#being conscious only brings me pain
restingcorpse · 3 months
In a way it feels cruel that I was born with a brain
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Baby, Mine
Azriel x Reader - Angst/Fluff - One shot
Rhys returns from under the mountain and Azriel’s life is changed forever as a bond snaps with the female his brother brings back with him. After an unexpected pregnancy is revealed, Azriel strives to show his mate just how much she and their child mean to him. Please read warnings below.
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Warnings: discussion of rape and S/A, pregnancy resulting from rape, mentions of trauma, language, mention of pregnancy termination
“We should get up. My stomach’s growling.”
“And I thought it was just the little one chatting with my shadows.” Azriel teased, flushing beneath her gaze as his scarred fingers traced lightly over the growing swell of her abdomen, becoming more apparent by the day. He’d been nervous touching it for the first time, like he’d desecrate that precious life force growing underneath with his hands that had inflicted so much pain. But the way her eyes lit up the first time he touched it, he never wanted to forget the feeling of love and joy radiating into him through that newfound bond. It was beautiful - made him feel worthy of helping raise the beautiful life she was bringing into the world.
Though her stomach growled again, she made no move to get up, and by the way her hands were holding onto him, Azriel knew better than to go retrieve a plate from the House of Wind’s kitchen for her. So he sent a shadow beneath the door to see if Nuala or Cerridwen were there and if they could bring leftovers in, that is if Cassian and Mor hadn’t devoured the entire breakfast already.
“How’s she doing?” Rhys asked into his mind.
“Better than some days but not great, Rhys.”
There was a pause before Rhys’ guilty voice reentered his conscious.
“She’s the most selfless person I know, Az. I’m glad you two have eachother. But if she needs anything, if you need anything, let me know.”
And she was. Selfless in a way that Azriel couldn’t fathom. Selfless in a way that made his gut churn, a way he wanted to roar at the moon and the stars, and anyone who would listen. Selfless when she should have never had to be. She was bright and radiant and kind. The world looked at her and saw ethereal sunshine, walking starlight, unfathomable beauty both inside and out. But there was darkness and pain there too, so buried down deep that only Azriel could feel it in the middle of the night as whimpers disrupted her sleep.
So many nights Rhys would have to come in and cradle her mind, send her soothing thoughts and visions of anything beautiful that could mask the perils that haunted her dreams.
Azriel hated himself for it, the jealousy. He wished he could soothe her in that way but no matter how much love he sent through their bond, that darkness rooted itself so deeply within her that sometimes it took significant power from Rhys to reach it.
As if Rhys wasn’t already fighting his own trauma and waging against the insurmountable guilt he carried after being under the mountain, plus worrying about Feyre in the Spring Court. And that wasn’t to say Y/N was a burden in any way, though she felt she was. It killed Azriel to see both his mate and his brother fighting so much grief and not being able to do anything about it.
She’d have been better suited to be Rhysand’s mate than Azriel’s own by their intertwined traumas, by their ability to put themselves aside for a better world. Azriel, of course, fit into this court of dreamers but she… despite only being here for such a short period of time, she was the biggest dreamer of them all.
Another rumble from her stomach snapped Azriel out of his thoughts, mentally noting to Rhys, “She could use breakfast.”
“I’ll send some for both of you. You need to take care of yourself too.”
Azriel smelled the salt of her tears before he saw the silver lining her eyes. Propping himself up on an elbow, draping a wing over her, he began to ask softly, “Hey-“. Her head immediately shaking and she choked on the word, “No.”
“Baby, I know what you’re thinking and it’s not a burden. He just wanted to know if you needed anything.”
She took a few deep breaths, willing away those tears. “He doesn’t have to check on me. It’s my f-“
“Stop that. Listen to me, I’m always here to listen to you and I know that you’re dealing with complex emotions and trauma that I cannot even begin to fully fathom but this.. it’s not your fault.”
Her eyes welled up further as Azriel continued,
“I don’t want to lecture you or invalidate what you are feeling. Your emotions are justified but… these thoughts will eat you alive, they’re vicious lies that have been conditioned into you, and I can promise you that nobody blames anything on you. This entire family is so fucking grateful to have you as a part of it. In a world of darkness, where you had every right, every reason to bring that darkness with you, you chose light.”
He choked on his words as those tears flowed down her face. “You chose light when it only brought more darkness upon yourself.”
She cut him off. “She’s not darkness.”
Azriel raised an eyebrow. “She?”
And through her tears, he saw the slightest gleam of radiance in her eyes. “I can just feel it. Feel her.”
Azriel pressed a kiss to Y/N’s belly. “Yes, you are absolutely right. She is not darkness - she’s a beacon of light, the brightest star in the sky, perhaps aside from her mother - but the mental load you are carrying, it is dark and it’s heavy. And yes, you would carry darkness with you regardless of this spark of hope” he rubbed her belly in tender circles for emphasis. “But I know that mind of yours. That you are telling yourself that you’re a burden, that you made the wrong choice, when there was no wrong choice.”
At this point, the tears were streaming down her face, his shadows dutifully whisking them away, but only gratitude and love flowed from her.
A knock came on the door. Azriel’s eyes glazed over as Y/N recognized the telltale signs of what was happening. A line creased in his brow before she placed a gentle hand on his arm. “It’s okay, he can come in.”
“You sure, my love? He understands when you need space.”
She nodded. “I know but I think I need to see him today.” Azriel brushed his thumb in soothing ministrations across her abdomen until she pulled her night gown back down to cover herself.
The door creaked open and Rhys padded over to the bed, guilt and adoration limning his features. “Hey, starshine.” She blushed at the term. She hated her own name after Amarantha had called it so many times under the mountain. Rhys had begun calling her Starshine in secret due to her Day Court origins and the fact that he was convinced she’d been more suited for the Night Court.
Rhys had been drawn to her under the mountain, something about her reminding him of his brother. Rhysand could admit that Azriel was the most beautiful of the three brothers, his features seemingly crafted by the gods themselves. But if Azriel’s features were crafted by the gods, Y/N’s were crafted by the Mother herself. Aside from that, she had a quiet presence, though far less stoic and broody than Azriel’s, it was more of a quiet, gentle grace. A grace that Amarantha had tried so hard to shed her of but was never quite successful.
Amarantha, of course, made it her mission to both seek pleasure from her and torment her. When she never fully broke, Amarantha decided that instead of throwing her to the dark corridors she stuffed most lesser fae in, she’d make an excellent play thing. She looked mostly High Fae after all, yet had enhanced sexual appeal due to her nymph ancestry - perfect high and round breasts, long legs, a firm yet supple ass, and an arousing scent - needless to say, Amarantha delighted to add her to her roster of bed chamber accompaniment.
Y/N and Rhys developed a quiet understanding of each other and the roles they were forced to play in the year that she’d been under the mountain before Feyre arrived. They did not grow close enough for Amarantha to become concerned but enough that she knew her play things got along well enough to bring them both into her chambers at the same time.
Rhys would never forget the first time Amarantha had forced he and her into her chambers at the same time. Y/N tried to be strong, and she was. Another aspect of her that reminded him of his brother.
But she began to crack slightly, and Rhys knew Amarantha would make it so much worse for her if she did. So he did the only thing he knew to do and held her mind. He showed her visions of the Night Skies of the Night Court, the spirits of Starfall, the laughter of a family surrounding a table in a beloved restaurant, anything that could help her through it.
As he held her mind, she’d unwittingly sent visions from throughout her twenty-two years of life prior to being captured and brought under the mountain. She was loved deeply by her family who had little more than love to give. Eventually they had been murdered by Amarantha’s cronies at the age of nineteen - she’d been able to escape and live among the High Fae who sneered and objectified her, but offered enough coin to sleep with her to keep a roof over her head.
Rhys had determined that night that if they ever made it out of there alive, he was taking her to Velaris with him. She’d never live like that again.
He even smiled at the thought of introducing her and Azriel when she was ready to meet his family, already picturing his brother’s rose-dusted cheeks in her presence.
“Thank you” Azriel’s low voice withdrew Rhys from his thoughts, taking the plate from his hands.
A familiar scent wafted off of Rhys to Y/N. Pregnancy had heightened her sense of smell substantially.
As she sniffed the air Rhys gave a soft, sad smile at the eye brow she raised at him before asking, “Where is she?”
He shook his head, darkness rolling in waves off of him. “Tamlin locked her in his fucking manor. She had a breakdown.”
Her face drew tight. “That bastard!” Azriel flinched at the rage flowing down the bond. “She must have been terrified.”
“She certainly terrified the servants in his manor. She shrouded herself in darkness and nobody could get through to her.”
“He doesn’t deserve her.”
Rhys nodded. “He doesn’t.”
“You didn’t answer my question, Rhys. Where is she?”
“At the Town House.”
Her eyes blew wide. “Cauldron boil me, is she staying?”
Azriel smiled as he felt her excitement flow into him. A bit of that Day Court sunshine returning to her.
“I don’t know. She knows she can’t tell anyone if she goes back, but…”
“I felt it through the bond, Y/N. I think she’s here to stay.”
Azriel’s shadows agitated at the pause in verbal conversation, chattering back and forth,
He rolled his eyes and dismissed them, already knowing there were some things that remained between just Y/N and Rhys. He’d accepted it the very moment he’d shown up after he received word that Rhys was finally home and the bond snapped as soon as he laid eyes upon the radiant female by his side. He knew it snapped for her too when she walked right up to him, touched the hands he tried to hide behind his back, her eyes speaking everything she couldn’t. “I see your scars. I bear them too.” And pressed a kiss to each hand.
“Do you want me to leave? I assume she’s at the Town House but I’m sure she’ll be visiting here too, yes?”
Azriel bristled. No way in hell was Rhys going to make his mate leave, whether this home was his or not, she had a right to be present wherever she wished.
“Easy brother.”
Azriel shook off the feeling. The mating instinct was still so strong that he had a hard time not jumping in to defend her at the thought of any threat, physical or emotional.
“Y/N” Rhys took her hand.
“Don’t bite my head off for holding her hand, either.”
Azriel huffed before firing back to Rhys’ mind “I can’t wait for you to find your mate someday so you can see what it feels like to be so wound up like this.”
Rhys only gave a small, secret smile in return.
Y/N interjected. “Are you two done gossiping or can I know whether I should pack up or not?”
“This is your home just as much as it is my home. You are my family and I want Feyre to meet all of you. Cassian has already barreled through the door of the Town House along with Mor begging to be fed. Feyre went up to nap and recollect herself.”
“Can we have dinner with her… if she wants to?” She asked softly with a mixture of excitement and nervousness to her voice.
Rhys gave a nod. “I was thinking that same thing. Would you be comfortable?”
She nodded before the reality of the situation caught up with her.
“Y/N.” Rhys leaned in, gently tilting her head up to look at him. “I am not ashamed of you. I will never hide you or the life you are selflessly bringing into this Court of Dreamers.” His eyes lined with silver. “And I will always be so proud of the love that you both share. I knew from the moment I met you that my brother would adore you. And the fact that you two are mates? It’s one of the greatest things to come from that shit hole of a mountain. A reminder of the beauty that can prevail, even after the most dreadful of circumstances. I love all three of you.”
Azriel held his mate closely, ensuring she felt just how loved she truly was.
“She kicked for the first time the other day.”
Rhys raised a brow.
Y/N let out a sigh. “Ugh, you two are so skeptical. I really believe that this baby is a girl.”
Rhys eyed the scarred hand protectively placed over her round bump, so many complicated emotions running through him, with love being the strongest.
“Feyre will likely ask questions tonight regarding all of us, our stories. Nobody has to share anything they do not wish to, but you also may share if you are comfortable doing so. I would really like for Feyre to become a member of the Inner Circle-“
Rhys looked to Y/N rolling his eyes at the smirk and waggling eyebrows she gave him.
“Stop that. My point is just that, I would like for her to know all of you. I know she’ll love you all just as I do. Hell, she’ll probably love all of you before she’s ready to even fully tolerate me.”
Azriel let out a chuckle as his mate quipped “Tell me the story of the time she threw a shoe at you. It’s my favorite!”
“You cruel, lovely little thing.” Rhys laughed. “See you both for dinner.”
As Rhys exited them room, Y/N sighed. “You were awfully quiet.”
Az nudged her. “And that surprises you?”
“Okay, quieter than usual.”
Azriel pulled her in close, peppering kisses across her forehead. “I just don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for. You are still healing and now you’ll be facing someone else that was under the mountain with you.”
“She saved us all, Az.” She looked up into his hazel eyes with nothing but genuine adoration. “Without her, I never would have met you. And what kind of existence would that be?”
She began picking at the plate Rhys had brought in. Letting out a moan as the flavors burst on her tongue.
Az couldn’t help the involuntary twitch of his wings at the sound.
She laughed. “Don’t get any ideas until I’m finished with my food.”
Azriel raised his palms. “I’d never get between my pregnant mate and her meal. With the way she’s started moving, she’d likely kick me away anyway.”
She took another bite while nonchalantly commenting, “I thought of a name for her.”
“Oh yeah?” Azriel’s brows raised in anticipation of a potential name for their child.
“Azure. The same blue as the skies. I thought…”
Azriel cut her off, marveling at the name. Whispering more to himself than her. “Blue like the Day Court skies, blue like the skies that I love to take you flying in.”
She flushed. “Yes, exactly. And though it’s a different shade of blue, like your siphons.”
A lone tear escaped his eye. “And,” she continued with a coy smile. “We could call her ‘Az’”
Azriel sat still for a moment. And she would have thought he didn’t like it had it not been the rush of pure shock and awe flowing through the bond.
Suddenly he took her face in his hands, barely giving her time to swallow the bite of bacon she’d just taken, and crashed his lips into hers. And after her lips were swollen and puffy from the heat of his lips, he began pressing kisses all over her belly, whispering between them, “I love you, little Az. I love you more than the skies I fly in. More than my own name. More than any dreamer could dream of being loved. I can’t wait to fly you through the open skies, and show you every shade of blue this beautiful world has to offer. Nothing in this world matters more than you and your mother. I couldn’t be more proud to be your father.”
And he meant it. Every single word. The blood running through the baby growing inside of his mate didn’t need to be his, what mattered was the love flowing within the child and he intended to pour every single ounce of love he had into their baby.
It was Y/N though who broke down at those words. She and Azriel had spent every free moment together since meeting. He’d healed her in ways that she never could have dreamed. Finding her mate changed the time after Under the Mountain from the lonesome trauma reckoning hellhole she’d anticipated and into a time of healing. He listened to her, understood her, let her set the pace in every aspect. And he’d shared his trauma with her, all of it.
The child who had been abused by a wicked stepmother and horrid step-brothers, overlooked by his own father had grown up to be loving, caring, and patient in every way. And now, he was going to be the parent of a child that was not his by conception, choosing to love the child just as he would his very own. A vow he’d sworn in their mating vows and sealed with a bargain.
“What is it, love?” Azriel wiped away her tears.
“Stupid hormones. I just love you so much and I need you to know that you are so much more than I ever could have dreamed of. If I had to, I would go through it all again as long as it led me to you.”
Azriel’s eyes began watering again. “Look at us, Y/N. We’re quite a sight. Whatever you say tonight, just don’t let Cassian know that I’ve gotten so soft.”
Her glassy eyes sparkled as she gave a sweet smile. “I have a feeling that softness has already been there, my love, I just had the privilege of coaxing it out of you.”
He smiled. “Truth Teller personified.”
“We’re heading up now.” Rhys’ voice cut into Y/N’s mind.
“Are you sure about this, Rhys? Most of them do not know what all happened under the mountain. What if it’s too much for Feyre to take in?”
“She’s my mate, I have to hope that she will love and accept us all in time. It may be a lot to meet us and hear our stories but they’re a part of us, a part of loving us. I’m worried about Cassian scaring her off more than anything.”
“Valid concern. See you soon. Despite the circumstances, I’m so happy she’s here.”
“You know,” Rhys chuckled. “I feel the same way about you, Starshine.”
“You flatter me. Now enjoy your flight with the literal girl of your dreams.”
“She’s glaring daggers at me right now. Pray I make it there alive.”
“Where’d you go?” Az nudged.
Leaning into her mate’s side, embracing the warmth of his arms wrapped around her shoulders she replied, “Rhys and Feyre are on the way.”
“Are you ready for this?” He asked.
“I’m sure you can already feel my nerves down the bond but I appreciate you for asking.” She teased.
Azriel kept his pace slow as they wound through the hallways of the House of Wind toward the dining table. “If you’re not ready…”
She took a steadying breath. “No, he needs to get off on a solid foundation with her. And Cassian, Mor, and Amren have eyed us for a while, they realize that something is off. Plus, I mean, look at this thing.” Her delicate hands found her stomach. “They’re going to figure out that the timelines don’t match up soon enough.”
“Our girl IS growing.” Azriel spoke, not missing the opportunity to feel the life growing within his mate.
She teased, “You’ve referred to the babe as “her” a few times now. Coming around to the idea?”
“I know better than to go against your intuition.”
With that, Y/N gave a wicked grin. “Mother knows best.”
As they approached the dining room, Azriel pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be right by your side.”
She beamed. “And I’ll be by yours too, with whatever you may share tonight…and forever, of course.”
As everyone arrived and gathered at the dining table, Y/N couldn’t help but admire how lovely Feyre and Rhys were together. Though she hated the situation that brought her there, that Tamlin tried to hoard her away in his manor, she couldn’t help but feel joy knowing that she was finally beginning to see the true Rhysand.
The Inner Circle kept up with the typical antics and plenty of laughter filled the space, but the conversation eventually turned more serious as everyone took turns giving Feyre insight into themselves.
Feyre looked to Y/N with curiosity. “You were under the mountain, but Azriel was not?”
Her hands shook as she prepared to share. A warmth covered them as Azriel gave a gentle squeeze, sending waves of that reassurance in abundance. She took a breath.
She began by sharing the background of her family, their deaths, that she’d sold her body to survive afterward, how she’d only been under the mountain for a year before Feyre arrived.
“You didn’t know Azriel before they took you?” Feyre asked. Not harshly, just inquisitively.
Y/N held her head high. Her story was not one to be ashamed of.
“I did not. Rhys was one of the only souls to show me kindness under the mountain. I have nymph ancestry with primarily High Fae features. Amarantha took an interest in me and….”
An unreadable expression covered Rhys’ face. This was his trauma too, but he gave a reassuring nod.
“She began taking me to her chambers. I had no choice. It was warm her bed, or face physical torture until death.”
Feyre flinched along with Rhys. Y/N recognized that they were remembering the human girl Amarantha had tortured to death just before Feyre’s arrival.
“She also, against our hopes, realized that Rhysand and I had an understanding of eachother - serve her or die. Being the lust-driven wretch that she was, she began taking us both to her chambers. There was no room for weakness in there. She wanted us just weak enough to submit to her, but we had to remain strong in every other aspect. The first time she had Rhys and I, together,” she cleared her throat, giving pause before continuing, “Rhys saved me. I began to crack, and he held my mind. I will let Rhys speak on his own trauma and the mental load he carried, but he didn’t hesitate to help me get through it. It was not the last time he had to help me through it.”
The table was completely silent. Heart-wrenching expressions filled each face at the table. Palpable rage could be felt radiating off of Amren, though her face remained straight.
Her voice began cracking. Azriel pulled her close into him. “When you saved us,” She looked to Feyre. “I don’t mean to fawn or gawk over you, but Feyre, you did save us.” Feyre gave an empathetic look, nodding to Y/N to continue. “Rhys brought me back to Velaris because he couldn’t bear for me to return to the life I was living, because this Court of Dreams is made up of individuals who have lived through terrible traumas and, despite every reason to lead bitter lives- have chosen to dream of a better world. To fight for a better world. And he knew a certain Shadowsinger and I would get on quite well. In fact, he’s been a smug bastard ever since over just how well things went between us.”
“When I met him.” She stared lovingly to Azriel who swallowed a lump in his throat. “The bond snapped between us immediately. The same day I was brought here, I met my mate.”
Instinctively she placed her hands on the swell of her abdomen. “Rhys gave Azriel leave to spend time with me, for him to help me through the aftermath of what I’d been through…”
“But two weeks after arriving back, my scent began to shift.” Mor’s brows furrowed in contemplation.
“I became very sick shortly after that. Rhys called in a healer, Madja, who confirmed that I was two and a half months pregnant.”
Cassian audibly gasped and Mor murmured “Oh my gods.”
Azriel kept his composure for the sake of his mate, but this was killing him. His brother and his mate being forced by that fucking witch. “Azriel is not the biological father of this baby. The child was conceived under the forced coupling of Rhysand and I by Amarantha.”
Feyre’s face was a mix of sadness, and rage, and sympathy.
“There were options to terminate the pregnancy. However, due to my Nymph ancestry, such options can have negative, potentially deadly effects. Aside from that, though I never planned to have a child - I couldn’t bear the thought of losing another family member. Rhys, after losing his family, felt the same, which he only expressed after I shared my feelings with him. He was completely supportive of any decision I made.” Feyre looked to Rhys and then back to Y/N, no negative judgement written on those lovely features.
Y/N looked to Azriel with a loving grin “And Azriel- he took me to a priestess that night. We both wanted to accept the bond from the moment we met, the connection was unbelievably strong, I never believed in the power of the bond until I found him. And now because he’s ever the romantic, though I see him already blushing at the mention of it, he wanted to make a vow before the Mother - a vow to love me no matter what choice I made, a vow to love the life within me as his very own child, to love and cherish us both until his last breath.”
She pulled the sleeve off of her shoulder, revealing the intricate tattoo solidifying his vow.
“And Rhys,” She gave a soft smile. “He made a bargain to love and care for this child and to recognize Azriel as its father. We will not hide the parentage from our child. And Rhys, I know, already loves them dearly, but mine and Azriel’s decisions for our baby come first and will be respected as any biological parents would.”
She’d left out the part where Azriel had gone under the mountain to investigate later on and found that Amarantha had begun supplying a fertility tonic instead of birth control to Y/N after the Calanmai that Rhys had gone to the Spring Court and seen Feyre. Though she didn’t know who Rhys saw, she likely suspected he’d developed interest in someone else and become jealous, hoping an accidental pregnancy would either create a rift in any potential relationship or, even worse, that the baby could be used as leverage against him.
The table remained silent until Rhys chimed in. “So my brother is my child’s father. I’m sure stranger things have happened.”
Despite that sadness the Inner Circle felt, Rhysand’s comment elicited smiles. Azriel gave his brother a nod of thanks for breaking the tension while affectionately caressing his mate.
Mor eased the tension further by chiming in “Y/N! You are further along than we realized which means….. we get to go shopping for our newest family member sooner!!!”
Feyre decided soon after that she would like to work with the Court of Dreams.
Because his mate was always right, Azriel was indeed the father of a beautiful little girl, clever and stubborn like her mother, and the light of his life. Her mother the sun, and she the moon.
He and Rhys had just returned from taking “Baby Azzie” who was now a toddler to get pastries along the Sidra. Azriel returned with his half-asleep daughter in his arms, who perked up upon seeing her baby brother cooing in his bassinet. “Nyxie!!” She yelled, hurrying over to the winged babe. Rhys, however, arrived with numerous shopping bags in his own arms.
Feyre, who had been lounging with her head on Y/N’s shoulder gave the two a big smile. Y/N raised an eyebrow. “All of that better be for Nyx.”
Azriel and Rhys shared a laugh before Rhys spoke. “Well, half of it is, but only because someone batted her little lashes at us repeating ‘Brother, present. Brother, present’ until we took her into what is conveniently her favorite toy store.” Az cut in, “And because my brother is getting soft in his old age” before Rhys could remind Azriel that he was, in fact, the older of the two, Az continued, “Rhys had to buy something for her for every item she picked out for Nyx.”
Y/N groaned. “Cassian literally just bought her five new toys and six new outfits on their last outing.”
The raven-haired toddler with her mother’s nose and radiant skin, Rhys’ smile, and by some gift of the Mother - had Azriel’s golden-flecked hazel eyes, toddled up to Feyre, giving her a big hug. She then turned to her mother, leaning in to whisper something, that came out as quietly as a yell. “I got something for sissy too. Daddy has it in the pocket realm.”
Y/N’s face flushed as Rhys and Feyre gaped. “So much for keeping that a secret for a little longer.”
Feyre squealed leaning in and throwing her arms around Y/N. “I thought that maybe I was getting allergies, your scent hasn’t been as strong but you were glamouring it!”
Rhys pulled Azriel into a long hug, then walked over to Y/N with a wide smile, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Azriel placed a hand on his chest as he took in the sight of his blended family. It wasn’t what he’d ever expected but, to him, it was everything.
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kasagia · 10 days
Right Hand VI
Pairing: Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!exBeneGesserit! reader Summary: You're tired of listening to others and of being afraid of prophecies that don't make sense and that were made up by someone else. Your present belonged only to you. And hell knows, you're going to take your future too. Warning: 18+; violence; blood; Feyd Rautha; death; smut; I was listening to 'Down Bad' by Taylor and I used quotes from a few of them; TEXT NOT CHECKED - I' barely managed to write it on time' I've just ended it and wanted to post it for you, since you are waiting for it so long; it took me ages but I hope you will like it; Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ Main Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ PART V ~•♤♤♤•~ Epilogue ~•♤♤♤•~
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Feyd rarely felt pain he didn't like. The years spent on Giedi Prime—or rather, years of enduring his uncle's methods of making him a true Harkonnen, his worthy successor—made Feyd love pain. He found pleasure in it—something he had to learn if he wanted to survive.
But it didn't bring him any satisfaction or pleasure when you pierced his chest with one of his swords. He feels pure pain. Anger, betrayal, and hurt.
He hates the way he falls limply to his knees in front of you. He hates that he still looks at you like you're a saint. He hates that he hopes you'll at least look him in the eyes, as if that would bring him some kind of salvation. He hates how lost he feels now and how he's slowly losing awareness of his surroundings. He hates that even though you stabbed him, all he can do is stare at you, clinging to the sight of you more than to his life.
"This will be the beginning of a wonderful alliance, Lady Y/N."
He feels you unhook your poisoned dagger from his arm. Feyd thinks you're doing it to finish him off. Poetically kill him with the weapon he gave you. He closes his eyes and waits for the final stab or throat slit. But nothing like that happens. He doesn't have the strength to turn around and see exactly what you're doing, but your words alone are enough for him to imagine the scene that is happening behind him.
"I may not be a Harkonnen, but I've picked up a few of their habits. If you want an agreement between us, show me your hand." After your words, he can hear a hiss from Atreides when you plunge the dagger into your joined hands, piercing them both through.
Feyd would have laughed mockingly if he hadn't spent all his energy on breathing slowly. He remembered explaining to you how contracts, such as arranged marriages, were sealed on Giedi Prime. The Harkonnens shook hands and pierced them with swords, thus signing a blood pact. This also applied to marriages and other such things. Blood bound them stronger than any words or signatures on paper. He cursed himself for the fact that, seeing your scared face at his words, he withdrew from this idea and decided to make a verbal agreement between you. He should be the one to bind you with his blood, not Atreides.
The steel in his body rubs against his lower ribs, but it does not damage any major organs. He tries to keep the sword in the exact same position you stuck it in, but he feels like he's going to faint from all the pain, the blood, and the fear for you that he feels now.
You made him so weak that even after you stabbed him, all he could think about was your safety and your well-being. Every shaky breath he took, every slow beat of his heart as he fought to stay conscious—it was all for you.
He just hoped like hell that you weren't lying a few moments ago, that this would all turn out to be just one of your games, and that you would soon end Atreides' life. But it's not like that.
"Let this blood be a symbol of our union." Your sweet, dangerous whisper reaches Feyd's ears.
He's raging with powerlessness and anger. That Atreides dog didn't deserve to mix his blood with yours. Only Feyd should be able to do this. Only his black blood should merge with your crimson, staining your joined hands as you swore allegiance to each other. His heart hurts more than the wound you gave him as he imagine how you and this desert rat are now echanging each other's blood.
If he hadn't been placed in such a vulnerable state by you, he would have ripped Atreides' heart out with his bare hands for daring to mix his blood with yours. A cold shiver runs down his spine at the thought of Atreides connecting with you in yet another way. A way Feyd was robbed too many times.
He tries to get up, but he doesn't have enough strength. All he can do is place his hands on the floor, trying to take the weight off his torso. The blade scratching his flesh bothers him much less than the fact that Atreides has the nerve to touch you or that you're blatantly ignoring him while playing whatever game you're playing right now.
"Leave him to me. I want… to repay him for all these years of fulfilling his wishes." The cool, composed tone of your voice that you used many times when the two of you dealt with inconvenient prisoners did nothing to inspire his hope or quench his rage.
You really betrayed him. You, of all people. How stupid and naive he was to believe you. He should have killed you the moment his eyes met yours. You were an intruder. A spy in disguise. His bittersweet end.
The door slams shut behind Atreides. Feyd hears your footsteps, the sand from your soles falling back onto the ground—the same ground where his black, thick blood is now flowing. You walk over to him; if he could focus enough, he would see the toes of your shoes.
You kneel in front of him, gently tugging on his head, causing him to rest on your shoulder. He can smell your blood dripping from your hand. You stain his head with it. Under any other circumstances, he would have appreciated how close you were to him, but now, with the sword rubbing uncomfortably against his insides, your touch doesn't bring any comfort at all. Even your lips pressed against his forehead cannot calm the volcano of emotions boiling inside him. But he is helpless. He is unable to do anything; he is completely surrendered to your grace. It wouldn't bother him a few hours ago. Now he hated it.
"I'm sorry." You whisper, then use the voice on him to tell him to fall asleep. When he drifts off to sleep at your command, he is already planning how he will take revenge on you. And hell knows you're going to pay him for it.
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"He'll be furious." One of your spies comments as she helps you carry Feyd's body out of the sietch.
Inessa was the only Harkonnen woman you could reasonably trust. She's done your dirty work many times, but... never THIS. You somewhat understood her concerns, but currently, when you both had to carry Feyd through the Fremen corridors and go unnoticed, you didn't necessarily approve of it.
"I am aware." You reply, looking around. Inessa and you somehow patched up Feyd's wound. Now you had to either drag him to the surface yourself and hope that someone would find him in the chaos of the fight or leave him with some of his soldiers.
You didn't like any of these ideas. But you had to do what you planned if you wanted to regain your freedom, even if it meant that Feyd would hate you for it for infinity.
"Fucking angry. I'm serious, Y/N." Inessa warns you again. You roll your eyes at her, for a Harkonnen she was very fearful.
You remember how her hands were shaking a few minutes ago as you both stitched up your new Baron. It was a makeshift dressing and still required treatment by a doctor, but it was enough to get Feyd to the ship and back to base. During this time, you will take care of everything here. You hope that by the time he wakes up, you will have finished what you set out to do. Otherwise, you don't see your future well.
"Just get him out of here." You grumble, turning into a side corridor, and encounter Harkonnen soldiers fighting the Fremen as they kill the last of them, their eyes shifting to the two of you. You nod at them. Without a word, they approach you and take Feyd from you. Inessa looks at you, worried.
"What if he wakes up?"
"You stuffed him with painkillers, and I ordered him to sleep. He won't get up until you're back on the ship." The woman sighs and shakes her head, looking at you intently as you speak.
"Y/N. You've had some… creatively stupid ideas, but this one is the worst of them all. He won't give up. You know it. So why are you doing this?" She asks, taking you off guard for a moment.
She was right. You could have returned to the ship with them, gone back to the safety of Giedi Prime, and let Feyd fight Paul alone. You could have let go and stopped participating in a war that wasn't yours. But at what cost? You've been obeying someone all your life. Bene Gesserit. Prophecies. Feyd. It's finally time for you to deal the cards. And you will do it. In your and Feyd's best interests. You just hoped that he could… forgive you, or see the reasoning behind your actions.
"For myself. For my freedom. For us. This is the only way to end the matter of Atreides, Fremen, and Arrakis. The only effective way."
"Don't you know it yet? You will never be free. We women will never enjoy men's freedom. There will always be someone to whom you must submit. You can't change your fate."
"Then I'd rather die trying." You say, turning on your heel. You don't look back to see her reaction to your words. You had too little time.
The burning sensation on your hand only reminded you of running out of it. The dagger that Feyd gave you must have also had an effect on Atreides. You don't know how advanced he is in Bene Gesserit teachings, so you had to hurry before he detected the poison in his body. Or, God forbid, neutralise it.
You wipe your sweating forehead with the sleeve of your hand as your body begins to fight the poison slowly accumulating in your body. The antidote rested safely in a small syringe hidden in the handle of the dagger you kept strapped to your thigh. You just had to use it when the time was right.
You hope you will get everything done before you die.
You wander through the corridors without knowing where you are. You just have a feeling in the back of your head about where you should go. Besides, the escaping Harkonnens kind of showed you the way into the sietch.
Your hands are shaking as you slowly approach the main room—the one where the Fremen usually gather for large meetings and in case of an attack. Still, you thank Feyd for forcing you to attend the Harkonenn war meetings. At least now you are more familiar with the location of the Fremen's rooms and methods.
The closer you get to the main hall, the more Fremen women push past you, and you feel a little more confident walking through the crowd with them, confident that they are leading you to your place of harm in case of an attack. Even though the Harkonnen were already retreating from the area, some of them were still fighting the Fremen, who craved the blood on their swords and didn't let them just leave. You can only imagine the Feyd's wrath that they will have to face. His men didn't come... fully armed. Apparently it was supposed to be a quick action—get in and out with you, then launch a full attack and invasion.
You know that once he wakes up and heals up a bit, he's going to paint these halls with blood before he burns them to the ground.
Entering the main room, you immediately take a seat by the wall, watching all the Fremen gathering, carefully looking for Atreides among them. He probably had to make sure they "cleared" the halls from the Harkonnens. It makes you sick to think of them bragging about this as a victory over the Harkonnens. It makes you wish you had a little bomb with you...
"Are you already hiding in the shadows?" You shiver when you hear him whisper in your ear. You haven't learned to recognise his steps yet. They were irregular, different, and hard to detect and remember—as if he were constantly moving through the sand like a feather.
"The quicker I adapt, the better, right?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at him in challenge. He shakes his head in amusement and watches the Fremen gather with you. It's strange that somehow no one has noticed him yet.
"I'm starting to understand why my cousin kept you so close to him."
"Cousin?" You ask in shock, turning your head towards him so you can look at him. This time he ignores you, not shifting his gaze from the Fremen.
"A little surprise. Maybe we all have a bit of Harkonnen in us after all?" He banters without giving you any of his attention. You snort indignantly, looking at the gathering people again.
"You look tired." You comment, wanting to tease him. You can barely keep yourself from stabbing him with your poisoned dagger a few times. But since he was talking to you so... carelessly, it meant he couldn't detect the poison. Good for you.
"I always am. I will rest when I sit peacefully on the imperial throne."
You would laugh at him if you could. He might easily sit on the emperor's throne, but he wouldn't be able to hold power over all the families for long. Certainly not if you and Feyd had anything to say about it.
Your heart clenches as you remember the moment you stabbed him. You had to. There was no other way to get rid of him long enough for you to take care of everything here. Also, he wouldn't allow you to do that if he knew what you were up to. Besides, if you didn't stab him, Atreides and he would get into a fight. Unfortunately, you weren't that confident in Feyd's abilities. He would be in a state of distraction if your well-being was at stake.
Besides, Atreides' words convinced you of this decision more than anything else.
More than one great king fell under the intrigue of a lesser man.
If there was anything you could praise about Paul Atreides, it was his cunning. And you were sure that if Atreides was somehow going to defeat Feyd, it would be through intrigue and trickery. And then you weren't ready to save your baron. So you had to use drastic measures to get him out and allow yourself to function fully. You couldn't give Atreides any leverage or advantage over you. You certainly couldn't reveal what a weakness Feyd was to you.
"Hmm… you have to survive first." You answered thoughtfully. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him turn his head to look at you. His intense, analysing gaze makes you burn as you have to endure his unwanted attention.
"With such a talented Bene Gesserit as MY right hand? I have not the slightest doubt. You proved your loyalty by killing my cousin. I have no doubt that you are capable of great things. However... this sudden change of sides is shocking, I must admit."
"Why? Because I chose something better for myself? It was the same with Feyd. I could either stay among the Bene Gesserit and hope they wouldn't send me to breed with anyone, or I could take matters into my own hands. And I don't like blindly entrusting my fate to someone else, Atreides."
"I see... you look good with independence, Harkonnen witch, but don't forget who you answer to."
"Of course, Fremen messiah." The nickname you give him makes me chuckle. He reaches up and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. You look carefully at his bandaged hand, which you pierced with a dagger.
You find yourself comparing his hands to Feyd's. Harkonnen's hands were hard, rough, trained from years of using all kinds of weapons. Atrdida's hands were smoother, less stained by effort. Another difference between them was that Feyd would never let anyone bandage the wound you gave him. He would rather wear them proudly until the wound heals itself. You should think it's sick, but years spent by his side have taught you… to appreciate such gestures. Maybe you really had a completely different perception of normality?
Atreides' fingers trace your jaw, caressing it gently. You look into his eyes and immediately see the familiar gleam of audacity in them. He looked at you like you were a prize—a nice thing that he managed to take from his enemy, which he can now put on his bedside table and look at to remember his victory. Under any other circumstances, you would have bitten his fingers off, but unfortunately, you had to behave. But only for a moment longer.
"What do you think you're doing?" An angry, cold female voice echoes behind you. Before you know it, you're being pushed sideways against the wall. A dagger at your throat. You act automatically. You attack a woman, disarm her, and push her against a wall. But before you can put a dagger at her throat yourself, Atreides steps between you.
"What's necessary, Chani. I would suggest you not attack my guest." The woman glares at him, and for a moment, you think she's going to attack him or spit on him. Then her anger shifts to you.
"This Harkonnen witch has killed more of our people than any of them. She should be dead, not taken in as a guest." She growls furiously, giving you a distrustful, mad look. You understand her perfectly. If you were in her place, you would do the same. Only Feyd, unlike Atreides, couldn't stop you from hurting your rival.
"It's not up to you to decide her fate."
Chani gives the two of you one last hateful glare and pushes past Atreides, moving into the crowd, away from the two of you. You look at the woman carefully, analysing her gait and posture. Similar to Atreides. So you found his teacher.
"Concubine." He finishes, thus answering your question. You raise an eyebrow at him in surprise.
"I see."
"Jealous?" This time, you can't help but snort in amusement, giggling at his absurd question.
"I would sonner be jealous of a sandworm than of you. What is bewteen us is just an agreement. Don't forget that, Atreides."
"That's why I like you. Give me a moment. We'll talk later. Don't go anywhere. I will find you."
He puts his hand on your shoulder. You assume he thinks it's a gesture of reassurance, but it's not for you. You anxiously wait for him to move away from you so he can speak to the crowd of Fremen.
You shiver as you briefly make eye contact with Chani, who is standing at the other end of the room. She's still seething with rage. You're not entirely sure why she's so devoted to Atreides, but after thinking about it longer, you realise what her reason is for being so protective over him. You would probably do the same things for Feyd as she did for Paul. However, you would be... more ruthless towards your rival. You wave to the woman, smirking. She looks away from you, focusing her gaze on Atreides.
You study him as well, carefully observing him as he speaks to the Fremen. He is imperious and powerful, but also arrogant and conceited. His overconfidence that he acquired among the Fremen—the belief that he was the chosen one—will lead to his death. You will lead him to death. Otherwise, no one will stand a chance against him. He had one significant thing that could ensure his victory: a huge crowd of people who blindly believed that he would bring them salvation if they obediently followed his every request.
And maybe you would feel sorry for these people and try to help them if your own freedom and future weren't on the line.
You play with the handle of your dagger. You press a small button. A small ampoule with a needle falls into your hand. You hiss, injecting the contents of the ampoule into your arm.
Atreides was right. - You think, listening carefully to the man's speech to the crowd. - More than one great king fell under the intrigue of a lesser man.
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The faint hum of the ship's engine gives Feyd a clear indication of where he is. He opens his eyes and looks around the room. He's in the bedroom of one of Harkonnen's ships. He sits up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, and looks at his bare chest. He furrows his hairless eyebrows in surprise when he sees no wound or bandage—just a tiny, sealed scar in the area where you pierced him with the sword.
"Where are you going?" Your quiet, protesting whisper makes him freeze. After a while, he feels your warm hands on his shoulders as you pull him back into the soft sheets and into your arms. You cuddle up to him, wrapping your arms around him and burying your head in the crook of his neck. "Stay. We still have a lot of time before we land on Lankiveil, so you can spend it in bed with your wife. I doubt we'll find a moment of peace for ourselves when our little Na-Baron demands swimming lessons from you and a tour around the new planet, so use this little moment of peace."
Feyd's heart skips a beat when he feels your lips brushing on the skin of his neck and hears you calling yourself his wife. He allows himself to drown in the warmth of your body and the feeling of your gentle touch on his skin. He buries his nose in your hair, shuddering slightly as you place small kisses on his neck and lick his skin, teasing him. However, one thing was still bothering him…
"Little Na-Baron?" He asks, confused, when you lazily stroke his head with your fingers, drawing patterns on its pale skin.
"Our son. I pleased you so well last night that you forgot about our son, or are you just not awake yet, darling?" You ask him teasingly, opening your eyes to look at him for the first time.
Feyd is speechless when he sees the spark of malice in your eyes and the beautiful smile you give him. Your beauty, the calmness with which you lie curled on his chest—as if it were the most normal thing you do every day—and the strange warmth that spreads across his chest because of it make him lose his ability to speak.
You giggle, pulling him closer to you and placing a tender, gentle kiss on his lips. You moan, enjoying the feeling of his plush lips, sucking on his bottom lip as you claim him as yours. Feyd feels himself starting to harden just from the feeling of your lips on his and the teasing movements of your fingers around his nipples.
"I…" He tries to speak, but then he hears the baby's soft whimpering. He tenses up, unaccustomed to any interaction with children.
His gaze goes from the cradle placed in the corner of the room to you in pure panic, as he has no idea what to do with the crying baby. But you don't seem to care about the baby crying as much as he does. You groan in protest and pull away from him, burying your face in the pillow.
"Mhm... go to her, it's your turn." You mumble, not giving him a glance, as you hug the pillow instead of him. He starts to be a little jealous, but that feeling fades away, replaced by panic as the baby's cries intensify.
"Now you're letting me go?" He asks, hoping you'll change your mind and take care of the crying demon in the cradle yourself.
"I simply found a better use for you elsewhere." He huffs, leaning towards you and ruffling your hair. You punch him in the chest and force him out of bed. He rolls his eyes at you and turns hesitantly towards the crib.
He feels his legs shaking and his heart beating with nervousness. Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen is stressed and nervous by a crying baby in a cradle. He breathes deeply as he stands over the cradle.
His world stops when his eyes meet small irises that are a similar shade of blue to his. And his heart stops when he sees a little copy of you. Your child is undoubtedly a reflection of you. She only has his eyes, but the colour of her skin and hair, the shape of her nose, mouth, and eyes are all you. Feyd's heart pounds as he stares at the small miracle before him. Suddenly, the sounds reach him again. Panicked, he takes the baby gently, making sure not to accidentally hurt her, and in a few quick steps, he is by your side again.
"I… I think it is hungry." He says, reaching out towards you to hand the baby to you as quickly as possible.
"Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, did you just call our daughter it?" You ask angrily, sitting on the bed and looking at him furious. You sigh at his helpless expression and take your daughter from him. "Forgive daddy, Katerina. He doesn't usually behave like this." You mumble sweetly to the baby, trying to calm her down.
Miraculously, because Feyd can't call it anything else, you manage to calm down the baby in your embrace, her little lips pursing in dissatisfaction as she waits for you to feed her. Feyd swears she makes the exact same face you do when you're impatient or angry. His heart melts even more at the image in front of him.
Feyd sits on the edge of the bed, watching in fascination as you feed your baby. This scene seems... unreal to him. He had never experienced anything like this before—the feelings of warmth, safety, and boundless love and devotion that appear in him when he looks at the two of you.
He may have had vague memories of his mother singing bedtime lullabies to him and Rabban, but... he had never felt the way he did with you and your daughter. He had never felt that disarming feeling of home that made him allow himself to become vulnerable for the first time in many years.
He uncertainly reaches towards the child and gently strokes his daughter's head. The colour of her hair is identical to yours. Feyd's lips form involuntarily in a smile when the child reaches her little hand to his fingers, tightening his fist firmly. As she gently moves his hand away from her head, she does not let her grip on his fingers loosen. She was strong for a baby. She certainly had a warrior nature inherited from both of you. Feyd couldn't wait to train her...
He found himself thinking that all he wanted was to curl up in this bed with you and hold you safely in his arms before he would be brutally torn from this beautiful dream or vision.
He sits on the bed, looking at the two of you, when suddenly the bedroom door opens. The thud of small feet on the metal floor echoes around the room, and that's all the warning Feyd gets before the little white-haired boy lunges at him.
"Dad! Dad! We'll be there soon! I can't wait. Uncle Rabban told me that there are huge oceans that can swallow our ships if we land wrong! Is it true?" Asks the child, sitting on his lap and holding him tightly.
Feyd hesitantly wraps his arms around the boy, making sure he doesn't accidentally fall from his lap to the floor. His gaze quickly shifts to you in utter confusion. Rabban as a caring, mischievous uncle? What the hell was that supposed to be?
"Your uncle has a habit of distorting some facts, Feydor. I assure you we'll be fine. And Lankiveil is wonderful, isn't it, honey?" You ask Feyd, resting Katerina on your shoulder and making sure she burps.
"Yes. It is beautiful." He says, unconsciously running a hand through his son's hair as he looks at the three of you, unable to get over the shock and awe.
"I want a hug." Your son demands. You laugh as you pull him closer to you. When you see that Feyd isn't moving to join you all, you grab his hand and gently guide him back to the soft pillows. You lie there curled up, you with Katerina on your chest, Feydor between you and him as you wrap your arms around each other.
His son mutters something to his sister, but Feyd doesn't hear him. All he can do is stare at the three of you in amazement.
"Now sleep. Both of you. I don't want to hear any grumpy complaints about not getting enough sleep, okay, my boys?"
'It only happened once." Feydor mumbles, manoeuvring your and Feyd's hands to hug him tightly. "Besides, Dad was whining worse than me."
"I have no doubt that was the case. Your dad is a terribly fussy and grumpy man." You laugh and lean in to place a quick kiss on Feyd's lips. He strokes your waist, moving closer to you and your son as baby Katerina mumbles something in a language only she knows.
Feyd can only watch tenderly as his little family falls asleep, curled up in each other's arms. And he believes that this is the best possible future that can await him. He doesn't want the throne. He doesn't want to become emperor. He just wants to be able to fall asleep and wake up with you in his arms and your children running around. It's all he dreams about.
The younger Feyd would certainly laugh at him and mock him for such a trivial goal he had set for himself, but what more could he want with the title of baron and you by his side?
He saw perfectly well how the lives of his uncle and emperor turned out and knew the tragic fate of great people in power who decided to devote their entire lives to achieving the greatest possible influence. Feyd didn't want to follow in their footsteps. He wanted you. He realised, with horror, that this was enough for him—the vision or dream he had now was his ideal future.
"I love you." He whispers to your sleeping form before the darkness overwhelms him again.
He wakes up again on the ship, in the same room, and on the same bed. The difference is that your warm body is not pressed against his, and the throbbing pain from his stomach spreads uncomfortably throughout his body.
He groans, sitting on the bed and looking around. His hairless eyebrows wrinkle when he sees one of your spies with him. He automatically grabs the hidden knife and attacks your spy before she notices that he woke up.
"My Lord Baron, I can explain…" The woman says this as he presses the blade against her chest. She stops talking when he cuts off her access to the air by tightening his grip on her neck.
"Where is my right hand?" He growls, sticking to the remains of his control when he refrains from killing her. However, he does not stop himself from making a light cut on your spy's neck. Years of experience have proved that people were more willing to talk after he took some blood from them.
"It really wasn't my idea. She decided so. She knew that you would not let her do what she was planning, so she had to somehow... get rid of you from there, my lord Baron."
"Hm... that sounds like her, but... I would like to hear more about that plan of her. Say something useful and I might even spare your life." Feyd purrs, lazily dragging the blade down her neck to her collarbone, making a small cut.
He preferred not to hurt your toy too much. He didn't know how you would react to the loss of this particular spy. She must have been someone you trusted to entrust him to her.
But that didn't mean that Feyd couldn't land his anger at you on her for leaving him behind and completely unaware of your actions.
"Long ago, the Bene Gesserit had only one reverend mother. Their order was small then, but it was developing well. A certain ritual was invented to ensure that the most powerful of them was in power. It… is about the struggle of life forces. I don't know exactly how it's done, but… lady Y/N said that they both have to die for one of them to survive. She… she knew you wouldn't let her, so she had to make you leave that rat's nest so she could get the job done." A cold shiver runs down Feyd's spine. He needs a moment to compose himself and process your spy's words before he speaks again.
"They both have to die? What do you mean?" He asks, unconsciously tightening his already painful grip on the woman. His hand, the one holding the dagger, trembles slightly as he impatiently stares at her, waiting for an answer.
"I... they have to... they... their hearts stop beating and... the one who is stronger and has more life energy takes over the other's powers and survives."
"So... she may lose and die?" Fed sees your spy swallowing heavily after hearing his question. Thanks to this, he already knows the answer to it.
Strangely, instead of the huge, red fury and bloodlust, everything he feels is fear. Since he arrived at Giedi Prime, he has never felt fear. His uncle made sure that this emotion did not prevent him from reaching the ideal that his uncle demanded from Feyd. But at this point, when the vision of your dead body appears before his eyes, Feyd feels almost paralysed by fear of your life.
"There is... a little possibilty, my lord Baron."
This information is enough for him to make a decision. He stabs your spy in the stomach and allows her to sit on a bed. He reaches the exit in a few steps and opens the door with a bang. A doctor and two soldiers are waiting in the corridor. They look at him with fear in their eyes when he comes out, covered in blood. Before they can speak and probably inform him about his state of health, Fed is already growling at them and giving orders.
"Heal her and bandage her. She was only fulfilling my fiancee's orders." Fed tells the doctor. He is pleased with the surprise he sees on your spy's face. He intends to enjoy informing everyone about his 'engagement' with you. If you could have your plans, he could have some of his too. "Tell the pilot to turn back. And call more ours. We will burn these rats' nests to the ground."
With this promise, he leaves the room, ignoring the pain in his trunk. He must have found you before Fremen left with you for another hideout. He had to be fast and precise if he wanted to have you safe by his side. Maybe he should also ask the doctor for a sedative. Just in case you were stubborn enough to fight him instead of cooperating with him.
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"What do you think?" Atreides' question catches you off guard for a moment. You stop watching the Fremen as they prepare to leave the sietch and shift your gaze to Atreides, raising an eyebrow in question. "About them. About my speech there."
"Are you looking for praise?" You mock, taking a closer look at what exactly he's putting into his bundle.
"I'm looking for a second opinion. Objective. Analytical and thorough." He replies, tying the fabric as he waits for your response.
"They will do whatever you want. Isn't that enough for you?" You ask, licking your lips as you choose your words carefully. You can see beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Paul wipes them away with his hand, not yet aware of the poison that courses through his veins.
You wanted to make sure as much as you could that when the moment came to defeat him and take his life force, there would be no shadow of a doubt that you would emerge victorious from the duel between you. After he went through the Reverend Mothers ceremony, you could try to perform the old ritual of reclaiming power between you two. This hasn't been done for centuries. So you hoped that everything you remembered from the old scrolls was true and that Atreides wouldn't surprise you with anything.
Even if he was a Kwisatz Haderach, you're still going to defeat him. No one and nothing will decide your fate.
"For now, yes. But in the future, I will need their full devotion. After all, I won't be the one to rule them on Arrakis." You raise your eyebrows questioningly, curious as to what his big plan for the future might be.
"Who do you want to entrust them to?"
Silence falls between you as you both look at each other intently. You know he's judging you, wondering how much he can tell you and how much he can hide from you. And you have to be convincing enough to gain even a little bit of trust from him. You know that stabbing Feyd helped you a lot with that. No matter how much it hurt you to do it.
"To be honest, you have the best skills to serve as Governor of Arrakis. The only question is, will you be equally faithful to me?"
"Me? Why?"
"They're already afraid of you. Besides, I saw your power—you're quite a powerful Bene Gesserit. Even if you don't like being called that, you can't cheat or change your destiny, no matter what."
"But... it is not all about power and fate, though is it?" You ask, slowly approaching him. "It is... something more there. Much more than we know." You whisper, looking at him with your most captivating gaze. Feyd would have killed him and tortured you if he saw you flirting with someone else... but luckily he wasn't here. And you had to somehow lower Atreides' guard.
"Indeed." He mumbles back and takes a step towards you. His fingers gently caress your jaw, tracing it until his fingertips brush against your lips. "My mother told me legends about the birth of the most powerful of the Bene Gesserit. A woman who could bring thousands to their knees with a wave of her finger, tamed the most bloodthirsty of all beasts. Stilgar... has suspicions that you may be the mother of the one, the one to come. Of course, this conflicts with his perception of me as the chosen one."
He spoke the truth. You were the most powerful of the Bene Gesserit. But not because you were born according to their program. You simply had potential, and they had way too much time and no obstacles to train you differently. You were supposed to be their perfect pawn in their game, to provide them with the Kwisatz Haderach. And now… you will kill the one who was supposed to be him.
"Even so, you don't lose power. They still listen to you. More than anyone else." You say, shifting your gaze from his eyes to his lips. He licks them, holding your jaw tightly as he leans slightly towards you.
"I may be my father's son, but I'm not going to make the same mistakes. You know, it is much safer to be feared than loved because... love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails."
"The prince Machiavelli." You say, knowing a quote from the book. You're a little surprised that he would read something like that. He also seems amazed that you know what book he took these words from.
"Indeed. Hmm... Maybe you're not that cruel and bloodthirsty Harkonnen witch people think you are. After all, you're a bit educated." Under any other circumstances, you would have kicked him in... his tender place for this. But now you have to smile sweetly, comforting yourself only with the thought that he will soon die at your hands.
"Believe me, Atreides. I am everything they talk about and more." You mumble before leaning in to connect your lips in a kiss.
Kissing him is… different from kissing Feyd. Less intense, less hot, and less passionate. With him, you don't feel that familiar thrill of excitement you feel every time Feyd literally devours you. This kiss is... too polite. There's not an ounce of desire in him, at least not on your part. You try to be persuasive, though, caressing his lips, but it's not the same plush softness of Feyd's lips. Your mind refuses to be fooled, and you realise with horror how deeply your new Baron has managed to get under your skin when you haven't been able to enjoy the kiss of any other man.
Atreides reaches for your hips, pulling you closer to him as he deepens the kiss, moaning into your mouth. At least he was the only one having fun out of the two of you. You place your hands on his shoulders, slowly pulling your hidden dagger from your sleeve as you let the man kiss you and explore your body with his hands.
You almost sigh with relief when his lips finally leave yours. He moves to kiss your neck, and you decide that this is the moment to start the ritual.
"Stay still. Don't move or speak." You use the voice on him. He stiffens in an instant, his eyes widening slightly as the steel of your poisoned blade presses against his neck. "You were right. It's better to make them afraid of you than to love you."
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him grab his hidden knife. But before he can stab you, you place your hands on his temples and recite the old formula, beginning the ritual. You feel yourself slowly starting to lose strength. You both kneel to the floor, life draining from the two of you.
It has begun. - you think as darkness takes over you.
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This... is different from what you expected. Nowhere is it written what happens after the connection between the brains of the Bene Gesserit combatants is made. Or what kind of test are the two of you being put through to find out which one of you is stronger. You thought you and Atreides would stand in some imaginary arena and fight until one of you killed the other.
At least you would prefer this to the burning pain that overwhelmed you. You feel like you're immersed in pure, wild fire. All your nerves were burning. You felt your body, but at the same time, you were far from it. And all you could see and hear was blackness, screams, whispers, and songs in a language foreign to you. You feel like you've gone mad. Any pain you've felt doesn't compare to what you're going through right now.
You feel every cell in your body tear apart, and at the same time you remain in a void, unaware of anything except the feeling of pain.
But you endure it.
And suddenly, everything disappears. For a moment, you feel or hear nothing. It's just you and your consciousness as you anxiously await the turn of events.
Then various images begin to appear before your eyes—visions of the future and the past. You see every possible course of events that could occur and every single scenario that may happen. In some visions, both you and Feyd die; in others, it's just him or you; and in others, you both live to old age together. One element is constant. Only one. And you shudder every time you see the familiar figure of your future son ascending the throne as the Emperor and taking care of the entire world, restoring balance and peace.
All of Atreides' power has passed onto you. You knew everything. All possible futures. And they scared you more than you thought they would. And you feel completely different than you thought you would...
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After some time and tens of thousands of visions, you return to your body. You begin to feel everything around you—the soft sheets beneath you, the softness of the pillow beneath your head, and the quiet beeping of the machines keeping you alive.
You struggle to open your eyes, hissing as the light hits your eyes. You look around, expecting to find a familiar hospital room, but instead you find yourself in Feyd's chambers. On fucking Giedi Prime.
"Welcome among the living." Feyd's hoarse voice reaches your ears. You turn your head towards him—too quickly, making you feel a little dizzy—but you open your mouth to speak anyway.
You have a terrible coughing fit, and your throat is drier than it has ever been on Arrakis. As you curl up on Feyd's bed, coughing up your lungs, you see him quickly fill a glass of water from the corner of your eye. He sits next to you, pulling you against his chest. You lean your back against him and drink the water greedily.
Feyd gently strokes your back, watching carefully as you drink the water. His gaze is watchful and attentive as he makes sure you drink the last drop from your glass.
When you finish, he takes your glass and walks over to the table to set it down. A cold shiver runs through you as you feel the absence of his presence. You remember how the last time you saw him, he was unconscious and injured. Because of you.
"I was more expecting to be chained to a wall in a prison cell. Or to have your harpies hovering over me and waiting for you to cut me up for them." You say jokingly, teasing him. But he doesn't laugh. You see him tense at your words before he slowly turns to face you.
"I had such an idea in my mind a month ago, when I found you pale as death in the arms of the equally dead Atreides. But I guess enough time has passed for me to get over it… or I just killed enough Fremen and doctors and Bene Gesserit women who couldn't bring you back to calm myself down."
"Month?" You ask, swallowing thickly as you bravely endure his stern glare.
"Mhmm… a month, two weeks and five days to be precise. This whole time, you were either losing your pulse or screaming until your throat was torn. Also, you had a fever that we barely managed to break down, and you were pronounced dead a few times, but who cares, right?" He asks casually, but you can clearly see the rage bubbling inside him despite his obvious concern for you.
"Oh… that's… a while."
"A little bit more than a while." He growls at you, playing with his dagger—the exact same one he gave you. You shudder as you see how much the blade has bent from the blood of the people you used it on.
"What about Atreides?" You ask, confused, wondering if it was really a good idea to bring this up now. Especially since he is playing with a poisoned dagger in his hands. And you used up the antidote to it (apparently) a month ago.
"I have his head. Do you want it on a silver platter, or should I just frame his tongue and hang it on the wall? Maybe right next to yours for being a liar and a traitor?" He asks furiously. But that's not what scares you the most. He's calm. Too calm and composed. And this was often how his anger manifested itself before he killed his victims.
"I... you know perfectly well that I had to do it. If I had done it differently, his... skills would have been lost. And I... now I see everything. I can prevent everything, I can make everything fine. Isn't that a big advantage for you? Have an oracle next to you?" You ask, slightly nervous about what he's going to do next.
"Depends on what this oracle wants to show me and what it doesn't want to show me. But since you know everything and the entire future, you probably know what I will do now." He says and heads towards the exit.
Your heart clenches, and you feel an inexplicable panic as you see him walk away from you. You can't stand how cold he was towards you. You have to do something. You can't just let him go.
"Feyd." You call after him and get out of bed to follow him. When you're on your legs, you lose your balance, and you would have fallen to the floor if Feyd hadn't caught you in his arms.
You dig your fingers into his shoulders, holding onto him as you breathe quickly. You look at each other for a moment, allowing yourself to immerse yourself in the closeness of the other one.
Feyd places his hand under your knees and picks you up in bridal style. He puts you on his bed again and pulls away to leave. You grab his elbow tightly and hold on, forcing him to stay by your side as you give him a desperate, pleading look for him not to leave you.
Feyd sighs, sitting next to you on the bed. He leans towards you and rests his forehead against yours. He closes his eyes, brushing his nose against yours. And you feel really calm for the first time in years.
"You have no idea... I have killed men for smaller things than that. The only reason you're still alive... is because I prefer to destroy you myself. Without the help of any sick rituals or poison. You'll be begging me to kill you, little witch. I'll make you go through the same damn pain you put me through. You'll be begging me to stop making you scream. Oh, and I'll make you scream much louder than becasue of this stupid ancient ritual."
You know he's mad at you. And he has every right to do so. But you can't take his words seriously. Not when you have irrefutable proof of the depth of his feelings for you. As he said, he killed for less. If he wanted to, he would have gotten rid of you or hurt you by now. But he didn't.
"I'll happily scream because of you, my Baron." You reply, placing your hands on his cheeks. You stroke his cheekbones with your thumbs, trying to memorise every little bit of his skin.
"I… I'm serious." He growls at you. He places his hand on your neck and squeezes it gently. You smile and press a kiss just near the corner of his mouth.
"Me too. Do it. Show me how loud you want me to scream for you." You challenge him, placing small kisses on his face.
"Y/N... I should have killed you ages ago, woman. You poisoned my mind, you stabbed me with a sword, you left me alone to deal with the mess you made, you forced me to worry about you while you slowly died in front of me day by day, and I couldn't do any-fucking-thing. So tell me, how can I get past this? Why is it that all I want to do is fuck you until I feel like you're really alive and around me?"
You bite your lip, trying not to moan at his words. You lick your lips and lean towards him, kissing him. He moans into your mouth and tries to pull away from you, but you grab his neck and pull him towards you. Your heart speeds up as your lips caress his as you give all of yourself to him in that kiss.
You gently massage his scalp and lie down on the pillows. You pull him with you as he starts to kiss you back. You moan into his mouth, wrapping your legs around his hips. He pulls away from you with a growl and presses his forehead against yours, trying to calm down for your sake. After all, you had just woken up... too bad his cock wasn't as sympathetic to you as you rubbed against him.
"I… my mother was a Harkonnen, you know? Maybe that's why I was so drawn to you. Like calls to like or something like that." You gasp, remembering the memory you saw. Feyd furrows his hairless eyebrows in surprise. A shiver runs across his skin, realising the power you've taken from Atreides.
"What else do you know?" He asks, caressing your cheek. You turn your head and press a kiss on the palm of his hand. You surprise him even more, but he's not going to protest when you show him affection. This was very rare in his life, and the fact that this small, voluntary gesture of adoration was coming from you made him even harder.
"That I don't want to lose you for some visions that may or may not happen. That you love me and that these months have been torture for you. That you hated me as much as you needed me to come back to you. That I… only want to think about us. I only care about our future, and I'm willing to watch this world burn if it means I can hold your hand until the end. with no fear that fate will make us hate each other. That I want you to be the only prophecy I care about."
"What about your escape from fate? You never wanted… to be part of this Kwisatz Haderach thing. Will you run away from me when you see that the path we are following leads inevitably to what you were so afraid of?"
His doubts are absolutely right. But that doesn't change the fact that you need him close to you right now. That you need his reassurance that everything will be fine, not his resentment. And you know it was wrong of you to demand from him things like that, but... nothing about your relationship was healthy anyway.
"Fuck it if I can't have us. Fuck it if I can't have you." You say and pull him in for another kiss. He moans in shock into your mouth but quickly responds to you with equal passion. You gasp as he grabs your waist tightly and lifts you up, making you sit on his lap.
"You said you love me." He gasps as he slowly removes your nightgown that he dressed you in himself.
"I did... I also stab you." You say as your hands reach up to start undressing him as well.
"You did. And you killed Atreides." He purrs against your jaw, placing kisses and hickeys there.
"I did." You groan, your hands shaking as you try to get rid of his clothes as quickly as possible.
"You handed me over to our people."
"I did. You are quite heavy." You giggle as he blows on your neck, tickling you, before sinking his teeth into it. You dig your fingers into his back, pulling him close to you.
"Why did you do this?" He asks, pulling away from you to look at you carefully, gauging your reaction, making sure you were always on his side, and doing everything for your mutual good. For his good.
"Because I decide about my fate. Not Bene Gesserit, not any Atreides, not you or anyone. Only me. And I want you. And love you. And need you. But only as my equal... and if you will have me."
"I won't let you go anymore." He warns, laying you down on the bed and towering over you.
"I will never want to leave." You promise, looking into his icy blue eyes and stroking the scar on his lower stomach—from the wound you gave him.
"Say it again."
"Good?" You ask teasingly, pressing kisses to his neck and giving him a few hickeys, marking him as yours with more than just his scars.
"No. You know what."
"I love you."
"About damn time." He growls, devouring your mouth. You moan as he bites into your lower lip. You both don't hold back anymore. Feyd marks you like a map, as if he wanted to memorise all the sensitive places that made you moan and writhe in pleasure, pressing into his muscled body.
You forget for a moment the whole world, everything you've done for him, everything you both should have discussed—all you can think about is Feyd. About wanting to be closer to him, about needing him as desperately as he needs you. So how can Feyd resist you when you're so willing to take him in? When he had dreamed of this moment for years? When can he finally satisfy his desire for your body?
He trails his kisses lower, gently taking your nipple into his mouth and cupping your other breast, massaging it. You moan, scratching his scalp, throwing your head back against the pillows, and grinding your hips against his.
You're both starting to get annoyed by the underwear that's preventing you from clinging to each other the way you want. Feyd rips your panties off of you, wasting no time in pushing his fingers into you. You whine, thrashing around on the bed, wanting more and yet too sensitive for anything else. You open your eyes and gasp at the sight of his full, erect length rubbing against your thigh. Feyd pinches your nipple, making you moan and shifting your gaze to him.
"Eyes on me, little witch."
"But... ach!" You moan as his fingers speed up inside you, tears forming in your eyes as your hips move in time with the rhythm of his fingers as you chase your orgasm.
"Listen to your Baron. Eyes on me." He pauses to slap your pussy. You moan, biting your lower lip. "And don't hold back any sounds. Or I'll punish you like I should have since you woke up."
It's very hard to keep your eyes open for him. Especially when his fingers massage your clit so perfectly and fill you up. You reach your hand to his hard cock on your thigh and rub it gently.
He growls, kissing you hard and punishingly, as you try to speed things up and make him lunge at you in a frenzy of lust, when he wants to tease your pussy and punish you accordingly first.
For a month he waited by your bedside, bravely holding you through the stages of your screams and high fevers, making sure you were alive, breathing, and your heart was beating in a rhythm he had memorized. He deserves to have some fun with you...
"Feyd... please..." Your moans, the kisses you place on his jaw, and the way your fingers caress the scar on his muscled stomach—the one you gave him yourself—make him lose his restraint, which was already frail and weak. At least that's how he explains his desire to immediately fulfill your wish.
His arms wrap around you tightly as he gently pushes into you, making sure his entire alabaster length will fit inside you. He stops, cursing in his tongue and resting his forehead against yours as he gives you a moment to adjust to his length. Finally. He finally feels you all around him. And you're tighter than he dreamed.
"Damn… you little witch…"
"I know..." You gasp, wrapping your arms around him, and kiss him hungrily, basking in the feeling of fullness as his length perfectly fills the void inside you. It's warm. It's nice to feel him so close to you. It's nice to be with him. You moan as he starts to move slowly, testing how far he can go.
Feyd growls, picking up his pace when you don't protest, his hips bucking wildly against yours, and you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer.
He grips one of your hips and cups your cheek with the other, making sure your eyes are focused on him. He kisses away the tears streaming down your cheek, licking them off your face. He kisses you fervently and hungrily, catching every moan and grunt you make as his hips grind against yours. A wet sound echoes through the room, occasionally interrupted by a moan from either of you as you finally come together in the most primal, animalistic way, demanding each other.
"Mine. Only mine." Feyd growls into your neck; his thrusts are faster and more precise, making you bite your lip to hold back your moans, but he doesn't let you do it for long. He wants to feel and hear all of you. He wants to revel in his victory. That's why he kisses you, biting your buttom lip to the blood. He pulls away and leans his forehead on yours as he listens to the little sounds you make as he fucks the brain out of you. "Can you feel how deep I am? How well am I filling you? You will be a beautiful Baroness. Fuck. My future wife. The mother of my children." He moans in your ear. You don't answer; you take ragged breaths, listening to the squelch of your joined bodies echoing around his chambers.
"You were meant for me. Just like I was for you. I will never let you escape again, I will never again let you out of my sight for more than a second, I will never again let you fight against the world and fate alone. We are the two sides of the same coin... WE. ARE. UNITY." He growls, making one last few hard pushes into you, making you both cum. He captures your lips in a kiss, muffling both of your screams as you fall apart around him, feeling his warm seed flood your womb.
You shake, wrapping your arms around him tightly, trusting him to hold the weight of both of you as you see nothing but white light in your orgasmic haze. You can't feel your legs, but you know you're still clenching them tightly around him. Your mind is empty; you feel amazing, electric bliss.
And for that moment you knew what cosmic love really meant. And you would fight with anyone to be able to experience it whenever you wanted.
"I love you." Feyd whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple and tightening his grip around you.
He slowly pulls out of you and collapses next to you, still holding you in the iron grip of his arms. You lazily snuggle into him and trace the scar you gave him with the fingertip of your finger. Guilt grows within you, and for a moment, you think that he purposely allowed this scar to remind you of what you did.
You decide to talk to him about everything tomorrow. It was just the two of you for now, and you were going to enjoy this as long as you could. You place your head into the crook of his neck and take his hand in yours. You tangle his other hand in your hair and snuggle into him, sighing as you feel his touch, warmth, and scent around you.
You both fall asleep cuddled together. And for a moment, you allow yourself to be in bliss of his touch and closeness, not worrying about any politics or issues that you should discuss instead of... giving in to something you have wanted for a long time.
From now on, you decide your fate.
Only you and Feyd.
That's why you make sure that your first child will be a daughter.
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Taglist: (I REALLLLY hope that everyone who wanted to be here is here...😅 I;m sorry if I missed someone <3) @skymoonandstardust @prettybubblesintheair @thegabbyh @himesuedi @wo-ming-bai @beebeechaos @mamawiggers1980 @moonsoulk @avidreader73 @heartarianagran @dreamlandcreations @ancientbeing10 @lovereadingfanfic @jeansjoie @workof-a-rr-t @aixicl @ladyredstar1991 @evangelineimagine @hobobobo-fett56 @happyant3 @marsflys @aaaaaamond @kamcrazy123 @k1swass @yum-yahgurt @tyns13 @oh-you-mean-me @menari @tyns13 @vaf24 @dacreshoney @emrennoll-blog @tian-monique @slightlypossessed @celestialadrift @lauramooij05 @flaps200 @chixnugg22 @aaaaaamond @marvelfangirl04 @sw33tsnow @emeraldsgirl @imyourbubblegumpop @tempt-ress @harkonnin @k1swass @alana4610 @cloudroomblog @lotus-888 @lowlyloved @spoolsofgreenspoolsofblack @w3ird11 @kythefangirl25 @hobobobo-fett56 @nj452896 @oneandonlybbygrl @noirecatt @iloved1lfs0 @mamawiggers1980 @lololfixu @barnes70stark @obsessedvibee @aaaaaamond @workof-a-rr-t  @oneandonlybbygrl @alexa4040 @lowlyloved @toertchen @em-100 @caintheking @justarandomflowerchildofthenight @hrtifyeren
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munson-blurbs · 5 months
Tui request?? Eddie gains a little weight after the baby is born and Ms heart looks amazing post baby and Eddie becomes sort of self conscious and Mrs sweet heart shows Eddie how much she loves his dad bod
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Summary: When Eddie starts feeling insecure about his newfound dad bod, you make sure to prove how sexy you think he is.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! receiving), p in v, breeding kink, Reader breastfeeds (no lactation kink), mention of weight gain and a "junk food diet"
WC: 1.7k
A/N: Thank you to @jo-harrington for helping me with the pacing and to @corroded-hellfire for help with the dialogue!
Eddie Munson thought you were stunning the night you met at the Hideout. On your wedding day, he surmised that he was marrying the prettiest woman in the world. And when you got pregnant with Hendrix—especially once your bump became more prominent—he’d sworn up and down that you couldn’t possibly get more beautiful if you tried. 
That statement, of course, is easily refuted by his current sight of you with six-month-old Hendrix nestled into your chest. You gently move the rocking chair back and forth as the baby drinks from your breast, your shirt hiked up so he can easily latch onto your nipple. You wince slightly as he suckles, though it isn’t nearly as painful as when you’d first begun nursing him. 
“He’s getting so chunky,” you muse, running your finger over the roll that’s formed on his little wrist. You look at your husband to gauge his reaction, your smile fading when you see his distant expression. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
You sigh, carefully adjusting your position to sit forward a bit. Hendrix is unfazed, too focused on his lunch. “Tell me the truth. You know I always find out, anyway.”
“You’re right,” Eddie agrees with a small laugh. There’s no sense in trying to hide it, not when you can read him like a book. “Guess, um, guess I’ve just been noticing that Hendrix isn’t the only one putting on weight lately.” He looks down at his stomach guiltily.
A delicate frown tugs your lips downward; you notice for the first time that he’s wearing a jacket despite the warm May weather. “So? You’re adjusting to being a father of two. Instead of both of us taking care of only Harris, we now need man-to-man coverage.”
“Yeah, but you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” he protests. Your pregnancy glow has carried over to a new-mom glow, despite the exhaustion. Christ, you even make sleep deprivation look good. “And you’re the one who had the baby.”
“Eds,” you say softly, the weight of his statement heavy on your shoulders, “you spent my entire pregnancy and this post-partum hell reassuring me that you loved every version of my body. Why wouldn’t I feel the same way about yours?” Hendrix has stopped eating, so you fix your shirt and prop him up to burp him.
He shrugs, cheek pinched between his teeth to stifle emotion. “I dunno, I just…” he exhales long and loud as he searches for the right phrasing. “Your body made life; mine made the decision to eat chicken nuggets and mac ‘n cheese off of Harris’s plate instead of vegetables.”
You offer a hint of a smile at his humor, though his words are laced with true insecurity. “Let me put this little man down for his nap and show you just how incredible that body of yours is.” There’s a mischievous glint in your eyes when you stand, the baby satiated and ready for his midday sleep. Harris is at Charlie’s house for a playdate, which means you and Eddie essentially have the afternoon to yourselves.
Hendrix’s milk-drunk state has him falling asleep quickly, and you take Eddie’s hand and lead him to the bedroom. As soon as the door shuts, your arms are draped over his shoulders, and you press your torso to his. You give his earlobe a little nibble before bringing your lips to his neck.
“You know what I see when I look at you?” you start, letting your hands rest on his biceps. “I see the arms that carry our boys to bed every night.” You leave a delicate kiss on the spot you just mentioned before gently pulling off his shirt. “And your chest is perfect for any of us to rest on.” Another kiss, this one received with a shiver. 
He shakes his head. “‘S not how I used to look,” he responds guiltily. “When I was younger, I lived off of Doritos and Mountain Dew–didn’t gain an ounce. Guess it’s catching up to me now,” he grimaces, giving his belly a little pinch.
You intercept the motion, gently pushing his hands from his stomach. “Did I know I love this tummy most of all?” When he cocks a disbelieving brow, you smile and elaborate. “It reminds me that you don’t have to settle for a junk food diet anymore. We’ve created a little home with safety, love, and delicious food. I mean, you could do some sit-ups, I guess, but…” you shrug, scrunching your nose as you say the words, “I kinda like having a little something extra to hold onto.”
“Really?” He still doesn’t allow himself to fully accept this truth, so you try another method.
“Really,” you affirm, pulling him in for another deep kiss. “I need you,” you growl, your core already flooded with need at the prospect of worshiping him. “Need you so bad.” 
Eddie moans under his breath when you suck a bruise just above his collarbone. His hands grip your hips to tug you even closer, and you can feel him stiffen in his jeans. With a knowing grin, you drop to your knees and leave a hickey right next to his navel. 
“You are,” you mumble against his skin, fingers coaxing open his pants button, “ridiculously sexy. ‘S not fair.” You unzip him, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. His erection stands at attention, and you intend to show him plenty of it; but you have one last item on your agenda. “Eds, this ass? God, I could bite it all day.” You giggle as you lean around to sink your teeth into the meat of it, and he yelps in surprise. “Only want you, Eddie,” you say, now looking up into his eyes. “Only ever wanna make you feel good.” 
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie groans, throwing his head back as you flatten your tongue and lick the underside of his shaft. “Thassit; take your time, Sweetheart.”
You take the tip between your lips, swiping at the pre-cum already dripping from it. Slowly, you allow more and more of him in your mouth until your nose brushes his pubic hair. 
“Mhm. Kee-Keep going, mmf, little faster now.” 
You eagerly oblige, swirling your tongue in that way that drives him wild; sure enough, you feel his thigh twitch next to your cheek. You assumed he would finish in your mouth, and you look up at him in confusion when he pulls out of it. 
“I gotta…fuck…gotta be inside that tight pussy of yours.” He grabs himself at the base, eyes begging for you to let him in. 
You shed your clothes and toss them in a heap on the floor, walking towards him and pushing him onto the bed. He grins when you straddle his waist and kiss his lips hungrily. 
“Gonna take care of you tonight, Eds,” you coo, grinding your wet center over the ridges of his cock. “You always make me feel amazing, honey. I wanna return the favor.”
Eddie nods, adjusting his hard-on so you can sink onto it, enveloping him in your warmth. He stretches you perfectly, and you let him know with a pleased moan. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses, nails digging into the flesh of your ass. “I’ll never get tired of that feeling.”
“Good,” you smirk, letting him bottom out before you begin moving again. His grip stabilizes you enough to ride him, rolling your hips teasingly. Your lips are beckoned by his chest tattoo, and you plant kisses all over it. “Mine.” You claim him with that one word, and he gives himself to you fully.
You sit back up to bounce on him, his hands reaching for your breasts and gently cupping them. A whine emanates from your throat as he thrusts up into you with more rigor.
“Kiss me?” he pleads, lifting one hand to clasp around the back of your head, bringing your face closer to his. There’s no need to ask twice; you lean in and kiss him passionately, 
As much as you want to take the lead, you can’t deny how incredible it feels when he thrusts upwards. You whine pathetically as he drives his cock deeper within you. 
“Take it so well, Sweetheart,” he grunts, pinning down your thighs. “Got me tempted to knock you up all over again.”
His words have you clenching around him, your breaths shallow. You brace yourself on his chest, moaning out his name. 
“Eddie, your body,” you whimper, unable to complete the sentence. Your mind is too focused on your building orgasm. 
“What about it, honey?”
You take as much of a breath as you can. “Your body makes me feel so fucking good.”
“Prove it,” he growls. “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
Pleasure washes over you, his length brushing against your sweet spot and driving you over the edge. “I-I’m cumming—”
“Mmf, m-me, too—fuck!” Eddie’s eyes roll as he finishes, pumping you full of his release. He pounds into you, draining himself completely. 
You lay on top of him until he whispers in your ear, “Sweetheart? I gotta pull out.” Sure enough, he’s gone completely soft, absolutely spent. 
All you can manage is an mmh, pouting when he withdraws. Eddie laughs kindly and kisses you, one hand cupping your cheek. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best wife in the world?” he asks, nose gently nudging yours. “Not just because of all that—which was phenomenal, by the way. Five stars.” You swat at him and he laughs harder. “I feel so…safe when I’m with you.”
Your lips ghost the tip of his nose. “You are safe with me,” you remind him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he says, holding you as close as he can. He pauses for a beat before speaking again. “Can I ask you something?”
Eddie clears his throat. “That thing about liking when there’s something to, um, ‘hold onto,’” he starts, cheeks filling in pink, “did you mean that?”
It’s your turn to kiss him passionately, lips parted, tongue grazing his. You roll your hips again, fingertips brushing the soft side of his torso. It reignites the fire within him; his cock twitches slightly. 
“Does that answer your question?”
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fiction-is-life · 1 year
Calling Out to You
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Summary: You reconnect with an old friend during the Season, but the young Viscount is not the same as the boy you grew up with.  Requested by @junevoidzombie​
Warnings: Description of injuries, minor character death, period misogyny, Anthony being difficult
“Help!” you called, starting to panic as the evening air grew cooler and the forest grew dimmer.  You sniffled and wiped your nose on the sleeve of your dress; your mama was going to be so angry, but the dress was ruined now anyways.  “Is anybody out here?” you cried.
You heard a twig snapping in the distance, and your head snapped up.  You let out a pitiful hiccup, but you finally stopped your incessant blubbering.  You waited a few more moments, hoping the sound would come closer, but it didn’t.  It must have been an animal, you thought.  
“Who’s there?” a voice called.  It didn’t sound particularly friendly, but any help was better than staying out here.  
“My name is (Y/N)!” you called back.  “I tripped and now I fear I have sprained my ankle.”
“Hold on.  I shall be there in a moment, miss,” the voice called back, this time slightly closer.  
In less than a minute, a figure started to take form in the growing darkness.  As he grew closer, you realized that he was younger than you were expecting - perhaps only three years older than yourself.  He had the most beautiful dark hair and eyes, though, and you became conscious of the horrible disarray you were currently in. 
He knelt beside you.  “I know you said your ankle is injured; is there any way you think you can stand on it, with my assistance?”
You shook your head.  “I have already tried, sir.”
“Anthony,” he interrupted.  He cleared his throat.  “You must call me Anthony, miss.”
Your face lit up with a smile.  “Then you must call me (Y/N), Anthony.  My family just moved here from Hertfordshire.  We now live at Turring Manor, and I was exploring the country when I fell.”
He smiled back shyly.  “Well, it would most likely be easier to carry you to my family’s home.  It is much closer than Turring Manor, and the sun is already setting.”
“That would be most appreciated, Anthony.  Thank you!” you replied eagerly.  
The next thing you knew, Anthony was lifting you off of the ground, being extra careful to not jostle your hurt leg too much.  Once you were off of the ground, however, Anthony looked at you while a blush crept across his cheeks.  “Um, it might be easier to walk if you put your arms around me as well.  I wouldn’t want your leg to pain you more than necessary,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.  
“Very well,” you whispered.  You couldn’t help your own blush as you did as he asked you.  Once that was done, he set off in the direction he had come from.
“Anthony, there you are darling!  Wherever have you been?”  A very beautiful woman came down the steps as you approached the very impressive home.  It must be Anthony’s mother; the resemblance was uncanny.  
“I am sorry I am late, mother, but our new neighbor fell in our woods and could not walk home,” Anthony explained. 
The lady’s eyes finally fell on you and concern filled them.  “Oh, you poor thing,” she cried.  “Anthony, bring her up to the yellow bedchamber.  I shall have the maids draw a bath and bring her something to eat.”  
Anthony’s mother sprung into action, and before you knew it, you were being laid upon a soft bed and Anthony was being shooed out of the room.  After a luxurious bath, you were given a silk nightgown borrowed from one of Anthony’s sisters.  
Said sisters (at least two of them - you had heard there was at least one more) came to keep you company before it was time to go to bed.  You could tell you all would become fast friends although the two girls were as different as could be.  Daphne was content to stay and practice piano while Eloise was always ready for an adventure.  Life would certainly not be dull living so close to Aubrey Hall.
“So Anthony really carried you all the way from the woods because you fell?” Daphne questioned as you explained what had happened that day.
“Yes, he did.  I couldn’t be more grateful; my parents would have been worried sick if they had not heard from me,” you said.
Daphne sighed, a dreamy look taking over her features.  “That is so romantic.  Like a knight rescuing the princess in the stories papa tells us.  Right, Eloise?” Daphne gushed.
Eloise rolled her eyes at her older sister’s antics.  “Anthony is hardly a knight in shining armor, Daphne.  You are being silly,” Eloise retorted.
Seeing how a fight was about to break out, you said, “He may not be a knight of olde but he certainly rescued me today.”
Eloise and Daphne looked at each other, slow smiles growing on each of their faces, making you nervous.  “Do you love our brother, (Y/N)?” they squealed in unison.
“What?  Of course not!  We just met!” you protested, but the butterflies flying in your stomach told a different story.
“Anthony!  You and Benedict - and Colin if he can behave himself and not eat all the biscuits - must come to my tea party this afternoon,” Daphne decreed at the breakfast table.  Her proclamation was met with several groans and one small protest of “Hey!”
Anthony scowled at his younger sister.  “Tea parties are for girls, Daphne.  Besides, I have a shooting lesson this afternoon,” he said.
Daphne beamed despite the implied insult.  “No you don’t!  I already asked papa, and he has rescheduled your lesson.  He hopes to join us for a bit after his meeting with Lord Aberly,” she said primly.  Her eyes glimmered with a spark of mischief.  “(Y/N) shall also be there,” she added in a sing-song voice.
“Fine, we shall attend your tea party.”
“Oh, come on, Anthony!  Why did you have to accept for the both of us?”
“Are you excited for the new baby, Ant?” you asked as you strolled in Aubrey Hall’s garden.  
He shrugged, making his broadening shoulders fill his jacket even more.  He had changed so much in the year he had been away at university, but he was still the same Anthony, thank goodness.  “I suppose.  It is always nice to welcome a new sibling, but the novelty has worn off.  Each baby is just like the last,” he chuckled.
You slapped his arm playfully, giggling as well.  “How could you say that, Anthony?” you scolded.  “Are you going to think that of your own children as well?”
You thought you saw his eyes flicker over your form with a strange expression in them, but it must have been a trick of the light for when his eyes returned to yours they were his normal welcoming brown.  
“No, I shall probably become as tender-hearted as my father when each babe is welcomed.  And dote on my wife for bringing such a miracle into the world,” he replied, that funny trick of the light occurring again and making your stomach inexplicably flip.
His father knelt to gather flowers for his mother, prompting Anthony to do the same.  “I shall gather some for (Y/N).  She was just admiring these daffodils the other day,” he spoke as he used his pocket knife to cut the loveliest blooms.  “I believe I will do as you suggested and ask her -”  
A thump behind him interrupted him.  
“Father?  Father!”
“Papa has inherited a piece of land in Scotland.  We are leaving within the week to go there.”  You stood in the door of what was now Anthony’s study.  He looked so small and lost sitting there, his late father’s portrait above him.
He nodded his head briefly before looking back down at the papers before him that required his attention.  “I shall see you when you return then.  Safe travels,” he spoke in a clipped tone.
“You don’t understand.  We are renting out Turring Manor and moving to Scotland.”
His head snapped up at this, but his eyes were distant and cold, his jaw set.  There was a pregnant pause before he spoke, “Then I wish you all the best, Miss (Y/L/N).  May God be with you.”
His terse farewell cut you like a knife.  You swallowed the lump in your throat.  “And with you, Lord Bridgerton.”
  You fled the house before anyone could see your tears fall.
Anthony was in the middle of his set with Miss Sherwood when there was a commotion at the entrance to the ballroom.  He looked to see a family enter, but they were blocked from his seeing their faces.  Accepting defeat, he tipped the corners of his lips up in what Miss Sherwood would know as a fond smile as he resumed their dance, forgetting the interruption entirely as the dance came to an end. 
“Brother!  How was your dance with the lovely Miss Sherwood?” Benedict clapped him on the back and handed him a glass of punch as he joined him near the terrace doors.  
He sighed, letting his austere Viscount visage fade just enough for Benedict to see how tired his brother was.  “She is well-spoken and graceful.”  He looked away from his brother and out towards the crowd.  “She shall make a wonderful Viscountess.”
Benedict’s eyes softened but Anthony refused to look at him.  “Will that be enough for you, Brother?  A wife and a mother to your children?”
Anthony fixed a glare on Benedict that would have made a lesser man shrink back and admit defeat.  “Isn’t that the point of the institution?  I shall gain an heir and somebody to take care of my households while I provide her with a name and protection from material poverty.”
“Some might add love into that mission statement,” Benedict said with a hint of sarcasm.
Anthony paused, but his mind was more made up than ever.  “I gave that notion up a long time ago, Brother.  Love brings nothing but heartache,” he spoke, his voice devoid of any emotion.
The brother’s staring contest was broken by a familiar voice.  “Lord Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton.”
The tall, dark haired men bowed.  “Lady Danbury, how do you do?”  Benedict took on the lion’s share of the social niceties as Anthony still had that far off look in his eyes.  He was not attending to the conversation at all, but Lady Danbury did not grow offended at his slight.
“Very well, Mr. Bridgerton.  I wanted to introduce you both to someone.  Her family has just moved back from Scotland - just in time for the season,” Lady Danbury continued, bringing you forward.
“(Y/N)!” Benedict cried, grabbing your hand to place a kiss onto your glove.
Lady Danbury raised an eyebrow in surprise, but her eyes were calculating.  “So you two know each other?”
“Miss (Y/L/N)’s family used to be our neighbors.  We spent many a day together before they moved away,” Benedict explained.  You were glad for it as your tongue was tied.  
“That is wonderful.  Then you two can help me introduce Miss (Y/L/N) to some other members of the Ton,” Lady Danbury smiled but fixed her eagle gaze on Anthony who had broken out of his stupor enough to gaze open-mouthed at you.  “Her family would like to see her settled.”
Benedict’s easy smile flashed.  “That will not be so hard a task for one as lovely as you, Miss (Y/L/N).”
You smiled wryly.  “It may become a little more challenging when people hear this is by no means my first season out,” you spoke, with that familiar teasing lilt to your voice.
“Nonsense.”  Your head snapped up at the almost angry outburst from the Viscount.  He cleared his throat.  “Many men will find you to be all the more acceptable for your age,” he said.
You smiled and Anthony made the mistake of looking at you - really looking at you - this time.  “You are right, my lord.  Many bachelors will be looking to find a wife before they themselves enter their dotage,” you teased, making Benedict laugh.
Anthony could not recover himself fast enough  - perhaps tell you that were more beautiful than the day you left - before Benedict was offering you his hand and leading you towards the dance floor.
“Miss (Y/L/N), may I have your next set?” Anthony intercepted you the moment Benedict led you off the dance floor.  He was spinning his signet ring on his pinkie finger.
“Of course, my lord,” you spoke even as he was already grasping your hand and leading you back onto the floor.
You spent half of the set in silence.  You could tell even after all these years when Anthony needed time to think.  You focused on the steps of the waltz and actively tried to ignore how it felt to be in his arms.
“How was Scotland?” Anthony finally broke the silence.
You blinked, startled.  “It is a most beautiful country, my lord,” you replied.
He nodded.  “Were there no eligible gentlemen there?”
Your brow furrowed.  “Of course there were many,” you sputtered.
“Why did you not wed then?”  The interrogation continued.
Your nostrils flared with your temper.  “I do not believe that is any of your business, my lord,” you stated, a hint of anger behind your words.  “I could say the same for you.”
“Yes, but I am a man; it is different.”
You scoffed, drawing the attention of some onlookers.  “Yes, I suppose it is.  I am but a woman.  Therefore my only purpose is to wed and have babies.”  You stopped dancing and broke out of his grasp.  You stood with your fists clenched at your sides.  “I heard you when you were near the terrace, my lord.  I cannot countenance how much you have changed.”
He watched in equal parts anger and despair as you walked away from him and out the doors.
“Mama, what are these?”  You fingered the petals of the daffodils that had been arranged in a beautiful bouquet.
“They must be from a potential suitor who saw how gracefully you danced with Benedict last night,” she replied, still not daring to mention the scene you had caused when you had stormed away from Anthony.  “There is most likely a card in them, peach.”
There was indeed.  You opened it to find a familiar neat hand.
I remembered these were your favourites, is all it read.
You closed the card and slipped it into your pocket.  “They are just from Lord Bridgerton.  An apology for our row.”
You purposely did not meet your mother’s eye so as not to see the look of disappointment that overtook her features.
“Who is that walking with Lady Danbury?”
“That is Miss (Y/L/N),” Benedict quickly informed the fair-haired earl he and Anthony had been walking with along with Miss Sherwood.  “Would you like me to introduce you both?  She is an old friend of our family.”
“Oh, yes, Mr. Bridgerton, that would be delightful!” Miss Sherwood cried.  “Wouldn’t it be, Lord Bridgerton?”
Anthony nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line.  “Most delightful.”
You and Lady Danbury had already come upon the group, and you paused.  “Miss (Y/L/N), you must allow me to introduce my good friend Lord James Thatcher, the Earl of Wembey and Miss Sherwood of Bath.”
You curtsied politely to the both of them.  “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” you said smoothly, years of good breeding taking over as your mind reeled.  So this was the Miss Sherwood that he had spoken of.  
“Miss (Y/L/N), would you care to join me on a small boat ride on the lake?  It is the perfect weather for it,” Lord Wembey addressed you directly, startling you.  You could feel Lady Danbury’s gaze on you.
“That would be most lovely, my lord,” you spoke as you took his proffered arm.
“Lord Wembey has invited us to attend the theater tonight with him in his box.  Is that not lovely, my dear?” your mama crowed.  This would not be the first time the handsome earl had singled you out in his attentions.  They had become quite marked indeed.
“That is wonderful, mama,” you replied, not looking up from your needlework.  “Shall I wear the yellow silk, do you think?”  And the conversation turned back to fashion plates and fripperies.
The pall mall ball soared into the air - straight into the woods and definitely nowhere near the intended target.  You were never good at pall mall, but what you lacked in talent you made up for in enthusiasm.  And the annual tournament was no exception - especially since it was your first after returning.
“I suppose (Y/N) must return to the woods,” Eloise teased.  “Hopefully you do not need to rescue her this time, Anthony.”
“Rescue her?  Whatever do you mean, Miss Bridgerton?” Miss Sherwood asked.  
You and Anthony both opened your mouths to explain, but Benedict beat you to it.  “Many years ago, Miss (Y/L/N) was walking in our woods when she injured herself.  Luckily for her, though, Anthony was there to help her home.”
“Oh, how wonderful!  It was like fate brought you together,” Miss Sherwood gushed, just as Daphne had all those years ago.
Anthony cleared his throat and brushed his free hand down his pant leg, trying to dislodge an imaginary piece of lint.  “Yes, well, it was a very long time ago, and I am sure the memory has been distorted until it seems much loftier than it is,” he spoke, more harshly than he meant in his flustered state.  “Shall we play on?  I believe it was your turn, Miss Sherwood.”
“I have noticed Lord Wembey and (Y/N) are spending a great deal of time together, Brother,” Daphne spoke as she entered Anthony’s study.  
“Have they?  I have not really noticed,” Anthony spoke with a clenched jaw, his pen arrested in mid air where it dropped a rogue dot of ink on the otherwise pristine page.
Daphne tilted her head and pursed her lips - a look she had perfected from childhood.  “I find that hard to believe, Brother.  Everyone expects him to propose - perhaps even tonight at mama’s ball,” she said.  She huffed lightly as Anthony still did not look up from his work.  “And people are also wondering why you have not proposed to Miss Sherwood yet.”
Anthony finally set down his pen and looked at her.  “How are those two connected, Sister?” he ground out.
Daphne did not break eye contact.  “Some people are saying that you have not proposed to Miss Sherwood because you hold a tendre for (Y/N),” she explained.
“Why would I care about the words of gossips?”  Anthony growled.
Daphne leaned forward, her face set just as hard as his.  “You may not care, but if you do not fix this, you could inadvertently tarnish (Y/N)’s reputation and ruin her chances at an excellent match.”  
Daphne made her way back towards the corridor.  “Maybe think about that, Brother,” she said before she shut the door behind her.
You rode fast and hard, uncaring of anything but getting away.  You did not even care that the skies looked as if they would open up at any second and flood the ground beneath you.  It would only be too fitting for your mood.
Another one.
You had rejected another perfectly suitable gentleman.  
What was wrong with you?  Lord Wembey was everything you were looking for in a husband.  He was young, titled, wealthy beyond measure, kind hearted, well-read.  He could do with some darker hair, but that was beyond his control.
You drew your horse up short at that thought.  Were you seriously comparing Lord Wembey to Anthony - yes, for he was still Anthony in your thoughts - and finding Lord Wembey wanting?
You breathed heavily as that thought washed over you, and you wanted to scream.
As if your thoughts had summoned him, Anthony appeared on horseback.  He cut an even more impressive figure than he used to, but that was no wonder.  His eyes locked on you, and he turned his horse to meet yours.
And you fled.
You could feel him following you, his better knowledge of the ground and larger steed allowing him to gain ground rapidly.  You could feel the promised rain start to pummel your back, but you pushed your horse faster.  Eating up ground faster than you could see it as your vision was blurred with rain and tears.  
“(Y/N), watch out!” were the last words you heard before your body slammed into the ground.
You opened your eyes to see it was already light in your bedroom.  Your mother sat beside you.  “Mama?” you rasped, wincing at how it made your head ache.
The lines on your mother’s face smoothed as she looked at you, before promptly starting to sob.  “Oh, you are awake!  We thought we had lost you forever!”
You scrunched your forehead as you tried to sit up.  You were immediately assisted by two maids.  “What happened, mama?”
“Oh, you would have been lost without him!  Going out for a ride in horrific weather, what were you thinking?” your mother was working up into one of her fits of hysteria.
“Mama!” you broke her off.  “Lost without whom?”
“Oh, Anthony, of course!  He saw you get thrown from your horse, and he carried you all the way back on his.  He personally saw that the doctor was fetched, too, wonderful boy,” she gushed.
You fiddled with the comforter, unsure of what to say.  
There was a knock on the door. You turned your head to see Anthony standing there, fidgeting with his signet ring just as he did in the days immediately following his father’s death.
“I shall leave you two to have a moment of privacy,” your mother whispered as she stood.
You attempted to reach out to her, stop her, but she was too quick.  She beckoned the two maids to follow her but left the door open for propriety’s sake.  
Anthony did not move from his position near the door even after your mother vacated the room.  The air felt heavy, and you were finding it hard to breathe.  You smoothed the bedcovers although they were practically perfect.
“I am so relieved you are awake,” Anthony croaked, his voice raspy with disuse.
You steadfastly continued your study of the linens.  “I am told I have you to thank for that, my lord.”  You congratulated yourself on keeping your tone even.
“Will you stop that?” Anthony’s tone was sharp, and you finally looked at him fully.  His face was drawn, and it was clear he had not shaved in a few days.
“Stop what, my lord?” you asked, genuinely confused.
He walked towards your bed, his face red.  “Calling me that,” he practically spat.  
You scoffed, not believing he was truly acting so childish.  “Well, it is your title.  It would be improper for me not to -”
“Marry me, then.”
You must have hit your head harder than you thought for you were certainly hearing things.  “What?” you breathed.
Anthony knelt at your side and took your hand tenderly in his.  “Marry me, (Y/N), please,” he implored.  He shook his head.  “I should have asked you ten years ago, but I thought I could prevent my heart from breaking by not letting it be touched.”  His gaze fell on your joined hands.  He cleared his throat.  “I was a fool.  I disregarded the fact that it had already been stolen from me.”
His warm brown orbs found yours, and you felt your heart climb into your throat.  You took a rattling breath as your eyes stung with tears.
“Anthony…” you breathed.
No further words were needed as your lips joined in the kiss you had always been waiting for.
My Masterlist
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desi2go · 3 months
Sick days
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pairing: sick!Hyunjin x reader
Warnings: fluf
Summary: You imagined your day off differently. But taking care of your sick boyfriend was even better.
Being with Hyunjin was like a soft breeze that played with your hair and kept the busy thoughts away from you. It was like a sunset at the beach. The bright colours were exciting but calming. Every day was a new adventure, a new story.
As a nurse, you dealt with a busy and hectic schedule and Hyunjin was always there after a long 12 hours shift to bring you comfort. Like a breeze his fingers brushed through your hair as you hid your face in his neck, trying to get the annoying smell of disinfection out of your nose.
He was your safe space. Whenever you felt down or self-conscious, he grounded you and build you up. As an idol, he always worked ambitiously to perform the best for his beloved STAY. Even though he was exhausted, he makes sure that you are okay and looked after you at the end of the day.
He texted you, that today's practice would run late and you shouldn't wait for him. You just came home from your long shift and it was already 11 pm. You hoped that he wouldn't overwork himself and come home quickly. You quickly changed out of your work clothes and jumped under the shower. Then, you cleaned the dishes from the morning due to the missing time because nearly overslept. Luckily, you had managed to get to work in time but without a breakfast.
You figured that your boyfriend would be starving when he will get home, so you ordered takeout.
You yawned and cuddled further into the couch with a blanket draped over your lap as you watched your favourite TV show again. Well, you loved to watch it with him.
Hyunjin came home in the middle of the night. The clock in the hallway said that it was long after midnight and he felt terrible. Today's practice was a pain. It seemed like everything he did was slow and forced. There wasn't the usual easy flow, the balance and the melody didn't took over his body. It didn't guide him and that was frustrating, especially since the comeback season starts soon. He must give everything and more for his friends and STAY.
After he slipped out of his shoes, he walked into the living room just to see you on the couch. Your hair that was once in a neat ponytail was now all over your face and your head leaned against his pillow that you must have stolen from the bed. He chuckled quietly and quickly showered. Then, he kneeled in front of you and brushed some hair strands out of the way. Your nose scrunched and you stirred awake.
"Hello my love. Were you waiting for me" he whispered as your sleep driven eyes blinked at him and a small smile danced over your pretty lips.
"Yeah, I ordered takeout for you" you answered and rose from your snuggly place to stretch out your sore muscles. As much as you loved that couch, that you two bought together after moving in, the bed was way more comfortable. He pecked your forehead and went to heat up the food.
You followed him and cuddled into his side as he ate his food. You were sleepy and just enjoyed the warmth of your personal human heater. From time to time he cleared his throat.
"You ok?" You asked as he did it again. "Yeah, just drank less water while practicing"
You grapped him a bottle of water and a glass. You can imagine that sport made your throat pretty dry especially when you dance for hours.
The next morning you woke up in an empty bed. Jinnie was already up and probably at the company. It was your day off and on those days even though you were an early riser, you sometimes enjoyed sleeping long. As a nurse, a good sleep was rare.
With a good mood you danced through the apartment and cleaned it. You checked Jinnies schedule that he had sent you in the past so that you always know where he is and can easily visit him.
Maybe you can watch him practice with his group later in the afternoon since it was a rare occasion due to work. He always loved when you support him. It only makes him more ambitious and hyped he had told you. And the other boys adored you. Especially Felix, Hyunjin's best friend or soulmate like they often state, was fascinated by you. Maybe that's because you lived until you were ten in Australia and then moved with your family to Korea.
He was also the first member Jinnie introduced you to. As his best friend, he knew from your relationship from the beginning and when he finally met you, he was even more convinced that you were the perfect match for Hyunjin.
But also Seungmin was like a brother to you. From the first moment you met the younger boy, you liked him with his cheeky attitude and the sweet toothy smile.
You figured that you should buy the whole group something to drink when you went to the studio. On the way, you stopped at a café and ordered drinks. You just sat in your car once again with the drinks on the passenger seat, when Felix called you.
"What's up, Lix?" You asked and started the car. "Are you coming to today's practice?"
"Yeah, on my way right now. Why?"
"I think Hyunjin is sick. He is totally pale and already vomited"
"I'm coming. I'll be there in 10" you answered concerned. You knew Jinnie. Whenever he is sick, he wants to keep going. He just works him to death because he won't admit that he was ill and needs to rest.
Balancing the nine cups in both hands, you managed to go through the security that already knew you and bid you politely hello and and took the elevator to the floor where the studio was. You already knew the way there after walking it hundreds of times.
In the hallway, you could already hear the music and the squeaking of the shoes. With a foot, you pushed the door open and yelled a greeting over the loud music.
Seeing the drinks in your hands, they quickly scrambled to you in no time and helped you. You spread them and you all sat down. Happily, they drank like they lived in a desert with no water at all.
They all were already sweaty and chatted.
Jinnie kneeled beside you with his americano in one hand as he layed his head against your shoulder.
"Hey baby. Is everything ... was that a shudder?"
You asked him. His clothes were wet with sweat but occasionally he shuddered like he was cold.
Concerned, you placed your drink beside you and touched his forehead to feel how warm he was. And he was warm, it felt like his skin was burning under your touch. A shudder jolted through him again.
"Are you feeling bad? Can it be that your sick Jinnie?" You asked and brushed a stray hair strand back out of his face. Your eyes danced over his pretty face. He was indeed pale.
He just shook his head and murmured that he will go to the bathroom quick. The first steps were staggering but then he felt suddenly nauseous and covered his mouth and paced through the room to get to a washroom. You had observed that and jumped up to follow him.
You found him in the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet, vomiting. He gagged and emptied the contents of his belly. You sat next to him and rubbed his back while his body tensed up with each gag. You brushed soothingly through his wet hair.
Drained out, he leaned against the bowl, taking shaky breaths.
"It's okay, baby." You cooed.
You helped him up after some time and he got rid of the disgusting taste in his mouth through rinsing it out. Some tears ran down his cheeks as he breathed heavily.
"Everything alright?" Chan asked as you two walked back into the room.
"You look like shit" Seungmin stated and continued sipping on his drink. "I'm okay" he answered with a hoarse voice. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"Definitely, you didn't just puked your guts out" you said ironically.
"I told you he was ill!" Felix shouted and rubbed your boyfriends shoulder.
"You should rest. You can't dance when you're ill" Chan told him.
"Come, let's go home and rest" You exclaimed and circled his waist with one arm.
Only after the whole group literally forced him to go home, he followed you quietly to your car. You opened the door for him and went to the driver seat to take your poor boyfriend home.
The whole drive was completely quiet as Jinnie rested his head against the window and tried not to get nauseous. He felt bad for leaving practice. With the new comeback, he didn't want to disappoint his fans, his friends and you. Especially not you. You were the most important person to him and you should be proud of him so when someone asks you about him, you should be proud to say that he was your love. That was all he wants.
As you parked the car, you turned to your boyfriend. He was still pale but the nausea seemed to fade. His eyes were closed and even though he looked exhausted, he was like an angel. So beautiful. Though with his newly red dyed hair he looked more like a devil. Just the sweet horns and the tail were missing.
You rounded the car and opened his door. His eyes fluttered open and you smiled. Like a puppy, he followed you to your apartment while you carried his bag.
Unlocking the door, you let him in and took your shoes off. You leaned his bag against the wall.
"Wanna take a shower first?" You questioned because he was still sweaty due to practise and he shouldn't catch an even worse cold. He nodded and went through the hallway to the bedroom to get some comfy new clothes. Meanwhile, you let some water in the bathtub and searched for the bath oil that helps with colds. Immediately, the bath was filled with the smell of eucalyptus and sage.
You gave your boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll cook you something light. If anything happens just say something and I'll come" Patting his hair, you leaved the room and started looking through your refrigerator and the kitchen cabinets to see if you had all the ingredients.
Fortunately, you got everything for a chicken soup. You brew a chicken broth with the meat and in the meantime you chopped leek, carrots and celery. Then, you added them to the pan and brought the noodles to boil.
The soup was nearly finished as Hyunjin returned. He circled your waist with his arms and layed his head on his shoulder.
"What's up, baby? Feeling better?" You asked and stirred the soup another time. "Yeah, a bit. Smells great, honey"
"Thank you" He let you go as you turned around to face him. Gently, you touched his forehead to check if he got a fever. And he was indeed burning up. From a cabinet, you took a thermometer and measured his temperature.
"You have a fever, baby" you stated and send him to bed so that he could rest.
Soon, you filled a bowl with soup for him and brought it him along with some medicine against the cold.
He sat up and slowly ate the food. You hoped that he could keep it in his stomach and he didn't need to vomit from it. And he definitely shouldn't take the medication without some food in his belly.
When he was finished, he took the medicine.
"Thanks, honey" he said and gave you a tired smile.
"Wanna watch our series?" You asked and quickly brought the empty dish in the kitchen. You will clean them later, now you wanted to spend time with your love.
He agreed and you took your laptop with you. You jumped beside him under the warm comforter and placed the laptop next to you. You started your current kdrama and cuddled further into the cushion.
Some time passed and Jinnie still held some distance to you. Usually, he would be all over you by now. Slightly, you turned your head and observed your boyfriend. His entire body was under the comforter with only his head out and concentrated on the screen.
"Everything alright?" You asked and he turned his attention to you.
"Yeah, just a bit cold"
You lifted your arm and signalled him to come to you so that you could function as his personal heater.
He shook his head and murmured. "Don't wanna infect you"
You heart swelled at how he still looked out for you. A loving smile danced over your lips.
"Come honey, can't let you freeze. I'll heat you up" Finally, he came closer and layed his head on your chest while his hands caressed your hips.
You touched his forehead to check if his fever was still high. But the medicine seemed to finally kick in. Then, you let your hands travel to his red dyed hair and combed through the silky strands.
He sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying the physical contact.
"I'm sorry" he mentioned after some time. "What?"
"I'm sorry for ruining your day off. You already have enough patients to care for"
"No! You didn't ruin anything!" You held his head in your hands and caressed his cheeks.
"I love to take care of you. In fact, I love to pamper you"
"I love you" he answered and let his hands run up your sides.
"I love you too" you told him and placed a loving peck on his forehead.
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bonny-kookoo · 6 months
Can we get a drabble of someone older, of yn and jungkook waking up for the first time in jk house 🥺 perhaps in jk pov because it was his first like after years of divorce 😭 and like as per he said “my bed never witness me with others” 😆😆
Of course! Went a bit overboard pls I love them-
-> Masterlist
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He's stretching his limbs a little, like usual after waking up, yawning just to notice that this time, he's not alone in bed.
He feels a lot better being back at home and not in hospital- even though it's empty here, it's still a place of safety and comfort to him. And right now, it feels even more as such- as you still sleep soundly next to him in his large bed, filling it up with warmth and a sense of serene company.
It's not at all the first time he wakes up next to a woman. But somehow, this is entirely new.
You're turned towards him even while not conscious, one of your hands touching his body, even though it's just resting on his lower stomach beneath the covers. Nothing intimate happened last night before you went to bed- mostly because you were too worried about his physical condition to let him initiate anything, but even so, it feels like it did.
Because he remembers, back in the day, Evelyn would only sleep so close to him in bed after sex- her afterglow clouding her mind, making her most likely believe she loved him.
He knows she didn't. She only loved what he was bringing to the table.
But you don't care about that. You care about him as a person, and it's evident in how you slowly wake up, barely so, mind probably slipping out of your deep stage of sleep to get ready to become conscious in a few minutes. Eyes fluttering beneath your lids, head so close your forehead is resting against his shoulder, arm laid over his body. Even one of your legs is entangled with his, feet nowhere near as cold as they were when you'd slipped under the blankets last night.
You're so peaceful like this. There's not a hint of worry on your face.
His face is flinching a bit as he gets reminded of his injuries, while attempting to turn over a bit to hold you- he wants to just forget everything else and bathe in whatever this moment is. But it's somewhat shattered by his phone vibrating and ringing outside in the kitchen- waking you up, eyes slowly opening to look at him.
"Oh.." you mumble, noticing what the sound is, before you turn onto your back to stretch fully, making him both a bit jealous of your ability to do so compared to him, and also feel disappointed that this is now the start to a new day, reality pulling you both back in. "Should I.. uh.." you speak mostly to yourself, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "..I'll get it for you-" you start, but he shakes his head, instead ignores his painful muscles as he pulls you in, almost on top of him. "Jungkook?"
"No, leave it." He denies, voice raspy and low in tone as it's the first words he speaks. "Stay." He says, taking in a deep breath, smell of both your shampoo and his bodywash filling his mind.
A mixture of both of you combined, creating something new.
Even his own shower products smell oddly different on your skin, and he can't say he's upset about it. If you ever moved in with him, would you decorate the place? Want new furniture, or change the layout of things? He hates when people mess with his stuff, but somehow, he wants you to do just that in here. Give it a distinctive touch of yours, offer him a reminder that he's not alone anymore even if you’re not here.
"Do you want breakfast?" You wonder sleepily, looking at him with eyes barely open.
"Hmhm." He hums affirmative. There's no use in running away from reality after all.
"There was a cat here." You giggle, out of context, but still making him smile. "In my dream." You explain further, yawning, his hand on your back gently running over the skin beneath your shirt. He likes this. No bra straps hindering his traveling hand, your words without filter as your standard amount of fear don't withhold any of your thoughts for now.
"A cat?" He asks, and you nod.
"It was.. brown. And fluffy." You say, resting your face on his bare chest. "It kept jumping on the kitchen counter. And you kept telling it off for it." You laugh. "But it just jumped back on, every time."
"Well, cats are quite stubborn." He tells you, watching the light outside from the sun occasionally change due to the could passing, curtains hiding you both away from the world. "I'm more of.. a dog person."
"Me too." You nod. "But there's a breed of cat that's kind of.. like dogs. Really affectionate. And they meow a lot." You say, stretching your legs for a second. "But they have really long fur. And it's white."
"They must feel very soft though." He chuckles. You nod.
"Yeah.." you admit. "But I'd have to get one of these.. these rollers with the sticky tape. To get all the fur off of your suits and shirts." You giggle. "..Or you might become a walking pet-allergy detector in your office..." you mumble, and he gets the joke-
But he also has to think for a moment.
You, in his bedroom, folding his clothes for him as he prepares for a business trip. You, making sure he doesn't forget anything the day after, kissing him goodbye at the door as you wait for him to return back. You, coming home from your own place of work while he's already home, cooking dinner.
All of the things he's never had.
"Your watch stopped." You notice, tapping on the glass top of it. He'd forgotten to take it off last night, and you're right- the delicate pieces are attempting to move, but the battery seems to be giving up.
"Because of you." He mumbles, leaning over you just a little, body still too sore. "You stop time for me." He smiles, and you giggle, accepting his kiss however before you escape into the bathroom to get ready for the day. And while you might think he was joking, he quite honestly wasn't.
Because time truly appears to become meaningless when he's with you.
He can't help but laugh a little faintly into his hands over his face, for how ridiculous this all feels. Like a crush back when he was still in school, he's excited but also panicking about what to do. He should have this all under control. This isn't his first relationship. And yet, all of this feels new, foreign, unknown.
But also truly exciting.
The anticipation for what might be filling his veins, and fueling his eagerness to show you that what you dream about doesn't have to just stay in your head. You want a cat? He'll get two so they're not lonely, no matter if they shed way too much for his expensive taste in suits and attire in general. You want a dog? Absolutely no issue. He'll get you anything you want, but this time, in your case, he's not doing it to keep you close, to make sure you don't leave-
But because you deserve it. And he doesn't just want to treat you right-
He wants to treat you the best anyone can.
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guillotinebypierre · 8 months
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Club culture was a crazy thing.
Especially in South Korea, where apparently young people only knew how to socialise if alcohol was involved.
Y/n was not a fan of clubs. Never had been and he had sworn to himself that he would never be a fan. Good thing the place they were going to was no club.
"Yo Y/n are you busy next weekend?", his friend Jongin asked him. Yes, THE Jongin, as in Kai from EXO.
Y/n worked as a photographer. A very good one at that. So good in fact, that Kai requested him to become his personal photographer after a fateful photoshoot for his solo debut, thus creating a somewhat surprising friendship. To Y/n, Jongin was just another regular dude who was a really nice person but could also be a fucking pain in the ass. He could, however, not deny that he enjoyed the behind the scenes looks he was able to get by knowing someone in the industry.
"No I'm free, all my schedules for photoshoots end on friday. Why'd you ask, though? You have something in mind?", Y/n asked while mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram home page.
"I was invited to a party, and I want you to come with me-"
"Jongin you know I don't do well with alcohol and clubs", Y/n cut him off.
"Dude, relax! It's not a club and nobody is gonna force alcohol down your throat. It's just a simple get together between me and my friends! Nothing over the top, I promise.", he reassured him.
This seemed like a trap. All of Y/n's alarms were ringing but, for whatever reason, he decided to go with it and agree.
And that brings us back to the start of the story. Y/n and Jongin sat in the back of a black limousine that was driving them to a huge mansion in a rather secluded, gated community a bit away from central Seoul. The area was quite beautiful, luxurious houses equipped with the most insane looking backyards, pools, basketball, tennis and football fields Y/n had ever seen before. Palm trees everywhere, something very out of character for Seoul. It was almost as if they had tried to mimic an American aesthetic or whatever.
The two men continued being driven up the seemingly never ending hill, Jongin being all giggly and basically jumping around in joy like a small child whose mother had just allowed him to eat candy for dinner. As the pair's chauffeur suddenly stopped the car, dread started filling Y/n's thoughts as he became self conscious and felt underdressed. He was wearing a simple outfit, consisting of a black Prada polo shirt that hugged his muscular chest and biceps while accentuating his small waist. He had on black dress pants with a designer belt and to top it all off some Prada loafers.
Jongin originally told him to dress casual but he still felt like, given the circles Jongin tends to hang out in, he should make himself presentable. They got out of the car and it was as if Y/n was shellshocked. They stood in a cul de sac, around them similar expensive limousines transporting all kinds of celebrities. Y/n looked around at the estate in front of him, loud music blasting out of the open windows and doors while atmospheric lights bathed the room in a sultry and sensual ambience.
He looked around once more, now acknowledging the people who were attending this 'party'. He saw members of NCT, people he was all too familiar with due to doing photoshoots for their most recent album. He also saw multiple girl groups, most noticeably Red Velvet and TWICE. The former of which he had known very well, the ladder of which being an almost unachievable dream of his as apparently JYPE had some kind of policy prohibiting them from hiring him due to him having worked with their 'rivals'.
"Dude are you just gonna stare or are you going to join me and get your ass inside?", Jongin said while smirking at him.
"What happened to the 'simple get together', Kai?"
This was a bad sign for Jongin. Y/n only ever used his stage name when he fucked up.
"Alright hear me out, I had to lie! You wouldn't have come otherwise and you would've missed out on so much fun man", Jongin tried to explain himself while pulling Y/n inside the mansion.
As they got inside Y/n immediately smelled the alcohol in the air, paired with the smell of greasy food, curtesy of the amount of pizzas and fried chicken laid out on the tables for the guests to eat. He hated to admit it but these celebrities sure knew how to throw a party.
The night picked up pace incredibly quickly, the onslaught of new guests apparently being over. It was going on full blast, drunk idols making out and laughing like maniacs wherever one would look. Y/n, still without a single ounce of alcohol inside his system, had lost sight of his friend. He thought that Jongin was either passed out drunk, getting laid or was kidnapped, and decided to just go outside and relax by the pool.
He stood at the edge of the backyard, overlooking the city, which was now only visible due to its skyscrapers and bright lights illuminating the dark sky. He sighed, battling himself mentally on whether to call it a day or not and just go home without Jongin before a raspy voice interrupted his thought process.
"I've never seen you before, at these kinds of parties, you know? Are you a newly debuted idol?"
"Oh no I'm not an idol at all, just a plus one-"
"Well Mr. Plus One, mind if I take the spot next to you?", she interrupted him.
She stepped up next to him, allowing him to take a clear look at her face and finally getting him to realise who he was talking to the whole time.
Hirai Momo. Momoring. The Dancing Mochine. Twice's Main Dancer. 1/3 of the JLine, whatever you want to call her.
"What's up tiger? Cat got your tongue?", she asked him as she turned to face him.
"No I just didn't expect to speak to someone like you tonight-"
"What's that supposed to mean", she asked fake insulted
"That I didn't expect to meet an A-lister tonight
She smiled at him, a small blush forming on her cheeks, either from his compliment or the alcohol being breathed in like air at this party.
The night continued like this for the pair as they got to know each other more and more. They had chemistry together, their conversation bouncing off each other naturally and progressing naturally, neither one feeling bored and reciprocating each other's energy. The sound of the party behind them seemingly drowned out as they only had eyes for each other.
"You know Mr. Plus-One-"
"It's Y/n. Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you Ms. Hirai-"
"You can call me Momo, handsome", Momo said while starring into his eyes.
"As I was saying, what did you do to get to this party? Whose plus one are you exactly?"
"Jongin. Or Kai, from EXO. His name depends on how angry I am at him"
"Makes sense now. Of course someone like him would be friends with a guy as hot as you. What do you do for a living, Y/n. Like how did you get to meet someone in the industry?"
"I'm a photographer. I met Jongin back when he was doing photoshoots for his solo debut. He liked my work so much that he requested for me to be his personal photographer and SM kinda started using me for all their artists. I actually tried applying for JYPE, too, but they rejected me because I worked with SM before. Seems quite petty if you ask me", Y/n replied while taking the last sip of his water.
"You're telling me that I could've gotten your number before if that old geezer didn't have an ego the size of Seoul? I swear to god he will pay for his sins.", Momo replied while laughing and smiling at Y/n.
"Who says that you'd get my number? Someone's confident", Y/n teased her while raising an eyebrow
"Oh please, Y/n. I could get you naked and fuck you right here in front of everyone in like 3 minutes if I wanted to", Momo replied while smirking at him.
The two had moved closer together a while ago and where now touching skin on skin while speaking to each other.
Y/n looked down at Momo and saw her bite her lip while eyeing him up and down, her eyes trailing his lips, then his eyes and back to his lips again.
"Are you currently seeing someone?", she asked while backing off and slowly walking towards the hot tub.
"Nah I'm single. I'm looking for someone right now but there haven't been that many that have caught my attention"
"Am I one if them?"
"I think you can answer that question yourself, Momo"
They soon arrived at the hot tub, Momo bending down and taking off her clothes, exposing her red lacy underwear to him. She looked over her shoulder, seeing as Y/n shamelessly stared at her thick ass, almost as if he was in a trance.
"Are you just gonna watch or do you care to join me, pretty boy?", Momo asked while getting inside the hot tub.
This seemed to shake those thoughts off of Y/n as he began stripping down to his underwear and joined Momo. She swam over to him, her hand immediately interlocking behind his neck as she sat on his lap. She looked him in the eyes, almost waiting for him to make the first move.
"I want to fuck you right now", Y/n said, boldness somehow taking over.
"Then fuck me, baby", Momo said before smashing her lips on his.
They kissed, nay it was more like they tried sucking each other's face off, tongues battling for dominance as neither wanted to back down. Their hands roamed around each other's bodies, Y/n finding his way towards Momo's ass while Momo dug her nails into his wide back, marking her territory.
The pair continued making out as they explored their needs, pleasure taking over both of them as lust dictated their every move. Not wanting to lose any time, Momo unhooked her bra, throwing it away somewhere before pushing her panties to the side and fishing out Y/n's dick out of his underwear. She stroked his cock, getting it hard before aligning the tip and slamming herself down onto his length.
She underestimated how much she could take, closing her eyes in a mixture of pleasure and pain, before biting down onto his shoulder and taking a few moments to relax. Y/n felt her body on top of his as Momo slowly accustomed to his length and thickness before starting to ride him. She moved her hips in an expert way as she threw it back on him, her walls clamping down onto him with each lap she completed riding on top of him. He was so deep inside him that it drove her insane.
Momo leaned down, moaning and groaning into Y/n's ears as her face reddened even more, rivalling her underwear. She viciously rode him, her climax coming closer and closer as if it was inching towards a goal line, her moans becoming more sporadic and breathy rather than drawn out and controlled. Her ample breasts bounced as her breathing quickened, her pussy becoming tighter and tighter around Y/n before she let out one more loud scream in ecstasy and fell down on top of him. Y/n came, too, his cum dripping out and overflowing out of Momo's pussy as the pair caught their breath.
"Do- Do you happen to have a camera with you, Y/n?", Momo suddenly asked.
"Just my phone, why'd you ask?", he replied.
"We need to get a room. Follow me pretty boy"
The lovers jumped out of the hot tub, oblivious to the few idols who were sober enough to witness and register what had just occurred in front of them, before walking inside the mansion and up the stairs. The second floor of the house was somehow even more luxurious than the first one, expensive paintings and vases littered around the walls and floors, a red carpet going all the way to a big double door.
Momo limped towards the door, her legs being almost like jelly, before throwing the doors open and revealing a large king sized bed. She turned around and gestured for Y/n to close and lock the door before jumping on him and kissing him hungrily again.
Y/n walked forward, falling with Momo onto the bed before taking his lips and kissing, biting and licking every part of her body. Just as he was about to go down on her, however, she pulled his hair and said to him
"I've had enough foreplay, fuck me already"
Y/n took his dick, aligned it with her wet snatch and inserted it in her. Her back arched immediately, mouth forming an 'O' shape as her hands reached around to grab literally anything for support. He slowly picked up his pace, moving his hips while also applying force and slamming inside her, fucking her like he had some pain inside him.
Suddenly, he turner around, pushing her head down and having her ass up, before grabbing a fistful of her hair and taking out his phone. He hit record, the phone now picking up on the loud moans, in contrast to the quiet and breathy ones she had let out earlier in the hot tub, these ones seemed like they were for the entirety of Seoul to hear, so everyone knew who this dick belonged to. Y/n pulled her hair, making Momo look at him before letting go and going to town on her ass cheeks, slapping each of them with vigour as the skin rippled and the recoil moved like the waves in a still body of water after being disturbed. Her moans grew louder and more frantic, her eyes forming tears of pleasure as she once again tightened around his base and came with a lot scream of pleasure.
Momo took a few moments to regain her composure, before finding almost superhuman strength and flipping both of them over so now she was on top, riding Y/n like a Harley. She looked him in the eyes, a hungry expression on her face. Her juices flowed down her thighs, souvenirs of her prior climaxes as she began riding him without falling off. She decided to get nasty with him, spitting into his mouth before inserting her tongue in and playing with it, exchanging saliva with Y/n.
Her hips, once again, moved in a circular motion as she felt every single piece of her lovers dick, her insides memorising every vein, every inch stretching her out like nothing had before. Sweat beads trickled down her forehead, the two of them coated in a layer of it as the exercise tired them out. Her hands were on his abs for stability, her head thrown into the air as she felt things she had never felt before.
Y/n started feeling like his climax was coming soon, the boiling sensation in his core greeting him as he watched Momo's breast bounce around while she jumped up and down on him, impaling herself with his dick.
"Momo I'm close."
"Alright pull out, I want it on my face"
He pulled out of her, Momo going onto her knees while sticking her tongue out, her fingers playing with her pussy and nipples as Y/n stroked his cock, the visual imagery becoming too much as he soon erupted in a geyser of hot, white, thick and sticky semen that covered Momo's entire face.
Y/n fell back onto the bed as Momo scooped the cum up with her fingers and put it in her mouth. She walked, or rather wobbled, around before grabbing a towel and cleaning her face. She then, too, fell back into the bed and almost immediately fell asleep after cuddling with Y/n.
The next morning Y/n woke up relatively early, stretching his arms before realising that he was alone in bed. He looked towards the table in the centre of the room and found a note.
"Hey handsome,
this is Momo. Thank you for giving me the best night of my life. Unfortunately, I had schedules so I left early, but I would love to see you again. I left you my number at the bottom of the page and I hope to hear from you soon.
P.S. I will speak to JYP about hiring your fine ass for a photoshoot for TWICE.
take care, tiger
love, Momo xoxo"
Y/n smiled to himself before pocketing the note and walking downstairs, finding Jongin passed out on a coach surrounded by other drunk idols. He picked Jongins phone up and called for the manager to get him.
"I swear he will be the death of me"
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nebbyy · 1 month
hello could you do headcanons smut of baldwin and his chubby wife
King Baldwin x reader - Nsfw headcanons
A/N: Wow these is the first explicit stuff I write for Baldwin!! Thank you so much for this prompt, thinking of a chubby medieval woman makes me think of all the portraits of beautiful women with the most harmonious curves I've ever seen😩😩
As always painting name is Romeo and Juliet by Frank Bernard Dicksee for my art enthusiasts :))
Warning: SMUT, reader is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns!
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Unlike modern times, a fuller body has always been sign of beauty and fertility through western history
Although during medieval times anything related to attractiveness and sensuality was deemed as "bad", that still meant that a chubby woman would've been judged not for being against the beauty standard, but to be actually too tempting for the public!
So it comes without saying that young king Baldwin thought he might pass out the first time he saw you, knowing you were his betrothed
You'd awakened something in him, this burning desire to have you, to know how your soft curves would feel in his hands, how your silky skin would brush against his own
I see him having a long series of consecutive days where he woke up drenched in sweat, body slightly trembling as he'd come out of yet another wet dream about you, lying beneath him as he had his sweet way with you
He felt himself getting more and more impatient for the wedding night day to come, to finally be able to call you his
He'd also be quite insecure at first, and scared too. What if the sight of his body repulsed you? What if you wouldn't want to go near him to avoid the risk of getting the disease as well?
He wouldn't blame you for it, it'd be the wiser decision for the both of you
But still, he prays and hopes and dreams that you'd return the attraction he felt from you from the very start. He longs for the feeling of your touch against his numb body
He's a bundle of nerves during the whole ceremony, but he's good at hiding it (well the veil covering his head is); he seems to all calm down only once you're both sitting next to each other at the banquet, and you tentatively lay your soft hand over his laying on the table, shy touches blessing his skin
That night your marriage is consumed in no time, he's basically as gentle as humanly possible while he holds you in his arms, as he's slowly penetrating you
There was no really developed knowledge of foreplay or female anatomy in the middle ages, but it just felt natural for Baldwin to keep his focus on your every reactions while the two of you are making love
He doesn't know what he's doing, and neither do you considering that at that time you probably haven't even seen a naked man other than Baldwin himself, but that doesn't stop the two of you from exploring each other, taking your time to get to know what you like, what makes your eyes roll back and your back arch
I'm not sure if he'd be down for oral, I kind of see him as being a bit self conscious of the level of decay his mouth and face has reached, and I'm not too sure his cum would actually taste good with leprosy and all
Nevertheless, his fingers and cock are more than enough to bring you more pleasure than you could ever imagine
Don't expect any public stuff, Baldwin is still an extremely religious man whose values are not to be messed with: these things are meant for the privacy of your quarters alone, there's no need for him to bring this sacred thing you two have out where all eyes could possibly see
He'd probably be more on the vanilla side, being mostly against anything related to giving pain (he'd be indifferent to receiving it since his body is mainly numb, but he wouldn't enjoy it either)
Although he would probably enjoy being the more dominant one in the bedroom, the power dynamic would still remain on a pretty balanced level: you're still his beloved wife, his only equal in his eyes. That's why I could confidently say that Baldwin is the perfect example of soft dom
His favorite position would probably be missionary, just so that he could be able to see your pretty face while he pounds into you
Also because he could get to hold your plush thighs and see the delightful rolls that form on your belly
Your body screams femininity and fertility to him, an alluring combination that gets him going for as much time as you two have
His numbness also grants him a reduced sensibility, so he can afford to go more rounds at a time without having too many problems from it
But as the years pass, his mobility becomes more restricted by his declining health, and along with his agility and stamina in battle his sickness gets the best of him even in the bedroom
And through it all, his burning desire for you was what got him going, what made him spare just a little more energies to later spend with you
The two of you would have to adapt, though, probably changing positions and frequency at which you guys have sex
You might start trying to be the one on top, and he'd guide your every movement while also trying not to lose his mind over just how perfect you look riding him, your every curve bouncing as you move up and down over his cock
He dreams of giving you a baby in those moments, filling you up to the brim, seeing your body get even fuller with your conjoint love. It really saddens him to think that it might never happen
But hope is the last one to die, and he gets his hopes up every time that he comes into your welcoming body, emptying his seed into you, hoping that one day this union will give life to a creature as beautiful as its mother
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melrodrigo · 3 months
Tardy, part 11
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
Tara Carpenter x Fem Reader
Summary: It’s time for you to face Ghostface head on.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Pretty gnarly violence, Tara being protective and kinda batshit crazy, betrayals left and right
A/N: lol
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When you open your eyes and see nothing but a hot blinding light, you think you might've died and gone to heaven.
"God?" You whisper, blinking slowly.
It was in fact, not god, you find out once your eyes properly adjust.
You're stuck in a tiny compartment; so small you think you might suffocate. The walls are painted a shade of obsidian black that makes you feel like you're stuck in a black hole. Only one single flickering lightbulb grants you sight.
Your arms are sore; so sore, and it only intensifies when you try and pull them up from the weird position they're in.
Huh, I can't move my arms.
You tug at the rope-like fabric of material that's holding your hands together. It doesn't budge in the slightest. Panic rises like wildfire in you.
You breathe deep. Try to gather your wits and make sense of anything that is possibly going on.
"Get it together." You remind yourself.
You blink once.
Feeling a little more clear, you realize that you're strapped tight to a chair, back pressed uncomfortably close to the ridges.
Where am I?
There's no time to find the answer to that question since the wall is moving- oh it's a door-, and Ghostface appears right in front of you, smiling.
Well, you don't really know if he's smiling. But the way he's moving, all confident and cocky, makes you think you're not too far off.
It hits you all at once. Now that you're fully conscious, you can feel everything.
One inhale and your lungs feel like they're on fire. Breathing is hard.
You groan, the pain all too overwhelming for your brain to work properly. It would be embarrassing how loud you were if you cared in the least.
You can only seem to think of one thing.
"Where is she?" You ask, with all the confidence of someone in the position of interrogating Ghostface.
Tara. God, what did they do to Tara?
“Of course, your first words are about her." Ghostface spits, still using that goddamned voice modulator.
“Where is she?” You spit, trying your very best to look intimidating.
It's not very convincing when you're heaving and gasping like a fish out of water.
"Would you believe me if I said she was already dead?" Ghostface drawls, tracing their knife along your jawline, pressing just enough for you to feel it.
You scoff.
"Right...you'd kill one of your beloved 'main characters' before the finale." You say, sure you've read him to filth.
"But, this is the ending. Don't you see?" He continues to tease, unbothered by your last comment.
You huff, but you feel your heart picking up speed slightly.
What if...he was telling the truth?
A shrill scream sounds throughout the theater, and you feel your blood run cold as you recognize exactly who it is.
"Tara." You breathe, half terrified and half relieved she's still alive.
"Tara!" You yell, as loud as your lungs are willing to let you.
Tara doesn't reply. What you do get is a smack to the head and an elbow to the jaw.
"Be quiet." Ghostface hisses, and you can almost swear he sounds sort of scared.
"Be quiet or I'm going to get my ass whooped." He mumbles, and you pull back as far as you can, eyebrows raised.
You bite back the need to tell him you definitely don't care if he gets in trouble or not, not wanting to get slapped in the face a billion more times.
"Come on." He grumbles, gripping the back of the chair and lifting it up swiftly.
The feeling of your feet dangling off the chair reminds you of one of your favorite memories.
"Mint ice cream sucks," Tara tells you definitively.
You squint your eyebrows at her and bring up a hand to your heart like she's just stabbed you.
She's sitting with her ice cream in hand, a good distance away from you. You guys peer down at all the university students walking around, now the size of ants; trying to point out people you guys recognize.
It was your own little secret spot. Tara could never really go study outside uni, since her sister was always up her ass about traveling unknown spaces. You never asked her why, pure sister protectiveness, you guessed.
A couple of weeks into knowing Tara, she'd brought you up to this mini garden haven of hers, all shy and smiley.
She's sitting now and she's looking so pretty with her big brown eyes and freckles out for display. They shine bright today, sunshine illuminating her face and making everything just pop the slightest bit more.
You get a wicked idea, and before you can stop yourself, scoot yourself closer and place your arm around her.
Tara cocks an eyebrow at you, but before she can speak a word, you start tickling her sides.
"Stop!" Tara squeals. Her face turning a bright pink comically fast.
You're careful not to tickle her too hard, or else you think she might just slide off the ledge and fall right here.
You're close now, closer than you should be. Tension swims in the air. You lean down to whisper into her ear.
"That's what you get for saying mint sucks." You huff, smirking a little as she shudders from the feeling of your breath fanning her ear.
When you pull back and look into her eyes, you're surprised to see them wide and dilated. She has a weird expression her face, like she's fighting something in herself.
You lean in slowly, stuck in a trace with the way she's looking at you.
She grips your shirt and pulls you in further, your noses brushing. And then suddenly, like she's just snapped out of her daze, she sits up abruptly.
She laughs nervously, letting go of your shirt.
"I think Sam's calling me. I'll see you tomorrow. Same time?" She's saying, but she's not even giving you a second to answer before she's sprinting away.
Despite the sort of failed kiss, you chuckle a little. You feel the blush creep up to the tips of your ears.
The day your crush on Tara Carpenter officially started.
It's a bad time to start daydreaming, but you figure if you're going to die right now, it wouldn't be so bad to think of the love of your life while you go.
The sound of Tara's voice brings you back to life.
"YN!" She gasps, from somewhere behind you. You're still getting dragged, hair stuck to your forehead, eyes blurred.
You try your best to blink everything back to focus.
She's standing on the platform slightly below you, beside Sam, looking relieved. There's a brick in her hand.
You try and say her name but all that comes out is a painful groan. Everything feels heavy. Your shirt is painted red where your stomach wound is, and you figure you must've ripped the stitches.
There's another Ghostface beside you, the two of them bracketing you on either side.
Not that you would have the energy to up and escape anyway.
"Tara..." Sam warns, eyeing her sister like she knows what she's about to do.
Tara rushes forward, ignoring Sam's protest, trying to get to you. To hold you in her arms, to press her hands against your wound, to kiss it better; to do anything.
The Ghostface to your right swings their knife as soon as she comes into the vicinity, and slices the skin above Tara's collarbone easily. She gasps from the jab. Red liquid seeps out immediately.
You feel the Ghostface to your left tense, a mixture of a gasp and a yell stuck together.
"Anika wait-!" The Ghostface is saying, the name slipping out as easy as second nature.
Everybody stills.
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
The other Ghostface whirls around, shoulders tight.
Sam tugs Tara back quietly, looking between the two Ghostfaces. Your head is swimming.
"What did you say?" Ghostface- supposedly Anika, says.
"What the fuck." You manage to spit out, but it goes unheard, everyone being laser-focused on the scene unfolding right in front of them.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. It's just, I thought you were going to kill Tara. I couldn't let you do that." The other Ghostface reasons, albeit unconvincingly. He stumbles over his words, in a tone that's all too familiar to you.
"Ethan?" You hesitate, tears brimming in your eyes.
The Ghostface that's hovering above you drops down to your ear level, whispering softly.
"Well, aren't you just a smart little thing?" And promptly slides off that wretched Ghostface mask, and even though you knew, you have to gasp at who you see.
Sweet sweet Anika.
"Just take it off. It's not like they don't already know." Anika tells Ethan, an order more than anything.
You tilt your head just enough to see Ethan take off his mask, grinning nervously.
"What the fuck?" You hear Tara say, but it sounds so far away.
"But, but how-" Sam starts, pointing at Ethan, her face as pale as a ghost.
He looks good, healthy. More alive than you've ever seen him. There's a glint in his eye you've never seen before.
"I'm alive. Surprise!" He grins, flashing the four of you a pearly white smile.
I must be dreaming.
You squeeze your eyes shut. He's still standing there when you open them again. Shit.
"But I watched you die, I felt the blood. You-you died in my arms. I saw the ambulance pick you up." You splutter, voice cracking unevenly.
"You know...some fake blood and a couple of acting classes can do wonders. You guys really are not good at picking up on hints." Anika sing songs, waving her dagger in the air.
"Seriously...we even had to send you a note." She continues, scrunching her nose in disgust.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you so hell-bent on destroying us?" Sam asks, fire in her eyes. She looks scary. Messing with Sam was one thing, but messing with her sister? You have a feeling they'll be dead in minutes.
Anika sighs dramatically, putting a hand up to her chin and feigning thought.
"Gosh. Where do I even start? Let's set the scene: it's 1996. There's been two mysterious murders in the small town of Woodsboro, leaving everyone in fright." She recounts, words slipping out of her mouth with ease like she's rehearsed them a million times.
Sam rolls her eyes, fed up with this godforsaken story that seems to follow her anywhere.
"Akio Kayoko however, lives happily, because finally his two bullies Billy and Stu aren't on his ass anymore. They have more important things to worry about."
Sam cuts in before Anika goes any further.
"Are you fucking kidding me? This is all because what, your dad couldn't handle a couple wedgies? Are you a little daddy's girl?" She says, fed up.
Anika shoots her an icy glare, but continues.
"You don't even know what you're talking about." Anika tells her, voice lowering to soft and almost sorrowful.
"Poor dad, he just had to go to that party. Do you know what happens to a person when they go through something traumatic? It changes them. He came out the only bystander that survived, but not without a scarred face and a scarred soul to show for it." She murmurs. She turns suddenly, a new pep in her mannerisms.
"Your father," she points at Sam accusingly, "and your father," she points her knife at you, "fucked my dad up royally. He got diagnosed with severe depression and bipolar disorder from it. And for what?" She seethes.
"Your guys' fathers are just racist assholes. You deserve everything that's coming to you, don't you even doubt it for a second!" She sneers, with so much venom and power that you can't help but agree.
You open your mouth to say something, anything, try to explain that you aren't your dad, but Anika beats you to it.
"Did you know he left me? I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 6." She tells you, voice getting softer. Your heart tugs for her.
She straightens up, as if just realizing where she was, and her icy facade once again builds up.
"Anywho, motive enough for you Sam?" She tilts her head up, eyes bright.
Sam stands scarily still, but you can see the concern swimming in her eyes.
Ethan's standing wide-eyed like this is all new information to him.
"It really wasn't that hard getting you two to meet. All I had to do was invite Tara to that party and just give YN a little bump so you two would talk." Anika continues, and you furrow your eyebrows. Party? You met Tara at a party?
Your eyes dart to Tara and she's looking at you a little solemnly, and suddenly it hits you like a truck. Memories that have never been unlocked before replay in your mind now. The angel from that party.
That was Tara.
"After that, everything just fell into place. You guys are one pathetic predictable group of people." Ethan pipes up.
"The friendship, the night you got stabbed, it was all planned. I mean, why do you think I took you back to the apartment? For Anika to "stitch you up?" He asks excitedly, looking at Anika for approval to speak further. She gives him an annoyed nod.
"And guess what the best part is," He giggled midway, but gains his composure again. "Every time she came to fix you up, she actually poisoned the wound. Never too much that you would notice- but enough to guarantee your death today. It's infected." He cheers, like he hasn't just told you you're going to die.
"Jesus, you never told me how bad it was," Tara says, making your eyes dart back to hers, trying to catch her gaze to inadvertently say your sorry, but she doesn't meet your eyes.
"I didn't want you to worry." You sigh.
Ethan makes a noise of disgust. He looks at you with scrunched eyebrows, a little crinkle of his nose betraying his chill facade. His gaze shifts to Tara, and you can't help but notice his voice move just a pitch higher.
"Poor Tara. Caught in this sick twisted web between your sister and your girlfriend. You didn't even do anything wrong right, baby? Don't worry...nothing's going to happen to you. I've made sure of that." He tells her, and it hits you all at once.
"Baby? What are you talking about? " Tara asks, cocking her head to the side.
"I love you, Tara. I did all of this just for you. When the both of them are dead, you and I can get together. Finally." He says, between deep breaths.
You don't know how you never saw it before. Memories of the prior weeks flash in front of your eyes.
His heart eyes for your girlfriend every time the group would have a movie night and you two would cuddle, the weird lingering around the both of you whenever you'd go out.
You just figured he really liked your company.
"You're out of your mind you sick fuck. Tara would never date you, even if you were the last person on earth." Is what Sam says, and despite the consequences of what's sure to come, your heart sings.
Last person on earth.
Ethan stutters, like he never thought of the possibility that she would reject him. You see tears forming immediately, frown apparent. He's trying to keep it together- you can tell.
He leans back slightly, dejected. His eyes cloud with something you can only describe as hatred, and for a scary moment, you think he seriously might jump at Tara.
However, he doesn't get the time to act on his thoughts, because in less than a blink of an eye Anika's moving over and stabbing him in the neck.
"Agh!" He grunts. A trickle of blood runs down the side of his mouth, then it bursts. So, so much thick crimson liquid gurgles out.
Anika stands behind him, sliding her knife out his back, wiping the blood clean.
"Gosh, what a bore he was, right? True love this true love that. I couldn't listen to that shit any longer." She gags, leaning over to stick her tongue out at Ethan's lifeless face. She stabs him again in the jaw for good measure.
She looks back at the three of you, who are clearly aghast.
"Gotta make sure he's dead right?" She smiles, and it finally gets through to you that she's lost it. Whoever you thought you knew, that person never existed.
No one answers her as she stands up.
You turn stoney-faced as you look up at her. "So what's the plan Anika? How are you gonna get away with this?"
She turns around, rolling her eyes. Before you know it, she's advancing towards you, knife raised. She jabs lightly at your wound. Teases her knife against your skin. You really wish people would stop picking that specific part to hurt you.
"Do we really need to go over this again? Kill you guys blah blah blah, find Mindy and kill her, say that you and Sam went crazy like their fathers. Really, it's not hard to understand." Anika continues, shuffling her feet as she speaks like she's bored.
Time is ticking before she snaps and just decides to kill you, you know it. Not to mention the fact that you were actively dying.
"What do you really want from us? Just name your price now, and we'll- we'll get it. Just let her go." Tara splutters, almost begging.
Anika stomps her feet with the energy of a three year olds tantrum, "I want revenge! Have I not made that clear enough?" she basically yells.
Sam moves forward slowly, like a wildlife expert moving towards a wild beast.
"Look I'm sure we can come to an agreement about something-" She's saying, but Anika rolls her eyes once again and advances lazily towards you.
Nothing happens in slo-mo like the movies, you can barely register her face before she's plunging the dagger deep into the other side of your lower stomach. You can feel it pierce it's way through your whole body.
You hear a scream but it sounds a million miles away. You gag, moving your head to the side to try and puke, but nothing comes out. You try to groan in frustration but it makes your skin sting everywhere that you stop. You just stop for a moment.
Tara's fully sobbing now, you think. You can't really tell.
All hell breaks loose. Sam breaks out into a sprint at Anika, effectively knocking her down till both of them are tumbling on the floor.
You see flashes of black and gray and blood spurting from someone.
"Stay with me." You hear someone say, and try with everything in you to blink back everything into focus. It's Tara.
Her mascara is everywhere. Black stripes of tears and makeup streak down her pretty face, and you feel the urge even now to bring your hand up and wipe the tears away.
You try and tell her to stop crying but the words die in your mouth. What feels like fire engulfs your lungs.
"Stay with me. I'll be right back." She whispers, pressing a kiss to your chapped lips.
You search your mind desperately for a way out of this mess, a solution, but everything goes blank. Your ears ring, eyes rolling to the back of your head in pain.
With everything you have in you, you squeeze Tara's hand one last time, and tell her to take the knife currently lodged in you out.
Tara's eyes darken, the most cloudy you've ever seen them.
"No, no. I couldn't do that." She says, another round of tears falling down her cheeks. She shakes her head adamantly, but you shush her.
"Please. For me." You manage to get out, then with the utmost acceptance, you let yourself go.
Tara doesn't remember much of what happened after that. She remembers sobbing, she remembers someone screaming, but she can't be too sure if it's her or someone else. She remembers the feeling of your fingers loosening their grip on her hand, and she remembers seeing red.
With no where else to channel her emotions, and with your words engraved in her mind, she turns on Anika.
She hurries over to where she's still wrestling with Sam, expression tight, and grabs the first thing she can find in this shithole of a theater.
Your father's wooden box.
She remembers faintly telling Sam to fuck off, and smashing the box over Anika's head. Then picking it up and doing the same thing again. And again, and again. She remembers taking the heel of her shoes and smashing it to Anika's nose, breaking it in one clean hit.
She remembers going back to you, your white as paper skin, and yanking the knife out of you.
And the final thing she remembers is screaming at Anika while she buries the knife in and out of the girl’s body, everywhere, again and again.
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sweet-honey-fruit · 2 years
I saw you were asking for a request so I thought of something. What would the harbingers (Dottore, Pantalone, Tartaglia, Capitano, Arlecchino) do if someone hurt they're s/o to get information about them? Have a nice day btw :D
This this THIS! I’m a sucker for these kinds of things. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure of mine with these scenarios. Thank you for this, I had a lot of fun writing it!
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Harbingers With Hurt S/O
Warnings: Violence, mentions/descriptions of torture and death, use of pet names, possibly OOC Capitano cause there’s literally little to no information about him, spoilers for Fatui Harbingers lore
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She doesn’t want to admit how badly her heart ached when she saw you walk in battered in wounds and bruises. Yet you still greeted her with a bright smile.
All she did was stare at you with a blank look on her face, wrapping her arms around you and giving you a kiss on the top of your head
You held a special place in her heart, so seeing you like this raised an unbelievable amount of worry and anger, but she wouldn’t let you see that
Her voice came out in a hushed whisper, swaying you back and forth slightly, “Tell me my beloved, what has happened to you?”
You’re hesitant, of course. You know how she can get, especially when it comes to you
But you especially know how she gets when you’re not upfront and honest with her
“Treasure Hoarders wanted information about the whereabouts of the delusion factory,” The moment the words leave your mouth, she brought you closer to her before letting go
Her face is stone cold, but you can practically feel the infuriation radiating off of her like a waterfall
It leaves you shaking a little bit, and you’re not even the one she’s livid at
She sends you to Dottore to get patched up, making sure to not-so-subtly threaten him to keep you safe and to not turn you into one of his experiments
She’s using these circumstances as a training exercise for some of her children in the House of the Hearth to gather information
Once she has the information she needs, you better believe she’s going absolutely batshit crazy
And I’m talking about leaving the Treasure Hoarders mangled bodies at other Treasure Hoarder camps to send a message
That message being that if they touch you again, she’ll make sure every single one of them will perish by her hands personally
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He’s not the type of man that pays attention to those that he deems weaker than him
He doesn’t find them worthy enough for his time
Yet when one of his Fatui subordinates delivered him the news that you’ve been captured and tortured by a group of Nabushi in Inazuma-
Well, he could make this one exception, couldn’t he?
He’ll seek to hunt them down himself
He wants them to understand the mistake they did for touching the only person he has deemed worthy for his endless time and attention
For every mark that was bestowed upon you, he will make sure he doubles it both in numbers and in pain
He won’t outright kill them, he wants to get back home to you as soon as possible
But we will leave them barely conscious
Surely the Rifthounds can take care of them. They gotta eat too after all.
He’s grinning the whole time he walks away
Hearing them scream for him to save them as the Rifthounds bite away at their flesh
For anyone else the sickening sounds of tearing flesh and blood curdling screams would be enough to show mercy
But to him it’s music to his ears
Maybe next time they would think twice before using you to get information
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He’s cackling to himself when he found out
The poor subordinates that informed him are quivering and praying to The Tsaritsa that they won’t feel his wrath
Cause this man is insane, but in that moment, that is the most insane he has ever been
Thankfully The Tsaritsa seemed to answer their prayers cause he dismisses them to bring you to him
Although one managed to climb up the list to be his next test subject when they declare that you’re being seen by a Sneznayan doctor so it “might not be a good time”
He snaps out a “I’ll treat them myself, your lucky my priority lies with them right now, otherwise I’d already have your flesh ripped away and replaced with metal”
He makes a mental note to do it later, for when you’re escorted in, he’s furtively seething
Littered in cuts and bruises, a deep cut slashed along your side, and lightning shaped scars surrounding it
He has a good idea who did it already, and why it was done
As he’s treating you, he’s tracing along the lightning scars, letting out a small hum
“My dear, tell me, what exactly happened.”
This man intimidates you from his voice alone, and you can’t even form the words to speak
Even though he knows, he wants to hear you say it, to just confirm that his anger is justified
Not that he cares on rather it is or isn’t, but his superiors certainly do
He can sense your timidness which makes him grin. He finds it so cute, but now is hardly the time to be having those thoughts
He reassures you that it’s okay, you can tell him. He’ll make it all go away. He’ll make them go away. Just tell him, he’s there for you.
And you do tell him in a hoarse voice, and he finds it pitiful.
Some Dancing Thunder Kairagi thinking that they’re entitled enough to put a hand on you, just because they believed you would tell them the Fatui’s plans
He doesn’t say anything after that, staying uncharacteristically quiet. Which is more daunting to you than if he were to spill out threats
He continues to treat you in silence. And once he’s done he’s escorting you back to your shared bedroom within the palace.
After, he’s having some of his subordinates fetch the ones that hurt you. When they are brought in, well, let the experiments commence
He’s certainly enjoying hearing them scream in agony as he tests out the effects of having multiple delusions. Hearing them beg, and plead for him to stop. But he doesn’t. He’s sure you did the same thing. Pleading them to just let you go. They didn’t stop till some Fatui Skirmisher’s stepped in, so why should he? But there wont be any Skirmisher’s saving them.
He’s making sure they suffer for a long, long time
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“Oh, how pitiful” he states as he walks into Dottore’s lab
He’s been told that you’ve been sent there after having a— rough encounter, to put it lightly— with a few Shogunate soldiers
He saw the pure exhaustion on your face, and yet he still maintained a smile
“I can see you were determined to give it your all. But do not worry sweetheart, for I will fill in and give it my all for you.”
He won’t only hurt the Shogunate soldiers indirectly, oh no. He’ll hurt the whole Shogunate army.
Slowly, he would cut off their money supply through the Northland Bank (don’t ask how that works, I don’t know myself but for the sake of this, it works). I mean, you can’t do anything without the very thing that gives you the pathway to do anything in the first place, right?
He’ll watch from the shadows as the Shogunate army is scrambling for funds, and ultimately scrambling to regain power
It would take a meeting with Kujou Sara in order to settle things. His only request was that the Shogunate stays out of the Fatui’s business, and most importantly, stay away from you.
You know how I said he would hurt them indirectly? That’s because he’ll have others do it for him.
He’ll give some to Dottore as test subjects, and some to Arlecchino for target practice for the kids. He’s just as much of a supplier as he is a taker.
While everything is going on outside of your knowledge, he’s keeping you close to him. Holding you, walking you to and from work, and even allowing you to tag along with him on more PG related missions for lack of a better term
He’s a man of endless influence throughout Teyvat, and he will not hesitate to use it to rip apart the nations for you. Especially if they dared to touch you like they did.
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Definitely the most sane one when it comes to it, and that’s saying something
Especially since he’s the one that witnessed it first hand
As stated previously in another post, he’s already paranoid anytime you’re not around him since the Fatui have a lot of enemies
So when he went out looking for you since you took a tad bit longer to get groceries than it normally would, he found out that his paranoia was justified
Imagine his surprise when he found out that it’s not Treasure Hoarders or Hilichurls, no, it’s the Millelith of all people hurting you
“Well well, what did I just walk in on? Am I interrupting something?” He has a smile on his face but it doesn’t seem very happy
Perhaps that’s because his eyes are showing nothing but unadulterated hatred towards the group of men that think it was a good idea to beat you around for information on him and the Fatui
“If you wanted information you could have just came and ask me yourself, but instead you had to go out and dig yourselves your own grave. What a shame.”
He’ll instruct you to turn away, cause he’s pretty sure that what he’s about to do to them would traumatize you for life. He doesn’t want that for you.
When you do, this man is pulling out all the stops
Slicing and dicing, aiming and shooting, hydro and electro
He wants to watch them suffer, and he’s grinning like a mad man when he watches the life drain from their eyes
As much as he wanted to make them suffer more, he had to cut it short since he still had to prioritize you
He’s going to pick you up and carry you back home no matter how much you want to protest and insist that you’re okay
But this man is stubborn and he’s not having any of it.
He’s taking you home and cuddling you close, not letting you go even after you’re all cleaned up
His laid-back persona is broken as he apologizes to you, that he’s sorry that he put you in danger
Please reassure him that it’s not his fault and give him plenty of kisses
He’s not leaving your side for a LONG TIME
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Co-Stars pt.13
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: Y/n and Callum have their puppy interview, but they fell in love with one...
Warning: use of Y/n/ babies/
Word count: 750 words
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They sat down, she was so excited. ‘’I’m so excited!’’ She squealed as she rested her head on Callum’s shoulder. Callum only laughed before Great Pyrenees puppies run into the room. Y/n’s eyes filled with stars, just like anime, she was in awe. ‘’Oh my god! Hi precious!!!’’ she squeals. Callum looks at her, smiling, but a puppy ran on him. ‘’Oh, hello you!’’ he giggles. Puppies run into each other and fight a little. ‘’No! Don’t fight, I’m going to separate you!’’ Y/n squeak, separating the puppies. ‘’Honey, these puppies are not Daisy and Ophelia’’ Callum laughed. Y/n giggled and looked at the interviewers. ‘’How did your labour go? And did it affect your work?’’ Y/n smiled. ‘’I was long, but it was totally worth the pain, I have two beautiful girls at home. And I think it affected my work in way that I’m more conscious of the time I’m spending away from home’’ she said, while her hand was being chased by puppies. She really fell in love with one of the puppies. ‘’What’s this little guy’s name?’’ she asked. ‘’He’s called Jazz’’ one of the women said. ‘’Callum, what was the best thing about working with Y/n?’’ As he was about to answer, a puppy ran on his leg. ‘’Hey there, little guy, uh the best thing about working with her was, uh, it was like having a safety net. During like hard scene, she was often with me, and it was reassuring, knowing that she was there with me’’ he said. ‘’Y/n, same question’’ Y/n smiled and looked at Callum. ‘’Uh, like he said – ‘’ a puppy was chewing on her hand. ‘’ – no, I’m not a toy. Uh, sorry where was I?’’ she laughs. She didn’t think she was going to give much content, she was too distracted by puppies.
The interview was sadly over, Y/n didn’t want to go. She fell in love with Jazz and wanted to bring him back home. ‘’Can we have him?’’ Y/n asked, eyes filled with happy tears. She was holding Jazz. ‘’Y/n, we have newborn twins at home, you want a puppy that’s going to grown and be enormous?’’ Callum giggled. Y/n nodded and smiled, she kissed Jazz and looked at Callum. ‘’Please, look at him! He’s adorable!’’ She squeals. ‘’But we’re already sleep deprived, we have two babies, and you want a puppy?’’ he laughed. ‘’Yes, please, please, Callum you’re the best husband and the best dad ever, please!’’ she did her puppy eyes, he wasn’t able to resist. ‘’Ok, but remember it was your idea!’’ he finally gave in.
When they entered the house, Rosemary was in the living room with the twins. ‘’Hello! How did it go?’’ she asked. ‘’Good, we have a puppy!’’ Y/n exclaims as she shows the puppy to Callum’s mom. ‘’Oh my, he’s adorable!’’ she smiles. Y/n puts the puppy on the ground and goes to her daughters. ‘’Hello my precious! Were you good for grandma?’’ she squeaks. ‘’They were angels’’ Rosemary answers.
She looked at the time, 3:16 am, she was woken up by cries, Callum was asleep, but it was okay, he already got up earlier to feed the twins, but it was Y/n’s turn. When she opened the door, Jazz was in front of it. He looked like he wanted to pee, so Y/n quickly got to Ophelia, she was crying, started to breastfeed her as she went down the stairs to bring Jazz to her pee mat. Callum woke up, because his other daughter was crying, his wife wasn’t beside him. He went in his daughter’s bedroom and took Daisy in his arms, he heard Y/n talk downstairs, so he followed the noise and found his wife, breastfeeding Ophelia and directing Jazz, at the same time. She was seated on the floor, waiting for the puppy to pee. ‘’Honey, what are you doing on the floor?’’ he yawned. ‘’Ophelia was hungry, and Jazz needed to pee, but the mat is stressing him, so I’s staying with him. Is Daisy hungry too?’’ she asked. ‘’Yeah, I think so, give me Ophelia’’ Callum said as they exchanged daughters. She switched breast as she began to feed Daisy. Callum sat next to her. ‘’I told you it was going to be tiring’’ he smirked. ‘’Don’t be a smart butt, I’m not (yawns) tired’’ she said. She rested her head on his shoulder. ‘’I love you’’ she whispers. ‘’I love you too’’ he replied. Jazz finally peed; the couple almost celebrated, that meant that they could go back to a much needed sleep.
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mschoiyuki · 3 months
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Trafalgar Law x f!reader
TW : angst to fluff. slight suggestive, but no smut. MDNI PLEASE
WC : 3.3k
a/n : kinda shock that I can writes this long. I write this while listening to Justin Timberlake - Mirrors, hence the title. In the mood with angst, why I even like to torture myself with angst ಥ‿ಥ Also this is my first time trying to writes something suggestive, I'm sorry if it's sucks. Lastly but not least, I'm sorry if there's grammar mistakes.
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Jealousy is such an ugly feeling. Sometimes you can’t help to be self conscious with yourself. Sometimes it can makes you feel insecure.
The Heart Pirates currently visiting The Sunny. Luffy invited Law for a party, he said it’s been a while that he didn’t meet Law plus Luffy want to exploring this new island together.
Since it’s quite been a while the Polar Tang ashore and meeting with the old friends you choose to dress up a little to lighten your mood. Wearing a backless long white sundress, with a long slit on the left side pairing with a wedges.
When you joined the other crews on Sunny, Sanji immediately rushing to you taking your hand and kissing the back of it, “Ah y/n-chan. Long time no see. Look at you, getting more beautiful than before.” You giggles and say “Thank you for your compliment, Sanji. But you see Nami and Robin which more beautiful than me everyday.” You slip your hand back from Sanji and give him small smile and walk to the others.
One of the most observant member on the Strawhat, Zoro finds it weird. Why? Because while Sanji do his antics with you, your boyfriend and captain didn’t do anything to it. Law just give a slight glance and then looks away. Sure Law’s stares filled with annoyance but he didn’t do anything. But Zoro just shrug it off.
Why is Law didn’t do anything to it? Why is Law didn’t stayed at your side? Because he trust you? Well yeah, maybe. But the other reason is because of the fights both you had days before. The reason of the fight? He forgot. But with his stubbornness he won’t apologize first. Nor were you. Not because of your stubbornness. No. Because you so fed up with always being the one to apologize first. Being the first one to reach out first. Being the only one to fight for this relationship to make it work.
So fucking tired. Does he really loves you? Does he wants this relationship? Does he needs you? Is this the end of it? All of sudden the negative thoughts gnawed your brain. You try to choke back the tears, giving the best smiles to the peoples.
Law saw how Sanji compliments you and kiss your hand. He feels a little sharp pain in his chest. He is jealous, but he won’t admit it out loud. He wants to yank you and keeps you by his side. Especially how beautiful you looks with that sundress. It's really been a long time he didn't see you dress up. But his pride is bigger than anything else. So he just sending death glare to Sanji while he talks to Luffy.
Law did realize Zoro kinda observed him and you but he just shook of Zoro observation. Law knows Zoro won’t do anything to you. Law knows how much you loves him and won’t even gives other men chances to flirt with you.
He did feels guilty over your fight days before. Yet he doesn’t want to apologize first. He is busy and he is so sure that after you calm down you will come to him, apologize or just brings him his favorite onigiri made by yourself that he loves the most.
Before exploring the island, Sanji prepare a massive lunch for both crews to enjoy. As Law sit beside you and eat in silence, you give a small talk to Zoro whose also sit beside you. The crews know Zoro is not a big talker, yet he still engage with your small talk because he respect your as a fellow swordman. A skillful one he might said. The corner of Law's eye caught you and Zoro interactions, why the hell you didn't talk to him? Are you ignoring him now? You want to play this kind of game? Fine. Two can play the game.
Law then talk to Chopper about a new medical books and also gives some information about new historical books to Robin. You caught his talks with Robin, you know Robin means no harm to you. But you can't help the negatives thoughts you had deep inside your brain that start to crawl out to the surface. She is so beautiful, so smart, her intelligence is top tier, heck she IS the Ohara's scholar, she can read the poneglyphs, her devil fruit power is insane, her body can makes every men drools. Compare to you? You don't have devil fruit power, you don't have that kind of body, you are nothing compare to her.
The explorer team to the island is Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Law and you. the other choose to stay behind and wait while enjoying Sanji's desserts. The Heart Pirate crews feels a little bit relieved when both of you goes to the island, truth be told they can't stand the heavy tension from both of you. Even the chaotic trio choose to stay at the Sunny. You choose to walk at the back and walk with Zoro, since Nami ask a favor to not let Zoro get lost.
"Did something happened with Torao and you?" Zoro break the silence. You try to keep your cool and stay calm, "What? No. Nothings happen." Giving your sweetest smile to Zoro. Heck. Zoro doesn't convince with your answer but he won't push anything further. So he just hummed and stick to your side so he won't get lost.
When you stare at your front and see Law still talks to Robin you can't help the dark thoughts controlling your minds, and that pang on your chest. You bite your inner lips to stay calm and keep walking.
The chaos start when Luffy accidentally poke a beast, that it goes rampant and started to chase all of you. "RUUNN!! GET BACK TO SUNNY!" Luffy laugh and start to punch the beast. You start to run back as fast as you can. Almost slipping you try to balance yourself but alas you can feel your left ankle bend to the other way and you hiss. The throbbing pain makes you lost your balance and you sure your face gonna meet the soil ground.
You feel a hand wrap around your back and swoop you up, another hand on the back of your knees. But the hands feels different than the usual that always caressing you softly. Oh.. It's Zoro that held you. Stunned, you just stare at his face with confuse looks. "Better not get that pretty face of yours kissing the ground" He smirk and run fast, yet you still need to tell him the right direction.
Law saw it. How Zoro's hands touching your bare skin. The skin that ONLY him can touch, the skin that he always kiss tenderly every nights. You even didn't resist to Zoro's touch, you even link your arm to his neck, you even didn't look to his direction. The anger burn more faster almost clouded Law thoughts. If only he stay at your side, he will be the one that carry you right now.
After all of you reach Sunny, Zoro put you down slowly. Nami, Chopper and the chaotic trio rushing to you and bombarded you with questions. Sanji bickering with Zoro asking why the hell he is carrying you. "I sprained my ankle and Zoro helped me." Chopper touch your ankle lightly and you hiss, "Come on, let's go to the infirmary. Zoro, help me carry her."
Before Zoro reach you, Law already stand in front of you and say "I got it from here. I'm taking her back to the ship." He picks you up in bridal style but you don't link your arms to his neck, you cross your arms and don't look at him at all. He hold you tightly, oh how he miss your skin in his hands. Law just sighs and teleport back to the Tang.
Law takes you to the infirmary and set you down slowly on the bed. While he prepares to get the ice pack, you just stare at his back. When he turns back to you, you avert your eyes and just stare at the corner. Law sighs and kneel, taking your swollen feet slowly and place it on his right thigh. You hiss at the contact and looks down scowling at Law, but he doesn't look up and you can't see his face either because of his hat.
Law slowly takes off your wedges and putting the ice pack on your ankle, while his other thumb rubbing your foot. If only both of you are not fighting, you will tease him for how romantic he is right now. Shit. You can feel your tears are swelling up, you quickly wipe it with your back of hand, not wanting Law to see the tears.
After wrapping the ice pack carefully to your ankle, Law put your foot on the stool. He stands up and part your other thigh so he can stand between it. Law place his hands on your side, caging you and stare at you. Law sighs because you still stare at the corner, he brings his hand and cups your chin to look at him. Still angry you don't follow his hand movement.
"Y/n-ya, look at me."
Tears begin to swell again, threatening to fall. And finally you look at him pushing his hand from your chin. Law furrow his eyebrows "Are you still mad at me? Can't we just forget it? It's been days you know." He hates when you cry, he hates when the reason you cry is him. It hurts him. Yet he doesn't say the words that you need to hear the most.
That's it. That's enough. "Let's just break up." The tears finally coming down, you try your best to not choke on your words. Law can't believe what he heard "Wh- What? Why? Stop joking, y/n-ya. It's not funny."
"I'm not joking. I'm tired, Law. I'm tired for being the one that always reach you first every times we had fights. I'm tired for always being the one to apologizes, I'm tired that I'm the only one who fight for this relationship to make it works. I had enough, Law." You sobbing but still try to finish your sentences, to make it clear for him. Your trembling voice and sobs breaks Law's heart, he just stare at you blankly trying to process everything you said.
"Maybe I'm not the one for you. Yo- you look perfect with Robin.” You are sobbing mess right now, trying to wipe your tears but it just won’t stop and you just stare at his chest, you don’t want to see his face, you are afraid. Deep down you want to end things, but the other small part of your heart you still love him.
Law can feel his body trembling. Shock with your confession. Why is he takes your love for granted? Why is he so confident that you will never leave him? He doesn’t know that he hurt you this deeply. Seeing you in this state really break his heart. He cups your cheeks, wiping your tears away and lift your face to look at him. Then you see it for the first time, he is in the verge to cry and now you can feel his hands trembling.
“Please, y/n-ya. Don’t go. Don’t leave me too. I’m sorry. Please… You are the one for me, right from the beginning. I can’t imagine someone else stand beside me. It has to be you. So please don’t say that I’m look good with someone else. You are the one I love. I’m sorry if I hurt you, it’s not my intention. I never want to hurt you. Please… I’m sorry, don’t go. I’ll try my best for you, I’ll do anything for you so please don’t leave me.” Tears roll down on his cheeks.
Trafalgar Law, The Surgeon of Death, the man that everyone fear. For the first time he lays his heart bare to you, for the first time he cries for you. He is just a human after all. Behind that tough demeanor he is just a soft man with a fragile heart.
You cups his cheek and wipe the tears away, “Law, can I trust you again with my heart?” He nods.
“Will you break my heart again, Law?” He shakes his head.
“Will you fight together with me to make this relationship work?”
“Yes..” He breath out the word.
You link your arms to his neck and bring him closer to you, when you lock eyes with him you smiles and kiss him. "Thank you. I love you, Law." You take his hat off and put it to your side and you press your forehead to his. Law wrap his arms to your back, bringing his body closer to you leave no gaps between both of you. "I love you, y/n-ya. You are the only one for me." Kissing you more deeply this time, he press his body to you, one hand cradling your jaw to deepen the kiss. He swipe his tongue on your bottom lips, asking for permission. You part your lips for him, and he put his tongue in. He will kiss you like the first time over and over again until you get bored with it. His other hand on your back squeezing it tightly because he remember Zoro's hand had touched your bare skin.
Law break the kiss so that you can take a breath, he peppered your neck with kisses and mumbling "I don't like other men touching you." You giggles "He helped me, you know." Law nuzzle his head on your neck and bite your shoulder, he lap it with his tongue to ease the pain, "I still don't like it. And why are you not wearing a bra?" He scowl at you. "Because it's backless. How am I supposed to wear a bra? Besides nobody knows I'm not wearing one. Except you." You smirk and peck his lips.
Law groans, a blush tinted on his face. "Careful, princess. Are you trying to seduce me, y/n-ya?" Law hands start to roam your exposed thighs slowly reaching up and he starts to kiss your neck again, leaving some visible marks. You whine with the contact. While his hand reach yours, he then remember that Sanji kissed your hand. Law abandon your neck and shoot you a glare.
"What's wrong?" You tilt your head while Law stare at your hand and rubs it gently. "That damn Kuroashi kissed your hand." Law rubs your back of hand like Aladdin rubs his magic lamp. You laugh with his antics "Stop it. It's getting red." You try to yank your hand from him, but Law hold it and brings it to his lips. Kissing it numerous times lovingly. "Told ya, I hate it when other men touch you. Gotta disinfect it."
From the back of your hand, he trail the kiss up to your arm, up to your neck and he stop, he lock his grey eyes with you placing your arm to his neck again. Law graze his thumb on your bottom lip, the other hand on your neck, "You are beautiful, y/n-ya. You are perfect for me. Don't ever doubt it. I will say it again and again so you will never say those words to me." He lock his lips with yours giving you no time to react to his words, he put his tongue in, taking your breath away, holds you tightly because he's afraid you will slip away and leave him. He nibs your bottom lips and then let it go.
He smiles and satisfied when he see your swollen lips, panting, eyes looking at him as if asking for more. He let out a chuckle "See, you are so beautiful, y/n-ya." While he caressing your cheek and peck you again. Your face getting more red you whine, you hides your face to his chest, "Dummy. Let's go back to the Sunny. They must been worry about us."
"What? You want to go back? You sure? You sure you don't want to stay here and continue with what we've been doing?" Law kiss your upper head and rubs your back. Damn tease. "I'm hungry, Law. Plus I still need to thank Zoro for saving me." You trace some of his heart tattoo. "Don't forget I hurt my ankle, babe." You jabs his chest with your finger.
"Finee.." Law reluctant to let you go, then he smirk at you "I can chop your ankle off with my power, so you won't feel hurt during our activities, you know." He say it nonchalantly. You gasp at him "Seriously, Law? Heck no. It's weird and a lil bit horror." You slaps his arm and want to wipe that smirk off of his face.
He let out a hearty laugh and put back his hat on. He gets his dark blue coat and drape it on your shoulder, takes your sandals and put it on on you. "Law, your coat is too big for me." You whine. "Hush. I don't want any wandering eyes on you, especially when you are not wearing a bra. Or you want the others see those red marks on your neck?" He kneels and check your swollen ankle, "Looks good now. The swelling had reduced." He stands up and see your red face, he chuckles.
He carefully carries you in bridal style, "Let's go." You hum and link your arms on his neck. He teleports both of you back on Polar Tang's deck, while enjoying the pretty orangish sunset for a moment Law tighten his grips and nuzzles your nose, "Don't leave me, love." His stares is just so full of love for you, how can you not love this man with all of your heart. "Never. As long as I breath, I will not leave you, Law. I love you." Then you hide your face on his neck, leaves some tender kisses on it. He smiles and nuzzles your face, "I love you most, darling."
"OOIII TORAOOO!! Y/N!!" Luffy waves his hand when he see both of you reaching Sunny. "How's your ankle, y/n?" Nami ask with concern in her face. "It's all good now, but still a lil bit painful." You smiles to her, and you see Zoro at the corner "Law, put me down. I can walk by myself." Law furrows his eyebrows, "Nuh uh. You mustn't walk for a while." He takes you to where Zoro at. "Zoro, thank you for saving me. I will bring you sake later as my thanks." You say cheerfully. "Heh. No biggie." Zoro smirks.
Law takes you to bench and put you down slowly, he sits next to you and won't leave your side. When Sanji brings out dinner, Luffy shouts happily "Dinner!! Party!! Party!!" Usopp sighs "What the hell we partying for?" Sachi brings the glass up "For the lovebird!" The other Heart Pirate crews also brings their glass up "FOR THE LOVEBIRD!!" Finally they won't feel the heavy thick tension on the sub anymore. Surprisingly Luffy also join in, "FOR TORAO AND Y/N!" And the banquet begins.
You leans in on Law and laugh at the whole situations, you peek from the corner of your eyes and see Law's subtle smile behind his glass. Law notices you've been eyeing him, he turns his head to you and intertwine his fingers with yours and gives you a peck on your lips. Both of you just smiles at each other, as if the world belonged to just the two of you.
Trafalgar D. Water Law, for the other people he is a fearsome Captain of Heart Pirates, The Supernova, The Surgeon of Death, and so many other titles. But with you, he is just a lovesick man.
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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kiiwiigii · 8 months
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Alec x Fem!Reader
Summary: Alec has a special request for you.
NSFW 18+
Oral (F receiving)
Smuttttt (duh)
Word Count: 500+
Requested?: For Kinktober!
KINKTOBERRRRRRRR we need to ride alecs face 🤠
A/N: Yeehaw, cowboy!
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"Come here, darling." Alec coaxed.
I crawled my way up to him, self-conscious of our current predicament. He only smirked, his eyes roaming down my body, completely nude aside from the corset cinched around my waist.
"Up and over, amore. I want to taste your sweetness."
"Alec!" I blushed, squeezing my thighs together.
"What? It's not as though I will suffocate, amore. Although…" His eyes gave me another once over. "I do not think I would mind it in the slightest with how delicious you smell."
I had to be as red as a tomato by now.
Alec raised an eyebrow at me, leaving no room for an argument.
"Y/N. Sit. On. My. Face."
Hesitantly, I straddled Alec's face. I could feel his hot breath against my inner thighs, sending shivers down my spine. I gasped as his tongue flicked out, teasing me through the folds of my sex.
My hands gripped the headboard as he worked me over, his tongue and lips moving in a rhythm that had me trembling with pleasure. I could feel the pressure building in my core, a tight coil of need that threatened to snap at any moment.
His hands found their way to my ass, squeezing and kneading as he continued to lick and suck me. I could feel the pressure building deep within me, my body on the brink of exploding.
"Alec," I whimpered, my body shaking as he brought me closer and closer to the edge. "Please, don't stop."
He only hummed in response.
I dug my nails into the headboard as the coil finally snapped and I practically exploded in pleasure, a moan rippling through me. I could barely breathe as my body was wracked with shudders.
I lay in a hazy afterglow as Alec flipped me over and pulled himself up over me. His lips found mine as he pressed his hard cock into my thigh. I could taste myself on his lips.
It was only when I felt Alec push my legs apart and hover above me that I realized what was about to happen.
"Wait, Alec, I-"
He silenced me with another kiss, before pushing himself inside of me.
I gasped, his slow, deep thrusts letting me adjust to his sudden intrusion before being replaced with a frantic pace that had me breathless. His hands gripped my hips, holding me in place as he pounded into me.
"Alec," I cried out, my nails digging into his back.
The coppery scent of blood filled my nose, my mind going blank as Alec's fangs had sunk into my breast. The delicious pain of his teeth sinking into my flesh and then the suction of him sucking out his venom had me moaning. I could feel my body tightening around him as I came, a storm of pleasure crashing over me.
"Alec," I sobbed, my body flying into overdrive. "Please, I'm going to-"
He thrust deep into me as he let loose with his own orgasm, filling me with his cool seed as my body quivered beneath him.
I panted, my heart pounding in my chest. Alec chuckled above me, his body still flush against mine. His hand ran through my hair, bringing me in for a kiss before he pulled out.
I pouted at the loss but grinned as he held his hand out to me.
"I think a bath is in order, darling."
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{Kinktober}  // {Masterlist}
Taglist: @alecvolturi @alecvolturiswifeforever @belladonna-xox  @birdiebeesblog @bunbunbl0gs @hyperuseless @jana-jaeynneee @itsmytimetoodream @lack-lust-3r @lucansmina @pawspurpaw @pooka167 @rosedpetal @targaryenmoony @twilightlover2007
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dreamauri · 10 months
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♪ — 𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗥𝗘𝗗 dark!soft!max verstappen x fem! reader (angst / yandere, smut) “. . . you belong to max. you are his world. its his turn to be yours.”
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( tag list | requests )
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How did it come to this?
You felt him twirling you as you danced together. Although you couldn't feel or control your body, you were moving, dancing even. Your brain was screaming and your heart was racing as Max pulled you in his chest softly.
You felt yourself slump in his his hold as he wrapped his arms around you waist, holding you close as his head dipped in your neck. You couldn't fight back. Why couldn't you?
"It's kicking in already? Hmm?" He whispered, licking up your neck and ear, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume and shampoo. Your legs were giving out and your vision was hazy. "I got you, lieveling. Let's go home." [darling]
By the time you were conscious again you knew it was too late. The last thing you remember was sharing a drink with your co-worker, Max Verstappen, during an after party. As to how you come to be in this situation you could not tell.
"You need to eat." He insisted with an angry sigh. You could only shrink further into the cold wall in protest, your knees pressing to your body to preserve the ounce of dignity you have left.
"Y/N, please. I'm being nice." He tried again, holding up the rice filled spoon. You huffed, closing your eyes and turning your head away. "Why do you have to be like this?" He growled, hand grabbing your bicep harshly.
Your bare skin prevented you from sliding on the floor. Toppling over, your knees on the floor were no longer covering your bare chest. Out of instinct, you tried to bring your arms to cover yourself only to be reminded of the handcuffs holding your hand behind your back.
Grabbing your jaw harshly, Max pressed his thumb in your mouth, prying your lips and teeth open. He force fed you dinner same way he's been doing for two nights now.
Although the taste felt like bliss due to your apparent malnutrition, you were terrified from the person feeding you. Giving in to your stomach, you hesitantly opened your mouth taking the next bite on your own.
"Good girl." You heard Max praised as you swallowed. He pulled you in his lap, your back to his chest as he continued feeding you and it felt humiliating. Tears were flowing down yours cheeks and you chocked on sobs with each bite.
Max pressed kisses to your neck once you finished, wrapping his arms around your stomach in an attempt to comfort you. You could only cry as he rocked you gently, shushing you quietly.
You wanted to feel the sun on your skin again and see your family once more. But you were stuck, with Max Verstappen.
"Wanna go home." You begged between sobs, feeling your body shake. "This is home." Max asserted, brushing your hair out of your face, stroking your hip. "Home is anywhere but with you." You could feel Max's anger meter go up hearing your words that you oh so regret spilling from your mouth.
Standing up abruptly, he dragged you away from your ankle. "Please no." You tried, pulling on your ankle with no avail. He dumped your body in his bedroom in front of the mirror. "You have nothing if it's not with me." He pinned your head to the ground before you could attempt to escape your fate.
Unlike you, Max was clothed. He pulled his sweatpants down, pulling his dick out. You could only whimper and beg for mercy under him. The stretch was painful, too painful for you to handle.
Crying his name was not enough to satisfy him. Neither was begging. He didn't stop pushing till he was completely in. Pulling you up on your knees, he held you from under your jaw, forcing you too look in the mirror. "Mijn liefje, you fit me perfectly. There is no one else for you but me and no one else for me but you."
Holding you back from your forearms, Max began with his thrusts. "You're so tight." He groaned, lips attaching to the skin on your neck as your back arched. "I'm your home now, Y/N. What more do I have to do to prove it to you?" Feeling yourself squirm, you did your best to resist as the pain only increased.
You squeeze your eyes shut, toes curling as whimpers fell from your mouth. "Y/N, my love. Relax." He whispered in your ear, hand trailing down your stomach finding your clit. An involuntary moan left your lips as you wriggled in attpempt to free yourself. "I don't want to hurt you. You have to relax."
How could you relax in a moment like this?
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Slower." You begged. "Slower." He nodded obeying. You couldn't fight back, your coil was tightening as he trusted us into you, eyes scanning your body like a prize he earned. "You feel so good, schat. So perfect." He praised, involuntarily picking up the pace again.
"Max. Slower." You whined leaning your head down, squeezing your eyes shit. "I know my love. I'm almost there. Please." The hands on your hips pulled you down to meet his thrusts as you rode him, your fourth orgasm crushing you.
A whimper fell from your mouth as you leaned your head on his chest, body feeling limp while he continued pushing. "Almost there, I'm so close." He kissed the skin on your shoulder, finally arriving to own his release.
"Oh, lieveling." He groaned, finishing off with a few more thrusts. "Such a good girl." He praised pressing kisses to your jaw and cheek. Pulling put and laying you on your back, Max pressed a finger in your core gently. "Don't waist a single drop." You could only gasp and whine when he occasionally curled his finger.
You both snapped your head to the foreign sound. While a look of fear covered your face, a look of anger covered Max's. Picking you up bridal style, Max set you in the bathtub of the ensuite bathroom. "I need you to say right here." He kissed you softly before locking the door from the inside before closing it behind him.
You didn't know what was happening outside, but it included gunshots and that scared you. You could only flinch with each fired bullet, curling up on yourself and closing your eyes.
It must've been police or something finally finding you right. It would mean freedom would it not? But on the other hand, you felt something burn in your chest at the idea of Max being on the receiving end of the gun.
It went dangerously quiet. Too quiet. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you climbed on your shaky legs. Exiting the en-suit and the bedroom. You peaked down the stairs. The part of the house you've never been to since you arrived.
"Hello?" Who were you checking on? Your savior or your ward? "Y/N, I told you to stay inside." A sigh of relief found its way to his ears as he moved into your frame of sight. Now you understood why he told you to stay away, he was bathed in blood, running down his bare chest and soaking in the sweat pants he put on in a hurry. There were two nasty looking bullet holes in his right bicep.
"Oh my God." You panicked starting to de-mount the stairs. "No No. Stay right there." He point at you, making you freeze in place. "There's glass all over the floor and I don't want you to walk in it. I'll come to you." He slowly moved through the floor till he reached the stairs climbing up to you and turning you back around.
"Let's go." He winced gently guiding you back up stairs. You sat outside the bathtub as he sat under the current of water, letting the blood wash away. You were crying again. Why are you crying so much?
"No no no, my love." Max cooed as he reached for you pulling you in a hug with his good arm. You could only lean into him as you sobbed. Someone was dead downstairs because of you. The thought haunted you and you could only go to Max for comfort.
"No one can hurt you. No can take you away from me." He assured pulling away and wiping your tears. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." "B-But you're hurt." You reasoned looking at his bleeding arm. Would he ever be able to race again?
Why did you care? He could burn in hell for all you cared.
"I'd go through anything for you, my love." And you believed him. You climbed in beside him, cuddling into his side as he wrapped his good arm around you. You sat there like a few minutes, calming down from the past events.
"Why don't you go take a nap my love." He suggested. He wanted to clean up and didn't want you to see. "I want to help, with that." You gestured to his injured arm, seeing him struggle before. "I got it. It's ok-" "-please."
A moment of silence dawned in the room as Max searched your eyes for any fault, but he found none. Helping you tuck your legs through your arms, you helped Max pull out the bullets and clean him up using the limited first aid knowledge you had.
"Thank you, darling." He kissed your forehead as he helped scrub the blood off your arms and body. You couldn't take your eyes of his concentrate ocean ones, trying to understand him.
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You sat a few stairs up as you watched Max mop the ceramic floor free of the thick red liquid. That you did not want to help with. "You hungry?" You nodded hesitantly. "You want . . . Take out?" You thought for a second before nodding again.
And so, you sat curled up between Max's legs, eating pizza hut. The first meal in weeks in which you were eating on your own.
The two of you were sitting on the floor, leaning on the bedframe watching some classic movie that you didn't bother concentrating with. "How are you going to race?" You asked out of no where.
"I'll figure something out for us, my dear." He caressed the back of your head gently pressing a kiss to your forehead. "All I need you to do is relax and stay here. I'll take care of the rest."
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A pained moan left your mouth as pushed yourself up. Falling off the bed, your forced yourself on your feet, dragging yourself with all the speed you could muster to the bathroom. Max was quick to try and catch you, but he was proven your innocence watching you empty the contents of your stomach.
A frown fell on his face as kneeled down next to you, rubbing your back softly as he brushed your hair out of your face and behind your neck. You didn't know why you were crying, but you were. And for some reason, Max's attempts for comfort weren't bad as they used to be.
He wiped your mouth clean with a wet towel, setting you on the counter to catch your breath. "Does your throat hurt?" You shook your head. "Does your stomach hurt?" You shook your head again. "Maybe it's a fever."
Your temperature was fine, and your pulse was fine. Only one thing was missing. "It's been what, two weeks late. Maybe that's why?" "What?" You stuttered confused, eyebrows furrowing.
No. It can't be.
"Your period. I'll go out and buy something. Stay here and rest. I'll be right back." He kissed your temple before making his exit. You can't be pregnant. You just couldn't. You could not have a baby in these conditions. Not this house. Not with Max. This isn't how you wanted your life to go.
You chest began to heave again as you sat between Max's legs being fed ice-cream. Every time you glanced to where the positive pregnancy test laid on the vanity you just couldn't hold yourself together, gently accepting another spoonful as Max rubbed your back comfortingly.
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"You want kiwi? Where am i going to get kiwi?" "Please." You whined holding his arm with a desperate face. "The baby wants it." That always did the trick for you. "I'll— . . . I'll get kiwi." He nodded sighing, kissing your temple making you sigh in relief.
It hasn't even been two months and you were going haywire. "And blue berries? Please?" "And blue berries." He added to his list raising his eyebrows. Max has slowly been preparing for the arrival of the soon to be coming baby and you could tell he was exited. As mentioned before, you were haywire, so you couldn't really tell if you were exited to have max around with the baby or not.
"I'll be back in an hour or so. Please don't do anything stupid." He told you firmly, pocketing his keys and wallet. You could only raise your cuffed wrists in reply. "I have no other choice." You joked making him chuckle. "I'll see you soon, love." "sure."
You sighed sitting on the couch in your room quietly. There was nothing to do around here. Not even clean or do chores because Max saw you as "too divine" to be doing such hassle work. You listened to music, passed time watching movies, bored out of your mind as you painted your own nails to entertain yourself.
"Chili sounds really good right now." You nodded to your not born baby. And so, you found yourself steering the meat and the tomato sauce in the kitchen, humming a melody that was stuck in your head.
"Your naked." You practically had a heart attack, turning around to face the intruder. A woman, younger than you but old enough. Nice blond hair and gorgeous green eyes.
"You're pregnant too." She furrowed her eyebrows looking at your belly. "And handcuffed. I knew it— what are you doing here." Her face turned sour really fast. You couldn't quite put q finger on her but you felt a sense of danger and hostility radiating off of her.
"Who are you?" Venom leaked through her words as she stepped forward. You took a step back, covering your small belly bump out of instinct. What did this crazy woman want from you?
You broke out in a run towards the stairs, aiming for your safe spot. "No you don't." She caught you real quick. You couldn't help but cry as you fell, doing your best to push her off of you.
"Max is mine. Why would he want to be with a slut like you?" She was frustrated, clearly she didn't know Max Verstappen's true colors. "Look at you. You're just a pathetic bitch." You could only cry as you tried to protect yourself.
Your that's were running wild as you tried to wrestle yourself free. Your mind clearing once you heard the front door click. "Max!" You never thought you'd be calling that name in such a situation.
But deep down know he'd always be there for you.
It wasn't much after you were sitting in the backyard, bathing in the moonlight. "Sweetheart." Max broke you out of trance as he came outside to sit beside you on a chair while you took refuge on the grass near his feet. You found yourself snuggling into Max's legs, leaning your head on his thighs as he slowly peeled a kiwi for you.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, lieveling." He sighed feeling disappointed in himself as he hand fed you gently. You could only sigh as you took smile bites, looking at the shirtless and bloodied man, cupping his hand over the lighter to start the flame to his cigarette.
You turned your body to face him, watching him take deep breaths of the nicotine as his hand gently brushed your hair from your eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll be more careful, for you and for our family." He promised holding you chin gently, plucking the cigar out of his mouth before he leaned down and kissing you.
You let him kiss you instead of struggling or pulling away like you usually do, enjoying the taste of smoke on his tongue. Something changed in him. Or maybe, something changed in you. The way you saw him wasn't the same anymore. Watching him rescue you from that mad woman this morning, watching him beat her up with the baseball bat he kept at the front door.
Blood splattering on his body which each swing, pulling her off of you and dragging her out to deal with her.
Watching him protect you like that. It just- a switch was flipped, you didn't see him the same. You closed your eyes as Max stroked your cheek gently with his thumb, pressing a soft kiss to his bare thigh.
You could hear the smile spread on his cheek as he continued to hand feed you, gently and lovingly. And you enjoyed it.
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"M—" You cut yourself off felling your self gasp for air, gripping onto the strong hands that wrapped around you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt empty, sheets wet.
"What's wrong?" He groggily woke up, turning around to turn the lamp on. Red, the cream coloured bed sheets were blood red. "No no no no." You cried covering your mouth as sobs filled the room. Pulling the sheets off gently, Max knew what this meant.
He sat up gently holding his head on his hands as he tried to collect himself. Only moments later did he pick you up and set you in the bathtub, doing his best to comfort you with kisses as he washed you clean from the horrid colour.
"I'm so sorry, Max. I'm so sorry." "It wasn't your fault, liefje." He assired caressing your head as he pressed his forehead to yours. "But you w—were so exited and I took that away from you." "You didn't do anything wrong." He kissed you gently, running his soap filled hands along your thighs and tummy. "It wasn't you fault."
You laid quietly on his lap, leaning on his chest as he scrubbed and cleaned your hair with shampoo. Shaky shighs rocked your chest as he gently set you on the edge of the tub, drying you, and for the first time dressing you.
He gently slipped up panties for you, sticking a pad on and help you pull them up. You leaned on his shoulder as he stroked your bare back gently, brushing your hair and braiding it for the night. He knew you had fallen asleep by the time your breaths were even.
Max carried you to the couch, making it as comfortable for you as possible, sleeping on floor beside you. When you woke up the morning, you were surprised to see your hands not pulling each other in different directions, and you had a shirt on. When was the last time you had a shirt on. shuffling on your other side, you saw max sitting on the floor beside you, passed out.
Two warm cups of team. You took one, sitting beside Max, leaning your head on his shoulder as you took short sips. "You want to go hike?" He yawned, leaning his head on top of yours, lifting your cup to take a small sip. "I want to see the sun."
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"No, no let me go." You wriggled and struggled against the cops that held you back. Sobs came from your mouth as you saw Max put in more effort to free himself, but it was all futile, he was handcuffed and being forced into the police car.
"Only you, darling. Only you, babe." You promised, crying as the law enforcers tried to calm you down. "Only you, Max."
Of course this wasn't the last time you were going to see him. Living with Max for so long has sparked something in you. He's rubbed off on you. He's changed something in you that no one else could or should have.
In the time with you, Max created a monster. One where you would drag a katana behind you as you walked down the bloody hall, licking your fingers clean from the red liquid as you looked through each jail cell, searching for your blond lover.
"There you are." You whispered as you looked at Max, blue eyes waiting for you behind the bars, staring at you intently. "I missed you. Lets go see the sun, together."
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0-hoony · 4 days
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i'm like some kind of supernova [ft. u.ae]
⤷ pov : literally all of the clocks of your house stop working and a random girl falls into your house?? she says she's like .. a goddess?? and now you've agreed to help her find her colleagues that disappeared?? or else she might torment you for all your life???
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pairing : timekeeper!giselle x reader genre : serious codedish + crack cw/tw : talks about dying/not dying + giselle talks old timey-ish for a couple mins + lowk this is a fever dream + uneditted womp womp wc : 914 woooo !!
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the strange quiet should’ve tipped you off.
when you woke up from an (unusually) dreamless sleep, your first instinct was to fight the urge to look at your phone and instead focus on the digital clock situated to the left of your bed. 
you were trying to make a conscious effort to “stop being dependent on your phone” and metaphorically touch grass.
and, obviously, that was your first mistake. 
the flashing numbers of the screen looked back at you, almost defiantly. 00.30.
one look at the sunlight streaming in through a conveniently located window proved that incorrect immediately. 
the clock appears to be broken.
pretty normal occurrence, could happen to anyone.
but when you venture out to the dining room, another clock, one of the analog variety, proudly displays the hour hand at 1 and the minute hand at 8. 
the clocks in the living room, guest room and kitchen all respectively seem to believe it’s around 2.45, 3.06 and 4.58 am respectively.
you can no longer put this off to a coincidence and the realization that there may be some foul play at work shakes you to the core. 
until, of course, there is a loud BANG! and a girl falls right on top of you. 
by then, your only coherent thought is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
the girl groans, likely in pain from the fall (where did she fall from??? is she a neighbour and did your ceiling just … break down??). she’s quick to regain composure however.
“greetings mortal. be not afraid for i am merely a being that most humans desire to have control over, despite knowing how utterly unattainable it is.
i am giselle; the keeper of time, in its purest essence.”
“your name tag says uchinaga aeri though.” you gesture with your eyes as she still has your arms pinned down with just enough strength to render them completely immovable.
“and also,” your fight or flight reaction shows itself by a means of ceaseless curiosity, “isn’t time supposed to be .. an old bearded man holding an hourglass? wasn’t he called father time?
the time keeper/uchinaga aeri/giselle/ looks pissed. or is she just flustered??
“the name tag is just a slight error, okay?! and i actually DO have an hourglass. also assuming that time is “male” is sexist.”
“no that’s not what i meant-” you try to defend yourself, but she brushes it off with practiced ease.
“my colleagues and i recently faced a … misfortunate incident. they all disappeared soon after.  the thorough investigations i carried out right after lead me nowhere for quite a while. 
but now… my sources have led me to you, mortal.”
the way aeri giselle speaks is enough to show you that she would not hesitate to resort to any means necessary to bring back the people she’s lost. they are obviously much more to her than just “colleagues.” 
you admire that. but also … according to her “sources” doesn’t she think that you are the one responsible for the disappearances? 
giselle’s grip on your hands eases only slightly while your brain busily tries to make sense of the events; wondering if she perhaps terrified you into silence. 
you do not let that opportunity go to waste.
with a slightly awkward, not as suave movement as you would have liked it to be, you flip over so that the timekeeper is now below you. 
“mortal?!” she gasps out, “you dare manhandle one of the 4 Supernovas, the guardians of the universe?! why i should-”
“hear me out please, before you burn me to a crisp or whatever you’d like” 
giselle’s eyes twinkle. 
she snaps her fingers. and all the lights blink out.
you find yourself … in your bedroom? almost like you’ve been sent back in time to earlier the same day…
the time keeper sits at the edge of the bed, rather nonchalantly, for someone who looked like they were merely seconds away from..
“letting you age and age and age some more, until all that’s left of you is a shriveled husk and all you can think of is the sweet release of death; but alas you’ll never find respite, because i will simply ensure that you remain undying. i think that’s what i’ll do to you if you don’t cooperate <3 arson’s not really my thing, ningning however,-”
you interrupt her once more, probably not the best decision but you need to make your offer as soon as possible if you have any hopes of getting out of this alive, “i’ll help you.”
you ramble on about how all the clocks had stopped working and how you were 99% sure that this meant you were definitely a key part in helping to find the people who had disappeared.
it almost feels like an interview; trying to convince giselle to hire you as a helper and also, as a side bonus, not torment you for all of eternity. 
and surprisingly, it works.
as you’re ending your pitch, she suddenly leans forward so that her forehead almost touches yours. 
“rest up for now, then.” she says, “you need all the energy you can get for our mission. and if you even think of backing out…”
“i won’t!!” you affirm quickly, which makes her smile and
god she’s really pretty isn’t she? 
beep. beep. beep.
the digital clock on your bedside says it’s 00.30. 
you grab your phone.
the Contacts app opens up. the first saved number is of a certain timekeeper.
o giselle (NOT aeri.) xxxxxxxxxx
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notes : I HATE THE TITLEEE IM MIGHT CHANGE IT IDK THO + [m.list] song rec : man idk i was js watching danny gonzales videos/horror video game playthroughs + supernova - aespa???
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𐙚 . regulars : @skriri ⋆
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