#behavioral health providers near me
hupcflorlando · 3 months
Therapy For Mental Health Near Me in Orlando | Online Anxiety Psychiatrist in Orlando, FL
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Therapy For Mental Health Near Me in Orlando and Online Anxiety Psychiatrist in Orlando, FL. Harmony United Psychiatric Care is a full-service mental health outpatient clinic that provides a range of services to individuals with mental health, substance abuse, and other cognitive disabilities. The clinic offers medication management, neuropsychological testing, online counseling and telepsychiatry services. The clinic’s team of professionals includes psychologists and psychiatrists who specialize in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, pre-surgical evaluation, memory problems, adjustment disorder, suicidal thoughts, emotional problems, and eating disorders. The clinic also offers individual therapy, substance abuse and addiction counseling, couples marriage counseling, family therapy, grief counseling, and trauma therapy. Appointments are typically available the same day or the next, and customer service is available 7 days a week from 7:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. Visit : www.hupcfl.com Call us : +1 800 457 4573
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hupcflgainesville · 8 months
Find a Psychiatrist Near Me in Altamonte Springs | Behavioral Health Providers in Altamonte Springs, FL
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Find a Psychiatrist Near Me in Altamonte Springs and Behavioral Health Providers in Altamonte Springs, FL. Harmony United Psychiatric Care is a full-service mental health outpatient clinic that provides a range of services to individuals with mental health, substance abuse, and other cognitive disabilities. The clinic offers medication management, neuropsychological testing, online counseling and telepsychiatry services. The clinic’s team of professionals includes psychologists and psychiatrists who specialize in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, pre-surgical evaluation, memory problems, adjustment disorder, suicidal thoughts, emotional problems, and eating disorders. The clinic also offers individual therapy, substance abuse and addiction counseling, couples marriage counseling, family therapy, grief counseling, and trauma therapy. Appointments are typically available the same day or the next, and customer service is available 7 days a week from 7:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.  Visit : www.hupcfl.com Call us : +1 800 457 4573
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stolitzsings · 8 months
This is a sort of response to a post I've seen floating around, drawing parallels between the chains in Blitz’s trip that bind him to Stolas and the chains that bind Husk, Angel, and Fizz to Alastor, Valentino, and Mammon respectively. I'm not commenting on that post directly bc I avoid Discourse (tm) at all costs for the sake of my health, and I don’t want to get drawn into an unproductive argument that will mess with my anxiety for a week. I'm not trying to start a fight, just get my thoughts out on why I feel that comparison is inaccurate, and hopefully provide some helpful context and nuance.
So! Let's start with a few disclaimers! First of all, I'm not going to debate the moral purity of any of these characters. I just don't think it's an interesting or valuable critique. On a related note, I am not trying to excuse any of their behavior. I'm happy to admit that my favorite characters in this show have hurt people and are sometimes total assholes. Stolas treated Blitz very poorly at the beginning of their relationship, frequently pushed or even ignored boundaries, and was just kind of a dick about things. My objection to a direct comparison between Stolas and the other characters mentioned above isn't because I think Stolas hasn't done anything wrong; I just think that saying they're similar without further clarification or commentary ignores the nuance of the situation.
Read on below the cut, it's gonna be another long one folks!
Let's start by examining the "agreements" forged by Val, Mammon, and Alastor. I think it's important to note that, in their cases, the person they got to sign their contract could have been anyone. Husk and Angel could have been any sinners, Fizz could have been any imp. They aren't interested in them as people; they were only using them to gain more power for themselves. The only thing that matters to them is, "What can you do for me?" Angel and Fizz quite clearly become cogs in the machine of Val and Mammon's businesses, and Alastor only thinks of Husk as a tool to be leveraged in specific situations to further his own mysterious goals. Each of them has demonstrated to their subjugates that they own them, body and soul. They have signed legally and spiritually binding contracts that essentially surrender their autonomy to a more powerful demon.
Stolas and Blitz’s agreement is... not that. In the most literal sense, they don’t appear to have made any sort of binding deal. They just made a verbal agreement, which I sincerely doubt has anywhere near the force of a signed soul contract. Additionally, Stolas did not ask for and does not seem to want that sort of total control over Blitz. He very clearly does not view this as any sort of power exchange (which may actually be part of the issue, since it leaves him blind to Blitz’s discomfort with their class difference), he sees it as "favors for favors." While this agreement is inherently unbalanced due to Stolas's status, it's worth noting that they’re both putting something on the line here. The other three risk practically nothing (if the person bound to them fails they can always get a new one), but Stolas IS taking on a real risk by letting Blitz access the living world illegally using his book. Again, that doesn't make his actions right, and probably helped him to justify them, but it does set their relationship apart from the others.
In my opinion, some of Stolas's greatest flaws are his thoughtlessness and his ability to justify his own actions to himself. This manifests in the fact that he clearly doesn't see the ways in which their relationship is hurting Blitz. He convinced himself that this was just an equal exchange, and a continuation of the dynamic Blitz established in their first encounter as adults: "I fuck you, and you give me the book". As he becomes more aware of his feelings for Blitz, though (stay tuned for a deeper analysis of this progression later), he also begins to realize that Blitz isn't happy with this relationship. And this, as @masonshmason pointed out, is the central fact that separates Stolas and Blitz from the other relationships. Stolas did not realize- or chose to ignore- how he was hurting Blitz. Once he came to terms with it, though, he understood that he had to make things right. He specifically says this in "Just Look My Way"; "I will try to make amends/ For making you means to an end". None of the others could say this, because in their case, that was the POINT. Angel, Fizz, and Husk were ALWAYS a means to an end, intentionally trapped for that purpose.
We also need to talk about the CONTEXT of the scenes in which the chain imagery appears. For both Angel and Husk, the chain is at least semi-literal, a physical (and perhaps supernatural) manifestation of the way their souls are bound to an overlord. In "Two Minutes Notice," Fizz purposely CHOOSES to represent his relationship to Mammon as chains around his wrists. However, Blitz's scene is part of a drug trip after being forcibly dosed with hallucinogens. It does not exist in any literal sense, nor is it a representation of Blitz’s conscious, literal thoughts. What it DOES do is showcase Blitz’s deepest fears and his greatest flaws through symbolism and metaphor. Blitz is not literally afraid of being forced to wear a clown costume; he is afraid he'll never escape his past traumas or Fizz's shadow. THIS is the context in which Blitz sees himself being chained by Stolas: a bad trip all about his fear of intimacy and vulnerability.
Stolas appears in this trip as someone elevated high above him, something he's climbing towards, reaching for, even though it means being chained to him. It's directly preceded by his ex girlfriend and his former best friend berating him for how he pushes people away even though he hates being alone. Then Stolas directly asks him, "Are you afraid to love people, Blitzy?" Furthermore, the WAY in which he is framed is alluring, slightly hazy, golden and tempting. It couldn’t be further from the ugly, slime-covered past he's fleeing. It's a new start, a chance for something better that seems too good to be true. This trip is all about Blitz’s inability to be vulnerable with another person. The chain around his neck is a representation of the fact that, by getting closer to Stolas, he's giving Stolas the power to hurt him emotionally.
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And man, there's a part of him that wants to give Stolas that power. At this critical moment, he's not baring his teeth in defiance or anger. He's blushing, just slightly, and he looks... nervous. Blitz's instinct, when things get too real, is to cut and run. Hurt them before they can hurt you. Abandon them before they have the chance to leave you. It’s how he tanked his relationship with Verosika. This is a manifestation of what might happen if he stays. This is the sort of trouble he can't fight his way out of.
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This is the emotional climax of the scene. There are so many ways they could have gone with this if they wanted to represent Blitz being chained and trapped by his agreement with Stolas. If that was the fear--if that was the POINT--they could have had the chains wrap around him until he couldn't move, or glow white hot and burn into his skin, or a million other more direct metaphors. But the chains aren't the thing that hurts him. It's the feathers: the thing that's left behind after Stolas abandons him, sing-songing "you're going to die alone" right alongside two other people who he loved and who now want nothing to do with him.
Finally, let's look at Blitz’s reaction to this scene. It's a moment of revelation for him, in which he realizes he's pushing everyone away and starts to make an effort to change. It's why he's a bit more open with Moxxie in the next scene. The trip sequence ALSO inspires him to get closer to Stolas, indicating that the trip didn’t make him realize "I'm trapped and I need to get out of this" in the same way Fizz did. Rather, he realizes that he doesn't want Stolas to leave him like everyone else, and he wants to start feeling out what it would be like to deepen the connection between them. As I've mentioned in other posts, their kiss at the end of "truth seekers" represents a level of intimacy that we haven't seen before; it's teasing, affectionate, shows Blitz’s interest in making Stolas happy, and takes place in front of M&M, who have repeatedly teased him about their relationship before.
In summary, while the image of chains may have been invoked in all four of these relationships, they don’t necessarily mean the same thing across the board. Blitz and Stolas's relationship differs substantially from the others in its dynamic, and the context of their scene also sets it apart. It's important to look into the details and the nuance of their relationship to interpret what's going on under layers of trauma and unreliable narration.
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fatfuckingcatstuff · 4 months
Babe i need platonic reader with the mercs
Them reacting/helping reader get out of sh (Ignor if it makes you uncomfortable)
I just need some motivation to stop burning myself
Pick you fav mercs and maybe gn reader so more folks can enjoy
Luv your work btw <3
Of course you can! And I hope your recovery journey goes well! Sorry it this isn't exactly what you had hoped for but either way I hope you enjoy it.
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- Medic is proud of you for seeking help. He noticed the bandages and, with genuine concern, asked if you wanted to talk. He knows how important it is to have someone listen.
- In his office, he listens without judgment as you open up about your struggles. Medic then suggests regular check-ins, encouraging you to reach out whenever you feel overwhelmed. "You are stronger than you realize, mein freund . There are other ways to cope like harming someone else other than yourself! Remember, my door is always open."
"Oh okay wow thanks medic."
"no worries mein freund :)"
- He offers resources like books on mental health and teaches you stress relief techniques. Medic even shares some basic medical knowledge, so you can better understand your body and how to care for it. He’s always there for you, providing unwavering support.
"Would you like me to help remove those thoughts of yours?"
"you are not going anywhere near my brain."
- Spy, ever observant, sees the subtle signs of your struggle. He'd brush it off aside during the day but find himself wanting a chat with you alone.
- He'd take you to his smoking room using this private moment to discuss serious matters. "Tell me ma fleur. What's on your mind?"
As you pour your heart out of your struggles and how you've been slowly trying to heal he listens with intent.
"Mon ami, we all have our demons. What matters is how we face them. You have the strength to overcome this, and I will be here to help you every step of the way."
- Spy keeps a watchful eye on you from a distance, ensuring you’re never alone in your vulnerable moments. He wants you to know you can always rely on him for support. Hell he'd start getting noticeably closer to you.
- Demoman is proud of you for opening up. He brings it up casually, noticing your reluctance to show your arms. With genuine concern, he gently prods and listens.
"Aye I hear ye lassie/laddie"
- He shares his own struggles, making you feel less isolated and more understood. I feel as though he would occasionally offer a bottle or 2 of scrumpy to *help* in which you would always refuse but thank him.
- He regularly checks in on you, using humor and camaraderie to lighten your mood and make sure you’re doing alright.
"Ye know, we all got our battles. But ye don't have to fight 'em alone. Anytime ye feel down, just come find me. We'll have a laugh, aye?"
They notice your distress through your body language and offer comfort without words. Pyro sits beside you, offering his toys and gadgets to play around with to distract your mind from the simple idea of harming yourself.
"Mmphhshs mpyymph mpthhh mthjs mppjdhh"
"Thank you pyro"
- They introduce you to creative activities like painting or building crafts, helping you channel your emotions into art. Pyro’s presence becomes a comforting constant.
- Pyro ensures you always have a safe space to retreat to, filled with comforting and familiar items to help ground you during tough times.
- Sniper would be a little taken aback I feel. Sure he had noticed your change in behavior but he wasn't really expecting it.
- He invites you to his perch, sharing the tranquility of the outdoors. Sniper opens up about his own ways of dealing with isolation and stress, teaching you about the calming effects of nature. "It's alright, mate. Sometimes, getting out here and away from it all helps clear the mind. Whenever you need to talk or just want some company, you know where to find me."
- He takes you on walks, introducing you to nature therapy. Mundy would provide steady, reliable support, always there for late-night talks and his presence if you ever need him. He wants you to know you have someone who cares.
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enrosadiraanisaaa · 1 year
Within Session .Part Three.
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Hey there cuties, do not think I forgot about y'all! This fanfic consist of Yandere!Leon Kennedy. I intend for this fic to progressively become disturbing and fucked up with each chapter. While the first few chapters will be tamed, expect the following in this series:
~Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced Breeding, Degradation, NonCon, Gang Banging, Forced Pregnancy, Somnophilia, Blackmail, Manipulation, Abuse, Pet Names, Obsessive Behavior (Duh), Torture, Constraints, Mentions of Blood & Gore, Mental Degradation, Toxic Relationship, Sexual Abuse, Masturbation, Drugged & Drunk Sex, Loss of Virginity, Forced Penetration…
Also you will be retconned (Too bad 😏): Female Reader, 24 Years old and from Texas 💝
This story was purely written with RE 4 (Remake) Leon in mind. So no puppy dog Leon from RE2 or DILF Leon from later games & movies. The story takes place several months after the events of RE4. Yay, you’re in 2004!
I plan to make this series long and fleshed out, but I promise what you want will hit you like a train~🚂
This chapter does not contain any 🔞 material. This story will contain +18 content (NSFW) in the near future 🔞 If you’re a minor, please go read a real book or something, don’t cry to me when your mom finds your shit.  This story will eventually hit that point so don’t set yourself up.
As an on sight therapist for STRATCOM in Nebraska, you’re tasked with providing quality therapy for US military personnel and government agents. After working at the headquarters for 6 months, Hunnigan recommends you to a notable government agent, Leon Kennedy, who is in need of therapy. After a number of sessions with you, Leon notices a substantial stability in his sanity yet is threatened when you are offered a position back home, closer to your family and friends. Your choice doesn’t sit well with one particular client, who can’t fathom you out of your role as his therapist. Leon has found a means of keeping his precious therapist and realizes you are the key to his permanent solace. You were obviously destined to be his in some form. Why dream of him letting you go?
A\N: I was heavily inspired by Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue 💙, ExploreVenus’s Something Permanent and Guardian Angel by NexysWorld. This chapter was oddly hard to write, especially writing out a session on a serious topic. Once I was writing, I kept writing so you might find this chapter to be long! Expect the next chapter to be out in two weeks!
Hope y'all enjoy the third part! More to come 💝~ Anisssa أنيسة
Here is Part One and Part Two of Within Session
Cleared Mirror
When Leon finally mentioned to Hunnigan his need for help, he did not expect immediate validation to improve his mental health. After the Raccoon City incident in 1998, the horrifying experiences that had cost him a normal life had embedded as an inevitable trauma. The grueling military training that followed after he was captured by the US government and forced to become a government agent to protect Sherry. The underlying hazing that he endured in boot camp tested his abilities and mental state beyond his capabilities, yet it was a period of time that distracted him. Then the recent mission to Spain to save the president’s daughter and his fight against Las Plagas of Los Illuminados seemed to weigh in after losing Luis and confronting Ada Wong after a number of years.  His guilt was engulfing him at this point, so he looked forward to his first session with the referred therapist by Hunnigan.
        However, when he did arrive at the office for the scheduled session at 5PM, he did not expect a young woman to be assigned his therapist. He noticed she was preoccupied with paperwork on her desk before he knocked on the doorway door to notify her that he had arrived. Once her awareness of him occurred, she stood up from her chair to greet him. Leon instantly notices her red attire with black heels, reminding him of a certain woman.
     Without realizing it, Leon accidentally scrunches his face from the reminder. Even when you offer a seat on one of the chairs in front of your desk, a glare on his face remains for a moment. However, when Leon takes another glance at your face, he eases the features of his face, nearly dazed at the sight of your eyes and lips as you both sit across each other. For a moment he studies your facial features while you speak until a question from you returns him to reality. Leon blinks his eyes in realization and nods to the question, simply muttering,”Yes.”
          His heart nearly flutters when you provide a reassuring smile while nodding your head,”That’s okay, let’s get started, Leon,” He hears you tell him. 
      By leaning over the chair, you reach over with one hand to retrieve paperwork clipped to a clipboard from the top of your desk. Leon patiently sits in silence across from you, curious of the next course of actions. With a swift flip of the papers attached to the clipboard, you reaffirm all the necessary documents before leaning over in the chair to hand the clipboard to Leon. Once Leon had the clipboard in his possession, he curiously skimmed through the pages while you spoke,” Alright Leon, we’re going to take the first 15 minutes to get through all this annoying intake paperwork. Essentially review HIPAA concerns, consent forms, and ethical guidelines. Afterwards, I will ask more questions regarding your background, then begin discussing your reasons for therapy and goals so we can formulate a treatment plan along our sessions. How does that sound?” You question him, provided with a gentle smile.
       Leon follows with a head nod, content with the flow of the session.”Sounds good,” he immediately responds, eager to hear your voice more. Despite Leon never receiving treatment before, he was honestly impressed with your diligence.
     With the reassurance from Leon, you proceed on explaining the following paperwork.”Also, please feel welcomed to ask me any questions, I want to ensure you’re not leaving here confused and that my skills are what you’re looking for in a therapist,” You sincerely express, shifting in the chair to cross your legs.  
      There were several questions that instantly came to Leon’s thoughts: ‘How old are you?’ and ‘Are you single?’ 
“The first page contains a HIPAA authorization form, basically entailing how your medical information is disclosed and your rights regarding your medical information…''You explain, leaning over the side of the chair again to snatch a pen from your desk. With the pen in hand, you lean over the chair to hand it to Leon,”So just write today’s date, your full name, date of birth, social security, check the boxes, and provide your signature. Please let me know if you have questions,” You breathe out, observing him as Leon fills out the worksheet in silence, hearing the scribbling of the pen on paper.  
         After a moment, Leon glances back up to you, signaling he was finished with signing this section of paperwork. In this moment, you provide a smile in reassurance,”Sweet, now we can continue to the next section, which is simply covering ethical guidelines between therapist and client. If you flip over to the next page, it will clarify all the different points. When you’re done reading, just sign at the bottom,” You advise him, sinking back into the chair as Leon flips and reviews the next page of ethical guidelines.
      At this moment, several points mentioning friendship and gift exchange between client and therapist caught Leon’s attention. Therapists are legally required to maintain a professional relationship with their clients, thus can not accept gifts over a certain amount. Leon briefly glances at you, then instantly returns his sight to the paperwork on his lap. He would have to abide by these guidelines to receive treatment. With the pen in his hand, Leon inscribes his signature on the line at the bottom of the page along with writing the current date. 
    With all the paperwork finally reviewed and signed, this prompted you to clasp your hands together, instantly capturing Leon’s concentration from the paperwork on his lap up to you at the sudden noise,”Okay, we’re done with paperwork! You can set that on my desk, now we can finally get into why you’re here. I will ask a couple of questions, then you can tell me more about yourself, Leon,” You explain, your voice full of enthusiasm as you directly observe his blue orbs across the room. In response to your declaration, Leon nods his head. 
     By adjusting your throat, you then exhale before asking the first question: “Has your family or you have any history of substance abuse that is not limited to alcohol, illegal drugs, and abuse of medication?” 
From across the room, you notice Leon shakes his head,”I am not sure about my family, but not me…”
      To acknowledge him, you provide a subtle head nod to his response,”That’s okay if you don’t know. Another question: During your childhood, did you live any significant period of time with anyone other than your natural parents?” You question him, intently observing his expressions. Despite his file entailing he was an orphan, you needed more context.
      There was a momentary pause from Leon at this question, his gaze elsewhere but you as he ponders this question. He then returns his gaze to you, nodding,” Yes. I was in the foster care system until I became 18 years of age. There was an incident in my family that I don’t have much recollection on…” He tries to clarify. 
     ‘There was an incident?’ This thought comes to you, debating if this subject should be pressed on and explored. You veer your head to the clock on the wall, it was already 5:32PM. Session will be ending soon at 5:50PM and there is at least one important question left for Leon.
     With another head nod, your lips form a smile to Leon,”We can explore that at another time if you like… My last question is: What has brought you to therapy and what goals do you want to accomplish?” To some, this inquiry might seem ridiculous, but this direct question was for clients to explore their reasoning to receive therapy.
     An exasperated sigh escapes his mouth, tilting his head to the sides as it seemed he did not want to confess his sentiment. “Uh… I feel alone” He finally admits, his face expressionless.
     “At what point in your life do you feel alone?” You inquired, keeping your tone serious to Leon’s response.
      Over the span of his life, there were an absurd number of instances when he was abandoned by people. The initial example was during his childhood, when his family was massacred for unexplained reasons. He spent a considerate amount of years in the foster care system, unloved by blood. The girlfriend who broke off their relationship the night before he experienced the incident in Raccoon City. Hell, even when Claire Redfield deserted Sherry and him to search for her older brother after they barely survived that harrowing night together. Leon had to fend for Sherry when Claire had left them to the mercy of the US government. Then the infamous Ada Wong, who used him twice before vanishing without a trace. People were brief in his life, either from death or they left him.
     Despite these prominent circumstances, how would he express some of these details without explaining an incident that was covered up and immensely classified. His hands and tongue were tied, he would have to brush over this portion of his life. 
       With several blink of his eyes, Leon considers other reasons for his lonesomeness. There was an uneasy feeling that swept over him due to the unsettling silence in the room. You were attentive for his answer.
      “The nature of my job… I am too busy to involve myself in meaningful relationships,” Leon conjures, returning his gaze to those eyes that seemed too distant from him. 
     As Leon provides a response to your final question, you notice hesitation in his demeanor as if he is recollecting something traumatic. However, as a professional you can not dismiss his answer, but simply acknowledge him. 
    Since Leon was an agent of STRATCOM, no doubt that life threatening missions contributed to this sentiment. Similar among other agents and military personnel, coping with isolation and loneliness was common. 
      “Are there any particular aspects of your job that contribute to your feeling of loneliness?” You ask him in a sincere tone. With a quick glance at the clock on the wall, there were only a few minutes of session. Damm…
Leon noticed your glance to the clock on the wall, yet continued to speak,” People are temporary in my line of work…” He admits, noticing the hands of the clock were at 5:46pm.”Session is done already, huh?” Leon comments, returning his attention to you for confirmation. 
       A faint smile forms on your lips, nod slightly.”Unfortunately…but we can continue this subject next session..” You respond, standing from the chair to retrieve another clipboard from your desk, consisting of another signature page. “Before you leave, if I could get your signature. I did check your health insurance and it’s all good to go. They require a client signature to authorize that you received treatment today,” You inform him, offering the clipboard to him with both hands. 
     Leon stands from his seat, taking the clipboard with one hand while his other hand grasps the pen attached to the clipboard. After signing his signature at the bottom of the sheet, he returns the clipboard back into your possession with a faint smile on his lips.
     You reciprocate the same faint smile on your face,”Alright Leon, it was a pleasure to meet you today. I really recommend writing any thoughts or topics you want to speak about in a small notebook for our sessions, that way you don’t forget… but other than that. You are free to go. I look forward to seeing you on Friday at 5PM. If you need to reach me for any reason, definitely reach me by email or my work number.” You mention, leaning on your desk. 
       With a nod from Leon, offering a cheeky grin,”Yes ma'am. I will see you on Friday then, stay warm...” He comments, noticeably glancing at your body up and down, implying your poor choice in your red attire. At those words, Leon turns around to exit your office, leaving you alone in silence. 
     This was definitely an interesting client, there was no doubt in Leon’s charisma and intellect. 
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itsyoung8 · 1 month
My theories in Bully #2
Bonjour ou bonsoir! It all depends on where you are reading this post. Today I wanted to share with you some of my theories that I had during this time of absence.
WARNING: this post is going to be about sex at some point. If you are young and/or uncomfortable with this topic, please do not read. Even if these are soft words, I still prefer to warn since many here are minors
Bryce occupies a fairly important place in the hierarchy of preppies, contrary to what one might think. He is the second right hand man of Derby, after Bif, which puts him quite high compared to the others and especially Tad. What makes me say this is that, during the fight against Russell in the hole and during the fight against Derby during the complete chaos, Bryce is on Derby's side instead of Bif. I think when Bif is not able to be Derby's right-hand man, Bryce replaces him. Bif and Bryce share the same statistics as Bif in boxing as well as his fighting style and health bar (source: Bryce's wiki profile). Thus, for Derby, Bryce is the most suitable to replace Bif when the latter is not available. Derby wouldn't take someone who couldn't provide his physical protection like Tad for example. This is why Bryce is above Tad in the hierarchy although he does not give orders at any point in the game or have any importance in the story.
The choice to put Zoe as Jimmy's last girlfriend is well thought out. In each chapter, Jimmy ends up dating a girl but breaks up with her in the next chapter to date another. This stops from the moment he dates Zoe at the end of Chapter 5. Every girl before Zoe had something that made Jimmy get tired of her: too involved in studies for Beatrice, too concerned about her social status for Pinky, too manipulative for Lola, and too obsessed with her beauty and popularity for Mandy. Zoe is Jimmy's last girlfriend and the one he will stay with until the end of his life. Jimmy sees that it's finally the right one since she's not too much like this or too much like that. This is why he will only confess his love to her (see scene when we start the Complete Mahyem mission) since he judges her as the right person. This explains why, I think, the choice of Zoe as the last girlfriend is thoughtful.
Wade is scared of being in a romantic relationship with a girl because he doesn't want to end up like his parents, which is to say divorced. We can rely on this line: "Sure I'll ask her out one day, then we'll wind up being married and divorced, just like ma and pa." This fear pushes him to only want to have sexual relations with girls since this does not necessarily involve a romantic relationship. Moreover, some lines of Wade's dialogues can show us that he is only attracted by this as: "How can I get in her pants? Cologne, dad always wears cologne." and "My dad says he's gonna buy me some condoms so I can like... do it with chicks, you know?". (Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong about the first line of dialogue the English speakers. To me, it shows that Wade wants sex but maybe I'm wrong)
Gurney managed to infiltrate the school, to set fire to the gymnasium, thanks to Gary. When you read the prefects' file, you can see that they are corrupt (except for Max perhaps). It can then be assumed that Gary paid them in exchange for letting Gurney into the school to access the gymnasium. You will tell me "yes, but Gurney may also have gone through the shortcuts near the asylum and which are connected to the school". It can be possible. But I have the impression that only Jimmy knows these shortcuts because, for a long time, they were blocked by stones or barriers. So in my opinion, Gurney went through the entrance of the school thanks to Gary.
Ricky's hatred of jocks isn't just because his ex probably left him for a jock. It is known that Ricky is one of the only students at Bulloworth Academy to openly denounce Mr. Burton's behavior towards the girls at the school. It is also known that most jocks are very fond of Burton since it provides them with steroids and/or has done them no harm. So, when the Zoe vs. Burton affair breaks out, the jocks come to Burton's defense and somehow save him from being fired. Ricky seeing this, has an even stronger hatred for jocks.
In Damon's wiki page, it says that he holds a grudge against the preppies. For me, it would be due to money. Damon holds a grudge against them because, prior to the main story, Damon and the preppies were allegedly involved in something in which the preppies used the money to achieve their end, leaving Damon to be the big loser in that story. This grudge is the same as the one against Ted but for the same reasons. He holds a grudge against Ted because he was chosen to be the quarterback only because he was the most popular in the school, leaving Damon as the big loser. That's why Damon spits on Ted's back in the process. Damon holds a grudge against the preppies and Ted because they got what they want easily, unlike Damon who works hard to get nothing in the end.
This is the end of this second post on my theories. Thanks for reading to the end! Au revoir!
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anteroom-of-death · 2 months
When We Meet Again, part 1
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Synopsis: A new teacher at Roundview has to deal with her first Parent's Night. She meets a man that has quite the large amount of baggage and gossip around him.
a/n: a fic! From me?? Nah son. Thats crazy. Multi-chapter love for this man coming tho. Slowly. One day. Love you alllllllll.
Parent’s Night, the bane of any teacher’s existence. Truly a hell on Earth, between those parents that thought your job was just to babysit and those that were willfully ignorant about their children’s behavior in school, you couldn’t take it.
At least those were miles better than the ones that took their children’s academic prowess as a mark of their own success.
The student who’s father was coming in now, the mother eloped with some German man, was named Sid. Your heart went out to him. Really. His home life was in shambles. Said father was recently in hospital for something about his heart.
Local gossip mills and the teacher’s lounge still shattered with the grips of poor Sid’s tragic, dramatic home life.
You’d be a bit more supportive if it was only that; his home life.
Sid seemed to be intent on dragging everyone else in the school with him, however. Hopeless, truly.
What a time to get into teaching!
The man wobbled in, he wasn’t unattractive. The mother was insane for running off. You marked the whole explosive thing as probably personality-based. That’s why people cheated in mostly. Personality and boredom. Usually, appearances had seldom to do with cheating. Super models got cheated on all the time…
Maybe he inherited his father’s personality?
You suddenly didn’t fault the mother.
His eyes seemed perpetually wet as he sat down across from you. They were lovely. Not quite blue, not quite green, grey and gold flecks throughout, rimmed with an exhausted red line. The sudden locked contact of them shot through your core. Framed with lush, arched brows and pretty little lashes…
“My wee boy, how’s he been?” The man; Mark, according to your records asked. It was earnest. “I’ve been trying my best to get his grades up.” He swallowed as you caught a glimpse of the scar from surgery under his wrinkled, wrongly-buttoned shirt.
You swallowed back. He seemed gravely concerned, with genuine love for Sid bubbling forward. The way he asked seemed so gut-wrenchingly genuine and paternal concern that broached towards reverent.
Definitely not inherited personality faults from him, you walked back your previous guess.
“Not good, his grades continue to slip. He keeps moping about some girl named Cassie. I keep telling the school councilor to get involved. He seems unreachable.” You went for brutal honesty. A man who was briefly declared dead would appreciate that, right?
He let a few choice words. It felt well-suited. Duly earned.
You felt for him truly…
Leaning forward, you laid out a sympathetic hand on the man…
“He’s nearly catatonic. It might not be a matter of skills.” You reasoned. “He has gone a through a lot…maybe try to get him in for a psych eval?” You tried to give seasoned advice and speak from what little experience you had.
He sighed.
“Just tell me what to do.” Mark resigned himself into a self-conscious slouch. “He has to do better in life than me or even his grandfather did.” He seemed content to all but hover above the surface of the desk.
Definitely not personality-based cheating, you thought as you rolled back your previous observation. Unless this was a new personality based on his health scare and Sid driving him to his limit.
Oh well, so much for gossip-based psychology!
You put a caring, cautious hand on his shoulder. (Bony, yet firm you remarked.) He was close to breaking into tears. It wasn’t fair.
“He’s already got a good support system in you and what the school administration can provide. Get him the mental health care he needs. It may not be a perfect fix, but it’ll help.” You felt yourself rubbing soothing circles into this near-perfect stranger’s upper back.
His back felt almost muscular. Thin, oddly spaced out. But firm. Just like his shoulders.
It wasn’t all that bad to touch.
Something overtook you as you produced a post-it and wrote your number down. It was a bad, possibly sideways move. Definitely not in the teacher’s handbook.
You shook yourself. You just didn’t want to see this man fall into disarray further because of his son. The boy was this close to falling through the cracks completely. People usually inherited their mental health struggles from their parents…
Nothing else. Clearly not a sudden desire to see this man again.
“Why don’t we meet up outside for a coffee and we can discuss this somewhere cheerier?” You slid it forward. “Ring me on there and we’ll chat, hopefully somewhere with outdoor seating.” You laughed a small laugh as of to diffuse the situation and show your metaphorical belly.
“Aye. That’ll do.” He took the post-it and slid it into his jeans pocket.
“I know you cannae waste all your time on me. You’ve got parents queuing up for miles.” He said as he got up and shuffled clumsily to the door.
You went back to your notes about said meeting as some other kid’s parents trotted in.
You couldn’t wait for your coffee date.
Or whatever it was.
Definitely not a date!
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do you have any advice on chatot care? a family friend got his daughter a shiny chatot as a gift, and wasn't prepared for how much work and commitment they are, ESPECIALLY with the health problems brought on with being shiny and how long-lived chatot are. rhapsody is very near-sighted, and suffers from muscle spasms that make it hard for her to fly safely. i'm experienced with caring for avian pokémon (i've got a staravia, a wattrel, a rowlet, and a talonflame already), so i took in rhapsody. i know the basics and commitment of caring for a chatot, but i was curious if you had any experience or advice to give her the best quality of life (she's around 8, so she's got at least another 60 years in her).
on that note, to anyone who might see this: DO NOT get a chatot, or any similarly long-lived avian pokémon, unless you are fully and utterly prepared for a LIFELONG commitment. these are not pokémon i can reccommend in good conscience. kids grow up and move out— chatots don't. they're high maintenance, loud, and are very difficult to train. the only reason i opted to take in rhapsody is because i am very, very experienced in caring for avian pokémon. sorry to get on my soapbox, but this is something very near and dear to me— my talonflame, hestia, was a rescue from a similar situation back when she was a fletchling.
ooooh, wow, that is a tough situation! chatot really are tremendously awful pokemon to have as pets. most of them end up surrendered or living in pretty awful environments.
the biggest difficulty with keeping a chatot is that, aside from how hard it is to replicate their natural environment, they are social pokemon that do best in a flock. unfortunately, out of all of your pokemon, the only one i'd feel safe letting interact with your new chatot is your staravia. the behavioral and size differences between the other pokemon makes letting them around your chatot too dangerous to risk. it's going to be important to provide lots of things for your chatot to do- foraging, flight space, access to fresh air and sunshine, and ESPECIALLY sound based enrichment. chatot love picking up new sounds, and you'll often see them swinging their tails in time to music they like! playdates with other chatot and even squawkabilly would be awesome, too!
because this little gal is shiny, you're going to need to keep an extra eye on her feather quality, and the shiny gene is known to alter feather structure in avian pokemon and can even lead to feather cysts and malformed keratin sheaths (which results in new feathers coming in damaged). i would be surprised if she doesnt start feather plucking at some point, and it's something you and her vet are going to have to work to manage. keep an eye out for tail swinging in the absence of sound, too, as that is a stereotypical behavior many pet chatot develop in order to cope with stress.
best of luck to you two, and thanks for taking in a rescue chatot!
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hupcflorlando · 3 months
Depression Psychiatrist Near Me in The Villages | Medication Management in The Villages, FL
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Depression Psychiatrist Near Me in The Villages and Medication Management in The Villages, FL. Harmony United Psychiatric Care is a full-service mental health outpatient clinic that provides a range of services to individuals with mental health, substance abuse, and other cognitive disabilities. The clinic offers medication management, neuropsychological testing, online counseling and telepsychiatry services. The clinic’s team of professionals includes psychologists and psychiatrists who specialize in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, pre-surgical evaluation, memory problems, adjustment disorder, suicidal thoughts, emotional problems, and eating disorders. The clinic also offers individual therapy, substance abuse and addiction counseling, couples marriage counseling, family therapy, grief counseling, and trauma therapy. Appointments are typically available the same day or the next, and customer service is available 7 days a week from 7:15 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. Visit : www.hupcfl.com Call us : +1 800 457 4573
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by David Harsanyi
Now, you have no reason to be un-skeptical about Israel’s contentions. All governments will lie. You will notice, however, that only one entity in this conflict is the go-to source for most of the media — and it is not our allies.
If you’re going to argue that the administration and media were merely relying on statistics that were available, they should have known better. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy released a report back in January debunking the “Gaza Health Ministry numbers” the UN relies on. Another study by three professors concluded that the oft-repeated 70 percent civilian casualty rate was statistically impossible.
Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics and data science at the Wharton School, also debunked the Gaza Health Ministry’s casualty numbers, which were a near-perfect incremental daily uptick, despite the vagaries of battle and numerous other factors. Wyner theorizes that the fake daily numbers vary so little because Hamas does “not have a clear understanding of the behavior of naturally occurring numbers.”
Everyone knows the claims are fake.
Remember that it took Israel, a sophisticated nation, weeks to sift through the carnage of Oct. 7 to get a proper tally of the dead. And yet, miraculously, whenever an Israeli attack is carried out, within hours — sometimes minutes — Hamas determines not only the number of dead but often their ages and sex and whether or not they were civilians.
Don’t get me wrong, Hamas wants more dead women and children. If it didn’t, the group would unconditionally surrender and return the men they kidnapped and women they sexually tortured. That would lead to an immediate cessation of violence. If Israel were in the business of “genocide,” as so many ignoramuses contend, it could have carpet-bombed the place rather than providing it water, electricity, and agricultural equipment for many years.
But, tragically, it is impossible to upend the terror apparatus without some civilian casualties. Hamas is counting on it. And it’s also counting on Westerners, now including the administration, to help it spread its lies.
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BOTW Link X F!Reader ~ Pt. 5
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A tilt of your head turned it to Link’s direction, who had been polishing the Mater Sword, which seemed to appreciate the care and the time bestowed upon it if the fluctuating energy around its mighty blade was anything to go by. Luminous Stone faintly illuminated his face as he approached with purposeful steps until coming to a stop beside you. Up your throat came a soft hum, your gaze still fixated upon the wares a Zora was offering but signaling that you’d heard the Champion’s call. Your full attention fixated upon him when the red Zora from earlier, Sidon, parted with a showcase of another near blinding smile, finding the azure eyed Hylian’s expression serious.
Shopping could wait.
Thankful for the shop’s time, you bowed your head then hurried when he led the way towards a more private area of the beautiful architect that was the Zora’s home. The arches from doorways to decorative accents were near neck breaking when one would attempt to behold their splendor, as yours nearly had when first arriving, though the Zoras themselves were just as stunning in your opinion. At first you were hesitant but they warmly welcomed your presence. Though you surmised Link had a big role to play in that.
He didn’t stop until an all too familiar shrine came into view, surprising you that one was in such a populated area. Its rough and rugged exterior was wet with the near dripping humidity that lingered within the air, its runes activating upon him nearing its boundary.
The tilt of his head earned your furrowed brows when noticing how it directed you to venture inside. You want me to do the shrine?, your own head tilted in question.
Blonde hair shifted when he nodded. “Training.”
Now this was odd. As far as you understood, the Champion, Link specifically, was the sole person who could complete the shrines to activate them fully and gain power that could be bestowed with the Goddess Statue’s Blessing. Such an honor, or duty, belonged to him alone. Right?
If he felt your inner confusion he didn’t show it as he tapped the Sheikah Slate to the pedestal. “Test.”
The twist within your gut was near nauseating. He was only using single word answers, something he hasn’t done in a very long time. At least since you’ve begun traveling with him. If that wasn’t worrisome enough there was a heavy shadow lingering within his gaze when it refused to meet your own despite any attempt you made.
What exactly had Sidon spoken to him about that made your companion exhibit such distant behavior?
Questioning would not provide any answers, especially when there was the intermixing of personas within his aura, portraying chaos threatening to bubble to the surface if he wasn’t careful. This time was different than before. The tendrils that solely belonged to the Link you knew were thick, leaving burning trails of light as if they were attempting to guard from an unseen enemy, the other personas you’ve come to recognize were trapped within. There was nothing you could do for him except fulfill whatever he requested you do.
All you could offer was a nod of understanding, the urge to reach out and touch his hand in passing being stifled down when seeing his darkened expression, stepping onto the platform that would lower you into the shrine’s innermost chambers. Just when the mechanism came to life was when he turned away but not before you saw his face become unrecognizable. One of your hands rose to press its fingers over your mouth before you could shout out to him. If doing this shrine would help him in some way you were prepared to do so in a heartbeat.
The Ne'ez Yohma Shrine had been a real challenge for you and had taken several more health resources than you’d care to admit but victory tasted sweet upon your tongue as Zora’s Domain came into view once more, a glowing sphere tucked safely within your inventory. The monk within had been especially stingy about you not being the chosen Champion of Hyrule but after much MUCH persuasion the old mummy had finally relented when you gave the reasoning that Link was seeing to other matters along with the confession of being his traveling companion. Could mummified monks smile? You swore it did when it heard that piece of context. It wasn’t a lie, which it seemed to understand, so it had passed over the energy orb to you without much more of a fuss.
Blinking, you ventured from the shrine to stand in awe of the elegantly carved statue of a Zora wielding a trident. There was no sign of Link anywhere around it, though he’d pointedly done everything within his ability to avoid it for some reason, which you couldn’t fathom why since it was just as beautiful as the rest of the domain. An elder noticed you admiring the statue and seemed to smile sadly when taking a moment to gaze up at it too.
“Princess Mipha,” he began, “was truly a kind soul that any would be fortunate of meeting in their lifetime. She was shy, that is true, often times hesitant, though one cannot deny her steadfast will to assist those around her. Truly a remarkable Zora to behold in the throughs of battle and swimming up the waterfalls with such grace that none could ever hope to compete.”
You could see it in the statue’s countenance. The gentle planes of her face, those eyes which seemed to see beyond the physical, how her lips looked parted as if to provide words of encouragement to those who need to hear; though you’ve never met the Zora Princess it was evident within the statue’s image and the words spoken courtesy of such a weathered elder were true.
Yet something sad lingered in the air.
“She was the Zora Champion, right?”
The elder chuckled. “I bet that Hylian has told you plenty of stories.”
Something similar to an invisible dagger slipped between your ribs to pierce your heart. “N-no, he hasn’t said a word about her.”
Seriousness filled the elder’s face, all humor gone from his gaze when it met yours. For a moment he regarded you with suspicion, as if weighing how much should be told, then he took a deep inhale. “They were childhood friends, Princess Mipha and the Hylian known as Link. Often times they would waste days at a time with the other despite the chores or duties the other had. None would stray far from the other’s side if it could be helped.”
The dagger twisted at the hilt, digging into your constricting heart when remembering the heavy shadow over his eyes when ensuring the Zora Armor, which helped him swim faster and up waterfalls, was in pristine condition.
Unbeknownst of the affect his words had, the elder continued. “We have a tradition here where our princess creates a set of armor to bestow upon her intended partner. Imagine the shock upon our people when discovering that she had just finished crafting such a thing just before Calamity Ganon befell Hyrule. There was a rumor floating around that it had been for that Hylian boy since she’d shown little interest in anyone else. My personal opinion…”
Ringing filled your ears, which drowned out the elder’s words. as your feet mindlessly moved away from the statue. The puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place of why Link wasn’t acting himself. One of your hands rose to press against your aching chest.
“…shame that she passed away. Killed, actually, by one of those wretched creatures. Curse that Calamity for taking over Vah Ruta and stealing away our beloved princess just like the other Beasts and their Champions…”
And then you were running.
Find him, your internal voice screamed, find Link!
Easier said than done.
Zora’s Domain was no easy terrain to traverse across. Everything was slippery, making you slide and misstep, nearly sending you reeling back downwards to the trail which led towards the palace. You couldn’t stop to rest when the thin air made you see stars once reaching a small area of level ground. Where would he go?
Ice filled your veins when hearing a passing Zora guard say something about a Hylian who had accepted the request of dealing with a monster preventing travelers from entering the domain from up north. Of course coming to such a place would be hard on anyone and he was certainly no exception no matter how stoic the swordsman appeared. Losing anyone close to one’s heart was never an easy wound to heal from. Surely there was a reason why he didn’t say anything to you! Mud caked itself beneath your fingernails as they attempted to haul you up then over a wet rock, fraying the tender skin beneath that would make anyone flinch or cry out. You didn’t care about that or how lightning forked across the sky above. Rain intermixed with your tears as they spilled down your cheeks to be lost in tiny rivers.
A fork of lightning struck the ledge you were preparing to scale, causing it to crumble, leaving nothing in its former place besides a near gaping crater in the cliff.
Something most would call a miracle happened as you fell into the waterfall which had been at your left.
Cold, pain inducting water was replaced by warmth which surrounded you like a veil. As if someone were holding you protectively against their being. Lungs burning for oxygen, your hand patted against the thing holding you, proceeding to cling to it when water was replaced by empty air. A red Zora with the kindest of eyes and smile easily caught your flailing form before the ground could meet you. “Do not fear,” a feminine voice soothed in your ear though her lips did not move, “he shall return to your side once his duty is fulfilled. For now, be patient, (Y/n), and keep hope.”
Gravity rushed to greet you as the lithe Zora disappeared to replaced by a much bigger one who flashed a bright white smile. “Almost took a nasty fall there. Good thing I was nearby!” Sidon carefully placed you with feet firm on the solid ground.
Blinking, you searched the immediate area and found only the two of you.
“Everything alright?”
You shook your head after a moment. “Sorry, I swore someone else was here there for a minute.”
The Zora Prince listened intently as you recounted the figure you’d seen and earned a sad smile. “That sounds like my dear sister alright. Even if she’s not part of this world anymore it still seems as if Mipha is watching out for our domain.” He laughed as your eyes widened. “I must not have mentioned she was my elder sister earlier.”
Part of you wanted to correct him, that it was his age versus appearance ration which had earned your shock, though that would have been rude so you remained quiet as his gaze fondly beheld the statue below. One of your hands rested upon his webbed own when seeing the deep, woeful longing within his smile. “Can you tell me more about her?” Your lips lifted into a smile. “If you have time, I’d like to learn more about such an amazing princess and warrior.”
Little were you aware of what exactly you’d signed up for.
Zora’s Domain was almost always obscured by rain clouds so you were unable to keep track of time. Not that you minded one bit. Sidon was even kind enough to take you to each of the carved tablets talking more about the Zora Princess. That was when you took a misstep which caused level ground to completely disappear before it was replaced by water. It was too deep for your shoes to brush the bottom, resulting in fear to grip you tightly when the water enclosed over your head.
The scream which rose from your throat as pressure took hold of your flailing legs was rendered to bubbles as it sucked you farther under until a roaring current filled your ears. It rolled you forward, to the side, then backwards, before repeating to leave you delirious and seeing stars as it tossed you effortlessly. Black was beginning to creep along your vision as a flurry of bubbles appeared ahead from where glowing that must be the Zora palace lay.
That must be Sidon coming to save you.
No, the color was all wrong.
A different face, one which you’d never forget, was filled with determination and concentration as familiar lean arms enclosed around you.
And then all you knew was black.
So cold…
And wet…
Something firm was pressing against your mouth…hands were pumping your chest…everything hurt…make it stop…
With effort, your eyes strained greatly to crack. Then they were wide open when finding the object against your lips was a mouth. One that belonged to none other than—
“She’s awake!”
Azure opened at the shout, meeting your own as Link retreated enough to part his lips from yours, relief filling his gaze and features when finding you staring up at him. “(Y/n).”
You were collected within a tight embrace in an instant when a collective cheer rose. From somewhere you couldn’t see came Sidon’s multitude of apologies for not paying more attention or reacting fast enough but you were quick to dismiss them saying that it was your fault in the first place for not being careful of where you stepped. “Really, I’m fine,” you assured each who inquired of your wellbeing once you’d been released, “I’m so sorry to cause you all worry.” Your gaze met azure as the lingering adrenaline danced within your veins, thank you for saving me…again.
“I am surprised to say the least that you, companion to the Hylian Champion, was not capable of saving yourself.” Ice filled your lungs as an elder’s lip curled, the gray Zora fixing you with a sideways disapproving glare. “Such company is unfitting for one as important as he.”
“One’s shortcomings shouldn’t be held against them if they intend to strengthen those weaknesses.”
A collective murmur rose when you stood with a stiff spine.
Speaking against an elder, no matter their race or species, was threatening insult. He had thrown the first punch though. You stood tall when faced with that scrutinizing stare. “Unlike time, a person’s capabilities are only limited to their will. So tell me, elder, would you expect the same if I were a Goron traveling at his side? Or a Rito?” No opportunity was given for him to answer as you continued. “What about asking a Zora to traverse great distances over land where no river could be found? Wouldn’t it be just as wrong or insulting to expect the same from them? Do not be so quick as to judge or compare one to another,” your voice lowered to an almost growl, “and it’s not up to you who is at his side. Link has the freedom to choose whoever he pleases to travel with no matter what corner of Hyrule they are from or what their background. Everyone has their flaws, elder, and I think that gummy, loud mouth is yours.”
For a moment silence hung in the air save for the movement coming from behind you, a pair of hands appearing on your shoulders, almost making you lose composure when feeling them squeeze gently.
Amused laughter drew all’s attention to the nearby throne where a much larger Zora wearing a crown sat with eyes bright with approval. “I see now why you hold such company,” the King of the Zora’s rumbled, “my interest has been peaked. Come, Link, join us for evening feast. Be sure to sit beside me this time.”
Blinking, you glanced over your shoulder as a cheer rose, finding pride written within the Hylian Champion’s face as he nodded in approval. One of his hands released its hold while the other drifted down to collect your hand where its fingers laced with your own. “Not a dull moment,” he quietly teased, earning a blush to rise within your cheeks.
“W-well—I just—” No words came to you for a moment but a question certainly did. You waited until nearly every Zora had dispersed to their own agendas before fixing him with a curious yet guarded look. “Link, you always jump to the defense of others, whether battle or otherwise. So why don’t you protect yourself when someone starts talking to you like the handsy doctor back in Lurelin Village or the Zora elder?” Heat kissed your cheeks when his raised eyebrow reflected your own question back. “I-I don’t know why, okay? Seeing you silently take all the backlash and blasphemy makes my stomach roll. They shouldn’t be talking to or about you in such ways.” Realization filled your veins when seeing calm understanding fill his gaze.
Just as the swordsman protected Hyrule, you felt that it was necessary, as some form of repayment, to be his shield when among others. It wasn’t that he was socially awkward, the knight knew very much of how to conduct conversation. The discipline and expectation of him to remain steadfast or unaffected by the words of others save for the royal family may very well be why he never defended himself in such situations. And it had gradually eaten at you the more you traveled with the Champion.
They respected the title but when it came to Link himself they were quick to pass judgment.
Your heart clenched painfully when wondering just how long he’d been living this way.
He drew you close by the hand holding yours, allowing the free arm to wrap tightly around your shoulders, enabling you to feel his quick breathing and the hammering heart lying beneath his clothing. Honestly he couldn’t care less about what others said about him. Yet somehow, seeing you speak on his behalf when faced with such individuals, made something within him stir.
The Zora Armor donning his figure was beautiful with the addition of dragon scales and the blue hue which complimented that within his gaze. It was different than a lot of his clothing sets, each unique in their own special way, but now you understood why this one in particular was treated with a little extra favor. One could tell it was made with great care.
Your arm rose to return the embrace, the fingers he held giving a gentle squeeze. I’m still here, they said.
A faint squeeze of his fingers said, Yes.
“It’s alright to miss them, the other Champions,” you whispered, “just please don’t shut me out like that again. It’s scary when you start looking more like a statue than anything.”
That devious smirk raised a corner of his mouth when the two of you separated, directing your attention to the river below. His hand prevented your own from slipping free despite calls coming from the Zoras for the both of you to come. “There’s plenty of time to start swimming lessons before food.” He nearly outright laughed at your exasperation. The golden haired Hylian was quick to assure that any such thing could wait until later when the wafting scents of grilling meat and various vegetables filled the air.
This time it was you who prevented his hand from slipping away, earning a raise of his eyebrows when you became serious. “I overheard someone say that you took on a monster up North?”
A cluster of shock arrows was showcased; those must have been what the monster had dropped.
“You defeating it is not the point.”
Link, hearing your tone become sour, turned full attention to you, ignoring the rumbles sourcing from within his stomach.
From your pack appeared a glowing orb which you practically slammed into his chest with an open palm where it disappeared in a flash of light. “Of all the shrines…it had to be that one…” you growled while crossing both arms, releasing his hand, bottom lip protruding slightly, “it was full of lasers and giant balls. I would’ve gladly fought the monster instead.”
Understanding filled his features. Calloused fingers raised your chin until azure met yours. “Lynel.”
“Nope!” Up went your hands as if they were reaching for the sky while you spun on your heel. “Nope!”
His unadulterated laughter rang in your ears as the night drug onward. It seemed as if every moment your gazes met he had to bite the flesh of his lower lip to hold back a chuckle. A few times it was fun for you too. Especially when he was attempting to listen to the Zora King’s words and you attempted to distract him from a distance by raising your arms up in a similar fashion.
It wasn’t amusing just to the two of you. Several of the Zora found themselves enjoying the displays. Especially a certain red male who took the opportunity when his father, the king, held the Hylian Champion’s attention for longer than previous conversation topics.
Full, but not overly so, you excused yourself from the table to bow respectfully before slipping out into the night. Better to walk off a bit of the food before retiring. Pops sounded as you stretched high up onto your toe tips, teetering for a moment, then settled back on solid ground. Cooler though there was a slight sprinkle occasionally kissing your being, you treaded carefully across the smooth stone walkways that would eventually bring you to the inn. Now that it was night you could see more of the statue’s beauty thanks to the Luminous Stones. The teal glow reflected ethereally off the polished, moist stone as you slowly circled it with appreciation. There’s no doubt that Mipha, Zora Princess and the Zora Champion, had been who you saw earlier. On the breeze, just outside of the memorial’s shadow, a figure moved to join in your circulatory rotations. “She is truly stunning,” you softly praised, “I can tell a lot of care and admiration went into this statue.”
“I feel I must apologize once again.”
Your gazes met, locking together as neither of your paces or paths changed. Around and around the two of you seemed to dance. Sounds of the water filled the air as no words were spoken. This kind of silence wasn’t much different than what you were used to. The receiver, though, was vastly different. Not without his smile, the Prince of Zoras was distilling confidence wherever he went. Elders and young folk alike would often seek his council outside of royal duties; a few conversations that you’ve caught were of simple everyday occurrences. It was clear that all who lived here trusted him. Yet there was the air of uncertainty.
“You’re doing an amazing job.”
Sidon’s breath caught, eyes widening as you came to a stop so that his steps eventually brought him to stand before you. The same light bathing his sister’s monument now illuminated your being. Cool, humid air moistened your skin as it did the Zora and surrounding rock however he had never thought such an affect would accentuate one’s appearance as it did your own. Despite the blue hued light the highlights within your hair shone brightly like falling stars when a breeze played with a few tresses. Earlier, while sharing with you the stone tablets, he grew more familiar within your presence the longer he remained within it.
An assuring smile raised your lips at his expression of shock. “You’re trying your best to provide everything for your domain, whether it be resources like food or advice to soothe the soul. It’s alright to let them figure things out on their own. An easy answer to their problems doesn’t teach them anything, if you really think about it. Don’t be afraid to take breaks though, okay? Be sure to not wear yourself down. I may not have known her personally so I can’t speak on her behalf,” your hand reached out to gently take hold of his hand, “but if you were my younger brother I would want you to take care of yourself just as much as he does for his subjects—”
Whatever that was supposed to finish your sentence was lost as the ground disappeared to be replaced by toned muscle as pressure threatened to crush your bones. They weren’t needed though, judging from the large droplets of warm water that splattered across your skin that wasn’t protected by cloth. Just as quickly the red Zora Prince embraced you he released his hold to stand tall with that bright grin on display.
“I’ll continue to do my best!” He bent at the knee until the two of you were as close as his near neck breaking height would allow, approval shining brightly within his gaze. “Just you watch, (Y/n), I’m going to be even more admirable the next time you visit! And I’ll have a gift ready for you by then too so be sure to look forward to it!”
A gift? Excitement filled you. Maybe an accessory of some sort? “I can’t wait to accept it,” you started, “though if I could request something, may it not make me take this one off?”
His eyes followed your fingers to the circlet you wore. Deep thought filled his features for a moment before they smoothed over into one of acceptance. “Befitting if I’ve ever saw one, though the stone is lacking. Craftsmanship is adequate as well. Very well. Rest assured that my gift shall not dampen your beauty.” A knowing smirk raised his lips when seeing you fondly brushed the gem resting against the center of your forehead. “Ah, I see that it is your favorite, yes? No worries! My gift shall too become something you never wish to part from!”
Within your cheeks rose a faint blush of embarrassment. Were you really that easy to read? “The night is getting late, Prince Sidon, so I should retire to bed since we will be setting out at dawn’s light. In case I don’t see you, I look forward to seeing you again!” With a bow, you waved once more then departed for the nearby inn where sweet sleep was calling your name.
Little did you know that a certain swordsman had been watching the whole exchange from not too far off.
Pt 1: Blood Moon Encounter
Pt 2: Distant Howls
Pt 3: Identities Unknown
Pt 4: Rupee Troubles
Pt.6: Worthy of the Name
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ironwhumper359 · 3 months
Torn from the Sea - Ch.2
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Content: lab whump, scientist whumper, mermaid whump, mermaid whumpees, capture, implied restraints
Word count: 913
Taglist: @blackrosesandwhump
Author's Notes at the end!
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Excerpt from Dr. Baltan’s Research Log
Day 15
Everything is in place. I’ve loaded the back of my rental van with the modified gurneys I had designed specially for this project. It’s a bit of a tight fit, but their time spent in the van will be short; I intend to move the creatures onto the ship as soon as possible.
I toyed with the idea of studying them here, but my private lab back on the mainland far outclasses the research center I have access to on this island. I have instructed my assistant Layla to prepare for the arrival of two specimens, and so far she is the only person besides myself who knows the true nature of my research. I did think about soliciting the assistance of some of the locals for the capture and transport of the specimens, but I have decided against it. The fewer individuals who know of these creatures' existence, the better.
Besides, the locals have already helped me plenty. Their practice of leaving offerings near the cove has provided me the perfect opportunity to make my move. This morning a villager left a basket of mangoes in the forest, and I have laced the fruit with tranquilizer. I have made my best estimate as to the proper dosage, though without intricate knowledge of their metabolisms, there is no real way of knowing how they will react to the drugs. I can only hope they are effective long enough for me to neutralize the specimens and get them into the van.
If previous patterns of behavior hold, then the male will find the food, eat a small amount of it himself, and then bring the majority of it to his mate. Hopefully, the tranquilizer will act slowly enough for the male to share the food with the female before succumbing to its effects. If it affects him immediately, then I will have to collect him on his own and devise another way of trapping the female. I of course would like to study them both, but if I could only take one, I would choose the female every time. The opportunities that having a captive-born specimen would provide are simply too great to pass up. However, I worry about attempting to capture the female without neutralizing the male first. It’s possible that he will grow aggressive in an attempt to protect his mate and young, and as I am operating solo, that is a situation I’d rather avoid. I have considered all the possibilities, and have determined that this is the best course of action, regardless of the risk. All I have to do now is sit back and wait to see whether my labor shall bear fruit.
Day 16
I can scarcely believe it, but I have been successful! I, Dr. Eric Balton, am in possession of not one, but TWO live and healthy mer specimens. I am the first scientist in recorded memory to have any direct contact with a mer, not to mention the first to have a living shifter in a laboratory environment. My research has barely begun, and I have already cemented my place in history! But I mustn't get ahead of myself.
The tranquilizer worked perfectly, and once both mer were unconscious it was easy enough to strap them down onto the gurneys and load those in the van. As far as port authorities are concerned, I am transporting injured dolphins, and I was able to secure privacy while loading them onboard the ship in the name of protecting their health and safety. As far as I’m aware, no one saw that the “dolphins” are actually two of the most valuable live specimens ever collected.
I have taken readings and samples of the water from the cove and sent Layla the data so that she may prepare the research tanks in my lab. While their usual habitat is unknown, they chose these waters to make their nest and have their young in, and I intend to replicate those conditions for them exactly.
As for their transport, I have opted to use the dry method. If they truly were dolphins or some other similar aquatic mammal, I would be concerned for their safety being out of water for such a length of time, but as they have demonstrated ample ability to not only breath air but literally walk on land with legs, I have good reason to believe that dry transport, even over a few weeks, will be quite safe.
Dry transport will also allow me to leave them strapped down on the gurneys. If placed unrestrained in a tank of water, they may be able to use their unique dexterity to attempt escape of some kind, which could result in injury. Better to keep them immobile until they arrive at their permanent home. This will also allow me to better monitor the female’s gestation while we are in transit. Judging by human standards, she doesn’t look far enough along to give birth during the actual voyage, though of course I must be prepared in case she does.
I cannot allow my preconceived ideas about what is normal for humans to cloud my judgment on this project. I must treat these specimens as completely undiscovered animals, and make hypotheses based solely on the data I collect. Now that we are underway, I can begin my preliminary examinations of the creatures undisturbed. I can hardly believe that this moment has finally come!
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Author's Notes: So I do just wanna say that not every chapter of this will be research logs! The next chapter will be from our mers' point of views (I have some character designs for them here if you wanna see) and I plan for this story to use a mix of both the mers' actual point of view and Dr. Baltan's research notes to show both perspectives on the events of the plot. Next chapter we meet Meri and Kae, so get ready for that! Thanks for reading <3
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thegreenhordes · 4 months
Twilight's Notes: Diary Entry and Postmortem Case File: Nurse Redheart, Type 3 (Mimic)
I still hear the noises from the Growlers, the sounds of a horde so large it sends shivers down my spine. Most of Ponyville are either taking refuge here, took their chances out in the wild, infected, or dead. Most of the infected wandering now are outsiders, drifting through as they waste away.
Some of the ponies who keep an eye on the outside from the safety of the barrier tell me that the horde is slowly dispersing, being led away by Rainbow Dash's squad. The green glow that builds around such a large group of luminescent infected growing dim as the horde breaks apart. I wish I could keep an eye on these things myself, but I'm still to scared to leave the holding cell. Everypony keeps telling me that I'm fine, there's no sign of the disease, that it's been long enough for me to be considered safe again. But what if they're wrong? There is so much at stake... What if the disease just... got good at hiding? Some viruses and bacteria can be hard to find, the illnesses they cause harder to diagnose.
I don't want to be a risk to the ponies I love.
Rainbow Dash should be back soon with news... I should focus on other matters in the meantime.
Case File: Nurse Redheart, Type 3 (Mimic), First known specimen (hopefully the last)
Note: A good look at the outer appearance prior to subject's termination, as well as noted behaviors prior to the attack on me, show a significant level of mutation in comparison to other infected.
Analysis of Behaviors: Docile, no display of aggression prior to sedation and study. Decline in the subject's health and state of being was gradual enough that it cannot currently be pinpointed when she turned. Extreme aversion to light, strong fear response. Something not noted in previous entries is that the skin on the subject began to rapidly burn and turn bright red and hot when exposed to light. Due to lack of experience with this Type, it cannot be said if the early requests for low-light accommodations were due to instinct regarding the danger it would pose, or instinct demanding her physical changes go unnoticed. My personal hypothesis is that Redheart's claims of the light hurting her eyes were the truth, and that this sensitivity simply increased in severity over time.
Potential mental decline/Ego death. The subject slowly devolved over time, speaking repetitively and in unnerving monotone, seemingly with at least some understanding of the phrases spoken. All spoken phrases were greetings, requests, and simple questions. Communication ceased the moment the individual being spoken to entered line of sight. Likely speech was only a lure by this point, and we believe only a rudimentary understanding of their meaning would be required by then.
Post sedation and study the subject became incredibly irritable and hostile. Screeching endlessly whenever non-infected entered the lab, violent thrashing, tearing up provided amenities such as the bed, side table and scraping at the walls. Subject's aggression increased rapidly over a short period of time until eventually escaping containment and attacking me.
Physical Traits:
Sallow, sagging skin. Normal teeth, save four fangs located near the entrance to the throat. The purpose of these is unknown. Strengthened Jaw muscles, denser jaw bone. Additionally the jaw seems to be capable of locking closed, and snapping shut rapidly. Abnormal bite force was noted during the attack. After the upcoming autopsy ordered by me, the skull will be examined further so as to test just how powerful it had become.
Overall denser bone structure. Broken limbs seemed thicker and heavy, and when stretched out were longer than their original size by three feet. Subject's legs would have been painful to walk on due to their mangled state, so the purpose of the change, if any at all, is unknown.
Autopsy is set to begin around the time Rainbow Dash is expected back at the Castle.
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lefluoritesys · 1 year
We have known we're a system for over 2 years now. It's been a very long ride, and one of the most important parts of this ride was figuring out methods and ways to function as a system. There have been many mistakes we've made that we're also not the only ones making. But one of the hardest things I find to explain would be that there are no universal answers to your experiences, and there will be no universal solution. What might work for one person might not work for another. It seems obvious, but in practicality, when it comes to DID/OSDD, systems seem to forget that, and I understand why. Whether it be validation, desire to relate, or just feeling lost. So here's a little story from our IRL life that is completely unrelated to any DID/OSDD covering subject, but makes sense when you put it in the context of functional multiplicity:
We love coffee. Absolutely love coffee, specifically cappuccino. I wouldn't say we're addicts, but we drink it almost every day. However, that wasn't always the case. In about Autumn of 2021, we have discovered that when we drink our favorite coffee, it terribly and drastically affects our mood. We still have no idea what it is. If we were happy and calm before we drank coffee, it would flip our mood completely, and we'd become so anxious, we would have multiple panic attacks for no reason. And vice versa. It devastated us because it seemed to happen every single time we drank coffee. And we loved coffee, still do! The thought of cutting it out completely made us upset. There had to be some sort of explanation to what we're experiencing, but no one would give us an answer! People with ADHD drink a lot of coffee to help them calm their ADHD down, for neurotypicals, it's the opposite. Some people drink a lot of it, multiple cups a day, and somehow stay fine, some drink it before bed to sleep better... nobody could give us an answer as to what we're experiencing, and for a while, that was that.
One day, though, I (host) was going to a cafe to do a school project. The library wasn't working that day, and we desperately needed to work, so we thought a cafe with noise-canceling headphones would be alright. As I got to that cafe, stood near the baristas, I was thinking about how coffee affects me, and although I really want it, I don't want to deal with genuinely horrible consequences. So I grabbed the lowest amount available and hoped for the best... And I showed no previous symptoms. I admit, I kinda stared at it, thinking... that was the problem the whole time? We used to grab medium, and so it bit us in the ass? Apparently, yes. The problem was with the amount. So now, we are not drinking any more than a certain amount of coffee, usually grabbing the lowest amount cafes provide, and we haven’t had problems since. We feel great, even have a favorite cafe now where we became a regular, and we drink coffee every day now. Could even get multiple cups during different times of the day and still not have it affect us much!
Now apply that same logic for when you try to find ways to function and/or help your system. Our experience with coffee is not universal, but we found something that works for us. Some people chug so much caffeine, we are genuinely scared for their health. Some others don't drink it at all, which is also fine. Some drink it before bed or to manage their ADHD. And some drink it from time to time as a treat. Some like lattes, some like black coffee, and somebody else likes iced. All of those are fine. It seems like a weird parallel, and how can I compare a disorder to coffee? But I am not comparing a disorder to coffee, I am comparing the behavior towards coffee to the behavior towards your system. Just as there is no right amount or way to drink coffee, there isn't a right way to be/function as a system. Everybody's experience and feelings towards it are absolutely unique, that's what makes them special. And going after somebody for their coffee preference is weird and rude. Especially telling them what they should drink instead. Why is it suddenly not the same for systems?
For the love of Gods, do not repeat our mistakes and try to be a certain way just for other people's validation. Good people will never, ever judge you for being who you are. There's a whole world of people that are gonna look at you weird, and there's a whole world of people who aren't. Find the people who aren't! /ref
Have a good coffee/tea/juice/etc day.
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jibbi · 4 months
After: Tessa is just as toxic as Hardin
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I'm totally late on getting into the After series, but I recently watched all the movies and am now reading the third book (don't come for me. I know I should've read all the books first lol). I am very passionate about this series, including all the extremely messed up parts of it. I could talk about it for days lol
I think something that isn't talked about is Tessa being just as toxic as Hardin when she absolutely is.
As a disclaimer, yes, Hardin is absolutely awful for how often he changes his mind, yells, breaks things, and punches people in his own family when he feels hurt by what they did. Completely unforgivable behavior, and so incredibly unhealthy. But, at least we have a full understanding of why Hardin's mental and emotional health is as terrible as it is - he has an immense amount of family and personal issues, and he keeps finding out more terrible things as the series continues. To clarify, it does NOT by any means excuse his behavior, I am not saying it does - he is still 100% accountable for his own behavior and not taking care of it - but his background gives understanding as to why he tends to act so terribly.
As for Tessa, although we're given a backstory about her controlling mother and alcoholic/druggie father which gives reason to her behavior, she's somehow liked so much more than Hardin and gets away with a lot. Sure, she doesn't get violent and break things when she's upset, but her emotional behavior and communication skills are absolutely horrendous, plus she sometimes DOES get drunk like Hardin as a coping mechanism. She also often tells Hardin that she doesn't trust him, when Hardin shouldn't be trusting her either. Why? Well let's get into it.
Tessa cheats
Tessa started off her relationship with Hardin by cheating on her boyfriend from home and lying to him about seeing Hardin. She DID realize she was mainly staying with Noah because she feels she owes it to him. She also wanted a serious relationship which Noah was providing while Hardin was still screwing around, and she was the ultimate people pleaser towards her mom who got along with Noah.
Not only did she cheat on Noah, but she was being flirtatious with other guys and allowing other guys to be flirty towards her while she was still with Hardin. God forbid they got into a fight and she anticipated a breakup in the near future, Tessa would be so quick to jump to another guy. There was Trevor, Zed, and Robert the waiter who she got flirty with real quick once there were issues between her and Hardin. She even forced a kiss upon a random guy at the New Year's Eve party in After We Collided, just because she jumped to the conclusion that Hardin was cheating on her (when he wasn't)!
Tessa is so quick to assume Hardin is cheating on her on so many occasions, yet she herself has cheated multiple times. It's so ridiculously hypocritical.
Tessa hides things from Hardin
Despite Tessa calling Hardin out for hiding things from her and snooping through his things to find evidence, she does the same thing. I'll give a couple of examples.
Tessa hid the fact that she was keeping in contact with Zed despite Hardin making it very clear to her that he doesn't feel comfortable having her talk to Zed. Yes, Tessa can be friends with whoever she wants since Hardin doesn't control her life, however, the difference is that Zed has feelings for her and Tessa flirted with him at one point. I feel it's pretty normal to not want your partner to spend time with someone who likes you as more than a friend. Hardin of course could've been much less controlling when it came to this, but I can't blame him for being upset over it, especially since Tessa would most likely react the same way (just less violently) if Hardin was hanging out with a girl who had feelings for him.
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Tessa also hid the fact that she was moving all the way to Seattle, and he figured out by accident that she made this decision. That is a HUGE thing to keep from your significant other. Deciding to move to an entirely different city two hours away when you're in a committed relationship while NOT telling your significant other is crazy. I get they weren't together for a short span of time, which is when Tessa made the decision to move to Seattle. But, once she got back with Hardin, telling him would've been the right thing to do.
Tessa doesn't compromise
Speaking of her deciding to move to Seattle, Tessa automatically assumes Hardin will oblige and come with her, or eventually change his mind. Hardin always made it very clear that he had no intention of moving to Seattle, despite it being where Tessa dreamed of living.
Both Hardin AND Tessa did not want to come to any sort of compromise despite dreaming of a future together. Hardin wanted to move back to London, Tessa wanted to move to Seattle. Neither were willing to come to any sort of compromise on where they should live, even though they're so in love with each other.
What's also terrible is that so many people are siding with Tessa that he should've moved with her and Hardin is in the wrong for not sticking by her, knowing Seattle was her dream. Yes, Hardin was absolutely wrong for going behind her back to call her real estate agent and destroy her potential housing plans in Seattle. BUT, he wasn't given a choice in the first place, it was either move there with her or never see her again. That's crazy. Despite him doing such a terrible thing, Tessa was not right for the lack of compromise either.
I love this series, but it has been bothering me a lot how Tessa is seen as such a "good girl" and doesn't see herself as a big problem in the relationship too. I had to rant about it.
Anyhow, thank you for reading this. I'm willing to debate characters or any part of this series. Go off if you want to LOL
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yandere! Ultimis Tank Dempsey (COD: Zombies) with broken! Darling? She was the first to be experimented on by Richtofan (she was his favourite subject and probably still is) and experiences dissociative episodes pretty often during their journey. Can’t smile or laugh without flinching at any form of physical constant, let alone the sight of needles. She doesn’t remember the experimentations like the other three, but constantly gets a bad feeling around Richtofan and would throw herself in risky situations without even realizing. (i.e. running to a horde or getting hurt)
I'll see what I can do as I am a bit rusty with writing the personalities of the COD Zombies crew. Hopefully I still get things right ^^
This only makes the feud between Richtofen and Dempsey grow I think.
Yandere! Ultimis! "Tank" Dempsey with Broken! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Human experimentation, Trauma, Broken darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Implied harassment, Dubious relationship, Human experimentation, Poor mental health, Darling tries to heal with Dempsey, Attempted murder, Swearing, Implied manipulation.
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Dempsey never really trusted Richtofen anyways.
That only increases as his obsession grows with his darling.
Let's talk about you first.
You were one of Richtofen's first experiments with Element 115.
Takeo, Nikolai, Pablo, and Dempsey came after you.
As a result you have always been Richtofen's favorite.
To make it darker, Richtofen might have tried to make some sort of relationship with you while experimenting on you.
The experiments alone cause trauma for you.
Even more so due to how Richtofen was always touchy when he injected the serum into your skin, praising you for being such a good experiment.
He was never like this with the other experiments.
Fast forward to later, after you, Richtofen, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai become known as Ultimis... you are very reclusive towards the rest of your group.
You often have a blank stare and don't react much when touched.
You'd rather space out then acknowledge your surroundings.
The mention of needles or the sight of them sends you into a panicked frenzy.
You often stay away from Richtofen despite barely remembering the experiments with the others.
In fact any interaction with Richtofen causes tension.
You become hard to take care of due to being unable to stay in the moment.
Dempsey finds this irritable at first but slowly pieces together theories of why you're like this.
Out of all the experiments it looks like you were affected the most.
It's... sad, honestly.
Dempsey really starts to wonder about Richtofen when he senses the tension between you and the man.
He wonders what Richtofen did to you... to any of the group, actually.
Dempsey no doubt theorizes the worst and decides he'll be the one to keep you in check.
When Richtofen protests, saying he's in charge of you, Dempsey puts up a fight
"No way, I'm not trusting you with this woman. I have no idea why she's scared of you... but you aren't coming near her unless you want to tell me what happened."
Despite the experiments changing Dempsey to be more of a stereotype, I feel he'd be protective of you naturally as he would be towards any other member of his old team.
Dempsey has seen the ramblings of Richtofen and can't help but grimace at the idea of what you've gone through to get to this point.
Dempsey tries to be reasonable and care for you during the mission Richtofen sends you all on.
Despite Dempsey being a yandere he provides more comfort to you than any of the other members here.
He soon grows used to your silence and disassociation as you travel together.
Dempsey isn't the nicest person in the world but he is probably the most comfort you have now.
When there's a break and Ultimis settles down, Dempsey pulls you beside him and tries to communicate with you.
You give him blank stares and don't usually react but he assumes you're listening while he talks.
Dempsey wouldn't develop romantic feelings until he knows he's connected to you.
For example; hearing you talk, reciprocation of physical affection, smiling, anything that shows you coming out of your traumatized state.
Who knows if you'd ever recover fully, however....
Dempsey may be foul-mouthed, brash, and a bit narcissistic but he still wants to see you recover.
He isn't sure why he's so attached to you, maybe it's to spite Richtofen?
Or maybe he hasn't seen a woman in so long that he's developed an attraction...
Dempsey doesn't dwell on it too much and focuses on easing you into accepting the current situation.
There is times Dempsey won't even listen to Richtofen in missions due to you.
He hates him due to their sides in the war, he hates that he doesn't know what Richtofen did to him, and he hates that it looks like Richtofen did something to you.
Honestly if you ever did open up to Dempsey and allow yourself to be vulnerable around him, Dempsey would feel himself sinking deeper into his obsession with you.
You hate physical contact, although when Dempsey tries it one time you actually don't avoid it.
It's okay with him... for a little bit at least until you flinch away.
Seeing you slowly begin to rely on him gives Dempsey pride.
He wants to rub it in Richtofen's face... but that would hurt you.
I can imagine Dempsey gets really attached to you to the point if Richtofen came near you... violence on sight.
If you mentioned Richtofen came to talk to you... or that you remember what Richtofen did... who's going to stop Dempsey from murdering the man?
It's a fight you aren't willing to watch.
Takeo and Nikolai have to pull Dempsey off Richtofen as Dempsey probably would not stop until the mad doctor is dead.
When you're comfortable enough, if you ever are, Dempsey would hold you and not let you go.
He wants to kill Richtofen so fucking bad.
He often comments on how strong you are to deal with all of this... he tries to learn how to be someone you can rely on....
Dempsey soon accepts the fact he's fallen for you...
Out of anyone, he wants to help and save you.
Maybe he does love you...
He loves you and wants to help you.
He's overprotective and a bit possessive, appearing on guard when someone tries to come near you.
You soon begin to lean on him metaphorically (soon, maybe even physically) and see him as someone who could protect you.
You bond over your shared distrust of Richtofen.
If Dempsey tries anything overly affectionate with you, you have to signal to him if you're uncomfortable.
He'll then back off and go back to comforting you, apologizing under his breath.
Dempsey takes time to learn how to be comforting and what you are okay with and are not.
He's not used to being all soft.
Yet he learns it for you since you've been through a lot.
Truthfully, he just seems like he wants to try and care for you.
Although, he acts like such a guard dog towards other people around you.
So... here's the question:
Is he trying to help you through your trauma by preventing any more pain...
Or is he using it to keep you all to himself under the guise of protecting you?
"It'll all be okay, doll... he won't hurt you ever again with me here."
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