#beehive rambles
beehiveofblorbos · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Akamatsu Kaede!!
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And some of my own personal thoughts on her (+ analysis)… for the sweetest birthday girl.
She absolutely enchanted me. Y know her sprite with pumped hands? I do that irl whenever I need to summon bravery to take action. That’s a big thing I love about her; for once we are moving forward, we are looking Monokuma directly in the eye and attacking him as nearly and cleverly as we can. I love Makoto, don’t get me wrong, but I aspire to Kaede.
I love how strange she is, her little oddities. The way she freaks out with Tsumugi about their hyper fixation on their hobbies, the way that she at times buys into Kokichi’s lies and at others challenges them, the way she uses music to set the mood for herself (she’s a real, specific Ultimate!!).
I love how much she is in every way a leader. She takes decisive, quick action (Hi, investigation Kaede!). Ahhh I love this part of Kaede so much I almost can’t speak of it. The way she recognizes what Kokichi genuinely has to contribute. The way she’s so good at inspiring confidence - it’s so clear in the Free Times how much her class genuinely trusts her and how comfortable they feel with her. At the same time, there’s a falsity in it; she doesn’t quite trust them, she feels like she has to take the burden on herself and take responsibility for ending the game. She hides stuff from the group, she’s not nearly as confident as she lets on, she really is just a child who’s trying her best, and who more than anything wants to escape with everyone.
I love that she’s an attempted murderer. I never had an issue with playing as a culprit because I firmly believe she was lying to herself the entire time, and didn’t fully mentally allow herself to take it in until the investigation of Rantaro’s body. I think so because of her extreme hatred of the culprit, the way that she constantly calls them awful and despicable. Oh Kaede… I love that she tried it, the way the First Blood Perk becomes a trap for her leaving her unable to confess her crime, the way that she manages to tell Shuichi what she’d done even as she focuses on portraying this image of a resistant, despicable, unforgivable killer to the rest of the group. Even as she looks death in the eye, she labors so that it steals their smiles for the shortest possible time. The way that she declares her wish for the last time… for us all to leave behind this ridiculous killing game, to become the best of friends. Ahhhhh, my Kaede… even as you cast yourself as a villain, don’t you know that that villain is someone else’s hero?
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kikibumblesqueaks · 5 months
*hands you some cookies* 🤲🍪🍪
🦜 - Do you have any tickle crushes?
@the-shy-ler (platonic) and Floor Jansen (decidedly not platonic (but sfw))🙈🫠
🐙 - How do you feel about multiple lers?
I’m not sure! In theory I’ve always longed to be gang tckled cuz it sounds ridiculously fun, I love being overwhelmed by tckles more than any other sensation! But on the other hand I don’t think I could emotionally handle receiving physical affection like that from multiple people at the same time, I feel like it would weirdly stress me and make me cry? Idk, autism. Being t worded is a deeply vulnerable thing for me and I think I’d only feel emotionally safe being so vulnerable one-on-one with someone. But on the other hand if I had that kind of trust with more than one ler…. Hhhh idk it’s complicated. It’s not a hard no but it’s not an enthusiastic yes either. It’s very situational I suppose.
🐌 - Do you like being chased before being tickled? are you easy to catch?
Oh yes absolutely, that’s hands down my favorite way to jump into a lighthearted and more roughhousing-oriented session!😝 The “fear” of being caught makes me more tcklish and so does the feeling of being “punished” for being a brat ehehe😁😇 As for easy to catch, that depends on how motivated the ler is! If it’s just a regular friend I make it easy because I know they won’t bother if I genuinely try to escape (borrrrringggg)😔 But if it were an actual ler, well…. I would make it as difficult as possible, assuming that it would result in a longer “punishment”😇
🐠 - Share a nice tickle memory, if you have one.
Well since the prompt emoji is a fish…. I used to visit the neighbor’s goldfish pond with my friend and we’d stick our feet in the water and the fish would nibble them and it was super tickly!😖🙈 One time the biggest fish tried putting my whole toe in its mouth and I freaked out and scared it away🤣😵‍💫
Thanks for the ask Lissie!💜
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dougielombax · 2 months
It can’t be…
No way.
Shit reads like a subplot from Control. (Remedy devs take note!)
Same energy at least.
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As the shitpost foretold (unintentionally but still).
It’s a miracle! (In a twisted sort of way)
Except this time they’re already INSIDE!!!!
Fortunately the bees weren’t killed, but rather relocated to a sanctuary by beekeepers.
Thank goodness.
$20,000 dollars in damages.
I am impressed!
Feel free to reblog if you wish.
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lazylittledragon · 2 years
walking into twitter every day waving my “someone creating/doing something you don’t personally like does not make them a bad person and you’ll never find peace if you keep assigning moral points to everything” flag to try and keep my sanity
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fizzlewizard404 · 1 year
does this kid's moral ambiguity inspire the worst takes from people or am i just frustrated
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FtF's depiction of him is definitely softer and less unhinged but therye still dangerous. ofc i would prefer for him to still be shown to be a little more unhinged but if it takes King throwing out one of the most on-the-nose lines in the show for it to finally hit people, i think im okay with the Collector being more toned down in this ep.
theyre gonna go berzerk insane in the finale anyway so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mutedeclipse · 2 months
Still hate that r took away golem's big boy swag </3 if it was a general choice of making his body type different to fit with the style and vibe i would be less resistant to it. But in my opinion the whole mech thing is so bullshit to me i wont even lie. I do like the shape of the mech dont get me wrong. But Even with the "ohhh his model would be too big to see on the map ohhhh..." They didnt even keep the mech in R2 and the fact he doubled up on mechs in R was doubly stupid. And older games got around his size just fine. Yes its pixel art! No that doesn't matter! If they *wanted* a different body type in their game they wouldve made accomodation for his model.
BECAUSE PHANTOM HAS ACCOMODATION FOR HIS MODEL... EVEN IN R2 but they couldnt do that again?? Ugh.
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winedark · 5 months
wait okay sorry oversharing continues.
i'm going back to canada this year for probably the last time in my 20s because my two closest friends are getting married (and moving away) and there's such a finality to it that its making me more anxious than when i originally moved away nearly 5 years ago. and i think i need it to happen (said in the least selfish way i promise) because that experience was the best and worst of my life but also the clearest because it happened all right before the pandemic, and even though i got my degree and travelled to dream places its all been such a blur and for the last year everything has been coming back into focus. life is different now but its good and it will eventually be better but i just need it to be different there too. its a tempting 'what if' thats only 2 plane rides away
tldr what listening to objectively bad fall out boy songs does to a mf
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noose-lion · 9 months
The urge to disappear and go become an Alaskan fisherman or some shit.
Incredibly high.
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esteebarnes94 · 3 months
Joanne/Joan Fanart
I made fanart for @artsandstoriesandstuff's new OC Joanne/Joan. They're a housewife who's just a tiny bit...Stressed.
This is a rough MS Paint sketch because I don't have the energy for a proper CSP drawing. And I wanted to get this idea out! I was surprised how similar the sketch was to how I envisioned her when I suggested her, lol.
The quality is kinda shit. Sorry.
No reposting, editing, claiming, stealing, or tracing this. No using it for any program, NFT, or AI.
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Hope you like it haha. Just a little thing.
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icedhoneyy · 2 years
Listen. LISTEN-
Osamu naming Hisako is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard and you aRE SO RIGHT!!!
He called that she was gonna be a girl, he knew she’d be wrapped around his finger, so when Atsumu and you finally were looking at names, Osamu probably pops his head over the back of the couch, mid-chew and lets his eyes glaze over the back. “See any you like?” You ask, and Atsumu jumps because he didn’t know Samu was behind him HA- and osamu smiles and is like, “I’m loving Hisako.”
“I prefer Atsumu Junior,” the blond pouts.
“Hisako,” you hun dreamily. “I love it, Samu… Miya Hisako.”
“Wait what about Atsumu Junior-“
can i just say how I LOVE that Samu knew from the begging that he was about to have his bestest friend?! how he just FELT the power duo that was about to be formed!?!??! also do u think tsumu gets unreasonably jealous that the most beloved miya duo now is not atsumu and osamu anymore? instead its miya hisako and miya osamu.
also also, i can see when all 4 miyas come back to the twins hometown in hyogo to family events and what not, everyone stays in their childhood home. and in the weekend mornings, Osamu strolls around the farmer's market with little Hisako, the same way his toddler self would do it with Mama Miya back in the days (tsumu rarely woke up early enough to make it, and even if he did he was a grumpy baby in the mornings. it was everyone's best interest to let him sleep in lol)
ohH EMMY I'MM HAVING MORE THOUGHTS and i'm gonna pop in your inbox RN AISGAKSB buckle up cause i'm sending more incoherent screaming your way !! 🗣🗣🗣
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 27 days
i need those bumpits from 2009 and i need them NOW
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kikibumblesqueaks · 6 months
Just minding my own business watching @the-shy-ler play GTA and he starts making up songs and poetry on the spot for me and being heckin mean!!!😤😤😵‍💫😵‍💫
My ears were burning too much to pick up everything he said but something to the effect of “roses are red, violets are blue, the most ticklish Kiki in the world is you” “pull up Kiki’s arms, reach up to the sky, scribbles in her underarms and squeezes up her thighs” and a cursed three word poem entitled “Tickle, Tickle, Tickle” which moved me to tears🥲🥲🥲
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dougielombax · 2 months
Who would try smuggling a beehive through an airport?!
What for?!
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ethereal-feline · 1 month
trying a grid system of sorts for my pretty princess island. I was actually telling someone why doesn't this game have apples. they do in fact have apples. and blueberries! I think I'm close to the end, I have a couple more recipes to unlock but for now, I'm putting roads and stuff.
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ivy-and-ivory · 7 months
Got 2 hours of sleep last night because I make bad life choices and now my body’s so so mad at me. Why do my bones hurt.
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the Good Things Anxiety has come upon me
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