#become flexible
Home workout: Flexibility Exercises for the Entire Body.
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alasdair888 · 5 months
Unlock the Secret to a Toned Physique and Unbreakable Ankles with Yoga. ...
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tea-cat-arts · 3 months
I simply think this fandom doesn't give Wei Wuxian enough credit for the various ways in which he saved Lan Wangji
#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#wangxian#idk man- i just see a lot of “Lan Wangji has always been protecting Wei Wuxian” posts and its like...#I mean... Lan Wangji has always certainly been trying to protect Wei Wuxian#it took him a long time to figure how to successfully do that though#rereading the books rn and noticing theres a lot of instances that could be read as lwj being frustrated over his inability to protect wwx#like he seemed ready to cry when wwx went missing for a while and then came back with the cursed leg#lwj has always been great at protecting wwx from physical threats (ex: waterborn abyss) but had no idea how to protect him from himself#meanwhile wwx has always been instictually good at saving lwj from both#like I'm 100% lwj would've become like Jiang Cheng if wwx hadn't snapped him out of the blindly following authority thing#and also like... 15 y/o lwj wasnt happy with his life. he was lonely and stressed and literally signing up to be flogged whenever he goofed#wwx is who allowed lwj to grow up by showing him what it was like to actually be a kid (shown in story whenever lwj gets drunk)#he led lwj to having a more flexible mindset. and it both let lwj relax and set lwj up to be a better parent#looking into lwj's dynamic with the juniors- he lets them break a fuck ton of the petty rules and encourages them to question authority#he also teaches them to not be married to any one meathod of problem solving#wwx is also able to save lwj from his own stubbornness#ex: carrying lwj when he broke his leg. getting lwj to cough up bad blood. getting lwj to keep the rabbits#wwx also tends to give lwj the words he has trouble saying himself. helps him communicate#wwx also protects lwj in fights a lot but thats narratively less important#except the various times wwx puts himself in danger to help lwj. those times are what made it so lwj could never move on from wwx#like with the cave incident#or when wwx helped surpress the arm instead of using the chaos to escape cloud recesses#tldr i guess: i think this fandom tends to treat lwj being the best like its natural to him when really wwx accidentaly rewired his brain#I'm looking directly at fanfic writers who act like the Lans would've treated wwx better than the Jiangs#lwj had to do so much work and self reflection post meeting wwx to be the way he is. he is not the sole product of the Lan teachings
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thatsrightice · 3 months
Even Colonel Kidd went home.
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That was as it should be. For the entire war so far, Jack Kidd had been carrying the 100th. He was the best air leader, and he flew all the tough missions when the 100th was out in front of task force. Until Bennett came, he was the Air Exec and Group Ops. To the degree that Harding and Kelly let him, he was the Group Commander. He was the Group.
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At twenty-three when he looked eighteen, he was one of the handsomest men I had ever seen.
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Now, after months of war, he looked fifteen years older. He was gaunt. His regulation hat, not the hundred-mission crush type, was too big for him. His uniform hung on him. Al Dahn, the Group Dental Officer, told me that Jack's gums were withdrawing from his teeth. He was exhausted.
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Since he flew only when we were task force lead, he had not completed a tour. When Tom Jeffrey came on the base, he knew how great Kidd had been, but he knew that a man can only take so much.
"Jack, you have had enough. You are going home."
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"Thanks, Jeff."
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lovelylau · 1 year
I’m on my way to get both my right and left splits back, stretching is uncomfortable but being flexible is worth it. It can prevent injuries, makes you better at whatever sports you play, helps with your posture… I also think it makes you attractive 💕.
Trust me ladies, stretch at least twice a week. 🤸🏼‍♀️
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raccoonman-enjoyer · 4 days
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Sketched out a hc I have for luther
Idk what to do for background soooooo.... there is none
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Colored ver under cut
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fatal-blow · 1 month
when the old argument for autism about how "why are so many more people diagnosed with autism" comes up the usual rebukes are that no, we just have different words for it, or no, the modern day is more stressful to autistics which makes them more obvious
but no one wants to wonder if autism, which we know has a genetic component, HAS actually spread through the population. no one seems to want to consider that maybe in the mess of things that makes an autistic person autistic, that somewhere in there is a trait that has been beneficial to humans and as a result proliferated the gene pool
because like that's usually how genes work. generally there are no "good" or "bad" genes (which is why i kinda think eugenics will be impossible). there are so many things that affect how genes are expressed and their impact on the individual, and it's so much more convoluted than we ever imagined when we first started learning about them
plus, the nature of evolution is that genes that benefit the population may not benefit the individual, and vice versa. evolution only cares about genes that make it to the next generation. it doesn't care about how comfy the vessel is as long as it doesn't interfere with that single goal. evolution doesn't care about the disabling effects of autism, it only cares if the genetics involved with autism make it to the next generation. and they have, over and over, so it wouldn't be outlandish to think that it's become more common in the human gene pool, that in fact it's been beneficial to it
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
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the staging of this shot interests me.
bo katan does not stand alone. din stands at her left. he is supporting her claim to lead, to retake the fleet and he is backing her up on it. i fully believe din knows that it was a flimsy technicality but the others would not follow otherwise. her defense of him is what spurs him to give her the darksaber.
bo stood up for din and his honor against axe woves's being an asshole about mandalorian blood superiority. this is a far cry from her calling the children of the watch a cult and being condescending about the way in the heiress.
she's been touched by din's devoutness to the creed, by his humble nature and lack of ego. she's now spent time with din and spent time amongst the covert. she's grown and shed those views.
she's compared din to her father. her father and his memory is clearly still held in high regard by bo and seems to be her idea of what a mandalorian should be. it is not a light comparison for her to make.
she respects din.
"din djarin took the creed and chose to walk the way. just as our ancestors did. he is as every bit the mandalorian they were. certainly as much as any of us."
it's certainly something that the last princess of mandalore declares din djarin -- an orphan who had no clan for so long, a lone bounty hunter, a man who the armorer had declared not a mandalorian and an apostate not that long ago --- to be just as much of a mandalorian as the rest of them and maybe she believes he is the best of them.
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rosieshipper · 26 days
Stan: Your Pops said to watch you but you don’t do anything
Rose: *casually unhinges her jaw super wide*
Stan: Oh that is low brow. It’s funny as shit but it’s low brow
Tags: @astralshipper @arickaandherfictionalothers @shibasparklez @wolfofthedead
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julykings · 1 year
going 2 my first in studio pole class todayyyyy !!!!
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michyeosseo · 9 months
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Alam mo, dapat maging magkaibigan tayo.
Eugene Domingo and Iza Calzado as MARILOU & CECILIA
BARBER'S TALES Mga Kuwentong Barbero (2013) dir. Jun Robles Lana
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autisticlee · 1 year
I know I need to "just do things by myself" like literally everyone tells me, but I really wish I had someone I can always ask to go places with me even if it's just to one store for one quick thing.
I barely have the ability to function enough to take care of myself daily. leaving the house for any reason is basically impossible most days. I don't have the energy and ability to drive, find the thing I need at a store, interact with people, and do the checkout dance, then drive home, all while acting "normal" (or appropriate/presentably human enough) in public with the added bonus of sensory overload. for most people, going to the store is one single task. that's all it is. for me, it's hundreds of simultaneously occurring steps I need to remember to do and maintain the entire time....
it's so hard to explain this to people. no one gets it. but i need someone else to do the human-ing for me and I just follow along. they drive, answer or ask questions and let focus be on them, lead me to the thing I need, let me copy them so I dont stand out with my weirdness...so many times i'll go to a store to get a few things alone. the sensory cacophony of everything hitting me at once makes me forget what I'm looking for, tunnel vision on the offending sensory input and can't see where i'm going, can't find things even if they're in the same place they've always been, i've run into people and things, knocking stuff over, because my body disconnects from my brain and it's hard to control. if people talk to me, I can't process their words or respond. I can't ask questions if I need to. i'll wander lost for way longer than I want to be there.
this whole time, i'm trying my best to put on a mask and appear "normal" so I can blend in, but i'm struggling and it's probably obvious because idk how to act "normal" or as expected when alone. so many times I come home without one or more of the things I needed from a store even if I had a list in hand.
I completely space out and dissociate way more often than i would like. not even stores when i need to go in and out quickly, but anywhere. if I try going to a thing that's supposed to be fun, like say a festival or aquarium or anything else, and I go alone because I don't have a friend to go with, I spend the whole time in a sensory overloaded, dissociative state, while being required to perform "normal human" rituals and masking. then get home, realizing I didn't enjoy it or retain much of it because my brain was overworking and i got exhausted as soon as i got there. i didnt get to relax and enjoy any of it because it was so much work and my brain shut down while there to try protecting itself. it's a whole brain exercise that exhausts me beyond belief. this whole time. i'm trying my best to put on a mask and appear "normal" so I can blend in, but i'm struggling and it's probably actually very obvious because idk how to act "normal" when alone and don't have someone to copy and follow.
if I have someone familiar with me, especially someone comfortable who i dont have to lead or entertain, I can ground myself better and focus more on them. I follow and copy them so I dont have the try as hard to be a human and think about doing human things. it's easier to copy someone doing the things than to try to think of the hundred steps you probably forgot and perform them alone. they always answer people so fast before I even processed half the words that were said to me.
it always surprises me when people do that. they'll answer a question before I even processed it was a question! I always need someone to be there for me to answer for me because i'm too slow, they get impatient, and/or I answer incorrectly, if i'm able to speak at all being semi-speaking. at least half the time if I do get words out, they don't hear me or mishear me. for example, just yesterday, I made my mom go to a new sushi restaurant with me. the waiter apparently asked if I was ready to pay, my mom was gesturing to me ans asking if im ready or something and the waiter was looking at me, but my brain couldn't make any of it out at all. I was staring between them like ???????? and gave up and just shook my head no. my brain was trying to figure it out and process anything at all, but i got incredibly confused and completely froze up. my mom answered "not yet" and they left. I was like, what was that about ? She said "they wanted you to pay now. you're ready to go right? now we have to wait again." I didn't get any of that, and if I was alone, that would have been even worse because I wasn't able to figure out anything or even say words. I need someone with me at all times to cover my perpetually lost and confused ass lmao
but it's also a struggle when the other person is like this too, puts too much attention on me, or expects me to lead us both. it causes the same effects as if i'm alone, plus the added bonus of needing to entertain and/or advocate/answer for and lead THEM, when I can't even do it for myself! I had a friend like that and it was annoying and immediately exhausting every time we hung out.
I don't know if any of this is making sense. i'm sure at least one person's gets it, though, right? how it's hard to consciously and appropriately act human in public when alone, but copying or hiding behind another person makes it easier than thinking about it all yourself, while sensory overload! if i can I just exist along with them and the focus isn't all on me like it is when i'm alone, it's a lot easier.
acting "normal" like a human, or basically what's "appropriate" in public spaces around others takes so much brain power that most people don't have to even think about! because it's automatic for them. so they can't fathom how much i'm struggling and it's so easy for them to say "just do it/you don't need help/you don't need someone to do it with or for you/you're being lazy!" plus adding on sensory overload you can't ignore, while everyone else is able to completely tune out and ignore the horrible lighting, the squeaky cart wheels, the crying babies and screaming kids, the 50 different conversations, the loud phone ring tone a few aisles over, the annoying music playing, someone dropping a box of something, crinkling of wrappers, the cash register beeps, the air being a bit too chilly, the annoying seam on your socks, the scratchy material of your jacket, the overly bright display of products, etc. everything all at once in great intensity. people who can ignore this don't know how lucky they are. they also don't understand what it feels like. it's exhausting.
i'm like a cave gremlin seeing light and the world for the first time ever, every time I leave my room. everything is confusing and overwhelming, but because i'm human shaped, everyone expects me to have the expected human behaviors and they freak out when i dont meet those standards. they don't care how difficult it is for me and how much i'm struggling. they won't help or accommodate me. it has to be my fault I made them uncomfortable.
exposure doesn't make it any better and arguably makes it worse because more sensory overload and more need to use my brain to overthink every word and movement I do, leading to a very deep exhaustion immediately 😫
this is why functioning labels or comparing me to my "good" days/experiences sucks and shouldn't happen. I often need help/support and people expect me to ~do it myself~ and refuse to help me so I struggle and fail to exist correctly.
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caitas-cooing · 3 months
All those how to be successful in work and school courses are all the same and none of them are actually that helpful imho
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noys-boise · 11 months
Top five blorbos in law
okay a lot of this comes down to how much i hear about them that being said
1. all of Cordelia's white haired idol game characters I can't say i can neccecarily tell them apart all the time though
2. Fitz and the Fool (I'm fascinated by whatever they have. they come as a package deal also)
3. whatever that Ben Platt character in the Politician is called (i forgor)
4. Wade and Ember from elemental
5. literally all the main characters in the good place
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lotus-tower · 6 months
chicken-or-the-egg remains the most overpowered idea. it simply continues to be too effective and have too many use cases to compete with
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fideidefenswhore · 9 months
Kinda interesting to think Mary secretly thought she didn't have any stepmoms at all. People always act like Anne's the problem, if she'd "known her place" pure Mary would've liked her. They try to make her out to be a person of totally rigid, unshakable morality, someone so above average human weakness we should see her as an example of unparalleled goodness we could never equal. And all that makes the burnings ok. Because a virtuous woman did it it's fine. But in social terms it sounds like she'd "go with the flow" like everyone else, say whatever to keep the peace, something Elizabeth is critcized for doing. And really interesting about declaring Edward illegitimate and Jane's marriage void. People always paint their relationship in this cutesy gloss, that Jane was devoted to her and reached out to her, that Mary felt it back, this is how she responded to a "real" stepmom, but now I'm wondering if she even liked Jane at all.
I mean, considering most of these accounts use quotes from Jane Dormer as their literal only source on Mary I's personality and reign...probably?
Mary was as much of a dissembler as Elizabeth for sure, I would say her dissembling just manifested differently. She also eventually came to be (mid 1536-1547, that is) nearly as much of a pragmatist as Elizabeth had to become during her sister's reign, just during her father's: leaving rooms Chapuys entered and refusing to speak with him, never voicing any opinion contrary to HVIII's policies, apologizing profusely and abjectly when servants and diplomats visited her household without express royal permission, etc. She became more resolute and less pragmatic during Edward VI's reign, imo, but there were reasons for this which make logical sense...the reign of children were always weaker and less stable, Edward Seymour's protectorship, by the terms of Henry VIII's will, was technically illegitimate (he hadn't been granted that position by him), arguably John Dudley's was as well, although it was much stronger, etc.
The evidence cited to argue Mary's affection for the Seymours in general and Jane is particular is...shaky, at best. For one, her propagandists certainly didn't seem to think denigrating Edward Seymour was anything that would be ill-received by her, since that was included in their tracts a lot. For another, it's generally like 1) Mary sent her a gift of cucumbers! (...ok? she sent her subsequent stepmothers lots of gifts as well), 2) Mary was her chief mourner in her funeral services, a position that was obviously assigned by HVIII and a position that, had she still remained Princess, would never have even been suggested (royals in the succession could not be chief mourners because that included funeral services in which their death might be thought of, which was treason), so likely stung on some level...
And this letter, which to me, says it all:
“Promises to continue in obedience according to her promises, both spoken and written, made to the King. I beseech our Lord to preserve your Grace in health with my very natural mother the Queen, and to send you shortly issue; which I shall as gladly and willingly serve with my hands under their feet as ever did poor subject their most gracious sovereign.”
'My very natural mother the Queen' is in the same sentence as a promise to 'willingly serve' Jane's issue 'with [her] hands under their feet'. Given the events of Edward VI's reign, that was obviously a promise she made because she knew it was what they expected her to say, rather than one she actually kept. There's also the context that there's no announcement of Jane being with child at the time of this letter, so it's a promise made for a future that's quite uncertain at this point, not necessarily seen as likely.
Unfortunately, there remains about only one succint, sentiment-absent conjecture about Mary's probable feelings regarding her second stepmother, particularly in the spring/summer of 1536:
"Was Mary perhaps also deflated that Jane had not tried to prevent her ordeal? Jane and her supporters had promised a turnaround, but nothing had eventuated; instead she had had to concede more than she anticipated. In this matter, Chapuys had been her sole supporter." Inside the Tudor Court, Lauren Mackay
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