#best dressed commentator goes too .... jonah
britainstreasure-a · 6 months
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𝙹 , 𝙰𝙺𝚄. -  ᵛ: 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙬𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜.
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kairos-polaris · 1 month
For the TMA/TMAGP ask game - 🏛️👋🔮
🖥️ All of these :) <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Ask game
Wow, that's a lot, thank youuu <3<3<3<3
🏛️ - How do you think you would fare in the position of Archivist?
Depends. Gertrude era? I probably would be fine, the Archivist's job isn't to stop the rituals so I would fare well, just staying in the Archives. Tho can't say I would be much successful in protecting the Archives. Jon era/chosen to be the Archive? As bad or worse than Jon, I need to know and I am also rude
👋 - What two characters who never canonically met would you like to see interaction between?
Jon and Agnes! Two messiahs who were forced into this role against their will and who chose to die for hope
🔮 - What is a character design or headcanon you have that goes against common fanon?
That Jonah doesn't wear eye paraphilia. I understand it from the perspective of character design but at the same time I don't think it works for him. Also while I love green suits, I can't see him wearing one. Jonah also isn't cunty, he looks as boring as possible. He loves being boring
👁️ - Have you had any strange experiences that you would like to make a statement about?
Nope, nothing comes to mind 😔
👔 - Who in TMA would you most like to dress like/appear as?
Probably Melanie? Not sure tbh
🌟 - Which character do you think you would get along best with?
I want to say Jon, but that's only if our autisms are compatible. Otheriwse probably Basira or Melanie
💫 - What is an oddly specific or niche headcanon you have?
Rosie comments on Elias' old fashioned haircut so I imagine his suits look old but well taken care of/tailored perfectly
🏃‍♂️ - What fear domain would you LEAST like to have a run-in with?
Probably Corruption. Makes me shudder just thinking about it
🖥️ - Do you have any predictions or observations about Protocol, or if you haven't finished TMA, any predictions about it?
I am not one for predictions because I hate being wrong so nope. I think it's too early for any predictions
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manunelle · 3 years
{Ikerev} How many kids would they have? {Headcanon}
I’m kind of creating this post to organize my thoughts, because I want to write more about this in another post where I’ll write about how they are with their children and how I imagine their personalities. Please be aware that I imagine a different MC for each suitor, so the kids exist in the same universe lol
🖤 Black Army 🖤 
Ray Blackwell
One boy.
He was adopted by Ray and MC at age of 3. His father was one of Ray’s soldier who unfortunately passed away in duty. Since he had no mother or relatives that could take care of them, MC and Ray took him in. 
He prefers MC over Ray, but admires his dad very much!
Sirius Oswald
oh boy
This man and MC had 5 children! :) 
I kind of enjoy the thought of Sirius retiring because he wants to spend as much time as he can with his family. 
They have three girls and two boys. The order goes like this: Girl ---> Twins (boy and girl) ---> Boy ---> Girl. 
Would name his kids after flowers. 
The kids get along very well! They are really protective of each other and of their parents.
Luka Clemence
One boy as well. 
His kid is really sweet! He’s really friendly and everybody loves him at school. 
Is kind of a younger brother to Jonah’s girls. 
Talking about Jonah, he’s the best uncle ever. Always brings gifts and gives advices about anything that is troubling the boy. 
He’s doesn’t have a favorite parent. He’s close to both!
Fenrir Gospeed
Had two kids, a son and a daughterl. 
The firstborn is the boy, and the girl is six years younger. 
To his and MC’s surprise, the boy is a magic user! They discovered it when MC was bathing her baby when suddenly he started floating and giggling around. Imagine Fenrir and MC screaming and jumping around, trying to reach their son, who is having the time of his life. 
The girl is not a magic user, so she causes less trouble than her brother. She’s friends with Ray’s son.
Seth Hyde
One girl.
She has Seth’s hair and MC’s eyes, and likes to dress cute clothes and to play with her teddy bear. 
She’s reeeeaaaally shy. :< 
She probably prefers Seth over MC, but she doesn’t make it obvious. Of course, she likes her mother very much as well. But Seth’s hugs are something else. :> 
❤️ Red Army ❤️ 
Lancelot Kingsley
The next King of Hearts is a girl! 
She looks mostly like Lancelot, but her hair shape resembles MC’s. 
She’s really carismatic and smart, which means that she can hold a conversation with an adult without difficulties. 
She’s a friendly and curious little girl, always asking about how and why things work the way they do. 
As a magic user, she’s really interested in Harr’s work and gets along well with his daughter. 
Loves her dad! She looks up to him a lot and is not embarassed of asking him for advices and hugs.
Jonah Clemence
Our queen has two daughters. 
They are only 2 years apart, so they get along very well with each other. 
Honestly, they have Jonah completely wrapped around their little fingers. This man would go to the fucking moon if they wanted something from there. 
Despite being spoiled rotten, the girls are really gentle and caring with those around them. thank u so much mc
Because the younger sister is shyer, Jonah teaches his firstborn from a young age that she should always be nice and take care of her younger sister. 
They love baking! Imagine the MC and her two daughter baking cookies on the kitchen to present the man of their lives later. ;A; so cute
Edgar Bright
Edgar has one girl and one boy. 
Due to her fragile health, his daughter, the firstborn, won’t be able to become the next Jack of Hearts. She always smiles and says that it doesn’t bother her, but she gets self concious when hearing adults commenting about it. She also feels bad for passing the burden of being the heir to her younger brother. 
The boy is calm and serious, which is kind of weird bc his face looks way too much with MC’s. He’s really protective of his parents and his sister. Loves animals, just like his dad! He’s smart and strong, but is really aloof. MC and Edgar are always worried about him bc he doesn’t seem to want friends. 
The girl is bffs with Lancelot’s daughter and Kyle’s son.
One daughter! 
She has MC’s hair and his eyes. She’s really pretty! 
She’s friendly and is always smiling. Since she’s younger than the other kids of the Red Army (Kyle’s second son is actually the youngest, but he is still a baby lol), they kind of treat her as a young sister, always hugging and patting her head. 
She’s really curious around everything. Actually, her personality resembles Lancelot’s daughter’s a lot. 
Loves watching her father training with the soldiers! At the end of every session, she goes running towards him demanding hugs.
Kyle Ash
Two boys. They have an age gap of 12 years.
His firstborn had a really fragile health as a child, to the point of having to take constant shots and Kyle having to perform different treatments on his child. Seeing their child suffer was really difficult for Kyle and MC, and at some point they even thought that he wouldn’t survive childhood. However, aroung age 8, the signs of this disease started decreasing and he got better. 
Kyle is still worried about his son, so he always keeps a close watch on him to see if those symptons will come back someday. 
Because they were always busy taking care of their older son, MC and Kyle decided to not have other children. So it was a big surprise when they discovered MC’s second pregnancy. 
Surprisingly, their second son has no health problems. As a baby, he’s really serious and likes to nap a lot. 
Both boys look a lot like Kyle. The older one looks the most, while the younger has MC’s eyes. 
Mousse Atlas
Has one son. 
The boy is a MC’s appearence copy with Mousse’s personalit copy. 
Just like his dad, loves napping. 
Naps everywhere. 
Once, when dusting some shelves, Luka found him sleeping in the Black Army’s library. 
How in the hell did this kid get here? 
He always goes missing. Like, at one moment he’s standing right next do MC and in the next second he disappears. Dude??? 
Actually, he’s a magic user, which explains him disappearing all the time and reaching things that are in a place way higher than him. However, he doesn’t tell it to his parent until he’s sixteen bc he’s afraid of disappointing them (bc he heard from some idiot that magic users are way too dangerous).
💚 Neutral 💚 
Harr Silver
He has one daughter. 
She has his hair and MC’s eyes. 
Since she’s a magic user, she and Harr are always excitingly talking about magic books and researchs. He also teaches her about spells and skills unrelated to magic, such as cooking and fishing. 
She’s really shy, and because kids used to bully her at school and adults ignored the situation, she has a really hard time socializing with people that are not her family.
Loves cats! As a toddler, Loki gave her a cat plushie and she is really attached to it. 
Gets along with Sirius’s oldest daughter and Lancelot’s, but I’ll talk more about this in another post. 
Likes to sleep with her parents. It’s hard to get up in the morning bc she is pratically glued to the one she is hugging.
Loki Genetta
One son. He’s the youngest among the 17 suitors (bc Loki is fucking 19 years old in canon universe, duh). 
The boy is always stealing MC’s attention, always glaring at Loki. Loki glares back because he’s a man-child. 
Actually, they get along very well when the issue is not MC, and the boy trusts Loki a lot, sharing secrets and asking for help when in need of assistance. 
His looks and personality are a carbon copy of Loki’s. 
Always follows Ray’s son and Fenrir’s daughter around. 
Oliver Knight
One daughter, and Oliver loves her so much!
She looks a lot like MC, both in looks and personality. 
Being a bit naive, she’s always getting in trouble. Thank god her friends are always ready to rescue her! Is bffs with Sirius’s second daughter. 
Boys love her. Girls too. As a teenager, she’s always having to turn down confessions. She tries to be gentle, but some people are just too bold for her to deal with. That’s when Sirius’s daughter and son (the twins!) enter and deal with whoever is bothering her. 
She kind of has a crush on Sirius’s oldest son, but is too embarassed to admit. 
Oliver knows, but doesn’t want her to know that he knows. It’s kind of tough to hide, bc when the boy shows up at his house he’s always fumming with jealousy. 
Blanc Lapin
Mister Blanc has one son.
He’s calm and smart. 
Loves tea parties! Dad’s carrot cake is the best.
Loves his mom. Loves his dad. Loves his friends. 
He’s a sunshine. Everybody loves him. 
Dean Tweedle
Has only one daughter. 
Her looks and personality are a perfect mix of her parents’. 
Sleeps only if her dad reads to her. Otherwise, she stays the whole night staring at ceiling with a bored expression. 
Is really smart and responsable. She’s the perfect “senpai” at school. 
Is bffs with Sirius’ oldest daughter. 
She and Dalim’s son look really alike, so people are always mistaking them as siblings. Dalim and Dean always get annoyed at this.
Dalim Tweedle/Dum
Has one son.
Just like Dean’s daughter, his looks are a mix of his parent’s, but his personality is a bit different. Despite being really curious, he’s really quiet and hesitant of asking questions aloud. 
Is a magic user. 
Sees Dean’s daughter as a big sister. Is always attached to her hand when they meet and follows her around like a shadow. 
Probably prefers his mom over Dalim. 
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youngbloodlisk · 2 years
9-1-1 and Lone Star reactions (2 days late cause i was so busy this week)
5/11/22 (aired 5/9/22)
9-1-1 (Hero Complex)
banger music man
captions just said "Young Jonah" YO? Okay
oh my god yeah i just remembered how last week's episode ended OH MY GOD IM SO EXCITED
god corinne massiah is so pretty
"Feels like it should be somebody's fault" and judging by the preview for this episode last week i'm gonna guess it is !
chim and hen my fave bffs i wanna be their friend
OH THE SPIDER GUY OH YEAH...... oh my goddd
UGH I MISSED THESE TWO TOGETHER when chim wasn't on the show while he was looking for maddie i missed him and hen being the best friends EVER soooooo much
no I'm never gonna not mention the chemistry and tension between eddie and buck Sorry
wait wtf is bobby's password rewind
NashBby_118 i mean okay but- Yeah. Okay
chim wiping the desk of prints with his sleeve is so funny
"You're a terrible liar."
"And you're too good." LMAO
chim and hen are so funny
"They never start with murder."
"I'm sorry, Pat, I'm gonna need to buy a vowel."
THEYRE SO FUNNY I LOVE THEM 10/10 comfort characters right here
this is such an interesting plotline I love it
no cause honestly? go off eddie speak the truth good job
taylor annoys me more every goddamn episode!!!
please tell me she runs the story and buck gets rightfully pissed and he dumps her PLEASE I WANT TAYLOR OUT OF HERE
wait but that would probably lead to buck and lucy being a thing. nvm there's no win here
Stop Oh no no no no
i always forget that kenneth choi has 사랑 tattooed on his chest but i love it every time i see it the font looks so pretty
this guy is so unbelievably psychotic my god
okay actually crying i love these two
taylor you BITCH.......
chim sucking down a capri-sun yes sir!
"You're the best friend I've ever had, Chim, and I can't imagine my life without you."
"And you're never gonna have to."
cue the waterfalls from my eyes
9-1-1: Lone Star (Spring Cleaning)
okay the ad before the episode is playing. cmon marjan give me marjan please even just a little bit of marjan. please let this episode have some marjan
oh i have a bad feeling abt this trash chute.
oh no no no Oh no dude don't do that- and down he goes
one second of her beautiful voice and i am a happy person
mateo with the fix thank god love him
BART JOHNSON?? It says 2 episodes on IMDB did i just totally MISS him being in another episode idk whatever IM SO EXCITED BART YOU KING HI
nANCY? can i call this wlw erasure cause she's so absolutely a lesbian (im playing around dont jump me)
mateo ✨avoiding✨
CATANNNNN great game. Great game
damn maybe if mateo and nancy communicated like couples should do idk
tommy???? goddamn???? alright maam go off
catan IS spicy tk you're so right
oh this is already terrifying my anxiety is already through the roof this seems like a bad bad bad situation
"Hulk smash." MATEO 😭
oh that was so clever. getting him arrested that was so clever thank god
wtf why is he getting picked on for dressing nice 😭 better to be overdressed than underdressed ur not too good for a suit man cmon
i need to kiss marjan on the mouth
HELP THEYRE ALL LIKE didn't see that coming uhhh
this is so sweet
"coffee" yeah okay go on go bang it out
julius is sweet :(((((
judd what on earth are you abt to do.
oh bad feeling. gas leak + judd in the elevator ? Sounds like a recipe for a stuck elevator?
Final Comments
right okay so next week's gonna be a fun week i am excited
i got to see two of my favorite things:
- chim and hen being the iconic duo they are
- marjan
good week of 9-1-1 for me !
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
“good morning, sunshine” | J.M.
part one of the better together series
a/n: jonah’s latest instagram story with wes just hits different (*¯︶¯*) i mean have you heard his morning voice?! like damn i want it to be the first thing i hear when i wake up everyday :’( thanks to @chilling-seavey for sending the story into my dm early in the morning, it has been stuck in my head all day and i can’t focus on doing anything else >:(
summary: your daughter was far too enthusiastic in the morning.
word count: 1390
warnings: jonah being cute with kid, fluff overload, one occurrence of the f word, suggestive themes in the end.
“Daddy, mommy, wake up!” A cheerful 3-year-old child with shoulder-length brown hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes swung the door to your room open and rushed in, her teddy bear held tightly to her chest with an arm, her small feet thudding against the floor in an inconsistent rhythm as she ran towards the bed you shared with Jonah.
You immediately placed your phone aside on the nightstand upon the arrival of your enthusiastic daughter. You had already woken up moments ago but were reluctant to leave Jonah’s arms that were wrapped tightly around your body. No matter how many times you had woken up in this position with him, you’d never get tired of the way he protectively held you in his arms even as he slept, the sound of his soft snores and the comforting warmth that his body radiated.
“Morning, sweetie,” your lips broke into a smile when she stood on her tippy toes near the edge of the bed to kiss your cheek. She then proceeded to join both of you on the bed, squeezing her way between you two and making herself comfortable by purposely stretching her limbs out here and there so that you’d offer her more space. Her rough movements made Jonah stir from his peaceful slumber, rubbing his eyes as he grumbled under his breath about how much he needed more sleep.
As soon as he saw his daughter though, his initial moody expression brightened up instantly, his frown replaced by a broad grin and his eyes filled with nothing but all the love in the world. “Good morning, sunshine,” he said softly in his raspy morning voice, giving her a kiss on her head before asking, “what’s gotten you so excited this morning?”
“You have no idea what I dreamed about last night!” She exclaimed and clapped her hands excitedly.
“Oh? Lemme guess, did you dream about me?” You joked, booping her nose with your pointer finger, earning a small giggle from her.
“Yes, mommy, you were a princess in my dream! Can you believe that?” Her answer came as a shock to you since you weren’t expecting her dream to include anyone else besides Disney princesses and magical creatures. She continued to narrate the events of her dreams, her eyes sparkling with joy as she told you about herself being a fairy that could make pretty goens for anyone with just a swing of her wand. “You were so pretty in the dress that I made for you that a prince fell in love with you and you both lived happily ever after!” She stared dreamily into the air as she recalled the ending of her dream.
“Was I the knight in shining armor in your dream, little one?” Jonah asked but she shook her head which made his face fall in mock disappointment and his lips formed a little pout. She patted his arms as if to comfort him so when she opened her mouth to speak again, you both had expected her to say something comforting to cheer him up.
But she, apparently, had other plans in mind.
“The prince was too handsome to be you, daddy,” she said innocently, his eyes widening in shock as he fully processed the words that left his beloved daughter’s mouth. You put a hand over your mouth in attempt to smother your laughter but failing terribly once your daughter turned to you and asked you cluelessly if she had said anything wrong because Jonah had turned to the opposite side so that his back was facing her, not only offended by the fact that his own daughter technically called him ugly, but also the fact that his girlfriend married a stupid prince in her dream.
“Daddy, are you mad at me?” She asked, tugging on his shirt but receiving no answers from him in return.
“Daddy just needs some hugs and kisses,” you whispered into her ear once your laughter died down. “So why don’t we go give him some?” You asked, in which she responded with a nod before climbing to his side of the bed, throwing her arms over him and hugging him tight like a koala. Jonah tried his best to not give in to her clinginess or the adorable puppy dog-eyes that she was giving him, but he failed miserably the moment you joined in the hug from behind and both of you started to pepper his face with kisses simultaneously.
He finally caved in, bursting into a fit of laughter as the ticklish sensation on his face soon became too much for him to handle. “Stop,” he said breathlessly through his laughter, shifting his body so he was now laying flat on his back, pulling both of you close by his arms, one of you laying on each side. The happiness that he felt right then and there was so immense that it was impossible for him to put into words. Fooling around and having fun with two of his favorite girls in the entire universe were few of the many moments in his life he would cherish forever.
“So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Your daughter asked in fear of being unforgiven by her father whom she loved so dearly.
“Don’t be silly—you know it’s impossible for me to stay mad at you, my little ball of sunshine,” he patted her head gently and she heaved a sigh of relief at his words. “Since today is a weekend, why don’t we go get some ice cream and a fairy costume too in honor your amazing dream?” She perked up right away at his suggestion. “What do you think?”
“It depends if the fairy costume comes with a fairy wand. If it does, then yes it’s a great plan!”
“Even if it doesn’t, I’m going to buy you one anyways,” Jonah said matter-of-factly. You smiled to yourself as you watched the cute interaction between your boyfriend and your child.
“But you must buy mommy a pretty dress too!” Your little girl requested and of course, what she says always goes because Jonah never had the heart to say no to her. Plus, he would kill to see you in a new dress, although it’d probably end up on the bedroom floor right after you put it on.
“Yes, yes, sweetheart,” he kissed her once again before letting her hop down the bed. “So go brush your teeth now and we’ll have breakfast at home before we leave.”
“Thanks daddy, you’re the best!” With that, she ran out of the room before reappearing at the door again shortly. “Oh, and daddy?”
“Hmm?” Jonah looked at her with a raised brow.
“You are the most handsome person in the world, even more handsome than the prince in my dreams.”
She scurried away before Jonah could react. Let’s just say the smile didn’t leave his face for the rest of the day, even when his little ball of sunshine threw a huge temper tantrum and knocked over her entire platter of food on purpose during their dinner in a fancy restaurant.
“You spoil her too much, love,” you said to him after you put your little devil to sleep. You joined him on the living room couch to watch a movie before bed, snuggling into him.
He merely smiled. “I think I spoil you quite a lot too, dear,” he commented, lacing his fingers through yours, his gaze fixated onto the tv.
“Really? Because it doesn’t seem like it.” You watched him place the tv remote on the coffee table before turning his attention towards you.
“Hmmm....why don’t,” he leant in closer so his lips was near to your ear. His breath alone sent shivers up your spine and when he continued speaking, you swore you forgot how to breathe. “Why don’t you put on the pretty little dress that I bought you today if you wish see how much I can spoil you.”
Finally, here’s the exact sentence you were waiting for.
“Who says that I’m not wearing it now?” You took off the hoodie and kicked off the shorts that you were wearing, to reveal the golden silk nightgown underneath that was so short that it barely covered your butt yet it accentuated all your curves perfectly.
“Fucking hell, baby,” was the last thing he said before pinning you down onto the couch.
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Genderbent Headcanons Part 2 (Zero, Kyle, Edgar)
@aiallardyce: Hello!! I really loved your ikerev genderbend headcanons so can you do the same for zero, edgar, and kyle too??
I’m glad you enjoyed the first part! I’m sorry that this took a while to get to, btu it’s finished. Also, if any of you are interested in the original Genderbent Headcanons (with Lancelot, Ray, Fenrir, Jonah, and Harr), click here!
It wouldn’t take too long for the Ace of Hearts to figure out this gender switch. The first indicator would be that his head feels heavy in the morning. As he gets up from his bed, long locks of hair bother his view. When he pushes them away, Zero notices that his previously-short hair is nearly five times longer. He rushes the mirror to see what’s going on and becomes a complete tomato when he looks at the mirror.
The female version of Zero is absolutely gorgeous though. His soft, black hair is in loose waves and reaches his tailbone. The blonde strand provides a beautiful frame for his face structure. His face itself is smaller with fuller lips and narrow blue eyes. For body structure, Zero has a few curves here and there. His tattoo looks more alluring as it’s placed right above his cleavage. 
At first, the poor boy won’t know how to deal with this. It seems intrusive to change his clothes or use the bathroom. But if that’s the case, how is he supposed to function? Maybe if he doesn’t look.... or change.... or do anything......
It doesn’t help that Zero has amazing curves, so changing into his uniform is quite the struggle. He can’t get any of his shirts to fit around his chest. Either the buttons pop off or the shirt doesn’t go down. He ends up calling his S/O for his dilemma, and the two decide that he’ll be wearing an oversized sweater (if his S/O is a female, he’ll borrow their bra too). 
He doesn’t want to bother anyone with his sudden switch-up, but Zero quickly realizes that he can’t carry on with his day as a female without letting another officer know about his situation. So he ends up goes to Kyle, since the doctor would have the most level-headed reaction and actually help Zero without bringing any unwanted attention. They come up with plans to avoid Jonah and Edgar for the whole day.
However, when his S/O learns about Zero’s situation, the two decide to have some fun with it! The Ace of Hearts decides to go shopping with his lover, stepping inside the world of style and fashion. Initially, he’s overwhelmed by all the options. After going through a million fluffy, ruffly, and frumpy dresses, Zero decides that he looks best in something cute and casual. He spends the rest of his day in a long, orange Victorian-style dress. 
Unfortunately, Zero couldn’t hide from Edgar forever. The Jack of Hearts finds Zero in his feminine form as the couple returns from shopping. Just as Edgar gets close to the two, Zero feels the sudden urge to whack him across the face. His normally-calm demeanor is replaced with a fiery irritation that’s almost foreign to the poor boy. It takes a lot of explaining from his S/O that female Zero might be approaching shark week. 
Suddenly, Zero has a newfound understanding of moody women.
Edgar Bright
Edgar notices the change immediately.  When he wakes up, his head feels significantly heavier and he is greeted to straight, long locks of golden brown. His hair perfectly frames his face, fanning across his pillow in a perfect circle. As he stands, his hair falls from his head to the middle of his back. With all that hair and pillow interaction, you’d expect him to have some bedhead. Newsflash: he doesn’t (and I hate him for it).
After Jonah, Edgar has to be the next best-looking officer as a female. He is absolutely stunning with his almond green eyes, soft lips, and pinched nose. His jaw is softer, giving the illusion of a smaller, more elegant face. 
The Jack of Heart is absolutely ecstatic to try out his secret stash of makeup on his female face. At first, Edgar opts for a a sharp, thin winged liner with soft highlight and a reddish-nude lipstick. However, he realizes that he may not get the opportunity to be a female again (so he might as well go all out). Don’t be surprised if you see a female Edgar walking on the streets with a face of soft-glam makeup. 
Also, the Jack of Hearts cannot wait to mess around with literally EVERYONE in the Red Army. He won’t tell anyone about his situation (except for his S/O, who’ll help him with his shenanigans). He’s renamed himself “Valentina Breight” and pretends to be a long-lost princess of an undiscovered kingdom.
His first victim is none other than Jonah Clemence. Edgar approaches him as a secret admirer, pretending to be madly in love with Queen of Hearts. Of course, Jonah will turn his head away, but that won’t stop Edgar from trying to get his affection. He’ll sing boisterous love songs, recite a sickeningly-sweet poem, and anything else that will embarrass the daylight out of Jonah. It’s not until Jonah threatens to kick him out that Edgar drops the act. Jonah is beyond furious.
The next victim is Zero. Edgar will find Zero alone, swaying his hips as he approaches the Ace of Hearts. He’ll start teasing the poor boy the same way he teases his S/O, leaving Zero completely flustered. In fact, Edgar gets a kick out of all the fact that Zero resembles a tomato. The torture continues until Jonah comes from the back with his sword, screaming at Edgar. Zero is in disbelief and quite pissed, joining Jonah in his angry tirade. But all he does is call Edgar a crazy person.
Afterward, he goes to see Kyle. However, Kyle is too with his patients to give “Valentina” a moment of his time, so Edgar goes to see Lancelot. Unfortunately, the surprise has been ruined as Jonah let the king know of Edgar’s shenanigans beforehand. However, Lance can’t help but smile as he watches Edgar make a complete fool out of himself. 
Kyle Ash
Lmao this man is so much more hungover than usual because he’s significantly smaller. However, his hangover is so strong that he won’t even notice until he walks into his office, where all the soldiers gawk at the mysterious woman. He’ll mistake the soliders’ awkwardness for fear of his medical equipment, making a sarcastic comment. Once he speaks, he realizes that his voice sounds much more feminine than normal. Either his hangover is making him hear things or he’s suddenly become a woman
When he looks in the mirror, the first thing that goes through his head is “That explains the massive hangover.”
As a female, Kyle still has a boyish look. He has a red pixie cut with large eyebrows and defined cheekbones, His face shape won’t change too much and neither does his body shape. He’s kind of disappointed with the lack of fat in certain areas, but oh well.
In general, the doctor isn’t too surprised by the gender swap. He manages to do his usual activities throughout the day.  In fact, he got so used it that he found himself in an awkward situation when he entered the men’s bathroom instead of the women’s bathroom. Also, sitting while going for the #1 is a little strange, but he is able to adjust thanks to his knowledge about anatomy. 
However, Kyle does need to call it a day at the office because the soldiers are extremely uncomfortable and refuse treatment from this stranger. To solve this issue, Kyle assigns his S/O to be the primary doctor as he acts as a “nurse”. This means that Kyle is giving his S/O some exposure to his duties as a doctor while helping them from the side. It doesn’t last for long though as the soldiers are still uncomfortable and his S/O is too nervous.
Kyle also takes his gender swap as an opportunity to give Lancelot his annual shot. He’ll have his S/O call the king into Kyle’s office, instructing Lancelot to sit down and get comfortable. Although the king is suspicious (as he’s been avoiding Kyle and the annual shot), Lancelot is stunned when he is greeted with a female Kyle. The doctor takes this moment of shock and swoops in, giving the shot to the king. Needless to say, Lancelot is not going to be happy about it
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rosedavid · 5 years
I Love You A-Latte // A Tyrus Autumn Oneshot
“Okay, you look way too happy to be here, especially for test day,” Andi comments the moment Cyrus walks in the school doors.
TJ, who was in the middle of talking music with Jonah, turns to see what Buffy means. After all, Cyrus is normally perkier than the average person, so him acting happy isn’t all that abnormal. When TJ looks at him, though, right away he notices the jubilant, carefree sparkle in Cyrus’s eyes as well as straighter, prouder posture. An easy smile stretches across his face and only grows as he approaches his friends. Clasping his hands together, he rocks back on his heels as if he’s trying to contain the excitement welling inside him.
“Yeah, normally you’d be a sweaty ball of nerves still studying as he walks through the classroom door,” Buffy adds, cocking her head.
Startled, Cyrus wonders, “But don’t you know what day today is?!”
“Wait, is today your birthday?” Jonah gasps but falters under everyone’s gaze. “Sorry, I’m bad with remembering things!”
Andi and Buffy converse to each other through eye contact and subtle gestures. TJ could never understand how the three best friends can converse that way and know exactly what each other are thinking. Every time TJ tries to make heart eyes at Cyrus, Cyrus asks him if he’s feeling okay.
“Well, I know you don’t have any type of family celebrations coming up until your Aunt Ruthie’s birthday in two weeks,” Andi begins.
Buffy continues, “And you won’t hear back about your award submission for another couple days. Also, you don’t have anything specific planned with any of us for today.”
“I still don’t understand how you three know each other’s schedules like that!” Jonah mentions offhandedly. TJ silently agrees.
“Come on, haven’t you noticed a chill in the air today?” Cyrus hints, raising his brows. “TJ?”
“Uh…” TJ trails off, biting his lip. He feels like he should be able to answer this question as Cyrus’s boyfriend, but he honestly has no idea what Cyrus is getting toward. 
Obviously, the elation becomes too much for Cyrus to continue containing as everyone makes there guesses, for he finally blurts out the answer. “Autumn! Today is the first official day of autumn!”
TJ scratches his head at Cyrus’s idea of exciting news. To him, the start of fall just means colder weather and back-to-school. It means the end of summer, the end of days basking in the sunshine and staying out late at night; the end of freedom and relaxation. The others all seem to perk up at Cyrus’s comment, however.
“I can finally get some new sweaters and make some fall fashion jewelry!” Andi beams.
Buffy grins over at Jonah. “And we can officially start preparing for Halloween!”
“But Halloween’s still more than a month away,” TJ interjects.
“It’s fall, so it’s now socially acceptable, not that I care,” Buffy responds with a laugh. “I’ve had my Halloween decorations prepared for weeks!”
“I bet my Halloween decorations will be way better,” Jonah challenges.
As all of this ruckus between the group is happening, a hand squeezes his forearm. Cyrus smiles at him, the two of them nearly at eye level now. The waves of energy and exuberance flowing off Cyrus is tangible.
“Aren’t you excited, Teej?” Cyrus questions, noting his lack of cheerful inputs.
He frowns. “Not really, I guess. I don’t like fall that much.”
Cyrus gasps like he just heard the most stunning revelation of his lifetime. He tugs at TJ’s arm incessantly to get his attention, even though Cyrus always has TJ’s full attention. Big brown eyes stare at him with incredulities, lips parted the slightest bit as he processes TJ’s words.
“You don’t like fall?! How could you not like fall?”
“Because it gets dark and depressing and cold, not to mention fall always means back to school!” he defends.
Meanwhile, Cyrus shakes his head stubbornly at all of TJ’s words. He looks personally offended by what TJ has to say about autumn. The way his nose scrunches up indignantly and lips pursing makes him appear even more loveable. He then begins to raise his hands like he always does right before going off on a rant.
“But TJ! What about the sweaters, scarves, and hats? The pumpkin flavored stuff? Leaves that crunch when you walk? Pretty colors everywhere? Apple cider?” Cyrus presses, to which TJ responds with a shrug.
“I just prefer summer.”
“This is blasphemy! Fall is BY FAR the superior season, and I will prove it to you!” At this statement, Cyrus tows TJ along toward the front doors, marching along with a determined look on his face.
TJ looks back at the others with confusion and slight worry. They just laugh at him, waving as they whisper about something. As it turns out, Cyrus seems to be completely set in his decision. He almost walks right out the front doors of the school before class starts. The only thing that stops him is the bell piercing the ears of the students throughout the hallways to signal first period.
“Oh. Class,” Cyrus sighs. “I almost forgot! We’ll have to wait until the end of school. To be continued!”
TJ laughs, briefly leaning his cheek against Cyrus’s dark locks. “So I wasn’t truly saved by the bell?”
“Nope! More like…delayed by the bell,” Cyrus jokes, obviously pleased with himself based on his teasing smile.
“Is today just going to consist of a punch of fall puns?”
“What can I say, I’m just a-corny person!”
TJ snorts, shaking his head as he pretends to stride away. Cyrus jogs to catch up to him, giggling the whole way. TJ jams his fingers in his ears and sticks his tongue out with mirth. Of course, it’s all in fun, so when Cyrus pulls his arms down, he doesn’t put up a fight.
“Wait, I promise no more fall puns if you join me on our fall adventure after school.”
“I suppose,” TJ relents, as if he wasn’t going to go along with Cyrus the entire time.
“Yay! We’re going to have such a gourd-time!”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it! There’s too many good autumn puns.”
With a roll of his eyes, TJ sighs fondly and leads Cyrus to his first class like usual. They part ways with matching smiles and a lingering hand squeeze before separating. As much as TJ dreads fall, he’s already looking forward to later that afternoon.
After the last bell, Cyrus somehow manages to make it to TJ’s locker before TJ himself, despite Cyrus’s class being halfway across school. When Cyrus spots him approaching through the crowd, he waves with enthusiasm, already opening TJ’s locker. Ever since the first day of school, Cyrus has known his locker combination just in case TJ messes it up like he did almost every other day in middle school. Now, he has a failsafe who also leaves bonus, cute notes in his locker.
TJ heaves his stack of books he doesn’t need back into his locker for tomorrow and asks, “Did you run here?”
Huffing, Cyrus responds, “Yes, actually, I did! Thank you for noticing. Contrary to popular belief, I can run, I usually just choose not to.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you run,” TJ admits. “Do you want to have a race sometime?” He laughs as Cyrus’s eye widen and he shakes his head in contradiction.
“I think my running abilities for the next month were all used in the last 60 seconds.”
TJ finishes putting stuff in his locker before they head out the door. As it turns out, Cyrus hardly ever uses his locker for books and notebooks. He gets too nervous that he’ll forget something if he leaves it in his locker, so he carries it all in his backpack with him to every class. In his locker he really only keeps his lunch, extra supplies, and a first aid kit which he insisted was necessary to have because “School nurses will never be this prepared, TJ.” Since he never leaves anything in his locker, Cyrus’s bag weighs a literal ton. TJ lifted his backpack once and almost keeled over. He honestly has no clue how Cyrus can carry that much like it’s nothing.
“Should we drop our bags off first?” TJ mentions, not wanting Cyrus to have to lug around his back-breaking bag for the whole day.
“We have to stop at my house first, anyway,” Cyrus smirks secretively.
“Should I be scared? Because I am.”
Cyrus merely giggles, chasing his hand. TJ evades him momentarily to mess with him, but can’t hold off for too long. He catches Cyrus’s hand awkwardly, adjusting their hand holding until their fingers are intertwined. Early on in their relationship, Cyrus gave him a speech on how interlacing fingers is a much more efficient way to hold hands. Of course, TJ agreed because all he cares about is that they get to hold hands. But also, interlacing fingers is way comfier.
Once they reach Cyrus’s house, they drop their bags down at the door. Unsure of what Cyrus has planned, TJ follows his lead as goes up to his room and opens his closet. TJ screws up his face, leaning over Cyrus’s shoulder to try and see what he’s rummaging for. Finally, Cyrus yanks out an armful of fabrics, almost knocking heads with TJ as he stumbles into his arms.
“What is all that?” TJ questions.
“The first step to a successful autumn!” Cyrus exclaims. “You need to get in the autumn spirit, and the best way to do that is get dressed up.”
TJ stares at him, gesturing toward the window where sunlight streams through the open blinds. “Cyrus, it’s like 70 degrees out today!”
“But fall spirit—” Cyrus protests, nudging the clothes further into TJ’s arms. He sticks out his bottom lip, somehow managing to make his lips quiver while he pouts. TJ has no clue how he does it, but he can’t ignore it.
“Alright, fine, but if I get heat stroke, that’s on you.”
A few minutes later, TJ is decked out in all the typical fall garb. He wears a slightly itchy sweater that is too big for him (and if it’s too big for him, it must drown Cyrus). A plain, dark beanie adorns his head, tucked just over his ears. To finish it all out, he wraps a fluffy scarf around his neck. Cyrus is already all decked out for the season in his patterned, pom-pom beanie, sweater, and tiny gloves.
“How are your hands so small?” TJ asks with a choked off laugh as he attempts to borrow a pair of Cyrus’s gloves. He can barely stretch them on to get over the first part of his hand.
“How are your hands so big?” Cyrus retorts, then adds, “I guess we won’t add the gloves. Let’s get going! We have lots to do.”
So, dressed in warm clothes, they head out into the 70-degree weather. Still acting secretive, Cyrus refuses to disclose where exactly they’re going (although TJ knows if he pressed hard enough, Cyrus would cave since he’s not always great at keeping secrets). The walk is slightly unbearable in the hot heat of the day. TJ has the overwhelming urge to scratch at his arms and neck since the sweat is causing the fabric to rub up against his skin. Somehow, though, Cyrus doesn’t seem too bothered by the heat.
“How are you not boiling yet?” TJ asks as they walk endlessly.
Cyrus shrugs. “I dunno. Buffy once told me that I’m akin to a grandpa with the candies in my pockets and my developed wisdom, so maybe being super sensitive to the cold is just another part of that.”
“You have candy in your pockets and you never told me?!”
Laughing, Cyrus pulls out a root-beer barrel on cue, dropping it into TJ’s open hand. “I love how you hear anything to do with food and immediately focus in on it. Luckily for you, our first activity involves food!”
Finally, the arrive at what TJ assumes is their stop. It looks like a little café. Hardly anyone is inside, and as TJ squints at it, he isn’t sure he’s even heard of this place before. They walk up to the front doors, out of breath.
“Welcome to the best, and only place, to get pumpkin donuts at!” Cyrus explains with a grand gesture of his arms. “Pumpkin flavor is a fall essential. Wait—you like pumpkin flavor, right?! I really hope so since that’s what we’re here for. I should have checked—”
“Don’t worry, I like pumpkin flavor,” TJ interrupts with a smile. He then steps forward toward the door, opening it up and holding it for Cyrus to step through.
They order the pumpkin donuts and munch on them in the shade under a large tree. TJ has to admit that they’re delicious. He usually doesn’t eat much pumpkin flavor besides pumpkin pie, but he loves the combination of spices sprinkled atop the donuts. Cyrus watches happily as TJ snarfs down the donuts. TJ licks his fingers at the end, causing Cyrus to wrinkle his nose and pass him a handful of napkins.
“So, what’s next?” he asks Cyrus.
“Next is a scenic nature walk!” Cyrus replies. “The trees out here are gorgeous.”
“Just like you,” TJ mumbles, mostly to himself. Cyrus obviously catches it, though, because the tips of his ears burn as red as the leaves around them.
TJ has never been super impressed with dead leaves falling off trees, but he’s also never seen trees colored so vibrantly. On the main streets of Shadyside, most of the leaves turn a sickly orange color before crumbling off. Out here, further from town, the trees are much prettier. Hues ranging from golden yellow to deep red cover the treetops. All around them, gradients of autumn colors speckle the branches. TJ gapes in awe, staring up at the tall trees as he and Cyrus stroll along a dirt path.
“This is amazing,” TJ chuckles in disbelief. “I’ve never seen trees like this near my house!”
“Yeah, I think the regulation trees in Shadyside are purposefully meant to not be colorful for some reason,” Cyrus sighs.
As they continue on their journey, TJ feels the air take on a slight chill as well as the background darkening. He frowns, looking up at the sky. The sun has drifted behind a cloud that came out of nowhere. As he glances upwards, a fat raindrop lands with a smack against his cheek.
“Cyrus, I think—” TJ starts, before being cut off by the sound of thunder. He startles slightly.
“Rain! This is perfect,” Cyrus laughs with joy.
“Perfect? Why would it be perfect?”
“Because, silly, I can finally show you the joys of gloomy weather.”
TJ becomes more skeptical as the sky darkens impossibly further. It seems as if dusk has already come at 4 in the afternoon. The scent of the air also changes to become more earthy. Lightning flashes in the distance, so far away that he barely catches the bright light. The rain starts as a light pattering, drizzling their clothes with speckled water spots. Then, within the span of minutes, it grows gradually in its intensity before dumping out onto them.
At this point, TJ’s extremely grateful that he’s wearing a sweater. The rain drenching them is freezing cold. Matched with the wind and the dropping temperature, it makes him shiver. Beside him, Cyrus tugs his beanie down a bit to cover the ends of his ears. Nothing can protect them from the complete onslaught of rain, though.
Through chattering teeth, TJ asks, “How is this joyful?!”
In response, Cyrus simply holds out his gloved hand which is now sopping wet. Still, TJ grasps it, letting himself be tugged toward Cyrus. Then, Cyrus reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. A familiar song comes on that makes TJ smile knowingly. Cyrus places his phone back in his pocket for slightly more protection before turning his attention back toward TJ.
“Dance in the rain with me?” Cyrus giggles, reaching up to wrap his arms around TJ’s neck.
“I thought this song was called ‘Singin’ in the Rain, not Dancin’ in the Rain!” TJ jokes, causing Cyrus to send him an accusatory look.
“And you get mad at me for my puns!”
A laugh bubbles up at the back of TJ’s throat. “Okay, fine, you can do puns. I guess it’s only fair. But first, let’s dance.”
TJ places one arm around his waist, pulling him closer. Cyrus’s hand moves down to TJ’s shoulder, while the other two intertwine in the air. They dance slowly at first, but the energy and excitement of the day causes them to mess around, shoes splashing playfully as they sway back and forth. TJ can feel his socks getting absolutely soaked, but he doesn’t care in that moment. He twirls Cyrus a few times somehow, impressing both of them. They quickly get soaked to the bone, but neither faulter in their movements. Cyrus sings the lyrics to the song under his breath, and TJ momentarily gets taken back to the night at Andi’s party.
Caught up in the song, they don’t register at first when it ends. Once they both taper off to a stop, though, TJ finds himself realizing how close they are. He can see the raindrops gathering on Cyrus’s eyelashes and the flush from cold on the tip of his nose. They stand their and breathe for a few beats of rain before their lips join in a cold, wet kiss. Still, it manages to warm TJ’s insides as he clutches the front of Cyrus’s sweater for support.
When they pull away, Cyrus gazes at him and opens his mouth as if he’s about to say something romantic. “Now we’re Kissin’ in the Rain,” he grins.
TJ laughs, swatting his shoulder. Cyrus joins in on the laughter. Soon, still giddy with excitement, they take turns leaping into deepening puddles. The continue to frolic for a bit, shoes getting caked with oozing mud.  
“Hopefully I don’t loose another shoe!” Cyrus chuckles to himself. TJ makes sure to remember to ask him for the story later.
The storm starts to get closer, so they decide it’s probably best to retreat back toward town. Thankfully, Cyrus planned ahead so they don’t have to walk all the way back. His mom picks them up back at the donut place, chiding them with a smile as they climb into the car sopping wet and covered in mud. When they arrive back to Cyrus’s house, the storm is in full force. They shelter inside, removing their wet clothes and changing into comfy sweatpants and sweatshirts.
“Now, it’s time for the final piece de resistance,” Cyrus claims as he balances two full mugs in his hands. TJ takes one from him, and they bundle up together on the sofa. The mug is just hot enough that it warms his hands without burning them. Sweet steam wafts from the cups.
“Hot cocoa,” TJ comments.
“Hot chocolate, tehnically,” Cyrus corrects adamantly, “Similar, concept, but way more delicious. My mom uses actual chocolate pieces.”
TJ lifts the cup up to his lips, blowing slightly on the liquid before deciding getting his tongue burned it worth it. Searing, smooth liquid enters his mouth. It takes like melted gold, richer and more chocolatey than any hot chocolate he’s ever had. He pulls back, mouth still burning from the warmth of the drink.
They sit there in silence for a bit, simply listening to the sounds of the rain and sipping on their hot chocolate. TJ has never felt so content after getting rain dumped on him. He can even still feel droplets of water falling from the tips of his hair and onto his sweatshirt from being so soaked.
“So, what do you think? Are you now convinced autumn is the best season?” Cyrus wonders, finishing off the last of his hot chocolate.
TJ still feels the residual warmth radiating from his mug. The rolling thunder outside somehow seems to calm him. He thinks back to everything that happened that day, from the sweaters to the donuts to the rain to now. He still prefers the heat of the summer, the refreshing chill of the pool, and the lack of school, but today has been one of the most memorable days of his life. He decides, in that moment, that even though the individual aspects of fall may not be his favorite, doing them with Cyrus definitely is.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I think so,” TJ responds, watching the triumphant grin spread across Cyrus’s face.
“I knew I could convince you! What was it that won you over, my awesome fall puns?”
“Now those I could do without.”
“Please you know you’re FALLing in love with them,” Cyrus says, raising up his hand for a high five.
“That pun doesn’t deserve a high five!”
“Come on Teej! Don’t leaf me hanging! I love you a-latte!”
And if, the next day, TJ goes out and buys a bunch of fall sweaters with puns on them, it’s definitely not because of Cyrus.
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cornholio4 · 5 years
Miraculous Fantasy chapter 1
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was with her parents as they were in the limo of Audrey Bourgeois, Marinette had ended up deciding she wanted to take her out on her offer of being taken to New York in order to become her protégée. She did say that she wanted Audrey to keep in touch with her daughter Chloe, so she ended up helping her biggest bully bond some more with her mother.
Go figure.
She had a hard time saying goodbye to her friends but they had all promised to keep in touch through video chat and messages. Her friends from the class and school had all set up a going away party for her which was also attended by Jagged Stone (to everyone’s delight), her grandmother Gina and Nadja Chamack along with Manon.
She definitely was going to miss Alya, her best friend since the start of the school year. If it wasn’t for her advice and encouragement, she didn’t think she would have ever had the confidence she needed to continue being Ladybug or stand up to Chloe.
She was guilty about leaving them all but even guiltier about leaving Paris without Ladybug but Master Fu had the solution. The Horse Miraculous with Kaalki as its Kwami, gifted with the power of teleportation. With it an Akuma alert on her phone it means she can teleport back to Paris to deal with any emergencies as Ladybug.
It would be hard and something to get used to but she wanted to take her duties as Ladybug seriously while taking this enormous opportunity to further her fashion career.
She had arrived with her parents Tom and Sabine to New York in Audrey’s helicopter and had directed them to her limo. She was now taking them to the bakery building that Audrey had bought for them to start up their baker business again.
She could not beleive how supportive her parents were of her taking this apprenticeship deal and willing to re-establish their bakery in a whole different city. They were truly the best parents she could ever hope to ask for.
She and her parents were speechless looking at the tall buildings and busy streets, “Get used to Queens my dear protégée, it is the perfect place for the Queen of Fashion and the new home for the future Queen of Fashion.” Audrey remarked with a smile from her seat which was facing them. She then had a bit of a frown. “Of course when you get there Marinette, I hope you won’t repeat Gabriel’s error and forget to get me my front row seat for the fashion shows you would be hosting.” She remarked to Marinette’s direction.
Marinette gave a nervous nod as Audrey turned her attention to the window; Marinette looked to her handbag where Tikki was hiding. Tikki had been looking at the pamphlet (translated into French) of the school that she would be transferred to. Midtown Academy; a gifted school with different programs for the students and their specialties including science and of course fashion.
“Looks like it will be a good school Marinette, hopefully there will not be another Chloe.” Tikki whispered to Marinette and she smiled in response. Tikki was doing her best to be there for Marinette for this new change of life and circumstances.
The limo driver stopped and told them they were there; they went out and saw the bakery building which looked not a lot different from the one from home if only without color and it looked like it had been closed for some time. Probably from the previous owners. “I know it looks drab but I am sure you can fix it a bit.” Audrey told them shaking her head.
“No worries Audrey, we can make it home in no time!” Tom said pulling Marinette and Gina into his arms but Audrey sighed.
They then heard something on the road and were shocked to see a futuristic car speeding by and at the back holding on and looking like he was trying to stop it was a costumed figure.
The figure was dressed in a red hooded sleeveless jumper with a black spider logo on it, a light blue top underneath it, a red ski mask, black ski goggles, red fingerless gloves, red boots and light blue track bottoms.
They were shocked but Audrey shook her head, “Great, it’s that dumpster diving Spider-Man again. He started appearing a few months ago and brings disaster wherever he goes.” Audrey explained in a displeased tone.
“Well looks like we won’t be far from red clad heroes in New York either.” Gina commented with a smile that Tom and Marinette returned. Audrey shook their heads as she had her driver help them get their bags inside so they could start unpacking.
Marinette shared a quick glance at Tikki inside her handbag as they both thought that this Spider-Man could be someone to keep an eye on.
It had been a normal day at Midtown Academy for Peter Parker, paying attention to all his classes and talking to his friends in his class. Afterwards with all his homework done and his Aunt May having let him know beforehand she would be late with her job working at the FEAST homeless shelter, he thought he could spend some time being Spider-Man.
Once he had gotten changed he had gone out and started web slinging, some people were taking pictures or video with their phones as they saw him but he had to be careful to try and not get seen by any police officers.
While some people appreciated what he did, the NYPD were not exactly on friendly terms with him. Most of them did not appreciate a masked vigilante interfering in police work, he got some on his side but for the most part they were not fans of him.
he found a speeding futuristic car speeding by on the road and was quick to try and catch it this time. The car and the driver had been the getaway driver for several robberies. He had tried but hadn’t been able to catch it. The car was too fast before.
He had wanted to marvel at how the car could work and what technology was in it but he had to focus on catching it.
He had web slinged after it and had been trying to stop it for about three quarters of an hour. He had grabbed hold o if it but was forced to let go several times. Call it being determined or being stupidly stubborn but he refused to give up.
He was getting him this time.
It paid off as he managed to slow down the car from the back and rip off the door; he jumped up to the front of the car and managed to force it to slow down. He went and grabbed the driver who was in a black bodysuit and a black race car driving helmet with a blue visor.
He dragged him out and was stunned to see the car as if by magically turn into a normal car. The passerbys were taking pictures and the man told him “pretty cool huh? I have special nanites injected into my blood that allows me to transform any vehicle I am driving and make them super fast! If you have any Superhero friends can you please tell them that I go by Overdrive!”
Peter stood stunned but then saw police cars arrive and out came a familiar blonde haired police captain glaring harshly at Peter. “Hey George, glad to see your eye has healed....” Peter said nervously.
“Captain Stacy to you Wallcrawler, now put your hands......” snapped Captain George Stacy but Peter just jumped up and ran up the nearest building. The police officers arrested Overdrive and Captain Stacy called for police helicopters to look out for Spider-Man.
He got up and then was in a hurry to web sling to his secret base, hopefully before they can pick up his trail.
Captain George Stacy was easily the police officer who was out for Spider-Man’s blood the most. On the 2nd week of being Spider-Man, Peter had gotten word of a sale of weapons in a district by a criminal carter. He had jumped into the middle of the meeting.
Captain Stacy was pretty much his harshest critic besides J. Jonah Jameson, the man who owned and ran the controversial internet news outlet the Daily Bugle.
He had taken out most of the men and had kicked the head of the buyers hard in the eye. It turns out the head buyer was Captain Stacy and the men with him were undercover cops and he had ruined a sting operation.
Peter had apologised in a panic and escaped before Captain Stacy’s backup could arrive. He had definitely not a made a friend with Captain Stacy there.
Making sure no one was looking Peter made it to the warehouse district and opened up a high window of one of the warehouses. This warehouse had belonged to his parents before they had died and Aunt May and Uncle Ben (when he was still with them) had given him the keys. He had been using it as his base which he called the Spider’s Nest.
Of course calling it a base would be generous.
There were tables of various broken down gadgets that he had taking to fixing, there were clothes hangers for the other copies of the suit he had gotten (mostly from charity stores), a fixed up computer and a fixed up sewing machine he was using to mend his suits when he needed to as well as sew the Spider logo into his jumpers.
He sighed as he gotten changed into his normal clothes and thought he could rest for a while before need to go back home to his and Aunt May’s apartment. He looked to the wall where there were various posters he had put up.
There was one that was advertising Ultimate Mecha Strike III (the first one was one of his favourite Video Games, the second one was kind a disappointment in his eyes but the third one was a well worthy of being the true follow up of the first one), there was one with the logo of Horizon Labs the company ran by one of his personal science heroes Max Modell and of the world famous superheroine Majestia.
She was one who probably didn’t need to worry about the police being after her since whenever she saved the Earth it would make the front page. She was amazing and hopes that he could live up to her standard of Superheroing one day.
Of course he was also hoping to live up to the memory of someone close to him that he had lost....
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dobrikswriting · 5 years
Basically Strangers PT 2
Sorry this took so long!
Here’s part one!
I laid down in my bed the second I got back to my hotel. I glanced over at the clock.
5 AM.
I hadn't been to bed yet, I almost felt like the whole night I hadn't even been awake. I felt bad about leaving David while he was sleeping I just felt like it might be awkward in the morning. I feel like he's going to wake up and regret everything and I really didn't want to see that look on his face. I sent Zane a quick text telling him to call me the second he woke up and then I stripped down to just my bra and underwear before I laid down and finally rest my eyes.
"Y/N?" I heard as I felt a hand gently shake me awake. I blinked my eyes, my brain not able to process anything as I saw Zane standing in front of me. I sat there staring at him for a couple second before I finally realized that Zane and, by the sound of chatter, a few other people were in my room right now.
"Woah." I said softly sitting up looking around the room, seeing Matt, Carly, and Erin sitting on the couch in my room. "Hey? How did yo-"
"I pretended to be your husband and got an extra key." Zane said cutting you off.
"That's .... unsettling." I replied sleepily looking over to see the time. 11 AM, 6 hours of sleep would have to do.
"That's what I said!" Matt said, agreeing with me. "No way should it be that easy I'm going to do something about that. I'm writing a letter to someone." Matt said matter of factually.
"Okay sure, can we go get some food now." I heard a voice say, a voice I hadn't previously known was in the room. I leaned forward in the bed more and looked around the corner into the open hallway to see David leaning up against the door frame, looking at his phone. He looked up at me and smiled.
 "Nice hickies y/n. You ditched us to go have fun last night huh?" David teased, I felt heat rush to my cheeks knowing my face had to be bright red. I looked down and quickly remembered I had stripped down to basically nothing before I had fallen asleep, I quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to my neck covering myself up.
"A bra is basically a bikini you're fine." Zane joked sitting on the edge of my bed. "We're getting breakfast get dressed." He said, not asking more demanding. 
David walked more into the room throwing me the robe that the hotel had left hanging in the bathroom.
"We'll wait for you to shower if you want." He added before sitting in a chair at the opposite end of the room. I could tell by the way Zane wasn't joking around and wasn't giving me shit, that David hadn't said anything about last night. I was thankful but I guess I had also expected that, David didn't seem like the type of guy to do that without talking to me first.
I smiled at him as I put the robe on and quickly went into the bathroom to shower and get ready.
I had gotten ready in record time and we were all on our way down to the car to get food. Zane walked up beside me, "Sorry I went too hard last night I was looking forward to having fun with you and I passed out so early." He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
"It's okay really, I still had fun." I replied genuinely, even aside from spending time with David I really did have a fun time with everyone last night. I was excited to see what the rest of the week would hold.
"Yeah I can see that." Zane said, referring to the light hickies on my neck. "Who did those you don't even know anyone here."
"I'm on vacation, let me live." I said brushing him off, not wanting to lie but not wanting to tell him the truth. He just gave me a look smiling and then walked up to say some comment to annoy Matt. We got out to David's tesla and all got in, I was surprised to see everyone getting in the back leaving the only open spot being the front seat. I slid in the seat, I could feel my heart beating extremely fast. I was nervous but also excited I felt like I was 14 and had just seen my crush in the hall or something. David made me feel different. I tried to pretend I was looking at something on my phone as I heard him get into the car and we started to drive.
"Why'd you leave last night?" He asked me softly, the music was loud enough that the others couldn't hear it while they were caught up in their own conversation. I looked over at him to see he was looking intently at the road, I had never seen a more beautiful side profile. His hair was messy but still perfect, and the way his mouth sat ever so slightly open with his tongue resting against his bottom lip, I felt like I should pinch myself because no way was this guy in any way interested in me.
"I just didn't want the morning to be awkward, if you..." I stopped for a moment wanting to word it correctly. "I mean I know you were drunk and I just wanted to give you a clean escape you know." I replied back quietly, changing my gaze to match his, watching the road go past.
"I don't want one." He said and I could see him look at me and smile out of the corner of my eye. I smiled but I kept looking forward, before Zane popped his head between us and had some remark to say about how hungry he was and David wasn't going fast enough. We rolled our eyes and continued the drive in conversation with everyone else.
After we had eaten we hung out at David's for a while. I was shocked at how included I felt, I felt like I had been friends with everyone for years. I was happy that things weren't weird between me and David. I knew nothing would come of the two of us, I was only going to be in California for a few more days then I would go back to my life as normal but I was so excited to even be able to experience a glimpse of this life, with these people. It made me wish I had moved out here when Zane did.
After a few hours at David's everyone was about to split up and do their own things, David had to get some footage for a brand deal, Carly and Erin were going to shoot a video with Jason and, Zane and Matt were going to film the podcast with Heath and Mariah. "Do you wanna come and film with us?" Zane asked not wanting to leave me alone for the afternoon.
"I was kinda thinking about doing something touristy." I said laughing at how lame I sounded. "Who knows when I'll be able to come back here." I added. Zane nodded and looked in thought hopefully thinking of a good place for me to go.
"Do you wanna come with me?" David asked overhearing me. "My brand deal is with universal studios, I have to go ride a new ride they're coming out with but we can definitely make a day of it. Amusement parks are good content." He said smiling at me.
"That's perfect thank you!" I said thankfully back to him. "You sure I wouldn't be intruding?" I asked. David immediately shook his head.
"I was supposed to take Jonah but he just ditched me last second so you're doing me a favor actually." He replied. I smiled back at him and gave Zane a quick hug as we all went on our separate ways.
I slid back into the passenger seat of the tesla and tried to contain my smile, I was excited to spend time alone with David. I knew from the vlogs that he was fun but actually being around him is a totally different story. He was so fun and nice and just a good person that wanted to do anything he could to make other people laugh. It was a nice vibe to be around. We started driving and I was a little nervous how to start conversation with him, so I was glad when he broke the silence.
"I hope nothing is awkward between us because of last night." He said looking over at me.
"Not at all. At least for me. I really enjoyed myself." I said smiling at him. He nodded and smiled at me.
"I have to be really careful about what I do and who I do it with. I have this image and if anything comes out of me actually acting like a 23 year old, the world goes crazy." He said running a hand through his brown his. "It was very off brand of me to do that but it felt really nice, like freeing." He said opening up to me. I hadn't realized how much pressure was on David to always do the right things and be the perfect guy, I couldn't imagine not getting to just do whatever I wanted and always having to worry about people taking things the wrong way.
"Well I'm happy I could help." I replied laughing. "It feels really good to be here. In LA, with all you guys. You are all so inviting and I feel like I'm apart of the group."
"You fit in really well, your personality is a good match. I bet by the end of the week everyone is going to be begging for you to stay." He said winking at me.
"Everyone?" I teased, making it a point to look him in the eyes so he knew I was talking about him directly. David just smiled back at me and laughed but I could see a blush creeping up on his cheeks. David then put the camera up on his dashboard and filmed us driving the rest of way, just jamming out to music and David filming a couple stupid dad joke puns from random billboards we went past.
I had never been to universal studios but I had been to multiple other theme parks and it was pretty standard to the rest. David and I filmed us riding the new ride, he introduced me as Zane's home town best friend and he was putting me through the test to see if I could make it in the vlog squad. We finished riding that ride and then rode a could more, on any ride that had a big drop or upside down turn David would grab my hand and hold on for dear life and I could my whole stomach fill with butterflies. We were both eating a churro and David was taking some pictures with fans when I finally glanced down at my phone, I was shocked to see so many notifications.
I opened up my messages to see multiple texts from my friends back home and one from Zane tell me to call him right away. I told David I would be right back and stepped into a quieter area to call him.
"Hey!" Zane picked up immediately.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Have you seen the pictures?" Zane asked.
"Huh?" Is all I said back in confusion.
"Look at my texts." He stated I quickly opened up my messages app and went to Zanes, he had sent me a picture of David and I standing in line at one of the rides. "Thats a little weird that someone took that buts what's the big deal?" I asked.
"The way he's looking at you." Zane said. I opened up the picture more and I could see that David was looking at me, I don’t know if it was in my head but there was something more there. I don’t think I had ever seen anyone look at me quite the same even if I couldn’t explain it. We just looked really happy and comfortable together.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I replied back though not wanting to make it a big deal.
"Yes you do. You know what I'm talking about and so will David when he sees that. It's a big deal because David can have some crazy fans and their really running with this one y/n. Most of the fans either don't want David with anyone or they want him with Liza, and this picture with him looking at you like that and those hickies on your neck it won't be long before they come for you." He said worried.
"I think you're reading too deep into it. We're just friends hanging out.”
"I'm not dumb. You didn't leave last night you hooked up with David. I heard you guys talking in the car." He said back, I felt bad that Zane knew I was lying to him, it just didn't feel like my place to tell David's business like that.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could reply.
"It's okay just be careful please, some of the fans can be ruthless." Zane said. I thanked him before getting off the phone, I looked through a couple of my messages, seeing they all had to do with the picture, people asking me what David was like and if I could have him follow them on stuff. I didn't reply to anything and I walked back over to David who was sitting signing something for a fan. He looked up at me and could tell something was off.
"What's wrong?" He asked after the fan had walked away.
"I'm just really hot do you wanna head out?" I asked. David just looked at me and nodded and we headed back to the car in silence.
We didn't say much the whole ride back to my hotel. David pulled up in a parking spot and turned to me. "Did something happen?" He asked me.
"You have to know about the picture." I said turning my body to face him as well.
"Yeah. I mean it's not a big deal it'll blow over." He replied. I unlocked my phone and slid it over to him as the notification kept popping up on my screen, follow requests and random DM's.
 "Maybe but it's a lot right now." I said. He looked over a couple of the DM's most of them were harmless but I could see him get uncomfortable when a negative one would pop up on the screen. I was surprised they had found all my social media accounts so quickly.
"I'm sorry." David said handing me back my phone.
"It's not your fault I'm just not used to this. I'm pretty unremarkable so my phone is never this popping." I said joking back.
"No seriously I should of never taken you there I knew it wasn't a good idea. I just wanted to. Last night I felt so free and good to just do what I wanted and not worry about what anyone else would think. It felt so good. And I wanted to do it again but that was way too public." He said staring at his hand. I felt my heart get tight, I had so much fun with David I didn't want whatever weird friendship we had to stop because of this.
"David I barely know you, but there is something about you that just makes me want to be around you and get to know you. I don't care about what other people think. I get it's a big part of your job, so if you want me to keep my distance to help you out I totally understand." I said, know he would agree and that would be the end to this thing that had barely even started.
"I feel the same way about you. Y/N when I said I don't do the having sex with strangers and bringing them home thing I meant that. I don't do that but there is just something about you where I feel like I can be myself." He said looking up at me. "I don't want you to keep your distance. We just can't be too extra about it but I do want to get to know you better." He added, we had slowly been leaning in towards each other and David leaned in more pushing his lips against mine. I kissed him back, I can't describe the feeling that rushed through my veins. He pulled back and smiled at me.
"Do you wanna come up?" I asked, wanting to continue spending time with him.
"I gotta go edit for the vlog tomorrow but I do want to see you, do you wanna come over later, everyone will probably be there you can meet the rest of the gang?" He replied.
I nodded and went to get out of the car, David placed a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate as his tongue found its way into my mouth. He pulled away and I felt breathless.
"I'll text you." I said trying to make it seem like I wasn't as giddy as a little school girl I said as I smiled back at David and got out of the car.
I couldn't help but do a little dance freak out as I got back to my room. I couldn't believe that David had any interest in me at all, I would never think someone like him would like me. It felt so good. I laid back on my bed as I was facetimed Zane to tell him what happened and have him help me decide how to handle the new found popularity I had.
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