#bette & dot tattler
I had no idea I would open up my Instagram today and see Ms SARAH CATHERINE PAULSON on LILY RABE'S STORY!!!!
Gosh, how I missed my MOMS™️
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taintandviolent · 2 years
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Sarah Paulson AHS character wallpapers because I love her
{like/reblog if you use or save!}
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maitressonneurs · 2 years
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I am- I wish- I- You- Hum- Well- Mine ?
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aboutcustardcreams · 1 year
She indeed likes it
Bette and Dot x fem reader
(it's nothing really, just pure fluff) Hey! I was feeling guilty for disappearing so long so here I am with a old draft of mine. I'm preparing the last exam of my life last minute and I'm hoping to succeed🤞🏼😭
brief summary: You like the twins and the twins like you, and also that adorable laugh of yours.
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There's a comfortable silence in the tent with the twins. Both are busy scribbling in their diary as I try to focus, without much success, on the script Elsa wrote for me. I can't keep myself from looking at them. I'm mesmerized by their souls, that I've developed such strong feelings for both. Nothing is too hard or impossible when they are close. Like right now, together we lean against the headboard and share the same tranquility. They understand me better than anyone else. And I understand them in return. They've become an essential part of my life that I just can't do without. Their friendship means everything to me, although sometimes I wish it was more than that. And I know that spark I've been craving for a while now, is there. Stubbornly, I believe it's there, but it's just too shy to come to light. To put a label on something that has always come so naturally is scary, but it goes without saying that there is something going on among us.
Goosebumps rise upon my skin, when Bette lets out a quiet giggle, having noticed my insistent look upon her. I bite my bottom lip, quickly averting my gaze and mentally cursing myself for being so obvious. I've been staring at the twins' profile for some time now, unable to keep focusing on the lines, that suddenly looked like Arabic on my legs. I was supposed to learn them by heart for the show. Bette turns to look at me, deep down loving the fact that I'm so easily flustered around her and her sister. Dot, being an empath, feels the exact same tingle of her sister, that makes her stop scribbling in her diary.
"Can't focus on the script, I see", Dot teases me. Bette tries so hard to contain herself, when I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, "Too busy staring", she adds, and my face turns as red as a tomato. I scoff lightly, "I am NOT", I emphasize on the last word, trying to sound convincing. But it falls upon deaf ears.
Bette, noticing my sudden embarrassment, sighs softly, "Don't be like that", she tells Dot, who hums lightly, with a growing smirk playing on her face. A twinkle lights up her eyes and I can tell she is enjoying every second of that. Bette's hand comes resting upon my knee and it immediately has the power to soothe my heart. They have good intentions, they always do. Even if Dot acts like that, deep down I know how much she cares for me. She showed me countless times. Sure, her approach isn't as sweet and open like her sister, but I loved her exactly because she was different. When I cry or feel sad, she doesn't need to say anything to uplift my mood. While Bette soothes me with loving words and affection, Dot simply sets aside everything to listen. There are many ways to show someone you care, and I think they both did in their own special way.
"It's alright, Bette, she is right", I add softly, finding some determination to stand up to her sister. Dot quickly turns to look at me, and I enjoy the way her eyebrows rise in astonishment. She clicks her tongue, and I keep her gaze with playfulness in my eyes. Bette blushes and giggles cutely at the interaction.
"I can't help it, if you two are so beautiful", I continue in a sing song voice, at the same time fighting the sudden heat on my cheeks.
Bette can't contain her excitement, while Dot freezes for a moment, trying to process my words. A lump form to her throat and she quickly swallows it. A whirlwind of emotions comes knocking at the doors of her heart and she feels the urge to scold her sisters, believing it's her fault she is feeling so messed up.
"T-thank you", Bette replies with that adorable smile of hers, she takes my hand in hers and that's when I finally blush from head to toe, "So are you. Dot thinks the same, but she is too stubborn to admit it"
I chuckle softly at that, and Dot just groans, but the fact that she doesn't deny it is enough proof to me.
"You should feel her heart. It's going wild!", Bette continues in a whisper, pushing Dot's buttons maybe too far. I bite my bottom lip and a nod carefully in her direction, but the brunette is too busy throwing daggers at Bette to notice my expression.
"Shut it, will you?", she spats, nudging at her.
Bette frowns and whines, "Ouch! You hurt me!"
I can sense Dot is trying hard to keep control of her emotions, of her sudden rage at her sister for having exposed her feelings. "Girls, come on", I try to interject, but she precedes me, "If I were you, I'd better choose my next words", she continues sternly.
Bette gives her a dramatic eyeroll, being used to her empty threats.
"Alright, let's stop this. We both know how it ends", I say placing my hand on their lap, and grazing both their knees alternatively, so that none of them feels left out.
"She knows you're a pathetic little thing"
"Oh shut up,  Dot . You're not almighty"
"Are you two done with the mental argument?", I scoff a little. I saw it coming in the exact moment the twins started looking at each other with dangerous insistence. I love both so much, but it pains me to see how often they bicker, especially when, most of the time, I'm the matter of their arguments. And I know it's their thing. Their special way to communicate, but sometimes I can't help but wish they wouldn't do that. It makes me feel as if I could never really be part of their world, because of their zoning out.
"I don't need to be to keep you at bay"
"What? You insensitive little-"
"I suggest you stop there"
"Alright, keep talking you two", I roll my eyes and lie back on the mattress, the script on my lap long forgotten. It probably fell on the floor, but I can't really be bothered. I don't have the heart to memorize it now.
I pout and suddenly I feel Bette and Dot's eyes on me. I always know when they stare at me, even if I don't stare back. Their gaze is so intense, my entire body reacts before I can have a say.
"See? You did it again. Now she thinks we don't care about her"
"How is this my fault, Dot?"
"Because it always is!"
Bette lets out a soft sigh and she reaches out her hand to touch me. "Don't ignore us, please", her voice comes out so thin and smooth, that it's not hard to imagine her bottom lip wobbling as well, "We are sorry", she continues and Dot turns with sigh, when Bette pokes her.
I'm not really mad, but I feel like standing my ground a little more, just because, I want them to know what it feels like when they zone out and I can't enter their thoughts. The twins' body moves to lie down on the stomach, "Y/n, pleaseeee", Bette is growing impatient by my obstinacy, and I can tell by the way her voice sounds.
Her face is so close to my side profile, that I struggle to keep a serious expression. She frowns and I feel her breath warming up my skin.
I almost crack a smile, but then Dot starts talking, "You're being a big baby". I had to admit it, she's got a nerve. But hell, did I love her regardless.
Gasping and turning to face her, I snap childishly, "That's not true!"
Both twins share a content smile, happy to have caught my attention. I groan and rub my eyes with my fingertips, muttering some complaints under my breath. The twins crawl on top of me, towering over me, like they always do when they want something from me.
It's incredible how despite being identical twins, I can recognize one from the other just by the expression on their face. Even the same feeling is portrayed differently by them. If they are amused, one would simply laugh openly, maybe have tears in their eyes, whereas the other would grin mischievously and sweep her tongue over their lips.
Bette knows what she is doing, and she starts giggling, and when I tentatively ask what's going on, she says, while stroking my cheeks, "You're cute even when you're grumpy"
Dot, on the other hand, traces the line of my hip with her fingernail, causing a ticklish sensation to rise over my body, "But she is even cuter, when she smiles, isn't she?", she grins, eyeing her sister.
They know what happens when they do that, so I can't help the thought that they're doing this on purpose.
"N-no, w-wait- Ah!", I say, hardly suppressing a fit of giggles, when their touch persists. They know I'm probably the weakest ticklish mess to ever exist, and too often they use the notion to their advantage, but mostly when I'm being unreasonable to them. I guess that was one of those moments. But the truth is, there is also another reason why they like teasing me that way. It's something intimate that only happens among us, special like our bond.
"You mean, keep going?", Dot fakes innocence, a tone that doesn't really belong to her and that makes me feel funny even more, "Are you sure you can take it?", she keeps teasing me, and Bette's giggles mix with mine as she starts tickling my belly. I squirm and squeal, but their body keeps me trapped there. While Bette tickles my skin with playful pokes and soft brushstrokes, Dot is more meticulous and finds her way under my shirt in between my ribs.
I can't help the tears falling from my eyes, "Alright, I-I'm so-sohohrry!", I apologize and I'm not even sure why I'm doing it, but the ticklish sensation is driving me crazy.
Dot mutters something that looks like "good girl", but in my head turns into "good pet".
"Dot, look!", Bette squeals in delight, as she sees a familiar wagging under my butt. I blush vehemently, and I accept the fact that my tail is out of control now. It escapes my baggy pants and wags wildly, because of their teasings.
Finally, they stop tickling me.
"Gods, you're terrible!", I exclaim, still smiling.
Grinning to one e other, they slightly pull away, letting me catch my breath. I sit up and the twins share an accomplice's look, fully believing that I enjoy that treatment, to which I reply with an eyeroll. Bette's fingers reach out to stroke the fur on top of my tail, but I go before her and playfully wag it under her nose and chin, offering her a little tickle in return, "I'll get my revenge", I promise, with a full smile on my face.
"I'm shaking!", Dot jokes, and her sister giggles.
I say nothing which is saying something. Dot's smiling fondly. Neither of them has ever showed fear or disgust in my regards and that's something priceless to me. I scoop closer to them, suddenly feeling the need of a cuddle. They get the message and while Dot unexpectedly peppers kisses upon my forehead, Bette keeps stroking my tail, like a child who's been given a new doll to play with. It feels so soothing and relaxing that I close my eyes, humming and feeling content. Safe most of all. There I was known as the foxy girl, but in my head I was their foxy girl.
Screw the labels, that was heaven.
"She, indeed, likes it", I hear Dot say to Bette, while she lightly scratches my arm.
And I'm not ashamed to admit that she was right, as I sigh contently with a smile.
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pink-evilette · 26 days
Characters named...
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♡ Betty/Bette ♡
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Betty Boop, Betty Blue, Betty Cooper (Riverdale), Betty Cooper (Archie Comics), Bette (+ Dot) Tattler
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mars-rivers · 2 years
Sarah Paulson attends 'A New Way Of Life 2022 Gala' at Skirball Cultural Center in LA♡
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yourmomssidepiece · 6 months
𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎ℎ 𝑃𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑠 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒 & 𝐷𝑜𝑡 𝑇𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑤 (2014-2015)
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white-swan-00 · 2 years
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Ahs : Freakshow
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Paulson’s AHS Characters As Bake Off Contestants:
Welp. I watched eight seasons of Bake Off in about three days and this happened. Enjoy 😂🙈
Billie Dean 
The attractive baker. Prue’s favorite. The surprise lesbian that doesn’t come out until episode three (and I mean you were invested in her because she’s stunning, but now she’s definitely your favorite). At least two bakers have a crush on her and drop everything if she needs help. Never dresses practically for baking. The only one who doesn’t sweat when the tent gets hot. Surprisingly makes it to the final
The scholarly baker. Somehow always ties her work/degrees into her interviews and package. Always good at technicals because she can follow a recipe like a boss. Tries exotic recipes but they don’t always work. The only one to get clean lines on her Battenberg. Should be in the final, but gets voted off unfairly because she has one off week 
The perfect baker. Gets star baker at least three times. Is first in technical at least four times. Sits in front of her oven. Definitely planned ahead. One of those rare bakers whose concept art actually looks like what she makes. Always hugs the person who gets voted off. She wins the whole thing
The vegan baker. They don’t actually bake vegan, but they make all of their bakes “half and half” (two separate bakes smashed into one cake/biscuit/pastry) even when it’s not practical. You know they’re going to be a problem from the first episode, but they miraculously don’t get voted off first
The messy baker. Always spills things or accidentally smashes half of her cakes. Her flavor saves her every time. Will lace everything with alcohol. It always works. 
The old lady baker. Has the refinement and coziness of a 70 year old grandma who has baked for her family all her life. Her technicals might not be great, but her showstoppers are always top. She’s that baker that does things “her way”, that gets an “interesting” from Paul on her unconventional process, and then blows him out of the water every time
The mom baker. Talks about how much she loves baking for her kids at home, but is actually a complete disaster. Gets a handshake on her first signature challenge, and it’s all downhill from there
The silent but deadly baker. She keeps to herself and minds her own business. The one that you note on the first episode and then kind of dismiss until the halfway point because she’s always at the top and you never have to worry about her. Always knows the unusual technical recipes. Bakes with exotic flavors but it’s always stunning and unusual. Definitely in the finale 
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invaderdoom78 · 2 years
So I was watching Cinema Therapy’s review of Phantom of the Opera and came up with this AHS Freakshow AU idea.
The set up could be that Elsa owns the opera house and uses to show the world her Freak Show and the reader could be her daughter or grandaughter and Bette and Dots arrival to the theater that starts off the Phantoms rampage as the twins are outshining the reader and he can’t have that setting off a series of events that are similar to the movie/play.
It could be a Jimmy x Reader story where Jimmy is Raoul and Edward is Eric the Phantom, but I was picturing it as Edward is both Raoul and the Phantom where Edward is a ghost that haunts the theater who is content to simply lurk in the flooded torture chambers below, occasionally milling around with a select few of the other freaks; helping them perfect their acts or work on their musical skills until he puts on the mask the demon face takes over, still tormented by the second face’s voice in his head, becoming the obsesive Phantom who only wants the reader to be in the spot light and to be his bride; but either way Jimmy would still be the one that is tied up and being threatened in either version.
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nothing more than a curiosity 
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Fiona Apple - Criminal 1997
"Criminal" is a song by American singer-songwriter Fiona Apple, the third single from her debut studio album, Tidal. Apple has stated that the song is about "feeling bad for getting something so easily by using your sexuality". Apple's highest-charting single, it peaked at number 21 on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as number 4 on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks. The song won the Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance at the 40th Grammy Awards and was nominated for Best Rock Song. "Criminal" was listed at number 55 on VH1's "100 Greatest Songs of the '90s", and number 71 on Blender magazine's 2005 list of "The 500 Greatest Songs Since You Were Born".
The music video was directed by Mark Romanek with cinematography by Harris Savides. Visual enhancements including the retroreflector in Fiona's eyes and additional lighting vignettes were created by visualist Ash Beck. In 1998, the video won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Cinematography. The video was featured in the 1997 MTV special "Beavis and Butt-Head Do Thanksgiving". Up until Beavis and Butt-Head's revival in 2011, it was the last to be critiqued by the duo among other videos in the special. In the second episode of American Horror Story: Freak Show, Bette and Dot Tattler perform a duet version of "Criminal".
"Criminal" received a total of 74,8% yes votes!
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gossipify · 2 years
American Horror Story: Playing Siamese 'was a nightmare', says Sarah Paulson
In season four of American Horror Story, Sarah Paulson played conjoined twins Bette and Dot Tattler. In the fourth season of American Horror Storyalso known as American Horror Story: Freakshow, Sarah Paulson further elevated the acclaimed performance by playing Bette It is Dot Tattler, Siamese twins. However, the actress revealed that the experience of playing these characters was a complete…
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mrsaimazing · 2 years
Bin mit Pepper viel mehr zufrieden als mit den Twins
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thedarklinkfell · 6 months
Hadn't seen one of these before so here we go! No middle of the road choices, just one vote for your fave. Evan poll [HERE]
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muutosarchive · 6 months
contrast blossoms immediately from one individual to the other. two halves of a whole, sensitivity given to both in spades, yet only dot was blessed with the good sense to hide it. dot is guarded, wrinkled lip with eyebrows pinched, while bette's lips were agape &. eyes blown wide in fear.
"who are you?" dot asks aloud, alabama twang muted by the seriousness. legs carry them backward as bette's finger rises to her lip. 'show some restraint, will you?' beratement fills bette's conscious, and she swallows with a hesitant drop of her arm.
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🍒 @sidusperversum 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃  ↪ for the tattler twins
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a moment passes before speech. "are you a spirit?" bette asks, eagerness of twitching tiers pushing the words from her gut.
"god you're so impulsive. like the hand that stabbed our mother." dot snaps with a coiled expression, whip tight, with embarrassed eyes fleeing back to the specter. "it was just a question." bette murmurs.
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