#belladonna and nameless
ghostgirl-ward · 2 months
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velvet attendants smiley face
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paruparoplippy · 4 months
klaxon love by fumido really is a song that fits brown x naoya. i dunno what to tell you.
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allpatchedart · 8 months
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More prospective charms! This time, all of the Velvet Room residents from the various Persona games!
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
Expanded on the available and used Velvet denizen names. Focused only on the OG book and films, excluding the crossovers. This isn't a guideline. You can use characters from Hotel Transylvania if you want.
Original Frankenstein
Nameless / Blind Father 🦋
Frankenstein (1931 film)
Bride of Frankenstein
Son of Frankenstein
Ygor / Igor 🦋
The Ghost of Frankenstein
Theodore 🦋
Original Frankenstein
Margaret 🦋
Caroline 🦋
Elizabeth 🦋
Lavenza 🦋
Justine 🦋
Saville (this one can be unisex)
Frankenstein (1931 film)
Bride of Frankenstein
The Bride / Belladonna 🦋
Son of Frankenstein
The Ghost of Frankenstein
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anesidore · 1 month
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velvet family. that's it. that's the post. this is a low effort thing but i ended up coloring it
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ghostshadow-k-r · 7 months
I was wondering,should I draw Demon Painter in the future?
There's really a lot of old character that disappeared after Eternal Punishment
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Besides the blind pianist,Velvet Room also got a disappeared resident,which is the siren like opera singer — Belladonna.
No one knows where did she came from,even herself.Every Velvet Room resident's origin was always a great mystery that no one could discover.This also works for the attendances and Igor.
Same as Nameless,she disappeared after the Eternal Punishment event.But her melodious, penetrating singing still remains as a part of the Velvet Room.
Welcoming every new guest of this mysterious room with the Hymn of Soul that they'll never forget.
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retellingthehobbit · 11 months
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mothpawbs · 3 months
think of a dragon they have not done
think of a dragon they have not done
Swordtail, Lady Scarab, Jerboa, Chameleon, Katydid, that one Lavender baby Skywing without wings or smth (unless it was a Silkwing--it was on the WoF wiki for Skywings), Cricket's cranky Grandma, Blue's mother, Bella or Sundew's father, maybe one of the Silkwing guards I cannot seem to remember because I secretly enjoy nameless or named side characters that do nothing but sparkle in the wake of the protag and antags in these books-
Please tell me ONE of these has not been drawn 😂
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belladonna! she's terrifying, i had to draw her. her design is based on the dark purple-black berries and occasionally heart-shaped leaves of the atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade :)
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deusvervewrites · 13 days
Can I get some extra wildcard head canons, please
In this AU, Persona Users can speak with their Persona in their head, like how their Personas address them during an Awakening. This generally helps to keep them grounded and in control of their emotions.
The music in the Velvet Room is still diegetic. Midoriya might meet Nameless and Belladonna at some point; they're in the Velvet Room's lounge car.
When Urizen drives someone into a frenzy, it creates a metaverse space called a Wonderland which grants the maddened Shadow the power to rampage through reality. Only by purifying the Shadow (usually via boss fight) can the victim be brought back to their senses.
The berserker state that Urizen inflicts on people is an imperfect version of his end goal: total mind control. This ties into Urizen being a demiurge and the apathy theming related to expecting Heroes to do all the work.
During the Overhaul raid, Eri Awakens to her Persona, Deirdre.
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ravencincaide · 6 months
Oh Sweet Memory of Mine 
Summary: Dazai basks in your bright smile even if tomorrow you won’t remember a thing. OR a walking red flag will always be a walking red flag- even when he tries to be sweet.
Pairing: fem!Reader x Dazai Osamu
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 14: (Back) scratching
Warnings: Dark content inside including things like; cursing, blood, biting and fighting, early onset of memory degenerative disease, a walking red flag with very light hints at intimacy and abuse, 
Enjoy ?
The flowers were as ridiculous as his behaviour.  
A huge rather unorganized bunch consisting of carnations, roses, tulips and lilies– pretty much any and every flowering blossom he could get his hands on at this time of year. They were accompanied with some nameless greenery awkwardly stuffed in between. Dazai was beginning to regret buying said greenery- the stems were hard and awkward to carry, the shrubs almost painfully digging into his bandaged fingers. And while he didn’t mind the pain- relished in it- he was adamant not to let you get pricked by them. 
Still you insisted each bouquet was not complete without some filler leaves to guide the eye or a branch to give it more asymmetrical volume. No, rationally Dazai knew it was best he bought the shrubs directly instead of having to run out to the store to get them. Even if at that moment he wasn’t particularly fond of them. 
Looking from the outside however, that was impossible to tell. If anything, Dazai appeared almost happy; a skip in his step then a playful twirl as he sidestepped a flirtatious butterfly of the night. Then paused, took her hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a kiss of apology. “ You’re so gorgeous today. But not now unfortunately- another time maybe, Belladonna” he winked then off on his way he was, not stopping once until he reached a gated community on the very outskirts of the city. 
The walls were high: an almost unscalable construction of sanded down brick and barbed wire on top. The entrance was also the only exit, a large anglo saxon metallic gate with both an old fashioned knocking mechanism and modern keycode with intercom. Balancing the box of wine on his knee and gripping onto the flowers with his other hand, Dazai put in the code. The sound of electricity buzzing echoed before a click could be heard. Hopping on one foot he leaned his weight into the left side of the gate, making it swing open with surprising ease. He caught himself from stumbling, eyes whining for a brief second. Then he chuckled and shook his head at himself. Of course they would finally oil the hinges after six months of complaints- and not a day too soon. 
Turning his back to the gate Dazai drew in a deep breath, his nose stinging with familiar dust and grime of Yokohama from ten years ago. The smell of food stalls, traders and alcohol reached his senses. He could hear the yelling; orders called out in a ramen stand, men laughing at the others' jokes, merchants pushing over-priced tinkets onto naive customers and women bargaining with each other over the cost of overripe fruit. The only thing missing were children: homeless brats pickpocketing passers by or vandalizing houses. Despite how big of an issue this used to be, at that very moment, there wasn’t a single kid in sight. 
It was almost amazing how they managed to replicate the Yokohama of ten years ago. Down to the chipped paint on buildings and gravel filled holes in the ground.
Feeling eyes on him, Dazai turned his head to the right, in the direction of a set of benches where half a dozen men sat, dressed in worn out suit pants, white shirts and with the matching suit coat thrown haphazardly over their shoulders. A distance away from them was a small stall serving local sake. The man from said stall had his attention on Dazai. Dazai flashed a smile at the man, as if to say that he was fine and didn’t need the man's help. The man in turn rolled his eyes and turned back to his duties: watching this group of young men on the benches throwing rocks and dealing cards as if it were dead serious poker. Then as one of the men won, the others started yelling at him: their hands darting to the inside of their coat pockets- typical mannerism of someone reaching for a gun. 
“ You dare cheat the port mafia? That’s it I’ve got you red handed now and I’m bringing you in!” the man yelled. The temper quickly rose in the group. Surely a fight would break out at any second. 
“Port Mafia?!” The cheater questioned before he smirked and nodded, looking at ease “ Ahh yes Nakahara-san is such a good executive.” 
“ The very best!” The others agreed in unison before settling back down and beginning to deal the cards and rocks again. Acting as if nothing had happened- back to silently studying the other men in the circle. Reading their body language and clues about one another. 
Information gathering at its finest. 
Turning his back to them, Dazai barely made it two steps before he heard the man yell again;“ You dare cheat the port mafia? That’s it I’ve got you red handed now and I’m bringing you in!”
This time however he did not spare them a second glance. No, his feet began carrying him further inside this replica of the once familiar city. His body knowing where to take him without his mind needing to think- after all he had walked that same road more times than he could count. Past the Port Mafia base, round the corner from the old ADA office and then to the obscured apartment complex at the very edge, inches away from the park. Through that park was the Yokohama river- a perfect place for sunny dates and late night swims. 
It was a shame the wall cut off this place half way through the park- he would have liked to see the government replicating an entire river. Seeing them panicking and scratching their heads in fear as the engineers and economists screamed at one another from the opposite sides of the room simply because one sheet of seemingly meaningless paper was covered in faulty edits. 
Edits that Dazai may or may not have been responsible for. 
Coming up to the apartment door, Dazai balanced his purchased gifts with the help of his leg while he dug in his pocket for a set of keys. Pulling out an old fashioned, worn down tag with the large key attached to it, he pushed it into the lock of the door. He turned it once, twice and then when it wouldn’t turn anymore he pulled it out and swung the door opened.
“ My dear, I’m home~” Dazai yelled out, dancing inside and kicking the door shut behind himself. The smell of herbal tea and freshly baked cookies filled his senses. The familiar smell made his grin wider, yet somehow the smile did not quite reach his eyes anymore. 
“ Oh love, you’re already home?”
 He followed the sound of your voice to the kitchen where you stood above the newly baked treats, with a cute little white apron om. Your shaking hands gripped a piping bag full of cream frosting. It seems you were trying to outline the baked out snowflake cookies to make them more festive. The sight made him chuckle slightly as he set down his gifts on the floor before he waved the huge bouquet of flowers back and forth. “ Tada! I thought it’s been a while since you arranged some, right Y/N?” 
“ Oh my love you got me flowers! “ You exclaimed, clasping your hands together in glee, after having tossed your current project to the side. The bag of frosting found its way back into the bowl with the rest of the fluffy mixture from which it came- but just barely. But you didn’t care about it one bit.  “ Dazai, they’re beautiful” you exclaimed, reaching out to take the bouquet from him. You buried your face in it, inhaling deeply the fresh sweet smell before looking back up at your lover. “ Help me arrange them?” 
Dazai chuckled a little and reached his hand out, his thumb and finger wiping off the bright orange specks of pollen off the tip of your nose. You giggled sheepishly at him, your heart soaring from happiness. Dazai moved over and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your shoulder. “ hmm in a moment” he hummed his nose buried in the crook of your neck. 
You laughed again before laying the flowers out beside your baked goods. You studied each and every blossom, leaf and branch Dazai gifted you with. Your mind begins to envision one- no two different designs you could create. You were so engrossed in the task you almost missed Dazai’s hands playing with the edge of your shirt. Almost. 
“ H-hey Dazai?” You stuttered your face a dark tomato red. One of your hands reached up and grasped his hand in your own, interlocking your fingers together so he’d stop trying to undress you. Still his long fingers reached for your skin, his nails scratching at your clothes, your waist, your stomach and your back. Anywhere those long appendages could reach. His lips were more passionate on your neck, making you shiver under him. Your body grew warm with desire. The way his lips lingered over your pulse, his hot tongue on your skin– it drove you a little mad.  You felt nervous and perhaps a little embarrassed; it was not even noon yet and all the windows in your apartment were wide opened and- you cut your trail of thought off as you felt him lick at your skin more desperately now. 
You shivered again, biting your lip to prevent a needy moan from escaping. As he nipped at your neck, you blushed a darker shade of red. “D-Dazai,--” you swallowed and gripped his hand tighter “ I– ehh we should put the flowers in water before–” you gasped, your eyes widening
The desire and burning need was replaced by icy dread as you heard a quiet pop; the soft skin giving away to his sharp fangs.
Your cry broke the silence of the apartment; a blood curling scream as your mind registered what was happening. What your so-called lover was. A blood-sucking beast! A goddamn vampire of all things. The very thing you hated the most in this damned world. Before you could say anything Dazai shifted, his free hand reaching up and clasping over your lips muffling your cries. Your struggles- a pitiful attempt at fighting back against him- were easily fought off.
 Dazai pushed you forward-- one knee wedged between your legs, while his weight pushed you up against the counter; one hand over your mouth, one hand clasping your interlocked fingers in his own. Not letting go no matter how much you pulled, trashed or tugged. Your non dominant hand was free and you did your best to pry him off your neck. But it was completely futile. 
He was stronger- as a man and as a beast. 
The sound of gulping filled the room. An eager sucking sound that drained your very lifeforce right out of you. You bit at the hand on your mouth- expecting him to pull it away from you. Instead Dazai moaned against your neck, his knee pressing harder between your legs. You felt burning in your eyes as tears ran down your face. Your heart tearing itself apart at the knowledge that the man you loved more than life itself was nothing but a blood sucking demon. 
The very definition of an abomination! 
Once more you tried to struggle- to resist and fight back. You bit harder at his hand on your face and felt him tighten it- bruising you- a warning to behave or he’d snap your jaw in half. You could feel the ache in your face and had no doubt that he’d do it without blinking an eye. It made you freeze in fear and betrayal. How could the man you love do this to you? 
You felt weak; weaker and weaker for every clunk he took until you no longer had the energy to fight back. You slumped against him, dark dots playing in your vision. Was he going to kill you? 
Dazai detached himself from your neck and licked at the wound like a dog. It made you shiver again- this time in disgust rather than affection and desire. His hand dropped away from your face and landed on your waist, squeezing tightly. “ See Y/N it wasn't so bad, now was it?” he purred with an all too pleased smirk. 
“ I fucking hate you, you bastard” you hissed as you felt the room sway. His knee between your legs being the only thing keeping you up. 
“ Sure you do my love, sure you do” Dazai taunted before he let go of your hand and moved his knee back quickly. You stumbled, your legs giving out from you. Before you could crash to the floor completely he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and under your knees, picking you up bridal style. His eyes staring down at your own, watching with boredom, as your expression slowly changes; the emotions of hate, betrayal and anger dulled away into a blank expression. 
Then he began carrying out of the kitchen, going exceptionally slow. 
After a few moments he felt you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder, a drained  expression on your face, your voice hazy with sleep: “ Oh my love, you got me flowers.” 
Dazai hummed and pressed a kiss to your cheek, leaving a dark red bloody print of his lips on your pale skin. He continued moving towards your bedroom. Some days it broke him that your mind was too damaged to make new memories- forever stuck in that same last safe moment you experienced ten years ago. Other days however it came in handy. 
After all, no matter what he did to you, you would always forget all about it by morning. 
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water-to-drink · 1 year
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belladonnas pt6
Encased In Ice
(Summary): After your sudden alliance with the fatui, it seems your plans of vengeance are possible
Part 1 Last Part Next Part
✧ Masterlist ✧
(Characters): Childe, traveler!Lumine, abyss prince!Aether, Paimon, Pulcinella, Capitano, Dottore, Pierro, Sandrone, Pantalone, The Tsarita, (the others are there they just aren’t mentioned), ??? & ???
(Warnings): Not beta read
(A/n): This took way longer than expected (writer’s block is a bitch), but it’s here. Now that I know where I want this fanfic to go hopefully y’all like what I have planned
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The shrill voice was accompanied by the sound of a gold chalice being slammed on the marble floor
“What do you mean, there’s been no sight of them?!” Your doppelganger asked the cowering soldiers
“We’re sorry your Grace. We’ve combed through every corner and still there hasn’t been sight of them!” A nameless soldier spoke
“It’s only been a few weeks, they must be hiding somewhere!”
“We’re trying to find the imposter as best as we can-”
“Then try harder! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!!” The almost animalistic shriek sent the soldiers scurrying out of the room like rats
The doppelganger drags their hands across their face, revealing the dark circles that started to appear due to lack of sleep caused by anxiety
“Fuck, they’re probably assembling an army. And they’re gonna come after me and take my head like I almost took theirs….” The doppelganger grab chunks of their hair and begin to pull in an attempt to alleviate their growing panic. “Uhh? Yeah, you’re right. We just need to find them before their army can go against me. We have 6 nations and their archons under our thumb. There’s no way they can face us.” The doppelganger releases the grip on their hair. “I don’t know I would do without you…”
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The trip wasn’t that bad, the only part that you didn’t care for was trying to get Aether and Childe not to kill each other. Other than that, everything’s been alright. The crew treated you nicely, you introduced them to some card games from your world and played some of them on the regular to keep occupied
And before you knew it you reached the shore of the snowy nation, Snezhnaya. A familiar man with a short stature and tall hat waved as you walked onto the dock
“Your Grace, I’m glad you arrived to outr beauty nation safely. Though I wish it was under better circumstances.” Pulcinella said
“I’m just happy that you even allow me here, it’s nice not having to worry about being hunted down.”
“I do hope you find respite in our country, your Grace.” The elderly man turned his head toward Lumine. “I see you brought… the traveler.”
“She was the first one to help me evade capture and saved my life multiple times. Without her I wouldn’t be talking to you right now and I won’t stand for any of your subordinates to harm her or her Paimon in anyway, am I clear with that?”
“Y-yes, let me lead the way, your Grace.”
The harbinger began walking and you and your party soon follow him
“Woo, you gave Paimon a scare back there! It’s almost like you were a completely different person!”
“I have to agree with her, you looked like a sergeant giving orders to new recruits.” Childe leaned in and whispered. “This might be the only time I’ve seen him scared like this!”
Pulcinella lead you to the gate of Zapolyarny Palace. The inside looked absolutely beautiful. You walked down icy blue halls that seemed to be made of ice. The walls had intricate patterns painted onto them, a wall even a mural that was too far away to decipher them. The elderly man opened two big doors and held his head high
“Behold! The Divine Creator of Teyvat!” Pulcinella announced
All of the 8 attendees stood up and watched as you entered the room. Your eyes fixed onto the person in the center
A woman stood proud, a silver crown sat on top of icy blonde hair with light blue tips framing a pale face. Her eyes were a piercing blue and looked colder than the frigid weather outside.
The cryo archon. The Tsarita herself before you
“It is an honor to be blessed by your divine presence, your Grace.” She greeted as she and the other harbingers bowed
“There’s no need for the formalities, I’m grateful that you’re all helping me. But my double doesn’t know that I’m here, I wouldn’t want to put any of you in danger.”
“Only a select few know that you are here, your Grace. We can’t risk your safety by having knowledge of your whereabouts get leaked.” Capitano explained
“We’re already working on a plan to defeat the true imposter and as we this carry out, you can stay in palace for as long as you need.” Pierro said
“Thank you, but I request something else from you.”
“Anything, just say it and we will make come into fruition.” The Tsarita promised
“I need to take part in this plan.” The Harbingers shared glances at each other unsure of what to say. “I can’t sit around knowing that my doppelganger is out there, abusing their power and making the lives of people worse.” You put your hand on your chest. “So I request that you would lend me your resources, because I want to be the one to take my doppelganger off of the throne!”
As your voice bounced off the cold walls the Harbingers all looked at you in horror
“Your Grace, we can’t let you do that in good faith. Your powers aren’t the same as they were when you last walked Teyvat.” Sandrone pleaded
“I know, but Childe told me that you have stones that are the supposed remains of the Creator.”
“We do, but we don’t know if your human form would be able to utilize the effects of these gems and not reject it completely.” Dottore tried to reason
“Bring the gem in.”
The Harbingers turned their heads towards the Tsarita. All wanting to object but can’t bring themselves to do so
“Alright… your majesty.” Pulcinella said as he tried to stead his voice. “You heard her majesty, bring the holy stone in.” He said to an attendant guarding the door
Said attendant rushed out of the room and soon came back into the room with another attendant carting in a glass case containing a glowing stone.
Once the cart was in front of you, you admired the gem. Seeing it on a screen is one thing but seeing it glow with your own two eyes, it truly looked it was something holy
“Uh you know don’t have to do this, you might get hurt really badly.” Paimon pleaded
“She’s right, we can find another way to get your hold powers back.” Lumine suggested
“Your Grace, that is one thing I agree with them on. We nor you don’t know what would happen if you touch that stone.” Aether was the last one to urge you against this idea
For a second you thought maybe it was a bad idea to connect with it, but you had to do what needs to be done
“As I said, I’m a hell of a lot more resilient than I look.” You gave the Harbingers and the twins the most reassuring smile you could muster
You turned your attention back to the gem and mentally prepared yourself. You finally expended your hand and touched the Primogem
A flash of light enveloped you and…
Nothing happened
You looked around the room to see if anything was out of place, except for the gem being gone
“D-did the Primogem vanish?” You asked mainly to yourself
“It looked as if it had fused with you.” Aether replied
“How do you feel, is there anything out of usual?” Lumine asked
“Not that different. If the rock didn’t fuse with me I would’ve assumed it didn’t work.”
“It appears to be that these ‘Primogems’ have a lot less power than what we originally believed.” Pantalone muttered to himself
“If that’s the case, then I’ll put an order on searching these gems.” The Tsarita declared
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Things at the Grand Narukami Shrine have been… tense, to say the least
Everyone is so agitated at the news of an imposter still loose somewhere. It really isn’t a desirable environment to read light novels. But the Guuji is having much more fun listening to the shrine maidens expressing their concerns about the possibility of said impostor in their humble nation
“I’m just saying, where else would that rat go than here!” The shrine maiden Nana said
“It would be very foolish on their part, the Shogun and her army would immediately drive them out!” Hotomi scoffed
“Enough of that nonsense.”
The two shrine maiden turned towards the sound of the voice and saw the Shogun walking into view
“Al-almighty Shogun, we’re honored that you visited us, is there anything we can do for you!” Hotomi stammered through
“Leave, and tell everyone you see here to do the same.” The purple haired woman said
The two women run towards the stairs scared of the wrath they might face if they stall any longer
Once seeing that the shrine was truly empty the Shogun turned towards the youkai, who was enjoying her tea
“My, my, that was a little harsh to scare them away like that.” The Kitsune mused while standing up from her seat. “Seeing you here, I would assume you have something important to tell me.”
The head shrine maiden walked towards the taller woman
“So what do you have to tell me, puppet?”
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@chuuya-brainrot @creation-magician @transbirboi @tartarsaucechi1de @vvyeislazzy @kokomisimpppp @aludicpoet @undecidingfate @annoying-mary @randomnatics @ventixthexanemoxarchon @bore2808 @lizzheartz @bidisasterforevermore @dxprived4-starboys @angstylittleb1tch
If anyone wants to be on the taglist then say so
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@chuuya-brainrot @creation-magician @transbirbboi @tartarsaucechi1de @vvyeislazzy @kokomisimpppp @aludicpoet @undecidingfate @annoying-mary @randomnatics @ventixthexanemoxarchon @bore2808 @lizzhearthz @bidisasterforevermore @dxprived4-starboys @angstylittleb1tch
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kiaroscuro · 1 month
Have some Velvet Room Ren, because I love this funky crime boy. He's dressed like a train conductor because I'm a firm believer that his Velvet Room should've been a train, between what the original plan for PS5 had been and Lavenza's train in Tactica.
I like to imagine that Ren would join the Velvet Room as a nameless attendant like, well, Nameless and Belladonna and the Demon Painter called Trickster, helping future guests by taking over the "quarantine" thing with the incense.
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Finally, what you've all been waiting for (probably):
Round 2+ brackets!!!
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(randomised - with very slight adjustments - using a wheel; possibly subject to change in the further rounds but very unlikely)
Group 1
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse) vs Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Slugcat (Rain World) vs Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita) vs Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) vs Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher) vs Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man) vs Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Scourge (Warrior cats)
Group 2
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Domino (Amphibia) vs Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush) vs Niko (Oneshot)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats) vs T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Hong + On (Trash of the Count's Family) vs Alpine (Marvel comics)
Jaspers (Homestuck) vs Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan (Doctor Who) vs Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Mewo (Omori) vs Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Group 3
Greebo (Discworld) vs Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill) vs Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland) vs Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Hiili (Fox Fires) vs Mew (Marvel comics)
Group 4
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie) vs Jonesy (Alien)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck) vs Lucifer (Cinderella)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio) vs Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Nermal (Garfield) vs Lion (Steven Universe)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs Diana (Sailor Moon)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Scout (Cattails)
Sakamoto (Nichijou) vs Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Group 5
Periwinkle (Blue's clues) vs Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) vs Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Ember (Cattails) vs Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Catty (Undertale)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist) vs Catra (She-Ra)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz) vs Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
Group 6
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) vs Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies) vs Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Thomas O'Malley + Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach) vs Jellie (Double Life SMP)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Group 7
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Skitty (Pokémon)
Bob (Animal Crossing) vs The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone) vs Capper (My Little Pony)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz) vs Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle) vs Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book) vs Gatomon (Digimon)
Group 8
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Luxor (Tutenstein)
Meowth (Pokémon) vs Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Maurice (Discworld) vs Jemima (Cats the musical)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei) vs Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots) vs Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs The Cat (Coraline)
Pasty (Neko Atsume) vs Pangur Bán (Irish poem)
This round will start in a few days, I need a bit more time to make the pictures and arrange the polls ^~^
I think I'll be posting them similarly to round 1 except now each group will be out every 12 hours! I will update you on the exact time this round starts when it's done :)
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katsona-the-katsequel · 3 months
Assumptions and Headcanons - Pre-Canon Timeline
Consider this the intro before I finish the actual timeline. This section focuses on clarifications and ideas that enrich the Persona Timeline, specifically the Pre-Canon one.
Who created the Sea of Souls? Who lives there?
It's unknown who created the Sea. It either created on its own, or the Great Will had something to do. Every timeline is connected by the Sea, so this is your only chance to realistically crossover with FeMC. There might or not be a whale that lives there, depending on how canon you consider Trinity Soul to be. Its in the deepest part of the Sea where the Seal locking Nyx is located. The guy in charge (or closest thing in charge) is Chronos.
It isn't all that impressive when a higher being claims to come from the Sea. Every soul came from it and will return one day. They're probably taking advantage of the fact that humans don't know of the Sea to sound more important than they are.
This is why I consider PQ to be semi-canon, since otherwise Chronos wouldn't have been okay with the Velvet Assistants holding a dancing competition in the Sea of Souls.
That's right SMT fans, the Sea is the same as the River Styx.
Why couldn't Erebus reach Nyx' psyche before P3?
As mentioned in the timeline, Nyx' psyche was still scattered across the Collective Unconscious. Erebus could try all he wanted, but he would never find enough of her to call her physical body down to Earth. During P3, enough of Nyx' psyche was finally gathered into one single being: the Nyx Avatar (aka Ryoji). This caused Ryoji to be the literal embodiment of Death, since that's their entire purpose. I wonder what would happen if they met Chronos...
So, P3 happens and the Nyx Avatar is sealed by Minato/Minako before they can finish calling down Nyx' physical body. Erebus now knows where to find Nyx' psyche. There's a specific place now. However, the Seal prevents him from ever reaching it. Elizabeth thus comes annually to kick his ass and the Fall never comes.
I like to believe that a part of Ryoji is still fully aware in the Nyx Avatar after everything that happened, so Minato/Minako is not alone while being the Seal.
Neither may speak (one is being a Seal and the other one is being sealed away), but there is an understanding that they will never be truly alone. Just like when Ryoji was Pharos.
Did the rumors that became true during Eternal Punishment stay true after Nyarly's defeat?
I don't think so. The power to rewrite reality using word-of-mouth is really potent, but was only being powered by Nyarly. I believe the moment he was weakened, all rumors that came true dissolved into simple rumors once again. So, Kiyotada Sumaru stayed a fictional figure.
That was a low blow, Nyarly.
Where did the first Velvet Room attendants come from?
We know Igor was a doll, but if you ask me, Nameless, Belladonna, and the Demon Painter used to be human. Their exceptional and otherwordly talents in the arts made them stand out to Philemon to make them the "Muses" of the Velvet Room. Nameless was probably a German pianist (as a reference to a certain composer who also lost one of his senses), Belladonna was an Italian opera singer, and the Demon Painter was a painter from Sumaru City. It seems only Belladonna kept her human name. It also seems like you can leave your post whenever you want. It was confirmed that Nameless and Belladonna were still in the Velvet Room by P5, but no such reference was made for the Demon Painter.
Igor is almost impossible to pin down since his name is really old and dolls have existed everywhere since almost forever. Since he is sometimes referenced as powering the Velvet Room, I just placed the creation of velvet itself as a possible start for the timeframe of his creation. Can't have the Velvet Room without velvet being a thing.
Now, is the Velvet Room the same as the Black Lodge? Nah. But for fun we can imagine that Mark Frost and David Lynch have been to the Velvet Room.
If Tsumi to Batsu isn't canon, what happened to the Red and Black Books?
I believe the fun part lies in their unknown whereabouts, which serves as fuel for fanfics and other stories. For all we know they're in the hands of an unknown Persona User and/or another mysterious organization. Who knows? I mostly included them to fully connect Jung to Philemon and explain why he seems like such an important human to the latter. Igor may have begun to interact with humans under his master's orders and in part to look for the potential owners of the Books, but he ended up growing fond of his guests and attendants.
On a side note, can you imagine Philemon's heart attack when "The Red Book: Liber Novus" was published and mass produced in 2009? Before realizing, "Ah, this is just Jung's diary, not the magic book". Then again, the publisher was called Philemon Foundation, so we might have a case of ghost company in our hands.
Why did Stephen upload the Demon Summoning Program to a single high school instead of sending mass e-mails like in SMT?
I have a few theories: The first one is that there wasn't an urgency to gather Demon Summoners for an upcoming apocalypse. According to semi-canon sources, Thorman and Gotou existed at some point in the Persona Universe, but either due to Kandori's capitalist machinations or as a consequence between Phil and Nyarly's bet, they were never able to truly gain power. Adding this to my second theory, that Stephen used to attend Karukozaka high school, would explain why he tentatively only uploaded it to his old school's servers. Less desperation and more indirect experimentation, one might say. This would also explain why he became more of an offscreen mentor to Tamaki once she gained the program, since Stephen would have more time to continue developing and experimenting with it. One successful user was enough for now.
Personally, I believe he ended up working for the Nanjo Group after P1, who sponsored this and any future projects he had until his death. Considering he is apparently a trascendent entity, this cushy existence would have been a nice break from the other universes.
Wouldn't it be fun if Stephen was the original creator of beta Evokers but set aside the project due to the lack of a "supernatural power source"? And this project ended up in hands of the Kirijo Group after they split from the Nanjo Group? And then Kouetsu Kirijo only had to finish it by adding the Plumes of Dusk?
What was Nyx doing at St. Hermelin, anyway?
This is something I struggled with. In the end, I settled for someone finding a large Plume of Dusk, thinking it was a pretty rock, and getting the Snow Queen Mask made out of it. A Plume of Dusk this big ended up attracting a lot of Nyx' psyche, which made a mess when combined with Drama Club teenage girls as seen in the number of victims. In the end, it evolved into the Snow Queen Curse. For all we know, the Mask was trying to use the girls as puppets to help bring the Fall, but Nyx' psyche always got to them and they committed suicide soon after.
Personally, I would have stopped producing the Snow Queen at my school after the first two deaths, but to each their own.
Which war did Masataka Amano die in?
This is a huge supposition on my part since even the dates are approximates. I have four contenders: the Falklands War, the 1982 Lebanon War, the Second Sudanese Civil War, or the Sri Lankan Civil War. Pick your poison.
The game says that Gekkoukan was founded after the Kirijo Group laboratory exploded around 1999. The school logo says that Gekkoukan was founded in 1982. What is the truth?
The way I made this work was by making the original founding of Gekkoukan in 1982, like in the logo. Maybe it started as an actual learning insitution, where the graduates would have a possible career in the Kirijo Group. After the entire Death ordeal, they decided to hide the old labs by building a better state-of-the-art school building on top and relocating Gekkoukan there.
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Got bored and decided to do a basic Wiki search of the new personas + new Velvet Room attendant name.
Jánošík (aka, Juraj Jánošík): a Slovak highwayman who robbed from nobles a la Robin Hood. His story is mainly known in Poland and the Czech Republic, and he is a symbol of resisting against oppression.
(Interesting that Wonder’s Persona is like Robin Hood. While that archetype of a person stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is a thing, considering one of Goro’s Persona is Robin Hood...maybe there’s a connection between them, or a hint of what this game and the world going to be about via Goro. Or not. Again, a common archetype. Wouldn’t be surprise by this, consider Atlus are jerks regarding Goro’s fate that is now just annoying.).
Awilda: A Scandinavian female pirate from the 5th century. The daughter of an Scandinavian king, Awilda got so impressed with a prince of Denmark, who was battling her at the time, she revealed her true identity and married him.
(That means for sure Arai is connected to the baseball man with the ‘Palace’. Desire. Still confused with the terminology at the moment. She’s might be a gender flip of Ryuji’s character and his arc. I hope that somehow, these two meet and talk to one another.)
Rob Roy: Full name Rob Roy MacGregor, he was a Scottish outlaw who partake in the Jacobite rising in 1689 (and others), and later became the head of his clan, watching and protecting cattle from raids. Rob Roy also had a feud with the Duke of Montrose at the time and robbed his cattle.
(Honestly speaking Rob Roy’s life is a lot to give the basic somehow. But at the very least I know why Luffy’s codename is now ‘Cattle’. I can’t find any connection between Rob Roy and owls though.)
Merope: A common name in Greek Mythology. One Merope for instance, was the queen of Corinth, the foster mother of Oedipus. Another Merope was a water-nymph. Another Merope was a princess who the hunter Orion was engaged with, and was later assaulted by. One last Merope to be mention here, is Merope of the seven Pleiades. The youngest of the seven sister, this Merope married the mortal Sisyphus, and thus became mortal herself.
(Looking at Merope’s official artwork, she lacks the well-known golden eyes of the rest of the attendants P3 onward. She’s has more in common with Belladonna, Nameless, and the Demon Painter. Okay, the last two don’t show their eyes, but Belladonna lacks the golden spark too! I think and hope Merope is someone to keep an eye on. hehe. eye on.)
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ghostshadow-k-r · 7 months
Updating two a day was really a tiring job,but still,I hope that I could finish this AU before this year's ends
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Here comes one of the oldest Velvet Room resident,which is our dragon like mysterious pianist,Nameless that got no name!
Even he's blind,you could tell that the melody that pops out from his piano key is the most wonderful melody in the world.
After the world changed from Innocent Sin to Eternal Punishment,he disappeared from the Velvet Room.Only from the looking.
His melody still remains in the Velvet Room along with Belladonna's voice.Together,they formed the Hymn Of Souls.
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