#better homes of america
shima-draws · 4 months
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Nightbringer is so funny bc if diavolo didn’t threaten to send us back to the human world(idk of that happens I’ve only heard) Lilith would still he here no? I don’t think she would be like a baby when they said she was reborn as a human I just assume they just put her in the world and erased her memories but she was probably reborn as a child and grew up. But she would still be around meaning that it would be so incredibly far into the past because even they had a hard time tracing MC’s lineage😭 so imagine going back to like a time before lightbulbs were invented. Absolutely the FUCK NOT!!! I could not for a second live as a small sickly Victorian child no way I would be able to survive watching people Live in their own filth😭🤢 I’m sorry i’m not witnessing slavery or the black plague Dia has me all the way fucked up I’m too spoiled by modern technology like socks and hoodies
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Why everybody wanna date you when you’re in a relationship, but when you’re not they all disappear? Where are y’all when I’m single, I ask? Is it too harsh to ask for a bf who will suffer my endless ramblings abt Ninjago, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Magnus Archives Protocol, and Clutch Powers??? Is that too much God?????
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yeehawfml · 9 months
oki doki so I forgot a little something to talk about
I uh. Really don't like talking about topics I don't know too much about so I'll keep this short.
do not interact with me if you support what Isreal is doing to palestine. People are dying for existing, I don't care who you are, if you support Isreal do not talk to me.
I stand with palestine. If you're in palestine I wish the best for you to stay safe. You are human, and if Isreal fails to see this, than that makes them lack the humanity that you have.
Stay safe.
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vellichorom · 8 months
just a general question, what country are you from?
I’m British-
...yeah, not great, but the rumors are true, we make the Finest, most fattening & bastardeous crimes against god in food there ever will be.
I do envy the brits though. what's it like over there for you? I know the prices are even HIGHER over there ( allegedly ) but- & not to sound like a tea-aboo, but the culture & architecture there & overALL in europe seems just delectable. perhaps someday, hopefully in this life, i'll get to see it firsthand!
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bioswear · 2 months
not to sound like some political bootlicker but i could cry honestly seeing a presidential candidate who can actually string a coherent sentence together and isn’t on the verge of having an aneurysm
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bronzewool · 1 month
Book: Irene Adler “The Woman” is a famous opera singer and actress, and one of four people to ever beat Sherlock Holmes in a battle of wits. Adler loves her husband dearly and only keeps hold of the blackmail she has over the Duke in order to keep herself safe, and will never reveal the photo to the public as long as he leaves them alone. Holmes never shows any romantic interest in Adler, or anyone for that matter, and only ever admires her for her wit and cunning.
Every adaption after: Irene Adler is a femme fatale, hopelessly in love with Sherlock Holmes, and some combination of a wanted criminal and dominatrix. Adler is allowed to beat Holmes ONCE, in order to teach him humility, but after that he needs to beat/save her in order to adhere to the status quo, and undo the lesson Book!Holmes learnt in the first place. This is somehow more feminist.
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angel-cove-choir · 3 months
"4th of july is for republicans and bootlickers" have u considered that this is still my home and i want to have faith in the things it'll become in the future. have you considered i want to fight for my country in the sense that i want to dismantle everything that the poisoned government does to it and its people.
this country is beautiful and so are the people in it. they deserve better than what they're being subjected to.
ban firearms, give the natives their fucking land back, put billionaires under guillotines (lol), clean up the fucking environment. thats what i wanna fight for.
fucking vote by the way
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therulerofallpotatos · 2 months
Lovw how humans and Predators actually get along fine for the most part when we aren't actively being hunted by them.
Like they are us in many ways and sometimes they're dicks but sometimes there's a third guy here who we both hate and then a human ends up w their respect because of their warrior based cultural standards. Very curious what would happen if a human got stranded on their planet for once(not in an enclosed arena for hunting season. Like actually just randomly dropped into one of their cities). We haven't really seen how the average Predator lives. Can you imagine if the only humans you meet were dictators, rich fucks who hunt giraffes in their free time, and like...idk soldiers in active war zones?
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killyspinacoladas · 1 year
Of course America is his replacement. How fucking original.
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hiveswap · 1 year
I was cooking just now and i had a realisation about spn & my mom told me that i am overthinking it like 2 sentences in. While i was making her pancakes. Anyway i'm fucking fuming so this is a post now.
Supernatural could have been an amazing critique of the american dream, and it's so close to actually being that. Only if it didn't lose track of itself over the 15 years it was airing.
Sam and Dean, and hunters in general, don't get to have the american dream. They don't get to have an education, a family, white picket fence suburban house, ect. (That is something that is actually said out loud!!! They long to have normal lives. Who's overthinking what here??) this is because of the way they were raised, the things they have seen, and all of the things that want them dead constantly.
They know what lies on the other side of the american dream, they know all of the ways that it fails people, and this follows them home whenever they try to settle down.
A lot of these threats are based on figures from religion (demons, angels, ect.) Which is fitting because American christianity is fucking vicious against anything it hates. Being part of a group of people that is hated by christians makes people's life hell. Actively resisting the conservative fundamentalist ideology that the usa was built on? Oh boy.
This is also part of why the people reading certain characters as queer are so fucking right. Making them part of an actually marginalised group instead of using Hunters as a stand-in for one would have delivered this message much better.
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I got a packet from the social security people I have to fill out and have sent back in--by mail--by the 26th. I got it on Friday. And I haven't looked at it til now, bc I was so stressed out about my dog being sick and i feel so overwhelmed. They want all my medical records from the last year, which I don't have, because I've only started keeping that stuff since I had my complete mental breakdown and she took me out of work. And there's so many pages and so much information they want. They have to nitpick my whole fucking life, before they can decide I deserve health. Being disabled in this country is a fucking nightmare. Instead of trying to hep, the just look for reasons to disqualify you. Because they don't want to help us; they just want us to go away
#america is a trashfire#i can't even leave my house alone#i literally have been in tears every time they call me#bc taking on the phone to strangers gives me that much anxiety#i can't function#i can't remember anything longer than a few seconds#i can't focus or concentrate on anything#i have to set alarms just to remind me to do things like eat or take meds#i forget to shower sometimes. others i'm too tired to bother#i literally went an entire week without showering recently. bc i didn't remember to do it#i am not well#and i just need help long enough to get well#but how am i supposed to get it? if they make you wait 200+ days just to hear if your claim is accepted#how am i supposed to survive until then?#I can't work bc i can't leave home with having panic attacks#i can't file for unemployment bc to do so you have to be actively looking for a job#and to get disability i have to prove that i can't work#i could probably work if i found a job i could do from home that payed enough to live off of#not to mention they want me to list any income from may-july#which i didn't make any working. but my brother lives me and gives me money to deposit for the bills#that are all in my name bc he hadn't established credit when we moved in. and my credit was better back then#bc i couldn't afford to leave home until i was 28. so my credit was literally based off my student loan payments#and they were pretty low bc i did the income based thing#i'm getting my parents to come help me with the paperwork#not bc i can't understand it. but bc i literally cannot remember something i read 30 seconds ago
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"Free to a good home" racing greyhounds are all over greyhound rescue groups and Gumtree in Australia right now. Rescues have 2 year long waiting lists and trainers are trying to bully them into letting their dogs jump the queue.
I'm so tired of seeing trainers and owners trying to get rid of so many dogs. They're happy to give the dog to anyone and transport them anywhere in the country, even if that means the dog is travelling 48 hours in a transport truck.
And through Facebook and Gumtree its to people with no experience with transitioning a greyhound to a home environment.
I'm so tired of seeing these dogs being overbred and then palmed off to "make space". I know there are people who are trying to find good homes for their retired racing dogs but it's obscene how bad it's getting here in Australia. The gambling lobby has our government is a chokehold and the industry is self-regulated so even massive welfare issues are met with a few month bans from racing and no animal cruelty charges.
It's so bad. I wanted to believe the industry could be sustainable and ethical but every day I see horror story after horror story of greyhounds being killed, greyhounds not getting vet care, greyhounds with behaviour issues being "rehomed" to unsuspecting good hearted people who get bitten... Greyhounds that have 60k of price money to their name rescued from a rural pound.
It's just. So bad.
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theindefinitearticle · 4 months
I just want to write a quick love letter to my ADHD medication real quick. I finally got back on my correct ADHD medication and then had, no fucking joke, perhaps the most insane rollercoaster of a fortnight within fucking days of getting back on this prescription. If even half of the things that had happened to me in the past two weeks had happened in like, January (everyone's favourite mental breakdown month), when I was on an absurd alternate concoction invented through "idk, here's a bunch of scripts and just see what happens" pharmacist magic ("just call around. I don't know when it will be back in stock. Just keep calling places. Go up a dose. Go down a dose. Try both at once") because America says Australia isn't allowed any more of my medication 😤 no were being too greedy 😤😤😤
Went back on my correct dose, had the insanest two weeks of my life, and got through it only some problems. And with an ultimately positive view on the week and my performance in it. If this had happened in February you would have had to have me committed. I don't even know to what department but somebody would institutionalise me for something.
ADHD medication I love you 🥰
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nerdie-faerie · 4 months
Keep forgetting that I'm not just home for break and am actually going to be in america in a week for summer
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asteraceaye · 4 months
Ok so I do have to say having a walkable city is nice but wow I am so much more comfortable physically in America
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