#bel gays homosexually
just-a-honey-badger · 2 years
sexuality update!
i found out that lithsexual means you experience shmegshual attraction but don't want shmegs
and i was like oh cool i feel that way
but then it's like
but then it's like
shmegshual attraction
what's that
i don't feel that
so i think i'm a mix of bisexual lithsexual and asexual
summary: i don't fucking know
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vellichorom · 5 months
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HATOFUL BOYFRIEND PRIDE HEADCANONS! ✨ a bit early in the year for it? NEVER !!!!
just a silly set that took WAY too long to do for being a blip of a thought this afternoon
USING SOME SPRITES FROM THE HATO PARABLE because my ass could NOT be asked to dedicate myself to editing on ties & accessories COUGH;;
( flag glossary / few extra details under the cut for anyone that doesn't recognize the flags or just wants to soak up every inch of this post; )
ryouta kawara - open to all pronouns // genderqueer / demiromantic / bi-curious; ( the dressing up + playing up femme characters really got him thinking... ) hiyoko tosaka - uses she/her primarily but anything goes // aroace / pansexual / genderqueer; ( she does not give a FUCK but if she HAD to label herself... wild & free... ) nageki fujishiro - he / they(?) // questioning; ( feels stifled as a ghost & likely forgoes thinking of anything like that, but in an AU where he lives, he's questioning a bit of everything; likely queer ) sakuya le bel shirogane - he / him // demiromantic / queer; ( he's not gotten that far to figure it all out yet, redemption comes first after all! probably into guys ??? ) okosan - he/him primarily but i don't think he cares // aroace; ( i admit i really didn't know what to give him but i don't think he gives a shit about romance OR gender, even if pudding wasn't his ultimate goal - & yet, okosan loves everyone! ) yuuya sakazaki - he/him // omniromantic / demromantic/sexual; ( a massive flirt toward anything that moves, but you're not getting dinner without him getting to know you some! ) kazuaki nanaki - he/him // queer / demiromantic/sexual; ( romance & beyond is the Furthest from his mind at any given time (( like most here )), but hey ) shuu iwamine - he/him // homosexual / aroace; ( this is possibly buried beneath emotional setback after emotional setback, buried underneath research first & foremost ) anghel higure - he/it but he probably goes by all KINDS of pronouns & genders, especially holy ones but... / unlabelled; ( bisexual energy, but i can't begin to summarize all of that in any one label & he DEFINITELY couldn't, so we won't! ) azami koshiba - she/her // pansexual / demiromantic/sexual; ( recently realized pre-love ★ blaster! congratulations azami! ) rabu/hosokawa blaster ★ - he/him // bisexual; ( ALSO recently realized pre-love ★ blaster, during his parting from azami; whoopee! ) kenzaburou urushihara - he/him // homosexual; ( ready to form his own coffee shop au at any given time /silly ) tohri nishikikiouji - he/him // demiromantic/sexual / queer; ( the gayest possible man alive, & yet... still figuring a few things out; ) ryuuji kawara - he/him // bisexual / aromantic; ( he's just. do you understand me. & the bastard died before he could resolve anything this revelation sparked, ) miru & kaku - they/them(???) // christmasgender &/or agender; ( i'm right ) the king - he/him & probably king/kingself pronouns lbr // homosexual; ( moreso explored in another life... but i had to include him for the sake of prohibiting bigger spoilers; ) leone JB - he/him // unlabelled or aroace; ( ESPECIALLY could not care less about any of it, & maybe aroace wasn't the right flag to put here but i feel it also holds true; ) mino ichijou - he/him // homosexual; ( to the one other mino enjoyer out there, isn't he so very gay to you as he is me. gives me hopeless romantic vibes as well; )
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billfarrah · 1 year
Massive thank you to @barrowsteeth for isolating this clip and also to the team of Transatlantic for giving us a glimpse into their creative process for the series. It really is such a gift.
I love Cory's comments about the complexity of sexuality. I think it's very easy when you're writing a period drama to write the closeted character as struggling with expressing their sexuality and internalized homophobia and I'm very grateful that they never did this with Varian. Varian's sexuality is extremely complicated as he is a married man living in the 20s-40s in which the world was not kind to homosexuals, as Cory states, yet we see Varian is actually quite free with expressing his desires for Thomas - behind closed doors initially and later in front of the entire villa - and clearly very in tune with his sexuality. He knows what he likes and what he wants. He has his moments of fear (for good reason), but he never disrespects Thomas or makes Thomas feel wrong for how he expresses himself. I love that even though Varian knew he'd never be able to live openly with Thomas, he didn't shame Thomas for wanting it, and even indulged him in his little fantasy because he loves him and wants to make him happy.
I love that even in this time, we got to see two gay men enjoy a fulfilling romantic and sexual relationship with each other that is complex, layered and full of moments of joy despite the dire circumstances, and that's what is so beautiful about this series - it chooses not to focus on the violence and bloodshed (although there are moments of it) but rather the humanity of the characters - and that humanity feels fully rounded, with the characters experiencing connection, friendship, music, food, love, and sex. Varian has a lot of struggles and his sexuality is most definitely a part of it, but he is still allowed within the narrative to act on his desires in the little safe haven that is the Villa Air-Bel, and it definitely is a really beautiful thing. The sexual relationship between Varian and Thomas is just as layered, dynamic and wonderful as their romantic connection and I love that the show doesn't shy away from that. They put so much care and detail into these characters and their relationship and I'm very grateful for it.
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homomenhommes · 8 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more 
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1307 – On this date - Friday, October 13, (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition) the French king Philip IV ordered all French Knights Templar to be arrested. The Templars were charged with numerous heresies and tortured to extract false confessions of blasphemy. The trials were based on these confessions, despite having been obtained under duress. After more bullying from Philip, Pope Clement then issued a Papal Bull on November 22, 1307, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets.
Brian Lacey, in his book Terrible Queer Creatures: Homosexuality In Irish History writes about how accusations of same sex male relations were used as a weapon in the purging of the Order of the Knights Templar.
The first known homosexual purge in Ireland concerned the Order of Knights Templar, which had been established in Ireland in the 1170s under the auspices of the English King Henry II. The respect for same-sex male relationships, characteristic of the pre-Christian era in Ireland and which carried over well into the Christian epoch, waned as the power of the Catholic Church grew.
The Irish purge was preceeded by the French purge, which had its origins in the desire of the impoverished 14th century French King Philip le Bel (the Fair) to get his hands on the Templars' wealth. Philip had engineered the election of the bishop of Bordeaux to become Pope Clement V on condition that he put an end to the Templars, and Clement duly set up an inquisition in which allegations of homosexuality against the knights were in the foreground. "They were said to have included homosexual acts in their private rituals and to have insisted on sexual intercourse with new recruits," Lacey wrote. "It is an indication of the negative feelings against homosexuality in that period that this could be made as one of the principal charges against such a powerful institution."
The homosexual English King Edward II was ordered by Pope Clement and pressured by the French monarch to seize the Templars' extensive holdings in Ireland, and the Irish Knights Templar were arrested en masse in February 1308. The inquisition opened its trial of the Irish Templars in January 1310 at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. While only a few of the Knights confessed to the charges of sodomy, the order was abolished and much of its property expropriated.
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1948 – Alan Bray (d.2001) was a British historian and gay rights activist. He was a Roman Catholic and had a particular interest in Christianity's relationship to homosexuality.
Bray was born in Hunslet, Leeds, to a working-class family. His mother died when he was 12, an event that profoundly affected his relationships. He attended secondary school in Leeds, where he met his lifelong partner Graham Wilson. He attended Bangor University and spent a year at an Anglican seminary before beginning a career in civil service.
He became involved with the Gay Liberation Front in the 1970s and actively campaigned for gay rights. His interest in sexual politics influenced his work on history, which culminated in two books: Homosexuality in Renaissance England (1982) and The Friend (2002). The second book, The Friend, was published posthumously.
His book, Homosexuality In Renaissance England, first published in 1982 and still in print, is a classic of meticulous research and independent thinking on the origins of the modern gay identity. It shows how sodomy was regarded in Elizabethan cosmology as a sinful desire to which all men were potentially subject, but that homosexual activity was widely tolerated and had not then come to signify the deviant psychological type it later became.
His final project, The Friend, explores same sex kinship ceremonies and unions that permeated the culture of pre-modern societies. A particular focus is on joint tombs inscribed with declarations of love - the most illustrious being the grave of Cardinal Newman. It was while discovering these burial sites that Alan realised his research was also a personal act of remembrance and mourning for friends lost to Aids.
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1981 – (Kelechukwu) Kele Okereke is an English musician, best known as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the indie rock band Bloc Party.
In March 2010 Okereke came out as gay in a Butt magazine article, and he then gave an interview and appeared on the front cover of the June 2010 issue of Attitude magazine. Previously he had been reluctant to discuss his sexuality, though he had compared himself to famous bisexuals Brian Molko and David Bowie, as well as Morrissey. He also discussed the homoerotic story behind the Bloc Party song "I Still Remember" and the semi-autobiographical nature of it. In June 2010 Okereke was named as the Sexiest Out Gay Male Artist by music website LP33 in its annual survey.
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1982 – Ian Thorpe is an Australian swimmer who specialises in freestyle, but also competes in backstroke and the individual medley. He has won five Olympic gold medals, the most won by any Australian, and with three gold and two silver medals, was the most successful athlete at the 2000 Summer Olympics. At the 2001 World Aquatics Championships, he became the first person to win six gold medals in one World Championship. In total, Thorpe has won eleven World Championship golds, the third-highest number of any swimmer. Thorpe was the first person to have been named Swimming World Swimmer of the Year four times, and was the Australian swimmer of the year from 1999 to 2003. His athletic achievements made him one of Australia's most popular athletes, and he was recognised as the Young Australian of the Year in 2000.
Born in Sydney, Thorpe grew up in the suburb of Milperra and hailed from a sporting family. His father Ken was a promising cricketer at junior level. Thorpe's mother Margaret played A-grade netball.
Thorpe's success has often led to allegations that he had used banned performance-enhancing steroids. In 2000, prior to the Olympics, the head coach and captain of Germany's swimming team accused Thorpe of cheating. They asserted that his physical attributes were symptomatic of steroid use and that his ability to exceed prior records believed to be drug-fuelled made his feats worthy of suspicion. In 2007, the French sports newspaper L'Équipe claimed that Thorpe showed "abnormal levels" of two banned substances in a doping test. Thorpe denied the charges and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) later confirmed that they had investigated Thorpe in the past, for abnormal levels of testosterone and luteinising hormone (LH), but had dismissed the result. FINA dropped its investigation and closed the case.
Thorpe has himself been prominent in the campaign against drug use. He has called for the introduction of blood testing, promised to surrender a frozen sample for retrospective testing and repeatedly criticised FINA for drug-testing procedures that he regards as inadequate.
After years of denial, whilst being interviewed by Michael Parkinson in 2014 Thorpe came out as being gay. In the interview, Thorpe stated “I’m comfortable saying I'm a gay man. And I don't want people to feel the same way I did. You can grow up, you can be comfortable and you can be gay." He added "I am telling the world that I am gay … and I hope this makes it easier for others now, and even if you've held it in for years, it feels easier to get it out."
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1990 – South Africa: The first Pride parade on the African content takes place in Johannesburg. Eight hundred people attend. It is organized by the Gay and Lesbian Organization of the Witwatersrand (GLOW) which was launched by gay anti-apartheid activist Simon Nkoli in 1988.  He said, "I cannot be free as a Black man if I cannot be free as a gay man." He died of AIDS in 1998 in Johannesburg.
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2006 – In New York City, Michael Sandy  (1977 – 2006), the gay African American man from Brooklyn who was beaten and then chased into the path of a speeding car on the evening of Sunday, October 8th, dies on this day after his family instructed doctors to take him off life-support. Sandy, who turned 29 on Oct. 12th, had been in a coma, never to regain consciousness, and diagnosed brain dead since the attack. The three Brooklyn men who were charged with hate crimes in the attack on Sandy – John Fox, 19, Ilya Shurov, 20, and Gary Timmins, 16 – were charged with assault and robbery as hate crimes. On this day, NY police announced that the charges would be upgraded to include murder.
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2009 – Uganda introduce Anti-Homosexuality Bill
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18 / 06 / 2024
I would like to talk to you about Hercules in its Marvel version. Apparently he is currently in a relationship in the comics with Bobby Drake/Iceman, as you can see from the detail of a cover of the latest comic released for Pride month.
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We see Hercules who is giant, brown, with a charming smile and an impressive, hairy chest. Snuggled up against him is Iceman, who can turn into an ice cube. He must surely be warming himself with the hairy giant's body heat 😏...
Like the version of the character in Greco-Roman mythology in which he originated, Hercules is bisexual or gay in Marvel comics. It started in 2013 when an alternate version of him kisses Wolverine.
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They meet again and remain a couple but this is in a parallel reality.
Later Hercules was the love interest of Noh-Varr/Marvel Boy, a handsome white-haired man who himself is bisexual since he was in a relationship with Kate Bishop/Hawkeye II.
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I like the physical contrast between Hercules and Noh-Varr, and they have funny and tender moments together. Like this scene where Noh-Varr kisses the muscular bicep of the demigod 😚💪🏻
Hercules has fun lifting Marvel-Boy, and I find that he is tender and protective and it's very sexy.
I am therefore disappointed that the promise of a couple between Hercules and Noh-Varr is in fact a commercial lie, a cover with LGBTQIA+ characters but who have no story since this year's Pride comic is about marriage from Mystic and Destiny.
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I'm not going to dwell on Iceman any further because he has his own history regarding his homosexuality. I sincerely hope that he finds someone reliable and durable after having been with several men without it being very consequential. I'm thinking in particular of her relationship with Christian Frost, older brother of Emma Frost the White Queen, which is overlooked apart from a few allusions.
I won't go into more detail about the fact that I hate that it's Brett Goldstein who plays him in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I hope at least he'll be bisexual or gay without it seeming forced.
And may i remind you that Hercules from the Marvel comics appears in this story 😁
In this story Hercules is gay/bi and I wanted to restore his spontaneous and dominant character, his funny and exuberant personality, his sexy and authoritarian attitude. He is in love with Thor and together they humiliate slaves for their pleasure.
HERCULES des comics Marvel
J'aimerais vous parler de Hercules dans sa version Marvel.
Apparemment il est actuellement en couple dans les comics avec Bobby Drake/Iceberg, comme vous pouvez le contaster sur le détail d'une couverture du dernier comics sorti pour le mois des Fiertés.
On voit Hercules qui est géant, brun, avec un sourire charmeur et un torse impressionnant et poilu. Blotti contre lui, Iceman, qui peut se transformer en glaçon. Il doit sûrement se réchauffer avec la chaleur corporelle du géant poilu 😏...
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Comme la version du personnage dans la mythologie greco-romaine dans il est issu, Hercules est bisexuel ou gay dans les comics Marvel. Cela a commencé en 2013 quand une version alternative de lui embrasse Wolverine.
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Ils se retrouvent et restent en couple mais cela est dans une réalité parallèle.
Plus tard Hercules a été l'amoureux de Noh-Varr/Marvel Boy, un bel homme aux cheveux blancs qui lui-même est bisexuel puisqu'il a été en couple avec Kate Bishop / Hawkeye II.
J'aime bien le contraste physique entre Hercules et Noh-Varr, et ils ont des moments drôles et tendres ensemble. Comme cette scène où Noh-Varr embrasse le biceps musclé du demi-dieu 😚💪🏻
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Hercules s'amuse à soulever Marvel-Boy, et je trouve qu'il se montre tendre et protecteur et c'est très sexy.
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Je suis donc déçu que la promesse d'un couple entre Hercules et Noh-Varr soit en fait un mensonge commercial, une couverture avec des personnages LGBTQIA+ mais qui n'ont pas d'histoire puisque le comics Pride de cette année est sur le mariage de Mystique et Destinée.
Je ne vais pas m'étendre sur Iceman plus longtemps car il a sa propre histoire vis-à-vis de son homosexualité. J'espère sincèrement qu'il trouvera quelqu'un de fiable et durable après avoir été avec plusieurs hommes sans que cela soit très conséquent. Je pense notamment à son couple avec Christian Frost, frère aîné d'Emma Frost la Reine Blanche, qui est survolé à part quelques allusions.
Bon en tout cas voilà je trouve que ce serait sympa si Hercules et Iceman seraient en couple, mais évidemment ce n'est pas quelque chose de primordial pour moi. Le principal serait une histoire d'amour développée et durable.
Je ne reviendrais pas plus longuement sur le fait que je déteste que ce soit Brett Goldstein qui l'incarne dans l'Univers Cinématographique Marvel. J'espère qu'au moins il sera bisexuel ou gay sans que cela paraisse forcé.
Sinon je vous rappelle qu'Hercules apparaît ici :
Dans cette histoire Hercules est gay/bi et j'ai voulu restituer son caractère spontané et dominant, sa personnalité drôle et exubérante, son attitude sexy et autoritaire. Il est amoureux de Thor et ensemble ils humilient des esclaves pour leur plaisir.
@leftprogrammingroadtripdean @gayandcute @gaysexalltheway @gaycharaoftheday
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) says that the Papacy (office or authority of The Pope) is infallible. Only God is infallible. Nowhere in scripture does God say that Popes or Mary are sinless. The RCC says that only the Popes determine the true meaning of scripture. That is unbiblical and so is the papacy, cardinals, bishops and nuns. 1 Peter 2:5 says that the priesthood of believers is the only priesthood in scripture. Jesus Christ said that Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ is the Rock that God will build his church on not Peter himself. 1 Peter 5:1 shows that Peter said he was just a fellow Elder. The Papacy is a pompous display of wealth and idolatry. The RCC says that RCC tradition is equal with scripture and only they can determine RCC traditions. That's unbiblical. The RCC says that the Pope is above all world leaders and laws. It's possible that the final Antichrist could be a Pope. Vatican City might be Mystery Babylon from Revelation. When Jesus Christ said come out of her. He was referring to the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis said atheists get into Heaven. Pope Francis said all religions are okay with God and should be embraced. He said non-Christians are children of God. Pope Francis said God makes some people gay & homosexuality should bel egal worldwide. . He said evolution is real. Pope Francis said Jesus' life and the cross ended in failure. Pope Francis said Jesus is not a spirit, but a glorified man. Pope Francis said it's absurd to think that anyone can have a personal direct relationship with Jesus Christ. These are all lies from Satan. Pope Francis might be the False Prophet from the book of Revelation. If so, he will usher in the Antichrist. Watch the video Pope Francis and His Lies: False Prophet exposed on the Truth in Genesis YouTube channel. Also watch Are Catholics Saved on the Reformed Christian Teaching channel on YouTube. Spotlight is based on a true story. Please go here: https://www.gotquestions.org/catholicism.html
I recommend the gotquestions app.
I used to go to Catholic Church until I read the Bible and found out that nobody in the Bible prayed to Mary or prayed a rosary, Mary was a sinner just like everyone else, the Bible never calls her holy or the Queen of Heaven, she didn't die a virgin, purgatory and lent are unbiblical, Popes sin too, We can confess our sins directly to God, the Bible says we should only call God in Heaven Father, Jesus built His church on what Peter said about Jesus and not on Peter, scripture says Jesus Christ is the Rock not Peter, all Christians are saints because of faith in Jesus, angels aren't saints, we're only supposed to pray to God not saints or Mary since she isn't a comediatrix, Jesus is the only mediator between God and men, Christians are the church. I read the Bible for myself and realized that Martin Luther was correct for starting the Protestant reformation. The movie Spotlight is based on a true story. Please go here: https://www.gotquestions.org/catholicism.html
I recommend the gotquestions app.
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zooterchet · 1 year
Bombardier Manual Submissions to Literature (Master Sets)
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, James Bond 007, The Sopranos, Batman, Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, Grand Theft Auto.
Each one, teaches a set of Bombardier tricks.
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, is wealth and respect towards the poor. Carlton, is rich, but respects the poor; he doesn't get kicked off a plane, a particularly a Bombardier design, like the Lear Jet, because he doesn't have to posture as a music form not meant for him. Musical inspiration, is only meant for the poor, the impoverished, hence they have a sense of calm and levity. Anyone else, is posturing with a sense of anxiety, towards needing "respect"; "my father is very important".
James Bond, is the penalty, of recruiting a spy, mobster, gangster, o terrorist, as a literary model, or a writing model, or an actor's model, or otherwise defrauding someone in any walk of life, for free print or film. James Bond 007, is placed as an IRA, through the signals given in the movie (his gun model, and the term "Q", the Irish Mob term for "Queer", a gambling bet from a woman to rig a housing complex into poverty), with the production studios affiliated with the particular Bond franchise being produced, through "gift" of license (you've demanded it, on the "Q Branch" call), collapsing the studio and businesses involved; the term bracket for "SPECTRE", is whomever is holding the production license, from the concept of the "Bond Villain" having a gay actor, played straight - offensive to the parents of those involved in the franchise production, unless Bond himself, gay by end of print, from stress of performing a nonsensical role, hence the company folds by humiliation.
The Sopranos, is diet. Each one of these mobsters or cops, is sneaking a food item, away from their friends and family, that gives them a problem. Tony Soprano, fiends on fried chicken. Impulse control. He sits there, in his car, eating KFC all day.
Batman, is drug theory, with each villain, as an option, for a pot dealer, to be a cop, and introduce logic, to bust a syndicate. Batman, is a pot dealer, and if you apply a cop theory, to a villain, as a pot dealer, you collapse a pot market.
The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, is how you take a consequence, method, and "alias", from a Jewish sitcom, to kill a cop with a crime syndicate from Israel. That's the hitman book.
Grand Theft Auto, is how you spot a criminal, by figuring out which one of these guys, is MI-6, because one of them, is acting based on an insurance prermium theory. The one using insurance premiums (they don't apply a game mechanic), you trust. Any other character, applying a video game dynamic (they don't use insurance premiums), is gay, an honest homosexual, involved in crime. They don't plan on getting out of the criminal life, but you should.
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threezoz · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
8 shows to get to know me with explanations (though that’s not necessary)
only 8… this was very hard
thanks, @negrowhat! please excuse some of the image quality, i am ancient, as are some of these shows.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996)
this one starts the section i’m calling “shows that raised me.”
it was that show for so many of us. the cousins i grew up with and i still have formative memories and inside jokes that only make sense of you’ve seen this show. (i don’t think i’ve even seen every episode, zbc scheduling being what it was.)
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The Golden Girls (1985-1992)
this one is suffused into my being. i’m not gonna be an old ‘lady’ but this is how i will be moving through the world.
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Paraffin (1990s)
some homebaked comedy. there were two, this one and Mukadota (1980s) and they just cushioned the post-independence generation and bridged the gap. everyone sat down together to watch them. the cultural relevance is immense, even if it’s likely horribly offensive nowadays.
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993-1995)
i wanted to be a power ranger before i knew what acting even was. had me wanting to do both gymnastics and martial arts, in suburban zimbabwe of all places. (this is also one of the first shows i can remember having actively-bisexual feelings about. (the other one is Sunset Beach. shh, don’t worry about it.)
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Are You Being Served? (1972-1985)
my first intro to camp and homosexual characters on tv! zero tragedy and he wasn’t the butt of the joke any more than anybody else was. (i don’t think anybody ever said it out loud but it was Text™️)
i was very disappointed to discover that no working environment is actually like this. i’m still obsessed with puffy sleeves and flouncy-front blouses.
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Farscape (1999-2003)
now begins the “who i am now” portion of the presentation. (i grew up with an older brother who was obsessed with action, martial arts and sci-fi, so naturally, i made it an integral part of my personality.)
this one is hard to summarise. it lives in the same place that Firefly (2002) occupies in my heart but doesn’t have jomps wobbin’s ick all over it?
it hits a lot of the same beats: found family, badass female characters, running from an evil space-government/empire (there’s so many more of those in Farscape), members of said evil space-government aiding and abetting our crew.
but Farscape ran for 4 seasons and had a miniseries; came with Aliens™️; the Jim Henson’s Creature Shop doing some of them which, *gestures at Rygell and Pilot, two fully animatronic characters* and contains the love of my life (and future cosplay magnum opus), Pa’u Zotoh Zhaan, who is blue and a sentient plant. suffice it to say, it changed my life.
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Leverage/Leverage: Redemption (2008-2012, 2021-)
a show about fighting capitalism, with crime! and found-family! (still waiting on our OT3. it’s been 85 years.)
this show is why i taught myself to cook (to the point i was thinking about culinary school), wanna play the cello, am a polyglot, am not afraid of ageing, still wanna do gymnastics, am gay-will crime… it’s been the catalyst in shaping so much of who i currently am. (timothy hutton not withstanding.)
(not aldis hodge being the most jacked renaissance man. there’s an episode where his character plays the violin AND IT’S ACTUALLY HIM PLAYING THE VIOLIN.)
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The Crow: Stairway To Heaven (1999)
yes, the show. because i saw this looong before i saw the movie or read the graphic novel. this is likely when the seeds of my eventual goth-hood were planted. this and Sting, from wrestling. my goth boyfriend.
probably why i was obsessed with Gibsons too…
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tagging: @demented-tours, @dharmagun, @ghstbusting, @grimmalkindrewit who made the mistake of befriending me irl. (you don’t have to do this, honestly. it’s so much work. i’m just procrastinating sleep and uni work so was extra motivated.)
i was just endlessly haunted by miss forehead-eye over on the right there who showed up in my dreams. she’s very sweet and gentle but i forgot this show existed until i was looking up what all i watched as a kid (A. LOT. of television apparently) and this popped up at the end of a sci-fi list! never wonder why i’m so fucking weird. my childhood was almost entirely unhinged, wild-shenanigans programming like this.
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famdommcfanface · 3 years
Doctor who thoughts again... This is a long one.
I know the snake guy (can't remember his name, y'know, evil sexy snake guy) was going to be in this episode but I'm still thrilled every time they remind us of that fact
Oh yeah that fucking angel thing. Bullshit. Sorry
Erm they're are angels there that aren't covering their eyes which is very bad. Like... either they're in some kind of dimension where it doesn't matter so why are most of them covering their eyes or big proportions of them are just unable to move. Possibly forever if enough of them have their eyes uncovered.
I love Yaz's period clothing. Obsessed.
They're Indiana Jones-ing I guess. I'd like to think without the colonialism but I'm not sure how
Is that Jericho? Jericho!!!! I love this dude.
Yaz this is theft and destruction of ancient artefacts I'm an archaeologist and Yaz just don't please.
Ood has a new voice. Hmm. Ah well.
Oh. Her. Forgot about her. Do I want to know?
Exposition time. Thanks.
DYING for Yaz's clothes this episode I mean damn.
Where are these guys getting money from
What is even happening rn I haven't known for weeks now I guess.
It's Spectre! No.
Obsessed with Yaz just murdering people. She didn't even murder him but...
Sexy gay snake guy!! Not sure what he's doing here but I love the period clothing on him.
If this dude turns out to be a Lethbridge-Stewart... just to say only so many people can be Lethbridge-Stewarts.
Aww!!! Yaz watching the doctor hologram this is adorable they're so in love
I think if Yaz kisses the doctor next episode I'll forgive Chris of everything
That might be an exaggeration but Chris wouldn't you like to find out???
Oh also another exposition time. See, Chris? I nearly got distracted by the gayness! Had there been more gayness I might not have noticed the exposition at all!
I want Dan to be more horrified by the whole dead body thing. Jericho's doing alright but c'mon Dan.
She can't be a good guy she's got an ood. The relationship seems like it might be a kind of slavery one.
Oh you're defending the time lord directives now are you doctor?
N-space? I don't even really know what that means but oh wait they're in the void aren't they
KARVINISTA! You gay little bitch
Okay but the void was meant to be like... hell. It wasn't just nothing it was basically hell. I know that's weird but it did happen.
Hey Bel! I still don't trust Tigmi!
Karvinista if you hurt Bel I stg...
Ooh. Creepy.
Chris you love people talking exposition out loud to themselves don't you.
Swarm and Azura! I would die for these bitches.
'you are space how we are time' stfu swarm. stfu Chris.
Stfu weird mystery woman who probably isn't the doctor's mother
Okay I'm lost. No idea what's happening. Can we go back to Yaz being gay in period clothing please?
I'm going to have to read the explanation for this afterwards.
Oh she's so cartoonishly evil what is even the point of this. The division is ripe for moral complexity.
Wait what's her name? Yeah her! Fuck what's her name?
Tecteun! Right! Oh god that means I really don't know what's going on.
Sexy snake guy! You don't understand I'm really excited every time this guy is on screen because I thought he was only going to be in one episode
Oh the brigadier is going to show up isn't he. I think the time period could work. Private Lethbridge-Stewart or whatever.
It's like 'huh. TARDIS. Oh well'
Feel like Jennings (or anyone who turns up in the background) is going to be a classic who reference
Sexy snake guy just lived on earth for like ten years and gave away his cover so fucking quickly... Wait what the fuck I swear that's from men in black.
Huh. That was weird.
Grand serpent! That's it! Knew it was something about snakes!
Oh fuck I really don't know what's happening.
Tecteun honey that's so fucking dumb and you now it. Put the doctor next to the machinery you're using to do it so she doesn't stop it what are you doing
I'm not even sure what this argument is but I know it fills me with rage.
Yeah I don't like this. Something about the doctor complaining about the live she lives... she loves her life? There are other complaints to make? That's not the bad thing she did doctor?
Kind of sick of like six plots happening at once. Where is Yaz being gay in period clothing
Okay I never thought Vinder was dead but for a moment I thought we were meant to think Vinder was dead and that was really funny for some reason
Diane! Wish she'd been in the plot or something but hey.
Dan isn't wearing interesting enough clothes. He deserves more interesting clothes
How can this dude speak English. He's like a Tibetan hermit.
I actually don't mind the comedy character but it would be far less jarring if Chris put some comedy in the rest of the series.
Haha map montage! So ridiculously cliché. Kind of love it.
Okay I guess. That's alright.
Karvinista you gay bitch.
Doctor free the ood!!!
Yeah the universe is really full of ood. It's because the ood masks are reusable unlike things like silurians.
Jesus Christ the flux destroyed like 99.999999999% of all galaxies it looks like
Oh god please don't do the thing I predicted.
Ood you're psychic your whole thing is hearing whispering
That doesn't quite look like proper Gallifreyan, idk.
I love sexy snake guy I'll tell you that much.
*my brain* Prentis... Prentice... wasn't he a mole guy? I feel a very bad conspiracy theory brewing...
Want that spike worm to actually look like a snake.
Oh him. I don't even want to know what his deal is at this point.
Yaz stfu this could be important.
Yes it's a fob watch... wait the doctor could get her memories back? I kind of don't like that.
Yeah I don't understand the whole next universe thing. Not sure what's happening. Could Rose come back? If Rose can't come back I don't care about your whole next universe thing.
Also where the fuck is Kate? I was promised Kate!
Oh wait that was good timing.
Osgood? She's dating Richard Osman now y'know. Just a bit of gossip.
Imagine if he just murdered Kate Stewart... how funny would that be idk.
Huh. I'd expect Kate to have a nicer house than that. Either a big town house thing or maybe something in the country.
Does Karvinista have Gallifreyan on his leg?
Look. I understand that it's 1904. You don't have to tell me every time.
Ooh go on what is it. Oh is it snake guy. I don't even know what this dude wants. I like his office though.
K. Sontarans. Cool.
The doctor spent this whole episode having a conversation.
And swarm and Azura did fuck all! They've kind of been replaced by a different sexy queercoded villain.
Oh god I really don't know what's happening.
Oh well she's dead I guess huh.
Kate had better actually do something next episode.
Daleks. Yeah I guess.
Oh and the house yeah.
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atexonat · 5 years
Wtfock’s Storyline developments
Season 3 of Skam has many storylines:
Friendship: Isak’s friendship with Jonas and the rest of the boy squad. His friendship with Eskild, which is more mentor-like, but they are friends after all. His friendship with Sana - a lot of Season 3 is about friendship
Parental Relationship: Isak’s struggle to come out to his mom and how he doesn’t talk to his dad
Religion: again with his mom and Sana as well
Mental Illness: Even’s character
Homosexuality: probably the main storyline of the season as it is the central driving force of Isak’s development. It makes his push away his parents and friends, and is one of the main conflicts with religion
There are of course lesser storylines: cheating, kosegruppa (if you can even call it a storyline), etc
Episode 1 of Skam Season 3 set all of these storylines up (with the exception of Mental Illness) so I thought I would compare how Episode 1 of Season 3 of Wtfock has done 
Friendship: Probably the most set up of all storylines, from the first two or three days we get an understanding of Robbe’s friendship with the boys squad. It’s arguably the worst in the Skam Universe, and they’ve put a lot more detail into it - which makes me think that hell week and week 6 will be particularly dedicated to it
Parents: Wtfock is one of the few Skam remakes (excluding Italia) that has properly set groundwork for his relationship with his parents. They’ve said his mother is in an institution (I don’t remember if it was a hospital correct me if I’m wrong) and that he can’t stay with his dad. But rather than doing this through texts they have physically shown us through clips
Religion: practically non existent and there’s no set up for it. Whilst we know Robbe and Yasmina are friends, considering how much time they’re spending on his parents and frienship, I can see this storyline getting cut out
Mental Illness: it has been set up through his mother (which I really like a lot) but nothing for Even’s character (which is unsurprising at it usually starts in Episode 5)
Homosexuality: I would say there are two parts within the origins Homosexuality storyline: Isak accepting it himself, becoming proud of it and Evak’s relationship. Rather than move straight away with Robbe officially acknowledging this season that he’s gay, they’ve set a lot more groundwork for it to make it harder for him to come out. We haven’t officially met Bel!Even (those two scenes of camera boy song count) which is why it feels a lot slower. Don’t get me wrong, I love the whole season, but this storyline is the central one and it’s the moment that Isak officially meets Even that everything really kicks off.
I’m all for changes, I love it, I love how they’ve changed it - not showing Bel!Even in the first week was something I never expected (and it’s something I’m intrigued by). Obviously the entire tag would be talking about him, Even is one of the most beloved characters of the show and their first meeting really is a spark for the show.
I’ve seen people saying that the season isn’t developing. I, personally (all my opinion), would disagree as the friendship storyline has been well set up and same with the parents. It just so happens to be that the central storyline is the one that hasn’t really moved forward as much. It does feel a little repetitive, at least every scene with Noor, but I’m glad from today’s clip they’re finally changing something
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just-a-honey-badger · 2 years
headcanon that hermione is trans
yeah that's pretty much it
if you have any thoughts on this pls elaborate
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petrxsolano · 5 years
Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better!
tagged by: @caroldnvers
Nickname: bel, bebel
gender: female i guess
astrological sign: leo
height: 162cm, which i think is 5′4?? maybe, i just know im fucking tiny!!
sexuality: a gay homosexual probably
hogwarts house: slytherin
favourite animals: well imma about to be very predictable as a leo here and say lions, they’re majestic though am i right, but like dogs, cats, i love them too
number of blankets: just the one
where i’m from: the capital of brazil
dream trip: i really dont know, i wanna go everywhere you know but i’ve been really wanting to go to paris these days
when i made this account: damn i have no idea i wanna say like 2010/2011 or something, i didnt take it very seriously then though
why i created this account: well like basically everyone here: because of glee, but really i loved santana lopez way too much and needed somewhere to appreciate her!!
followers: 3096
i tag: @tanjonathans @keiynanlonsdales @drclara @lesbianreginageorge @juleswickr @spash4life @tomaztastic @petramos @tylergaciaposey
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
The recent passage of a law in Alabama that essentially bans all abortions in the state resulted in a barrage of coverage of other abortion restrictions being adopted in conservative areas this year. But as FiveThirtyEight illustrated in a story last week, this is not a new trend — Republican-controlled states have been chipping away at abortion access since the 2010 elections, which swept the GOP into power in state legislatures and governors’ mansions across the country.
Still, the Alabama law got us thinking … what policies in addition to abortion limits are being passed in a multitude of states? More specifically, what laws are being passed in “trifecta” states, in which one party controls both houses of the legislature and the governor’s office? These states are ripe for bills to pass easily because the other party can’t stop them. And they serve as a good indicator of each party’s priorities and what it might do at the federal level given unfettered power.1
There is no formal clearinghouse for state policy changes, so I looked for legislative patterns and consulted with national groups that work on state policy, such as the left-leaning State Innovation Exchange. The result is a non-exhaustive list of legislation that has passed in multiple trifecta states, either blue or red.
The 14 states — which are home to about 112 million people — that are totally controlled by Democrats are pushing forward an agenda of, among other things, hiking the minimum wage significantly above the federal $7.25 per hour, banning (for minors) therapy that is designed to “convert” gay and lesbian people from homosexuality (this treatment is widely condemned by medical experts) and mandating that the Electoral College votes in states go to whichever candidate wins the national popular vote.
The issues being pushed in liberal states aren’t too surprising. They reflect a combination of (i) initiatives the Obama administration was pushing in its latter stages but couldn’t get approved nationally because the GOP controlled Congress; (ii) reactions to the Trump era (particularly trying to ensure that another president is not elected without winning the popular vote), and (iii) priorities of the party’s activists.
The 22 GOP-totally-controlled states — which are home to about 136 million people — have tried to eliminate restrictions on gun rights, stop cities from becoming “sanctuaries” for undocumented immigrants and weaken the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement that targets the Israeli government for how it treats Palestinians.
Similar to the Democratic list, this legislative agenda represents (i) Trump administration priorities that can’t get approved in Congress; (ii) reactions to the Obama administration (particularly the attempts to limit Medicaid, which was greatly expanded in the Obama years), and (iii) longtime conservative activists’ causes (limiting gun restrictions, for example).
Again, this is not a complete list of policies being enacted in a huge swath of the states. (We purposefully left out abortion, which is covered in more detail here.) And some of these ideas have crossed the red-blue divide — for example, some GOP-controlled states, like North Dakota, are joining the push to decriminalize marijuana, and many blue states, including California and New York, have enacted anti-BDS provisions.
It’s also worth noting which policies are not proliferating at the state level. Despite national momentum in the Democratic Party for enrolling more people in Medicare-style government-run health insurance plans, only Washington has adopted a so-called public option at the state level. And even as some of the party’s presidential candidates emphasize hiking rates on the wealthiest Americans, totally controlled Democratic states haven’t been as enthusiastic. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s push for a major tax increase on millionaires, for example, is facing strong resistance from his fellow Democrats in the state legislature.
On the GOP side, national Republicans, particularly Education Secretary Betsy Devos, are strong supporters of charter schools, as an alternative to traditional public schools. But of the six states that don’t currently have laws allowing for the creation of charters, four (Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and West Virginia) are totally controlled by the GOP.
And to be sure, trifectas don’t represent each party at the state level in totality — there are Republicans who sometimes back liberal legislation and Democrats who embrace conservative priorities. For example, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, recently signed a minimum wage increase. Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, has backed some abortion limits.
All that said, Sacramento, Salem (Oregon), Santa Fe and Springfield (Illinois) are very different places but might at times have very similar legislation on the floors of their state legislatures. And if you live in Iowa, it’s actually fairly useful to see what laws are passing in Alabama and Texas — they are likely to come to your state soon.
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10 / 06 / 2021
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Ouissem Belgacem est un ancien footballeur du club Toulouse FC. Outre le fait qu'il soit un très bel homme, il a récemment publié un libre aux éditions Fayard dans lequel il revient apparament sur le fait que son coming-out a nuis à sa carrière dans le football. Eh oui ! Ce sublime français est homosexuel, et son courageux coming-out dans un milieu encore homophobe mérite d'être relayé, surtout en ce Mois des Fiertés. Ses parents sont d'origine tunisienne, il parle donc aussi du racisme car il est par ailleurs musulman (les mecs Arabes sont tellement beaux 🔥).
Il n'en reste pas moins un très bel homme à qui on rêve de se soumettre, mais il a surtout l'air très gentil, et son geste est autant humain que militant.
Bon, je ne m'y connais pas vraiment en foot et je n'ai pas lu le livre, du coup, je vous renvoie à des articles qui traite de ce sujet.
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Ouissem Belgacem is a former footballer for the Toulouse FC club. In addition to the fact that he is a very handsome man, he recently published a book published by Fayard in which he apparently returns to the fact that his coming out has harmed his football career. And yes ! This sublime French football player is homosexual, and his courageous coming out in a still homophobic environment deserves to be relayed, especially during this Pride Month. His parents are from Tunisia, and he also talks about racism in his book because he is Muslim. He is nonetheless a very handsome man to whom we dream of submitting (Arabian men are so hot🔥) , but above all he seems very kind, and his gesture is as human as it is militant. Well, I don't really know football and I haven't read the book, so I refer you to articles that deal with this subject.
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@rebeunboss2 @arabmature @arabmanrebeu @tunisian-beauty @arabslavemasters @arabslavemasters @arabfeetslut @lope34-pour-pieds-arabes @rebeuarab @footballjock4life @footballjockstraps @cefrankahba @cefransoumisblog @cefranblanc @cefranpourrebeu @malemodelscene @malebeautyy @gayingaround @muslimfeet @muslimsuperioritycannotbedenied
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
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The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) says that the Papacy (office or authority of The Pope) is infallible. Only God is infallible. Nowhere in scripture does God say that Popes or Mary are sinless. The RCC says that only the Popes determine the true meaning of scripture. That is unbiblical and so is the papacy, cardinals, bishops and nuns. 1 Peter 2:5 says that the priesthood of believers is the only priesthood in scripture. Jesus Christ said that Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ is the Rock that God will build his church on not Peter himself. 1 Peter 5:1 shows that Peter said he was just a fellow Elder. The Papacy is a pompous display of wealth and idolatry. The RCC says that RCC tradition is equal with scripture and only they can determine RCC traditions. That's unbiblical. The RCC says that the Pope is above all world leaders and laws. It's possible that the final Antichrist could be a Pope. Vatican City might be Mystery Babylon from Revelation. When Jesus Christ said come out of her. He was referring to the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis said atheists get into Heaven. Pope Francis said all religions are okay with God and should be embraced. He said non-Christians are children of God. Pope Francis said God makes some people gay & homosexuality should bel egal worldwide. . He said evolution is real. Pope Francis said Jesus' life and the cross ended in failure. Pope Francis said Jesus is not a spirit, but a glorified man. Pope Francis said it's absurd to think that anyone can have a personal direct relationship with Jesus Christ. These are all lies from Satan. Pope Francis might be the False Prophet from the book of Revelation. If so, he will usher in the Antichrist. Watch the video Pope Francis and His Lies: False Prophet exposed on the Truth in Genesis YouTube channel. Also watch Are Catholics Saved on the Reformed Christian Teaching channel on YouTube. Spotlight is based on a true story. Please go here: https://www.gotquestions.org/catholicism.html
I used to go to Catholic Church until I read the Bible and found out that nobody in the Bible prayed to Mary or prayed a rosary, Mary was a sinner just like everyone else, the Bible never calls her holy or the Queen of Heaven, she didn't die a virgin, purgatory and lent are unbiblical, Popes sin too, We can confess our sins directly to God, the Bible says we should only call God in Heaven Father, Jesus built His church on what Peter said about Jesus and not on Peter, scripture says Jesus Christ is the Rock not Peter, all Christians are saints because of faith in Jesus, angels aren't saints, we're only supposed to pray to God not saints or Mary since she isn't a comediatrix, Jesus is the only mediator between God and men, Christians are the church. I read the Bible for myself and realized that Martin Luther was correct for starting the Protestant reformation. The movie Spotlight is based on a true story. Please go here: https://www.gotquestions.org/catholicism.html
I recommend the gotquestions app.
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just-a-honey-badger · 2 years
okay but like...
my new cute animal obsession went from sloths and koalas to frogs and axolotls. they're so cute tho like just look. lookit.
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can you not be obsessed with these?
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