#he sniffed at it for a while and seemed completely baffled
naomiknight-17 · 1 year
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Leon is so confused about the curry
Smells of chicken... love chicken... but... spices!? What is this
Why does it burn
Where is the tasty chicken
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Mulder's a Big Wig in the Conspiracy Community (and Colonization Thoughts)
This meta post-- thanks to @notbecauseofvictories and @myassbrokethefall-- highlighted a separate thought that The Red and the Black sort of introduced then dropped without further explanation.
In Patient X, Mulder was invited to an alien convention with an entire panel and room filled with people waiting to hear his opinion on Cassandra Spender's experiences; and, while not the first time people allude to his "Spooky" reputation, it is a first for the viewers of The X-Files (and, perhaps, for Mulder) to see how far the impact of his theories and work has gone.
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Spooky Boy is definitely a big wig in his own right, which is bittersweet because Mulder feels alone on his quest without Scully. He's always baffled that people know about him, like his work, and wish to support him. (Furthermore, the minute he was abducted in Requiem-Within, Scully banded together a support network and worked more closely with allies and interest groups to recover her partner, a trend Mulder resisted then realized the strength of after his return.) Mulder chose a solitary, "I ride alone" existence to his own detriment.
Furthermore, I'm convinced a lot of his work is spread around because of The Lone Gunmen: proud keepers of the message boards (E.B.E.), interceptors and redirectors of those in need (Anasazi), and givers-away of Mulder's secrets in general but specifically to and about Scully (E.B.E., The End, etc.) They also seem in touch with the broader conspiracy community and likely gassed up M. F. Luder in their newspaper to such a degree that Mulder's pseudonym soon became an open secret.
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Colonization Theory and Thoughts
As a complete aside: if a world existed where Mulder and Scully were working together to combat Colonization, he would probably resist her outreach hints (and pushes and shoves) until she finally proved that there are more out there willing to cooperate and help their cause. And if the situation became dire, Scully would probably step in as a de-facto leader (or one of the organizers) while Mulder would remain the silent, boots-on-the-ground missions' man that everyone chose to trail behind (because, while not in a position of authority, he'd still have a nose for sniffing out correct, last-minute solution.)
Thanks for reading~
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rosenallies · 1 year
12 for bimbo au? 🥹
I haven’t written for this au in a hot minute <3
12. “You’re normally the tough guy. Today, let me be tough for the both of us.”
Denali leaned on the doorway to Rosé’s home office, watching him. He shifted on his feet and sighed, taking into account every slight movement his lover made, from the way his brows pulled together and the way the corner of his mouth twitched slightly every now and again. He took mental note of everything Rosé did, and everything he didn’t. At half past midnight, Denali knew Rosé was avoiding something, throwing himself into his work instead of coming to bed.
“You haven’t come out of here since dinner,” Denali said, stepping into the dimly lit room and keeping to himself the thiught that even though Rosé was physically present at dinner, mentally he was elsewhere; staring at his plate until he got up without a word, dumping his leftovers in some Tupperware and softly announcing he was going to get some work done.
“I’ve had a lot of stuff to do,” he replied dryly, making Denali wince and swallow down the twinge of pain he got whenever Rosé was anything but perfectly sweet and gentle to him.
“Will you come to bed? Please? You’ve been working too much.”
Rosé huffed, shaking his head, gaze still fixed on his computer screen. “Someone has to put a roof over our heads.”
Denali knew that Rosé didn’t mean it like that, after all it was him who convinced Denali he didn’t need to work any more than he wanted to, which was only a few nights a month nowadays. He sighed and slid himself into Rosé’s lap, knowing the older man could never be cold and distant while he was sat in his lap. Sure enough, he curled a protective arm around his waist, keeping him from falling.
“It isn’t really about work, is it?”
Feeling himself flush, Rosé hid his face in Denali’s shoulder. “No, not all the way at least.”
Humming, Denali ran his fingers through Rosé’s hair. He liked that he kept it longer now, it was nice to grab onto but he also liked that he could run his fingers through it. “Do you want to tell me about it?”
“My dad,” Rosé sniffed and that was all that Denali needed to hear. Rosé’s relationship with his father always baffled Denali, completely foreign to him, they loved each other while Denali would rather not think about his own father ever again, but it seemed like no matter what Rosé did with the business his father passed onto him, it wasn’t good enough.
“What happened? Do you want to tell me more?”
Rosé shook his head, wiping at his glossy eyes. “No, no, I’m being stupid- he’s right, the numbers could be better, I could be doing more.”
“Hey,” Denali scolded gently, holding Rosé’s face in his hands, “you aren’t being stupid. Why don’t you come to bed? We can talk more in the morning?”
“No, no, I really can’t. I’m fine. I’m tough, I can handle a little criticism from my father.”
“You don’t seem fine,” he tutted, “You’re normally the tough guy. Tonight, how about you let me be tough for the both of us?”
The sentiment made Rosé smile in spite of himself. “Are you sure? Being tough might cause you to break a nail, princess.”
“Oh hush! Here I am trying to he sweet-“
“You are sweet, but you don’t need to take care of me, just a little longer and I’ll come up to bed.”
“No,” Denali stood his ground, shutting the laptop on him, “you’re coming to bed with me.”
Rosé wanted to be angry, but all that he could feel was warmth. Before Denali, he let his work ethic push people away, but Denali didn’t let that deter him. Rosé knew if Denali had to drag him away from his office kicking and screaming, he would.
“Okay,” he relented, tears still in his eyes that Denali wiped away, mindful of his long nails.
“I’m not going to let you work yourself to death, okay? I need you.”
Lip wobbling, Rosé nodded. “I need you too.”
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husbandohunter · 3 years
A Furry Predicament, but reversed (Reader turns into a cat)? Pretty please with a sweet lil cherry on top? (I recently stumbled across your blog and may I just say that I absolutely adore your works??) Thank youu and take care~~
A Furrier Predicatment [Genshin x Cat!Reader]
Synopsis: It's your turn to be a cat after this incident.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Venti
(A/n): Ah you did OwO that's very sweet of you. It's alot of fun to write, especially when your imagination is stunted and you just gotta spit out something silly.
Any beloved pet owned by Master Diluc would be under the most high quality and meticulous treatement. Mostly for cats since they tend to be calm while elegant...to some extent. If they were dogs then he'll ensure that they also serve as a partner for sniffing out trouble such as a certain bard who'd might've sneaked into the wine cellars. But you weren't either, so to say, you were both a beloved AND a cat.
As he picks you up gently into his arms, Diluc would be a little baffled on what to do next. He has no idea how to care for delicate creatures as he never had one (other than a pet tortoise but that's different) in which he needed to look for help. But who? The staff? Certainly not, no one can find out that his partner turned into a pet (imagine all the scandals he'll be in). Jean? Anything but the knights of Favonius. And most certainly not his brother.
So Diluc ends up figuring everything out by himself (old habits die hard). All the sweets and regular meals you craved were no long in your menu, you were forced to have a proper cat diet because he believed it was healthier. Half of the time he has no idea what he's doing, since you were a cat and all you could do was "meow" (which Diluc forgets. He tries to have a mundane conversation until you stare at him with feline eyes. That was when he remembered).
"What would you like for tonight's dinner, my love?"
"Meow." He has alot to learn.
Though Master Diluc often gets very tired and he attempts to take a quick nap before killing himself over the next set of duties. That is, until you could help it. Being a cat has it's furry and comfy advantages. So you leapt up to the bed as quietly as possible and onto the side of your lover, circling a few times to see if he was really asleep. When he was you snuggled close to keep him warm, hoping it would lull him into a rest even deeper. He slept like a baby.
If the Cavalry Capatain were to own a pet, they would either be charmed by him or snaring their teeth because of his unreadable and suspicious aura. Animal instincts are quite powerful. But your case wasn't the latter, thankfully and he could feel himself growing fond of this new found relationship. Almost. What should he do with you now that you're a cat, Kaeya wonders.
Belly rubs and a lot of them. He absolutely adores the way your cute little nose scrunches up while he runs his fingers on the center of your tummy (though he knows when to stop, Kaeya is rather gentle with you nowadays). You found that he absolutely adores the shape of your nose, would pick you up and boop yours with his own somehow knows how to be his flirty self despite your unusual form.
There was this one incident where you saw something shiny flashing over the wall. Slowly you followed it as the bright dot moved futher and further away, evetually gaining speed. Little did you know it was Kaeya who was watching you swipe your little paws up and down against the wall while he was just cleaning his sword. How could he help it? You were often so headstrong and independent, now you were just an adorable little kitten that loves to play with yarn and shiny things. It backfired him though, now there were a bunch of scratchmarks marring the surfaces (which he had to pay for repairs).
Takes you out to Windrise so that you could get some fresh air (also for you to find somewhere else to shed your fur other than his humble abode). Kaeya sits back under a tree while you either chase a butterfly or start slapping against the dandelions (only sneeze when they fly into your face). He wasn't sure if you were aware of what you were doing right now, if you were then he'll have lots of things to talk about once you turn back into human. If not, then at least he had the opportunity to witness such a soft side coming from you.
If any animal were to go close towards the adeptus, they would run away. Xiao isn't very good at interacting with others, pets included, usually they would run into the alleyway or hide around the legs of their owners while he glaringly, blankly stares at them (Even though he wouldn't admit it, Xiao thinks to himself, how soft is cat fur?) Now he gets to touch your cat form and turns out that fur is very ticklish yet pleasant against his skin.
Would be the most awkward conversationalist, the poor yaksha was already terrible with his words (often coming out harsh so he prefers to either keep away or say nothing at all) and even with you sometimes, now it was almost impossible to communicate. Xiao is not very good at reading a cat's body language. When you want him to hold you again, you'd walk in circles. He assumes you were hungry and leaps out the window to go fetch some fish...for the nth time there was a pile of raw salmon stacking upon the floor. Xiao thinks that maybe salmon species weren't to your liking, hence he does out to find another one.
As he plays his flute, you'd magically doze off on his lap. (There was one thing that you both can communicate with at last). Slowly but surely, he comes to learn the different gestures you make for certain situations. You often rub yourself upon his leg which he had heard to be a cat's way of claiming their territory. That was when Xiao picks you up, FINALLY. Though the real reason why it took him this long was because he was hesitant to hold you. He never really held a pet so naturally he has no idea how to hold a cat. Ends up cradling you in his arms because it seemed to be a safer option <3
"I never thought I'd be able to hold you like this," Xiao softly says to your lazy form, observing the way your ears perked up at the sound of his voice, "But I...forget it. We can stay like this for the time being, if you'd like. If not, that's fine too."
You stay.
The only pets Albedo had were for his alchemic experiments (plus they were put in cages too). Fact be told, he would make a terrible pet owner with the lifestyle he has now. The alchemist would be so absorbent into his work that he'll most likely forget that he has someone to feed and by the time he realized it, they would have already starved to death. After hearing glass bottles crashing to the floor, Albedo bursts into the rooms as the smoke fills it completely, finding a cat lost between it. The cat was you. He knows because he made the potions.
Sometimes he'd a little too scientific for his own good. Albedo assumed that when you turned into a cat, you've gone into cat mode and ends up treating you as such. "No, don't go near any bodies of water. You wouldn't like it." He almost forgets that you were once human which is very much like him if you had to be honest. Though when he does find out that you still carried human traits, Albedo must find ways to adapt things to your liking.
He makes your food himself. He's not a cook but he sure is good at everything he does, even if it's something he never did before. This goes for other areas too such as the size of your bed, if you need a little couch to stay on or maybe some tools to play around. (The only time when he is a good pet owner). In his sketchbook he'd have a bunch of blueprints and contraptions of what to make next. There's something enjoyable when spoiling you, those little reactions when you're pleased, like the twitch of your whiskers or the lift of your tail. Albedo finds is very cute.
On top of all that, he could also make you a potion to turn you back into normal. It seemed that it was the last thing he thought of on the list. Albedo was too occupied with treating you like a cat that it all flew over his head until now. Time flies when you're having fun.
Unlike Albedo, anyone who has Zhongli as a pet owner would be considered to be a very lucky animal. He radiates a calm and serene aura that gives the perfect environment to have infinite nap times. People look at this man and wonder why his pet never gives him any trouble, especially when cats were considered to be both fiesty and needy. But they just didn't know that the cat was you (not like it would make a difference, any animal would know that Zhongli was no ordinary man).
How on earth does he know what you're saying? Maybe it's because he was once an archon. You could meow and he knows exactly what you would like to snack on. You could tilt your head, he takes it that you were curious on what he was currently doing (which was exactly what you were wondering), you can say nothing at all yet as if he could read your mind, Zhongli comes over to pet you with his gloved hands.
"How can I tell? Indeed it is because you're my lover, of course. Throughout this time we spent together, I've come to learn the way you speak through your eyes. They seem to hold true no matter what form you take. It's rather comforting."
Though there were many moments where you sneak up behind Zhongli. His hair, his ponytail- so long. Must play with. As you jump up and down with his thin strand swings side to side, it'll take a few seconds for him to decipher what your were doing. The minute he turns around he catches you with his hands midair and laughs heartfully. Cats were very endearing creatures.
Back home in Snezhnaya, Childe would probably have owned a dog or two. They were mostly meant for hunting purposes, big and large furry creatures with thick skin suitable to endure the harsh cold. He has dogs because cats hate him for some strange reason. They either hiss or snootly turn their backs on him, one time he picked one up as a kid but his face bleeding after the cat scratched him with their paws. But of course you wouldn't do that to him. You would never~ he was your cutie pie anyways.
He was an obnoxious hugger, not gentle at all. Childe forgets his strength as a human man and when he squeezes you tightly against his chest, you'd spike out on all ends because by the archons, you're suffocating. But it was your fault for feeling so comfy and warm! Similar to Kaeya, they're both obnoxious but Childe deemed himself to be even worse. He'd rub his face against yours, commenting on how sensitive it sways. Tonia once told him that she wanted a pet cat instead, maybe he should also bring you back to his homeland now.
Yes he would love to play with you. Bring in the cat toys...or not. This was the eleventh Fatui Harbinger, what were you thinking? Normal cat activities? Not here. He's gonna teach you how to hunt like how he taught his dogs to hunt in Snezhnaya. You gave him the most deadpanned and dissapointed look with your large feline glare. Not only was he disliked by cats but he certainly was not good with them.
Though he can take it down a notch sometimes and just indulge in relaxing activities. When there was nothing else for him to do or when he was just tired after a productive day, he'd sit by the kitchen and you on top of the table. While you yawned and leaned down for a nap, Childe plays with the small of your paws to the soft edge of your nails. If he taps your nose, your whiskers twitch. Your ears are nice, maybe he should get you a headband version once you turned back to human.
You immediately wake up when he touches your tail.
You sometimes wonder how is it that the anemo archon was able to live through 2000 years without getting beaten up by a cat. If andrius was a large cougar than a wolf, maybe he wouldn't be an archon now. Which is why you are to stay miles far far away from him unless you want the whole of Mondstadt to be blown away by the wind.
Wears a mask (as if this were the covid19 pandemic), although it doesn't take away all his problems, at least it'll minimize it. Venti always has a box of tissues ready but you can tell by the puffiness of his eyes that he's been sneezing alot. He really tries his hardest to pitch in every once in a while when Albedo was working on a cure for you to go back to normal. Though acts as if he was quarantined by staying all the way at the other side of the room.
"Ahahaha don't mind me. It's your local bard of Mondstadt dropping by to see how things are going. I wanna make sure how long it will take for you to make the potion? Just curious!"
No hugs, cuddles or anything involving close proximity. This makes Venti very pouty and impatient. Albedo finds it very hard to concentrate with all the sniffling and sneezing that he had no choice but to kick him out. It didn't help that the location was Dragonspine, now he was sneezing even more.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Morning Routine (Jung Wooyoung) Rated
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Part Two
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung × Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Seeing an advertisement online in need of a camera handler, Wooyoung jumps at the opportunity, not knowing his employer is a renowned camgirl.
Word Count: 4.3+K
Warnings: Exhibitionism, voyeurism, nude taping, masturbating in shower, breast play, a rather tamed smut
Taglist: @seacottons @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @deja-vux @yunhofingers @little-precious-baby @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters
"Wanted: Experienced photographer/Camera Operator for personal/private filming. If interested, please contact number below for more information or details. Students majoring in said field are welcomed to apply. 19+ only."
Seeing the advertisement, Wooyoung's eyes popped up. Usually most jobs wouldn't even allow people without a degree or years of experience. And it would be perfect practice that didn't include boring or basic projects his professor would often assign, not to mention a little extra money would come in handy.
Not thinking twice about it, he quickly dialed the phone number listed and waited patiently as it rang. It took a while, but eventually someone on the other side picked up.
"Hello?" He discerned that it was a young female's tone.
"Hi! I was calling about the advertisement for a camera man?" He inquired.
"Are you 19 or over?" She immediately asked for his age, which slightly confused him. But thinking about it, he kinda understood why she might want someone older. After all, teenagers weren't exactly reliable or responsible when it came to taking on a job. She probably wanted to avoid them dipping out on her randomly.
"I'm 21 and very serious in my work." He assured her, already making it clear his intentions to be committed to the job she was offering.
"Hmm...I take it you probably haven't had a lot of experience outside of college right?"
Wooyoung slightly gulped as she discerned correctly. But she did say students were welcomed to apply and he was fairly confident in his skills.
"N-no but I can assure you that I'll work hard and meet your expectations."
There was a deep and defeaning silence that had Wooyoung worrying. He could already feel her hesitation to hire him or give him a chance. He was so worked up on being rejected once more that the slight giggle that ensued after that pause momentarily confused him.
"I like your attitude and drive already. What did you say your name was?" She asked.
"Jung Wooyoung." He answered right away.
"Well Wooyoung, how soon can you start?"
His mood lightened up quite significantly at hearing her say those words.
"If you'd like, I can come over to the location you wish after I get done with my classes tomorrow." He offered.
"All right, just one thing....... do you think you'd be able to stay over at my place for a few nights?"
Although he thought it was a rather unusual request, he didn't put too much thought, especially since someone was offering him a chance to actually have some work.
"Um.. of course."
Unbeknownst to him, the woman on the other side had her lips curling up into a smirk.
"Wonderful. I look forward to seeing you real soon Wooyoung."
Checking the direction that was sent to him, Wooyoung looked at the corresponding number on the front door to make sure it was indeed where he needed to be. Adjusting the bag that was hanging by his shoulders, he slowly walked up to the vintage style house and rang the doorbell. Hearing the soft patter of footsteps coming from inside, Wooyoung mentally prepared himself to see a middle aged lady carrying a Siamese cat as soon as the door opened. But he was not prepared by the sight awaiting him. Indeed there was a cat in the arms of the figure in front of him, although it was a Persian cat and not a Siamese, but that wasn't the most surprising factor. What shocked him was to see a very young woman near his age be the one holding the cat in her arms, her face illuminated by the warm smile she was donning.
"You must be Wooyoung. I'm Y/N." She extended her hand out towards him, prompting the feline in her grasp to shuffle around and climb part of its body on her shoulder. Judging by the slight crinkle of her nose, Wooyoung guessed the cat probably clung its claws into their master's skin.
"Yes I am. It's a pleasure to meet you. I promise you won't regret hiring me." Taking hold of her hand, he gave it a firm shake while his face radiated the most reassuring smile he could make.
"Oh trust me, I don't think I'm going to." Her lips formed a rather curious smirk that slightly baffled him.
She gestured for him to step inside, which he immediately did as he tried to ignore the slight hissing the Persian cat gave him when his shoulder barely made contact against its swaying tail.
"Baby stop. He's going to be around for a while so be on your best behavior." She chastised her cat as she closed the door.
Y/N let out a soft 'hmph' when the cat suddenly jumped out of her arms and ran over to where Wooyoung was standing. He got stiff and held his breath when the cat pressed her nose on his leg and began sniffing him. Pulling back, she licked her lips and then scurried off somewhere in the other part of the house.
"Well we know for sure she doesn't dislike you." Y/N chuckled slightly.
"But I take it she doesn't like me?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.
"She's a cat, it'll take time for her to get used to you, that's all."
Shrugging softly, Y/N walked over to the kitchen and started taking out a few cups and saucers from the cupboard.
"I was brewing tea before you got here, would you like to share a cup with me?" Removing it from the stove top, she held up the elegant teapot to him after she finished her question.
"Oh, thank you." He gladly accepted her gesture.
Noticing him standing there awkwardly, Y/N pointed to one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen island.
"Wooyoung don't be too tense and just make yourself comfortable. After all, you're going to be staying with me for a few days."
Her words reminded him about that particular part of the job, that still felt odd to him and he was very curious to find out why she needed him to stay over with her.
"So.... can I ask what exactly is this project you're hiring me for that requires me to stay here?" He asked as he pulled a chair forward so he could sit on it.
"Oh yes, I thought you'd probably ask me about that since it is rather unusual."
She paused briefly so she could properly pour the tea into the cups, the rich aroma filling the atmosphere with its notes of chamomile and lemon. After sliding a cup over to him, she turned behind her to grab a tray that contained sugar cubes, honey, steamed milk and a few lemon wedges, all in different saucers or dishes that matched the tea set that they were currently drinking in. The cute floral design amused Wooyoung slightly. He could tell Y/N seemed to have a thing for classy and vintage style aesthetic, her house and the things inside was a major clue to it.
Pouring a tiny teaspoon of honey and some milk in her tea, Y/N carefully stirred them in the cup before finally answering the question Wooyoung had been pondering over.
"Well to make a long story short, I wish to film an everyday vlog for my....channel." Lifting the cup to her face, she gently blew on it before taking small sips out of it.
"Channel? Like for YouTube or like that?" Wooyoung himself started drinking his own cup of tea, preferring not to add anything to it since he liked straight tea as it was.
"Yeah something like that. But basically, I wanted to show my viewers how I live and what not. Show them what I do inside my home that they hadn't seen before. For example, I wanted you to stay over because I wanted to film my morning routine. I want to capture every move I make from the moment I wake up to when I get ready to start my day. Am I making sense?" She worried she was probably confusing Wooyoung even further, but he was actually not. It had become a popular trend this day to document a person's morning routine for people to see.
"Yes you are, no worries. Now I understand why you needed me to stay over." The smile he had was half covered by the cup that was brought back over to his lips.
"I mean if you're uncomfortable by it or would rather not, I completely understand."
Wooyoung quickly dismissed her worries, shaking his head as he cleared his throat.
"Trust me, I'm not uncomfortable and I'd love to help you in your project. It'll help me out as well, you know, gain experience and have someone to put as a reference if I ever want to get another job."
Y/N giggled softly at that and nodded.
"Ahh yes. I guess if you look at it from that angle, of course you would accept."
They spent a few minutes in a serene and tranquil silence, the only noises heard was the sipping of their lips against the rim of their cups. Wooyoung tried not to notice the way Y/N would occasionally stare intently to him, a slightly curious grin on her face at times. It wasn't that it made him uncomfortable, but it certainly made him self conscious, especially since he put a lot of effort into looking as presentable as possible. Did she perhaps thought it was too much? Or not enough? Or was it because she thought he looked funny? Whatever it was he got no chance to ask about it since he only opened his mouth to let out a sharp yell when he felt a certain feline's claws tangled themselves on his thigh, the sharpness of her claws even sinking into his skin.
"Baby!" Y/N got up from her seat and quickly removed the paws of her cat off her guest. She looked extremely embarrased as she apologized profusely before shooing the cat off to another room.
"I'm sorry. She tends to get a bit aggressive when trying to play. She didn't hurt you too much right?"
Dropping down on her knees in front of him, Y/N gently examined the damage done: a slight tear in his jeans but no visible signs of a deep scratch or anything.
"N-no it's fine, I'm fine." Wooyoung uttered.
He tried so hard not to blush at the position she was currently in. On her knees, between his legs as one of her hands caressed the attacked spot in an effort to soothe the pain. Wooyoung wanted to smack himself right then and there for the dirty picture his brain had imagined about the semi stranger in front of him, and his cheeks started to produce a pink hue when his body involuntarily started making a visible effect of his reaction to her stance by him in between his legs. He gulped as he realized she would be able to see the bulge that was starting to show.
"If you want, I could mend your pants for you-"
"No that's fine don't worry!" Wooyoung stood up from his seat and inconspicuously hid his tiny problem by pulling his sweatshirt further down as he moved away from Y/N.
"I mean, these pants were old. I was going to throw them out anyway." He tried as much as he could to seem as normal as possible, but judging from the look on her face he was probably not doing a good job. Luckily she seemed to not question his behavior and instead decided to start cleaning up the dishes that they used.
"Here let me help you with that." Wooyoung offered, trying to take some of the china off her hands but Y/N pulled her hands back so he wouldn't touch them.
"It's ok, don't worry about it. You're my guest and I'm very particular about the way to clean my silverware and dining sets. Nothing against you, I'm just.... slightly obsessive compulsive." She remarked in the most cheerful tone one could have while giving him a shy smile.
"Umm ok..." Wooyoung scratched the back of his head.
"If you want, why don't you bring the rest of your stuff so I can show you where you're staying?" Y/N suggested.
"Yeah. Sure."
Wasting no time and thinking keeping his mind occupied could help cool him down, Wooyoung picked up his keys and nearly sprinted out the door. Y/N hummed a soft tune to herself as she ran the cups under the lukewarm water. Her eyes were staring out her window, watching as her guest was head deep in the back of his car's trunk. She giggled softly as she remembered the flustered look on his face just a few minutes ago, tongue poking out at the image of his crotch outlined in those tight jeans of his. She looked down when she felt a soft face nuzzling itself against her ankle, soft purring coming out of her cat's throat before letting out a meowing noise. Bending down, Y/N gently scratched under Baby's chin as she liked.
"Yes I think he is absolutely adorable as well Baby.."
Picking her up, Y/N kissed the top of her head and smirked.
"And I'm going to have lots of fun with him."
"Ok you ready?"
Looking over at the girl still in her bed, Wooyoung got a thumbs up to let him know she was indeed ready. Turning on his camera, he held up his hand and started putting one finger down at a time to count down the starting time. Hearing the slight beep of the camera go off, Y/N immediately plastered on a commercial worthy smile.
"Hello my darlings. As I promised you guys, I'm going to take you guys through my morning routine step by step. I hope you all enjoy it." She finished off her words with a wink before tearing off the blanket off her body.
Wooyoung had to give it to her, she definitely didn't seem to be camera shy nor awkward in front of the lens. He liked that she had confidence. Then he remembered that she had a channel of some sorts and that was probably the reason why. He stepped back a few steps to fully capture her as she neatly tucked her covers under her mattress, impressively folding the corners of her bed like they did in 5 star hotels. Smoothing out the top before patting it down, she looked at the camera once more.
"As you already know, I like to make sure everything looks absolutely pretty for you guys." Her voice dropped slightly in tone as she said those words.
Getting up from the floor, she pointed over to her still sleeping cat that was perched on its bed by her window. Wooyoung made sure to angle the camera towards her, zooming in slightly.
"She won't wake up for another hour or so....perfect amount of time to get all clean and dolled up."
Beckoning him over, Wooyoung carefully followed her inside her adjoined bathroom, keeping a steady hand as he made sure to capture everything inside. From the long vanity with its mirror to the walk in shower with its clear glass lining, all of it looking spotless and shiny. Clapping her hands together, Y/N beamed with enthusiasm.
"And of course, the first thing I do each morning is wash up."
When he heard that, Wooyoung thought she meant like her skincare routine as he had noticed her cleansers and toners perfectly lined up next to the faucet sink. But he was not prepared to suddenly be hit with the image of her bare chest in front of him when she suddenly pulled her black satin tank top off and let it drop to the floor, his own jaw going slightly agape. As if he couldn't get anymore flustered, he nearly wheezed when she turned around and bent over to slide her matching pajama shorts down her smooth legs, her ass staring him right in the face. It took everything in Wooyoung's strength not to drop the camera when Y/N stood back up and turned around so that her completely nude body would be in the frame. She giggled as she took notice of Wooyoung's beet red face, further teasing him as she kicked her discarded lace panties by his feet, the poor boy swallowing hard as one of his hands shook nervously.
"Eyes up here baby." He immediately looked up from the ground when he heard her sweet and sultry voice.
Walking over to him, Y/N snaked one of her hands to grab at one of his belt loops so he could follow her. Opening the large glass door to the shower, Y/N released his belt loop and made a sign for him to stay there and keep the camera towards her. Stepping inside the enclosed space, she twisted the knob on the tile wall enough so that the shower head above her would start pouring out the refreshing and cool water onto her body. She released a soft moan when she felt it splash onto her, hands gliding down her torso and thighs as her eyes closed and reveled in the tingling and cooling feeling of the water dripping down on her.
Wooyoung stood there completely speechless and flabbergasted, his eyes unable to blink the longer he stared at the scene before him. It felt completely wrong to be there, to watch and film as this girl he just met the day before stand naked in front of him and continue her shower routine as if he wasn't even there. He just couldn't believe it, couldn't believe what he had gotten himself in to when he called and accepted to work for her. But he still accepted and he had a job to complete so he tried his best to look as composed as possible as he kept the camera pointed at her.
And yet more often than not he found himself biting down on his lip hard, trying to suppress the groans threatening to spill out as he continued to watch her as she did the most normal things a person often did while they took a shower. The camera captured every minute starting from when she lathered her head with her shampoo, its scent of coconut and hibiscus filling the entire room with fragrance that further made the tight feeling in Wooyoung's pants ache even more. His eyes were exclusively locked on her body, watching as the water cascaded down her soft skin, focusing especially on her breasts. He licked his lips as he took in the way her nipples peaked out due to the temperature of the water, wanting nothing more than to take one of them in his mouth and suck on it. The fact that Y/N would purposefully bring her hands up at times to cup or rub against her fleshy mounds wasn't helping his case, it only made him more sad that it wasn't his own hands touching and caressing her breasts. He was willing to bet they were probably the most soft and squishy pillow like tits to exist.
Wooyoung was really aching when she poured some of the pomegranate scented body wash into her sponge and began to distribute it around her body, starting from her arms and working them down her legs and between her thighs. He didn't mean to but he couldn't help himself as he fantasized about being him the one who was lathering her body, imagining all the things he'd do if he could. Like perhaps teasing her by grazing his fingers across her wet folds or even pressing his thumb down on her sensitive clit. Either way, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her if he got the chance, but he doubted that would ever happen. So he decided to take what he could of the moment and perhaps use it for fap material when he was alone.
As if knowing exactly what he was thinking about, Y/N turned her body to fully face him and smirked. Sliding her hands up her torso, she took hold of her breasts and gave them a tight squeeze before releasing them. Wooyoung could not help the audible whine that spilled out from his tongue as he saw her repeat the same action a couple more times. Pressing her boobs together, her thumbs played with the hardened nipples, tweaking at them and even giving them slight pinches every now and then. Wooyoung knew she was doing it on purpose, trying to arouse him even further....and it was working perfectly.
With one hand kept on one of her breasts, the other one snaked its way in between her luscious thighs. Dipping one finger inside her entrance, her lips parted and began spilling out breathy moans as she started to slide her finger in and out of her body.
"Oh fuck..." Wooyoung muttered, not caring about if his words got recorded or not. He became too invested in watching as Y/N continued fingering herself in front of him. She looked absolutely exquisite, body drenched in the rippling water as she continued to stuff her pussy with another one of her fingers. Her eyes shut tightly and her head tilted back as she let out even louder whimpers when she began scissoring inside her fleshy core. Her hand that was on her breasts pulled away to twist the showerhead knob so the pressure of the water could be at its lowest setting. Without the intense sound of the splashing water, her strangled noises became more audible as well as the slopping and squealching sounds her dripping pussy was making due to the intensity of her rapid finger movements. Wooyoung could clearly see and hear that the sounds were definition not due to the shower she was taking. Y/N was definitely horny and the slick her heat collected was clear evidence of it.
Having someone as hot as Wooyoung not only watching but helping her film something that thousands of other people would see, and more likely than not jerk off to, made her weak. She loved having people watch her do naughty things as she was doing now, it thrilled her and riled her up even more. And she loved seeing the effects it had on others, like the obvious bulge in between Wooyoung's thick thighs. She could practically make out just how big he was given how painfully hard his erection seemed, and that image served to help push her over the edge. With high pitched whines and cries, she shuddered as she felt herself cum all over her hand, her fingers slowing their movements down to help prolong her orgasm without making her become overly sensitive. She panted heavily as she took out her fingers and brought them up to her lips so she could lick off the secretion left from her climax.
Wooyoung's tongue poked out as he witnessed the pornographic image of Y/N drinking up her juices as if it was a delicious and sweet dessert.
"It probably is and it only makes me crave to have her smother my face with her pussy even more." He mused inwardly to himself.
He was so lost in his fantasy that he didn't notice Y/N had completely turned off the water and finished until her breasts were displayed right in front of the camera lens. He let out a soft stutter when her hand came up and pressed the pause button, being careful not to drop any water onto the camera.
"I'm going to finish drying myself off in my room so you can have some .....alone time." She snorted softly as she passed by him, her hand brushing against his crotch which made Wooyoung hiss softly.
Grabbing the towel that was hanging on the wall, Y/N wrapped it around her body, tucking it in so it wouldn't fall down. Stooping over, she picked up her lace panties and looked back at Wooyoung.
"Here, in case you need a little help." She flung it over to him, which he catches in his free hand.
Wooyoung stared at the underwear and then at Y/N with a dumbfounded expression.
"So I take it this is why you specifically wanted 19 plus people?" He quirked an eyebrow up, one corner of his lips pulling up into a knowing smile.
"Yes. I might as well mention now that I'm a camgirl with a porn channel." She explained.
"Yeah, I kinda figured that out when you flashed your boobs at me."
They both bursted out laughing at his little joke.
"Ok but seriously, are you sure you're comfortable with all this?" Y/N asked.
Wooyoung looked down at her before looking back down at the panties in his hand.
"I'm definitely going to be hard most of the time, but I think I'll be fine." He assured her with a mischievous smile as he set down his camera on the vanity dresser. With a sly smirk, he began unzipping his pants, not missing any of the facial reactions she was making as he began to pull his cock out of its confinement.
"I mean, I got up close fap material with an actual pornstar. What guy wouldn't want my job?" Cocking his head to the side, he rubbed the tip of his dick with his thumb, spreading some of the precum down the shaft. Although she had said she would give him alone time, Y/N couldn't move her feet out the door as she stared intently at the way Wooyoung hugged his length.
"Wanna watch me jerk off with your panties to your image?"
Stepping forward, Wooyoung reached up and pulled the towel off Y/N's body, causing her to inhale sharply at his bold move. Sucking in a breath, Wooyoung shamelessly looked down at her body as he placed the hand that had Y/N's panties around the base of his cock.
"Just stay there and don't move beautiful...."
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
first of all, I just wanted to say congratulations on your follower milestone, it’s so so deserved ! I’m a newer follower, but already obsessed with your writing, definitely won’t be going anywhere anytime soon :)
now, as for the actual request I was hoping to get prompt 21 with neji & a fem or gn reader … fluffy ending if possible, please
[Neji Hyuuga X Reader] Let You See My Weakness
|200 Followers Event|
Prompt: 21 — “Stop pretending that you're okay."
Pairing: Neji Hyuuga x fem!Reader
Note: Hello anon, glad you like my work:D I had a really fun time writing this one, definitely angsty and fluffy! This is also the first Neji request that I received, yayy!! Just a sneak peek: the ending escalates quite fast ;D So without further ado, please enjoy!
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You tossed and turned in your bed—you had been purposefully ignoring Neji for the last two days. He said something you found extremely hurtful, something that completely shattered your esteem and washed over yourself with nothing but doubts, but his words were correct.
You were on a mission with him, and the unexpected happened. You got hurt but luckily, he was there to back you up just in time. Before you could even properly thank him, Neji threw you a frustrated grimace, “Stop fooling around!” Tenten and Lee were also taken by surprise at their teammate’s venomous spat, quietly asking if you were fine after your team defeated the rogues. You nodded your head and assured them that you were alright, covering your bleeding arm as you glanced at Neji for the third time within that minute. He did not look at you, too focused on scanning the surrounding area, and you tried your best to swallow the lump in your throat.
While you were still in deep thoughts, your doorbell rang and you sprang from your bed, scrambling toward the entrance. You never foresaw the root of your unrest to show up. Neji entered after basic greetings, and you hesitantly cleared your throat, “What are you here for?”
“You didn’t come to training. Is your arm not healed yet?”
You jolted back and clutched onto your wrist, “It’s fine, not painful anymore.”
Neji creased his brows, “You seem out of yourself today. What’s wrong, Y/N?”
The last thing you wanted was for him to see you in this state, and the Hyuuga took that quick to figure out the abnormality in your behavior. You shook your head, thinking, “I’m the problem.”
But you were not aware when your words came out as a quiet mumble and his eyes instantly dimmed a darker tone, “What did you say? What problem?”
You turned away, “Nothing, I’m really fine. You don’t have to worry—”
“Stop pretending that you’re okay.” His face contorted in disapproval, “I don’t know what’s going on, but you are clearly not fine.”
You stood still on your spot and felt hot tears begin to well in your eyes, the familiar scene of him yelling at you the other day fresh in your mind. If only had you admired him a little less, it would not hurt this bad. Uncontrollably, everything snapped, and you started to sob. Neji was baffled, unaware of the reason behind your outburst as he clumsily stroked your back in a tight embrace, “Y/N, it’s okay, just tell me why you’re upset. We can resolve it, alright?”
It was the very first time he found himself comforting a lady in such an intimate way. He knew the feelings he had for you were nowhere close to what he had for his other teammates. He wanted something more, and the way Neji had you in his arms right now ignited a fire in the pit of his stomach that the Hyuuga had been trying to put out for the entirety of the time he was at your house.
“I’m so useless,” you choked out, gripping the hem of your shirt, “maybe being a Ninja doesn’t suit me. I'd trouble my teammates if I continue to be one, I'd trouble you.”
Neji’s jaws clenched when he recalled his words and realized what he had been putting you through all along, “I’m sorry I hurt you the other day. I didn’t mean to, I was just worried when I saw you injured. I’m sorry.”
You whimpered in his chest and you hugged him back, still sniffing slightly until your crying subsided. He whispered softly as his fingers found home in your hair, “I’m sorry for making you feel like this, please forgive me. I really didn’t mean to…”
“… I forgive you.” You peered up at him through your wet lashes after a long while sobbing in his embrace, eyes widened when you became aware of how close your face was from the tip of his nose.
Neji smiled with tenderness present in his eyes, “Thank you, and I’m sorry—”
“Stop apologizing, I already forgave you!” You made a frowning face and pushed yourself away from his defined chest to avoid the colonizing awkwardness, but he had his arms clasped like steel around your back. You gulped, looking unsure when the situation seemed to escalate too quickly, “N-Neji?”
The Hyuuga refused to neither speak nor detach himself from your body. You felt blood rushing to your cheeks as though you were literally burning under his intensifying gaze. You cleared your throat and tried again, “Neji?”
Neji was lost inside his head at this point, unable to pick up your words since the only thing in his mind was to let you know he liked you more than he was supposed to be. He knew he should not be having such feelings because you two had been teammates for years but right now, he could not be any more careless—he had to let you know how deeply he cared for you. Neji quickly shifted forward, making you step farther back until your back hit the cold wall. You gasped when his hands came up to cage you on both sides—your head was filled with speculative thoughts by the time he came down to level his face with yours. You mustered a laugh to persuade yourself that everything was not like what you were imagining but the serious look on his features proved you otherwise. You knew what was going to happen—heart drumming loudly in your chest, waiting with anticipation and excitement because even in your wildest dreams, you never thought you would ever be this lucky.
“I,” he started, blinking hesitantly as he began eyeing anywhere but you, “I couldn’t control myself when you got hurt. When I saw your cheeks stained with tears, I couldn’t be myself anymore. You are… my everything. So please don’t worry me ever again, okay?”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @animepickle7
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myc-ology-whore · 3 years
wondering how the mushroom would react to the tiny new puppy i got today. she's so little i don't think he'd know what to do with her; might be one of the few times you'll see him completely baffled, when he's dealing with a baby, human or otherwise. i feel like tiny, curious things with no self preservation instinct freak him out.
just some lil thoughts:
he freaks out if you bring a pet home without asking. he's not mad, just absolutely flabbergasted. won't come near you or the animal for a good few minutes; if it tries to come up to him he will not hesitate to jump up and cling to a chandelier or glare down at the creature from the top of a table.
after some coaxing, he comes a little closer if you're holding the animal. in this case, a wiggly little puppy. he's surprised that it doesn't try to bite him when he does as you say and lets the dog sniff his tentacle. when you offer to let him touch it, he proceeds with extreme caution before rubbing the little dog's head, dodging it when it tries to lick him.
okay, this isn't so bad. myc's still wary, but the puppy seems to harbor nothing but curiosity toward him, much to your delight. myc resists the instinctual urge to run away when you set the dog on the floor and it stumbles up to him, going around him in circles and sniffing him, and you see him shudder in discomfort when it sits up and puts its paws on him. however, much to your surprise, when the puppy jumps up on him, he catches it with lightning fast reflexes, holding it about a foot away from his orb and studying it. when it begins to squirm in his grasp, you suggest holding it to his chest. he thinks for a few seconds before doing just that, and in that moment, as the dog licks at his arm and he cradles it close, you can tell that he'll get used to it pretty quickly.
he's surprisingly good at communicating with the dog. he'll teach it its first trick before you do, and he'll often tell you what the dog wants if you can't understand it.
you'll catch him feeding it treats a lot, scratching behind its ears as he watches it lick up crumbs from the kitchen floor.
he will get jealous of the dog sometimes. he can't help it, when you finally get into a serious relationship with him he just wants all of your attention. so when you're coddling the dog and carrying it with you around the house, cooing at it and giving it tons of kisses, he gets a little pouty. yeah, he likes the dog all right too, but maybe he wants to get pampered like that every once in a while. just make it known that the puppy isn't replacing him, it's just "adding to your little family," and he'll drop it. he's never had a family, not in the way that humans do, so when you insinuate that he's part of your family now, he gets a little mushy.
he can't stand to see the dog in a kennel once he's grown attached to it. even if it's not potty trained yet, if he sees that you've put the dog into the kennel for any reason, he'll quietly let it out before giving it another treat. you have to scold him for it a lot, especially if the dog "goes" in the house, but he just can't help it. only exception is when you guys get NSFW, because he doesn't want to get interrupted, but if that's the case the dog goes into its bedroom, not a a kennel.
yes, he gives the dog its own bedroom. at first it was just so that he wouldn't have to be around it so much, but when he started growing fond of it he ended up buying it a bunch of toys and a fluffy dog bed and making sure the dog would never not be entertained. "what? dogs get bored too."
anywho, thanks for listening to my silly rambles! it's 2:20am now, so i'm gonna get some rest; my new dog is already knocked out lol.
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ghostofstudentspast · 3 years
This one was requested by my lovely mutual @wifi--witch who's been here since the start! Hopefully it's what you wanted (also it’s written in Neville’s perspective for a change which was fun!) - June x
When Neville bumps into the nicest girl he's ever had the pleasure of knowing, he's baffled to find out the truth about her house!
Word count: 1500 ish Warnings: None! It's a fluffy feel good fic x
Wandering through Diagon Alley the week before returning to Hogwarts was one of Neville's favourite things. Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley walked beside him pratteling on about anything and everything as the trio browsed for their school supplies and little treats. The summer sun was shining down on them and eerything felt right in Neville's world. Until... "Oof-" Neville felt all of the air being knocked out of his lungs as someone smacked into him.
In front of him stood the most beatiful girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Your hair shone brightly under the sun and your eyes, which were wide with concern, he could have drowned in.
"Oh jeez, I am so sorry!" the girl in front of him looked up with concern, "I was just completely in my own world," you crouched down to pick up the bag Neville had dropped in shock.
"N-no, I-that's okay, I wasn't paying attention either," Neville managed to get out as you handed him the bag, hands briefly grazing against each other.
"Call it even then?" Her eyes sparkled with mirth as you held out her hand for him to shake, "I'm Y/N, by the way!" 
"Neville,” he took your soft hand in his own and the smile that broke out on your face was mesmirizing.
She smiles like sunshine, he thought.
“It was really nice to meet you Neville but I am already so late and I’d rather not be chewed out by my mother so I have to run!” you grinned up at him, “see you around Hogwarts?” you questioned
“Y-yeah, see you,” he trailed off as you bounded past him, hair flying behind you as you narrowly dodged a few more strangers.
He quickly rushed to catch up with his friends again who had stopped a few meters down the cobblestone street. Ginny was feigning interest in the book store they’d stopped in front of while Luna stared blatently at her friend.
“She was pretty,” Luna observed serenely.
“Yeah, I suppose she was,” Nevilles ears burned and he feared he may be as red as Ginny’s hair. The redhead in question was pressing her lips together to control the laughter he knew would soon come spilling out.
“I think you would make very attractive babies,” Luna said very seriously. Ginny lost it at this and Nevilles face only felt hotter.
“She’s not a Gryffindor is she?” He voiced after his friends had calmed down and started walking again.
“Nah, would’ve recognized her!” Ginny shook her head.
“She’s not in Ravenclaw either,” Luna chimed in as she strolled past a pet store and admired the lizards. “Lot of Nargles following her,” Luna shook her head sadly as if that explained everything. _______________________________
The first few weeks back at school went off without a hitch. No drama, no teachers yelling at him (yet) and best of all double block Herbology.Yet even surrounded by his friends, Neville found himself craning his head at mealtimes looking for a Y/H/C head of hair and that bright smile that haunted his dreams.
So when you strode into his Herbology class a week late, sporting an apologetic look he was all the more intruiged. You stopped at Professor Sprout to have an animated conversation and she offered a sympathetic smile.
“Who shows up a week late to Hogwarts,” Hermione sniffed from beside him where they were working at the same station.
“Y/L/N that’s who,” Lavender Brown hissed across the table shaking her head, “Her parents have donated as much money to this place as the Malfoys, maybe even more.”
Hermione huffed at this and returned to work but Neville’s eyes were glued to the back of your head. When you spun around to stride towards the empty spot across the room his eyes caught the glint of a silver and green tie perfectly knotted on your chest.
“She’s in Slytherin?” He voiced out loud to no one in particular as the Slytherin in question waltzed over to Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson with a wide grin, embracing them both.
“Duh,” Lavender rolled her eyes with a snort of laughter. As if he was meant to have known.
Neville must have been burning a hole in your head because your gaze snapped up to meet his, his ears turning red once again. Your lips spread into a wide smile as you offered him an excited little wave. Daphne whispered something in your ear at this and you smacked her on the arm good naturedly in response, attention diverted from him once more.
There was just no way that you could be THAT nice and in Slytherin of all houses.
No matter what he did, the rest of the day you occupied Neville’s mind. Your beautiful smile and that stupid green tie. He knew he should just shrug off this little crush he had on you and move on with his day becaue there was no way you would be into a Gryffindor right? Let alone Neville. 
Taking up a table in the back of the library he got to work on some of his more recent homework. Saving Herbology for last, he knew everything else would be abandonded once he got to the project Professor Sprout had assigned.
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over the castle for you,” a voice interrupted his train of thought, “Let me tell you, it is not easy to find one boy in this place. So many hiding places and you were in the library the whole time,” you rambled on as Neville stared at you with wide eyes.
“Me? You were looking for me?” His eyebrows were probably in his hairline by now.
“Yeah! Professor Sprout told me I should ask you to catch me up on the week of work I missed,” you smiled and sat down across the table from him. He felt a sneaking sense of dissapointment, of course it was about school. “She says you’re the most gifted herbologist in the year!”
Neville felt the urge to shrink back at the compliment and pulled out his Herbology notes silently to have something to do. He slid them across the table towards you with a small awkward smile.
“Oh, thank you, but I was actually hoping you could talk me through everything,” You slid the parchment back to him, “I wouldn’t want to just copy your notes, that feels wrong.”
“Oh,” Neville cleared his throat and tried to find words. Any words. “Well-um, yeah, I can do that,” He pulled his notes toward himself and looked over the topics quickly. “We started with the properties of Aconite and how it relates to the wolfsbane potion, since we’ll be covering that in Potions this term...”
Once Neville was on a roll about Herbology it was hard to slow him down. He kept rattling off facts he found interesting and pertinent to the class and was only encouraged when you slid your chair closer to him to read along with his notes over his shoulder.
“And then this week, I’m sure you already know, We’re covering Venomous Tentacula’s which means it’s going to be one hell of a double block,” he chuckled to himself and turned to look at you, only to find you already staring at him with interest. He had to swallow the lump in his throat as his cheeks flushed. You were closer than he’d thought.
“Sprout wasn’t kidding! You’re like some sort of Herbology prodigy,” You grinned and Neville’s blush only darkened at the compliment. “No chance you’d wanna be my partner for the upcoming project would you?” You almost seemed shy asking.
“Oh, um...yeah, I could, I mean yeah that’d be nice,” Neville managed to stutter out.
“Oh good,” you sighed in relief and relaxed against your chair, “I mean I really need all the help I can get in this class.” You let out a light laugh.
And there was that sinking dissapointment again. He had to remind himself you were here for help, not because you liked him.
“Plus, I mean, you seem really sweet,” You smiled over to him hesitantly, “I think I could really like you.” You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and looked away quickly, a blush of your own creeping onto your face.
“Y-you’re really sweet too,” Neville said finally, finding his voice again, “um the Hogsmeade weekend in a few weeks..would you want to go? With me I mean...as a date?” the words spilled out of his mouth before he could stop them.
He was almost regretting the word vomit when you turned your brillaint smile to him. He relaxed immediately and couldn’t help smile back at you.
“I would love to,” you leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly, “Thank you for asking,” You smiled and sat back in your seat. “Oh shoot I have to go!” You sprang up.
“See you tomorrow?” Neville asked hesitantly.
You nodded quickly, “Meet me here after lunch,” You smiled and turned to leave “See you tomorrow Neville!” You called over your shoulder as Madamme Pinch shushed you on your way out.
A date. Nevilled grinned and leaned back in his chair. He’d asked you on a date and you’d said yes. The girl who smiled like sunshine.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if your requests are open? If so then would you be willing to do yandere chrollo and Feitan sharing an s/o? Like a poly relationship kinda thing? If your requests aren’t open or you don’t feel comfortable with it then feel free to just delete this! Have a nice day/night!
Information that I have rewritten this since I’ve made some dumb mistakes in here😓.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, sadism, threatening, killing, controlling Yandere, strict Yandere, manipulation, gaslighting
Chrollo and Feitan sharing a darling
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📖☠️I wouldn’t really see Chrollo tolerating sharing his darling with anyone, though someone from the Phantom Troupe he trusts has more rights in regards of his darling. Still though, he’s far too possessive for that so I really can only see this work if Feitan was the one who found and captured the darling first, and that for a while. It’s likely that at one point everyone of the spiders will find out and in that case Feitan will be forced to introduce his darling at the very least, there are some people who want to know who the small sadist has it bad for after all. Chrollo…has some mild interest at first, he really only cares that Feitan can guarantee that you won’t tell anyone about what you know.
📖☠️He trusts Feitan enough though so that he will allow him in the end to keep the darling. Funnily I’d say that Chrollo could already be after the first meeting slightly interested in the darling. Feitan…Feitan had a longer stalker period after he caught his thoughts constantly drifting back to you and after he snapped and got annoyed with his feelings, he abducted his s/o. Chrollo on the other hand needs something which intrigues him, fascinates him with a normal citizen. One meeting still is not enough, it leaves an lasting impression and slight wonders, but Chrollo has yet to fall deeper into his own twisted obsession before the respect that you’re Feitan’s darling will be tested.
📖☠️A second and maybe a third meeting might be needed until it’s almost like Chrollo has been placed under a disease where the only cure seems to be you. Observing how frightened and jumpy his s/o is around everyone, how terrified they look whenever Feitan glare at them with the silent message to behave and how awful and forbidden the scars and bruises on their skin looks. Seeing how Feitan treats such a sweet, endearing thing like you stirs up disagreement, distaste up inside of him. A slight narrow of his eyes as he begins to worry that one day you might shatter under Feitan’s treatment, losing someone as interesting and cute as you. A thought has his heart hurting. What a tragedy that would be.
📖☠️When he talks with that about Feitan some time later, that the spider probably should treat their lover like a treasure and not an enemy of the Troupe is the beginning of this begrudgingly relationship. Feitan…is rendered speechless after hearing such words from his boss, more a demand than a nice suggestion. This could be Chrollo trying to be a gentleman of course, but Feitan knows this man for a little while longer now. It’s not like him since Chrollo only puts on such faces to get what he wants to know. Would he normally really interfere, almost threaten in a slight tone to try to stop this treatment?
📖☠️More frequent requests about how his darling is doing and using excuses from other members who want to meet you once again against Feitan only strengthens his suspicions even more that his boss might have caught a certain liking to you as well. And the short man does not know fully how to deal with this. He respects Chrollo endlessly yet starts feeling the growing threat more and more the more he has to see how his boss starts interacting with you, charming you and showing you care. Wounds that might not have fully healed will be stitched from Machi and he promises them that he’ll convince Feitan to stop this treatment.
📖☠️Feitan, not someone to be insecure, starts growing paranoid and slowly lunatic as well. How couldn’t he? Here is his boss, the one he swore loyalty too, taking a rapid interest in his s/o and sweet talking them. His boss is good in seducing someone, so the doubts that his darling might end up liking him and leaving him start pondering in his head more and more. The fear of losing someone to someone else, Chrollo from all people, is a situation Feitan never imagined himself to be in. Yet here he is, working himself completely up. His possessiveness grows, suddenly he always glues himself to your side whenever he takes you with him to the spiders, watching with a burning gaze. There were a few times where he even ended up asking you what you thought of his boss, though you were probably too frightened to say anything that might anger him.
📖☠️Pakunoda, Nobunaga and Machi were probably the first ones to realize that there was a building tension between Chrollo and Feitan and it’s likely that they had started suspecting that their boss was developing growing feelings for you as well. And it baffled them as well, knowing that this might cause problems and had already affected Feitan greatly. He had been in his worst moods and had lashed out on every member who had asked him about his darling. The three respect Chrollo and Feitan so all of them obviously wanted to find a way to solve this problem, though it was hard to believe that Chrollo wouldn’t do something either. But they wanted to at least discuss something with him.
📖☠️And shortly after Chrollo did indeed, reaching out to Feitan so he could have a talk with him somewhere alone. The leader of the Troupe had came to realize that he had fallen utterly in love with the new addition to the spiders as well and indeed, a possessive and discontent feeling was bestowed upon him whenever he had though and seen his darling spider and Feitan together. A man who had abused his poor lover with whips and chains. And the hostility which Feitan tried to suppress due to his respect for Chrollo had not been fruitless either, it only proved that Feitan held him in high regards yet was scared.
📖☠️It was easy to read Feitan in regards of his darling, the closed hearted man showed his true intentions and feelings. And as Chrollo confessed his feelings for the darling to Feitan, for a short moment his heart really did miss a beat. Eyes looking down as many conflicting emotions were clashing inside of him. Anger, confusion, frustration and fear. Chrollo could technically take his darling away from him, manipulate them and make them fall in love with him. It was all possible and the question was if Feitan would be able to do something against it. He couldn’t possibly fight Chrollo.
📖☠️Yet he was caught off-guard again when Chrollo suggested a very unusual offer, sharing. Admittedly, his greedy side had considered taking you away from Feitan yet there was the fact that he cared still for the members. And even if a thief took what they wanted, Feitan had never once betrayed or disappointed him and had been the first one to find you. He respects him and after a long talk with Pakunoda, Machi and Nobunaga who had all been concerned since sniffing out the signs, he had decided to try to be respectful. Honestly, none of those was exactly happy with that, but it was the best choice without drama. For Feitan probably more because he could still be with his darling.
📖☠️Everyone is not exactly surprised except for those really oblivious ones, otherwise all knew that their boss had feelings for Feitan’s darling. What did come as a surprise was that both of them had begrudgingly agreed to share. Caring for their fellow Troupe member Feitan and highly respecting their boss Chrollo everyone can still probably agree that this was the best outcome, though they’re all anxious how this will work exactly out and how you will end up.
📖☠️Chrollo still holds more control since he is still Feitan’s leader and he starts exactly with his sadistic and vicious outlashes on his darling. Because those are forbidden from now on, seeing all the wounds and scares on you makes this man agitated. You shouldn’t suffer like this. Another advantage Chrollo really has is that he has his charms and starts improving his darling’s life by a lot and since they are still terrified of Feitan (in most cases), they might tend to cling more to him. Something Chrollo uses with nightmarish perfection and something that is a harsh punch in the heart to handle for Feitan. He saw it coming yet it causes him to feel pain he doesn’t want to feel.
📖☠️Whilst I see Chrollo as responsible enough to guarantee that Feitan gets some time with the darling, if they were to refuse because they don’t want to be alone with Feitan, he won’t force them. Chrollo is a man who keeps his word to Feitan though, so if he promised he will still have to leave, even if it does satisfy him to see that his darling prefers him. He’d never show that though. Feitan has a harder time dealing with this all after, he does not have what Chrollo has and has a history of having his sadistic way with them. By now he has most likely softened far enough up to not do so anymore, not to mention that Chrollo is now in the picture.
📖☠️I still feel like that even if Chrollo would take advantage of the situation, he’d probably still give him some tips on what he can do to hopefully get the love of his darling which Chrollo is currently heading for in a rapid tempo. Feitan asks others like Pakunoda and Nobunaga as well after having swallowed his pride as well. And after that, behold yourself, he starts trying to be nice towards his darling. Something Chrollo acknowledges yet also sees as a certain sort of rivalry.
📖☠️There is always some sort of tension between those two, more subtle in peaceful times and sharp as a knife whenever one catches you being affectionate with the other one. No doubt that those two kind of rip the darling back and forth since both are extraordinarily possessive over their darling, the only things bonding them together is their mutual respect for each other and the darling. But seriously, do not hurt their darling. At this rate the whole damn Troupe has gotten attached to you so everyone daring to harm you will drown in the depths of hell.
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schrijverr · 3 years
Trevor has bruised ribs. He doesn’t think it a big deal, but Sypha and Alucard are more concerned about him being injured and show him that he is cared for and that hurting is a big deal.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: injury, insecurity
It was dark outside and a fire was crackling. They had been on the road for some time now, trying to help where possible with the night hordes, now left wandering with no one to steer them. It was nice and comfortable to be out there for a while even if Trevor was bruised.
“Ugh, I don’t think I’m ever getting up again, my everything is blue,” he groaned as he dropped gently to the ground after returning from gathering some firewood.
“Stop being such a baby, Trevor,” Sypha told him, throwing a log on the fire.
“I can be as much of a baby as I want to with the entire forest ground trying to dig into all these bruises,” he pouted, not really meaning it.
“For a big bad hunter you do whine a lot,” Alucard picked Sypha side, because of course he did. Not that Trevor minded, it was hard to hold a grudge against the dhampir after taking down Dracula together and Trevor had found to his horror that he quite liked Alucard.
That horror had faded quickly and he had rolled his eyes at his ancestors, before happily befriending the other more along with Sypha. So he took their friendly ribbing with grace. Well… his form of grace that was. “You’re all so mean to me, I don’t deserve this.”
“Ahw, did we hurt your wittle feelings,” Sypha exaggerated a pout and put on a mocking baby voice.
“Is your ego now bruised as well?” Alucard added and both laughed as his misery.
It wasn’t that bad, just some bruised ribs, maybe cracked, but nothing more. A common injury on his part that he could function with normally at this point. Still, in the wake of their teasing he played it up, cradling his midriff as he pouted at them, which only made them laugh.
Sypha pushed his side gently with her foot, making him catch his breath slightly as she hit his tender ribs. “We haven’t even traveled that much today.”
He glared at her halfheartedly then snootily sniffed: “You obviously can just shoot beams at monsters instead of getting thrown around all day. That horde was large. And I got thrown into a tree, for your information.”
What he hadn’t expected was for them to look guilty.
“Hey now, what’s wrong?” he asked in confusion when both stayed quiet and the teasing atmosphere that had been there dissipated. “Aren’t you two going to make fun if my brittle little bones or something?”
“You broke something?” Alucard exclaimed wide eyes of horror.
“No, just bruised, maybe cracked them at worst, but I don’t think so,” he shrugged, wincing slightly at the action and completely unsure what to do with the reaction he was getting. “It’s nothing really, happens all the time.”
“Why didn’t you say so?” Sypha practically demanded as she sat up, fingers hovering over his chest as if asking for permission to examine him.
“Guys?” He was now officially confused. “Guys, come on, you’re scaring me here. What happened? There is literally nothing wrong with me, no need to fuss. I’m fine. If it’s about the teasing that was fine too, I swear. I wouldn’t have gone along with it, if I was in any real pain, I promise. Just stop with those faces.”
Both immediately tried to school their concerned faces into something else as if to please him, but it wasn’t working and their concern was still prominent. Sypha broke first, recognizing in his face that he could still see the concern as she pleaded: “Can I at least check your ribs?”
“If that will help relax you again, sure,” he said, struggling into an upright position from where he had been slumped against his pack. In the corner of his eye, he saw them both wince with sympathy and he wondered why they cared now for something relatively routine.
The cross belts, once undone, were easily slipped over his head with minimum arm movement and pain and Trevor was glad his shirt buttoned at the front so that he could just slip it off, baring his chest to them.
When they saw they gasped. He looked down, but saw nothing too bad or out of the ordinary. His chest was obviously bruised, the outline of his ribs clear from where they had pushed against his muscle from the inside when he had hit the tree. It was swollen slightly, but it didn’t look too bad.
“Wow, it’s probably not even cracked. Nice,” he smiled, hoping it would lighten up his companions, but no such luck. They stayed passive, Alucard more so than Sypha, who looked upset. Still, she raised her hand to do what she had asked: examine the injury.
At the first press of her fingers he hissed. He couldn't help it and it was completely involuntarily, but she pulled her hand back as if burned nonetheless. He attempted a smile and said: “You won’t get to feel if it’s broken if you’re scared to touch. I can take it, Sypha, it’s fine. It’s probably not broken anyway, you won’t do more damage, promise.”
“How do you that?” she snapped, clearly upset.
Trevor didn’t know what to do with that. He had never seen her this upset over him and he tried to cheer her up, even if he didn’t know how. “I’ve cracked my ribs enough time to know what that looks and feels like. This is nothing. It just happens, no need to worry.”
“This happens often?” she yelled at him. Okay, so the comfort had not worked and he didn’t know what else could be wrong beside her thinking this was a bad injury instead of a regular one, so he looked helplessly at Alucard, hoping he would step in and save him.
Alucard was no help. “While I wasn’t a doctor, my mother was, and that looks pretty severely bruised. It will take four to six weeks to heal,” he said with a frown. “You said you bruise and crack your ribs regularly? Can you breathe okay?”
“What?” Trevor said, completely baffled. “I can breathe fine. A rasp or a stab here and there, but everyone has their aches and pains.”
“And pneumonia?” Alucard continued his interrogation as he crawled closer, now also examining Trevor’s ribs. “Are you easilysusceptible to pneumonia?”
“I would have died, if I got pneumonia regularly,” Trevor rolled his eyes. The dhampir must know hardly anyone survived that, especially since Dracula’s hordes has swept over the lands. The sigh of relief Alucard gave at his answer confirmed that the other was aware of that fact and had asked it out of fear that he did, which only served to confuse Trevor more.
“Then how have you treated this in the past? When was the last time this happened?” Alucard questioned him, hands ghosting over his ribs as Sypha watched along over his shoulder with great interest.
“I walked and lived on like a normal person,” he said, suddenly feeling very exposed under their heavy gazes and concern. “It’s literally just a bruise, we all have bruises constantly. I don’t- Can you fucking stop that?” he finally snapped.
Both froze with again that guilty, concerned look on their faces that Trevor was beginning to seriously hate.
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s fine? You’re both acting like I’m going to kneel over when it’s literally nothing. I’m injured all the time, this is just a little inconvenience to me and you two didn’t care before, so I don’t understand why you’re suddenly acting like it’s the end of the world that I got a little bruise now,” he ranted.
The gigantic bruise that covered a large chunk of his chest could hardly be called little, but those were not the details the others were concerned with in their reaction.
“You’re injured all the time?” Alucard frowned as Sypha exclaimed: “Of course we care!”
“Uh, yeah, I’m only a measly human, no regeneration for me and I don’t exactly get to stay out of the way of the big hitters. My whip may give me some distance, but it’s not really a shield,” he answered Alucard, because facing Sypha’s comment made him uncomfortable.
“Why didn’t you say so?” Sypha asked, genuinely hurt. “We wouldn’t have teased you, if we had known that you were in pain. And wounds need treatment, what if you got an infection? We could have helped, Trevor.”
“I- I-” What was Trevor supposed to say to that? That he was used to the hurting so much that it hadn’t registered as something notable? That he was used to pushing through alone? That he had thought they’d known, just hadn’t cared enough?
Something must have shown on his face, because Sypha’s fiery look softened as she gently took his hand. “Trevor, we want to know when you’re in pain. You’re our friend, we don’t wish to see you hurt.”
“Oh,” was his only stupid reaction to it.
“Indeed, oh,” Alucard said, before asking, “Can I look over your ribs? I trust you when you say you haven’t broken anything, but just to be sure.”
“Ye- yeah, sure,” he replied, still thrown off slightly.
Alucard pressed where the bruising was worst, making him hiss, but the vampire didn’t stop. He just worked on steadily until he nodded to himself, before leaning down and instructing Trevor to breath deeply, which he did even if it hurt slightly.
When he leaned back, Sypha urged him immediately to give the verdict with a curious and anxious: “And?”
“He is fine,” Alucard told Sypha what Trevor had already deducted, “He should heal perfectly if we keep him still for as much as possible and put ice on his ribs two to three times a day. There is no rattling in his chest and the only out of place rib seems to be old and already healed.”
“I can make ice,” Sypha said happily at the same time Trevor frowned: “Keep still?”
“Yes, Trevor, keep still so that it can heal,” Alucard said. “It’s a miracle your ribs are mostly in the right place still. And we don’t want you to hurt yourself while walking.”
Trevor was quiet for a moment, he really appreciated their concern and the fact that they did care and hadn’t just ignored him being in pain, but he was also a realist and hardened by the road, both with them and all the years by himself. So, he tried to gently break it to them: “Alucard, I appreciate that you care and all that, but we’re in the middle of nowhere and the best we have is a shaking cart while we’re getting attacked regularly. I don’t think resting is really an option.”
“Then we’ll camp here for a few nights,” Sypha demanded sternly. “We can set up here as well as any other place so that you can rest. It might not be the full recovery time, but a bit. Until you feel better. Wallachia can wait until you’re in fighting shape.”
He would deny it to his grave, but he chocked up a bit at that. And while he thought their concern was a bit over the top, it felt nice to be cared for again, that someone was willing to put aside more important things for him.
So, despite his mind telling him it was unnecessary, he gave in: “Sure, yeah, okay.”
The smile he got in return was worth the guilt he would later feel over leaving people to their fate with the night creatures still roaming around and he let them help him back into his shirt as Sypha summoned ice.
The night was still dark and the fire now burning low. The temporary camp would have to wait for the morning and the road for later. It was nice and comfortable anyway, to be out there, even while Trevor was bruised, because he also had Sypha and Alucard and that made it better.
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aaaah I was wondering if I could request a draco x reader w/ social anxiety? draco being a fluffy boi 🥺
You were so not a fan of being around people
Thank God you ended up in the most reclusive house
You always kept to yourself, you didn't really talk much
Large crowds scared you so you usually ate dinner in your room
No one really noticed you
The most anyone had conversated with you was the portraits on the walls because you'd sometimes sit on the benches
The ghosts also knew you by name too
Moaning Myrtle actually didn't hate your guts.
Well one day you were in a hurry and you accidentally ran into Draco.
"Ow-- Geez, watch where you're going!" He winced as the spine of one of your books hit him on his elbow
"S-S.. Sorry." You apologized, grabbing your books in a hurry and then running off.
Draco realized he had no idea who you were
"Goyle, who was that?" Draco asked.
"I'm not sure." Goyle shrugged.
"Crabbe?" "I don't know either."
So he started asking around and no one had conclusive answers.
Not even Fred and George seemed to know the hell you were.
One day Draco saw you walking.
"Hey, wait a minute." He said after one of your books fell.
You turned around and he handed it to you.
"What's your name?" He asked.
You were practically shaking and it worried him.
"Uh.. Uhm... I-I..." You swallowed and he frowned.
"Y-Y/n.. my name is Y/n." You said.
So there was the answer.
You looked down at your watch and grabbed the book before running.
He began to notice he actually had a lot of his classes with you.
He started trying to talk to you more and more and you usually would have panicked responses
One day he sat next to you in potions and you seemed very... Withdrawn
You weren't talking, you weren't showing any signs of communication
Draco was actually concerned.
He noticed you were gazed out and staring at your desk.
Then your head dropped a little like you were sleeping.
He tapped your shoulder and you just toppled over out of your seat
He caught you before you could actually hit the floor but he was really concerned
Basically: your body hadn't slept in a few days and you literally crashed.
You conked the fuck out.
Draco would always check on you while you were recovering in the medical wing.
You woke up confused and he was sitting there with a book just reading.
"...D-Draco?" You muttered.
He didn't say anything. He just pushed a jello cup to you and kept reading.
Draco was a lot more pushy with you though
"Have you eaten?" "Have you slept?" "When's the last time you drank water?"
You were confused on why he seemed to care but you still answered him.
He would notice you refuse to go to quidditch games or even walk into the great hall for dinner.
The house elves of the school knew you by name as well.
"Miss L/n, we made you some brownies for your passing of the exams" one of them told you.
You smiled and took them, thanking the house elf.
Draco was surprised that even the smallest creatures of the castle seemed to know you.
"Good Evening Y/n" Nearly Headless Nick would greet you in the halls
"Good Evening Sir Nicolas, enjoying your stroll?" You would greet back.
Draco was baffled and confused on how you had no problem with talking to these things but struggled to find words around actual people.
You noticed that he was of course following you around more
Especially since he would just take your books from you and start walking to your next class
So one night you were in the common room
You couldn't sleep so you just sat on the couch with the fire place going.
Draco is a night owl and found you.
"Y/n? What are you doing up, do you try to have another passing out incident?" Draco asked.
You sighed and just stared at the fire.
"what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to you.
"We go home in a few weeks." You muttered.
"Do you not want to go home?" Draco asked.
"Not if my step brothers are there." You muttered.
That was the first hint that something was not right to Draco
He looked at you and then had an idea.
"Wanna spend the summer with my family?" He asked.
You looked over. "You barely know me."
"Think of this as... A friendship investment?" He suggested.
"But--" "if that's an argument forming it's nonsense just say yes."
So you spent the summer at Draco's
Lucius noticed you retreat back but he didn't really comment on it
Narcissa actually got you to open up though
You'd sit in this day room like area with her and have tea
She learned all sorts of little things about you
You came from a wealthy family
Your dad was practically your best friend
Your stepmother was nice but your step brothers seemed to loathe you.
Draco began to notice his mother with you
How you would actually smile around her
You wouldn't stutter that much
Draco began spending time with you and Narcissa
He actually discovered you were very very sweet and VERY sarcastic
You loved to read and often read muggle books
According to you it's "interesting to find out what muggles can come up with when they don't know magic"
When you went back to school more people suddenly knew who you were
They'd just randomly greet you and it made you uncomfortable
Like really uncomfortable
Draco was with you most of the time and you'd actually hide behind him sometimes
He almost found it... Cute?
But the one student you finally seemed to open up to besides Draco was Neville
He understood you
He understood what it was like to live with anxiety
So he introduced you to another friend
You and Luna were best friends, always smiling and sharing these small inside jokes
She was a year below you so you only saw her in your free time but Draco was glad you were trying to communicate
Hogsmeade was a thing
Draco kept close to you at all times and you seemed so weird a few days before the trip
You kept sniffing the air
"I smell snow." You'd say
"Y/n, snow is frozen water, it doesn't have a smell." He'd tell you.
"Ask Luna. I can smell snow." You'd tell him.
He thought it was bullshit but one night he saw you sneak out.
He followed you and you nearly had a heart attack.
"What are you doing!?" He whisper shouted.
"I can smell snow Draco, it's going to happen." You told him.
"Y/n, this is absolutely ridiculous--"
Guess what.
It snowed.
Draco was so confused but you were looking up at the night sky with this gorgeous smile as snowflakes fell onto you
He fell for you. Then and there
How could he not?
So you two snuck back to the common room, drinking hot cocoa and clinking your mugs together for the first snow fall of the winter.
Hogsmeade was amazing
Neville was happy to hang out with you
Though Draco was acting a tad... Odd
An unexpected friendship duo I didn't know I needed: Draco and Neville
Neville kind of pulled him to the side while you were sidetracked and looking at something and was like "Dude are you okay"
And Draco kind of told him about the first snow fall and Neville had this smile "Draco... You like her."
"Oh.... OH." Draco realized.
"What are you two talking about?" You asked curiously.
"QUIDDITCH!" they both lied.
"I've never been one for sports." You shrugged.
You, Neville and Draco would have days where you all sat in the library
There would be a break in the day where Draco had a class but you and Neville didn't
That was when you revealed "Neville, I think I like Draco" but you also made him swear to secrecy.
He was in this frustrated state.
You ended up spending the summer with Neville, Luna and.... Draco
Neville's parents? SO FUCKING SWEET
Luna was so awesome to hang out with too.
You and Neville were like siblings and Draco enjoyed seeing you smile and laugh around them
So the fourth year starts
And you hate it even more because there are EVEN MORE STUDENTS NOW
You were surrounded by people 24/7 and you were NOT A FUCKING FAN MAN
But you found comfort in Fleur though.
She found you one day in the library and had to sit with you because it was too crowded.
She was so sweet to you
Like holy crap
New friend? Obtained
You watched the goblet of fire do it's thing
"Harry potter" was drawn and Draco seemed to twitch
You knew about some quidditch rivalry but never knew the extent of it
Draco just griped about how the boy effortlessly ended up in the public eye constantly.
You didn't seem to care though. Fleur was in the competition so you would cheer her on
You loved seeing your friend go out and kick some ass.
For the first time you were able to sit in the quidditch arena with a group and not feel absolutely terrified about being around people
You were however very much afraid of the dragon that was chasing Fluer
She made it though
Your group helped her with her egg and all of you seemed baffled on why it SCREAMED.
"It's making noise for a reason." Luna said looking at it
"But why?" Draco asked.
"Maybe we're not listening to it correctly?" Neville suggested.
"Hmm?" Fleur asked.
"Muffle the noise?" You asked seeing what Neville meant.
So she dunked it underwater
Somehow it got back to you that Harry was having trouble figuring out the purpose of the egg too.
You were the one that hinted on how to solve it.
After catching wind of this, Fred and George had to know who you were.
After all, you had an oddball group of friends
So they scared the crap out of you a few... Dozen times trying to get to know you
But because Fred and George aren't completely stupid they asked the portraits "how do we get to know her?"
They told them to be patient and sure enough they were in.
Fred and George both noticed you and Draco spending a lot of time together
You actually got the whole group into baking
Like you stressed baked during the trials for Fleur
So one day Draco decided to learn how to make cookies
And you two got into a flour fight and you were giggling the whole time
The two of you made cookies but Draco couldn't actually pick them up because he insisted his hands were dirty. So you were sitting on the counter and fed him one.
He smiled and looked at you, wiping off some excess chocolate on your face
You and him exchanged this look and he FINALLY kissed you.
You two finally started dating and Neville almost cried.
The second trial comes along and you're watching it with the group, Neville helping Harry with something so he could breathe underwater
You and Draco were sitting on the docks playing poker with jellybeans with the group
Everyone started coming back
Fleur was empty handed and she was panicked.
"Gabrielle-- she's down there I-I Co-couldn't
You knew who that girl was from the conversations you had and frowned.
"Neville do you have any of those things left" you asked.
Neville handed you gillyweed and you ate it, jumping in with no hesitation
Draco nearly jumped in after you but Fred assured him that if it took too long George and him would go get him
You came back up with Gabrielle though and were shivering the whole time
"IT IS FUCKING COLD." You shivered.
So you took that dance class and to everyone's surprise you actually could dance.
Though you were mumbling "One two three"
You still did quite well
Draco was smiling the entire time
"Hey Y/n... Would you like to go to the Yule ball?" He asked you.
That made you trip and fall onto him.
"Fuck-- sorry-- I am so sorry!" You apologized
"Love, if I weren't so used to this then this would be slightly alarming." Draco chuckled, helping you up.
You chuckled and sighed. "Yes." You nodded.
"Hmm?" "To the dance. Yes."
So Luna was the one who helped you that night
Neville went with Luna that year and it was fun for the whole group
They were all ✨classy✨
But you. You were stunning
When you came down the stairs Draco's eyes were huge
"Fred do you have sunglasses because my girlfriend's radiance is BLINDING ME."
He was dancing with you and he would whisper sweet little compliments in your ear.
For the first time in a crowd you weren't so scared anymore
The group loved seeing you so happy with Draco
They all snuck back to the Slytherin common room and you were all eating cookies when Snape found you all
"Hi professor... Cookie?" Fred offered
"... Insolent children"
Harry ending up winning and giving the money to Fred and George
Summer at the burrow and you finally meeting the rest of the Weasleys
Molly loving you
Molly loving Draco
All of you laughing and having campfires during the night
Luna plays guitar?
Fred does too?
You all being kind of sad when you go back to school because it's Fred and George's last year.
You all spending as much time as possible together
Agreeing to work in the store after graduation as their "numbers gal"
Doing that after graduation
Draco also working at the store? Whaaa
Neville becoming a herbology professor
Luna becoming a caretaker of magical creatures and helping out with the shop too
Draco proposing to you one night after closing
Fred and George cracking out the champagne
And you telling them getting drunk in a building with things that can explode was a terrible plan
But you did it anyway
Nothing bad happened but still
You and Draco getting married that year and the whole group was nearly crying the entire time
Neville was the best man (again this is a duo I didn't know I needed until now)
Luna was the maid of honor
You had your son... Scorpius Fredrick Malfoy
Fred was crying the entire time holding the kid because he was "so smallll"
George saying "Of course he's small he's a baby moron... But he is cute"
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spooky-mister · 3 years
So I am definitely continuing I Am A God when I have the time, but for now, have a tooth-rotting Spiralshipping fic <3
This fic is set the morning after Zeke was supposed to meet his dad for takeout/Will claimed to be sleep training his son.
Also this is my first time writing for these characters so be nice :)
One Of The Good Ones
Fandom: Spiral from the Book of Saw
Paring: William Schenk x Ezekiel Banks
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: 1,545
Potential Triggers: None I'm aware of. Feel free to comment <3
Spoilers?: Yes
One Of The Good Ones
What happened to dinner with his dad?
William Schenk slowed his steps to a stop as he gazed into the meeting room, appreciating the sight of Ezekiel Banks asleep on his work with a soft smirk of amusement. It was a good thing he was the first in. Zeke's fellow cops didn't seem like the sort to let him get away with sleeping on the job - even if they weren't worth half of Zeke's integrity and dedication. Will sniffed, glancing over his shoulder before slinging a large flask of coffee under his arm and meandering over to the table. He shuffled to a stop beside Zeke's sleeping form before huffing a laugh and tapping the detective's shoulder.
"Hey, Banks," He mumbled, voice gruff with fading sleep. His schedule didn't leave much room for rest. "Wake up, partner."
Zeke reacted with a near comedic intensity, dragging an audible laugh from Will as the rookie took a step back. Zeke cried out and thrashed his arms, soon setting his eyes up on Will with a mix of relief and embarrassment.
"Shit, Man - don't do that!" Zeke scolded, running his fingers through his rough hair. "Never wake a man while he's sleeping! Jeez…"
"Yeah, well… Better me than Fitch," Will retorted in good humour, hesitating before setting himself down next to Zeke. "Are you okay? What happened to dinner with your dad?"
"Old man cancelled on me," Zeke explained as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. He looked exhausted, Will noticed. How long had he been sleeping? “Came back in to work the case. Must have gotten too comfortable."
“You could have called,” Will offered with a frown, setting down his flask and letting his bag slide off of his shoulder. “We could have worked the case together.”
“What about sleep training?” Zeke muttered in response, eyes drifting to Will. Will paused at that. Right. His… Family. He didn’t have time to retort before Zeke spoke again. “You worked hard yesterday - you deserved a night off. Enjoy your family while they last.”
“You’re just a beacon of romance and optimism, aren’t you,” Will teased, appreciating the glimmer of a smirk received in return. “Well… Thanks. Did you at least get to eat last night?” Zeke’s hesitation didn’t seem to bode well for Will’s throw-away concern. Will arched a thick brow. "...Zeke?"
"I was gonna order something in," Zeke reasoned. "I left the takeout my dad ordered at his place so he had somethin' when he got back. But then I guess I-"
"Fell asleep," Will finished for him, taking in the sigh and the nod as Zeke started shuffling through papers again. Will was feeling oddly involved in this minor inconvenience. Why did he feel so compelled to take the mantle of caretaker? Zeke was an adult. Older than him, even. But Will felt the draw to guard and care for his partner as a skilled gardener would cultivate a flower they planned to pluck. "Well, that's no good. How are you supposed to lead an investigation on an empty stomach?"
"Jeez, mom - I don't know," Zeke huffed a laugh, looking Will over. "What's got in your head all of a sudden - I can take care of myself." Clearly. "If you hold the fort, I'll run out 'n grab a… Coffee and grilled cheese or somethin'."
"No need," Will sighed as he hiked his satchel up onto his lap. He could see Zeke's puzzled expression as he rifled through before drawing a plastic tupperware - still beaded with hot steam. He hadn't been able to let it cool before leaving for work. He sniffed and set it in front of Zeke with a fork and his tall flask. "...Homemade frittata," He explained with a gesture of his hand towards the box. He smirked at Zeke's baffled expression. "I made it for me, but… Y'know, I actually ate last night."
"...Nah," Zeke shook his head, pushing the food back towards Will. "I ain't eating your breakfast, Schenk. I-" He paused when Will put a firm hand on the tupperware, locking eyes as the younger detective slowly slid it back in front of him. He bit his tongue before letting out a sigh and popping the lid off of the plastic. "Thanks," He muttered, taking hold of the fork and poking around the fried egg and vegetables.
Will watched Zeke's apprehension with muted amusement for a moment before speaking up. "It's egg," He explained. "Egg, cheese, spinach, garlic… It's nothing bad, Zeke. I'm not trying to trick you." He got a kick out of the look of minor embarrassment on Zeke's face, chuckling.
"I didn't…" Zeke went to defend himself before sighing and scooping a large piece of frittata onto his fork. "Thanks, Schenk." He shovelled it into his mouth, chewing it with a hum.
"Will, please," Will reasoned, watching the detective's changing expression with a growing smirk. The 'Mmm' sealed the deal as Zeke wiped his mouth with a hand and reached for the flask. "Good?"
"Shit, man - that's… You made that?" Zeke raised his eyebrows and pointed at the frittata. He was baffled at Will's confirmation. "Jeez… You really are the full package, huh? Your wife must love you."
"Yeah… Maybe," Will mused with a smile, admiring Zeke as the man ate. Part of him wondered why he'd even developed that lie… It just created one more barrier between himself and Zeke. But he couldn't go back on it now. "Maybe I can cook for you again sometime."
Zeke hummed in agreement, slurping down the breakfast with only half a mind on his manners. "Haven't had many homemade meals since mom left," Zeke explained between mouthfuls, sensing Will's sudden tension. "Knew the number for the pizza place before I was potty trained."
"Just… You and your dad as well, huh?" Will mumbled, watching Zeke closely. "Yeah… I know how that is. But my dad wasn't… Around much by the time I got to middle school - I learned to take care of myself." Was that giving away too much about himself? No… If anything, it was pulling Zeke closer. He could tell by the familiar concern in the detective's eyes.
Zeke floundered for a response for a moment. He was never good at conversations like this. The feelings were difficult to process… So instead he turned his attention back to his meal. He scooped up a forkful and switched his gaze to Will. "You wanna share?" He asked, an attempt to change the subject. "Today will be pretty intense… You wanna get fuelled up."
Will moved to hesitate, but… this was a moment of tenderness. Of sincerity. He could tell this was Zeke’s way of letting his guard down, so he smiled. "Sure," He agreed, leaning towards the fork. Zeke seemed taken aback by the movement, clearly expecting Will to take the fork, but he quickly adjusted - moving the fork to Will's mouth and watching the young detective take it into his mouth. It was weirdly intimate… Or maybe it had just been a while.
Will pulled off of the fork and knitted his brows, chewing through the mouthful of warm eggs. He shrugged slightly and reached for his flask to wash it down. "I've made better," He commented before flooding the taste out with coffee. He tried not to focus on Zeke’s scoff.
"Made better, huh?" Zeke muttered, turning his gaze away from Will and digging his fork into the tub. "Might have to prove that one, man - this is pretty fuckin' good…"
Will perked up at that and smirked. "...Are you inviting yourself round for breakfast, Detective Banks?" Will teased, biting back a laugh as he watched Zeke's face drop. He let Zeke fight for a retort for a moment before shaking his head. "I know what you meant." Will was just indulging in a little wishful thinking.
Zeke cleared his throat, pushing around the rest of his breakfast with a fork before offering it back towards Will. "Uh… Thanks, Schenk. I needed that." He offered before getting to his feet. He could feel a growing, undefined tension between them… And he wasn't a fan.
"Will… please," Will corrected, licking his lips as he watched Zeke readying himself to leave - probably to get his own cup of coffee. But… Will didn't want him to leave. He swallowed dryly, leaving Zeke to gather up his jacket and step away from the desk before quickly reaching for the man's wrist. He met Zeke's puzzled expression with apprehension. He… Wasn't completely sure why he'd done that. "I'm… Glad you enjoyed the frittata. Sorry." He moved to pull his hand away.
Zeke smirked, chuckling softly and reaching to playfully ruffle his young partner's hair. "Man, don't say sorry…" He hesitated before leaning over and delicately pressing a kiss to Will's head. "You're one of the good ones, Will… Now get to work."
Will bubbled into giggles as Zeke gently batted the back of his head on his way out, unable to stop the colour in his cheeks or the grin on his lips. Shit - did Zeke really just… He felt like a giddy school girl. And as he glanced back to watch Zeke leave, he could have sworn that he saw a smile to match his own on the senior detective's face.
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
Can I have some Book! Geralt,who somehow happened to be in show universe,meeting Jaskier, who after some prodding from him tells B!Geralt about mountain and B!Geralt is furious? At some point they meet show! Geralt and B!Geralt makes sh!Geralt jealous because he knows Jask's feelings are not unrequited,but only after making sh!Geralt understand that that is not how you treat your best friend in the whole wide world. I just want some sh!Geralt/Jask with a little help from B! Geralt Thank you <3
Hi Sadpathologist!
Have I read the books? no, but I intend to.  I’m giving this a whack nonetheless! 
Jaskier about leapt out of his skin when the tall, silver haired witcher appeared beside him at the bar. He seemed...different. Jaskier’s brain, marinating in a fair amount of gin, wasn’t putting in the work to decifer the difference. 
Jaskier coughed.
Geralt glanced at him, looked directly at him, then went back to ordering his drink.
So that was how it was. Twenty two years, just to end up strangers again. 
Jaskier wasn’t going to put up with that. He deserved better than that. He wasn’t quite sure what all he deserved, an apology for one, but not to be given the silent treatment and a cold shoulder were definitely on the list.
“Hey,” he said. “Geralt.” 
The witcher turned. “Do I know you?”
Jaskier felt something little crush in his chest. “That’s not fair and you know it, we’ve known eachother for decades, Geralt.” His voice was getting dangerously wobbly now and it made him burn with shame but he didn’t deserve to be treated this way. “We were friends,” he said through the lump in his throat. “I know you never called us that but we were. I know we aren’t anymore but...” He choked, not able to finish the sentence and not sure how he would have if he could.
Geralt was looking at him, wide eyed.
“I haven’t gone by that since Oxenfurt,” Jaskier said. His rational brain was really, really trying to tell him something about Geralt, something was weird, but it had been a lot of gin. “I’m not sure I ever told you that, either.”
Geralt picked him up by the shoulder and hauled him out of the tavern, into the light of day. It hurt after all the daydrinking, but realization slid into place and the shock had a better sobering effect than a cold bath.
“You aren’t Geralt,” he said. He began to twist about in the grip, captured by some Geralt-facsimilie. 
“I am, I am,” the not-Geralt set Jaskier down. “I’m just not- I’m not you’re Geralt. He pulled Jaskier into the stables and Jaskier took a good look, since the man didn’t seem to be actively trying to kill him. 
“You aren’t my Geralt,” Jaskier said. “The scars are wrong, and your beard is more grown in than you usually let it get.” He thought. “And I don’t think I told you I ever went by Dandelion.”
“What, never?”
“You-he never asked.”
“Okay,” not-Geralt said, sitting down on a sack of hay. “I’m not from here, I know a Dandelion-Jaskier, he looks a lot like you, but he’s blonde. There was this... thing, I interrupted some big sorceressy ritual, I’m sure I’ll get back in a couple of days but listen...what did you mean when you said we-you and your Geralt- aren’t friends anymore, that he never called you friends?”
The face, almost familiar, looked very serious. Geralt was looking at him with genuine concern and it was so close to everything Jaskier wanted, but the scars were wrong, there were little laugh lines and marks in the wrong places. The eyes were the same.
He believed this Geralt, too. It sounded crazy but, well...golden dragon men, djinns, devils, elves, Jaskier had known a lot of crazy.
This Geralt hadn’t asked for the whole story, but it felt so good to tell someone about it, Jaskier gave it to him anyway. From Posada to the mountain. His voice broke, and not-quite-Geralt put a comforting arm around him, rubbing his hair in a way he liked. It was as if he knew just how Jaskier liked it.
Jaskier full on cried talking about the mountain, but he never even talked about the final argument, merely saying Geralt had sent him away. He felt safe and appreciated but it wasn’t his Geralt and it was so close that it hurt to talk about it. The thought that in another life Geralt might be his friend, could be this more open, loving person ached. In this life Geralt would rather he be dead.
He sat there, other Geralt seemed baffled. After a moment he spoked.
“What a dick.”
Jaskier was thinking though. Maybe the difference wasn’t about Geralt. What difference in Jaskier could cause all this.
“Tell me about your Jaskier?”
Geralt-ish looked down at him. “He’s blonde, he wears loud clothing, more pinks and purples, and feathered hats.” A small smile crossed his face, and it was so beautifully, heart achingly familiar. “It took me a while to accept our friendship too, but he practically forced it to me. I love him more than anything.” There was a soft look in Geralt’s eyes.
“I can’t image a world in which we aren’t at least friends, if not lovers. I don’t think the white wolf was meant to be without his barker.” He made direct, blazing eye contact with Jaskier. “We need to find your Geralt and knock sense into him, if you can’t do it, I’ll take him outside and beat him from one end of the Continent to the other.”
“I don’t even know where he is,” Jaskier said.
“We’ll find him, if I were him I’d still be brooding at the bottom of that mountain.” Other-Geralt began slinging bags onto Roach. She looked exactly like Roach. Jaskier approached carefully. 
She sniffed him cautiously, but there must have been something in his scent she recognized because she nuzzled him appreciatively. Wrong-Geralt mounted up and looked at Jaskier expectantly.
“Well? Go on, get on Roach.”
“Oh no,” Jaskier said, stepping back. “I’m not allowed on Roach.”
Not-Geralt looked at him like he was stupid. “What do you mean you’re ‘not allowed on Roach’, you don’t have your own horse. You can’t walk all the time.”
Jaskier shouldered his lute. “I manage fine.”
Not-Geralt picked him up by his collar and deposited him solidly on Roach’s back. “Hold tight,” he said. “We can’t both ride her all the time, but we’ll take turns walking, it’s not too far to the mountain you mentioned.”
Jaskier wasn’t certain he wanted to go back to that mountain at all. 
This wasn’t his Geralt. This was a witcher from a completely different universe. One with a blonde Jaskier who still went by his old stage name. He could be completely wrong about all of this. He might love his Jaskier, but what if in this world Jaskier was truly despicable to his Geralt. A shit shoveler. 
He must have tensed because the Geralt he had his arms wrapped around twisted back to look at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something you aren’t saying.”
Jaskier sighed, and they rode on a few more minutes in silence. He hadn’t gotten very far from the mountain, and it would take them only a few hours on horse back.
“When Geralt-my Geralt, told me to leave on the mountain...” Jaskier tailed off, the memory was still so recent and it stung. 
“He said something, didn’t he?”
Jaskier nodded, sure the witcher would feel the movement.
“It’s okay, you can tell me. What did he say?”
“He told me I shovel shit,” Jaskier gave a wet little chuckle. “He blamed me for every bad thing that happened in his life. Then he said...”
Other-Geralt held Jaskier’s wrist where his arms were holding on and rubbed his thumb across the joint sympathetically. Jaskier began to cry silently.
“He told me that if life could give him one blessing,” Jaskier said, leaning his wet face against the back of other-Geralt. “If life could give him one blessing it would be to take me off of his hands.”
Other-Geralt took in a sharp breath and brought other-Roach up short. He turned almost fully around in his saddle.
“He said what?” His voice was low and dangerous. There was real fury in his voice.
“He said-” 
“I heard what he said, he said that to you? He actually looked at you and told you that?”
Jaskier nodded. 
“Tell me,” other-Geralt said. “Did he leave you to get off of that mountain alone?”
“There were tracks,” Jaskier said, feeling somehow that he should defend his Geralt, although admittedly the witcher probably no longer deserved his loyalty.
“And, from what you’ve told me, some pretty murderous people not to mention treacherous terrain.” Other-Geralt nudged not-Roach into a trot, but his jaw was working the way Geralt’s did when he was angry.
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Don’t,” Jaskier said softly. Not-Geralt peered at him over his shoulder. 
“You know you don’t deserve what he said, right?”
“Yes of course, I didn’t deserve any of that.” Jaskier huffed ruefully. “Especially not after twenty two years.”
“Good,” not-Geralt said, turning back to face front. “So long as you understand that.”
They rode a while in silence, Jaskier’s eyes gradually drying.
“Do you love him?” not-Geralt asked eventually. 
“More than life,” Jaskier said. 
“Even after all this? No one would blame you if you fell out of love after treatment like that.”
“Even now, yes,” Jaskier sighed. “I think it’s because I understand him better than anyone. He isn’t used to dealing with his emotions, so sometimes he does it badly. I still love him, but he really messed up this time, he’s bad at emotions but this bad...it really hurt me.”
Other-Roach walked another long silence.
“I think it hurt even more because sometimes,” Jaskier took a deep breath, not willing to cry again today. “Sometimes I thought he might love me back, love me too. There were little things he’d do...”
“Like what?”
“Oh little things, he noticed when my boots needed replacing before I did, let me wash his hair. Tiny, sleep smiles in the morning, that sort of thing.”
“He does love you,” other-Geralt said. “I’m certain of it. We’re not far from the mountain now, and I have a plan, if you’re willing.”
“A plan?”
“Absolutely. It will be torture for him, and he’ll certainly apologize, probably confess his feelings too.””
Not-Geralt explained his plan. 
Jaskier listened.
“Won’t your Jaskier mind?” he asked. 
“I don’t think so, we have a flexible exclusivity, and this is for a very good cause, besides, we won’t go very far.”
“If you’re certain.”
“It won’t make you uncomfortable?” asked the other-Geralt.
“No, actually,” Jaskier said, grinning. “I think it’s a perfect plan.”
They reached the inn at the base of the mountain before nightfall.
Just like other-Geralt said he’d be, Jaskier’s Geralt was drinking with a single mindedness that was a little worrying. Other-Geralt turned to him.
“Sure you don’t want me to just beat sense into him?”
“No,” Jaskier said, mentally slipping into character.
“Okay then, ready?”
Other-Geralt strolled up to the bar with Jaskier basically hanging off his arm.
“Pint for me, please,” he told the barman. “And one for my...friend.”
Friend dripped positively salaciously. 
Jaskier’s Geralt didn’t even look up, but he didn’t let himself be deterred. 
They sat with their ales close, but not too close to Geralt. Jaskier plopped himself, giggling into other-Geralt’s lap. He leaned into his ear and whispered flirtily, “tell me a joke?”
Other-Geralt chuckled, and oh, that sound in such a familiar voice made Jaskier’s heart skip in his chest. 
“Where does the general keep his armies?” other-Geralt asked. Jaskier thought, then asked,
“I dunno, where?”
“Up his sleevies.”
It was such a ridiculous joke, silly and lighthearted and so odd to hear in Geralt’s deep rumbling voice that Jaskier tilted his head back and let peals of laughter escape. He finally disolved into little, bubbling giggles and buried his face into other-Geralt’s neck.
“Is he looking?” he whispered, barely a breath so that sensitive witcher ears wouldn’t hear in the loud tavern.
“Yes,” other-Geralt rumbled. “He looks green with envy.”
Jaskier looked into almost familiar eyes, smiling. “Okay?” he whispered. 
“Yeah, okay,” other-Geralt said. He leaned in and kissed Jaskier. 
It was a lovely kiss, other-Jaskier clearly liked being kissed the same way, but it was fairly short. Then other-Geralt pressed little kisses along the top of Jaskier’s cheeks and behind his ears, beginning to trail down his neck.
It was his Geralt, standing over them. Jaskier looked up. “I’m busy,” he said, then leaned in to wrap his arms around other-Geralt’s neck, as if he was going to kiss him again. 
Geralt lifted him off by his collar. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he growled. Jaskier noted with amusement that he was making his voice deeper than usual, like a tom cat fluffing it’s tail. The bard crossed his arms as his feet hit the floor. 
“I don’t see why that’s any of your business,” he said, although part of him just wanted to melt into that familiar gaze. “Especially since you decided it would be a blessing for me to be taken off your hands.”
Other-Geralt, with expert timing, pulled Jaskier back into his lap, sliding one hand up to Jaskier’s inner thigh. It was almost indecent, although not really, but Geralt looked ready to explode. 
“I don’t know if you noticed,” other-Geralt said, voice pitched suggestively. “But your hands aren’t what he’s going to be on.” This was accompanied with a truly indecent hip thrust, rolling Jaskier where he was sat on other-Geralt’s lap. The witcher wasn’t hard, and it was all an act, but Jaskier couldn’t help blushing a little. This was, after all, the body double of his Geralt. 
He looked up at Geralt. “You can go now,” he said.
His Geralt looked so conflicted that Jaskier’s heart went out to him. He could see the emotion running across Geralt’s face. Guilt, regret, loss, betrayal, anger.
“Please, Jaskier,” he said. 
“Please Jaskier what?” just because he still loved the idiot didn’t mean he was going to make this easy. “Please Jaskier leave me so you don’t shovel more shit into my life?” Geralt winced.
“Please Jaskier take yourself off my hands because after more than twenty years I still don’t think of you as a friend?” Geralt winced again. Other-Geralt had started leaving teasing, butterfly kisses along his neck again, and was shifting in his seat. It wasn’t sexy, and his hips weren’t rocking against Jaskier, but to Geralt it must surely look that way.
“Please Jaskier, find your own way off this god-forsaken mountain with murderers and monsters and, oh yeah, all the provisions were in your pack and I had to forage and not poison myself?”
Other-Geralt growled his displeasure at that detail. Geralt’s shoulders slumped. Jaskier tapped other-Geralt’s leg to let him up and they both stood. 
“I’m going outside,” he said. “If you want to say something, come too, if not, I’m leaving.” Jaskier smiled flirtatiously at other-Geralt. “And he’ll be going with me.”
Geralt followed him outside. 
Other-Geralt followed too, but at a slower pace so they could talk. 
In the stables, hoping Geralt wouldn’t notice the identical Roaches side by side, he whirled around, finally letting out every last bit of anger, betrayal and frustration he’d been feeling.
“Twenty two years you stupid bastard!” he yelled, poking one finger into Geralt’s chest. “Two decades!” he smacked the armor with an open palm. “And in all that time not once could you bear to so much as call me you friend! You ASSHOLE! And I love you! That’s not fair because I STILL love you! And you DON’T DESERVE IT! But I LOVE YOU!” 
Jaskier took a tiny breath then continued yelling. 
“And I KNOW you love me too! You don’t do the things we did for one another without love! It might not be the way I love you, that’s okay, if you only love me platonically, but you love me! I was so SURE you loved me! AND THEN YOU LEFT ME ON THE MOUNTAIN!”
Geralt opened his mouth and Jaskier slapped a hand over it. He wasn’t sure at what point during the screaming he’d started crying but he wasn’t about to lose momentum now.
“NO! I’m talking now! You LEFT ME ON THAT MOUNTAIN! I COULD HAVE DIED! YOU DON”T DO THAT TO PEOPLE YOU LOVE!” Damn it all, he was losing momentum, he was crying for real, sobbing. And the sobs were choking his anger. 
“You told me I was a burden and a curse,” he said between sobs. “That I had only ever caused you misfortune.” He sucked in a breath and looked into tortured golden eyes. “You told me that if life could give you one blessing it would be for me to be taken off your hands. How did you mean that? Did you mean simply that you would never see me again? Or did you mean me dying on that mountain without a pack and without food or water? Or did you mean me falling on that mountain and dying alone and in pain on the rocks below? Did you mean me getting murdered by the bastards who’d gone on that dragon hunt?”
Jaskier was sniffling great, snotty pauses in his sentences. “Or maybe you just wanted some peace and quiet, like that time with the djinn.” He stepped back from Geralt and met his gaze, watery though his own eyes might have been. “So tell me, how did you mean it, Geralt?”
“I didn’t.”
It was a whisper, then Geralt knelt in the straw and took both of Jaskier’s slightly shaking hands in his own. 
“I swear on my life, Jaskier I didn’t mean it.” 
His gaze was so honest and open and he looked so tortured Jaskier wanted to forgive him and fall into his arms right there, but he was still hurting so badly.
“You said it though, it almost came true, like with the djinn, am I that much of a burden to you?”
“No!,” Geralt stood, not releasing Jaskier’s hands. “No,” he said a little more calmly, stepping closer. “You are the greatest gift of my life, my treasure, my friend,I swear it.”
Geralt looked at Jaskier’s face, gold and blue meeting in the dim stable light. 
“I don’t know if you can believe my oath, but I swear to you, on the name of every witcher, alive or dead, on the medallion I wear around my neck, Jaskier. Jaskier, you are my truest blessing.”
He pulled Jaskier into a perfect, soul numbing hug. 
“I’ve hardly slept,” Geralt whispered. “I’m so, so sorry. I’ve hardly slept for the thought that I’d killed you. Fed you to that mountain.” Geralt was taking great, shuddering breaths, his shoulders trembling, tremors in the earthquake taking over him. “I thought I’d killed my love. I’m so sorry, Jaskier. My love. I do love you, not as friends. I love you like a ballad, and I could have killed you.” 
Geralt was crying, Jaskier realized. His tear ducts may have been dry but he was crying all the same, clutching to Jaskier like a lifeline, like Geralt himself had been left dangling from the mountainside and Jaskier was his rope.
“I’m sorry Jaskier, so, so sorry. I’m poor with emotions and I took it out on you and it could have killed you,” Geralt said, his face buried in Jaskier’s hair, squeezing him tight like he wanted them to be glued together. “I didn’t mean a word of it I swear, and I searched that thrice damned mountain for you until I found your tracks leading you safely away.”
“I wanted to kill you,” other-Geralt said, stepping around from the corner of the stables. “You’re lucky he still loves you, or I might have.”
Geralt-Jaskier’s Geralt, for ther first time got a decent look, not obscured by jealousy or dim lighting, of other-Geralt.
“Oh,” he said. “You’re...”
“You? Yeah. It’s hard to explain but it involves blundering in to some sorceressy bullshit.” Other-Geralt clapped one massive hand onto Geralt’s shoulder and stared into his face, gold meeting gold. “I have a bard in my world, and I’ll be returned to him soon. He is truly my greatest gift. I want nothing of your bard but for him to be happy, because I do not believe in any world where I and my love are not at least companions.”
“I understand,” Geralt said.
“No, I don’t think you do,” other-Geralt said. “If I ever somehow, and I don’t know how, get a dream I suppose, that you mistreat your gift again, I will slice open this wall between worlds and hunt you down myself.”
A whistle came from behind them, and the three men turned. Jaskier looked into a face very similar to his own. It had a goatee. And blonde hair. The man was standing next to a glowing portal.
“Geralt,” the other-Jaskier, Dandelion, Jaskier supposed, said. There was relief in his voice. He leapt to his witcher and there was a kiss so vigorous that Jaskier, singer of two dozen bawdy songs, looked away. 
“I feared I’d never find you,” the blonde said. Other-Geralt grinned at him.
“I always knew you would, my love.”
He turned to Geralt and Jaskier, standing dumbstruck. “I guess my work here is done.” Here he pointed at Geralt. “Remember my warning.” He mounted up on his Roach and with barely a sound to mark their leaving, the pair left.
“Well,” said Jaskier, sitting on a barrell. 
“Well,” said Geralt, standing stunned in the center of the stables.
“I’m glad at least somewhere we sorted ourselves out,” Jaskier said, smiling sadly.
“I want that to be us.”
“I want to be able to kiss you like that, someday.” Geralt crossed the room towards Jaskier. “I want to turn to you someday and not be so...so stupid, so emotionally stunted, that I can name you as ‘my love’ in front of others.”
“Jaskier, I never called you friend because it ached that you saw me as friend when I wanted you to be more, and now I’ve had a taste of losing you and I would walk over fire never to do so.”
Geralt got down on his knees in the stable and reached out with one hand. His fingers curled around Jaskier’s neck and pulled him closer until their foreheads gently met.
Somehow it was more intimate than a kiss.
“I forgive you,” Jaskier said. “And I love you, always.”
Geralt tilted his head up and captured Jaskier’s lips. 
It was sweet and perfect and Geralt pulled back and planted so many more beautiful, chaste kisses that they fell like rain. 
Then he pulled back and tugged Jaskier to his feet, a little, toe-tinglingly sexy growl escaping him.
“My love,” Geralt said, clearly savoring the phrase in their little bubble of secrecy. “I could eat you alive.”
“That,” Jaskier said, pulling back and smiling. “You may have to wait for.”
Geralt followed him out into the chilly evening. “For you I would wait forever,” he said.
Jaskier had a feeling that he probably wouldn’t make Geralt wait very long.
Ope, you sent a request and I gave you a fic. 3812 words! hope you enjoy.
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 14
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter:  14
Chapter Summary:  Settling into family life.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: It’s so much tooth rotting fluff. Like... I went overboard with the fluff, I couldn’t help myself.
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8} {Chapter 9} {Chapter 10} {Chapter 11} {Chapter 12} {Chapter 13}
"Briar." Henry whispered, popping his head into the room where the little girl was playing.
"Mama's resting up for tonight, how about you and me go check out that park down the street?" Henry suggested, hushing the girl when she squealed excitedly. Overall, finding a place to move in together hadn't been too much of an effort. Henry found Faye wasn't too picky when it came to homes. She had been impressed by every one they had seen. They had decided on one that was on a nice quiet street, not too far from town, had a big fenced in yard for Kal, enough rooms for everyone plus a park just down the street. Briar had been begging Faye to take her since they had moved in last week, but they found it hard to find time for an adventure while also trying to settle in.
If Henry had to venture a guess, he'd say they were about 3/4 of the way there. The kitchen and the bedrooms had been sorted. Henry's office/gaming room was still mostly in boxes, as well as most of the living room furniture. So far, the only thing not boxed in the living room was the couch, which Faye was currently passed out on. They had intended to unpack more, but Henry could tell she wasn't feeling right. Faye told him it was just a headache, but Henry insisted she lay down anyway.
Now was their chance to sneak out and procrastinate on actually working on the house. Henry made sure her jacket was zipped up and her hat was secure before taking her little mitten clad hand in his, leading the giddy girl down the street to the park. Her eyes lit up when she saw all the different things to play with, from slides to swings to monkey bars, all just waiting for her to climb all over them. Her hand was free from Henry's the second her little sneakered feet touched the grass, darting off to go and play on as many different things as she could.
Henry followed after the little girl, lifting her into the toddler swing at her request and setting her in motion, unable to keep the smile from his face at her elated giggles. He had intended to keep her low, not wanting to scare the little girl, but was soon reminded of her love of baby adrenaline when she started demanding to go higher and higher. He finally reached the point where she was swinging near his face, squealing in laughter the entire time, her little mitten clad hands holding the chains as her feet kicked gleefully.
"Catch, catch!" Briar laughed, twisting around to plant a kiss to Henry's jaw when he caught the seat. "Again!"
Henry was more than happy to comply, releasing the seat and letting her swing again, stepping back and giving another small push. He had half a mind to record her time on the swings; this was the type of moment that the best memories are made of. She was so happy, soaring through the air without a care in the world. He hadn't known her for very long, but he already could tell she was growing up more. She was turning into her own little person, with her own thoughts and ideas. So stubborn, unafraid to take risks and she had him wrapped around her little finger. Just like her mother. He somehow felt bad for missing out on the first years of her life, even though he didn't know her then. She deserved to have a father figure to spoil her. She needed someone in her life to show her how a woman should be treated so she wouldn't settle with someone that wasn't right for her.
How her own father could want nothing to do with her was baffling to him. She was the sweetest little girl. She would constantly pop out of nowhere to squeeze his leg in a hug and scurry off again. Every time he picked her up, she would kiss his cheek and throw her little arms around his neck. She cuddled close for bedtime stories, always reacting like it was the first time whenever he would read one to her. How anyone could decide not to be a part of her life was beyond him, but at the same time he was glad. If her biological father hadn't been a complete douchebag, he wouldn't be where he was now, living with the woman he had fallen with so hard, so fast. He wouldn't have a house to fill with their own memories together. He wouldn't have someone special with him at the premiere tonight. He wouldn't have taken the little girl with him on a sneaky adventure to the park while the woman he loved was napping on the couch. He wouldn't have his own little family so for that, he was grateful.
"Down!" Briar decided when she swung back to him, her eyes locking on the slides and large play structure not too far away. Of course, she would want to climb on something while she was there. Henry stopped the swing's motion and unfastened the little girl, her feet barely touching the ground before she was sprinting off again toward the slides.
Henry chuckled to himself at the little girl's excitement, sitting down on a nearby bench to keep watch as she played. She was a little ball of energy, climbing the ladder to the slide and going down head first, giggling the entire time. She zipped across the play yard, climbing the large structure in the middle and going down the curly slide on one side. Henry settled back into his seat as he observed, silently patting himself on the back. She would be too worn out to throw up a fuss for the babysitter when they had to leave later. He just hoped Faye was feeling better by then. He would hate to drag her out for something this important when she felt unwell.
Her stunning dress had been delivered just two days ago, her face lighting up when she caught her first glimpse of it. Henry knew she would look beautiful in it. He also had the feeling she would look even better when he took it off later that evening. The couple had wasted no time in christening every surface they possibly could. Their bed, the bedroom wall, the shower, the vanity, the couch, the kitchen counter, the table. Everywhere they could possibly get to and not wake the baby was fair game.
Between moving, and the premiere, he also had his mother's birthday coming up. That was something he needed to remember to tell Faye about. It had somehow slipped his mind with everything else going on. He had told his mother they would all try to make it out to see her for her birthday, but he had somehow forgotten to bring it up to Faye. Hopefully she didn't have anything else planned. His mother was really looking forward to meeting her.
Henry slowly scanned around the play area of the park, taking note of everyone else around. It quickly became apparent that all the other adults were women. Most of which were currently staring at him, quite possibly recognizing who he was. He really should have worn a hat to hide behind. Would that look weirder though? A random guy sitting on a park bench, hiding his face behind a hat, watching children play? Why weren't there more fathers out with their children? Sure, his own father worked a lot when he was growing up, but he always had weekends off, and he made sure to make time for his family on those days. This was a Saturday afternoon, shouldn't there be at least one or two other men around? His overthinking was making him more and more uncomfortable the longer he dwelled on it.
"PAPA!" Henry jumped up without thinking, his current train of thought instantly cut off at the child's scream. His eyes locked on her in a second and he dashed across the playground in four quick strides to kneel down next to the little girl on the ground who was holding her knee and crying. He was suddenly grateful no other men were around. It would have been really awkward for him to go running up to someone else's kid like that.
"Hey, hey, it's ok." Henry soothed, picking her up and letting her cry into his neck. "What happened, princess?"
"I... I fell do-down." Briar sobbed, clinging to him as he rubbed her back.
"It's ok. You're ok." Henry assured, deciding then was the best time to take their leave as many sets of motherly eyes had already locked on him, now hyper aware of his presence. This seemed to be quickly going from a fun bonding experience to Henry being turned into eye candy as he tried to soothe a crying child.
Briar had calmed down considerably by the time he had gotten them home, though he decided to continue carrying her anyway. If he had to guess, she wasn't exactly in the mood for walking. He tried to be quiet when he came back inside, hoping not to wake Faye and alert her to their sneaky adventure; it didn't matter how quiet his entrance was however, as Faye was already waiting by the door when he came in.
"Is she ok?" Faye asked softly, looking at the girl still clinging to him as though her life depended on it.
"I fell down." Briar sniffed, slowly reaching to her mother for more coddling.
"I bet that was scary." Faye soothed, taking the child in her arms and kissing her head softly. "Did you fall off of something at the playground or did you just trip?"
"Just trip." Briar mumbled, cuddling close to her mother.
"How did you know where we went?" Henry asked suspiciously, raising a brow as he began taking his coat off.
"Oh please, it's not rocket science. She's been begging to go since we moved here, you'll do anything she asks and the playground is in the direction I saw you two coming from. Busted, mister." Faye explained as she helped the little girl out of her coat and mittens.
"It wasn't sweeties before dinner this time." Henry defended himself, stealing a kiss as he reached beside her to hang up his coat, taking Briar's and hanging it up as well.
"You should have woken me up, I would have loved to have gone too." Faye pouted, slowly letting the squirming child down.
"You weren't feeling well, and tonight is an important night." Henry reasoned, resting his hands on her hips and pulling her closer.
"So you really want the babysitter coming here with everything still in boxes?"
"If I hurry, I can probably make the living room look livable. At least mount the TV or something. Possibly just set the iPad up on the coffee table and pretend that's what we use as a TV."
"Yes, because I'm sure they will believe that a giant geek ass dork nerd like you would have such a tiiiiiny little screen to watch his nerd shows on."
"Well I did find myself a small woman. Maybe I just really like little things." Henry teased, kissing the top of her head.
"Who do you think you're calling small?"
"You." Henry shrugged, kissing the top of her head again.
"I will have you know, I am not small. Everything else is just big."
"That's what you always tell me that every time we - ouch!" Henry chuckled, rubbing his ribs where Faye had poked him.
"That did not hurt."
"Well it didn't feel nice either!"
"We need to get the living room unpacked, come on." Faye insisted, quickly poking his ribs again and dashing off to the living room, Briar poking Henry's hip and racing off after her mother.
"Woman! You are teaching the baby bad habits!" Henry chastised, pursuing after both of them.
"I am doing no such thing! She needs to learn your weaknesses." Faye taunted, keeping the couch between her and her boyfriend.
"I already do whatever she asks, why does she need a weakness?" Henry laughed, slowly circling around one side, both girls skittering around to the other.
"One day you may say no." Faye shrugged, squealing when Henry reached over the back of the couch, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to him.
"Now why would I ever say no to either of my girls?" Henry asked, cupping her jaw and kissing her softly.
"There might be an occasion." Faye reasoned, bumping her forehead against his, her other hand sneaking up to tickle his ribs again.
"Would you stop?" Henry grumbled, dragging her over the back of the couch and wrapping his arms around her tightly.
"I will never stop."
"Papa, no!" Briar gasped, running around to the back of the couch and grabbing her mother's hand. "Mama, come on!" She urged, trying to pull her free.
"Oh what, now you're on her side? I thought you were on team me!" Henry gasped, letting Faye be pulled from his arms.
"Gonna get you!" Briar giggled, attempting to tickle at his leg.
"Ok, now this is not fair!" Henry grouched, letting Faye go to snatch Briar up instead. "Two on one, really?"
"Papa, down!" Briar squealed, wiggling when he started to tickle her sides.
"Down? Now why would I put you down?" Henry laughed, jumping and barely suppressing a swear when Faye snatched his ribs again.
"Briar, I'll make you a deal. I'll let you go if you help me get Mama." Henry stage whispered to the child, setting her down and chasing after her mother when she darted off down the hall.
"Mama!" Briar cheered, chasing after the two, Kal now following the rest of the family to the kitchen.
"I know what you're planning, and it's not a good idea." Faye warned, slowly backing up to the counter.
"Oh, and why is that?" Henry asked, pressing up close to her, pinning her between his body and the counter.
"I'll tell on you."
"And who are you gonna tell? Briar? She's on my side now, remember?"
"Uhh... how about your mother? Would she side with me?"
"Oh!" Henry lit up, his mind jumping to another subject while he still had her trapped by his body. "That reminds me. My mum's birthday is next week, she's wanting us to come."
"That's a bit of a distance, isn't it? You have to factor in a toddler sized bladder into all travel plans now, my love."
"That is true. We also have to worry about Briar having to stop for restroom breaks."
"Oh, Mr. Somebody over here thinks he has jokes." Faye scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"We can fly there, it won't be as bad." Henry reasoned, kissing the top of her head. "She's really wanting to meet you two."
"Wait, she knows about us?"
"Faye, do you really think my mother wouldn't know about the woman I've been dating for the last ten months? We've moved in together, I think the people close to us are starting to suspect something."
"But I mean... does she know about us?" Faye asked, her eyes flicking down to the little girl trying to climb Henry's leg.
"She's excited to have another little girl to spoil. For some reason, us Cavill's just don't have very many girls."
"And she's ok with that?" Faye asked, fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously.
"Why wouldn't she be?"
"I don't know. It's... a lot. It was a lot having you step in and step up like you did. It just doesn't seem like something a mother would want for her baby boy."
"I'm in my thirties." Henry snorted.
"Yes. You are over six feet tall, over two hundred pounds and over thirty years old. You are also her little baby boy."
"Briar, am I a baby?" Henry asked, reaching down to scoop her up.
"No, you Papa Bear!" Briar giggled, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"And there's also that. Since when does she call you Papa?"
"She just yelled it a the park." Henry shrugged. "Is it something we need to discuss?"
"Well I mean... if the shoe fits." Faye mumbled. "I just don't want her to freak you out."
"I've been acting the part for a while now, if it bothered me, I would have said something. We're a family now, Faye. You're stuck with me."
"Oh am I?"
"Yes you are. If you leave, I'm going with you. Right Kal?" Henry asked, looking down at the canine, his tail swooshing across the floor in excitement at being included in whatever was going on.
"So now I have three children to worry about?" Faye groaned, her head falling back in mock annoyance.
"It would seem that way, yes. One is very easy to care for, however. He can let himself outside and his food is on an automatic timer."
"I don't know if you mean you, or Kal."
"Alright, two of us then."
"Enough with the distractions now, Mister Sir. We have more work to do around here." Faye reminded, reaching up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek and taking Briar from his arms.
"So, I'm going to unpack the living room and you two are...?" Henry fished, reluctantly releasing Faye from her prison.
"I'm gonna help Briar get her room the way she likes it."
"Her room was the first thing we did." Henry pointed out suspiciously, his eyes narrowing as Faye skittered around him. "Oh no, you get back here, Woman!" He called, taking off after them again, mother and daughter both laughing as Faye hurried to Briar's room. He caught up with the two of them just as Faye was setting her daughter down, quickly snatching his girlfriend up and playfully biting at her neck. "You are not getting away that easy!"
"It was worth a shot." Faye sighed, letting him drag her back to the living room where he promptly sat on the couch, settling her in his lap and resting his head on her shoulder. "This doesn't seem like unpacking." She teased, resting her head against his.
"Of course it is. We are visualizing how we want it to look." Henry chuckled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. "What are you thinking?"
"Hmm... TV over the fireplace?"
"A solid choice."
"Coffee table in front of the couch. Side table over there. Briar's little table and chair over there. Probably put Kal's bed next to it."
"He'll lay next to her whether we put the bed there or not." Henry pointed out.
"True. How good are you at putting together IKEA furniture?"
"It is definitely going to be a job for another day." Henry decided, eying the few new pieces they had gotten for the larger living room.
"The toys should probably be near Briar's table so she's not tracking them everywhere. Kal's toy basket can go by his bed. We'll find a place for the pictures once we have the big stuff figured out."
"Sounds perfect." Henry agreed, holding her a little tighter when she tried to stand up. "Just a few more minutes of visualization."
"If you keep putting it off, it'll never get done."
"I'm not putting it off. I'm prioritizing physical contact with my lady right now."
"You just don't want to mount the TV."
"It's a pain in the ass to mount that thing." Henry groaned, looking at the still heavily wrapped TV leaned against the wall.
"It's your TV."
"And I did the sensible thing and paid extra for someone else to fight with it the second time I moved."
"We should have done that with all the furniture."
"Feels less personal, though."
"That's true. Now come on, big guy. We've got stuff to move around." Faye sighed, sliding from his lap and offering her hand to him to help him off the couch, not that he needed it. She would take any excuse she could to touch him, however.
The pair got to work, Henry doing the literal heavy lifting despite Faye's protest that she could move things on her own. They managed to get the furniture - minus the TV - in place; Briar occasionally popping in with a new snack every time, offering each a bite before scampering off again. Faye was putting Briar's toys in her toy chest while Henry went through the boxes, looking for any others containing toys.
"Oh, I found the bath toys!" Henry announced, holding the box up proudly.
"Oh, great. Briar's going to be thrilled when she takes her next bath." Faye sighed in relief. To say the little girl had been less than thrilled to have a plain no-toys-or-bubbles bath was an understatement. As it turns out, no more tears shampoo does not apply when the cause of the tears is from lack of toys.
Henry was putting the toys in the cabinet, down low where Briar would be able to choose what she wanted for herself, when he first saw it. It was a blue and white box with one particular word that grabbed his attention without even trying.
"Faye?" He called, his heart in his throat as he picked up the box, raising a brow at her when she appeared in the doorway, unable to force himself to form words.
"I haven't taken it yet." Faye admitted, seeming to shrink in front of his eyes, the words on the box staring accusingly at her.
Tesco Health Pregnancy Tests
Taglist: @Xxxkatxo @Weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @lharrietg @amberangel112 @mansaaay
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theladyismyshepard · 3 years
Sacrifice with Myra please?
I’m terribly sorry if it seemed like I put you on the back burner, but I’m finally getting back into the flow of things after the slight disappointment of the redhead reveal from ign, and I’m happy to give you more Myra! I got a Cassandra coming next 👀
Poor, Sweet, Innocent Thing You
Warning: Heavy Angst
Leaves were budding along the tree branches as spring brought life back to the frigid earth that winter had stolen from. The temperature still dropped by nightfall, but the frost was on its way to melting in time for the wildlife to arise once more and roam the forest surrounding Castle Dimitrescu.
A rabbit poked its head out from a hole that was hidden away by a fine layer of snow. It was quickly twitching its nose in interest as it investigated the area. The atmosphere must have been safe enough because the rabbit was soon emerging.
An arrow embedded into the side of the animal the moment it was exposed, and luckily it was dead when you slowly took your time approaching it — You always hated having to put poor creatures out of their misery.
A wild giggle echoed throughout the trees that surrounded you, but you did not look up, you refused to acknowledge her. Instead, you dropped the bow and arrow in your hands to attend to the carcass laid out in front of you, your eyes trained and unswayed, but also unfocused as a memory glazed over them.
The wind was howling quite violently for a sunny day, and you couldn't help but to berate yourself for leaving your cloak behind. You were sure to grab your hunting gear in preparation, but with how swiftly you were scrambling around, it was well within your character to accidentally forget something along the way.
You had already trekked deep enough into the woods that it would be ridiculous to turn back, so you pressed on in search of your prey. It made you grimace when you thought of animals in such a way, but then again... with where you live, you've seen actual people turned into nothing more than prey. You forced yourself to dispel the thought, and instead chose to think about what (or who) had you out there.
You blinked down at your handiwork, almost disappointed that you were already finished; You needed something to keep your hands busy so that maybe your mind wouldn't be working so hard. After releasing a sigh, you slung your bow and arrow over your shoulder, gathered up what parts you salvaged from the rabbit, and walked away aimlessly.
You didn't have a thought in mind, or a care to feel... your legs just carried you forward. You could see the castle looming on the horizon, the spires looking as though they protruded into the clouds above. Depending on who you asked, Castle Dimitrescu wasn't exactly an inviting place, but there once was a time when you had felt welcomed and giddy at the mere sight of it alone.
You couldn't help the bright smile that overtook your features by thinking of your girlfriend. You wanted to be quick with your hunt this time seeing as Myra was indulging you by experimenting with something new, and you didn't want to keep her waiting. You kept your footing light enough to barely leave prints of your own, but you also took wider steps to cover more ground.
For all of the Dimitrescu's flaws, you had to admire the amity between the family. They even shared the same meal time seeing as they preferred to feast together. It was when they had extended the same invitation to you that you felt your heart swell so big that it almost felt too confined in your chest...
But then it deflated so quick that it left you sick. Did... did they expect you to be dining on the same food as them? Surely they knew that despite your acceptance of their lifestyle, you couldn't actually partake in it yourself... A gentle hand touched your shoulder, tapping it to get your attention.
"I know what you're thinking, and you are just too cute, my love." said Myra, already giggling.
"Though it isn't completely off the table," drawled Cassandra, her smile wolfish.
"I would never ask you to eat what we eat.” Myra assured, sending her sister a glare. “I was thinking of the complete opposite in fact.”
The two simultaneous gags from her sisters had you furrowing your brow, not quite connecting the dots.
“Instead of eating from the livest- humans... I want you to feel comfortable when you’re with us, so I thought maybe... I could feed from... well... actual livestock.” explained Myra uncomfortably.
You were dumbstruck for a moment, blinking at her, and once senses returned to you, you could detect the hesitation that had Myra fidgeting in place. What was common for you had become foreign to her and her family, and it almost left you baffled that she sought out your approval. The sheepish grin lured you in and had you grabbing both sides of her face to pull her in for a kiss.
Your mouth was in a firm line as you brought yourself back to reality. There was no movement on the outside premises, but you knew better than some that looks can be deceiving. Especially with the blood that was dripping and forming a circle by your side.
You could hear someone calling out to you, and for a split second, you reflexively crane your neck to look around before you caught yourself. The familiar voice was yelling out your name, and you’ve heard it so many times and came running, but this time, you had to turn away.
Eventually her voice died off, giving up and letting you go. You find that you couldn’t really bring yourself to look at the castle anymore, but you were on a mission.
“You would do that for me?” you whispered against Myra’s lips, unwilling to pull away too far.
“I would do anything for you.” insisted Myra, her eyes earnest. “So, tell me, my love... what’s for dinner?”
And that was what had you flying out the door so fast you left your cloak behind. You had assured her that you would do something special in return — You would go out and hunt for her. It seemed like a good idea at the time, completely heroic if not totally romantic... but then you realized that you couldn’t exactly haul back large enough game to quench the thirst she had described to you once, not if you traveled too far out of the area.
Leaves and twigs crunched beneath swift feet, and it snapped your attention to the left. You blinked at the rabbit that was sitting on its back legs, sniffing at the air. After a brief argument with yourself, you decided that Myra could at least try rabbit and see what she thought.
And after another hour of digging deeper into the forest and another one of sitting and waiting, you decided to call it, and slink back with your tail between your legs and nothing more than a measly rabbit to offer. Obviously hunting was more of the Dimitrescu’s thing, and it felt embarrassing that you had to admit that to her... well, her sisters really.
But it was getting far too late, and you know how Myra didn’t particularly like you wandering outside the castle at night. As you began retracing your steps, you finally realized that you wandered far enough into the woods that you found yourself nearing the familiar tree line to the village.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you realized the implications of being seen lurking in the trees. As far as the villagers knew, you had been abducted by the infamous Dimitrescu family, and died off in the castle. It probably wouldn’t go over well to prove them wrong.
Just as you felt you were in the clear, you heard a gun cocking behind you, and it had you instantly frozen on the spot. You couldn’t even turn around to face the one pointing a weapon at you, even when a gruff voice demanded you to do so.
Something collided with the back of your head, hard. It left you stunned as you dropped to your knees, your equilibrium jarred, your skull throbbing, and your ears ringing.
“You not know how to listen?”
A rough hand grabbed you by the neck of your shirt, harshly pulling you back. Your eyes closed of their own accord, so you heard his gasp of surprise rather than watched his reaction.
“Hey, I know you!” the man exclaimed, and you couldn’t say the same about him. “You was that one who went missin’ awhile back!”
You had to resist the urge to roll your eyes. If you counted right, there were a lot of people who had gone missing from the village.
“We all thought you was dead! How did you escape after all this time?!”
Frustration left you with the inability to speak, not that you had a proper answer anyway. How could you possibly explain that you weren’t exactly held captive? You didn’t even want to think of his reaction if you were to tell him you had went and fallen in love with a Dimitrescu.
Just from the way the man was getting visibly irritated by your silence, you could tell he was middle aged. You wondered if he had lived in the village his whole life... You wondered if he had lost a daughter to your lover’s family.
“You not know how to speak either?” He spat sourly. “Jeez, what have they done to you?”
“Nothing!” you finally shouted, giving him a start. “They didn’t do a goddamn thing to me!”
“We best be getting you back to the village, I think you’ve got a couple screws loose.” He insisted while looking at you like you grew a second head.
Your hand clenched into a fist at your side, the sack of rabbit meat and pelt in your hand long forgotten. You swallowed past the lump that formed in your throat, and forced yourself to step through the gate that enclosed the castle.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see red hair shining in the sunlight, but again, you refused to turn and look in her direction as you continued deeper onto the Dimitrescu property. You didn’t even need to pay attention to know where your feet were leading you, it was a reflex now.
It felt as though there were eyes upon you, but when you turned to inspect every window pane that your eyes could see, you couldn’t place a single shadow. You knew better than that though... They were always watching. They knew your routine by now. Instead of succumbing to the heat of the gazes, you marched along the pathway that your repeated footsteps were slowly forming, blood dripping and marking your trail at your side.
You couldn’t fight against the older man and his gun once you shouted your resistance. He had it cocked and pointed directly at your head the moment you started getting fussy. All you could do was raise your hands, hanging rabbit carcass and all, and comply when he beckoned you through the tree line and towards the outskirts of the village.
All the faces that used to be so familiar and friendly were nothing more than a cruel reminder that you weren’t home... The jaws that dropped, the eyes that widened, it all meant nothing to you, not when their concerns were unwarranted. Not when the villagers were keeping you from your girlfriend.
You glared at the older man who still had his gun pointed at you, even as a crowd swarmed around the two of you, questions flying at a hundred miles a minute. It left you lightheaded and overwhelmed as your irritation mounted, and it took everything you had to prevent yourself from covering your ears just to block out the noise.
“Thomas!” a woman exclaimed, tone already reprimanding. “Put that damned weapon away, you’re scaring the poor thing!”
The older man, Thomas, narrowed his eyes, his index finger never leaving the trigger.
“I don’t think somethin’s right with this one.” said Thomas slowly, eyeing you up and down. “Didn’t exactly act like you wanted to come home, did ya?”
“This isn’t my home.” You shot back defiantly, ignoring the several gasps that it prompted. “You put a gun to my head and dragged me here!”
“You should know better than anyone that some precautions come with the territory. Hell, if you were as cautious as I was, maybe ya wouldn’t’ve gotten yourself taken!” Thomas bit back.
If this man didn’t stop talking soon, you were afraid your eyeballs would permanently be stuck mid-eye roll. If this man didn’t stop talking soon, you were afraid that the uncertain mumbling surrounding you would grow into displeasure fast. Hell, the woman who scolded Thomas before had already given up.
“So what is it that you plan on doing exactly?” You drawled.
“That’s true, Thomas, what crime has been committed? It looks like you interrupted a mere hunt to me.” Another villager — the baker —spoke up, eyeing the rabbit in your hand.
“If they haven’t done a “goddamn thing” to you,” sneered Thomas, quoting you from before, and ignoring the baker altogether. “Then why haven’t ya returned? Where did you go?”
There was another wave of murmurs, and suddenly the group was growing in size, some were even armed.
“Where were all of you?” You countered almost desperately, attempting anything to get the sudden spotlight off of yourself. “Did any of you even try to look for me?”
The reactions were split. Some looked away in shame while others looked unimpressed, Thomas being the ringleader.
“Of course we did.” said Thomas smugly. “We did our job of lookin’, and you were too busy enjoyin’ yourself it seems.”
You closed your eyes, feeling defeated when you heard the group swaying in Thomas’ favor. You could hardly hate him for his argument, he was kinda right... You did find that you enjoyed yourself a little too much for a person in a house full of blood and death. It almost didn’t seem fair that you were loved so much... that you were the only one special enough to be chosen to live while others screamed and cried below you.
“How do you explain that?” taunted Thomas, arching an eyebrow, and the crowd was chiming in as well now.
“Easily,” supplied a smooth voice, cutting through the rambling and effectively shutting them up. “My pet is under a spell and under my control.”
Your eyes darted to Myra, wide and frantic. What was she doing here? She knew it was dangerous to approach the village before twilight and with so many armed and angry villagers in one spot no less! You couldn’t count the amount of flaming torches on one hand, and you knew these people weren’t above burning their problems alive (or dead?).
“No!” You insisted, trying to push forward to get to her, but multiple arms looped around you and pulled you tight. “Myra!”
“So you admit it!” shouted Thomas, an accusatory finger pointed directly at your girlfriend, though you could tell by the tremble that he wasn’t as confident talking big game to her as he was to you.
“I think I just did, yes,” said Myra slowly, like she were speaking with a child. “Now you would be doing yourselves a great favor in releasing my pet to me.”
Myra had her arm extended, and that’s when you noticed that she had brought along your cloak that you had left behind. You felt your eyes watering and you couldn’t describe what you were feeling, there was too much happening.
The arms encircling you pulled you back almost protectively now. Like they thought you were ill and needed comfort... the fools. The only sickness to befall you was lovesick, and you know you aren’t under any sort of influence. Yet, the villagers still put a boundary between you and Myra.
It couldn’t block your view of the acceptance evident in her eyes as hers met yours. There was love there, and you know what she’s doing for you. She was willing to fight until either she slaughtered the entire village, or was slaughtered herself. How could she possibly win when there were multiple guns trained on her? Her skills and her ability to transform would only get her so far without her family to support her.
“You’ve been a good pet... I would love rabbit tonight.”
Myra looked deep into your eyes even as the villagers began throwing insults and names at her. They softened and she gave you that smile that you loved waking up and falling asleep to.
Before her form dissolved into a swarm of insects that attacked the village. There were shouts and gasps that turned into screams as her insects dug into their flesh and attacking from the inside out. The arms let you go and you weren’t sure where to run to or what to do in general, so you ran to where she had appeared, grabbing your cloak in the process.
People were flailing about, some were swinging in a futile attempt at fighting back. One of the villagers saw an insect crawling on his arm and swatted at it, effectively crushing it. Your eyes widened, as did several of the other villagers.
“Kill them all!” announced Thomas, smacking the ones crawling on his body, underneath his clothes.
The crowd roared their approval and those holding torches swung them valiantly through the air, singing and catching the swarm ablaze before your very eyes.
“Myra!” You shrieked, heart shattering in your chest, leaving you unable to breathe past the shards.
The remaining insects bit into your own skin, and you couldn’t help but flinch back, but she was relentless, pushing you away and away and away.
You collapsed next to the little grave you had made for Myra in the back of Castle Dimitrescu, one of the many hideaways that you two shared together. There was a simple piece of wood that you had stuck into the ground after you had carved her name in the neatest handwriting you had ever possessed. You covered the piece of wood with the cloak she had brought all the way out to you. It was all snuggled in.
You placed the rabbit gently onto the ground before the marker, and stared out into nothing, your eyes blurring no matter how many times you blinked.
“I can’t stop hearing your voice.” You choked out. “I hear you calling all the time... When I turn, you’re never there.”
A tear fell. And then another. And soon they were pouring and you couldn’t stop them until you were full blown sobbing.
“I see you out the corner of my eye, but I’ve learned to stop looking.” You cried, curling into yourself.
Time wasn’t healing this wound, it was merely festering and getting infected as you left it untreated. You’re finding that it’s impossible to get over Myra, not that you were even trying to. Your eyes cut to the multiple discarded bags that you had brought to her grave.
She had told you she had wanted rabbit that night... you had to make sure you were prepared if she were ever to come back and stop taunting you from the trees.
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Setting:  One Piece Universe; Zoro x Reader
Word Count: 1765
Summary: You damaged his sword a few times now and Zoro was clearly sick of it. He was frustrated which lead into anger. Anger he targeted at you. You knew he was right, and decided to apologize to him properly. This couldn’t end like this. 
!Credit to the Artist!
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“That's the third time now, enough!”
He barked at you like a wild dog, and snatched the sword out of your hands. You wanted to use them a bit, just to see how it would be with a sword. He gave you permission a few times now and watched over you. He taught you some easy techniques and was quite excited to give you all of his knowledge. However, you always used his swords and in your inexperienced hands it happened that you harmed the blade. He told you to get yourself your own weapon, but since it was rather just to try out and not actually your weapon of choice for combat, you didn’t.
This was the third time. The third time you tried something with it, and accidentally cracked the tip of the sword. Zoro was patient in the beginning, he knew that it took time to learn it. But his weapons were not your toys when you were bored. He made this very clear. You watched him push it back into it’s scabbard before he stepped closer to you. The way he stood in front of you was threatening. Like a wild animal ready to lash out. He didn’t care that you were a crew member nor his friend. He had told you to be careful several times and this was enough.
“Get your own god damn sword. I’m sick of having to repair them all the time only you can play. This isn’t a game, Y/N. Swordsmanship is not a fucking game.”
You wanted to yell back and protest, however your words were stuck in your throat. You knew he was right, but you were too stubborn to admit it. Your pride was stopping you from actually listening to him and your impulsiveness had made you do it three times now. You’ve never seen him this angry and it scared you. Your body instinctively stepped back and you flinched at his words. Zoro was still standing in front of you, eyebrows deeply narrowed. His body language spoke aggression, which he tried to hold back. You made the string of patience rip.
Quickly you left the crows nest and disappeared into your shared room with the other two ladies. Nami and Robin had heard your argument and looked at each other, before following you into the bedroom. With your friends by your side, you quietly cried over your mistake.
“It’s better you apologize to him. As mad as he is, he will calm down after you do.”
“Are you sure? I doubt he wants to see my face again.” You sniffed and clinged onto your pillow. Robin nodded reassuringly and gently stroke your back. She didn’t want to remind you that what you did was indeed somewhat stupid, and Zoro was right. Nami was in the same boat. It was better to look ahead and look for a solution to get along with your crewmate again.
“Of course. I remember when Usopp wanted to leave the crew and basically dragged Luffy through the mud, Zoro gladly accepted him back when he apologized. He’s a simple man Y/N, and in no way someone who holds grudges for a long time.” Nami smiled at you and gave you a tissue to wipe those tears away. Hearing that, made you think for a moment. They’ve told you that story before, they probably knew the swordsman better than you did, considering you were rather new in comparison to Nami and Robin. You nuzzled your face into the pillow a bit and nodded.
“I will. Thank you.”
The next day when Zoro woke up, his hand automatically grabbed to his swords. With a yawn he put them besides his hip where they belonged to. Wado Ichimonji, Kitetsu...Shusui…wait.
“Shusui?” Confused he looked around in the room. His third sword was missing. He swore he left it next to him. He looked in his bed, in his closet, in the other beds and closets. It couldn’t be...did he leave it in the crows nest? He remembered he put all three swords aside before he went to sleep. “Fuck where did I leave it…” He mumbled to himself and looked through everything again. No matter how many times he looked in the room, he couldn’t find it.
Frustrated he walked on deck and searched there for his weapon. Usopp was sitting in the gras of the Sunny and noticed his crewmate walking around in distress. Before the sniper could question his mood, Zoro spoke up already. “Usopp, did you see Shusui?” He pointed at his hip where only two of his signature swords were. The other man shrugged and shook his head. “Nah, didn’t see it.”
“I saw Y/N leaving with it into town.”
A high voice pitched from the other side. It was Chooper, who was holding some drink in both of his hoofs. He sipped it slowly and looked at Zoro with his big deer eyes, like the innocent little thing he was. The swordsman tensed up noticeably and sighed. He clenched his hands into fists. It made Chopper back off a little. He was clearly mad at you taking his sword again. Zoro thought you haven’t learned your lesson and assumed you were messing around with it. How many times did he have to tell you to stop it. He already snapped at you yesterday. He wondered how stubborn you actually were. Maybe you did it on purpose he wasn't sure. But enough was enough.
“Z-Zoro...w-wait what's the matter?” Usop watched him stomping off the sunny with confusion. He wasn’t on the ship yesterday, therefore didn’t hear the argument you had. The anger his friend was radiating was irritatingly strong. He’d never seen him this angry at you. “What was that…”, the sniper mumbled to himself, before he shrugged and continued to work.
You had some business in town which you just finished. The way back to the harbour was quite calming, it was a small little road through a little forest area. The atmosphere surely helped your nervosity. Robin had helped you get Zoros sword while he slept. The weapon was wrapped in fabric and strapped on your back. It should be a little surprise along with the little bag you had in your hand. You dearly hope he would forgive you. You felt sorry for what you did and didn’t want to risk your friendship to continue like this.
Sadly, the surprise wasn’t one for long. In the distance you could see the owner of the said sword. His posture was giving you clear signs. Zoro was mad, yet again because of you. He must have noticed his sword was missing. Obviously. You had hoped to get back to the ship before he woke up, which clearly failed. You swallowed hard when he stomped to you and grabbed your collar.
“Z-Zoro, please let me explain!”
You rose your hands in defense when he handled you this roughly. His fingers were dug deep into the fabric of your shirt, an iron grip which you couldn’t escape. His eyes shot from you, to his sword on your back. Seeing the fabric around it, he narrowed his eyes. “Did you break it now?! I swear to god if you-”
“Let me explain Zoro, I beg you.” Your voice was filled with fear that he’d be mad for you forever. The expression you gave him through your eyes made him hold still for a second. He frightened you. You looked like a scared animal ready to run away and hide. With a sigh he let go, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Fine. Speak.”
“I...I wanted to apologize…” Zoro raised one eyebrow when you grabbed behind your back to his sword. You placed the bag in your hand on the ground to remove the fabric from the weapon. The scabbard was shining in the sun. Someone polished it, even the little scratched in the wood were gone and a fresh layer of polishing wax was on it. You pulled the black blade out, the one you broke the tip off. The metal was shining as well, sharp like new. Zoro eyes widened when he saw his sword. He was speechless. It seemed like you brought his sword to a blacksmith to- not only repair the blade -but also give it a clean up. It looked fantastic, he didn’t know what to say. “Y-You…”
“And this.” You put the sword back into it’s scabbard and handed it over to him. Zoro gladly took it, still speechless. The bag on the ground was also for him. You gave it to the swordsman as well. A delicious smell hit his nostrils. He didn’t have to look inside to know that it was the smell of smoked eel. It was still warm even. With his sword in one and, and the food in the other, he stood there completely baffled. He didn’t expect this and didn’t know how to react. His eyes wandered from the food to his sword. However, when you spoke up, Zoro faced you again.
“I’m sorry for acting like that. I know swordsmanship is not a game, I apologize for disrespecting. I promise it won’t happen again.”
Zoro stood there in silence for a second, before he sighed deeply. He put his sword back and stroke through his hair. He felt like he had to apologize as well. He was way too rude to you. The way he had grabbed you earlier obviously had scared you. It wasn’t his intention. Zoro didn’t want to scare you off like that. “It’s alright. I guess I should apologize for being that rough.”
With a relieved smile you shook your head. You were more than happy that Zoro accepted your apology. That was more important. “Already forgotten...I hope you like smoked eel by the way.” Zoro nodded with a small smile on his features, and sat down on the side of the road. He motioned next to him. “Hope you do as well.”
Together you sat next to each other and emptied the little box full of delicious rice and eel. Zoro asked you how you managed to get his sword and how you found that blacksmith. You quickly explained which made him grin a little. You were a bit clumsy with swords but you surely were witty. Soon you two drifted into some conversation about god and the world, as if nothing happened. Nami was right, Zoro wasn’t someone who held grudges long. Especially not with this kind of apology.
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