#before he finally gave up and went to eat some kibble
naomiknight-17 · 1 year
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Leon is so confused about the curry
Smells of chicken... love chicken... but... spices!? What is this
Why does it burn
Where is the tasty chicken
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Bring Me Back
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Filming “Cherry” had its ups and downs for Tom. When filming finally takes its toll on him, you’re there to instantly bring him back from the world of Cherry.
Warnings: Mentions of drug abuse, PTSD, murder. A smidge of smut.
A/n: In honor of the Cherry🍒 trailer dropping, I decided to write this!
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(GIF creds: @atealiers )
Any kind of project was a blessing to Tom. He loved being an actor. He was fond of telling stories through the big screen and got a kick from portraying many different characters. Acting was something he felt passionate about, it was his craft and he was very dedicated when it came to becoming his roles. Cherry was quite different from the other movies he’s been in. It was dark and contained many subjects like drug addiction, PTSD, and crime. The world of Cherry was something Tom was not used to; it was twisted. He hasn’t been exposed to things like drugs or the events that Nico Walker had been through. Which was why he was hesitant to take on the role of Cherry.
When the Russo Brothers approached him with the idea, he was excited. He was getting the opportunity to tell another story and would explore the world of a new character. Though the more he looked into it, he realized that maybe he wasn’t up for the role. Was he really ready to dive into the dark and traumatizing life of Nico Walker? As an actor, he was willing to take the job, it would give him an opportunity to expand his career and would possibly be one of his best work. As Tom, he wasn’t sure if he could handle learning or re-enacting the events that occurred in Cherry. But Tom did like a challenge, which was why he ended up agreeing to become Cherry.
He prepared himself mentally and physically pre- production. For research, he interviewed army veterans and former drug addicts to get an idea of what it was like to be in those positions. To get the look of Cherry, he did a variety of things. For example, going on a diet and losing weight, then gaining said weight again once they had to shoot the army scenes. Another thing he did was shave off the gorgeous brown curls that adorned his head. At first you weren’t too happy with his change in hairstyle, but later on you found yourself running your hands along the short strands of hair, loving the fuzzy feeling it gave your palms.
After the interviews and hearing others’ experience, Tom felt a level of responsibility to tell the story of millions of people around the world. Not only was it telling the story of Nico, but of other army veterans who suffered from PTSD and people who’ve had drug addictions. He was fully on board now and there was no looking back. He was going to push himself to the limit and to places he’s never been before.
Filming was tough. There were scenes he had to do that were so unlike him, that felt wrong, and sometimes he just had to take a step back. They didn’t feel right, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. This was his job, if he wanted this movie to be the best that it can, he was going to commit. Thankfully, he was working with the Russos, who he’s known for a while now. He was familiar with the two and they were patient with him, giving him the time to regain himself before shooting an intense scene. The cast and crew were very understanding as well, creating a safe space for him on set. Having Harry along with him helped as well, the familiarity of his brother kept him grounded and avoided him from falling into the void of Cherry. Though he had all these supportive people around him, there was only one person who could calm him down when things got suffocating on set. The only person he wanted to be in Cleveland with him but wasn’t. You. Since you had your own life and job, you were unable to fly out to Cleveland with him. Instead you stayed at your shared home with Tessa as company. All he needed was you when he felt the affects of Cherry caging in on him. Just the sound of your comforting voice over the phone could clear his head and make him breath again.
He had his bad days on set, where he would have to take a moment and hide in his trailer for a few minutes. During those few minutes he liked to be alone as he waited for you to answer your phone. The line would ring, it’d stop, then the sound of your sweet voice would be the only thing he’d hear. Sometimes you didn’t answer the first time, but nonetheless you answered eventually. It wasn’t the same as having you with him in person, you had your responsibilities, and he understood that. He just wished that one day you’d come to Cleveland. He wanted to be in your arms, stuff his face into your neck, breath in your familiar scent, he just wanted to feel you. You were his home. His safe haven. And it was all he wanted right now.
Glancing at your phone, you wondered why Tom hasn’t texted you yet. Not that you were itching for him to text you, but because around this time he would be blowing up your phone telling you things that happened during filming or how his day was going. You decided that filming probably went into overtime making him busy during his break. You shrug to yourself and continue working on your laptop.
You hear the sound of Tessa’s nails clicking against the floors as she enters the office of your home. You greet her with a smile as she settles herself beside your legs.
“Is it dinner time already, Tess?” You scratch her head as you glance at the time on your screen. It was currently nine at night, a bit late for dinner, but you haven’t noticed.
“Just give me five more minutes and I’ll get us dinner. How does that sound, love?” A somewhat sound of approval emits from Tessa. You get back to work, fingers typing away as you finish off the last of your work.
You finish in four minutes, finally satisfied with your work. You let out a content sigh and turn your laptop off. When you get up you stretch and let your bones crack after being in the same position for hours. Tessa joins you, stretching out her front paws then shaking her body out. You chuckle as you lead the way to the kitchen. Taking the scoop for Tessa’s kibble, you fill her bowl up, causing the dog to look up in curiosity. Once you placed the bowl down, her tail wagged wildly as she stuffed her face into her food.
You decided on going for something simple, ramen noodles. You were too tired too cook anything and ramen noodles were the quickest thing to cook in your pantry. While you waited for the noodles to heat up you checked your phone. You went through your notifications, but there were still no texts from Tom. Though you were concerned, you assumed that they had a long shooting day, making him too busy to text. 
Hi love! I hope you’re doing well in Cleveland. I know you’re probably busy, but hopefully filming isn’t tiring you out too much. Have an amazing day! Don’t forget to drink some water from time to time and eat :) Tess and I miss you and love you so much! Talk soon xxx
You send the text with a smile. He won’t read it till he was free or done with filming, but you knew he’d see the message while you were asleep.
The microwave beeps, letting you know that your food was done. You end your night catching up on episodes of New Girl and eating soup. When you were done you did your nightly routine and settled in bed. You turn the lights off and snuggled under the warm sheets.
“Night Tessa.” You whisper to her. A huff comes out of her as she makes herself comfortable on the foot of your bed. When the both of you were settled, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
The harsh vibrations of your phone shook you awake. Desperate for sleep, you blindly grab your phone and turn it off. Silence fills the room again as you turn around to stuff your face into Tom’s pillow. You were slowly drifting back to sleep when your phone began to vibrate again. With a groan you stretch back and snatch for phone off the night stand. You don’t bother looking at the caller id.
“Hello?” Your voice rasps out.
“Thank God you answered.” The person on the other line said. “I know you’re busy, but how soon can you visit Cleveland?” The deep voice was belonged to Harry.
“Uh—I’m not too sure, I’ll need to check in with my boss.” You reply. When you start feeling more awake you become curious as to why Harry can be calling you. “Why? Is everything ok? How’s Tom? I haven’t heard from him all day.”
The younger Holland sighs. He takes a moment to answer your questions making you suffer in silence, wondering what could have happened to your boyfriend. “Um, they’ve been shooting some intense scenes lately. Tom’s been trying his best but everyone’s noticed that he’s been a bit different.”
You sit up in bed feeling more awake. “What do you mean by different, Haz?”
“Well he’s snapped at the Russos quite a few times. There was this one scene, that they shot multiple times, and Tom would just break down after every one. (Y/n), I’m concerned for my brother, I don’t know what else to do. He’s locked himself in his room after every shoot. A—and I don’t know. I’ve tried to tell him that he can talk to me but he wouldn’t.” Harry explained, his voice croaked. You heart felt heavy for him. Harry was always there for his older brother, so to see him feel so helpless made you feel sorry.
“Haz, calm down, you know how your brother can get. How long has this been happening?”
Harry sniffed over the phone, “About a few weeks now. It’s only started becoming worse last week and now.”
The concern you felt for Tom grew. From what he’s been texting you, filming had been going great. He appeared happy on your FaceTime calls and sounded like his usual self. But maybe he actually wasn’t.
“Harry everything’s gonna be fine, alright?” You assure him. “I’ll call my boss first thing in the morning and when I get the ‘ok’ to leave I’ll get the first flight out to Cleveland. How’s that sound?”
“It sounds good. Can you tell me if you can make it? I’ll have someone come with me to pick you up at the airport.” His voice is quiet, almost muffled.
“Yeah I will, don’t worry.”
“Ok, thank you (y/n).” A small smile forms on your lips. You rub the sleep out your eyes as you glance at your closet. “Alright Haz, I’m gonna go now. But if there’s anything else, just text me or call.”
“I know, stay safe (y/n).” You bid him goodbye and place your phone on the empty space beside your side of the bed. Tom’s side of the bed. You bite your lip in thought as you worry about your boyfriend. You knew he was doing almost everything he can to make sure the movie came out perfect. If that meant shredding himself emotionally and physically, he was going to do it. Tom was dedicated to his work, but he’s never done anything close to Cherry, making you worried about the thoughts that could possibly be going through your lover’s head.
Tessa, who’s now woken up, waddles closer to you, sensing your uneasiness. You appreciate the dog’s gesture and pull her into your side, resting your chin on her head. You were basically sleepless the whole night. Although you haven’t emailed your boss yet, you already had a suitcase packed of your clothes. Your passport and other important belongings were already in a bag, ready to leave London.
The morning had been hectic. You’ve managed to get two hours of sleep, waking up at six in the morning. Still in bed, you sent your boss an email about a family emergency and how you needed to be out of the country for at least a week. As if the gods above knew of your situation, your boss willingly let you go, no questions asked and gave you well wishes. With that out the way, you scowered the Internet for flights to Cleveland. Luck was on your side that morning because you’ve booked a flight that took off in the afternoon. With your bags packed, you drove to Nikki and Dom’s to drop off Tessa.
Now all checked in, you were at Heathrow Airport waiting to be called for your flight. You were sat at your gate, with an iced coffee and a croissant from Starbucks, texting Harry. The two of you were discussing the time you’d arrive and how he’d pick you up. When you were both in agreement, you two decided to catch up. He had been in Tom’s trailer eating his breakfast. An hour passes and you were being called to board the plane.
You settle in your seat, but your leg bounced in anticipation. After the things Harry told you, you just wanted to have your boyfriend in your arms. You knew everything was probably getting to his head, all you wanted to do was hold him and tell him that he was going to be ok. As the plane began to take off, your lack of sleep caught up on you. Throughout the whole flight, you slept soundly, the worries of Tom subsiding for the time being.
The plane lands in Cleveland safely. It was night when you arrived. With your bags, you looked around the airport for a familiar curly haired boy. Harry waves wildly at you before running and pulling you into a tight hug. You laugh wrapping your arms around the slender boy.
“How’s your day been, Haz?” You ruffle his hair as he rolls your suitcase to the parking lot. He shrugs, “The usual. Was on set with Tom, ran around and got things for him, nothing much happened honestly. But you’re here now, so this is the highlight of my night.”
The two of you approach a black car with a driver inside, Harry motions for him to unlock the trunk. He lifts your case in before the two of you get into the backseat.
“How was your flight?” Harry asks you. The car began to move, exiting the airport and entering the highway.
“I slept through all of it, I don’t remember a thing about the flight besides getting on and off it.” You chuckle, leaning your head back against the headrest.
Harry nudges your shoulder, “Thanks for coming out with such short notice.” You wave him off. “It’s no worries, anything for my boys.”
The car is quiet, the only sounds that could be heard is the car’s wheels against the pavement. You turn to Harry, “How was he today?”
“He was pretty good in the morning.” Harry started. “Then filming started and he would grow frustrated after a few scenes. His temper’s been short. He snapped at me during lunch, which is normal, but I just asked him if he wanted some water. He broke down after a certain scene today, I tried talking to him but he still wouldn’t open up about it.” Tom wasn’t too open about his feelings sometimes. He struggled to voice them at times making all his frustrations and feelings bottled up in his head.
Half an hour later and you guys arrive at Tom’s rented home in Atlanta. As soon as you opened the door, you felt the heavy atmosphere. It was somber and tense, the chilliness of the weather also felt inside the house. Harry gestures up the stairs, “Don’t worry, go see him. His room is the first door on the left.”
You quietly thank him and climb up the stairs. You find his door, taking a deep breath before knocking. You hear some shuffling behind the door, “Harry I’m fine! Leave me alone!” His voice was deep, a bit scratchy. You frown at the door.
“Tom?” The room falls quiet. Suddenly you hear fumbling and the sound of heavy footsteps behind the door. The door opens and you finally see him. He was dressed in a large shirt with sweatpants. He looked tired, dark circles under his eyes, eyes glassy, and chapped lips.
“(Y/n)? You’re here?” He asks you in disbelief. A tight lipped grin forms on your lips.
“Yeah, Har—“ You were going to explain how you got there but he immediately threw himself at you. His arms wrap tightly around your figure, his head dipped into your neck, pulling your closer into him. One of your arms go around his neck while the other rubs his back soothingly. A whimper bubbles out of him, his shoulders beginning to shake. You managed to shuffle the both of you back into his room, closing the door behind you.
“You’re ok.” You whisper into his ear, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck. His grip around you never falters. Though he was much taller than you, he seemed so small at the moment. His body drowned in the shirt he wore, making him look thinner. You feel tears soaking into your shirt, making your heart clench in pain. You rest your forehead against his shoulder, holding and whispering sweet nothings into his ear until he was ready to speak.
A few minutes pass until his removes his head from your neck. You frown at his tear stained face, his eyes and cheeks red from quietly sobbing into your shoulder. Your hands cup his face, wiping the trails of tears on his cheeks. Tom leans closer to your touch, his eyes shut while his lips kiss your palm.
“I’m sorry, you’re probably tired from the flight.” He apologizes but you shake your head. You lead him to his bed and sit against the headboard. Tom follows in suit, desperately trying to get closer to you. His arms wrap around your torso, his head rests on your chest, while your legs tangle themselves together.
“I’ve had plenty of sleep on the flight, how are you?” Your lips are against his short hair from holding him so close. You nails scratch softly at his hair, calming him down.
“I don’t know if I could finish it.” He quietly admits. He shakes his head at himself.
“Why’s that, Tom?” Your boyfriend takes a deep breath as he sits up, removing himself from your touch. He sits across from you with legs crossed as he holds his head in his hands.
“I—I, it’s too much. There’s so much fucked up things he’s done. And all the things he’s seen. I just—sometimes I feel like it’s me who’s committed all of those things. When we shoot the scenes in the war and when I had to do drugs and rob banks, I felt like I lost myself—“ He cries interrupting himself to take a breath in. Compared to your fingers that ran gently through his hair, his clawed at his head. His palms rub harshly at his face, turning his skin a bright tint of red. To see Tom in such pain made you sad. You hated seeing him like this.
You gently remove his hands from scratching at his face and hold them in his lap. He stares down at your hands, clinging onto them as if his life depended on it. “I get lost in the character sometimes and I have to pull myself out of it to bring me back. But it keeps on happening over and over again. Then the Russos kept telling me to reshoot the scene more like Cherry, and I lost it and yelled at them.” You feel his tears fall to your your hands, making tears well up in your own eyes. You shuffle closer to him and kiss his forehead before pulling him into you. You stay quiet, letting him get whatever he wanted to get out.
Tom’s face is against your shoulder again. He sniffs before continuing, “It’s like everyday I find something he and I have in common. Then I think that maybe I’m turning into him. I don’t want him to be part of me. (Y/n), I don’t want to be him, I don’t want to do the things he’s done.” He sobs into your shoulder. Your heart breaks at how broken he sounded. His shoulders shook again, his back burning up with tension. A few tears made it’s way down your cheeks as you pulled his face away from you.
“Look at me.” You urged him. His jaw clenched, still looking down at his lap. He shook his head in response. “Tom, please. Look at me.” Your voice cracks. He slowly tilts his head up, your eyes connecting. He didn’t have that twinkle in his eyes, it’s like they’ve lost the light in them. Instead they were dark, like there was no life behind them. There was a mix of sadness, confusion, and even fear in his eyes.
You sadly smiled at him, cupping his face with your hands. “You’re not going to be him. You never will. You’re Tom. You are nothing close to Nico or Cherry. You are the sweetest man I have known in the world, you wouldn’t even hurt a damn fly. You’re not him. I know you aren’t. You wouldn’t do the things he’s ever done even if you were forced to. I know you Tom, I assure you, you’re nothing like him.” Tom hiccups, gripping onto your wrists.
“When this is all over and you’re done filming, we can forget about him. We won’t even mention him.” You assure him, stroking his cheeks.
“What if—,” You cut him off.
“No, there’s no what if’s. You’re going to be fine Tom. You’re surrounded by people who love you and will make you realize that you’re nothing even near him. You are the kindest man ever, you love your family, you care about your fans, and your brothers. You’re busy always taking care of everyone else, I think it’s time you take care of yourself, love.” You tell him. A small smile is on your face but it falters, “You don’t have to go through this alone, Tom.”
Tom takes a shaky breath in. “You’ll be there right?” He asks like a child making sure his mother will be there when he wakes up. “You’ll be there with me to bring me back?”
Your thumb smooths the crinkle between his brows, “I always will. I promise.” He nods and pulls you into him. You climb onto his lap and settle on his legs. He stares up at you, one of his his hands supporting your back, the other pressed against your cheek. “Thank you. I missed you so much. I’m sorry for not texting, everything’s just been so taxing mentally and physically.”
“No, don’t worry I get it.” You turn your face to press a light kiss on his palm. For the first time since you’ve seen him, Tom managed to crack a smile on his lips. He moves some strands of hair away from your face before resting his large hand on the back of your head. “I love you. I love you so much, (y/n).”
“I love you too, Tom.” You whisper against his lips. He takes that as a sign to finally crash your lips together. After months being apart, the feeling of his lips against yours felt like coming home. The kiss was desperate, like it was the air you both breathed. Tom had been longing for your touch, he craved you every second of the day, whether it be sexually or just missing you. The kiss grew rough, your teeth clashing, tongues poking and gliding against each other.
Tom lays you down on the bed, hovering over you. His hands grab and stroke at your body, trying to pull off your clothes to get close to your skin. He suddenly pulls away from your lips. “I need you. Please, I need you.” He almost begs you. Panting, you nod and push him to lay on his back. “Ok, let me take care of you, Tommy.”
He yanks his shirt off, throwing it to the side. You do the same, leaning down to meet his lips again. You kiss your way along his jaw and down to his neck. When you find that certain spot, he lets out a throaty groan, head falling back against the pillows. You run your nails along his chiseled abs and slightly roll your hips against his growing length. Tom grunts, hands instantly connecting to your ass and gripping onto your cheeks. He helps you roll your hips more, deeper with more friction against you two.
“Mm, Tom. I missed you.” You moan against his neck. You bite down and soothe the spot with your tongue after.
Tom looks down at you, lifting his hips to meet your clothes pussy. “Fucking miss you so much. You have no idea how much I’ve been dreaming of being buried in you again.” You kiss your way down his chest, but Tom stops you. His hands grab onto your leggings and slide them off.
“N-no foreplay. I need to feel you.” He stutters out, mouth agape. You nod in agreement and take his sweatpants off along with his boxers. You spit in your hand, running your hand along his dick to give it some wetness. Tom helps you lift yourself over him and guides your hips down his erected cock. You let out a combination of a sigh and moan as your walls envelop and stretch around him. Tom slightly sits up against the headboard, your tightness wrapping around him. He lets out a cry of relief, your walls around him feeding his cravings. You use his shoulders as leverage to pull yourself up but Tom stops you.
“What’s wrong?” You eye him cautiously. Tom shakes his head, “Nothing’s wrong. I just—can we stay like this for a while? I just want to feel you, please?”
“Yeah, we can do that.” You send him a reassuring smile as you settle back down on him. His hands make themselves comfortable around your waist. You maneuver your arms under his and wrap them around his back. Tom smiles at you, rubbing your back and guiding you into his chest. Before you can nuzzle your face into his neck, he presses a kiss to your temple and lets his fingers get tangled in your hair.
With his eyes closed in bliss, he whispers, “Thank you for bringing me back. I love you.”
You kiss his collarbone basking in the feeling him being so close to you. “I’ll always be here. I love you too.”
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whumpurr · 3 years
Adrien and Sawdust part 6
cw: pet whump, whump recovery, bodily mutilation, self harm, brief and vague mention of past noncon, dehumanization, conditioned whumpee, unreliable narrator, brief mention of dissociation
Sawdust was searching for his bag the second Master was gone. He hopped out of bed, punctuated with a fit of dizziness as he got to his feet, and crawled around the room looking for his duffel bag. The bright blue bag was nowhere to be found, and Sawdust wasn’t great at seeing in the dark either.
He started to wonder, to second guess himself. Did Master put the bag somewhere in the room and Sawdust just isn’t seeing it? Is he overlooking it? Did he even have a bag at all? Did it come with him to this new house, or was it left with his previous master? No, no, he remembered seeing it next to his kennel with those other people.
If he left the room now, Master would surely hear it and question him, or worse, punish him for disturbing his sleep. As much as Sawdust wanted his ears back, he just had to trust that Master would return them in due time.
Sleeping was difficult without the familiar squeeze of his headband around his head, but with a full stomach he managed to eventually fall asleep even if it took a while.
Sunlight came all too soon for Sawdust. The light peeked through the curtains and he couldn’t physically sleep any more. He was dreading going downstairs and having to face his master, having to eat beside him. He could only imagine what his master was going to do to him. Would he record him? Bring his friends over and show him how pathetic and stupid he looked eating out of a bowl on the floor? Sawdust shook himself out of his thoughts; he was just a dog anyways, he shouldn’t have enough of an ego to be embarrassed.
He was getting himself out of bed, going down onto his hands and knees when he heard a soft knock on the door, followed by Master’s quiet voice.
“Sawdust?” Master said from the other side of the heavy wooden door. “Come on, let’s go get some food.”
Sawdust got to the door and opened it with his paw, stepping out and following Master.
Master gave him a bowl of dog food once he was downstairs. Sawdust half contemplated asking Master about his ears, but really, if Master had taken them away then it was because Sawdust did not deserve them any more.
“Master,” Sawdust murmured, “Is- is there anything your pet can- can do? To assist?”
Master looked thoughtful for a moment then laughed, laughed at Sawdust.
“I think my work stuff is a bit advanced for you,” Master took a bite of his own food, “I want you to focus on… recovery, for now. Okay? That means you rest up and come get me if you want anything, food, water, whatever.”
Sawdust nodded, “Yes, Master,” before he continued eating, the hard kibble crunching satisfyingly between his teeth. He couldn’t work up the courage to ask Master about the ears or his bag, or where they’ve gone.
Lunch and dinner went similarly, with Master coming, getting his pet, and taking him downstairs to eat. Each time Sawdust couldn’t work himself up enough to ask Master about his ears. The lack of his ears made Sawdust feel… Wrong. Like he wasn’t a real dog, like he was a subpar pet. He wasn’t good enough to this new Master who had otherwise been so kind to him. What had he done to deserve this?
Night eventually fell, and Sawdust did his best to do as Master said and get to sleep. He curled up in the nest of blankets and pillows that his Master had made in the corner for him, and let himself begin to drift off. As he was doing so, he couldn’t help but wonder why his Master was withholding his belongings from him. Nevertheless, his eyelids grew heavy, and he eventually fell into a deep sleep.
Adrien was still getting accustomed to feeding someone using a dog bowl, with dog food, on the floor. It was a strange experience, and doing it made him feel dirty, but it was all Sawdust was going to accept so if it was between that or making the pet starve again, he would have to go with the former.
He was still very aware of just how lost he was in all of this. He searched the internet and scoured his social media for something that could give him some kind of life preserver in all of this. Finally, finally, he found something. A chatroom for pet owners. From the looks of it, it was heavily moderated and geared more towards pet liberation activists, and pet rehabbers, and people who actually cared for their pets. He requested to join and was accepted within the hour. He immediately sent a message to the ‘help’ section.
Adrien: >> Hey guys, I’m a new owner and I didn’t do as much research as I should have. >> Long story short, I didn’t keep as close an eye on my pet as I should’ve, and he ended up not eating because I wasn’t giving him dog food. Is that a normal thing? How can I help him?
It wasn’t five minutes before one of the other owners responded,
1Y4N4: >> oof, thats no good dude.. definitely watch him harder and probably just stick to feeding him what he wants for now. u said hes new right? let him stay in his comfort zone for a little bit probably
Adrien: >> Thanks. I’ll do that.
1Y4N4: >> np, im a bit more experienced as an owner but i dont think mine were as conditioned as urs >> at least not in that way
Zo: >> Bro wtf? You’re the source of your pet’s whole life and shit, you really should’ve done more research.
Adrien sat and watched as this ‘Zo’ person continued to rip into Adrien for his irresponsibility, though the ‘1Y4N4’ user at least tried to defend Adrien. It wasn’t long before Zo quieted down and 1Y4N4 was able to speak up again,
1Y4N4: >> lots of actual dogs eat things that arent dog chow >> maybe show your pet some videos of people feeding their dogs other stuff, maybe hell be more open then
Adrien thanked the user, and used the rest of his evening compiling some videos and researching, finding the outer bounds of what dogs could eat in hopes that he could convince Sawdust. It was far from exactly what he wanted, but he felt some semblance of satisfaction that there was at least a way to progress forwards.
Sawdust finally came up with a plan when he was coming out of the bathroom the next morning. It was before Adrien had gotten up. As Sawdust was leaving the bathroom, he caught sight of himself in the mirror.
His hair was all matted, and the fringe at his forehead was beginning to grow to hide his eyes. He looked lacking without his ears. There were deep circles under his eyes. At least the peaks of his cheeks and his lips were starting to regain some color now that he had a steady supply of food which he undoubtedly did not deserve. The scratched scar across his nose bridge and cheek that one of the other dogs gave him was still there. He looked at that and followed it across his face to his second ears.
His dumb second ears, the ones on either side of his head that his last master hated so much. His previous master had always told him that they made him look less like a dog, less like a pet, when a pet was all Sawdust ever wanted to be. Because if he wasn’t a pet, then he was a toy for both Master and the other dogs, and that was one step above the most reprehensible thing he could be. He had been downgraded to ‘toy’ for a short amount of time previously, and he was eternally grateful that he was never dropped even lower, to being nothing but food for the other dogs.
Master threatened that sometimes, chopping him up and feeding him to the other dogs.
Whenever Sawdust looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn’t help imagine it. Being cut up and thrown to other animals to eat. He found some part of himself that felt that- even if he could never do anything else right- he could do that right. He tried to halt that train of thought as quickly as he could, before his mind shunted him off to some dark, foggy place where he couldn’t think or feel until the bad thoughts went away.
But at the root of those thoughts, he found the problem, as well as the solution. He scrambled down to the kitchen as fast as he could go, wanting to work quickly before he could stop himself.
He got to the kitchen sink, and stood up on trembling, unused legs. They could hardly support his weight, he had to lean onto the granite countertop with his elbows as he reluctantly removed the tape from his paws using his teeth. He would need his fingers for this.
Sawdust’s breath was quick in his throat, the edges of his vision grew blurry as he tried to focus on this and only this. He had one task and he was not going to fail it. He wanted his ears back. He wanted his master to be happy with him again. Maybe this way he could earn his master’s attention and... Maybe even his affection, if a pet was allowed to hope.
Sawdust’s paws were shaky and clumsy as they took out the biggest knife out of the wooden blog. It was heavy and cold in his paw. With one paw he held the tip of one of his second ears and pulled it as far away from his head as he could.
The cold edge of the blade rested on his skin, at the valley between his second ear and his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, he couldn’t break down now, he couldn’t stop now. He took a deep, sharp breath and pressed down on the knife as hard as his feeble paws could.
Adrien shot out of bed to the sound of a piercing, howling scream from downstairs.
taglist: @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi@neuro-whump @whump-me-all-night-long @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpzone @whumpcreations @dancinglifeboat @pinkraindropsfell @looptheloup @cowboy-anon @meetmeinhellcroutons @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @firewheeesky @maracujatangerine
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bffsoobin · 4 years
Spurred On
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↳ Every year you worked your uncle’s fair simply for the extra cash and free food. It was far from glamorous, but you’d long since decided the benefits outweigh the costs. That was until you were forced into tending to the massive, intimidating cows your uncle raised for show. Hopefully, the new ranch hand can ease some of your pain. 
➤ cowboy!yeonjun x reader, fluff, a lil angsty (you shouldn’t be surprised), they have tension but in a good way, suggestive, mutual pining, stereotypical Country Boy shit
Word Count: 8,102
Warnings: none other than some swearing and some making out (a little tiny bit suggestive)
A/N: I had absolutely no plans to write another fic anytime soon but seeing Yeonjun’s teaser possessed me so here I am to deliver a cowboy!Yeonjun fic I never ever knew I needed. And yes the fair mentioned is based off of the one I go to every year in my college town and the one that happens in my own home town every summer too okay don’t judge me shhhh
Sweat was beading on your forehead, streaming down the sides of your face in an almost constant torrent as you wiped a wet rag over every cleanable surface you could find. Every summer since you turned 16, you had helped your uncle set up and run his annual fair. It was far from perfect, but the job gave you some extra cash to spend and copious amounts of fair food to eat to your heart’s content. This year, you had managed to secure a spot working at the funnel cake stand- which had always been your favorite- and a promise from your uncle that you would get to go on all the fair rides for free.
It was a very busy day, as there was only one more day to go before the grounds opened to the public. All day you had been cleaning and helping people who rented barns to show their livestock find the way in. From where you stood now, you could see the line of barns and the people bustling back and forth from them. Arguably the busiest man you knew, your uncle, was hurrying over to you with a slightly panicked look on his face. 
“Miranda went into labor,” he simply stated. If it were possible, he was even sweatier than you had become, with a thick layer of dirt on his hands and part of his face. 
“Okay...” you began, unsure of where he was going as you turned your attention back to wiping down the funnel cake machine. 
“So that means Steven can’t help me with the cows, an’ they’re here now and I can’t expect the new ranch hand to it all himself.” 
Blankly, you stared at him, still totally unsure why he was bringing this problem to you. 
“So that means I need you fill in for Steven for a few weeks. Working in the barn.” Your uncle prodded, gesturing behind him to the barn bustling with activity as the cows were being ushered into their hay covered stalls. 
“No!” You groaned, dropping the wet rag with a plop. “No, I had to fight with my sister to get the funnel cake spot and now you’re gonna demote me to cows?” This had to be some kind of sick joke. Your uncle sighed, laying a heavy hand onto your shoulder and squeezing. 
“Please, Y/N. Your funnel cake spot will stay open for you until Steven comes back, I promise. But for now, if you want paid, you have to go to the barn.” 
By now, you were used to the scent of a barn. Your uncle had been showing cows for as long as you can remember, and as a child you often spent time following his older kids around the barn and caring for cows. 
As you stepped in now, you found yourself cringing at the chaos. Although you had always worked the fair, you never came close to dealing with any of the livestock shows, especially involving your uncle’s own group of hulking animals. The barn was as nice as a barn could get, with layers of hay on the floor and pens lined with silver food and water buckets adorning each one. Handmade signs boasted the name and age of each animal so that visitors could learn about them. Most of the cows were already in their place, so you simply walked between the stalls, glancing at them absentmindedly. 
“Are ya lost?” A smooth, low voice asked. 
“Uh, no,” you began, a little bit annoyed at whatever probably middle aged man assumed you didn’t know what you were doing. Whoever had spoken to you was wearing sleek, all black cowboy boots with a pointed toe. They seemed to have been freshly polished; free of any scuffs or scratches although it was clear by a few wrinkles in the leather that the boots had been well worn. Intrigued by the idea that you didn’t know any of your uncle’s workers to wear all black boots, you quickly flitted your eyes to the man’s face. 
Long, pinkish-blonde hair fell around his shoulders, cascading down his back in slight waves. The black cutter style hat with silver detailing covering the top of his head made it a little tough to put together the full picture, but you assumed from the few loose strands framing his face that he was sporting a mullet. Simple silver hoops hung from both of his earlobes, glistening in the low sunlight inside the barn. His eyes were a captivating amber-brown with a sparkle of gold that you could only catch on certain angles. His eyebrows were a bit darker than the blonde of his hair, cluing you in to the fact that he had most likely bleached the tresses some time before. From his taller vantage point, he looked down on you over the perfect slope of his nose. He was remarkably younger than you’d expected- probably only a year or two older than yourself. You swallowed harshly. 
“Are you lost?” You quipped back, in disbelief at the vision of the man in front of you who had seemingly blended the usual, tired cowboy fashion you were so accompanied with alongside an alternative flair that made your heart hammer wildly in the confines of your chest. 
The man snorted out a laugh, short and low as he leaned himself casually on a wooden support beam. Underneath the fabric of his black button up, his muscles flexed and glided deliciously as he settled his body weight again. 
“No, I wouldn’t say I am. I work here, and although I just started around here,” he passed an unabashed look up and down your body that made you flush, “I wouldn’t forget meetin’ someone like you.” 
At a loss for words, you simply gawked at him as you tried to reform yourself. 
“I-uh, my uncle owns the fair, and the uh-the cows, and I got stuck working in here until Steven can get back. So I’m really just looking for-” 
“Oh, you’re Y/N? Your uncle mentioned he’d be sending someone to replace Steven.” He interrupted, arching an eyebrow lazily when you nodded. There was a slight smirk befalling his lips, the perfectly plump flesh twisting in his clear scrutiny of your words. 
Simply nodding your confirmation seemed to be good enough for him as he pushed his lean body off of the wooden beam and took two measured steps closer to you. The heels of his boots clicked loudly each time, only punctuating his current upper hand. He stuck his hand straight out in front of him, simply waiting for you to meet him halfway. 
When you finally did, you hoped he would disregard your clammy palm that only compounded upon feeling his perfectly calloused skin tight against your much less worn hand. 
“Yeonjun.” He simply said, pressing his fingers into you harder as you finally actually shook hands. The blunt press of his fingernails digging into the back of your hand sent shivers down your spine, mind jumping to what they would feel like raking down the sensitive skin of your back or down the inside of your thighs or between the strands of your hair or-
“You okay there?” Yeonjun questioned, dropping your hand to cross his arms over his toned chest. Caught red handed, you busied yourself with looking at the stray pieces of hay which had littered the barn’s floor before you answered with a meek yes. 
‘Well,” you finally looked back up to see that his eyes were still trained intently on your face. There was absolutely no way he hadn’t seen your blush by now. 
“I’m your uncle’s new ranch hand, so it’s gonna be me and you in here till Steven comes back.” 
At his words, you suddenly realized just how calm the once bustling barn had become, and you were sure that everyone who had helped bring in the cows had moved on to other tasks. It seemed that you and Yeonjun were the only two people left in the barn. He was still standing dangerously close to you, bodies just about a foot apart until you took a tentative step backwards. Your heart was beating double the normal rate, distracted by the absolutely perfectly crafted man you somehow ended up in the sole presence of. He simply watched you back away, never dropping the sly smirk as he watched you panic. Damn Yeonjun and his perfect looks and perfect charm.
Maybe you should go to your uncle and tell him that there was no way you could work alongside Yeonjun. You could easily make up some kind of story that the two of you didn’t get along, and that he would need to find someone else to help out until Steven could be back and-
“Look out!” Yeonjun suddenly called, eyes widening in the split second you could still see them. In all your thinking, you had continued to slowly back away from him, so lost in your own mind that you didn’t realize you were seconds away from tripping over a stray bucket and hitting your head. Which is exactly what you did.
The floor of the barn, although partially cushioned by hay, was harsh against the back of your body. Your head bounced with a sickening echo, coupled with the skidding of the metal bucket in the opposite direction, it’s contents of some feed spread out messily through the hay, some kibbles sliding into the pens of eager cows who bent to gobble up their extra snack.
Yeonjun appeared over you as soon as you could open your eyes again, pain shooting through your head and top of your spine- where your body had bounced the most.
“Are you alright?” Yeonjun pulled you up gently, laying a large, warm hand on your back to keep you steady. His eyes were still wide, roaming your face in quick succession to see if you had any physical evidence of pain.
“Just- uh- gonna have a headache, probably.” You supplied, head still spinning. Yeonjun frowned, continuing to roam his hands over the back of you body. Although you knew he was simply looking for injuries, a shiver ran down your spine at his delicate yet assured touch.
“‘Don look like you’re hurt too bad, but I’m sure you’ll bruise,” his voice had become more gruff since he began his examination. “C’mon,” was the only warning he afforded you before hooking one arm under your armpits, easily pulling your weight off of the floor where you laid. The other arm came to hook under your knees until you were laid bridal style in his arms. Instinctively, both of your arms flew around his neck, almost sending his hat flying with your haste. Up this close, you could smell the intoxicating mix of the whatever musky-vanilla cologne he had sprayed on, undercut by the faint smell of the outdoors that was much earthier and full. You barely took notice of where he was hauling you off to, more than content to stare up at the smooth, sharp plains of his face.
Shortly, the two of you arrived at what seemed to have been his goal all along- his impressively well kept Chevy pickup. It was sleek black, shining in the high noon sun as if it had just been polished. The tires were sporting a bit of mud- but it was much cleaner than the pickup of any other man around your town. Carefully, Yeonjun led you out of his arms and on to the ground, but not before holding both of his hands on your hips until you steadied yourself.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you commented as he swung open the drivers side door, giving you a good thirty seconds to marvel at the way his jeans stretched deliciously over the curve of his ass and fullness of his thighs. He was searching for something, rummaging through the center consol of his vehicle in intense concentration as you waited.
“Here,” he finally left the car, spinning back around to you smoothly and extending a small bottle of Advil in one hand and a water bottle, warm from the sun, in the other. “Take some of these.” You nodded, downing the two small pills with a little swig of the too-warm water. It was an uncomfortable feeling but you tired your best to mask it knowing that the cowboy was still keeping a close eye on you.
“I meant it, earlier. That you didn’t have to do that. Or this.” You waved vaguely to your throat to indicate the pills you’d just taken from him.
“Is’okay. Used to helpin’. Now are you gonna come back to the barn with me or should I expect to tough out the rest of the day alone?” Happily, you noted that the teasing inclination of his voice had returned. You assessed the pain in your head, carefully weighing his question before you decided that yes, you would come back to the barn with him.
The next morning you arrived at the fairgrounds, still fatigued from all the work you’d done the day before. Your feet ached deeply, seeping into the muscles of your calves even as you stretched your legs in every way you could think of. The temperature of the day had already risen to an unforgivable heat which blanketed your every move and had your thin T-shirt sticking to your skin with perspiration. Every step you took reminded you that the air was still and hot and unforgiving. Not to mention the still occasionally throbbing pain in the back of your head from yesterday’s misfortune. As you neared the barn, catching a whiff of the distinct scent of cows exasperated by the heat, you wondered if you’d finally gone insane.
And then you spotted Yeonjun, intently speaking to one of the largest cows your uncle owned as he brushed her, ensuring that her coat was nice and shiny for the visitors that would begin funneling in once the evening fell. He was dressed almost the same as yesterday, except he had swapped the traditional black button up for a simple white T-shirt, most likely due to the sweltering temperature. It was tucked perfectly into the waist of his belted jeans, slightly stained with dirt as evidence of his work so far. Every movement he made to brush at the cow defined the lines of his biceps, drawing your attention steadily toward his veined hands which you noticed had rings adorning them today. The silver metal matched the gleam of his earrings, shimmering in the streams of light that the sun provided.
Quietly you stood at the entrance of the barn, marveling at his physique and the way his voice filtered through the air until it collided with your ears. You held back a laugh as he began cooing at the cow, complimenting her for being so good as the animal chewed at some hay nonchalantly. His hair seemed less messy today, like he’d taken the time to style it despite the nature of his work. You would have been more than happy to stand at the entrance of the barn and silently watch him work, but life can be cruel.
“You see, pretty lady...” you heard Yeonjun continue talking to the cow as he put down the brush. “I would love to spend all day with you, but unfortunately I gotta lot to do around here. And Y/N...well she’s spent the last 5 minutes staring at me instead of stepping up to brush any of your friends.” Shock and embarrassment washed your nerves, and you were sputtering in an instant.
“I wasn’t just staring- I was, I was waiting until you were done so that I could ask-“
“Didn’t say I minded.” Yeonjun supplied calmly, finally fixing his deadly auburn gaze onto you. Fuck, how did he always look so good? Unabashedly, he swiped his eyes over your body, and although you would normally feel scandalized, you wanted nothing more than for him to look at you. For a moment, the two of you stared at one another from across the barn, appraising each other as your mind ran wild. A feeling akin to electricity sparked under your skin, as if you’d be connected to a live wire as soon as he took a calculated step closer to you. The heels of his boots clicked against the wooden floor with every step, punctuating just how slowly he was making his advance. You felt a bit like prey being stalked as your larger, more skilled hunter circled in on you, but you were far from complaining.
About a foot away from your now trembling body, Yeonjun stopped. Your heart was hammering so hard against your ribs that you assumed it was trying to escape the confines of your chest and jump to the floor.
“Here, you’ll be needin’ this,” he drawled, lifting the brush which he’d been using on the other cow up toward you. Carefully, you grasped the tool, pretending your digits didn’t shake when he purposely brushed the delicate pads of his fingers against yours. When he finally dropped his hand away, you cradled the brush close to your sweaty form and gripped onto it for dear life. Without another word, you hurried away from him to tend to the nearest cow. You needed a breather, to be honest. Too much Yeonjun could put you at risk for a heart attack if you weren’t careful.
For a while, it seemed as if he had vanished completely. It was easily to get lost in the simple work of brushing the cows, especially along with the low warbling tones of whatever country station the radio inside the barn had been set to. You were never one for country music, even considering your upbringing, but between the work you were doing, the oppressive heat and the yearning crush weighing on you, it just seemed right to listen to the twang of Jason Aldean.
When he came back, he seemed to materialize out of thin air. You had just finished up brushing the last cow and had moved on to rewriting some of their name tags when he shortly announced that he was back.
“Oh, hey,” you spoke meekly in the hopes to mask your excitement at his return. Cheekily, he grinned, showing off pearly white teeth and perfectly pointed canines.
“Missed me that much, huh?” He chided, brushing past you easily as he took in your improved handwriting on the tags. “Damn. Didn’t even know her name was Daisy. Your uncles’ writing had me calling her Paisly this whole time.”
A low hum of a laugh lifted into your throat as you nodded, focusing on the delicate loop of a J in the next cow’s name. There was silence for a bit, the only sound being the scratch of the chalk you were using to write.
“How’s your head?” Yeonjun asked, hazarding another comment that made your surmize he was trying his best to start a casual conversation. A smirk played onto your lips. In all your 20 years of living, you’d never had the pleasure of having the cat and mouse game being reciprocated.
“It’s okay, just hurts a little bit. I do have a pretty nasty bruise too.” You weren’t lying. The fall had created a large, purple-brown bruise on your lower back that extended slightly to your left ass check, where you must have taken most of the impact of the fall. Yeonjun fell silent, and you were a bit disappointed that he couldn’t come up with a counter as you focused on writing the next cow’s name. The aforementioned bruise had given you a little bit of a limp, and maybe you exaggerated it now in the two steps it took to reach the next pen.
“Need someone to take a look at it?” His voice was suddenly right behind you, tickling the hairs on the back of your neck until they stood up straight. How he had snuck up behind you without the tell tale sounds of his boots was beyond you. Even though you were already sweating, you welcomed the radiating feel of his body heat coming off of his chest in waves. Trying your best to keep your letters from becoming shaky, you hummed in thought.
“Looks and feels pretty much like a nasty bruise to me, Yeonjun. Dunno if I need a second opinion when the damn thing makes it hard for me to even walk. But if you’re so inclined,” you turned your head to make eye contact with him, subsequently catching him in the act of staring down at your ass. He didn’t even bother to stutter out an apology or excuse- just simply looked back up at you with his steady gaze. You remarked that his lips looked plumper than normal, almost raw, like he had been biting at them during some point in the day. He didn’t bother to take a step back; simply maintaining his close distance and waiting for you to make the next move. He had placed the fate of this interaction in your hands, and now you were free to play with him a bit. Slowly, you lifted the hem of the back of your shirt just enough that you knew he could see the blooming bruise in most of its glory. He took a small step back now, to appraise the full scale of the bruise that spanned from left to right across your body.
“Why the hell did you come back today sportin’ an injury like that?” His voice was gruff, punctuated with the same concern that you had heard yesterday when you fell. The pads of his fingers skidded carefully across the afflicted skin, touch so light that you almost missed it. Suddenly insecure and a bit overwhelmed by his touch, you dropped the hem of your shirt and turned just enough that his hands fell away from your back. 
“I didn’t want to leave you here all alone, and who knows how long it’ll take to heal? I promised my uncle I’d be here. Plus I kind of really need the paycheck, so...here I am.”
Eyebrows knitted, Yeonjun opened his mouth to make his next comment when the loud, familiar voice of your uncle busted through the relative silence of the barn. Yeonjun shuffled away from you quickly as if he had already been scolded. It hurt a bit, but you understood his hesitation in being caught in a possibly compromising situation with his employers niece. 
Yeonjun called back to him, walking briskly toward the entrance of the barn and leaving you behind to strain your ears in an attempt to catch any important bits of information. You could have sworn you heard your name being passed between the two men, but there was no way you could be sure from so far away. A welcome breeze passed through the barn, bringing your attention back to the actual job at hand although you could still feel the ghost of Yeonjun’s touch. 
About a week later, the temperature had plateaued to a pleasant level and brought along a fresh wave of visitors to the fairgrounds. All morning, the barn had been bustling with wide eyed children and experienced farmers who came to size up the competition. You were busy refreshing the hay inside of one of the pens when you heard Yeonjun’s smooth voice for the first time in a few hours. The barn had been so noisy and loud as soon as the grounds opened for the public that you hadn’t seen him since you arrived in the morning. Across the barn, he was entertaining a group of girls, all listening intently to whatever information he was spouting. They all had perfectly styled hair and legs to die for- stretching perfectly out of their cut-offs and practically begging for attention. The one closest to him was staring at his arms with no regard for how obvious she was being, and you were sure that every other girl in the half circle was ogling him in some fashion. You shouldn’t have been surprised, you guessed, since he made you feel just as brain dead, but you still boiled inside at the sight of two of the girls murmuring amongst each other. It was tough to tell exactly what he had said, but the raucous round of laughter that shot into the air clued you in to the fact that he had probably just served them one of his sub-par farming jokes. 
He flashed them the same smile that had made your heart stutter countless times, and a sick feeling of anger pushed through your veins. With an unnecessarily hard push, you exited the pen you had just refreshed and moved on to the next. There was no doubt that Yeonjun took note of the unnecessarily loud clink of the metal gate, and you really fucking hope he got the message. Anger still bubbling just under your skin, you ignored the cow who sweetly bowed it’s head in search of affection. 
“Hello?” Someone asked as soon as you turned your back. Taking what you hoped would be a soothing breath, you spun on your heel to address the visitor. He was probably in his mid to late twenties, with cute curly hair and the usual t-shirt and jeans combo you were used to seeing men around your town wear. The way he looked was just about exactly what you would expect from a man visiting your uncles fairgrounds, as they all dressed about the same. He wasn’t your type, but over his shoulder you could see that Yeonjun had refocused his attention on you after you apparent fit with the door. A sickly sweet smile pulled your cheeks until they hurt, but you laid it on thick as you walked over to the door of the pen. 
“What can I do for ya?” Making sure to lay your voice on the extra sweet side, you took careful note of the way the man roamed his eyes over your face, stopping to flick between your lips and the low-riding cut of the shirt you’d worn today. 
“I was just uh, looking around. Got some pretty nice cows here, they yours?” You forced a laugh, throwing your hair over your shoulder before shaking your head. 
“Oh no, I just help out around here, ya know, cleaning and brushing the cows. They belong to my uncle. Like anything you see?” Deliberately, you tossed the bait and looked over his shoulder to find Yeonjun in the exact same spot as before, bottom lip locked between his teeth as he watched the interaction. Good. He deserves to have to watch this after you had to see him make those girls trip over their own feet just by existing. 
The man chuckled, clearly picking up on the inclination of your question as he hummed in thought. “I think I have my eye on someone,” he responded, resting his arm casually on the metal gate just a few inches from where you had draped your own. Instinctively, you looked at his arm- much less defined than Yeonjun’s- and noticed just about the biggest red flag you could ever see on a man you’re flirting with. A wedding band. 
“Ah, better be your wife you’ve got an eye on,” you quipped, mostly upset that your revenge on Yeonjun had been partially spoiled. There was no way you could stay here and flirt with a married man just to make Yeonjun jealous.  Defeated, you made to pull your arm off of the gate and go back to working on the hay when the man grabbed at the supple skin of your forearm to stop you. 
“She won’t mind, sweetheart,” he drawled, the cool press of his ring a persistent reminder of how much of a scumbag he was being. 
“No, somehow I really think she would mind.” You yanked your arm again, managing to gain just a few inches back from his hold. He huffed, pinching his blunt nails into your skin enough to scratch thin red lines. 
“I’d let go if I were you. Move on along, huh?” Yeonjun’s familiar tone met your ears, and you belatedly noticed that he had come right up behind the guy. You had never seen him look quite so intimidating as he did in the moment, with his eyebrows pulled together grimly. His mouth was set in a harsh line, unforgiving as he gripped at the man’s shoulder, fingers curling into the fabric of his tshirt. Finally, the man dropped his grip from you, shot Yeonjun a nasty look that you were sure he thought was manly, and strode off to presumably find his poor wife. 
Feeling small under Yeonjun’s gaze, you simply looked down at the faint red tracks now decorating your arm. 
“He could have really hurt you.” He muttered, keeping his voice low as to keep other visitors from overhearing. 
“He didn’t.” You spat, annoyed that he had to save you from yet another mishap. 
“Guys like that...they don’t have any respect for people like you. People who have a backbone.” His eyes were large, imploring you with the intensity of his stare. You avoided his gaze for a few more seconds, knowing that your resolve and previous anger would disappear. You shuffled some hay under your sneakers and a piece of you hoped Yeonjun would simply walk away, but you could still see the toes of his boots poking underneath the metal gate. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, finally meeting his gaze and feeling the tension melt from your bones. His features had softened considerably, and you almost forgot the pain that had split your heart upon seeing him flirting with other girls. You knew he wasn’t yours, but you wished more and more every day that he was. 
“I won’t be needin’ you in the barn tonight, by the way,” your uncle bellowed from across the barn. In the whole time you’d been working alongside Yeonjun in here, you had never once seen your uncle actually come into the barn. You knew he was busy with dozens of other things, but for as much as he loved his cows you were shocked at his lack of attendance. Today he stood right in the middle of it, patting the head of one of the cows with a contented look on his face as visitors swirled around. Yeonjun, who was in the middle of refilling a trough of water, popped his head up in shock at the words. 
“Really?” You enthused, dropping the rake you had in your hands to rush over to your uncle and see if he was joking. 
“Really. Got an old friend comin’ in who I wanna show off the cows to, so I won’t need the two of you caring for ‘em. He’ll be here in about,” he paused to glance down at the watch he’d worn for as long as you could remember, “about twenty minutes, if the two of you want to take off now.” 
Not having to be told twice, you waved your uncle goodbye, shot a quick smile at Yeonjun, and made a b-line to your car. Just as you pulled on the handle of the driver’s side door, Yeonjun was calling your name. 
“Hey!” He called, a little breathless from the jog he’d taken to catch up with you. “What are you uh, gonna do with the night off?” 
“Why, you wanna hang out?” You offered, half-teasing but very much offering your time to him. 
“No- I wasn’t, that’s not what I was...”
“I’ll be here,” you responded coolly. “Might come with some friends, might just come to stuff my face full of fair food. All the things I normally do when I work somewhere that isn’t the barn. I’m finally gonna get myself a damn funnel cake. But first, I’m going home to shower.” You opened your driver’s side door all the way and hopped in before he could respond. “See ya there?” You asked, hoping to probe him toward offering to meet you there. He stuffed his hands in his front pockets, swaying on the balls of his feet. His face twisted as you assumed he was contemplating his options. 
“Maybe,” he finally conceded, nodding softly as he watched you through the rolled down window of your car. “Maybe I’ll see ya there, Y/N.”
The sun had just begun to set when you got back to the familiar fair grounds, painting the sky in a orange-pink mix that delighted you beyond words. You had ended up coming to the fair alone; partly because all of your friends had already gone on other nights you were working and partly because you were hoping to run into Yeonjun. The parking lot was full to the brim, and you found yourself looping around to the slightly hidden employee parking lot instead of being sanctioned to the overflow lot down further down the dirt road. As you pulled into the closest spot, you caught a glimpse of a very familiar sleek black Chevy pickup in your rearview mirror. Excitement made you dizzy, hands shaking as you flipped down your overhead mirror to straighten yourself up. If you were going to see Yeonjun tonight, you were going to make it count. 
Throngs of visitors swirled around you, chatting and laughing over the piped in country music that you’d been hearing almost nonstop all summer long. With the sun setting, everything was casted in an idyllic golden glow that made you feel like you were in a coming-of-age film and not just your uncle’s fair that you had come to every year since your birth. A group of visibly drunk friends barreled past you, slurring and hiccupping as they narrowly avoided spilling their beers all over themselves. Grease and sweat mixed to create an atmospheric scent that was so inherently fair that you almost wished they sold candles that smelled the same way. Without even thinking about it, your feet carried you toward the funnel cake stand which was supposed to be your fate for the summer. To be honest, you were still quite upset that you hadn’t got to spend your days munching on pieces of fried batter and chatting with the family friends your uncle hired every year. 
Finding yourself at the back of a winding line, you resigned to the one thing that sucked about coming alone. There was no one around you to make conversation with as you waited for food. You had come to the fair many times with your friends from school and various dates, but you couldn’t think of a single time you visited the fair all by yourself. Idly, you scrolled through your phone and inched up appropriately with the line. 
“Y/N! Hey!” Yeonjun yelled, approaching you quickly. A wide smile split your face, giving away your excitement at spotting him. 
“Oh hey! I’m finally getting a funnel cake!” He was wearing his usual outfit, closer to the look you had seen him in the very first time you met. Outside of the barn he seemed much more casual, and even casted in an odd mix of setting sunrays and the harsh neon from the rides behind him, he looked ethereal. His eyes sparkled with that unmistakable mirth that he always seemed to harbor around you. 
“I saw that. Looked pretty lonely over here with your nose in your phone, figured I’d come see if you could use some company.” He was throwing you the line, waiting to see if you’d latch on. And who would you be if you didn’t?
“Hmm, I think that would be nice. Although I really can’t promise I’ll share the funnel cake.” You stepped forward with the line again, and he came with you easily, falling right beside you so closely that you could feel the heat radiating from his side. 
Once you finally had the hot treat balancing on a thin paper plate, you rushed Yeonjun to the nearest empty bench and dug in. The dough was still scalding, having just been pulled from the fryer, but the amazing taste was good enough for you to ignore the burn. Yeonjun sputtered a laugh as you shoveled in the dough, wiping powdered sugar onto your legs with reckless abandon. Teasingly, he snuck a hand up to the plate and pulled off a piece of funnel cake; pulling a teasing whine from your throat as you shook your head no rapidly. 
“Too late,” he mumbled, “already in ma mouf.” Swallowing your own piece, you widened your eyes and punched at his thigh, firm and muscular. 
“Rude! You should have gotten your own!” He smiled cutely down at you, nose crinkling as he finally swallowed. Some powdered sugar had slid onto his button up, but you decided not to tell him in favor of keeping his attention focused on you the way it was now. You felt hot but extremely comfortable under his gaze, feeling a stutter in your chest that increased the adrenaline in your veins. He was so close, and so endearing, and the way he was focused on your face was so fucking cute. 
“You’ve got,” he motioned to his own face, brushing his finger against his chin. You tried to mirror his action, swiping at the same spot, but the frown on his face told you that you had missed. 
“Lemme, can I?” You nodded before the words even came out, eager to feel his calloused hands on the sensitive skin of your face. His eyes narrowed in concentration as he cupped your jaw and inched his thumb, much slower than what would be considered normal, toward your chin. With one gentle swipe, the stray powdered sugar was gone, yet his hands remained. God, you wanted to kiss him so badly. The lighting had casted a gorgeous shade along his cheekbones, highlighting the beautiful length of his eye lashes and the rounded tip of his nose. 
Up this close, you examined the curve of his lips; the soft definition of his cupid’s bow and the perfect pink of his mouth.
“Yeonjun-” he surged forward, stalling the words in your throat as he finally pushed his lips against yours. His fingers gently curled around your neck, gripping at strands of hair like he was afraid you were going to run away. It was quite the opposite, actually, as you happily hummed and leaned into the kiss you’d been waiting for. He tasted like funnel cakes and a faint hint of mint gum, just intoxicating enough to have you clawing your hands into the collar of his shirt. The funnel cake plate began to slide off of your lap, but you could not  have cared less as you swiped your tongue over the seam of his lips, greedily pushing to get more out of him. 
He hesitates, still eager to kiss you back, but not enough to let you have full reign. Pouting a little, you decided to make the best of your time by nibbling at his bottom lip playfully. Yeonjun pulled away just enough to separate the two of you gently, chests heaving as you both readjusted to a life not attached at the lips. 
“Sorry,” he grunted, voice much rougher around the edges than you’d ever heard it. The sound sent a chill down your spine. “Sorry that I didn’t, uh, wanna-” his cheeks flushed startlingly fast and he sighed. “I just don’t want to mess this up, whatever this is. I just...I like you too much, ya know?” The shyness in his voice was endearing, and it wasn’t hard at all to let your own desires fall to the wayside. He likes you.
“That’s okay, Yeonjun. You know I really like you too, right?” 
“Hmm,” he pondered, leaning back into his usual persona at your acceptance. “Did I know that? Maybe all those times I caught you staring, or how fuckin’ clumsy you get if I even so much as compliment you...yeah. I think I know.” A permanent smile was stuck on your face, unbreakable in the presence of Yeonjun and his intoxicating aura. 
The next morning, you’d walked into work on clouds. You and Yeonjun had spent the whole night together; strolling hand in hand, eating your way through the grounds and dragging one another on the carnival rides. 
He wasn’t around when you entered the barn, but the evidence that he was somewhere around was enough to kick you into gear. You were shoveling food into a trough, making one-sided conversation with the cows in front of you when you heard him stroll in. 
“Hey!” You called over your shoulder, too focused on getting the food actually inside the container to turn around. Yeonjun didn’t answer, but you just finished the task at hand and figured you’d try again in a few moments. Once you were done with the food, you spotted him walking back from the storehouse with a fresh bale of hay in his arms. 
He plopped it down on the floor of the barn and you tried again. 
“Good morning,” you smiled, approaching him with a grin. He looked up at your breifly and simply nodded, turning on his heels to go back to the storage. Your heart plummeted to your feet just like it had on the rollercoaster he had forced you on to just about 12 hours ago. 
What the hell had happened in between the time you parted and the time you both came into work? If you hadn’t known him better, you would have chalked it up to a bad morning, or maybe he was still too tired. 
But in all the time you had worked together, he had never once ignored you. He always greeted you in the morning, began a conversation about nothing or at least asked you how you slept. No matter how shit he was feeling, Yeonjun had always made it clear to you that you were worth his time. Did you ruin it all with the kiss? Even though he had seemed so ecstatic last night, maybe he woke up this morning with regrets stacked up. Maybe he was afraid of what your uncle would think. In your idle thinking, you hadn’t noticed the accumulation of hay bales that he had brought in. A stack of four now stood before you, and he was just feet away with the fifth. He was huffing, face reddened with the sheer weight of the bales. 
“Yeonjun, do you need help?” You tried again, hoping that maybe lodging a question would garner a real response, but you got nothing. He simply dropped another bale and made to leave the barn again. 
“Yeonjun!” You bellowed, hopping around the bales to catch up to him. You jumped in his path, holding one hand to each shoulder. Despite his strength advantage, he stopped in his tracks and gazed down at you. You noticed that he looked tired, slight bags residing under his eyes, and you wondered if we had gotten any sleep at all. “What’s up with you?” 
He sighed, pushing his fingers into his temples. 
“I don’t have time for this, Y/N.” He tried to pass around you again, but you planted your feet and pushed at his chest with all of your might. 
“We are going to talk about this. The cows are fed, and the new hay can wait. Why the fuck are you avoiding me? After last night? If you don’t actually like me, or you regret it, just tell me the truth. Be a big boy, Yeonjun. Don’t leave me out here high and dry.” The steeliness in his eyes softened at your words and a frown marred his flawless face. 
“No, god no. I do like you, Y/N. And yesterday was great and I don’t regret any of it but I just...I just don’t trust myself. The last person I dated,” he rubbed his hand into the back of his neck, “I messed it up. Bad. And the last thing I want is to do that to you, too. I’m trying to keep you away from all of this mess. So I’m sorry, but you have to just...forget last night.” 
You were stunned to silence, disbelief bubbling in your chest. How bad of a fuck up could his last relationship have been? The Yeonjun you knew was nothing but caring, goofy, smart and charming. Everything you could have ever dreamed up in a man. 
“Look, I don’t know what happened last time, but I know that you’re being way too hard on yourself. You’re...Yeonjun, you’re as close to perfect as anyone could get. And even if you are a mess,” you made sure that his tired eyes never left yours, “well, so am I. I fell flat on my ass the first time we met, I step in cow shit on the daily, and somehow you still find it in yourself to like me back. So whatever you’re worried about, forget about it. Okay?” 
A small, slow smile cracked onto his face, exposing the white, pearly teeth that you were so envious of. “I never told you this,” he began, the cheerful inclination of his voice made your heart soar, “but I had to try so hard not to laugh when you fell. Like- the look on your face!” His voice tapered off into a full-bellied laugh; music to your ears. 
“Okay, okay! I was trying to cheer you up, and now you’re just bullying me!” You yelled, pushing at his chest gently in a bid to get him to stop. 
“Hmm, well you did help make me feel better, but ya know what would really cheer me up?” His laughter had ceased, but the apples of his cheeks were still risen and rosy from the effort. His hands encircled your waist delicately, pulling you into his chest. “If you could just...kiss it better?” He pouted exaggeratedly, leaning down to level your heights. And how could you resist? 
You met him halfway with the same vigor as yesterday, still shocked by the easy way your mouths fit together. With every intention of respecting the boundary he set yesterday, you were more than happy to lean into the sweet roll of his lips until you were in need of a breather. The hands on your waist tightened, pulling your bodies impossibly closer and Yeonjun mumbled something that you didn’t quite catch, although you didn’t have time to ponder it as he took the imitative to deepen the kiss. 
Finally kissing him the way you’d desired made you feel like you were on fire, every inch of your skin sensitive. Yeonjun was persistent, guiding you backwards slowly. You couldn’t see where you were going, but right now you would have trusted him with your entire life as he intoxicated you with his touch. Suddenly, your back was pressed against what you figured was the wood paneling just inside the barn’s entrance. Yeonjun finally backed away from you as your chest heaved, mind fuzzy from the rush of serotonin. Without a word he descended on you again, kissing sloppily down your jaw and neck, leaving at least two purpling bruises in his wake. Frantically, you knocked his hat backwards off of his head, weaving your fingers into his fading pink hair as he worked at the junction of your neck and collarbone. Losing yourself in his touch was easy, sliding your eyes shut as the flat of his tongue soothed the skin he had just finished raising into a blooming bruise. 
Yeonjun was just as consumed, mumbling compliments against your neck as his hands wandered to the hem of your shirt, sliding his large, warm hands under the soft cotton; roaming higher and higher-
“MOOOOO-” the cow closest to you bellowed, sliding her foot across the floor in a loud shuffle that alarmed you both. Yeonjun’s hands dropped away immediately, eyes comically wide as the cow stared at the both of you. 
“She defintely just told us to knock it off and change the hay.” You joked, trying to pretend like the loud animal hadn’t scared the living shit out of you. Yeonjun was flustered, fumbling to readjust his trusty hat as he cleared his throat and threw you a shy look. His eyes flitted to your neck, no doubt admiring his handiwork, before straightening his shirt. 
“I’m going to go...um, start on that hay now.”
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wyrddogs · 3 years
Doberbutts* recently made a post about how specialists tend to be better about listening to and respecting clients than primary care vets, and that has been my experience. It’s not 100% of the time, but I have noticed a trend. My lemon dog, Bindi, is at the vet a lot, and the two specialists she has been to have been utterly fantastic, and the six primary vets she’s been to have been hit or miss.
It’s long, so it’s under a cut. Two notes:  1) This is not an anti-vet post. However, I have had some negative experiences with my primary care vet and I talk about them here. 2) Bindi is on a half raw/half kibble diet, and if anyone comes on to yell at me about that, I’m blocking you. It’s what works for her.
*Not tagging because he’s got a lot going on and I don’t want to impinge on him.
Just going with my current primary vet (clinic #6), we’ve mostly interacted with three doctors there. Dr. M was super gentle, very laid-back and quiet, and he was able to handle Bindi with a minimum of stress on her end. He listened to me when I talked about my experiences with her, and we were able to have a good dialogue about her GI issues and the best ways we could approach mitigating them. After talking at length over multiple visits, we decided to keep her on her current diet (half raw, half grain-free kibble) because it is working well for her, and add Fortiflora to see if it helped. It did. Then he had his first child and wanted to work closer to home, and left the clinic. (I get it, but I was so sad. XD)
Next we had Dr. C. When Bindi got extremely sick in 2018, I brought her into the clinic. Dr. C read Bindi’s case file and saw what she is eating. When she walked into the exam room she started with, “Your dog is sick because of the raw diet.” She was unwilling to come to another conclusion (I was positive it wasn’t the raw diet because I’d put years of fucking work into finding food that my dog could eat and half raw/half kibble was it), but finally said she wanted to x-ray Bindi’s stomach to prove to me it was the raw diet. She happened to catch part of Bindi’s lungs in the x-ray and asked if she could do a second x-ray of Bindi’s lungs. She had pneumonia. Caused by aspirating water while swimming the previous day. Not the raw diet.
The other negative Dr. C experience was when Bindi scraped her nose and it got infected. Bindi is allergic to everything, so she’s on immunosuppressants (apoquel). Because she is on apoquel, she is more likely to get infections. Because she is allergic to yeast, she usually has an allergic reaction to her infection. It’s awesome. Again, Dr. C walked in and said my dog was sick from the raw diet. My dog was in the clinic for an infected wound caused by scraping her face on a rock. I had to ask her twice to examine my dog’s face before she finally did. She gave me some antibiotics, and when we talked about the medication that Bindi is currently on, she made some dismissive comments about how I am handling her allergies, despite the fact that I am doing everything on the recommendation of Bindi’s dermatologist. She attempted to give me advice that was counter to what my dermatologist recommended to me.
Current vet is Dr. S. So far he’s been like a younger Dr. M, so I’m hopeful that I can build a good relationship with him.
Bindi’s been going to a dermatologist since 2015, and I cannot say enough nice things about Dr. S (different Dr. S than primary clinic Dr. S). She is also very kind and gentle with Bindi, and is empathic to the struggles that I’ve had with her. She listens to what I have to say and is respectful of the fact that I’ve known my dog longer than she has. We tried a few different treatments before settling on apoquel + ketoconizole, and we talked about it at length before putting her on it. Also, when Bindi had pneumonia, Dr. S called me just to check up on Bindi, because she was worried about her.
Bindi went to an ophthalmologist a few years ago to get a benign tumor removed from her eyelid. I had the same experience as with the dermatologist- very kind, very empathic, listened to my concerns and had a dialogue with me about them. He was very gentle with Bindi and moved at her pace.
Specialists cost a lot more money than primary care vets do, but taking Bindi to them has been 100% worth the money.
Also, I really do hate being That Client, but sometimes I really do know more about what it is like living with my dog than the vet does. I have eleven years of history with her, and have seen multiple vets and specialists for her issues. I’ve done a lot of research. So it rankles when a vet comes in having diagnosed her with something prior to even looking at her, and then argues with me that I’m wrong to protest the diagnosis. Sometimes you really do need to advocate for your dog.
I want to get along with my vet, but respect goes both ways.
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bbdaydreams · 4 years
Mayday Parade//Hisoka Mikage
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Pairing: Hisoka Mikage x Reader
Summary: Hisoka’s partner is out of town visiting their family and he’s apartment sitting for them which makes him realize how much he misses them.
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“Thanks for sending me off, Hiso. I’ll see you in two weeks, okay? Here’s the spare key to my place. I love you,” you said with a sad smile on your face.
“Love you,” Hisoka responded with the same expression.
You two were currently at the airport, Tasuku a few feet away, saying goodbye as you were leaving to go visit your family. Hisoka was about to go in for a hug until a voice came on over the intercom announcing that it was time to board your flight.
“I’ll miss you! I’ll text you! Bye!” you told him while kissing him goodbye and then turning around, grabbing your luggage to go head towards the gate, leaving him behind.
“Miss you...”
“Ready to go, Hisoka?”
“... yeah.”
The car ride was pretty quiet. It was late in the evening so there weren’t many people out. Tasuku kept his eyes on the road and glanced occasionally at Hisoka who would come in and out of his sleep. To him, Hisoka looked a little off but not enough that it was a real concern. “You okay, Hisoka?”
“Marshmallow...” he voiced while looking out at the beach where he confessed to you, probably his favorite memory he shared with you.
“What do you mean ‘marshmallow’? You gave them the rest of your bag that you brought during the car ride there after they said they were nervous.”
“Hmmm. Can you drop me off at their apartment? I’ll walk home.”
“If that’s what you want, alright.”
Once Hisoka gave Tasuku his thanks for giving you a ride to the airport and dropping him off at your place, they bid farewell. Hisoka made his way up the steps and opened the door to be greeted with silence.
He’s been at your residence multiple times, but it was his first time by himself for a long period of time which made him feel a little nervous. He promised he’d apartment sit for you while you were gone which meant he’d have to take care of your plants and just make sure no one broke in.
And of course, feed the stray black cat that likes to come to your balcony on a routine basis.
“Hello, Glitter. Up, time to eat.” Hisoka greeted the feline while holding a cat bowl that contained wet food and kibble mixed with water like you had specifically shown him how to do that morning to make sure Glitter was well fed. He voiced about the process being a little over the top for a stray cat and not a pet. You brushed it off and told him you wanted what was best for them, even if they were just a guest.
Hisoka went back inside and left the door open since you sometimes let Glitter stay overnight. He made his way to your kitchen and grabbed an already open bag of marshmallows from your cabinet and walked around the apartment to make sure everything looked okay as he snacked. Walking room to room, Glitter followed him until he reached the guest room which is where Hisoka bid the cat farewell and decided to go lock the doors and make his way back to the dorms.
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A week went by and he felt normal but everyone else could tell something was off.
“He’s not sleeping as much, he’s actually struggling to even take naps.” Azuma stated.
“Are you sure? I feel like I never see him around so I assume he’s been napping,” Tsumugi continues.
“That’s because he’s been spending most of his time at y/n’s apartment during the day,” Tasuku adds on until they hear the front door unlock.
“I’m home,” Hisoka yawns as he makes his way inside.
“Hisoka! Where’ve you been? I was worried and was ready to leave a trail of marshmallows for you!” Homare exclaimed clutching a bag of said sweets to his chest.
“Y/n’s and it’s ok, I’m not hungry. I’m gonna try to sleep. Good night,” he said while making his way out of the room. Once he was out of sight, his troupe mates went back to discussing how to help their friend come back to normal.
Once Hisoka reached his bed and settled in, he took out his phone and started scrolling through your texts. “Pretty...” he mumbled looking at the pictures you had sent him of yourself with your family wishing he could’ve come with you. His favorite was a picture of you with your family pet simply because he could tell how happy you both were. He saved it and decided to make it his lock screen before rolling over and falling asleep.
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“Hiso-... -soka...Hisoka.”
“Wake up. The sun is about to set,” a familiar voice called out to him.
He opened his eyes and looked down to see you resting in his arms looking up at him. “Y/n?”
“Who else would it be silly?” you giggled and blew cold air at his bangs to get some out of his face. “Look!”
He raised his head and looked straight ahead where the sun met the horizon and gradually went down. As much as you wanted him to look at the sunset, he kept sneaking glances down at you, feeling how at peace and comfortable you were while entangled. Hisoka decided to hold you a little tighter and felt you slowly get softer and softer.
“Yes, Hisoka?”
“Y/n, you’re disappearing!”
“Goodbye Hisoka. I love you.” Those were your final words to him as a gust of air blew you away as your body turned into sand. He tried to grab onto you but he’d just slip right through you.
Hastily, he got up and looked in every direction around him in search for you. The sky had turned darker, rumbling with thunder and lighting. He was so invested in searching for you he didn’t notice the giant tsunami headed towards him until the water reached his knees. He opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out as he faced the monstrous wave about to engulf him.
“Hisoka! Awaken! You’re having another night terror!” Homare yelled while shaking his roommate. Hisoka woke up with a gasp and a tear stained face before sitting upwards. “You’re okay.”
He took a look around the room and calmed down his breathing before speaking, “Sorry.”
“Do you want to chat about it?” Homare asked in a concerned tone.
Hisoka continued looking around the room until he saw the time on the wall clock. “It’s okay. Thank you. I’ll be fine.”
“Thats the fourth one this week but it’s alright, I won’t pressure you. Goodnight, hopefully you sleep better and I’ll see you when I awake.” With that Homare went back to sleep but Hisoka was left awake in his bunk trying to make out his dream.
“Everything’s an illusion...”
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Hisoka was never one to look at himself in the mirror regularly but today was the day that you were coming back and so he wanted to look presentable. As he was trying to dry more of his hair with a towel he gave himself a major stare down in the mirror. Dark circles had formed under his eyes, he looked a little thinner, and his face looked lighter than he remembered. “This isn’t good, Y/n’s gonna be upset,” he told himself while rubbing his face. With him sleeping less he can understand the dark circles but him looking sick he couldn’t let slide. When you’re around, you always made sure he ate at least one meal that wasn’t marshmallows, most of the time cooking extra just to save a plate for him since he pops up like your stray cat sometimes. “Omi, can you make me breakfast?” Hisoka asked after he got himself dressed and made his way to the kitchen.
“Sure! What do you want to eat?”
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“Hiso-Hiso!” You happily greeted him over the phone.
“Y/n,” he responded so fondly. His troupe mates and director were with him in the lounge waiting for the call to go pick you up from the airport so once Hisoka said your name they all perked up their heads.
“Hisoka I’m so sorry, but could you apartment sit for me for one more week? Other relatives heard I was back and they want to come see me so I’d like to stay another week,” you asked him, guiltily since he was already doing so much for you.
A small frown etched its way onto his face and he felt his chest immediately tighten up. Another week without you? The first week he felt fine but the second week you were constantly on his mind due to his nightmares. It didn’t help that he was really looking forward to finally seeing you today. To finally wrap his arms around you and feel the warmth radiating off your body was all he wanted. All he wished for was for you to be by his side but unfortunately you were so far away.
“If you can’t, it’s completely fine! No worries it-“
“I can do it. It’s for you,” Hisoka says cutting you off.
“Hiso, are you sure? You really don’t have to.”
“I want to. It’s just another week, how hard could it be?” Hearing this, his troupe mates grew concerned. They’re the ones that had to deal with him acting gloomy and ill. So far, they’ve concluded you were the center of his attention for all of his daily thoughts.
“Hiso... thank you so much I owe you so much. I forgot to tell you before I left but feel free to stay the night and stuff. Make yourself at home, I want you to be comfortable. I don’t mind if you use anything that’s mine either, help yourself to the fridge too,” you told him hoping he would take you up on your offer.
“I can sleep in your bed?” he asked without thinking which made him immediately start blushing which wasn’t unnoticed by the people in the room. Azuma threw him a sly smile causing Homare to laugh into his hand.
“Of course. What’s mine is yours.”
“Ew, what’s wrong with your face? You look like a tomato!”
“Shut up! Get out!“ you yelled before grabbing a pillow and chucking it at your sibling.
“I love you,” Hisoka told you with a smile on his face after hearing what was said in the background.
In the time that you two have been together, it was rare whenever Hisoka would say those three words first. You know he means it, and it’s priceless. “I love you, too. See you soon.” With that you both hung up the phone.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Hisoka asked once he looked up and his troupe mates and director.
“Hisoka-kun, I’ve never seen you like this before!” Izumi stated.
“Like what?”
“In love!” Tsumugi answered. In all honesty, it was the happiest they’ve seen their friend in the past two weeks. It was surprising to them how quickly his frown turned into adoration the moment he expressed his feelings for you.
“You should bring them around when they come back! I’d love to meet them.” Izumi continued. You two have been dating for a little over six months now and Hisoka was still thinking on how to introduce you to everyone in the dorm without making you feel uncomfortable. The only information they knew of you is whatever they heard from Hisoka and the only other person that’s met you.
“Tasuku what are they like? I’d love to know more about Hisoka’s partner,” Azuma asked.
“They’re nice. They can keep Hisoka awake without marshmallows. Honestly, seeing them together just makes them look like kids in love.”
“Hisoka, where are you going?” Homare asked noticing him getting up to leave.
“Anywhere but here,” he responded with a shy smile before exiting the room.
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“Glitter, up. Hey, no fighting. Be patient,” Hisoka said speaking to not only Glitter but a couple other strays as well. In the time that Hisoka was apartment sitting, he grew a fan base of cats that started following him to and from the apartment. “Go to bed,” he told them leading them to the guest room.
Hisoka ended up taking you up on your offer of allowing him to stay at your apartment. He enjoyed staying in your bed and sleeping under your blankets that smelled just like you. He definitely felt a lot better staying at your place compared to the dorms because it was the closest he could currently be to you. He still needed to go to the dorms and shower and change his clothes though.
Everyone at the dorms was still worried about their friend but he did seem to be doing better. He was still a little sad but at least the bags under his eyes had disappeared due to all the sleep he was getting from sleeping in your bed.
Once he got there he looked at the time and date. It was a little past eight and you were coming back in two days. As he exited the shower he decided it was best to stay the night in his own bed and he’d start tidying up your place in the morning.
“Goodnight, Hisoka-kun!” Homare called out.
“Night...” Hisoka responded before tossing over in his bed.
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“Mmmm... smells nice,” Hisoka mumbled only for a lump to form in his throat after he opened his eyes.
Your head was resting on his chest, sound asleep while a blanket covered the both of you. He didn’t recall seeing you last night or you even saying anything about coming home early. All he remembered was waking up around midnight and deciding he’d rather be at your place so he got dressed and walked to your apartment in the middle of the night. He brushed some hair out of your face to make sure it was really you which caused you to try to bury yourself deeper into him. Once it registered it really was you he wrapped an arm around your back and had tears well up in his eyes. You were back.
“Y/n, when’d you get here?”
“Mm, I got here a couple hours ago. I’m surprised you didn’t wake up when I opened the front door since you’re always on such high alert. Saw you in my bed and didn’t wanna wake you so I just climbed in carefully.” After a while you slowly raised your head to greet him. “But good morning- Baby, why are you crying?” His eyes were soft and he was smiling as the tears were rolling down his cheeks. You quickly decided to shimmy yourself higher up on the bed so you could put his head into your neck as he cried. “What’s wrong? Talk to me,” you pleaded.
“I was miserable at best without you,” he told you while wrapping both his arms around you as he breathed in your scent. “I missed you so much. I couldn’t sleep, I had so many nightmares and in one of them you just disappeared, it was so scary. You leaving was so scary.” He was sobbing at this point.
“Hiso, it’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not leaving for a very long time.”
“No, don’t leave again.”
“You can come with me next time. I promise.” You responded while using your fingers to comb through his soft hair. “I missed you a lot too, ya know? That’s why I came back early. I wanted to surprise you and spend time with you. Just like this, in bed as you hold me.”
He slowly pulled his head away from your neck to look at your face. Oh that loving soft look he missed that you would only give to him. He was glad he let you into his heart. “I love you, a lot. I know I don’t tell you directly a lot but-“ you were quick to cut him off with a kiss. When you both pulled away, you wiped the last of his tears away from his face.
“Hiso, I know you do. I love you too. Now, calm down. I’m here okay? You’re rambling and I wanna cuddle. Can we do that?” you asked him, already knowing the answer and rolling off him onto your side so you could cuddle facing each other.
“Yes,” he spoke softly as he brought you closer to him and began to slowly peppering your face with kisses.
“By the way, you have some explaining to do. Why is there more than one cat in my guest room? Glitter started pawing at the door the moment I came home asking to be let out and then they all started rubbing on me.”
“You weren’t supposed to find out,” he responded burying his face back into your neck.
“Hisoka... it’s my apartment? What do you mean I wasn’t supposed to find out?“
“It’s bed time, Y/n. Zzzzzzz...” And with that, all of Hisoka’s negative thoughts ceased as he spent the rest of the morning sleeping in with you.
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mirismuffins-ovo · 3 years
Plant Palace pt 8🌿
John felt guilty,he hadn’t expected Eddie to accept him back so easily but it still hurt to feel rejected. John had gone back to his car. It was a colder night but he sleeplessly stayed there for the night. Missing his kids and filled with sadness,what would he tell his kids if he came back and said Eddie didn’t want anything to do for John. He’d felt lonely for such a long time and feared losing the one person he wanted to be with most.
He stayed there for the rest of the night,ignoring his hungry stomach begging for food. John normally went hungry for the sake of the kids when they handed out rations for the camps and he’d gotten into the habit of eating less. His clothes hid that fact for the most part,he had examined Eddie's house,it was nice. Eddie had done well for himself,and he didn’t blame Eddie for being mad at John,he’d ran off after promising they’d have a family together and raise the babies together. Sleeplessly lying in the driver's seat with it reclined thinking about everything.
Eddie groaned as he woke up. Leafy and Bitty were pawing at his legs as he realized where he was. He never left the front entry way and didn’t think about the cats.
“Shit.” He groaned.
He got up, going to feed the cats when Bitty looked up at him and meowed before rubbing up against his leg. Then it all dawned on him.
He fled his apartment, running outside, seeing maybe the man fell asleep at his apartment complex entry way. He didn’t care if it was early in the morning, He fucked up. He had promised himself over the years that it didn’t matter what happened to John. He wasn’t human so he had to do what the man had to do, and Eddie accepted that when they were dating. Just his own jealousy got in the way. He ran in the opposite direction he walked home in the night before, shouting for John’s name. He didn’t even look in any of the parked cars on the side of the street or alleyways. All he wanted to do was find his old lover and hold him in his arms again and apologize for being a complete dick.
John looked over with restless eyes from his small car seeing Eddie running around seeming to look like he was distressed.He wondered would Eddie really be better off,as he listened to him call his name. It seemed like it from what he said last night but he got out of the car,his eyes burned from crying the whole night but also no sleep. He shut the car door loud enough to let Eddie know to look over. John couldn’t bring himself to look at Eddie.
John leaned on his car,watching the man somberly,hearing the rapid steps from Eddie darting around in frantic search. He’d figured Eddie would be better with someone more normal...after all he said maybe it was better that people like them shouldn’t be together. John had spent all night trying to decide whether he should’ve turned the car around and driven back to camp. He hoped he didn’t choose wrong.
As soon as Eddie heard the car door close, he whipped around seeing the smaller distressed frame of the familiar man. Eddie took off full he speed,as fast as his older body could before flung himself at John, embracing him and swinging him around.
“Thank God you didn’t leave!” Eddie exclaimed in pure joy as he set John down from the spin.
John looked up confused but also trying to hide a blush on his cheeks.
“I know we have a lot to work out, but I am so so sorry for being an ass last night. I had a shitty band practice and so I went to get a few drinks and this one girl kept hitting on me at the bar and then I heard your song on the bus home and I…” Eddie paused himself,pulling the red head in for a hug again. “I’ve missed you so so much..I feel like I’m in Heaven right now seeing you again..” he muttered in a loving tone. Placing a gentle hand on the back of Johns head still holding him.
Eddie was crying tears of joy again. John was alive, John was safe, John was here.
John had frozen shocked by the sudden action,he didn’t know what to say. He felt happier than ever and relieved but still filled with confusion, “I’m sorry..I don’t know what I should say” he muttered in a dry voice,batting his eyes a few times while streams of tears ran down his face. Now in the arms of Eddie tightly burying his face into Eddie's upper shoulder. John's stomach said something for him with a loud growl. He blushed embarrassed and pulled away from the hug to look up at Eddie.
“I missed you Eddie...I should've tried to take you with me” John's pale frail hand wiped a tear falling,from his cheek as he let out a soft shaky breath. His stomach letting out another growl craving food once again.
Eddie just ignored the words for the time being and broke them apart for a quick moment before smooshing their lips together in a super long, 2 year delayed, kiss. It felt good to finally connect this intimately with the person he loved dearly. Suffocating one another in affection,but another growl from John’s stomach snapped them out of it,Eddie snickered as John blushed with embarrassment.
“Come back to my place, I’ll cook something. Plus I’m sure there is someone who’d love to see you right now.” Grabbing John’s hand, Eddie started to drag him in the direction of his house.
When they were reaching his apartment, he forgot to close his door and was afraid the cats got out. He quickly approached the door and looked inside, calling to his two kitty companions. He left John at the door to see if he could still find them.
“Spspspsp” He sounded out and waited. The singer walked in looking around to see Bitty pinning Leafy down who was struggling to move as he wanted to go out the door. “Good kitty! Keeping Leafy inside!” He cooed, getting them treats. “Daddy’s sorry he left in a hurry, I’ll give you extra kibble.” Both cats heard food and started to pour more into their dishes.
“You can come in now.” Eddie called, hearing the footsteps enter his home and close his front door.
Bitty lifted her head up in wonder to see who came inside her home when the kitty smelled an old but familiar smell. “Murrrrp? Merrrrp!” She ditched her food dish and ended up rubbing herself on her old cat dad. She meowed and purred vigorously when John picked her up and started laughing.
“Awww my lil Bits” He held her like a baby and gave her head small kisses “I missed you so much my lil one” he laughed softly and set her down purring loudly as she pranced over to the food bowl “I missed her,Thankyou for taking care of her Eds”
John tiredly sat down on a chair relaxing a bit as Eddie started to cook up breakfast,he looked like he was ready to fall asleep then and there. John was exhausted from his worrying, “your house is really nice,I also like the new cat” he smiled at Eddie from across the table. He fidgeted with his red hair “the girls wanna meet you Eddie..and I can’t stop thinking about it” Johns eyes were closed now,smiling at the thought of his sweet kids “my moms taking care of them right now”
Eddie smiled. “I would love to see them too John…” He got out a couple of plates. “But we need to work out what’s between us. We need to make sure it's really safe for Humans and Abbies to live together and be allowed to love each other. Things have been trying to change for the better between our species, but there’s always that loophole that continues to set everyone back.”
He dished up the food and handed one plate to John who carefully begin to take small bites to ease the food into his stomach. Eddie ate like normal, scratching Leafy’s ear when the kitty decided to beg for his food.
“No, Leaf, go eat your kibble.”
Eddie turned his attention back to John. “So… How have you been, like really been?”
John thought about the question pausing his meal,he normally tried to not think about how he was feeling. “I-...I’m tired,it’s been a rough few years raising the kids...and helping my mom with the rebellion,getting captured then breaking out of a facility.I really lucked out they didn’t find I could have kids,...we aren’t seen as humans in facilities” John gave an awkward laugh attempting to hide his grim recount,before he shoved another bite into his mouth chewing slowly. “It’s been...lonely” John had gotten sick during one of the harsher winters after he had the girls. He let out a deep breath rubbing his burning eyes. “It was actually my mom and the girls who said I should try to come back to see you…I mean I was planning to anyways, but I just wasn’t sure if my mom could watch the kids that long. Or if you’d want to even see me.” John ran his fingers through his petal filled hair,it all stressed him out. “Anyways how've you been…” John didn’t wanna tell Eddie that he longed to continue the dream of having a family with him,getting married and actually carrying the children of Eddie. He knew it would be too much to say,it’d been so long after all. He didn’t wanna rush things too fast and lose him again.
“I’ve been better.” Eddie replied. “Just been working on a new EP with the band. After a few concerts, Greenhouse was a success to my surprise. I guess it resonated with a bunch of people. Some people have called it the ‘Barrier Breaker’, saying it’s what's going to bring the people together.” He shrugged. “But who knows.”
He let out another sigh. “So you’ve mentioned you’ve broken out of a facility. But it’s legal for Humans and Abnormals to live together now. Does this mean you’re a fugitive? Does your Mom know you were taken? What about the girls?” He started spilling questions. But then he stopped.
“Sorry. But if you really are on the run, then we have to figure something out so you’re really free.”
“I was a fugitive,this wasn’t the first time I was in a facility. So when we first met I could technically be considered a fugitive,but after this break out and some political negotiations with the governor. My mother and I with a few others were able to make it legal in this state to live in city’s with regular people.” John took a deep breath trying to not overload Eddie with information. “And now a few other progressive states it’s legal,it’s making its way to the presidential office,so hopefully it’ll be countrywide soon” John had an awkward smile for a moment. “we’re working on the details about Abnormals and Regulars getting married and such” He shrugged and sat back in his chair,”Before we were together,a few years back I did some shit as a teenager that got me put in a facility” clearing his throat he continued “it’s why Quinn blew up when I asked about them taking the babies,but now, I’m not a fugitive,I’m ‘legal’ now”
Eddie felt so relieved, like his heart was mending back together.
“We should talk more but you look like you’re about to pass out. Stay for a few days, rest up and eat. I’m still in the middle of the album so I’ll be in my studio most of the day. If you need to leave…” He looked at John with seriousness, giving a warning in his tone of voice. “Tell me. If you run off again, I won’t be as forgiving.”
He got up, went to take a shower real quick then left for the studio. Eddie was elated that John was back, but he couldn’t forgive him just yet. He needed to mend his broken heart and he knew just how to do it. Eddie dried off and got dressed in pajamas,making his way down the hall. John who’d finished eating and seemed to pass out on Eddies couch.
When he walked into his studio, he got set up, texted his band about what’d happened,then began to strum his guitar. He heard only one song ringing through his head now,the song that had been haunting him for years. He closed his eyes, sliding his finger and plucking the first string, beginning to play Eden.
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cakelanguage · 4 years
A very self-indulgent fluffy piece for RiVer. I just want these two to have a happy ending so I’m giving it to them! I hope you like this :)
You can also read this on AO3
It wasn’t even noon when V got a ping on her Agent from River. A small smile graced her face despite being in the middle of taking out another gonk for Wakako. The gig wasn’t hard - a simple in-and-out retrieval of some intel that’d fallen into the wrong hands, but even simple jobs sometimes involved taken out a guy or two. This one was harmless, not even worth the street cred it might get her for taking him out so she simply knocked him out and stuffed him in one of the bins conveniently posted outside the room.
Really it was like they were asking for people to just dump bodies in them. Actually, that was probably exactly what they wanted to happen. Fewer cleanups for the police to have to deal with and all.
Pocketing the shard that’d been on the desk, she pulled up River’s text.
Hey babe, you busy?
She grinned and quickly sent a negative to him. She barely found time to hang out with River, what with all the Arasaka and Johnny bullshit she’d been dealing with the past few months. Now that she wasn’t in imminent death from the Relic she honestly just wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend. Fuck if she wasn’t going to take advantage of River and her not being busy.
You available to call?
For you? Always. xoxo
She could almost hear Johnny groaning at her being mushy. She felt a pang of loss as she thought about the rockerboy and placed a kiss on her fist before she raised it to the sky. She hoped Johnny was out there somewhere giving the corpos hell from the deepest levels of cyberspace.
The call popped up and she quickly answered as she walked toward the drop-off point.
“Hey River,” V chirped, quickly taking in his appearance in the little window in the upper corner of her vision.
“V, hey yourself,” River said, a lop-sided grin settling easily on his face. “How’ve you been?”
She hummed noncommittally. “Can’t complain too much, definitely been missing morning cuddles though.” And perfect cups of coffee. And the polarity of temperatures between River’s cybernetic hand and the warmth of his skin. And kisses.
She felt needy, missing him so much and all the little things he did. But maybe needy wasn't so bad.
“I’ve missed them too.”
“Think we can change that then?”
“Yeah, case is closed and I’ll be back by this evening.”
If V could’ve purred with delight she would have. “Mm, I’m a lucky girl.”
River laughed, shaking his head. “I’m the lucky one.”
Warmth flooded her cheeks and she didn’t even try to hide her pleased grin. “As much as I’d love to just talk about how lucky we are to have each other, something tells me this isn’t strictly a pleasure call.”
Her boyfriend gave her an abashed smile. “You caught me,” he admitted.
She laughed. “Well go on, let’s hear it,” V teased. “What do you need? A contact? A lead? Someone, to do some super sleuthing?”
“No, no, nothing like that, it’s uh- it’s actually kind of a favor for me and Joss.”
Since she’d met River she’d steadily been getting closer and closer with Joss. It was nice to have another girlfriend, though with Judy and Panam, not to mention Misty and Rogue (if she could count Rogue), she wasn’t exactly lacking in them.
But Joss was different. She was a single mom who busted her ass to provide for her family. It reminded her starkly of her older sister back when the Bakkers were still around. And though Joss sometimes brought up painful memories for her, she loved the woman.
“I don’t mind helping you two out,” V reassured, finally dropping off the shard. She’d get the eddies within the next half hour and if need be she could split her earnings to give to the family. “Anything you need, I’m your girl.”
A husky chuckle echoes over the coms. "Anything, huh?"
"I helped take down one of the leading corpos in the world with an engram of a rockstar slowly taking over my brain - I'm open to just about anything at this point."
"Fair enough." River let out a breath of air. "Joss asked me if I'd meet her this afternoon at Heywood General Hospital to pick up Randy."
V's eyes widened. "He's been cleared for release?" She hadn't thought Randy would be released for another few weeks. It'd been touch-and-go at the beginning and although he'd come a long way since the farm, he still had plenty of recovering to do.
"Yeah, I was shocked too, but I've been visiting him and he's doing a lot better than he was."
Anything would've been better than the drug-induced catatonia that he'd been in when River and V had found him in that barn. She was still haunted by the half-lidded eyes and slack jaw that had been behind that plastic mask. "That's great," her shoulders relaxed from their previous position, "I'm glad he's doing better."
"Me too, and Joss is happy she gets to bring him home."
"He gonna be in his trailer again?"
River made a noncommittal noise. "That's up to him really. We don't know how he'll feel about being alone now but we've decided to let Randy feel his way through this one."
Made the most sense to V. "Alright so you and Joss are going to pick up Randy and you want me too…?" V asked, shifting their conversation back to the favor River and Joss wanted.
"Oh uh right yeah," River scratched the back of his neck. V wanted nothing more than to ease the man's nerves about whatever he was going to ask. "Since Joss and I are going to be getting Randy, we need someone to watch Dorian and Monique." He didn't pause to let her get a word in edgewise. "Usually one of the neighbors can watch them but most of them are busy and then I might've suggested that we could ask you." He scratched at his cheek and shifted his gaze to the side. "You can say of course, but I figured-"
"Babysitting the little rugrats?" V asked with a grin, interrupting her boyfriend's spiel. "You trust me to watch 'em?"
"V," River had that tone to his voice that was part scolding and part fond, "you're their 'Auntie V,' they'll be cheering when they find out you're watching them."
"I don't know, you did joke that I was the one who needed a babysitter."
He snorted and raised a meaningful brow. "And sometimes you do, but I have total faith in you on this. As does Joss."
"Well I guess I can trust Joss' judgment," V teased. "I can be there in twenty."
River's shoulders sagged at her acceptance. "Thanks, babe."
That mushy feeling returned with vengeance and V was sure she had some stupid look on her face. “Want me to make something for dinner?”
Her boyfriend whistled. “Got myself a lady who can kick ass and offer to make dinner.”
“Riv, come on,” she rolled her eyes trying to appear stern, “Dinner a yes or no?”
“Dinner would be great, to be honest. Joss and I were planning on picking something up on the way home.”
That wouldn’t do at all.
“Uh-uh, nope, no way am I letting Randy’s first meal out of the hospital to be some fast food soy protein that’s no much better than the shit you can get with a kibble card.”
“Hey, I’ve seen you eat that crap before,” River argued, though he looked more amused than anything.
“Details, details,” V waved a dismissive hand, “Randy have any food restrictions or favorite foods?”
Food had been a big part of V’s life growing up with the Bakker’s. Food didn’t just mean fueling the body, but feeding the soul. Her mother had once told her that a good meal could heal the body just as well as medicine. Looking back, V knew her mother had been exaggerating but she’d taken the statement to heart because a good meal showed someone you cared for their wellbeing.
Her boyfriend pondered her question as she pinged Jackie’s bike to meet her so she could leave.
“Well, he liked my jambalaya when I snuck some in for him to try last week.”
“Hot or mild?”
“Believe it or not, spicy.” His smile took on a bittersweet edge. “Told me it was the first thing he’d been able to taste since everything went down.”
“Then it’s good he got to taste something delicious,” V said.
River’s smile lost that edge and regained the softness he only showed when he was talking about his family or V herself. “Feel free to keep stroking my ego.”
V shook her head with a snort. “Maybe later,” she offered while mentally going through the repertoire of recipes she still remembered. Something spicy, strong flavors that the whole family would like. “Think he’d eat gumbo?”
“Yeah, learned to make it back when my family was still together...”
She remembered the crowded prep stations, her underfoot as she helped as much as she could under her mother and sister’s tutelage. She remembered her uncle sneaking bits from the cutting boards and popping them in his mouth, sending her a wink and an exaggerated shushing motion to not say anything.
River didn’t interrupt her musing, instead, he waited patiently as she sorted her thoughts. He understood that if he interrupted V she wouldn’t finish talking about her past.
“Mealtime was one of the few times we all tried to be together and pause from our other duties,” V explained. “We made all kinds of stuff depending on who was in charge of dinner, but I know gumbo was my favorite and it’s similar to jambalaya.”
“A family recipe and your favorite, huh?” River commented, “I look forward to trying it.”
It didn’t matter that V hadn’t made gumbo in two years. She wanted to do something for her new family. "It’ll probably take me a little longer to get home since I’ll stop and get them on the way.” She revved the engine and patted the side of the bike. “See you, River, tell Randy we'll be waiting for him at home."
The silence stretched over the line and V had to make sure her Agent hadn't malfunctioned and dropped the call. But River was still connected, just stared at her with this shocked look. "You okay?" V asked.
Her question shook River from his stupor and he gave her a besotted look. "Yeah I'm fine," he reassured, "see you at home after Joss and I pick up Randy."
She snagged the veggies from an Aldaecado who sold some of their crops at the Sunset Motel and picked up some synthetic meat that didn’t look too bad and set course for the trailer park. The ride was as peaceful as ever and V cranked Jackie's bike to the max speed down the straightaways, shaving off five minutes from her ride. The Badlands were some of the best places to go full-throttle without having to worry about a bunch of traffic.
Joss stood on the porch while Monique and Dorian listened to whatever she told them, playfully jostling each other as much as they could get away with. As soon as they spotted V though, they dashed towards her with the exuberance that was only ever found in children. V knelt down with a laugh and opened her arms in invitation.
"Auntie V!" Monique cheered, reaching her first and throwing herself into V's waiting arms, scooping the little girl up into a full-body embrace.
V had quickly discovered how much the two kids liked their hugs and who was V to deny them that?
Dorian quickly followed, wrapping his arms around her legs. "Mom told us you're gonna watch us while she and Uncle River bring Randy home," Dorian said. "Which means we can play together again!"
V laughed and shifted Monique to her hip so she could ruffle Dorian's hair. "Only if you're willing to take this rookie under your wings," V said.
The two giggled and reassured her that they'd show her the ropes, both puffing up with pride.
She managed to slowly walk towards Joss with the two limpets clinging to her laughing and cheering. She saw the poorly hidden laughter that Joss was trying to cover up as just a smile. V was glad she could make the crow’s feet on the women's face crinkle instead of deepening the worry lines that were far too prominent on her friend's face.
“Hey Joss,” V greeted, shifting Monique enough so that she could pull Joss into an awkward one-armed hug.
“Hey, V,” Joss replied, pulling out of the hug. “Thank you so much for being willing to watch the kids.”
“Willing? I’m more than happy to watch them, you know that.”
V and the kids got along like a house fire and she cherished all the little games they’d play together. It gave V an excuse to check-out of adult stuff and focus on entertaining River’s niece and nephew. It had done wonders for her mental health.
Joss smiled and reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Monique’s ear. “Still, I know it’s last minute. Neither River nor I were expecting them to give Randy the okay to leave the hospital.”
“And Randy’s probably been chomping at the bit to leave that place, right?”
The woman scoffed, shaking her head. “If he could’ve, I’m sure he would’ve broken out of there after the first five days.”
“A boy after my own heart.”
Despite going to a number of ripperdocs, regular hospitals, and trauma centers left her nervous and itching to leave ASAP. River practically had to drag her to the hospital just to get a full brain scan after the Relic incident.
Joss rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “We shouldn’t be more than a few hours at most. Pretty sure it’ll mostly be paperwork and finding out any home care we need to know about for Randy’s recovery.”
As usual, Joss was fairly matter-of-fact about the whole thing but she couldn’t hide her worry. V figured she’d be just as worried if her baby had gone through what Randy had. It didn’t help that her relationship with her son had been strained before and no matter how much they’d talked since the incident there was still the unknown of how their relationship would go once he was home again.
“He’ll be excited to see you,” V said, setting down the girl in her arms.
Monique tugged at Dorian’s shirt and the two were off chasing after each other.
Joss remained silent but her shoulders relaxed some. Finally, she seemed to shake herself out of her thoughts. “If the kids get hungry-”
“Feed ‘em something that won’t give them a sugar rush,” V dutifully replied. “I know, Joss don’t worry, I can handle these two just fine.”
Joss sighed. “I know you can, but a mother can’t help but worry,” she managed to give V a sly smile. “You’ll understand when you and River have a kid.”
V made a choking noise as her face flushed. “J-Joss, we-we haven’t even talked about marriage yet.”
“Hop to it, V,” Joss joked with a clap. “Need you to make an honest man out of my gonk of a brother and I want to be an aunt at some point in the near future.”
It was a nice thought, getting married and starting a family with River. It sounded terribly domestic and kind of wonderful if she was being honest.
But her and River could talk about that later.
Much later.
“Go on, get going,” V shooed, “Randy’s waiting.”
“Alright, alright, we can talk about giving me nieces and nephews later,” Joss relented. ‘If you want to get takeout, I have a few menus in the kitchen with Dorian and Monique’s favorites circled.”
“Actually I was gonna make gumbo,” Seeing Joss’ surprise she continued. “It’s a family recipe and I haven’t made it in a while but River said that Randy liked his jambalaya so I figured he’d probably like gumbo too since it also has a strong flavor. But uh if they won’t like it-”
“V,” Joss interrupted with a grin.
“I really hope River does marry you.”
V blushed and returned her grin. “Yeah me too.”
She’d managed to make the roux for the gumbo while Monique and Dorian were playing tag and now she just had to let the gumbo simmer which meant she was completely free to play. The two were more than ready for her to join them, bouncing around her as she quickly donned the AR set.
The blue tint to ‘Trouble in Heywood’ flooded her vision and she took in the kids’ game personas: Captain Joan McClane and Lieutenant Henry Callahan. It still made her laugh when she saw them, the two rough officers that looked like they were ex-Militech before joining the force. It didn’t help that the backstories they’d given them were so serious.
“Didn’t know if you’d come back, rookie,” Captain Joan, Monique said, her arms crossed and her face stern behind her shades. “Thought what you’d seen when we took down El Chamuco Endiablado was still clinging onto ya’.”
Lieutenant Henry Callahan, Dorian scoffed. “Nah, the two rookies we worked with for the takedown were good, and that’s coming from me,” he argued.
“Sounds like we might’ve grown on you two lone wolves, huh?” V teased, cocking her hip as she checked her gun.
“Don’t get cute with me, rookie,” Captain Joan said.
V raised her hands. “Fine, fine,” she bounced her eyes back and forth between the two. “What’s the situation today?”
“With El Chamuco Endiablado gone, we created a power vacuum and the force is flaggin’ under the pushback,” Captain Joan explained.
“Which is why they’ve called us in,” Lieutenant Henry added, “Regular force just won’t cut it, gotta call in the best of the precinct to take these goons down.”
“We called you in for backup, rookie. All you gotta do is keep up and watch our backs, we can handle the rest.”
“No doubt about that,” V said, “But y’know, I gotta make it home to my partner, promised him I’d make it back.”
“The other rookie?” Lieutenant Henry asked.
“The one and only.”
Captain Joan shook her head and cocked her gun. “Battlefield’s no place for emotion, rookie,” she advised. “We need to dedicate ourselves to taking this filth out.”
V nodded her head and squared her shoulders. “Yes, ma’am,” she saluted, “Are we ready to start?”
Lieutenant Henry gave her a wild grin. “Those bad guys can’t escape justice.”
They ended up playing three different rounds of ‘Trouble in Heywood,’ each round further expanding the narrative. In the last game, Lieutenant Henry had gone rogue to zero José Luis, a Valentino who’d gotten away with murder because the NCPD “didn’t have enough evidence to convict him.” According to Captain Joan, Lieutenant Henry had been harboring secret feelings for the murder victim and he was out for blood.
Honestly, V wasn’t sure where the kids pulled these plots from, but they were endlessly entertaining.
She looked up from the pot she was stirring and made sure the kids were still sitting at the table she'd sat them at with a snack. It didn't look good to her, but Monique and Dorian cheered at the sight of it so at least they liked it.
She tapped her spoon against the rim of her pot and set it to the side. "What do you two wanna do now?" V asked, taking a seat beside Dorian.
"Mom usually makes us practice our reading and math," Dorian grumbled, his eyebrows scrunching together. "We aren't even going to school yet, it's like lightyears away."
"Lightyears, huh?" V mused, propping her chin against her hand. "That's a pretty long time."
"I know!" Dorian threw his hands up. "She says she wants us to be ready and stuff but it's so boring."
"The worst," Monique agreed. "But maybe since Mom isn't here…" She trailed off and gave her puppy dog eyes.
Yeah, that wasn't going to work on her. "Oh no-"
"Please, V?" Dorian begged.
Then it became a cacophony of pleading words and promises to work harder tomorrow. Taking them on one-at-a-time, but both of them at once? Not even worth considering arguing.
"If I let you skip this lesson time," she started, the kids already whooping beside her. "I said if. "
The two nodded seriously, “We’ll do it,” they promised readily.
V shook her head, squinting at them with a skeptical look. “I haven’t even said what you have to do if you skip your lessons.” Monique and Dorian traded confused looks before turning back to her. “The first rule of any kinda deal,” she held up one finger, “you gotta listen to the whole deal, otherwise you might be signing yourself up for something worse.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” Dorian insisted.
“How can you be sure?”
“Cause you’re nice,” Monique said. “You wouldn’t do that.”
“Maybe not to you guys, but I’ve conned my fair share of gonks.” Their faith in her left a warm feeling in her chest. “Alright, but back to the deal. I let you guys skip, but you guys have to help me make a welcome home sign for Randy.”
Two pairs of wide eyes stared at her, mouths agape. “We’re gonna make a billboard?” They asked.
V bit her lip and shook her head. “Not a billboard, little short on time and really out of our budget.” She rifled through her pockets and pulled out a small device. “Had this bad boy for a while now, usually I use it to pull up my schematics or tweak one of my daemons, but I’ve got an app that’ll just let us create a design we wanna display.” She fiddled with her Agent and turned the phone towards them. “I’ve got the words, but I need two experts to really make it shine, figured you two would be perfect for the job.”
“Really?” Dorian whispered.
“Really really.” She leaned back, her smile relaxed and open. “I can do some graffiti or graphic style stuff, but you guys know Randy best.”
Monique kicked her legs back and forth and stared at the screen with a frown. “Last time we saw Randy, he didn’t want to hang out with us and said we were annoying him,” she mumbled just loud enough for V to hear.
Her heart sunk at the solemn tone of the girl’s voice. That was when Randy had been in Peter Pan’s grasp when he was being gaslighted with promises of understanding and promises of help.
You can tell a kid that their sibling loves them and what they were going through, but it didn’t erase the hurt that kid felt. And they didn’t fully understand.
Even so, reassurance was better than nothing.
“When Randy last talked to you,” V stated, making both kids look at her. “He was going through some tough times.” She picked at her nail as she tried to find the right words. How much did they know about what happened to Randy? “Do you know what happened with Randy?”
Dorian hesitantly shook his head. “We knew he went missing, and Mom said that you and Uncle River found him and brought him back,” he said.
“And he’s been at the hospital because he was hurt when you guys found him,” Monique added.
V nodded her head. “That��s the gist of it,” V admitted. She hesitated before continuing. “Randy thought he had a… friend, but when he went to meet this friend, he turned out to be a bad guy.”
“Like… the bad guys in our game?” Dorian asked.
V fought a grimace. “Worse.” When her statement was met with silence she continued. “Randy was captured and was hurt real bad while he was held captive.”
She’d never get the image of those kids gassed up and comatose, hooked up to those fucking machines out of her head. No matter what she did, she still remembers the frantic way her hands shook as she checked pulses on cool bodies and tugged out crusted IVs from limp arms.
“According to your Uncle River, Randy’s doing much better,” she reassured, trying to assuage some of their unease. “But he’s gonna need you two to help him, even if he’s grumpy and being mean.” She playfully punched her palm. “Sometimes you just gotta break through their defenses and make them understand. Which is why,” V gestured to her Agent, “We’re making him a special welcome sign.”
“And… it’ll help Randy?” Dorian asked.
“Showing him you care and are happy to see him can sometimes be exactly what a person needs.”
Monique and Dorian turned to each other and nodded before turning back to V. “You can count on us!”
V clapped her hands. “That’s what I like to hear!”
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kindajared · 4 years
Hello! yes...this is 3k+ words because I got carried away...NSFW BABEY 18+ IM LOVE HIM YOU G U Y S (Looks like I’m big dumbass and didn’t incorperate his handicap and I hate myself, but please enjoy anyway)
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You were nervous, really nervous. Your friends pressured you into doing this and you couldn’t refuse them…you were weak when it came to these things; anything for your friends. Jeez, so much for having a strong will. But how could you refuse something like this? It would be a new experience and you supposed you didn’t mind, but God, you were nervous.
A Catboy…it was hard to say it aloud. The only reason you even thought this would be a good idea was because your friend had one, Gyro, and he was absolutely lovely. They wanted you to get this one in particular because he and Gyro were close or had been before he was taken from him. They couldn’t live without each other, yet your friend only had the means for one…So, this was perfect. They could see each other whenever the wanted.
This one’s name was Johnny. He had had soft blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair and was thinthin. He was absolutely adorable and you were happy to take him in. One thing you weren’t aware of, was his personality…which was something that largely contributed to your nervousness.
You were driving back to your apartment with him in the passenger seat, his arms crossed and looking out the window. You glanced over at him now and again, hoping he would speak up rather than you. You sighed.
“Are you exited to see Gyro?”
You asked with a small smile, watching the road. Johnny’s ear perked up slightly from under his beanie and his attention turned to you, tail exposed. He gave a nod.
“More than anything.”
He replied. Your smile only grew. So this wasn’t so bad for him, you were glad. You had a little more to say.
“I just hope this doesn’t feel traumatic for you. Does it?”
You asked with a glance. You heard him shift in his seat and he shook his head quickly.
“I knew it was going to happen eventually. I’ll be fine.”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. Good. This was good. You thought to yourself before you arrived back at your apartment just minutes later.
You went to open the car door for him, but he got out himself, hunched over like a moping child. You took a breath in before you walked up the concrete stairs to your apartment, him following close behind.
You both entered after unlocking the door, both nonchalantly kicking of your shoes before closing the door. You noticed Johnny sniffing the air. You lifted your brows.
“Smell okay?”
You asked him, hoping for the answer you desired.
“Mhm. I think it’s safe to say it smells good actually.”
He finally cracked a smile and you felt your heart could sing. You walked forward then, setting your bag and keys down on the entryway table. You let out a happy hum.
“Here, follow me.”
You motioned for Johnny to follow you and he did, both just steps from the living room. You held your arms out towards the simplistic living room; couch, coffee table and a television, your laptop and a book laying out. Johnny looked it over.
“Not much, I know, but it’s cozy enough. I hope it works for you.”
You looked at him and he nodded.
“I like it.”
You smiled once more, walking towards your next stop, the kitchen. It wasn’t big. Enough for two people to stand in. Fridge with a freezer, sink, stove and a microwave and a few cabinets and drawers.
“I don’t always have much, but I stocked up. I don’t know what you like, so I got a lot of different things.”
You spoke before you heard breathing in your ear, sniffing. You turned to see that Johnny was smelling you, reaching up to touch your hair. You swallowed, not knowing what to do or say. You just assumed this was some sort of greeting, maybe even a sign of affection? You could only hope so.
“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll like it all. I honestly didn’t expect you to be so nice. I think I might like it here.”
He spoke softly and you couldn’t help but blush.
“You think? That’s great!”
You were getting exited and Johnny could clearly tell, smile back on his face You couldn’t help but relish looking into his blue eyes, they were so gentle. You cleared your throat and walked past him, showing him the decent sized bathroom before the bedroom, which you had the decency to clean for him, making the bed and all. You opened the door to reveal a queen-sized bed, small closet, vanity and a laundry basket. Johnny looked it all over, walking forward to sit on the bed, patting it.
“I like it- I really like it.”
He gave his approval, and you couldn’t help but clap your hands together.
“Oh, that’s great, Johnny!”
You could squeal then, but you held that back. You then put your hands back down at your sides.
“Are you hungry?”
You asked him. You knew for a fact that he didn’t eat kibble or lap up water with his tongue, so you assumed he ate like anyone else. He replied.
You put a finger to your chin and looked down momentarily before looking back up with an idea.
You offered. Johnny lifted a brow and you became nervous. Did he not like pizza? He leaned forward.
“You read my mind! How did you know?”
The excitement in his voice was something new. You wear so happy. This would work out, after all. You nodded, backing out of the doorway.
“What kind do you like?”
You asked. He grinned.
“I’ll eat anything. You choose.”
You nearly melted. You nodded and left for the kitchen, calling the local pizza place and ordering plain pepperoni. What could you say? You had simple tastes. You also ordered a sprite, not being able to hold back the temptation for soda.
You went back to the bedroom after ordering to find Johnny cuddled up on the bed with on of your pillows, grabbing and kneading at it. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling. He couldn’t have been more adorable if he tried.
“Pizza’ll be here in a jiff.”
You leaned against the doorway, not being able to help but watch him. He looked up at you then.
“What are you doing?”
His brows were furrowed in some sort of confusion and you widened your eyes. What did you do?”
“Uhhh, I’m sorry, I don’t-.”
“Come here, please.”
His lip was slightly pouted. You immediately went and crawled on the bed, quickly up next to him. He immediately embraced you, nuzzling his face into your neck. You noticed he was purring, and you giggled, reaching up to push his beanie off so that you could scratch behind his ears. He hummed softly and you felt his rough tongue against your neck, making you gasp. He pulled back.
“Is that okay? I can’t help it. It feels so good. No one’s touched me in a long time.”
He sounded worried, as if he did was completely unwanted. You shook your head, placing a hand on the side of his face.
“Don’t be silly. It’s fine. I like how it feels.”
You assured him. He smiled, his soft purr returning as he was quickly back at your neck, licking strips up to your ear. You shuddered at the feeling and Johnny noticed, arm sliding around your waist and pulling you close. You hummed, moving your other hand to scratched under his chin. Johnny sighed and moved his face so that he could press his lips to yours, you made a noise of surprise and he pulled away.
“Something wrong?”
He had that same look of worry. You stumbled over your words.
“No, I, uh...I’m not sure if I want this. I didn’t bring you home for this.”
You told him. He looked away, frowning. He sat up and brought his knees to his chest. Your eyes widened and you sat up with him.
“Johnny, all I mean is…”
You paused, finding your words.
“You don’t have to do all of that. I want to take care of you, that’s all. We don’t have to, you know…”
You explained. He didn’t look back, just buried his face in between his knees and spoke, voice weak.
“You don’t want to?”
He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. You moved up next to him and took ahold of his face, brining it up so that he would look at you.
“I do want to, Johnny. I wasn’t worried about me. I was worried about you. What you wanted.”
You sighed before smiling, hoping he might return it. He blinked.
“So you-?”
Then the doorbell rang before Johnny could finish and you set you pushed some of his hair behind his ear.
“Let’s eat first, okay? I think we’re both hungry. Sound good?”
You asked kindly. He only nodded before you moved off the bed and held out your hand for him to take. When he was up you placed a kiss on his cheek before hurrying to the door. Johnny stood in place momentarily, hand on his cheek, blushing. He smiled to himself before walking out to the living room where you had set everything up for the two of you. He was quick to plop down on the couch, he loved pizza.
The two of you didn’t even use plates when you ate, taking sips of sprite from two different glasses in-between bites, barely making conversation, just making sound of pleasure. You both hadn’t had pizza in a long time.
“This makes me think of Gyro.”
Johnny spoke up after finishing a slice. Your attention turned to him and you finished chewing before replying.
“How about we see him tomorrow? Wanna do that?”
You asked, of course knowing the answer. Johnny nodded excitedly.
“Yes please, (Y/N)!”
He went in to tackle you with a hug, but you blocked him with your knee.
“No way! You’re all greasy!”
You laughed when Johnny pouted, but he was quick to laugh himself.
“Fair enough, I guess.”
He gave up before finishing his drink and sighing, rubbing his stomach.
“Thanks for this. It was awesome, if I do say so myself.”
He thanked you with a nod of his head. He stood up then.
“Can I go shower?”
He asked. You finished your slice and nodded.
“Of course! Everything in there is self-explanatory, so I don’t think you need a manual.”
You told him. He chuckled and nodded.
“Good to know. I’ll be back.”
You stopped him and he turned around.
“I got you some clothes to sleep in. They should be on my bedside table. Thought I should let you know.”
He chuckled, lifting his shoulder before he just nodded and walked away. You sighed before turning back to finish your drink, proceeding to clean up, extra pizza in the fridge. You listened as the shower ran. You couldn’t help but imagine how Johnny looked…the water running down his back, ears and tail soaking, blond hair smoothed back. It made you bite your lip as you continued to your bedroom.
You proceeded to put on some loose shorts and a long T-Shirt, nothing special. The water had been off in the shower for long enough, so you went and knocked on the door.
“I hope you’re still alive in there.”
The door then opened to reveal Johnny in nothing but a towel. He looked as you imagined but better. You had to keep yourself from staring.
“I-I just gotta brush my teeth. I got a toothbrush for you too.”
You slid by him and retrieved your toothbrush from its place next to the sink, pointing to Johnny’s. You both brushed your teeth together, bumping you hips together now and again, making each other smile. Once you were done you looked at him with a toothy smile.
“Look good?”
You asked. He nodded.
“Those are some pearly white if I’ve ever seen any.”
He complimented. You chuckled before moving past him, butterflies in your stomach. He was too perfect; you couldn’t believe it.
You then slid into bed; nightstand lamp the only think lighting the room. You nearly drifted off to sleep before you felt Johnny slide in behind you, youbbeing on your side.
“You can turn the light off now.”
He told you, and you did as he said, reaching up for it. Johnny was quick to wrap his arms fully around you, pressing his frond up against your back. You felt his breath against the back of your neck, but the smile you had faded when you felt something hard against your back. You swallowed as Johnny began to rub himself up against you, purring  loudly into your ear.
He replied in a gentle tone.
“You uh-have-.”
He chuckled in reply, pulling you as close as he could. You gasped when his cock fully pressed up against your back.
“I can’t help it. I’ll stop if you want…”
His tone changed to one you had heard before…disappointment. You could practically see his pout without even looking his direction. Even if you were, it was pitch black. You sighed,
“It’s fine. I don’t mind.”
You just felt you should point it out, though now you felt stupid. Of course, he knew he had a hard on, it was his cock, after all.
You gasped when you felt something phallic slip in between your thighs. You whimpered as it began to slide in and out. Johnny spoke.
“Can I do this? It feels good.”
He asked you, giving the shell of your ear a lick. You arched your back into him and nodded.
“Yeah- Yeah, go ahead.”
You gave him approval and he continued, cock shifting higher and higher until you could feel in against your crotch. You let out a hum and your chest tightened. You could feel yourself quickly getting wet. Johnny was purring and biting at your ear, groping at your breasts. You let out a soft moan.
You placed your hand on his, over your chest. Johnny gave your neck a soft nip.
“I want you- I want to be inside you, (Y/N).”
His voice was still so sweet, breath hot. You pressed half of your face into the pillow.
“Another night? Not yet, okay? I’m sorry, just…not yet.”
Johnny whimpered at your answer to his question. Though he had to sigh in acceptance.
“Can I touch you?”
Was his follow up. Your licked your lips and curled your toes, letting out a shaky breath
“I-If you want to, g-go ahead.”
You gripped your pillow. It’ not that you didn’t want him to fuck you, you just felt it wasn’t time; you had just met that day. after all.
You gasped when you felt slim fingers slide into your shorts, bypassing your panties to touch your bare pussy. You squirmed, breathing quickly.
Johnny hushed you as he slid his finger into your slick folds. He hummed.
“You’re really wet. That from me?”
He asked you. You nodded, whimpering softly.
“Mmm, mhm.”
Was what you managed to reply with. Johnny took ahold of your ear with his theeth and tugged at it as his middle finger began to circle your clit slowly. You sucked in a breath and clenched your jaw. It had been a long time since anyone had touched you like this.
“You’re so cute.”
He did in fact purr as he pressed his finger down, wiggling it. You took your bottom lip into your mouth.
“Mmm, Johnny, that feels-.”
“Good? I could have guessed.”
He knew what you were going to say, but that was no surprise. His ring finger slid down to your entrance and you pressed your ass up against him, making him grunt in pleasure.
“Keep doing that, please.”
He breathed. You began to roll your hips back up against him and he groaned.
He nuzzled is face into your neck as he slid a finger into your hole, eagerly rubbing your slick walls.
“Nnn, Johnny, fuck…”
Your breath hitched. His purring only made this hotter. You could feel his tail wrap around your thigh and you hummed. Johnny slipped another finger into you, surprised you were already ready for it. You grabbed at the sheets, gasping as he pleasured you with his fingers, sliding them in and out at an agonizing pace.
“Johnny please, go fast- I want it faster.”
You practically whined. Johnny did as you asked, fingering you quickly, slipping a third one in for the hell of it. You squirmed up against him, gasping over and over again. You reached behind your own head to tangle your fingers in his hair, scratching the back of his head. He groaned, pressing his lips against your neck for a sloppy kiss before he opened his mouth, sucking and biting to create a mark.
You could barely speak as he fucked you with his fingers, pressing them against your walls as he hooked them now and again. Your eyes threatened to roll back as he spoke.
“Do it for me. I want to feel you on my fingers.”
He panted into your ear. You sucked in a breath as you felt that familiar white-hot feeling in your core, an amazing stinging feeling. You reached your climax with one last thrust of his fingers, cumming all over them, coating them in their entirety. You panted and shook in the aftershock of your orgasm. You took your hand away from Johnny’s head and were quick to flip yourself over to face him.
You spoke his name through challenging breaths.
He licked at his fingers, sliding them into his mouth and smiling, though you couldn’t quite see. You managed to find his face when you reached for it, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss, as you missed your mark. You both laughed softly.
So, this was a Catboy…well, this wasn’t just any Catboy, this was Johnny…and he was perfect in every way. You would care for and love him for as long as you could; he was yours now.
“Hey Johnny?”
You spoke.
“You haven’t cum, have you?”
Johnny chuckled.
You kissed him again, correctly this time.
“Then, I suppose it’s your turn. Is that fair?”
Johnny’s purring returned.
“That’s fair.”
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a cat
a few months ago, our cat scratched me right on my cheek and my first thought out of all things was "what if mankai had a cat" pls get me out of this brainrot 😣
on a side note, this got way TOO LONG so i'm putting it under the cut!! this also works as an apology since i was gone for too long without notice 🙇‍♀️ as always, thank you for reading!
🐾 having a pet for the dorm was a subject mankai always brought up. it definitely sounds like a good idea for a domestic setting, but actually getting a pet is out of the question. sakyo didn't allow it due to obvious reasons, and of course it involved the company's budget.
🐾 there was one time however when muku and yuki went back to the dorms with a white stray cat that had a sprain. that time, sakyo would've given them a lecture like usual, but he gave in anyways and told them that they can foster the cat and they'll let it go after its leg gets better.
🐾 unfortunately for sakyo, everyone got way too attached to the cat before its sprain healed, and sakyo also adored the cat but of course he wouldn't openly admit that. after a week, when the cat got better, it only took a few buttons to push before sakyo agreed to finally keeping the cat, under the condition that they are not getting another pet again.
🐾 no one knew who started calling the cat koko, though it just seemed so natural that everybody else started to follow suit, which was pretty convenient because they didn't have to fight over the cat's name when mankai will finally keep her as a pet. (fun fact coco is the name of our cat)
🐾 that week, tenma deadass acted like an expecting father having his very first child, it was really unnerving to see. taichi and juza would often join tenma in shopping for random cat toys after school, which usually lasts longer than girls shopping for a singular pair of heels and that already says a lot
🐾 the conversation usually goes like this
tenma: "what's the best color for this toy mouse?"
taichi: "i like the red one!"
juza: "that's fine too."
tenma, after 10 minutes: "i see, i'll just buy all 7 colors"
🐾 tenma spoiled koko a LOT. teasers? balls? lasers? plushies? you name it, and tenma literally had them in ALL available colors. he did not really care if some of the toys remained untouched, as long as koko had something to be busy with. tenma had a huge ass box of cat toys that he could open up his own damn store and he'd get a lot of profit
🐾 tasuku literally had no idea why, but koko never scratched anywhere but his legs. is there some sort of magic on his legs?? if there was, it wasn't something tasuku is aware of, and he isn't sure if he wants to know what it is either.
🐾 it actually didn't hurt or anything, it just annoyed him when he needs to go somewhere else and the cat would just pounce to his direction to scratch his legs. tasuku feels bad on walking away, so all he does is stand up and wait until koko is done scratching his leg so he can finally move on.
🐾 when a scratching post was delivered to the dorm, koko has been all over it ever since. when tasuku noticed that koko never scratched on his legs anymore, it then just occurred to him that koko used his legs as a temporary scratching post. if he was being conpletely honest, he doesn't know how to feel about this.
🐾 know the meme of people making their babies choose their pokemon starter? that's what itaru did to koko, except he used the figurines of his waifus instead of pokemon plushies. he'd carry koko to the table, and the figurine koko will knock over would determine who her best girl supposedly is.
🐾 what he didn't know was that koko wouldn't knock one figurine over, but ALL FIVE OF THEM, and they all went rolling from the table and fell down to the floor. he swore that one of the figurines easily gets broken since its glasses came off at some point, and until that moment his trust towards animals has never been tested so bad. gladly, none of the figurines broke so koko is not yet in itaru's hit list.
🐾 even with all the toys tenma showered her with, koko finds itaru's hair on a ponytail very entertaining. itaru doesn't really mind koko messing with his hair as long as his gaming stays uninterrupted, though he gets annoyed when koko pulls a part of his hair too hard. he also somehow gets pissed whenever his hairtie falls off during a crucial moment, but he doesn't have the heart to get mad at koko so he lets her off the hook for so many times.
🐾 if omi is already such a mom to mankai, he is even more of a mom to koko. there is a sack of cat kibbles stored away for weeks, but it still remains untouched up to this day because omi always whip up homemade meals for her.
🐾 there was a time when omi cooked up turkey, mashed potatoes and corn for koko's dinner, but he didn't prepare anything for the actual human beings in mankai. omi was just like, "oh haha, there is leftover curry in the fridge. we probably should finish that first"
🐾 in other words, koko isn't subjected to curry hell. never. cats actually aren't supposed to eat curry or else something would happen. even if cats were allowed to eat curry though, it is highly doubtful that omi will make koko eat curry on a daily basis. if omi is an actual mom, everyone would collectively agree that the favorite child is koko. no buts, no questions asked, that's it.
🐾 it was a given that cats don't like water, so everyone was really surprised when they learned that koko LOVES water. the first time they learned it was when sakuya went to wash the dishes like usual, only for koko to literally pounce by the sink. she waits for sakuya to turn on the faucet and everytime sakuya does, she just sticks her paw out to the water until he turns it off. it was an adorable sight.
🐾 it definitely made sakuya slower on washing the dishes, but he does not really mind one bit, he actually enjoys the company. he opted to use a bit more dishwashing soap after he noticed that koko also liked to play with the excessive foam and bubbles on the sink whenever he finishes doing the dishes.
🐾 everyone in mankai, especially sakuya, already made it a habit to call out to koko whenever they're about to do the dishes so koko wouldn't have to wait for the sound of the faucet before running to the sink. it already is a routine every after mealtime.
🐾 was it already mentioned that koko likes water? yes. whenever the boys get in the bath, koko also joins in the damn tub and REFUSES to leave. after some time, the boys already accepted it and just let the cat stay in the tub, losing their sense of privacy in the process. they also bought little rubber duckies and those bubble bath products so koko can play around with the excessive amount of bubbles and the rubber duckies in the tub.
🐾 there was one time when omi woke up super early to prepare breakfast, though he went to the bathroom first and nearly shit on his pants when he saw koko in the empty tub. no koko, he isn't going to fill the tub with water if you just stay there. get out of there and sleep in your own damn bed.
🐾 koko also follows anyone who is on their way to the bathroom, ALWAYS assuming that they'll fill up the tub every time they do get in the bathroom. sorry to break this to you koko, but taichi wouldn't get in the bathroom 8 times a day to take a bath every single time, he just really wants to pee... please give him a break
🐾 koko always joins tsumugi when he is in the garden, though it was only because she wants to drink on the water coming out of tsumugi's watering can. when there are water droplets on the leaves, she climbs up and licks them off. unfortunately, it is one of the reasons why tsumugi started to yell on a daily basis, "KOKO NO THAT PLANT IS POISONOUS DON'T LICK THAT—"
🐾 tsumugi wouldn't have to warn koko forever though, since she'd eventually memorize what plants are poisonous and what are not. sometimes, after tsumugi is done watering the plants, he'd fill the watering can with water again just so koko would get in the can and chill for who knows how long.
🐾 koko is attached to muku for obvious reasons (he picked her up when she was injured!!) so koko is often in their shared room with kazunari. sadly, there was a time when muku took a break from reading the shoujo manga to grab some water, and when he got back, koko was already tearing it into pieces.
🐾 muku did not get angry at koko, but the cat knew something was wrong when muku was trying to stop himself from crying that koko already knew not to tear any of muku's books in the future. koko still felt really bad about it even after muku bought a new copy of that specific volume.
🐾 whenever kazunari is rushing an art project that is to be passed the next day, muku holds koko close to him so koko wouldn't be able to somehow ruin the painting. there has already been an instance wherein koko stepped all over the painting when muku and kazunari wasn't in the room, and that better not happen ever again.
🐾 gladly, kazunari was calm about it and found a way to fix the blue pawprints all over the white paint, but only god knows what will happen once koko messes up the painting again when kazunari is getting SO close to breaking down because of the deadline.
🐾 there are times when kazunari prefers to eat bread with charcoal and drink his paint water than having koko step all over his artwork, and muku better make sure kazunari does none of that
🐾 banri is unfortunately one of those people who pretends to be a dick around their pets. more often than he would admit, he'd act like he is about to throw a punch to koko, only to actually give it gentle pats on the head. banri throwing the cat mid-air and catching her is already a common sight, too.
🐾 he finds it funny scaring koko in all sorts of ways, especially when it comes to heights. banri would carry koko up high, and pretend to drop her just to catch the cat again. sakyo has reprimanded him a lot of times regarding this situation, but he brushes it off.
🐾 there was one time however when banri just carries koko up high and stays that way. the cat was literally scared shitless of being high up on mid-air unmoving, she literally had no choice but to piss right on banri's face. ever since that time, banri toned down his tendencies of teasing the cat
🐾 koko ALWAYS sleeps with hisoka. it doesn't matter where, will it on top of the sink? on the tree? below the table of the living room? you name it, and you see koko and hisoka stuck to each other like glue. somehow it feels like koko became a replacement of penpen. the poor stuffed toy probably got messed up by the cat, waiting to finally get fixed in yuki's room
🐾 koko got hisoka's habit of sleeping literally everywhere that it became really concerning. there was a time when tsuzuru noticed that koko was nowhere to be found, and everyone went batshit looking at her all over the city. even sakyo got mad at everyone because they weren't keeping an eye out of the cat while everybody else is gone. after how many hours of searching, turns out the cat was just sleeping inside the fucking washing machine
🐾 funny enough, taichi and koko have the SAME eyes. like, actual striking blue. taichi usually carries her and parades around the dorm, announcing the news to everyone even though he has said it for like the 83rd time that day. nobody really minds though, the coincidence is still too unreal. the quote "like pet, like owner" doesn't really apply to koko and taichi though, because if anything, it feels more like comparing a cat to a puppy
🐾 taichi is also the one who plays with koko the most, which solely meant that he also used the cat toys tenma bought as much as the cat herself did. at this point, it wouldn't be wrong if they said that the toys were bought for BOTH koko and taichi because even taichi sometimes finds entertainment in using the teaser by himself whenever the cat is being held by somebody else.
🐾 as much as yuki refuses to admit it, he actually gets concerned when koko climbs up in all sorts of countertops, because that would mean koko would also NOT hesitate to climb up to his sewing machine. he is already meticulous when it comes to his materials for sewing, but even moreso now.
🐾 every after yuki finishes sewing, he tightly encloses the sewing machine with a case so that the cat wouldn't get to touch it and potentially get hurt. yuki also used to just leave his sewing materials on the desk, but nowadays he actually keeps them into somewhere secure so as to not harm anybody. he can't have koko's paws bleeding just because of some damn pin that rolled on the floor
🐾 yuki also somehow feels bad when he drives the cat away from him by force every time he is working on the costumes for the next play. he doesn't know what the cat is thinking, but he hopes that koko knows he is just trying not to actually make her bleed over some needles. as a repayment, yuki lets koko bother him all she wants whenever he does his homework with muku.
🐾 since masumi always used to be alone at home, he always thought of the possibility of adopting a pet cat that would keep him company. that constant thought he had already dissipated when he started living in the mankai dorm, so when they decided to take koko in, he remembered the specific reasons why he wanted to own a cat.
🐾 he never let anyone willingly in his personal bubble except for the cat, which he accepted pretty easily. masumi also found it kind of amusing to blast songs on shuffle from his phone because koko had her own way of showing if she likes the song or not. if she likes it, she doesn't do anything. if koko doesn't, she taps her paw on his phone a lot of times as if telling him to change the song. most of the time, masumi obliges.
🐾 every time tsuzuru opens the fridge really late at night, he has to double check if koko is inside the fridge or not before he closes it. there was one time when he didn't notice koko get in the fridge while getting energy drinks. the cat pretty much stayed in there for hours and hours until omi opened the fridge to make breakfast. tsuzuru was lectured by sakyo that morning because he would be ultimately responsible if the cat died in the fridge from freezing her ass off
🐾 whenever tsuzuru gets in a writing frenzy, koko keeps him company late at night. unfortunately for tsuzuru, if he stops typing for at least 10 seconds, koko takes that as a sign to pounce on his keyboard and just lay down there. tsuzuru already knew better than to carry her away from his keyboard since the cat will be insistent enough to return to his keyboard, so he usually gives up and goes to bed, saving the ideas in his head for the next time he wakes up.
🐾 because of that, every time tsuzuru finishes a script for the next play, his tendencies of passing out right after handing the script to somebody else significantly lessens. tsuzuru doesn't know if the cat is just trying to be annoying or if she just wants him to get some sleep, but either way he doesn't really mind because he gets to stop himself from overworking. well sorta
🐾 juza almost never approaches koko. like never. it feels like he is openly avoiding the cat for some apparent reason, and nobody knows why, but in reality he is just scared as shit of the damn cat. what if koko gets mad at him? what if she suddenly gets aggressive and scratches him? honey you're way bigger than her, and koko wouldn't hurt you... really it's okay
🐾 juza's way of offering affection to the cat is to give her some portions of his meal during dinner, sometimes breakfast. he tries to be sneaky about it, but he legitimately has no idea that everyone knows. it becomes more obvious when koko already made it a habit to sit on the chair behind juza every meal time to get more food. that still happens even after omi just filled up her fucking bowl. nobody comments about it though, they find it hilarious
🐾 koko always tries to test homare's patience, but for some reason homare literally doesn't give a single fuck. every time he is writing something down, high chances are koko would spread the ink all over his paper. sometimes she'd try to crawl her way in his coat sleeve, and homare, he just....... doesn't mind.
🐾 if homare is actually busy however, he'd take out his necktie from his vest if koko doesn't want to leave his lap. most of the time, she actually plays with it like it's a teaser. homare is fine if the necktie gets destroyed, he has a lot of neckties in his closet and some of them are specifically for the purpose of koko messing with them
🐾 not to mention that he also finds it really amusing that koko gets overly excited when it comes to lasers. homare is curious why this would be the case, so he usually uses the laser to play with koko when he has free time. he doesn't think of where he points the laser though, so his wooden desk ends up having a lot of scratches. again, he knows and he doesn't care in the slightest.
🐾 misumi adores koko so much. her ears are triangles, her paws are triangle, her nose is triangle. she is a fucking triangle. with the help of kazunari, he already has a whole album of koko's best pictures in polaroid films. most of them are in a photo book so that everyone has a physical copy to look at, while some of them are taped on misumi's wall. the ones on misumi's room are particularly the ones where her ears are especially prominent.
🐾 at least twice or thrice a week, misumi brings koko out of the dorm and brings her to other groups of stray cats that misumi deems trustworthy. nothing bad happens to koko gladly, because only god knows what would happen once misumi's instincts tell him something horrible is about to happen to their pet cat, and they're always spot on
🐾 citron has ZERO sense of personal space when it comes to koko. citron would literally touch koko anywhere, thinking she is fine with it. unfortunately, there are times when citron pets koko on parts she doesn't want to be touched, particularly the tail and the area around it. citron's hands always end up covered in scratches. over time, he memorized where he should and shouldn't touch like the back of his hand
🐾 citron made a koko jr. which was completely intended to be for display purposes. the cat saw it as a new mouse toy however, so it didn't take a whole day for koko jr. to look like a ball of messed up wool. it doesn't look like a damn cat anymore, though it passes as an extremely fluffy and distorted alpaca
🐾 sakyo never shows affection to the cat. no pets, no strokes, nothing. the most he does to koko is spare her a glance, and sometimes he even glares at her from a distance when sakyo gets too absorbed in his thoughts... despite that, everyone wonders why every time sakyo comes home, she gets more energetic greeting him compared to how she'd greet the rest of the boys when they come back to the dorm
🐾 azuma knows. he would sometimes stay up for late night talks with sakyo, and through their conversations that's when azuma learns how much sakyo cares. azuma often helps sakyo out on trimming koko's nails when they're getting kind of long, trying to be as careful as possible so as to not hurt her.
🐾 azuma is also amused at the fact that sakyo tries to ignore koko resting on his lap, or when he pretends not to notice the cat trying to slip in the pockets of his coat. knowing sakyo, he'll definitely complain about the white fur on his black coat later on. as funny as it is, azuma knows better than to say a word about it.
🐾 before kazunari realized it, his camera roll is pretty much filled with random pictures of koko. most of them are just derp pictures, though... kazunari captures her weird quirks, like how she likes to fall asleep with all fours spread out like a starfish, or how she constantly make noises on the door stopper if she wants to get in the room. the picture with koko's most horrified face on it was when banri threw her high up mid-air, and that is never going to get deleted.
🐾 they find everything the cat does very adorable, even though she is just drinking water from her bowl. or when her tongue gets stuck on the ice tray omi brought out from the fridge. or when she yawns and taichi sticks a finger in her mouth and she doesn't know what to do next. or when she squints her eyes at homare when he gets in a blabbering rampage. literally everything.
🐾 at some point, kazunari thought it'd be a good idea to have those cat tunnels mounted on walls so there will be more room for koko to play. he just said it out of nowhere, but everyone agreed on that idea. after a week or two, the whole dorm is basically a cat playground with a crapton of shelves, slides, and tunnels on the walls, save for the practice room, bathroom, and the bedrooms.
🐾 did sakyo said that they are never, ever getting another pet after koko? yeah right, there's no way that's actually happening. high chances are they got more cats so that the cat playground they all built together will get utilized. the more, the merrier!! even though sakyo complains a lot about the expenses, they all know he isn't against the idea, though they better not tease him for it or sakyo will definitely take it back
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buckybarnesdollface · 5 years
Body Shot
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Drinking games are never a good idea after a mission...Or are they?    
           “Whose brilliant idea was it to get drunk after a mission, anyway?” I groaned. I had just downed my fourth tequila shot of the night and was now trying desperately to get the taste out of my mouth with a beer. Sam laughed.
           “It was your idea, genius,” he replied. “You’re the one that was like ‘We should all get drunk tonight’ as soon as we stepped off the quinjet.”
           I groaned again and rolled my eyes. “Sober me is a real dick.”
           “Oh c’mon, (Y/N),” Nat teased. “We’re having fun! It’s not our fault you’re terrible at drinking games.”
           I glared at her, but it was true. I don’t know how it happened, but it seemed every game we played I lost, to the point where I was the most drunk out of all of us. Most of them I could understand – Steve and Bucky were supersoldiers, it would take a lethal amount of alcohol to get them drunk. Nat had a very high tolerance, as most Russians did. Sam and Wanda could handle about the same amount that I could, but yet they weren’t anywhere near as drunk as I was.
           “It’s not fair,” I grumbled. “These games are all rigged. I think you should let me pick the game.”
           Steve snorted. “You know very well these games aren’t rigged, (Y/N),” he said, “but if it makes you feel any better then alright, you can choose the next game.”
           I grinned wickedly. This was my time to shine.
           “Beer pong,” I stated. “That’s my choice. Somebody help me set it up.”
           “I’m down for beer pong,” Sam said, and Wanda nodded.
           “Me, too.”
           “How are you going to play beer pong, (Y/N)?” Nat teased. “You’re so drunk you likely can’t even stand up, let alone throw a ping pong ball into a cup.”
           Always a competitor, I glared at her. “I’ll have you know I won a championship in university for beer pong,” I said indignantly. “I’m a pro. You had all better be scared.”
           Wanda laughed, and Sam shook his head. “They’ll let anyone be an Avenger now, won’t they?” he said, and I reached over to elbow him in the gut.
           “Where did Bucky go, anyway?” Natasha asked. “Is it getting past the old man’s bedtime? Are we young ‘uns too much for him to handle?”
           “He went to put more beer in the fridge for you alcoholics,” Steve chuckled, “and I asked him to bring back some food for our drunker companions.”
           His eyes shot over to me, and my own eyes narrowed. “I’m not that drunk!” I argued. “Look, I’ll prove it.”
           I pushed myself up off the couch, and immediately regretted it. I hadn’t stood in awhile and all the blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy. I gave myself a couple of seconds to balance myself and then took a few steps forward.
           “See?” I said. “I’m completely fine.” As if to prove my point, I tried to do a twirl. However, I overestimated my ability to balance and stumbled, tripping over my own feet. Before I could fall, though, a strong arm was hooked around my waist to steady me.
           “Careful, doll,” Bucky murmured, and I felt my cheeks grow red. I straightened up and pulled away, mumbling an embarrassed “Thank you,” to him; I could hear Nat and Wanda snickering to my left and I shot them a dirty look before flopping back down onto the couch between them.
           “I think Steve meant for those nachos to be for (Y/N), Bucky,” Wanda said pointedly, and my blush deepened. Bucky turned to me with a small smile.
           “They’re fresh,” he said. “Eat up – You’ll feel better.”
           “Thanks,” I mumbled, completely mortified at this point. Bucky nodded and then turned to hand Steve the beer he’d brought him before cracking open his own and returning to his seat in the armchair.
           “So what are we gonna play, then?” Wanda asked. “Beer pong is out, and (Y/N) needs a break from taking shots, but I’m not ready to go to bed yet.”
           The rest of the group nodded their collective agreements, and Nat grinned wickedly. I knew that grin. It could only mean trouble.
           “Well why don’t we play truth or dare, then?” she suggested, waggling her eyebrows. “It’s fun, and the only reason you’d have to take a shot is if you refuse to answer the question or do the dare given to you.”
           Sam nodded eagerly. “I’m in,” he exclaimed. “I’m a pro at the dares.”
           “Me too,” Wanda agreed with a grin. Steve nodded too.
           “Sure, why not. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
           Bucky and I were the only two that hadn’t said anything. Bucky tended to keep to himself most of the time and was a very private person, so I was surprised when he finally nodded as well.
           “Could be fun,” he murmured, and Nat grinned.
           “Perfect,” she breathed. “(Y/N), how about you?”
           I wanted to say no. Nat was way too excited about this for it to just be an innocent game of truth or dare, and she knew too many of my weaknesses for it to be safe for me. Five pairs of eyes were looking at me expectantly, though, and finally I sighed.
           “Fine,” I said, and the triumphant look on her face made me wary.
           “So who goes first?” Steve asked.
           “You’re up, old man,” Sam said to him with a smirk. “Truth or dare?”
           Steve narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust your dares,” he said, “so truth.”
           “Has a girl ever asked you to wear the Captain America outfit in bed?”
           Steve’s cheeks were pink, but he nodded. “Yes, once,” he admitted, and the room erupted into hoots of laughter.
           “Did you do it?” Nat asked, but Wanda shook her head.
           “Go easy on him. One question only,” she chuckled, and then she turned to Sam. “Truth or dare, Sam?”
           “Dare, obviously,” he said, as if offended that she’d even had to ask.
           “I dare you to replace Clint’s Cocoa Puffs with dog food,” she said, and the room all looked at her with wide eyes.
           “He’ll kill everyone when he finds out!” I breathed. “Clint lives off those things.”
           Wanda shrugged. “He ate the last cinnamon bun the other day. This is payback.”
           Sam, not being one to ever back down from a dare, dumped the cereal down the garbage disposal and refilled the box with the kibble that Peter had for the dog Tony had let him keep after he’d claimed it had “followed him home” one day. Sam came back to the common room with a mischievous grin on his face.
           “Done,” he said. “Your turn, Natasha. Truth or dare?”
           “Dare,” Nat replied boldly, one red eyebrow cocked as if challenging him to do his worst.
           “I dare you to hack into the compound’s database and change ‘Tony Stark’ to ‘Tony Stank’ so that’s what comes up on every last piece of paperwork and in every file.”
           I laughed. “Do it,” I urged. “Rhodey will lose it when he sees it.”
           Smirking, Nat pulled her laptop out from under the coffee table. For a few minutes she stared at the screen with her brows knitted together as she typed furiously, and then she looked up triumphantly. “Done,” she told us. “I even reprogrammed F.R.I.D.A.Y. to call him Mr. Stank.”
           “I love you,” Wanda breathed as we all tried to catch our breaths from laughing. Nat grinned.
           “Okay, my turn,” she giggled, and when her eyes met mine I froze. She opened her mouth to speak, but then turned instead to Bucky. “Truth or dare, Buck? You’re a little too quiet over there.”
           Bucky hesitated before he finally said, “Truth,” and even then he sounded unsure of himself.
           “Are you a guy that appreciates tits or an ass more?” Nat asked, and Steve nearly choked on his drink. Sam grinned from ear to ear, and I expected Bucky to look uncomfortable but he scrunched his nose before finally saying, “Definitely the latter.”
           “Smart man,” Sam said, and Bucky grinned ruefully before turning to Wanda.
           “Truth or dare, Wanda?”
           “Truth,” she replied.
           “Do you ever use your powers to get your own way?”
           Wanda had the decency to at least pretend to look offended, but the sparkle in her eyes gave away the truth before she even said anything. “Maybe…” she admitted, dragging out the word. “But in my defense, the woman at the DMV was a bitch.”
           “You used your powers to get your license?” I cried in disbelief. Steve shot her a stern look.
           “We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” he said, and Wanda rolled her eyes.
           “Oh, lighten up, Steve. Truth or dare?”
           “I dare you to drink some of Thor’s Asgardian liquor.”
           Steve shook his head. “That’s Thor’s, I can’t just take it –”
           “If he were here he’d insist you drink it,” Sam argued. “Besides, it’s the only thing that’ll get you and Frosty over there drunk. It’s about time you stop drinking beers like they’re water.”
           Bucky scowled at the nickname Sam so often liked to call him, but Steve sighed. “Fine, I’ll have one drink,” he said. “Buck, you want one?”
           “Is it really enough to get us drunk?” Bucky asked, and Nat grinned. She had already retrieved the bottle and poured them each a glass.
           “Find out for yourself.”
           The guys each took a sip. Steve had tried it before so he knew what to expect, but Bucky hadn’t and when it touched his tongue his face scrunched up. We all laughed and he shook his head.
           “It’s so bitter,” he choked, and Steve chuckled.
           “You get used to it. Just take it slow; that one glass is all you’ll need,” he explained before turning to Nat. “Truth or dare, Nat?”    
           “Ask me a question, Captain.”
           “Did you sleep with that pizza delivery guy the other night?”
           She grinned wickedly. “Yep. Wasn’t bad, either.”
           “You are incorrigible,” I chuckled quietly, and Nat turned to me.
           “What was that, drunkie?” she asked, and I cursed myself for drawing her attention to me. “You’ve somehow managed to stay out of the spotlight so far, (Y/N); we’ll have to fix that. Truth or dare?”
           I swallowed hard, weighing my options. If I answered with truth then she would most certainly make me reveal something that I didn’t want a certain someone in the room to know. If I chose dare, then god knows what she would make me do. But I couldn’t forfeit either, because I really didn’t think my stomach could handle another shot this early on.
           “Truth,” I finally said begrudgingly, knowing I could at least be creative with my answer if I had to be. She smirked, and I immediately regretted my choice.
           “When was the last time you got laid?”
           I blushed, but it could have been much worse. Glaring at her, I mumbled, “It’s been a year.”
           Of course, Nat had already known this – She was only stirring the pot. Wanda had known as well so she didn’t react. Sam’s eyes widened.
           “A year? Jesus, girl, how are you not more uptight than you are?” he cried. My blush deepened.
           “I’ve been busy, alright? Not all of us are naturally skilled in being a superhero. I have to train twice as much as all of you; it takes up a lot of time.” I frowned. “I answered Nat’s question, now let’s drop it. Sam, truth or dare?”
           I thought for a moment. “I dare you to pick a random number from the phone book and try to seduce whoever answers.”
           “It’s one in the morning on a Tuesday,” Steve said. “Who’s gonna pick up the phone?”
           “New York is the city that never sleeps, Steve,” Nat pointed out. “Someone will answer.”
           So Sam did it. He called a number, and an old man answered. We all had to stay quiet because he had it on speakerphone, but when the old man started getting unsettlingly into it and Sam’s face twisted in disgust Bucky snickered and we all burst into laughter. Nat quickly hung up the phone and Sam shook his head.
           “Nasty-ass man, Christ,” he groaned. “I vote we play something else now.”
           “Oh, c’mon, Sam, I thought you were the king of dares,” I taunted. “You said you would do anything.”
           “I draw the line at strange old men wanting to get in my pants.”
           We all chuckled, but Nat shook her head. “I have too many good ideas to stop playing now,” she said, and then she arched an eyebrow at Sam. His brow furrowed, but then his eyes widened as if he had just made a realization and he grinned.
           “Fine, we can keep playing, but it’s my turn to deal out some punishment.” His eyes scanned the room and landed on Bucky. “Frosty!” he exclaimed. “Truth or dare?”
           “How many times have I told you not to call me that?” he grumbled. “Dare, I guess.”
           Sam smirked. “Atta boy. I dare you to do a body shot.”
           “Off of you?” Bucky’s nose wrinkled. “Absolutely not.”
           “Off of (Y/N),” Nat offered, and my eyes widened. I looked at her in horror, but she was looking at Bucky expectantly. He won’t do it, I told myself. It amazed me that he had even put up with us for this long instead of going to bed. Surely this would be where he drew the line.
           “Alright,” he said with a shrug, “as long as (Y/N)’s alright with it.”
           I coughed, and Nat grinned. “Of course she is!”      
           “I don’t know…” I started, but Nat was already pouring tequila into a shot glass.
           “Lie flat on the table so it doesn’t spill,” she ordered, and she gave me a look that said if I didn’t cooperate, she would make me. Pursing my lips, I laid down on the table, and she set the shot glass on my belly button after sliding my shirt up some. Then she spread a line of lime juice on my stomach and sprinkled salt over top of it. I wanted to protest – It was way too close to the waistband of my leggings for comfort, but she was already motioning for Bucky to come over.
           “Hands behind your back,” she ordered. “Pick up the shot glass with your mouth and –”
           “I know how to do a body shot,” Bucky said indignantly, and Nat shrugged.
           “Just had to be sure. You never know with you old guys.”
           Bucky shot her a look of annoyance before coming to stand next to me. “You sure you’re alright with this, (Y/N)?” he murmured. My throat was too dry to say anything but I nodded, even though my heart felt like it was going to hammer right out of my chest. Shooting me a shy smile, Bucky clasped his hands behind his back and bent down to wrap his lips around the rim of the shot glass, downing the tequila in one gulp. Nat took the shot glass from him and then he leaned in to lick the salt and juice from my skin.
           His tongue was soft and warm, and as he dragged it across my stomach I could feel goosebumps prickle my skin. I had to bite my tongue to keep from whimpering, and then he was pulling away all too soon. He gave me an embarrassed smile as he straightened, and then offered a hand to help me off the table. I took it, though the dizziness I felt wasn’t from the alcohol in my bloodstream.
           “Steve, you’re up,” Bucky said as he sat back down in the armchair. “Truth or dare.”
           “I dare you to tell everyone what happened that night with Mandy White.”
           Steve’s face darkened as he glared at his best friend. “That’s not fair, jerk. We promised we’d never talk about that night again.”
           Bucky had a wicked grin on his face – A look I’d never seen on him before. I wondered if the Bucky that Steve knew from all those years ago was this Bucky now; carefree, light and mischievous.
           “Who’s Mandy White?” Wanda asked, and Bucky cocked an eyebrow.
           “Tell them, Stevie.”
           “She’s a prostitute,” he finally grumbled. “Buck and I were in high school and we snuck into a bar in Brooklyn. This dame – Mandy – took an interest in me right off the bat.” He shook his head in disgust. “That should have been the first clue, but I was a dumb kid. I didn’t clue in till she pulled me into the bathroom and told me she’d let me do whatever I wanted to her for the right price.”
           Bucky was howling with laughter, as were Sam and Nat. Wanda was giggling, and I was biting my lip to keep from laughing because I knew Steve was already embarrassed enough.
           “Poor Stevie,” I breathed. “Look at it this way, though; you’re Captain America now. If you met her now, she’d probably pay to have sex with you.”
           Steve scowled at me. “Yes, (Y/N), because that makes me feel so much better,” he said. “Moving on. Truth or dare?”
           I bit my lip, but Steve wasn’t a threat. He was too sweet to play along with whatever Sam and Nat had going on.
           “Truth,” I said, and Steve grinned.
           “Have you ever had inappropriate thoughts about another member of the team?”
           Sam whooped and Nat was smirking. Cheeks hot, I narrowed my eyes. “Yes, right now,” I hissed. “Does contemplating kicking all your asses count as inappropriate?”
           “Easy, (Y/N),” Nat chuckled. “You know that’s not what Steve meant.”
           I scowled. “I’ll pass. Hand me the tequila.”
           Steve shook his head. “Uh-uh, no more shots for awhile,” he ordered. “I never asked you to tell us who. Just answer the question with a yes or no.”
           I sucked in a sharp breath, casting my eyes to my hands. “Yes,” I finally admitted, and I could practically feel the satisfaction rolling off of Natasha. Pursing my lips, I stood. “I’m gonna go get some water, I’ll be right back.”
           I left the common room, my cheeks burning. Just as I’d expected, Nat followed me out to the kitchen, and I turned on her.
           “What the hell are you doing?” I snapped. She gave me an innocent look.
           “I don’t know what you’re talking about, (Y/N).”
           “The fuck you don’t. I expected it from you and maybe Wanda, but Sam and even Steve?” I shook my head in disbelief. “When I told you I liked Bucky, that was in confidence, Nat. The last thing I needed was for you to tell his best friend!” I groaned and sat down at the island, burying my face in my hands. “Now everyone’s gonna know…”
           “I didn’t tell anyone, (Y/N), and I’m offended that you think I would,” Nat told me. “I wouldn’t have to tell anyone anyway. Everyone in the compound knows how you feel about Barnes.”
           My head shot up. “What?” I hissed, and Nat shrugged.
           “I mean, you are an excellent fighter, but when it comes to hiding your emotions you’re terrible,” she said. “Everyone can see it.”
           I felt as if I were going to be sick. “Does he know?” I whispered in a panic.
           “Nope.” Nat shook her head. “But he’s probably the only one. The guy has to be pretty clueless.”
           I shook my head. “So this whole game thing was just everyone trying to push us together?”
           “We’re all rooting for you, (Y/N),” Nat chuckled. “We want you to be happy, and we all want Barnes to stop being so antisocial, too.” She cocked her head to the side. “Although he’s a lot more fun tonight than he’s ever been before.”
           “He’s not antisocial, he’s just nervous to get close to people,” I defended, and Nat grinned.
           “Which is why we’re giving you both gentle nudges towards each other. Now come back out. I promise I won’t put you in any more awkward situations if you promise to loosen up and flirt a little with him.”
           “I wouldn’t know what to say –”
           “(Y/N), I’ve seen you charm even the most sour of people. Just be yourself and stop being so nervous.”
           So I followed her back out to the common room. I noticed that everyone had changed seats, and the only free space was the spot next to Bucky on the couch. I suspected Nat had something to do with this and I shot her a look but she was all of a sudden very interested in her drink. Biting my lip, I sat down next to Bucky.
           “Hope you’re recovered enough to play another drinking game,” Sam said to me, and I narrowed my eyes.
           “Never have I ever!” Wanda exclaimed. “I’ll start. Never have I ever been arrested.”
           Everyone but me drank, but even if I had meant to I couldn’t. I’d finished my last beer and hadn’t bothered to get another drink. After Bucky set down his own drink he reached over to the coffee table and grabbed a glass, handing it to me.
           “Vodka lime,” he said, and then he gave me a rueful smile. “Steve told me it was your favourite so I mixed you up one when I got myself a drink.”
           “Thank you,” I murmured, in shock that he’d even thought of me. He grinned.      
           “I would have given it to you a minute ago, but I figured you wouldn’t need to drink,” he chuckled. “You’re too new to the team to have ever been arrested before.”
           I ducked my head, blushing. Before I could say anything, though, Sam was speaking.
           “Never have I ever,” he said, “made out with an Olympic athlete.”
           No one drank but Sam, and we all groaned.
           “Sam, you gotta stop bringing that up,” Steve said. “We get it. You made out with Genie Bouchard in a bar in Montreal once. We’ve heard the story a hundred times.”
           Sam frowned. “Well sorry if y’all haven’t led as exciting a life as me.”
           Bucky rolled his eyes. “My turn,” he said. “Never have I ever thrown up on the Cyclone at Coney Island.”
           Steve was the only one to drink this time, and Bucky snickered when he shot him a dirty look. Natasha shook her head.
           “The point is to pick statements that more than one person can drink to, guys, c’mon,” she said. “Never have I ever had sex in a public place.”
           Everyone but Steve and Wanda drank this time. I was surprised when Bucky lifted his glass to his lips to take a drink, but then I remembered that Steve had told me that Bucky had been quite the ladies’ man back in their day. It was just so hard to picture the surly, quiet man beside me having ever been a big flirt.
           “Never have I ever stolen a car,” Steve offered, and everyone but Wanda and I drank. Nat narrowed her eyes at Steve.
           “That truck we stole to get to Jersey, you called it ‘borrowing’,” she said, using her hands to make air quotes around the last word. Steve shrugged.
           “It is what it is.”
           “Alright.” I clapped my hands together to draw everyone’s attention back to the game. “Never have I ever had sex on at least three different continents.”
           Nat, Wanda, Sam and I all drank. Bucky frowned.
           “Two,” he murmured. “So close.”
           Steve cocked an eyebrow at him and he grinned.
           “If you think there weren’t some European girls that didn’t want a night with an American sergeant then you’re crazy, Steve,” he teased, and Steve rolled his eyes. I pursed my lips, not wanting to think of Bucky with other girls. Nat must’ve seen my face because she quickly changed the subject.
           “Never have I ever,” she said, “fallen asleep during sex.”
           Only her and Sam drank, and I laughed. “Must have been pretty bad to have fallen asleep,” I remarked, and Nat rolled her eyes.
           “I hate vanilla sex,” she groaned, “and this guy was as boring as it gets.”
           “I was just really tired,” Sam explained. “The girl I was with got very offended, though. She left and wouldn’t answer any of my calls after that.”
           “I don’t blame her,” Bucky snorted. “You don’t leave a girl hanging like that, no matter how tired you are.”
           I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks warm at his words. Before him and Sam could get into one of their infamous disputes, however, Wanda spoke up.
           “Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone on the team.”
           Sam narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s not fair, you’re dating someone on the team,” he accused, referring to Vision. Wanda shrugged.
           “I stand by my statement,” she said as she took a drink.
           Begrudgingly, Sam took a drink, and then so did Nat and even Steve. I hesitated; of course, I’d had multiple, with the man sitting right next to me having starred in all of them. Cheeks burning, I finally lifted my glass to my lips to take a gulp while keeping my eyes downcast. Just when I thought I was the last one, out of the corner of my eye I saw Bucky take a drink. I tried not to overthink it, but my mind was racing. There were only so many women on the team, and I was going to drive myself mad wondering which one he had dreamt about.
           “Well, my drink is gone,” Wanda said, interrupting my thoughts, “and that’s probably it for me. I’m definitely feeling it now. If I want to get up at all tomorrow I should quit while I’m ahead.”
           Nat frowned. “Don’t go to bed yet!” she protested. “It’s still early.”
           “It’s two in the morning,” Steve snorted.
           “We could do something that doesn’t involve drinking, if y’all wanna stay up,” Sam suggested. “Poker?”
           Steve and Bucky agreed enthusiastically, as did Nat. Wanda shook her head.
           “Vis is probably waiting for me to go to bed. I should probably head upstairs.”
           We said goodnight to her, and then Steve looked at me. “(Y/N), you want to play?”
           “I don’t know how,” I admitted, and Steve shrugged.
           “We can teach you.”
           “No, you guys go ahead and play. I’ll stay up and watch, though. I’m not quite ready for bed yet.”
           So Nat found a deck of cards and the game started. I settled myself into the cushions of the couch with my legs crossed underneath me, nursing the rest of my vodka lime. Bucky looked over to me, a playful grin on his face.
           “Now don’t go tellin’ anyone what cards I’ve got, doll,” he teased, and with some of Thor’s liquor in him his Brooklyn accent was coming out. It was the first time I’d heard it and I smiled.
           “No worries,” I giggled, still feeling the effects of the alcohol myself. “I’ll keep my poker face on.”
           Steve snorted. “You’re in trouble then, Buck,” he warned. “(Y/N) has a terrible poker face.”
           I pouted at Steve, but Bucky shot me a warm smile. “I trust her,” he murmured, and my insides warmed. I gave him a shy smile in return, and he winked at me before turning his attention back to the game.
           For awhile I was enjoying watching them. There probably wasn’t a better group out there to watch – Each of them had perfected their poker faces. Years of military experience, and in Nat and Bucky’s cases years of being assassins and spies, would have trained them to know how to hold a blank face. They had also been drinking, though, and would slip up every once in awhile. I took note of each of their tells; Sam would scrunch his nose, Steve would rub the back of his neck, Nat’s eyes would dart quickly between the four of them, and the muscle in Bucky’s jaw would twitch.
           As hard as I tried to keep up, however, eventually it got too difficult. The lack of rest I’d gotten on the mission was finally catching up to me, and the liquor as well as just sitting there not doing anything wasn’t helping. I yawned, and Nat looked across the table at me.
           “Not you, too,” she said, and I shook my head.
           “I’m good,” I told her, even though I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Steve chuckled.
           “You’re stubborn as hell is what you are,” he taunted, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
           “I can go for hours.”
           But I could not. Not long after I could feel myself drifting, and I kept trying to force myself awake but my body wasn’t having it.
           “(Y/N), you really should go to bed,” Sam told me. “You look like you’re barely awake over there.”
           I wanted to argue, but I knew he was right so I just nodded instead. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” I murmured. I stretched out my legs and made to stand, but it had been a couple of hours since I’d been on my feet and with the liquor still running through my bloodstream, I was a little dizzy and stumbled a bit.
           The next thing I knew, Bucky was up and at my side, a hand on my back to steady me.
           “Easy, doll,” he murmured. “You alright?”
           I blushed. “Just tired,” I mumbled. “And I need some water, I think.”
           Bucky nodded, and then he slipped his arm around my waist. “Let’s get you some water and then make sure you get to bed, then,” he murmured, and he turned to look at the others. “I fold the next few rounds, I’m gonna take care of (Y/N) and then I’ll be back.”
           I’m pretty sure Nat was giving me a look but I didn’t turn around to check before Bucky was leading me out of the common room. When we got to the kitchen he sat me in a stool before going to pour me a glass of water. When he came back over, my eyes were half-lidded and he let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head.
           “We need to get you to bed,” he said. “You’ve had a long few days. D’you think you can make it to the elevator?”
           “Yeah,” I mumbled, sliding out of the stool onto my feet unsteadily. With my glass of water in one hand, Bucky set his other hand on my back and led me to the elevator.
           “(Y/N)’s floor please, F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Bucky said to the AI.
           “Right away, Sergeant Barnes.”
           The elevator began to move, and I leaned heavily against Bucky. He was warm and he smelled like soap, and I could feel myself drifting.
           By the time the elevator stopped, I was barely awake. Without hesitating and without any difficulty, Bucky gathered me in his arms bridal-style and carried me down the hall to my room. I laid my head on his shoulder and my arms wound loosely around his neck, and all I could think was that I was comfortable enough to fall asleep right there.
           Bucky opened my door and carried me inside without switching on the lights. He set my water on the bedside table before gently lowering me to the bed, and then he reached for the water, handing it to me.
           “Drink some, doll,” he urged, “or you’ll regret it in the morning.”
           I gulped down a few mouthfuls before setting the glass back on the bedside table clumsily. “Thank you,” I mumbled, “for taking care of me.”
           Bucky gave me a warm smile that sent my heart fluttering. “No worries, doll. Now get some sleep, okay? You need it.”
           “So do you,” I said quietly, and when his brow furrowed I continued. “You barely slept ten hours the whole week we were on the mission.”
           He shook his head and chuckled. “You don’t miss much, do you?” he mused, and then he gave me another smile. “I promise to get some sleep if you do. Goodnight, (Y/N).”
           “Night,” I mumbled. He had turned and nearly made it to the door when something – most likely the liquor – drove me to do what I did next. “Bucky?” I said softly.
           He stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to me. “What is it, doll?”
           “Will you stay with me?”
           My voice had been barely above a whisper and for a minute I thought maybe he hadn’t heard me, but then I remembered that being a supersoldier there was no doubt that he had heard it. His eyes widened slightly, and then he pursed his lips.
           “(Y/N), I don’t know –”
           “Please?” I bit my lip. “I don’t want to sleep alone.”
           He looked torn, but finally he crossed the room and motioned for me to slide over. I did, and he pulled back the covers for me to crawl under before following me.
           “Come here, doll,” he murmured, stretching out his arm across the pillow, and I scooted closer to snuggle into his side. He tugged me close, and between the warmth of his body and the steady, even rise and fall of his chest with every breath he took, it wasn’t long before I started drifting. I vaguely remembered feeling something – his lips, maybe? – brush against my temple lightly, and then I was out.
           When I woke up the next morning, my whole body felt heavy and I regretted drinking so much right after a gruelling mission. I stretched, letting out a soft groan, but my movements disturbed the arm that had been draped loosely across my stomach. I froze – I had forgotten in my drunken state that I had asked Bucky to stay the night, and now I was panicking. Before I could even try to come up with a way out of this situation, though, Bucky was shifting and blinking his eyes open.
           “Hey, doll,” he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep. “How are you feelin’?”
           “Hungover,” I admitted in a small voice, and Bucky chuckled. He rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes.
           “I actually think I might be, too,” he said. “I haven’t been hungover in decades. That Asgardian alcohol is killer.” He paused, and then looked over at me. His blue eyes were tired, but he looked more at ease than I think I’d ever seen him. “Did you sleep well?” he asked me.
           I bit my lip, then nodded. “I did,” I told him, blushing. “You?”
           Bucky’s smile was warm. “Better than I have in awhile,” he admitted.
           “I’m sorry if asking you to stay last night was weird,” I blurted out, and then ducked my head. “I was drunk and overtired and –”
           I didn’t get to finish my explanation, however, because all of a sudden Bucky was leaning in to close the distance between us. His lips pressed to mine and my body froze even though my mind was screaming at me to do something while my heart was nearly hammering out of my chest.
           Bucky pulled away, his cheeks tinted pink. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I wanted to do that all night last night but everyone was always around and then you were so tired…”
           I blinked. He was looking at me with increasingly worried eyes, and finally I found my voice.
           “Wait – You wanted to kiss me?”
           “That’s what I said,” he chuckled, and then he bit his lip. “Is that okay?”
           Instead of answering, I pulled his face back to mine. He caught on quickly, rolling his body so that he was overtop of me as our lips connected, his flesh hand coming up to cradle my head while he used his metal arm to support himself. His tongue probed at my lips until they yielded to him, and as our breaths mingled together my hands reached up to grip at Bucky’s waist.
           “You have no idea how hard it was holding myself back from taking you upstairs last night after that dare with the body shot and doing this then,” Bucky murmured, skimming his nose along my jaw and then kissing my throat lightly. My breath hitched and I felt him smile against my skin. “You like that, doll?”
           “Yes,” I whispered, my voice thick. Bucky pulled away enough to look at me, his blue irises nearly swallowed up by his lust-blown pupils, but there was a softness there as well as he smiled at me.
           “Good,” he murmured, “because I want to do this every day, doll, if you’ll let me.”
           I was temporarily snapped out of my haze, and I looked at him with my brow furrowed. “What are you saying?” I asked uncertainly, and Bucky’s smile was shy.
           “I like you, (Y/N),” he told me. “A lot. I have for awhile now, but I never knew how to tell you…”
           “So this wasn’t just brought on by the drinking games and the liquor and me asking you to stay last night?”
           Bucky chuckled as he shook his head. “Not at all, doll,” he assured me, and then he began to pepper kisses along my jaw. “I want you every day, if you’ll have me.”    
           His actions were confident but his eyes were nervous, and I reached up to cup his cheek in my hand. His skin was warm and the stubble on his face was rough, but he leaned into my touch as his eyes drifted shut and I knew in that moment that this beautiful man – this man that I had been pining over for months – really did feel for me the way I felt for him.
           “Show me just how much you want me, Sergeant,” I said in a husky voice as I looked up at him. “I’m yours.”
           Bucky made a quiet noise in the back of his throat, and then he crushed his lips to mine with feverish passion. My hands slid up under the hem of his t-shirt to slide along the muscles of his back, my fingernails grazing his skin lightly and drawing a growl from his throat. Disconnecting our kiss, he sat back on his knees and yanked the t-shirt over his head before tossing it carelessly to the floor. I sat up, tracing my fingertips over the planes of his abdomen, and when I looked up his eyes were blue fire, causing my stomach to flip in anticipation. Tugging lightly at my shirt, he stared at me as if waiting for my permission. I nodded and then the shirt was on the floor with his.
           Bucky’s lips latched onto one of my nipples and I let out a quiet moan, arching my back towards him. As his mouth alternated between my breasts his flesh hand toyed with the waistband of my leggings before slipping past it and underneath my panties. When his fingertips slid through my folds my moan was louder, and he pulled away from my breasts to smirk at me.
           “So wet, doll,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “This all for me?”
           “Mmm…” I managed to hum, and then Bucky was retracting his hand and I let out a soft whine at the loss of contact. He brought his fingers to his mouth to lick away my juices and a fresh wave of heat flooded to my core.
           “So fucking sweet,” he breathed. “I’m gonna have to get a better taste.”
           The next thing I knew, I was on my back and he had yanked the rest of my clothes off in one swift move, leaving me entirely naked under his hungry eyes. At this point I was practically aching to be touched and it must have showed on my face because Bucky flashed me a sinful grin before spreading my legs with his hands and diving in to swipe his tongue along the length of my folds.
           My hips bucked upward at the sudden contact and I let out a gasp. Bucky’s hands reached up to hold my hips in place as his mouth worked over me, drawing whimpers and moans from me. It didn’t take long for him to bring me to release, a panting and sweating mess tangled in the sheets.
           Bucky pressed a few light kisses to the inside of my thigh before he was sliding up my body and claiming my lips in a kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue, and it sent a fresh wave of arousal to my core.
           “Need you now,” I managed to huff out, grinding myself against his still-clothed erection, and Bucky grinned before quickly shedding the rest of his clothing. He slid his solid member through my folds slowly and I groaned, glaring up at him.
           “Stop teasing,” I hissed. “There’s plenty of time for that later, but if you don’t fuck me right now I honest to god might explode.”
           As I spoke my legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer to me. His eyes were dark as pitch and he growled before lining up with my entrance and sliding in with one thrust. I hadn’t been prepared for his size and my eyes fluttered shut as I let out a breathless, “James…”
           He stilled inside of me, and when I opened my eyes, he was regarding me with a mixture of shock, desire and tenderness. “Say it again,” he murmured huskily.
           “James,” I whispered, and then he was crushing his lips to mine and rolling his hips into me. My nails dug into his back, wanting to pull him as close to me as possible, and he pressed his face against my neck to suck lightly at my throat. It didn’t take long before I could feel my second orgasm that morning coming on, and I knew Bucky was also nearing release because his thrusts were getting sloppier. I dug my heels into his back as my hands grasped at his arms, opening my eyes to find that he was already looking at me.
           “James…” I breathed. “I wanna feel you come inside me, James, please.”
           “Fuck, doll,” he groaned, and then with a couple more thrusts he was spilling inside me with a grunt. His orgasm brought on my own and I cried out, my head pushing back into the pillows as my back arched up into Bucky’s body. As we came down from our highs he cradled me in his arms as he rolled us over to our sides, his now-softened member slipping out of my tender heat. I let out a soft moan at the loss of his length, feeling a mixture of our juices dripping down my thigh. Bucky reached up to tuck a damp lock of hair behind my ear.
           “Was that okay?” he murmured, and I let out a breathless laugh.
           “Are you kidding me, Buck? That was a hell of a lot better than just okay. My only regret is that we haven’t been doing this all along.”
           Bucky chuckled, but he looked relieved. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt sooner.”
           I rolled on top of him, pressing my lips to his. “Guess that just means we’ll have to make up for all that lost time,” I teased, wiggling my hips against his and grinning delightedly in finding out he was already half-hard again. Bucky smirked as he lifted his hands to grasp my hips, but just before he could lift me up to pull me down onto him, a shout echoed through the compound, followed by laughter and then the sound of glass breaking. Bucky and I stilled.
           “I will kill you!” we heard Clint roar, and I giggled.
           “Guess Clint found the dog food. Should we go make sure Sam doesn’t get himself killed?”
           Bucky shook his head. “Nah, Wilson’s a grown man, he can take care of himself,” he murmured, sitting up to place kisses along my jaw. “Now, where were we?”
           I caught his lips with mine and was just about to line him up with my entrance when this time F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted us.
           “Sergeant Barnes, Ms. (Y/L/N), Mr. Stank requests that everyone meet him in the board room immediately.”
           Both Bucky and I burst out laughing, and when we finally calmed down enough to catch our breaths I said, “I suppose we should get dressed and get down there before Tony sends someone looking for us.”
           “Yes, because I have nothing better to do right this moment than deal with an angry Barton and an angry Stark.”
           I grinned and kissed him quickly before rolling off of him and pulling on a sweatshirt. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later,” I told him. “After all, we’ve got all the time in the world now.”
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A Mere Mortal - Chapter Four
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A/N: This story is based on the prompt : Vampires cannot enter a house without your permission, but what if your landlord’s a vampire? It’s his house, he’s just letting you live there. Part of the Landlord Vampire Fic Frenzy hosted by the amazing @just-the-hiddles​ . Feedback’s appreciated as always! :))
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Bucky Barnes x Vampire! Loki x Human! Reader
Word count: 2298
Warnings: 18+ stuff. Kissing and make out scenes. Foul language.
Tags: @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @ladyacrasia​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @alexakeyloveloki​
Taglists open! Send me an ask if you wish to be tagged in future chapters.
It had been a while since you woke up before the alarm went off. Given the fact that you were up late writing and editing some initial drafts, this morning you felt surprisingly fresh.
Might as well go for a run.
Pulling out your trainers, a blue fleece jacket and a beanie that you found in your luggage you stepped out.
The weather was nippy, perfect for a jog through the little forest trail. Plugging your headphones you put on a ‘workout mix’ and started a slow jog following a narrow path that winded through the woods.
When the cabin came into view you leaned against a tree to catch your breath. Huffing, you pulled the earplugs out and looked around.
Faint whimpering sounds reached your ears from behind another tree to your right. You stepped around and a scared looking pup, not older than three weeks came into view. He was visibly shivering in the cold and you couldn’t help but pick him up.
“Where’s your mama little one?” you murmured looking around for any signs of an adult dog, but found none. “You hungry?” already walking inside with him tucked in your arms.  
Thankfully you had leftover steamed veggies in your fridge from last night which would have to suffice for now.
You mashed the carrots and broccoli and offered it to the puppy along with some water which he accepted with grateful wags of his tiny tail.
Letting him out in the harsh weather would be cruel, might as well find a box and some sheets to keep him warm.
The aroma of freshly made coffee still lingered in the air, after you took a quick shower and breakfast when your phone rang. It was a Face Time video from Sam.
“Sammie! How are you?”
“You seem awfully chipper (Y/N). I’m good. How’re things in creepy town?”
You rolled your eyes but laughed, you had missed him.
“For one stop calling it creepy town. Second, things couldn’t be better. I went for a run in the woods earlier today and came home with a puppy!”
“You did what?”
“Yeah well he looked so fragile and cold, I couldn’t leave him out there. Plus look how cute he is!” You said flipping the camera around so that Sam could see the pup who was now curled up into a ball on the rug, sleeping peacefully.
“Cute. Hey did you meet your landlord Mr. Bones was it?”
“It’s Barnes Sam, yes we met. Bucky is such a nice guy. Ah. A perfect gentleman. Like you wouldn’t believe.” you gushed excitedly. You recalled the meeting and he listened patiently, sneaking in a few teasing remarks in between. 
“I smell a crush (Y/N/N)”
“Oh stop, I’ve only met him twice, we had drinks the other day. Nothing happened” you spoke with a tad bit of disappointment. Something almost happened.
“So what? You can make a move. Guys dig that.” Sam insisted.
“I moved here to write my novel Sam. I can’t just randomly hook up with my landlord.”
You can do both, pun intended. Your horny alter ego spoke up.
You cut the call after filling him in on most of the details. You didn’t mention that weird sex dream with Loki, in fact didn’t mention the man at all. You hadn’t figured what to make of it, it was completely out of the blue.
Something you didn’t want to dwell on too much.
Mid-morning was spent trying get the pup to not pee next to the kitchen cabinet and to find a name for the little guy.
After a few tries he wagged his tiny tail when you said Bear, quite fitting, he was brown and shaggy.
You had lunch at the grill, when Bear had finally slept in his box and you were sure he wouldn’t get too lonely in your absence. You purchased kibbles, a leash and a few other things from Fred’s on your way home.
Bucky’s POV
I’ve been staring at this page for the longest time, reading the same sentence over and over again.
I managed to get my hands on (Y/N)’s latest book online and got it shipped here. An anthology of short stories, the title was enough to intrigue me, Mere Mortals.
She had a flair for writing thrillers, no wonder this was a best-seller.
This particular story caught my attention about a vampire falling madly in love with a human. A beautifully written tragedy with a line that struck me the most,
“Loving the monsters never ends well for the human.”
The book made me wonder how she might react if she finds out who I really am. Would she run away or be brave enough like one of her characters and stick around. Probably best to leave that topic for later.
Your book is fantastic (Y/N). You weren’t kidding when you said you love the supernatural. :P
How’s the new one coming along?
I didn’t want to seem too pushy but I couldn’t help myself. Something about her made it hard for me to stay away.
You read my book! I’m glad you found my obsession amusing. As far as the new one goes, I’ve been at it for days with very little progress. Starting to freak out. :(
The promptness of her reply made me smile. I quickly texted back and invited her over for dinner later today.
With that I walked inside to get a refill of my dinner for the night from the fridge.
Bear sat looking up at you with his head tilted to one side, as you explained you’d be leaving him alone for a few hours to go meet Bucky.
“And please don’t destroy the house, we’re here on lease. I’ll be back soon.” You placed a kiss on his nose and stood up to leave.
The walk to Bucky’s house was spent adjusting your hair every few minutes and making sure your breath was minty fresh. As trees cleared a huge cottage came into view which you could only guess was his ancestral home.
It looked surprisingly modern though with a few overgrown weeds around and English ivy covering most of the exterior walls. Stopping outside the front door, you checked your appearance one last time on your phone camera and knocked.
“Come on in, it’s open.” Bucky’s voice came through from a distance. You pushed the door open and stepped in the dimly lit house.
The wallpaper covered foyer reminded you of an old museum. Reaching the living room, you looked around to find most of the tables topped with antiques and artifacts. Old paintings that definitely belonged to the 18th century decorated the walls. All in all, the house looked like it belonged to someone who was stinking rich.
“Sorry for not opening the door, I almost lit my kitchen on fire.”
You turned around to see Bucky dressed in a button down tucked neatly in dark denims and the sleeves folded up to the elbow, hair in disarray but still freaking gorgeous walk in the living room. You looked around the room and said, “I didn’t know you lived in a museum.”
“Oh it’s our family home, almost been the same since my great grandfather built it. I’ll give you a tour later.”
“You’re rich.”
“No my parents were rich.” He chuckled.
“That is a typical rich person reply right there.” You shot back as you followed him into the kitchen.
The kitchen was bigger than your first apartment, very rustic looking with modern appliances to add contrast. The smell of Bolognese wafting through the closed pot on the stove made your stomach grumble.
“Hope you like Italian.” He gave you a smile and opened the lid to show off his work proudly.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t? It’s my favorite.” You walked closer and inhaled deeply before sighing rather dramatically.
“Come on. Let’s eat.”
You ate at the breakfast bar, though there was a dining room. Of course it was a twelve seat formal one complete with a fancy chandelier and everything.
“Are you like a prince or something hiding your true identity from me?” you asked eyeing him with mock suspicion.
He laughed, “I could be a mafia for all you know.” You got the latter part right, (Y/N)
“Nah don’t get that vibe from you.”
“Well my family owned a few properties around here including the cabin you’re living in, and the library, and now I look after it. My great grandfather was a part of the town council and everything, it’s boring.”
“Interesting would be the word I would use. Though a tiny part of me was hoping you’d say mafia and prove me wrong.”
You kept the conversation going through rest of the dinner and he seemed eager to know about your past as well. After a tour of the house, he offered you a nightcap as you settled on a plush couch in the living area. Comfortable silence that fell between you was broken as you heard soft music coming from an antique looking vinyl player.
“Care to dance?”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you took his outstretched hand and stood from your spot.
“See this is the kinda stuff that happens either in romantic movies or the beginnings of a serial killer movie.” You slid your arms around his neck as both of you gently swayed to the music.
The things you were feeling at that moment definitely were something you had only read about in those classic romantic novels you used to love so much in your growing years.
“Let’s just say it’s the former for now okay?” Bucky kept his arms around your waist and looked at your lips. You wasted no time in replying as you pulled him in for a kiss.
Lips brushed against each other softly at first, delicate like butterfly wings, he could feel the warmth of your skin and taste the wine you’d had earlier. 
Soon you lost yourself in the moment as instincts took over and your fingers weaved through his hair. One hand moved to the back of your head and the other stayed on your back as he pulled you even closer and the innocent kiss turned fervent.
The need to pull away for air became necessary as you broke the kiss and pressed your foreheads together, grinning ear to ear.
“The cooking, the wine and dance. You’re very old school in your ways Mr. Barnes.”
“I sure love it when you call me that doll.” 
With that he pressed his lips to yours once more and ravaged your mouth. Backing you up against a wall, his hands dropped down to your hips and he pressed himself closer to you, making his hard-on evident. A moan escaped you as he moved his mouth from your lips down to your neck where he found your sweet spot with ease.
All he could think about was the feel of your flushed skin, your heady scent and the smell of blood flowing through your carotid. He pressed his nose at the spot where your shoulder and neck met and inhaled deeply. This made your eyes flutter open.
“What’re you doing?” your voice came out weak as you tugged on his hair lightly, not understanding his actions but not really wanting him to move away.
“Stopping myself from going too far. I find you irresistible (Y/N).” he said slowly kissing his way back to your lips, eyes still closed.
“And you intrigue me. You’ll definitely end up as my protagonist if I ever write a romance novel.” you decided to lighten the sexually charged atmosphere with your dull sense of humor. You weren’t one of those who’d sleep with someone on their first date. Deciding it was time to leave you gently nudged him and he stepped away to give you space.
He walked you back to your home as always and stopped at the porch steps.
“Probably wise to not invite you in just now, Bear must’ve pooped in several places.”
“Shit! I forgot to ask. I found a puppy this morning and decided to take him in. I hope its okay with you.” You silently prayed he wasn’t one of those ‘no pets allowed’ guy, considering his own house was so prim and proper, there wasn’t a stray fly around.  
“Who doesn’t like dogs?”
Vampires. Vampires don’t gel well with dogs.
But he couldn’t say no to you. You were probably safer with one in the house.
You stood on your tippy toes to give him a goodbye kiss which lasted a few seconds that had you reconsider going in alone.
Loki peered through from the shadows as you kissed Bucky outside your cabin. Fists clenched, eyes seeing red he stormed away through the woods searching for an outlet, a prey.
Rage turned into blood thirst, he spotted the lady who worked at the grill walking through the empty town square. Perfect.
Her wrist watch read 12:30, as Jenny made her way home after her shift ended at the grill. The area was deserted, illuminated only by the street lamps. She heard twigs snapping behind her and turned to locate the source of the noise.
There was no one.
Slightly alarmed, she turned back to see a tall dark figure standing right in front of her. Her initial shock wore off as she recognized the man. It was Loki.
“Mr. Laufeyson! You scared me.”
Loki stalked closer with eyes dark and an unreadable look on his face.
“Don’t mind me, I’m just out for a bite.”
He grabbed Jenny before she could run and sunk his fangs in her neck.
Her piercing scream echoed into the night, soon coming to a stop like her pulse.
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taeswurld · 4 years
Ace III [Sporky]
pairing: bakugo x fem!reader
genre: humor, romance
TW: violence, cursing, angst, fluff
Summary: Shifting into My Hero was a total mistake, all those tiktoks you watched on a daily about shifting somehow convinced your brain to take part. Now the question is how to wake up, and most importantly, DON’T GET ATTACHED TO STUPID DRAWINGS!
New chapter! Not sure how my upload schedule will go, I’ll probably just wing it or something. And I don’t really know in what direction I wanna take this fic, but I promise to make it as great as possible! Anywho, here’s sporky!
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Oops. Well it’s clear what big of a mistake you’ve just made. 
While being on the verge of passing out, you decided to grab the closest thing next to you, so you don’t fall and hit your head. Instead of a counter or wall (or literally anything else) you decided to grab onto an arm. 
A very muscular and warm arm. 
You quickly retract your arm to look straight into glowing red eyes. They look at you in that moment with so much hated and anger, that you literally had to do a double take.
Jesus did you kill this dude’s grandma or something? What is going on?
“Next time you even think about touching me, I’ll be sure to remind you why I’m the strongest guy here.” 
“Well shit my bad, no need to act like I shoved a scorpion up your ass. Jesus christ, what the fuck is your problem man? Did someone spit in your coffee or something?” You move to walk away, you are not about to deal with someone who acts like complete dick. Before you could though, this asshole grabs your arm and pulls you back.
“What did you say, extra? Alright then since you act so tough, fight me! I doubt you would win though, I mean, you have a weak ass quirk anyways!” He shouts as explosions start to come out of his hand, putting it up to you face as to scare you. 
Wait, pause. You just realized you have a quirk. I mean it had to be good enough to get into U. A. But what was it? Was it like Aang, and you were like some type of avatar? Or were you more like Wonder Woman, and had super strength? Or were you like Spiderman, and could climb walls with spidey-senses? Or maybe, you were just incredibly smart, like Batman or Iron Man? No, that wouldn’t make sense, they would’ve thrown you into the support course if that was the case. Or maybe, you could-
“Hey! Did your dumbass not hear me? Or are you deaf as well as stupid?”
Okay. That’s fucking it. 
You were hungry, had an agitated dog, and you still haven’t gotten your stupid pills. 
You push the guy off you with as much strength as you could (which wasn’t much) and growled at him. 
Yes, growled at him. 
“Bro, shut the fuck up! No one wants to fucking hear you scream at 7 in the fucking morning! Just stay fucking quiet! Or are you too fucking stupid to do that? Your dumbassery is getting on my last fucking nerves, so just SHUT THE FUCK UP!” 
Immediately, everyone backed away, and looked scared to be within 5 feet of you. And you don’t blame them, you always looked scary when you were really mad. You’re glad your angry, and not frustrated. Otherwise, you would’ve broke into tears. Nope, all you felt right now was pure hatred and rage. 
You took a quick peek at your reflection in the microwave and you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. 
You had a white aura around you, and your eyes were a dark blue, with a little bit of fog coming out of them. With you’re pajamas still on, your eye bags, and a little bit of smudged mascara from yesterday, you look like you crawled out of the straight depths of sleepy hell. Hiro growling next to you waiting for your orders to attack didn't exactly help you look any friendlier. 
You quickly calmed down, and decided to just take a quick breath, and whistled for Hiro to back off as well.
“Okay, I’m calm. Does anyone know where the Tylenol is? I have headache. I also need food, not just for me, but for Hiro. I’m sorry for yelling, I’m just really irritated right now, so I ask that no one pushes my buttons.” You take another breath, just to calm your heart rate. 
“Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no worries Y/N. I know how Bakugou can get on your nerves pretty badly.” A girl with pink hair quickly comes up to you. Well, not just pink hair, pink everything. 
“Here, Ochako, you know where the pills are right? Go get them from the medicine cabinet. I’ll go get you some breakfast, hun.” She quickly runs off to get me some much needed food. The girl with the short fringe, Ochako you assume, goes off to get you my stupid pills.
“Koda, would you mind going to Hiro-san and asking what he might want to eat? I’ll help out.” The boy with green hair asks. A really big guy comes up to Hiro, and tries to whisk him away. 
“Hey! Sorry to disappoint but he stays with me. I’m on edge right now and he’s the only dude who can calm me down.” They are not to about to take him away, you don’t know these guys yet enough to trust them, you still don’t even know how you got here. Hiro’s pretty much the only thing closest to home, if he leaves now God knows what could happen. 
“Oh! I apologize L/N-san. He already told me his answer anyways, so I’ll go prepare his breakfast so you can both relax!” He blushes, and bows before running off to make some food. 
“Thanks, sorry for yelling. I’m just kinda anxious right now.” Hiro barks as if to agree with you. It’s not even 8 a.m and you’re both already done with this bullshit. 
“It's okay L/N-san. Last night, you got hit pretty hard, you we’re not going to blame you for being a little rough around the edges.” The boy with green hair says before walking away to join the other dude. Jesus, you really need to know everyone’s name. You can’t call them ‘dude’ and ‘guy’ forever. 
“L/N-san! Sorry about Bakugou! I know the two of you seem to bash heads a lot, but I promise you that he doesn't mean it!” 
A cute little redhead comes up to you. He looks really sweet, except for his razor sharp teeth that look like they could cut thought anything. He puts his hand on you shoulder, as a little gesture to calm you down a little. Apparently Hiro didn’t like it, because he started to growl. 
‘Back off, dude. Don’t touch,’ he seemed to say. 
“Oi! Shiity hair!” Oh god. “Don’t apologize on my behalf! It makes you look stupid, and me look weak!” The red eyed blonde from earlier walks over. 
‘Shitty hair’, or whatever his real name was, put his hands up and took his place next to the blonde, tossing his arm around him. 
“Come on, Bakugou! You’re always fighting with her, maybe it’s best to just chill down! Come on! It’s a beautiful Saturday, we don't have any plans except to relax! We should totally go out! When was the last time we hung out with the class?” 
“Tch, I don't want to deal with these extras longer than I already have to. Besides, when doesn’t she get on my fucking nerves? That’s the only thing she’s good for anyways.” He shoves the red head’s arm off of him and stares at me.
“Come on Kacchan! You know she’s only teasing! Besides, you need to learn to be sweeter to girls! This is probably why you don't have a girlfriend, and why Ca-”
‘Kacchan’, or ‘Bakugou’, you’re not even sure anymore, grabs the pikachu looking dude from earlier by his shirt and looks like he’s about to punch him. 
“Don’t you dare finish that fucking sentence Dunce Face! And besides, it’s not like your desperate ass could get pussy anyways!” 
The piss-yellow blonde immediately gets scared and screams to run away. 
“Well you don’t have to say it like that, ya know! At least Y/N likes me!” He comes over to me and puts his arm around you. He pulls you into his chest and places his head on top of yours. Since you're sitting, it’s quite easy for him to tower you. 
“Not now dude, you are on my last fucking nerve.” You muffle into his chest as you move to push him off. 
Okay, super strength is for sure not your quirk. 
“Right, your pissed right now, sorry. By the way, I’ll go get you some wipes for your makeup. You look like a demon right now, no offense.” He runs off to God knows where, finally letting you breathe. 
“None taken,” you mutter. 
“Y/N! I brought the Tylenol, and some water for your to drink!” Ochaco comes back with a small pill tablet and a glass of water. As she hands you everything, she rubs your back as to say ‘don't worry, you’re in good hands now’. 
“L/N-san! Hiro’s food is ready! Midoriya helped out, so the process went by faster.” Koda and the green haired kid, Midoriya, comes back with a bowl of kibble and some steak. 
Of course Hiro would ask for steak. Why did you even bother? 
“Y/N! I’m back!” The pink girl from earlier comes with some rice and eggs. Weird combination, but okay. 
“I know you’re still getting a little used to using chopsticks, not being from Japan and all, so I had to look around for a fork.” You hands you your breakfast and a spoon. 
“Um, this is a spoon.” You say, holding it up for her to see.
“Yeah, I know. I said I had to look around, I never said I was successful.” She gave me a smile and little shrug before walking away. 
Oh boy. 
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sharpen-jadescythe · 4 years
A Himbo Man and his... Wolf? Wolves? Himwolves?
Sharpen reflects on a hunt gone wrong and the true nature of his very kindred wolf pet Cuda.
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Sharpen unbuttoned his plaid shirt and spread out on the couch. What a long day. Cuda, his wolf, had found some humanoid bones up in the mountains. A hike turned into a sort of investigation, which turned into a sudden panicked pitch-battle with a man-eating yeti.
The burly Night Elf man had tried to stop his wolf from taking it too far—the bones were older. But then they came across some boot tracks that were fresh and much too close to the den for whoever it was to be safe.
Flashes of what had happened made him inhale a sharp breath now. The red of blood, the flash of fangs, his own furious shouts competing with that. Everything, his steel knife, his voice, all clashing against the stone walls. And at the time, what Sharpen feared could have been—this fight exploding out of his control at any minute. A routine hike through the woods with his wolf turning savage, evil, a claw cutting too deep, or cutting into his neck, slashing open his belly. Dragging him back through the snowy woods of Winterspring, freezing and covered in his own blood. Never making it. Every wild encounter was like that. Death was always at the brink of things.
But control the fight, engage the monster directly and control it, win, and you’ll live.
Sharpen remembered feeling foolish and then getting angrier than he had been in a while. This nightmare wretch was taking and killing men. Going out of his way to hunt mortals like him. The damned yeti knew better, this dominant male was big enough and so old enough to have seen plenty of encounters just like this one, with something that wasn’t meant to be prey suddenly using a gun, a sword, a shield, anything against him and fighting for their lives. But this was cruel on the yeti’s behalf. The way the big male sat quietly and let the tamed wolf wander into his territory, only attacking when the mortal man, the wolf’s master followed. In moments, Sharpen and Cuda had become the prey.
Sharpen had been slammed against cold rock wall. He remembered seeing black, wondering if he’d knocked his head and cracked it open. If he was bleeding inside his skull, then he was done, whether he got a lethal strike on the creature or not. The yeti, its shoulders far above him, came down like a thunderhead then. That yeti gave a roar that could rattle bones, and they did clatter all around the dark cave. Sharpen had a knife, only a knife. The beast had snapped his hunting bow in half.
Sharpen remembered his gaze racing up and down the yeti’s torso, trying to judge the logical spot to stick the knife in. He knew that same hand was shaking and it was down to making a single, perfect strike to end this. Or, his best hope was to at least mortally wound the creature, bring him enough pain to get around him and get the hell out of there.
That was when the wolf Sharpen called Cuda showed his stripes. Out of nowhere it felt, because the only heat in that deadly moment was between the two warm bodies, one about to end the other, the yeti and Sharpen the man, suddenly something even more terrible, without scent, without heat, without breath itself, sifted between them. The only warning Sharpen or the yeti had was that shifting of the air itself, that warping of the plane of life and light that men and beasts existed upon. For, before either of their brains could rationalize or justify what they were seeing, the wolf who was flesh and blood was suddenly a ghost, a pure wolf spirit between them, and Cuda had decided to pounce as vengeance incarnate. Twisting in a space that no lupine creature could ever fit or wedge themselves, the ghost wolf suddenly swifted up through the air, more of a wind, and then was suddenly a big head, glowing eyes and fangs that sank into the yeti’s neck. And the translucent gray wolf who could have just been a mere shadow, it held on and held on, impossible to dislodge as the yeti staggered back, then lost its footing and fell.
A wolf shouldn’t have been a real challenge to an alpha yeti, so Sharpen was still at the edge of his nerves, ready for Cuda to fail in his attempt to rescue him. And then Sharpen knew he would have to make the terrible decision to leave his wolf friend to whatever his fate might be and save his own life. But the real Cuda, his flesh and blood self that projected this strange wolf shadow ever since Sharpen first found him in the Western Plaguelands, that crazed wolf was on the other side, savaging the back of the beast’s neck. Both of them, wolf and his shadow, were working like a pack of two to finish off the one who had attacked their master.
Sharpen had guessed Cuda could do that, but this was the first time he was actually seeing it, and able to finally believe in it.
Now, Sharpen was home. One flesh and blood wolf wandered into the living room to sniff his hand and check on him. The other, the ghost wolf, was relaxing before the fire, back to the flames and ethereal eyes watching Sharpen in this eternal way. As if Cuda’s ghost shadow was not watching Sharpen the man, but his spirit.
Sharpen let out another anxious breath and scratched his mane of wild green hair.
He’d tried asking a shaman about it once, but they didn’t believe him, that such a thing was possible. To have befriended the wolf as well as his undead shadow. Sharpen admitted that he didn’t fully understand the Plague or the Scourge and what they did to raise the dead in an unholy way. A part of him was afraid to ask too many questions and risk some paladin of the Silver Hand informing him that they needed to exorcise his wolf.
Cuda just seemed… fine the way he was. Eerie, but fine. After a time, the spirit would fade and rejoin its body. But for now, Cuda seemed to want to be a pack to watch over his master.
“You wanted to fix that, didn’t you? You wanted to end that yeti for your own reasons.”
Because Sharpen was sure as hell too chicken to go and take that bloodthirsty monster out by himself with a knife and a bow that wasn’t even one of his best.
He spoke to Cuda again, blinking rapidly in disblief. “But there is no way we could have done that alone, not normally. You just charged in, you totally barged in there without another thought, Cuda. You didn’t see that?”
Cuda couldn’t really understand him, like any pet. Sharpen knew he was just venting his frustrations. But it would surely be the last time he was going hiking without something good enough to protect man and beast from, yes, an actual monster that wasn’t supposed to be along a simple hiking trail.
Cuda and his shadow both looked at Sharpen in that unraveling way for a long time.
Sharpen felt himself starting to sweat. He was an animal trainer but this was starting to ruin his own instincts about what to do with beasts in intense situations like this one. Cuda was a deeply unsettled animal and who knew what was simmering inside of his lupine mind now.
“Alright! Who wants din-din!”
Both wolves leapt up at once and started wagging their tails like mad, whining that they would love an early dinner.
Sharpen, eyes wide at how that actually worked, got up slowly, then went to the kitchen.
Sharpen put his hand on the bag of high-protein kibble he used for his canine pets, then hefted it up onto the kitchen counter, his biceps more than able to take the strain. These were high quality pellets, not fresh meat, but Cuda seemed not to mind it. Cuda didn’t seem to mind a lot of compromises a normal wolf would never put up with in a million years. And Cuda was prone to acting like a silly dog, getting stuck in long sessions chasing his tail or staring at boring walls, and all that.
“Well. Maybe we are well-suited after all, Cuda. Though, a spirit animal with your sort of powers should probably be off doing something way more important than din-din and slumming it with me, right? Like, shouldn’t you be in Ardenweald serving the queen or somethin?”
“Wait, Cuda. Does that mean… Are we both himbos?”
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yespolkadotkitty · 5 years
Tinderbox, pt 3
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Part II here
Marshall’s dark brows winged up. “You think someone might be inside?”
“No.” God, she was making a hash of this, wasn’t she? Rosie collected herself. “Well, technically yes, my cat, Salami, will be inside, but no other people. I…. how about coffee?”
Great, Rosie, her inner voice practically eyerolled.
He gazed at her for a moment, as if something warred inside within him for a moment. “I’ll see you inside,” he said finally. The air seemed sucked from the hallway, and Rosie wondered if she’d made the wrong decision. Misread him, and herself.
She opened the door with her key. The lamp she had on a timer had come on, and as she stepped inside, Salami meowed plaintively. Rosie bent down to scratch the tabby cat behind the ears. “Miss me, did you, baby?”
Straightening, she turned back to Marshall. “It isn’t much, but it’s home.”
He smiled grimly. “You should see my place. This is great.”
His words made her curiosity spike. Bachelor pad? As a cop, how much downtime did he get? Unease stirred in her stomach. He’d said eight hours and an hour had to have passed since then. She should let him go.
But, but….
It’d been over a year since Rosie had experienced closeness with a man. Longer since she’d wanted to. Towards the end with Dylan, she’d been intimate with him more out of a sense of duty, of trying to fix things, somehow, than want.
But that emotion, that need, stirred inside her now.
Marshall cleared his throat and Rosie knew she either needed to shit or get off the pot. 
“The thing is, Marshall, I…” Salami wound around her legs and she found the courage to just say it. “Would you stay?”
His cobalt eyes darkened. “You’re afraid of being alone?”
“No. I want you to stay.” Because he looked ready to go, Rosie did something she’d been thinking about since she’d seen him take a fork of pancakes. She leaned up on her toes and brushed her lips over his.
Marshall stayed stock still for a moment and Rosie dropped back to her heels, nerves shredding in her stomach. Oh, Lord. I’ve made the wrong decision.
“You don’t owe me anything, Rosie,” he said stiffly.
“I know.”
“And I don’t want your memory of me to be…. Regret.”
He wanted her to have a memory of him? There was maybe some hope.
“Oh, I won’t regret it. That’s a promise.”
The corner of his mouth quirked up. “And you always keep your promises?”
“As often as I can.”
Marshall slipped his hands out of his pockets and settled his big hands on her arms. He let out a long breath. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”
“I can’t look at you and believe that,” Rosie scoffed, relaxing a little. He hadn’t turned to leave.
“Law enforcement doesn’t leave much space for a personal life,” he murmured, his gaze dropping to her mouth.
Salami meowed plaintively, and the spell was broken. 
“Sorry baby. You must be hungry. I…. make yourself at home,” Rosie offered as she turned to the cupboard to get Salami’s biscuits from the shelf.
She’d kept the place tidy thank goodness - not that there was any difficulty doing that when your home consisted of a single room and a very small bathroom.
Marshall crossed the space of her studio of the back wall. She knew what hung there. One of her favourite artworks. She’d painted it right before she moved here. Trees bowed to create an arch, storm clouds above, and a single female silhouette stood in the centre, radiating silent power.
“Is this yours?” His voice carried to her.
“It’s beautiful.”
There was no insincerity or fawning in his tone. Just honest appreciation. “Thank you.” She poured kibble into Salami’s bowl and topped up his water. The cat began to eat in earnest, purring. Rosie gave him one stroke from ears to tail, then straightened up, shoving her hands in her pockets, suddenly awkward, her heartbeat loud.
“Have a seat, if you like.”
Marshall sat on the futon that doubled as her bed and sofa. She hadn’t bothered converting it back to a sofa this morning but thankfully she had neatened it, tucking the dove-grey sheets in under the mattress. His quiet presence dominated the room and she crossed over to him. This part was hard, the getting-to-the-sex part.
Rosie sat opposite him. “Ah, I….”
“How about we start by taking our coats off.”
She half-laughed, shrugged hers off. Marshall stood and divested himself of his heavy parka, laying it over a chair. Rosie watched, entranced, as he pulled the gun out of a hip holster and laid it gently on the chair his coat hung over.
He glanced up and followed the path of her gaze. “Does it bother you? The gun?”
He came to sit back down on the futon. “Rosie…”
Her name sounded poetic in his accent. Suddenly keen to end the awkwardness, she leaned forward and touched her mouth to his, opened her lips for him. Marshall inhaled sharply and then he was kissing her back, and he tasted of the tang of coffee and an edge of sweetness from the maple syrup. His hands came to rest at her waist and he pulled her closer. Rosie lifted her fingers to tangle in the dark curls of his hair, damp from the rain and tattered-silk soft. 
It was a long time since she’d done this dance, and she had to hope that all the moves had stayed the same.
She let her other hand play, cupping his cheek. His short-cropped beard felt soft against the pads of her fingers and she stroked up his strong jawline as their tongues tangled. He tasted addictive, his lips warm, soft under her own.
Marshall lifted her up on to his lap and she went willingly, her legs settling either side of his waist. Close like this, she could feel the evidence of his desire for her right where she needed that sweet friction. She heard a quiet moan in the room and realised belatedly that it came from her own lips.
His hands wandered to the hem of her serviceable sweater, his fingers skimming under the fabric to stroke the band of exposed skin above her jeans, below her t-shirt. She shivered, but not from the cold. How long had it been since a man had touched her with such reverence? 
Marshall must have understood that her little tremble was from pleasure because he continued his gentle exploration, sliding one hand up under her t-shirt, one finger tracing the edge of the cup of her bra. Everything inside her tightened, the feeling unfamiliar, deliciously welcome.
“Don’t stop there,” she whispered.
Tagging: @boiled-onionrings​ @pinkzsugar​ @leapingoveroblivion​ @mary-ann84​
Thanks go to my beta and great gal @ly--canthrope​
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Their baby Tiki (HC’s)
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John Wick x Darcie Angel
Summary: Their sweet Tiki is not feeling well.
Wordcount: 1.1k
A/N: This takes place before “Never out of practice” takes place. 
It was a Sunday morning and usually on Sunday, Darcie wakes up early to make them breakfast, after she gave Tiki her breakfast. Then he would wake up to the smell of something sweet and coffee.
Not today.
John woke up to the sound of his Darcie crying. It took him approximately five seconds to get out of bed and rush to the kitchen, where her crying was coming from.
He found Darcie sitting on the floor, her cries becoming more desperate with every second that passed. ‘Tiki, baby, please.’
John saw their curly haired companion lying flat on her side, her chest rising fast with each breath she took. He saw that Tiki had vomited out her breakfast, but there were streams of blood in it.
‘I’ll call the vet,’ John said to his shaken up girlfriend. He got out his phone and called the vet that gave Tiki her latest shot. He was told that he should come in, but because it was a Sunday, the costs would be doubled. Like John cared one bit about that.
He couldn’t help but look at his crying girlfriend and Tiki. He should bring some of the vomit with him when they got here. John hung up and got to work.
He knew that when an unexpected stressful situation happened, his girlfriend had a hard time bouncing back. With the plastic bag in one hand, he helped Darcie up. She took Tiki in her hands and they went to the Mustang, both still in their pajamas.
Darcie kept sniffling in the car, while she hugged the weak and limp Tiki against her chest. ‘John,’ she finally said, ‘what if she dies?’
‘Sweetheart, she won’t die,’ John comforted her. ‘The vet will help her.’ Though he told her those comforting words, he couldn’t help but fear a little bit himself.
What if she did die, indeed? This little ball of fluff brought him so much. It brought him closer to Darcie, it brought him happiness and a companion when Darcie was working during the day. She would jump in his arms when he went out to get some groceries. She licked his face whenever she wanted.
Tiki couldn’t die on them. Not only did she make him happy, she meant the world to Darcie. Tiki was there when she just got dumped and started this adventure of her café.
When they got out, John saw that Darcie was still wearing her pajamas and he was as well. He wrapped his arm securely around her shoulders and kissed her on top of her head, a small reminder that it would all be okay.
The vet checked their dog, did some tests and checked her vomit. Tiki finally started to act a little less lifeless, but was still very fatigued. John’s heart broke when he looked at Tiki, who stared at her owners with glassy eyes.
The vet told them that Tiki was having a severe reaction to the dog food. She asked what kind of food she was eating. Darcie told her that she got the same kibble that she’s been eating for a whole year. The only thing was that she just opened up a new box today.
The vet gave Tiki an injection and some fluids and told them that she has to stay here for at least three hours. Since Darcie had to get ready for work, John told the vet that he would pick Tiki up in three hours.
On the way back to their apartment, Darcie was silent and it killed John. He knew she was giving herself a hard time about this. She felt like it was her fault.
When John parked the car back in the garage, he pushed his seat back and pulled Darcie on his lap. ‘This is all my fault,’ she cried. ‘I should’ve checked her food better.’
John shushed, kissing her forehead and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. ‘You’re the best owner Tiki could get, baby,’ he whispered. ‘You are such a wonderful owner, a wonderful woman and this is not your fault, remember that.’
They walked back to their apartment and Darcie locked herself up in the bathroom, getting ready for work. John grabbed the box and decided to look up every ingredient on the box, but nothing came back as poisonous for dogs. He leaned back in the chair. He’d sue that company another time. Right now he needed to be there for Darcie and for Tiki.
John brought Darcie to work and watched her trying to be cheerful for the customers, but he saw right through it. She was worried to death and since she was in that state, John was too.
He gave her a long kiss, when he is going to pick Tiki up. ‘She’ll be all right, sweetheart,’ he whispered against her lips and he went back to his car. He drove faster than he originally anticipated.
When he finally arrived, the vet had a smile on her face. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘Tiki is her happy self again. I think she maybe has a stomach bug and she ate her food way too fast. Do you have a bowl for her, like this one?’ She showed him a bowl with little obstacles in it, preventing dogs for eating their food too fast. ‘It could be useful,’ she says.
John was willing to buy anything, so this won’t happen again. She gave him some medicine, the bowl and he paid her with his card. ‘Thank you so much,’ he said.
‘Tell Darcie she’s a good owner.’ The vet started to laugh. ‘I remember when she just had Tiki. I just gave her a shot and I told her that Tiki could be a bit drowsy for a day. But when the twenty-four hours were over, poor woman stood in front of the clinic, saying that Tiki was still drowsy. She cares a lot, unlike some other dog owners. Tiki is a very lucky girl to be adopted by her.’
John beamed when he heard those sweet compliments about his girlfriend and with Tiki in his arms he got in the car. ‘What do you say, cutie pie?’ he asks Tiki, who sits in the front seat. ‘Should we surprise mommy at work?’
Darcie was cleaning a table when he walked in. She looked up and said: ‘Goodaft—Oh my God, Tiki, baby!’ She dropped the cleaning cloth and walked up to the two. ‘You look so good. I’m so happy to see you’re okay.’
Tiki let out a bark and licked her owners face. Darcie’s eyes filled with tears and she looked up at John. ‘She’s okay?’
‘She’s all okay,’ he told her. He pressed a kiss on her forehead and whispered: ‘I love you.’
Taglist: @toomanystoriessolittletime​ @flhorah​ @allie1804-fan @cynic-spirit​ @raven-black102
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