#best curling wands
makkir0ll · 6 months
"you have really long eyelashes"
it catches him off guard. you guys are just laying in your bed scrolling on your own phones. he didn't even feel you staring at him. how long have you been looking?
"thanks?" he replies
"no i mean seriously like drop the lash serum." you joke at him as you continue to observe him.
they're long and thick. the kind of lashes that have a natural curl, unlike yours, that fall straight down and take several minutes to curl to your perfect liking. not to mention the layers of mascara you apply to get them to even remotely look like his.
he turns his head to you and you don't miss his dilated pupils as his eyes bore into yours. you take note of how the lashes perfectly frame his eyes. and you're so jealous.
but then an idea pops into your head, you smile to yourself and he senses it coming.
"can i-"
"no" he cuts you off.
"babe please you don't even know what i was about to say!" you grab onto his shoulder as you plead.
"whatever it is im sure it's going to be bad." he retorts, turning his face away from you and going back on his phone.
"i'll buy you you're favorite food."
and that's how you end up here on his lap with your mascara in your hand. his hair is pushed back as his hands rest on your hips, drawing small circles as he awaits your actions.
you open the bottle with the black liquid and bring the wand close to his eyes. "don't move" you whisper and he listens. mainly because he's scared that you're going to poke his eye out as you bring the wand to the base of his eyelashes and wiggle it slowly before moving it up to coat the length of the lashes. some of the mascara gets on his eyelids. you repeat the actions on the other eye before going back and doing a second coat. you can tell that he might be slightly nervous that you're going to blind him with the way he holds his breath and the grip he has on your hips get ever so slightly tighter.
you move yourself off his lap and he goes to grab his phone so he can see what he looks like.
"wait no not yet, i'm still not done" you say as you go and grab ur q-tips and micellar water.
"yes still, i need to clean up the mascara on your eyelids," you say as you place yourself back on his lap. you open the bottle of micellar water and carefully put the clear liquid on the q-tip. you bring the white stick of cotton to his eyes and you tell him to close them. he feels the wet cotton and it's a weird feeling. you watch the q-tip turn darker the more mascara you wipe off.
"okay i'm done!" you say and he opens his eyes and you don't think he's ever looked more majestic. his already long lashes looking even longer and bolder now that he has the mascara to bring them out. you notice that the color of his eyes pop more. "you look so pretty" you smile as lean in to pepper kisses along his face. his cheeks feel warm and he can already tell that they're probably red.
he reaches over to his phone and opens the camera app and switches the camera so he can see himself. and he immediatly notices the stark difference in his eyes with the mascara. he brings his fingers to his lashes to touch them. it feels weird and his eyes kind of feel weighed down. but he has no regrets when he sees you smiling at him so fondly.
"they look nice." he smiles at you, dropping his phone to the side.
"i know right, ugh im so jealous i wish i had your lashes. all my problems would be solved." you say, thinking about the long and excruciating lash routine you perform every morning.
"all of them?"
"yes, all of them."
he chuckles at your words. "alright, but can you take it off now, it feels weird." he says, hands coming to touch his lashes again. you pout as you grab the micellar water you put away and a cotton pad and remove the mascara from his eyelashes, being gentle so that he doesn't lose a few. he appreciates the action. and maybe he would let you put more than just mascara on his face another day.
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KAGEYAMA (has the best lashes argue with the wall), suna, tsukishima (genuinely terrified that you're going to make him go blind), OSAMU, kuroo, MATSUKAWA MY LOVE, iwaizumi, OIKAWA (he would eat that shit up), akaashi, kenma, +ur fav.
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spectorgram · 10 months
the letter
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theodore nott x f! reader summary: you get a letter from a secret admirer who wants to confess. your best friend is none too pleased. notes: jealous! theodore nott >>> word count: 1.4k
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You would think for a magical school, Hogwarts would have better heating or some heating spell, but the Slytherin dorms are frigid as usual as winter creeps up. You fasten your robe clasps and draw it tighter around you, simultaneously trying to tug your skirt down in a futile way to heat yourself up more. Your knee-high socks only do so much and you pretty much give up on the endeavor as you climb up the stairs and head for the Great Hall. 
You’re immediately greeted by the cozy warmth of the hall, spotting your friends, all swathed in green and silver robes and knits. Theo spots you first, sliding over and nearly knocking Blaise off the bench. “Blood hell, mate,” Blaise grumbles as you approach, kicking Theo’s leg lightly. 
You slip into the space created for you, right in between Theo and Enzo. You stifle a yawn and ask, “Can someone pass the eggs and bacon?”
As Enzo reaches for both platters, Theo’s eyes zero in on your legs. “How are you not cold?”
You frown. “I am,” you reply, piling your breakfast onto your plate, “but Pansy’s demon cat apparently thought my winter tights were toys and decided to scratch them all up.”
Pansy sighs, “I’ve ordered you new ones, calm down.” 
Theo drapes his robe over your legs and you smile gratefully at him. He smiles back and your heart flips. You don’t think you’ll ever get over how beautiful he is — all dark caramel curls and long lashes that frame those devastatingly blue eyes. He’s been your best friend since you started Hogwarts and you knew you loved him at first sight. The longer you’ve known him, the more you’ve fallen for him. 
It’s a tale as old as the world itself: you’re hopelessly in love with your best friend but you value your friendship far too much to do anything to jeopardize it.
“Mail’s here,” you hear someone say down the table. You look up to the ceiling, which has been enchanted to look like a sky that’s about to break open and drop snowflakes from its clouds. Owls soar in through the openings at the top of the walls, diving down towards their intended recipients. 
“Maybe your new tights are here,” Enzo says. 
Pansy adds, “I hope so. Then you’ll stop complaining about it.”
You snort, reaching up to grab a letter dropped by your family owl. You feed her a piece of scrambled egg as she takes off back towards the owlery. You tuck your parents’ letter into the inner pocket of your robe just as another owl swoops overhead, dropping a pale blue envelope on your lap. 
“Who’s that from?” asks Pansy. 
You shrug, using your butter knife to open it up. As you do, Draco grumbles at Mattheo: “For the love of Salazar, stop hogging the pastry basket.”
You skim over the letter addressed to you. You tilt your head in confusion and Blaise asks, “What’s it say?”
Enzo peeks over your shoulder and his face breaks into a smirk. “‘Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at midnight tonight. Signed, Your Secret Admirer.’” he reads.
“What?” Theo suddenly snatches the letter from your hand. You watch in confusion as his eyes dart back and forth. His shoulders tense and his mouth purses into a thin, hard line. 
“You doing okay there, Nott?” Matthew asks, shooting a simpering smile at his friend. Theo sends a glare back but doesn’t say anything, the letter’s paper crinkling under his grip. 
Pansy asks, “Are you going to go?”
You hesitate, surreptitiously glancing at Theo, startled to find that he’s gazing at you with an intensity you’ve never experienced. You pluck the letter from him and fold it neatly. “I think so,” you say. “I’m interested to see who it is.”
“Be sure to bring your wand,” Draco says. “Just in case.”
“Obviously,” you deadpan. The conversation shifts into whether anyone was prepared for midterms coming up. 
You fiddle with the letter in your lap. Theo’s silent for the whole conversation. 
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You chew on your bottom lip as you reread the same sentence in your textbook for what feels like the hundredth time. The letter has stuck in your head the whole day. It crosses your mind that it could be a prank or a set-up — it’s not a secret that Slytherin isn’t the most popular House among your classmates — but you know you can handle yourself. You’re more worried about how Theo was acting at breakfast. He didn’t say a word the rest of the meal, not even when Enzo and Mattheo tried looping him into the conversation. He just sat there, sullen and gloomy, and his mood seemed to worsen more when you handed him his robe back and said you had to get to class.
You sigh heavily, trying to play out every possible scenario that could happen between you and the letter writer. You check the clock in the library: 11:45; you need to head over to the Astronomy Tower. 
You groan, gathering your things, sliding them into your bag, and making your way back to the Slytherin common room to drop off your things in your dorm. “Cacophony,” you supply to the portrait, which swings open to let you in.
The common room is blissfully silent when you enter, a welcome contrast to the mess of thoughts in your head. You’re about to head down the hall to your dorm when you collide against someone. You huff an apology but when you feel their hand on your shoulder, you look up to see Theo. He looks intense, eyes wide and glinting with sharp determination and his mouth still set in that frown from earlier. “Sorry, Theo,” you say. “Didn’t see you there. Where are you going at this hour?”
“I was going to find you,” he replies. 
“Oh,” you say. “Well, here I am. Sorry, I’ve got to drop this stuff off and then—”
“Head to the Astronomy Tower,” he finishes for you, “to meet your ‘secret admirer.’” 
You don’t like the way he sneers at the last part of his sentence or the way he uses air quotations. You’re about to respond when he says, “Don’t go.”
“Don’t go,” he repeats.
“Why not?”
He pauses before saying, “What if it’s someone just having a laugh?”
You bristle, hurt, and you feel your temper flare. “Is it so damn hard to believe that someone might actually have a crush on me?”
Theo laughs, razor-sharp and incredulous, as if he can’t believe that you’re saying something so outrageous, “No, it’s not.”
“Then why shouldn’t I go?”
“Because I don’t want you to!”
“For Salazar’s sake, Theo, you can’t tell me what to do!”
“I know that!”
“Then are you trying to tell me not to go?”
“Because I bloody like you!”
Your heart stutters to a stop. You can only hear the sounds of both of your labored breathing and you suddenly can’t meet his eyes, trying your best to wrap your head around the fact that your feelings are reciprocated. “How long?’ you ask softly, holding your breath.
“Since first year.”
You blink. “Really?”
He rakes a hand through his hair and sighs heavily, “Mattheo’s right; you’re so oblivious.” There’s another beat of silence and he asks, a little shyly, “How do you feel?”
You can’t stop the smile that spreads across your face. “I like you too, Theo. I’ve liked you since first year as well.”
He echoes your “Really?” and it makes you giggle, “I guess we’re both oblivious.”
He joins your laughter and you let your forehead rest on his chest as your shoulders shake. When it dies down, Theo shifts you off him and lifts your chin with his forefinger, any semblance of coyness gone. You gaze into his ocean blue eyes. Salazar, you could drown in them. He offers a charming smile and he leans close, just a few centimeters away, and says, “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyelashes flutter and your voice comes out barely louder than a whisper, “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
Your lips meet, fervent and desperate, years of yearning releasing like water through a broken dam. Theo hooks his arms around your waist, pulling you as close as possible. You wind your arms around his neck, fingers toying with the hair at his nape. He walks you backward, slipping his tongue into mouth as he crushes you up against the wall. He deepens the kiss and your knees go weak. 
Theo moves your bag off your shoulder and drops it on the floor. The letter that rested at the top of the pile of possessions falls out, laying forgotten on the ground.
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alexiroflife · 1 month
friday nights.
satoru gojo
“hold still…”
your command comes as a soft murmur as you guide the wand of your white mascara over your boyfriend’s eyelashes. he tries to obey, though involuntarily his eyes twitch and his pink lips press together in a crinkled, tight smile as though he is holding his breath.
“please don’t stab me in the eye, their my best feature,” he hisses slowly, and you only lean in closer with intense focus, legs squeezing over satoru’s waist as your abdomen presses gently to his.
“relax, i know what i’m doing,” you whisper.
long fingers smooth gently over your bare thighs and to your waist, pressing in gently to hold you close and busy his restless urges. you keep a hand cradled to the pearly soft skin of satoru’s jaw as he breathes in and out calmly, crystal hues staring at your concentrated face as the first stroke swipes upward and over his already quite long lashes.
you dust a strand of snowy hair from his forehead that has snuck away from the band that holds his hair back from his face, freeing the space of his forehead and only accentuating the electricity of his model-esque features.
you feel satoru’s chest jerk slightly, a swift shot of air blowing from his nose and into your face, and when you look down you see his lips curling with laughter. “feels funny,” he explains quickly, hushedly as though he should not be speaking. “do i look prettier yet?”
“i’ve barely even started, toru,” you chuckle lightly, a flutter of heaven that hits your boyfriend’s ears and encourages the tender caress of his hand over your curved back.
“i know, but i wanna see what it looks like.”
“you will, just give me a second…”
“you do this every day?” he asks, blinking accidentally before popping his eyes back open widely when he realizes his mistake. you reel your hand and the mascara back an inch.
“most days, and i told you to be still,” you eye him. his eyes lock to yours, a dimple prodding into his cheek with the approach of a sheepish grin.
“sorry, keep going. i want you to make my eyelashes look just like yours.”
“baby, yours are much longer than mine,” you sigh, leaning back in and cautiously stroking the brush of white ink across his. “if anything, this’ll make you look like you have extensions.”
“i still like the way you do yours, princess,” he smiles. “they’re so pretty.”
“but yours are beautiful,” you counter. satoru gazes over you as you press yourself further into him, lips hovering over his as your brows furrow with the finishing touches you apply.
satoru’s eyes grow heavy, and he doesn’t even give you time to pull the wand away before pushing his head up gently to meet your lips with his. the wand, consequently, swipes lightly upward and over his upper lid.
he pulls back, head hitting the pillow again with a satisfied smile, three streaks of white lining over his skin. “satoru!” you cry, and he hums, sliding a hand to your cheek once you lower the tube from him.
“go ahead, pretty, do the other one.”
“you got mascara all over your eye,” you roll your eyes with a giggle. you set the wand down and swipe your tongue quickly over your thumb before rubbing it over the marks.
“ew,” the white haired man beneath you playfully cringes and you roll your eyes.
“shut up.”
satoru’s eyes crinkle with another laugh, hands settling back onto your upper thighs as you fix up the small error, the two of you soaking into one another’s closeness.
-> trying something new for the little thoughts i have that are too small for fics :) yay or nay to blurbs?
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julesinsummer · 5 months
Unbelieveable! (Theodore Nott x Reader)
theo nott x fem!reader | drabble | fluff
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... in which theo is distraught by the news you've given him
"you are unbelievable!"
"theo, my love, it's really not-"
"you are an evil, wretched witch!"
y/n sighed heavily and dropped the book she'd been trying to read so desperately. "honey. it's not that big of a deal."
theo shook his head and grimaced at her, crossing his arms over his chest as he gazed down upon her. "it is. it's a big deal to me and that means it's a big deal."
"just because i said i couldn't go to italy with you all summer doesn't mean i'm evil or wretched," y/n drawled, crossing one leg over the other. theo had been pouting for the last ten minutes, all due to the fact she'd informed him that his grand plan to spend all of summer break in italy with her had been immediately shot down by her parents.
theo dropped his body weight on the couch beside her, groaning as he laid his head on her shoulder dramatically. "yes it does," he mumbled, "you hate me."
y/n laughed, running a hand through his hair. "they were never going to say yes to that, babe," she informed him, watching as he seemed to curl up to her side. oh, how clingy he could be. "they said i could stay a week at a time, no more and no less."
"that's like not seeing you at all!" theo shouted out, latching his arms around y/n's waist.
"it's definitely not," she corrected, shifting around until she found a comfortable position for the both of them. "my grandparents are staying the summer with us and would absolutely disown me if they knew i was spending the entire summer with my boyfriend and not my family."
theo grunted in what seemed to be annoyance or disapproval. "they suck, then."
"they do," y/n agreed, twirling his hair between her fingers. "but they're rich and spoil me, so i must submit to their whims."
"i'm rich and i spoil you," he added miserably, "and i'm way hotter than your grandparents."
y/n recoiled a bit, snickering at theo's antics. "don't use my grandparents and hot in the same sentence," she retched internally, "and i'll do my best to come as often as i can. besides, after next year we can just move in together."
theo perked up at that, the prospect of never having a second away from y/n delighting him. "you're never allowed to leave the house. you have to stay with me all the time."
"not happening," y/n deadpanned.
"worth a shot," theo chuckled, tightening his hold on y/n's body. "can we go to bed so i can actually hold you and not get a fucking neck cramp?"
y/n laughed and nodded, moving to get up from her position on the couch, waving her wand at her book to transport it to her own bookshelf. theo followed her as she took steps away from the common room.
"i can't believe you'd still want to sleep in the same room as an evil and wretched witch like me," she joked as she opened the door to her dorm room.
theo pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "as evil and wretched as you are, you're mine and i'll always want to be with you."
y/n smiled up at him, meeting his eyes. "unbelievable."
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ellecdc · 5 months
Poly moonwater or marauders (up to you! I can see both being cute, though marauders would be interesting since theyre all gryffindors) x a partner who thinks snakes are the cutest, and has a really big python of her own? And she often takes it on “walks” (walking outside while the snake is lounging on her arms to get some sun) or chills in her room with the snake just resting on or beneath her robes (calmer snakes in my experience love to slither up sleeves and wrap around abdomens and collars)? My snake loves doing that, and sometimes it gives people a fright haha. My snake is quite large, but just the cutest and most curious thing, she’s helped many of my friends get over a minor phobia before. She also contracts her muscles (not enough to hurt) when wrapped around a hand, which feels like a little hug. LOL sorry for rambling, I love my sweet baby (5 foot long apex predator) so much. Bonus points if reader is very sweet and smiley, just the last person you’d expect to have a big “scary” snake.
this was such a cute and funny request. and, funnily enough, almost immediately after I received it I started seeing this creator with her snake on TikTok and was like "this is perfect!!!"
poly!marauders x whimsical!reader who apparently has a pet snake that her boyfriends didn't know about
CW: fem!reader, reader has hair she can put up in a bun, best friend Barty being a fucking menace, snakes?
Remus let out a breath of relief when he finally made out your form sitting contently under a tree on the castle grounds with your face shoved in a book.
He couldn’t help but worry about you a little bit; he worried about James and Sirius too, mind you, but something about you struck him as a little too pure, a little too lovely to be navigating this scary world on your own.
He knew you could, he just didn’t think you should have to.
It appeared Sirius and James were just as grateful at locating you when Sirius took off in a run to join your little makeshift picnic.
Remus almost felt bad for the interruption of what was likely a very peaceful sanctuary you had built for yourself. But knowing you, you’d be just as happy to have them join you.
Your smile at Sirius’ form as he made it to your blanket let Remus know he was quite right in his prediction.
“Hi Siri!” You greeted tranquilly, causing James to let out a small breath of awe as he all but dragged Remus the rest of the way over to you. 
“Hey Angel!” James called to you as Remus offered you an apologetic smile turned grimace. 
“Do you mind if we join you?” Remus had the grace to ask.
“Of course not; I’d love it if you did.” You responded quickly, shifting over to make room for them all on your blanket.
“Of course you’d be so gracious; our sweet girl.” Sirius cooed at you, but as he went to pull you towards him by your shoulders, he let out an embarrassing shriek as he launched himself away from you. 
“Godric’s saggy balls, Pads; what is the problem?” James asked bemusedly as he took over Sirius’ now vacated spot beside you.
“She’s got a sodding snake in her hair!” Sirius screeched as he pointed at you.
James’ head whipped back towards you to see that, sure enough, there was a medium sized snake seemingly almost curled up in your messy bun.
“Don’t move, Angel.” James said seriously as he stood carefully and brandished his wand. “I’ll get it off of you.”
“Oh, there’s no need, James. She’s very docile.” You said simply as if you hadn’t just scared the living daylights out of your boyfriends.
“Docile!?” Sirius bellowed at the same time as James questioned “she?” 
Remus smirked at his boyfriends’ theatrics, though felt momentarily ashamed he hadn’t realised you owned a snake, or…had a snake friend.
“Is she your pet, dove?” He asked finally, fighting the urge to grimace as the snake curled further around your bun and moved its head to sit at your temple. 
“Yes; her name is Tinkerbell.”
“Tinkerbell?!” James and Sirius chorused.
Remus chuckled at the boys letting their Pureblood show. “Like the fairy from Peter Pan?”
He was rewarded with a pleased smile as you moved your eyes back towards him. “Exactly.”
“How long have you been living with a snake?” Sirius asked severely, causing Remus to nudge him with his knee warningly.
“Barty got her for me for my birthday.” You responded simply.
“You’ve had that thing for months?” James asked, finally earning a swat from Remus.
“She’s not a thing, Jamie.” You gently chided, offering the snake your finger who wrapped her head around it reminding Remus of a cat rubbing up against their owner's leg. “I’m surprised you haven’t seen her before; she’s almost always with me.”
Sirius just let out another horrified squawk as Remus fought the urge to let out a full body shiver.
“You carry… Tinkerbell around with you often?” He queried carefully.
You hummed in acknowledgement as your hand fell back to your book. “She usually wraps around my elbow under my robes, but lately she’s enjoyed nesting in my hair. I think maybe now that it’s getting warmer, she likes to sit in the sun.”
“We really need to talk to Junior about gifting our Angel with dangerous animals.” James muttered quietly to Remus and Sirius as your attention turned towards the devil your best friend himself.
“Hi Treasure! Hi Tink!” Barty called you you; his voice raising an octave when greeting your reptilian friend.
Remus winced when he noticed a slightly larger snake hung casually over Juniors shoulders that seemed to be considering the group as they approached.
“Introducing your sweet girl to the boys?” He asked as he sat beside you on the blanket; speaking about your three boyfriends as if they weren’t there.
“Yes. I don’t think it’s gone particularly well, admittedly.” You responded serenely, reaching out to gently boop Barty���s snake’s nose with your finger. 
“It’s going fine.” Sirius argued; never willing to show signs of weakness in front of a Slytherin. 
Unfortunately for Sirius, Barty seemed to call his bluff. “You’re not afraid of a little old snake, are you Black?”
Sirius scoffed derisively. “I go to school with enough of them, don’t I?”
“Okay, why don’t you pet Mr. Smee here then?” Barty taunted, holding out his large reptilian friend to Sirius. “He won’t bite.” He promised with a Cheshire cat smile.
Sirius looked at Barty sceptically before his eyes nervously darted towards you. 
“Mr. Smee is very friendly, Siri.” You encouraged.
Sirius tried to smile at you before he returned his stormy eyes to Barty. “I don’t make it a habit of petting slimy animals, Junior.”
Barty scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “He’s not slimy, Black; he’s scaley.”
Seemingly pacified, Sirius reached out a cautious hand towards Mr. Smee.
Sirius made a garbled heaving sound as he slowly pulled his hand away from the snake's body where strings of slime connected his fingers to the reptile.
“He is slimy!”
“That’s because I soaked him in slime!” Barty cackled. “You’re so easy, Black. Gods, I should spend more time with the lot of you; this was fun.”
And with that, Barty stood from the blanket, kissed Tinkerbell on the head and then pressed one to your head as well before he skipped off.
“He’s a real menace.” James grumbled as Sirius transfigured a piece of paper into a paper towel and wiped at the slime on his fingers.
“I thought that was very brave of you, Sirius.” You praised him, and almost all of the contempt colouring Sirius’ face faded away as he looked at you lovingly.
“Thanks dolly.”
Thankfully, Tinkerbell remained content in your hair, and the boys remained content pretending there wasn’t a snake on their girlfriend’s head for the rest of the afternoon.
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Y/n thinks Lando wants nothing to do with her so she goes on a date with someone else and Lando angrily comes to crash it
amazing idea! thanks for your request anon! also i listened to this song while i wrote this and i think it goes so well!
tw: fem!reader, swears, miscommunication i think, idk lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 1.7k
"this is actually exciting! how long as it been since you've been on a date?" your friend asks as she curls a piece of your soft hair around her hair curler. you shrug, a little embarrassed at how long it has been since someone had asked you out. you had invited your best friend to come over and help you get ready. it was some guy called jamie that had asked you out and you were almost certain he was an engineer in the mclaren garage.
so when you both hear a knock at the door two hours before he was supposed to pick you up, you are both in a tizzy. your friend almost burned your neck with the scorching hot curling wand. you throw the nearest thing you can find over the top of your - quite revealing- top. it happens to be a black t-shirt lando had left at yours the last time he had stayed over.
the british driver was the sole reason why you had never been on a date with a guy for a whole two years. you had been friends since his f1 debut but just shy of a year ago, things progressed between the two of you. lando had gotten second in his home race and he was over the moon. you had finally been able to make it to the race, your work schedule finally clearing up in your favour for the first time in a while. to make an incredibly long and complex story short, you had ended up friends with benefits. your agreement had lasted up until last week. the rules were you two had to end things before seeing anyone else but you were to stay friends no matter what and of course, lando had found some girl he wanted to take out so he broke things off. it broke you. you knew falling for lando was a stupid thing to do and you really did try not to but it was difficult, he was lando, he was one of your best friends for a reason. so when jamie asked you out, you had jumped at the chance to try and get over your curly haired best friend.
you open the door to see none other than lando on the opposite side.
"hey, you look good, where you going?" he asks as he walks past you and into your apartment. you roll your eyes at him letting himself in. what was even the point of knocking in the first place?
"she's got a date and we're in the middle of getting ready right now." your friend sasses lando as she emerges from your room, her 'getting ready' playlist, as she had dubbed it, was still blaring in the room. lando looks up at you from his spot on your couch. his eyes narrow.
"a date?" the boy questions. you furrow your brows, unsure at what he is trying to get at.
"yes. a date. you know, like the one you went on last week? one of those." your a little teasing as you throw your words at him. lando rolls his eyes.
"yeah yeah i know what a date is, i'm just confused. i didn't know you were looking to date?" lando says and you were probably making it up but you swore you could sense some hurt in his voice. yeah there was no way that lando was hurt that you were going on a date, he had literally done the same thing and broken it off with you to do so, last week!
"i'm not looking to date. i got asked out and i said yes." you explain even though you don't really need to explain yourself. lando didn't with you.
"you never say yes. who asked you out?" lando interrogates you, it annoyed you to no end.
"does it really matter? i think he's nice. i never asked you all these questions when you went out on your date last week, did i?" you roll your eyes, walking back over to your friend, silently letting her know you wanted to go back through to your room to get ready and to fet away from lando. you don't wait to listen to see if lando responds - he doesn't anyway, keeping quiet. he knew you were right. it was wrong to act like this, to act jealous of this guy, not when you guys weren't even serious. not that you seen it that way. to you, lando was just being protective.
you sit back down with a sigh, while your friend returns to curling your hair. your friend tries to distract you from whatever just happened with lando as you turn the music up and try to get excited for your date. it gets a little hard when there is a lull in the conversation between the two of you and your mind starts working overtime. you start to wonder if lando would even want anything to do with you after him and this girl get closer. you have always dreaded the day one of lando's girlfriends would want you two to create some distance between you both. you had a sneaky feeling that it would be sooner rather than later.
the timing is perfect as you hear several knocks at your door just as your spraying your favourite gucci perfume lando had gotten you from christmas. even going on a date with someone else, lando was with you the whole time. you answer the door with a smile on your face, jamie returning it.
your friend and lando are sat on your couch watching a random show lando had put on while waiting for you to get ready. he did want to apologise but your date was here and he would rather do it just the two of you anyway. when the brunette seen it was one of the mclaren engineers, he feels the anger swell up inside of him. that should be him, lando had finally realised in that moment, lightbulb lighting up in his brain.
you go off with jamie, his arm interlocked with yours. he takes you to some fancy restaurant not too far away. he talks the full time about his job as an engineer and how exciting it was moving from race to race with the mclaren drivers. he babbles on and on about how he has been interested in motorsports since he was a child and how working with an actual formula one team had been his dream since forever. all the guy spoke about was himself. not once asking you about yourself or your own job. you had tried to get a word in but it was difficult when he just did not stop talking about himself since you both had sat down. the only time he was not talking was when his mouth was full of food.
you had gotten maybe halfway through your main course before you hear heavy footsteps heading towards your general direction. jamie is still talking away about how he got his degree and how amazing school was for him like you were actually listening and if he even spared a glance in your direction then he would be able to tell by your face that absolutely were not, in any way shape or form, listening. you probably had not even taken a word in since before the starters.
the footsteps get closer until they stop at your table. you look up and your eyes meet lando's furious ones. you were confused as to why he was angry but you were sure you were both (and maybe the entire restaurant) were about to find out.
"what the fuck are you doing?" lando asks you. this finally made jamie stop talking. you could kiss lando for many different reasons, the main one being he looked hot when he was angry.
"me? what am i doing?" you ask. lando nods his head. "i'm on my date. the one i said i was going on."
lando scoffs. "with one of my engineers? you're doing this to get back at me for ending things." lando straight up accuses you. you gasp up at him, dumbfounded. this causes jamie to speak up again and ask "you two were a thing? i didn't know," he looks at lando "seriously, man i didn't know, she didn't say anything. if i knew i would never have asked her out."
lando just stares at the man. his hand then digs into his pocked and fishes out his wallet, throws cash down on the table, grabs your hand pulling you out of your chair and drags you out the restaurant. once outside and away from anyone, you pull your hand out of his grasp.
"what are you doing? i told you i was going on a date! you have no right to act like this!" you shout at him, finger pointing at him.
lando's eyes roll. "yeah but you didn't mention it was with someone i work with. you are clearly trying to get back at me for going on a date with that girl and ending things with you." lando accuses you again.
"how is that me getting back at you? i already told you i don't care who you want to date. kiss who you want i couldn't care less." you lie straight to his face and lando can tell straight away. instead of arguing about it with you though. he mumbles "i wanna kiss you." then pushes you against the brick wall, gently before his lips are attacking yours. he leaves little nips and bites as he kisses you harshly. letting a bit of his frustrations because of the lost time between the two of you, out in the kiss. you kiss back just and hard. your hands clutch at his shirt as he holds your hips in place against the wall. lando pulls away panting, his forehead resting on yours.
"m'so sorry. i couldn't stand the thought of you with someone else. then i realised that's probably how you felt with me too, then i just had to see you and stop you from spending anymore time with him." lando explains, a little guilty. you smile as you let your hand come up to stroke his eyebrow gently.
"he was a fucking bore anyways." you tell lando who laughs as he leans in for another kiss.
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chxrryhxrt · 13 days
Draw stars around my scars - Remus Lupin x Female Reader
Synopsis: Many weeks had passed since the most recent full moon, yet James and Sirius still will not let you see Remus. What could they be hiding?
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of blood and injuries
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It’s Sunday, four days since the full moon. Sirius and James were still adamant that you could not visit Remus, claiming various things such as, “They gave him the wrong medicine and now his head’s twice its usual size” or that “If you step even one foot into the hospital wing, you’ll catch the most recent strand of wizards’ flu – and that stuff is deadly!”
At first, you were sure that they had Remus’ best interests at heart when they were spouting this nonsense at you, but in all honesty, you were beginning to doubt it. You had always visited him after previous full moons – hell, you had even helped carry him to the hospital wing after some particularly bad nights, so why could you not see him now?
This line of thought is how you found yourself padding along the hallways under the thick cover of night, moonlight pouring through the vast windows that stretched from floor to ceiling, where chandeliers hung down. Paintings lined the walls too, and you could hear murmurs of their complaints behind you as you carried on walking, your wand serving to illuminate your path.
You rounded the final corner to the hospital wing, tentatively approaching the entrance as a shiver ran its way up your spine – you were beginning to wish you had worn a little more than just your pyjamas and cloak, a pair of shoes probably would have made the journey less chilling, but you left in such a rush to see Remus that you had not even considered that.
Lifting your wand up, you held it steadily in front of the lock and whispered, “Alohomora.”
After hearing the tell-tale clink of the door unlocking, you stepped forwards, wrapping your hand around the doorknob, but your thoughts stopped you for a moment. Normally, breaking into the infirmary would be something you frowned down upon and if Madame Pomfrey caught you, or if anyone caught you for that matter, there would undoubtedly be consequences, even if you were just trying to check that Remus was okay. You weighed out the pros and cons, fingers still gripping the handle, before making your decision. You missed Remus and seeing him was worth any punishment you could be given. And so, you twisted your wrist, wincing as the doorknob whined.
Following a slight struggle, you resorted to shoving the door open with the brute force of your shoulder, which you found made the entire ordeal a lot easier, but also a whole lot louder. You finally stumbled into the infirmary, the scraping sound ceasing as the door slowly clicked back shut behind you.
Your eyes flitted around, taking in the numerous empty beds and lit sconces that brightened the room, the shadows of the flames flickering and dancing across the walls. As you wove between the rows of beds you noticed that none of the students were first years, let alone suffering from the black plague, like Sirius had told you – though it was not as if you would believe him, he was an absolutely terrible liar.
Once you had finally reached the far end of the hospital wing, you located Remus’ bed, which was not a massive feat. The curtains were drawn around it, obscuring your view so that all you could see was his silhouette, curled into itself as he laid there.
You assumed that he was sleeping and turned to leave him alone to rest, but before you snuck back out again, you heard his sheets rustling and a particularly pained groan slipped out from his throat.
Concerned, you shuffled back towards the curtains, reaching forward and carefully pulling them back, trying to create as little noise as possible.
As you revealed him, even under the dim lighting, you took notice of the many bandages wrapped around his head; more than were usually there and you frowned, it must have been another bad full moon, the first one in a while.
“Remus?” you questioned, eyebrows knitting together in slight worry when he did not respond. “Remus, are you alright?”
You wanted to kick yourself for that one – he had just been locked away in the Shrieking Shack to deal with a full moon alone, what sort of answer were you expecting?
“Well,” you replied cautiously, picking up the copy of The Daily Prophet that laid atop his bedside table and unfolding the pages to reveal today’s headline, “How would you feel if I read you the paper? It says there’s more information on the national goblin strikes – I remember you mentioned being interested in that, Rem.”
“Already read that one,” he grumbled, rolling over so that his back was facing you.
“Okay, how about,” you offered, wandering around to the foot of his bed, taking a seat on it, springs squeaking as you got comfortable, “once you get better and the strikes stop, we can go down to Gringotts, get some money out, and then we can buy some new books together.”
In response to this, Remus said nothing, but instead buried his head further into his pillow, hardly even acknowledging you.
“Remus please, just speak to me alright? I’m here for you,” you pleaded him, your eyes lighting up slightly as he began to sit up, looking at you for the first time since you had arrived. This close, you could really see how torn up he was, with fresh scratches across his face, crossing over the faded scars of older wounds, almost looking like reflections of each other. He still had some blood on his skin around his cuts, though it was dried now, and you assumed that the nurses had not been able to clean it off without worsening his pain.
He seemed to notice your eyes roving across his face and body because he began to pull down the sleeves of his sweater, covering his forearms as an almost ashamed look took over his features.
“Please just leave me alone,” he pleaded, his eyes shut, and brows knitted together – a melancholic sight, and you wished you knew how to help him.
“Rem…” you whispered, leaning in to him, your arm lifting up to cradle his face, “you don’t have to talk to me yet, okay?” Your palm was on his cheek now, you could feel the ridges of his scars under your fingers, the heat of his skin warming yours up, the left-over blood sticking you to him – like some sort of blood bond, you thought, a small smile raising the corners of your lips.
You stayed like this for a moment, a peaceful moment, before you brought your other hand up to rest against the column of his throat, atop the layer of bandages wrapped around his neck and you could feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips.
“I love you, Remus,” you mumbled, as if it were a promise, something to be shared between you two and no one else, a secret.
You found yourself tipping your head forward, foreheads kissing as your palms held his face, his skin feeling damp… with tears? You pulled back and his soft brown eyes stared into yours, unblinking, something changing behind them as he grabbed your wrists and yanked them away from his cheeks, holding them tightly in front of him.
“I told you-” he spat, roughly shoving your hands away- “just piss off.”
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pitchsidestories · 1 month
lovers II Keira Walsh x Williamson!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2468
a/n: Hi, we realized that it's our 100th oneshot which sounds absolutely wild, so enjoy. For the readers who wait for the Emily Fox fanfic it will come out next. <3
You were in love with Ibiza.
In love with the beaches and the sunshine, the palm trees and the blue of the ocean.
You were in love with the clubs and bars, your sister and her friends took you to.
But above all, you were in love with your sister’s best friend.
The afternoon sun painted the hotel room in soft golden light as you slipped into a short dress. You could still feel the salty air and the sun from earlier that day on your skin as you began applying mascara to your eyelashes. Except for a bit of hunger, you felt fully content.
“Ready for dinner? You look gorgeous by the way.“, Keiras voice said from behind you.
You hadn’t noticed her coming in.
You flinched, almost stabbing yourself in the eye with the mascara wand.
Keira smiled apologetically at your reflection in the mirror.
You watched as her gaze started to travel down your body, taking in every curve in your tight-fitting dress.
With a smile you turned towards her and bridged the gap between the two of you.
“Are you kidding? Look at you… Your curls are so pretty and soft.“, you whispered, gently running her fingers through her reddish brown hair.
You loved the way the salt water had restored Keiras natural hair texture.
“My curls? I just didn’t straighten my hair.“, she laughed.
Her cheeks flushed slightly, barely visible through the light sunburn on her skin.
Completely enamoured, you beamed at her: “I love it.“
You were about to lean forward to kiss her when someone cleared their throat behind you.
Your heart stopped while you pulled apart. You ran through possible explanations for this situation in your head, just in case you would turn around to face your sister.
Instead, Alex Scott watched the two of you with a knowing grin.
“You do? Oh hi, Alex.“, Keira greeted the former football player.
“Little Williamson is right though. She could have done something with fashion but…“, Alex said without finishing her thought.
You rolled your eyes, she had always tried to convince you to work in the fashion industry but you wouldn’t trade your job as an English teacher in Barcelona for anything in the world.
“She chose to teach people English in Spain and honestly, it was the best decision ever.“, you finished for Alex.
Keira laughed: “I agree with that.“
Leah appeared next to Alex in the doorway. Subconsciously, you tried to put more distance between yourself and Keira.
“Of course, you do, Kei. Because that way you can talk to someone in your mother tongue almost every day. How did the Catalan interview go again?“, your sister teased.
Her best friend released a tired groan: “Don’t remind me.“
Alex changed the subject, pointing with her thumb over her shoulder: “Now that everyone’s dressed up, let’s get some dinner in before we go clubbing.“
“Sounds like a good idea.”, you agreed in a good mood, the sea air made you hungry.
At the restaurant Keira studied the menu thoroughly before looking at you with an innocent smile on her lips.
“Everything here sounds so good, do you want to share?”, she asked.
“Sure.”, you replied happily. Above your heads the fairy lights were switched on and you could hear the waves crashing on to the shore in the background.
The romantic atmosphere was quickly disturbed by your older sister.
“Excuse me? I thought you’d share with me!”, she pouted, sending glances at the Barca player which could kill.
“What about your girlfriend? Doesn’t she want to share with you?”, Keira asked in return, cheeks flushed.
“Yes, Lee, no need to be that dramatic about it.”, Alex Greenwood intervened laughing.
“I’m not dramatic.”, Leah countered smirking.
“That’s just how she’s.”, you explained cheekily.
“Why don’t we order food for the table so we can all share?”, your girlfriend suggested hoping this would calm the Blonde Arsenal defender down.
“Yes, that’s perfect. I’m in.”, the two Alex’s declared grinning.
“Same, you too, Leah?”, you turned around to investigate your sister’s face, waiting for her reaction.
“Sure.”, she nodded, sounding much calmer already.
 “What about a first round of cocktails?”, Jess wanted to know.
“Please.”, Leah answered.
A few minutes later the drinks arrived at your table, beaming you toasted with her. “Cheers.”
“Cheers.”, she responded grinning.  
The sweetness and the alcohol sparked the desire in you to touch your lover’s curly hair again.
“Stop it.”, Keira demanded giggling.
“I’m not doing anything.”, you remarked in a not guilty tone.
“Yes, you’re. Stop it.”, she bit her lip nervously.
“Fine.”, you sighed defeated, quickly finishing your cocktail.
After the last sip you stood up smiling delighted at the other girls. “Girls, are we ready for the club now?”
“Let’s go.”, Alex Greenwood chirmed.
The sun was long gone now, the moon and the stars shown brightly as you and your sister former and current teammates joined the Ibizan night life.
Something your sister and you both shared was the passion for music. While Leah preferred to sing you would take every chance you could get to dance. Before Keira your first love has been rhythm and beats.
“Come on, Kei.”, Alex nudged the red-haired woman who admired you from the distance.
“I don’t dance. I’m here for the drinks.”, she waved the sports journalist off.
“But I do. Come on, Alex.”, Leah remarked cheerfully.
“Coming.“, Alex laughed and let the defender pull her into the direction of the dance floor.
The other Alex jumped up as well, following closely behind: “Hey, wait for me.“
You caught Keiras eye from across the room and danced your way over to her. You were not ready to stop yet but you also didn’t want to leave her alone.
Keira reached for your wrist with a laugh: “Stop twirling around, y/n.“
“Why?“, you asked, spinning out of her grasp.
“Just because.“
You stopped for a moment, studying her face. There was something serious and pleading in her eyes that you didn’t understand. You only wanted to continue dancing with your friends. “Keira…“
You interrupted yourself, taking in a sharp breath in surprise as two hands laid on your hips and spun you around.
A man in his mid-thirties and clearly drunk grinned at you. His gaze traveled down to your neckline while he asked you something that your brain didn’t seem to comprehend. Apparently he wanted you to dance with him but everything about him made clear that he had other things in mind than just dancing.
You froze in place, not sure if you felt disgusted or disgusting.
Just when you were about to say something, your sister squeezed between him and you and pushed him back: “Sorry, no. That’s my sister!“
“And she’s already taken.“, Keira added. You hadn’t noticed that Keira had gotten up from her seat as well.
Leahs head whipped towards her best friend: “What?“
“Uhm…“, you mumbled as you watched the man retreat with his hands raised in surrender.
You desperately tried to find a good reason to change the subject but you just couldn’t come up with one.
“Who is it, y/n? One of your colleagues or one of the Barca girlies?“, Leah asked, her voice tinted with anger.
“It’s…uhm…“, you started and forced yourself not to look at Keira. Lying would be so easy right now. But did you actually want to keep hiding?
Your sister got impatient: “Just tell me.“
“Keira.“, was all you could get out and prayed that you made the right choice.
The two best friends looked at each other. Keira nodded slowly: “It’s me.“
“Wait, you?! When? How? She’s my little sister!“ Leahs eyebrows furrowed in anger.
Keira shrugged, trying to keep her voice calm: “In Barcelona… it just happened.“
Your sister turned towards you with her jaw set: “We’ll talk about this tomorrow morning!“
She stormed off without waiting for an answer and you quietly wondered where she would go.
Keira and you ended the night there and went back to your hotel room.
You walked out on the balcony overlooking the ocean, Keira followed right behind you.
“She’s really mad.“, you said nervously into the night sky.
The midfielder wrapped her arms around you and rolled her eyes: “She can’t be mad about this.“
You knew she had a point.
“No, Lee is more upset about the fact that we didn’t tell her.“
“Still. I can talk with her if you want me to.”, Keira offered while you kept watching the waves come and go which was scarily similar to your older sister’s temper. Deep down you knew she would eventually calm down.
“No, I’ll do it, it’s fine.”, you assured the Barcelona player before kissing her temple softly.
For a moment she closed her eyes under your touch. “She’ll be fine.”, the midfielder whispered in a convinced tone as her lips touched yours in a heartfelt kiss.
“What was the kiss for?”, you raised an eyebrow at her curiously.
“For good luck.”, Keira replied smirking.
“But she said tomorrow so maybe we could just go inside and..”, you begun rambling.
“You think that’s a good idea?”, your girlfriend interrupted you with a doubtful look on her face.
“No, I’ll do it now.”, you sighed, knowing fully well that some things shouldn’t be put on hold. Although you’d miss the comforting hug of the midfielder who pretended to hate them but always made an exception for you.
Cautiously you stood at the entry of the hotel room your sister and her girlfriend were staying in. “Lee, can we chat outside?”
Without a word the older blonde got up and put on her shoes, signalling that she was ready to talk to you outside.
For a while the two of you walked silently on the sand which felt still warm under your naked feet.
“So, you and Keira, huh?”, Leah broke the silence, sounding more curious than mad this time.
“Yeah.”, you answered timidly.
“Since when?” the defender continued asking.
“We got closer when she came to Barcelona.”, you confessed.
“That was forever ago.”, she noted slightly hurt by your reply.
“Yes, but we just started dating a few months ago.”, you added quickly. This much was true. Undoubtedly, you always had a soft spot for your sister’s best friend. The more time you two spend together, the more it became obvious that there was more than just friendship.
“And you didn’t tell me.”, Leah swallowed hard through that realization.
“You didn’t ask me.”, you reminded her.
“If you’re dating my best friend? How was I supposed to know.”, she retorted.
“No, in general, it’s mostly about you when you call me.”, you countered.
“I didn’t realize that. I’m sorry. But I thought you’d tell me such things.”, the defender apologized, her skin despite the tan turned pale.
“It’s okay. I guess we weren’t great sisters for each other recently.”, you admitted guiltily.
Leah nodded in reluctant agreement: “I guess we weren’t.“
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, not uncomfortable but thoughtful.
“But we could do better now.“, you said determinedly,
Your sister stopped walking. You only realized that wasn’t on your side anymore after a few more steps.
You turned towards her and caught her staring at you.
“Y/n?“, she asked.
“Are you happy?“
You smiled at her: “Very.“
“With Kei?“
“Yes.“, you confirmed again.
Leah studied your face for a moment, searching for any indication of a lie before she finally nodded once: “Okay.“
“Okay?“, you echoed with hopefulness in your voice. You didn’t want to fight with your sister. You wanted her and Keira in your life.
Leah kicked up some sand with her shoe: “Yes, okay. I think I can live with that.“
“Good.“, you beamed and slowly continued your walk, waiting for your sister to take her place by your side again.
You thought your talk was over when your sister suddenly spoke up again: “Y/n?“
You looked at her, signalling her to continue.
“Just because you live a life outside of the public eye doesn’t mean I’m not interested in your life or I’m not proud of you.“
Her words caught you by surprise. You frowned at her in confusion. “Wait, you’re proud of me?“
“Why do you sound so surprised? Obviously I’m proud of you.“
You stared down at the fine sand under your feet: “Sorry.“
Another break in your conversation arose. Apparently, struggling to express your emotions properly ran in your family.
“Not everyone has the bravery to go abroad for work… I would not.“, Leah continued.
You looked back up at her: “Really?“
She nodded slowly: “You know how much I love home. And Arsenal. I just couldn’t.“
Hearing this filled you with pride but at the same time, you had to suppress a smile because you really couldn’t imagine your sister anywhere else.
“True, you’re such a homebody.“, you laughed.
Your sister smirked and gave you a small shrug: “See, we’re just very different.“
“Yes, but that’s okay.“, you assured her. You could feel the tension dissolve slowly.
Leah raised an eyebrow: “I will still have to talk to Keira though.“
You let out a groan: “Oh no, not the big sister talk.“
“Oh yes, even for my best friend.“
“Fine, but try and be nice, okay?“, you asked innocently.
“Of course.“
“Thank you.“
She reached over and ruffled through your blonde hair: “Anything for my little sister.“
You tried to get revenge. You two were laughing like children while you chased her down the beach.
You never heard anything about their talk. Both Keira and Leah refused to tell you anything and stubbornly maintained their silence. You didn’t care anyway. They seemed closer than ever and that was all that mattered to you.
The next days were spend at the beach, enjoying the sun and the refreshing coolness of the sea.
“No. I’m not going into the water.“ Keira shook her head determinedly. She had spend the morning straightening her hair but to you, that was not a reason to miss out on swimming.
“Come on.“ You impatiently pulled at her arm.
Leah appeared on Keiras other side, pushing her forward. “You better go now.“
Together you barrelled towards the sea, falling over each as soon as you reached the water. The rest of your friend group burst out laughing,
Keira pushed her now wet hair back. It started to curl at the ends already.
“I hate you Williamsons!“, she laughed.
You kissed her cheek: “No, you don’t.“
“Not really, no.“, Keira admitted and pulled you towards her by your waist to kiss you.
Leah grimaced in disgust: “Okay, but you don’t have to kiss in front of me.“
“Stop complaining.“, you rolled your eyes.
Keira grinned at her: “You better get used to it, Lee.“
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wandanatskitten · 20 days
I feel like this is a good trailer to a story idk. But like Dom/CEO!WandaNat who is obsessed with you and only wants you to need them. And I love a good corruption kink. I think that would fit. But anyway, I hope you enjoy this little story :))
Also thank you to the new followers and likes. I know I disappeared for a few months, but I see you guys 🫶
18+ nothing too crazy just pet names and mentions of sex
Imagine Wanda and Natasha noticing you for the first time. Seeing you innocently wait for the bus that takes you to your college campus. A light rain pouring down as you bundle yourself in a hefty sweater. Tapping your toes in a puddle with classic yellow rain boots on. Their view comes to a short halt as the bus arrives but resumes when you sit near the back window. Before you could part, their curiosity gets the best of them as they instruct their driver.
Wanda: Follow that bus.
Natasha: You read my mind.
They keep their distance for two weeks. Gathering intel, becoming knowledgeable of your daily activities. Your biggest pattern is a local cafe only a few blocks from your campus. You go there everyday around 2:15pm and leave back to campus by 3:00pm. So when they finally enter the cafe, Wanda and Natasha already have planned exactly how to approach you. Natasha, sitting in the cafe, watches as Wanda bumps into you and spills your drink. It coats her designer more than your thrifted clothes and the guilt in your voice makes the rest too easy. Natasha jumps in to help clean the mess and ease the tension, while Wanda talks away your embarrassment. Two beautiful women put out the bait and you unknowingly bit the line.
Natasha: Here Wands, I got some napkins.
Wanda: Thank you.
Y/n: I am so sorry, I’m such a clutz.
Natasha: Don’t worry so is she. How bout I get you another drink, this time on me.
Y/n: Oh no I couldn’t-
Natasha: I insist.
Everything felt fated when you were with them since that moment. Little did you know the two women were calculated with every move they made. Paying for your coffee but purposely spilling it. That was only the starting line. Causing problems that only they could fix. Every time something went wrong, they would be there to make it right. Giving you a sense fear and loneliness when they weren’t there but balancing it with feelings of hope and dependency when they were with you. Imprinting their own twisted form of Stockholm into your brain.
Natasha: See kitten, this is why you don’t go out without us. Who else is going to protect you?
Wanda: You’re just a helpless little thing huh? You need us to keep you safe, right bunny?
*You nod and lean into their embrace*
Wanda and Natasha felt warm and safe. Soft hands paired with a firm touch made you feel loved and desired. And there was nothing you craved more than the feeling of being wanted by the redhead and brunette. The feeling of Wanda’s hands holding you firmly to the mattress as you squirmed from the intensity you felt with Natasha’s lips kissing every inch of your body. They knew you were impatient and smirked regardless because your impatience stemmed from your desperation. The desperation you felt between your thighs when Natasha instructs you with a low rasp in her voice. The neediness that pained you when Wanda would stop the curl of her fingers just before you could reach your climax. She loved the sounds of your whimpers as you grew closer and closer to the edge. And the absolute submission you reveled in when both women would watch and comment as if you couldn’t hear. You touch yourself, knowing you’d receive no real relief unless one of them was trapped between your thighs. But you loved their power hungry eyes as they shifted into a faux pity. Because since the beginning you would become helpless without them.
Natasha: Keep those pretty eyes open, kitten. Or else I stop.
Wanda: Keep crying for me, bunny. I promise I’ll let you cum this time.
Wanda: Look at how wet our little pet is.
Natasha: Mhm, and watch how her eyes beg us to touch her. The poor thing can’t cum without one of us buried in her cunt.
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amara-scott · 8 months
Imagine Mattheo and Theodore fighting over you constantly.
Reader x Mattheo Riddle / Reader x Theodore Nott
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"The picknick was a good idea, I have to admit." I say, dropping another grape into my mouth, a full mouth turned into a smile. I sneak another one out of the basket Theo is carrying.
I glance over at Theo and he nods, grinning. He winks. "I know, Carina. I always have the best ideas, you should know that by now." I roll my eyes in amusement at his cocky statement.
As if on cue, I see a brown mop of curls rounding the corner, making me sigh. Great. Just great.
"Hey, what a surprise." Mattheo says, not seeming too happy as his eyes land on Theodore beside me. Mattheo shuffles something inside his jacket, flashing white, which I only catch a glimpse of. But I can't even question what it was before these two begin staring each other down.
An undeniably painful pause is the only thing holding me back from just turning around to run away. It's scaring me to even move a muscle. If these two don't sort out whatever is bugging them, I won't hesitate and avoid them both. I really did try to help them befriend each other once more. Their inner rivalry didn't get unnoticed by the rest of our friend group either. What has gotten into them these past few weeks?
"(Y/N), let's get going." Theo's free hand wraps around my wrist, not even glancing at me once while talking. He turns and tries to pull me with him, but not before Mattheo steps up, pushing Theo.
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I stumble with him, still being in the grasp of Theo's strong hand. He let go and I take a step back.
"Excuse me?!" I get out before straightening up, rearranging my cloak. My glare hits Mattheo, but he is fixed on the boy in front of him as they now nearly graze noses. If I didn't know these two, I'd say one of them would be a Gryffindor. That would make sense at least. This is worse than Draco and Harry.
"Where do you think you're taking her, huh?" He grits out, and I can't say a word, too stunned I am being dragged into this ongoing fight now.
"Stop it, both of you!" I yell, but neither of them are backing down, making it really hard not to just ask a Professor to break them off. I glance around, only a few students hushing past, not daring to spare a look.
"We are going somewhere that is none of your concern, Riddle."
"Yeah? I don't think so, Nott."
"Why don't you fuck off and shag one of your whores, mind your own damn business!"
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I had never seen either of them so worked up, which certainly was scary to look at. I try once more, "boys, come on, this is ridiculous." I gulp as they still don't look at me. My heart starts racing, and I try to find a way out that won't result in broken noses or wands at each other throats. What is going on with these two?!
"Come on, (Y/N)." Theo says again, making me debate what I should do. Pick a side? I don't want to be the reason one is more mad or disappointed by what I do.
"No." I mumble, feeling my eyes sting as I blink. I gulp once more, Theo's eyes finding my form a few feet behind Mattheo. His face relaxes as he looks at me.
"See? She doesn't want you, Nott." I can only make out the corner of Mattheo's lips as they curl up into a grin. Which doesn't help my situation.
"I'm not picking a side here, Matt, you are both acting extremely childish over – over, who knows what!" I turn and storm off, ignoring Matt and Theo yelling my name.
These idiots took it too far now. I won't speak a word – won't spare them another glance. Ugh, boys!
"-and he pushed Theo! Like a little kid! What is going on with these two?" I sat across from Pansy, piercing my fork into my piece of chocolate cake over and over again until it went mushy and the appetite left me. I sigh, my fork dropping onto the table, and I bury my face into my hands.
"You know them. They will get over it. Theo probably stole Matt's last fudge fly. They're boys, just like you said." She mumbles and keeps chewing on her dessert, eyes scanning the next page of her Witch Weekly magazine.
"I hope you're right." I mutter under my breath.
"Hey you two-" Draco joins us at the table, sitting down next to Pansy, Enzo settles beside me, I send him a brief smile.
"What's pestering you, (Y/N)? Or should I ask – who's pestering you?" He snickers and earns a stare from Pansy, making him shut up.
"Wait – do you know something, Draco?" I ask him and squint my eyes at him. He obviously does, as he stutters for a word, shaking his head. His cheeks slightly pink.
"Enzo, what is going on? Where are the others?" I turn to him, he sighs but shakes his head, sending me a small and sorry smile.
"I promised not to tell anyone. Especially not you, love." I grow irritated with the lot and push myself up, sending another glare at Draco, he would be easier to break. I take out my wand, holding it by my side and start boring holes into his head. He tries to avoid my deathly stare. But then he makes the mistake of connecting his eyes with mine.
"If you won't tell me right now where they are, I will personally make sure to have you grow a second nose every day, for the rest of the year – you will smell things you wish you didn't –"
"– come on, (Y/N), we promised –"
"– In the library, in the far back corner on the second level –" Draco squeaks, making Enzo glare at him in shock.
"We promised, Draco!"
"I don't care, I know she'll do it. I don't want a nose on my bum one morning! She knows how to get into our dorm." Draco snarls and glares at the table as I hurry off. Pansy only smirking and eating her second dessert in peace.
"Go get them!" She calls out without looking up and I wave her off, pushing past a few people on my way. My heart is racing and I don't know if I want to even meet these idiots. I promised myself to ignore them. Well that didn't take long for me to break.
I round the corner and walk into the library. My racing thoughts made this quiet place unbearable as I heard every damn thought of mine. But just as I take the last couple steps on the stairwell, I am met with hushed shouting.
"– how about you're both idiots? I really am hungry and if you two make me miss dinner, you won't sleep another night –" I hear Blaise taunting. I glance between a few books on the shelf, making out three heads. There they are. Blaise sits by the window, I could see his face clear as day. Theo sat sideways, eyes turned to the table in between them both. Mattheo on the other hand stands, pacing back and forth. He stops, just as my breath.
"Theo simply has to admit that he went behind my back. He took away the only thing that really mattered –"
"The only thing that mattered? The only thing that mattered to you was to simply get laid! Like always – just pick a different girl!" Theo stands up too now, Mattheo stepping up to his figure.
Blaise suddenly steps between them, hands on either chest and looks back and forth. "Hey, boys, you truly think we haven't had these lines already tonight? You're both ridiculous."
So this is about a girl? Is this about –
"Well, (Y/N) would never pick someone like you."
"Like me? You're one to talk, Nott – stealing her from me, right after I told you I liked her. I trusted you, you are supposed to be my fucking best mate!" Their hushed voices are not so hushed anymore and I glance down to Miss Pince's desk. She narrows her eyes, scanning the upper level.
Blaise is struggling to hold Mattheo back now, Theo's lips curling into a smirk. I lean closer, my eyes still wide. How do they both like – me? Is this a stupid prank?
I was obviously leaning onto the shelf a bit too much as a book fell to the ground. Their heads turn to me and I could now clearly see all of them through the opening. I give them a weak smile and wave. "Hey –"
"(Y/N)?" Theo asks, stepping forward, around the shelf. I meet him half way, Mattheo’s eyes as hard as stone. My mouth feels dry while I try to think of what to say. I shrug and try to smile. My eyes land on Blaise who seems relieved, sighing as he walks up to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder, glancing between Theo and Matt.
“Maybe you’re the best to talk to them right now.” He pats my shoulder and turns to leave, I turn my head, wanting to tell him to stay, my heart racing. Blaise stops, glancing back at me. “Good luck.” He smirks and skips down the staircase. I really don’t want to turn back around so I take my time, gulping as I focus on both their shoe pairs instead of any eyes. Theo steps up slowly. “Carina, what did you hear?” My eyes shoot up at his question and Matt huffs, falling back into a cushioned arm chair.
“Obviously she heard it all. Otherwise she would be smacking our heads by now.” He mumbles at the end, his head held high as he’s glaring down at his knees, his hands squeezing the soft armrests. His sharp jaw clenching every now and then.
“I- I really-“ I take a deep breath shaking my head. “- don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything.” Theo sends me a small encouraging smile. Matt’s head rolls back as he groans out.
“Oh please, stop that stupid emphasizing scheme!” Matt stands back up and joins us, glaring at Theo in disgust. Theo just rolls his eyes, turning to him.
“Just because you’re cold-hearted and only care about yourself doesn’t mean everyone has to-“
“-oh I only care about myself? You’re one to talk, fucking backstabber-“
“-Me? You are-“
“Hey!” I yell out, them both turning to me as they are once again almost choking each other. I ignore a few shushes thrown our way. Mattheo’s eyes soften as I look directly at him. His lips part and in his eyes I see that he’s struggling to hold back from saying what’s on his mind. “Matt-“ I get out, holding back my own emotional rollercoaster.
“I- I can’t-“ He stammers, rushing past me and running down the stairs, leaving. I walk up to the railing, my hands closing around the cold wood while I am looking after him.
“It’s true, isn’t it?” My head snaps around, Theo’s sad eyes glossy. He looks down, stepping closer and stops a foot from me. His eyes wandering back up, like he’s taking one last good look at me. Taking me in.
“It’s always been him.” He continues.
For part two choose your ending:
Third ending?... (coming soon)
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baby-yongbok · 2 months
Boyfriend!Seungmin x Afab!Reader x Best Friend!I.N
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♡ Genre - Explicit Sexual Content [MDNI] - Non-idol ♡ Word Count - 1.9k ♡ Summary - No matter where you are or who’s around you are his. His and only his. 
♡ Warnings - Dom!Vocal Racha & Sub!Reader, light BDSM themes, Creampie, Orgasm denial and control? ♡ A/N - I rarely write for I.N and I wanna change that. I have some other works about him but I never finish them (I have so much that I've never finished) anyway, I thought I'd give it a shot with a little Vocal Racha smut! Hope you enjoy! + reader is depicted as chubby/plus size and is a POC ♡ MDNI
✧ Masterlist ✧ Banner Credit to @rookthornesartistry
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You asked for this. You begged for it actually, you got on your hands and knees and blinked up at Seungmin with pretty brown eyes and blushed cheeks for this. And he said yes.
“Shaking already?” Your boyfriend circles you as you sit on display. There’s a spreader bar between your legs and a magic wand vibrator tied to your inner thigh in intricate shibari detail. The head of the vibrator rests against your clit, it’s set at a tantalizingly high setting that effortlessly milks moans from you. “Why haven’t you cum yet?”
He leans into your face and you pry your eyes open to meet his teasing smirk. There’s a sparkle of enjoyment in his eyes that sends a shock down your spine. “Trying.” You whimper. 
“Not hard enough.” He clicks his tongue, standing straight and turning his attention to the magic wand. He jostles it a bit, rubbing it against your swollen bud and making a heavy tear fall from the corner of each eye. “Ya better hurry, I didn’t charge this thing.”
You whine, a new wave of desperation sweeps over at you with the anxiety of the vibrator dying hanging over your head. “Cock, please fill me, please.”
“Who are you asking, baby?” Seungmin coos, you can hear the smile in his voice. “Me or him?”
You turn your head to the other side of the bed and your gaze meets Jeongin’s instantly. He’s made himself comfortable. His jeans and boxers are pushed down just enough to free his dick. The length is throbbing in his hand that lazily strokes his shaft. 
“Him.” You use your sweet tone. The one that you use on Seungmin to get you out of situations that you know won’t work in your favor. Your boyfriend has become immune to the tone but his best friend isn’t.
“You want me?” Jeongin cocks an eyebrow as he stands, letting his heavy length hang free as he makes his way to you. “You want me to dick you down?” You’re shaking your head fast and hard, just how you want him.
“Did you earn it?” He’s in your face, his fox eyes stare into yours and your heart skips a beat. 
“I’ve been good.” Jeongin and Seungmin both tsk, they share a glance before Jeongin brings his long fingers to your pubic mound. “Please, Innie.” You use your sweet tone again.
“You haven’t cum for us yet.” Jeongin trails his hand over to the shaking head of the vibrator and presses it down against your clit. You scream, trying your best to close your legs against the bar holding you open but it’s no use. 
“Can't, c-can’t. Oh fuck fuck.” Your orgasm rushes up your legs before you can even blink. It sends chills up your spine and makes your cunt clench in dripping need. It’s gonna hit you, you’re gonna cum. It’s coming, coming, gone.
“Ah, looks like it died, princess.” You cry into the hot air. Tears stream down your cheeks as your throbbing clit nearly burns with the desperate need that’s built up behind the nerves. 
“I warned you.” Seungmin laughs as he undoes the knots of string keeping the vibrator attached to you. He strokes the inside of your thigh softly as he watches you, checking to make sure that you’re still okay. “I’ll be nice today.” 
Seungmin’s fingertips brush up and down your leg as he scans you. His eyes gloss over your heaving chest and the sweat beading at the curls of your hairline. “I’ll let it slide since you’ve been so good, but if you don’t cum on his cock you won’t be cumming on mine.”
You nod your head as Jeongin wipes away the stray tears trailing down the side of your face. “Thank you, sir. I’ll cum on his cock I promise.” Your boyfriend smiles down at you before looking over at his best friend. 
“Tell him that.” Seungmin orders and you waste no time following. 
“I’m gonna cum on your cock, Innie.” You look over to the copper haired man leaning over you with one hand resting gently on the side of your face and the other lazily stroking his cock. 
“Yeah? Let’s see.” His fingers wrap around the bar between your legs and he pulls you over to him to position you correctly. Your ass is at the edge of the bed, the bar is in one of his hands while he lines himself up at the hole of your cunt with the other. “Look at your boyfriend for me.”
Seungmin’s finger is tilting your chin up and to the side before you can even comply. He has his dick out now. It’s heavy in his hand and you watch for a second while his fingers polish over the blushed head. “Look me in the eye, pup.”
You obey, shifting your gaze quickly and blinking up at him with that fucked out glaze that he loves. 
Jeongin is pushing into you before you can even take a deep breath to prepare for him. He splits you open so deliciously. His cock sinks in with a lewd squelch that earns a groan from Seungmin, It was either that or the way that your eyes crossed and fluttered shut once Jeongin bottomed out. 
This is what you wanted. This is what you begged for. 
“She’s fucking tight.” Jeongin nearly whines as you clench around him. “Fuck, this cunt is gonna make me nut fast.”
“I told you.” Jeongin pulls his hips back, thrusting into you slowly a couple of times to get used to the way that he fits inside of you. “She’s got a perfect little pussy. Gotta fight not to finish quickly with her.”
You grip the comforter beneath you as Jeongin sets into a steady pace. He’s a tad thicker than Seungmin so the drag of him along your walls sets a new fire up your spine and against the arched soles of your feet. You’re moaning, whining, crying. Any and everything that you can think of to show them how you feel, to show them how good this feels. 
You force your eyes open to watch as Seungmin leans back on his elbow and fist his dick at the sight of his best friend fucking you. His brows are knit together and his mouth is just slightly agape as he bites the tip of his tongue. 
“C’mon, gotta cum before I do, baby.” You turn your attention to Jeongin as he growls above you, he presses the spreader bar back more towards the mattress, opening you up further for him to abuse new parts of your cunt. He sinks deeper, thrusting faster into that sweet soft spot that makes you see stars. 
“Innie, fuck fuck, too deep. So deep so so - shit, Jeon- fuck.” Words dissolve on your tongue as he sets into a brutal pace. His balls smack against your ass and sweat drips down the valley of your breasts as he pants above you. He’s watching you with a keen gaze, studying and savoring you. 
“You said - you said that you’d cum on my cock, baby.” He pounds into you, pushing himself to the hilt and swirling his hips against you. The tip of his dick kisses your cervix and you scream. You’re crying again, tears flow down your cheeks as the hot prick of your orgasm tumbles towards you. 
As good as it feels, it’s all too much. Too intense, too good. You put your arms out in front of you and push against his toned torso. Your fingers splay over his strong stomach as you beg for him to slow down. He doesn’t. Not because he doesn’t want to but because you don’t want him to. You have a safe word and if you really wanted him to stop you’d use it just like Seungmin taught you to. 
“Don’t be like that.” Jeongin grunts above you as he gathers both of your wrists with his free hand. He pins your hands above your head with what used to be his only free hand. “Take it, Seungminnie said you’d be a good girl.” 
You look over at Seungmin mid moan. “Don’t embarrass him.” Your boyfriend stares back at you, angry red tip of his cock in his hands. Its swollen and ready to fucking burst. Just one more swipe over the tip and he’s cumming. 
“Holy shit, pup. That’s it, that’s it. Fuck.” He blows his load all over his hand, it leaks down to his thighs and covers the expanse of his pubic mound. He watches his leaking tip with pinched brows as he huffs heavy breaths through flared nostrils. It’s hot, so fucking hot.
“Shit, baby I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna fucking nut if you squeeze me like that.” You squirm under Jeongin’s tight grip. Your orgasm is right there. It’s right there, it’s coming. He feels so good, he fills you so perfectly but you just can’t. You just can’t fucking cum. “Oh fuck, baby, please cum.”
Jeongin is begging you and you’re starting to feel desperate. You blink up at him with fraught and hazy eyes. You can feel it. The pleasure is pricking behind your clit so deliciously but it just won’t spill over. It just won't -
Seungmin’s fingers wrapping around your throat snap you out of your desperate haze. His glazed eyes stare back at yours with a domineering gaze. You stare back at him and you feel yourself slipping into a trance. One that only your boyfriend can control.
“Four, three, two, one. Cum.” You’re screaming. Writhing underneath Jeongin so violently that he has to let your wrists go to hold your hips in place so that he doesn’t slip out of your cunt. Jeongin fucks you through your climax as his own washes over him. 
“Fucking hell.” Seungmin’s groans and grunts mix in with Jeongin’s as the maknae fills you with ropes of his overflowing seed. It seeps out of you even with his cock plugging your clenching hole. 
“Ah, fuck you’re so full.” Jeongin hisses as his orgasm subsides. 
He pulls out once he starts getting soft, leaving a sticky trail of cum behind before plopping back against the empty side of the mattress. “Color?” Seungmin asks in between heavy panting
“Green.” You murmur, your head is still spinning and after shocks are still jolting through you as you try to catch your breath. 
“Get that leg, Innie.” Seungmin unbuckles the ankle on his side from the spreader bar and Jeongin does the one on his side. Your legs slump against the mattress once they’re free. You keep just enough space between them to not overstimulate yourself.  
“Did you cum again, hyung?” Innie asks as he holds your hand and soothes you through your floating headspace. 
“I did, yeah.” 
“Just from watching, noona cum?” Seungmin shakes his head, a small smile on his lips as he watches you. His sweet fucked out, baby. He doesn’t answer, instead he just hums as he grabs the aftercare kit. 
He wants to say that Jeongin would cum untouched too if his girlfriend needed him in order to climax. If his pretty baby wouldn’t cum for any other man but him he’d find himself leaking at the mere thought of it. 
They clean you up as you drift in and out of your sleepy haze, still fucked out and submissive. You do as Jeongin tells you while they clean you up. Lifting your arms and legs as he asks and Seungmin smiles as he watches because even through everything that just happened you proved something to him. 
You proved that no matter who you invite into your bedroom. No matter where you are or who’s around, you are his. His and only his.
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Thank You For Reading! Please Reblog or Comment to let me know how you liked it! It makes my day! 💕
ALSO, please follow my back-up acct. @minniee-verse 💕
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t1oui · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic | may 3rd: rush | 727 words
“Do I look alright?” James asks for the hundredth time. His voice sounds funny. “Merlin, do I sound alright? What am I even supposed to say?”
Sirius marches over to him, forcefully grabbing his shoulders and turning him around, away from the mirror.
“You say nice things,” he says sternly. “Because he is my baby brother.”
Sirius has been very supportive, James thinks.
“Right,” he agrees. His voice sounds a bit better now. Sirius nods.
“Don’t worry, Prongs,” Remus says, wandering over from his desk by the windows. “He’s crazy about you already.”
Sirius punches him in the arm. “My baby brother,” he says, an aggressive reminder. Remus holds his hands up in surrender. He turns back to James, waving his wand to cast a tempus. “Best get going,” he says. “You don’t want to be late.”
James checks the time: 10:53. Fuck. He’s supposed to be in the entrance hall by 11.
“Fuck,” he says out loud. Remus snorts. Sirius narrows his eyes.
“You better make this good, Potter,” he almost snarls. Remus places a hand on his shoulder to calm him. Peter rolls his eyes. He’s behind them, so only James can see.
“Bye,” James calls. It’s still warm enough out that he doesn’t need a coat. A little chilly, sure, but James has always run warm. He knocks on one of the wooden columns of Peter’s four-poster. “Bye, Pete.”
“Good luck, Prongs,” he replies, not looking up from his book.
James flies down the stairs and careens into the common room. He’s halfway to the portrait hole when someone grabs him for the second time today. He whirls around to find Lily smiling up at him, one hand on his shoulder and the other holding a pink rose.
“James,” she says softly. “Hey. Calm down.” She holds out the rose, and he takes it hesitantly. “Dora brought me a bouquet the other day,” she explains. “Thought you might want one?”
James stares at her for a moment. Then he nods. “Thank you, Lils.”
She waves him off, stepping away. “Don’t mention it,” she says. She nods to the portrait hole. “I’d get going if I were you.”
He nods, shouting one last thanks over his shoulder as he steps out. Lily shakes her head with a smile, heading back to her room.
James is going so fast that he nearly falls through a trick step. He stumbles, shakes it off, and continues running through the castle. He trips over a group of first years playing exploding snap on a landing. “Sorry!” he calls over his shoulder. The first years watch him with bewildered, confused expressions before going back to their game.
James steps into an alcove once he’s reached the bottom of the stairs, casting a tempus. 10:59. He has one minute. He flattens down his hair and regulates his breathing as much as he can before finally putting on a smile and stepping out. He spots Regulus almost immediately, standing in the entrance hall right where they agreed to meet. He’s got a book in one hand. As James approaches, he looks up from an expensive-looking watch, aristocratic features spreading into a warm smile.
“Right on time,” he says. James stutters to a stop taking him in. Regulus is wearing a dark blue button-up over black slacks and boots. His hair is neatly parted in the middle, pushing his short curls to either side of his face, hanging over his ears. He cocks his head to one side. “Are you alright?”
And it’s those three words, the way Regulus’s mouth moves around them, that inspire James to rush forward, closing the distance between them by swooping Regulus into a hug and pressing a kiss to his temple. Regulus laughs, tossing his arms around James’s shoulders. His laugh is so beautiful.
“Jamie,” he snorts. James presses their foreheads together and stares into Regulus’s eyes. They’re the color of clouds on a winter day. James could get lost in them. Regulus smiles at him. “This is a bit of a strong reaction for a first date, don’t you think?” he asks softly. James thinks. Thinks about the months of wanting, of loving, of needing. Thinks about Sirius gagging as loudly as possible when he kissed Regulus on Platform 9 ¾. James grins.
“No,” he says. “I don’t think.”
Regulus snorts, and James kisses his smile.
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slutorubaby · 4 months
needy for gojo 💞
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synopsis: you come back from a night out with the girls, drunk and needy for your boyfriend, gojo satoru
gojo satoru x reader smut! MDNI
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“baby? where are you?” gojo calls out from the foyer of your shared apartment. 
“in the bathroom! I’m getting ready to go out!” you say while holding a curling wand in your hair.
gojo pads over to the bathroom and is about to pull you into a bear hug when he stops to admire the view. “my baby really is the sexiest,” he coos while his gaze travels from head to toe, almost swallowing you up. you were dressed in a black corset paired with a tight mini skirt and silver accessories adorning your ears, neck and wrists. 
“thank you baby. just wait until you see the final look with the boots on,” you giggled while setting your hair into place with hairspray. 
tonight was the first time in a long while where all of your close girlfriends are going out together. It was decided that the night’s activities would include bar hopping and clubbing. 
sturdy arms circle your waist and his lips hover dangerously close to the part where your shoulder meets your neck. “can I leave a mark? to let everyone know that this pretty baby is all mine?” gojo says while leaving soft kisses along the side of your neck. 
you instantly melt into his touch. “satoru, don't worry. I’m literally wearing our promise ring on my ring finger,” you giggle. 
“no, I’m worried. men are gross,” he says once he breaks contact with your neck.
“then, just a small one please,” you say leaning back in his chest. after getting the okay, his lips leave a small pinkish mark on the side of your neck. “wish I could just keep you here all for myself tonight. promise me you’ll be safe and that you’ll call me immediately if anyone bothers you,” gojo says in between kisses on your cheek. you’ve always loved this protective side of him. it makes you feel so safe and treasured. 
“of course, thank you baby. be patient and wait until I get back, ‘kay? then you’ll get my undivided attention,” you teased while turning over to face him. you stand on your highest tip toes to give him a firm kiss on his lips. 
gojo drops you off in front of the first bar of the night where your three friends are waiting outside. he rolls down the window to remind you, “make sure to call me tonight, and you all stay safe, okay?” the girls unanimously agreed to his request and he drove off once he saw you in. 
the night was perfect. there was so much to catch up on about each of your lives. it was drink after drink and before you knew it, you were the drunkest you’ve ever been since your early college days. it was finally the last stop of the night and you all landed in a club where everyone danced their heart out. when it was finally time to leave, you were stumbling all around, eyes heavy from the influx of alcohol in your system, so your best friend unlocked your phone and called up gojo. 
“hey gojo? it’s me. she’s super wasted now, can you come pick her up? the others all left with their partners and I’m waiting with mine until we see her off,” she says. 
gojo shows up to the club in record time and is carrying you into the passenger seat. after a long exchange of “i love you”s between you and your best friend, gojo thanks them and drives you back to the apartment. in the car, you’re all giggles and babbling about the events of the night. when gojo opens up the door on your side to bring you up to the apartment, you grab his shoulders and pull him into a messy kiss that he does not protest. “missed my pretty boy s’much,” you say, smiling into the kiss before withdrawing. “missed you so much too,” he says as he picks you up to head inside. once inside the apartment, he sets you down on the couch. 
“are you okay, baby? need more water?” he says while helping you out of the jacket he put on you in the car. 
“no.. jus’ wanna shower with you, I feel gross,” you slurred while reaching your arms up for him to pick you up again. 
“okay, whatever you want, princess.” he says while his lips curve into a smile. gojo loved how clingy and needy you could get after a night out.
you are standing in front of the sink, holding onto the counter to keep balance as he removes your skirt and loosens up the laces in the back of your corset top. As he does that, a brilliant idea pops into your head. you decide to push back your bare ass to perfectly rest on his clothed cock, moving ever so slightly.
“are you teasing me, baby?” gojo says gripping your hips to keep you still.
“no… what do y’mean?” you say feigning innocence, knowing exactly what you’re doing. this makes him laugh as he turns you over and lifts you up on the sink. gojo bends down to remove your socks, revealing his undercut and nape.
You stare at his exposed nape before two hands are holding his head still as you lean over to give it a bite and kiss. 
“s’cute. I love it s’much” you say, giving it as many kisses as you can before gojo stands up. now that he’s upright and standing in front of you, your arms swing over his neck to pull him down so you can latch your lips along the column of his neck. 
“my girl is so needy tonight,” he says, leaning over the sink where you’re sitting and allowing you to mark up his neck to your heart's desire. 
“wan’ you, ‘toru.” you whine, now circling your legs around his waist as an attempt to pull him even closer. 
“let's get you cleaned up first and then we can continue,” gojo says softly, internally restraining himself.
“but you’re hard, can’t we jus’ do it now? really fast?” you whined, tears starting to fill your eyes because of your desperation. 
“no, we can’t. I wanna take my time with you tonight. I was patient waiting for you to come home, so be a good girl and do the same for me, ‘kay?” he says while guiding you into the shower. 
once inside the warm and steaming shower, your only goal was to get out of there as soon as possible. gojo, on the other hand, had different plans. the moment his hands were on your body, you could feel yourself melting into his touch. His movements were slow and sensual. He was lathering the bubbles across your body, pausing just a second longer on your erogenous zones, which included your nipples, thighs, and pussy. He loved watching you squirm under his touch with your eyes squeezed shut trying to savor the feeling. 
“you’re so mean ‘toru,” you say, biting your lower lip once his hands were off you. 
“just a little longer, pretty,” he says with a smirk across his lips.
once both of you were all cleaned up, he carried you out of the bathroom and you were flushed, not just from the bathroom warmth, but the excitement of what was to come.
“satoru, I feel better now, I can walk on my own,” you say, attempting to get to your feet but to no avail. he softly sets you down on the mattress. the two of you were scantily covered by a towel and before you knew it, gojo had removed it off both of your bodies in a second. 
his kisses travel down to your neck, nipples, navel and right before he gets down to your wet cunt, he looks up at you. your eyes were glazed over without a single thought behind them and your mouth slightly open, panting. that sight turns him on even more as he laps up your folds with his tongue. 
this causes your hips to buckle and start grinding on his tongue for more friction. he then sucks on your clit, causing you to almost see stars. right before you had a chance to cum, he gives your pussy one last kiss before pulling away, causing you your eyes to pop open from the lack of touch. 
“I waited all night for you, can I get my reward too, pretty?” gojo says with his legs spread open and resting on his shins, gripping the base of his cock. now that you had a proper look at him, you could see just how much he needed you. his face was flushed pink and his cock was rock hard, looking like it would burst at any second. you immediately get on your knees and wrap your hands around it, giving it a few strokes as he leans back and rests on the palms of his hands. 
still gripping his cock, you tease his tip with your tongue by swirling it in circles. this causes gojo to fling his head back and pant heavily. loving this reaction, you begin to slowly take more of him into your mouth, inch by inch. 
“just a little more,” he says with one hand on the nape of your neck to guide you down his length. you bob your head up and down, making sure to open up your throat to take all of him in. Tears push past your eyes because of how big he is but you love every single inch of it. you suck on him hard and tight like a vice, throat perfectly molding to the shape of his dick and tongue swirling against the underside of it. you continue this until you can feel him almost cumming and you go even faster. 
“b-baby, stop, ‘m gonna cum,” gojo says, his hands are now on either side of your head pushing you off his member. he was able to get you off right before he was sent over the edge. 
“so slutty tonight, trying to get me to cum before I’m in you,” he says, guiding you to your back. 
“jus’ wanna make you feel good, ‘toru,” you say, obediently laying down. 
“I wanna cum inside this pussy. can I, baby?” he says, looking directly into your eyes. he rubs his tip along your sopping folds before tapping it a few times against your clit, pleasure coursing up your body. 
“y-yes, it’s your pussy, you can do whatever,” you say, waiting for him to ravish you.
gojo presses his tip against your entrance and notices you get up on your elbows to watch it slide in. “does my pretty girl like watching it go in?” he teases. “yes, I want you to ruin me, ‘toru,” you say in between breaths.
he gives you a few shallow thrusts with just the tip until you couldn’t take it anymore and begin attempting to fuck yourself on his fat cock. he loves how quickly you get cock-drunk on him. using his hands to pin down your hips, he thrusts his member deep inside with no warning, causing you to roll your head back in pleasure. he begins thrusting at an ungodly speed, your head making contact with your headboard before he reaches up a hand to buffer the impact. 
“‘toru, wait, s-slow down” you yelp, hands pressed up against his abs, attempting to slow his movements. 
“I thought my princess wanted this?” gojo said, not letting up on his speed. he moves his hand from your hip and presses it firmly on your lower abdomen, causing you to moan uncontrollably as the tip of his cock abuses your g-spot. 
“i’m g-gonna cum,” you yell, breathing heavily.
“I’m close too, cum on this cock, pretty. it’s all yours,” he says, thrusting until you cum first. 
when you’re finally sent over the edge, you can feel your pussy convulsing around his dick, causing him to pour his load inside. he slowly removes his cock from your twitching cunt, a trail of thick cum oozes out. He uses his thumb to push it back inside.
“be a good girl and keep it inside. ‘m gonna fuck this tummy full of cum,” gojo says, stroking your clit, further overstimulating you. this goes on all night, round after round. The two of you fuck like you haven’t seen eachother in years instead of just a few hours. 
the two of you are taking a few minutes to come down from your last high when then you climb on top of him. “baby, can we go for just one more? i’ll top this time,” you say, grinding your sticky, cum filled pussy against his growing hard-on. gojo knew he would spoil you rotten for as long as he lived. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” he says with a big smirk painted on his face.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n: writing smut is SO difficult 😭 putting my horny brain to work is easy but having to type it out coherently is so hard.
thanks for reading!
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zzeraphilm · 4 months
Building Bridges
Regulus Black X Potter!F!Reader
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Summary: After finding the note left behind R.A.B in the presumed Horcrux. The Golden Trio seek Sirius’ help in locating R.A.B, they end up finding him yet the reunion is not as expected. (Roughly set at the beginning of DH)
Note: Sirius didn’t die in Order of the Phoenix and Regulus didn’t die in the cave he just run off abroad to hide :p
I haven’t written for Harry Potter (ever) so apologies for any thing that might be out of character! ;-; i kept thinking about this rough idea during work
Harry looked up and locked eyes with his Godfather, Sirius had been silent the entire time. They were perched neatly in a two by two formation, his two best friends behind him and his only remaining familial tie. They had taken a portkey to the Scottish highlands, the icy gusts of wind cutting threw Hermione’s ponytail so high it nearly smacked Ron on the back of his head.
“Sirius, are you sure this is the right place?” Harry’s fingers clutched his forearms, rubbing them vehemently to produce some warmth.
In front of them was a lonesome cabin, mere metres away from the vast forest line that dotted along the coastal shores. Crashing waves hit the jagged rocks like the sound of an applause.
Sirius clutched onto the note the Golden trio had given him.
“For years I had questioned by brother’s last found writings. I am certain this is what he meant.”
The quartet marched ahead, the uneven stone path dug into Ron’s trainers, nearly tripping him, thankfully Hermione caught him by the seams of his jacket.
The door beyond had its metal hinges rusted beyond repair, a faint shadow of the number plate ‘8’ was the only reminisce of the original oak. Cracks and blackened mould painted over the door, weirdly however, the door knocker was untouched, no sign of usage or age. Despite Sirius’ persistence to wait to check the area, Harry banged his first against the wood, the booming shakes forced the door knocker to tap in sync.
There was a faint shout from within the cabin, heavy footsteps and whispers. Then silence.
The door creaked open, a woman tight lipped and furrowed eyebrows, her E/C eyes shot daggers towards Harry. She glanced at Ron, then Hermione and finally she focused on Sirius.
With a swift push, the door flung open revealing herself and a disheveled man behind her aiming his wand towards them.
“Sirius! Oh My! You’re alive!” She threw her arms around Sirius, behind Ron was flabbergasted, yet Hermione had her wand matched with the man behind the woman.
“Y/N, what are you- Regulus?” Before Sirius could enjoy his reunion with his long lost friend, he could only focus on his brother.
“Regulus Arcturus Black.” Harry spoke softly.
“Do not call me that,”
Regulus’ grip on his wand tightened with a slight shake in his wrist, his fingernails dug into his palms. “How did you find this place?”
Y/N took a few steps back and held onto Regulus’ raised arm gently easing it lower and lower.
“Darling, put your wand down. Your brother has finally come home yet you show him such malice. It has been years may we talk about this over tea,” her whisper felt like a soft hug unlike any other. “Please?”
After guiding the four to their small dinning table, Y/N left to the kitchen to boil the kettle. With only two chairs at the table, Harry, Ron and Hermione insisted on standing behind Sirius, who sat opposite his scowl faced brother.
After years of believing his brother’s death, Sirius now was sat face to face with the little boy he used to love. But they were both no longer just boys, now they were men, in the eye of a hurricane waiting for things to come to a crash. Regulus’ hair had become unruly, his curls was as just as untameable as Sirius’. His previously porcelain face, had deeply settled in scars and frown lines that framed his lips. He was far from the young boy destined for power and prestige. He now slept under a rotting roof with walls that could barely hold its own weight. Sirius was torn between grasping his brother after years of separation or running away from everything all over again. But war was coming and time was of the essence. They must leave Scotland for London by nightfall, with everything Regulus knew of the Dark Lord.
“Here, it’s just my own blend of floral herbs and spices. It is quite hard to purchase any professionally made tea round here. It tastes better with a bit of honey, don’t worry.” Y/N laid out two teacups, three short glasses and one tall glass full of her freshly brewed tea. In the middle of the table was a pot of honey with a teaspoon lodged inside. “Please bare with the glassware, we only have enough for the two of us.”
Regulus sat in silence, eyes closed lightly sipping his tea that had two teaspoons of honey mixed in.
“Let’s cut to the chase.” said Harry, Regulus still not paying him any mind, whilst Y/N’s eyes softened when he spoke.
“Regulus, we found this note in this locket signed R.A.B, your initials.” Hermione chucked the locket by its chain onto the table, skidding across to meet Y/N’s fingers. “We know its a fake. We need to know where the real one is now. Voldem-“
“Do not speak his name.” Despite his stern tone, Regulus had delicately placed his teacup onto the table with no splash.
“Under my roof, my home. You do not say that wretched name.”
Sirius slams his hands onto the table, abruptly standing up.
“Regulus, first you fake your death and now I find you cozying up with Y/N Potter, of all people! You are to give these children that bloody locket now or I will show you how Azkaban has changed me!” Sirius’ voice boomed against the four walls, leading Regulus to look up with a scowl.
“Brother,” the younger Black rose from his chair and stepped towards Sirius, in a matter of seconds he had grabbed the elder Black by his collar and slammed him against the nearby wall. His tongue spewed venom targeted his brother.
“You still remain as ill-tempered as always. You have no right to stand in front of me and disrespect my family. Leave whilst I show you mercy!” Regulus already had wand digging deep into Sirius’ throat, in response Sirius had gripped his younger brother’s wrist, attempting to claw his fingers away.
“Regulus! Stop it this instant!” Y/N screeched, pulling her husband away from his brother. Sirius dropped to the floor coughing, Regulus looked down at his brother with a glare, spat on the top of Sirius’ head and left the room.
Harry was left stunned in place. His Godfather looked like a shell of a man the moment he locked eyes with his brother. Now, his estranged aunt was comforting his Godfather after everything. How strange.
“Come, let’s move to the living room and we can all talk calmly there, without my husband.”
Ron turned to Hermione and whispered ‘husband?’ With his eyes darting across the room to focus on the many framed photographs of Y/N and Regulus. Hermione, as shocked as Ron was, merely shrugged and followed the adults to the front room.
Like the rest of the house, the sofa was barely useable, the longer they sat the further they sunk into the cushions. Harry, Ron and Hermione shared the three seater, Y/N perched at the edge of her armchair. Whilst Sirius leaned against the wall by the door with his head down, he felt beyond ashamed at his reunion with his brother.
Hermione coughed trying to clear the air of any tension, “Sorry that we didn’t get to have your tea Miss Potter- or uhm Black-“
“Y/N’s fine dear.” Her E/C eyes softened at the teenagers, they reminded her so much of her brother’s friends in their younger years.
“Y/N, how are you related to me? Sirius hasn’t spoken about you until earlier today.”
She gasped comically, clutching her chest to add to the act.
“Pads, you traitor! You were supposed to be my best friend!” She fake cried but Sirius looked up pleading to her with a string of unintelligible excuses. With a light chuckle her demeanour changed.
“No, in all seriousness I’m not surprised. You were never supposed to know about me Harry. We may be related by name, but not by blood. I was adopted into the Potter family, almost like dear Padfoot here.” Sirius huffed in response.
“I basically was already part of the family when I join you guys.”
Y/N chuckled sincerely this time, her left hand covering her smile, a noticeable silver loop around her finger.
“Yes and you ate all of my hidden chocolates by the third day you were with us!”
Harry couldn’t help but smile at this family’s banter. He was so used to the bickering and squabbling of the Dursleys’, and he hadn’t seen Sirius so animated with anyone but him and Remus.
“Harry, I wish I could’ve been there for you. But before your birth I had responsibilities that called for me that I could not disobey.” Y/N stood up and began to rummage through a chest of draws in the corner of the dimly lit room. She turned around and knelt by Harry’s knees placing a little cardboard box onto his lap. She began to slowly take out its belongings. An enchanted photograph, a notebook and a rusted Snitch.
“After my brother and his friends left for the Order, I tried to join but was vehemently denied by Dumbledore.” She lifted up the tattered notebook, “It would be too long to go into details but to summarise - he did not see me fit to fight alongside James. Instead I was given a separate mission that meant relocation to France. I too was tasked by Dumbledore to find a Horcrux, more so, I was tasked on recovering Regulus. I found both, clearly.” She placed the notebook back in the box and picked up the photograph.
“This was the last time I saw your father, my brother. 1979, their wedding. Look at how young we were Sirius!” She looked up, smiling lightly at the man holding back her tears, he now was leaning over the sofa looking at the photograph in her hand. It was the entire Marauder’s pack alongside Lily who hand her arms linked with Y/N’s both laughing towards the camera. Sirius had his arm slung over James’ shoulders whose tie and top button were undone. Remus and Peter were behind the two, ruffling James’ hair and chanting a silent hoorah for their union.
“That was quite a night, if I remember correctly you couldn’t stop crying at the reception. Saying how you always dreamed of having a sister and Lily was the perfect woman for the role. You were so drunk!”
“I was not!” Y/N screeched, Sirius only laughed in response.
The teens laughed at Y/N’s outcry. Harry kept watching the photograph loop, his parents and their friends could forever enjoy an eternal happiness in this photograph. He only wished he could experience all of their joy and warmth together in person.
“Ahem. As I was saying,” Y/N sat herself down on the armrest beside Harry. “I loved your parents Harry, I truly wish I was there for your birth, for everything. Unfortunately after that night, I had to fulfil my duty as Dumbledore’s foreign agent. By the time news reached to me of James and Lily’s death and Sirius’ arrest, it was too late. I was ordered to not contact you. So I,” With a deep sigh Y/N looked towards the hanging photograph of her and Regulus.
“I threw myself at work, by my fifth year of scouring the neighbourhoods of Europe, I finally found Regulus. And well, you can guess that happened next.” She dangled her ringed left hand over her knee.
“I never meant to keep everything a secret for so long, it became life consuming. By the time I had realised nearly 18 years had pasted, I was a different woman. I’m so sorry Harry.” Y/N clung onto her nephew in a tight embrace, tears dampening his shirt. He gripped her back in response as if she were to disappear from his arms. As they parted, Y/N’s sombre gaze started to brighten.
“Regulus means no harm to you three,” she turns to Sirius “Of course, you know your own relationship with your brother better than anyone else. I know you don’t plan on staying here any longer than you must, so let me handle it. Just stay here for a bit, I’ll get you the locket.”
Then she left the room, leaving behind an ear piercing silence.
“Do you think we could grab some food from the kitchen whilst she’s gone?” Ron uttered.
“I’m sure she won’t mind. Knowing her, she has probably hidden her snacks behind some bowls.” Sirius chortled, he drifted into the hallway and entered the kitchen.
He opened the cupboards one by one until he found Y/N’s fine china. And just as he guessed, she had placed a packet of custard cremes behind a stack of bowls. Still using the same hiding spot, shame there’s no chocolates this time. Before he could shut the cupboard door, he heard shouting from the slightly opened backdoor to the right of him.
“You have no idea what they’ve probably been through to even get here Reg!” Y/N was stood next to Regulus, who was smoking a cigarette and tapping his foot against the grass.
“He shouldn’t be here. I don’t care for the young Potter, he can do what he pleases with that damned piece of shit. I just don’t want to see him for one more second!”
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me! Don’t you dare speak ill about my nephew! And in case you forgot, you took my name! You’re a Potter now as well, he is your nephew! Don’t you care about your family? Your brother is here acting more of a father figure than anyone else could for that boy who has only known pain. You of all people should know what it’s like to live like that.” Y/N hand grabbed Regulus’ hand and lightly rubbed the back of his palm.
“…so he can be there for Harry but not me. Y/N, I-I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. I can’t just let him back into my life like nothing happened. We left that world behind because of how much it has failed me. You. Us. I only planned my life with you in mind, not once did I consider my brother and now Harry to be there. It’s all too much. I just want things to go back to how it was. Back when it was just you and me.”
Regulus began to softly whimper, Sirius could see from the crack of the door Regulus’ shaking head of hair against Y/N’s shoulder, he saw his brother’s shoulders shake whilst he clung onto Y/N’s waist. Y/N lightly rubbed Regulus’ back with her right hand and patted his hair softly with her left. Just as he did when the two were children.
“I know darling, I know. But we’ll take it slowly. One step at a time. For now,” The two pulled back from each other, their foreheads pressed against one another. “We give them the Horcrux, and once it’s all over. We’ll invite them round for a proper meal. And we can finally clean up the place, yeah?” Regulus hummed a light tune and nodded, he closed his eyes and kissed Y/N’s lips delicately.
“Exactly as I suspected! Right behind the bowls,” Sirius returned to the front room before he could see the couple be affectionate to each other. The thought of his best friend’s sister and his brother together was still alien to him. He drew a biscuit from the packet and kept it between his teeth, then threw the whole packet at Ron who gladly caught it in his arms.
It was nearing sunset, they would’ve ideally made their way back to London by now. Harry couldn’t help but sit in silence admiring the photograph in his hands, clutching to it like a prayer.
Y/N and Regulus walk into the room, hand in hand. Before Sirius could utter an apology to his brother, the younger Black pushed his fisted hand towards him, then revealing Slytherin’s Locket in the palm of his hand.
“Take it. Take it and destroy it. Once you’re done with it. Y/N wants you back for a proper dinner.” Sirius slowly takes the chain of the locket, once the weight had been freed from Regulus’ hand, he unlocked his fingers from Y/N’s and disappeared back into the halls of their cabin. Y/N only looked towards them with a glint of hope.
“He’ll come round eventually, you know. He’s changed over the years.”
Whilst Hermione and Ron were nibbling at the biscuits, Harry turned around and stood to face his aunt.
“Y/N can I, can I keep this? Just for now, I’ll give it back once I come back to visit. I just, I really-“
Y/N only chuckled at her nephew’s nervous demeanour, “Of course love. Just make sure you look after it okay? Plus I’ll need you back here with your uncle here so we can take more photos to put up on my walls!”
Sirius, who was still chewing half of his biscuit interrupts “Actually I’m his Godfather,”
The H/C haired woman flipped her head around, “Since when? Why would James- Are those my custard cremes?”
“Goodbye Y/N! Goodbye Mr Regulus!” Ron waved as they walked down the stone path back to where they left the port key. He turned to Hermione, “You know maybe living out in the wild seems alright, you know? Pretty nice don’t you think?”
“You think you could make your own food and drink from just the bare essentials like Y/N?” The curly-haired girl retorted with a smile.
“Oh well no, maybe I could just conjure up something!” The two continued to bicker and laugh till the end of the path. Behind them Harry and Sirius stuck a few seconds longer to speak with Y/N.
“I’m sorry for the state of our cabin, my dear. I’ll make sure Regulus repairs all of the broken furniture before your return!”
A faint “I heard that!” echoed from the hallway. Y/N laughed and drew Harry into a hug, lightly patting his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll see you soon.” Harry squeezed her tightly and thanked her again softly, promising to return the moment he is finished with his goal. He turns back and rushes to his friends.
Y/N steps back and turned to Sirius. “Pads, tell me who else is left from us lot?”
“Ah well, Moony’s still kicking, still part of the Order.” The two laugh at the thought of their shared memories. A light sigh trails the end of their joy.
“Merlin, things really have changed so much now. I heard that it was Peter, yes?”
Sirius nodded, still resentful towards his traitorous friend yet his eyes gleamed with sorrow. Y/N rubbed his forearm in response to comfort him.
“You’ve got us now. Reggie will take a while, but you’ve got Harry and me. We’re family now. So, don’t be a stranger okay?”
After a lifetime apart, the two friends hug as if it was their last day at Hogwarts all over again. As Sirius walked back to the teenagers ready to go back to London, he took one last look at the cabin behind him. From an upstairs window, he saw his brother. The two nodded at each other, either out of pure politeness or an unconscious agreement to meet again, to rebuild what was lost.
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suugarbabe · 1 year
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Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x y/n
Warnings: slow burn, fluff, smut-adjacent? I guess
Summary: You & Theo have been best friends since year 1. Mattheo has been crushing on you since around the same time; everyone thinks you and Theo are going to end up together but both you and Theo have others in your sights.
You had met Theo your first ever day at Hogwarts. Really you had met him on the train; you had been so nervous that you were going to miss the train you made your mum get you there extra early. You had found a compartment to yourself in the back, making tiny paper birds with notebook paper and flicking your wand up and down to make them dance. It was a simple spell, a children’s spell really that your mum had taught you. It helped calm you down.
You heard more students arriving on the train the closer it got to 9:00. You weren’t bothered that no one had joined you yet, it was almost more peaceful that way. At 8:59, your compartment door flew open and a mess of brown curls was standing with his back to you, shouting down the car pathway, “Down here, Teddy, c’mon!” The curly haired boy plopped down across from you and almost jumped out of his skin, “Merlin! Sorry, I didn’t notice you there. I’m Mattheo.” You gave a weak smile, but didn’t say anything as another boy came rushing in - more like stumbling- and sat right next to you. He had sandy brown hair and was as skinny as a bean pole. You made a mental note to watch out for his inevitable clumsy-ness in the future.
“I’m Theo, thanks for letting us sit with you. We almost missed the bloody train,” he gave you a crooked smile that reached his eyes. “Teddy and I are first years, I’m assuming you’re the same by your robes,” Mattheo spoke again, tearing open a chocolate frog and shoving half in his mouth. You nodded your head, pulling a knee to your chest. “I told you, it’s Theo now, we’re going to school, it’s Theo not Teddy.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, “Not happenin’, Mate.”
“What’s your name?” Theo turned back to you, smile plastered on his face again. “Y/n,” you spoke barely above a whisper, but Theo nodded, repeating your name to himself over and over again like he was committing it to memory. “She must like you better than me, Teddy, she didn’t speak to me at all when I first walked in,” Mattheo mumbled through mouthfuls of chocolate. The tips of Theo’s earns burned the slightest shade of pink, you found it endearing. “You’re gonna have to get used to me sometime, Princess, we’re all gonna be best friends now.” You turned back to Mattheo, confusion clearly written on your face.
He rolled his eyes again, “It’s like an unwritten rule, duh. The people you sit with on the train your first time to Hogwarts end up being your best friends for life.” You took a deep breath, “Well if I’m stuck with you guys for life, I have a few rules.” Both boys sat up a little straighter, listening intently. “You need to learn to eat with your mouth shut,” you gave your want a small flick in Mattheo’s direction, shutting his mouth immediately. Theo threw his head back in laughter, wiping his eyes, “Okay, you’re definitely going to have to teach me that one.”
“And you,” you turned to Theo, “have to let me call you Teddy.” Theo smiled widely, “If you teach me that mouth sealing spell you can call me whatever you want.” You flicked your wrist again, releasing Mattheo from the spell. He gasped for air dramatically like he had been gagged, “I don’t know when, but I’ll get you back for that one, Mouse. I don’t know when, but expect it.” You tilted your head, “Mouse?” Mattheo smiled proudly to himself, “Yeah, ‘cause when I first came in you were as quiet as a mouse.” You felt your face get hot, your stomach fluttering with butterflies.
You were the last of the three of you to get sorted. The sigh of relief you let out was massive when the sorting hat placed you in Slytherin with your new friends. Theo’s long arm was waving like crazy, beckoning you over to him and Mattheo. The next several years consisted of you three growing closer and closer. You and Mattheo would always argue back and forth. But overall you felt closest to Theo. He was like your brother. You cared for each other at parties, fell asleep on each other in the common room, wore his extra quidditch jersey to games.
People asked you both all the time why you didn’t date. So when Pansy asked you again at the beginning of sixth year you had to roll your eyes. “Me and Teddy? No way, yuck!” You gagged, “he’s like my brother. That’s incest Pans, gross. Never ever no.” She laughed at your response, but still seemed a bit nervous. You raised your eyebrows, “Wait why…do you…OH MERL-” Pansy slapped her hand over your mouth, “Shut it, y/n! Do you want to wake up the rest of the girls? Yes, okay. I’m crushing on Theo.” She covered her face with her hands, groaning and presumably hiding her cheeks that were most definitely bright red.
“Oh this is great, truly,” you smiled. “Honestly, you don’t know how happy this makes me, Pans.” The girl across from you lifted her head, “Why does this make you so happy, Y/n.” Pansy was definitely suspicious at your tone of voice and just your eagerness in general. “Because…” you grinned, “a certain gangly limbed, brown haired boy told me he had a crush on a bombshell black haired girl this summer.” Pansy sat there, blank look on her face. You groaned, “Merlin’s beard…Pansy, Teddy told me he’s had a crush on you for the last year.”
Pansy squealed with excitement but quickly covered her mouth, glancing over at the other girls in the room making sure they where still sleeping. “You know what this means, right?” She sat up on her knees, practically bouncing as she spoke to you. You nodded, in full understanding, “It means we have to make sure you look hot as shit for the welcome party tomorrow.” Pansy nodded, “We both need to look hot as shit.” “Wait why we? Who do I have to look hot for?” You questioned. Pansy tucked herself into her duvet, “That’s for me to know…and you to find out tomorrow.”
As sixth years you were in charge of party planning. You and Pansy had designated yourselves as lead party planners making sure everything was perfect. You had gotten ready together, making sure each other looked “extra hot” as Pansy stated. You were still clueless as to who you were looking hot for, but you still went along with it. You both let the party get started before you made an entrance. As the pair of you made it across the room you found your group of boys. By the second week of your first year, the group had expanded from just you, Theo and Mattheo to include not only Pansy but also Draco, Blaise and Lorenzo.
Theo’s eyes were glued to Pansy the moment he clocked you guys across the room. You smiled, thanking Merlin that Theo would likely finally get a girlfriend and put the stupid dating rumors for you two to rest. He spoke up immediately, “You look amazing Pansy.” She blushed slightly, “Thank you, Theo. You look pretty good yourself.” The tops of Theo’s earn turned the slightest of pink as his smile grew, still crooked as always. He stood up, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.
“You’re looking fucking sexy, too, Y/n-” Enzo started his sentence but was quickly cut off with a flick of Mattheo’s wand, sealing his mouth shut with the charm you had taught the young boy so many years ago causing the rest of the group to burst out laughing. “Can I, erm, talk to you, Mouse? Alone?” Mattheo stood from his seat. You crossed your arms, “Not until you release, Enzo.” He rolled his eyes, flicking his wand again. Enzo opened his jaw wide, moving it around and making chomping movements with his mouth, “You can rightfully piss off for that one.”
Mattheo just gave him the finger before grabbing your hand. You couldn’t help the way your heart raced when his skin made contact with yours. It didn’t always used to be like this. Sure, you had a slight crush when you were eleven, but he was adorable, all the girls had a crush. It had died down a little when he started hooking up with Astoria Greengrass in year three. But last year, when Mattheo started keeping to himself more, not even hooking up with random girls your crush had time to blossom again.
You did your best to keep it to yourself. You two were still close, not as close as you and Theo, but that’s only because doing things like falling asleep on Theo’s shoulder was nothing. If you were to do that on Mattheo, you’d probably fail every test the next day over analyzing every move and breath he took. Mattheo stopped walking when you two made it to the hallway leading to the boys dorms. The silencing charm cut off right before the halls, making it much quieter and easier to talk there than inside the party.
“What’s going on Mattheo, why did you need to talk out here? And why were you mean to Enzo, he was just telling me how nice I looked, he’s allowed-”
“No,” Mattheo started through gritted teeth, “he’s not allowed, and he was being inappropriate to you.” You scoffed, crossing your arms, “Excuse me?” Mattheo turned away from you, yanking down on his curls. “Mattheo Marvelo, look at me this instant!” He whipped around, slamming a hand on the wall next to your head. You jumped slightly, letting out a small yelp. “He is not allowed to say those things to you, Mouse,” Mattheo spoke softly, his jaw was clenched and he kept his eyes shut, clearly trying to keep himself calm.
You reached up, placing a hand on his cheek, “Why?” The boy relaxed into your touch as he took a deep breath. He opened his eyes, meeting yours as you stared back at him. He held eye contact with you; you had always loved Mattheo’s eyes. Theo would tease him and tell him they were “so brown because he was full of shit”. But you were always quick to defend him. Mattheo’s eyes reminded you of mahogany in the middle. He had the richest shade of brown along the rim of his iris, when the sun caught his face on the train that first day you knew you’d be done for long term.
“Talk to me, Matty, what’s wrong?” The corner of his mouth turned up slightly at the nickname. You noticed his eyes flick from your own, down to your lips and back. Your heart rate picked up, not quite believing what he might be thinking. When his eyes flicked down again, you got a surge of confidence moving your hand from his cheek to the back of his neck. You pulled him closer, hearing his breath hitch as your lips met.
Your fingers tangled into his dark curls, his hand that wasn’t holding his weight on the wall found your waist. He took a step closer to you, essentially trapping you against the wall, the front of his body now flush to yours. You mind was tangled, you placed your hands on Mattheo’s chest, pushing him back slightly. “What’s wrong?” He asked, “Was it bad did I mess up?” You shook your head, smiling, “No, it was, gosh it was amazing, I just don’t understand how, or why, it’s happening.”
Mattheo rested his forehead against yours, “I’ve always loved you, Mouse. It’s always been you. Ever since that first day on the train, when you charmed my mouth shut with that little attitude of yours.” You smiled at the memory as he continued, “Merlin, no one had ever done anything like that to me before. I didn’t understand it at first but I felt love for you in that moment. When everyone started saying you and Theo should date, I got so jealous. I wanted it to be me. But you were always so much closer with him. I tried to date other girls, to chase that feeling I felt that first time we met but they never did it for me. Not like you, Y/n.”
Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. The boy you had been pining after for years just basically told you he loved you since he met you, that his feelings were the same as yours. He opened his mouth to speak again, but instead you tilted your head up slightly, capturing his mouth with yours. He pulled you closer, seemingly not being able to get enough of you in that moment.
In what felt like entirely too soon he pulled away, “We should get back to everyone else, yeah?” You smiled, nodding your head, “Yeah, s’pose so.” He laced his fingers with yours, leading you back to the couch your friends were sitting. Pansy and Theo now sitting down, Pansy’s legs thrown casually over Theo’s. As the two of you got closer, Pansy’s eyes panned down to your hands. She slapped Theo’s chest, pointing toward you and Mattheo. “Oh thank MERLIN,” Theo exclaimed, causing everyone’s eyes to follow, smiles forming on everyone’s faces. Enzo sat up, “Fucking Salazar, finally! We were so tired of hearing Mattheo drown on and on about you, Y/n, year after yea-” in an instant his mouth was charmed shut. Everyone turned to look at Mattheo who put his arms up in defense. You slid your wand back in your holder on your leg, shrugging your shoulders, “He talks too much sometimes.”
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 10 months
Hey so Wonu overstimulating you, and Mingyu watching because he wants to know why you're so loud, and he needs proof.
tw: dom!wonwoo, sub!reader (fem), voyeur!mingyu, male masturbation, use of sex toys, praise, squirting, overstimulation, possessiveness - minors dni.
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You don't know if you want to crawl into a hole and disappear from the face of earth or devote a statue for your boyfriend's sake. Maybe you don't even have the necessary functional brain cells at the moment to actually decide.
All you know is that you want Wonwoo to throw away that damn magic wand and rearrange your guts in front of his hot best friend.
"I almost feel sorry for her, she hasn't stopped moaning ever since you started." Mingyu grunts as he watches your legs shake again, his own hand occupied on his thick cock.
"You were the one who wanted to know why she's so loud." Wonwoo refreshes his friend's memory and moves the wand closer to your entrance.
"Wish I was the reason she's so damn loud." Mingyu throws his head back on the chair, his fingers spreading his precum over his shaft.
"One more word about this and I'm kicking you out." The older man grits his teeth and presses the toy closer on your pussy.
"F-Fuck, Won- I'm gonna cum!" You cry out and squirt on the fabric of your panties, some of your juices dripping on your boyfriend's lap.
"Loud and messy." Mingyu hisses while rubbing the tip of his cock.
"And mine. Do not forget that, Gyu." Wonwoo looks directly at the other man, his free hand rubbing your inner thigh.
"W-Wonu-" You sob between moans, your hands holding his wrists in a futile attempt to stop him. "I c-can't take it anymore."
"Don't be like that, sweetheart." He presses a kiss on your cheek and lets his hand roam over your white now turned translucent panties, gathering some of your cum with his fingers. "I know your pussy can give me one more, hm? One more and I'll give you anything you want."
"Anything for you, pretty girl."
You part your legs again and let him put the wand directly over your clit and he turns it on the max setting, keeping it there until your legs start shaking again.
The cotton barrier separating the toy from your clit adds on the pleasure, the fabric clinging on your pussy like second skin and showcasing every ridge and curve of it.
"God, I can see her clenching even with her panties on." Mingyu moans and speeds up his fist, bringing himself closer to his climax.
"Are you close, sweetheart? Are you gonna cum with pretty boy over there?" Wonwoo asks you with a sickeningly sweet voice and you nod furiously.
"Words, darling."
"Fuck, I'm cumming, Won, I'm gonna squirt!" You yell and arch your back off his chest, squirting harder this time, toes curling and nails digging on his thighs.
Your senses are overwhelmed from the intensity of your climax, completely missing the ropes of cum splattering on Mingyu's abdomen, adding white streaks on the golden of his skin.
Wonwoo lets out a low grunt of satisfaction when you rest on his body, nearly passing out from exhaustion. He turns off the toy, softly petting your hair.
He gently lifts you in his arms, trying his best to carry you to the bathroom for a thorough cleanup.
"Hey, what about me!?" Mingyu whines breathlessly.
"What about you?" Wonwoo asks nonchalantly.
"Don't I get a cleanup sesh?"
"You have legs that can carry you to the bathroom." The older man deadpans and Mingyu huffs dramatically, looking down on the mess he made all over his torso.
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