#been looking for the clipping but havent found it
get-back-homeward · 1 year
August 31, 1961: Bob Wooler predicts the Beatles’ future in Mersey Beat
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by Bob Wooler [x]
Why do you think The Beatles are so popular? Many people many times have asked me this question since that fantastic night (Tuesday, December 27th, 1960) at Litherland Town Hall, when the impact of the act was first felt on this side of the River. I consider myself privileged to have been associated with the launching of the group on that exciting occasion, and grateful for the opportunities of presenting them to fever-pitch audiences at practically all of the group’s subsequent appearances prior to their last Hamburg trip.
Perhaps my close association with the group’s activities, both earlier this year and since their recent reappearance on the Merseyside scene, persuades people to think that I can produce a blueprint of The Beatles Success Story. It figures, I suppose, and if, in attempting to explain the popularity of their act, the following analysis is at variance with other people’s views, well that’s just one of those things. The question is nevertheless thought-provoking.
Well then, how to answer it? First some obvious observations. The Beatles are the biggest thing to have hit the Liverpool rock ’n’ roll setup in years. They were, and still are, the hottest local property any Rock promoter is likely to encounter. To many of these gentlemen’s ears, Beatle-brand noises are cacophonous on stage, but who can ignore the fact that the same sounds translate into the sweetest music this side of heaven at the box office!
I think The Beatles are No. 1 because they resurrected original style rock ’n’ roll music, the origins of which are to be found in American negro singers. They hit the scene when it had been emasculated by figures like Cliff Richard and sounds like those electronic wonders The Shadows and their many imitators. Gone was the drive that inflamed the emotions. This was studio set jungle music purveyed skillfully in a chartwise direction by arrangement with the A & R men.
The Beatles, therefore, exploded on a jaded scene. And to those people on the verge of quitting teendom—those who had experienced during their most impressionable years the impact of rhythm ’n’ blues music (raw rock ’n’ roll)—this was an experience, a process of regaining and reliving a style of sounds and associated feelings identifiable with their era.
Here again, in The Beatles, was the stuff that screams are made of. Here was the excitement—both physical and aural—that symbolized the rebellion of youth in the ennuied mid-1950’s. This was the real thing. Here they were, first five and then four human dynamos generating a beat which was irresistible. Turning back the Rock clock. Pounding out items from Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Carl Perkins, The Coasters and the other great etceteras of the era. Here they were, unmindful of uniformity of dress. Unkempt-like long hair. Rugged yet romantic, appealing to both sexes. With calculated naivete and an ingenious, throw-away approach to their music. Affecting indifference to audience response and yet always saying “Thank-you.” Reviving interest in and commanding enthusiasm for numbers which descended the Charts way back. Popularizing (more than any other group) flipside items—example, “Boys.” Compelling attention and influencing, wittingly or unwittingly, other groups in the style, choice and presentation of songs.
Essentially a vocal act, hardly ever instrumental (at least not in this country), here they were, independently minded, playing what they liked for kicks, kudos and cash. Privileged in having gained prestige and experience from a residency at the Hamburg Top Ten Club during the autumn and winter of last year. Musically authoritative and physically magnetic, example the mean, moody magnificence of drummer Pete Best—a sort of teenage Jeff Chandler. A remarkable variety of talented voices which song-wise sound distinctive, but when speaking, possess the same naivete of tone. Rhythmic revolutionaries. An act which from beginning to end is a succession of climaxes. A personality cult. Seemingly unambitious, yet fluctuating between the self-assured and the vulnerable. Truly a phenomenon—and also a predicament to promoters! Such are the fantastic Beatles. I don’t think anything like them will happen again.
Retrospective from Bill Harry, Editor of Mersey Beat [x]
Editor’s note: Cavern disc jockey Bob Wooler, a Mersey Beat columnist, penned this piece in the August 31 1961 issue of Mersey Beat. How prophetic his last sentence proved to be! In recent years I told Bob I intended to revive Mersey Beat and I wanted him back in the fold as a columnist. Sadly, he died early in 2002 while I was still panning the website.
There are one or two things I would like to point out. The main advertisement on this page was for NEMS record store. Apart from the fact that I regularly discussed the Beatles and the Mersey scene with Brian Epstein each time I dropped copies to him, in addition to the fact that he began to review records for me from Issue No. 3, it is obvious from the sort of coverage, such as this article, which the Beatles were receiving every issue, that Epstein was aware of the Beatles from Mersey Beat and not some youngsters asking for a record in his store some months later. Bob also mentions the impact the group made at Litherland Town Hall. It was Bob who persuaded promoter Brian Kelly to book them for their debut appearance there on that date. It's also interesting to note that the only member of the Beatles mentioned by name is drummer Pete Best. Bob nicked the 'mean, moody, magnificent' tag from Howard Hughes' description of Jane Russell in the movie 'The Outlaw.' As this article was published in 1961, Bob did get something wrong: he mentions a residency at the "Hamburg Top Ten Club during the autumn and winter of last year." They only had residencies at the Indra and Kaiserkeller in 1960, although they made a few appearances at the Top Ten (Their Top Ten residency didn't actually commence until 1961).
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lacomandante · 8 months
We had a power outage for almost 30 hours and I ended up just writing letters by candle light and reading by the fire. And I will say I have changed my mind about Sharpe's Rifles now that I've finished it: I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, and it's probably one of my favorite Sharpe books. Yes, there's a Teresa shaped hole in it, but even past that I loved the character development, I love how detailed it is, the action is really good, and Vivar is more interesting, I think, than we get in the films. My favorite bit was definitely the end because it throws you for a loop and has a surprise reveal that even shocked me bc I hadn't put two and two together which I really liked- it showed off Sharpe's cleverness and, though he struggled, his ability to lead men and go above and beyond to get the job done. I honestly think I like it more than Eagle, because Sharpe's already established as a good officer in that one, having earned the respect of his men, versus Rifles where there's danger on all sides and you get to see how he earned that respect. Plus I'm a sucker for partisans so I like seeing how Sharpe interacts with his environment and around others outside of the military.
Now I'm just waiting impatiently on the local bookstore to find their copies of Havoc, Fury, and Battle, and I can continue!
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sleepy0s · 1 year
The Ariana Griande concert
Havent written Ariana much so lemme know any tips!
Some au facts for this certain one-shot
Allay Grian! (I felt like Allay grian made the most sense to be a singer cos there like musical??)
His voice sounds different due to Allay stuff- makes it higher pitched?
Hermits know he's an Allay but no one knows he's Ariana Griande (Not even pearl- very important for this)
I've decided. When Grian is just grian he is he/they and when he's being Ariana Griande has she/they
This is my longest one yet! (1303 words)
“Pearl! Pearl! I got them!” Gem came sprinting round the corner, clutching four tickets in her hands
 “Let me see!” Scar pushed Pearl to the side wanting to see the tickets, 
“Gem! You're the best!How did you get four VIP tickets?!” If Scars Vex wings worked then you best believe he would be floating
. “I have friends.” She smiled, handing the tickets out to her friends before pocketting her own. “We are forever in your debt Gem.” Scar bowed down, almost hitting Mumbo in the nose on his way back up. 
“What are you doing?” The voice made all four jump, having not noticed Grian get closer, the small allay was trying to climb Mumbo to see what was in his hands but was failing due to the suit material. “Gem just got us V.I.P tickets!” He made sure to take a pause after each letter in VIP, Grian just looked at him, sliding down the suit. “To who?” 
“Ariana Griande, of course!” Pearl responded before Mumbo could.
Now, they’re not sure what they expected from Grian but it certainly wasn’t for him to lay on the floor and sigh in what seemed to be sadness, “Grian?? You all good down there?” Gem put her arm out to help him get up- he took this as a chance to climb onto Gems shoulders instead, whatever her fault. “Yep. I'm fine.” Scar however seemed offended that Grian had responded this way to such an idol, “G, do you not like Ariana? She is the best idol in the world and you need to agree.” Grians response was a sad sigh as he hopped of Gems shoulder and fluttered towards his base. (Can you blame the guy tho? He just found out four of his friends were going to be at his concert, pressure much.)
~ ~ ~
Ok, so it turns out Gem is Amazing. They had front row seats to the concert and would be able to see everything perfectly, she had managed to get her hands on some merch so all four were decked out.
Gem was wearing a nice laced white shirt with a baby pink skirt, her hair was put high pigtails (One of Ariana's signature hairstyles) with two bows clipped on.
Pearl was wearing a pink shoulderless shirt, a bandana wrapped around her wrist, and her hair had been put into a plait with pink ribbon.
Mumbo was wearing pink glasses (Vampires don't do well with the lights), he had a pink jacket on which was covered with pins.
Scar, who was arguably the most enthusiastic, was rocking a pink cowboy hat, heart shaped glasses, a half buttoned up white and pink striped shirt (Think limited life) and had a bag covered in pins, bandanas and keychains.
So yea. They were decked out.
~ ~ ~
They had gotten there early and had been waiting for around half an hour (Though all would claim it was worth it) and now, finally the lights were dimming around the stadium  signalling the start was near, all the chatter quieted down as people looked to the stage. 
“I'm so excited!” Scar whispered from beside Mumbo
“Scar shush. I'm concentrating.” Pearl elbowed him, making him shush,.Just in time as well because suddenly a bright pink light appeared on the stage and a platform rose from underneath the stage, and there she was! Ariana Griande rose from the stage, wearing a sleeveless white shirt and a gorgeous red and pink skirt, her hair was put in high pigtails with ribbons wrapped around. It was genius really, the pink she had claimed as ‘hers’ matched the light blue of her wings and the small horns in between her hair.
“Good evening Ladies, Gents, Hybrids and Humans!” The four screamed at her entrance, waving their hands in the hopes she would notice them, “I hope everyones having a lovely night, and hopefully you're happy to be here!” She began walking to the front of the stage waving at audience members as she spoke, “We have an action packed night ahead of us, so first let’s just have a little talk!” She gave a young girl a high five, causing the girl to scream, someone threw a poster up luckily, Ariana caught it before it hit her, “Guys, please don't throw stuff.” Ariana began talking and walking again, just chatting normally as if one would with a friend about how her day had been and occasionally pointing the mic towards someone else to let them respond. 
She got to Scar, Mumbo, Pearl and Gem and gave them each a high five and smile, and honestly they looked like they were on the edge of passing out. “All right everyone! I think it's time we start!” 
~ ~ ~
The concert was around 2 hours long and honestly they wished it was longer. But now it was time for the best part. “We get to meet her!? Gem I dont think ive said it enough but you're amazing.” Pearl was smiling madly, hugging Gem as if she was going to disappear, “Yep, Yep I know- pearl. I can't. Breath.” Pearl immediately let go, making sure she was okay before running to go find the VIP line. “Pearl, wait up!” Mumbo called after her.
The three met her at the line, she had gotten near the front and was talking to one of the body guards, who seemed to know her? “Pearl! We're here!” Gem waved her hands in the air to get Pearl's attention as they got closer. 
“Ah! You guys made it! Look, meet my friend Martyn!” The three introduced themselves to Pearl's friend, “Martyn I wish we could talk longer but it's nearly our turn!” Martyn just laughed and gave Pearl a hug, promising that they would have to meet up sometime.
Scar dragged them forwards once it was their turn to meet Ariana Griande.
“Hello! Welcome, it's lovely to meet you!” Ariana smiled at them happily, from where she was sitting. “Hello! We are such big fans!!” Gem led the group to sit on the seats opposite Ariana. “It's great to see you so enthusiastic. Is there anything you'd like? I can do signatures, photos, could just chat, or really anything you’d like- under reason of course.”  There were probably loads of things she shouldn't do, but c'mon. They were gonna do anything bad. Hopefully. “Can you sign our photos? Please??” Mumbo had been put in charge of holding all four photos, and happily handed them over to Ariana to sign them. “I am so going to brag about this to Grian.” Scar said, causing Ariana to chuckle, The five talked for a bit, it was mainly just questions like if she had any pets, her favourite song she had made, just the normal things you ask your Idol. But obviously others needed a go so they had to leave, “Would you guys like a picture before you leave?” Ariana asked,
“Yes please!” Scar answered for the group as they all stood up to take the photo.
“Alright! Have a lovely night you guys! I hope to see you at the next concert!” Ariana smiled happily at them as they left the Private room, and headed back to the hub.
~ ~ ~
Scar popped around Grians base the next morning, poor lad looked exhausted. What had he been up to whilst they were at the concert? 
“Griannn!” He called out in a sing-songy voice, “Guess what I gottt”
Grian just sighed, rolling over and looking at scar, who was proudly showing off his Signed Ariana Griande poster. 
Grian rolled back over, “Scar, that's great and I love you. BUT. Its 5am go back to sleep.” Scar laughed a bit before wishing Grian a good sleep and leaving his base, promising to tell Grian all about the concert once he was more awake
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feedyoutillpigsfly · 1 year
I come home to the daily groceries I ordered at the front door, ready to be brought in. Even just a few months prior, you would have attempted to at least bring them in the front door, but as of late you have been feigning that you didn't hear the doorbell when it arrived. I let you keep that little white lie because it made you feel less useless. Even though at this point you basically were. Your attention span broken by the constant stream of dopamine flooding your brain from weed, constant sex, food and nicotine, your job had let you go for mental decline before your mobility even became that much of an issue. Since being fired, you put all your energy toward doing as little as possible while consuming as much as possible. I literally once came home to you bored and sad because I forgot to make sure the tv remote and phone charger were near you before leaving for my double shift. The remote was on the coffee table directly ahead but with your belly taking up so much lap, it would be impossible to grab without getting all the way up... Or at least this is what was justified to me upon arriving home. At that point, it had honestly already been a while since you had attempted such a feat alone, as I had been assisting you for one reason or another from the bed to the couch and back daily for longer than either of us could remember. I think back with a shiver of what life was like when you passed 600 pounds; when although you couldn't reach your junk to masturbate, you could at least shuffle to your feet and complain about your back aching while taking some steps. Now having long passed 900 it had been a few years since your feet had touched the floor. Your daily medication list long and full of the best medicine has to offer, and as high doses as had been tested safely on humans, their usefulness had begun to decline. We plug along 12 times a day, every 2 hours, with a high fructose high adipose liquid diet aiming for bigger. Your lips and cheeks and throat had become so encapsulated by the sticky fat that you found yourself choking on solid foods about 50 pounds ago. The look of desperation in your face when I replace the bi-pap you now lived in, temporarily with your feeding tube. You sputter and gasp and cough as your poor pathetic body tries to remember how to breathe on its own again. I give you only 5 seconds of grace before placing the tube down your throat and clipping the supports to the back of your head. The liquid comes quickly, and your eyes blink in the same shock I get to see a dozen times a day when I awake you from your persistent food coma for your next feed. Your sea of belly shakes with a start as the liquid pours into it, and I watch as within 2 short minutes, not long enough to become starved of oxygen, you inflate from your belly. I swear everytime I see it, you get even bigger than last time. You wince and moan and I realize I havent heard your voice in a while, and I wonder if you still even know how to talk. The word no had long been forgotten and any trace of resistance was shredded by the years of catering to another humans wishes. Once the machine times out, I quickly give you your precious apnea mask back and the air transfers with more intensity as you catch your breath from the feeding. I place one of your hands on your belly and your little sausage fingers use the opportunity to rub your distended tummy in the one small section you can reach and In that moment I know you're just as enamoured with your mass as I am.
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honeybyte · 8 months
Wait how do you make a font of your handwriting???? I've been wanting to do that for so LONG but i could only ever find weird sketchy websites and apps that didn't work :(
i think i used calligraphr! its been a while since i actually made my font, but the basic steps of it is
》 find a typeface grid where you can write out your alphabet
》 fill in all the letters
》 scan it into a font maker
》 dowload the svg or ttf file
》 i had to look up how to do this but you can upload it to your comp's default fonts! and it should come up in clip studio from there
calligraphr is free to use, there's an option to upgrade but it provides a template and creates the file for you. there's also a Microsoft Font Maker! i havent used it but i found out abt it thru this post that gives you a quick playthru on how to make your font!
for reference, this is how the original font came out thru calligraphr
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it's a nice personal touch, and makes it blend into my art more than a serif or sans serif font. it looks like Mine and i didnt need to write it out by hand :>
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mschimdt · 2 years
ch. 1
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mansk X reader
word count: 1.83k
nome for this chapter :))
you and mansk have been working together simce the first day in your navi body, although u werent close youd always be assigned together by the colonel. mansk was a very quiet man, he never really spoke unless he needed to, he isnt shy quiet hes just focused quiet. hes always very secretive, no one really knows much about him other than his close friends. evenn though hes quiet he speaks wisely and thinks before he speaks, unlike lyle that doesnt process a word before it splats out of his mouth. you could say me and mansk were friends. but not friends like FRIENDS were like working partner type of friends and we never really spoke outside of missions and work.
youd always notice mansk staring at u in the lunch hall, you honestly kind of have something for mansk, he makes me feel weirdly comfortable, just his presence is enough to make your day a good one.
Quaritch calls u and a few other members who included mansk."listen soldiers, i think i have an idea of where jake sully might be"
lyle stared at quaritch "how so colonel?"
quaritch makes eye contact with lyle and replies to lyles question "ive got a signal hes somewhere nearby, in the area we suspected him to be in a few weeks ago which means hea probably around here somewhere, we have a mission to complete, get ready and hop onto the helicopter, ill be there waiting"
you stare at quaritch and quickly run to your room which luckily isnt too far away from the meeting room, you wnter ur room and put on some armour. you didnt change your shorts though because youd be pretty useless for this mission and youll probably be askes to stand around somewhere, u didnt change because u doubted getting hurt when ur not allowed to do anything. you clipped ur chest armour on and quickly tied ur hair into two braids.
you quickly sprinted to the veichles room which had some of the helicopters and found that everyone has already arrived, you questioned how they did it but theres no time to spare, so u hopped on and strapped yourself to a seat while your tail went back and forth because of the excitement u were experiencing, the excitement of capturing jake sully and being over wirh quaritchs dumb hide and seek game with sully.
the helicopter has been in the air for 20 minutes now, no one has spoken the entire ride and it was all silent other than the helicopter noises, quaritch broke the silence, he had to scream so you and thw others would hear him ontop of the helicopter noise "ALRIGHT, Z DOG, LYLE, ME N' JA, WERE GONNA LOOK FOR SULLY. MANSK AND Y/N STAY BEHIND AND GUARD THE HELICOPTER" mansk stared at quaritch, you didnt know if he was staring at him because of his shades but u think hes looking at quaritch, mansk lets out an amnoyed sigh, you couldnt quite hear it but u could tell it was an annoyed one.
the helicopter was finally starting to land, you were going deaf from the loud helicppter noises even with the headphone things you were given to cancel out the noise, the helicopter hit the ground with a large thud and the engines were starting to slow down, everyonr was unbuckling theit seat belts and you did the same unbuckling your own.
your the last one to leave the helicopter after mansk, you were all outside now and quaritcg repeated "Y/N and mansk stay with the helicopter and gaurd it incase some navi bitch tries to destroy it, me and the rest are gonna go looking for sully because hes around here somewhere" he said with a blank expression
you and mansk have been standing next to the helicopter for around 40 minutes and it was getting really boring you havent exchanged a word with the man next to you and your both just staring into no where
suddenly you hear a noise in the trees around u. you and mansk both jolt up holding your guns towards where the sound was coming from, after a few minutes you put your guns down thinking it was just a gust of wind
you look to your right and there was a pandorian creature sprinting at u, it had claws, claws that looked like they could decapitate an entire human head, it was speeding at you. you let put a little "uhmmm" and mansk looks your way looking at the creature speeding towards u holding up his gun. it was already too late, the creature attacked your legs with its huge claws before mansk shot him. he was teying to scratch your chest but thankfully you were wearing the armour you put on earlier. you stared at your leg, then at the dead monster, then at mansk. mansk was already rushing towards you, you stared back at your now red legs from blood. mansk leans down to where you are on the floor "are yoy okay? that looks bad" in a shaky scared voice, you reply to his question on the verdge of crying from pain "u-uhm, yeah im fine but my leg clwarly isnt" theres tears building up in your eyes now. mansk leans down to look at the huge cut caused by the monsted on ur leg.
"i should fetch the first aid kit till quaritch and the rest get back because we cant leave them here" says mansk, he hops into the helicopter and grabs the first aid kit, he leaves the helicopter again sitting on the floor next to you, he lifts ur legs onto his thighs.
he gets some iodine to clean ur wound incase it gets infected, he puta it on a little cotton pad and rubs it all over youe wound. it kind of stung but u werent gonna complain because he was trying to help you after all
he finally wraps. ur bleeding legs in white medical wrap to try and stop the bleeding. the white wraps quickly turnes into red ones from thr amount of blood yoy were losing, it was a very deep cut and you were worried it might get infected.
"thanks for helping me i really appreciate it" you said with a smile plastered across your tear stained face "we shoukd probably call the others youre bleedimg too much and jake isnt really worth letting you die, we can get him later"
he holds up his walkie talkie typa thing and says sometjing into it, your too light headed to focus of anything he says. suddenly, everything went dark
you wake up after passing out, you arent on the ground anymore, your back in the helicopter with someone holding you in their lap, you slowly open your eyes to look at whoever was holding u. you were shocked to see it was mansk, mansk always seemed like a tough guy that wouldnt help anyone if it didnt benifit him, he stared down at you and smiled
you closed your eyes hoping youd wake up from your 'dream' just to find that ur still in mansks arms wrapped tightly, the helicopted landes and you could omly tell it did because of the large thud it made, quaritch had already called the medics to wait till you arrived to prevent further bloodloss
you were wuickly rushed into the small hospital, the mediics quickly unwrapped your leg and cleaned it while another one of the human medics was getting a huge needle ready to stitvh your leg before you lost too much blood' you looked to you right and saw mansk sitting on a chair next to the bed you were layed on, they stitched up your legs which was a very painful and long process, another nurse came into the rook you were in with a blood bag of your blood type. mansk stares at you, he keeps staring for a few minutes
"sorry about not killing that monster earlier, we should have looked around a bit better, im glad your okay though"
"thanks mansk, its not your fault, we killed the monster in the end though so its okay"
mansk smiled at you, he got up from his chair and walked over to you pulling you into a long warm hug, you quite enjoyes the hug he gave you, it was out of no where though youve never seen mansk hug anyone or look at anyone in the way hes always looked at you, it made u feel a bit special because you knew it wasnt a bad type of stare
after that day you and mansk bece closer, youd always hangout. work out together, eat together, and he quickly told you more about himself, you were quite surprised he actually did it because hes never told anyone that you know any of this type of stuff about him.
it was raining outside and you were sitting next to mansk on a sofa, you were both laughing at something on your tablets (phones but theyre big so they could fit navi hands) suddenly mansk put his arm around your shoulder pulling you a bit closer to him than you expected, you stopped laughing and  blushed a bit and mansk noticed it, he started rubbing your shoulder so he could see if he could make u blush any further, you stayed like this for a few minutes until mansk finally decided to speak "your enjoying than hm?"
you throw ur head down and look down onto your lap, you didnt want to show him how much you were blushing, thsn suddenly a warm hand grabs ur chin and turns it up and to the side, you try to fight back but yis grip is too strong, you find yourself staring at mansk, your faces were too close, he was repeatedly stearing at ur eyes, then your lips, your eyes, then your lips. he did this a few times until you spoke up "what are you doing?" mansk leans closer to your face waiting for premission to press your lips against his, you closed your eyes and he took it as a sign he could kiss yoy now.
he leans in and your lips touch, this was your first ever kiss, it felt bettee than what you expected it to feel like, you never thought mansk felt this way
he pulls back and hesitates for a second, then he says "i love you" staring at you with a soft facial feature, you then grab his shades and pull them off his face, youve only seen his eyes twice before this
he had the most gorgeous yelliw eyes, he looked sinilar to quaritcy but his facial features are so much softer than quaritch's.
you realize youve been staring at him for about a minute now, you hug him tightly and he hugs back, his body language telling you hes happy you gave him a positive response.
he pulls away from the hug first, "ive been meaning to tell you tjis for a while now, Y/N ive liked you for so long" i reply to his words "me too.."
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
Mika you are a Joe main, please expand on how to write him I'm begging (does he say "isn't" or "ain't" etc?? Is he more reserved or does he like to be the one talking in a crowd?? stuff like that) ((only if you want to ;;w;;)) - M
i think he mostly says "ain't" but he DOES say isn't. i mean. the man's a poet and a writer and he writes songs. i think it depends mostly on the tone. he mostly will like, say "this is NOT the time to be messing around". generally speaking he is... very frazzled person. they'll do that thing that's like they're laughing but it sounds seconds away from turning into crying.
very eccentric for no reason. last i saw his latest streaming look irl is... chroma green classes. lime green fingerless fishnet gloves. his usual green tanktop (which will probably turn into a hoodie soon if it hasnt already) . and thats WITHOUT mentioning his props and Beetlejost just. very theater kid
he CAN take control of a situation but he usually avoids it. for example ! he single handedly saved Hermitcraft from only being one season. when GenerikB left and no one else really stepped up, Joe found the seed, organized the date, updated the server, invited Cleo because god damn it if he's doing this he's inviting a friend. and then once the ball got rolling he siad he wouldn't do it again and luckily did Not have to become head admin, though what a funny world it would be if he did.
related, when he still had admin powers, and i DONT know what season this was but i think after that he didn't let himself be given it anymore, he...accidentally cleared his entire inventory .
so he normally lets other people take control, you'll see him in a lot of the major events being kinda quiet and letting other people talk and only adding small comments and his off-handed jokes and references half the people dont react too and he's just . vibing
i havent been able to watch a stream in MONTHS and all his streams are mostly just..extended episodes. since he uses them to record his videos in, so its that and also fun behind the scenes song writing nad mishaps.
-vocabulary is situational. casual: ain't, isn't. stressed: is not.
-startles kinda easily and in the face of CRAZY STUFF or something bad happening, is VERY rarely angry. gamer rage does Not exist within him. his reaction is usually cry-laughing. throwback to that clip of him losing a BUNCH of diamonds in lava to a trap by Jevin, when he was trying to give those diamonds to Jevin. that was season 6 demise.
-roundabout explanations for why he's doing something the most inefficient way possible. (no diamonds season 7)
-taking things entirely literally in the most stubborn way possible. i cannot give you any good explanation just... watch a stream and watch him interact with chat for like half an hour and you'll understand. "why is your face in your hotbar?" "because anywhere else and it would be hard to see"/"why is your face on the screen" "where else would it go?" and then sometimes. when someone will ask a serious and legitimate question he'll still answer it in a sarcastic but matter-of-fact way that you cannot tell if he genuinely misunderstood or if it's a joke. again hard to give explanations
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ritz-writes · 3 months
okay i think i have a blessed fortune or smth?
i opened a fortune cookie months ago. it honestly might have been last year, im not sure. either way, it was a long time ago. this is what it said
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it made me smile so i didnt throw it away. but i also didnt put it on display or anything. it just sat on my desk. it would occasionally get knocked off or hidden under something. i never really paid attention to it. but eventually, somehow always on my off days, it would show up again. just now i found it behind my couch while looking for a claw clip. i havent seen the fortune in over a month, but here it is again. still in one piece. right when i started feeling off
it makes me feel better to see it, so i wanted to share it :)
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jovenshires · 9 months
Hi same person as before: more details on the vid
This video came out on the 27th of October 2015, it has since been privated but idk when. (I know this because I found the yt link but it wouldn’t let me watch it😓😓) it was a bonus vlog and it got about 390k which means it did pretty well for a bonus vlog and better than most videos at least still up on the SGA channel (most have been deleted/privated)
Reason I come to tumblr asking is you guys tend to save and clip videos and I was thinking this would probably be a video y’all would have saved (I have never seen this video btw 💀💀)
Today I’ll try to figure out how to look through 2015 tumblr to see if they have anything 🥰🥰
ooooooh i see.... i havent seen any word yet but i will update you if anyone finds it!!
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demadogs · 2 years
heyy what are your thoughts on Mike's monologue? Do you think he was being honest or it was a half truth or something? I'm really curious abt what you think bc honestly I'm not sure myself
this might be long i havent dove into this scene in a while.
the short answer is i think it was a mix of some sad truths disguised as romance, things he believes she wants to hear (but is completely wrong), and just straight up lies. but the biggest thing is that what he thought she wanted to hear was what will told him in the van, unaware that those were wills feelings not els.
but before i even talk about it lets just LOOK at the scene. this is what every other romantic scene in the show has looked like:
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and this was allegedly mike and el’s “most romantic scene”.
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they are not happy here. this was right before mike said he loves her and right after. one of the biggest differences in this scene compared to the other ships is the fact that both of them we’re forced into this conversation. mike was NOT going to say any of this. will had to push him to continue. meanwhile el is physically restrained from responding to him. she was forced to listen to him and mike felt like he was forced to say it.
anyways now im gonna analyze the actual content of the monologue:
sad truths disguised as romance:
“i dont know how to live without you”
i think this is true and it could be a romantic line but it could also be really sad. it reminds me of when finn (or millie i dont remember) said that they were like a married couple with no option of divorce. i think what mike really meant by this is that hes scared to confront who he really is without el. he actually already did confront this version of himself after she and will moved. i think when he was without either of them he realized his true feelings and hated it and he just wants to go back to who he was before he figured it out.
“i feel like my life started that day i found you in the woods”
im not as confident in this one but it could honestly be extremely sad when looked at from a different lens. it was the first night after will went missing. it was the first time things in his life got weird and unexplainable. losing will and finding el is what led to all the supernatural trauma theyve been through. i dont think mike associates el with trauma but that night in the woods did change all of their lives forever and nothing has been normal since that night. when mike told will asking him to be his friend was the best thing hes ever done, thats said in a way that could not be interpreted any other way, especially not in any negative way. this can. (that being said im not negating how much mike genuinely does care about her and im not saying he wishes he never found her or anything like that).
then it gets so complicated because the only way mike knew how to reach her was through everything will said to him in the van, not knowing that everything will said was referring to HIS feelings, not els.
what mike thinks she wants to hear (based on what will said):
mike tells el “im afraid that one day you wont need me anymore” directly referring to when will told him that she (he) will always need him and then we see this shot.
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a lot of people interpret this clip as will just being sad that mike loves her but i think here he might actually be realizing that mikes using his own feelings unknowingly to reach her and he feels guilty about it.
will also told mike that “you make her feel like shes not a mistake at all, like shes better for being different and that gives her the courage to fight on” which actually is not the case for el AT ALL. that was the entire reason for their fight in volume one. el told him “i am different i do not belong” and that he thinks shes a monster and thats why she doesnt love him. she doesnt wanna be loved for being different. but will made mike think she does. these are els reactions to when he brings up her powers:
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“youre my superhero”
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“you can move mountains, you can fly”
during the whole monologue shes crying but both times he brings up her powers she stops and just looks mad. she looks like she just realized something and shes not happy about it.
i think will completely unintentionally made mlvn so much worse with his veiled confession in the van.
just straight up lies:
“and i knew right then and there that i loved you” (referring to the very first moment he saw her in the woods.)
this is the biggest lie of the whole monologue and i dont always like to bring in social media and marketing to my analyses but when i watched this for the first time, the SECOND he said this i immediately thought of this tweet:
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we also have proof in the show itself that he didnt feel this way. he brings her home because he just found a lost girl in the woods in the pouring rain. and then he and lucas and dustin immediately come up with a plan on how to get her back to wherever she came from so that the next day they can go back outside and find will.
“i love you on your bad days”
immediately debunked. mikes a fucking BITCH on her bad days. even will thinks so.
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“i love you for exactly who you are”
he doesnt even talk about who she is??? at the beginning of the season we had that whole scene of nancy and jonathan talking about all the reasons they love each other and what does mike love about el? that shes a superhero?
and THEN after the monologue is over its not even mike who gives her the courage to fight on! ITS MAX!!! el doesnt have the power to move the vines until she sees max in trouble. and then later when shes reviving her and theres flashbacks of their moments together, specifically when she says “theres more to life than stupid boys” and “not hopper, not mike, you.” thats huge.
continuing with post-monologue volume 2, its so beyond weird that we dont see el speak a WORD to him after this enter speech. not even just after that speech, after she almost died.
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if mlvn was meant to be why didnt they have a moment like this after she woke up? we dont even see her wake up. we dont even see them for two days!!!!
anyways that was a lot. i hope it all made sense. i think the purpose of the whole monologue was to show that even after mike says what she wanted to hear, shes still not happy with him. shes realized that that she is her own person and her own superhero. the duffers just made it excruciatingly complicated and i hope they do a good job explaining this scene in s5.
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destinygoldenstar · 3 months
Golden Analyzes 2001 Nominees “Shrek”
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*Have Not Seen Prior, GF Has*
We’ve reached it. The very first Best Animated Feature Winner.
Pay Respects.
So this is the first case scenario where me and my GF, (we’re watching these together) have totally different experiences with a movie on the list.
Jimmy Neutron - We both never seen it
Monsters Inc - We both seen it
THIS movie, I hadn’t watched it in full prior to this. But she has.
Actually, I think I should clarify my stance when I say ‘haven’t seen it’. Cause with Jimmy Neutron, I actually hadn’t seen a single clip of it and knew nothing going in.
With this movie? I mean I haven’t sat down and watched the movie in full before this.
I’ve been SPOILED TO DEATH about this movie. So I know the plot. I know what happens. There are no surprises waiting for me.
But I’ve only sat down and seen a few clips. One was the very end of the second movie years ago when I was walking in on a babysitting watch party. Another was that scene in the third movie of that ogre baby doing a vomit rocket, which was even longer ago back when I was a kid with Windows XP. (Come on Microsoft, make Windows interesting again!)
And we also went on a Shrek themed VR ride at Universal. I don’t remember anything about it aside from we rode it.
Though to be fair I never remember VR rides that well.
So I know Shrek. I know it’s story. I know the impact it’s had on the industry. I just never found time or interest to sit down and watch the full movie.
My GF on the other hand has seen all the movies and spin-offs, and she is a pretty casual fan. She’s rather indifferent to these movies, and said they’re good movies.
So… she’s gonna have more to say in the reactions than usual. While I descend into madness.
But due to the Oscars nominations, I will get a descent Shrek fill in. Shrek 2 is 2004. Puss N Boots & Puss N Boots The Last Wish we’re both nominated. I will be required to watch those.
But not the third of fourth movies. I am not required to watch those. And I heard they were the worst of the franchise so I probably won’t. Depends if I get that invested in Shrek.
Okay… let’s go in.
Bold is my GF’s words
“Did this storybook rip off Sleeping Beauty? That looks familiar.” “It’s also odd as these characters don’t look like that in the movie.”
“Sorry, my mind is dirty. That F is way too big. Replace ‘for’ with the f word. Completely changed the sentence.”
“He’s so ugly that the mirror couldn’t stand to look at him.”
”He murdered a fish with his farts. Oh dear gosh he murdered a lot of fish with his farts.” “That’s one way to go fishing I guess.” “Why would you shower in mud if you’re just gonna take a bath right after?”
”This movie’s gross. Especially those slugs just… they don’t look right.”
“Okay, eating eyeballs?! No no no no. Nope… I’ve watched Total Drama though. I havent had a movie that’s made me lose my appetite for Cheeze-It’s yet. Let’s see if this one breaks me.”
(It didn’t. I could still eat Cheeze-Its throughout the movie)
“I wonder if he traumatized these people for sport.”
*He puts the fire out like it’s nothing* “😂” “😂 They’re a bunch of cowards.”
”I’ve had this headcanon as to why Donkey is being sold along with the other fairy tale creatures when he’s not a fairy tale character. You know in Pinocchio the island that turns people into donkeys and one of them talks still? He’s that donkey.”
”Those banners are the Facebook logo!” “Huh? Oh yeah… I was always confused by that cause Farquad’s colors are red and yellow.” “He’s Lord Facebook! He’s the head of Facebook!”
*’Im a real boy’ *nose grows** “That is so depressing.”
“Dang, Tinker Bell is either a failure or a sociopath.”
“I mean, you did save him with no reason to, so…”
“Oh he’s so us.”
“I mean technically it’s his property, and you’re a stranger. He kinda has a right to not let you in.”
“One thing that always bothered me was how everyone looks so old.” “Yeah.” “Is it because fairy tales are old??”
“NOOOO” “What?” “I thought he was gonna eat it for a second. Whatever he pulled out of his ear.” “Ear wax candle.”
”You can’t just put a CORPSE on the table!”
“Over a DAY, they ALL set up a whole civilization here.”
*Does anyone else know where to find him?* “No trust. No respect.”
”‘I am going to save your lives! But only for my own selfish reasons. But I’m still doing it!’”
“Oh yeah, this gingerbread man suffers a lot.”
*I tried to be fair to you creatures* “So murder and enslavement is fair.”
“How is he not a king? He has a castle and is a dictator and everything.”
“She’s DEAD. 😂 Yes marry a corpse. Would you like your bride alive or dead?”
“That’s gotta be one of the worst designed castles I’ve ever seen in a movie.”
“Hi welcome to Facebook.”
”I’m perfectly okay with sacrificing all of you.”
*oh that’s not very nice…* “Shrek gets so much mistreatment that he-“ *Its just a donkey* “Oh… 😂”
*Onions have layers* *Ogres are like onions* "...THAT had to be the WORST metaphor you could've possible come up with."
(It's a SIMILE, actually. I thought I was a writer)
“Honestly I’m with Donkey on this one.”
“I can never look at this scene the same way again knowing they have those hybrid babies” “…THE DONKEY AND DRAGON DO IT?!”
“I don’t ship this. Ew. Ew. Ew.”
“She speaks in old English?” “Yeah. She doesn’t do it all the time though.”
*well I have to save my ass* “😯” “Oh yeah, also there’s swearing in this.” “No I’m fine I just didn’t expect that reply.”
”I don’t ship this… I’m deeply uncomfortable. A dragon is trying to S/A a donkey.”
*Shrek gets his ass kissed* “AAAHHH! NOO!! NO NO NO NO NO!!” “…I forgot about that part…” “AAAAAHHH! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THIS MOVIE?!”
”…oh okay… she has wings…” “Yeah good thing.” “I thought the dragon was gonna get hanged for a second.”
*Why didn’t he come rescue me?* “Yeah. Exactly.”
“No consent. Dragging a woman away without consent.”
“He’s already got the wedding outfits set up…” *sees the bear rug* “OH MY GOD.” “Yeah…” “I’m actually jumpscared…” “Earlier in the movie, the three bears were locked up together and the bears were crying for her… and then at another point in the movie she’s not there and the dad and baby are crying.” “😨NOO.”
(RIP Mama Bear)
*singing to the bird* “Awww…” *the bird explodes* “😳… actually I saw that coming. Still messed up.” *takes the eggs to cook* “NO!!!! NO. NO. NO. NO. THATS ANOTHER LEVEL OF SCREWED UP! NO! NO! IM LOSING MY MIND!!!” “Im gonna go…”
(We took a five minute break)
“Huh. A crass princess. Interesting.”
“…is it bad that I was kinda vibing with that?” “It wasn’t good. And they’re misogynistic… but yeah, I was vibing with that too.”
“…Im deeply uncomfortable but what do I expect now?”
“I was waiting for those frog balloons, oh gosh…” “It doesn’t phase me anymore.”
“…so are those animals dead?”
“She’s gonna marry Facebook.”
“DONKEY. I was digging that!”
“Is it bad that I think she’s really pretty as an ogre?” “Yes! Definitely! She’s real cute like this. Love the curves.”
“I wonder if her dress was designed specifically for this transformation.” “Im pretty sure it’s just magic.” “I think it’s just a very stretchy dress.”
*I thought that wouldn’t matter to you* “What?”
“…what’d she say?”
“Yeah I’m not crazy. She said that SO quiet I can’t even hear it.”
(At least the version we watched, idk)
“Oh here’s the part. The leg part.” *the leg part* “😂”
“Uh…” *she presses the Farquad figure in the cake* “Yeah.”
“I’m very surprised there’s no guards blocking the door.”
“Why don’t you just go in? What’s stopping you?”
“The domino effect on the people 😂”
“…oh it does magic her clothes too.”
”😳 OKAY THEN.” “That’s a dark way to die for sure.” “I was expecting him to put up a fight, but THAT’S how he dies… that’s kinda pathetic.”
“😂” “Wait, this one window didn’t smash. Hold on.”
“I LOVE that she stays an ogre. That’s such a great message.”
(We Stan Fiona in this household)
“And then they all sing Shrek’s style in the end. Having accepted him.” “I didnt even notice that.”
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Yeah, uh… I think I lost it far more than I thought I would. XD
And I’m a Total Drama viewer, which is pretty much this franchise but parodying reality Tv instead of fairy tales.
This is one of those movies that would probably not fly today from how much… rancidness is here. But apparently they’re making a fifth movie, which I, who has only seen the first movie so far, cannot comment feelings about.
I won’t dock points for it though, as it’s pretty clear it’s all done on purpose to serve as the movies distinct identity…
…you know, as one giant hate letter to Disney. If you know its history.
Okay, but putting that aside, this movie was a cultural phenomenon and a huge deal… and I get why.
Nowadays everyone’s trying to copy it, pretty much anyone under the Universal belt copied it at least once. But back then… yeah there wasn’t anything like it. And unlike those imitators that make their movies as childish garbage, this movie knows exactly what it’s doing and what it wants to say.
So much so that they repeat the message of the movie over and over and OVER again. And ngl, I felt pretty bashed in the face every time they said something under the likes of “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Because it was NOT SUBTLE AT ALL.
I think that’s a dialogue issue more than anything else. I would say kids movie, they have to use subtext less, but then I remember Monsters Inc was also an Oscar nomination and that movie knew subtext pretty well.
I think this is my biggest critique of the movie. There’s a bit of a lack of subtext.
There’s a lot of telling instead of showing. And I think the story and the message would’ve hit a whole lot harder if they showed things instead of just saying them.
For example, Shrek talks about how everyone immediately called him a monster before knowing him… but that’s it. He talks about it. What we’re shown is the aftermath of such where HE’S purposefully scaring THEM. Yeah I know he’s not attempting to murder anyone doing this he just wants privacy, but I think they could’ve made these civilians a bit more unlikeable, unreasonable, and unfair going in to make Shrek’s point have more ground to stand on. I think the scene would’ve hit a lot harder for me.
I do have other critiques as well
The animation is… actually not as bad as people make it out to be now. Yeah it aged badly but there are some really pretty skies.
Mostly the problem isn’t even the animation, it’s the designs.
That Lord Facebook castle is… YIKES, that’s bad looking.
The ogres look fine, but the people just look… OLD. Like, far older than I think they’re supposed to be. I think the only human character that looks like the age they’re supposed to be is Fiona.
My GF pointed this out too. She suggested that maybe everyone looking like this is on purpose to add to the fairytale satire angle. And maybe.
Now I have my fair share of fairytale satires in my life… but I am a little confused on how fairytales function in this world??
Like obviously the characters are there, but do they live out their respective fairytale stories? Are they aware their stories are written in stone? What about the people who aren’t fairytale characters? What do they do?
None of these world building questions get answered, at least not in this movie. Like, maybe if Shrek was a fairytale character, even if a very minor monster obstacle character, then the hatred towards him would be much more understandable?? Like, on the civilian’s end not on the message’s end.
Lord Facebook is also probably the weakest character in the movie.
Yes I know it’s Lord Farquad, but over the reaction we made a joke about the Facebook looking banners so we’re calling him Lord Facebook.
There’s really only one scene where I’m convinced he’s a threat as a villain, and that’s him torturing the gingerbread man. He hates and slaughters fairy tale creatures because… why not? (I forgot) And he somehow is not the king??
Why would he need to be king if he already has this much power?
And even then most of his power is used off screen. Like the Mama Bear murder. ON SCREEN, aside from that one scene I already mentioned, he poses pretty little threat. The heroes don’t really try to stop him until the end of the movie, Fiona puts up very little fight for her own character reasons, and in the final battle, Facebook gets eaten and killed very early and very easily without much of a fight. A fight that his GUARDS do.
I’m just saying, the main villain kinda doesn’t have too much of a ‘role’ dictating the narrative. Cause again, it was Fiona’s choice to go with him. She’s not being held captive by him or anything. He’s not the guy that locked her up in that tower.
So this movie has some issues…
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I still very much appreciate it.
Despite the movie being made out of spite (if you go behind the scenes) it has a strong heart of a story of an outcast learning to let people in his life.
Shrek is not a monster. That’s just the stereotype people put on ogres. But he acts like that monster as a coping mechanism for loneliness. Which is a very real psychological thing.
I first assumed the movie was about this ogre getting a redemption arc and changing into a better person, but this is a subversion I’m pretty pleased with. I mean yeah Shrek is… flawed, but so is everyone. And he shouldn’t have to, say, remove his ogre side to fit in.
(Wait is that the plot of the second movie??)
And it’s also why his relationships with Donkey and Fiona, who accept him for who he is, is very important for both him and the story.
And I really liked these two characters in particular. MUCH more than I thought I would going in.
Except eating birds eggs. That’s a big no no.
Donkey, I suppose, fits the ‘comedic sidekick’ role, and I was prepared to be extremely annoyed by him throughout the movie…
…what I got instead was a very wholesomely pure character that was vital to the story. Yeah he’s a loudmouth, but he has by far the best heart in the movie and such an amazing friend to Shrek. Even when Shrek snaps at Donkey for a misunderstanding, he never blames Shrek for anything and remains emotionally supportive and open to listening to Shrek. It’s a friendship I completely bought from beginning to end.
I also completely bought the love story from beginning to end. The main character literally wiping his ass with the notion of true love only to find said true love? Irony at its peak.
And I will say that after watching this movie fully for the first time, I am a Fiona STAN.
I knew the twist with her being an ogre even before I watched the movie, so no surprise there. Again, I’ve been spoiled to death of this movie. What I wasn’t expecting was how well it was used as a thematic purpose to parallel Shrek.
This is something she can’t control. There is nothing she can do about it. Shrek can’t either cause he was born an ogre, but they’re both in the similar situation. In Fiona’s case however, she lies about it. She hides it. She masks herself to fit the society norm of a princess because that is what she’s supposed to be.
And being locked in a tower for god knows how long with no social contact? Of course she’d think no one would love that side of her. All she has to go off of is fairy tale logic, which is why she speaks in Old English at her debut scene.
Kinda wish they kept that part as a running thing for her, cause they kinda drop it after the rescue. That’s a nitpick though.
But after hearing Shrek having experiences that are relatable to her fears, she opens up far more to her real personality, which Shrek falls for. She’s crude, she’s cynical, she has no problem getting her hands dirty, she can kick ass without much issue. That’s another thing I like. She played the traditional damsel in distress at the tower, but it was clear it was just a gig for her and she could’ve escaped if she wanted. But it’s her willing choice to go to Farquad after the misunderstanding, and Shrek isn’t saving her physically at the wedding, he’s saving her mentally.
That was a nice subversion of the trope.
I also LOVE that she stays an ogre at the end and that’s her ‘beauty’. Cause despite not being born an ogre, it IS her. It’s genuinely very beautiful.
“Man, gotta love ogre, one of my favorite genders”
Idk how much of a hot take this is, but she’s prettier as an ogre than she is as a human. I said it.
I’m not one of those people that love romanticizing obesity, as it is a genuine health concern that be damaging to one’s life. But there is a good line between that and just having a body type that is more plus sized than others. And that’s okay. Especially if there’s nothing that can be done in some cases. I cannot speak for the plus sized women that watched this movie, but I hope it really touched them in a positive way and made them appreciate themselves more.
And to this day, Disney hasn’t made a princess with a chubbier body type. But if they ever do we all get to claim that Fiona was the first.
…and also that Red Shoes movie that’s pretty good and also did body positivity well.
Shrek’s bond with both of these characters is the heart of the movie, at least for me. It’s genuinely so touching to watch a guy who got isolated for so long be able to open up again to people who can love and care for him for who he is. Maybe it’s not the best version of this story in the world, but it’s still a well told one.
And, uh… idk how controversial it is… I like the pop music in this movie.
Nowadays its overdone and serves no purpose besides advertisement and songwriters getting a paycheck, but in this movie it serves a genuine narrative purpose and the movie would be worse without it.
It’s SHREK’s style of music. It’s HIS narrative being narrated not in a traditional fairy tale way, but by his playlist.
Every other character in the movie tries to sing traditionally like a Disney Movie. Donkey tries a lot and Shrek keeps stopping him. Fiona sings and kills a bird with her voice. (Yeah the mockery of Disney is strong here) Shrek meanwhile doesn’t give a damn about his reputation.
(I’m sorry)
And it really works for the ending after everyone else is singing the song ‘I’m a Believer’ together at Shrek and Fiona’s wedding. They join in on Shrek’s style of music because they have grown a sense of acceptance of Shrek.
(At least I think they did)
So yeah, good movie with some rough edges to it. I honestly wish I loved it more than I did. But I’m glad I didn’t hate it. At least I am now scarred by a dragon sexually harassing people.
And according to the nomination list, I will be required to watch the second movie and both of the spin-off movies.
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Anyway, that's it for this movie and this concludes all the 2001 Oscar Nominated Movies For Best Animated Feature. I'll make a post where we come to our own conclusions on our opinions on the win and what movie we think should've won instead.
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dominic-sessa · 7 months
life update!!
i finally have some free time and havent properly posted something in so long so i thought id write up something!
first of all i want to say that ive successfully fixed my bingewatch problem in late january!! i hate to say it, but seeing how many movies i saw last year in my letterboxd wrapped really concerned me 🫤 i wanted to make an effort to make use of my time properly (after starting a new job and all) and i thought i wont let myself waste time bingeing horrible b-movies just so i can bump up the percent watched in someones filmography (its kinda tricky doing it so i made a resolution to only watch movies which interests me if i want to see more of someone)
with that said, i ended up not watching anything on weekdays and eventually think that staring at my phone for more than an hour wasnt my thing anymore (at least in the context of doing it EVERYDAY). so that may be one of the reasons why the turnaround for my hyperfixations got slower (which i think is good!).
ALSO, i do want to mention that because ive been watching less films recently i initially thought it would be great for my gif making hobby since i wont feel the pressure of wanting to gif so many movies at one sitting. i tried this in early feb and.. well... lets just say that it takes time for my very old laptop to make gifs (i had it since college during the pandemic so it was really used!). i only screen record scenes i want to gif because i hate having to wait to download AND even if i had hq clips it would take my laptop so long to render. so making something lq and having to wait 30mins just for a single gif wasnt doing it for me (bcs i said i wanted to make more use of my time).. so thats the reason why i havent posted anything lately (I REALLY REALLY wanted to make a gifset of josh whitehouse in valley girl but the quality just ended up stressing me 🫠)
and for my last update, as u can tell from my reblogs on queue, i just saw daisy jones and the six and LOVE josh whitehouse and he really got me playing the guitar again 😭😭 (i still think its a miracle!!!). ive been practicing some old pieces i used to perform when i was in high school during my 5-9's and i just had a bizzare idea of getting into the piano. i only ever played classical before, so i always had a problem doing improvs. i spent some time looking at videos on youtube and found out improvs on the piano were waay easier to play and understand, so im gonna buy a keyboard very very soon (which im so excited for)!!!! learning how to do jazz improvs on keys would probably be my new hobby and making gifs would probably be back until i get a new laptop (which at the moment is very low priority 🥲)
SO THERES THAT! Now heres an audit trail of my jan-feb hyperfixations!
still on a tom blyth high since late december 2023
dom sessa: after watching the holdovers (seriously this time)
sam claflin: i wanted to get out of the coriolanus blackhole so i ended up reading finnick odair fics 😭😭 i found out he was the lead in daisy jones and the six so i watched that! my hyperfixation didnt last tho!! i have love rosie on my watchlist but got side tracked bcs of... *drum roll*
JOSH WHITEHOUSE -i find it crazy how most of my hyperfixations are englishmen. but yes. my sweet pookie. i love him. i will try not to talk much bcs if i start i wont stop. but tldr i didnt binge his filmography so i was on his youtube channel for quite some time and spent 15mins a day there... thats maybe the reason i got into playing the guitar again? love his music videos AND love how he plays flamenco. i play classical on the guitar and am a tarrèga girl so i never bothered to learn flamenco (tarrèga hated it) . but knowing just that made me want to at least remember some pieces i used to play just so i can play again... THEN i found out he has a new movie coming up with...
malcolm mcrae: ngl his pretty face caught my eye (special shoutout to anya! literally the power couple)... my first thoughts were like 'ohh i wonder what his character is like in triton'. but then i found out hes in a band SO i was thinking ok hes in a movie w josh so theres probably gonna be something music in it. i then looked up his band and love their songs!! theyre only a duo which i think is p strong (u dont need that many ppl in a band rly!) and i watched some interviews they had too!
KANE RITCHOTTE: my babygirl. my darling. idk what to say abt him. his songs with malcolm are always so magical. ive been playing gods in the details on repeat since early feb. hes my favorite more* member. the literal musical god. im praying hell sing more songs. ALSO i was suprised he did a cameo in daisy jones and the six with malcolm (they were the one who taught some of them how to play their instruments!! i was in awe bcs malcolm was the literal billy dune. LIKE sam claflin really copied his playing style which is so neat!!)
thats all!! thanks so much if uve read up until this point ily and pls lmk what uve been up to as well 🫶
take care <3
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 5 months
i have to tell ppl this because somehow despite the whole internet knowing no one i know knows this apparently BUT EKT WAS FOUND
so lost media esp lostwave songs r my thing i love them but this is insane. So its from a 1986 2 HOUR LONG porno called Angels of Passion. Its an hour in and unfortunately the clip that we have from Carl92 is the only part w/o the "background noises". from what ive heard abt the porno its abt a guy who was gonna off himself but these 3 angels show up and help him out while also helping him out iykwim. it seems like a weird yet interesting movie. and before yall assume abt the guy that found it, it was a group effort after someone found it in a reg youtube video w the credits to the OG singers Christopher and Philip Booth so he then got together w a bunch of other ppl looking for Everyone Knows That and they went thru everything that the Booths had been credited for working on and found it an hour into Angels Of Passion. The whole song does in fact slap so i hope that someone if they havent already isolates the audio so we can have a full song of it minus the backgound noise. i am however trying to decide if Carl92 truly couldnt remember where he found the clip or if he literally was jorking it and downloaded it and just wanted to know what the song was and refused to say where he found to save his dignity lmaoooo.
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mekatrio · 9 months
JUMPING IN JOY!!! WOOHOO!!! AWESOME!!!!! i came across that resource bc i was curious about my belief of zelda being more popular in western countries than it is in japan, so i looked around the internet to see if anyone had made any studies or research on that, to 'prove'/'show' whether this is actually true. unfortunately i didnt come across any big study that explored this specifically, but i did find that im definitely not the only person who believes that zelda is more popular in western countries than it is in japan:
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i came across that epic awesome resource from prev post because i was looking around for resources about this subject matter and was listing down whatever sources i could find about it. but since im going to be spending my time reading thru the resource from prev post, i think ill take a break from looking for other sources and just post what ive gathered already! this is what i hv found (under a read more cuz its long 🤭) :
- a newspaper clipping on webarchive published in december 1998 that talks about oot's success in the west (they anticipated to ship 1 million units but are now anticipating to ship 3 million units), and that nintendo had spent $10 million in marketing (idk if its domestic or overseas or overall marketing)
- nintendo's webpage listing the top 10 highest selling titles on their consoles from the nintendo ds and onwards. im pretty sure these are the global figures, not domestic. what's interesting to me is that, with the exception of wind waker hd (wii u title that sold 2.37 million units), there had been no zelda titles that entered the top 10 highest selling titles on a nintendo console, at least not until the nintendo switch w botw + totk. and not on this page at least.. maybe theyd be on the top 10 for previous consoles like the n64 and gamecube 🤔
- youtube video Obscure in the West, Big in Japan by Retrohistories that talks about this study; Making Local video game history index by Akito Inoue!!! now this is super super super super interesting to me. to sum it up super densely, basically researcher Akito Inoue goes thru lists in both english and japanese, lists like Metacritic's Top 100 Games and Famitsu's Highest Ranked Games and many many other lists like these, and gives the listed titles a score out of 100. each title gets two scores, one for it's 'popularity' (possibly not the right term) in the west, and one for it's 'popularity' in japan. bla bla bla many statistical contingencies and whatnot, the video and this study explains this much better than i ever could, but essentially this info can be plotted on a graph, where the higher on the y axis = more acclaimed in the west, and the higher x axis = more acclaimed in japan. and this is what the zelda titles look like!
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the 'most acclaimed titles' in the west vs japan are so different!!! thats so interesting!!! also this study was last updated in 2018 so thats something to consider. but its like wow.... why is it so different???
also not zelda related but IDC, but this is what final fantasy titles look on this graph!
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its so interesting....!! what could be the reason for these disparities!!!! why does the west hate my boy squall!!!
- this site that lists down lifetime sales of various zelda titles, published in july 2023 and if im not misunderstanding, was published by J. Clement!
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- and lastly, a bunch of resources from Ishaan Sahdev, who wrote The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History which i posted about in prev!! the resources are as followed:
- Breath of the Wild is the Highest Selling Zelda in Japan in 19 Years on the resetera forums, with this nifty graph made from info from Media Create, a japanese company that gathers and analyzes video game data:
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- and this article, Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Beating All Expectations in Japan on Sahdev's website which uses this same graph, and talks about botw's domestic success in more detail (havent completely read this yet)
- two other posts on the resetera forums also by Sahdev, which have these useful figures:
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- The Legend of Zelda - Series Sales page on the zelda wiki, which is maintained by Sahdev! (would you look at that, there are actual decent pages on this wiki!)
- and of course, The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History, which i believe will go into more depth on how Sahdev acquired these figures, which im very excited to read about!! this dude rocks!!!!
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ov-rwhelmed · 1 year
Hi!!! This have been bugging me a lot but does Killua really scared of bugs and love astronomy in canon or is it something the fandom agree on. I think it's cute btw but I was just wondering where the source came from bc I've only watched 2011 anime, and manga.. i only read after the world tree part so far huehue. Also!! I love Full Count :) literally every update gave me serotonin jump even the angsty part.
hey hey!!! thanks for the Q!!! i love to discuss the bois <3
OK SO i have watched the 2011 anime in full and read the manga covering the same time (pls do not ask me why i haven’t read the dark continent yet ok i JUST HAVENT) and i do not recall anything indicating killua is afraid of bugs. HOWEVER. there is at least one scene from the 1999 anime (that i have only seen some episodes and clips from) where gon and killua are fishing. gon picks up a worm (im p sure for fish bait) and killua is visibly disgusted and is like “how can you just pick that thing up like that?” ☠️ so based on that one singular moment, i think we took the HC that killua is afraid of bugs and RAN WITH IT. or at least i did. l o l
now astronomy… that’s a new one for me!!! i haven’t heard it but honestly i love it. i can see how he would love astronomy but in a subtle, “im too cool for that” way. like i picture him and gon, when they were on whale island, looking up at the stars and killua just silently being in awe and identifying constellations in his head. but then gon points out the little dipper as the big dipper and killua’s like, “no, you idiot, that’s the little dipper, obviously. because, you see that star, at the end of the handle? that’s polaris. ya know, the north star?” and he goes off on a tangent about all the stars that make up both dippers and the fact that they’re in technically larger constellations and then he notices gon is just looking at him and he’s like “um.. but.. yeah. how did you not know that? doesn’t everybody know that? geez.” and then goes back to just looking up at the stars and ignoring gon telling him how smart and cool he is for knowing about the sky and FINALLY eventually he’s like “well yeah. it’s the sky. it’s fucking sick.”
ANYWAYS those r my thoughts. i hope you enjoyed 😂 also, thank you so much for your kind words about full count omg 🥹 that is so sweet and seriously means so much to me, i am SO glad you’re enjoying it!!!! i’m trying not to think about how there are only two chapters left to post it’s making me sad
thank you again for your question and kind note!!!! 🥰
UPDATE found the screen cap from the ‘99 anime i was thinking of!
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dompler · 2 years
hi! i just want to inform you all that Goncharov is not a real film. with 100% sincerity and confidence i can tell you Goncharov is not real and is genuinely a work of collective fiction. stating the undeniable facts is not "ruining the joke", it's looking out for your psychotic peers.
i am psychotic, i have discussed this with multiple other psychotics, it's not fucking funny and it never has been. i have a friend who only found out two days ago it wasn't real.
"but that's the joke" you may cry! "you're ruining everyone elses fun due to your ailments!" buddy, let me sit down and tell you something;
I'm psychotic, I got diagnosed in 2018. i struggle with figuring reality from dreams on a daily basis, literally i only trust 1 person in the whole world fully. i assume most people are lying to make me look stupid or say something "incriminating" constantly. so, unless i hadn't seen a tumblr post that said it was a fucked up "meme" before i saw any of the meme posts themselves, i know for certain it would've actually and actively driven me insane. especially as someone who works with and studies lost media. because i would've somehow fooled myself into thinking it was lost media and, as shown by the amount of people on here actively gaslighting psychotics, i know for a fact someone WOULD lie to me about it and say its just that obscure and it would've like. more than likely triggered a break.
so from one psychotic to anyone who needs it;
it's not real, most gifsets and videos "from" it are stolen from The Godfather, a critically acclaimed and immensely recognizable pop culturally relevant film franchise.
The fact people are acting like people cant instantly recognize clips from said films is fucking stupid in the first place. when your joke doesnt even have a base to stand on in its "legitimacy" and said "legitimacy" is the whole punchline how do you fuck it up so badly?
the "joke" only works when people havent seen anything about it and only people discussing it like its real. but then that makes the joke "look at how we can make people not know whats real or fake". a struggle hundreds and fucking thousands of us go through every fucking day.
if you're not psychotic reblog but dont add any comments ty 👍
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