#big bad wolf au
abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Porcelain Doll, Chapter 7
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: mentions of drugging/being drugged, injury to ones self, Stockholm syndrome?, soft! Dark bucky, implied unprotected sex/smut, sex pollen
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Bucky’s jaw tensed as he heard you moving about upstairs.  It was just a few days since the Christmas party, and he knew that New Years hadn’t hit, but it still made him nervous to know that he’d been holed up in your basement.
It was the little things that triggered him, making him remember the patchy moments of when he was locked up by HYDRA.  
Above him, you were setting up the living room for your therapy session.  Your therapist had made it painfully obvious to you that you were regressing, and had made the Christmas party more of a showing to Bucky, instead of enjoying it for what it was; a holiday party. 
“You need to stop your unhealthy obsession, Margo!”
“It’s not an obsession…Bucky kissed me before-“
“And you had sex with Andy Barber,” he pointed out, cutting you off, “you’re focusing your attention on older men, and I can’t help but wonder why?  What is your fascination?  Is it parental issues?  I know that you and your father were close before he passed.  Are you missing the affections of an older man in your life? Do you just want the attention? Or is it the drama?”
You stood up, glaring at him, “this is over…you need to leave!”
“Margo, it’s my job to ask the difficult questions.”
“And now it’s not,” you growled, not wanting to continue any longer, “you’re fired! I’m eighteen now, and I’ve surpassed the amount of time that it was mandated that I see you!”
“Fine,” he huffed.  Bucky heard the floorboards above himself creak, and he glared at the ceiling from his spot in the basement, “but as Bucky’s friend, I’m going to have to let him know that you have these…feelings…a school girl crush if you will.”
“Get out.”
Bucky wasn’t mad. 
He’d been beyond pissed.  But there was something about his friend threatening to out you to him that made him transfer his anger to the man that was in his late forties instead of the woman who had managed to lock him up in her basement. 
He didn’t blame you when you left your house in a huff, not even twenty minutes after him.  He knew that today was your day where you would go shopping and get chores done. 
He’d remembered that from when you were at home before college. 
And so he planned on using that to his benefit. 
In your rush, you had forgotten to fully close the cuffs, leaving him enough room to dislocate his thumbs and slip out of them. 
“Yes Sergeant Barnes?”
“Manual override locking mechanism in the basement,” he said with a smirk, “Password:  Tolkien.”
There wasn’t a response. 
Only the sound of the door’s lock clicking into place, before creaking open. 
Bucky sighed to himself.  You were a sweet girl.  A smart one too.  And he’d be lying to say that he didn’t have feelings even after all of the craziness of you abducting and drugging him. 
In a little spot of his mind, it was slightly endearing. 
Ever since his wife had cheated on him with Steve, he had become increasingly more resistant to forming relationships.  He knew that.  It wasn’t a matter of guessing; it was a simple fact.   So, when he felt himself developing the feelings, he panicked. 
Quite literally. 
The day that he kissed you he remembered running home and hiding in his house for two whole days, before he remembered that he couldn’t avoid you forever. 
And by the time summer had come, he’d done a decent job of avoiding you long enough that he didn’t say anything stupid or ask you on a date. 
But god, did he want to.
“Shit…” he muttered, looking around the main floor.  His jacket and wallet were nowhere around.  Neither were his keys or his phone. 
Stepping to the foot of the stairs, he noticed his jacket on one of the hooks, but he surmised that his stuff had to have been hidden in your room.
It was a short journey upstairs, but he was surprised to see that the master bedroom was not what he had expected it to be. 
It was simple yes, with a calm blue-gray wall and a large bed.  But each side had a nightstand.  On the side that you had slept on there was an alarm clock as well as a charging station for your phone.  But on the other side was his keys, wallet, phone, and a picture of the Howling Commandos. 
Part of him felt butterflies in his stomach. 
You had made it feel like he was already supposed to be there. 
He shook his head and tried to push away his feelings, while he grabbed his items and ran to the dresser on that side.  The drawers were full of his clothes.  His brow quirked. 
How did you have the time to go get his stuff?
How did no one notice you going into his home and bringing stuff over to yours?
Getting changed, he tucked the dirty clothes back into the drawers, not wanting to raise any suspicion.  He grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone from the nightstand, and threw them in his pockets. 
But just as he was getting ready to leave, he noticed a few small thumb sized baggies on top of your diary.  He frowned, realizing that those must have been the drugs that you had been feeding him to make him pass out.
Picking them up as to discard them later, he put them in his pockets, but his eyes caught on the words that were scrawled onto the page.  You had written something that very morning.
A page, all about him. 
You were talking about how much you loved him, and how eventually he would see that you were only keeping him locked up until he realized it.  But that it would be enough time for you to finish your project. 
Unsure of what you were talking about, Bucky made his way down the hall, to where your old bedroom used to be. 
Pushing the door open, he gasped as he stepped inside. 
You had turned it into a nursery.
‘He’s just the sweetest guy…and I think about him all the time.  How he was there for me after my parents died.  How he rebuilt the house and made it safe for me.  How he gave me a voice when I felt like I was alone…it woke something up inside of me.  I went from silly little crush to falling in love with him.’
Bucky’s eyes snapped to yours, his mind quickly bringing forth the words that he'd seen scribbled on the diary's pages.
‘It makes me wonder what he would be like in the future…if we had a child together.  If we created a family together.  That kiss made me really see the whole picture.  That he feels the same.  He may not be willing to admit it all the time, but I know we’re meant to be something.’
“Wh-what are you doing here?”
You were nervous. 
He could practically hear your heart racing.
“Isn’t this exactly where you wanted me?” he asked, his voice sounding husky enough to send a shiver down your spine.
“Ho-how did you get out of the basement?”
“I don’t think that matters right now,” he uttered, “What I think truly matters is how you thought you were going to get away with this.”
You swallowed nervously, “I-I-“
But you froze when you saw him pulling one of the little baggies out of  his pockets, “and this?”
“Th-that’s not what you think it is, Bucky…”
“Oh…I know exactly what it is,” he smiled, opening it up.  Your eyes widened when he blew it in your general direction.  Your nostrils twitched, the sensation burning ever so slightly as it made it’s way into your system, “thing is…I don’t think you know what it’ll really do…”
“Just a little baggie like this will keep the both of us on edge for hours,” he began.  You felt your chest heave as you watched him take off his shirt, and start undoing his jeans.  Your eyes traveled down to his crotch where he was already getting hard.  Instinctively your mouth watered, “Hydra used to use this to control me and drive me mad…do you know the only way to get over getting sex pollen in your system, Margo?”
Your skin felt like it was buzzing.  It began to feel too sensitive.  You began to feel too hot.  The fabric was too scratchy against your skin.
“Go ahead, doll…take it off…I know what you're feeling right now. Truth is, I feel it too...” he urged gently, taking a few steps towards you.  When you didn’t move, he closed the gap between the two of you.  You watched as his muscles rippled with every movement.  He reached forward and grabbed at the neckline of your dress.  With a simple tug it ripped in half.  Another ripple of shivers went down your spine as you became fixated on the valleys and peaks of muscle along his chest.  His vibranium hand reached down and lifted your chin until you were staring into the set of steely, lust ridden eyes, “I know you can feel it working in your bloodstream doll.  Now tell me…how do you get over sex pollen?”
“I don’t-I don’t know!” you admitted.
"I do!" he admitted. His smirk got wider, his lips brushing against yours, “I’m going to split you in half on my cock, doll…and then I’m going to cum so much…all inside that pretty little pussy of yours.”
You whimpered as his flesh hand cupped your cunt.  He licked his lips and looked down at your already soaked panties, “you’re about to get your wish doll…but after this we won't need to worry about locks and handcuffs...you'll be full of me...all to the point where it'll be you that can't move. Doll, it’s you who won’t be able to get out of the bed.”
You whimpered again as he ripped your panties off of you with a single flick of his wrist, "B-Bucky..."
"Don't' worry doll...I take real good care of you," he moaned, his fingers eagerly slipping back towards your core and dipping inside of you. Your body arched against his, your core sucking his fingers in and clenching around him, "god...you feel like a little slice of heaven...my sweet little porcelain doll."
Chapter 8
Tag List:  @teambarnes72, @lohnes16
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blue-fluff-bunny · 1 year
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I'm thinking about calling this "the big bad wolf " or " cursed under the moon" Au
I think I'll add more to this later, maybe backstory? I don't know anyways hope you enjoy.
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strqyr · 4 months
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the amount of theories that would have been born had blake been a wolf faunus tho.....
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅
🕊️𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭🕊️
summary - little red riding hood (you) heeds the villager's warnings and ends up crossing paths with the big bad wolf.
warning - smut, inter-species, degrading, dirty talk, dubcon, death, stalking, swearing, creampie, choking, slapping, fingering, biting, dacryphilia.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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All you had to do was cross through the woods to get to your grandmother’s house. That was all you had to do. It sounded easy, you ignored the warnings from the villagers, and you thought you had this handled. You get dressed in your little white dress, covering yourself with your red hood before gathering your basket of pastries and fruits. You smiled as you passed the villagers, heading through the path that entered the dark, creepy woods. You ignored their worried whispers, too focused on getting where your grandmother was. 
You giggle, smiling at all the pretty butterflies that flutter by, and you begin to hum a soft melody. Skipping along the path, not feeling the air become cold or noticing the animals that start to scatter, you are too oblivious to see how dark and creepy the woods begin to become the deeper you walk into them. Such an innocent little thing you were. Too bad the big bad wolf was going to destroy that. 
Luke lurked, spying on you from behind the shadows, licking his lips as he caught sight of your pretty little dress underneath that beaming red hood. He sneaked and crept, following behind you with caution. Luke grinned, his sharp canines prodding his lips, his glowing yellow eyes following you, preying on you. He could pounce at any moment, and you’d never expect a thing. Luke stretches his hands, feeling his claws come out slowly, desperately wanting to claw into you as he fucks you into the ground. His cock grows, hardening the more he watches you, the more Luke thinks about what he wants to do to you. His cock strains against his pants, and his swollen tip leaks with pre-cum. A growl slips from his lips, and he watches you halt, looking around slowly. 
You didn’t know what that was. Could the villagers be right? Was there an actual beast in these woods? Did you brush off their warnings when they were only caring for you? Was everyone right? Were you really the dumb little thing in their village? You couldn’t be? You were smart… You were sure of it. Your mind raced with thoughts, causing you to forget about the growl or the beast lurking in the shadows. You shrugged, wondering why you had stopped before beginning on your merry way, skipping again with a ditzy smile. Only to be stopped again, staring widely at a large man standing before you, his bright yellow eyes staring at you with hunger. 
Luke licks his lips, “What are you doing out here, little red?” He tries to make his voice as friendly as possible, not wanting to scare you away.
You smile, rocking on your heels. “I’m on my way to see my grandma! Who lives through the forest, near the lake!” You blush, taking in the handsome stranger before you notice the sun going down much faster than expected. “Oh, shoot! I’m sorry, mister! But I’m running late!” You shoot him a small smile before hurrying along. Luke’s nostrils flare as your scent enters his senses.
Luke chuckled, shaking his head at your stupidity. He smirked as a plan formed in his head, giving you one last look before he hurried through the shortcut and appeared at your grandmother’s house. What better way of getting you than pretending to be the one you love? He knocked, straightening to his seven to eight feet height, grinning wide with his pretty sharp teeth showing. The moment the poor little older woman opened the door, he pounced, swallowing her whole before heading inside, checking to see if he looked clean before Luke walked over to the bed, stripping from his clothes, giving his cock a few tugs before he got under the covers. Luke chuckled to himself, knowing you weren’t too far behind.
You skipped to her door, beaming with happiness at finally seeing her again. Your little hand knocks on the door, rocking on your heels as you wait patiently for her. “Who is it?!” You giggle.
“It’s me, grandma! Y/n!” 
Luke smirks, “Oh, how lovely! Do come in, my dear!” You smile, entering her home and placing the basket of food on the small table nearby before you untie your hood and carefully place it on the hook. You turn and slowly make your way over to her bed, wondering why her eyes are yellow instead of her standard colour, and with a worried look, you sit beside her and rest your hand on her arm above the covers.
“Grandma! Your voice sounds so odd, is something the matter?” You question, gnawing your lip as you check over her.
“Oh, I just have a touch of a cold.” Luke fakes a cough, licking his lips as he eyes you. The blanket slowly moved down to show off some of his face, silently sending thanks to the universe for making the lighting so dark.
Your brows furrow, tilting your head slightly as you notice some of your grandma’s changed features. “But grandma! What big ears you have.” You edge closer, extremely worried for your grandmother. 
“The better to hear you with, my dear.” 
“But grandma! What big yellow eyes you have….” You shiver, feeling a chill roll down your spine at the sight of them staring deep into your soul.
“The better to see you with, my dear.” Luke feels pre-cum leak from his swollen tip, soaking the flowery bedsheets. His fingers twitch. He’s so close to having you under him, tearing you apart with his massive cock. 
Your eyes slowly move down the bed, noticing the large tent forming. “But grandma! What… A big tent? You have.” Your gaze slowly moves back up and connects with his eyes, swallowing the saliva that builds up in your mouth.
Luke smirks, throwing the blanket back and wrapping a clawed hand around your delicate throat, turning and pushing you into the bed. “The better to fuck you with, my dear.” He sneers, pressing his stiff cock into your soft legs. He squeezes, staring with a dark glint as you struggle to breathe. “What a dumb little girl you are. Don’t you know that the woods aren’t safe for dumb little things like you?”
You stare at him with wide eyes, squirming as you feel something wet poking your inner thigh. “Y–You, you're the man from before….” You whimper, your eyelids flutter as his grip tightens, feeling slick pool between your thighs. 
Luke grins, his cock twitching as the smell of your arousal hits him. “Yes, I am, little red.” He leans closer, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Mmm, you smell delicious, little red. It seems like you want the big bad wolf.” Luke licks the side of your neck, sucking on your sweet spot as his other hand moves up your tiny dress and cups your clothed core. “Did the dumb little baby get wet from mean old me?” He growls, smiling down at you before he swipes his hand across and rips your knickers from your body. His fingers connect with your swollen button, rubbing and flicking it, watching you whither and moan, trying to break free from his grip.
“P–please, I won’t tell anyone!” You cry, swallowing your sobs. You had realised your fate was sealed and that your grandma was gone. Your plump bottom lip wobbles, staring into his sharp eyes, embarrassed that you feel some sort of way underneath the monster. “I–I’ll be good, I swear!” Fat tears fill your eyes before rolling down your puffy cheeks, whimpering as the man leans forward and licks them up. 
“Of course, you’ll be good, you dumb baby. It’s the only thing you know how to do.” Luke grows harder from your tears and your whimpers. His fingers pick up their pace before slowly piercing through your tight little hole, curling and thrusting, stretching you out and getting you ready for him. “Don’t worry, little red. I’ll take good care of you.” His thumb rubs your swollen pearl, curling his thick fingers into your sweet spot. Your back arches as pleasured whimpers fall from your lips. Your walls squeeze and pulse around his fingers, juices flowing out of you as you cum. Luke licks his lips, slowly pulling his fingers out of your cunt and bringing them to his lips. “Such a naughty girl, cumming for the big bad wolf like the dumb little thing you are.” A moan falls from his lips as he places his fingers into his mouth, sucking your sweet nectar off them. “So delicious, little red.” He pushes you into the bed, crawling on top of you. “You ever been with a man like me before, little red? Hmm? I bet you haven’t, a sweet little innocent thing like you.” His hand wraps around his throbbing base, swiping his leaking tip against your sopping folds.
Your hands curled into the bedsheets, whimpering when he began to push in. More tears flow down from the pain of his massive cock stretching your tight walls. “H–hurts… Please.” You babble, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he continues to push through, his fingers rubbing your little clit, growling as your juices leak out and help lube his cock. Your hands fly up, digging your nails into his arms as he sends a sharp thrust deep inside you. “O–oh!” Your vision goes white, and your walls spasm around him wildly.
“Poor little red, you’re so fucking tight.” He growls, snarling down at you. His hands grip your hips, lifting your legs, so they wrap around his waist, plunging harder and deeper inside you. Luke buries his face into your neck, nipping the young flesh with his sharp canines. “You like the feel of me inside of you, little red? Stretching you, claiming you?” He slams into you, chuckling at the small scream that escapes you. Your hands move from his arms to his back, clinging desperately to him as his pace picks up, pounding you into the soft mattress. “You enjoying this, dumb baby? Being used for my pleasure? Hmm?” He growls, holding your hips tighter.
“Uh-huh!” You whine, and your hips slowly move along with his thrusts. Your legs tighten around him, feeling yourself clench around his thick, monstrous cock as he continues to pierce you with it. “S–so big… So full!” Your eyes roll back, whimpering with each thrust, feeling your mind beginning to slip as Luke’s tip slams into your sweet spot, your mouth falls open, and your body becomes numb from the pleasure. You gasp, feeling a sting on your cheek, and your eyes blink open, staring into his glowing yellow ones, noticing the glare he holds as he continues moving inside you. His hips snap, and your head falls back, exposing your neck to the beast. 
He leans forward and latches down, biting into the soft flesh and groaning as your walls flutter rapidly around him. A choked gasp escapes you, your back arches, and your vision goes white as your arousal shoots out of you, coating the giant beast. He grunts, feeling you squeeze and pulsate around him, “get ready. I’m going to fill you up with so much cum that it’ll flow out of you for a whole month, my little red.” He growls, pounding as fast and hard into you until his thrusts become sloppy, his heavy sacks begin to tighten, his cock begins to twitch and throb, and his swollen mushroom tip swells deep inside you. “Fuck, tightest little cunt on the dumbest little girl.” He roars as thick amounts of cum shoot out of him and into you, filling you to the brim, feeling it overflow out of you and onto the soft sheets. 
Your body sags into the bed, arms falling from his back and legs falling from his waist as your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you pass out. The intense pleasure became too much for someone as tiny as you. Luke huffs, waiting for his knot to soften before he can pull out of you. He looks down at your knocked-out form with a dark glint in his eyes, his clawed hand strokes your cheek, and he grins. “Oh, you poor dumb thing. You have no clue that you’re mine now, forever.” When his knot softens, he slowly pulls out and watches his cum leak from your cunt before he pushes it back in with his fingers. Luke stands, straightening to his standard height as he collects his clothes and gets dressed. He lifts your wrecked body and heaves it onto his shoulder, grabbing your red hood on the way out. 
With the slam of your granny’s door, Luke’s dark chuckle fills the creepy woods as he makes his way to his place with you in his arms. You would never be seen again, being added to the tales of the big bad wolf. You would be known as his whore, his wife and the mother of his pups.
You shouldn’t have been so dumb and listened to the villagers’ warnings.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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beeqisch · 11 months
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hey (giggles and runs away)
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ica-cheung · 2 years
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The Puss & The Big Bad Wolf
POV: I was watching Puss in Boots and this was what going on in my head.
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wolf!reader and bunny!gojo…….. wolf!reader and bunny!gojo……………….
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
EAH PEOPLE. I summon you all to discuss something.
We know the evil queen and how she stole the story book of legends and how the Storyline of EAH goes with Raven wanting to right her own destiny and her mom wanting to be evil and all.
But what if the story was written differently.
Now hear me out......
What if the evil queen was like Raven in highschool years, she wanted to follow her own destiny and have her own happily ever after.
Imagine the evil queen created a secret group of people who didn't want to follow in their fairytale ancestors' footsteps and carve their own path.
The group had little red riding hood, the big bad wolf, and a few others who wanted to rebel against their story.
Their true purpose was not known to Baba yaga or the Grimm brothers, but all they knew was that they were up to no good.
After many tries to change their path, the Evil Queen came up with only one idea that only Little Red Riding Hood knew about.
The evil queen told little red riding hood about her plan to steal the story book of Legends and destroy it so that they could finally be free. Little red tried to talk her best friend out of it, knowing it was a huge risk, especially since their children were now around. But the evil queen continued on with her plan, knowing what was going to happen, given her reputation and what people would assume about her reasoning, other than the true reason for her stealing the book, which was for her daughter Raven to have a choice that she never did.
The brothers Grimm still stopped the evil queen and imprisoned her in the mirror realm after she hid the book, and everyone assumed the worst about her and thought that her stealing the book and casting the curse on wonderland was all for evil reasons.
The only person who knew the true evil queen was little red and the big bad wolf, and they wanted to tell everyone the truth about the evil queens reasoning, but the evil queen swore them to secrecy and made them promise they would not tell a single soul about the true reason on why she stole the story book of Legends, this includes her family. Little red and the bad wolf agreed, keeping their friend's secret, the same as the evil queen had kept their relationship secret till death.
Another part of the reason why she stole the book was to reveal who the Grimm brothers really were. To her, they were master manipulators, dictators, and puppet masters who would make sure they followed their path out of fear instead of giving them an actual choice. So she decided to cut her strings and take matters in her own hands
As for the curse on wonderland, the evil queen placed the curse with the original intention to keep their worlds separate so that they would not be under the poisoning influence of the brothers Grimm and they could remain independent worlds. But after she was banished, the spell got out of hand and became a curse along with the influence of the Grimm brothers' magic.
It wasn't until much later that the evil queen revealed her true reason for everything she did to her daughter. Granted, it wasn't the best way, but it was the only way she saw and can only hope that Raven continues down her path to find her happily ever after
She didn't reveal her reasoning immediately out of caution for the Grimm brothers and their influence, but eventually (with red riding hood's convincing, of course), she confessed everything to Raven
Also, in this au, one of the brothers Grimm should be the true villain of the story, but I think it should be Giles. Now, that would be a SHOCKING TWIST!
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Big Bad Wolf, Chapter 12
Word Count:  1.4k
Warnings:  heartbreak, angst, noncon, mentions of kidnapping, forced relationship, implied smut, stalking, murder, gun violence.   
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Lloyd’s hands tightened around your waist as you tried to shift again; the large hands keeping you standing, bent over the counter top, “you don’t have to move, baby…we aren’t doing anything wrong?”
“What the fuck is going on, Hansen? ” your dad repeated. 
You went to speak but your mouth opened and no words came out.  You couldn’t begin to tell your father what was going on.  Dread filled you as you thought about everything that had happened since last Christmas.  How you and Lloyd had began something so far removed from who you were as a person. How you managed to give this man that was very close in age to your father every last bit of you without a second thought. 
When Jacob attempted to get you drunk, but Lloyd became your knight in shining armor, making sure you felt safe and protected.  How his lips felt against yours when you two kissed, and how his bulge felt as he rocked himself against you; desperate for the same contact you always wished for.
How, you cheated on Jacob with Lloyd anyways.  And while it wasn’t something you had intended on doing, it meant way more to you than any memory you’d shared with the younger Barber.  But above that, you never bothered breaking up with him until you knew Lloyd wanted more. 
How Lloyd admitted to Suzanne that you two had what he called ‘an incident’ at Christmas, but that he felt more with you than he ever had with her.  And how in the summer time Suzanne left. 
And the weekly cleaning sessions. 
How hey had devolved to nothing more than you going over just to be pressed into the mattress.  How two neighbors had become lovers, and even that transpired into something more; you mewling your boyfriend’s name as he came inside the condom he wore because you were terrified of the idea of becoming knocked up before you graduated high school, much less college. 
“Daddy, I-“
“Don’t call me daddy,” your father spat, his face twisting into a look of disgust as he watched the two of you still coupled together, “not after what I just heard.  Not while you still have a man inside of you.”
Your heart fell into the pit of your stomach, and you paled.  Your head turned ever so slightly so that you could see Lloyd in your peripherals. 
How loud had the two of you been?
“I’m not going to apologize for how I feel!” Lloyd said quickly, bravely in front of your father, “I love her more than you’ll ever know.  And I-“
“What the fuck is on her finger?”
Your gaze shot down to your hand. 
A ring sat on your finger.  You felt Lloyd slip out of you and you immediately turned to face him.  Your lips were still parted, though this time over the unspoken question of the engagement ring on your finger.  You held it between the two of you, surprise lighting up your face as you glanced between the diamond and his eyes.    
“You said yes, baby…don’t you remember?” Lloyd asked, his brow raising as he nodded towards the ring, “we were in here making love, and I asked you to be mine…you said yes…you screamed it for me.”
Your eyes slipped away from his and your other hand went to the one with the ring on it.  You were quick to begin shaking your head as you attempted to remove it, “n-no…no.  Lloyd, I-we-you’re still marrie-“
“My divorce finalized last week, pumpkin!” he said gently, brushing away the stray hairs that were getting in your face.  His hands went over yours and he stopped you from removing the ring, “this is what we talked about, princess…you said you wanted to be my sweet little wife.  That you wante-“
You spun so fast it nearly knocked you off your feet.  Lloyd’s arms wrapped protectively around you, cradling your naked form so there was some barrier between you and your father. The look across your father’s face was one of betrayal. 
“I-I didn’t…we-“
“Baby…what are you saying?” Lloyd asked, spinning you away from your father and back to him, “we’ve been talking about this for weeks.  How you wanted to feel wanted…and loved.   And seen.  I see you.  I want you.  I love you, sweetheart.  And I want to marry you.  Ever since last Christmas…when Jacob did what he did…and we-“
But he stopped himself shy, not wanting to betray the last ounce of your trust that he’d had in front of your father. 
“Since what?  What happened at Christmas?”  
“L-Lloyd…I can’t!”
“I-I don’t want this, Lloyd…I don’t want to marry you….”
Lloyd’s jaw clenched as he watched you.  You were enjoying your life, acting as though he had never been a part of it.  As though he’d never been with you at all. 
After that day, his heart shattered.  Sure, he was upset when Suzanne had left him, but you were his good little wife in training.  You listened to his every word; hung off of it.  At least, he thought. 
But watching you tear that ring off your finger and rush to get dressed again was something that he hadn’t prepared for.  He had expected you to be shocked, but he’d also expected to be able to talk you through it; to warm you up to the idea of being his wife. 
But you ran away from him; acting like he was the monster. 
It’d been a whole summer since he’d last seen you. 
And most of the fall. 
Lloyd sold his house and had moved from the neighborhood, letting everyone think that he was gone.  He’d gotten back into the private sector, working off the grid for Carmichael to get his mind off of you. 
A lame attempt, sure, but it did allow him one thing. 
The freedom to watch you without you even knowing. 
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You’d been sipping drinks from a red solo cup most of the night with those other little sluts. They’d introduced you to parties and underage drinking.  Being a little plaything for those fucking frat boys.  They’d corrupted you in so many ways. 
But he knew deep, deep down you were still his delicate little angel.  His little dream wife.
His perfect little slut.
And tonight was the night that he’d planned so well for.
Tonight was the night that he brought you home.
For good. 
As he cleaned his tools and looked at the dead frat boy that sat behind him, strapped and tied down to a chair a sick grin came across his face. 
“What the fuck do you want from me, you sicko?”
The young frat boy spit out the blood that had been collecting in his mouth since Lloyd punched him hard enough to knock his back molar loose. 
“You touched her.”
“You fucked my girl.”
“I don’t know who the fuck your bitch of a girlfriend is.  Just let me go man.  I don’t know anything.  Or anyone.  I don’t even know who you are!  I won’t go to the cops.  I swear!”
“It’s a little too late for that,” Lloyd shrugged, “and frankly I wouldn’t give a damn about cops…you aren’t going to make it out of here alive, Chad.”
“FUCK YOU!” he spat, tears streaming down his cheeks.  Lloyd smiled as he turned to quickly look at the picture of you and the frat boy. 
It was a picture of the night before it’d progressed into him bringing you back to the house to fuck you.  He picked it up and flicked it at the guy.  His eyes strained so that he could get a glimpse of you in the ill-lit room. 
“Know of her?”
“I only fucked the uptight little cunt once!” the frat boy swore, “I’m telling you the truth man.  It only happened once.  I didn’t know she had some boyfriend waiting on her.  I didn’t know!  The lying little slut said that she was single.”
“She’s free to do what she wants,” Lloyd shrugged, pulling his gun from out of the back of his pants only to aim it at his head, “and she’s my future wife…not some little slut.”
The blood had long stopped dripping from the front of his head a while ago. 
And Lloyd had taken his time cleaning up. 
But the boy still sat in the middle of his bedroom as he looked across the street. 
The music had been so loud that no one heard the murder occur.  The gunshot silenced by the aftermarket piece he’d attached to it. 
You were oblivious to what was going on. 
How the big bad wolf was just a few steps away. 
And how he’d planned to take you back in just a few hours. 
Because as you’d once said, ‘you were his…and only his.’
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @buckysteveloki-me, @eralen, @chemtrails-club, @bean-is-reading
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ezicx · 2 years
Big Red Riding Hood and Little Bad Wolf!? Σ(°ロ°)
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I accidentally made it two ears supremacy X_x, double hearing is lit- just like Dolores Madrigal.
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imagionary · 1 year
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Here I am being insane drawing and coloring two whole refs for Top Dog in one day
My hand is dyinggg
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jay-wasstuff · 2 years
Monsterfuckers awakening from slumber for PIBTLW:
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zleepysnails · 10 months
i was watching that one walten files plushie commercial and thought "hm. what if i remake this with an au i made like 2 years ago??"
so i made this.
((i wont finish it because im too lazy. but anyways))
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 5 months
The wolfman headshot
aaaan the wolf man/Owen Gubberson of the fairy tale au is done
he might get some retouching as i was a bit tired and i'm curently sick
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He doesn't have paws but he does have a wolf tail that he can hide. He wears gloves to hide his paws
also funny trivia: in jokes with @dolly-royal, he does like squeaky toys like a dog would as ....well he's part wolf
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symphoneydw · 5 months
BadWolf Rose BadWolf Rose BadWolf Rose GRRRR 🤲
This is the same AU with the Bad Wolf entity I've made few weeks ago ! I just want try a more humanoid form for her transformation
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t-bird510 · 25 days
My concept for a 3rd Sonic storybook game.
TITLE: “Sonic and the dark wolf of nevermore”
This is a Sonic retelling of little red riding hood and Sonic will be the main character and the setting is a Woodland type area with some Scary horror elements.
Sonic: He is the main character and will help Little Red aka Cream get to her mothers Cabin and protect her from the Wolf of Nevermore who stalks people in the woods.
Cream the rabbit aka Little red riding hood: She is trying to get to her mothers cabin and she is with her friend Cheese also! She trusts Sonic with her child like wonder and she loves the woods that are around her home that she lives in with her family.
The Wolf of Nevermore: They are a mysterious Wolf who lives in the woods around Creams home. They look Teraffying at first glance but they just want to be left alone and not be bothered. They dislike Sonic because of his Careless nature and he doesn't look where he goes.
Vector the Crockadile: He is the Lumberjack of the woods that Cream and her mother live in. He currently has a huge crush on Creams mom but he tries to be mature about his romantic feelings for her and tries not to rush things relationship wise.
Hey! If you like this AU Concept please Reblog or Leave a like! Cause I might make another one of these in the future!
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