#before it got big and had multiple adaptations that is
ge · 4 months
my biggest gripe w most current rotmhs fans is that most of them are webcomic only so the types of fics/content we want to see (tang bo, chung brothers, etc) are lacking due to them not having been properly introduced in the webcomic yet.. we can fix this problem if you people just read the novel...eye twitching
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cherryfennec · 7 months
So this was originally supposed to have a kickass artwork of the bros using the power- up and stuff but then I got sick and then I realised Im out of time and here we are so uh hieee everyone and welcome to my post-
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Happy MAR10 Day! For the occasion, let's go back to the (not discussed in a long time) Power-Up headcanons. This time I'll focus on the Ice Flower (most of the lore under cut like last time)!
This was surprisingly requested by some (3) people. I'm going to be honest, I barely remembered this one at first. I kinda know how it looks and generally what it does, which will have to be enough to base this entire thing on. With that being said, I did some thinking and here's what I've got:
General headcanons;
This one has difficulty surviving outside of it's original environment. If you want to keep a batch in the house your best bet is to use the fridge/freezer, otherwise it looses both it's blue look and the stored energy. See, the Ice Flower originally wasn't (and still technically isn't) it's own flower species. Let me elaborate:
Nowadays the conditions there are not as harsh, however a rather long time ago travelers heading towards places like the Snow Mountain needed to be both be specially trained and very well equipped to even attempt a climb. A heat source was a big must, and it so happens that it often consisted of Fire Flowers. They'd put some in their coats to keep warm, as well as store a few in the backpack just in case they needed to protect themselves from monsters. When setting camp during their journeys these hikers would use the Power-Ups energy to start fires and cook food. After the flowers were depleted of their energy and entered their hibernation stage (I talked about it in my Fire Flower post), they would be simply thrown away like trash. Waiting for them to recharge was often not beneficial, especially in conditions like this, so there was ultimately no point in keeping them. However like I mentioned before, Fire Flowers are very adaptable, which actually wasn't that known at the time. Instead of wilting, these stubborn plants would try gathering energy like the usual, but since it was very cold and direct sunlight was limited, they decided to collect something else. While not all flowers made it, a few managed to amass the eminating frost and turn it into a new kind of energy which proved to be enough for their survival. With time even their petal colour changed to blueish hues. And thus the Fire Flowers in the area became Ice Flowers and over the years started populating the mountains and snowfields.
The Ice Flower is a multiple use Power-Up in theory but more often than not you'll find yourself without a place to freeze it after using one. If it's not placed in a cold environment during it's hibernation it'll either die or, more uncommonly, simply revert back to being a Fire Flower after a long process.
Mario and Luigi specific headcanons;
While the idea of being able to freeze stuff sounded cool it wasn't very fun to learn.
In Marios case imagine: you're good at something, really, REALLY good at something. Okay great, now imagine being told that your knowledge doesn't matter because now you need to do the opposite of what you've learned. Back with the theme of "elements don't mix", Mario absolutely hated how much effort he needed to put into focusing the newfound energy to barely make a tiny projectile. Even before he got the Firebrand he had enough difficulty with it, so it only got worse from there. This was one of the rare times where learning the bare basics instead of mastering a Power-Up was enough for him.
Luigi didn't really mind. The main complications came more from the vague instructions he received during training rather than his own inability. Suprisingly or not the Thunderhand didn't make this one much of a pain either, I guess anomalies attract eachother. While he doesn't consider this Power-Up as a favourite he still finds it pretty fun that he can freeze and walk on water. Did you know, he used to be pretty good at skating in high school. If you didn't he'll make sure to bring it up at a given occasion. Back to ice powers, he definitely outdoes his brother on this one, even if not by much.
There's probably one more thing I should mention. Despite the contrary belief the Ice Flower does NOT increase ones tolerance to cold temperatures. To be frank it might even decrease it by lowering the bodys natural temperature, making the chances of frostbite higher. And so, they learned it the hard way.
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In conclusion, this is more of a situational Power-Up. It's neither easy to find or preserve which can be annoying but despite all this it's hard to deny that it's ultimately a useful tool.
Few bonus headcanons!
I don't know how much sense I conveyed through my broken wording and less than average writing skills but it's not that shabby if I say so myself. Just like last time some details might change in the future but for now that's the general idea that I have considering the Ice Flower. Once again thank you to whoever took the time to read this!
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simp999 · 1 year
Hi! I saw your requests were open and thought I'd pop in to ask How Would The Mercs Reach To Their S/O Picking Up Phrases Or Slang That They Use! Bonus points if S/O also says phrases in the Mercs' native tongue ^^
THIS IS THE STUFF, PEOPLE!!!! I love this prompts so much oh my gosh, thank you so much for requesting!!! I may have gotten a tad carried away with Sniper's part, whoops..
Merc's Reactions to Their S/O Picking up Words/Phrases/Slang That They Use - drabbles
Total wc: 2.4k
Mercs included: All
After being around him for such a long time, it’s not too surprising that sometimes you’d accidentally slip into a bostonian accent for some words. But the first time Scout caught you saying one of his lines was in the middle of battle. - Your two classes didn’t really mesh too well, so you wouldn’t be near each thother too often. Which means that he has no idea how long you’ve been doing this for.
You hadn’t noticed Scout run behind you after noticing you turning a corner. You jumped down from the ledge, spotting an opponent right below you. With a big swing of your weapon and a crit hit that landed perfectly on the back of their head, you shouted:
“Hah! Take that, chucklenuts!”
Scout couldn’t help but laugh at that, feeling pride wash through him. That means you think he’s funny! It’s not a direct complement, but it sure feels like it for him. It probably didn’t help that you yelled “BONK!” as your hit landed, too. It didn’t really matter to him if you guys ended up winning that battle or not, because that was a big enough win for him. (Though, you did end up winning with how much quicker he was on his feet.)
It really just made him fall even more in love with you.
Hearing him go on about war and America so often eventually meant you using references some times, or throwing in a few words relating to those things at times. It’s happened before where your team was right close to losing, so the opposing team felt more lax and confident. You were the start of the comeback, killing their Medic, and shouting:
“It ain’t over 'till it’s over, Maggot!”
Soldier didn’t even catch the fact that you used one of his most common nicknames. It just kinda flew over his head.
Of course, it wasn’t just words and phrases that you’d stolen from him - It’d be wrong to say that you didn’t get a bit more chaotic, too.
The one that struck him right in the face, though, was when you sacrificed yourself for him, while killing multiple enemies. You had shouted “Death before dishonor!” as you did. 
It had landed you the victory.
After the battle, he had quickly picked you up and threw you on his shoulders, holding your legs in place as he marched on. He gave you a whole speech about how “YOU DESERVE A MEDAL OF HONOR, CUPCAKE!!”
-jk, as if I’d leave my favorite firebug out ;)
Obviously, mimicking any common phrases of theirs wasn’t really possible…but! I can promise you that they only fell harder for you when you started adapting their little tweaks to sign language that they tended to use. One thing that was very common of Pyro to do was to use the short form of “I love you”. They loved the fact that it was so much quicker to do, and easy, and it’s so simple!
There’s a good chance that you weren’t completely fluent in sign language when you first showed up as a merc, so you had Engineer and Pyro gladly help you. So, that’s what made them even more excited to see you pick up on their mannerisms.
Because you knew the right way to do it. Pyro knows this, because they’ve seen you either learn it with Engie, or do it before.
Their favorite thing was seeing how you got more comfortable with sign language with time. Your movements are so much less stiff, and much quicker. It’s almost second nature to you now, and they can’t express how happy it makes them!
Though, lots of cuddles and gasmask kisses seems to do the trick.
Heavy caught you the first time you said it. His favorite step in your relationship was the night he decided to call you милая (milaya). You two were snuggled up next to eachother after a long day of battles, enjoying eachother’s warmth. (He’s a human heater, so this happens pretty often.) He wasn’t really expecting you to catch it, throwing it in the middle of his sentence to try to hide it. - He’s still a bit nervous about trying new things, you know! - But, you had indeed questioned him on what it meant. He merely explained that it was a term of endearment, and he struggled to find similar english words and ended up fumbling with Honey, Darling and Sweetie. Your face had gotten a little warmer at that, but you had expressed how much you liked the name and he had began to use it since. Now, it simply rolled off his tongue with ease when talking or calling out to you.
Ironically, it was nearly the same situation, only months later. You two were once again cuddling after a long day, though much more tired. This time, you two were laying down on Heavy’s giant bed with him on his back and you on your front right on top of him. You were almost out like a light, but you had noticed that your throat was dry. A glass of water was within Heavy’s reach, so you had mumbled in a groggy voice:
“Mind passing me that glass of water, милая(Milaya)?”
The way you said it without the russian accent almost tripped him up, but he froze right before picking up the glass for you. He figured you must have meant to use his nickname, Misha, or even his actual name, Mikail. He didn’t ask you about it, as you were asleep before he could form the right sentence. 
It had plagued his mind for a while though, and may have made his face go pink a few times during battle. 
Do you guys have any idea how wild some southern phrases can be?? Imagine picking up on that! But I won’t go into that, instead, imagine adapting his southern conjunctions. Ya’ll, ain’t, Y'all'd've. .. okay maybe not that last one, but still.
Something more common that you most likely picked up on was sometimes no longer pronouncing the G at the end of words. Fixin’, attackin’, goin’, etc. Just like Scout, you probably also had a few words that slipped into that southern accent.
But by far, the most common thing you did was drop the G and use ‘y’all’. Dell definitely noticed, and probably poked fun at you at times.
“Ya’ll wanna play darts or somethin’ later?” You head poked into the common room, where most of the usual mercs were hanging out, already drinking beer and chatting away. He’d let out a snicker, then follow it up with something along the lines of:
“Yer startin’ ‘ta sound a lil’ too much like me, Honeybee.”
He definitely gently teases you about it, “correcting” you if you “forget” to use the southern version of whatever you said.
“Don’tchya mean ‘ya’ll’?”
Demoman: (small gore mention)
Man, don’t get me started with all the weird stuff he says. The thing is, he doesn’t often use the same insults, so you don’t end up picking up on the more obscure ones. You might slip and say “ya” instead of “you”, and you might pick up on using “bloody” to accentuate what you’re trying to say. You might also pick up saying “aye” to get people’s attention. 
He thought it was absolutely adorable, and would often follow through with whatever you said with something of his own. 
You really wanted to use your favorite line of his on the battlefield one day, but he just so happened to be with you when you got a sweet domination, taking an opponent’s head clean off. You kinda forgot that he was with you, as he was focused on another opponent, so you let the line slip:
“Hah! They’re going to have to glue you back together… IN HELL!”
You weren’t expecting him to notice, or at least make it obvious that he did, but he immediately called out after you:
Medic: (Gore mention)
It’s common for Medic to use filler words such as "eh, ah, um, er, eheh, aha, ja", and you’ve adopted that little habit. He finds it adorable that you started copying him!
Though, he definitely treats it as an experiment, as he does with most things. He also probably tallies it up. Like, he’ll just be having a conversation with you and have his notepad handy, and he only stops tallying when it seems like you might be catching on.
He’ll purposely use one of the filler words more often than others to see if you’ll do the same. It works! For some you begin to use them right away, others may take a while of exposure for you to start absentmindedly saying them. 
The first time you used a german, non-filler word was in a fit of panic.
You had been practising some stuff on some subjects that Medic had allowed you to borrow. Of course you were interested in experimenting with bodies and animals, even people, sometimes! -You got with Medic, this is to be expected. - He knows he’s taught you enough for you to be safe to do this type of stuff on your own, and he allows you to use the medbay whenever. 
He had walked in to tell you to come take a break to have something to eat, when you accidentally cut your hand with a scalpel. Without a second thought, you quickly let out a hushed “Scheiße!” before turning around to take care of the wound, spotting Medic. He didn’t have time to question you about it, since taking care of you was the only thing on this mind at the time.
The first time it happened was when Scout had asked you to hang out. He apparently wanted to show you something cool, but you were busy making yourself a snack. Mundy had just walked into the kitchen when he heard your reply; 
“Cheers! I’ll be free in a bit!” 
Scout didn’t seem to notice anything. Or if he did, he didn’t mention it. He just started rambling on about whatever cool thing he was about to show you. Sniper didn’t want to bother you when you seemed genuinely interested in Scout’s mostly one-sided conversation, but if you had looked over at him, you would have been able to spot a slight raise of his brow and the tiniest hint of a smirk.
The second time was when Demo had accidentally spilled some of his scrumpy on you. He was extremely apologetic, but you kept reassuring him that it was alright.
“No wuckas, Demo! I’ll just go change real quick.”
Yet again, you walked off before he could question you.
The third time got him backstabbed. 
Though he’d never admit it, he often sometimes watched you through his scope, wanting to keep his S/O safe. This time, you just so happened to be semi-facing him, when you ran into a sticky bomb. You had noticed it a moment too late, so you weren’t able to dodge it. You only had enough time to mutter a quick “...Piss.” before being sent to respawn. Sniper was able to read your lips, and he couldn’t help but snort and let out a chuckle, not allowing himself to listen to his surroundings.
Finally, you did it when it was just you and him in his camper van. The two of you were bored and looking for something to do, when you had spotted something behind Mundy. You gestured towards it;
“Hey, wanna pass the deck of cards, mate?”
He froze for a moment, then he allowed his smirk to grow. You sat in silence, wondering what was so funny. He noticed the look of confusion on your face.
“Mate… really? You’re not doin’ that t’make fun of me, are ya?”
Your brows only furrowed further together, “What, what’d I do?” 
He never called you ‘mate’ anymore, not after the two of you got together. Usually, he called you ‘Roo’ or ‘Love’.
“You called me ‘Mate.’”
“I-” You look at him in disbelief, finally making proper sense of his previous sentence. Then a smile began to slowly grow across your face, “no.. did I really?”
“Yeah, you’ve been playin’ parrot for a while, now,”
You shake your head and cover your face in embarrassment as you lean into his side. You hadn’t even noticed!
“S’alright, Roo. ’S pretty funny,” he snuggled a little closer, only to give you a small peck on the temple, “n’ cute, too.”
One thing for certain was that he very rarely used your actual name. It was always pet names and names of endearment- always french ones. 
‘Mon amour, mon coeur, ma/mon chèr(e)’, etc. And since you hung around him so much, it wasn’t rare to hear him use french swears and insults dropped in conversation every so often when talking about past battles and such. Once, he had accidentally spilled his glass of wine, and he uttered “Merde..” under his breath. The same thing happened when a burnt piece of his cigarette had fallen onto his suit, though this time he had said it a bit louder. He’d called people ‘con’ or ‘connard’, ‘crétain, putain,’ and many more. One that was a little more common around the others was ‘ta geule’, or ‘ferme ta geule.’ You eventually learnt that it meant something along the lines of “Shut up”. 
One day, when you were extremely frustrated with an overly obnoxious opponent who really enjoyed taunting you, you muttered:
“Ferme ta geule, connard!”
As the opponent fully came to face you, trying to make sense of the words you had let out, they got backstabbed. 
You were simply a distraction. 
Though, that didn’t stop the way Spy’s cigarette fell from his lips as he finally thought twice about what you had said moments prior.
“Mon amour, it’s best you don’t start using those words too often.”
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musicalmoritz · 26 days
terukane headcanons? (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;
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I’ve been waiting to answer this one all day, I needed to give it all my brain power
• They met when Akane joined the Student Council in his first year of high school, meaning they haven’t known each other too long
• They were aware of each other before that, of course. Teru knows everybody, especially the Seven Mysteries. And it’s impossible NOT to know who Teru Minamoto is
• They actually met in passing before Akane joined the Student Council but Teru was in a rush so he brushed him off, with little concern for his manners since Akane is a Mystery. This gave Akane a pretty sour impression of Teru to begin with
• Their first proper encounter was rather hostile. As soon as Fuji was out of the Student Council room, Teru drew his sword and tied Akane up. He confronted him about his stance as a Clock Keeper and revealed himself as an exorcist. They agreed to work together so long as they kept an eye on each other, and neither of them broke the other’s trust. Another poor impression
• While Akane “hates” Teru, Teru doesn’t hate Akane. He wants to be his friend but he has no concept of social norms so he goes about it all wrong. There’s also the element of him hating supernaturals AND being a sadist so ofc when he has a supernatural on hand it’s easy for him to relieve stress via bullying and torture…somebody save Akane
• But Akane is really good at reading people, so he doesn’t hold it against Teru as much as he claims to. He recognizes that he is the only person Teru gets to be completely himself around, the good and the bad with no facade. So he complains, but he puts up with it
• We’re making this a mutual au because as we all know, one-sided ships are the only thing I’m too emotionally mature for
• Teru has liked Akane ever since he met him, although he repressed it. A cute boy with brown-blue eyes and auburn hair…then he turns out to be someone Teru can be completely comfortable around…an exception to his cruel lifestyle…someone he can trust…someone who puts up with all his worst flaws…it would be weird if he didn’t fall for him, tho Teru’s classic internalized homophobia won’t let him see it that way
• Akane’s moment was chapter 79. He’s pretty smart when it comes to love so he didn’t panic about it, but it did confuse him. He also felt guilty for it, he thought the only person he could fall for was Aoi. Falling for Teru felt like a betrayal to her, so he put those feelings on the back burner. He had to figure out what was going to happen with him and Aoi before he thought about Teru (let’s just say Aoi wasn’t ready for a relationship or smth, I don’t want to completely write her out I’ll put her in therapy instead)
• Before he got resolution with Aoi tho he had to get payback for all the torment Teru put him through. Duh. So he starts flirting with him when Teru least expects it. It’s funny to watch the way his brain short-circuits when he’s flattered by someone he’s actually interested in. He gets a good few laughs out of it but once Teru realizes what’s going on he adapts and starts flirting back. They’re both good at catching each other off-guard tho, making each other flustered is simply another part of their rivalry
• They both knew the other liked them long before they actually got together. They had multiple conversations about it but they both had their own hesitations. Teru was the last one to give in because once Akane realizes he wants something, he’ll stop at nothing to get it
• Their first kiss was very spontaneous and unconventional, it probably happened in the middle of a supermarket or smth. Fans tend to write it as a quiet, personal moment but nah, I think they both romanticized the hell out of something that was objectively awkward
• When Teru gets comfortable with his sexuality, there is no stopping him from the PDA. He makes a big scene out of greeting Akane every morning at school, and clings to him whenever Student Council meetings get boring. It’s partially to annoy him but he’s also Just That Clingy. Everyone knows they’re dating and while some students have a problem with it, Teru learns not to care
• They go on lots of “childish” dates so Teru can experience all the childhood things he missed out on. Playgrounds, arcades, amusement parks, Build-A-Bear, you name it. Remember when Kou took Mitsuba to a sandbox?? Yeah that’s an ideal date for Terukane. Though Akane doesn’t get as much out of it, he still enjoys himself. As long as he’s with Teru he doesn’t really care what he’s doing
• They plan their future together a lot so Akane can lecture Teru about retiring from exorcism. It’s an ongoing argument between them, but not in like an aggressive way. Teru knows that Akane just wants him to be happy, but he’s unwilling to open himself up to happiness
• Tiara calls them Mama and Papa. Teru is the mama (I am absolutely not trying to call him the girl in their relationship or feminize him, this is just a silly little joke pls don’t cancel me they’re both on the same level of masculinity; Teru just has big Mom Friend vibes to me)
• Most people were surprised when they got together because everyone assumed they hated each other (except Kou, who Teru told before they were official)
• They become a package deal, whenever one of them is alone someone will ask where the other is at
• My brain is too fried to continue but uhhhh yeah, they kiss
Hope you enjoyed these!! Thank you for the ask, I had fun making this <3
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harrowedknight · 3 months
OC info and lore m’lord? Brave knight… please they’re both so handsome… I’d take Hancock in a knife fight for just one date fr…. Bleeding on the concrete outside kle0s shop rn….
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Omg,,, thank u for the ask, I’ll take this as an opportunity to introduce all of my fellas since i have multiple saves/ocs for fallout 4. Right now they’re all in separate aus but I wanna connect them, I just haven’t decided who I want to be the sosu yet, if i even want one at all.
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Starting with Ranger, my newest character. He’s the charismatic leader of the Minutemen. He likes making light of every situation, but he knows when to take things seriously. He just puts on a laidback attitude so he appears less intimidating. He’s trying very hard to make the commonwealth safer, but he has some doubts and insecurities about his position, which he bottles up and keeps to himself. He wants to be the person that everyone can rely on and look up to, even if that means putting his own problems aside to appear put-together and strong. He’s the one I draw Edward Deegan with, and I wanna do more with the two of them since I love me some eldritch horror vibes. I imagine Ranger and Edward go on relic hunts for Jack Cabot after their questline, getting into hijinks and fun spooky, horrifyingly traumatic adventures. Maybe kissing along the way. Who knows.
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Knight on the other hand, is an anxious, paranoid little glorbo; and I say this while he stands at like 6’4”, he’s BIG, the tallest of all of my guys. He’s got severe PTSD and he really doesn’t like living in the apocalypse. He had a wife! They were in a queer platonic relationship; they got married for the benefits but they’re both gay. He’s devastated after losing her, since she was his best friend. He has a very hard time adjusting to the new commonwealth, he barely scrapes by, has to force himself to function because everything reminds him of war and suffering. He eventually stumbles into Goodneighbor, gets hooked on chems to distract himself from bad memories, meets Hancock one bad night and ends up getting drunk/rambling to the poor ghoul. They end up hitting it off despite the ridiculous introduction. Hancock manages to ground Knight, gives him a purpose again; helping good people, and hurting bad people. Knight travels the commonwealth doing odd jobs, trying to do what he can, even joins up with the Railroad to help out the Synths. Just trying to make up for all the time he’d lost, doing what he thinks would’ve made his best friend proud.
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Now for Paladin. Yes, he is named Paladin, and yes, he WAS Paladin Paladin before being promoted to Sentinel. It’s probably obvious by now that I have a Dnd/medieval theme for my character’s names. Anyway, Paladin here is— of course— a part of the Brotherhood of Steel. I made him to be a big dickhead because I don’t play mean characters in video games enough. Unlike my other sosus he’s actually thriving in the apocalypse. Before being frozen he was very dissatisfied/disconnected with the ordinary life he was trying to live, he felt like a husk of himself and he couldn’t understand why. After waking up and being met with a destroyed world, his soldier mentality immediately kicked in again. He adapted fast, and when he learns about the Brotherhood and its US military-esc operations he quickly latches onto it. It’s familiar to him, and he excels at his duties. He rises through the ranks quickly, earning his place as Sentinel and developing a massive ego along the way. The Brotherhood makes him feel powerful, and that sort of becomes an addiction of sorts. He just wants more and more power, he wants to be respected; and if not respected, feared.
And as a bonus unrelated to fallout 4,
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This is Monty, aka Montague. He’s a prewar ghoul living in the Canadian territories, or Little America as it’s referred to in the Fallout universe. He was a proud mountie back before Canada was annexed, kept his uniform in a locked safe for years. When the bombs fell and he was ghoulified, he pulled it out and dedicated himself to helping those who get lost in the nuclear winter. I’m still learning things about Fallout lore so idk how Canada is depicted after the bombs in canon, but the idea I had is that Monty lives in a massive, snowy wasteland which he’s learned to navigate with a lot of hard work and dedication. He earns caps by guiding people through the tundra, since few know how to avoid all the dangers it poses.
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zombie-eats-world · 2 months
Hi yall! This is a thing lol
I got an ask that was weird and very nitpicky about me citing my sources. And honestly I don’t really care all that much since my source is just the manga and it’s not hard to find all of those pages but I did think it prudent to respond to their one criticism in particular.
In my Crocodad thesis I mentions Oda’s quote about how “a mother would stop an adventure” and I very briefly mentioned the symbolism of Crocodile being Luffy first major villain in the Grand Line in this context. Then I moved on. I didn’t exactly hinge the entire theory on that so I’m not sure why they had such a big up their ass about it lol.
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Here’s everything I said about this in my Crocodad thesis!
So this did bother me enough to go see if I could find the exact quote.
And in fact I have to apologize to all of you! That quote as I remember it doesn’t exist! It’s a misremembering of a tweet that is based off this SBS section!
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This is volume 78 if anyone out there can’t seem to find it (or idk maybe just ask where I got the info before writing multiple paragraphs complaining.)
So as we can see in the official printed English manga Oda said “the antonym of Adventure is Mother”. Not exactly what I was saying but I do think the meaning of what I originally intended still stands.
The symbolism of Crocodile being the first real threat to Luffy is key when in the above context. The moment in chapter 178 vol 20 where Crocodile stabs Luffy is shocking. It literally stops all the background noise in the episode the chapter was adapted in! (Episode 111 in case someone wants that too)
The point brought up to me that Crocodile not getting in Luffy’s way and stopping his adventure in marineford (where he should have realized that’s his son) goes against the theory but it does not. Luffy is in danger in marineford, Crocodile saving him is still the best evidence we have for Crocodad since it’s exactly what a parent would have done in that kind of situation. Especially with the recent revelations about parenthood and children being a parents weakness philosophy we got from Dragon during Kumas flashback.
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thornfield987-blog · 7 months
I know this has been done before but here’s my headcanons for LU Chronic illness/Disability boys:
Legend(he/they): Hypermobile type Ehlers Danlos syndrome. Frequently dislocates joints and doesn’t see why the others make such a big deal about it, it happens all the time! Primarily suffers from widespread join pain, instability and chronic fatigue. Has as many different mobility aids as they have magical artifacts.
Time(he/him?): Early onset osteoarthritis and partially blind. All of the time travel and shifting forms was not kind to his joints, so the connective tissue was damaged and BOOM. Arthritis. The old man jokes are becoming less and less of a joke every day. Also experiences debilitating migraines.
Hyrule(they/he): Sensory Processing Disorder (often associated with autism but can be caused by other conditions). Their magic sensitivity can often cause overstimulation in their other senses, and they are very sensitive to light, sound, smell and touch. They are semi-verbal because even his own voice can overstimulate him sometimes, but they don’t know sign very well. Also has anemia.
Wild(genderfluid he/she/they): hypertrophic contractural scarring, partially deaf, semi-verbal because of vocal cord scarring. Also prosthetic arm(set after TOTK). She switches between sign and speaking, whichever is easiest for him that day. They have to perform daily stretches and apply scar lotion to be functional, but they aren’t very good at remembering to do so. Often blows out his voice because he gets excited, but can’t tell how loud he is speaking.
Four(plural they/them): Dissociative Identity Disorder(but not really because of magical reasons), damaged growth plates because of Minish magic. They have very similar symptoms to DID, but there are slight differences because it was caused magically and traumatically, not like in the real world. They sometimes struggle to walk correctly because their growth plates are damaged, causing their legs to be slightly different lengths. They wear adaptive shoes to correct this.
Sky(he/him): POTS(Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), chronic fatigue. He struggles to breathe the denser air on the Surface, but he struggled with it on Skyloft as well. He has a chronically higher heart rate that causes dizziness and (rarely) passing out when moving from sitting to standing, after eating, and after adrenaline rushes. This causes his stamina to be fairly low, and also causes chronic fatigue.
Twilight(he/him): RRMS(Relapse/Remission Multiple Sclerosis). This is caused magically by the Twilight curse eating away at his body’s nerves, but is kept mostly under control by his shadow crystal. Occasionally, he goes through relapses and experiences anything from tingling and numbness in a limb to temporary loss of vision in one or both eyes, balance issues, vertigo and slurred speech. These flares are almost always debilitating, but thankfully they only happen every couple of months and last from a few days to about a week.
Wind(he/him?): A little cliche, but he has a peg leg. He likes to tell outlandish stories about it getting bit off by a kraken or eaten by a cannibal, but the truth is that he got an infection, couldn’t treat it in time and had to amputate. This happened sometime after his quests had finished, and he’s still a little ashamed of the actual circumstances, so he doesn’t open up often.
Warriors(he/him): Speaking Disfluency (Stutter). Often repeats sounds, such as “G-g-g-guys”, or extends sounds; “Llllllll-Iove you”. He grew up poor, so he was never able to get treatment for it, so he communicates using sign while Proxi translates verbally, though this isn’t as necessary with the Chain since most of them know sign.
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anothercrisis · 2 years
When Ghost met Soap, he knew immediately that he wasn’t like any other person he’d ever met before.
There were several things he noticed within the first minute: Soap carried himself confidently with a swagger Ghost had never seen before in their profession; there was a glint in his eyes, an excitement that bordered on crazed that should have seemed out of place; and most importantly, either a lack of self-preservation or an unhealthy amount of fearlessness, because he, unlike so many people before him, dared to touch Ghost.
Despite these observations that gave him a decent picture of the sergeant’s personality, Ghost didn’t realize how quickly he was going to have to adapt to being the maniac Scot’s impulse control.
But it wasn’t like Soap was completely unhinged or irrational. He was actually very smart and trustworthy, which was something Ghost had to acclimate to since he wasn’t used to others being able to handle aspects of the mission without him breathing down their necks.
However, the first solution Soap always proposed, no matter what the scenario or problem, was demolition. Sometimes it was offered half-heartedly, like he knew he was going to be told no but couldn’t stop himself from asking.
Other times, it was an acceptable solution, and Ghost liked the way Johnny lit up when he was told he could demolish something. Ghost liked watching that permanent glint in Soap’s eyes spread to take over his entire expression, his grin sharpening into something crazed. He liked the way Soap’s body started to buzz with energy, as if he himself was the explosive, trembling and ready to blow.
At any given moment, Soap had multiple forms of explosives on his person. It didn’t matter in the slightest if they were on mission or at base. On the rare occasion he didn’t have pre-made ones on hand, it didn’t take him long to whip something together that Ghost could just not believe was stable or safe.
Ghost quickly learned that if he couldn’t hear Soap, then he was getting into trouble, rigging some complicated bomb that had the potential to take a whole section of the base down. He quickly lost track of how many times he’s had to order and beg Soap to disarm his recreational explosives before he got himself hurt or killed.
Every day, Ghost wondered how Soap had survived so long without Ghost around to be his impulse control. How all the mishaps had been avoided or contained. How anything was left standing in Soap’s destructive wake.
And really, Ghost should have seen it coming, with how observant he was by nature. It shouldn’t have surprised him in the slightest that all his mental and emotional barriers crumbled under Soap’s gunpowder-stained hands. Ghost never stood a chance; not against the maniac Scot with a heart of gold big enough for even Simon’s freight of trauma.
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weirsight · 3 months
i understand that it can get quite exhausting when one's enjoying a piece of media and go online to look for any sort of engagement, only to find a vocal minority (or maybe even a sizeable majority) continuously criticizing it. no doubt, this would lead anybody to feel a bit frustrated and questioning the participation of others ... but i also think that's just a pretty universal aspect of any fandom. there is undeniably blatant disrespect hurled at the showrunners and writers of GOT/HOTD, and bad faith arguments over which team is right or wrong that feeds into a truly harrowing degree of tribalism. however, i do think that the media we partake in and the people who create it shouldn't be allowed to escape criticism, as they are in fact fallible and some of the choices they make should be questioned, especially when the project they are working on is an adaptation of someone else's work.
let's not forget the treatment of women, people of color, lgbtq individuals, the disabled, etc. under the leadership of benioff & weiss. there were plenty of critics who were rightfully taking them to task way before s7-8 of GOT for their "choices" that had less to do with adapting book material, and more to do with awards nominations. in their hubris, they turned grrm's work which is filled with critiques of war, monarchy, feudalistic society, and reduced it to shock value, oversexualization, and straight up character erasure. these changes went unchallenged for the longest time because the spectacle of a big-budget prestige fantasy show was relatively unheard of. now while i do agree with the sentiment of just letting people enjoy things and that criticism can easily lead to pedantic behavior, i also would like to posit that without critiquing media that we dislike and like, it diminishes the ability to identify the kind of storytelling that can be seen as worthwhile.
yes, fire & blood is a historical text rather than a present-tense narrative that features multiple pov. yes, the dance portion is told from 3 different unreliable narrators with their own agendas. yes, that means no one truly knows what happened, which allows a certain degree of expansion for the book-to-screen adaptation. canonicity can most assuredly be debated with the format of the source material. that all being said, when the choices that are made start to veer off the path set by the author and contradict if not ignore the prominent themes that make the story what it is, then the adaptation should absolutely be criticized.
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williaml0ver · 8 months
☆ <3 Naib Subedar Taking Care of Robbie ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 1437
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, not proofread - as if i ever did that before
[🖇️] author's note: this was supposed to be a multiple characters post but i realized that i am NOT made for this, at least for now lmao. I will just post the other two separately soon because it's easier for me this way. 🫨
[🖇️] Maybe this would make more sense with Memory but Robbie is like my favourite hunter of course i had to take the opportunity omg... ROBBIENATION RISE
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-Ever since the past week you managed to get closer to little Robbie. Whether it happened because he was fond of your kindness or you seemed like a perfect playmate he was soon all over you - he'd share candy with you and even make cards with drawings for special occasions. One day when it was already very late you've suddenly heard a few knocks on the old fashioned door of your dorm. You've slowly gotten up, trying not to wake up your lover and opened the door. It was no one else than Robbie himself holding a small plushie. Long past his bedtime. He started explaining he's got nightmares and is scared to sleep alone today, later asking if he could join you two. If you didn't share your room you'd immediately agree, however, in this case you need to ask your boyfriend for consent.
-Naib is suddenly awoken by you, asking what's so important at this ungodly hour? Once the question's finally asked he feels confused, noticing the little boy standing behind with a "mom i just throw up" face.
-Has a hesitant stance at first. Sure, he's noticed you two started spending more time lately, but for you to be babying the boy already? He would be suggesting bringing him back to Michiko or Luchino, but the stone hearted mercenery eventually gives in after you convince him.
-When the three of you finally lay together, you are in between them since Naib prefered to be next to you, he holds you by your waist and meanwhile you hold Robbie. Naib also stays up a little longer to see both of you fall asleep, both because he just wants to look at you and make sure no tricks are being pulled. Seems like the axe boy really enjoyed sleeping together, as he loves visiting for little sleepovers from time to time. This doesn't bug the merc as much, but he still may feel a little, just a little jealous.
-Why would a man slowly pushing thirty be jealous of a small child you ask? Naib thought so as well, but when he saw you both drawing silly stuff on paper he felt somewhat envious. Just when you thought the most secretive, independent, straightforward person under this roof would never loose his cool around you, he sits next to you and starts drawing a wacky stickman.
-Ever since his sleepovers became a frequent thing, Naib is often choosen to be on babysitting duty. Sometimes with you, sometimes alone.
-I can see them having bit of a rough start at some point? Like Naib wanting to distance himself rather than be around Robbie, yet making sure he is around. He'd eye him to make sure you're not being hurt. This small boy, on the other hand, would be ecstatic to finally crack the mercernary's tough shell, the one who's making sure his playmate is safe in bed. With your help, Robbie would like to get closer to Naib, he quickly develops a big fascination with the green hooded man.
-You'd have to start slow and be patient, maybe ask Robbie to help you make lunch for the three of you and later eat together? Naib would begin recognizing the child's good intentions and eventually lets his guard down around.
-Once the adaptation is done, Naib definitely would receive the Cool Uncle™️ title without much effort and be constantly bugged by Robbie pleading him to show some cool tricks he does with his weapons. And well, Naib could be a hesitant one. You may as well step in to beg too, because how can he resist those four cute eyes? (Okay not quite if we think of Robbie but let's go on) The look in Robbie's eyes? Priceless. As if someone put diamonds in his eyes. Seeing the boy being so excited about something so ordinary to him actually boosts his ego and show some dangerous-leaning stuff, you may want to step in. Naib will soon realize that being the Cool Uncle™️ is not an easy task.
-They soon become some kind of partners in crime. Robbie discovers Naib from a totally diffrent side, he's mature, but he can also be a huge tease. He is certainly not the most talkative man, though is providing a lot of security. Naib is even willing to share some of his food of it and sometimee sneaks candies in Robbie's pocket when you're not looking.
-You'd often have to be the voice of reasons between them, as Naib's ego sometimes raises over the roof when showing off to Robbie.
-Eventually, they start spending so much time together that whenever someone spots either of them alone, they ask where the other one is. Naib feels secretly very proud of Robbie.
-One day, to your surprise, he even allowed him to wear his cape. You have a photo of him as mini Naib holding a toy knife standing on your bedroom desk.
-Robbie's personal favourite drawing is the one where he and Naib are in knight armors rescuing you from a dragon.
-Robbie's a curious child. You can't call it a day if you haven't seen him pulling the Merc by his hood and asking for yet another cool story. Naib would either make them up or just slightly modify his stories from the military.
-A lot of field trips! Naib would like to show Robbie some useful tricks, like what to do when you get lost. You, at first, thought that was a cute idea, until Robbie began climbing up random furniture. Robbie once showed you some usefk knife defence tricks that he was taught by your boyfriend, much to your horror. That man is raising a little monster.
-You once decided to go with them for one of those trips. Just out of curiosity. When you went to the toilet alone for a few minutes, Naib started teaching Robbie some fighting moves. Let's say you were terrified when you came back.
-Robbie enjoys when he is picked up by the older man. He likes to put on oversized coats he borrowed from Luchino and go to him, pretending to trick him into thinking that he has grown so quickly.
-They DO enjoy pulling pranks. And when think they would spare you and do it to others, you're actually their main victim.
-Naib specifically learnt a few "magic tricks" to show Robbie. Boy he was shocked.
-They both get overcompetitive when playing hide and seek. You always pray you're the one hiding because when it's the other way around it may take up to an HOUR, after the merc taught Robbie how to discretly switch hiding spots, much to your annoyance.
-Robbie picks up some of Naib's behaviour. Robbie seldom answer with a very sarcastic and ironic tone. You and Naib had a talk that day.
-As much as Robbie doesn't mean anything bad, he can sometimes get too brave and say something mildly offensive to you. Naib wouldn't hesitate to confront him about it and command to apologize.
-Robbie's very hyperactive, so whether Naib is reading a book or working out with Eli, he would constantly have a pair of small legs following him and asking what he's up to.
-They both like bonding over making food. If Robbie finds anything intriguing him in a cookbook it's only a matter of time until you see them picking up the indegredients together to surprise you. Naib let's him pick anything he wants for the dessert.
-Naib would teach Robbie how to prepare some easy and safe to make meals so he could feed himself on his own <3.
-During his solo babysitting duty, although caring, Naib can be strict. He secretly worries a lot and would not hesitate to send him back to the hunters' part of the manor as temporary punishment. Michiko learned to take advantage of that and would allow him to go back if he helped the butlers and maids do the cleaning.
-I can see Naib being the "go ask your mother" kind of person 😭. Also not very adequate to the era, but he would totally ask the kid if he has any cool games on his phone, just so he could get distracted and Naib could spend some time with you.
-As much as the mercenary likes Robbie, it does annoy him sometimes how he now has less private time just with you.
-Ultimately, while at first seeming closed off, Naib actually becomes very fond of him and is ready to protect him. Robbie meanwhile likes to show Naib how much he loves both of you.
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I don't know what to put here... i'm posting this while listening to Shakira songs... besides the Robbie mini series with Ganji and William (half finished!) i will soon start working on date scenerios with Luchino and Kevin for valentine day yay!!!! If any of my loyal and beloved eight followers is reading this i love you guys i'm swinging my feet goodnight
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
A not so brief summary on my thoughts on House of The Dragon S2:
This finale makes me want to go outside and reconnect with nature 'cause why the hell did they make us wait so long just for a bunch of filler episodes and what was basically a trailer for season 3?
Spoilers for the show AND book which includes the deaths of characters and the arcs they had in the book.
Right off the bat, I'm just going to say that this post, this post, and this post sum up some of my thoughts. It truly feels like Ryan Condal (as well as others in production) had someone else give him a rundown of what happened in the book and just went off on that alone. I admit, I like some changes made from the book specifically with Alicent being Rhaenyra's childhood friend but at some point it just diverged from an adaptation to a fanfiction.
I know people whine and complain that it's 'nOt GoNnA bE eXaCtLy LiKe ThE bOoK' but if that's the case, stop calling it an adaptation and start saying it's based off the book. Of course, people are going to be annoyed when changes are made when they step in with the expectation/hope it'll be like the first few seasons of GoT.
Season 1 was good but rushed and had far too many timeskips that skipped needed character development. We never got to see Rhaenyra shift away from 'I don't want children' to learning of her first pregnancy. We never got to see Alicent fully turn away from Rhaenyra and stew in her resentment over being stuck in a marriage she never wanted while watching Rhaenyra be free enough to have multiple sons with a man who wasn't her husband. Laena, Laenor, and Harwin had little impact because we saw so little of them. We never got to see if Rhaenyra loved Harwin or if she saw him as a fwb.
It was rushed but the characters felt alright.
And then in comes season 2 and we can see that they were too afraid of being called out to write proper female characters. I've said this before when answering an ask but HOTD only has two types of women: rebellious, headstrong, stubborn, warrior girls and sensitive, withdrawn, submissive, rule followers. This is Arya vs Sansa all over again. Women can be multiple things at once. Not every Team Black girl has to be a fighter, not every Team Green girl has to be quiet and faithful.
Why wasn't Rhaenyra angry about Luke's death? She left S1 looking enraged and started S2 off strong in her grief but then Luke was never mentioned by name ever again. I understand burying down the grief and anger to rule but we should've seen her continue to break down in private throughout the season. Her SON was MURDERED and you're telling me she's not going to continue grieving him when she didn't even do anything for half the season? All she did was run off leaving Jace and the Council scrambling to stay together or get consistently spoken over again and again and again. And now suddenly Ryan wants her to be this calculated meticulous cult leader? Rhaenyra's downfall is descending into paranoia and letting her emotions and worries get the best of her (WHICH NETTLES WAS A BIG PART OF). She loses and flees King's Landing because of it.
Why was Alicent's plot mostly revolving around Cole? Why did they choose to have her sleeping with him while B&C happened? In the book, Alicent is essentially taken hostage because B&C knew Helaena took her children to visit their grandmother and say goodnight. She watches her daughter be forced to choose between her two sons only for the son she chose to save be killed. Instead of feeling grief for her grandson's death, she feels guilty for... having slept with Cole. No real thoughts or feelings over her GRANDCHILD being MURDERED. Look, I love the Rhaenyra x Alicent ship but it was doomed from the start. Instead of trying to make it seem like there's a chance, complicate it more! The complexities is what makes the ship good! But no, let's have Alicent, mother of the king and a big part of what started the war, mope around and fuck this dude. Hello?? Are they also setting her up to poison Aegon at the end when she spent half of season 1 saying she needed to protect her children from Rhaenyra???
Why did Helaena mourn her son for an episode and then move on? Are ya'll seeing this pattern or am I crazy? Helaena is supposed to descend into madness over her grief and guilt. She can't look her remaining son in the face because she'd chosen him to die. She's so consumed by this that she ends up impaling herself in spikes after throwing herself from a window. Are they setting her up to be murdered? To do it just because? And what do you mean 'Helaena doesn't ride. She has no taste for it'? Helaena LOVED to ride. Her love for her dragon is the reason Dreamfyre breaks free from her chains in the Dragonpit when she senses Helaena has died. But of course, Helaena is a Team Green girl and only warrior girls ride dragons, right Ryan? And she's Team Green so obviously unlike in the books, the smallfolk despise her as much as the others? They took the devastating choice of B&C and gave it to Alicent in the last episode which makes the death of Helaena's son's absolutely meaningless and unneeded as well as her own death. And also? all of a sudden Helaena can now understand her prophecies and speak them clearly? So why didn't she tell anyone of B&C? Surely a mother would try to break away from fate to save her children?
Aemond, Aegon, Cole, and even Daemon were given more complexities and plotlines than the main women, Alicent and Rhaenyra, were lmao. While the faces of the war were cast aside to be one stereotype or the other, we got to see the men be messy and chaotic and full of emotions. Aegon got to be angry and defensive over his son's death but not Rhaenyra. Cole got to be conflicted over his doings but Alicent was just meh about it. Daemon had so much unnecessary hallucinations lmao. Was it even character development if after every hallucination he still beat his chest and called himself king? He learned nothing but suddenly he sees a horribly CGI put together vision of GoT and he's fine putting away what he's been saying all season long? Come on now.
Jace, Baela, and Rhaena were massively underused. In the posts I linked, it explains my issue with Rhaena taking over Nettles. It's stupid and unneeded. We get to sympathize with Hugh and watch Daemon bang his mom but there's no need for the ONLY WOC IN THE BOOK to be seen? Not even his clear bias for Team Black will allow him to bring in Nettles and let Rhaena be one of the few Team Black girls who isn't a fighter and a Strong Female Lead? Okay.
Jace and Baela were. there. I guess. We could've cut back a lot more of Daemon to show Jace in the North winning over Cregan or even having him return mid-season. He did nothing but serve face and have a few lines of being annoyed. And, it was his idea for the dragonseeds, both highborn and lowborn. And Baela was just there to be his voice of reason. The rational girlfriend who pulls her boyfriend out of his head. She had one good scene where she wasn't just Daemon's daughter or Jace's love interest (they never even did or say anything remotely romantic. They feel like friends over two people in love) and then she just. existed to be there for Jace.
The dragons were great and I loved their designs. I loved that their dancing is based on the birds of prey death drop(?) and I clocked it instantly when I watched Rook's Nest. However, I really hope Aegon belives Sunfyre is dead because of a weakened bond and not that he's actually dead considering Sunfyre burns and eats Rhaenyra alive?? That's his whole thing??
I did not care for Tyland and the pirate chick. We had a full fledged BATTLE be offscreen but we had to see Tyland get tossed around in mud? Okay. Sure. Uh huh.
Like... what was this? It was like hours long filler episode. 'It's setting up for season three!! that's why it sucked!!' but we still had needed action and characters that were brushed over? We could've had the battle between the Blackwoods and the other idiots, we could've had Nettles taming Sheepstealer, we could've had the women feel like real people instead of being one dimensional characters, we COULD'VE HAD RHAENYS HAVE EMOTIONAL SCENES WITH HER BELOVED GRANDDAUGHTER(S) BEFORE FLYING OFF TO BATTLE.
Anyways, honestly, 4 or 5 out of 10 for this season. I was bored for most of it and it was massively underwhelming. I expected this season to end with the Gullet and Jace's death being the straw that finally broke the camals back in Rhaenyra which would've had her take King's Landing in a fit of rage and grief. I also expected Daeron to at least have some sort of appearance? He gets mentioned twice and we see Tessarion briefly but no sign of the missing TargTower son and no Maelor? Okay. Sure. Let's just call this House of The Dragon: The Poorly Written Fix It Fic Brought To Life Instead Of Being Left On AO3. No wonder GRRM isn't going to be involved anymore.
This doesn't read like an adaptation brought to life by a passionate fan. It reads like an adaptation created purely to reach Game of Thrones level of fame and popularity. GoT earned it's popularity in the first few seasons. HOTD is merely piggybacking off it's success and failing at being anything other than a boring high budget show that happens to have dragons.
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semisgroupie · 2 years
oct 17th: ichigo kurosaki
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ichigo kurosaki x fem. reader
wc: 3.1k
warnings: stepcest, daddy kink, slightly jealous ichigo, possessiveness, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering (f!receiving), multiple orgasms (f!receiving), grimmjow and ichigo tension, mentions of masturbation, ichigo’s kinda pervy here, mention of voyeurism, noncon photo taking (reader is asleep when he takes the picture)
synopsis: your sweet stepbrother shows you a different side to him
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Ichigo prides himself on being a great big brother, it has always been an easy feat for him but this is the first time he and his morals have ever been put to the test.
Your mother married Isshin when you were still in high school but Yuzu, Karin and Ichigo welcomed you to the family like you were always part of it, making it easy for you to adapt and made you feel safe. Ichigo was a year older than you so you clung to him when it came to adjusting into school and often stood with him whenever you wanted to hang out with someone. Then when it came to college and when he found out you got accepted into the same college he was attending, he didn’t give it a second thought to let you move in with him. He’s lived with you for a few years when you and the family were all together so what would stop him now?
He didn’t realize that things would be so different when he was alone with you, how even just sitting in the living room while watching a movie just felt suffocating. It was odd to him, he didn’t like the burning in his stomach whenever he saw you walking around in just a towel after your shower or walking around in a shirt you stole from him. He didn’t like the thoughts that he had whenever he was alone in the confines of his room. He didn’t like how his thoughts of you turning into ones filled with lust rather and pure.
Most of all, he hated that he needed to make you his.
His fist wasn’t enough anymore and you not only caught his attention you also caught the attention of other guys. He didn’t mind most of them, Keigo was harmless and always girl-crazy, the boys in your classes were harmless and never really posed a threat, but there was one person that he had to keep a close eye on, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
You met Grimmjow in your ethics in society course and from the moment he found out you were Ichigo’s step sister, he decided to make a move on you. It was little compliments that evolved to lingering touches which later grew to him asking you out on dates. You declined the offers due to pure nerves but the more persistent he was, the more you wanted to say yes. You never told Ichigo though, you knew there was tension between the two bright haired males and you didn’t want Ichigo to get mad.
It was Friday night and you were sitting with Ichigo on the couch while a movie of your choosing played on the TV. You paid no attention to the screen though, all your attention was on your phone. Grimmjow had been texting you the entire night, his flirting nature bleeding through the little text boxes. After a few giggles from your end of the couch, Ichigo grew curious, he turned his attention away from the TV and gave it all to you. He nudged your shoulder with his foot and raised an eyebrow, “who are you texting?”
You set your phone down on the couch, your bright screen still shining so he could quickly glance at the contact before looking into your eyes. “Just a guy from my ethics class.”
He sat up a bit and moved just a little closer to you, properly reading the contact before looking at you. “Grimmjow? What does he want from you? Is he fucking up in class?”
You giggled and shook your head, “nope, he’s asking if I’m free tomorrow to go out with him. He’s been asking me out for about a month now and I might just say yes. He is pretty cute.”
His eyes widened at your words, Grimmjow? Asking you on a date? You might say yes? His blood boiled and his jaw tensed, there was no fucking way he’d let someone as innocent and precious as you go into the den of a beast like Grimmjow. No fucking way, not even over his dead body. But it finally hit him, it all started to make sense. There were more taunts coming from Grimmjow whenever Ichigo saw him but he always just pushed them aside, just attributing it to Grimmjow being an asshole. There was still something that Grimmjow had said that still rings in his mind, even now, it was something that no matter how hard he tried to push it away, it kept coming back.
It was about a week ago and they saw each other in passing while on campus. Grimmjow passed Ichigo and muttered the words that are in the back of his mind. “Keep an eye on your precious little stepsister Kurosaki, don’t want her losing that innocence.” At the moment he just brushed it aside but the more he let it ruminate, the more it made his blood boil. Ichigo has never been the possessive type with anyone he was attracted to but with you he felt this need to make you his and keep it that way. Now that he knows that Grimmjow wanted you too, this need grew more and more and he had to satiate it. He wouldn’t know what else it could grow to and he needed to act on it now.
“Tell him no.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to face him better, the shirt you stole from him rode up your thighs slightly and gave him a little peek of your cute shorts. “Why should I do that? Is there something wrong with him?”
He scoffed a little at your response, what wasn’t wrong with the brute? “I just don’t think someone like him is good for you, I’ve known him for a while and I know how he is. You deserve someone that’s better than him, someone who will cherish you and treat you like a princess, someone who is gentle and someone who cares about you more than anyone and anything else.”
His voice softened a bit and he reached over to grab your hands, taking them in his. Your heart pounded in your chest at the warm touch, you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have a little thing for your stepbrother, he’s perfect. He’s everything you could ever want in a man, kind, strong, caring, intelligent, and sexy. There have been nights in the confines in your room where you whimpered out for him as your fingers dipped in and out of your soaking wet pussy. There were some nights where those whimpers grew louder and you should’ve been concerned about covering your mouth but there was that little sliver of hope that he would hear you and finally indulge you in your dark desires.
“W-Who would that person be? Who would treat me like that?” Your heart started pounding faster and harder and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. He leaned closer and closer until his breath hit your lips.
“Me.” With that he closed the distance, pressing his lips against yours in a deep kiss. His hands moved around you and pulled you onto his lap as he deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth to lick over yours. You whimpered against his lips and your hands gripped his shirt tightly. His hands moved from your back to the curve of your ass, gripping the flesh before landing a spank on it. He groaned against your lips and broke the kiss slightly to let you both catch your breath, “my room or yours?”
“Don’t call me that” he groaned and stood up, heading to his room and holding you with ease. He leaned in and started kissing your neck, nipping and biting at the sensitive skin as he walked there, breathless moans and whimpers left your lips as you held onto him tighter. “You’re gonna call me daddy now okay? Not Ichigo, just daddy.” Your eyes widened slightly and you felt your cunt clench around nothing,
The distance from the living room to his room seemed like nothing and before you knew it the soft fabric of his comforter was against your back. He held himself over you as he leaned down and kissed you again, one of his hands moving up to caress the soft skin of your leg as it drifted up to touch you over your shorts. The fabric was extremely thin and he could feel every twitch of your pussy as his fingers traced over your folds. His slender fingers moved down to where your entrance was and he circled his fingers around the growing wet spot. He broke the kiss and started kissing down your jaw and neck, sucking the skin and biting down before licking over the indentations of his teeth.
“Only I get to see you like this okay? No one else, especially not that blue haired freak Grimmjow, got it?” He pulled your shorts and panties down, barely moving them down your legs before he plunged his fingers inside you, you keened and moaned his name while his fingers pumped quickly inside you. It was like he knew everything you liked, like he was there with you every single time you pleasured yourself. Little did you know that each time you dove into your little world of pleasure, he would crack your door open and peek in to watch you. He heard every single whimper and cry for him and he wanted to go inside and fuck you, hear every cry and whimper for himself as his cock plunged in and out of your tight pussy. All he could do was stand at the doorway and pump his cock at the same pace you pumped your fingers in yourself, matching your movements until you both experienced that sweet release. Your poor little fingers could never compare to his cock and now he could finally give you what you so desperately desired, he could finally put out the flames of desire that was eating you both up.
His fingers pumped in and out of you at a quick pace and his thumb was pressed against your clit, rubbing quick circles. You were in complete bliss, your mind filling with him and the pleasure he was giving you. He was going to burn the association with him and pleasure into your head and he was going to do whatever it took to make sure you would never forget that, even if he had to fuck you for days straight, he would do it. But there was still something missing, he leaned down to your ear and groaned.
“I asked you a question earlier, didn't I? It’s very rude to not respond to a question that daddy asks you.”
Your mind wandered in circles to try to backtrack what he asked you in the first place. The look of pure pleasure on your face morphed into a look mixed with pleasure and slight confusion, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll remind you but next time you need to remember what daddy asks you, he’s not going to be so kind next time and repeat himself. I asked, if you understood that only I get to see you like this. No one else gets to see you like this, not any guy that tries to swoon you and definitely not that fucker Grimmjow. Do you understand, angel?”
His fingers pressed right against your g spot, pushing against the spongy spot that made your toes curl and made you cry out for him. “Cmon, I expect an answer. If I don’t get one then maybe I should just stop.”
Your eyes widened at the idea of him stopping and you fumbled over your thoughts, trying to find the most coherent one to answer him. He couldn’t stop, you couldn’t have him stop, not when you were right on the edge. “I-I understand daddy, I’m only yours and I only want you to see me like this. Please don’t stop daddy, I wanna cum.” You felt tears brim your eyes and with the combination of the sight of your desperate expression, your pitiful plea and the way your cunt clenched around his fingers, he pumped his fingers faster and soon you were crumbling underneath him. “Daddy! I’m cumming, thank you thank you!” Your thighs shook as the waves of your orgasm coursed through you and his fingers didn’t stop until you stopped clenching around them. He slowly pulled his fingers out and gazed at the translucent white that coated them, such a beautiful sight and all for him.
He brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them clean, he wanted to taste you properly but he needed to feel you around his cock. He needed to feel you clench around him the same way you clenched around his fingers. He quickly moved to strip himself of his shirt and pulled his shorts and boxers down to expose his cock. A small tuft of neatly trimmed orange hair leading down to his throbbing cock. He pulled your shorts and panties down further until they were hanging off one of your ankles and he positioned himself. He brought your legs over his shoulders and he slammed his cock inside you. Your back arched beautifully and your legs started shaking again as your cunt milked him for cum that wasn’t there…yet.
“So fucking beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” His hips slammed into yours as he moved based on pure instinct. The thoughtful and methodological Ichigo wasn’t in front of you anymore, this Ichigo was different. Like a feral beast out in the wild, he moved on pure instinct and desire. Seems like it was eating at him more than he thought and your cries and moans of “daddy” and “more” drove him further into this feral and deprived state. You needed to see it more, you needed more of it.
You looked so beautiful underneath him and it looked even better than you were still wearing his shirt, now crumpled and wrinkled from how hard he groped at your chest but it made no difference. You could only have the scraps of his clothes covering you but that still wouldn’t matter, as long as it was something of his then he would still have the same reaction. His thrusts grew heavier and harder as his cock twitched inside you, he knew from the moment he pushed his fingers inside you that once he got to fuck you he wouldn’t last long. “Cum with me angel, make a mess of my cock and I’ll make a mess of this pretty cunt. Make you mine entirely.” He brought his fingers back to your clit and rubbed it quickly, sending you headfirst into another orgasm and at the first clench of his cock you sent him into his orgasm. He dropped his head down and bit down on your neck harder than before, the action alone made you clench around him tighter and made your orgasm even more powerful.
There would probably be a complaint from the neighbors in the morning but that meant nothing, he finally had you and he could have a million noise complaints posted on the door. That just meant he was doing his job right. He licked over the bite and kissed up your neck to your lips, kissing you softly before pulling back. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”
You shook your head and looked at him with half lidded eyes. “‘M okay daddy, just feel really good and really warm.” He chuckled and pecked your lips before pulling out, he gently placed your legs down on the bed and stood. “I’ll get you some water and a rag to clean you off, don’t move.” You nodded and closed your eyes. Just as he was about to leave the room you weakly lifted your head, “I love you daddy.”
“I love you more, angel.” He left and quickly gathered everything, on his way back to the room your phone went off on the couch. He walked over and saw it was a message from Grimmjow that read, “come on, ditch Ichigo and spend the weekend with me. I can promise we’ll have more fun than you could ever have with him.” He scoffed at the message and an idea perked in his mind. He walked back into the room and you were sound asleep, your panties and shorts hanging on a limb off your left ankle and his cum leaking out of your swollen cunt. What a perfect sight. He set the water and the rag on his nightstand and opened up your phone, your password was easy to figure out and even if it wasn’t you would’ve told him if you asked. He moved to the foot of the bed and opened up your camera, he angled the phone to get the perfect view of you and your leaking cunt and once he got it he snapped the picture.
He gazed at it for a few moments, like an artist gazing at their finished painting. “Fuck, how are you so beautiful?” He muttered to himself and sent the picture to himself for his own safe keeping then sent the picture to Grimmjow. It only took a few seconds for a barrage of replies to fill the screen and all he could do was chuckle. He left the room and answered the incoming call. He moved the phone away while Grimmjow yelled on the other line and once he found the perfect opportunity to speak up he brought the phone back to his ear. “She’ll have to decline your little proposition from earlier, Jaegerjaquez, we’re going to have a very busy weekend. Good luck finding someone else though, I heard there’s some girls on campus that’ll love to have the chance to spend a night with you. Just let the photo I sent you serve as a reminder that Y/N is mine. Stay away from her but if anything I could just fuck her in front of you so you could get an up close and personal reminder. See ya around.”
He hung up the call and let out a small sigh, maybe that should be the next step. It was hard to keep Grimmjow at bay, he was a persistent guy but so was Ichigo. Well, that could be a plan for next time. Now, he had his sweet little stepsister to care for, everything that you two did was taboo but he just took his job as a big brother seriously. As a big brother it was his job to protect you from danger and creeps, if that meant he had to fuck you to sleep to do so then so be it.
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taglist: @xiao-tings @rubikenss @blueparadis @dangerouspursepeachbear @bubblepopneurotic-blog @brivetaroundtown @erenluvsrini @senjuasuna @caramelcandescence @dmwednesday @saneminx @akiella @celi-xxmoon @dxgrayson @tokyometronetwork
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brawltogethernow · 1 year
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I actually misremembered who made the suggestion; this is @heyyoufriendthere (orange⬇️)'s fault. Plaintext with annotations below the cut.
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This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas Comics will warp to be like films as fast as you can say "huzzah" But when a megamonopoly swallows up the competition It yanks our blorbos back and forth in an ugly retcon perdition When only Fox can make a movie about the Fantastic Four, The Disney-owned comic office will shove the Four right out the door Until the Disney studio absorbs those rights and then you'll find The comics are suddenly awful sorry they left them behind(1) Then in the instant comic fans begin to cheer an awful lot The news comes in from Bleeding Cool(2) the writer is that fucker Slott(3)
Oh yes when comics warp to be like films and leave you quite agaw This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas
When Disney didn't have the rights to film the X-Men and their friends The Inhumans were their idea to have that same magic again But absolutely nobody could give a damn about their deal There was a gas or something uh, the Moon? Nobody cares get real EXCEPT for Ms. Marvel, the only Inhuman breakout success They want her all over the screen at excited public behest Oh yes when comics warp to be like films and leave you quite agaw This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas For years the MCU was not allowed to say the word "mutant" They twisted themselves into pretzels out to recoup every cent The silver screen had two Quicksilvers purely for dumb spite reasons With roots in even dumber masturbatorial rights reasons(4) Wanda and Pietro had their sixth or seventh origin retcon(5) To fit the "No More Mutants!"(6) edict corporate decided upon Then Disney bought the M word back for 73 billion bucks (A number that should make you want to strangle all these greedy fucks)
Oh yes when comics warp to be like films and leave you quite agaw This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas
Now suddenly it's mutant city all over the comic line They let the X-Men start a sex cult; also they can never die With no need for Inhumans they admitted that they're pretty cringe And nobody will ever give their lore a proper reading binge The MCU made Kamala a mutant like immediately Faster than you can say "bad adaptation" or "brand synergy" In short order the comics gave her the murderization hook In such a hurry it wasn't even in her own fucking book(7) Now big surprise she's coming back on the fucking sex cult island They gave it less than one whole month before they played their fucking hand So Kamala's a mutant now(8) and got a shitty mourning book(9) Which when she's coming back NEXT MONTH you might call a pretty bad look
~ (1) "At the time, we were told that the Fox-licensed X-Men books weren't to be cancelled as they made too much money for the publisher, but the FF as a middling sales solo title could be missed without hurting the bottom line."
From 2014, when Fox was preparing its 2015 release of Fant4stic, until Disney's film branch recovered the rights by absorbing Fox, the FF were conspicuously absent from comics. The Fantastic Four book was discontinued for the first time since 1962 (for most of those decades they'd supported multiple titles at once) along with all associated merch tchotchkes. By 2017 there was a Twitter hashtag, #WhereAreTheFantasticFour. If you want to hear some people be driven slowly insane by this, Stormcast had a segment called Stormwatch where they analyzed any Johnny Storm appearances in a given month. We're talking deep analyses of single panels.
(2) I know I just linked them, but part of the joke is Bleeding Cool's weird place in the geek news ecosystem. They report everything first, so for the first week you know something you can't strictly confirm it's actually true.
(3) I don't have time to enumerate Slott's crimes but we hate him. Source: Dude trust me👍
(4) How A B-List Hero Became Hot Hollywood Property Fox could adapt him because they had the rights to all mutants, and Disney could because they had the rights to all Avengers. Some characters are both because the comics didn't use to care about this. This is the entire reason the MCU introduced a Pietro Maximoff and then killed him off. Like seriously who kills off one twin. No that was not based on any comic story.
(5) They're not currently Magneto's kids in the main comic line. Everyone hates this.
(6) This is a cheap reference to the comic storyline "House of M".
(7) They killed her off in Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26 and none of her supporting cast was there.
(8) Kamala Khan to Return in “Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant”
(9) Look at this thing:
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WHO are those anonymously multiracial teens and what are they so goddamn happy about?
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thoseyoulove · 2 months
Now that the first book fresh on your mind, would you say the characters are made worse in the show or better in terms of morality/as persons? Just in context of the first book since that's all they've adapted for now.
(Yeah odd question to ask about a gothic horror story and its monstrous cast but I'm curious)
Hey, thanks for the question. :)
EDITED: Just want to say that this based on what Lestat tells, keep in mind first-person narration can be unreliable, even for innocent reasons. :)
So, I still haven't read the first book, I've decided to start with the novels that haven't been covered yet and then go to Interview With the Vampire. I'm currently reading The Vampire Lestat since that's the next one they're adapting. I'm still on part II, when Lestat is becoming familiar with his powers and learning how to have a social life with humans, but a private, isolated one as a vampire. Out of the show characters, I have only met Lestat and Nicki so far.
Based on what I know from this specific book and the show, I'd say they're on the same level. As a human, Lestat was abused/neglected/isolated by his family, whenever he tried to run and make a better life for himself he was forcefully taken back home, so he reached a point where he would even think of killing them. He also felt conflicted about it, his conscience told him it was wrong and he never tried anything. In the past, when he was at the monastery, he was a disciplined student that rarely got and the few times it happened, he enjoyed it. He appreciated the fact people saw the good in him and thought he could grow into an even better person. Way later, when Magnus kidnaps and turns him into a vampire, he thinks a lot about morality, and specially religion, right and wrong, heaven and hell, God and the Devil, his own existence as a vampire etc. BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER his transformation. He didn't want to be a vampire, he fought the entire time and when he didn't it was because he was too frozen to react. Magnus tried to make him accept it, but even until the last moment Magnus had to drop his blood in his mouth because Lestat preferred to die than becoming a vampire. It's after he was turned that there was a shift.
So far, it isn't a big shift, he still has all of that in his mind, he still prayed multiple times, he entered a church and touched all those religious objects hoping something would happen and it never did, put them back just how they were so people wouldn't notice it before leaving, he was afraid of meeting Nicki and his family again so he kept his distance, but sent loads of money to everyone - including his father, siblings and the theater he had worked at etc. He literally says "for now I had done what I could for all those I loved, hadn't I?" referring to those actions for those people.
'The biggest change was the ability of draining and killing humans. At first, he doesn't want to do it. However, his senses and hunger get the best of him, so he just goes for it like a carnivorous animal. And ultimately, he enjoys and embraces it. He even has preferences on what kind of blood is his favorite and the pace he drains them, because he likes to savor it. And it isn't just satisfying your hunger, there's a sensual component to that too. Also, he tried to eat and drink human food, but said he couldn't stand the taste and even its smell. There is some shift in his conscience too, he didn't completely lose it, but he has naturally developed a distance between himself and humans. I'm not saying that's a permanent thing or if it oscillates, I'm too early to have an answer to this, but when he is hungry, he is able to look at them as food, as a meal he needs like living beings can. There is a lot of aspects mixed together, his human mind and heart, the biological needs of his body and the supernatural side of it, that makes vampires closer to a God than a person or an animal.'The biggest change was the ability of draining and killing humans. At first, he doesn't want to do it. However, his senses and hunger get the best of him, so he just goes for it like a carnivorous animal. And ultimately, he enjoys and embraces it. He even has preferences on what kind of blood is his favorite and the pace he drains them, because he likes to savor it. And it isn't just satisfying your hunger, there's a sensual component to that too. Also, he tried to eat and drink human food, but said he couldn't stand the taste and even its smell. There is some shift in his conscience too, he didn't completely lose it, but he has naturally developed a distance between himself and humans. I'm not saying that's a permanent thing or if it oscillates, I'm too early to have an answer to this, but when he is hungry, he is able to look at them as food, as a meal he needs like living beings can. There is a lot of aspects mixed together, his human mind and heart, the biological needs of his body and the supernatural side of it, that makes vampires closer to a God than a person or an animal.
And after Lestat was turned, it's heavily implied that his emotions and senses were heightened, which makes the whole killing and draining humans thing even more layered. Lestat is a character that has a history of trauma and traits common to people that have BPD, ADHD, depression and/or even more. And I'm not saying he has any of these diagnosis, let alone all of them, but it is possible and he is significantly coded that way, whether Anne did it on purpose or not. So, all of those are amplified once he is a vampire. To the point he vomits with certain smells, that he cries so loud that he is sick of his own tears and the sound of his own sobs etc, so trying to navigate all of that, specially as a freshly new vampire without any counseling, can and is a lot.
I guess the show has explored all of these well so far, I've already had all of these impressions based on the series and some interviews alone, but what I've read seems to corroborate it. I feel like we got most of that from Louis, though, but it's understandable considering they were covering his book. And Jacob did a phenomenal job. And even in Louis's, Claudia's and Armand's flashbacks (or fanfiction, lol), Sam managed to play Lestat as people remember/think of him and what the scene demanded from his performance, but also found opportunities to show sides of him that those three might not know. He made Lestat be a full character with many layers instead of just a plot device to serve the arc of other people. The biggest difference is that they haven't shown a lot of Lestat's vulnerability (he only cried once, but when he did, it was as intense as what I've read on the book) and his complex with his existence and religion. But again, I'm quite early and I don't know if this is a permanent part of the books. Still, permanent or temporary, it is a part of his arc and I believe they will explore it to some extent on season 3.
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the-eeveekins · 1 year
While I'm on a roll, I'm going to go off on a little bit of a personal rant (continuing something I mentioned earlier), that's been on my mind due to some comments I've seen made about G-Witch and Sulemio in recent days. I normally try to avoid writing rants like this but this one has been grinding my gears a bit.
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Yes, in the grand scheme of queer media, Sulemio's relationship can definitely come across as underwhelming. No one would deny that you can get more explicitly and textually queer stories out there, especially by queer creators. But that absolutely ignores some of the circumstances surrounding the show.
First, it's been made pretty obvious by now that the staff wasn't allowed to be very explicit in their depiction of Suletta & Miorine's relationship. The company that censored an interview and released a tone-deaf statement that their relationship should be "up to interpretation" because a VA said they were married obviously wasn't going to be cool with Suletta and Miorine kissing, saying I love you and getting married on screen. They would've put their foot down well before we got to the ending. And even then the staff did enough to make Suletta & Miorine explicitly married by the end of the show. They found ways around whatever limitations Bandai put into place to try and make Sulemio subtext, and made them a canon couple within the show itself. I get tired of people saying the show didn't explicitly and textually confirm their relationship and marriage because it does, just in a roundabout way via the "sister-in-law" line because they couldn't do it in a straightforward manner.
Seriously, by all accounts, it's not like the people making this show wanted to end Sulemio with "just handholding" and half-assed the relationship, they wanted to do more but couldn't. Just look at how some of the staff members depicted them in the artbook once they were off Bandai's leash: with multiple wedding pictures.
Second, it's actually a big deal that they ended the show married, even if they had to do it in a roundabout way. Yes, the yuri genre is generally going to have more explicit lesbian relationships than what we got with Sulemio, but the yuri genre isn't exactly mainstream. Dedicated yuri anime isn't airing in primetime and ending with the main couple married, it's usually late-night, niche and usually only gets one season that introduces the couple, maybe gives you a kiss, but forces you to finish the story through the LN/Manga. Mobile Suit Gundam is a popular, mainstream multi-media franchise that has been running for 44 years, and G-Witch was airing on prime time. The fact that a mainstream franchise like Gundam aired an anime series that was centered around a queer woman and a sapphic relationship that ended with the couple married is huge, especially considering the legal status of same-sex marriage in Japan. Niche yuri anime airing in the middle of the night can probably get away with a lot more gay content than a mainstream franchise airing in primetime can, especially when the franchise is owned by a bunch of old, conservative dudes.
As an anime fan, it's amazing to see a mainstream animated series like The Witch From Mercury focused around a queer woman and a sapphic relationship (and make it TEXTUAL, not relying on subtext to carry it), especially a series not specifically adapted from a yuri LN/Manga. And as a lesbian and a long time Gundam fan, seeing a major franchise I love like Gundam, that has always been dominated by male characters, air a series focused around a queer female MC and her relationship with another woman is a much bigger deal to me than a lot of random yuri series would ever be.
Reducing Sulemio to comparisons between other queer media or yuri series and how it's "inferior" to those because it lacked certain elements ignores and disregards the unique challenges and situation of The Witch From Mercury, and the way the staff fought to overcome those issues to deliver an explicit sapphic story ending in a married couple.
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bunthebreadboy · 4 months
hello bestie!!! azutara idea where azula trains katara with firebending katas, training her up close and personal, and the tension is soooo thick that they almost suffocate????? pls pls pls 😭🖐🏻
thank you for the ask bestie!!
ideas for this au:
- so you know that scene in tlok where kya is trying to meditate but she’s impatient? yeah that’s what katara’s doing.
- meanwhile azula is like “bro shut up i’m trying to clear my mind”
- eventually katara throws water at azula and they start fighting but azula uses a new technique adapted from a waterbending kata she saw katara using
- and katara’s like “that’s not fair! you can’t use my own bending style against me!” (we all know this is an excuse and katara really wants to get azula to teach her firebending katas)
- so azula’s like “you know. it would be a more interesting fight if we BOTH had new techniques” so she teaches a (stubborn) katara
- azula does the gay crap where she gets behind katara and puts her in the proper position but touches her for just a little too long
- (katara struggles to bend with the new katas. not because she can’t do them right. because she’s too focused on azula)
- eventually they end up face to face, barely apart. katara panics and sprays azula with water to get her to back off. azula gives up training for the day because it’s the second time she got hit with water in an hour, thank you very much.
- (cue multiple days of katara trying to convince azula to train with her again) ((when they do katara’s a big gay mess)) (((azula eventually breaks down and kisses her quickly before ending training for the day)))
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