#benny audios
i-am-become-a-name · 9 months
hang on, did Oh No It Isn't! just imply Wolsey is the reincarnated soul of the Brigadier-
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menaceofsociety2 · 4 months
Irving, how did you have time to get cases of wine from home?
I could be wrong, but didn't you fall through a portal?
Did you just have them in your pocket?
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Is anybody else's relationship with Doctor Who currently all over the place like a rollercoaster at the moment, or is it just me?
I do love this show and what it has done to me and the friends and opportunities I've had through it and I will always be thankful for it making the person I am today, but I just feel like the last few years it has not been as it should be in terms of writing and quality control? I don't know how else to describe it.
I have been doing my best to completely ignore the bits of Doctor Who that I don't like and focus on the areas that I do like, and I really want to get back into the expanded universe / classic series again, I think.
I've taken a step back from the fandom recently and been trying to dive into other stuff, but maybe I should try and just pick up a random doctor who books or audios to get me into the spirit of things again.
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gotyouanyway · 19 days
does anyone have brax audio recs for important lore or just good ones that don’t require hours of context.. or if i do need context where do i start… i love him in gallifrey i want to know more
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redpandateawitch · 5 months
Benny, no. Harold, also no!
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doccywhomst · 2 years
Dearest Doccy,
I need you to tell me how to crank up the autism levels to repel the bigots. thank you.
The Doctor
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read the books. if you've read all the books, listen to the audios. if you've listened to all the audios, read the comics. if you've read all the comics, draw your own comics! write your own books! keep the soul of dw alive!!!!
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coralsgrimes · 6 months
Mr and Mrs Hough celebrating christmas with some frens
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pers-books · 9 months
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💙 25 YEARS OF BENNY AT BIG FINISH! 💙 Celebrate with our anniversary sale at the link above! Offer ends expires 23:59 (UK time) on 5th October 2023
The First Lady of Big Finish.  Archaeologist, adventurer, mother and sometime friend of the Doctor, join Professor Bernice Summerfield on her extraordinary travels across this universe... and the next.
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sircarolyn · 10 months
sure it must have been written somewhere but the idea of leela bumping into irving on legion. the idea of her stumbling into the white rabbit, brave but afraid, furious with romana, completely alone.
and there's brax. but not her brax because irving doesn't know her. but irving is kind like her brax. he doesn't treat her like every other time lord does. he treats her like a person.
so she stays on legion for as long as she can. with irving, who isn't her brax. and he's kind but it doesn't stop her feeling lonely. because everyone she ever knew is gone and romana isn't ever coming for her.
and one day even irving disappears. so leela leaves too.
until one day, she's on a planet and romana comes back for her. and it is her romana, but from years ago, talking about a brax who may or may not be her brax but certainly isn't irving.
and then, time bounces back into the shape they force it into and leela dreams of other worlds, other braxes. she doesn't know the name of the planet romana dumped her on but she can see a white rabbit in her mind. a brax who isn't her brax. she asks him, once, about other braxes. he just smiles and even though his mouth says one thing, leela knows that all her dreams are true. that in any timeline, there's a brax looking out for her
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raspberry-gloaming · 6 months
hi, I'm new to the Gallifrey fandom and a little lost so - can anyone tell me where the "cryptocurrency brax" thing has come from? And why people thought he was going to be the Grand Serpent?
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i-am-become-a-name · 1 year
abandoned my last couple of weeks of blake's 7 audios while up the local mountain to finish off the second half of The Judas Gift and jesus fcking christ. i didn't expect that. hey. no.
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what-inthe-goddamn · 1 year
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These two are off to a great start o.o
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only1kken · 2 months
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🎧| The Plugs I Met
“Let's go
Hah, let's go
You know what this is
The Butcher comin', nigga
Ay, look….”
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Benny: You're ignoring all your problems. The Doctor: I know. Benny: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism? The Doctor: I'm ignoring that fact as well. Benny:
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ziontarchive · 6 months
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balladofsallyrose · 25 days
TV Girl - Benny and the Jetts
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