#benoit blanc oneshot
heliads · 2 years
I was just thinking of sort of a father-child dynamic? Like, he finds the gender-neutral Reader because they're a suspect in one of his murder cases (not the Thrombey case from the movie), and realizes that they're super smart and would make an amazing detective, but he finds out they don't have a home and decides to make them his ward-slash-apprentice? I dunno if you'd actually want to write that, but it's an idea I've had for a while and God knows your writing is ten times better than mine. 😅
i have an obsession with knives out
masterlist / part two
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Benoit Blanc does not know how this is going to go down. He has his inklings, of course, a few thoughts and ideas scattered here and there like forgotten Easter Eggs the day after a hunt, but nothing certain yet. His brightly colored plastic pieces of leads have yet to guide him to anything truly worthwhile. 
That’s his favorite part of the entire process, if Benoit were feeling glib enough to put a name to it. Usually, he at least pretends to be somewhat unbiased. Too many investigators these days are in it for the money or fame. Not him, he claims. Of course, it’s not entirely certain that anyone will believe him, but the fact remains. 
No, if Benoit were in this line of work for anything, he’d have to say that it would be for the story. You can’t make this sort of stuff up anywhere, not in the most fantastic thrillers. No trade paperback could even dare to dream up the stories Benoit has seen. You could shell out a million bucks on dime a dozen fictions and still not even scratch the surface of all that Benoit has discovered by way of odd jobs and borrowed reports. 
That isn’t to say that Benoit is against the novel, of course. They certainly have their role in his life, sure as any other person or thing that happens to stumble into his path. Sometimes he thinks that he might have a little fun writing up a book or two based on his own experiences. Most of it would be classified, of course, but certainly he could ad lib enough to hook in a reader or two. 
This isn’t the point, of course. Perhaps that’s as good a sign as any that Benoit’s attempts at literary handicrafts would end in less than mediocre sales. His habits of running headlong from one tangent to the next, often barely connected in topic at all, could scare away even the most fervent readers. He’s had deputies tell him that much more than a few times, and even those less comfortable with chastising their coworkers settle for some raised eyebrows when the moment suits them best. 
Ah, so well then. No novels for him. Not even a particularly lengthy memo if he’s in the mood for sparing the nearest police department from his musings. In the end, though, Benoit doesn’t necessarily need an audience, although he can’t deny that a good reception certainly lends itself to a good time whenever he can get a hold of one. 
For example, right now he’s got a case that’s shaping up nicely in terms of a final deliverance of a verdict. Benoit isn’t judge, jury, and executioner, of course, no matter what dots he connects the end decision will be made by someone other than him, but that doesn’t seem to stop everyone tied to a given case from flocking around him like his word is gold. 
One of these multitudes in particular has been catching his eye for a while. Among the usual number of jilted in-laws and disgruntled passersby who’ve all been corralled into the scene of his latest crime, Benoit cannot help but notice someone who’s been standing on the outskirts of it all. This case is as far from insipid as any other, people cannot help but get themselves involved. Still, one witness seems immune to the waves of melodrama and perilous lies that seem to catch at the sleeves of everyone else here.
He has a problem with being interested in the wrong details. Technically, Benoit should be more invested in the fact that he is here to investigate the death of a wealthy family matriarch, not some kid on the fringe of the whole ordeal, yet the roles are flipped regardless in his head. 
Besides, it’s not like anyone truly needs to worry. Benoit is already twenty percent sure that the killer was the gardener, there were muddy footprints out in the mansion gazebo that look eerily similar to work boots. The mother of a prestigious family had ended up dead one night, drowned in an over chlorinated pool that removed all traces of DNA for the police to investigate. Although the gardener claimed to have been off work that day and thus unable to commit the crime, the prints exist nonetheless. 
Also, it makes no sense for the newly hired gardener to be so committed to his craft that they would be given the keys to the house within a day of submitting an application, yet have not a single callus on their hands. Benoit suspects the gardener to be a plant, likely at the wishes of a disgruntled uncle. Motives are still unclear as of yet, but he has a feeling that explanations will come up if he just pulls at the right string.
In the meantime, as Benoit waits for the house of cards that’s been so precariously built to come tumbling down at last, he peruses the finer details in the whole fiasco. There’s a kid mixed up in all of this, a neighbor down the block who refuses to supply the police with an address or phone number to call. They’re caught up in all of this because they spent time with the murdered matriarch almost on a daily basis. Reports have come in from multiple members of the family of always seeing the kid there whenever they went to visit the mansion.
It’s got Benoit confused, to say the least. He’s seen nurses frequenting the houses of lonely millionaires before, or greedy grandchildren hoping to score a few extra points by hanging around their soon-to-die relatives, but this is something different. There’s no blood connection between this kid and the victim, and so far as he can tell, they weren’t getting any money, either. No job, no expectations, just a home lent out like a library book, free of charge.
It makes no sense. All actions must have an explanation, yet he’s still waiting on this one. The kid is frustratingly hard to track down as well, and Benoit is forced to go about his days simply hoping that they’ll show up and he’ll have enough time to question them before his attention is pulled in another direction.
He gets his chance soon enough. The kid drops by in the morning out of necessity, and although they don’t seem like they’re going to be staying too long, Benoit still manages to snag them before they slip away.
“I’m going to take a lap around the grounds of the house,” he says as casually as he can, “I hear you’re here frequently, I wouldn’t mind a guide. If you’re willing, of course. I would hate to intrude on your personal time.”
The kid– Y/N L/N, he remembers reading in a brief police report that didn’t have much other information– stares at him for a moment, then nods at last. “Sure. I don’t have much else to do anyway.”
Sensing an opening, or perhaps an intentional lack thereof, Benoit presses on as they turn towards the gardens. “What do you mean? I would have thought that somebody your age would be in school. I know you’re required to be here for the proceedings of the investigation, but surely you would have to get to class at some point.”
Y/N shrugs their shoulders. “I mean, yeah, but school doesn’t start for another hour or so. Beside, I figure a murder mystery is somewhat more interesting than high school, yeah?”
Benoit chuckles. “I can’t say I disagree. That being said, you could be involved in more such mysteries if you finished your education. You have to give yourself all the tools possible if you wish to use them, you know? No good comes in building a house if you’ve only got a hammer and nails. It takes much more than that to make something worthwhile.”
Y/N gives him a sideways look. “Is this your way of saying that I’ve got a screw loose for thinking about skipping world history?”
Benoit snorts. “That would be something. Ha! Not intentional, I guarantee you. I have long since learned that it is best to avoid alienating potential suspects.”
Y/N folds their arms across their chest. “You think I did it, then? Am I a primary suspect?”
“Not in the slightest,” he chuckles, “If you did, you’d be a little more alarmed about me singling you out rather than just being afraid that I’d catch you for not having anywhere else to go after this.”
When Y/N’s steps freeze, Benoit knows his shot in the dark has landed, bulls eye and all.
He continues, sensing an advantage. “That is correct, is it not? The deceased gave you a key to her house because it was the best place for you to be when you weren’t at school. She never knew the full depth of it, of course, but she didn’t ask questions. That’s why you stayed.”
“That, and the conversation,” Y/N says through a forced grin. They sigh and give in at last. “Yes, it’s true. Mrs. Gillespie was kind to me. Kinder than I deserved. She didn’t know everything but she knew enough. Once she made it clear that I wasn’t intruding on her hospitality by coming over all the time, it became a habit.”
“And what are you going to do now that staying at the Gillespie residence is no longer an option?” Benoit asks carefully.
When Y/N is silent, he gets the feeling that he knows the answer. Through some situation or another, there is no secondary location lined up. That’s why Y/N has been coming to the crime scene alongside the other members of the family even though it’s clear that they’re not a real suspect. They simply have no other place to go.
It’s clear that the kid is uncomfortable, so Benoit switches the topic towards a discussion of the grounds. Evidently glad for safer subjects, Y/N loses a bit of their guarded edge, and soon enough begins to rattle off details of the mansion and its surrounding land that Benoit didn’t even know after in depth Googling. It is obvious that they have spent a good bit of time wandering the area, especially in the company of the late matriarch.
It is useful information, but Benoit can’t help turning his focus back to what had been said in the very beginning. Even after the case turns its last pages and settles into the storage of his memory, Benoit doesn’t think that he’ll be able to let this one go so easily. Once the handcuffs are snapped onto the wrists of the murderer, there’s still one soul mixed up in this that won’t have such a happy ending. Sometimes justice isn’t just catching killers, it’s making sure that those who are hurt by a crime receive what they deserve. That includes Y/N.
He isn’t sure how they’ll take it when he makes his offer. Benoit pulls Y/N aside on the final day of the investigation. Everyone is just there on protocol to wrap things up, but he needs to talk to them more than anyone else.
“Listen,” he says in the shadow of a quiet room, “I was thinking about what you said earlier. Our conversation on the grounds, that is.”
Judging by the shift in Y/N’s expression, they know exactly what he’s talking about. “What do you mean?”
“I’d like to extend a similar invitation as Mrs. Gillespie,” Benoit explains, “A ward of sorts, I think it could be best summed up.”
Y/N shakes their head quickly. “I don’t want your pity.”
“This isn’t pity,” Benoit promises, “I’ve been watching you just as closely as our red herrings and killers, you know. I’m fairly sure that you figured out this whole case even before I did. Instincts like yours don’t come around all that often. Maybe you won’t be interested in my sort of murder mysteries in five years, or even two, but I’d like your insights while you’re still invested.”
Y/N stays silent for a moment, and just when he’s starting to think that the whole thing will be for naught, they dare to speak again. “You’re sure?”
“Positive,” Benoit declares, and at last a slow smile breaks across Y/N’s face.
“Alright, then,” they say, “I think I’d like that a lot. You know, I never thought much about actually becoming a detective. Usually my investigative exploits were limited to books, you know? Encyclopedia Brown and all that.”
“Let’s make it real, then,” Benoit offers, “I happen to know a few cases in need of solving over the next few months.”
He solemnly extends a hand, and after a second, Y/N shakes it, their face just as serene. They break eventually, twin smiles crashing through even the most severe of expressions. Just like that, Benoit has a feeling that his investigations are going to be all the better. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh pair of eyes on a case that’s haunted you for a while. The problems to come his way, the challenges to be set before him, they will still be just as difficult as before, if not more so. It’s a good thing, though, that he’s got an apprentice by his side to help him sort things out.
Yes, he has a feeling that they’re going to do just fine.
requested by @starlit-epiphany, i hope you enjoy!
knives out tag list: empty for now!
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dreadfutures · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @plisuu and @rosella-writes - and tagging the whole rest of the DA FanFic server crew:
@warpedlegacy @rakshadow @effelants @bluewren @breninarthur @ar-lath-ma-cully @ir0n-angel @inquisimer @crackinglamb @theluckywizard @nirikeehan @oxygenforthewicked @exalted-dawn-drabbles @melisusthewee @blarrghe @agentkatie @delicatefade @leggywillow @about2dance
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Maximum Ride, Pokemon, Spirited Away, Zelda, Pathfinder CRPGs, Elden Ring, Dishonored, and of course, Dragon Age
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dead Pasts and Dread Futures (Dragon Age)
Hero of the Wild (Legend of Zelda: BOTW)
When the Wind Whispers (Legend of Zelda: BOTW)
The Brave Guide (Dragon Age)
Light in the Dark (LOZ)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to. I fall behind very frequently but I always try to say thank you. So many people tell me why these stories touch them, and to share that with me, is such a gift that deserves acknowledgement.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably 'The Hope of Fen'Harel' (on AO3) or the scene where Solas finds out that young Ixchel is dead (here on tumblr).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the road seems too wild for mixing it with blues (Dragon Age) - literally it is a Solavellan happiest of happy endings. There are brown butter donuts.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Not infrequently.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! I do try to write titillating smut but if it's in my longfics, it's got to be for character reasons and serve the plot. But I have more than one smut oneshot that's just there to get people hot lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have had ideas copied wholecloth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but you are free to do so as long as you tag me and properly credit via the "inspired by" on AO3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! ALL of my Maximum Ride fics were co-written. Literally sending passages back and forth over *yahoo instant messenger.* It was an absolute fucking joy. Those fics are gone now though lol.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Prooooooobablyyyyyyy Haku/Chihiro. I will read absolute drivel if it's got them in it.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I WILL ABSOLUTELY FINISH MY BOTW FICS I AM WORKING ON THEM OKAY?! The one i don't think i will ever do is my young!Ixchel fic. It's too fucking sad. But it lives in my head and calls to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dreamy prose, evocative horror, and really motivated plots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm verbose, I have a hard time connecting scenes / passing time without it feeling like it's dragging.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
So, for fantasy languages that you have to conlang -- I think you should just write it in English. Especially if you're not making up YOUR OWN conlang and instead relying on the work of a notorious jackass. I have taken to "[[brackets and italics]]" to indicate when dialogue is happening in Elvhen. In real life languages, such as Spanish, the current movement in ownvoices communities is to include the dialogue in its original tongue, with no italics. Readers are smart. They can look it up. And they need to get used to languages other than their own without it seeming other, alien, or magical. In my original novels, where Spanish is often used, I stick with this rule.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Maximum Ride or Spirited Away.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it ends or it doesn't (Dragon Age), my Felassan-as-Benoit-Blanc arlathvhen murder mystery!
blank form below:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
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a most simple solution (4159 words) by thestalwartheart Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies), Knives Out (2019) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James Bond/Q Characters: Benoit Blanc (Knives Out), James Bond, Q (James Bond) Additional Tags: Romance, Mystery, Humour, Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Jealous James Bond, Misunderstandings Summary: “The great Benoit Blanc,” Bond prompted, with no small amount of petulance. “Getting to know him well, are you? He’s a hack, Q, and a terrible detective.” “He’s kind,” snapped Q, regretting it almost as soon as he caught Bond’s reaction to it. The words lingered in the air, thickening the tension in the room. “Oh, well, it’s always useful to know where one’s been found lacking.” ----- When Bond retires, he turns to the world of private investigations. For things relating to hacking, cyber-crime and of a more personal nature, he often turns to Q. But, as it turns out, James Bond isn't the only private detective Q knows. Q is exasperated to learn that this is somehow an offence of its own. (Oneshot with a second chapter for art).
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Rachael's fic recommendations!!!
I have been doing a lot of reading on here late at night, and here are some of the amazing works I've been reading. I hope all these writers know they're amazing and talented!
This post will focus on my top 3 favourite multi chapter stories that I have read or finished recently. I'll do a separate one for all my favourite oneshots!
The last one may seem random, but it's a good series if you like movie like I do!
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To the bitter end - @filmtv2022
Doc Holliday x Reader
The youngest Earp sibling joins her older brothers in Tombstone with the hope that the new climate will ease her consumption/tuberculosis symptoms and reconnect her family.  But as she settles into this new life, will she find something worth living for? Someone who can tame the loneliness?
This story has me feeling all kinds of things. I keep checking in to see if it's updated, my excitement can't be contained. Doc is written so wonderfully in it, and I'm probably going to read the whole thing again when it's complete.
It doesn't seem to have a Masterlist, but if you look in the tags, you'll find all the chapters.
Falling in and out of love - @youlightmeupfinn
Pete Mitchell x Reader
The night that Maverick chooses to break up with you, he finds out that you're pregnant. Struggling with the idea that he's going to be a father in 9 months, he wants to be there for you and the baby, if you'll let him. And little does he know, it's that baby alone who makes him fall back into love with you, and it's the best decision of his life. But before this baby can arrive, you and Maverick have to suffer through trials.
I have a little catching up to do with this one, but it's so good! I'm always going to have a soft spot for Maverick, and this story proves it.
Homestead - @youvebeenlivingfictional
Benoit Blanc x Reader
When a case draws you to the Blanc homestead, you find yourself reevaluating your relationship with the sleuth, and reconsidering your position as his assistant.
This fic was recommended to me by a friend back when it was only a few chapters long. As Knives Out is a comfort movie of mine, and Daniel Craig an actor I'm always happy to watch, I really got into this. The connection between the characters is amazingly written, and I can practically hear his voice with all his dialogue 😂💕 So, thank you for this wonderful story, and I'm sure I'll be reading it all over again soon.
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Guess I’d better start practicing my Benoit Blanc vaguely Southern drawl because spooky scary Halloween oneshot is confirmed for this year and Jo is back!
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locke-writes · 3 years
Time Passes
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Author: locke-writes
Title: Time Passes
Prompt: “Aw, you’re so cute” “You owe me a kiss” x Benoit Blanc For: Anonymous
Rating: T
Word Count: 639
Tag List: Ask to be Added
Benoit was a workaholic although you believed that wasn't the correct term. It wasn't necessarily that he loved work more than anything, just that he had more work than anything. When you were the best at what you did it was easy to overload yourself with cases. He thought that he could balance it all, certain cases were bound to be easier than others, bound to be quicker than others. Surely there would be time to do other things, surely he would have time to spend outside of work?
Hindsight however is twenty-twenty. Benoit was suddenly realizing the fact that he had not just overworked himself, he had also overbooked himself. Without wrapping up certain cases quicker than he would be behind on all cases in general. You'd offered him advice once at the start of the month when he had begun taking calls for appointments again, you'd warned him that he needed some semblance of balance. Perhaps if he had listened he wouldn't have been experiencing a bout of burnout he believed he was hiding well.
You knew him better than that, knew that he needed time off. You also knew that he wouldn't take that time off. On numerous occasions you'd found him pouring over notebooks he'd kept on cases or even asleep at his desk. There was no time in which he was not working, at dinner he'd often be going through the interviews he'd conducted, in the morning while brushing his teeth it was a time for notes review.
"Aw, you're so cute" had become standard greeting for the times in which he wandered into the kitchen not noticing the stray sticky note that had made home on his cheek.
He knew that a break was a necessity, he knew that he had bitten off more than he could chew. Yet he had a problem with admitting that, he had a problem recognizing that perhaps someone else should be brought on bored or that he might need to relinquish cases. Sleep was something that should be far more important than he was currently treating it.
You wanted to spend time with him, he wanted to spend time with you. Neither of you wanted work to be the third wheel but when he was sitting next to you on the couch you knew where his mind was, knew that it was being occupied by possible confessions. It wasn't as easy as it had been when the relationship between you and Benoit had started. He'd explained to you then that his work managed to be time consuming but you hadn't realized just quite how time consuming he meant.
Not that you minded, not that you truly had ever been upset with him over dedicating his time to cases. Still perhaps it might have been better had you not often gone around stating "you owe me a kiss" because of his tendency to remain in his office long into the night.
Benoit as always was apologetic, often stating that he'd take time off, often claiming that the two of you would go on a vacation. You knew he meant what he promised but you also knew that another case would come up and he would insist he could handle it, insist that just one more case would do before he'd take time off. You loved him though, convincing yourself that it was worth it.
While your time spent with him was not always the longest amount of time spent together it was better than it being completely nonexistent.
And you knew that he loved you, and you knew that you loved him.
And when he came to lie beside you at night, came to wrap his arms around you, you knew that what you felt for him, what he felt for you, was something never to diminish.
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imperial-martian · 4 years
— DEAD OR ALIVE: benoit blanc x reader
request: Can you do one where the reader is stabbed(for real) and Blanc loses is shit. You can decide if the reader lives or not. Thank you 😊 and I love posts @0chemicalwaste0
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Trigger Warnings: stabbing, blood, mentions of death, language
Assigned on a case along with your fellow partner, Detective Benoit Blanc, you had pushed assigned a missing person’s case to assist the local detective. With Massachusetts police staff currently occupied among multiple cases you had been called up as a last resort, unbeknownst to anybody that Benoit Blanc would be joining along as well.
You were directly involved with Massachusetts State Police under a signed contract. Unlike Benoit, you were not a private detective but rather an investigator in the police force who occasionally took on a case themselves.
It was unlikely you would ever be paired with Benoit on a case, but the Thrombey’s case had not been the first time you both had worked together. Over many years you’ve grown a familiarity with one another, both through work and privately. You even deemed yourselves, partners, when put together.
The two do you were known as a double threat by locals, and it had been purely by coincidence that this was another one of your connected assignments. You could not say that you were disappointed however because that was certainly not the case.
At the moment you were stood beside Benoit’s seat as he explained to Marta everything that he had solved- with your help. Ransom was brought in by Lieutenant Elliot and seated in a nearby chair as Benoit began to continue with his monologue.
Ransom was fed up with Benoit’s words rather quickly, shouting at him to shut up. He was angry, and he was quick to claim that you all were lying, saying that there is no proof of anything he had been accused of. He was certain that if anything was wrong with his lawyer he’d be faced with nothing more than a few days, or even just a fine.
However, things had taken a turn very quickly and the next few minutes flashed before your eyes before you could even process it. Marta’s phone had gone off and a call from the hospital rang through. She answered it, thanking the nurse on the other end for the good news before hanging up and putting her phone away. Ransom had grinned, exclaiming that he had not committed murder.
Yet, Marta had vomited on an unsuspecting Ransom who had just been recorded confessing the attempted, and actual murder of Fran. The angered man had turned to you in disbelief, his glare piercing a hole into your skin.
“If you hadn’t been assigned to this damn case I could have gone away scotch free,” he gritted out, though you had reasons to disagree. Benoit was smart enough on his own.
You shook your head, glancing at Benoit. “I would beg to differ,” you replied.
Ransom groaned, wiping his face from the vomit that remained. “Oh who cares what you think!” he exclaimed before grabbing a knife off the wheel behind him and launching himself at you.
You were quick to place your hands up, wanting to push him away before he could stab you, but you tripped and landed on your back, screaming as the sharp blade pierced through your skin. Another scream was torn from you as the bastard twisted the knife ever so slightly before he was ripped off of you and thrown to the ground, a pair of handcuffs shacked to his hands within seconds.
Benoit rushed over to you, Marta doing the same before he removed his handkerchief and folded it in two. He glanced up at Marta, signaling for her to pull the knife out. She did so in the next second, causing you to flinch in pain and hold back a blood-curdling scream.
The detective was quick to apply pressure onto the stab wound. “Dial for an ambulance quick,” he nodded to Marta, watching as she stood and farted for her phone across the room. He returned his gaze to you, holding the handkerchief down as firmly as he could. “If the knife pierced your lungs, which I suspect it has, you have a couple of hours before it can lead to death, but you must stay with me,” he explained urgently.
His shockingly icy blue eyes never left yours as he did his best to keep you as conscious as possible. He could slowly see you slipping in and out and his heart rate was slowly increasing in his chest with worry. The sirens could be heard in the far distance and he begged that they would get there faster.
You were slowly losing that battle to stay awake, and shaking lay brought up a bloodied hand- which had led on your chest -to Benoit’s arm. He looked at you, biting his lip as a sort of anxious habit.
You smiled at him as best you could. “Listen, I won’t be conscious for much longer, you can’t panic. As you said, I’ll still have a few more hours, even if I’m not awake. You need to know, in case they c-can’t save me, that you’ve been a great friend to me,” you choked out, coughing in the next moment. The smallest bit of blood left your lips.
“Shit, come on Y/N, don’t say that! You can’t just say that, not now! Tell me that when you’re healed and better, come on,” he urged, looking at Marta as she led the paramedics into the room. “I love you dearly, Y/N, I need to tell you that,” he whispered before he was asked to step back and let the paramedics take over.
You smiled at him as best you could, and within seconds you were receiving oxygen through a mask, and slowly the loud sounds around you faded. You didn’t know if Benoit’s last words were meant to be taken in a friendly or romantic way, but you hoped to be able to ask him when you woke up.
Benoit crosses his fingers and hoped for the best. He wanted so badly to express his feelings earlier, he just hadn’t had the courage till now, and he feared that it might have just been too late.
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
Out of the Blue (Benoit Blanc x Reader)
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I had this idea and it was literally all I could think about writing. It’s not perfect, but when has anything I’ve ever done been perfect? Also, I think of this as being in the same universe as First Impressions.
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warning: hint at sexual activity from the night before 
“Ben, has anyone told you before that you’re beautiful?” 
The question is random - even to you - but as you watch him clean the dishes, elbow deep in soap-suds and porcelain, and as the sunlight coming from the window shines down on him, beautiful was the only thing you could think of. 
“I would not say that beautiful is the word that normally comes to people’s minds when they see me, no...” Benoit shakes his head slowly before grinning, leaning towards you. “Why? Do you think I’m beautiful?”
“Yes.” You smile. “The most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He pauses, blinking owlishly. A sparkle lights up his eyes and suddenly he’s smiling. Really smiling. 
“Why, thank you darlin’. I could say the same about you.” You can practically hear the cogs in his brain winding backwards as he turns back to the dishes, like he’s telling himself that you don’t really mean your words the way that he wants you to. 
“...You don’t believe me, do you.” Turning sideways in your seat to be able to fully face him, you rest your chin on your hand. 
“I believe you, though,” He interrupts himself and his scrubbing with a chuckle. “I just simply cannot understand why.” 
“Like why I find you beautiful? Or why you believe it when I tell you?”
Benoit pauses at that to think for a moment. “Both, I suppose.” 
“I can’t tell you why you’re beautiful - you just are. You’re like a field of flowers or a sunset. I just look at you and feel. And I could give you fifty reasons for what makes that field of flowers or sunset beautiful, but with you, I wouldn’t even know where to start.” You can’t help the heat that comes to your cheeks. 
Two warm (and slightly damp from water) hands gently take yours and you can feel your heart swell when you see the soft smile on his lips. His thumbs run over your knuckles for the thousandth time, and for the thousandth time you marvel at the emotions such a simple gesture draws from you. 
Forehead meets forehead. Benoit carefully crouches down before you, your eyes closing for just a moment before meeting his baby blues straight on. His hands keep their hold on yours. 
“You’re not saying anything.”
“For once I am left without words, my dear.”
“Looks like you’re not the only one who can wax poetic, huh?” 
“So it would seem.” You break away to hide in the crook of his neck, inhaling the familiar smell of aftershave and cigar. “But one thing I would never leave is my love for you.”
“Aw...” When you straighten up, Benoit’s smile is revealed. “You’re so cheesy sometimes.”
“Only for you.”
“Good. I’d like to keep it that way.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Benoit gives both of your hands a kiss before standing up. “My knees are too old for this.” He chuckles. 
“Really? They didn’t seem to be last night.”
“Very funny.” He settles in front of the sink again, resuming what he was doing. 
“Aren’t I, though?” You give him a cheeky smile. 
“Yeah - lookin’.” He chuckles.
“Hey!” You throw a napkin at him and watch his forearms flex as he fumbles slightly to catch it. “Meanie.” He hums in amusement, setting the napkin on the counter. Your eyes don’t leave his form as he finishes up the last of the dishes. It doesn’t take long for you to become fully immersed with the scene before you. So immersed, in fact, that it takes Benoit to amusedly clear his throat to get your attention where he wants it to be (because he always has your attention).
“Darlin’, did you hear a word I said?”
“Huh? Oh. Uh. Yes?”
“I was wonderin’ if you needed anything from the store. I’m plannin’ on heading out in a few minutes.” Benoit glances at the clock as he dries his hands. 
The question is so domestic, so simple, yet it provides you with a moment so crystal clear that you see all the pieces fall into place.  
“I want to marry you.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but he hears it anyway, eyes widening in surprise. “Yeah.” And then, louder. “I want to marry you. 
Will you marry me, Benoit?”
I hope you enjoyed! Also, thank you for all being so patient with me recently. I ran out of my anti-depressants so I’ve been dealing with withdrawal symptoms - plus finals are coming up (yay quarter system) - so things are not as inspiring as I would like them to be. I’ve been coping through fanfiction (as per usual) so would you all be interested to know what fics I’ve been reading recently? 
- Simpy
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current wips & potential wips
Imma post this and then go hide my face with my hands, thanks @brandyllyn my love 💕
The order I used is just the actual posted in-progress WIPs and then whoever the hell things are thrown around in my WIP Google Folder
- Relative Dating - Indiana Jones x Reader fic; In Progress Here
- Long Shot - Stewy Hosseini x Reader; In Progress Here
- Bateman Begins - Nathan Bateman x Reader; In Progress Here
- Homestead - Benoit Blanc x Reader; In Progress Here
- I Don’t Mind the Company - Josh Lyman x Reader; In Progress Here
- Chapter and ‘Verse - Christopher Pike x Reader; In Progress Here
- Enemy at the Gates - James Bond x Reader
- Lulu Gal - George Russell x Original Female Character (Gilded Age, not the F1 Driver)
- Ken-Doll and the Ugly Fuckling - Kendall Roy x Reader
- Charming - George Russell x Reader (Gilded Age, not the F1 Driver)
- Stress Relief - Marcus Pike x Reader
- Pinned - Marcus Pike x Reader
- That Yeehaw Motherfucker - Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Reader
- Hollow - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand
- Look On and Cry - Ralyan Givens x Original Female Character
- Friendly Rivaly - Benny Borracho Magalon x Reader
- Down a Peg or Two - Nathan Bateman x Reader
- Nathan Bateman Wife Me Up Challenge - Nathan Bateman x Reader (Sequel  to Nathan Bateman Buy Me This Challenge)
- Impressions - Will Miller x Reader
- Ma’am - Josh Lyman x Reader
- Doorstep - Josh Lyman x Reader
- Voracious - Diego Jimenez x Reader
- Birds and the Bees - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
- Untitled William Tell Oneshot
- And 3 works of original fiction (books) that I won’t be posting here.
No pressure tags: @massivecolorspygiant @foxilayde @littleferal @cowboystokes @wasicskosgirl @elen-aranel @iamskyereads @charnelhouse and anyone else that would like to join!
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heliads · 2 years
hi again !! person who asked about part 2 4 the benoit blanc fic here !! thank u 4 agreeing 2 write it !!
k so here's my request : it's like half a year after part 1 , and benny n the reader r solving crimes together but they're like ... super awkward with each other . they don't dislike each other , in fact they want to be closer , but r really wants a parental figure but isn't sure how to verbalize that and benoit jus does NOT know how 2 parent.
but then when they r on a case , r gets hurt ( not 2 serious , but enough 2 be scary ) , and benoit realizes how much he actually cares about this kid . n then they have a really sweet moment n decide 2 try n get closer ?
thank you so much !! i'm super excited 2 read this !!
anything for benny
part one / masterlist
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Benoit Blanc is lost. Usually, this is not enough to trouble him. Problems are only worthwhile if they take some time to parse out. Benoit has no fondness for pointless mysteries, games in which the end is clear from the beginning and the middle has no value at all. He has always preferred to amble along and seek out clues. That is his best method of solving, it always has been.
It is a confounded issue, then, that Benoit is lost now. He is not in the midst of a crime, nor locked within the confines of a good hoax. He is between jobs at the moment, which usually means that his problem-solving fingers should cease to twitch at his sides, that he would no longer be ready to reach for a hint that will let him catch a killer.
Benoit’s problem at the moment regards his apprentice. He took on a teenager to help him with his cases about six months back, Y/N L/N. They’ve been an excellent aid, no cause for concern there, but Benoit’s judgment is faulty in where he is meant to draw the line between work friend and real friend. Typically, he never runs into this problem because he keeps each case to itself with no overlap whatsoever. By bringing Y/N with him, he now has someone closer than an acquaintance.
The issue is that Benoit would like to go about making their dynamic a little less stilted but he has absolutely no idea how to do it. There are moments when he’s certain that Y/N would appreciate a little parental guidance, for a lack of a better word, but Benoit is few things and one of them is certainly not a father. Thus, he is left grappling with how to indicate that he would like to try having a more central role in Y/N’s life with absolutely no idea how to do it.
Benoit took the idea to Phillip a month or so back to limited success. His partner had been focused on the intricacies of some blasted sourdough starter, his attention more in line with tossing flour to the heavens and whatnot. Benoit had posed the concern of what to do with the L/N kid. Phillip had allowed him to ramble on during the feeding time of the sourdough starter, which was consistently scheduled as if it were some kind of beast in need of a kilogram or ten of raw meat.
Benoit cannot fault his partner for the importance of the sourdough, however. They all need a task, some project in which to throw their focus and only withdraw some time later, wholly spent and perhaps a different man. Phillip finds his outlet with baking. Benoit does so with the lives of other people. 
Some would consider that to be a sign of their true characters, but Benoit tries to prioritize the people above the thrill of the hunt. That, in the end, is what he feels separates him from the gaudy treasure-seekers of podcasts and true crime shows. Although he does feel that he would make a superb advice host if the chance ever came along. Phillip has yet to catch on to the idea, but Benoit is giving it time.
The conversation was brief but sincere. Phillip had dashed about a cup of flour into the ominous bowl of starter, then turned to him with a sigh.
“You’re getting in your own way,” he had said simply.
Benoit had spread his hands. “Obviously, but how do I get out of my own way? It is difficult, sometimes, to find one’s path long enough to step aside and let the truth rush forward. Sort of like a child who’s just taken off their training wheels. They can go fast, of course, and wreak havoc throughout the suburbs, but, Lord, they should not be allowed to do so.”
Phillip raised a weary brow. “In this case, I don’t think the issue is that you shouldn’t be able to go fast. You just are afraid to let go of your inhibitions. They’re a kid, Blanc, not a piranha. Although God knows you’d rather investigate a piranha than deal with this.”
“It would be interesting to figure out how a piranha had managed to cross my path,” Benoit had mused. “That isn’t the point, though.”
“No,” Phillip said around another sigh, “it isn’t. You need to find the proper time, then tell Y/N what you expect, plain and simple. There’s no other way around there.”
Phillip was right, as expected. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the advice Benoit had wanted to hear. He would have preferred something along the lines of ‘don’t worry about it, how about you go take another case’ or even ‘wait for them to come to you,’ but life is hardly fair.
“Thank you,” Benoit had said at last, “and for goodness’ sake, stop pointing that spatula at me. I’m going to do it. No threatening necessary.”
Phillip had disagreed on that point, but that was hardly a surprise. Benoit had gone to bed that night wondering how he was going to find the right chance to explain his expectations for the situation between himself and Y/N. In the morning, he woke with a blessing.
Handwritten letters have long been Benoit’s favorite way of hearing about a new case. Typically, he can figure out half the evidence just from studying the correspondence. Is the information scribbled in a hasty scrawl or typed out to avoid giving anything away? Do they mention his prior cases from the papers, and if so, which ones? Are the stamps perfectly organized, the product of a great time for leisure, or slapped on the envelope just before the mailman came?
This letter is no exception. Already, Benoit has a few ideas percolating in his brain even before he starts reading the message. This is a call to arms, to be certain. A murder. A weapon. Several innocents all in the line of fire. An inheritance, ready to fall into the wrong hands. Yes, this is a case for him without a doubt.
Benoit explains the situation to Y/N when she comes back from school in the evening. They discuss initial motives, then agree to respond back in a most reasonable fashion. The police investigations start Saturday, so they’ll arrive early in the morning in the hopes of reaching the family before too much has happened.
The car is studiously quiet on the drive over to the crime scene. A few times, Benoit or Y/N will attempt to bring up a casual source of conversation, but they always seem to lose their nerve before true discourse can occur. Something will happen to make them hesitate, and then the ball is dropped and they’re back to silence.
Benoit is grateful to see the address of the crime scene before long, sparing them from another few unsuccessful endeavors. Half an hour later, they’re so lost in the tangled threads of this particular mystery that they don’t have much time to trouble themselves over small things like whether or not this whole apprenticeship deal was worth it.
By Saturday evening, Benoit feels that he’s got a pretty good hold on the case itself. It seems to be your typical run-of-the-mill inheritance snatch. A primary character is established, the man who would receive the largest cut of a will. They’re then framed for murder, thus ensuring that the bounty will instead fall to the second-in-line, a brother-in-law who only married into the family in the hopes of collecting this sort of bloody check. Very satisfying.
Sunday morning rolls around. After a final late night check with Y/N to make sure their facts are in order, the pair feels ready to present their findings to the police and distraught family. Benoit, always excited at the possibility of an audience, leads with his theory and watches the brother-in-law’s face twist with horror as he realizes he’s been exposed.
All is going according to plan, or at least it has been until the brother-in-law stands up and announces that he isn’t going quietly. The money has already been transferred to his account, much of it withdrawn, and he can live off of it for quite some time. The murderer moves to flee, but when the police start to block his path, he does the unthinkable and grabs Y/N as a hostage.
Benoit has no choice but to watch as the murderer leaves the house, gun pressed to Y/N’s temple as a guarantee that he’s going to remain untroubled. Benoit has been involved in quite a few murder cases over his time, and is no stranger to danger, but this is something altogether different. He is terrified, plain and simple. Terrified that he’ll lose his crime-solving partner before even a year has passed. Terrified that he’ll never get that chance Phillip was talking about.
It occurs to him now that Benoit needs that chance more than anything. If he does not speak with Y/N about the fact that he wants them to be better friends, to rely on each other more than the stilted dynamic they have going on right now, he will carry that regret to his grave.
It is good, then, that Benoit and Y/N had factored in the fact that the murderer would try to run and planned accordingly. The brother-in-law’s car only makes it halfway down the street before the tires abruptly give out and the vehicle screeches to a stop. Y/N was evidently waiting for that moment, because they fling open the door and dive out without a second’s hesitation.
Benoit sprints to their side, pulling them away from the car and towards safety. The police surround the car, and after a few tense seconds the brother-in-law comes out with his hands raised. Benoit only starts to relax once the killer is in handcuffs and he knows for certain that the situation is in the hands of the law.
He turns to Y/N at last, checking for signs of damage. “Are you hurt?” He asks, frantic.
Y/N shakes their head. “No, I’m alright. Just startled, that’s all.”
“You’re a brave kid,” Benoit manages, “I don’t know that many people who would be this unruffled after being taken as a hostage. It speaks to your character. It also reminds me how affected I would be if something worse had happened. You’re not a stranger, Y/N, you’re a friend. I’d like for us to believe in that.”
Y/N starts to smile. “More than normal?”
“Far more than normal,” Benoit confirms, “millions of miles beyond that point. The best partnerships are based on trust. I trust you, Y/N.”
“I trust you,” they respond, “that’s why I was alright. I knew that no matter what happened, even if the tire thing didn’t work out, you’d look for me.”
“You didn’t need me, though,” Benoit argues, “you had the situation handled just fine. You were courageous all by yourself and I am quite impressed by that.”
Y/N shakes their head. “I could be brave because I knew you were there. I trust you.”
“Alright,” Benoit says at last, “we’re good, then.”
“We’re great,” Y/N confirms.
Benoit thinks that he’s going to have to talk to Phillip about this. The plan has gone quite well indeed.
part one requested by @starlit-epiphany, your ideas are very popular around here
knives out taglist: empty for now!
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My friends and I are doing a oneshot tonight to take a break from our usual d&d campaign and so far the party includes:
- a literal, actual Arthurian knight
- a centaur gunslinger with a stetson and a Benoit Blanc accent
- a half-elf named Buddy with the same outfit as Buddy the Elf from Elf, an assassin rogue
- a fire genasi kleptomaniac sorcerer with one arm
- a great old one warlock named peppermint
- a kenku plague doctor medic
I love these people
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bearholdingashark · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Knives Out (2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Benoit Blanc/Marta Cabrera Characters: Marta Cabrera, Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) Series: Part 9 of Hold Me Summary:
Benoit has a surprise for date night.
(Cuddle in the back seat of the car)
An anon prompted “cuddle in the back of the car” a while ago, and I’ve finally filled it! I hope you enjoy! 
I also used the prompt ‘night sky’ from @horrificmemes‘ October Writing Challenge prompt list. I didn’t really meet the brief, as there is nothing scary or horrific about this oneshot, but the prompt did help with my months long writer’s block, so I want to acknowledge the help. :) 
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bishopgirl98 · 5 years
Note: While this masterlist is curated to a certain set of characters/movies/shows feel free to submit a request. I am open to almost any genre of movies and shows. With that being said, if you make a request some ground rules. 1. Be polite, respectful, understanding. Not just in my requests, but my inbox and this page in general. Any hate, discrimination, and/or bullying will result in being blocked. 2. When it comes to requests I will not do anything revolving around non consent/incest/s.a out of respect for any readers. 3. If I mess up, message me. This could mean many things, but especially with using certain words, themes, or anything of high importance. I want my page to be fun, but safe for anyone who comes across it.
Knives Out
Ransom Drysdale Imagines/Oneshots
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Deadly Association Series
Y/N doesn’t know that working for the Drysdale family comes at a price. 
Part 1
Part 2 TBD
Ransom and Robbins
Detective Benoit Blanc
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To Be Announced
Marta Cabrera
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To Be Announced
First Meeting Marta 8/12
The 100
Bellamy Blake Imagines/Oneshots
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I Am Become Death
Murphy’s Law Part 1
Murphy's Law Part 2 TBA
John Murphy Imagines/Oneshots
Inside Out (TBA)
Kate Bishop Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons
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Meeting Kate Bishop
Crushed TBD
Sierra Six/Court Gentry Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons
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Afterglow (TBA) Sneak Peek (Full Version Coming Soon) September 1995
A Series of Gentle Touches Part One Part Two
Oneshot TBD
Headcanon TBD
New Characters Coming Soon
Logan Echolls Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons
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Holland March Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons
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Peeta Mellark Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons
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hettiesworld · 4 years
New masterlist!
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A/n: I am totally OBSESSED with songs from the 80s so I’m writing some oneshots based on my fave songs!
Edge of Heaven - Andy Barber x OC (Wham!)
Love in the First Degree - Ransom Drysdale x reader (Bananarama)
Give It Up - Bucky Barnes x reader (KC and the Sunshine Band)
Pour Some Sugar On Me - Chris Evans x reader (Def Leppard)
Higher Love - Underworld God!Chris x reader (Steve Winwood)
When Doves Cry - Charles Xavier x reader (Prince)
Is There Something I Should Know? - Jerry Pierce x reader (Duran Duran) (series)
Papa Don’t Preach - Benoit Blanc x reader (Madonna)
True Colors - Clint Barton x reader (Cyndi Lauper)
Respectable - James McAvoy x reader (Mel & Kim)
We Don’t Need Another Hero - Steve Rogers x reader (Tina Turner)
You’re the Voice - Jeremy Renner x reader (John Farnham)
I Want to Know What Love Is - Ari Levinson x reader (Foreigner)
I Don’t Wanna Dance - Frank Adler x reader (Eddy Grant)
I Think We’re Alone Now - Sebastian Stan x reader (Tiffany)
Walk Of Life - Aaron Cross x reader (Dire Straits)
Rock the Casbah - Paul Rudd x reader (The Clash)
Kings of the Wild Frontier - Cowboy!Jeremy x reader (Adam and the Ants)
Every Time You Go Away - Demon!Seb x reader (Paul Young)
Don’t Stand So Close To Me - Colin Shea x reader (The Police)
Two Tribes - Steve Rogers x reader x Tony Stark (Frankie Goes to Hollywood)
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​​ @averyrogers83​​ @pegasusdragontiger​​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​​ @yavanna80​​ @daphne-fandom-writing​​ @kirstie-evans-writes​ @princess-evans-addict​
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
“Which of Your Fics . . .?” Meme
Tagged by: @locke-writes (cotdammit Noah I had to reread all my crap and be reminded of how decent I used to be at writing! Jk is cool, I needed a calm-down this weekend)
Which of your fics . . .
Did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it did?: Of the ones written of my own volition? I know there’s probably another one, but the most recent one is the Guilty Pleasures preference. Granted, it’s not filled with “Top-Billing Characters” like my Love Languages series is, so I guess that’s an unfortunate factor.😕 What makes it kinda sting is that I learned the hard way that I can no longer edit posts made on my laptop on my phone anymore, and it deleted all my work. So I had to sprint through chat logs with a friend to find some of the pieces and completely rewrite a few others. But I guess in due time it might gain more traction. Somehow and for some reason.
Got a bigger reaction than what you were expecting?: Of pieces I made without prompting, it’s gotta be a tie between the Doctor Strange Soulmate AU and Day Bi Day: A Documented Study of the Bisexual. And also pretty much any of my Tadashi Hamada pieces because when I first wrote his soulmate AU, it got next to no attention and I just altogether assumed the time for Tadashi had passed. Day Bi Day doesn’t exactly have a whole lot of notes, either, but I’m impressed by anyone who managed to slog through the leviathan of a oneshot. Request-wise, believe me when I say that I did not expect that Geralt Love Headcanon set to acquire half as much, let alone just as much as it did.
Is your funniest?: It straight up has to be a tie between The Hairy Situation and Dios Meme-o!. Should it be concerning that my funniest fics tended to be involving guys from Law & Order: SVU? Probably. But I have so much fun when I get to write as bizarrely as I actually talk or want to talk. Besides, Carisi is so easy-going that it’s easy to make the reader the Straight Man, whereas Barna is so rigid and proper that it’s hilarious to just keep subjecting him to all kinds of weirdness. Really, nearly every one of my Barba has some instance of him being embarrassed or perplexed or just yanked completely out of his element.
Is your darkest or angstiest?: Definitely my one about Bruce Wayne’s S/O getting kidnapped, though it doesn’t feel especially angsty to me: I could actually go potentially darker with my stories and ideas. But constantly worry about judgement or backlash. Maybe one day I’ll gain access to my Big Girl Parts and just stop caring and just do it, though.🤷🏽‍♀️
Is your absolute favorite?: I don’t quite have one . . . I kinda look back at nearly all my works to some degree of envy because I genuinely do believe my writing was much better when I first started out.
Was easiest to write?: None. Absolutely none. They all drained the life out of me. I popped Pink out in the span of a few hours as opposed to the usual months weeks days it may usually take me. Literally came to the idea in the middle of a morning lecture, went immediately back to my dorm, and wrote in a mad fury.
Was hardest to write?: Nearly every single thing made circa 2018 onward.There’s a reason I went on a year-long hiatus, after all. Though, the difficulty is mainly sourced from my fluctuating motivation and focus and ability to put my thoughts and images into words. When it comes to content, however, it’s still difficult for me to say. I had a hard time writing the soulmate AU for the Phantom of the Opera, but I mainly chalk that up to a few things: It was the first soulmate AU I had attempted writing in a long time; it’s hard to capture how Erik would speak, considering he rarely talks so much as he sings in purposefully flamboyant and prose-y fashion; I am a perfectionist.
Has your favorite lines/exchanges/paragraphs? (Share It): “In a way, it’s arguably also affirmation with hints of giving gifts, because you know that the man is going to write songs about you. You can’t help but think it’s a tad ridiculous. After all, you’re no hero, you’re not really a warrior, you’re more or less just along for the ride. But Jaskier can’t help it: You are his muse, his adoration, the goddess whose feet he kneels before as he sings golden applause to and prays before for her guidance and accompaniment. There is never a moment where you feel unloved because Jaskier is unafraid to love you loudly. And given the songs and odes and everything he’s used to honor your existence with, it appears that his love for you will echo long after you are both gone. That way, everyone else will know and love you as he feels you deserve to be.” - Jaskier, Love Languages II Really, in hindsight, I like how I did with Brocky Horror Picture Show. Not every line is gold, but there’s too many to pick from.
Have you re-read the most?: Hard to say. I reread a lot of my stuff from time to time, there’s no real one I really go back to especially. Usually, it also depends on if I’m writing for a character I’ve already written for; that way I can keep the “lore” consistent.
Would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time?: Much like @locke-writes put it, it depends on the character/fandom the reader is looking for. I’m lazy, so the Reader I have in mind for certain characters is usually pretty the same throughout their respective fics. There’s lowkey more or less sorta mini lores going on for certain characters and their respective s/os (ex: If the fic is about Erik, they’ll probably still be working in the costume shop as stated in the Soulmate AU [the first piece I did of him]; if the fic is about Clark Kent, depending, chances are Reader was involved in the plot to kill Superman). But if we have to boil it down, here are just a few I would start with for a several characters whose S/Os tend to be consistent or for whom I intend on keeping the lore of for future projects: - Benoit Blanc x Reader Ship Meme - M’Baku x Reader Ship Meme - Jaskier x Reader Ship Meme
Are you most proud of?: If you would allow me to be so arrogant . . . - Soulmate AU: You Can See a Meter of How Dangerous Your Soulmate Is Hovering Over Their Head - Soulmate AU: You and Your Soulmate Share Sensations - Say Yes to Distress - Brocky Horror Picture Show
Tagging: Whomever wants in!
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heliads · 2 years
Knives Out Masterlist
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Benoit Blanc
How the Scores are Settled / Part Two - Based on this request: "father-child dynamic? Gn reader is a suspect in one of his murder cases (not the Thrombey case), and Benoit realizes that they're super smart and would make an amazing detective. He finds out they don't have a home and decides to make them his ward/apprentice?" Oneshot
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