#big muscles owo
mothlover69 · 2 years
That scene where rainier shows off by flexing for me... 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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cmdonovann · 2 months
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oops, i stayed up too late futzing with the shading on this. dnd character lineup! i wanted to compare their heights. (and somehow, nimbus is STILL getting taller with each level. this chart will be outdated by the time we play again.)
anyway. putting this in the queue so it gets posted at a reasonable time and not 3am. but i WILL be thinking about them all day tomorrow, i'm sure of it.
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furry-fey · 9 months
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twitter - KrizzWox
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mxalmighty · 11 months
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y'ever just...
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skrunglo · 10 months
happy birthday neil!!!
Two trucks, two trucks havin' TRUCKS.
Two trucks. My muscles, are TRUCKS.
Two trucks having se-
My muscles, my muscles. My muscles, SEX.
Two trucks. (yes)
My muscles, my muscles, EXPAND
3 3 and 3!
*rapid spitting and beatbox solo*
So beautiful!
TWO TRUCKS- (oh y-)
*clap clap*
*clap clap*
*Lemon Demon - Jaws starts playing*
TWO TRUUUUU- (having sex)
TRO TRuuuuuCKS (having sex)
TWO SEX (sexing sex sexing sex sexing sex)
TWWOOO TRUCKKS (sexing sex)
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naughtyservant · 6 months
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Finally after so long, here it is! The next two pages of this comic where Yoichi decides to devour the whole Camp just to feed his muscles!
4 preys to digest, 2 preys to devour. How will this all end? >:3
A very big thanks you for your support with his comic!
Uncensor version on my A/ryion and Twitter as always
Don't forget reblog, like and follow me to see more of Yoichi hungry adventures OwO)/
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Sent by @cadybear420
‘I feel like calling HotShot a "sports book" but then not even letting our MC actually do any sports should be considered false advertising. Oh but the LOVE INTEREST is a BIG SURLY SPORTS CAPTAIN who's gonna have the most flexingest muscles ever and we get to romance them uwu owo uwu owo, so therefore it totally counts! Oh no we can only have our MC just watch the action from the sidelines, we can't have them actually do the activity we advertised the book would be about because that would require effort and doing something different!’
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earthnashes · 1 year
A little late to the party, but nice achievements bro! Honestly, it so motivating to see someone achieve their goals! I've been doing some weight lifting myself for a year at least but its pretty tough tbh. Any tips on how to train the upper body for strength and stamina? I try hammer curls (along w/ other arm workouts) often but I find that even if I can lift the weights I can't do very big sets (for ref. I try to do 4 sets of 20 w/ 5-10 min breaks to give my arms a rest in between).
Thank you bro! ;w; Weightlifting is definitely tough, but you've been at it for a year so that says something! :>
As for tips keep in mind I'm no expert! I would probably need a little more info to give like... specific tips? But I'll work with what I got owo
I guess... my first tip would be to pinpoint the kind of strength you're working for? Like, are you training for bodybuilding/hypertrophy? Or are you training for strength/powerlifting?
Based only on the example you've given me it sounds a lot closer to hypertrophy training! So based on just that, I think the tips would be:
-Focus more on compound movements: movements that works more than just your arms. Bench Press, Pullups, and Deadlifts are all compound movements that serve toward not just weightlifting strength but functional strength too!
-Try working with a Rep Range and not a set number of reps. For example, instead of trying to hit specifically 20 reps each workout, increase the weight a little bit and try to reach a rep range of 6-10. The goal is to hit somewhere between those numbers. The weight used should be something you can move controllably but gets noticeably harder to do so with good form at around the 4th or 5th rep. If you aren't involuntarily grunting and/or making a weird-ass face halfway through the set, and the entire set from start to finish looks the exact same (no speed changes for instance: if it's hard enough, it should be getting slower), there's a good chance the weight isn't hard enough.
-Shorten your breaks. If you're doing compound/fullbody movements (squats, deadlifts, bench, pullups), a good break time would be 2 minutes minimum, 5 minutes maximum. If you're doing isolation movements (hammer curls, bicep curls, calf raises, tricep pushbacks for examples), 30 seconds minimum, 2 minutes maximum. It'll not only shorten your time in the gym, but force your muscles to learn how to accommodate the strain and thus growing stronger and better able to maintain that strength for longer.
-Include core training (core, not just abs. This includes lower back, glutes, and obliques). A strong core is the foundation of good overall power in any capacity, including upper body. This is one of the reasons why I couldn't do pullups at first; my core sucked.
-Consistency, but you don't need to hear that from me because you got that down from the sound of it! Just keep at it and you'll see results; slowly, but definitely!
So ye! Hopefully that's of some help, but if not I don't mind directing to the sources I've used and researched to build my own training programs. :)
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rainesol · 3 months
18 and 21 for the Cozy Asks! For E'rybody! (plz and thank you owo)
Of course!! :DD thank you for the ask o7
Harriet Chamomile- For a lazy morning, I’d picture her not straightening her hair, putting on something comfy and having breakfast with her girls :3
Harriet has a favourite plush, which is a stuffed hare named March. He sits on her bedside table besides her other oddities!
Apollyon Belladonna- Apollyon ranges. His ‘lazy morning’ could range from a typical 18 year old boy to some nasty symptoms of mental illness. Although going with the actual meaning, probably an old band tee, some pyjama bottoms and being able to sit around for a while until Something Happens in Diasomnia.
Polly also has a comfort toy. It’s one of those baby blankets with the plush faces (i never know what to call them ^^’) He has a sweet moment with his very lovely foster/adoptive mother where she sews up a hole on it for him. :’) It lives in his drawer, mostly.
Kshoshurankha Kaasura- For a guy like him, every morning is lazy. However, his highest point would be like day 2 in his eating ‘routine’. He cranks the heat up, turns on his humidifier and you will not hear from him until Monday.
I can’t imagine he’d own any favourite toys, blankets or pillows. His favourite ‘pillow’ would be his own back. He’s gotta be careful though. He can’t get cartoonishly tied up like Kaa, but he can still get some crazy ‘knots’ in his muscles.
(Sudden afterthought- maaaybe a weighted blanket? It’d have to be so big though :/)
Aerol Thorax- A lazy morning for him would consist of a lie in, maybe doing some light reading, and chilling with Papaya.
Aerol has a plush rhinoceros beetle dubbed ‘bug’ or ‘the bug’. It lives on his bed. Abrik likes to punch it to piss him off.
Abrik thorax- Abrik’s lazy morning involves a lie in, a cup of coffee, and possibly chilling in the common room with some friends.
I never thought about it until this ask, but he strikes me as the kind of guy to appreciate a good quilt. I’ll need to conduct further studies.
Link to the og post
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son1c · 1 year
Question how big is Bermuda compared to Sonic and Co. for reference purposes bc I envision him with more muscle mass than shadow (Also I have a weakness for long tails) oWo
gonna be honest i kinda hate thinking about sonic characters with muscles. they're rubber hose to me and that's how i like it. their strength is cartoon in nature, completely divorced from their noodle arms (and legs).
in short, bermuda is the same size as regular shadow. though, i suppose the tail could make him a bit longer...
+ just in case you didn’t see it, i did draw him. he looks like this
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axewchao · 11 months
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"MWEH HEH HEH! YOU LOOK RIGHT AT HOME IN THE WATER, MY FRIEND! AREN'T YOU WORRIED ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES GETTING WET?" (Huh... he's got a point. Feels like I should be worried about catching a cold like this... But I'm not...?) (...Eh. It's warm today, my clothes'll dry off quick, right? Plus I have all this fur now...) "...BUDDY?" "Eh-? I'm fine! Not a big deal. You should be worried about falling, though!" "NONSENSE! I HAVE IMPECCABLE BALANCING SKILLS, AND EVEN IF BY SOME CHANCE I DO FALL, YOU'RE RIGHT THERE!" (Still don't get why a skeleton can't swim, though...) "...OH, I KNOW! WAIT FOR ME BY THE SHORE!" "What? Why?" "OUR DESTINATION IS SETTLED ALONG THIS VERY RIVER! IF I RIDE ON YOUR BACK, WE'LL GET THERE FASTER! PLUS, WELL..." "Plus...?" "I'VE... ALWAYS WANTED TO FLOAT DOWN A STREAM. I'VE SEEN OTHER AQUATIC MONSTERS DO IT, AND IT LOOKED FUN... HUMOR ME?" (Okay, THAT face is adorable. And I gotta give him props, it's a good idea; we probably would get there faster if we went by water. He doesn't look too heavy for me, either... Maybe I've got more muscle since I'm a monster now?) (...Welp, only one way to find out!)
Blue's the one whose ideas pop up in half a second. Moomore's the one whose ideas show themselves after a bit of pondering.
Good to have a balance between those two mindsets. owo)b
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its-him--splat-sim · 1 year
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stubbornly subscribing to 'diluc has a babyface and big big muscles' so i gave him the biggest most kitteny eyes a la Just Look At Him In Genshin Please His Peepers Are So Huge??? Help???
I need to get more pics of him but I think I managed to give him a pretty handsome profile even with the big owo eyes
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tomorrowscircle · 1 year
Deep Character Dive
stolen from: ree and dewa
tagging: teehee :3
height: 155 cm / 5′1
strength ★★★☆☆ (still a bit of a squishy mage, but has some muscle memory of her time with Grima and wielding an axe, even if she doesn't actually remember it, so she's actually fairly strong)
dexterity ★★★★★ (nyoom)
health ★★★☆☆ (fairly healthy, but also likes her fair share of snacks)
energy ★★★★★ (too much of it)
beauty ★★★☆☆ (she's more cute than beautiful. squishes her little face)
style ★★☆☆☆ (it's a good thing that her dad's coat is fairly stylish because that's the only thing saving her here)
hygiene ★★★☆☆ (not the best, but she tries at least. sometimes it's just hard)
perception ★★★★★ (on edge a lot of the time due to training and also a natural paranoia that she isn't quite sure where it comes from)
communication ★★★★☆ (chatty gal! she's good at striking up a conversation and just keeping it going for as long as she wants to. she can be a bit dense and rude sometimes though)
persuasion ★★★★☆ (pretty good. studied some diplomatic stuff as part of her training (a good tactician knows ways of winning without having to fight) but she can still fumble her words in stressful situations)
mediation ☆☆☆☆☆ (what's a meditation)
literacy ★★★★★ (she promises she's so good at reading. like, maybe even the best)
creativity ★★★☆☆ (if nothing else, she's creative at coming up with new traps?)
cooking ☆☆☆☆☆ (i don't think she can cook. i don't think she's capable of that)
tech savvy ★★★★★ (teaches grandmas how the new fangled stuff works (read: her dad))
combat ★★★★☆ (pretty good! she's no perfectly trained soldier, but she knows what she's doing at least)
survival ★★★★★ (she will bite to survive if she has to. coming from a ruined future (even if she doesn't know exactly how and why) is hard man!)
stealth ★★★☆☆ (good at it most of the time, but can get careless)
street smarts ★★★★☆ (secret tome in the pocket. gets them every time)
seduction ☆☆☆☆☆
luck ★★☆☆☆ (owo// (fell down her own pitfall))
handling animals ★★★★☆ (fairly good, at least with a pegasi or wyvern. she doesn't know anything about horses though, so don't ask)
pacifying children ★★☆☆☆ (type of person who just makes funny faces at them until they stop crying. she doesn't know if that even really works)
intelligence ★★★★★ (she has her moments of dumbassary, but overall she's pretty smart)
happiness ★★★★☆ (generally a pretty happy person, most of the time at least)
spirituality ★☆☆☆☆ (perhaps she should be more connected to it, considering where she comes from, but it's complicated, especially considering *gestures at the future past* even if she doesn't remember)
confidence ★★★★★ (can't ever be wrong if you're confident about it)
humor ★★☆☆☆ (she would like to think that she's funny, but she really isn't. side effect of living with grima: her humor can be oddly twisted at times)
anxiety ★☆☆☆☆ (doesn't know her)
patience ☆☆☆☆☆ (also doesn't know her. has literally none of it whatsoever)
passion ★★★★☆ (she's passionate about the things that she likes)
nice         ☆☆★☆☆     mean (she kind of treads the line sometimes, especially with how blunt and crude she can be, but she's usually pretty nice)
brave       ☆★☆☆☆     cowardly (she has moments, but she's pretty brave most of time, or at least putting on a brave face)
pacifist     ☆☆★☆☆     violent 
thoughtful ☆☆☆☆★    impulsive  (she's working on it, but she can still be pretty impulsive in most situations, especially if she does not know what's she's supposed to be doing)
agreeable ☆☆★☆☆     contrary (doesn't like arguing with people unless she's in the mood for it, or something like that)
idealistic   ☆★☆☆☆     pragmatic
frugal        ☆☆★☆☆     big spender
extrovert   ★☆☆☆☆     introvert (she likes people! people good!)
collected   ☆☆☆☆★    wild
charisma ★★★☆☆ (meh. she's more likely to end up talking herself into a corner honestly)
empathy ★★☆☆☆ (has trouble putting herself exactly in another person's shoes, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't care)
generosity ★★☆☆☆
wealth ☆☆☆☆☆ (#girlie has nothing but her journals and clothes)
honest   ☆☆★☆☆ deceptive (depends on the situations)
leader   ☆☆★☆☆   follower (depends; tactician or servant?)
polite     ☆☆★☆☆  rude (depends on if you've offended her or not. get good if you have)
higher power ☆☆☆☆☆ (just because naga exists doesn't mean she has to believe in her words)
fate/destiny ★★☆☆☆ (ehhhhhhh)
magic ★★★★★ (sir, this is #fire emblem)
soulmates ☆☆☆☆☆
good and evil ★★★★☆ (*gestures at awakening* how could she not?)
luck ★★☆☆☆
family ★★★★☆ (father :D)
friends ★★★★★ (she likes her friends!!! friends good!!!)
love ★☆☆☆☆ (she's good, thanks)
home ★★★★☆ (it's nice to have somewhere to come back to, somewhere that will always be there for you, even if you can't remember where that is)
health ★☆☆☆☆
praise ★★★★☆ (please please please please- she needs it so much. she's such a good tactician please praise her)
justice ★☆☆☆☆
truth ☆☆☆☆☆
power ★☆☆☆☆ (just a little, as a treat)
fame ☆☆☆☆☆
wealth ☆☆☆☆☆
others' opinions ★★★☆☆ (ough)
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
(Rubs hands together in that dastardly way, like a house fly about to ruin a salad)
If we can request a lil prompts w a more, shall we say specific monster(s), then u know I'm obvs gonna say smth with Jhinyu + Tavi. Suggestive mayhap?? A wee bit of a tease OwO
If more generic monster is along the lines for these request prompts; big ol centipede taur + neutral reader, sfw. I haven't been able to get that monster idea outta my head at all,,,,,,
I've already told you this, but rubbing your hands together like a housefly about to ruin a salad made me gigglesnort myself into a fit of laughter on the sofa. Thank you.
Jhinyu and Tavi (m. cobra naga and m. mongoose monster x gn reader), suggestive, but not explicit.
"You know, Tavi," you said to the cheeky little creature beside you who sat in Jhinyu's cosy cave with his tail curled around his haunches, "You've survived seven months living here with a cobra naga and a human, and you've not resorted to actual violence once since that first day."
"Don't sound so pleased with yourself," he snarled, though the gesture was empty and held no malice.
"One might think," you went on, leaning your body back against Jhinyu's massive form behind you and moaning as your bare skin came into contact with the large plates of his lower belly, just below the point where his human torso melted into the scales of his snake's tail. Jhin's mottled black and white hands came down to squeeze the muscles of your traps and you moaned loudly.
"Think? You? There's a rare occurrence," Tavi snipped, though again, his words carryied no sting.
You snorted. "It's actually hard to think when Jhin's doing that..." you sighed with a smile over your shoulder at the naga, who returned it with a kiss to the crown of your head.
Tavi's rounded ears flicked and he narrowed his beetle-black eyes. "I woudn't know."
"Of coursssssse you wouldn't," the naga hissed, leaning down again and kissing your cheek while maintaining eye contact with the furry brown creature across the firepit. "You won't let me touch you."
Tavi's lips twitched into a fake snarl. "I might."
"Oh?" Jhinyu smiled. He stretched out his tail and caressed the dark stripe that ran up the length of Tavi's spine with the very tip. "Might you?"
He gasped and suddenly couldn't seem to find a response.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
How much does a 6ft Birb weigh OwO I thought she was pure muscle… does this mean Wednesday can awkwardly pick her up and yeet her?
She's built different 😎
No, she's bulky, she's beefy, she's Big, but she doesn't weigh a ton BECAUSE those wings have to carry her somehow. She's got some pretty funky anatomy goin on underneath her skin
I think if Wednesday really wanted to, if she was determined enough, she probably could. But Wednesday is also tiny as hell, so it de9ends on how strong SHE is
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
*Flops in*
Good Timezone My Chap ^^. How are you Hope good ofc as always you know what im gonna ask. Did you eat and drink something?
⟟ just did read the new Chapter of TFMAU and Ooo ⟟ love it and Damn you had my Heart racing when Chase Talked with the kids ⟟ was like "Boi Please don't get caught" My heart really was racing! You scared me there >:(. Also Yay Jair had a vision again OwO I have a question to that Does it hurt him when he gets them? Or is it like a Big headache? ⟟ have been wondering that for some time now also idk why but ⟟ always imagine That JJs eye color changes for some reason everytime he sees something. Ooh! ⟟ hope the others Will survive Because damn the warriors are very close and I'm scared for them ⟟ mean yeah Let's just opend a Huge Gateway with Power ⟟ mean no not suspicious at all if People would pass that xD. Uhhh yeah idk what else to say right now besides that I'm just happy that a new Chapter is out ^^ also Congrats to 20 Chapters! The Journey Will Never stop! ^^ I'm curious how many chapters it will have.
So yeah that's actually all from me now is 0:07am for me atm and yee.
Have a Great Timezone My Pal!
With greetings: Hunter 💙
Always a pleasure to see you, Hunter ^-^ Yes, I've eaten and I'm currently drinking water. Sorry you got scared by the scene with the kids, that was not my intention XD It's funny how different people pick up different things from the same story.
That's a good question about Jameson's visions! I've actually thought about it for a while. Jameson, like all oracles, can sort of feel a vision coming. It starts out as a weird feeling in his chest and head and his muscles tensing up. When the vision actually happens, it's like an out of body experience. He gets completely immersed in the vision and isn't aware of anything that happens around him. Afterwards, he feels really exhausted. Like after exercise. I didn't think about his eyes glowing, but that's a neat headcanon!
Also, to defend the big gateway, the person who opened it up doesn't really care if anyone sees it. This is a world of magic. Most people who saw it would wonder what was going on and tell others about it, but everyone would just think it's a little weird. Nothing suspicious. The three guys only thought it was suspicious because Marvin knows it would take a lot of power to make a magic doorway that big.
I'm glad you're still enjoying the story, by the way! I'm not sure how many chapters there will be, but if I had to guess? We're maybe a bit less than halfway through? But don't hold me to that XD Have a good day/night!
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