Nutritionist Namjoon, and his boyfriend purses his lips at just how little Jimin consumes in a day. Jimin is so exhausted all of the time. He complains of headaches, and Namjoon knows exactly why.
"Six cups of coffee and one granola bar is not enough fuel to last all day, little chick."
Despite Jimin waving him off with excuses about being too busy in the dance studio to eat, Namjoon hauls his own meaty, bulked-up ass to the kitchen at 1 am and cooks balanced meals for Jimin to snatch from his fridge on the way out each morning. He knows just what kinds of calories Jimin's deprived body needs. Moderately portioned rice and grains mixed with peppers, tomatoes, and a sprinkle of olive oil. A slab of seared salmon or some other healthy protein for Jimin's body to actually have enough energy to last the day. Sauteed vegetables, sliced cheese, and a healthy portion of fruit. A little bar of dark chocolate that he knows Jimin adores. A protein smoothie full of nutrients and calories for Jimin to sip in the morning instead of overdosing on caffeine. He adds an apple and draws on a sticky note. A little wobbly smiley face with a speech bubble. "Eat me!"
Namjoon presses another sticky note on the coffee machine for Jimin to see when he wakes up. A "breakfast and yummy lunch in the fridge for you. <3 Joonie."
Jimin is so pouty with affection when he wakes up and sees the notes and the food made with love from his hyung. He tosses it in his bag on the way out, chaotic and haphazard as always, almost late as he shucks on his trainers and snatches the delicious-looking smoothie instead of the stale coffee that he forgot to empty out the night before.
Namjoon keeps up caring for his boyfriend, and it isn't long before Jimin's frail and exhausted body begins filling in. Namjoon kisses his baby chick's pudgy cheek before heading to the early shift at the clinic, and murmurs as always, "love you-" before leaving.
Jimin having actual food and a well-balanced diet helps his body so much. He starts coming home from work with more energy, smiling and glowing at Namjoon with fuller cheeks, asking if he wants to go for a bike ride together along the river. Namjoon practically beams as he can see the life pouring back into his boyfriend now that his body is approaching a healthy weight. Jimin has a soft waist, and Namjoon can't help but adore it. Rubbing in his hands as he hugs him from behind in the kitchen, feeling the sweet, warm curves of his body and leaning down to kiss his neck. Jimin melts into him like usual, and Namjoon feels so much pride in the way Jimin's tummy gently pushes out into his hands. Jimin is so healthy. He's full of life and love, and Namjoon makes sure to worship the ever-living hell out of him, so Jimin doesn't slip into any of the negative thoughts that he confessed to him one night over a bottle of shared wine about why he started dancing- to lose weight.
Jimin is just so happy these days, and he knows that Namjoon is a major contributing factor. He finally has enough energy to start going to the gym with Namjoon whenever his cute, huge koala asks him with hopeful eyes. Jimin follows the exercise plan that Namjoon's personal-trainer friend at work whipped up for him.
"Nothing for weight loss," Namjoon had told Jungkook privately during their lunch break, "I just want him confident and healthy again. He was so frail, Jungkookie. I was scared he was going to break."
Jimin jogs on the elliptical and watches Namjoon squat with a bar of weight hiked over his shoulders. Tiddies and ass to die for. Namjoon is so fucking thick and yummy. Jimin licks his teeth after taking another drink of the protein shake that his boyfriend gives him every morning. They chase their weekly gym-runs with shower sex at home, and then Namjoon cooks them up a hearty breakfast to offset all of those burned calories.
His hyung is a little obsessed with clean-eating, but Jimin doesn't mind. It's cute how Namjoon always goes to the organic section of the store and bikes to the farmers market. Jimin practically has a personal chef with how good Namjoon's cooking is. There's always a delicious meal on the table for him, with seconds ready to be dished onto his plate.
Jimin finishes filling in, and starts filling out. He lays in the morning sunshine glimmering across their bed, thoroughly fucked. Both of them softly pant and bask in afterglow. Namjoon's warm, ringed hand is resting on Jimin's tummy and gently rubs circles.
"Have you noticed..." Namjoon's voice is fucked from moaning. Jimin turns to him and can't help but glow. It's his favorite sound. Namjoon's morning voice, deepened and scratchy from pleasure. "That sex has gotten so much better since you started eating more? You have more energy, baby."
Warmth floods Jimin's cheeks, but he nods, a little bit shy. Namjoon's hand caresses the curve of his waist, fingers sinking into the supple weight. "I love this, by the way," Namjoon whispers and gives Jimin's love handle a little squeeze. He squishes in his hyung's hand. "I prefer you healthy and soft over sharp and exhausted," Namjoon nuzzles into his neck, and Jimin wraps around Namjoon's warmth.
The truth spills out of Jimin before he can think twice, "me too..."
"You haven't had a headache in months too, lovely. You're full of life." Namjoon cuddles him back, pulling him into his thick chest. Jimin burrows into it, breathing him in. Jimin isn't dumb. He's noticed the way that his body has been rounding out, filling up with muscle and a healthy layer of supple padding, making him curvy and plump. His hips even have stretch marks over them, complete with bruised kisses painted over them by Namjoon. His hyung has done such a good job of making him feel comfortable and loved in his new body.
"I know," Jimin whispers into the safety of Namjoon's chest, knowing that it's all because of his boyfriend's care. "Thank you, Joonie. I'm so happy like this."
That's all that Namjoon needs to hear to practically rumble in his chest, and kiss the top of Jimin's head. He pushes Jimin onto his back, laying his hearty weight on top of him and sliding his big hands down to Jimin's waist. One of Namjoon's dimples presses into his cheek as his lips curve up into a smirk. "Now that I don't have to be so careful with you..." He squeezes Jimin's plump sides, "You're fucking sexy with some weight on you, baby."
Jimin's cheeks heat up, and a whimper bubbles out of his throat. Embarrassing. That's embarrassing that he just whined from Namjoon squeezing his tummy. "I- I am?" He looks up at his hyung's hungry face. Namjoon pets his palms over him, squeezing everywhere that's warm with fat. His lidded eyes darken.
"I told you that I love this- Healthy. Curvy. Soft. You're perfect for squeezing and biting." He licks his lips as he drinks Jimin in. The look that Namjoon is keeping him pinned with has Jimin wanting to mewl and arch up into him. To hook his stretch-marked thighs around Namjoon's waist and beg.
All Jimin can do is whine and tug on his boyfriend's thick biceps.
Namjoon purrs as he worships him. "A healthy mix of muscle and enough pudge for people to know that I'm taking good care of you. That you're finally being kept well-fed." He shoves his hands underneath Jimin's back and slides down, getting a thick handful of his ass cheeks. Jimin feels like he's going to catch on fire with how much pleasure is thrumming through his body, settling in the core of his belly. Namjoon sinks down and hums against his fluffy belly, like he knows where the heat blooms inside of Jimin. "Softened tummy and tits for me to worship, and a plump peach for me to bruise-"
Namjoon's teeth scrape against Jimin's padded hip bones. Jimin whines uncontrollably, dissolving into melted desire at the body worship. He desperately clutches at Namjoon's hair, tugging hard just how his hyung likes it. His back arches, making the sweet curve of his belly push up into Namjoon's face. He can feel his boyfriend's lips stretch into a smile against his skin.
"I'm taking advantage of all of that extra energy you have for my own pleasure. That makes me a bad hyung," Namjoon drags his lips up Jimin's stomach. God that feels so fucking good.
"Take advantage- Please-" he gasps and frees his pillowy thighs to hook them around Namjoon and lock him in place. He wants him to keep kissing his tummy. "Gods, Namjoon, please fucking take advantage- I'm all yours-"
Namjoon laughs in delight against Jimin's softened stomach and begins pressing firm, needy kisses down his belly and across his waist. His voice is teasing and thick with desire.
"If you insist, baby..."
Jimin is cut off by a moan. "I fucking insist..."
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creedslove · 1 year
what if dave and javi p were working on the same case and both of them really like you. idk maybe they have same enemie or the goverment may have hire them both for the case. they're both very protective and jealous of you and don't get along with each other all the time. idkkk i love them both 😩😩😩
Javier Peña x f!reader x Dave York
A/N: anon, love... Are you trying to kill me?
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• you couldn't believe your luck when you were teamed up with probably the two hottest guys in the whole world: Javier Peña and Dave York
• you'd heard about their reputation and you felt really anxious about having to work with them, word on the street was that neither of them were easy to get along, both being reserved and serious about everything
• you also had heard rumors about Javier's love life and how he was often seen with female company and also how Dave had been married but divorced his wife after a few years of marriage
• what you didn't expect was both men taking a liking on you
• you didn't understand why or how, but both of them had an immediate soft spot for you; perhaps it was because you got all your job done exactly the way you were supposed to, or how you were always so nice and kind to people, helping them whenever they needed it without kissing the boss's ass
• so the first one to show interest was Javi, he was always so polite, flirty and all smiles and grins at you; he would make some small talk asking you about your weekend, your day and inviting you for a smoke even if you didn't smoke at all
• then Dave began showing you some interest too; he was always smiley and greeting you and he even got some coffee once
• and well, you responded to their flirts, you just liked the two of them and enjoyed their attention being unable to decide which one you liked better
• you liked how Javi was sweet underneath his bad boy persona and how Dave was a gentleman despite seeming cold and distant
• and the two of them were so fucking hot, it was painful to watch how hot they were, Javi in his buttoned shirts and tight jeans, and Dave in his beautiful and expensive suits
• the first one to take the initiative was Javier, who invited you out and of course your date ended up in a steamy night of sex
• when Javi had to take an emergency trip home for a few days, it was Dave's turn to ask you out and your date with him was a lot more romantic than you thought and another night of steamy sex for you with a hot guy
• however, when Javi returned and he heard of you and Dave, he was pissed off, and he wanted to prove to you he was better
• so he cornered you when you were in Dave's office and the two men quickly argued over you
• and the two of them fighting over you just made your panties wet, so you came up with a solution for their bruised ego
• you had a threesome with them in the office, the first of many more you would have with them :')
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hearts4robs · 7 days
I'd like a match up for dc/batfam, please? (If they're open, which they seem to be. I can't quite tell for certain).
I'm 22, female, bi, American (unfortunately). Im autistic/neurodivergent.
my personality: kind, compassionate, caring, stubborn, fiery, & impulsive, clever/intelligent, anxious.
Favorite trope: tie between found family & best friends to lovers (though I'm assuming the latter is what you're looking for)
Ideal type: romantic, understanding, kind, compassionate, loyal.
Ideal date: my ideal date would be one where we could actually talk. So, like, not going to the movie theater or something like that.
Physical features: im short (about 5'4") and on the curvier side. I wear glasses. I have green eyes. I have thick hair that i keep medium length. My hair is naturally dirty blonde but i keep it dyed a red/auburn color. I'm Caucasian.
Thanks! I hope i was right about matchups being open but it's no big deal if i was wrong! Have a great day/night! 💗💖
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“Babe, no, you can’t just-, babe!” You exclaim, a slight whine to your voice as you scold your boyfriend.
“What? Can’t treat myself? I picked all of these!“ Dick defends himself, holding up his half-eaten strawberry he had snatched from one of the many bunches on the table.
“We picked all of these.” Tim, Dick’s brother, quickly corrected. Dick scoffs slightly, shrugging his shoulder as he finishes the strawberry.
“Babe, put the box of berries down,” you reach over, grabbing the box and setting it back on the stand for the flea market. “And put on those price tags.” You try to sound serious, sound stern, but it’s hard when your boyfriend is smiling stupidly at you, strawberry juice soaking his lips.
“A kiss first?” Dick bribes, wrapping an arm around your waist, tucking you a little closer. Despite having tried to act serious, the casual closeness of the relationship making you grin.
“Fine.” You tease, acting annoyed about it before the two of you share a soft, smiley kiss. Dick grins happily once the two of you break away, grabbing the post it notes, and the pen before running off.
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When you, or Dick, is anxious, he cannot keep his hands off of you. He’ll hold your hand, tracing along your life, and love lines. It calms the both of you down.
Dick is a SUCKER for your curves. He, of course, supports whatever decision you’d ever make, and if that means loosing weight, that’s fine. But he has publicly said he’d actually kill himself if you lost your love handles.
Dick got to know you through Tim, who you had helped in the local library. Dick would purposely ask for books that he was well aware of, just to talk to you.
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i’m so so sorry that you had to wait this long😭finally got back to it, and I’ll hopefully be getting a few more out throughout the evening🫶
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amaya-eve · 1 year
Husband Thoma
- Husband Thoma who makes you breakfast in bed, always greeting you with a sweet smile and a tender kiss. 
- Husband Thoma who puts up sticky notes with positive messages all over your place to remind you how great you are and how much he loves you, never failing to add a little heart or smiley face by the corner.
- Husband Thoma who supports you in everything you want, so long as he knows you love doing it and it wont harm you. want to bake? sure! he’ll drop by the library to pick up cook books. gardening looks fun? thats great, so does he. he knows a florist with lovely plants :) 
- Husband Thoma who stays up late at night to wait for you to get back home when you have night duties or did overtime, he’ll heat up or cook you a meal, claiming its bad to sleep on an empty stomach.
- Husband Thoma who absolutely adores pillow talks. on nights where you struggle to sleep, he’ll talk to you about the future and things he’d love to do with you. Thoma will talk about the most random ridiculous things, tell him you love his voice and he will instantly get flustered, he’ll hide his face in your neck and tell you to stop teasing him, when in actuality, he’s kinda enjoying it.
- Husband Thoma who hugs you like theres no tomorrow and kisses you all over anytime you have to be away from him because he just cant stand the thought of you being away from him for longer than an hour.
- Husband Thoma who holds you a little tighter when he feels threatened by anyone, but still putting on a kind smile because he doesnt wanna go off as possessive. behind closed doors hes clinging on to you and asking for reassurance, while you repeat for the hundredth time that he’s the only one you love and you arent even close with that person.
- Husband Thoma who makes the most mundane and boring moments relaxing and romantic. even when doing the most simplest task of washing the dishes, he’ll be by your side making every moment memorable. 
- Husband Thoma who has meant every “i love you”s and “i miss you”s he said, and continues to say it a thousand times a day. he’ll tell you he missed you despite only being away from each other for barely an hour, because he really does.
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