xenonmoon · 2 years
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He just wanted to chill a bit under the sun
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ryusei-blue · 2 years
... I think I kin Leo Tukinaga.
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fyodior · 1 year
imagine finding dazai frustrated in the bedroom when he’s on antidepressants because he can’t cum, his hands are shaking and he’s gripping the bedsheeds,,
just telling him to lay back and making him come (multiple times :3) and then pampering him as he thanks you :33
i thought about that during an exam in architecture im so silly
I LOOOOOVE THIS CONCEPT LKFKLFKLJF first of all whoever managed to get dazai to take antidepressants. that's fucking insane. this also reminds me of a omega!kyouya fic i once read but thats irrelevant
i just love the idea of standing outside the door he didnt close all the way for at least a couple of minutes, listening to him whimpering and whining and moaning bc he's so close but he just can't get there. when you finally pop your head in you see there are tears in his eyes from how frustrated he is, begging you to come help him 💔 and ofc you agree but not without at least a little teasing teehee like just barely grazing your fingers over his cock and cooing "is this where you want to feel good baby?" and all of his dignity has left the building so he's just whining and nodding and fucking BEGGING.
and once you get ur hands/mouth on him, it doesn't take him long at all. one squeeze of his balls and bob of ur head and he's shooting all that pent up cum down ur throat god i love him <3
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sumuraj · 11 months
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thehomelinenshop · 2 years
For years, most people assumed that the reason hotel bedsheets feel so good is that they are clean. But this is not the whole story. The fact is, several qualities of hotel bedding make it the perfect accessory for your vacation experience.
The hotel bedsheets have been tested for comfort, and softness and are sealed so that you don't slip off the bed during the night. Those of us living in apartments or homes don't have this luxury. Today as one of the best bed linens suppliers to India's most prestigious hotels, we are going to answer all your questions regarding hotel bedsheets and tell you what makes those fancy hotel beds so lovely to sleep on.
If you're looking to buy hotel-quality sheets for your home or if you want wholesale quality bedsheets straight from the manufacturer then do get in touch with Home Linen Shop. The home Linen is the exclusive distributor of some of the most prestigious Hotels in India, including The Lalit, Radisson, Novotel, The Hans, ITC Hotels, Sarovar Hotels & Resort, and many more.
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nonproductive · 2 years
Wait, Halloween is when??
#Halloween #Geektoberfest #Cosplay #Politics
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handicrafttrend · 4 years
set of 5 Cushion Cover Pillow Cases
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indiaspan · 5 years
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staystraykay · 2 years
TR Boys When Their Kids Get Sent Home
FT: Hakkai, Kazutora, Chifuyu, and Angery
CW: Cussing, Fluff, Fighting, Dad!Tokyo Revengers, Mentions of Bonten/Yakuza Toman, Protective Dad, Intimidation
A/N: Another request post back when I was on my other account...before it was SHADOW BANNED!
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"He was sent home?" Hakkai gapped, not even having a second to set his bag or bike helmet down. He had just come home, and you had been waiting.
The second your eldest son Takuya had come home you had taken his phone and sent him to his room. The school had sent him home barely mid-way through the day, and he hadn't told you why. It took the school calling you to tell you he had slammed a lunch tray in a kid's face for you to find out what was going on.
"Yes, the school sent him home and he's on a two-day suspension." You groaned, rubbing your hand over your eyes. You had thought to call Hakkai earlier that day, but he had a fitting with Mitsuya and even though he would have rushed right home and Mitsuya wouldn't have minded, you knew this new fashion show coming up was a bigger deal than either two let on.
"Why didn't you call me? What did he do?" Hakkai dropped his bag, fully walking into the living room. "Is he ok? Did you take his phone?" He rambled on question after question. Your frantic, worried, and awkward love of your life.
You ran a hand down his cheek with a small smile. "Takuya is fine. I took his phone and he's in his room. And I didn't call because I knew you and Mitsuya were walking on the new line, and this could wait. I know this new show is important, and we can always handle this when you get home." You sighed and looked back to the hall which you son's room sat. "And as for our son, he hasn't told me anything. He won't say anything. But the school did call, and apparently Takuya slammed a tray into another student's face and he broke the kid's nose. His parents are considering pressing charger."
God, you missed the Toman days when no one would even think to consider such a thing. That had saved yours and Hakkai's assed more than once. But now? You husband wasn't a ruthless division vice-captain of a bloodthirsty gang anymore. He was a model, and while you love that, and you were far safer now than you ever had been before, you missed the days when no one fucked with you.
"He what?!" Hakkai yelped.
You understood the shock. Takuya had never been a particularly violent kid before. Or confrontational. He was a rather sweet and timid child. His memories of the gang days were very fuzzy and limited. He'd never had to be ruthless or angry or violent before. So, finding out he smacked a kid in the face with a tray was surprising to say the least.
"I don't know how to get him to talk. He handed me his phone and went straight to his room. He hasn't been out once." You groaned and ran a hand through your hair. You'd never had to deal with this behavior from Takuya before. Now, his sister on the other hand, well Mitsuki had been hanging around the Baji and Sano kid a lot more than you were completely comfortable with.
Hakkai groaned out and started down the hall to your son's room. Confused and slightly worried, you followed close behind. Takuya was a rather sensitive child, and you didn't want Hakkai to be too rough with him. Hakkai was sweet and loving, but he still had that side of him that could intimidate others.
Without knocking or announcing his presence, Hakkai swung your son's door open. Sitting on his bed, looking as though he had been staring at the wall for hours, was Takuya. His eyes widened at the sight of his father, but he didn't move.
"Wanna tell me about your day today?" Hakkai cut right to the point, his hair coming out of its bun and his eyes anger and flared. You wouldn't be surprised if your son was close to pissing himself.
Takuya shook his head frantically, and then looked to you for help. Shaking your head you said, "The school called. Said you smashed a lunch tray into another student's face."
Frowning, your son snapped his head down to his bedsheets. "He deserved it."
"You broke his nose, Takuya!" You snapped.
"Should have done worse." You son said bitterly.
Hakkai and you shared a glance of shock. Your son had never acted so aggressively before. Shock turns to concern as both of you approached the bed before sitting down on either side of him.
"What happened today?" Hakkai asked a little more gently this time, but Takuya wouldn't speak.
"Honey, you need to tell us what happened. This kid's parents are considering pressing charges. You need to tell us what happened." You said softly, cupping you son's cheek. The dampness of it didn't go unnoticed.
"He's such a dick." Takuya finally said, his voice cracking ever so slightly. "He picks at me daily, and I don't care. I can put up with his shit, but today he started in on Tsuniya. She hadn't done anything to him, and he just slammed his shoulder into her today! And he did it so hard she nearly fell!" His eyes snapped up. Big green eyes like yours, so full of tears of anger and hurt. You felt your heart break. Relief brushed over your heart as you realized your son hadn't had some drastic change of character seemingly over-night.
You could feel the bubbling wrath oozing out of your husband. When you looked at him you felt your throat climb into your throat. He was pissed-on a level you hadn't seen in a long time either.
"I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm not sorry I broke his nose. He can hit me all he wants, slam me into as many lockers as he likes, but when he slammed into Tsuniya I just acted. I hadn't realized what I did until he hit the ground and I saw the blood on the tray." Takuya's voice caught, coming out in more of a hiccup.
Sighing you kissed your son on the forehead. "Takuya, you did the right thing. You're a good boy." You pulled his phone from your pocket and handed it back to him. "Just next time try not to break another kid's nose please. For me?"
He nodded and hesitantly took his phone back. Hakkai kissed his head, saying pretty much the same thing you had, and followed you out the room to give the boy some privacy. As soon as the door clicked you could see your husband's shoulders tense up.
"Hakkai?" You said softly spoke, reaching out for his arm.
He turned his gaze to you, and you flinched from the utter fire burning in those eyes. The same blue eyes that were normally soft and carefree and full of love and compassion. You didn't know whether to try and calm him, or just allow him to burst.
"Did the school tell you the name?" He growled out. You shook your head.
"It's a minor, Hakkai. They can't give out that information." He didn't want to hear that, but it was the truth. The most they told you was the kid was an upper classman and that his parents were thinking about pressing charger. "The school said we can request a sit down with their parents. Do you want me to call them?"
The only answer you got was a grunt before he was on the phone himself. Calling Mitsuya.
You had called the school the next day, as soon as the school hours had started, and they had said they would reach out to the other child's parents. It didn't take longer than an hour before the school had called back and said they had agreed and wanted to meet as soon as school was out that day. So, you called Hakkai.
Now you sat in the school office waiting for Hakkai to show up. Only when he did, he wasn't alone.
"Mitsuya?" You jumped up from your chair, rushing to meet the pair outside the office door. Both looked ready to kill. Mitsuya himself looked like he could kill.
"Are they here yet?" Hakkai hadn't bothered to greet you, rather jumping right into business.
You nodded, before guiding them to the conference room the secretary had said you would be in. On the other side of the long table were a couple with angry and judgmental expressions stretched across their aging faces.
Principal Josai stood quickly, his chair rolling back from the movement.
"Mrs. Shiba, you said you and your husband-"
"I'm her husband." Hakkai shot, a glare piercing through the elderly man's bravery. "And this is Takashi Mitsuya, the father of Tsuniya Mitsuya, the girl my son was defending against your son." The air turned cold and stale. You could feel the tension building in the atmosphere around you. The couple across from you looked appalled and insulted. You could laugh.
"Mr. Josai, it seems as though the information you got yesterday was a bit lacking." You stated coldly, your eyes never leaving that of the woman's across from you. "Takuya had filled in a few holes yesterday when his father and I had sat him down. And I think they should be shared with you, and the parents of the other student, before any further or legal action is taken." You crossed your arms, standing your ground. For your son, you'd fight Mikey Sano if you had to.
"Our son-"
"Had shoved my daughter so hard she had nearly fallen to the ground. After Hakkai called me yesterday afternoon I asked Tsuniya and she broke down. Her mother said my daughter had a rather large and angry bruise across his shoulder and chest." Mitsuya snapped, the ice in his voice like a tundra. "Now, if these two want to follow through with the charges against Takuya Shiba, than I would like to take further legal action against their son for the aggravated actions taken against my daughter."
"And I would like to press assault charges for the constant harassment and physical abuse my son has been subjected to." You spoke up. While the two next to you were like frozen blizzards ready to freeze anything near them, you were a blazing fire ready to turn everything and everyone to ash.
"And I'd like to warn you two that I have some of the best and top lawyers in Japan, but I will gladly hire more if need be." Hakkai growled.
The couple across the table looked disgusted and hateful, but in the end the husband grunted allowed before saying, "We would like to retract any charges against Shiba. We won't be moving forward any legal actions against the school or the student."
Hakkai and Mitsuya both did not budge or flinch as the two began to exit the room. However, it was Mitsuya who growled a low threat as the two passed him.
"If your son touched either my daughter or Takuya again, you won't have time to regret it."
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Hime walked into the house, slamming the door hard behind her. Even though her actions were aggressive and heated, she looked calm and bored. Not a good sign. You loved your daughter, but she had the tendency to act as though a ticking time bomb like her dad.
"Hime?" You call out from the twins' nursery. Hopefully the slam of the door hadn't woke Tomoya and Tya. "Honey?"
"I'm in the kitchen." She said flatly.
Slowly closing the door to the nursery, you prepared for the explosion that was soon to follow this eerie calm permitting the air. Slamming a soda bottle onto the counter, you daughter looked as though she would rather through the glass bottle against the wall.
She knew better. The dent in the wall from last time was still blemishing your living room wall.
"Hime, if you wake your siblings, I swear I will throttle you." You threatened half-heartedly. You could see something had obviously upset her. "What wrong? Why aren't you at school?"
You swear the glass bottle was going to crack under her tight grip. Her eyes looked crazed and tight. "I left."
"You left school?" You twitched. You swear this girl was going to be the death of you one of these days. Either that, or the reason you sat in a jail cell.
"Well, forcefully left I guess." She groaned, letting the bottle go. Thankfully.
You took a deep breath, debating on whether you should sit down for this. "What happened? The school hasn't called." You looked the phone. You're sure you hadn't heard it go off today. Had it? Did you miss it?
She hesitantly handed over a crumbled piece of paper. You could tell she was wanting to retreat to her room, but instead stood still in her place. She knew the second you read that paper you were going to kick down her door, the twins' sleep be damned.
You read over the note slowly. Gripping the marble counter tightly, you resisted the urge to combust into a raging fit of yelling and spitting. You didn't know whether to be pissed with your daughter or the school.
"You were expelled?" You said tightly, relying on the power of God to keep you from lunging at your daughter. "For what?" You swear you could feel the marble start to give under your grip.
"Keep reading." She said, her eyes still locked on the bottle, refusing to look up at you.
You kept reading the letter. Your anger bubbling hotter and hotter as you did.
"Hime Hanemiya, you took a knife to school?!" You finally popped.
Looking up quickly, Hime backed further into the kitchen corner. "No, I didn't take the knife to school. Dad did! He dropped his pocketknife when he dropped me off, and he was gone before I realized." She defended quickly, attempting to calm the raging volcano of anger in front of her. "I told the principal it wasn't mine. I told him it was dad's but he didn't believe me. He said he couldn't risk the possibility and with my family's history-"
"Excuse me?" You were taken aback. "They said what to you?" Your wrath now pointed at someone other than your daughter.
"He said due to my family's history, he could not take the risk with his students, and I would be expelled effective immediately." She said calmer, her shoulders beginning to lose the tension in them.
You felt like you were about to shut down a very humane part of you. Slowly, you nodded your head. You turned to grab your keys and purse, heading for the door.
"Watch your siblings." You said shortly before you slammed the door behind you.
On the way to the school, you called Kazutora. You could hear Baji on the other side, yelling in utter shock and anger. Kazutora's tone seemed deflated as you told him, and even though you wanted to rip him a new one for his pocketknife incident, you didn't want to add to the guilt you were sure he was feeling.
Luckily, you got to the school first. Storming past the check in desk, and the yelling secretary, you kicked the principal's office door in. The student sitting within jumped so hard you thought they had snapped their own back.
"Get out." You seethed, failing to sound calmer than you were.
"Excuse me, what are you-"
"Kid, get the hell out of here." You snapped, the child jumping to his feet and scurrying as fast as he could. You slammed the door close behind him before prowling to the desk and slamming your hands down onto the hardwood.
"You kick my daughter out of your shitty school, and you don't have the courtesy to even call me?" You scream so loud you're sure the walls were rattling. "On top of all of that you decide to use something she was not a part of, or even born for, against her?" You were fuming, and you were sure you were spitting you were so mad.
"Mrs. Hanemiya-"
"She doesn't even know about that! You have now informed my minor daughter of her father's past actions! How do you even find it appropriate to talk to her about something like that?" You slammed your hands down again, causing the man to flinch hard.
You were completely lying, however. You and Kazutora had sat Hime and Tora down a long time ago and explained Kazutora's past to them.
"I didn't-"
"Know? Hm I wonder how in the hell you even know about that? Considering the fact that all incidents in Kazutora's past had been expunged and classified as locked. So how in the hell do you know and think it's ok to inform my daughter of any past transgressions either of her parents have? Who in the fuck do you think you are?" You were sure your voice was going to give out soon. Either that or your lungs. Whichever came first. "My husband is a good man. He is also not who he once was. And even if he was that is not even your damned business. You're business is to teach my child and make sure she get a good education-which you are clearly failing at!"
"Don't know what to say?" You heard Kazutora's calm and chilling voice behind you. You didn't move from your hovering position over the desk.
"Mr. Hanemiya, I'm-"
"You're going to reenroll my daughter into your school. That' what you're going to do. And I am going to forget you ever inappropriately discussed my past with my daughter, and then used it against her." Kazutora smiled kindly. A fake smile. A terrifying smile. Tilting his head to the side, his bell earing tinking in the process, he looked the principal in the eyes with the dead empty eyes he used to scare others with. "Since you seem to know so much about my past you must know I myself was a minor when those little past transgressions of mine, which means once I turned of age my past was wiped clean and my file was classified as sealed and locked. My daughter wasn't even a thought until I was twenty."
"Mr. Hanemiya, I didn't mean any disrespect by-"
"Yes you did, but that's ok. You're going to make it up to me by allowing my daughter to come back to school. And you're going to refrain from any other slip ups." Kazutora's smile grew wider and the veins in his neck tensed further.
"Y-yes. I will see Hime Monday morning." The man nodded quickly, a wet spot forming in his pants. You didn't hold back the fit of laughter that chimed through the room coldly and manically.
"You have a good day, sir." Kazu winked before swiping his arm across the desk, throwing everything on it to the floor. Including the computer monitor. You punched every hanging picture and certificate hanging on the walls, shattering the glass everywhere.
"Have a lovely day, Mr. Inumaki." You waved behind your head as Kazutora draped his arm across your shoulders and leading you out the room.
You hadn't felt a rush like that or intoxicating thrill in a very long time.
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The second you walked into the pet shop you could feel the tension in the air. Baji and Kazutora both seemed on edge, and obviously avoiding the back room. When Baji looked up and saw you, he winced. Physically winced. That scared you.
"You set a microwave on fire!" You heard Chifuyu's voice raised octave you felt in your soul.
"He set a microwave on fire?" You whispered over to the two eavesdroppers. You never expecting something like this when Chifuyu called and said to rush over to the shop. And that he had Koutaro.
Kazutora winced at the next waves of screeching. Baji nodded from his spot next to the cats.
"More like blew one up." He said muttered as he acted as though he was organizing something.
Normally you'd scoff at his posture and pretending to be working. He was the damned owner of the store. One that neither Chifuyu or Kazutora would ever bark at for not doing anything. But you got what he was doing it this time. And you now understood why the closed sigh was up on the door.
"I didn't mean to!" You heard Koutaro scream back.
Baji, Kazutora, and yourself all gawked at the closed backroom door. The sheer bravery your son had these days was something to honestly be worried about. He seemed to be a little more ballsier than he should be.
"Oooh, he dead." Kazutora deadpanned.
Baji tried to not to laugh in sheer shock and turned to you. "You might to get back there before he kills 'Taro."
As you rushed back there you heard something break and you were praying it wasn't your son.
When you pushed the backroom door open you found a glass container of dog treats on the floor between Koutar and Chifuyu, and you were pretty sure it was 'Taro who broke it. But the worried mother in you kicked in before the thought fully process.
"Did you fucking throw that at my son?" You screamed at Chifuyu who jumped back and tensed up.
"Hell no!" He snapped back before turning back to your son. "He did. He slammed it onto the floor!"
"Koutaro! What in the hell has gotten into you?" You look at the glass on the floor, the utter shock his face that he even threw it.
"I-I didn't mean to." He said quietly.
You take a deep breath and exhale slowly. "'Taro, baby, what happened today? You blew a microwave up?" You look at him, waiting for him to gather his thoughts.
"I didn't mean to! I was talking to someone and I put my lunchbox in the microwave. I didn't know you put a metal fork in it!" He flung his arms around, and as you thought you stopped breathing, you saw Chifuyu tense in the corner of you eyes.
"A metal fork?" You spat out in disbelief. "A fucking metal fork, Chifuyu?" You turned to you husband, you head whipping around so fast you thought you gave yourself whiplash. "You but a metal fork in our son's bento box? I trust you to make one fucking lunch while I go the damned doctor, and you put a metal fork in our son's disposable lunchbox!" You threw your purse at your husband.
He had the audacity to scream and yell and traumatize your son, and yet was to fault the whole time. You had asked him to pack a simple lunch for your son so you could go to the doctor for your prenatal appointment, and he screwed up this bad? You just expected him to swap Koutaro and Ima's favorite sandwiches on accident. Not blow a damned microwave up.
"I thought he would look before he stuck it in a microwave." Chifuyu defends quickly. "Honey, you need to calm down. Stress isn't good for the baby." He tried to divert the attention off of him.
"Calm down?" You screech. "You calm the fuck down on the couch tonight. How's that for cam down, Chifuyu? Come on, Koutaro. I'll take you to eat, since your father screwed your lunch up." You grab your son's arm and haul him out of the back.
As you leave you can hear the two idiot behind you.
"Chifuyu is dead."
"Oh, yeah. Dead as hell."
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Sota was a normally very shy child. Never getting into any trouble...unless he was with his cousin Noha of course. He stayed to himself or minded his own business. And before high school the only fights he got into involved Toman Gen 4. He wasn't a violent child.
But then again, we all have our limits. It was just particularly bad when he or his father reached theirs.
You knew that.
So, when the school called you saying they would be sending him home for the next few days, you were sure someone else must have been in self-defense.
The lack of injuries said otherwise.
"Sota, what happened?" You asked as you saw the dried tears streaks down his face.
Crying in your house was always a bad sign.
"I don't want to talk about it." He muttered, looking down at his feet.
"Tood bad. Start talking." Souya demanded as he walked around the corner, out of your bedroom.
Sota looked to his father and then to you before looking back down to his feet. "They were trying to hustle some kids, and when one of them tried to snap this underclassman's arm I couldn't just stand by." He pushed out quick.
"Who is they, Sota?" You raise a brow, looking back to Souya who did seem to be too pleased with the short explanation.
Soya looked up again, his big blue eyes shining from the tears that had left. "Just some kids. Guys in my class."
As you opened your mouth to ask another question, Souya jumped in. "Tell us the truth. What happened at school today, Sota?"
Sota flinched and looked back down at his shoes. "Noha had jumped a couple guys last week, and when I heard them in the hallway talking about retaliating, I lost control." He said sheepishly, muttering it under his breath.
"Phone. Now." Souya held his hand out. Sota looked like he ewanted to argue, but when your husband raised his brow, the boy decided against it. Handing over his phone, Sota sulked. "No Toman, no games, no phone until I decide. Home and school, that's it. And the next time you decide you want to fight unprovoked there will be no bike, no more Toman, the PlayStation will come with me, and the phone will be mine."
Soya looked on the verge of regular sad tears, and yet you couldn't feel bad for him. He knew better than to snap on people like that. You had been over it numerous times. Your son was different than regular kids his age. His strength out weighted others by tones.
So, you watched him sulk to him room and thought how lucky you were to have married the only normal guy out of all the Toman men. God had blessed you and you could not have thanked him more. Because if you were married to Smiley you could only imagine the utter chaos your household would have to endure.
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vivid-aurum · 7 years
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onewizardgirl · 2 years
Second mother
Sweet little lily gets her first period -marauders era au cannon divergent
Lily Evans was a loveable 4th year girl at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Since she was heading off to her first year the week before she turned 11, her parents had never told her about the seven wonders of womanhood, and as far as she believed she’d only be getting taller. She was a late bloomer like her mother, so she wouldnt know anything was any different until she was around 14.  Especially since Hogwarts didnt offer a sex education class closest thing you’d get would be in magical biology which even then its more based on the genetics and systems of which are used during pregnancy and such, and it was only offered to 6th years and older. 
Her red hair stood up in all directions when she sat up in her bed that winter morning. She’d decided to spend the christmas holiday at Hogwarts since her parents were in romania studying dragons, plus she’d be in good company by padfoot, prongs, and moony, three of the four marauders. Wormtail, better known as Peter Pettigrew was at home with his family for christmas. Lily didn’t expect Sirius, James, or Remus to be awake before noon, so she would have time to shower before her day roaming around the castle with them. 
Nature on the other hand, had other plans for the fourth year. When she sat up in bed she felt squishy, like she’d spilled water on herself, but it was warm. She looked underneath the blanket covering her and nearly screamed, but instead of a scream she let out s surprised yelp and clamped the bedsheed down onto her lap tightly. 
What was underneath the blanket was startling to put it lightly. On her golden sheets and bright yellow nightgown, was a dark burgundy stain; blood. And to her it looked like a lot of it even if it wasn’t all blood. But she didn’t know this, atleast not yet. 
Surprisingly Sirius, and James were awake, Remus was still passed out since he’d recently had to deal with a full moon. To Lily’s dread they knocked on the door to the 4th year girls dormitory. 
“Lils baby! Are you awake?” James asked her through the door even though there was no one else in there he still made sure to knock just incase Lily was in any way indecent since Sirius accompanied him most of the time.
“Yes,” Lily said quietly 
“Can we come in?” Sirius asked 
“Yes,” the redhead answered once more. 
The boys opened the door and saw Lily sitting on her four poster, with the curtains open. Looking almost as if she’d been petrified, her skin was even paler and her freckles weren’t nearly as vibrant as usual on her skin. She shifted uncomfortably in the boys’ gazes, until Sirius broke the silence 
“Lily? Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he asked 
“Really padfoot? We’re used to seeing ghosts! Its nothing new to see nearly headless nick roaming the tower,” James said, 
“Anyway, are you alright? It’s not dragonpox is it? Witch cold? Calico flu? How do you feel? Sniffly? Tired? Feverish? Have you bee-” Sirius was questioning frantically before being cut off by Lily’s frustrated shout, “I’M FINE,” 
This outburst brought the boys to silence and Lily nearly to tears. How could she be so mean as to shout at Sirius when all he was doing was trying to help. 
“I’m bleeding,” she added after a few moments of the boys stunned silence.  The boys immediately began worrying over her again asking where the blood was coming from, if she was coughing it up, the whole lot. Lily’s face turned red with embarrassment, as she finally decided to tell them. “If i tell you’d better not breathe a word of this to another soul or you’ll join the headless hunt before sir Nick,” Lily threatened. 
“Ok we solemnly swear to keep our mouths shut,” Sirius and James chorused. 
“Ok,” Lily breathed, “down…. there,”  Lily whispered to the boys 
“Lily baby, do you want me to take you to the hospital wing? I don’t think your supposed to be bleeding, like at all,” James asked. 
“Can you get my dressing gown love, then we can go, wanna walk Sirius?” Lily asked 
“Of course I do! I want to make sure you’re ok,” Sirius said giving her a hug. 
James wrapped the fluffy fabric around Lily and allowed her to put her arms in before she slipped out of bed, making sure to keep the golden sheets out of view from James and Sirius. 
They got to the hospital wing in record time since James had decided to try his hand at apparating, something they had all just learned about in charms. When they walked into the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall were talking.  They walked in and Madame Pomfrey rushed over leaving Professor McGonagall sitting at her desk in the corner with tea. 
“Oh dear what happened now?” Madame Pomfrey questioned. 
“Lily’s bleeding,” James said and as a response Lily smacked him on the shoulder. 
Madame Pomfrey looked Lily over and her red face, and arms around her waist told her all she needed to know. 
“Come with me miss Evans, you two stay put,” Madame Pomfrey told escorting Lily towards the back of the infirmary. 
“Lily dear! Are you alright?” McGonagall asked, concerned for Lily. She’d known Lily’s mother Amber Evans from her days of attending Hogwarts, they’d been best friends both being gryffindor and very inteligent. By extension of this Lily aw McGonagall as a second mother because she’d known McGonagall since she was a baby. 
Madame Pomfrey gave a quick whisper to McGonagall and immediately McGonagall’s face softened. Before she could say a word Madame Pomfrey told 
“Minnie, if you want to help, James and Sirius are worried and curious, maybe give them a little run down,” 
Mcgonagall nodded, and started toward the boys while Lily was led into a small office. 
“You’ve started your menses haven’t you,” pomfrey asked the poor girl 
“I dont know! Mum never told me anything about menses,” Lily said 
 Good godric Amber,  pomfrey thought. 
“Right then, basically your menses; or period as everyone calls them now, is a process that prepares your body for pregnancy. The details are unnecessary since you’ll be taking wizarding biology soon, but each month as a result of not being pregnant, your body has to get rid of extra blood and tissue that was built up, ergo resulting in your bleeding. Take these, the instructions are on the side of the box. Oh and this is perfectly normal for a witch your age,” Madame Pomfrey explained showing Lily the box that contained pads. It was small and the label was blue. Madame Pomfrey directed Lily to her personal lavatory so Lily could sort herself out, and once Lily had emerged finally, Madame Pomfrey taught Lily the cleaning spell scourgify  doing Lily the favor of performing it on her bloody backside. 
Once Lily finally walked out to McGonagall and the boys she could see they looked horrorstricken and McGonagall was suppressing a laugh. 
“Ah there you are Lily, you two can head off now if you’d like, Lily, if you’d come with me for a moment,” McGonagall told.
Lily and McGonagall walked to her office and living quarters at the bottom of gryffindor tower, and once the thick wooden door had shut, Lily basically threw herself into McGonagall’s arms. 
Minerva happily pulled Lily up onto her lap after seating herself on the sofa nearby,
“How about i owl your mum, and she can come for today and the three of us can spend some time together,” Minerva suggested. 
“That’d be nice auntie Minnie ,” Lily said 
Minerva decided to let the informal name slide for today since the poor girl had already been through a lot and was more than likely an emotional wreck much like her mother is during times like this.  And once Amber had arrived through the floo in Minerva’s office the three witches shared chocolate frogs and happy, embarrassing stories from Amber and Minerva’s years boarding at Hogwarts.  
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