#being pretty
sxrrhhn · 1 month
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local-lover-boy · 1 month
I keep getting lipgloss in my hair and in turn it gets on my glasses!!!
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selkie-on-land · 4 months
I realised something today about the wonderful gender oppression forced on girls. 🥰.
I have never been told that lying is morally wrong.
I was told lies are ugly on a girl, it's not pretty to see a girl lying, you're a girl it makes you ugly if you lie, etc.
I shouldn't lie not because it's wrong (except if you are trying to survive), I should not lie because it makes me a girl ugly, and obviously my whole purpose as a girl in the world is to be pretty.
My grandma used to tell I don't like liar girls while looking at me. In random moments, I knew it was for me to suddenly came out ALL the lies she imagined I've done but it never worked because I never quite understood what she meant, why she said those things. After a few, I realised it wasn't just her, just every allistics are ''communicating'' like that. If you can call that communication.
Now that I'm thinking about this, she said those things when I wasn't behaving like the perfect servant in pink bows that I was supposed to be. And apparently, my ''boyish'' behaviour were the signs that I did something bad so I was hiding it and lying. I was just trying to survive a an autistic in a allistic world and as a girl in a boy and man's world.
The worst thing is she's also autistic but had internalised so much of the oppressor that she became one.
She changed through years, now she's a complete different person but still.
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ninjigma · 1 year
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Something something, 4 am rare pair art for some lovely people. You know who you are. 💙
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annaxlena-swck · 9 months
"But if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive."
- Mitski
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thepathetickind · 10 months
she feels pretty when she writes, in her words or in another story, being someone else or is she finally herself, completely?
by laurenmaerie, struggling with the concept of beauty
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pellmelproductions · 1 year
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jamelavieblog · 1 year
„Words, action, choices - matter.”
1. Words - your mindset can change within your words, for example when you’ll keep saying “I’m so ugly, other girls are much prettier”, your mindset and subconscious will absorb these words and make that a reality. But if you will say “I’m so pretty, there’s no need to compare myself to other girls”. Everything will change.
2. Action - you need to start taking action, you can’t feel prettier or better when you don’t take action. Clean your room, drink enough water, take care of your skin, find a perfect style, take care of your hair. Just start taking action.
3. Choices - you chose not to cry of how you look, but to change that and be able to love yourself. You chose to wake up one day and change your life, you chose to close the door of your past and open a new one, that’s what matters.
xoxo, hana 💋
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coye · 12 days
The Power of Self Care: Why You Deserve to Feel Beautiful
Just because you may not feel attractive doesn’t mean you should deny yourself the chance to look pretty. Everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful, regardless of their looks. Even if you struggle with self worth, remember that taking care of yourself can make a big difference. Looking good can boost your self confidence and lift your spirits. It’s not just about how you look; it’s also about how you carry yourself and the energy you share. My advice is to always make an effort to look presentable, no matter how you feel about yourself. When you dress well and take care of your appearance, it can change your mindset and help you recognize your own value. Embracing self care is a powerful act of self love. You deserve to shine, and how you present yourself can reflect that inner strength. So don’t hold back; invest in yourself and let your true self show. Everyone has the right to feel attractive and confident, and it all starts with you!
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baohanhanesel · 1 year
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Tried a different brush.
The brainrot is driving me crazy.
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dickinson-devotee · 7 months
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shiny-fycsz · 7 months
Being pretty is an option, and I chose that option
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je-lurk · 7 months
Following is the full transcript of "Being Pretty", the first video of the Autodale series, by David Armsby. Because I needed this in my life, so you might as well have it.
Are we sitting comfortably?
Welcome, citizens of Autodale, to this PSA.
Children, look around the room.
Look at your father. He likes to read the newspaper and kick his feet up after a hard day’s work. He provides for your family. Your father is pretty.
And then children, look at your mother. Isn’t her cooking splendid? She also keeps the house clean and she reads you bedtime stories every night. Your mother is pretty.
And now children, look at yourselves. You’re young, you laugh, you play. You may scrape your knees from time to time. You have friends! You and your friends get up to all sorts of playful mischief.
One day, children, you will grow up to be just like one of your parents. And you will build a family of your own. One day, you will be pretty.
Now, finally, my pretties, look outside, at your lovely neighbours. You’re pretty. You’re pretty. You’re pretty.
But alas, children, not everyone is pretty. Some are… ugly. We don’t want uglies, do we, children? You are ugly, you are ugly. You are ugly.
We take the uglies away so that you, and your friends, and your neighbours, and your family can stay pretty.
Remember that, children.
And this concludes today’s PSA, citizens of Autodale.
Children, like your parents, and their parents before them, remember to stay
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notthishere · 1 year
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Springbonnie in a dress
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animefreaksince2001 · 2 years
So I’m reading Berserk and wow the horrors are unending and will not cease🥴
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thepathetickind · 10 months
she only feels beautiful in her room, on her own, no pictures on the walls, listening to good music, with her hair down, wearing long pants and a big sweater
by laurenmaerie, struggling with the concept of beauty
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