#latin textbooks
virromanus · 7 months
Recommended Latin Textbooks and Readers for Beginners and Intermediate Learners
As a Latin learner, I have compiled a list of Latin textbooks and readers, which I'd recommend, for beginners and intermediate students:
For Beginners:
Familia Romana (Lingua Latina Book 1) - Uses the natural method of language acquisition, presenting Latin vocabulary and grammar without any English translations��​.
Complete Latin Beginner to Intermediate Book and Audio Course by Gavin Betts - Offers a comprehensive approach to reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Latin​​.
A Little Latin Reader by Prof Mary C. English - Ideal for undergraduate courses, covering a wide range of grammatical constructions with unadapted passages from Classical authors​​.
Latinitium’s Pugio Bruti: A Crime Story in Easy Latin - Designed to help beginners memorize 350 words through natural repetition, presented in story format​​.
For Intermediate Learners:
Cambridge Intermediate Latin Readers - Focuses on genuine, unsimplified Latin prose and poetry with helpful introductions, detailed notes, and full vocabularies​​. Read Ovid & Virgil.
Wheelock's Latin Reader (7th Edition) - A sequel to Wheelock's Latin, ideal for intermediate-level Latin courses, featuring classical, medieval, and late Latin writers​​.
Via Perīculōsa - Intended for beginning/intermediate students, featuring 88 unique words and action occurring in real places across the Roman Empire​​.
Reading Latin: Text and Vocabulary by Peter V. Jones and Keith C. Sidwell - Designed for those transitioning from beginner to intermediate levels, this book focuses on authentic Latin texts, offering a good mix of prose and poetry along with comprehensive vocabulary lists.
These textbooks and readers provide a range of methodologies and content, from the natural method without English translations to comprehensive courses and stories designed to build vocabulary and understanding of Latin through natural repetition and contextual learning.
Do suggest more reading or listening materials if you have. Let's grow this list to help those who wants to get started in learning Latin.
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themoonsaid · 25 days
Hindi is not difficult. reading in Hindi is not difficult. writing in Hindi is not difficult. counting in Hindi is not difficult. Hindi numbers are not difficult (१२३४५६७८९०). alphabets क्ष,ष,फ are not difficult. you just consume, are surrounded by and have been taught english and the latin alphabets way more than your native language and script use some sense
(this goes for any language not just hindi btw)
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(ps very terribly sorry about posting a busted version of this earlier. Whoops)
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ceezedby · 20 days
Where did all those farmyard animal "The cow says Moo!" type of book come from? They came from this:
The Orbis Sensualium Pictus (the Illustrated Works of the Senses) by John Comenius, 1658 --> the first educational picture book for children.
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sickfreaksirkay · 4 months
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oh im sure he was
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postalignments · 1 month
Fun fact: A friend and I once made and submitted a two minute “[Characters] as Vines” video for a project. We got a 100.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
DAVE: latin is a dead language bozo why are you studying it
ROSE: Nōn feminae?
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mychlapci · 7 months
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no fucking way ??
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wait being able to sing you're welcome in latin is so fucking cool actually i aspire to be that cool
you're so welcome 😎
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aztrosist666 · 1 year
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i hope that the user formerly known as honex-industries knows that their 6 note flop post has been screenshotted, printed out, and taped to the door of my latin classroom
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allieinarden · 4 months
A dirge for those whose lifetime greatest one-liner occurred under circumstances too specific to explain without a PowerPoint.
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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be near to me...
[flintlock fortress is, as always, a collaboration with @dxppercxdxver]
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nova-they-exist-yup · 6 months
today i learned theres a fandom for the latin textbooks i read in class and tbh im kinda living for it
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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remembered i stole a copy of athenaze from my brother and was reading some of the passages because the online textbook i've been using doesn't have a lot of reading practice and i'm realizing i would really benefit from it but like. i kind of can't do it because every single passage is just. a farmer telling his slave to be less lazy and work more? and there's a lot of repetition which is great for learning but terrible if you don't want to just keep reading "don't be lazy and go work" over and over. and there's a whole inset in english explaining that yeah athenians had slaves but they didn't treat them that badly! alongside all the stories of this guy treating his slave badly as a joke. unenjoyable reading experience.
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cyrus-the-younger · 4 months
my program thinks theyre doing a good thing by pushing me to learn latin but really theyre just giving me a way to procrastinate my greek hahaha jokes on them
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