#beginner latin
virromanus · 7 months
Recommended Latin Textbooks and Readers for Beginners and Intermediate Learners
As a Latin learner, I have compiled a list of Latin textbooks and readers, which I'd recommend, for beginners and intermediate students:
For Beginners:
Familia Romana (Lingua Latina Book 1) - Uses the natural method of language acquisition, presenting Latin vocabulary and grammar without any English translations​​.
Complete Latin Beginner to Intermediate Book and Audio Course by Gavin Betts - Offers a comprehensive approach to reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Latin​​.
A Little Latin Reader by Prof Mary C. English - Ideal for undergraduate courses, covering a wide range of grammatical constructions with unadapted passages from Classical authors​​.
Latinitium’s Pugio Bruti: A Crime Story in Easy Latin - Designed to help beginners memorize 350 words through natural repetition, presented in story format​​.
For Intermediate Learners:
Cambridge Intermediate Latin Readers - Focuses on genuine, unsimplified Latin prose and poetry with helpful introductions, detailed notes, and full vocabularies​​. Read Ovid & Virgil.
Wheelock's Latin Reader (7th Edition) - A sequel to Wheelock's Latin, ideal for intermediate-level Latin courses, featuring classical, medieval, and late Latin writers​​.
Via Perīculōsa - Intended for beginning/intermediate students, featuring 88 unique words and action occurring in real places across the Roman Empire​​.
Reading Latin: Text and Vocabulary by Peter V. Jones and Keith C. Sidwell - Designed for those transitioning from beginner to intermediate levels, this book focuses on authentic Latin texts, offering a good mix of prose and poetry along with comprehensive vocabulary lists.
These textbooks and readers provide a range of methodologies and content, from the natural method without English translations to comprehensive courses and stories designed to build vocabulary and understanding of Latin through natural repetition and contextual learning.
Do suggest more reading or listening materials if you have. Let's grow this list to help those who wants to get started in learning Latin.
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admirerofmeat2398 · 3 months
My perfect man!😍😅
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Swordtember 2024: Floral/Poisonous/Jewelled
This was both one of my favourites and one of the most frustrating pieces I've so far done for this challenge. It was the first time I tried my hand at drawing flowers - these are Nerium oleander, famously so poisonous that even honey made from the plant's nectar can be lethal - and in conclusion: turns out flowers are actually really hard to draw?
It sure made an interesting contrast between the jewelled sword/dagger, which I just whittled away at until it looked like I wanted it to, and the flowers, where I was kinda lost on how to make them look like anything.
Also yes, once again, vent art. Where I live, Nerium starts flowering in May. I guess that felt significant at one point.
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meirimerens · 10 months
genuinely and legitimately when i see how so chronically incurious about the world some americans are i wish i could buy everyone a geoguessr subscription and every evening mandatory 15 rounds of Country Streak so you get to see how other people live
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speaking french and spanish and having non-binary pronouns is a curse
and i'm not even talking about the fact that the whole language is gendered
i'm talking about the fact that "elle" in spanish (pronounced "eyé" (?) is a gender neutral contraction of el and ella
but "elle" in french is basically "she"
So saying that my pronouns are iel/they/elle confuses french speaking people when they read it because they think that my pronouns are basically french-they/they/she and it's annoying lmao
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Puhekieli word of the day
(= ylioppilaskirjoitukset)
baccalaureate, matriculation exam
Kirjoittaa (insert subject)
(lit. to write...)
To take the baccalaureate/matriculation exam
Kirjoitin ylppäreissä enkusta ällän.
I took the matriculation exam and got an L (the best score possible) on English
Fun cultural fact: the exam scores are in Latin and go as follows;
L - Laudatur (best)
E - Eximia cum laude approbatur
M - Magna cum laude approbatur
C - Cum laude approbatur
B - Lubenter approbatur
A - Approbatur (worst acceptable)
I - Improbatur (worst)
Most high schoolers know these words by heart (or at least I do!) and isn't it funny to say that you graduated with straight A's (approbatur)?
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ego-sum-ex-altiora · 4 months
My Roman Empire is the fact that if my school offered Latin, I would absolutely take it (no matter how pretentious it would make me)
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lang-learn · 7 months
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“there’s this saying, about journeys and steps.”
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jayrozayyyyyy · 1 year
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Pool party vibes.
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apricat444 · 1 year
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dullahandyke · 11 months
Sudden midnight hankering to work out... bro I've been walking places since I went to the city and u want more? I mean I'm not complaining but y
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storiesofoko · 2 years
Dum Spiro, Spero
While I breathe, I hope
Alone in the breeze,
Where light cannot find its way,
Silent dreamers burn. 
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admirerofmeat2398 · 26 days
This guy’s TikTok is honestly a gold mine of great shirtless dancing videos! I wish I could post them all here for you guys to see but that would take forever and I don’t feel that is fair to him.
It is obvious that he is very comfortable and confident in his body which is so hot!🥵
The way his belly jiggles as he dances is rather cute too!☺️
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mebooo · 1 year
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if anybody has any advice for a beginner artist please message me :) this piece took about 4 days to do and im really proud of it but I know I can do better in the future
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holdharmonysacred · 1 year
thinking about languages and I may have forgotten most of my high school Latin, but I will never forget “Caecilius est in horto”.
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lightwing-s · 1 year
hey guys! i'll have french lessons right now, but I promise to come back after it. It'll be just a couple hours and I'll try to post more stuff.
also, does anyone want to practice french? lol
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