#being studied and learned and investing years into practise
galedekarios · 7 months
hope you don't mind this completely unsolicited ask but anyway the constant "Gale is mean to sorcerers" discussion drives me nuts too. the Tav i made to romance Gale is a wild magic sorcerer because there are a couple of actually pretty sweet interactions between wild mages and Gale, i wish that was the dynamic people explored more often. my sorcerer thinks of magic as a hassle at best and a curse at worst and their relationship with Gale is what helps them accept it not just as a part of themself but as something to be embraced and celebrated (and helps them learn to control wild magic surges) - while they at the same time help Gale see his value *outside* of magic. i am so sorry for the ramble i just really like sorcerer/Gale stuff i wish so much of it wasn't about trying to "knock Gale down a peg" or whatever.
i don't mind at all, anon!
thank you for your message and i'm sorry it took me a bit to reply. i still don't have the spoons some days, but i'm trying to get back into writing more again (for asks and for meta, for hcs and for ficlets).
i do actually like the dynamic a wild magic sorcerer and gale can have as indicated by the wild magic sorcerer tags and gale's responses to them. i should have added that in my original post.
he's very good-natured, interested in their stories (stephanie the cow) or tries to emphasise with the things that was past their control sometimes (with gale emphasing again, given his own childhood and most recent magical affliction).
i think the dynamic gale and your wild magic sorcerer has sounds very sweet and definitely more based on mutual respect and helping each other.
my "complaints" - i don't even want to call them that because at the end of the day it's just a preference - are more about me being super tired of people taking the sorcerer options outside of the game at face value, not seeing how arrogant, rude and clownish they are, especially when they are aimed at a character like gale, who is leagues above and beyond in terms magical abilities and his very connection to the weave.
which again brings us back to the point where i think the real problem is for people: that a character is more powerful and capable than their oc and them not being able to stomach that at all.
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hanawrites404 · 9 months
So @pinguwrites mentioned about the backstories of Cillianverse characters and I am gonna give some of my insight on them lol.
Also, disclaimer. In this post I'm only gonna include the characters whose movies I have completed. But as I see more movies, I'll add their characters in the next post like this. I won't include Jonathan Crane (because I strongly stick to the backstory that DC comics has provided) and Oppenheimer (it's obvious why).
Now that I have established this, let's gets started ✨
Neil Lewis
Watching The Detectives
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Neil was born in a family containing a single soccer mum and a big sister who is at least seven years older than him. Neil was shy as a toddler but would be very invested into something once you give him a chance.
He didn't change much when he got to his school days. He had his fair share of friends and answered in the class like an average student. But what was special about him was that he had the most unique stories. When it came to show and tell or small story writing, no one could beat Neil in terms of creativity (but somehow he never got a prize because his grammar used to be horrible).
At highschool, he was definitely a target for bullying, but luckily his friends always defended him. I believe he met Lucien and Jonathan during highschool too. Neil was a comic + movie nerd and he would randomly start to speak out facts about it whenever he finds someone to talk to, and many didn't appreciate that so he was also sort of an outcast. But he didn't mind that because he had his small circle of friends.
Neil was again, average in his studies. But he was such a theatre kid. He never got the main role but he used to steal the show, even if this mf is acting as a tree. He was THAT talented. He has also participated in sports events but ends up chickening out in most of it. Until one day he practised hard with his sister for a match against the rival school and 'accidentally' won his school the baseball trophy. Neil's mom has a photo of him crying with a red face and holding the well-deserved trophy high in his arms. We love our crybaby.
Neil graduated from high school and went into a decent university where he took film studies as his major, despite his mom and sister wanting him to join something that would make him 'rich and popular' like sports or music.
College Neil was an absolute blast. He had his own style, and he had a second-hand guitar from one of his seniors. He used to drive his sister's old motorcycle to college and he also learnt driving a car from her. Neil met Denise during his final year and after graduation, Neil with help of his sister and his friends opened the famous Gumshoe video store.
Jackson Rippner
Red Eye
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Okay, for this. I really want to thank @/pinguwrites Jackson Rippner bot. It literally provided a very cool backstory that makes so much sense for someone like our thin-eyebrowed assassin. So I'm gonna copy paste some of it here + add some lines of my own.
Jack's parents were drug addicts and he used to live in a slum filled with junkies and small-scale criminals where no one had any honor or sympathy for one another. So the neighbourhood was always filthy and toxic. He has seen murders and robberies at such a young age. And poor boy had no choice but to learn how to fight and protect himself.
Things only got worse as he grew older. He had to join a gang because a child living alone in slums was as a good as dead. The gang would provide him food, clothes and shelter in exchange of stealing, killing and burning houses. He hated everything he did but he had to do it for surviving.
After years of being a criminal for his whole teenhood, he decided to quit it and do something good for once. So he joined the military. But nothing was good there either. With strict routine and rules, and the other recruits bullying him for his past. He used to get into a lot of fights with his peers and he had developed quite a temper there.
Everywhere was war and destruction. Never once that he was spared from witnessing violence and gore that Jack had gone numb from all of it. From feeling disgust and anger, he now loves watching people suffer, especially if he is causing their pain.
He left the military to start everything again, but he couldn't get any ordinary job because he didn't have any formal education. However, he was noticed by a secret association of assassins and contract killers. The agency took Jack in and taught him all and everything which is needed to become a spy.
Also, I highly believe Jackson Rippner is not even his real name. It would be something else that his parents used to call him but he would rather have someone use his alias than his birth name (it brings bad memories).
28 Days Later
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Jim didn't have anything crazy going on with him (at least before the apocalypse lol). He has had a loving family who supported him throughout his life. But what's mysterious and wierd about him is that he was an ordinary bicycle courier man, *yet* he managed to sabotage what, 10-12 soldiers single-handedly?! That ain't male hormones dude, that's something else 😭
So, I at least think that he used to do something more before becoming a delivery man. Perhaps something like a sports player, or a security guard of some complex or maybe he was still a courier man! But of more heavier objects like crates of fruits or something. But one thing is for sure is that he was a guy who would rather do odd jobs than a 9-5.
Also, canonically the director of the movie has described him to be a soft-looking man with a body strong as an iron, and that's so real y'all. Jim throughout the movie was underestimated until the end where he ended up becoming the hero of the whole show. And you know what, we love that.
Also, I don't think he ever had a girlfriend before. And Jim gives strong virgin vibes yet knows where the clit is.
The Delinquent Season
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Jim was a simple boy. He also didn't have much crazy going on with his childhood too. He was quite a smart student and a straight-A kid. His parents were strict regarding his grades and behaviour but they raised him normally. He had his fair share of playing around, partying etc. But nothing hardcore, and Jim doesn't like it that way anyway.
He got into a reputed college away from home and must have studied something sophisticated like law or psychology. Jim in college only focused on his studies and didn't have many friends. He was quiet and light academia student who spent most of his time in library or alone in his desk at his dorm. He calls his parents once a week and that was it.
He has worked from home since the start and met Danielle after two years. Then a year after he married her and had kids.
Raymond Leon
In Time
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Ray is almost similar to Jackson in this case. He was born in timezone 12, also known as the ghetto. Where one minute is like a year for the people who live there. Ray's parents worked at the factory and had died quite early in his life due to a hazard that occured in their workplace. So he was adopted by his uncle who ran a pawn shop. He was a great role model and a second father to Ray. His uncle's dream was to see the world outside timezone 12. And naturally, Ray took on that.
He helped his uncle to run the shop and he used to venture out and doing odd jobs to bring some time. He also learnt how to do trade and gamble as it was one of the main sources of income in timezone 12. Ray was given basic education by his uncle and other skills such as cooking, driving. His uncle had made Ray into a fine and independent man, and for his 25th birthday, his uncle gave him a handgun.
Until one day when Ray was coming back from his work, he finds his uncle dead and bleeding on the floor. Not only his hard-earned time was stolen, the thieves had stabbed him in the chest five times. Ray was devastated and mourned for his only guardian's death. He blamed himself for not being there for him when he needed him the most. But what burnt inside him more was anger and revenge.
With all the skills he had gained while being under his uncle, he was able to track down the thieves. They were not some ordinary robbers but an infamous gang who like to steal from people with a lot of time. He has seen them in the gambling bars many times and it was time to end their reign. Ray had managed to outsmart and kill everyone in the group. He genuinely felt disgusted but also satisfied murdering them.
A few days later, Ray was approached by the head of the Timekeepers who had tracked him. They detected time being lost but not stolen. Ray had not stolen even one second after killing the group. It made the timekeeper intrigued by the young man. Ray was offered to work under him, and that's how Ray got out of the timezone 12 forever.
Robert Capa
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The sun god™ himself. Our beloved Robert was a prodigy in science. Since his childhood, he had always wanted to see a proper sunrise from the horizon of Sydney. He helped his family with the winter while also planning out ways that he can bring out sunny days like it used to.
His room was filled with posters of Icarus I and its crew members. He wanted to be like them but also didn't want to be like them. He wanted to be the reason humanity would feel pure sunshine on their skin but he also didn't want to fail and just disappear when they were *this* close to revive the sun. He opted physics as his passion and had dreams of how earth used to be before it went into the phase of eternal winter.
During his training for venturing into space and fulfilling their mission, Robert was quite determined too. He got acquainted with the rest of the crew members but he usually kept everything to himself. He was only focused on bringing the sun back and returning to see his parents and sister.
I also think Robert has synesthesia. He has a vivid imagination and can sense colours and sounds at the same time. That would really explain his last scene.
Anyways, that's all for my rant. Thank you for listening. Part 2 will come soon once I have watched enough movies.
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
Hello! I love your page and I was meaning to ask for a bit of advice. I'm 15 about to have my sweet sixteen, im about to be a junior this year along with being a freshman in college due to dual enrollment, im searching for a job but of course yk everything is “16 or more” and if for rn its fine because Im a braider so money definitely comes in and im a bit on edge tryna plan for this year and my sweet sixteen. Life is a bit in between im kinda stressing but feel good and excited for things so basically my question is how do I start living what you would call a peaceful life or a “It girl” life along with managing everything. If you could help me out much would be appreciated 🩷
Hey sweetie, here are some thoughts....
1] A morning practise. Your journal. Praying. Meditating. Listening. Minimum of 30 mins for you. You can write your goals, look at your vision board. Read something that inspires you. This time for self-reflection and growth will be the foundations for living a peaceful life.
2] Eating & exercising. Treating your body as if it were a temple. Only consuming food and drinks that nourish you. Drinking enough water each day. Educating yourself on foods that support your body, and learning to listen to it. On top of that an exercise practise. Stretching at home, morning runs, a yoga practice. This is going to add so much CONFIDENCE to your life. Not only that, you will gain energy from moving your body.
3] Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you & expand you. This will accelerate your growth. You become a sponge, and gain so much from spending time with the wisdom of those who light something inside of you. If you don't have people around you, lean on YouTube / Podcast to absorb this motivational energy.
4] Look your best. Invest in your aesthetic. Become a reflection of the goddess that you are. If you are struggling with your makeup, watch YouTube tutorials. If you are not sure what clothes suit your body shape, study women who dress well with the same figure as you. If your teeth are not white enough, order those Crest whitening strips. One thing about style and presentation, it doesn't require a huge bank balance. You use what resources you have to invest in you.
And finally... Be about your business. Be in your purpose. This is the IT girl energy. She is looking her best. Thriving. Doing her hot girl walks, drinking her litres of water per day. She is moving her body. She is surrounded by inspiring women, and men who support and nourish her growth. She doesn't expend any energy on those low vibrational conversations, situations, gossip. She is in her faith. She is GLOWING. Her skin is clear because you understands and prioritises gut health, she is educated, she is helping others. She knows the value of giving back.... She is you.
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astrxobabe · 4 months
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖝𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖊? ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
I think it is due for a reintroduction, since I went on hiatus and I’m back now for the time being. So allow me to introduce myself. 
Hi. My name is Marinette. You might know me from around tumblr for some other astrology content that is mainly based on kpop and especially BTS. 
In this account (my general or rather, more seriously-approached one) I aim to approach all of you guys to a more comprehensive side of tarot and astrology without dabbling into the conceptualisation of ‘pop astrology/tarot’. 
Every topic we touch upon here is done so with the utmost respect and backed up with formal research and experience, which brings me to my next point: What are even my credentials to be doing such a thing online?
I am a 25-year-old eclectic practitioner who was raised under a closed practice branch of indigenous shamanism, so for the sake of labelling and understanding, I could fall into the ‘generational witch’ umbrella term. My craft includes a vast arrangement of practises that I’ve kept myself updated and well invested in for little more than 10 years in and these practises include the most commonly displayed online practises like tarot and astrology, along with various other fortune-telling methods along with more personal practises like deity work and magick. 
For the longest time, my main concern with bringing my practice online is merely educational and entertainment purposes, so you guys as an audience can have a reliable and studied source amidst a lot of other practitioners that are also online. I aim to bring an open discourse between us so you can learn and grow accustomed to questioning the veracity and ethical approach of the spiritual content that makes it online, which is why most of my content is completely free. 
HOWEVER, if you are interested in a much more personal level in these spiritual practices, I do offer paid content on my Kofi page which is linked in my pinned post. There you can find from tarot readings to astrology and numerology analysis that may serve you separately, up to a spiritual companionship in which I accompany you from a parapsychology approach into your growth process via setting goals.
So…welcome back to my page! I hope you resonate with the content that I have planned out for you guys and that you have a lot of fun with it just like I do while bringing it to you guys here!. 
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leftluminarytragedy · 4 months
     Eight Acting Tips for Bright-Eyed Beginners to learn
Acting is a very personal process. It has to do with expressing your own personality, and discovering the character you are playing through you’re own experience – so we’re all different”
Ian McKellen
Many budding actors, with their debut movies, have shown a spark of becoming the Bollywood stars of tomorrow. 
We are sure each one of them would have had their share of struggles before bagging their first project. So let us takes cues from their journey and enlist eight tips that can be useful for a bright-eyed beginner to get launched in movies.
#1.  Make sure your learning curve never drops
Acting is a skill that you need to sharpen. You will never fall short of learning opportunities because even the most successful and seasoned actors say that they never stop learning throughout their careers.
To know the rules of the game, you will need to watch movies, study theatre and consider drama as a discipline in your school curriculum. So fasten your seat belts so that you can have a smooth flight!
#2. Practice will make you perfect
We have heard the above saying enough. So along with gaining knowledge, it will be good to put it all into practice. 
Trying to read out dialogues aloud to improve your diction or emulating scenes from your favourite movie with your buddies can be a great way to improve your performance. Even the established actors recommend that the best way to utilise downtime is to practise and hone acting skills.
Unluclass Suggestion: Read more about Method Acting and Acting Tips for beginners.
#3. Focus on physical and mental fitness
Fitness is the new global mantra. While it is true for all of us, it is even more so for actors, as by taking better care of their bodies and fitness levels, they can be assured of more opportunities and more years of performance.
Hence, being a full-time actor takes a tremendous amount of commitment, and you have to be in the best possible shape you can be in.
However, make sure to build your mind too, since in every offered role you will need to create a convincing character to impress the audience. Make sure you compromise on neither of them.
#4. Enroll with an acting school
It would be prudent to acquire some formal training by associating with an acting school or a theatre company. 
Association with an acting school has its own benefits. Firstly, you start getting noticed and begin networking, which will be the key to success in your later life. 
You will also be able to find accountability partners as you can actively work with your batchmates to improve your communication, body confidence, and ability to express your emotions.
Moreover, it will boost your confidence while you learn to improvise, adapt and overcome. Last but not the least, acting is a team effort and you will learn how to work well in a team. 
Additionally, try enrolling yourself in a dance academy. Dance is another art form that has given breaks to several successful actors in the past. You never know you could be the next one in the making!
Being able to learn/memorize your acting script is a big bonus. And an acting school is a great space to enhance that ability.
#5. Create an impressive portfolio
While you are honing your acting skills, make sure you can make heads turn with your appearance or your portfolio. Professional headshots are an investment and you can use them to create your brand. It is often your first communication to your business colleagues and customers. 
Make sure you get it done by the best photographer in town. Trust them to lead you through the experience and give you a fabulous output that will take you places. 
Take charge of your publicity by having an active blog, a sensibly crafted CV, reflecting relevant experience and accompanied by some great headshots. 
A channel on YouTube or other popular platforms can be another mode to display your creative skills, build experience and fan following.
READ MORE....AI Story Generator Tool, Script Screenplay Writing software | Mugafi
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Vision Board 2021
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My relationship with God is amazing. I'm healing. I'm learning to let go of my anger. I'm learning humility. God has me. I've surrendered to God. I trust in him. This year, he's running the show. I trust you. Even when I'm anxious and unsettled,i choose to trust you.
Financial security. I'm getting a lot of money and affluence. I'm investing in myself and my loved ones. I'm spoiling myself and my loved ones. I'm Saving for my future
Success in school. I want to pass all my semesters. I want to be on top of my class work. Study ahead. Prepare for exams early.
Healing: from sexual abuse and the trauma from it. Reclaim my body. Take back my power. Birth new confidence. I'm more self assured. I'm more confident. I'm more comfortable with myself and being alone. I'm healing. I'm growing. I'm breaking bonds and anything that has been holding me back. I'm making progress.
Securing the bag. My work works for me. I'm financially secure and comfortable.
Growth; do more shadow work, self care, Journaling. I'm Journaling more. I'm practising gratitude. I'm doing more shadow work. I'm reparenting myself. I'm taking care of my inner child.
Experiment with my hair. Do more natural hair styles. I'm more into my hair. I'm doing more styles. I'm getting out of my comfort zone
Do more styles with scarfs. And headwraps. I'm working it!!!
Lipliner and gloss combo!
Stock on shoes: mules, flats, sandals, birkenstocks, heels, sneakers. My shoe game is fuego!! I'm dat queen!!
Buy more gloss. My gloss collection is popping.
Buy more tops: bralettes, wrap tops, puffy sleeves, fitting t shirts, camis, official blouses, t shirts
Do more episodes on my podcast. Especially on music. Focus on artists. Kenyan and abroad
Segment on books I'm reading
Segment on movies and series i'm watching
My nose piercings
More ear piercings.
Forgiveness. Forgiving my friends who wronged me. My class teacher in high school. The captains in high school, my dad, my mom,. Myself, my abuser.
Themes I'm Working Towards
self care
taking care of my inner child,
reparenting myself,
secure body image.
Confidence in myself, my looks and my abilities.
God and Me. My heavenly father.
Complete Surrender to God's will
Self improvement
Reclaim my feminine energy. I'm taking back my feminine energy. I'm more vulnerable. More in tune with my emotions. I am open and ready for vulnerability. I'm soft. And fluid. Allow myself to receive. I'm allowing myself to receive. I'm allowing myself to be taken care of.
Channel my creativity. Make more episodes. Make more art. Draw more I'm drawing more. I'm creating more. Doing more with music.
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innocentbi-stander · 4 years
The Theory of Pleasure
I’ve had an asexual!Jaskier fic idea bouncing around for a while, so I finally made myself sit down and write it, let me know what you think!
As always, I’m willing to take requests for fics or headcanons!
Jaskier had always known he was broken.
Had known it since he was small, when nothing he did was ever good enough. Had known it when he stumbled through yet another sword fighting lesson, his feet stumbling in vain to find their proper place in the footwork. Whenever he looked up to the balcony of the manor, he’d see the look of disappointment etched on his father’s face. It was an expression that he was intimately familiar with even at the age of 12.
That disappointed expression haunted Jaskier throughout his childhood.When he grew willowy and slight, his features were delicate instead of the rugged broad shouldered build of his father. When he chose music over sword fighting, a passion unbecoming of a nobleman’s son.
Jaskier knew he was broken because he saw it in his father’s eyes every time he looked at him.
He knew he was broken on the outside. But as Jaskier grew older he realized he was just as broken inside as well. As he grew older the other noble children began to cast looks at each other he didn’t quite understand. Jaskier couldn’t help but feel like there was something wrong with him. Whatever was going on between his peers mystified him, and he couldn’t comprehend the sudden fascination, but if there was one thing he had learned under the roof of his father it was how to play a part. And Jaskier was always an excellent actor.
So he crafted a mask. A mask of wit and charm. Objectively, Jaskier knew he was considered attractive by his peers. So he used that to his advantage. He masqueraded his way into dozens of beds, not caring if they were men or women, or if they had a partner waiting for them to come home. All he cared about was a warm bed to sleep in at night.  
Jaskier made himself a reputation. A reputation of jumping out of windows in early morning light, angry husbands a his heels, a reputation of scandal and movement, and being known. His escapades often only lasted for one night, but one night was all he needed. To Jaskier, sex meant exchanging loving touches and connection, but he knew his many lovers bedded him for another reason entirely. It was just another way to be broken.
It still wasn’t enough. He still wasn’t enough. And Jaskier didn’t understand why. He had done everything his father ever wanted him to be. He had stopped his indulgence in frivolous things like music, had learned to charm the members of the court, had learned to choke down the awful taste of his father’s ire and do better. Jaskier pinned down every piece of himself that mattered and tried to fill the mold of perfection his parents had created for him. It was only then he realized, it would never be enough. It didn’t matter what he did or changed, in the eyes of his parents he was irreparably broken and always would be.
So Jaskier ran away.
He stuffed only what was needed in his pack, grabbed his lute and left. He ran away from his unhappy life. Away from a future of arranged loveless marriages, desperate affairs, away from the toxicity of court gossip, and away from his parents. And as he walked down the lone road, his pants crusted in dirt and his ill suited for traveling shoes already aching, he never felt more free.
When Jaskier ran, he ran towards Oxenfurt, one of the most prestigious schools on the continent. It was the first place he ever felt he could truly call home. In the city everyone was eccentric and full of contradictions. He was far from his rigid life in court where everyone tiptoed around each other. Oxenfurt was bright and loud and nothing like he had ever seen before.
Though Jaskier studied all seven of the liberal arts, music was the one that claimed his heart. At Oxenfurt his dedication to music was not seen as shameful, but a blessing. Jaskier practised his lute until his hands bled raw. His fingers danced across the strings with a mindless ease, and strum with the passion his father had always wished he had for sword fighting.
It was at Oxenfurt where he learned what love truly was. There was no place for love in court. People would marry who they were told to, whether it was for power, placement, or peace, love was never considered a factor. They would never marry for the passion that they shared with one another. The nobles in his father’s court sneered at the thought of love, declaring it something for foolish children. A good noble was emotionless and stoic, and that was one of the reasons Jaskier had always failed to fit in. At Oxenfurt, he was shown poetry and immediately became obsessed with it. He lost himself in paragraphs written by people overwhelmed with devotion and feeling. The idea of loving someone so fiercely above all else and being loved in return seemed like the most fortunate thing in the entire world.
It wasn’t long before Jaskier graduated Oxenfurt as a bard, and although the traditional path was to join a court, Jaskier knew he had had quite enough of nobles for a lifetime, instead declaring the life of a traveling bard. The decision to rough it on the road instead of settling in a cushy court was seen as extremely unusual to those who knew him.
Jaskier had always been guilty of enjoying the finer things in life. Fine wine, fine clothes, fine food, and fine company. Even at Oxenfurt, he still craved the intimacy of a fleeting romance, no matter how short. For Jaskier, sex was never about the physical act, but instead it was about the romance of it all. The ooey-gooey parts, the closeness. He was a man who loved love, and often found himself in bed with lovers, despite never feeling the physical attraction towards them he knew he was supposed to. Sure, he loved to flirt, he lived for the back and forth, making someone smile and be happy. Sometimes he can even enjoy the physical activity of sex, the intimate moment, but the attraction he holds for people is never sexual. Jaskier holds onto these moments because he knows they are the only way he is able to get any instant of romance.
Throughout his travels he had quickly learned more often than not that most people are only interested in sharing their bodies and their hearts, temporarily. Some days Jaskier found himself wishing that sex wasn’t necessary in order to have a nice dinner with someon, to simply talk and exchange a soft kiss at the end of the night. He’d learned that in most parts of the continent there was a fine line between a bard and a prostitute, and since reputation was everything to a musician he did what he thought was needed and told himself he was happy.
Why wouldn’t he be happy? He was traveling, seeing the world and meeting new people, by this point it seemed that almost half the continent had shared a bed with him. By any other person’s standards he was extremely fortunate, and there were many people who would envy him. Jaskier told himself he was just being ridiculously ungrateful, and he should enjoy what he had. He has his music, and his music was everything that had ever mattered to him, but there was still a small part of him that felt empty.
Then he met Geralt of Rivia in a backwater  tavern in Posada. When he first spotted him sitting in the corner brooding his first thought was fuck he’s attractive, then he thought, I wouldn’t mind spending the night with him. Before he knew it he was walking up to Geralt’s table and recognizing him as a witcher, and not just any witcher, the ‘Butcher of Blaviken’ and he’s spouting some dumb line about bread in his pants.
What starts as an intent to hook his latest bedfellow turns into a quest for inspiration from a man who must have a thousand stories. The next thing he knows he’s been beaten up and captured by a rogue band of elves in the middle of nowhere and watching wide eyed as Geralt exchanges the rest of his coin in order to ensure their release, and that the elves would stop harassing the townsfolk. He could tell the witcher wasn’t fond of him then, with his endless chattering (Jaskier likes to talk), constant lute strumming, and thousand questions as he follows after Geralt and his horse. The witcher would groan and roll his eyes at him but he did not make him leave and so Jaskier stayed.
Days, weeks, months go by and Jaskier remains by Geralt’s side and what began as a hunt for his latest muse quickly turns into a genuine fascination with the witcher. The rumors about witchers were whispered across the continent, stories of horrible monsters with fangs and claws meant to scare children. Jaskier realized after traveling with Geralt that all of these tales were lies.  He was a good man who helped people and always tried to do the right thing. One of the nights in their travels they are sitting by the campfire well after dinner. The stars are shining bright that night and the moon hangs low. The glow of the flames ignited Geralt’s golden eyes and exposed the slight curve of his lips as he laughs, laughs, at something stupid the bard has said and Jaskier thinks, This. This is someone I could really love. And technically he already does, and he knows he would follow Geralt to the ends of the earth if he so allowed.
Months turn into years as he travels by Geralt’s side and Jaskier has never met a single person he’s ever been more invested in knowing. He wants to know Geralt like no one else, wants to shower him in all the love and affection he could, because Jaskier knew Geralt thinks he doesn’t deserve it. They travel together, get to know each other, eat together, tumble in and out of danger together, and they never have to fall into bed to do it.
It’s the happiest Jaskier has ever been while spending time with another person. He found himself falling more and more in love with Geralt every day, despite being certain that the witcher didn’t share the same feelings. While they traveled Jaskier still threw himself at people in desperate hopes of a connection, begging for bits and pieces from those instances of romance. But now he has Geralt.
Geralt, who hates it when others touch him, spares Jaskier a touch of the shoulder, and brush of their hands while they travel on the road. Geralt, who always makes sure to have a meal waiting after Jaskier finishes performing at a tavern. Who buys him new strings for his lute and boots when his old pair fall apart. Jaskier laps all of these things up, the pieces of Geralt that the witcher spares only for him. He collected the moments spent whispering back and forth before sunrise, the small smiles, and the flowers Geralt lets him braid into his hair. He holds them close to his heart and in the darkness he thinks Geralt feels the same.
It all leads up to the dragon hunt, up on a mountain at sunset, sitting closer than close on a boulder next to the witcher, watching the color bleed from the sky. Jaskier locks his eyes on the horizon and tries one last time to reach Geralt, desperate for the romantic connection he’d been craving since long before his years at Oxenfurt. Jaskier felt miles away, despite the fact that him and Geralt were right beside each other. He wants to shout,
Come with me, let’s get away from everything, I love you more than anything, but instead, just like the day they met in Posada, his mouth moves of its own accord and he says,
“I’m just trying to figure out what pleases me” And isn’t that the thing that he’s been chasing his whole life. Why he left his home, why he decided to live a life on the road after leaving Oxenfurt. Jaskier is lost in thought and so he is completely taken off guard when he hears Geralt reply.
“W-what?” He sputters out, rocked by the fond smile on Geralt’s lips.
“I said,” Geralt responds, eyes rolling like this is every other day in their travels and not a moment vastly different than any other in the years they’ve known each other, “and what is it that pleases you?”
Jaskier is thrown back to every other haunted moment of his life. Every other second of his childhood where he was told what he should be, how he should be satisfied and how to please others. He remembers every painful moment, every second he felt broken and like he didn’t belong. Every time he was ashamed of himself and what he lacked. Jaskier remembers his time on the road, of someone pushing him into a mattress and muttering, you should be lucky, I don’t do this with everyone. He thought of all the people who told him what he should be enjoying, what was allowed and what wasn’t. Of every time he forced himself into a small little box with neat edges and longed to be free.
And then he thinks of Geralt. Of long white hair and golden eyes. Of a man who has been told his whole life he is a monster, but tries everyday to do the right thing. He thinks of long nights on the road, of evenings by the campfire where smiles fail to stay hidden. He thinks of a hand on his shoulder, softer than anyone has ever touched him before. Geralt knows all his secrets, how he feels about sex and attraction and never asks Jaskier for anything, ever, only taking what Jaskier is willing to give. Oh, if that isn’t the kind of love Jaskier has been chasing his whole life, and he’s been too stupid to realize it’s been right in front of him this whole time. Jaskier has never wanted anything as badly as he does this.
Suddenly Jaskier remembers himself, and the moment he’s in, the mountain and the sunset, and Geralt beside him waiting patiently for an answer. He turns to his side to face the witcher in the fading light, slightly startled by how close their faces are. He stares deep into those golden eyes, pools he would gladly drown in if given the opportunity. Jaskier exhaled suddenly, his breath leaving him as he realized he has never felt more at home than he does now sitting here with his witcher. He reaches for the hand beside him, rough and calloused from hours of sword fighting and scarred for his troubles, winding their fingers together.
“You,” he breathes into the space between them, “nothing pleases me more than you”.
And as Geralt’s lips connect with his in the most painstakingly gentle kiss in his life, he feels whole.
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managements002 · 3 years
Basic Administration Team
June has greater than a decade of working experience within the area of Specific Learning Difficulties. She is a Fellow with the Register of Educational Therapists and a professional trainer with a WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment . 
Previously an academic therapist concerned in dyslexia intervention,her earlier experiences increase her present function as a instructor educator and enable her to adopt a grounded perspective in her ideas and approach. June is passionate about making dyslexia work for dyslexics and believes that dyslexia can turn into their asset if we educate them how. 
She is committed to empowering mother and father, educators and schools with knowledge and sensible abilities in order that students with dyslexia may be given the best support to thrive. 
She is presently pursuing a doctorate diploma at the National Institute of Education , Singapore and the University College London, Institute of Education with a special curiosity within the matter of inclusion of children with delicate learning difficulties in mainstream school.
 The BM WSQ’s complete method ensures that professionals, managers, and executives seeking to develop their careers additional shall be geared up with useful skills to make them an asset in any office.
Since October 2007, Ms Shiina has been liable for gross sales and advertising actions for Japan and South Korea. She additionally leads, coordinates and supervises the overall operational and enterprise growth actions for the Group in Japan. 
Ms Lee joined Banyan Tree in 2001 as a Cost Manager and was promoted to Senior Vice President in 2018. She oversees the development of all new projects by the Banyan Tree Group, with a concentrate on governance of project and procurement processes because the Group’s footprint expands.
At Banyan Tree Group, she leads Brand HQ, liable for brand growth and strategy across its multi-branded portfolio. This encompasses buyer expertise, culture and development, communications and assurance, working with cross-practical groups for important change projects within the Group. 
Ms Ho joined the group in 2009 in various roles across Operations and Headquarters, and started leading the Spa and Gallery enterprise unit from 2017. 
In her present function, she spearheads the Group’s transformation drive in direction of developing a digitally-ahead ecosystem of brands round wellbeing and sustainability. Mr. Moy made a transition in his career from banking and funding to hospitality in 2009 where he served as Executive Vice President and Secretary to the Board of Capella Hotel Group, a subsidiary of Pontiac Land Group, for over eleven years. 
During that point, he was instrumental in build up the hospitality and managed residences enterprise where he was responsible for growth, pre-opening, proprietor stakeholder asset administration and managing corporate function operations.
Siang was a member of the US-based mostly International Dyslexia Association from 2016 to 2018 and Chair of their Global Partners Committee from 2016 to 2018, he still remains a member of the Global Partners Committee representing Singapore. 
He has performed a key position in the speedy progress of DAS right into a thriving social enterprise with a multi-disciplinary skilled workforce that gives a continuum of providers. 
He emphasizes that DAS "should strive to fulfil our social mission by combining entrepreneurial and business skills with the philanthropic characteristics of non-earnings". 
Hospitality and tourism properties, by the nature of the service that they provide, must be open, pleasant and simply accessible to guests and most of the people which makes them susceptible to threats.
Prior to joining DAS, she spent 13 years as the Chief Financial Officer of Oakwood Asia Pacific, which manages a few of Asia's finest serviced residences in China, India, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. If we checked out what B2B companies are doing now, you’d suppose brief time period activation is one of the simplest ways to grow their enterprise.
learners will perceive the macro and micro features of international business, from the evaluation of a rustic's setting, to trade analysis, timing of entry and mode of entry. Human Resource Management performs a strategic position in the overall firm course and the accomplishment of its targets and objectives.
 Financial Management encompasses the planning, execution, controlling and monitoring of resources and enterprise processes to achieve organisational objectives, significantly the aim of maximising shareholders’ wealth. 
This module offers learners with an understanding of the monetary statements of firms, including evaluation and interpretation, in addition to methods around Accounts Receivable, Inventory and Working Capital management. It additional utilizes the ideas of time worth of cash and threat vis-à-vis returns to make learners aware of its impact on associated topics corresponding to capital budgeting, short- and lengthy-term financing selections. 
Lastly, learners shall be guided via the budgeting and efficiency analysis phase as well as relevant costing for determination making. Mitsubishi Corporation is Japan's largest and most diverse basic buying and selling and investment company with over one hundred twenty bases of operations in approximately 90 nations worldwide. interims manager
MGAs additionally bring expertise to the table, such as on-line platforms that combine with wholesale channels or merchandise that speed up the quoting course of, that help impartial agents present higher providers to their clients.
 Agents can realise larger commissions by working with an MGA that has a diverse network of insurers, allowing agents to review the commission construction and have the choice to promote insurers’ products that provide the best rates. As Vice-President, Head of Growth, since January 2020, Mr Ong is responsible for developing gross sales strategies to meet revenue and progress targets. 
He will present strategic enterprise leadership, set direction and goals and oversee sales effort. He will be working carefully with his Global Sales staff, the cluster DOSMs, resorts‘ General Managers and DOSMs. 
In his 28 years with the Group, he has served in numerous capacities to develop Laguna Phuket into an expensive life-style group. He was involved within the pre-opening for Sheraton Grande , Laguna Golf Phuket, Allamanda, Canal Village and Banyan Tree Phuket, in addition to Banyan Tree Bangkok.
This is a 12-week internship attachment to a business, public or governmental organisation, either domestically or overseas. The attachment provides learners with real-life working experiences and develops in them the best work angle, a apply-oriented or hands-on mindset and the ability to work with individuals in an organisation.
Participating organisations will provide an in depth training programme, which can include project assignments and/or rotational on-the-job coaching. In at present’s disruptive economy, entrepreneurial qualities become essential belongings for all individuals - whether for aspiring entrepreneurs or for company employees who desire to be effective and impactful contributors in the organisation and society at giant.
This course is especially relevant if you are thinking about a consulting profession or have entrepreneurial inclinations. If you are interested in different business functions similar to finance or marketing, you may recognize the fabric in this course because it provides a greater perspective on the overall workings of a business organisation. 
ModuleObjectiveOperationsThe operations operate in an organisation is responsible for the design, control, and improvement of methods involved with the production and supply of goods and providers. As operations account for a good portion of the worth add and value in any enterprise, even a small benefit in operations can mean the distinction between successful and losing in a competitive market.
She also provides oversight and support of the Group’s functional committees in China and the day-to-day operations of the Group’s subsidiary in China. Ms Ho holds a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Economic Development from the London School of Economics, and a Certificate in Accounting and Finance from the National University of Singapore.
Empowered with T-formed competencies, working professionals can remain aggressive globally and operate efficiently in different business environments. framework aims to cultivate versatile ‘T-shaped Professionals’ who possess deep expertise in a particular domain space as well as general knowledge in areas related to enterprise management or operations. 
Develop a good understanding of global affairs and information in worldwide enterprise and trade. You will also get plenty of networking opportunities and publicity in emerging markets through study journeys, overseas attachments and immersion programmes. Gain knowledge and abilities to plan, organise and implement efficient CRM programmes that can assist businesses ship good service.
You will study basic business subjects and important, specialised expertise similar to digital marketing, business analytics and design thinking. The place of a basic supervisor requires management qualities and the flexibility to oversee a business and lead a team of staff.
Since being appointed to his current position in January 2019, Mr Lim has overseen the Group’s lodge openings and hotel operations in key areas worldwide. Mr Chin is the Managing Director of the Banyan Tree Group of Companies in China, in three way partnership with China Vanke.
She has 30 years of experience in the construction and real estate industry, having practised in both the private and non-private sectors. Mr Kusumadi oversees the architectural, tasks and enterprise improvement functions within the Banyan Tree Group, the place he is solely answerable for the design and technical advisory services, project development and enterprise development activities outdoors of China.
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leftluminarytragedy · 4 months
     Eight Acting Tips for Bright-Eyed Beginners to learn
Acting is a very personal process. It has to do with expressing your own personality, and discovering the character you are playing through you’re own experience – so we’re all different”
Ian McKellen
Many budding actors, with their debut movies, have shown a spark of becoming the Bollywood stars of tomorrow. 
We are sure each one of them would have had their share of struggles before bagging their first project. So let us takes cues from their journey and enlist eight tips that can be useful for a bright-eyed beginner to get launched in movies.
#1.  Make sure your learning curve never drops
Acting is a skill that you need to sharpen. You will never fall short of learning opportunities because even the most successful and seasoned actors say that they never stop learning throughout their careers.
To know the rules of the game, you will need to watch movies, study theatre and consider drama as a discipline in your school curriculum. So fasten your seat belts so that you can have a smooth flight!
#2. Practice will make you perfect
We have heard the above saying enough. So along with gaining knowledge, it will be good to put it all into practice. 
Trying to read out dialogues aloud to improve your diction or emulating scenes from your favourite movie with your buddies can be a great way to improve your performance. Even the established actors recommend that the best way to utilise downtime is to practise and hone acting skills.
Unluclass Suggestion: Read more about Method Acting and Acting Tips for beginners.
#3. Focus on physical and mental fitness
Fitness is the new global mantra. While it is true for all of us, it is even more so for actors, as by taking better care of their bodies and fitness levels, they can be assured of more opportunities and more years of performance.
Hence, being a full-time actor takes a tremendous amount of commitment, and you have to be in the best possible shape you can be in.
However, make sure to build your mind too, since in every offered role you will need to create a convincing character to impress the audience. Make sure you compromise on neither of them.
#4. Enroll with an acting school
It would be prudent to acquire some formal training by associating with an acting school or a theatre company. 
Association with an acting school has its own benefits. Firstly, you start getting noticed and begin networking, which will be the key to success in your later life. 
You will also be able to find accountability partners as you can actively work with your batchmates to improve your communication, body confidence, and ability to express your emotions.
Moreover, it will boost your confidence while you learn to improvise, adapt and overcome. Last but not the least, acting is a team effort and you will learn how to work well in a team. 
Additionally, try enrolling yourself in a dance academy. Dance is another art form that has given breaks to several successful actors in the past. You never know you could be the next one in the making!
Being able to learn/memorize your acting script is a big bonus. And an acting school is a great space to enhance that ability.
#5. Create an impressive portfolio
While you are honing your acting skills, make sure you can make heads turn with your appearance or your portfolio. Professional headshots are an investment and you can use them to create your brand. It is often your first communication to your business colleagues and customers. 
Make sure you get it done by the best photographer in town. Trust them to lead you through the experience and give you a fabulous output that will take you places. 
Take charge of your publicity by having an active blog, a sensibly crafted CV, reflecting relevant experience and accompanied by some great headshots. 
A channel on YouTube or other popular platforms can be another mode to display your creative skills, build experience and fan following.
READ MORE....AI Story Generator Tool, Script Screenplay Writing software | Mugafi
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myastrologyblog · 6 years
Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for the Signs
Aries: Plan for your dreams
Aries is a fiery sign who is all about doing, doing, doing, but not so much about planning. They get bursts of quick energy with genius ideas but often never act upon them. This year, Aries, use one of those strokes of genius and see it to completion. Whether this is investing in a new property, creating a business plan, writing a manuscript or planning the trip around the world that you always wanted to take, make plans to take small, incremental steps to achieve this. Whatever big project that you always dreamed of doing, but always seemed so out of reach–now is the time to believe in yourself and see this project of yours come to life.
Taurus: Try minimalism
Taurus, with Christmas and New Years having recently passed, I’m sure you have a plethora of new gifts and clothes in your over-bustling wardrobe, while your poor desk fights for space with your new impulse buys. A good resolution for you is to give up your lesser-used objects and see how much more relaxing life can be without the clutter of them. Minimalism is a lifestyle all about appreciation and value. While not only being more aesthetically pleasing, it can teach you a lot about self-control, the purpose of items and freedom from material fixation. Plus, think of how shocked your friends will be when you stroll up to your next weekend getaway with only hand luggage!
Gemini: Pick up new books
In this busy, digital age, life can become a bit repetitive. We work or study, then we come home and procrastinate on the internet. Reading is a brilliant and great gateway between the two. It’s relaxing, fun and educational. Often in life, after we grow up and leave school, we forget to continue our learning and education. And often when we are in school, we forget about the fun and magic that can be found in learning. Being such a mentally curious sign, there’s no doubt you read a lot anyway, but setting a goal to read styles of writing you haven’t previously explored will open up your mind to new ideas, perspectives and worlds thus adding a bit of well-needed stimulation in an otherwise monotonous week. 
Cancer: Practise Gratitude
Cancer is a sign that truly appreciates the good things in life, it’s one of the many great qualities about them. But when things turn bad, Cancer puts on a pity-infused blindfold to the wonderful things and people they do have in their life. To combat those rainy mood days, try practising gratitude often to get you into the groove of positivity. Set a reminder on your phone, keep a gratitude journal or have someone remind you and begin to write down or say aloud three things you are grateful for that day. Gratitude is the opposite of lacking and so you cannot feel both at the same time. Gratitude can instantly turn a bad day into one of the best you’ve ever had, life is all about perspective and Cancer can benefit greatly from learning this!  
Leo: Spend more time in nature
In such a busy working age, it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything other than commute to and from one industrial building to the next. Did you know that three-quarters of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? I’m sure the same can be said about adults. There are so many benefits of engaging with nature. As a bold Leo with so much energy and a real passion for adventure, the perfect resolution for you is to go on more hikes and spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports or even gardening. Studies have reported how nature is good for our happiness and healthiness. It’ll give you, the ever-venturesome Leo, a sense of adventure as you discover new things, a sense of productivity and good use of your energy.
Virgo: Be kinder to yourself
Dear Virgo, you work yourself so tirelessly sometimes only to come home to more self-criticism. While being a perfectionist has led to many great things in your life, it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be productive 100% of the time, and it’s also okay to take time to yourself. While your sign is naturally the provider/server of others, you need to learn to use that trait on yourself and serve your own needs. Learn that they are important and that kindness begins at home. You will only learn to be less critical of the world by starting with yourself. While you may not be the pampering type, some self-love and lazy days are exactly what you need in order to ultimately be your most productive and loving.
Libra: Strengthen your existing relationships
Libra, you are a social butterfly, you charm any room and your genuine politeness makes you a lovely gem in everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, you have a way of getting carried away with this gift and end up making more superficial relationships than deep ones. This becomes a problem when you face tough times and realise you are alone in your problems. Your resolution is to reach out to some old or existing friends that life has led you to lose contact with. They’ll appreciate it, and this way, you can rekindle some amazing friendships and thus create stronger, more valuable bonds with people. Taking time out to appreciate and spend time with the people in your life who have been there for a long time will make you, and them, much happier.
Scorpio: Solo-travel
Scorpio, the deep, mysterious and soul-seeking sign. Well, guess what? You’re not going to learn the mysteries of the world by sitting on the couch in your hometown. While extended solo-travelling may not be the most viable options in everyone’s lives, it’s good to experience a trip by yourself no matter how short it may be. It’ll not only give you more insight into the world but also into yourself. This time in a foreign place will allow you to truly be yourself as you shed any reputations you have back home and appreciate the benefits of your own company. You can also forge many new connections, experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and learn to trust in yourself, your independence and see the value in transient relationships.
Sagittarius: Start a blog or channel
You have so much to say, and not enough hours in the day to say it, so why not start a blog? Because you are such a busy and often convoluted talker, you might find your comments being brushed off or going unheard by others. However, by sharing your voice on a louder platform you may see the importance of your ideas. You have the gift of the gab so why not make use of it? Blogging, or vlogging, is a great hobby (or career) for an innovative and intelligent Sagittarius. It channels all your creative energy into an organised and thus readable (or watchable) segment that others can understand. Blogging always requires research as well, which makes you learn more every day. It hones many different skills that you excel in such as writing, research, creativity, planning and execution and also connects you with like-minded others.
Capricorn: Get off social media
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet, you have such a hard time with your unconscious addictions. More than any of the other signs, Capricorn relies on old-fashioned status for respect. That self-respect gets lowered when faced with everyone else’s highlight reels being broadcasted on Instagram and Facebook. Suddenly, you start buying things just for the likes or going places just for the photo-opportunity. Learning to live authentically, in spite of anyone else’s happiness or progress, is vital for you. By comparing yourself to others, you will always be striving for a false sense of happiness. Perhaps a good length of time disconnected from social media would be a great way to boost your real happiness.
Aquarius: Volunteer
Aquarius, the world lover. You are a unique paradox. As much as you love the idea of world peace, ending world hunger and bringing people together–actually having to react to people’s emotions is entirely uncomfortable and awkward for you. But, no true saviour lies behind a screen. People often donate some pocket change to charity at the end of the year and say they did their part, but this will not suffice you. By actively going out into the world and giving people your most important resources– your time and empathy, you will positively be helping the world, and the world will be helping you. This will bring you closer to overcoming your uncomfortable emotions, affecting people’s lives for the better and getting outside your own head with real life issues.
Pisces: Talk to strangers
Now, hear me out Pisces. I know you’re probably already pulling back just from reading the title. Talking to strangers–why would I ever do such a thing? You ask. Because there are so many benefits from this that outweigh the risks. Pisces is naturally a loving and social sign but you are often held back by your own insecurities. Try talking to that person on the bus, or introduce yourself to the cute person sitting alone in a cafe–you never know what will happen and you will be grateful you did it no matter the outcome. By building this essential skill, you will feel so much happier and more free from your internal restrictions. You will also be surprised at how receptive people are to being approached and gain so many new and wonderful connections this year.
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southboundhq · 5 years
Tumblr media
FULL NAME › Margo Colby AGE › twenty one GENDER › Cis female (She/Her/Hers) FROM › Ironton, Missouri RESIDENCE › Miracle Mine Mobile Home Park (Outskirts) OCCUPATION › Lifeguard at the Boot Hill Public Pool, Waitress at The Onion Ring NOW PLAYING › California Dreamin’ by The Mamas & The Papas
trigger/content warnings: traumatic birth, disappearance
ii. honey girl.
         You left the womb with the umbilical chord wrapped like a scarf around your throat. That was the first time you learned how to fight, lungs the size of two acorns struggling to keep you alive. Father made his money in honey, decked out like an astronaut in his beekeeper’s suit. At three years old you had your first sting. The next time you made sure you ran faster. By five you could sprint up the length of two staircases and back thrice before the kettle had boiled. Fastest in your year at the egg and spoon race. Unbeatable at duck, duck, goose. At eight you met Emily.
         Your Achilles heel came in red hair and green eyes, a smile like butter wouldn’t melt, just moved from Minnesota ( the fall out of a broken home ) and willing to snatch your crown without so much as a blink of her pretty green eyes. Perhaps she was not so much your undoing as she was a thickening of your skin, a toughening of your bones, the fire in the pit of your stomach that made you want to push yourself harder. Spindly bones and wrists that would snap like sunflower stems soon gave way to corded muscle.
         You learned to ring your girlhood out like wet washing, see yourself as not a girl but rather a machine that could move, jump, sprint, flip, arch itself like the stance of a cat into something more than human. You were no longer sure if you wanted to beat Emily or be her, a freckled face overspilling into every thought when your feet beat the earth and your soles bled crimson. Three years later, you finally won, the resulting medal like a crown of laurel leaves on your dark head of hair, sweat dripping from your brow. Afterwards, she had pressed her lips to yours, hard and salty, her hands in your hair. You’ve been searching for that quicken of you breath ever since. That was the last time you saw her.
         Your mom skipped town when you were still in hand-me-down hockey shorts thieved from lost property, your heart too fickle for your father to decide if the investment in a sports kit was worth it. Settling had never been in her blood. She should have known that your restlessness wasn’t inherited from your father. At thirteen you try-out for the under-sixteens county tennis team. At fourteen, you rank first in your age group for women’s singles, a serve as powerful as your father’s voice and rallies that earn you small-town notoriety. By sixteen, your routine is airtight; wake, run, eat, swim, school, endurance training, tennis, field hockey. You fall into bed and wake feeling like you haven’t even slept, but this is what it takes to be a champion.
         It pays off. Your shelves are lined with trophies, though it’s never been the material winnings that grab you. It’s the words of affirmation, the pats on the back, the feeling of being hoisted into the air and heartily kissed in the communal showers. Gestures of affection that don’t mean much, but you’ll cling onto them with ever spark of your being. At seventeen, you start looking at colleges with outstanding sports programs. Money’s tight, with your dads income scarcely enough to keep up the rent on your Missouri trailer home, but the following summer honey prices soar after a European crisis renders more than half it’s imported honey impure, mixed with cheaper gelling agents. Though it sparks debate about your father’s company, work picks up, and financial aid helps. You’re accepted to college with a partially-funded sports scholarship. You follow a course in criminal justice out of little more than boredom, a thirst to know things. It looks better on a resume than sport science, at any rate, though sport consumes your time completely, studies half-arsed in the breaks between practise, textbooks poured over into the small hours of night.
         Being good has never been enough for you. You have to be the best, the fastest, the wittiest, and though people have often assumed you’re merely another pretty face in a crowd you’re determined to prove them wrong.
iii. the dream you chased.
         You can still remember the first time you saw her, choppy black hair and a laugh like a chiming bell. There was something magnetic in the way she seemed to cast her eyes over everyone with disinterest but lock for a heart-stopping moment on you, like she saw every dimple of your face, knew your secrets like the silk that draped her skin. You can still recall the way her eyes fell briefly to your jersey wet with sweat, football socks clotted to your shinbones with the blood of a grazed knee, and smiled before her stare skipped away like a skimmed stone, sinking into somewhere unreachable. Never in your life had you felt so utterly consumed, so completely seen by a single look, except with Emily, the memory of that last kiss still ripe on your mouth like the stain of pomegranate seed. Boys had come and gone to little effect but it was Emily who stayed in the ache of your womb, in the flicker of your eyelids and parted lips between linen sheets at night.
         It felt like you’d been chasing Emily for years, smoke you tried to catch in your hands, and now in a single smile you felt read again, your ribs cracked open and spilling with flowers before a girl who’s name you didn’t even know. You later learned to know her as Violet, a name that seemed too frail and reductive for a girl with such a wildness in her eyes. You grew used to seeing her at the side of the pitch, a tennis skirt and flared pom-poms, gemstones in bright lines along her cheekbones as you watched her leap, bend, break in a series of pyramid tosses, fingers arched around each others ankles with a grace you’d always fallen short of. Your body was a more feral kind of girlhood, a predator, an animal that came alive in anger-riddled instinct. Hers was the kind of grace the gods sung of.
         You remember the first time she used your given name, Margaret, each syllable fresh on her tongue and you wondered why you’d ever shortened it. It nestled itself there on her tongue and you never corrected her — you let that name become hers alone. For a while, perhaps, she considered the two of you friends, locking glances over fries at the waffle-house post practise, the cheerleaders in a glitter-gritted gaggle, you with mud on your knees and sweat on your cheeks wishing you were one of them but somehow feeling you were better ; the main event, not just a panty-hitching sideshow. Still, each game when half-time fell she was the one who draw your eyes, the only one you saw, tossed high above the others with her long legs and dark eyes. You wanted to eat her up.
         It wasn’t until the snow fell on the ground that you ever asked her for something more than half-hearted conversations about lectures and games, locker room abandoned by all except two. She said she’d seen the way you looked at her ( a pleasant glint in her smirk like it gave her a kick ) and that people talk. You’d said you didn’t care. She’d like that boldness in you. Three weeks later, you plucked up the courage to ask her for a kiss, not so much with words but with the way your hands raked through her hair after she trailed a finger along your collarbones, marking them hers. Her kiss was the only kiss, eclipsing all previous to it. You lost yourself in the curve of her mouth, hot like honey, and the fervour of the passion that grew in your stomach was enough to shock you. More. Your lips on her neck, hands bunching in her shirt. When she touched you, you cried like a wolf. The next time you tried to kiss her she laughed.
         That was when anger took the place of hope, shame overcast eagerness. Love turned into something brittle and in the place of want came obsession like the games she’d played with you, a fly in her web, only made you more desperate to catch her approval. She never gave it, though her stares continued, catching your eye from the top of a pyramid toss before you could look away, knowing your eyes would be on her. They always were. Soccer season ended and tennis took its place. The opportunities to see her grew thinner, eyes scanning the crowd in search of her, missing a serve, a pleated skirt thick with sweat before you’d even started running. You’d let her get under your skin, trapped inside like a tapeworm you couldn’t pull out. A poison that wept its way from your heart to your liver, finally infecting your brain.
          You’d drive past her house, watch the outline of her move in the window, pass it off as looking for a neighbouring address as you cruised by in the beaten-up hatchback your father had sold his buick to buy you. Said you needed it more. You lingered in hallways knowing her schedule better than your own, seethed with jealousy for the girls accompanying her to seminars, learned their names, their likes, their dislikes, and wonder why she’d chosen them over you. The morning of the day she went missing, Violet confronted you, hushed whispers, your faces close enough to see the gold flecks in her eyes when they flickered to your lips, close enough to kiss. Though she didn’t. Merely told you she’d seen you slinking about in the shadows like you thought you were invisible. That the others had seen it, too, and that despite your acclaim, talk would travel, talk could undo a person, you should grow up.
         That wasn’t the last time you saw her, though you leave that out of your statement, claim you were grabbing a burger king at the time of her disappearance though you’ve not touched them since you turned sixteen, believing them bad for your stamina. The trial drags on, your life on pause, so one night ( your father passed out on the settee after one too many beers ) you take the keys to the truck and drive until your eyes fall shut. Trucker parks. Service stations. Somehow, no matter how far you drive, the gas never seems to run out. It isn’t until you reach Boot Hill that you consider the notion of staying more than one night at all, but the name feels familiar, like a weathered page in a journal.
         Convenience. That’s what you tell yourself when you take a part-time job at the gas station to cover the motel rent. It’s a town so far off the beaten track that no one would even think to holler your name or ask about a girl who’s scarf you keep under your pillow. You still think about her at night when her face comes in flashes, laugh like a dropped coin, eyes that see more than they tell. Every few months, you use the library computer to read the papers back home. They still don’t know where she went. You’ve stopped torturing yourself trying to find the answer.
❝ if you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart. ❞
FACECLAIM › Diana Silvers AUTHOR › Nora
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tinykryptonitenut · 4 years
Top 5 CFA USA Facebook Community
Chartered Financial Analyst, also is known as CFA, is a professionally recognized certification that is offered Internationally by the American-based CFA Institute.
As per CFA USA training mentor at Hi-educare Mr. Haresh Ratnagrahi (CPA, CMA, FCA, CFM, ACMA, CISA, CRISC & MCSD Certified Professional) is regarded as the highest level of finance-related qualification both legally and globally.
The candidates undergo a program that educates them on various important subjects like advanced investment analysis, security analysis, statistics, economics, financial analysis, corporate finance, alternative investment probability theory, fixed income, derivatives, and portfolio management, and so much more.
The successful candidates are then awarded the “CFA charter” and is called the “CFA Chartholder.”
CFA Charters are required to have strong knowledge of advanced investment analysis and portfolio management and must demonstrate exceptional ethics in their field.
How Does One Become a CFA USA Professional?
CFA USA professionals are undoubtedly the most respected and highly regarded individuals in their field.
The minimum requirement for candidates wanting to pursue this career path is the completion of a graduation degree in any field and also requires them to have a minimum of 4 years of experience.
To obtain a CFA USA based certification, candidates must complete the three of examinations, being:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
This might take almost 1.5 to 4 years to complete and depends on the ability of the respective candidate.
One can ace the CFA USA and obtain the certificate by doing self-study. The study guides and materials are provided by the Institute, either online or candidates can purchase hard copies at an affordable rate.
But it is also noteworthy to understand that CFA USA is a challenging exam to crack, and to ace, this exam can be tough. This is why there is best CFA USA Online coaching centers to help guide students and get their CFA USA Certifications successfully. They help train the candidates and provide them with relevant books and guides to prepare the candidates to face the exam.
But it also depends on the student whether he/she wants to opt for a coaching center or can self-teach themselves with the help of relevant online tools a platform.
With the evolution of digital platforms for education and coaching practices, learning online has become easier. On the endnotes, candidates must choose what studying method suits them better.
If you are one of those candidates looking to self-teach yourself CFA USA syllabus, then this article is for you!
We have compiled the top five CFA USA Coaching Facebook community that can help you in your preparation process.
Make sure you read till the end for some helpful tips on cracking this challenging exam.
Top 5 Facebook Community for CFA USA Preparation
1. Hi-Educare CFA USA
If you are looking to get the best training course through the online Facebook community, then this is the place for you. Hi-Educare CFA USA is a team of passionate educators who focus on providing training and development for aspirants looking to get ahead in their careers.
They offer the best courses, CFA USA coaching, and provide all the necessary knowledge online on this platform. Check out their link below and follow the community for the latest insights on CFA USA Training.
2. Fitch Learning- CFA Program Prep
This Facebook community is created by Fitch learning and focuses on providing end-to-end solutions on a wide range of help, whether it be technical or training based to crack various educational exams.
They provide helpful insights, free and informative webinars on different levels of the CFA program. You can visit their profile the link below to know more.
3. CFA Society of India
The Facebook community was founded in 2005 and was created for every CFA Charter aspirant across the country. They focus to connect and prepare aspirants of CFA USA exams and share knowledge. This is a public group and is visible to everyone.
This platform can be referred to for various topics and discussions about CFA USA. You can visit the link below to know more.
4. CFA Program
This is a verified CFA Facebook community that was founded in 1962. This page focuses on providing training and building a strong foundation for candidates on topics like advanced investment analysis and real-world portfolio management.
Join their community online to receive helpful tips, training, and develop skills that get you ahead. Visit their profile from the link below.
5. CFA level 1 2020 & 2021 Study Group
This is a Facebook community created for CFA USA aspirants who planning on attempting their CFA Level 1 exam for the year 2020-21. If you are one such candidate who is planning to attend your level 1 exam of CFA USA, then do follow this page and join in the community.
Visit their page with the link below.
5 Great Tips to Help You Get Ahead in Your CFA USA Training Preparations
CFA USA can be a tough exam to crack but, nothing is impossible if done systematically.
We have compiled some helpful tips that are sure to help you ace your CFA USA exams and pass them with flying colors.
Have a game plan
Use flashcards
Use memory techniques
Revise, revise and revise
Practise question papers from previous years
Start early to stay ahead
Keep yourself motivated and dedicated
Keep a schedule to follow
Obtain the right materials for the course
Maintain a disciplined lifestyle and a healthy diet.
So, are you ready to take on your upcoming CFA USA Training?
Plan your study game and organize it to succeed. Determination, dedication, and consistency are highly important to ace the CFA USA exam.
If you manage to excel CFA USA Exam, you are to head to a promising career path with excellent opportunities that pay handsome salaries.
We hope this article was helpful and We wish you the best of luck for your next exam!
Looking to start to your CFA journey?
Start with us! Click the link below to know more.
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rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“There is no failure except in no longer trying.”  
■ ABOUT. ■
name: Preston Henderson age: thirty occupation: lawyer gender: cis-male pronouns: he/him sexuality: utp
Born in Portland, Oregon, Preston was the only son to relatively successful Lawyers, Cassandra and Richard Henderson. The duo had opened up their firm, and within a decade and rose to become some of the most prosperous lawyers in the State. Often handling high profile cases, which kept them busy and left them no time for their growing son. So instead, Preston was left to his own devices being pushed through private schools and cared for by nannies who seemed to know more about him than his parents. Not that he could complain, considering he had never wanted for much, and knew unlike many children, his family was very well off. When he was seven years old, his parents had another child. One that he knew they wouldn’t raise just like when they couldn’t raise him. What he didn’t know, was his parents were hanging on by a thread. They were losing clients, invested too much money into their office. His parents were able to just make it by every month, though it means they needed to work almost every hour of every day. By the age of sixteen, Preston had started to resent his parents and their absence, not realizing the financial situation they were in. As a teenager, he still hated being one of the only students who didn’t have either of his parents cheering him on at his baseball games, in which he considered the MVP as a star catcher, or when he graduated, earning entrance into Oregon state as their future catcher, only a letter of congratulations was sent. Thus when he moved away for college, it seemed they hardly noticed.
He was thankful to not have needed his parent's money for university. He was able to live independently while on his baseball scholarship. He was able to attend classes, live in his fraternity, be a baseball player all under the university’s dime. While halfway through his undergraduate degree, he got a call from his sister. His twelve-year-old younger sister who had been dropped off at an aunt they’ve never heard of. Preston hadn’t known what to do, his parents were unable to be located from both him, his sister or the unknown aunt. After days of trying to find them, he finally was able to drive home and see that their house had a sign from the bank, claiming they owned the house. Preston couldn’t believe his parents had simply taken off, without saying a word to him, and dropping his younger sister off at an aunt. Or so he thought. After visiting his old family home, that was now owned by the bank. He went to find his sister, only to find out, they weren’t related to the woman by any means. She was a woman who took in foster children.
The twenty-year-old didn’t know what to do, he pulled his sister out and let her live with him in his fraternity house. Though that secret wasn’t one he could keep very long. In those few months, his younger sister had grown up a lot more than she’s already had. Despite him and his sister Adelaide being seven years apart, they both lived similar lives in the sense that they needed to rely on themselves and were able to bond because of it. The months after their parents left them, they both grew up to be the oldest version of themselves. They chose to make a plan. After reaching out to the woman who took in foster children, Preston offered to pay her a monthly fee to take care of his sister during the week and whichever weekends she wanted to be there. Preston chose to pick up a part-time job on campus in order to make the money. For a few months, Adelaide spent every weekend at the fraternity house. Though eventually, she met a few friends both at school and in the foster home. They vowed to one another that they would always be there for each other, and almost ten years later, it was still the case.
Preston worked his ass off, in those last two years. He was able to shift his classes around so that he attend class in the evening, work night shifts, during the days he didn’t practise baseball. By the time the weekends came around, he was too exhausted to do anything. During this time, he started to rely on a few drugs to help him get by. During one of his classes, he was partnered with a girl who truly took his breath away. Her name was Emilie Nolan. While balancing his time, they wouldn’t have been able to become close if they didn’t have a project together. In his final year, his drug abuse was starting to get out of the control, he and Emilie had remained close. Due to his busy schedule, they balanced between friends and dating for a few months. One night, he triple booked himself. He had baseball practice, a night shift at work, and a large paper due. He needed to get it all done and there wasn’t anyone he could ask for help. That night he relied heavily on drugs and ended up having an overdose. He woke up in the hospital the next day, with Emilie by his side. He’d mentioned to her his busy schedule, and when she came by to check on him. He was on the floor of his bedroom completely passed out. He didn’t remember any of this and only woke up more stressed knowing that he had missed out on hours of his final paper. Only to learn that Emilie wrote it for him, while he was passed out.
After graduating from Criminal Justice, his sister was old enough to get her own job and start helping him pay for her stay at the foster care. It wasn’t something he pushed on her, though something Adelaide offered. After a year of working, he chose to apply for law school. When he and his sister vowed to better their lives, deep down he knew that he wanted to prove to himself that he would do better than his parents. Though he would never admit that. His love for law grew when he studied criminal justice in high school. He found the world unfair and unjust and wanted to be apart of bringing it together again. He and his sister remained close, he chose to move to New York when she did.
While starting his new job in New York, he wasn’t getting many cases. He was at the bottom of the totem pole to one of the biggest law firms in the city. They were incredibly popular, and all he wanted to climb his way to the top. That was his plan, recently he felt that his plan was moving forward when he was asked to take part in a client's court case. A sexual assault case against a man named Robert Beaufort. It wasn’t pretty, and the guy didn’t seem genuine about anything, though his job was to protect him. Little does he know the absolute damage this man has done in his past. For example, putting his partner in jail which eventually lead to his partner's death. With the little research he’s done on this man, Preston felt ass backwards protect a prick like this. He wanted to do good, this didn’t feel like doing good. He felt he was getting this evil son of a bitch off the hook. Currently, he’s working at learning more about his new ‘client’ to find some reason he should get justice for this current claim. As he begins this task, he doesn’t know it will connect him to a love from his past.
■ Adelaide Henderson: His younger sister Adelaide was mostly all he cared about these days. She was the only family he had left. He doesn’t have a clue, she went looking for their parents, despite how much he encouraged her not to look into them.
■ Emilie Nolan: Emilie was someone he would always love, she was there for him in more ways than he’d ever know when they were friends and during their three years of dating. Though they weren’t perfect. He thought she was cheating on him with an older man, though when confronted, she told him everything about her history, who her father was, the men who set him up. He thought she was crazy. He needed time to think, and during that time. She packed up her things and disappeared from his life.
■ Matteo Riccardi: Leo was his best friend on the baseball team, and one of his fraternity brothers. of his who ended up making it into the MLB.
■ Emmett Wade: When he and Emilie Nolan’s relationship had turned for the worst. He got it in his head that she was seeing Emmett. That their friendship was more than she lead on. A large mistake on his part. He was soon told the truth.
■  Adelaide Henderson > Sister
■  Emmett Wade > Friend through Emilie
■  Sawyer Graham > Intern
■  Rosaline Richards > Paralegal
Preston Henderson is an OPEN character and is portrayed by Paul Wesley who’s FC IS NOT NEGOTIABLE.
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bobapixels · 5 years
Hi ' w'!! I have a question for all your OC's! What do they like to do in their free time? I'm always curious about character hobbies !!
hi! thank you for the ask!! but ALL of my OCs?! this is going to get pretty long ;v;
Estella has a wide range of hobbies. Before she got into modelling, she used to spend most of her free time playing games, and it’s how she met her best friend and current roommate. Since she became a model, she’s also enjoyed working out, as per her manager’s recommendation. It helps her sleep better.
Apart from being a youtuber, Toshiko has been playing the piano since she was young. She’s a skilled pianist who spends a lot of her time practising, but that aside, she doesn’t do much else with her free time except scroll social media. I imagine she also likes to think up scenarios between her and the girl she likes, May.
She’d never tell a soul, but Fawn is actually really interested in gardening. She has a small garden where she grows vegetables. It doesn’t fit her image, though, so she paints her main interests as being fashion. It’s not a lie that she adores fashion though; she really loves looking at the latest shows and such, and she actually grows up to be a fashion journalist.
When she’s not busy training, Rito tends to spend her free time practising her Korean. Her hobbies include teasing her juniors, but she also looks out for them a lot. Being an older trainee, she worries that she’ll be left behind, so she tends to stay late in the practice room. It’s become a special alone time for her, where she can focus on herself without the anxieties of being compared to others.
Lucas likes to paint in his free time. More recently, he’s become interested in using his face as a canvas, and has been super invested in makeup. Other than that, he adores kids. He spends a lot of time volunteering for children, and actually just returned from a gap year teaching English to children in his mother’s hometown in Vietnam.
Yinghua simply enjoys her brother’s company. Whether it’s watching movies or simply sitting together in silence, she’ll usually stick to her little brother at home. She’s the type of person who can’t stand being lonely; she actually ends up with 2 cats in the future at her home in Shanghai, and 1 more cat that’s technically hers, but is looked after by her brother in London. Lately, she spends most of her free time either going to the library or the gym. She’s also been interested in how to become a better cook recently.
Aside from his smoking habits and the occasional drinking, Chris really likes to play basketball. He used to be one of the best in his middle school back in China, and nowadays he plays with the other boys in his neighbourhood. He also clings to his older sister like a sloth, so we’re not sure who’s clinging to who sometimes. Having been influenced by his sister, he also tends to study pretty hard.
She’s going through a rough time right now with her 3rd year of high school, but Noa finds peace in rebellion. It’s liberating to cross her parents. Staying out late, cutting all her hair off, smoking, anything that’ll make her feel like her parents don’t own her. She’ll grow to learn of a love for performing; more specifically, she grows up to be a DJ. She loves the validation of a cheering crowd.
Mint will spend decades in hibernation, but when she does come out, she likes to just sit. She hides away in a clearing deep in the trees of Thailand, just letting herself enjoy the sunlight and the sounds of nature. She’s not sure why, but recently she’s noticed that during these still times, she tends to attract a lot of critters, such as bees, small birds and rabbits.
Juliette is the type to go for a walk on the beach when she needs to clear her head. Other than that, she’s pretty invested in fashion and her e-girl look, so she likes to shop online a lot. She’s also an NCTzen, so a lot of her free time is spent supporting them and their activites. (Her bias is Jaemin!)
There’s not much to do when you’ve been alive for centuries, and will be alive for centuries to come. Mei, however, thinks libraries are truly a blessing. She’ll spend all of her free time just studying the wonders of the world, whether it be history, language or the arts.
Having just escaped the trainee life, Chaerin is finding it difficult to remember the person she once was. After all, the company had given her a character, and she had played it all too well. She’s doing her best to find some hobbies, but all she does with her free time lately is study or scroll social media. She still loves to sing, but it’ll be a while before she can bring herself to do so again.
Lastly, Yiren has spent many years as a gymnast! She loves gymnastics, and her skill is the reason she earned her scholarship. When she’s not practising, like any other university freshman, she loves to go out for drinks. She also simply enjoys going out with friends to places like malls and new cafes.
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spacetrekblog · 5 years
Family is the filter to reduce the number of women in STEM Field
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World of science has always amused the mankind. For science to become a popular discipline among the masses our teachers have used many examples from the kitchen. What else did we associate with kitchen? Yes, you are right, the mother. Our mothers, without their knowledge, have been doing scientific experiments since ages. Yet, they are less than half the menfolk in professional Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics careers.
According to the latest available data at UNESCO till 2017 the number of women in STEM fields was 30.1%-45% in United States, in which only Central American states of U.S participated. It’s just a glimmer that equal number of boys and girls enrol for STEM related subjects during school, but the number reduces drastically after graduation. Being a world leader in freedom and social equality, it is an imperative for the U.S to have more women participating in the major areas of science, research and innovation.
It has been established through studies that the biggest hindrance for women, which keep them from STEM fields, are motherhood and familial responsibilities. Consequently, family is the filter that reduces the number of women in areas of greater scientific and technological engagement. It has manifold negative consequences for the world reeling under the pressure of resource depletion because of rising gender inequality as one of the reasons. Inclusive growth is a fallacy without having gender-centric view at the upper echelon among agencies doing science.
Currently women in STEM careers face huge lack of mother-friendly office culture and stereotypes which belittle their right and choice to choose motherhood. The average age of career development remains 25-35 years which is also considered to be the most fertile period in a women’s life. According to a study done by Texas A&M University in collaboration with Purdue University, women in STEM fields plan “may babies”. During the month of May, there are summer vacations, to avoid any hassles during infant care. In America most women in STEM fields plan their pregnancies so that they can deliver around that time. It comes as a harrowing effect of being involved in career options otherwise thought to make world a better place.
The process of realising gender equality is practised as a men-oriented paradigm. Having children is considered a low order job. Misconceptions about women’s menstrual cycle having a standard period across the board also makes them vulnerable at workplace. - United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal-5 talks about Gender Equality, as it leaves no stone unturned to spread awareness on rights of various genders including women. This year’s women’s day theme is “The Generation Equality”. For the women in Science like in all the spheres the day is marked important. UNESCO has expressed the concern of less women in STEM fields as a threat to sustainable development goals -. United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in 2015 to celebrate every year on 11th February, International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This year the theme is “Investment in Women and Girls in Science for Inclusive Green Growth”. The day is observed to spread awareness for more women to participate in science and have the discipline with both the genders in equal numbers.
Gender equality and inclusive green growth are of utmost importance for sustainable development. Women hold great potential with both theoretical and experiential learning passed on to them with every passing generation. Sustainable solutions need equal opportunities in terms of sharing environmental and economic resources. With women long deprived of economic freedom due to lack of participation in planning both in families and workplace, gender equality is an emergent need.
Sustainability and gender equality go hand in hand. Investment in inclusive green growth by educating more women in STEM fields is imperative. With this they can bring sustainable technological solutions to women’s everyday challenges. Sustainable solutions shared understanding of challenges with acceptance of individual and mutual needs.
The world had a lopsided development because of unheard voices from all the sections of the society. To make this year of generation of equality and having more green and inclusive voices in the sphere of science and technology the institutions and organizations world over need to make strides. Allowing an ecosystem which accommodates and honours women’s choice of motherhood with ease is just one step towards sustainable development. Space Trek has always encouraged young girls to take up STEM careers. We believe that participation at a younger age is the key to bringing effective changes in the STEM industry. For real, inclusive green growth, more than the women and girls the onus is on the organizations to develop and strengthen women friendly atmosphere in educational, professional, and familial institutions.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for the Signs
Aries: Plan for your dreams
Aries is a fiery sign who is all about doing, doing, doing, but not so much about planning. They get bursts of quick energy with genius ideas but often never act upon them. This year, Aries, use one of those strokes of genius and see it to completion. Whether this is investing in a new property, creating a business plan, writing a manuscript or planning the trip around the world that you always wanted to take, make plans to take small, incremental steps to achieve this. Whatever big project that you always dreamed of doing, but always seemed so out of reach–now is the time to believe in yourself and see this project of yours come to life.
Taurus: Try minimalism
Taurus, with Christmas and New Years having recently passed, I’m sure you have a plethora of new gifts and clothes in your over-bustling wardrobe, while your poor desk fights for space with your new impulse buys. A good resolution for you is to give up your lesser-used objects and see how much more relaxing life can be without the clutter of them. Minimalism is a lifestyle all about appreciation and value. While not only being more aesthetically pleasing, it can teach you a lot about self-control, the purpose of items and freedom from material fixation. Plus, think of how shocked your friends will be when you stroll up to your next weekend getaway with only hand luggage!
Gemini: Pick up new books
In this busy, digital age, life can become a bit repetitive. We work or study, then we come home and procrastinate on the internet. Reading is a brilliant and great gateway between the two. It’s relaxing, fun and educational. Often in life, after we grow up and leave school, we forget to continue our learning and education. And often when we are in school, we forget about the fun and magic that can be found in learning. Being such a mentally curious sign, there’s no doubt you read a lot anyway, but setting a goal to read styles of writing you haven’t previously explored will open up your mind to new ideas, perspectives and worlds thus adding a bit of well-needed stimulation in an otherwise monotonous week.
Cancer: Practise Gratitude
Cancer is a sign that truly appreciates the good things in life, it’s one of the many great qualities about them. But when things turn bad, Cancer puts on a pity-infused blindfold to the wonderful things and people they do have in their life. To combat those rainy mood days, try practising gratitude often to get you into the groove of positivity. Set a reminder on your phone, keep a gratitude journal or have someone remind you and begin to write down or say aloud three things you are grateful for that day. Gratitude is the opposite of lacking and so you cannot feel both at the same time. Gratitude can instantly turn a bad day into one of the best you’ve ever had, life is all about perspective and Cancer can benefit greatly from learning this!  
Leo: Spend more time in nature
In such a busy working age, it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything other than commute to and from one industrial building to the next. Did you know that three-quarters of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? I’m sure the same can be said about adults. There are so many benefits of engaging with nature. As a bold Leo with so much energy and a real passion for adventure, the perfect resolution for you is to go on more hikes and spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports or even gardening. Studies have reported how nature is good for our happiness and healthiness. It’ll give you, the ever-venturesome Leo, a sense of adventure as you discover new things, a sense of productivity and good use of your energy.
Virgo: Be kinder to yourself
Dear Virgo, you work yourself so tirelessly sometimes only to come home to more self-criticism. While being a perfectionist has led to many great things in your life, it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be productive 100% of the time, and it’s also okay to take time to yourself. While your sign is naturally the provider/server of others, you need to learn to use that trait on yourself and serve your own needs. Learn that they are important and that kindness begins at home. You will only learn to be less critical of the world by starting with yourself. While you may not be the pampering type, some self-love and lazy days are exactly what you need in order to ultimately be your most productive and loving.
Libra: Strengthen your existing relationships
Libra, you are a social butterfly, you charm any room and your genuine politeness makes you a lovely gem in everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, you have a way of getting carried away with this gift and end up making more superficial relationships than deep ones. This becomes a problem when you face tough times and realise you are alone in your problems. Your resolution is to reach out to some old or existing friends that life has led you to lose contact with. They’ll appreciate it, and this way, you can rekindle some amazing friendships and thus create stronger, more valuable bonds with people. Taking time out to appreciate and spend time with the people in your life who have been there for a long time will make you, and them, much happier.
Scorpio: Solo-travel
Scorpio, the deep, mysterious and soul-seeking sign. Well, guess what? You’re not going to learn the mysteries of the world by sitting on the couch in your hometown. While extended solo-travelling may not be the most viable options in everyone’s lives, it’s good to experience a trip by yourself no matter how short it may be. It’ll not only give you more insight into the world but also into yourself. This time in a foreign place will allow you to truly be yourself as you shed any reputations you have back home and appreciate the benefits of your own company. You can also forge many new connections, experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and learn to trust in yourself, your independence and see the value in transient relationships.
Sagittarius: Start a blog or channel
You have so much to say, and not enough hours in the day to say it, so why not start a blog? Because you are such a busy and often convoluted talker, you might find your comments being brushed off or going unheard by others. However, by sharing your voice on a louder platform you may see the importance of your ideas. You have the gift of the gab so why not make use of it? Blogging, or vlogging, is a great hobby (or career) for an innovative and intelligent Sagittarius. It channels all your creative energy into an organised and thus readable (or watchable) segment that others can understand. Blogging always requires research as well, which makes you learn more every day. It hones many different skills that you excel in such as writing, research, creativity, planning and execution and also connects you with like-minded others.
Capricorn: Get off social media
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet, you have such a hard time with your unconscious addictions. More than any of the other signs, Capricorn relies on old-fashioned status for respect. That self-respect gets lowered when faced with everyone else’s highlight reels being broadcasted on Instagram and Facebook. Suddenly, you start buying things just for the likes or going places just for the photo-opportunity. Learning to live authentically, in spite of anyone else’s happiness or progress, is vital for you. By comparing yourself to others, you will always be striving for a false sense of happiness. Perhaps a good length of time disconnected from social media would be a great way to boost your real happiness.
Aquarius: Volunteer
Aquarius, the world lover. You are a unique paradox. As much as you love the idea of world peace, ending world hunger and bringing people together–actually having to react to people’s emotions is entirely uncomfortable and awkward for you. But, no true saviour lies behind a screen. People often donate some pocket change to charity at the end of the year and say they did their part, but this will not suffice you. By actively going out into the world and giving people your most important resources– your time and empathy, you will positively be helping the world, and the world will be helping you. This will bring you closer to overcoming your uncomfortable emotions, affecting people’s lives for the better and getting outside your own head with real life issues.
Pisces: Talk to strangers
Now, hear me out Pisces. I know you’re probably already pulling back just from reading the title. Talking to strangers–why would I ever do such a thing? You ask. Because there are so many benefits from this that outweigh the risks. Pisces is naturally a loving and social sign but you are often held back by your own insecurities. Try talking to that person on the bus, or introduce yourself to the cute person sitting alone in a cafe–you never know what will happen and you will be grateful you did it no matter the outcome. By building this essential skill, you will feel so much happier and more free from your internal restrictions. You will also be surprised at how receptive people are to being approached and gain so many new and wonderful connections this year.
Source: myastrologyblog
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