#before i was like 'i like ink! but i have prefer other AU characters'
serenxdipitys · 2 years
i need everyone to read "For the Forgotten Ones" by Im_Sorry_Buddy on AO3 its an UTMV fic and i've been aggressively hyperfixating on it 3 days since i've found it
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fl00mie · 2 months
Heyyy, got any fun headcanons you'd like to share with the class?? :3
oh god someone really asked this—
i'm not good at all with headcanons unless they come from nonsense situations, out of that i try to attach the most to the canon of every character Dx i might be able to think of ideas that fit them from time to time but it's not something i give much thought to, i tend to forget about it after a while and prefer to read other people's takes instead, but i'll make an effort! ok, here we go
starting from ink
i always think about this line he said in the truce comic about how paradoxical it would be for error to destroy any universe or creation, obviously this is a character trait so that artists can create content with him but certainly the only thing he would achieve would be to create more AUs or alternate TLs. based on this i think that if ink met him he would see him as a potential friend or battle partner regardless of what he may think of him, he would fight with an error who believes would achieve his goal by defeating him.. although i feel that this is something the community (or at least those folks who are passionate about the actual canon of characters) had already taken for granted😅
still talking about what ink thinks about error, he loves that he makes sanses dolls, it makes him think that he doesn't only think about destruction because he takes the time to make them in detail<3 he admires that about him
adding this thing i said a while ago of ink taking swap on trips to outertale because of his passion for space:3 they would be calm nights where swap contemplates the starry sky while from time to time he asks ink things about astronomy, ink would be just drawing, dream could join sometimes! (adressing star sanses topic later)
ofc ink would be a fashion icon, sometimes- in the words of comyet herself, ink could wear a fashion-acclaimed outfit one day and the next day wear just a pair of duds that only HE thinks look good, AND I LOVE TO THINK ABOUT IT!! he likes to experiment with any kind of aesthetic as if he were some kind of canvas for his ideas
he would totally have a sketchbook full of fell drawings, he'd completely deny having a favorite universe or sans no matter how obvious it may seem lolss
about dreamtale hmmm
i prefer to think that dream is someone who is constantly insecure because of something i have already mentioned before, he carries the guilt of not having been there for others when they needed him the most (when nightmare had just turned him into stone and he couldn't do anything about the negativity recently spread across several universes), and not to mention his actual mental age, although he was somewhat conscious while being made of stone he didn't live his life like his brother so i could grant him a certain degree of naivety
that last thing could go hand in hand with the fact that he never learned to read and leads to kinda angsty situations
besides, i still trust that star sanses can work, dream would have eventually felt guilty for how he addressed ink when he found out how he allowed universes with cruel stories to follow their course but he realized that he had a purpose and did not really enjoy the suffering of others (unlike the comic joku made about this), ink would forgive him without problems and they would go out sometimes with swap
there's this 8h long video in spanish explaining everything that's known about dreamtale so far (and that's only the first part lol, i've only seen 4 hours but i plan to watch it all), there's mentioned how love is a neutral feeling that can lean towards negativity or positivity, this gives rise to the possibility on the part of nightmare (we already know that dream is capable of becoming fond of people) that he feels some kind of love -not romantic- for others, proof of this could be how he has come to treat Killer when he's hurt using his healing powers
in general i think that nightmare acts extremely calm and serious rather than someone mocking
also, now that i know a little more about dreamtale's lore, i like to think that one of dream's favorite animals are cats, because of neil!:D (this could indicate a potential friendship between dream and killer lolll)
that last one goes for killer as well!! obviously when he got his happy ending with color
this might differ a bit with error's canon but i love the concept of "allowed anomalies" in the anti-void, i'm planning to do a drawing of this but they would be ink, fresh, swap and sometimes fell, allowed because of fear, neglect, (possible) fond and as a chocolate source respectively
random idea, i always thought that a child in geno and cross' life (separately) would bring them a lot of happiness
regarding geno, this is more of an assumption from how i've seen him act in the aftertale comic, like, we know he's still a regular sans because that universe counts more as an alternate timeline but as time went by he started to act calmer than classic, he gives me mother vibes if you ask me xP so also based on how he behaved with after!frisk(? in the end i think a child to take care of would bring him more peace in his happy ending
and cross! we could say that it's canon because of lux's joke comics, he certainly looks genuinely happy taking care of her. although we can also see how he's somewhat overprotective with her even when she's an adult, yes it would make him happy but it may be a disadvantage/neglect at the same time
also, it's cute to consider how dream and epic can form a friendship based on cross, i haven't seen epictale story but as far as i know cross is canon there sooo i believe in dream and epic as a protective duo over cross supremacy!!
ohhhh god i think that's all for now, i can't think of anything else
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
hii so as wick said you are the killer guy. ive learned a lot abt him through you i think, and if i make or reblog smthn abt him and then *you* reblog it im like "!! i did him right i got the character right!!"
so as such ive gotta ask. ink and killer. both are aware of someone watching them, making choices for them to further the story as they please. the creators/players. but both have different opinions of them. i wanna know what you think would be like- differences/similarities between their views. would they get along on this subject, would they not (i dont think they would tbh), etc.
im sorry if this isn't very coherent im still asleep 😭😭
Hiii! 👋 I always enjoy reading or seeing anything you make about killer, id reblog and like every single one.
And I agree with you that this is a subject that ink and killer wouldn’t really agree upon, simply because their experiences with the creators/players are very different.
Other than the obvious ones, where Ink has a positive outlook on creators and Killer doesn’t really, Ink also needs creators to stay alive and healthy. And if I remember correctly, Ink was not made by creators specifically to protect AUs. That’s a choice he made on his own, to not only ensure his own survival, but to have a purpose and feel like his life has meaning.
Ink had some agency in a way, and was happy to do something as grand as protecting entire universes. No one’s gonna be able to really stop him if he decides to shrug his shoulders and retire from protecting AUs one day, no one but himself really.
Meanwhile, Killer’s Determination would not allow him to do that so easily. Just look at Stage 4.
Killer did not have any real agency or a say—Sans did not agree to anything like gaining Determination or ‘fusing’ souls—and he was “created” and cultivated for specific purposes; to kill, to entertain, to be a partner, to do a Genocide. To destroy timelines and worlds in a way. If you interpret the Angel in the prophecy to be the Player, it can be said that Killer was made and cultivated for the purpose of being our avatar.
He enacts our will. We want him to kill? Do a Genocide? We want to be the Angel of Death and liberate the Underground by emptying it completely? He is one of our means to do that.
We want to complete the game, try every single avenue and maybe even create our own paths, regardless of how it actually affects the structure of the world/game? He’s our means to do what we normally couldn’t. To do something new.
Because we aren’t doing it. He is, by following our commands. Proceed.
Killer is our right hand, Frisk is the left, and Chara is the feeling we have when we level up, when we gain more stats; they guide and support us on our way eventually, as they do for Killer too; until Killer decides one day that he no longer needs them and needs something new. They are our means of interacting with the world.
Which means Killer could also have the dual purpose of being Chara’s partner, meant to accompany them along on their journey. Perhaps Sans was just the Player’s favorite character, or we just wanted something new. And Chara wanted a partner, a friend, a companion.
I’m sure there’s an ending out there where Killer never turns on Chara and the two of them find a way to leave their timeline to continue on elsewhere. Perhaps by Erasing it and moving on to the next world, as Chara says at the end of the canon Genocide route.
Only we don’t have complete control over Killer, because he is not supposed to be our Avatar. Killer is not supposed to exist, yet he does because we wanted him to. The whole reason Killer’s Stage 2 exist in the state that it does is because it represents Sans fighting back against the Determination SOUL.
Because Sans never wanted this. Ever. We just made him think he did. Something New was Snowgrave before Snowgrave.
We took him and shattered him completely and arranged his parts in a way that suited our desires and built him back up in our preferred image before freezing him in that state. And we did it by first taking everything from him, including himself.
Ink doesn’t remember anything after he tore up his soul, and even if he did, why would he chose anything differently? He and his universe were nothing but incomplete, rough sketches that were abandoned.
Ink came from nothing, and now has everything.
Ink finds purpose with the Creators and admires their works, seeks to protect their AUs and their scripts from anything he perceives as an anomaly.
Killer has a purpose for existing. He just wishes he didn’t. I’m sure that, at his lowest points, Killer would give anything to go back to being nothing.
( @alyimoss ).
(Also maybe an odd opinion but I honestly feel that this particular part of Something New is the reason why it would’ve worked a bit better in a game format rather than a comic.)
(And you know. I can see a little scene where, like..Ink says something about how the Player prefers “Killer” over “Sans” now. So Killer must feel very loved by us.
And of course, as is often the case with Killer, his emotional investment and reactions about/towards the Player during conversations with people like Ink would differ based on what Stage he is in.
Stage 2 is unlikely to be able to feel much intense emotions or opinions about us, and is therefore is able to approach this type of topic from a more detached, apathetic lens. A sense of resigned acceptance, even. He exists because we want to play, so he will put on a show.
I’m sure he’d have strong feelings about it in all the other Stages, but it’s not like Stages 3 and 4 are exactly capable of sitting down and having clear minded full conversations about it.
That’s more Stage 1’s thing, with all the emotional baggage and all. Because it’s not like knowing why really changes anything for him; he still did it, it was his hands. He does have a tendency to hurt himself for us, as Color has said.)
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wickjump · 3 months
People often narrow ink down to being an extrovert but did you know that it isn't true at all? If anything, he's more of a introvert.
Ink canonically actually doesn't like contant company and prefers being alone on his own at most times according to Comyet, that includes work too (he doesn't get afraid of 'being alone' since he's ALWAYS suronded with AU's, so he isn't actually alone you know). If anything, if someone where to make company for him, he would actually get annoyed lol!
people just,,idk people don’t. actually like characters they like what they see of characters. and that’s fine i like fanon nm > canon any day but you gotta know the real character before you decide otherwise you end up misinterpreting them and their canon SO bad.everyone i need you to look at canon ink sans info RIGHT NOW…..
ink’s just. AUGH theyre so fun. he’s just an artist that spends hours a day painting and drawing in a world between and beyond all other worlds having a good time n stuff…oh to be ink sans
i love how ‘appearances aren’t all what they seem’ of a character ink is sometimes. They defy all expectations And i LOVE IT FOR THEM!!!!!!!!
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lampochkaart · 11 months
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DRV3 Exlibrium AU introduction
Exlibrium (Экслибриум) is an urban fantasy comic book series published by Bubble Comics about the adventures of a young girl named Lilia Romanova who accidentally becomes part of the Order of Book Sorcerers (official translated name is Bookwizards but it sounded kinda funny so i call them Book Sorcerers).
The comics are great. They’re written very well, the characters are all cool and interesting and the art styles (there are several artists working on the series, and they switch from time to time) are simply amaising. But keep in mind that those comics can get pretty dark at times (and contain horror elements).
I really like this series (actually I like a lot of Bubble comic series) and recently I got an idea for a DRV3 AU. This AU doesn’t really follow the plot of the series, but the world building and lore are cool, so I thought it might be cool to expore the situations that DRV3 cast might find themselves in.
While technically I could explore the possibility that they are all fictional characters and what might happen to them then, I prefer to just leave them as Book Sorcerers fighting with runaway characters.
Now, I’m gonna expain about the main information about this AU. Obviously there will be some spoilers for the comic.
(Most of this part was taken from the wiki page)
The duty of the Order is to protect the boundaries between the real world and the world of fiction. Their main task is to catch literary characters who have escaped from their books and who are causing damage to the real world due to mutations of their body, caused by their presence in our objective reality.
The Order of Book Sorcerers owns Libraries, which are used as headquarters, as well as training places for new mages. Every Library has its administrator, who is similar to the school principal, and tutors. All Libraries obey the council of the Order, called the Circle. The Circle includes four people and an equal number of senior Shadows of the Library (a special kind, more intelligent and powerful than their smaller colleagues). Together, the participants of the Circle solve global problems of the Libraries crisis.
Every ordinary person can become a Book Sorcerer, after being infected by literary ink from awoken books. However, a person affected by the ink begins to attract the attention of "mad" books that spit out everything they have inside into the real world. The infected person must go through initiation in the House of Bones, which is an astral place, where shadow-like creatures live.
(Picture from the comic)
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If the shadows take over, the ink absorbs the person and they become a Shadow of the Library, a little phantom creature, serving the Book Sorcerers. In that case they will be forgotten by anyone who ever knew them before transformation (except Book Sorcerers).
Shadows of the Library
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If the person takes over, then they gain the ability to control the ink inside of them. During the initiation, the ink color is also being defined, which affects the supernatural abilities that Book Sorcerer obtains.
Going through the House of Bones
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There are ten colors in total: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, gray, black, and white (the last two are called "monochrome colors" and are special and extremely rare) and their shades. With the help of the first 8 colors, Book Sorcerers can influence the subjective reality of books in various ways, while black and white let their owners control our reality, opening up perspectives to limitless possibilities (the abilities of both can only be used together with the opposite color, which means that two sorcerers are required to activate them; they can't be used separately).
Warm spectrum: Attack
Cold spectrum: Defence, influencing the battlefield
It is technically possible to go through the House of Bones several times to get other colors, but this is rarely done because it is very risky (and going through the House is a rather nasty and painful process overall).
Persons color represented by Exlibrium — something like a magical tattoo that appears where the ink has settled after infection — after successfully going through the House of Bones. Exlibriums are used to seal the books.
(I decided to use their former high school emblems as Exlibriums)
Colors often connected to personality. All colors have their element and their power.
(I tried my best to get more information, but a lot of what is written below are just my observations and guesses based on what I saw in comics)
Red — fire. Attack (fire and explosions). Traits: Hot-tempered, passionate
Orange — sand(?). Attack (high durability low mobility, can be used as defence). Traits: ?
Yellow — light. Attack (glow, destructive rays of light). Traits: Anxious, nervous
Green — plants(?). Defence (healing, buffing abilities). Traits: Calm, collected
Cyan — air. Defence (speed, flight). Traits: Energetic??
Blue — water. Defence (capture, invisibility, disguise). Traits: Calm, kind?
Purple — ? Neither attack nor defence (is inbetween cold and warm spectrum). Abilities: freezing creatures and objects in time, stopping time. Also some kind of conceptual (?) magic like being able to share damage between two people. Traits: ?
Only members of one family are allowed to have purple ink.
There were also characters with turquoise and pink ink. Probably those are variations of cyan and red (?) respecively. Turquoise ink allowes to create portal doors.
Owning monochrome colors are prohibited, all owners are killed.
Grey — stone. Defence (kinda like orange but even more defence and durability and not a lot of damage). Can be reluctanlty allowed but owners are under constant pressure
White — absolute light. Creation and destruction (only with black)
Black — absolute darkness. Creation and destruction (only with white)
Kaede Akamatsu — Purple (from family). Control (time manipulation, support) Exlibrium: chest
Shuichi Saihara — Yellow. Attack (light bullets) Exlibrium: right arm
Maki Harukawa — Red. Attack (crossbow) Exlibrium: shoulders
Kaito Momota — Red. Attack (fire, exposions) Exlibrium: fists
Kokichi Ouma — Purple* Control (time manipulation, support) Exlibrium: back
Gonta Gokuhara — Yellow. Attack (swarms of insects) Exlibrium: hands and arms
Ryoma Hoshi — Cyan. Defence (speed) Exlibrium: legs
Kirumi Tojo — Green. Defence (healing, buffing abilities) Exlibrium: throat
Tsumugi Shirogane — Blue. Defence (invisibility, disguise) Exlibrium: left eye
Rantaro Amami — Blue. Defence (lasso, some expedition equipment?) Exlibrium: chest
Korekiyo Shinguji — Green? Defence (healing, buffing abilities) Exlibrium: neck
Angie Yonaga — Orange. Attack (divine punishment, sculptures as shields or weapons?) Exlibrium: Belly
Tenko Chabashira — Cyan. Defence (flight?) Exlibrium: back
Himiko Yumeno — Orange. Attack (magic cards) Exlibrium: legs
Miu Iruma — Yellow. Attack (bombs+electrohammers or laser guns?) Exlibrium: Belly
K1-B0 — Character assigned to the library
*owns illegaly. Officially owns a different color
Red: Kaito, Maki
Orange: Himiko, Angie?
Yellow: Shuichi, Gonta, Miu
Green: Kirumi, Korekiyo?
Cyan: Ryoma, Tenko
Blue: Shirogane, Rantaro?
Purple: Kaede, Kokichi*
And now more clear explaination from me about what exactly Book Sorcerers do.
Every once in a while some characters from books may regain consciousness and try to leave the book. By doing this, they make the book "mad". Because if the book’s plot doesn’t go the way it’s supposted to, more characters start going insane and the book will “spit them out” into reality in hopes that they will bring back the escaped characters. When characters (and the books, since they’re directly connected) go insane, they start mutating. Usually it starts like appearance of extra eyes and limbs, but can deform bodies even more. In the most severe cases all characters can even be combined into one deformed mass. With each cycle the plot can’t go the way it’s supposted to, the book and the characters are getting more and more crazy. The shorter the book, the faster this happens.
Character going crazy
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In order to stop that Book Sorcerers have to “feed” the characters to the book and then seal that book with their Exlibrium. After this characters can’t run away from their book (until they somehow gain consciousness and escape again), and when the book cycle starts again, they forget everything about what happened and go back to following the plot. If a character dies (not according to the plot of the book) Book Sorcerers have to rewrite them again using their own ink (+ remaining ink of the character), which is very draining and require a lot of energy. If a book can’t be saved, it may have to be destroyed, but this is very bad so it can’t be done unless it’s REALLY necessary.
Books go insane not only when they’re missing something important, but also when something foreign gets inside them (like a character from different book or even Sorcerers themselves if they are not careful).
Normal people don’t see unusual looking characters and powers of Book Sorcerers because of a phenomenon called “false blindness”. It prevents people from going insane every time they encounter something that doesn’t fit into their idea of normal reality. Therefore, unless they are exposed to magical things for a long time or interact with them directly, they will not be able to see anything like that, even if it’s right in front of them.
It’s also important to note that fictional magic, both from characters and from the Sorcerers, can’t affect the material world and regular people. But it can affect everything influenced by ink (namely books, characters and sorcerers themselves).
Every library has an assigned character that belongs to the library administrator or just someone who is in charge of supervising the initiation. This character “awakens” the ink that the person has been infected with to start the initiation process. It’s a rather painful but necessary procedure. During this, the infected person is firmly fixated in the chair, because while consciousness is in the House of Bones, the body can behave unpredictably, and the chair prevents the person from hurting themselves or others (or at least it is meant to).
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In this AU, the administrator of their library is Makoto, and Kiibo is a character he wrote, but Naegi is away so for now Hajime looks after the library.
Most of the time, Book Sorcerers use their ink’s “basic” abilities, but in some situations it’s not enough. In that case they can use glyphs (for example, healing and buffing abilities require making glyphs). The problem is that this is difficult to do in the heat of battle. So more often they prepare some most frequently used glyphs beforehand and carry them with them.
There are also special pens that are used for more powerful magic. Without them Sorcerers still have powers but they are a slightly weaker and more limited.
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I’m not going to involve monochrome sorcerers in events of this AU because it’s a really complex topic and I don't want to go into it here. This AU is mainly just for the shenanigans of DRV3 cast. There’s gonna be enough drama and angst even without monochromes.
I think that’s all, at least for now. I also tried to avoid spoilers in my explaination, but I might later explain some things a bit more. If you have any questions about this AU (about characters, about mechanics, about AU in general, etc.), feel free to ask! I already have some things I wanna expain and draw, so I will definetly show more of this AU.
I already wrote a little introduction with some extra information about characters. I'll post it tomorrow👀
Tag for this AU is #drv3 exlibr au
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fallenasleepyetagain · 3 months
Competing - Blue/Nightmare Fic
Genres: Human AU, normal multiverse, homoerotic chess game, flirting or threats? who knows!
Characters: King Nightmare, Blue, Dream (mentioned), Ink (mentioned)
Pairing(s): Nightmare/Blue
CW/TW: Threats, Nightmare vaguely taking about his Evil Plans™️
Word Count: 1434
Read it on ao3!
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"Have a seat."
Nightmare sat on the opposite side of the large living room from the main entrance. The room was large, and if Blue was there for any other reason, it would've felt homey.
The living room contained a multitude of different activities scattered around the place. There was a large fireplace on the far wall, large and ornate, no fire burning in it at the moment. The floor was a dark wood, but there was a variety of teal and black carpets around the room, specifically around the couches and chairs.
The walls were filled to the brim with tall, wooden bookshelves. On most of them, there were rows and rows of books, as to be expected. Large books with damaged spines and withering covers were located at the top, out of reach, and out of danger. On the lower shelves were magazines and books clearly deemed less important by Nightmare.
On others were rows and rows of video game cartridges, as well as music CDs and cassettes. If Blue had to guess, there were also VHS tapes and recordings of TV shows and movies, but he wasn't close enough to see the exact filmography Nightmare had.
Wherever there weren't book shelves, there were small tables with unfinished projects and board games on them. There were some whittling projects scattered about, as well as a board game with an obvious loser who wasn't willing to throw in the towel.
All of that pales in comparison to, truly, what was the star of the show. On the left side of the room was a beautiful and ornate chess table, built from a dark marble with silver accents.
The pieces were likely hand carved, no two pawns looked the same despite the similar shaping to them. One side was made from a dark metal of some kind, decorated with teal and blue gemstones, the other set being a light silver with orange and white gems.
"Pretty, isn't it?" Nightmare said as Blue stared down at the chess set.
For a moment, Blue forgot where he was, what the stakes were. He nodded, fidgeting with his scarf.
"Shall we play, then?"
Nightmare gestured for Blue to sit on the opposing side of the chess table: the side with the silver pieces. He obliged, although his body tensing as he sits down, the bottom half of his face hidden in his scarf.
"Have you ever played chess before, Blue?"
There was some hesitation; Blue's eyes darted to the board, the beautiful chess pieces, before back up at Nightmare. "...Yes. Not recently, but I have. I know the rules."
"Oh wonderful, I was worried that I'd have to teach you. That'd be a lot less fun," Nightmare hummed as he ran his thumb across his nails. "I get to skip to why you're here, which is preferable."
"I'm here to negotiate Dream and Ink's freedom." Blue said, his teeth grinding together. He knew a diplomatic conversation was the only way to succeed. Fighting Nightmare and his gang on his own was out of the question, and he couldn't rely on stealth to free his friends.
Not when Nightmare could hear the quickening of his heartbeat.
"But that's so boring, don't you think?" Nightmare fidgeted with the rook on the far left of the chess board. "We could have an intellectual back and forth, and with you I always do adore it, but this will just be a whole lot more fun."
"I- I mean...I guess so."
"So glad we're on the same page. Now, let me tell you about the stakes of the little game we are about to play."
Fidgeting with his rook, Nightmare allowed the suspense to build for a moment. "It's simple, really. We're playing for Dream and Ink's freedom.
"You win, and you all get to go home! No fights, no stakes, you just get to leave this castle untouched." He sat back in his chair, a sly smile on his face. "We end in a draw, and you take their place. Dream and Ink will be forced out of this universe, and you stay with me."
Nightmare leaned against the table, getting as close to Blue as physics allowed him. "If I win, on the other hand, then you'll never see them again."
"What? What do you mean?" Blue's hand gripped the arms of the chair, his fingers twitching, ready to summon his sword. "You'll kill me?"
"Oh, no no no, you misunderstand. I have uses, for the both of them, you see. And they cannot fulfill those roles until I've got all of you in the palm of my hand."
"And what about me?"
"What about you?"
"They have..." Blue ground his teeth, "uses. I don't?"
"No." Nightmare answered simply, smiling at him. "You're incredibly handsome though and that alone makes me want to keep you."
A shiver of discomfort shot through Blue's spine.
"So, shall we play then? I'll let you make the first move."
Blue looked down at the pieces, there were only a few options for what he could choose as a first move. All of the pawns; he could start with a queen's gambit, and the two knights.
What was Nightmare expecting him to do? Do something classic? Something unexpected? Was something truly unexpected if someone was expecting that was what you're going to do?
"Take as much time as you need."
The knight on the left side of the board reached his hand and he placed it down in front of his pawns.
"Oh, I knew you would make this fun."
Each and every turn was agony. Barely any actual words were spoken, just small hums and the occasional curse word. Blue's heart was pounding the entire time, trying desperately to get into Nightmare's head, and to play unpredictable enough that Nightmare couldn't get into his.
Nightmare's poker face never changed, even as Blue would capture his pieces. Just the softest, saccharine smile on his lips.
With ringing in his ears and his heart threatening to leap right out of his chest, Blue glanced down at the board. His throat was dry and he gripped down on his thighs.
"What?" Nightmare looked genuinely shocked. His eyes widened slightly as he scanned the chess board, working through each and every possible move with the remaining pieces on the board. "...Would you look at that. It appears that you've mated me. Congratulations."
Suddenly, Blue felt like his life was on the line. Nightmare stood up, slowly walking to the other side of the board. His nails tapping against the edge of the board.
A shutter left Blue's body as Nightmare got closer, his eyes squeezing shut. He was expecting pain, a fight, something, but it never came. Instead, Nightmare placed a small, shiny key in his hands, his lips close to Blue's ear.
"This was fun. We should do it again sometime." Nightmare said softly, his hand gently caressing Blue's reddening cheeks. He paused after taking a few steps. "Go get your friends. No one will stop you."
"Wait-!" Blue staggered to his feet, clutching the key to his chest. "You were going easy on me, weren't you?"
"Was I?" Nightmare glanced back, a smirk on his face. "Come to me again some time. We'll play again, and maybe you'll know."
Blue watched as Nightmare sauntered away, heart fluttering in his chest. As terrifying as it was, knowing Dream and Ink, and his own livelihood were on the line, it was thrilling.
Thrilling. Exhilarating. No one had ever looked at him the way Nightmare had during their game. Even though Nightmare often referred to him as "mortal," Blue felt as if they were on equal footing.
Is this what Sherlock felt like when he came across foes who could keep up with him?
Nightmare's thought process was a mystery to him, and something deep within Blue's mind wanted to solve it. Nightmare had such power, such control over his magic, his abilities. Blue was almost jealous.
To know Nightmare's mind, every square inch of how his brain works, every part of Nightmare's body-
With a shake of his head, Blue turned on his heel and sprinted to the dungeon. He couldn't be thinking about Nightmare, not when Dream was his best friend.
But...perhaps...in the middle of the night, when Ink and Dream were fast asleep, he could escape to the castle, and play once more. Challenge Nightmare's wits with his own.
As his hands placed the key into the lock of the cell, he knew that he had to come back.
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anjael · 1 year
It’s that time again already!
As always, even if you aren’t participating, I’d be very grateful if you could signal boost by re-blogging!  I’ll also be cross-posting to my Twitter *here* so RTs much appreciated if you’re on there ~
What’s a Secret Santa?
For those who have never done a Secret Santa before, the way it works is you submit a gift request, which goes into a pool which is then randomised. The randomised requests are then handed out to the participants.
So basically, its Mystery Gift! Everyone draws/writes a Dota-themed gift for someone. You won’t know who it’s for, and you won’t know who is doing yours! Then at the exchange, the completed gifts are handed out anonymously to whomever they belong, via email.
Sounds good, where do I sign?
Send your email applications right here!   ->  [email protected]
What do I write in my  application email?
1. Your name / tumblr tag / most used social media - a link to your blog would also be helpful so I know who you are and can contact you if emails are not working or something. A link to examples of your work (art tag, etc) is also appreciated!
2. Preferred gift rating.  NSFW requests are totally okay as long as they are not offensive/racist/sexist but if you’d like something NSFW, please also provide a SFW alternative request as not everyone is comfortable producing such content. If you don’t mind receiving NSFW but would prefer not to submit it, please tell me and vice versa.
3. Your actual request!  If you prefer shipping/non shipping, please include this in your signup email. Please try to word your request so that it can be filled by either an artist or writer, if possible, as your gift-giver is randomly assigned!
Examples of requests (just for reference, there’s no required format)
- a pairing or your favourite character/s doing [something of your choice]
- an AU with [character/pairing]
Your requests don’t have to be seasonal-themed, request whatever you like!
4. Whether you would be able to pinch-hit (fill an extra gift if needed).
5. Whether you would like to remain anonymous to your gift recipient and/or on the master-post of entries (which will be posted up on Tumblr a few days after gift exchange)
———-   DEADLINES   ————–
Applications Close:  29th October 2023, 00:00 GMT
Prompts Sent Out to Participants: by 1st November 2023, 00:00 GMT
Gift submission: 20th December 2023, 22:00 GMT
(Please submit your completed gifts to [email protected])
Gift Exchange: 22nd - 24th December 2023 (TBC)
———-      RULES/GUIDELINES     —————–
- Don’t be a butt. (generally the best rule to live by)
- Complete the gift using your MAD SKILLS, whether that’s drawing or writing fanfic! If you have other cool magic abilities like animating or using SFM, you’re welcome to use those too!
- Please submit completed works only. Your gift should be fully coloured if it’s art (unless you are specifically doing a monochrome / inked piece), and properly formatted, spell-checked and at least 1,000 words if it’s a written piece.
- For written pieces, google doc links/word documents are fine for the email exchange, but if you want me to include your fic in the tumblr master-post please bear in mind you need to post it somewhere link-able such as AO3.
- if you are submitting NSFW art, AO3 hosts art too and can be a good alternative to tumblr/twitter restrictions.
- Please don’t post any completed gifts on your blog until gifts have been exchanged!
- if the deadline is approaching and you know you won’t be able to submit your piece in time, please tell me as soon as possible so I can arrange for someone else to fill your assigned prompt.
- I’ll be tracking the tumblr tag ‘dota secret santa 2023’. If you have any issues, inbox me, email me or DM me on Twitter! (link above)  
There’s also a Discord group - please let me know if you’d like an invite!
- GL HF!
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edensrose · 2 years
hi darling <3 could I request vamp! Tilion with the "you're not just the friendly gentleman/lady, are you?" prompt and a mortal reader who's managed to get into where Telperion is kept? (whether she's a spy, is there for personal reasons or straight up lost lol, Tilion finds her) 👀👀
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( ❀ ) ˙ ˖ tilion ⠀〳 human!reader⠀ ❜࿔
· ⊰ synopsis. long have you awaited this day — where you would reach your goal and avenge your loved one. but it seems that a new friend of yours has other plans. ( blood mention ៸៸ biting ៸៸ mentions of humans used as blood bags ៸៸ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌! 𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏 )
· ⊰ note. to kick off the vampire au we have a request from my darling writing wife<3 hope you enjoy!
˙ ˖ lore post ៸៸ character sheet ៸៸ masterlist
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Humans and vampires were like oil and water. 
Never mixing, and sure as hell not friends. 
Yet on the rare occasion, humans would mingle in the affairs of night crawlers. Rather, vampires in the Royal Court would prefer to have a walking blood bag than venture out into the world to feast on the son of man. Smaller villages that were well aware of their existence and feared them most, eventually came up with a solution: to offer a handful of young, healthy, sons and daughters — to not only live in the Court and be their breakfasts, lunches and suppers — but to also aid vampires in the more mundane, tedious affairs of the human world. 
When you turned the appropriate age of adulthood your village had roped you into the decade’s next supply for their blood-thirsty overlords and shipped you off to the palace. Ebony stone and lavish, candle-lit hallways awaited you. Paintings of old, sculptures of the talented and decorations of the rich adorned the interior of their domain. You expected something large, of course, but this was on a whole other level. Magnificent in every right. A part of you even began to believe that this was a hoax, a mere underhanded arrangement for your village to sell off a few of their own every ten years for wealth. Now that you stood before the red carpets, silver accents and crimson, beady eyes; you knew in your heart that this was reality. 
You would merely bow your head and curtsey before the vampires — yet as you face the spruce-wood floors, your smile would remain inconceivable. 
Never, you promise. 
Never will these demons know of your true intentions here. 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊱· ❀ ·⊰
“You certainly took your time.’’ 
A voice dripping honey and laced with playfulness tickles your eardrums. You glance up from your ink and parchment briefly to force a smile onto your lips. Or at least, you tell yourself it is forced as you discreetly slip a note into the drawer of your desk.
“Tilion,’’ you sigh with jesting exasperation and turn back to your quill. “You know, for a royal guard, you certainly have too much time on your hands. Slacking off, are you?” You could feel the roll of his eyes and his chuckle brought forth a swell of warmth in your chest. Goosebumps rise on your skin when cold arms wrap around your shoulders and silvery strands tickle your cheek. “Is it a crime to check up on my favourite human?” 
Favourite human. A title you had earned throughout your stay here. Tilion was different from his kin. Looney, comedic relief and far from the stern faces and constipated looks that other vampires around the palace wore like silver jewellery. You quickly gained favour from the higher-ups due to your ability to read and write, thus, you were sent on various tasks and missions into the human world. Documenting what you saw and relaying important information — apart from your default blood bag status. 
The first time you were bitten was absolute agony. Unfortunately for you, you caught the eye of a pureblood because of your pretty face and demeanour. You would quickly learn the difference between the fangs of a pureblood and their lesser selves: halfbloods. 
Perhaps you should be grateful for the title of favourite human to Tilion. You rarely faced the threat of his fangs. Initially, you assumed that his friendship was merely a ploy. A small game with his food before he sunk his teeth in. Needless to say, you were pleasantly surprised when the bubbly, sometimes goofy vampire only sought your companionship. It lessened the load of your ‘duties’.
And made your job so much easier. 
“What brings you here today?’’ You question before turning back to your note-taking. Scribbling down accounts of your short time in the human world. From the corner of your eye you observe his mannerisms, hoping that whatever it is that he was here for, it wouldn’t take too long. Let alone result in him plopping himself onto your desk and rambling on for hours. Whilst most nights you would entertain him, today was different. You had other work to attend to. Free from the watchful eyes of any vampire. 
A sacrifice, that is what you and the other humans were dubbed. Little did they know that one particular sacrifice would lead to spilt blood, and ironically, not that of the blood bags. 
Long had you been aware of the existence of vampires — and long have you craved vengeance for their reign of terror on the mortal world. Especially after the passing of your beloved friend to their powerful, cruel clutches. You worked hard to ensure that you were the main pick of the village for that decade’s batch of humans. Wormed your way into the palace and sucked up every ounce of pain that you were put through in order to make it to where you sat now. A map, that you deciphered, in your drawer that would lead you to their most revered possession: Telperion 
Tilion was not apart of the equation. An unknown variable that threw your plans into disarray. Not that he ever discovered your true intentions, rather, you could not bring yourself to hurt him. A conflict of interest. You wished to curse yourself until you were blue in the face. 
Maybe there is a way, you keep telling yourself as you allow him to chatter on about anything and everything interesting that occurred within the palace walls that week. ‘Maybe he is different.’
“Well, let me not take up too much of your time, seems like you are quite dazed.’’ Those words snap you out of your mini monologue and you habitually bite your lip. “Forgive me,’’ you sigh. “Suppose you can say I am far from energetic after today’s outing.’’ His smile tells you that all is well and he unwraps his arms from around you. Even if he was colder than ice, the absence of his touch left you chiller. Much like the ravenous winter that struck the land around the palace. 
“Rest today. If all is well, I will pay you a visit tomorrow.’’ His lips purse. “Well, if Eönwë has nothing planned for me. You know what a pest he can be.’’ Silver eyes roll to the chandelier strung from the ceiling. You give him a faint smile accompanied by a wave before he leaves you alone in your room once again. 
‘He is different.’
You already feel the headache settling itself between your nerves and you groan with fingers rubbing at your temples. Perhaps this is why vampires often got the job done without fail. They never grant themselves the luxury of forming meaningful relationships, at least from what you have observed. Unlike humans, who rely on their signature trait for survival: community. 
Curses fly from beneath your breath as you fish out the intricately drawn map and splay it over your desk. Bringing a candle nearby to ease the strain of your eyes, you follow the path that you can only hope will bring you one step closer to your goal. First, Telperion — and soon, the downfall of all vampires. 
‘East-wing, stay centre. The guards should be controlling the west once the moon is three-quarters through its course. Time it right and it should lead the way.’ 
Praying to whatever holy being might be listening, you once more fall back on your greatest strength: intelligence — before rolling up the map and burning it to ashes with the very candle in your hand. 
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⊱· ❀ ·⊰
You would thank your lucky stars, but you knew that this was far from luck. This was skill. Skill that you sharpened like a blade. Knowledge and intellect were your weapons as you discreetly slink your way through the palace. 
Dawn would soon break through the sky, a sign for most vampires to call it a day. Even with their advanced energy and disregard for sleep, many enjoyed taking a few hours between the onset of dawn and morning to give themselves a break. A schedule you had memorised like the back of your hand. As you did the guard routine. 
Following the last shine of the moon that decorated the stone walls, you mind any creaking tiles and keep to the shadows. Avoiding windows that might send a breeze and cast your scent to the nearest guard in the vicinity. Many months had you planned this, and you would be a fool to let any possible contingency slip through the cracks. 
You could already catch glimmers of its shimmering leaves from the arch of an opening that lay before you at the far end of the hallway. Wouldn’t they guard it well? Many would ask. Vampires worshipped the tree, regardless of their rank. However, this specific wing of the palace was forbidden to humans such as yourself. Were you to be spotted, one can only assume a bloody outcome. Favoured or not. 
Heart in your throat, hands trembling at the taste of victory on your tongue — you approach the stone arch and slip out into the mini courtyard that awaited you. A ceiling was missing from above, allowing the power of the moon to shine down onto the area. Your lips purse for a moment. Was that the use of masking magic? You have never seen an opening from outside of the palace. After that brief spout of curiosity, you lower your gaze at last.
Lo and behold, the legend was true. Rooted at the centre, tall, mighty yet beautiful in every right stood the tree from the tales you read of in story books. Your eyes dazzle with the magnificence of silver that shimmers before you. Leaves, fruit, blossoms and trunk — all were blessed by the moon and shone with its pride. 
Telperion, the silver tree. 
Whether the gleam on your face was from the tree or the overwhelming sense of accomplishment that overflowed from within, you know not. After all this time, you are one step closer to your goal. Your friend’s name is sweet on your tongue for the first time in years as you whisper it into the air. Renewing your silent vow of avenging them. 
“Far from energetic, you say? Might I assume that you are sleepwalking, then?”
Nerves tensing. Hair standing. Your heart plummets into your stomach when a voice graces your ears. The same honeyed voice of the one you held dearest. The light of the tree means nothing to you anymore. Overtaken by the shadow that consumes the pebble floor beneath you and renders your body frozen. 
Unknown variable. . . No. 
A miscalculation. 
Nails dig into your palms as the presence that once brought you comfort finds itself in front of you. Seering dread throughout each of your nerves. Any warmth was now replaced by the chill of realisation — and the frostiness of failure. Betrayal. 
You sight those silver strands that you adored despite your gaze fixated on the ground — even so, you refuse to glance up. Whether out of fear or shock. 
“Will you not look at me?”
The pebbles melt to bronze and you soon face pools of grey. The warmth that you sought was still there. Familiar even. But now you could see past its facade and into the truth of malice. Staring back at you like a predator staring down its prey. The fingers beneath your chin that raised your head slip upwards. Caressing the underneath of your jaw as Tilion basks in the glow of your expression. 
“What is wrong? You are usually so happy to see me.’’ His thumb brushes at your cheekbone, a habit that you fell in love with. Despite it all, your mouth runs dry — and you can all but stare at him in a dumbfounded state. “Could it be. . .” he trails, before nails bite into your soft skin and his arm yanks you nearer. Flushing your heat against his iciness. 
“Is that fear in your eyes?” 
Was that cruelty in his? 
For the entirety of your stay here, Tilion was the one that chipped away your general view of vampires. Beating down the notion that all of them were merciless, sadistic beings of the night. With his silly smile and shimmering eyes. Oh, he still smiled. Yet it was filled with malevolence; and while his eyes shimmered, you knew well that it was not from kindness. 
“You. . .’’ Your throat wishes to bleed. Still, you power through — gaze locked onto his. 
“You are not just the friendly gentleman, are you?’’
His bark of laughter answers your question if not for the stone that met your back after he slipped his hand down to your throat and collided you into the nearest wall. Instinctively, your fingers shoot to his wrist and claw at his tanned skin as your body kicks into a struggle. Alas, you are no match for a vampire. Let alone a pureblood. The rose petals in your pocket would do so much as tickle him. 
“That is what I love about your kind.’’ Tilion grins, bringing his face closer to your frightened one. “You are all so trusting. So eager for companionship. Even if you try to remain aloof or indifferent. Tell me, did you think we were friends?”
“N-N. . .o!” your pride attempts to choke. 
“That look in your eye tells me otherwise.’’ His devilish hum rings through your eardrums and you gasp at the tightening of his grip that nearly cuts off your air supply. “Ah, that is right. You saw me not as a friend. . .” Tears spill into your eyes at his next spout of cruel laughter as he beholds your wriggling form. He needn’t finish his sentence. You knew the truth — so did he. All along you thought you were fooling him. Little did you know that it was you who was played like a harp. 
“As the Guardian of Telperion. . .’’ Your eyes widen at the start of his words. The bishop!? You absolute fool — how couldn’t you piece it together sooner?
“I should report you to the royals. After all, analysing your research would tell even a dunce of what you have been up to. However. . .’’ Holding your breath, your heart pounds against its ribcage. Eager to tear through your chest and run from you. Save you from the agony that you knew would come. 
“I must say, I believe I deserve a reward for this.’’ You catch a glimpse of his hungry gaze directed at your pulse. No doubt it is ringing through his ears just as much as yours. To make matters worse, the digging of his nails into your flesh cuts into your skin and allows a trickle of blood to drip down your neck. “I have held back all these months. . . And believe me, it was far from easy.’’ 
His hair tickles your face as his tongue flushes against the crimson; trailing it along the thin streak on your skin. You feel his tremble, his shudder — you hear his groan. Even a speck of your blood left him ravenous. Yet summoning all the patience he could, he parts in the slightest. So that he can behold your fearful expression once more. 
“I should have my fun with you first.’’ 
It is the only clarity you will receive before a cry is ripped from the depths of your throat. As though hot metal tore through the softness of your flesh. His fangs reminded you of the true prowess of a pureblood. 
It mattered not how much you protested. Struggled. Screamed — or begged. His hands found your wrists like chains and his bite left limp against the wall. A slave to your own ambition and at the mercy of his hunger. 
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·⊰ get tagged for my writing. @kiatheinsomniac @m-shade @flowerchildishere @bugnug @algae-rave @qwerty-19923 @momoewn @tinkywinky27 @weird-addiction @yonjisu @doodle-pops @noldorinpainter @singleteapot @the-phantom-of-arda @floraroselaughter @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
( ❀ ) ˙ ˖ please consider liking, reblogging and / or commenting if you enjoy my work! all feedback is greatly appreciated ♡
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entityverse-utmv · 4 months
So excited for this blog :D
Do the other god-like characters (Ink, Error, Dream, Nightmare, etc) exist in this AU? If so how does their power compare to Verse, Anti, and Void?
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"Oh! The Guardians?"
Verse's face lights up with recognition.
"Yeah, they exist! They're a lot of fun to mess with. Most of them aren't a very big fan of me and my friends though, haha. Especially Anti."
The entity's face goes slack for a second. It seems they've become lost in thought...
* You slowly wave your hand in front of their face to get their attention.
They blink—eyelights changing to red and pink—before snapping back to attention.
"Oh! Yeah. The Guardians prefer we stay out of their way. Especially Error. He and Anti have...something of a history with each other."
* You politely inform Verse that this didn't answer your original question.
"Huh? Oh, sorry! What was it again?...Right, right. Power levels. It's kinda hard to say! Me Void, and Anti are all technically invincible. Unless our domains were to collapse, at least! But we really don't do the whole...'fighting' thing. Though I will say—and he may not look like it—Void is probably the strongest!"
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midnight-snailor · 8 months
Ig for those curious, here are the weapons I think each dbz character ive drawn currently would use in the splatoon au thing I drew
Krak on splat roller/splattershot (mainly rollers) He went through using alot of weapons before deciding on the krak on roller. He used to be very indecisive on what he wanted to use.
Splat dualies (or any dualies in general, prefers using the enperry dualies) he likes being really aggressive, and using dualies help him achieve that. Depending on what he feels like doing, he will use different dualies. He hardly ever uses the dualie squelchers though.
Doesn't participate in turf wars as often anymore, but he often uses Luna blaster. He often did matches with goku as a duo, and would pick a weapon that would be good support for goku's. He also occasionally uses nzap. Plays more salmon run.
Chichi- also doesn't participate very much, but she was a good splatana wiper player. Plays any splatana. She used to be a competitive player, though played less and less after marrying goku. She still plays turf wars occasionally, more often when goku, or her children do.
Yamcha- local tentabrella user, 5 starred v tentabrella though is still figuring out how exactly to use it. He often changes weapons now bc he wants to find a cooler weapon to main.
Bulma- Ink brush player, prefers nouveau over v ink brush. She occasionally uses other brushes and took interest in learning splatanas.
Gohan- Heavy splating deco user. He sometimes plays rollers, but loves using splatlings alot more. Will play any he feels like, but the heavy deco is his favorite.
Trunks- 52 gal user. He uses any of the gal weapons, but occasionally uses dapple dualies if he feels like it.
Goten- splat roller user. He uses any rollers, but also is pretty good with squiffer. His goal is often to be as irritating as possible.
Tien- Splat charger user. He uses any charger, but prefers the regular splat charger.
Bardock- carbon roller deco user. His play style and quick and aggressive, and he often goes for front line weapons when he feels like doing something different. Often plays ranked/anarchy.
Gine- Undercover brella user. She often swaps between v undercover and undercover sorella brella. She'll use any other brella if she feels like it, and also occasionally uses e-liter. She also often plays ranked/anarchy.
King vegeta- Splat dualies user. He'll use any dualies, but prefers v splat dualies.
Raditz- Dynamo roller user. I just think this weapon would fit him. He's fond of heavy hitting weapons, though is still learning how to use them properly. Often swaps between the dynamos.
Turles- octobrush user. He's also grown pretty fond of using the painbrushes, often swapping between them. He's one of those toxic players that taunt after every kill and just mess with people in general. He's also a sore loser. Don't be like him kids
Frieza doesn't play in turf wars. If he DID though he'd use splatana stamper.
Broly(dbs) - heavy splatling user. He'll use any splatling, but heavy is the one he loves using the most. He's still new to turf wars, often playing anarchy with goku and vegeta as they show him the ropes.
Paragus- dualie squelchers user. He found teaching Broly to be frustrating. He was good at fighting and was strong, but he never really took to using the dualies like he had hoped. Man really wanted his son to like his main weapon
Mostly based off of my own headcanons n all that, there'll be more as I think of them but this post is already long enough. If you have questions about the au, feel free to ask!
Idk about the story yet, it's not gonna be 100% a reflection of dbz canon, cause all of it cannot be replicated into splatoon, not every aspect of dbz or dbs will be incorporated either, that'd be alot lmao
I'll also be deviating from splatoon canon n all that as well, just a little tho ^^
Sorry for the word vomit
Already working on what saiyans are, yeah they're octos, but with a twist
Or sumn, still figuring it out.
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sleeplessv0id · 27 days
Hi Zero!! I have three questions for you from my sleep deprived brain before I'm now finally going to bed:
Do you ever feel like you shouldn't make a piece of art/write something, because it's "too cliche" or "not artistic enough"?
Do you prefer to write really long sentences with lots of commas, or short sentences whenever possible (may depend upon genre)?
And do you have a neutral moment in your life that you think back to often?
(For example, I was at my friend's house once and I was talking about how I was always trying to make my assignments fun for me to write, and she asked me "Does everything have to be fun?", and for whatever reason, I think about that a lot.)
I like your blog, and I hope you have an amazing day :))
hello nemusnail! thank you for the ask, and welcome to my blog. It's fun interacting with others on here.
as for your questions!!
1. I have, and still do struggle with the following.
but think of it this way, you're reading fanfiction, and think of your favorite trope. slow burn? that's too vague. what if you wanted a college AU where your favorite ship first meet in the library. one a part-time librarian at work. when the other approaches them and asks where to locate a certain textbook. holding out their hand, they had the book code penned in ink on their palm. and it turns out the librarian was holding the book the other was in search of.
only to dig everywhere to find nothing of the like.
so, in truth, whether it be writing or other artistic mediums, there is no way to be, 'too cliche' or the like. because at the end of the day, you're creating for you. not for the public eye.
(unless you go about sharing your work).
I journal, and for years, and I mean years, I never wrote to the full extent of what I was feeling because what if someone read my journal? would they think I'm interesting enough?
so, at the end of the day, create for yourself. art is a reflection of the soul.
2. I tend to write really long sentences with lots of commas. but short can also hold a great deal of weight. I often use shorter sentences when I'm writing, say, a character pleading for their life.
truly does depend on the genre and what's happening in the scene.
3. I'm unsure if I am interpreting what you mean by 'neutral moment' wrongly. I'm thinking of it like, when someone says something to you that makes everything, even time, seemingly stop. not for others, but it stopped for you.
but this is what I thought of.
my past isn't the best. a lot of shit went down and still goes down to this day. but there was this one moment in particular.
on my page, you'd see I vent about various things. I had recently gotten out of a foster home, I had exposed the s@ all 3 of my cousins put me through and how manipulative my aunt is, my attempt to escape my house. all it is is reminders, and I can't heal if I'm constantly surrounded by reminders.
but that's not the moment. I was spending my first weekend back home up at my grandma mother's with my guy friend, who she took in as a foster cause he had nowhere and he turned 18 in just months.
I don't remember exactly how it all was cause I genuinely was losing it. but my grandma said something while talking to me, something about me having made up 'all those lies'.
fast forward through a breakdown, my grandma came into the living room, I was crying; obviously. and my guy friend was going off on her. she eventually turned her attention back to me and told me to look her in the eyes and say it was all true. she said something about how then she'll believe me.
I still can't believe I fell for that. 💀
I did as she said. she looked into my eyes and said she didn't believe me. there's more to it, but that was the moment I thought of. my love for her died that night, and I still vividly remember how this cool calm washed over me. It felt like I disconnected.
sorry if the last one is a little dark.. I easily misinterpret things, and this is the closest to what i thought a neutral moment.
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fhfhfhfh this took so longgg,,, and i really hope this gets enough attention,,, I spent like a week on all of this so pleaseplease read everything,,, and forgive me for my bad storytelling,, I'm not a good writer-
The Lore for the Au
Now everything may sorta seem the same, but alot of the characters have went through a lot of gruesome things. Audrey, even though it seemed like she had a happy ending, it wasn't how it actually happened. She went completely insane after going into the loop, and barely surviving.
The book that Audrey had however, that carried the loop and everybody inside of it, ended up collecting dust, and rewrote itself entirely. Making the loop no more, and the world finally rebuilt itself entirely, and The Ink Demon made sure of it. After what he went through, so many times before, he came to a realization that it was pointless to fight, or make people fear him. So he made sure that the studio, and the city was safe for everybody to reside in. But he knew that people would still fear him, no matter what he did to change. So he hid, deep inside the studio, rebuilt his hidden throne, and stayed out of sight, for the rest of his existence.
But, after some time, he was found, by a young boy. Axel. The Ink Demon learned to care for him, and eventually became known as his guardian.
Hhh that took a lot of effort, now time 2 introduce the main boys and their designs, I'll post more characters as soon as i get the ask box officially open,, but until then enjoy what all I have for these guys!!
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The Ink Demon
The main man himself, now in this au he's very similar to the cannon games. Except he's just a cranky dad and has to babysit Axel 24/7. He can still change into Bendy and Beast Bendy, but it's not all the time he'll do it. The Ink Demon prefers to go by his title, and he'll only allow Sammy and Axel to call him by the nicknames he has for them. (Lord, father, yknow the basic father-son and weird uncle thing)
The Ink Demon may be a cranky old bitch, but he cares for Axel and Sammy, even though he may not seem like it. Him and Axel have a very good father and son bond, and they care about eachothers well being. Sammy is annoying as hell to him, but he's basically the only person that doesn't run away screaming at him.
He's still very powerful here, he can phase through walls, talk telepathically to some people, but he can actually speak in the au too. The Ink Demon's bottom jaw can open up into two, and his teeth can also spike into sharp fangs.
And as you have already noticed, his left eye is a little infected, he's not so sure what it is, but he refuses to actually do anything about it, other than just not wiping the dripping ink out of it (which also makes the infection WORSE,, but he doesn't give a fuck lmao)
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Sammy Lawrence
Time for everybody's second favorite, the crazy ink prophet, Sa m m y. (Cw for mentions of death and some crazy shit)
Now Sammy is also about the same in this au, still a crazy psychotic muscle man. But now that Axel showed up, he's kinda like the weird uncle that everybody has to deal with.
Sammy also suffers from psychosis, and he's very delusional (same) he constantly forgets things, and he's lost alot of his memory. And he's been like this for awhile, even before the pocket dimension of the studio went kinda bonkers. And Joey used this to his advantage with Sammy. Literally posing as Bendy, and making him do his bidding.
As time went on, Sammy went crazy, and made an entire cult in the studio. Practically making sacrifices and killing most of the people working with him, before he eventually killed himself and ended up in the loop with everybody else.
Sammy did eventually find The Ink Demon and Axel. And thinks he's like some sort of priest there???? But he's calmed down, a little-
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Now time 4 my boy, or well my self insert lol
Before he ended up in the loop, Axel lived in a very troubled household. Though he had a very nice house and was able to get around the town he lived in, he delt with a very abusive father. He had to go through alot of very messed up stuff from him, and it ended up just completely ruining him.
After getting completely fed up with what he went through, he ran off, and completely changed his identity (kinda why he's trans now lol) But after realizing he had nowhere else to go, he went out to look for a job, and found Joey Drew Studios. He was hired almost instantly after showing off his art abilities and got straight to work.
Some time passed and he ended up in a very risky situation with Sammy. He struggled to keep himself from getting hurt, but Sanmy completely chopped off his leg, and then, you guessed it, he died. But surprisingly he ended up at the loop with the ink demon.
It took some time for The Ink Demon to warm up and a lot of attempts to prove Axel wasn't another person to fear him, but eventually The Ink Demon learned to sorta trust Axel.
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real-ink-demon · 23 days
Hello, welcome!
I suppose it's about time I've made something explaining this blog, after all I've been here a while and still haven't.
Hi, I'm ink. However you can call me RID or Shinya if you prefer those.
This is an account where I just post whatever I wish however I also accept asks to Bendy. Or well- A version of him.
The Bendy on this account is one from an AU that is still in progress. Slow progress. The old asks mean nothing at this time and I prefer for you to ignore them. Any ask that isn't from like- idk was it 2020? somewhere around 2020 and 2022, but anything around there is scrapped.
I still accept asks and would appreciate them as it would allow me to build my AU a bit more. Or at the very least share it.
Now regarding what else I post.
This account is, like I said before, an account I use in order to post whatever the frick frack fuck I want. This means that you'll see more than just BATIM or BATDR. I know, my user is deceiving lol, It's not just the Bendy fandom.
Below is a few things you can expect to see on here.
I have an addiction to JSAB. Blixer in particular. This means that you'll see a shit-ton of the pink boi. I might post other characters but that's not really likely.
This is still an account that is associated with the Bendy fandom so obviously you'll see this. Probably not as often as the random shit but you'll still see the ink demon prowling around on my page.
I'm a FNAF fan. A DCA fan more like. You'll see a few doodles of the two every now and then, maybe a few reblogs of other people's art but you won't see too much of this unless I go into a hyperfixation again.
• Furries
It should [hopefully] be obvious my sona is a furry. Hell, I literally have two sonas which are furries. You're gonna see some fluffy furry art. Don't like it? Then fuck off my page. I do not care for people like you and don't wanna deal with your fucking shit.
• Cult of the Lamb
I like the game, the art style, the lore, the big death kitty. If it has a kitty I most likely will latch on. you might see some art of Narinder but I can't draw cats so uh- not super likely. you will see some writing though. Speaking of writing.
• Writing/Fanfics
I'm a writer. it's what I do and love. I mostly write angst or [platonic] x readers. Before you ask, no I don't do it because I ship myself or simp for the characters. I cannot feel love nor do I like any character that way.
• OCs
I like drawing my OCs sometimes so you might see those. Also, regarding what I said in the furry section. My sonas aren't actually furries but I call them that cuz that's as close as I can get. They're actually a species I created called Clencoricus, however they look so identical to furries I just call them that cuz it's easier to tell others. I also have a few fandom OCs like Kousoku, Comet and even Vanta.
• Animations
I like to animate. Have loved it ever since elementary so you're gonna see quite a bit of these, whether they're just test animations, something long like 3 minutes or even a 2 second animation.
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Come and Trick or Treat! Open all year :] tags updated Nov. 28
Howdy!!! Pronouns —> she/he/they (no preference)
Wolfy (wolf character I doodle sometimes) is my blog mascot. Unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifs don’t show up- so if you need me uhhhh keep yelling until I notice? Hdfjhfg..
I love drawing, listening to game playthroughs, and looking at cute animals! Feel free to send an ask about anything.
Art tag: wolfys art
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
Art months stuff (all of them!! general tag): Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth): little wastrels
second fallout au (island, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
Misc fandom tags (unreliably tagged but I will start now): qsmp, good omens, fallout, bg3, whump stuff, starfield, doctor who
important/tagged consistently: psa, boost (urgent news), reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), flashing images, bright colors
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Minor misc tags: drawing tips, writing tips, cooking tips, fave,
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls/zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive (no explicit things here), bugs and spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps
Unimportant ramblings v
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Time stamp: Jul 15? Heeeeey. Hello. So I did take a break from art till like last week, but uh, the health has been a roller coaster-
I kinda cleaned the whole house compulsively multiple times. I dunno what to say about that. Went from the compulsion to be Always Drawing to Always Doing Chores, so it wasn’t really a break? It felt amazing for a little while, but I am so stressed inside ahagfhkhdf. Anywayssssss.
I realized that promising to do the art requests Later is just me returning to old behavior, like just... keeping it on the line so I /nobody gets a direct answer *when* it will be done. That makes my brain think it’s in the clear while the other artists are worried and unsure what’d happen. Andddd even though I did have the motivation to do animated group projects for a little while, a small thing completely knocked me into dropping everything else.
I know I *could* try to join more projects or do more requests, I’m not in a safe headspace where I wouldn’t be set off, and nobody should risk their project’s deadline for that-
TLDR I’m going to Try and fix things up on my end and stop myself from joining anything (that depends on Every artists effort). Even if I feel alright *now* I know there’s a lot of risk for *later*- just don’t let me in anything big and important even if I ask, please- for at least a year-
—— Timestamp: Slightly Before August
Gonna Try Ink Demonth this year- I’ll limit myself and not do something too detailed again hsdkfjzhk.
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Timestamp: August 17
[cackles evilly] Ink Demonth Ink Demothhhhh- this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in an art prompt month ever! ...even though I’m technically not on theme (Fallout instead of Batim). Trying to pace myself by alternating between a simple and detailed style. Hrrrh the yeehawgust prompts (cowboy theme!) look so cool but I won’t double up- but I will try to participate in the September AI-less-Whump month. (gore and dark subjects! I’ll tag everything properly of course.)
Also I’ve come to a realization- A dream of mine has been becoming famous for my art/animations, but uh- One, it isn’t realistic, and Two, posts getting like 200 notes freaks me out cfjhxfgh- Well, doing stuff for friends and others is just as cool. Y’all are awesome ^w^
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Timestamp: Aughust ninteen
Wait actually I don’t need a reason to block people. I don’t need to tell you either. It’s been getting a bit too chummy around here (reference)
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Timestamp: September 4
I didn’t finish the art month, but I got to day twenty! That’s pretty good. I’ll finish it up this month. I also gotta work on some ref sheet, finish a birthday gift, andddd clear the askbox.
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Timestamp: September 29
Oeghhhh.... too many ideas, not enough time. So many comic ideas. And I gotta tamp down my love of angst dvhkdfbnsf, make sure it makes sense first!! Decided to keep the aus separate. Normal Game Stuff is happening in the Badlands mainland, uh, I don’t know what ending we’d go with but anyways. ....hm. Maybe there’s no sosu and the factions are not making any progress. But probably’d lean towards Institute ending if I had to choose now.
Hm. Well. Maybe I did not think. Uh well in the other au Kiley’s with the Minutemen, and Nate’s with the BoS, so... well I’m not sure how this is gonna go- I’ll keep drawing memes till I think of something cool.
Timestamp: October 24
Well uhhhh. I dropped the October art challenge pretty quick, unfortunately. I’ll continue in December maybe? I said I’d do a few days of Halltober, and I don’t want to go back on what I said.
I keep continuing and dropping the au stuff, but that just proves I can continue a project! Maybe!! Maybe. It’ssss a comedy, so uh I’m not worried about making a Deep Story or anything. It’ll be fiiiiine. Just little slice of life stuff.
I wwwwwill get caught up on requests and gifts-
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squidkidcelebi · 2 years
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After about a month of working on these, I finally give to you the completed refs for the (current) characters in my Squid Ink Spaghetti AU!
Here are some tidbits of info/bios on each of them... under the cut because it’s gonna be long lol
RED: Red is a former Octarian soldier currently residing in the Splatlands. To onlookers, he appears to be a sort of mysterious loner type that’s seldom seen in battle lobbies. But to the few who know him, he’s a very kind and friendly person. While open to the idea of trying new weapons, his go-to is the Splattershot Jr. 
MIKE AND STEVEN: Two Inkling brothers who are rarely seen apart, with Mike being the older and Steven the younger. Steven is a very competitive Anarchy player, making it to the top of the ranks in record time with his Hydra Splatling he lovingly named Miki. While he seems cold and reserved on the outside, mostly due to the shadows that cover his eyes and stoic expression, he’s actually pretty chill, although a little nervous sometimes. Mike on the other hand is a very happy-go-lucky kind of guy; always in high spirits and ready to lend a hand. While not competitive like his brother, he dabbles in a bit of Ranked with Steven sometimes, but he mostly plays Turf War on his own, sporting his trusty Splat Dualies. He would go to the ends of the Earth for his little brother without hesitation and would absolutely bash some Inklings’s nonexistent skulls in if they even dare to say something bad about him.
BLAKE AND GOLD: Blake was a former Octarian soldier before being a victim of the Sanitization process, thankfully escaping in the middle of it, resulting in the right half of his upper body and the lower of his left being Sanitized. Now that he’s in Splatsville, he’s usually seen with a very chipper attitude as long as he’s with his friends.  Gold, however, is a strange case. Being another victim of Sanitization, his memories and emotions were taken from him, but not his free will, which left him wandering around the Deep Sea Metro aimlessly until he met Blake, at which the two devised a plan to escape together. He relies mostly on instinct for decisions, and doesn’t talk too much unless prompted.
SILVER: Another former Octarian soldier and friend-turned-lover to Blake. He may not be able to speak, instead using sign language as his main form of communication, but he’s still very outgoing nonetheless. On occasion, he plays Anarchy, preferring to play with a small group of friends due to his lack of communication ability.
GREY: A young Inkling with a very unique genetic condition that leaves him unable to produce the chemicals needed to change his ink color, leaving it the same color as his name. Since playing Turf would prove to be more of a hassle for him, he instead makes ends meet by working shifts at Grizzco. One such shift led to him accidentally taking home a young Goldie Smallfry that snuck into his bag, which he decided to take in and name Shinto. When not at work, he prefers to spend his time playing TableTurf with friends. HYPNO: A cuttlefish Inking with a somewhat serious demeanor. Being rather old for an Inkling, he’s grown out of Turf Wars and instead spends his days doing his own thing. He may seem like a grumpy old man, but he’s very kind and understanding, given that you don’t prove to be an annoyance that is. He gathers at a local cafe to play TableTurf with some acquaintances, and is open to teaching younger folk how to play as well.
And now for the complicated relationship tree:
- Red, Blake, and Silver all know each other from the Octarian Army. Red acted as their mentor. - Blake and Gold live with Red in his home in Splatsville since they don’t exactly have anywhere else to go. - As stated previously, Blake and Silver are boyfriends (they start dating sometime after they reunite in Splatsville). - Red knows Steven personally, and they see each other as friendly rivals. - Mike and Steven are neighbors with Grey. Mike and Grey play TableTurf together sometimes, and he and Steven will babysit Shinto when Grey has to go to work. Shinto likes the both of them. - On the occasion Mike and Steven aren’t available, Grey asks Hypno to take care of the Smallfry, being only a few doors down from the youngster. He also plays TableTurf with him and even gives him a few lessons and tips. - Grey knows Neo Agent 3 (going by their official name of Veronika) and they’ll bring over their own Smallfry for “playdates” with Shinto.
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annaraebananawriter · 2 years
Halloween Special
Happy Halloween!
I actually have a oneshot to give you for this holiday, and I can actually post it for you today too! What are the odds? It doesn’t have a lot of characters in it, but it is centered around out favorite Dreamtale Twins. 
And everyone knows they are my specialty. ;)
I don’t think I have much more to say, so...
Happy reading! 
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters:  Nightmare, Dream (Who belong to Joku), Killer (Who belongs to  Rahafwabas), Cross (Who belongs to Jakei) and Blue (Who belongs to P0pcornPr1nce) and, finally, mentioned Ink (Who belongs to Comyet) 
Warnings: Mentioned/Descriptions of some scenes from horror movies and a faked break in for a prank, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “Dream and Nightmare go to a movie with some friends. Killer makes a bet with Cross. Dream flirts with a random guy. Nightmare just wants to go home. Oh, and it's Halloween. Happy Halloween! (Modern AU, they're all teenagers, Dreamtale Twins Centric)”
Word Count: 5387
“Nightmare, why aren’t you dressed yet? We’re leaving in an hour or two.”
Nightmare grunted, glancing up for a brief second before returning to his book. “Tell me why we have to wear matching costumes again. Or costumes in general? It’s a movie. We’re not trick or treating or going to a party or whatever. It’s just a movie.”
He already knew the answer to his question. This was just something he liked to complain about to see Dream get riled up in response to his nagging. It provided him with the satisfaction he craved and a sense of fulfillment for the rest of the day. And he never really minded the matching costumes; sure, sometimes he felt like they were too old to dress up, but his brother always reminded him that they were dressing up to have fun.
Unless if there was a contest. Then they were dressing up to win the contest and Nightmare did like to win.
This wasn’t a contest, though. They were going to see a horror movie at the theater with his friends, who Dream always referred to as his ‘gang’. They were a fairly new part of this life, literally crashing into detention one day from the ceiling and they had just…stayed in touch ever since. His brother kept teasing him about them, but he knew it was just because he was happy he finally had some friends of his own; you could only spend so long tagging along with your brother and his two friends who never really connected with you before things got a bit awkward.
Dream’s friends had never joined them for their Halloween tradition before. They didn’t necessarily dislike the genre, but they did prefer not to watch horror movies and since their tradition was watching a ton of horror movies for the whole day, it just wasn’t their type of scene. He knew that Dream was a bit disappointed about that, and that’s why it was such a relief when Nightmare’s new friends ended up being the first to suggest going to see the movie at the theater as a group.
Of course, Dream and him still planned to watch some movies of their own afterward. It wouldn’t be Halloween without their tradition and it was theirs first. They would get many watched, but that was fine; this was a nice change of pace for them.
“It’s tradition.” Dream placed his hands on his hips and leaned over him, pouting. “And you like matching with me, you always have.”
Nightmare snorted. “Yeah, when we were little kids. How old are we now? Too old.”
“Oh, stop it. I already bought the costumes and you already agreed to them. We’re wearing them. I’m already basically dressed anyway, just need to find a few more detailed pieces. You, on the other hand, still need to get dressed.”
Nightmare looked up and gave him a look over.
Every year, the twins switched who decided their costumes for the year. This year it was Dream’s pick, and he apparently decided to indulge in some classic nostalgia feeling because he had picked the theme of angels and demons. And no, Nightmare wasn’t the demon of the pair this year, unlike all those years ago when they were ten and picked the theme for the first time. He was the angel this time, with some white clothes and a LED halo glued to a headband, complete with some cardboard wings that Dream had gotten Ink to make for them.
In matching spirit, Dream’s costume was a wash of red clothes, a pair of cardboard wings shaped to resemble demon wings instead of angel wings, and some cartoon-looking horns glued to a headband. A tail dangled behind him, connected to the belt, and it was finished with a pair of red shiny boots. All in all, it was a good costume, and Dream had put far more effort into creating the accessories than Nightmare did for his own.
Read: he just had the base clothes and accessories and nothing else. Yes, yes, he was boring. But it wasn’t his fault, not exactly. It wasn’t his fault Dream picked a boring theme this year.
“I don’t want to,” he lied, stubbornly drawing it out.
“Too bad. If you wait any longer, I’ll confiscate your book.”
“Then I’ll just read on my phone.”
“Then I’ll take your phone or shut off the Wi-Fi.” Dream walked away, giving him one last glare. “Get dressed.”
Nightmare groaned, but obeyed, dragging out the motions to show his reluctance. “It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s honestly not, though, and I hate that you think it is.” Dream’s tone softened and he smiled. “It’s tradition, Nighty. We’re not changing it.”
“Couldn’t you have picked a different one then? This one is childish. And unoriginal.”
“And that’s exactly why I chose it. It’ll be your turn to pick next year, anyway.”
Blue arrived at the house shortly before they left. Dream gave him a hug and they immediately started talking about random things as they waited for a certain brother of his to get annoyed and leave them alone. It wouldn’t do to hear him overhear their plan, as that would just make it so that the plan never worked in the first place.
And Dream needed it to work.
Simply because it’d be funny. And it would be. God, would it be. He’ll need to be quick, and send the video to the group chat before Nightmare realized what happened and started chasing him to get him to delete it. His brother was stronger than him on most days, so the video would probably get deleted off of his phone, but if he sent it to the group chat, the others would’ve already saved it and his brother couldn’t track down all of them.
“And now that Nightmare is officially out of hearing range, care to run it by me again?” Blue asked, even though he already knew most of the plan.
“Of course.” Dream smiled. “You don’t need to do much. I’ll text you when we’re on our way back to let you know to get things into place. The most you need to do is wait for my signal and tend to the trick-or-treaters.”
Blue was pretty much a necessity to the plan. His dear friend usually came over to help hand out candy anyway, as this was one of the neighborhoods that got lots of kids and Blue liked seeing the many, many costumes; his own house was in a rather quiet part of the city, so he didn’t get much of an opportunity on Halloween to see them. And because the twins were going to see a movie with some friends, he would both be able to hand out candy and prepare for the prank to take place.
He even had the perfect supplies for it.
“I can do that.” Blue nodded and then held up his bag. “Where am I going to put it again?”
“If you can get it above our bedroom door and make it so that once Nightmare enters the room, it’ll fall on him, then that’ll be perfect.” Nightmare honked the horn of his car and Dream rolled his eyes. “I better go. Wouldn’t want him to leave me here and miss the movie.”
“Have fun!”
“I will!”
Dream quickly made his way to the car, and Nightmare sighed. “Finally,” he said, turning on some music and backing out of the driveway. “What were you two doing? Gossiping?”
“Something like that.”
The rest of the gang had a bit of a laugh at their costume until Nightmare threatened to show Dream some particular photos from a party the other day and everyone waved him off and finally entered the theater. They didn’t hang out with his brother often and always seemed to want to keep up the appearance of being ‘unreachable bad boys who were mysterious and bad and not dorks’. Of course, because they were twins, Dream already knew the truth, but he liked playing with his boys and keeping the illusion up.
Nightmare stood with Killer and Cross, part of the designated snack team as they waited for the employee to get them their food.
The bunny had been eyeing Dream from the minute they walked in, and was obviously disappointed to see him enter the cinema without getting a snack himself. And when Dream realized this, he would most likely spend a good hour or so playing along and flirting and drawing the poor bunny in. The whole thing about the game was that they wouldn’t meet again, which would be fine with Dream but would probably crush that bunny’s spirit a bit when he realized he’s been played with.
“That’s a stupid bet, Killer,” Cross said, drawing Nightmare’s attention. He was dressed as Mario this Halloween, complete with a fake mustache. It was odd to see him frown in that costume; just didn’t suit the look.
“No, it’s not,” Killer argued. He was dressed as some kind of killer doctor, complete with blood stains and everything. The only thing he didn’t have was a knife. He already got arrested last year because of an incident and now he was cautious about taking a knife with him. Nightmare suspected he still carried one in his boots, but he would have to wait to see if it was true. “It’s a really good bet. You’re just scared you won’t win.”
“I actually know I’d win. It’s still a stupid bet.”
“What bet?” Nightmare butted in, startling the two.
Killer turned and wagged a finger in front of his face. “You can’t join the bet.”
Nightmare frowned, shoving the finger away. “Why not?”
Before Killer could be any vaguer about it, Cross rolled his eyes and explained. “Killer wants to bet on whether or not Dream will, and I quote ‘shit his pants’ because of the movie. He thinks he’ll be scared. I say he won’t be. Killer says I’m being too biased because of my—” He cut himself off, cheeks going red. Killer smirked and Nightmare raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore whatever was implied there.
(He’ll torture Cross about it later. Dream can date whoever he wants to, he doesn’t really care, but he does like making them sweat a little.)
“And I can’t join because I’m his brother and, therefore, what I say will be correct.” Nightmare nodded, thinking the words over and struggling not to laugh at the irony of it all. It’s true, he did already know the answer, and it pained him that he couldn’t rub it in now but he knew that it would be even better to see Killer’s face when Dream doesn’t get scared.
Spoiler warning: whenever there’s a jump scare or someone dies in a horror movie, Dream doesn’t scream, not even close. Dream laughs. He laughs like it’s the best joke he’s ever heard.
Nightmare was too used to it now to be surprised by it. But God, was it amusing to see people’s reaction when they realized ‘innocent’ Dream was the one leaving the haunted house unscathed while so many cried or screamed and that he laughed in the face of those scares. It was like watching someone’s world come crashing down around them, something tainting their view of the person in front of them in an irreparable way.
Killer nodded. “Exactly.”
“I see.” Nightmare smiled, pulling Cross closer and patting his chest. “Cross, you should take the bet.”
Cross blinked. “Why?”
“It’s just a harmless bet. Sure, you’ll lose a couple of bucks, but so what?” The employee placed their food down and Nightmare strode forward to grab it, listening to Killer exclaim about how ‘Night just confirmed I’m going to win, so suck it’. He smirked and shoved some of the food into his friend’s hands and followed them as they entered the cinema.
They found the rest of their friends right in time, the lights starting to dim around them. Usually, Nightmare would sit with Dream, but he willingly gave it up to Cross as he wanted to have a first look at Killer’s face when he hears Dream laugh and realize he was the one losing his own bet. As the movie progressed, he watched out of the corner of his eye as Killer kept glancing at Dream and smirking, and then the first jump scare and death hit. A lot of the theater jumped, and Killer even barely muffled a gasp of surprise.
Dream, of course, just snorted.
Nightmare smirked, looking over. Killer was looking at Dream with wide eyes, mouth hanging open. He had the urge to just shove some popcorn into his mouth and see what would happen, but he didn’t. He did, however, lean over, making his voice as light as he could like he was just discussing the weather for the day.
“Oh, Killer,” he whispered, intentionally keeping his voice low enough for only Killer to hear. “I forgot to mention that Dream loves horror movies. They’re his favorite movies in the world. Horror as a genre is something he adores too. He’s always making up ghost stories to tell at night. One time, we were at a summer camp, and there was this kid that kept bullying me. I asked Dream for a favor and told him to tell him a scary story. Later that night, big bad bully wets the bed and spends the rest of the summer far, far away from me.”
“And he’s always reading horror books, listening to true crime podcasts as he gardens, and he even said that to help him practice his archery, he imagines the targets as zombies.” Nightmare let himself laugh and leaned back a bit, watching Killer’s cheeks start to turn pink. “Movies specifically, though, he finds the most joy in. I don’t personally have a big attachment to the genre, but it makes Dream happy, and I do like seeing the numerous ways things are done. October is just a win-win for both of us since we get to indulge in all of this and have everyone else actually listen in earnest.”
Nightmare snorted, gesturing forward. “Also, he is literally the Devil for Halloween this year. How did you look at that and think, ‘this is definitely someone who gets scared easily’?”
Killer grumbled slumping down in his chair. He shoved some popcorn into his mouth and mumbled through it, Nightmare just barely able to understand. “I thought it was supposed to be ironic…”
Dream turned as he left the washroom, eyes landing on the guy that spoke, a bunny monster—an employee of the theater, if the shirt was anything to go by—leaning against the counter, eyes half-lidded and a sucker in his mouth. His fur was a light pink colour and he had that magnetic look to him that Dream had seen multiple times before when he decided to indulge in some fun and flirted with a boy from school or one of the cashiers from 7-Eleven.
And hey, today was Halloween. He was wearing a Devil costume. This was just him asking for some fun, wasn’t it?
Smiling to himself, he walked to the bunny, leaning against the counter in the same way. He matched his gaze, smoothing his smile into a sweet one that hooked all of the boys he talked to. “Hey.”
Hook, line, and sinker. There we go.
The bunny leaned closer, dropping his head into his hand, slowly taking the sucker out of his mouth. “How was the movie?”
“It was awesome.” Dream said, and meaning it too. It would definitely go on the list of movies to watch on Halloween night. “I recommend it, for sure.”
“You don’t really seem like the kind of person to like horror.” The bunny blinked, and it seemed that the words weren’t supposed to be spoken out loud. “Uh, no offense.”
Dream inhaled, barely keeping his eye from twitching. Practice was the only thing that kept his smile from slipping.
He actually took much offense to that statement. People always assumed he was some angel that could do no harm, and they took that literally, too. Most of the jocks at school didn’t swear around him, were hesitant to make ‘inappropriate’ jokes around him, and they always laughed whenever he tried to make one, and this particular laugh was soft and disbelieving, and they just brushed it over with the words ‘I don’t think you really understand what you just said’. It was infuriating, and he would kill for the day someone finally looked at him and asked him about his favorite movies and didn’t laugh when he gave them a list of horror movies, instead just smiled back at him and asked him more about them and let him ramble—
And he was getting ahead of himself. It was frustrating, yes, but he usually raved about it to himself when he was falling asleep, and this was far from that time. Right now, he was flirting with a boy and would like to continue.
“None taken,” he lied, waving his hand around. “I get that a lot.”
The bunny hummed, looking more guilty. “Really?”
“Well then,” he said, pushing himself up and glancing around the lobby as if to make sure no one was around. He walked around the counter and leaned across. “I think I should make it up to you anyway. Don’t let anyone know, but I give free popcorn to my friends after a movie’s done. Would that be a sufficient apology?”
Dream’s smile turned more genuine, mentally pumping his fist in the air as he counted this as a win. “I think it might. As long as you can put extra butter on it?”
“Of course.”
The bunny turned and started getting the popcorn together. Dream leaned on the counter and watched. He would never turn down getting free stuff, even if sometimes it made him angry with how often someone wanted to buy him something or give him something purely because of how he looked. It just left him with too many things, but he did like indulging in people and letting them give him things that he wanted.
And he did want some more popcorn.
His phone started ringing.
Immediately, his smile faded. He glanced at the bunny, just to make sure his back was still turned, and then turned around himself, making sure he had a good view of the street as he answered the call and send the person on the other end, who was currently leaning against his car that was conveniently parked right outside the theater, a raised eyebrow through the glass doors.
“If you want something, you know you can just come back inside to talk to me. Right?”
Nightmare snorted, and Dream watched as his tentacles flicked. “I don’t want to hear you flirt with an innocent guy.”
“Innocent?” Dream mirrored the snort. “Why would he be innocent?”
“Really? Oh, let me guess. Maybe it’s because you like to flirt so much that you never actually get into a committed relationship and this makes you a classic heartbreaker in every single way because you let down all the boys you maybe like?”
Dream opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out.
Slowly, he glared at Nightmare, shoving aside how true all of that was. “It’s Halloween.”
“Stop attacking me with things I would rather not think about. What do you want?”
“For you to hurry up.”
“That’s all?” Dream asked, dumbfounded, and he groaned in annoyance. “Nightmare, I swear, if I didn’t take pride in being a goody two shoes, I would be flipping you off so hard right now.” In fact, he was imagining doing so right now and might’ve actually done so had a mother and her two children not walked across the sidewalk outside.
“I have no shame.” And Nightmare flipped him off as soon as the mother went by, holding it there as he spoke. “And goody two shoes my ass. I know you sneak Mom’s wine to your parties with your friends.”
Dream rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’ll be out soon.”
“Make it five minutes. Not a minute more, or I’m gonna just leave you here and let you walk home.” Before he could respond, Nightmare hung up and then walked around the car to get in the driver’s seat.
Dream grumbled to himself and turned, jumping slightly when he realized that the bunny was standing at the counter with the popcorn in hand, looking anywhere but at him. He sent him an apologetic smile and took the popcorn, making a hasty retreat without saying goodbye. Outside, he was surprised to see the beginning of snow making its way down from the sky. Just light enough to be missed.
When they were officially on the road and making their way home, Dream shoved a handful of his popcorn into his mouth and texted Blue to let him know they were coming. And he spent the rest of the car ride imagining what it would be like when they arrived, a smile on his face.
They pull into the driveway, and the first thing Nightmare noticed was that the lights were off. Not that unusual, no, especially considering it was nearing 10 pm and trick-or-treating was wrapping up for most kids.
Still…Blue was here, and Dream’s friend usually stayed up to make sure they got home whenever they left him in charge. There would’ve been some kind of light on.
Killing the engine, Nightmare got out of the car, sending Dream a glare when he stayed put, on the phone with someone. His brother only smiled back at him and waved him forward, laughing at something that was said. Rolling his eyes, he left his brother alone in the car, walking forward to the front door.
He stopped.
The front door was open, just a crack. Maybe Blue forgot to close it after he gave out the last of the candy? But surely he would’ve noticed the chill wind sweeping through the house. He would’ve clued in as the temperature lowered and he would’ve closed it. It definitely didn’t help the picture that the hallway light was off, pure darkness in the gap, hiding whatever was going on inside.
Something was wrong.
His tentacles curled behind him and he crept forward slowly.
Dream. Must’ve finished his phone call.
“Front door’s open,” he said, more to himself than anything. He pushed the door open, hearing it creak as he glanced around. Nothing. He turned on the light to make sure. Still nothing. “Stay behind me.”
Slowly, carefully, Nightmare made his way around the first floor, turning on lights and checking all the rooms. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but still. Maybe it was all those horror movies finally catching up to him, but something just told him something here was wrong. That something happened or would happen, or whatever. It curled up in his chest and didn’t let go. He peered through the blinds of the back door and surveyed the empty backyard.
And then something crashed from behind him, making him whirl around. He blinked as he didn’t see his brother behind him—stupid idiot, never listens to me—and he stepped away from the door.
“Dream?” he called and waited.
No response.
He backtracked, cursing in his mind. He called out for his brother a few more times, still getting nothing in response. Back in the front hallway, the front door was still open. Nightmare shut it with more force than he wanted, and his gaze was drawn to the floor when something crunched under his foot.
Popcorn seemed to form a trail up the stairs, and as his eyes followed it, he swore that something—or someone—moved along the second floor, the floor creaking beneath them. He frowned and started up the stairs.
“Dream? Dream?!”
Still no response.
More popcorn was on the second floor, forming a trail around the railing and heading into their suspiciously door-opened-a-crack bedroom. His eyes narrowed, tensing even more. He knew that nothing would be wrong—maybe Dream just dropped some popcorn and decided to change out of the costume or whatever. He knew that this was probably just his mind trying to string together a scenario that wasn’t there. This was the perfect setup for something, and he knew that, was back in his mind.
He knew that. But still.
He rolled his shoulders and walk forward confidently, intent on slamming the door open and revealing whatever was going on. And he did just that, opening the door as if he was just going to sleep, and the room was pitch black. Someone went the extra mile and turned off all of the sting lights and hide all of the glow-in-the-dark stuff Dream had. But why? What kind of person would do—
Something furry dropped onto his head.
Nightmare continued cursing as he jumped, struggling against himself and stumbling over his feet as he brushed whatever it was off and kept waving his arms around until he was sure it wasn’t on him. Panting, he tripped over something on the ground and crashed onto the floor, grunting in pain. It was still dark, but the hallway light slowly bled into the room and it was silent for a few seconds.
Silence…and then laughter.
“Oh, you should see your face!”
“That was so funny.”
Nightmare blinked. Slowly.
He pushed himself up onto his elbows as someone turned the light on. He looked at Blue, who held in his hand a fake furry spider tied to some string, and who was grinning as he had a hand up as if in an effort to keep most of the laughter in. He looked at Dream, who had his phone in front of him, pointed right at him, and shamelessly laughed at him. He looked between the two as his breath calmed.
Then it hit him and his face flushed, heat rising as he stumbled to his feet. His tentacles rose like a cat’s tail when they were scared—Dream’s comparison, not his—and they thrashed wildly. He scoffed, higher in pitch than he liked.
“Funny? Fun—”
“What?” Blue said, drawing his attention. He held up the spider, waving it at him. He glared at it and then at its owner. “Not a fan of spiders? I don’t really care for them either, but you gotta admit, they make for some of the greatest pranks imaginable.”
“And now,” Dream spoke up, “you can’t ever get away with saying that no prank has ever gotten you before. Because this one did.” His brother grinned, pulling his phone closer to him and typing away at it like he was in a race.
Nightmare blinked again.
Of course. This was a prank. Of course it was! And of course it was Dream’s idea, because who else? Who else wanted to huminite him like that in front of a friend and record it and then share it for the world to see? Not that Dream would share it publicly, not without his permission. He knew that. But he would still share it with their friends and boy, would this be perfect teasing material for a few months.
Unless, of course, he gets that phone away and deleted the video before Dream could do anything…
Nightmare inhaled. “Say, Dreamy,” he said, coating the words in sugar, and he walked towards his brother with his fists clenched. “I think you deserve a reward for this. Don’t you?”
Dream snorted, shaking his head. He held his phone close as mischief and joy lit his eyes, stepping backward. “No, actually. And it’s too late, I already sent the video to the group chat for all our friends to see.”
God dammit!
Nightmare lunged and Dream sidestepped, already out the door and making his way down the steps as his brother chased after him. “Get back here—”
Nim got home shortly after midnight. Her shift had slipped into overtime thanks to a co-worker of hers not showing up when they were supposed to, leaving her to manage their clients and phone calls until they waltzed in with some coffee and some donuts in hand, acting as if they weren’t three hours late. The audacity of people, sometimes…
Most of the lights in the house were out, but she knew better than to believe her sons were asleep. She knew very well the tradition they had on Halloween and knew that they were carrying it out in the living room already, eyes glued onto the screen as a girl ran from a murderer.
Sighing, she locked the front door behind her and placed her keys in the shallow ceramic bowl her mama had made her as a home-warming gift years ago. Another yawn threatened to take over, but she held it in, hanging up her bag and taking her shoes off. She turned on the hallway light and looked into the living room, the light pooling into the darkened room and illuminating the back of the couch, and spilling over onto the wall. It glared into the TV a bit, obscuring Urban Legend. Smiling briefly to herself, she entered the room quietly and peered over the couch, placing a hand on the back.
Blinking, the smile widened as she took in the sight before her.
On the couch, Dream and Nightmare sat together, though they weren’t awake like she had assumed they were. Their snacks—some chip bags, soda pops, the leftover candy from the trick-or-treat bowl littering around—and some small remnants of their costume lay on the coffee table. And her two boys, boys she hadn’t seen even hug each other since they were, what? Eight? They were asleep, curled up with each other; Nightmare had his legs out, feet on the table, a bowl of popcorn held loosely in his arm spilling over onto the couch, and his other arm was thrown over Dream, who had his legs tucked close to him, head resting on his brother’s shoulder, a blanket barely covering him.
They seemed to almost breathe in sync, and it honestly would not surprise Nim if she heard later on in the morning that her sons had one of those shared dreams they get sometimes.
Biting her lip, she held in the coo she wanted to let out and walked around the couch, gently pulling the popcorn bowl away, managing to save a handful of pieces, and with his arm now free, Nightmare immediately rolled over, wrapping it around Dream securely, one foot falling off of the table. Nim chuckled to herself and kept nudging him, knowing that if she let him sleep like that, he’d be even more grumpy in the morning than he usually was, and eventually, Nightmare grunted, half lifting his hand to wave her away, pulling his legs in as he shifted into an almost laying down (but not quite there) position, Dream following behind as he let himself be dragged, turning further into Nightmare’s chest and reaching up a hand to clench loosely at his shirt’s fabric. She paused, admiring the even cuter position her boys were in and eyeing the way Nightmare’s neck lay as she debated on helping him even more—she already got him this far, might as well make sure he was comfortable.
After getting a throw pillow in place, she made sure her boys were in a comfy position and untangled the blanket from Dream’s legs, opening it up and laying it over both of them, tucking them in. Leaning in, she gave each of them a kiss on the forehead, whispering “I love you” in Spanish. She stood there for a second longer, a scream coming from the TV, and then she gathered up the empty bags and cans, taking them to the kitchen.
Oh, and she did come back with her phone to take a picture of her boys. This was prime embarrassment material for future lovers, after all, and she devoured any opportunity to embarrass them. Besides, it made for a really good home screen picture anyway.
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