#bianca bosconero
twistedapple · 2 years
Anyway bruh the rkvl content holy shit yes I am living for it, also Rook being canonically a former Savanaclaw fits perfectly with my own content and the relationship between him and Bianca because he's on the "Savanaclaw would suit you" and it does take one to know one so it's perfect. But also yes THE DEDICATION TOWARDS VIL MY DUDES I AM DYING RN
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girl-in-the-tower · 4 years
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Calling All The Monsters!
The Halloween Event made me want to draw FrankenBride interactions with some of the other OCs, so here we are. Sorry everybody for subjecting your OCs to my drawing style, lol.
Carol Ann belongs to @fumikomiyasaki. The double FrankenBride costume meant that I definitely had to draw them together, because look how cute they are. They’re working that look!
Mordred Baidam belongs to @just-patchy. They’re really tol and smol (like Kore barely reaches his shoulder) and the Phantom Thief costume idea is 👌 👌 👌, Patchy!
Bianca Bosconero belongs to @twistedapple. The contrast between the elegant and mature Bianca and the childish and cutesy Kore is one of my favorites. Kore looking at Bianca’s costume admiringly, while the latter is probably thinking of how to tease her as fae tend to do.
Billy Beel and Yoru Crowley belong to @jhoudiey. Thanks Jho for the couple costume idea! They’re having fun, while Theo is looking with disapproval. Eels just won’t let him and his family be, lol. Yoru is just dropping by to scare some people before she retreats to the roof. 
Celi and Catrina Maravilla belong to @thetwstwildcard. Celi and Kore are just two cute sisters showing off their costumes. Theo is asking Catrina is he looks silly in his get-up, lol. He didn’t want to go, but she convinced him. The whole family has a death theme with Theo and Catrina as Hades and Persephone, Celi as a banshee and Kore as a FrankenBride. 
Yuuki Tsukino belongs to @anunluckyrabbit. Ramshackle sisters just out to be spooky and get some candy while doing that. Ghost and FrankenBride combo is amazingly scary and cute, lol.
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jhoudiey · 4 years
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Operation “play with other art styles” has begun. Borrowed the style of a tattoo artist I really like :D
Yoru is mine, Bianca belongs to @twistedapple
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ask-octavinelle · 4 years
Jade, as happy as I am to see Floyd having a good time in the library, would you be so kind to help me have him be entertaining somewhere else? By the way, we received a new interesting book on Amanita mushrooms that could be of interest to you. - Bianca.
Fufufufu Bianca-san, you should know by now I have no control over Floyd. He’ll get bored and move on soon enough. That book sounds intriguing, if you’d kindly put it aside for me, I’ll come collect it after class. -Jade
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anticocasale28-blog · 4 years
regalini di natale
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twistedwonderlxnd · 4 years
note : i know, i know. this should've been done all the way back in may. but i really underestimated the workload from school- sorry that you have to wait this long 🥺. this took so long that i had already hit another milestone despite my inactivity 🤡. now, on to the painting-
these twisted wonderland ocs are lucille leonhart by @twistedwonda, yume mizuki by @yandere-of-your-dreams, and bianca bosconero by @twistedapple respectively from top to bottom. thank you for supporting my blog! 💜✨
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do not repost or claim as your own. do not remove my watermarks.
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anunluckyrabbit · 4 years
One year? Humans grow fast, but I didn't expect it to happen that fast... Did someone give you a potion? That'd most be dangerous and disrespectful to do that to a baby. Anyway, since you enjoy gardening, here is a pot of Cinderheather, directly from the Bosconero Estate. The blossoms are useful to treat burns, but the roots are poisonous. It also has a pretty glow in the dark, like embers! I hope you'll find it useful and pleasant. - Bianca.
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“U-um no? I’m actually turning 17 years old. My friends accidentally got a ‘baby’s first birthday” banner.”
“Technically it is your first time celebrating your birthday in Twisted Wonderland!”
“Shut up, Ace. Well thank you for the Cinderheather, it will look so pretty in the garden and will come in handy whenever anyone gets burn by Grim’s flames on accident!”
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diana-wisteria · 4 years
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→ 20th January: Emilio Thompson
→ 28th January: Yoru Crowley
→ 15th March: Ferdrick Y'oddel
→ 19th March: Kiran Nomikos
→ 26th March: Calypso Virulent
→ 5th April: Yuu
→ 20th April: Billy Beel
→ 20th April: Ebenizer Blackburn
→ 19th May: Cairo Hakim
→ 10th June: Ash Townsley
→ 12th June: Diana Wisteria
→ 22th June: Atlas Stavros
→ 4th July: Smoke Townsley
→ 20th July: Quentin Nighty-Sallow
→ 14th August: Brigette Eduarda Newton
→ 15th August: Taniya Kalisha
→ 1st September: Jacob Orion Columbus
→ 21st September: Kore Hightower
→ 22nd September: Clinton Hollingsbeck
→ 18th October: Opal Lucine Stone & Cyra Lily Stone
→ 24th October: Roxanne "Roxy" Draconia
→ 31st October: Jonah Argentum
→ 1st November: Bianca & Neve Bosconero
→ 9th November: Velvet Rosemary
→ 28th November: Hunter McGriffin
→ 1st December: Nathaniel Sinclair
→ 21st December: Magdalene Killigrew
→ 22nd December: Theo Yule
I will make the list later but in the meantime: Every OC belongs to their own owner. I dont claim anything ^-^
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ellovett · 4 years
Thoughts! From one conjurer to another, Jesse and Bianca?
Jesse’s thoughts of Bianca
1. “Her way of thinking is certainly interesting..one moment she can’t differ the symbols from each other then all of a sudden she’s memorized and fully mastered the Necronomicon! But besides that, she does very well in my class, she’s a fast learner and isn’t so easily frightened by my methods.” 2. “I come across her sometimes when I go to the library, she’s very polite and is very helpful in finding the right books.”
3. “Small chats with Ms. Bosconero are always enlightening, even though they’re only for a while, she’s very mature and is so full of wisdom for her age and I applaud her for that.”
Thank you for the ask! I’m still accepting thought asks so please send in one! ^^
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twistedapple · 2 years
Of Solstice and Sloe Gin
Credits go to @azusawrites for her awesome help and suggestions with the editing!
In celebration of the Winter Solstice, that took place today, here is a write up to also announce that I am back! After two moves and a job interview/getting the job in the span of a month, I am finally settled and ready to go!
Most people in Twisted Wonderland would celebrate the end of the year by gifting presents, spending time with their family and readying themselves to welcome the New Year in the most auspicious manner. However, fairies were notorious for their own celebrations – such as the welcoming of Spring through an event now famous as much for its fashionable displays as for its disruptive nature, courtesy of the people involved generally invading a space to host the event, regardless of whether or not the potential occupants agreed to it. However, two ceremonies would be celebrated in a more traditional manner, preferably with adequately placed, ancient standing stones.
Neve was currently near such a place, along with the rest of the Bosconero family. The present gathering was meant to celebrate the Winter Solstice, the dark half of the year, but only this naming was austere, especially when compared to the fast displayed in the Palace used for the occasion, with elaborate decorations of evergreens, mistletoes and fruits that left a delicate scent of orange and quince in the air. Indeed, rather than considering the grim character of long, cold nights, fairies saw the passing of time as well as a sign of rest for Nature before it’d come back with the bright energy reflected by the effervescent undertaking that was Beltain and its notorious fashion show. The Winter Solstice celebration was just as famed for its magnificent ball that would last an entire night, followed by the wintry procession and watching of the Solstice - the sun raising to be perfectly aligned with the standing stones around which the fairies would dance.
The ball was running at full tilt and Neve was keeping an eye open, watching out for the officious nature of the celebration: politics. After Crimilde’s disappointment in her sister Bianca, and the latter’s consequent runaway stunt, Neve had become her mother’s shadow, following her in every official situation and learning the subtleties of politics both human and fairy, as any proper heiress would. Besides, Bianca’s disappearance had been masked under the pretence of a health too delicate to be subjected to these efforts, and the charade had been maintained after her return, which kept Neve at the front alongside her mother for most celebrations… Except the Summer and Winter Solstices, two events especially important to Nature fairies associated with plants, as the Bosconero were. Two types of tree-bound fairies were required during the Solstice ceremonies, the two halves of the year, the Apple and the Blackthorn. And while the Bosconero had an excellent standing as common candidates for the role of the Apple tree, the Light half of the year, the role had been held for some time now by the matriarch of a cousin branch, while Bianca herself was the Dark half of the year, as her bind to the blackthorn willed. This fact never failed to make Neve feel uneasy, not enoughin comparison. Despite her failings, her sweet sister would still manage to get all the light on her to welcome half a year for each Solstices, on top of being welcome for Imbolc as herald of Spring, the blackthorn being the first tree to sprout leaves in February. It made her valuable among her peers in a way that, Neve felt, held so much more weight than her own, her hawthorn mostly causing attraction among fairies bound to deadlier plants per its own association with life, fertility and harmony. A situation that was very much like the way her own parents’ marriage had been arranged.
Between two dances with parties clearly interested in a convenient familial alliance, Neve would pointedly ignore Bianca’s existence to focus on the little show her parents would never fail to pull out, perfectly hiding the cracks that were so painfully visible to Neve. Here was her father, Sigfrido of the Willow Tree, bright hair and blue eyes and charming voice, likely having a business-related talk as the one in charge of the Bosconero Estate and all it produced. Her father… Was not the worst person, though he would often shine by his absence. But he had always treated his beloved twin daughters fairly, making sure they never lacked anything and always bringing them interesting presents from his business-related travels – Neve’s favourite remained the white peacocks, still parading in the gardens of the Estate and always beautiful to behold amidst all the plants. But for all his care, Sigfrido’s priorities were clearly related to the Estate, as he was displaying with his business-related talks even amidst important celebrations, and as would be Neve’s future husband too, once he’d be selected by her parents. Neve’s eyes trailed over her mother, and she found a much more entertaining display to watch while she was sipping on a cup of warming winter sloe gin. Crimilde Bosconero, the Lady of the Yew and current matriarch of the Bosconero family, was the embodiment of the political asset needed by the Draconia and the subtlety that was characteristic of the Bosconero – the reason why they were favoured in political manoeuvres as well. Amidst fairies dressed in the favoured bright colours and natural patterns, Neve could see the distinctive glint of her mother’s hair net, made of gold and rubies matching the girdle snaking around her waist and hips.The waves of her ornamental, sheer silk sable cape made her stand out as she was conversing with other guests, gathered around her in the manner of a personal court. It was rare for fairies to wear black, and only the Draconia were notorious for it, the colour being viewed as a symbol of royalty in the Valley for that reason. However, Crimilde had always brilliantly managed to cleverly play her part between her role as a Nature fairy and her status as diplomatic representative of the Valley of Thorns, even down to the way she’d dress for official ceremonies. The blacks she’d wear would never really be black, as was the case with her eye-catching purple gown and contrasting golden latticework falsely hiding her decolletage, their rich tones visible under the dark flows of the cape. The soft, ink black curls framing her face would bounce softly along her poised movements, wiliness deliberately kept behind a carefully curated appearance. However, Crimilde could hide herself behind all the grace of the world as she entertained her own court of political friends and questors, her daughter still wouldn’t fail to notice her cool seething at the whole situation. Neve suspected she had yet to come to term with the disappointment her favourite daughter had brought her both for and despite what she was as current golden eyed heiress to the Bosconero’s full magical power, while being at the same time incapable of fully taking her own anger out on her precisely because of that, because in the public eye, Bianca was still needed.
Neve finished her drink and looked at her fan, a plain white fan with writings on it – the list of candidates for a dance with her. Even though she had trouble trusting their ability to see her as she was, rather than what she represented, Neve still had the small victory of having the entire fan covered, on both sides, while her dear sister had been impacted by her own absence, and would often end up on the side. Besides, for all its importance, the blackthorn was synonymous of strife, and not everybody was keen on that. Still, Neve was willing to give some points to her sister for not showing any sign of discomfort or awkwardness regarding her own situation – on the contrary, her open opposition to their mother seemed to fuel her desire to not give an inch of her will, and she clearly had taken notes on Crimilde’s behaviour, making good use of everything they had been taught up until now to maintain the dignity of their House. Oddly enough, this musing left Neve in a much better mood than the new potential suitor interrupting her train of thought to ask her for a dance.
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twistedapple · 4 years
Malleus is invited to Rook's birthday!
(Also it's a month late but it pleases me to finally what a Pomefiore bday setting looks like 👀)
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twistedapple · 3 years
Crow Update
As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been fairly absent lately and merely reblogging some posts from time to time. It’s because I’ve been extremely busy IRL with 1) preparations to move to the other side of my country, 2) sending job applications everywhere I can, 3) travelling left and right across the country for job interviews. This is most time consuming so I had to put my personal content on hold starting in April to focus on the aforementioned events. 
I also used that opportunity to get a step back from the fandom, as I was getting tired of seeing dramas every month - this sort of poor atmosphere tends to deter people from enjoying a fandom, which is ironic considering certain people’s complaints regarding the lack of fandom content lately. But it’s not the point of this post.
Anyway I am slowly back, still in the process of moving and getting a new job but rn I just need a break from Real Life and I want to get back to my content as well - currently working on the second part of Neve’s backstory, as well as on the companion art piece (among other things). As a consequence, I’ll start reblogging my OC content to prepare the promotion and refresh some memories. Feedback is always appreciated so you’re more that welcome to leave a comment (as a reply or a reblog). If you’re not familiar with my content, you can check out the masterlist linked in both my bio and pinned post. And last time I checked I don’t eat people, so even if we don’t know each other, feel free to drop a comment/reblog, it’s more likely to make my day - especially if it’s constructive criticism. My askbox and DMs are open as well!
See you soon!
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twistedapple · 3 years
Hello, just a quick update to explain my major lack of activity lately: I've been in the process of moving and will, among other things, drive across my country tomorrow, so I really didn't have time to work on Halloween-themed content nor the drabble I wanted to do for Bianca and Neve's birthday. Instead, I'll reblog last year content, it'll be posted on 31/10 and 1/11 at 7:00 CET.
I apologise for the lack of update earlier to warn about that situation, but I do hope I'll have more time again to get back to my projects!
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twistedapple · 3 years
Charming Human Tradition
[Here is a short piece for Valentine’s Day! I haven’t participated in the weekly event because I really don’t have time for that sort of thing atm (as you may have noticed with my reduced activity...), so consider it my proposition for Day 7! Recommended BGM: “Thedas Love” by Trevor Morris.]
With gestures that still needed more work, Bianca was busy working the liquid chocolate on a marble plate with a large spatula. She wanted it to be as finely worked as possible, and had already been at work some months before that, when she collected the freshest, most fragrant flowers possible in order to prepare delicate infusions meant to cover as much of the seasons as possible. The young fairy had prepared sugared petals to decorate the chocolates as well... Though not by putting them directly on the treats – giving replies would certainly not be as amusing as letting Malleus guess, so the petals would be randomly added in the box as surrounding decoration and not-so-subtle hint as to what the present was also about. Thus the sweet warmth of the chrysanthemum would meet the tangy flavour of the Calendula, the fresh taste of violas would play against the musky aroma of elderflower, perfumed rose and peppery nasturtium, fruity peony and crisp salted pansy.
She carefully mixed the infusions with a light ganache, and enveloped it all in a layer of chocolate as thin as she could do without having it break. Bianca had trained for that – not as much as she would have liked, but her finances had already gotten her that far and so she felt oddly grateful. So while the gesture certainly demanded some refinement, she remained quite pleased with the result. The following day, once the chocolates had properly hardened, she put them in a small box, added the sugared petals and carefully wrapped it.
Discretion had been the key word during the whole chocolate preparation process, since Bianca was fully aware of the lack of official aspect regarding the nature of the relationship between the Crown Prince of the Valley of Thorns and herself, and a school was the perfect field for rumours of all sorts to spread like wild fire. Malleus had been making some quiet first moves by, among other things, inviting her for vacations, so they could spend some time together again, but even then caution had been the chief rule, both while dealing with her family – her mother – and public information. On her side, Bianca had been occasionally questioned regarding some presents she would be wearing suddenly, and always alluded them before leading the discussions in another direction. For now, both fairies needed to keep a clear mind regarding their obligations and how they could work around it.
In the cold evening of February, during that special day, Bianca secretly went out to find her beloved dragon lord.
Malleus had been waiting for this evening with controlled impatience. His classmates’ discussions had made him aware of this charming human tradition during his first year, though it seemed like Bianca already had a bit of an idea about it but never acted on it. February was a month made for that in the Valley, after all. There, it was all about waiting for Winter to end, and for fairies like the Bosconero, to start announcing the arrival of Spring with the very first blooms of the year. It was usually done with the sharp white on black of the blackthorn, a sharp crisp he recognised as he met up with Bianca under the apple trees, in the woods behind the school. While she had a heavy coat and a thick scarf assorted to her gloves, the fairy also had her ink black hair ornate with delicate white flowers. As she approached, he gave her the gentlest smile.
- Here, I made it so the area feels more pleasant...
As Bianca closed the distance between them, Malleus noticed the small package in her hands. It was her third official attempt at making chocolates, he knew it – and found himself immediately intrigued in regard to the exact flavours he’d find this time around – the previous year had been based on unconventional flavours, which had constituted an entertaining search to keep expanding his palate to new horizons. As she stood in front of him and felt the gentle warmth of the area of his spell wash over here, she leaned in Malleus’ touch as he’d caress the flowers that had bloomed in her hair before letting his fingers slip to cup her cheek.
- Seasonally fashionable, I see! Are you feeling better now, or would you rather move to somewhere more comfortable?
- Ah, yes, it’s been like that since this morning... But please, do not worry, your spell is perfect! Besides, I have a little something for you and too much warmth may be detrimental to it...
With these words, the small fairy held out her package to him, accompanying it with a cheerful “happy Valentine’s day” – yet her look was telling a silent part of the story, guessed Malleus as he recognised a clearly playful glint in Bianca’s golden eyes. Gracefully accepting her present, the draconic fairy unwrapped it with care, then felt his already present smile widen at the view of the simple, yet elaborate decoration. The simplicity of the unmarked, irregular pellets of chocolate matched perfectly with the bucolic atmosphere of the petals, in a very Bianca manner.
- You know... I think that lovely tradition should be celebrated in the Valley as well. Now which one shall I pick –
- How about this one?
Walking her talk, Bianca had removed a glove and chosen a pellet, which Malleus took from her lifted hand – leaving a small, tender kiss on her thumb as he was doing so. The delicate crack of the chocolate left place to a fine ganache with a floral flavour, though which one could it be? Not even trying to restrain the impish smile on his face, Malleus had quite the hunch regarding the nature of the game in his hand – between the floral flavour and the assortment of petals in the box, there seemed to be a little guessing game gracefully concocted by his cherished fairy. If she meant to make it amusing, he didn’t intend to be the sole participant. Holding a pellet to her mouth, he silently let her know it was her turn to play, feeling her lips brush against his fingers as she plucked the sweet.
- Oh! It’s even better than I thought with – Ah, I shouldn’t say more. However...
Getting on the tip of her toes, Bianca started feeding another chocolate to Malleus, yet promptly switched her finger with her mouth, breaking the bite in half, their lips grazing. Between that gesture and the feeling of her leaning against his chest left Malleus’ cheeks heated in appreciation of the contact and wanting for more. If Bianca had prepared a little game for him, there was no rule against derailing it ever so slightly, which he did as he leaned down to fully catch her under the pretence of wanting a second go at the flavour of the chocolate. The shared perfume of rose coloured the following embrace, the young fairies eagerly leaning into each other for more under the crisp, moonlit Winter night, in the purest expression of their shared bond of love.
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twistedapple · 4 years
Happy Birthday - Bianca
[HI I HAD FORGOTTEN IT WAS ALSO BIANCA AND NEVE’S BDAY ON NOV. 1ST RKJEGBRKEJ So many things to do, so little time - anyway, interview under the cut! There’s a reference to the Halloween post tho so you may check that one first to fully be in the know.]
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Part 1
Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
NRC School Newspaper - Feature Interview with the Birthday Student - Bianca
Yuu: Happy Birthday!
Bianca: Ah yes, it doesn’t really look like a birthday party though, does it? Since it happens at the same time as the Halloween festival... Yet it seems I’m not escaping the Birthday Outfit!
You don’t really seem disturbed by the general bustle, though.
Bianca: Well yes, it usually happens during Autumn celebrations at the Valley of Thorns, so I’m quite used to have my birthday in the background. Not that I really mind, I’ve already celebrated a lot of them compared to you humans.
Oh, the mysterious Valley of Thorns! What sort of Autumn celebrations do you follow?
Bianca: It may sounds weird because it’s usually a time associated with death, but among fairies - especially my kind, related to Nature - the first of November is perceived similarly to a New Year event, with the start of a new cycle of Death and Rebirth. It’s an important day in our calendar. 
Part 2
Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
How does it feel to live surrounded by humans and beastmen?
Bianca: Hm? Well not much different than usual, to be honest. My family works as diplomats and entrepreneurs, so aside from small differences that are harder to handle for us, it doesn’t feel different from when my sister and I would follow our mother to learn from her. 
Can you tell us more about these difficulties?
Bianca: Well... Perception of time, for a start. Because we have a much longer life span, adapting to a human perception of it isn’t exactly easy, we have to learn a new rhythm - and you lot live much faster than you think. Then there’s also hm... Less pleasant topics, such as certains tendencies of ours that can be quite troublesome - we tend to be more whimsical, for example... 
You also mentioned a sister... Despite being already familiar with the School Newspaper, as you often collaborate with us with your short stories, it’s the first time we get to hear about that in three years! 
Bianca: Ah yes, I’d rather give only what I deem necessary informations to people, don’t take it personally. I do have a twin sister, but she goes to RSA... Wait, let me find a recent picture on my phone... Here! 
Oh, that’s a chance you two have different hair styles and eye colours, because even the mole under your right eye is at the exact same place!
Bianca: Haha yes, but even our personalities are quite different so even if we looked alike, we’d still be dissimilar in essence. 
Part 3
Pomefiore Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Speaking of hair... Well it may seem weird, but your hairstyle is fairly peculiar and distinctive... There’s been bets about the length among some students.
Bianca: ... Pardon? Why?
Well, you always have your hair in a fancy updo, but then during PE class you seem to have a rather long braid, so people are wondering about it...
Bianca: Ah well, let me show you then... 
Wah, almost at hip length! Caring for it must be quite the task! How do you manage to have it look so nice?
Bianca: It’s not that difficult, in fact. I am, however, very specific about the products and tools I use - gentle ones only, so a wooden comb with large teeth, a gentle bristle brush, and a shampoo/conditioner/mask set that’s water-based and plant-based to cleanse gently. I also use a custom blend of oils to protect the hair and give it some grip and weight so I can achieve my hairdos. I prefer protective hairstyles, which is why I use braids so often - they’re also really good to easily give a more elaborate impression. 
Oh, is that decorative comb new? The way the blue gems contrast with the gold is really nice!
Bianca: Ah yes, it’s a birthday present, in fact! I decided to put it to good use immediately, it matches with both my hair and my uniforms, and I like the vegetal patterns. 
A birthday present? Can you tell us from whom?
Bianca: Do I want to?
Aaah you got us there! Well, thank you for your time, we’ll let you deal with the on-going events for now! Again, happy birthday!
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twistedapple · 3 years
girl-in-the-tower: So, since Theo was disowned and his sister, Astrid, became the Queen of the Glacier Mountains, I wanted to ask what the Bosconero family's opinion is in regards to this change of successors, given that both Bianca and Neve met Theo and Astrid as kids? 👀
I think they would wonder what happened to lead to such a thing, though officially their stance would likely be to keep their opinion to themselves and remain neutral on the matter - as long as someone holds the throne, then they’ll carry their diplomatic duties as well. After all, they have been used to seeing human monarchs change during their lifetime. Here, the circumstances of the change are what wille make them react, rather than the change itself.
Though I suspect that behind closed doors, judgement may go from “if Theo didn’t feel suited for the office, then good on him to renounce and leave it to someone more willing” to “this constitutes an abandonment of duties and I will question his character and loyalty towards his name a a consequence”. But like I said, these opinions will be kept behind closed doors, since the goal is to maintain an amicable official relationship between both countries. 
As far as Astrid is concerned however, I doubt anything negative would be said, since she shows good will and seriousness in the execution of her duties. 
Thank you for the ask! I tried to keep the politics short and simple!
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