#big ol hockey star
rattkachuk · 4 months
a mceichel snippet from an au where jack and connor grow up together, but connor is in an accident as a teen that ends his hockey career before it even starts
“Hey, mind if I use the other half of the ice?” A voice speaks in the small quiet moment of Connor's wallowing, just as the tears freeze to Connor’s cheeks. Connor sniffs and blames the cold before turning around to face the newcomer. It’s Jack. He knows Jack, they’ve played hockey on the same teams since Jack moved here. When they were both just eight years old. That’s seven years. Seven years of playing the ice together, sharing jersey colours, team dinners together after tournaments and road trips on the same buses, playing road hockey in the summer and swearing they were going to play together in the NHL someday. Together. Musings of children that had no idea what life was like outside of the sport they were committing themselves to.
send me a 🌹 for a random bit of a wip <3
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kitnita · 10 months
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he's t(ied for the stars' lead in goals)wenty
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eastwindmlk · 4 months
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For May' @jilychallenge I started two plunnies. One was Dillweed in a Fancy Metal Can and the other is this.
Partner: @charmsandtealeaves
Prompt: University Football/rugby/field hockey training is open to the public, on a very hot day star player A takes a shower from a water hose and B walks against a lamppost bc B might have been staring
Either read on AO3 or under the cut!
It was Wednesday evening in The Leaky Cauldron, which meant the lads had gathered in the back of the dingy establishment for their weekly team gathering. Well, James liked to call it their team gathering, it was mostly an excuse to grab a pint in the middle of the week for most of them. 
In front of them, on the large oval table in the back, they assumed was supposed to be their ‘event space’ that none of them could imagine would actually be used by anyone but them. After all, they’d celebrated most of their big moments around this table ever since uni. Lay the newest redition of their pub league bracket.
“I am sure we can manage,” Sirius commented, his finger gliding down the print-out with their pub league charter. Smirking as he tapped, their first match. “The Hog’s Head team always sucks. I’m pretty sure good ol’ Mundungus still pretends to be their striker.” 
Both the men rolled their eyes and a snicker went through the collection of young men gathered. Glasses clinked together. “Wait, Mundungus is their striker? The one that sells pot? Owns the pawnshop?” Frank asked curiously, squinting at the paper. 
“It almost feels bad to be playing against them. At least we don’t need to run too fast then,” Peter grinned, downing half of his pint in celebration. 
While James would not celebrate an easy win as readily as his friend, he could not help but feel a little bad for the middle-aged blokes having their first game against them. But he supposed that is why they had a point system instead of a knock-out. 
“We play Babberton Arms the week after, they’re usually decent, same goes for The White Wyvern.” It was then that a name caught his eye, there was a pub in the league that he wasn’t familiar with. They were new on the sheet, and what was more surprising was that their listed captain was one ‘Lily Evans’, a woman. 
Sirius noticed his hesitation, throwing his arm over his shoulder as he leaned in to look as well. “Anyone know The Three Broomsticks?” he asked, the team falling silent for a moment before Kingsley supplied:
“It’s a small gastropub down in the village. Nice place, little highbrow, though.” This caused a couple of people to pull out their phones to look it up. 
“They have a good menu.” 
“The lady who runs it is a total MILF.”
“I think I had a date there once. Nice place.” 
So far, it sounded pretty good. James reckoned he would probably recruit Sirius to go on a recon mission soon. Spend an evening there to scope out the competition. It would be fun. While he would never admit it aloud, he was not opposed to something a little finer than this. 
Peter, who started laughing, holding out his phone for everyone to get a glimpse of what was on the screen drew everyone’s attention. As far as James could tell, it was a team picture. All the players were posing in front of the metal goal that was part of their local park. 
He was not entirely sure what was too funny about it, but several people were chuckling and scoffing when the phone passed to them. “They’re all females?” Someone asked, clicking their tongue and earning a round of laughter. 
“We’ll be fine; I am sure a bunch of girls are not going to take our cup,” Remus commented, squeezing James’s shoulder. 
Sirius was quiet until someone made a remark about how they would at least have a good time looking at them run, pretending to jiggle a pair of tits, making the rest of the table burst into hysterics.
Easily and masterfully redirecting the jokes in an effort to cut short this sort of talk. By joking. “All I know is that we might want to put Pete in goal because he has never scored with a girl once in his life.” 
There was a short bout of silence around the table before the first person broke, Benjy snorting loudly and slapping Peter, who was not looking as amused as the others, on the back hard enough to hear it connect. 
“I just think we shouldn’t be too quick to judge them, it looks like they actually train,” James deducted, having found the profile himself and scrolling through the public posts. Finding out some interesting things about this other captain. 
Lily Evans and he had a few mutual friends, mostly people from the pub league and a bloke that went to the same gym as he did. 
They liked similar bands, she attended a Lord of the Rings marathon he’d been unable to get tickets to. 
By the looks of it, she and her friends dressed up. 
She volunteers for or supports multiple charities. Her work involves a white coat, which intrigued him.
Her red hair was natural, and her green eyes were breathtaking. 
He also found a post about wanting to start this women-only footy team. With dates and times when they were supposed to meet up.
James leaned in a little too close, to squint in the background of one of her throwback pictures where he could swear he knew the grease ball she was toting along when his finger slipped and he accidentally liked a picture of her on holiday. 
“Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck no,” he muttered to himself and frantically tapped the little thumbs up, only to be offered more options. By the time that he finally figured out how to unlike it, he’d left a heart, angry and laughing reaction, and there was no way in hell she did not know he was stalking her Facebook. 
Turns out, he did not need to be physically talking to someone to put his foot in his mouth. His ineptitude with the dinosaur that was Facebook did just fine at making him look like a right idiot. Though it must be some record, taking less than ten seconds.  
What made it worse was that, not a minute later, there was a buzz, the light on his phone blinking blue. A Facebook notification. Worse, a friend request from one Lily Evans.
After having ignored the notification for several hours James found himself staring at it, bending over his container of Szechuan noodles. Staring long and hard enough for Sirius to elbow him in the side. 
“If some spicy text got you this wrapped up, I need to see it,” he chuckled, trying to lean over to see what James was staring at. Not shrinking away from the glare he received, much to James’s disappointment, he was reminded that his best friend was not intimidated by him in the slightest. 
Turning the screen to show off the notification bar, rolling his eyes at Sirius snorted. “Isn’t that the captain from the Broomsticks team? What does she want from you?” 
“Maybe she wants to plead for mercy?” he suggested with a smirk, his thumb hovering over the decline button. Why would he accept it? It wasn’t like he knew her. His tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth for a moment before selecting ‘accept’. 
He might not know her personally, but he was not going to turn down the possibility of spying on their new rivals. As team captain, it was his responsibility to be prepared for anything. This certainly had nothing to do with the bikini picture he spotted earlier. 
By the time that his phone buzzed the following Saturday, while he was stretching before their first game, he had completely forgotten about this happening.
‘Good luck today! {insert football emoji and a smiley]
Squinting against the glare of the rising sun behind him, he could almost make out the picture of the redhead rival captain. There was a nervous roll of his stomach, eyes darting around the field. Wondering if maybe she was here to spy on them. But most of the crowd was distinctly more follically challenged and would not look nearly as good in a black one-piece as he had learned Lily did. 
He reacted to the message with his usual lion emoji before tossing the phone into his bag. Not wanting to get too distracted.
What did not help was checking it again at half-time, only to find a new message. 
‘You should pay more attention to that centre back.’ 
Making his eyes roam the stands in search of a hint of the spy, but if she was there, she was hiding in the crowd. 
‘We’ll be fine! He’s no Matt Clarke.’ 
The message was sent before he realized it, a reference to his favourite team that his friends would likely get. But would she? He supposed she could always google him if she wanted to know, he supposed. The ref blew his whistle and just before he tossed the phone back in the bag he saw the notification pop up. 
‘Think you’re good enough to go up against the Bald Eagle?’ 
She knew. And he considered that maybe he was already in love with this stranger. 
Just like that, his recognizance mission was compromised. Or rather, forgotten about. Until Peter asked casually while beating him mercilessly at a game of FIFA. “Did you hear the chick team won their first game seven nil? Maybe we should try and catch one of their trainings. See if this was just a stroke of luck.” 
He did not even have the decency to look at the screen when he tipped in another goal against him. 
James considered accusing him of cheating, but what was the point? The last time he did that, they were in college, and it had been embarrassing enough to still make him cringe today. “I did see a post about it on Lil’s timeline. I think they meet every Thursday.” 
The characters on screen celebrated the end of the game, and he immediately flicked to the main screen, not particularly feeling like seeing his pathetic stats.  
Peter grumbled something about the stats being there for the both of them before falling silent. Giving James a confused look. “Lil? You two are that friendly already?” 
He pulled up his shoulders and ran a hand through his hair. “I’d like to think so.” 
“Are you two secretly chatting or have you just become intimately familiar with her beach holiday pics?” Peter was still laughing between the coughs when his elbow landed in his stomach, throwing his hands up in defence. “Right, right! Got it! It’s both.” 
James shot him a playful glare and pulled up his shoulder, eyes returning to the screen to select another formation for his team. Certain he could out-strategize his friend’s undeniably superior skill. 
“I’ll go check them out this week.” 
The sun was starting to set when James and Sirius slunk into the park, rugged up in oversized cardigans they borrowed from Remus and stylish baseball caps that were generously donated by Kingsley. Who did insist they were not to adjust or bend them, as they were, collector's items. Or rather, they would be one day, and he was not going to risk it. Which did lead to a rather loose fit on Sirius and a promise of a very bad hair day for James. 
The pair of them carried a picnic blanket and book to look less suspicious. If they pretended to hold a book club. The biggest risk they ran was to look like nerds. 
Which they were. Not that James or Sirius would openly admit to this to anyone but each other. They are rather skilled at hiding their general nerdiness under a layer of muscle and smooth talking. Even if the smooth-talking occasionally included references to their nerd media of choice. 
James had overthought the time they should be arriving. Not too early, or they would notice something was off. Not too late, because then they would not get enough time to observe. After a lot of mulling over, James decided that twenty minutes after practice started should be perfect. 
He knew that their team took, at least, ten to fifteen minutes to waffle and joke around, and ten minutes was a quick warm-up. Which meant that they would probably wander in just as they started playing. 
Once he spotted the group of women, or rather, a collection of bouncing ponytails, James learned he was wrong, and he could not be happier about it. They were still warming up. Better yet, they were stretching and it was utterly enchanting. 
No matter how hard he tried, which was not very hard, he could not take his eyes off their captain. The feisty redhead he’d been texting off and on since Saturday wore a bright smile and a pair of criminally tight bike shorts as she dropped into a low lunge. 
A sight that he was clearly not prepared for. If it had not been for Sirius grabbing his arm, he might have walked straight into a rubbing bin. Frankly, he’d have deserved it for shamelessly staring. But what was a mortal man like him going to do? Avert his eyes when given the chance to glimpse at a goddess?
But as Sirius spread the blanket on the field across from the training, where he could resume his research in peace. The book he was pretending to read was open in his lap, his phone in his hand. He could not help himself. 
‘Good luck! [insert football and lady running emoji]’ 
Only after hitting sent, James realized that he might have just blown their cover. If Lily had done the same thing he had done when he got her message, it would not take a genius to figure out who they were. If there was something he’d learned about her over the past week or two was that she was, in fact, an actual genius. 
If the gods were merciful, she would see the humour in this. She’d not said anything about his little bikini picture snafu, which was arguably a lot creepier, and he had profusely apologized for it after a few pints to settle the nerves. 
That had been what had really set off their chatting. Messaging back and forth to the point that he had his eyes glued to his screen even while watching footy.  Remus had made remarks about it, which meant it had to be painfully obvious. 
Not that the screen was any sort of distraction now, for obvious reasons. However, there was also a less obvious and far more concerning reason for his mobile to lie discarded on the blanket. 
They're good. 
No, that was an understatement. They were terrifyingly competent. It was intimidating and did things to him, he would rather not admit to. 
“Prongs, I think we’re fucked,” commented Sirius after they watched a tall blonde flip throw the ball with such ease their jaws were on the floor. 
James swallowed, nodding slowly at his friend’s assessment. “So fucked.” A firm shove jolted him out of his trance to notice that, across the field, several of their rivals had turned to look at them. Most of them took this moment to catch their breaths, hands set into their sides. James could see their breaths form little clouds in the cooling evening air. 
He reeled in his jaw and raised a hand in an awkward greeting. As if he was not already done for, Lily raised her hand in what he thought would be an awkward wave back. Only for her to flip him off before winking and returning to her practice. Her jumper had ridden up and exposed a swath of tattooed skin on her side. 
Hand to his chest, James fell back into Sirius’s lap as if shot. Maybe he had been, because he was unwell. They’d never even spoken face-to-face, and he’d already decided on a May wedding at the Riverside, four kids and a Newfoundlander named Elvendork. 
Sirius peered at him with, what seemed like, genuine concern as James raked his hands over his face. “You right, mate?” he asked, the cap sliding forward as he tipped his head down to look at James. 
“Yeah. Yes. Though I could do with the incessant urge to make a fool of myself for her,” he groaned, an offended tsking rushing past his teeth when his friend pushed the cap down over his eyes. “Oi! Can you blame me? Just look at her!” 
Sirius looked up while he wrangled the cap back into place, taking a long moment and then some before sighing in defeat. “I vote Irish wolfhound and late spring. I look good in lavender.” 
“I was thinking Newfoundland,” he answered, a smirk playing around his lips.
“Only if I can be the godfather,” Sirius bargained, the raise of his eyebrows caused the cap to slide forward once more making James snicker. He let himself be pushed up and to his feet. “Go talk to her! Don’t do anything stupid,” his friend encouraged. 
James shot him a playful glare, tossing his own cap towards him and fixing his hair. Well, as much as it could be fixed. His feet already carrying him down the slight slope to the field. “It’s not like I am going to run into a lamp post,” he joked, tossing a grin over his shoulder seconds before connecting with just that. 
In his defence, the ladies were having a water break and Lily had taken off her jumper, standing there in just her sports bra, sweat glistening in the setting sun. Her hair was frizzy from the humidity and surrounded her like a halo. 
If that had not been enough, Lily had laughed, her head tilted back in delight and James was pretty sure he would move heaven and earth to be the one to make her laugh like that. Which was the thought that spun dizzily through his mind while he reeled from the impact. 
James staggered back a few steps, rubbing the side of his face that had made the actual impact. His glasses askew while he sat back down on the grass, blinking the spots from his vision. 
When his eyes focussed again, Lily was right there, her forehead creased with concern. Before he could think about it, his mouth moved. “Marry me?” Which was probably the first time that James Potter ever was truly mortified by something he had said. Mouth opening, this time intentionally, to apologize. 
But before he could, she laughed, and the sound was pure and surprisingly not like she wanted to run away. “How about you take me for a drink first?” 
The vigorous shake of his head made him reel all over again, but James didn’t care. ”It’s a date.” 
(A little reference vid, because I can.)
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x10-The Winter Carnival Episode-Pt 3
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Where have I heard an ever so slight variation of this brilliant pick up line before?
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I see he's refining his moves. Adding some tweaks. It takes years of practice to turn into the Super Slutbag MegaWhore he will eventually become.
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Oh. She actually believes he was talking about homework-homework and not Strip Homework.
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Yes, dear. Upstairs. A place that one typically arrives at after ascending a set of stairs.
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Maybe she's catching on. Time to bring back my favorite imaginary narrators, the two sports announcers, one is named Bob and one is named Bill. Take it away, fellas. Bill : Bob, I do believe Miss Gilmore thinks Mr.Mariano actually wants to help her with her calculus homework. Bob: Yet, we both know that Mr Mariano here is only thinking about division and subtraction. Bill: Subtracting clothes? Bob: Indeed Bill. But it's going to take alllllll day to remove all those layers! Can they beat the Cockblock?! Bill: Oh mercy! Here she comes barreling through the door! Will they make it upstairs in time?!
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Bob: Looks like there will be no Closet Checkers for Jess and Rory today. Bill: His balls have gotta hurt, Bob. Bob: Neon blue, Bill.
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You still can't make up your mind, can you? And yes they were until you came along. You ruin everything, you ruiner. Someone secured a day pass to leave The Bubble and went to the mall to buy ol Richard some junk for his birthday. A bathroom scale, a coin sorter, and a tie. A Happy Walgreens Christmas to all! Rory totally one ups her Mommy by revealing that she purchased a much more thoughtful gift for Grandpa. Take the small wins where you can get em, girl.
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Here comes a gift that its parents wished they could return to customer service after its birth.
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When have you ever been sorry about jack squat, you withered pine cone?
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"I could have been doing HOMEWORK with Jess but now I'm here. I really like homework."
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Well, you do live in a town of like, 46 people, so.
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Mr "I casually strolled into your mother's kitchen unannounced at night to try and fufill my dreams of awkwardly nailing her for 15 seconds before you could catch us" here talking about how awkward it was to discover Rory was home at her own house.
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"Getting coffee with Dean" is just a gateway drug to "Agreeing to talk to Dean alone at night in a dark alleyway" I'm afraid there's little hope for her.
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How about Rory sits in a chair and you sit on a railroad spike?
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Maybe Rory isn't neuro-different and this is just a defense mechanism to weird Dean out and get him to leave.
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Sure, why not.
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Well, you do kill women's appetites, buddy. (Except Lorelai's). Dean: You look incredibly uncomfortable. Rory: Oh, it's not you, it's just The Situation.
Yeah, it's never Dean, it's always just The Situation. That's a big word for Dean.
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I can't be mad at Dean for aiming somewhere in the middle and trying to do something with his life. College, good for you Dean. I'm in favor of anything that will get him out of Stars Hollow.
Seeing he is a 6'4 blob with no personality and a rotating range of interests that come and go with the breeze, I'd be curious what he wants to major in. I mean, softball, reading, the motorcycle, and building cars have all gone by the wayside already, now it's going to be hockey? Mr McKellan writing to the college: Dear Sir: Get this fucknugget out of my class. He's your problem now. Please take him for the love of god.
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Rory reacts with mild surprise upon hearing Dean’s four year college aspirations, especially since she thought he was aiming even lower (the two dirtiest words on Gilmore Girls unless it's Lorelai going there and then it's fine are: "community college") You lay off him! Doubting Dean’s academic and sexual capabilities is my job.
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Wow Dean, you got to read a brochure? I heard that Rory once tried to read a Yale brochure and Lorelai grabbed it and threw in the trash while screaming SHES GOING TO HARVARD! It was weird. Also, you can read? R; What happened to community college? D: I changed my mind Rory:
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The Gilmore Girlies really seem to have a hard time understanding this concept of "changing one's mind".
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And he continues, "And all that talk about "you can do more". Jess would never describe Rory giving him books to read as "pushing all those crazy books on him". Dean makes it sound like "books" are some crazy foriegn concept to him, like not being human tree fungus. And she "pushed them" on him. Did she hold a gun to your head? (I mean, he was acting like she had a gun to his head when she tried to get him enthusiastic about visiting the book fair) And because of "all those crazy books" she forced him to read and her lukewarm "you can do more" encouragement, he's suddenly an Educated Dean now, now he wants to go to a four year college. Oh that Rory Gilmore, she's such a miracle worker. Meanwhile Jess is praying for a Miracle Handjob. Rory describes herself as "The Rain Man" of college application requirements and wants to help Dean apply to college, which is funny to me, because she had only just begun the process of applying to more than one college in the last episode because Lorelai had her in the Harvard Chokehold. Not her fault, but she really shouldn't be giving herself any accolades there. And you shouldn't be offering to help Dean with, like, anything. Let him figure it out on his own. Jesus, Rory.
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Said literally nobody ever in the history of time except Rory this one time. Dean wanted to call Rory earlier to tell her about these mediocre dreams of his, but he couldn't, because of you know, The Guy. I'm sorry Dean, you need to make a friend who is NOT Rory and NOT her MILF Mom. Get a gerbil to talk to or something. You mean to tell me you haven't made any friends from all these sports and hobbies that you get involved in for 1-3 episodes? Let's see how Rory throws Jess under the bus to placate Dean! R:You still could have called me. D:I can't get over how weird it is. I go from seeing you every day to not seeing you every day. I got used to talking to you every day. It's a hard thing to let go of. R: (sadly) I know. Me too. D: Can we be friends? R: (perking up) REALLY? I want to! I really want to! D: Don't ask me how I'm going to deal with HIM. I have no idea. R: Okay. D: Let's take this slowly. "Dealing" with Rory's new boyfriend is something you're gonna have to work on, you skunk. Listen to me, you two sneaky dirtbags. You both SUCK. I feel like this conversation is so low down and dirty and disprectful to poor Jess, even though he may not know everything that happens and what is said when he's not around and even though Rory is just placating Dean like she always has. Enough is enough Rory. Grow a fucking spine already.
(As an aside: she’s always so concerned that random townies will notice her business and spread gossip, but she’s not concerned that someone will see her conversing cozily with Dean over custard pies at the bakery and this won’t make it back to Jess?) I do not like how Rory is treating Jess already, and their relationship is only three episodes in. Arghhh. Salty is pissed!
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carlijcorson · 7 months
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Super stoked to share this beautiful commission of my characters created by the incredible @polar-biscuit!!
IT'S A LOVE/SKATE RELATIONSHIP (HarperTeen, Winter 2025)
Add Love/Skate on Goodreads!
Hockey star Charlie Porter has one shot to make her dreams come true -- literally. One goal is all that stands between her and the coveted Winthrop Cup, along with a life-changing hockey scholarship that could catapult her into the big leagues. But when Charlie misses her shot -- and inadvertently starts a good ol’ fashioned brawl between rival schools -- she waves goodbye to more than just the championship title. She gets kicked off her team, suspended from school, and banished to the Worst Place on Earth: Winthrop High. Things for Charlie cannot get any worse.
Until she meets Alexa Goldstein. A prickly, perfectionist ice princess with her sights set on the Olympics, Alexa is the last person Charlie would ever want to share a rink with -- no matter how good she looks in her figure skating leotard. But when Alexa’s skating partner breaks his ankle and torpedoes her chances for a gold medal career, the two unlikely allies -- along with Alexa’s terrifying, ex-Olympian mother -- strike a deal: Charlie will practice with Alexa until her partner heals, and Alexa’s mother will use her connections to get Charlie back in her hockey uniform.
But as the ice between Charlie and Alexa begins to melt, their partnership only gets more complicated. Charlie’s falling hard -- and not just when she’s trying to land a double Axel. What happens when making Alexa’s skating dreams come true means giving up her own?
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The Setting Sun
fandom: omori ship: suntan (kel x sunny) note: angsty (?), and sunny might be ooc
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       The smell of joy was in the air. Aubrey and Basil were eating cookies and pasta on the ground, sitting on the large blanket – identical to the one they used with Mari. Hero sat closely next to the basket, you could tell he misses Mari – a lot, might I add –, but he’s moved on and got with a girl from his college. Kel, however, breathed in the air less today. Sunny came to visit. Kel would usually celebrate, have a good laugh, and totally not act off his big-ass crush on Sunny. But this morning when Sunny arrived was less than the usual; this morning he and Sunny had a little disagreement. It wasn’t big, they’re currently next to each other as they eat, and Kel talks about the game for next week. But it feels off. He feels as if someone now knows exactly how many cracks are actually in his act.
Sunny, of course, fell quiet. But it hadn’t felt neutral to him, it felt judgy – judgy to Kel. But the young boy had to let it go, his best friend/crush was home, and he couldn’t let it go to waste. 
So he did. He let it rest in the back of his mind – a concealed tattoo.
As for later that night? He couldn’t. He wanted to talk to his older brother Hero, but unfortunately for Kel, Hero was fast asleep on the couch with his girlfriend. What was her name again? Samantha? Sam? Maybe Mag? Alex– this was a distraction. He should leave the lovers to rest. After all, he hadn’t heard anyone say they weren’t tired after studying it. 
Walking towards the door he played with the doorknob. 
I should probably change clothes, Kel thought, Or I could pick up hockey. 
He knew he had to step out of that door, and check up on his dear ol’ friend. But how deep of a sleeper can one teenage boy be? So he opened the door, greeted by the same air that filled his lungs. Joy to the world, melancholy for Kel. He walked to Sunny's house, knocking on the door rhythmically. Lucky for him, Sunny was tiredly awake, as if he had just been living in his own little dreamland and got a sudden nightmare.
“Hey, Sunny!” Kel smiled.
“So umm… wanna take a walk with me?”
Sunny looked from left to right outside his door before fully walking outside and giving Kel a nod. 
“Where are we going?” Sunny asked. Kel knew he was a man of few words, not straightforward, but not entirely aloof either. Mostly right in the middle, not a talker, but instead a listener. 
Kel thought of being poetic, it’s just what the 12:00 am fever gives you. “To the stars.” While it was admittedly corny, he could still see the other smile. A smile he hasn’t seen in quite a while. 
As they walked Kel kept quiet. He thought of confessing, though it would only be too rash, too soon, he didn't want to burden Sunny with anything he’d be forced to accept. So he kept walking till they reached the park, “Nice view isn’t it?” Sunny only responded with a glance, stars reflecting in his eyes. Kel brightened; his face felt flush and brand new. “It’s beautiful for stargazing.” This was lame. Generic. A raccoon would have come up with a better excuse. “I say we lay on those tables, perfect view!” Kel kept a loud whisper to his voice, it was beautiful to Sunny, but then again, Sunny barely spoke about it, only writing sad poetry and then seldom love poems; it would be a wonder if Kel ever knew.
The tables weren’t comfortable, only a masochistic liar would even think of playing devil's advocate for the damned things, but they made the close. Physically, that is. It felt intimate to spend a relaxing moment like this with your crush. The stars grazed the sky like silver paint dots on an inky night sky. Sunny looked so deep in thought, yet so focused you would think he was about to sleep. 
Words weren't spoken, but you could feel the lullabies in the sky. Similar to Mari’s hums. Kel remembered them. He remembered them clear as day. He remembered slowly going to hold Sunny’s hand. Identical to what he is doing now. His hand slowly slides into the others, fireworks exploding so much so that the New Year's sky would be jealous.
Sunny can feel the touch, but he isn’t going to try to move. It reminds him of the times when Kel used to say their hands are kissing. He doesn’t anymore, he seems too shy. Yet if both talked then they would know how the other still saw how their hands would peck when brushing and how they are kissing under the stars when holding. 
“The stars look just like how I remembered them.” Sunny was a poet, not a published one, but he was a damn good one, enough so that he would outsell everyone in the field. “You’ve always seen the same stars, Sun.” They both knew the nickname was false. Sunny was – and has always been – the moon, yet he shined so brightly under the stars. “I know.” The smile had faded into a light one, yet still viewable. Still beautiful. 
Some time had passed before any more words were spoken. 
“Did you know how Hero and his new girlfriend met?”
Sunny shook his head. 
“Well, mom says it’s romantic, but I say it’s funny. Turns out that they met in the college cafeteria. That day they were serving milkshakes, right? Guess what happened.” Kel possessed the normal Kel Smile™. “They bumped into each other while she was talking with her friends and he was holding his drink! It got all over her clothes apparently and she told him that she wouldn’t accept any verbal apology. So she had him walk her to her dorm! A few days after that he offered to cook her a meal as an ‘actual apology’ and that's when they first became friends.” 
Sunny looked unbothered, yet he still remembered when Hero and Mari started to date, she reminds him a little of her. Kel could sense it a little, so his laughter died down to a small chuckle. 
Sunny would be leaving tomorrow afternoon. And he didn't wanna make the first and last night of his visit unbearable, anyone with eyes could see the mosquito bites. 
“Hey, do you wanna head to my place for a snack and ac?” 
“Sure, I could go for some popcorn.” 
And so they left, minimal conversation made on the way back. Once they reached Kel’s house he warned Sunny that they probably shouldn’t turn off the TV as Hero and his girlfriend are asleep and that they probably shouldn’t wake them, if they know what was good for them.
Slowly entering, the door thankfully not creaking, they walked like mice to the kitchen. There were a few things left in the fridge and a lot of dry, warm snacks in the pantry. Going for the chips, their hands kissed. “Oh, sorry.” 
“You say sorry, a lot, y’know?”
Sunny quietly replied, “Yeah, habit, sorry.”
“There you go again, Sun. We really need to teach you how to tone down the apologies. No matter how cute they make you seem.” 
Time had stopped. Kel's words weren’t ancient, everyone called Sunny cute at some point, especially after how much he’s grown since moving to the city. “Sure.” He smiled, while mildly forced, it was a view to see. 
The night soon went away with them playing around with the snack and drinks, and sneaking behind the couch to watch whatever generic Halloween movie was playing on Freeform. “Ugh, Hocus Pocus again?!” 
“Shh,” Sunny pointed at the people who were sleeping right below their heads. 
“Oh, yeah, right.” 
After a few laughs and jokes, tiny heart attacks from Hero almost waking up, and going up to Kel and Hero’s room to read a few new issues from a comic book they liked, it was almost 5:30 am and they had to get Sunny home soon before his mother woke up. 
Dashing through the doors of both houses and, quietly, slamming them, they got Sunny up into his room. Quickly getting Sunny’s bed ready and looking as “I totally slept throughout the entire night” as possible before he actually got in the bed. Sunny told Kel that he heard his mom’s footsteps and that he should get running. Though, it would be nearly impossible for him to go through Sunny���s door without getting caught. So, Kel did the absolute smartest thing to do and jumped out his friend’s window. It felt like hiding a secret from a forbidden romance novel. The type of scene that Aubrey would gush to him about before swearing him to secrecy. 
By the next day, neither of them got in trouble and they got away with it like total spies. Except for the fact that both didn't wake up till around 4:55 pm – around 35 minutes before Sunny had to leave. And while Hero was quick to wake up his brother, Sunny didn’t have that and slept an extra 10 minutes. During which, Kel had gotten decently prepared to say goodbye till he came back. 
“Hey.” a half-awake Sunny stated.
“Hey, Sunny.” Kel could feel himself sweat, he was the last to say goodbye and he had five minutes – too short.
“Why don’t you just call me Sun?” 
“Oh, umm, it was an accident and I thought you didn’t like it and-”
“I liked it,” Sunny stared at Kel, “it felt, ironic to us.” To us. That one stuck. He forgot how ironic the nickname his half-awake mind made up while breathing the poisonous air polluting his thoughts. 
“Well then, I’ll use it more often. Goodbye, Sun.”
And, in a low whisper, Sunny muttered words only Kel’s ears were exposed to, hands kissing. “Goodbye, Sweet Moon.”
That damned poet. The city had changed Sunny, the whole group noticed, but damned be Kel as that newfound confidence had only worsened his already big crush on this man.
Sunny left after those words. That sweet retort of a nickname. His hands ached for a kiss, the words ‘My Sun’ lingering in his mouth, though, ironically, his sun was already setting.
He just didn’t know when he would rise again.
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ducknotinarow · 4 months
Summer Jones - Family Meme; all that apply uwu
| Talking about family
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"It's not often I getta talk 'bout my full family so I don' mind talking more. Since I ain't gotta talk around the fact most my family aint human. Like Aunnie April and my grandma. Hmm? oh Dad? Nah Pop's filled me in. Dad ain't human he just passes for one."
Send 👔 for my muse to talk about their father
"Oh boy my Dad's uh? Well what isn't there to say? My Dad's are well my Dad's I know that don' say much but I guess I jus' don' know what to say to really say just well how lucky I am to have my Dad's ya know? How many kids got two parents who love 'em and support everythin' that do? 'ike if I get in a fight it ain't ever what did I do wrong it's did ya win?" She laughs a bit. "Pop's is always more quite and moody looking but he's a big softie. I think most would see all the scares and missing eye and be scared. But he's just always got stuff on his mind. He always home when I get there and makes sure to say bye if he slips out to hide out at the lair. We sit up on the roof and look at the stars together. He taught me how to throw a correct punch. It never really matter how bad I mess up Pop's never makes me feel like anything's too bad for me not to come home. Dad's no different, some see this giant and muscular gay rollin' up on his bike but Dad's a big ol' marshmallow himself. Always giving me hugs and be gross and embarrassing callin' me dumpling and all that. He always cheers the loudest at my games and practice. He tries to play the role of a normal parent. Always saying to clean my room for some reason? But Dad's not a normal parent. He ain't a normal nothin' and he's best when he just being that."
Summer obviously is adopted, left outside the door of Casey's apartment. Funny enough when Raph and Casey were dealing with their baby fever at its worse. An angel finally answering them and giving them Summer. Summer truly has no normal set of parents. Two Dad's that have shared different ways of fighting. Raph how to throw a punch right so she don't break her thumb and Casey taught her how to swing a hockey stick not only to hit a puck right but slam into someones gut to knock the wind out of them. Summer is a full on tomboy herself. She knows hockey stats better than math equations so it's a good thing she got some smart family members as well. Summer is closer to Casey but that because he's able to do more with and for her. Casey the one she looks up to and wants to be like when she gets older. To her Casey is this guy who cares a lot about others and will do anything to help his family. He may not do it the best way but his heart is in the right place. It's way anything thing she could do that may disappoint Casey hurts her most. And why she fears doing that in the first place despite it not being possible to happen at all. Raph is deff her biggest support if she can't go to Casey right away it Raph she goes to and talks with. Raph often has to reassure her worries. And it's kind of why she doesn't fear saying the things she might even if it comes out wrong. She got Raph's bluntness and Casey I don't know when to shut my mouth mixed together. Not to mention shes a idiot like the pair of them. She may be hell on wheels but Casey and Raph both know their daughter well and how to be there for her and Summer knows that too. Even if she has fear losing her family before she knows shes could never really lose them or do anything to make them stop loving her its the irrational fear of a child. But Summer really can say her Dad are more than parents they are her best friends she can pal around with them but she has learned to sort of try and watch after them herself. She gets on them both for smoking and limits their drinking to at least one can. If they gonan listen to anyone it's thier baby girl.
Send 🤜 for my muse to talk about (one of) their sibling(s)
"Oh Ari! Well we aren't technically sisters but she's my sister and I dint care 'bout facts anyway. Why I don't know many outside hockey and other sports. Ari a bit older than me but she don't act it like at all. She's my best friend as well. She kind of hurts my feelings cause she's always on and on about how she the only one in her situation so she bottles all that shit up. And even shuts me out. But she's the one I tell everything first even about Hun. I dunno why she feels she can' or that I won't get it. Feels...kind of shitty. I try to be there despite all 'hat shit though. Cause we're cousins but we're more than thar we're sisters. Pops tells me 'bout how he and unca Donnie got this twin sense an' I wish we had it maybe I could help her more if we did ya know? She still my favorite person despite it all. I lpve hanging out with her even if I gotta watch the little mermaid all the time with her. Being with her just makes things better."
Summer and Ariel may be cousins but they might as well be sisters. I tend to forget but I think Ariel is possible a month older than Summer if not just a few weeks. They are seen as the next twins of the family and are just as close as Raph and Donnie. Two peas in a pod. Summer never not seen Ariel as a mutant she's just her sister. So she can be blind to Ariel's own hang ups and issues much like Ariel is with Summers. But Summer will always be there for her sister, to hang out or tell her when she is being dumb never above using her hockey stick to knock some sense into her sister.
Send 🦯 for my muse to talk about their grandparents
"I got my grandma and my gramps. Grandma is a tought lady who don' take shit from no body. An' she always tells me not to take shit for no body either. I visited her a lot before she passed away. Grandma was always nice to me grand kid privilege I guess funny watchin' her boss Dad around though. I miss her lots but I don't think it hurt me like it did Dad he got real weird when she passed on. Gramps also the same he more strict with my pop's and uncles than with me and Ari. We always got treats from him growing up. He tried teachin' me to mediate and such but I always napped instead. Pop's and Dad never liked that I was more an angel with gramps. But it's grampa course I am."
Summer has a grandparent from each side. Her grandma from Casey and Splinter aka Gramp's from Raph. Summer for sure is spoiled by both. I feel like she often visited with her grandma even without Casey around. She just loved her a lot, being a kid who was bullied for be well different a strong women who took shit from no one was a strong role model for summer. Splinter also can't tell me other wise isn't a grandparent who would spoil. Seeing how I think Splinter never once thought he might have grandkids himself. He love his son so much so you know grandkids would be just as loved. He takes to being grandpa right away I like to think he was first to hold Summer as well like he was with Ari. And he cried each time he loves them so much and he still dots on them and gives them treats no matter how big they get.
Send 🎣 for my muse to talk about (one of) their aunt(s)/uncle(s)
"I got a lot! Aunnie April is the only human aunt or uncle I got. She always there when I need her. Like coming to school to grab me when that time of the month first happened for me not fun. Then I got Aunnie Vonnie! She's kind of 'ike a mom ta me, she the one who tells me all the gross stuff, and tends to be more better with emotional shit I deal with since sadly im biologically a chick. She always let's me hide out with her too which is nice when I need it. Unca Leo is also my sensie so I tend to call him sensie over uncle. Auncle Mikey cause they feel loke they both male and female so I call them a number of things. Auncle, uncle, aunt and Pibling. Uncle Mikey like a big kid always playing games with us and teaching me about the best super heros and comics. I tend to help buy them for him too. Unca Donnie kind of like a third Dad ta me as well. When my Dad's are being too emotional unca Donnie the best to go to he least listens ta me. When my Dad's are too busy thinking a guy who likes me is a purple dragon."
Summer may not have a lot of friends but she makes up for it with family. Because she sure has a lot. She has two aunts and three uncles. April I feel is always helpful for things needed like getting pads and bras when summer has to start wearing them. She is closer to Von as she mentioned she sees her as a mother figure in her life and she kind of fills that place for her as well having a very strong maternal presence in Summers life. Her uncles I feel all fill in a different role in her life. Leo is the only one she dosent call uncle performing sensei. If not for Leo? Summer might be a bit more likely to get into fights at school. Ever since she bought her guitar and got chased by purple dragons. Leo felt knowing how to properly defend herself was important along with the displace thar comes with the style they all learned. Summer respect Leo a lot. Ironic consider raph and leos constant bricking. She only ever calls him.uncle when it's a pretty serious matter. Mikey is more like an older brother in her life. She often gets him comics and such of she sees a issues he might like. And will have sleep overs with him and Ari. Summer never gose to the girl nights to girly for her so this is a nice way for her to get that time instead. Donnie as mentioned is like a 3rd dad to Summer being a bit more reasonable and sensible than Casey and Raph ever can be. She tends to sit in his lab and dose homework only time she stays focused since she can ask him for help he explains it better than her teachers but he's known her for years so that helps.
Send 🐾 for my muse to talk about (one of) their pet(s)
"I got a pet rat and we got a dog as well! I've had my rat for years I found him hurt so I took him to a vet and kept him they said he would survive long back on the streets. I name him cheddar it's his favorite food. Then course we got Carter Dad's dog mainly but I think he likes me more."
As mentioned summers got a pet rat, originally I said summer was gonna be a teacher I changed it to a vet for alternate pets lile rat and reptiles. For obvious reasons of course. Summer found cheddar rats have a short life span but I aint using that logic the longest captive rats lived 7 years. So we're gonna let her last about 12 cause I said so. Of course Casey gets a support dog later on as well and Summer falls in love with the dog right away. Qhen wvee Vasey isn't in need of him Summers playing and spoiling them rotten.
In the CC verse I feel Summer of course will have both those pets still Chedder will be a hurt rat she finds in the barn. And I like to think shell have her own horse. I like to think she'll name them butterscotch uwu be a cute brown horse I thibk it be cuties if it happens to come from of of Casey's other horses ;3;
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, June 10, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 3:00pm: Twins vs. Jays (SN1) 7:30pm: Red Sox vs. Yankees (SN Now) 10:00pm: Mariners vs. Angels
BLUE'S BIG CITY ADVENTURE (YTV) 6:00pm: Josh and Blue head to New York City to audition for a big Broadway musical.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN) 7:00pm: Redblacks vs. Alouettes
MLS SOCCER (TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Toronto FC vs. Nashville
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:00pm: Knights vs. Panthers vs. - Game #4
THE LOVE CLUB: LAUREN (Global) 8:00pm: When Lauren and Peter are on the brink of divorce, the Love Club steps in to help them rediscover a love that was never really lost.
NATION UNTAMED (APTN) 8:00pm: Sam and Chuck travel to southwestern Colorado to learn about the Southern Ute Tribe; they encounter a mountain lion.
LOVE, GAME, MATCH (Super Channel House & Home) 8:00pm: When economics teacher Liz challenges her students to create business plans, they start their own matchmaking service. Asked to create her own profile and team up with tennis coach Ted, Liz must navigate the algorithms of her own heart.
BACK TO ROOTS (APTN) 8:30pm: Matricia describes the healing properties of roses and rosehips; she makes potatoes, ketchup and rosehip tea; she sings a special healing song.
A MAN CALLED OTTO (Crave) 9:00pm: When a lively young family moves in next door, grumpy widower Otto Anderson meets his match in a quick-witted, pregnant woman named Marisol, leading to an unlikely friendship that turns his world upside down.
STUPID FOR YOU (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: In order to impress their crush, Kat asks their mother to reform her 1990s punk rock band and play at an upcoming high school dance.
NWSL SOCCER (TSN3) 10:00pm: OL Reign vs. Kansas City Current
CATWOMAN: HUNTED (adult swim) 10:00pm: Catwoman attempts to steal a priceless jewel.
0 notes
Jamie Benn saying they gotta be better for Dobby with his big ole cow eyes 🥺🥺🥺
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emmyrosee · 3 years
Bill Skarsgard & Co.
PLEASE NOTE! any starred titles (”*example*”) is erotica and NOT for anyone under the age of 18.
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last updated // Jan. 20, 2022
bill skarsgård
Hold My Girl (fluff)
Through the Blizzard (fluff)
making him up
missing him over facetime
being besties
*sucking “pennywise” off*
*when daddy!alexander teaches you swedish for daddy!bill*
taking care of his love after a long day
lost dog 
dad bod!bill is perfect
*dad!bill with a lactation kink*
dad bod!bill cant accept compliments smh
thicc thigh riding
*sweet aftercare (slight ddlg tw)*
loving up on bill’s tum
       part two to the tum lovins
little!reader’s tantrum (ddlg tw)
*orgasm denial*
axel cluney from Deadpool 2
Sleepy (Fluff)
*keep reading*
*breeding kink*
mark’s older brother
sweet, mindless fluff
stoned stick and pokes
sweet makeout sessions
taking care of you when your monthly comes
enamored with his son
shitfaced and soft
*body worshipping*
*noise complaints*
he appreciates you :)
after a hard day
dad!axel lets his daughter dress herself
accidentally hitting him in your sleep
meeting diesel
emmy’s late night thoughts
*a sweet makeout session*
carrying his big baby all day
wisdom teeth removal
*camera!man axel loves his camgirl*
*emmy really like this hate sex piece*
          *part two*
in the mornings
hockey!axel teaching his son how to play 
*interesting punishment methods*
revealing little rudolph 
*santa, baby*
your big ol’ manimal
emmy’s favorite axel angst
             part two 
             part three 
hockey!axel coaxes you to ice skate
*punishment and price of bail*
teasing hockey!axel
*the bump he makes*
when you were in an accident
jealous!axel angst
comforting you 
heavy words and heated lips
hockey!axel getting into a fight for you
*coming home to you*
*making you feel small*
dad!axel comforting his newborn
sentimental moments with tattoos
*hockey!play axel after a game*
*tying him down and teasing*
sweet aftercare
*being with a reader who likes cars as much as he does*
scaring the reader
*begging to suck him off*
dad!axel getting his newborn to stop crying
sweet morning wakeup calls
cold shoulder reader
*teasing you while he watches his movie*
taking care of drunk and hungover reader
*seducing him at work*
*cockwarming him*
gordan merkel from Atomic Blonde
On The Run (no longer in progress)
hopping (part one)
staying (part two)
Little Things (Preview)
*soft!dom merkel*
*interrogating the reader*
*taking care of him*
dad!gordan with your first little girl together
*sweet, but smutty*
“please stop smiling at me like that”
seeking your familiar comfort
patching you up after a fight
*mean dom!merkel*
*pet play*
fugitive!reader and merkel saga
where it began
becoming distant after the first time
              she fights back against him (slight nsfw)
              senseless, regretful angst
*teaching her german*
henry pearl from battlecreek
aftermath of a night out
cookie fight
distractions and coffee stains
a way with words
hyping you up
domestic valentines day
the plague takes over your home
soft loves after a long day
christmas magic
when he’s sick
singing to his baby
babysitter!henry pearl with your son
innocent surprises
“stop being so cute!”
*needy, subby pearl*
first snowfall
*kitty space*
lovely little father
tending to his scars
thanksgiving snuggles
post-fight snuggles
reading to you when you’re sick
*first time making love*
being affectionate *slight nsfw*
sweet little nothings
making him breakfast
admiring his scars
teaching you how to paint
mark from assassination nation
snuggly, affectionate boy
axel’s younger brother
buns in the oven
*shower surprises*
*he tries to make it up to you*
holding his baby for the first time
i love dad!mark okay
*toxic (toxic relationships tw)*
*aftercare after a rough session*
*he spits in your mouth*
needy, cuddly mark
mateo from soulmates
pretending to be your boyfriend
drunk mateo
dates gone wrong
the first time he leaves
mickey from villains
from tickles to something more
breakfast with mickey
“few more minutes?”
taking your leftovers
when he’s the cutest ever
*blowing axel for the first time*
sweetly, selfishly affectionate
roomie mickey can’t sleep
         roomie mickey being precious
*he makes you squirt*
timezone facetime calls
the rulemaker of cuddling
drunk confessions (w/ axel)
*mindless, loving smut*
*begging to touch you*
he’s a punny man
losing his darling (gun violence tw)
after you fight
dad!mickey and the cookies
taking care of you after appointments
precious mickey fluff
*pegging mickey*
sleepy snuggles (again)
*giving reader her first climax*
comforting you when you’re stressed
taking care of his sleepy love
*giving him road head*
*he likes to get popped in the mouth*
comforting you after a long day
keeping you company when bored
*surprising him with your kinkier side*
*mean!dom mickey*
roman godfrey from hemlock grove
Morning Sickness (fluff)
Appreciation (fluff)
Difficult (fluff)
Deadlines (fluff)
Little Moments (fluff)
soft domestic ass roman is a cute roman 
*daddy!roman punishing reader 
christmas cookies
*home for dinner*
he traumatizes you
eyeing your cake
soft!roman is whipped
“don’t make me fall in love with you.”
possesive!roman hiding you away (EXTREME TW)
comforting you 
*spanking you raw*
needy hangover affections
*some period kink mess*
*riding your man*
he hates watching nadia grow up
*bloody sex (ft. Eric Northman)*
dad!roman is the sweetest
*soft!dom roman*
taking care of salty!reader
taking care of his traumatized!reader
*using your safeword for the first time*
*mean!dom roman*
*making her squirt*
comforting his sugar baby
when someone talks badly about his girl
developing a crush on roman
        reuniting with the green eyed man
the kid/ henry deaver from castle rock
comfort kisses
sweet breakfast
he’s afraid of the dark
*wearing your panties*
*naughty boy and his punishment*
teaching him how to smile
post-nightmare snuggles
willard russell from the devil all the time
his socks
the engagement ring (slight nsfw)
preference lists
who and who not to let in the kitchen
they want to give you a relationship
holding their babies for the first time
their tattoos
when they find out you’re pregnant
a bill breakfast
emmy’s random head canons
in footie pajamas
when they’re sick and you want to take care of them
         another version of this
*when they’re your first time*
lingerie shopping (slightly suggestive content tw)
stoned boys
what they smell like
one large cuddle pile
when you pass out
coolest instagram accounts
do they like asmr?
incorrectly correct heights
*to get you to sleep*
pandemic living
playfighting with the boys
*when you ask to peg them*
*the noises they make*
Norman F*cking Rockwell! 
when you fail a class
when you, rightfully, call him a meanie butt
during the spooky season
when they find out you’re pregnant
when they become fathers
when you get into fights
when you need his affections
when you safe word
when tiny humans throw temper tantrums
when they’re mad
when you’re sick
*size kink*
*spanking styles*
how they are with PDA
tiny humans and their first words
they comfort you when you get a shot
when your hairdresser does you dirty
can any of them even dance?
touched starved and needy boys
they sleepy, needy babies
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thornescratch · 2 years
this boy wants the stick and loves to puck - i need more details stat
So there's these novelty shirts with the "this girl wants the stick and loves to puck" text and usually a team logo on it, and they're not to my taste but no judgement if they're yours. Ovi's stick collection is well known by now (here, here, and here if you like) and I always thought it would be kind of hilarious to see stick swapping as, like, a feature of trying to find your soulmate/soulbond, because any time you can mess around with the weird OCD sports rituals as a function of something else, you gotta.
It actually started as a casual porn thing, which was just bb!Ovi being told by one of his teammates as a joke that stick swapping requires sex. And bb!Ovi being, "OKAY.” :D :D :D And then cheerfully banging his way through the NHL in a variety of ways for sticks. He figures it out, of course, by the end of his rookie year. But Ovi frankly likes sex, is good at sex, doesn't mind having sex with most people, and is more than happy to take advantage of using a stick swap request as a pick up line as well, so why not.
Then, ugh, it grew plot and worldbuilding. So, it's sorta all about stickswapping as a way to find your soulmate, and Alex Ovechkin cheerfully collecting sticks and giving the hockey world conniptions over whether or not he's got a soulmate, and putting pictures of his stick collection on instagram, and Don Cherry having mouth-frothing sessions about how GOOD CANADIAN BOYS DON'T JUST SHOW OFF THEIR STICK COLLECTIONS LIKE THAT WHAT IS HE SOME KIND OF STICK SLUT. HE NEEDS TO SETTLE DOWN.
Occasionally Ovi gets snide rumors about him sleeping around with swapping. "Dude is so desperate for a Cup, he's doing anything to find a soulbond." (There are Ovi and Crosby truthers, who insist they're soulmates but that they're hiding it for some reason, since they totally swapped sticks and even jerseys. Crosby ignores it, and Ovi actively trolls it.) There are different cultural things around soulbonds and stick-swapping, European vs. North American traditions, what it means if you swap sticks across positions, if you ask on or off the ice, if it happens at an All Star Game...
As with everything I write, it’s a big ol’ pile of self indulgence.
"Maybe it's a goalie," Willy suggests a few days after the SportsCenter segment airs and the mood in the room has stopped cautiously tiptoeing around the elephant in the corner.
"It's not a goalie," Alex says.
"Maybe it's Lundqvist," Burky adds on, his eyes big and round.
"It's not Lundqvist," Alex says a little more irritably. "Anyway, I have his stick already, you know that. It's not him. We say so, if yes. We not."
He doesn’t bother to point out that with the number of times they’ve matched with New York in the playoffs, of course he would have fucking said something by now if it was true. He would also have taken out ads in all the New York papers and possibly hired a plane to fly a banner over their hockey arena just to be really obnoxious about it.
“Shouldn’t you be on the ice already,” Nicky says to the kids, and they scramble out with the appropriate amount of urgency.
Alex snorts when they’re the only ones left in the locker room. He tosses a tape ball in Nicky’s direction. “You don’t need to.”
“I like to,” Nicky says. “Shouldn’t you be on the ice?”
“You know me, I gonna touch all sticks while everyone not here,” Alex says. “Like pervert. You know.”
“Maybe lick them too,” Nicky says with a completely straight face, and then he smiles and it breaks up the last of the sharp edges that have been rubbing inside his chest ever since the stupid fucking segment aired, and Alex smiles back.
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so-writing · 3 years
Sugar, Honey, Ice and Tea - Matthew Tkachuk (17)
all parts here
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“Please take these as a gift, from a Flames player, to a very appreciated, supported and loved Flames staffer, my fucking ass,” you said to yourself but brought the bottles into your apartment anyway. 
If Matthew didn’t want to drink the wine and was going to gift it to you with some cheesy note, you were definitely going to help yourself, without thanking him though, because fuck him. 
It was almost noon and you were starving but entirely unwilling to cook yourself something at home so you got dressed and headed out for your favorite little diner. The place was called ‘The Crispy Biscuit’ and you’d been frequenting it since you moved to Calgary. Thirty people in the dining room was pushing capacity but the food was excellent and you never minded waiting to be seated. 
“Good afternoon, dear, haven’t seen you in a little bit,” one of your favorite servers, an older woman with a kind smile named Anna, greeted you warmly, “that hockey team must be keeping you busy!” 
“Hey Anna, they’re doing their best but I’ll always find time to get here.” 
The two of you exchanged pleasant small talk as she lead you to your table. Lucky for you, it wasn’t busy and you were able to be seated immediately. 
“Unsweet tea with two lemons?” 
“I can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing that I come here so often you know my drink order.” 
“Maybe a little of both,” she gave you a quick wink and smile, “be right back with that.” 
You knew what you were going to order, the grilled cheese sandwich and fry combo, but you looked over the menu anyway. It distracted you enough that you didn’t hear the door open and see the red mass of curls enter the restaurant. 
“Hey, kiddo, how many for you today?” 
“Just me.” 
“First time here?” 
“Yep, how’d you know?” 
“I’d remember a head of hair as good as yours.” 
Matthew had never been to ‘The Crispy Biscuit’ but he’d just completed an eight mile run and he was fucking hungry. The place seemed innocent enough, and he planned to treat himself to something outside his meal plan after that run, so he headed inside. 
“Hey kiddo,” a kind older woman greeted him with a big smile, “how many for you today?” 
“Just me.”
“First time here?” 
How could she have known that? Matthew was skeptical but she was incredibly nice and he needed to eat as soon as he could.
“Yep, how’d you know?”
“I’d remember a head of hair as good as yours.”
He blushed at her comment and followed her to a booth against the wall. The restaurant wasn’t very busy and as soon as he was seated, his eyes were glued to the menu. 
“Here, honey, water with lemon. Do you need a minute with the menu?”
He looked up for the first time and he froze when he saw her sitting in the next booth.
“Yes, if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
What the fuck was she doing there? Of all places in Calgary, why was she there? He couldn’t catch a fucking break.
Anna set your iced tea in front of you and took your order.
“Ol’ reliable, yeah? I’ll put it in now dear."
Anna took your order to the kitchen and you passed the time by allowing yourself to swim in your thoughts until a voice you knew all too well pulled you to the surface. 
“Thank you.”
Matthew fucking Tkachuk was sitting in the booth next to yours. Of course he fucking was, but what had you done to deserve it? As far as you knew, this was your place and your place alone. Matthew didn’t get to just come in and take over, especially after everything that had gone down between the two of you.
You kept your eyes down but felt his gaze on you and you knew he had seen you, just as you had seen him. 
“Ready to order, dear?” 
You heard Anna asking Matthew if he was ready but you couldn’t look up at either of them. 
“I actually need another minute, but my friend is sitting at that booth, do you mind if I join her?” 
“Are you one of those hockey players keeping her busy?”
“Yeah,” you didn’t see his soft smile, “guilty as charged.”
“Go on over and join her, this is her day off though, so be gentle.”
Your heart swelled at Anna’s words. She knew nothing about you other than the information you had divulged while sitting at one of her tables, information she didn’t have to remember or even care about but she did anyway. 
The happiness you felt dissipated as soon as you heard Matthew slide into the booth across from you and set his water glass on the table.
It was a risk and he knew it, but there she was.
The stars had aligned and he had to fucking go for it, because when would be a better time than now? 
“My friend is sitting at that booth, do you mind if I join her?” 
“Are you one of those hockey players keeping her busy?” 
“Yeah,” shit, she talked about the team to this woman, “guilty as charged.” 
“Go on over and join her, this is her day off though, so be gentle.” 
Matthew quietly slid into the booth across from her and kept his eyes on her while she kept her own on her fingernails that she was picking at. 
“She told me to be gentle, which I intend to be, but we’ve gotta talk.” 
“There’s nothing to talk about, Matthew. I was clear in my email.”
She still wasn’t willing to meet his eyes but at least she was responding, he was going to take that as a small victory. 
“I know, I understand. You just want to be coworkers, and I want us to be together, so why don’t we compromise on something between? Friends?” 
Another big risk, and a conclusion that he wasn’t entirely sure he had completely accepted, but it was all or nothing in that moment. She didn’t respond, but Anna saved them from the awkwardness by bringing two plates full of fries and grilled cheese sandwiches with ranch on the side. 
“I figured I’d just double her order, since it’s your first time here and she’s a veteran, she knows what’s good. Is that okay?”
“That’s perfect, thank you.” 
“That’s perfect, thank you.”
Fuck Matthew and his manners and his kindness and his shitty hockey play and his stupid feelings.
Fuck, did he really just say that?
“You want us to be together?”
You spat the question at him as you dipped a fry in the ranch and popped it into your mouth, “you really want that?”
“I don’t fucking believe you, Tkachuk. Now, after that, I’m never going to believe a single thing you say.” 
“Why not?”
This had to be an elaborate joke that the entire team, hell, maybe the entire Flames organization was in on. 
“Why not?! Matthew, I don’t think you’re as stupid as I wish you were, so you can probably figure it out.”
The two of you sat in silence, eating together in the same booth while being a thousand miles apart mentally. 
“This is why I’m offering to be friends. You’re pissed at me, I’ve been shitty to you for a long time and I know it and I’m sorry.”
“I don’t accept any of it. Not your apology and definitely not your feelings.”
“I don’t accept any of it. Not your apology and definitely not your feelings.” 
He expected it, he was going to have to work for her and he was willing to, but that didn’t mean her initial rejection of him didn’t hurt. 
“How is your grilled cheese? Hal uses garlic butter, garlic makes everything taste better.”
“It’s good, and I agree, garlic is the shit.” 
“That’s one thing we can agree on, Matthew. Garlic is, indeed, the shit.” 
She finished her food, excused herself from the table and left the restaurant twenty minutes before Matthew finished eating. He was aware of her departure this time, because he wasn’t going to make that mistake again, and he let her go without saying a word. 
As soon as Matthew cleaned his plate, he took a photo and sent it.
It was reminiscent of your ‘date’ and you were so pissed off you had a hard time thinking straight. 
It was a song you’d sang in the past, fuck him, fuck him, fuck. him. Matthew didn’t deserve you or anything to do with you. 
You were perched on your couch as Onyx purred on your shoulder when he sent the message. It was a photo of his empty plate from the diner.
“Did they pump these sandwiches full of drugs? They’re fucking incredible! I hope you don’t mind me becoming a regular.”
Of course you minded, but you didn’t want anything to do with Matthew fucking Tkachuk.
You didn’t respond to his message, because as much as you hated him and wanted nothing to do with him, you just couldn’t commit to letting him go. 
Study questions at the end the chapter (lol school): (1) Is she better off with Matt? (2) Is she better off alone? (3) Should she end up with Brady? (4) How do you want this to end? -- send all answers to ask
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callabang · 3 years
Fic Rec: Sci-Fi
aliens! robots! space!
like bombs in the distance | addandsubtract
“Oh, you’re awake,” he hears, and that sounds like –
“Dylan,” Zach says. A few pieces slide into place – the alarm last night, the turbulence, the way everything went swiftly dark. “Oh, Jesus, you didn’t.”
notes: the tension in this one is soooo good, and the contrast between zach and dylan is painful in the best way
Through the Dark | hedgerose
Sid opens the door, and his eyes catch the barest glimpse of a kid-- in his early teens, at the oldest-- this kid, all shaved head and big, doe-soft eyes. His knuckles are split and there's a fading bruise high on his left cheekbone, but he meets Sid's eyes squarely, blinking in the sudden light.
"Hi," Sid finds himself saying, almost inanely. "I'm Sidney Crosby. We're here to help."
notes: extremely interesting worldbuilding and a big cast of characters. this one reminds me of tarsus iv fic in the star trek fandom which i mean very much as a compliment
tragic hockeybot Geno | sevenfists
“The fuck’s wrong with Geno?” Kuni muttered to him, and Sid shook his head. He knew a fair amount about bot maintenance, but glitching wasn’t maintenance, it wasn’t common, and it meant that something was pretty wrong.
notes: i am the world’s biggest sucker for any android au and this one hits especially hard! androids and their vulnerabilities and dealing with the fallout thereof
pledge my allegiance and bite my tongue | spock
It's a given that all droids will develop some form of their own unique idiosyncrasies, but none of them are as decidedly too much as Ovi's is. He's got too much style, too much personality; it's a well known and much maligned fact that he'd nearly been recalled not all that long after his activation, but the test groups had loved him so much that he was granted an exception.
notes: see notes above! 
Bright and (Not Too) Early (the Android remix) | kleinergruenerkaktus
The start of training camp is the time for new season's resolutions. So when Gemma asks “Anything else I should know?” and Tanner, as per usual, goes “Nah”, Jeff pipes up with “What about your premature ejaculation thing?”
“FUCK YOU, Jeff,” goes Tanner.
“His what?” goes Gemma.
“Jesus Christ, Carts,” goes Tyler, who finished his medical like an hour ago and has a habit of hanging around the shop whenever Tanner gets work done. “Privacy?!”
“Shoulda made me sign an NDA last night,” shrugs Jeff. “Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time, but I’m just saying. That’s gotta be a bug or something. Why not just get it fixed?”
notes: this one is FUN and hot and i adore that it’s a remix! bring back REMIXES amiright!  
In Space No One Can Hear You (Say My Name) | neerdowellwolf
The human turns just as Joel is starting to unhinge his jaw, but instead of screaming like most of them do he just says, "Oh."
Joel rehinges his jaw to respond. "Oh?"
The human nods. "This makes sense why there've been so many dead bodies. It was you."
notes: just too funny to even describe. an “among us” au featuring big ol’ monsterfucker carter hart
Attraction Force | littleconnections
Joel listens to music Morgan has never heard of before. Joel says prayers Morgan doesn’t know. Joel knows how to sweettalk the AI, how to find the best hidden corners on the ship, how to sleep when the ship whirrs around them. He’s been to alien planets and eaten food Morgan would never put in his mouth.
He’s also never been to beach. He barely knows any animals, and most of those only from network shows. He doesn’t know how to cook, and not just in the way Morgan doesn’t know how to cook, but like he doesn’t know what a kitchen looks like.
Morgan is kinda into him.
notes: coming of age! in space! this one really hits all the tender achey notes of going to a new place and starting a new chapter but ALSO features cool space hockey and gritty as a sentient AI
imploring harvest | chartreuser
Nicke just wants to play hockey, eat some iPhones, and watch his boyfriend photosynthesise.
notes: super interesting twist on an alien au, and i love the characterization across the board
double digging for the successful transplant of organic cultivars | Rest
Tom works on a fishing boat in long shifts of four or five days. He lives with one of his brothers. They work at different times and on different days and do not see each other so much.
Mike's days begin early in the morning and end around sundown. He has time for his son, but not enough time by his measure. His aim is not for a helper. He is looking for a partner in parenthood and a companion.
Tom likes working with his hands, but it is a solitary life. He would much prefer to be married. Leaving and settling elsewhere is his surest chance for having that.
notes: this one is so evocative and atmospheric, it almost feels like a historical au in tone. also the way the author writes the child character here is poignant and perfect!
these, our bodies | growlery writes (growlery)
Travis was built for Flyers hockey. He was a first-rounder, but not in the top ten, so he's a pretty standard build. Fast, chippy, on the smaller side but strong. No McDavid, but then they've never made an android as good as McDavid. That kind of talent you can't synthesise, apparently.
notes: excellent android story with some lines that absolutely gut-punch you
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carlijcorson · 8 months
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IT'S A LOVE/SKATE RELATIONSHIP (HarperTeen, Winter 2025)
Add Love/Skate on Goodreads!
Hockey star Charlie Porter has one shot to make her dreams come true -- literally. One goal is all that stands between her and the coveted Winthrop Cup, along with a life-changing hockey scholarship that could catapult her into the big leagues. But when Charlie misses her shot -- and inadvertently starts a good ol’ fashioned brawl between rival schools -- she waves goodbye to more than just the championship title. She gets kicked off her team, suspended from school, and banished to the Worst Place on Earth: Winthrop High. Things for Charlie cannot get any worse. Until she meets Alexa Goldstein. A prickly, perfectionist ice princess with her sights set on the Olympics, Alexa is the last person Charlie would ever want to share a rink with -- no matter how good she looks in her figure skating leotard. But when Alexa’s skating partner breaks his ankle and torpedoes her chances for a gold medal career, the two unlikely allies -- along with Alexa’s terrifying, ex-Olympian mother -- strike a deal: Charlie will practice with Alexa until her partner heals, and Alexa’s mother will use her connections to get Charlie back in her hockey uniform. But as the ice between Charlie and Alexa begins to melt, their partnership only gets more complicated. Charlie’s falling hard -- and not just when she’s trying to land a double axel. What happens when making Alexa’s skating dreams come true means giving up her own?
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backslashdelta · 3 years
Becky. If we were trapped in an abandoned mall together and had to find a way out. What would we do.
(EDIT: @gorgxoxus correctly pointed out that I answered this for a mall closed at night, not an abandoned mall. Sorry. I don't have the motivation or energy to change it though lol. I hope you still accept this answer.)
Alex. If we were trapped in an abandoned mall together and had to find a way out, we would:
Procrastinate for a while first. We're in a mall! Let's get up to some mischief!
We'd start off by wandering around the mall and looking for stores that have fun stuff
We find the toy store, and then we find the nerf guns. And then we have a big ol nerf gun fight, running through the aisles of the store and eventually making our way out of the store and through the rest of the mall
Eventually we get tired of that, give up and call it a draw
We ride up and down the escalators a few times. I've decided there are escalators because I love them.
We find a little pretzel booth and we make ourselves warm pretzels. I put cinnamon sugar on mine. I'm not sure what you put on yours but I'm sure it's delicious.
Then we find an ice cream/frozen yogurt place! And we just had warm pretzels but we have free rein of all the toppings so we can't not have ice cream. We put a million toppings on our ice cream but can't eat it all so end up throwing some of it out. But it was worth it.
We wander back to some of the clothing stores we passed and pick out some clothes. Some of them are gorgeous things we could never afford, the rest are ridiculous things that we could never wear without laughing.
Then we do a fashion show! Right down the middle of the mall. It would be grand.
After we finish that we decide we should probably actually try to get out of the mall. We want to be gone before anyone gets here to open in the morning.
We try all the main entrances again just in case, but still none of them open.
We go down a hallway toward the bathrooms that also leads into an "employees only" area and we head back there
It's a bunch of winding hallways and we feel very lost, but we keep going
Eventually we find an office that, miraculously, has been left unlocked
We go in and there's a desk there and we start going through it hoping that maybe we can find a key or something
We do not find a key
We turn the chair upside down and leave everything else as we found it. We just want the person who owns the office to be very confused when they come in the next day.
It takes a long time but eventually we get back out of the labyrinth we've found ourselves in.
You suggest that we use fire to escape somehow
I point out that the door are metal and glass so the fire wouldn't be any use against them, and if we don't have a way out and a fire gets out of control then we're really screwed
You're disappointed but you agree for now
We somehow manage to find our way onto the roof. Because that door is unlocked. Which is ridiculous.
It's a beautiful night and we can see some stars even though there's a lot of light pollution.
We stand there and hold hands and look at the stars for a bit.
The roof is really high so we decide this isn't helpful for escaping the mall, and then we go back inside.
You suggest we break the window on one of the doors
I say that's a good idea
We go to a sporting goods store and find one of those things that shoots tennis balls for practice
But tennis balls would never break a window
So instead of tennis balls we go to a home decor store and gather all of the vaguely ball-shaped paper weights we can find
We take everything to the closest exit with large windows
You ask if you can light the paper weights on fire before we shoot them (or at least the ones that have something flammable on them)
I agree because the thing we're using is all metal so the fire won't damage it
You are very excited
You grabbed a lighter at some point in one of the stores so you don't have to go looking for one
We stuff all the paperweights - on fire or otherwise - into the machine
We fire one test shot and it smacks the window very hard
We put it on the highest setting and turn it on to shoot the rest
It shoots all the paper weights at the window and eventually the window breaks!!
Once there's nothing left to shoot, we take some hockey sticks (we also got these from the sporting goods store) and beat out any extra sharp bits of glass around the edge of the window
We climb through the window out into the cool night air
We run off into the parking lot laughing
We get in the car that we came here in and drive away
There were security cameras, and we know that we would be caught
We stop for our passports and then we drive until we get to the border
We cross the border and can finally rest
We have escaped. We are safe. They can't catch us here.
We did it.
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praphit · 3 years
Shang-Chi! and the Rings of Daddy Murder Death!
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When the trailer for this movie first came out, I was hyped! From the cast, to the bad ass bus scene, to Wong vs The Abomination,
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 I was sold! 
Of course you had the people who came out saying "This is Marvel trying to be woke again. Hate crimes against Asian people on the rise, and here comes Marvel with Shang-Chi" We know this to be crazy, because Marvel already had this in the works, but certain people still reacted that way. But, even if that notion were true, would that be so bad?
It wouldn't absolve the ignorance, hatred, violence, and toxicity. But, if someone in Hollywood said "We've screwed over Asian people in films for like... ever. What if this time we choose a popular Asian character to base a movie on, and we DON'T do that?"
Now, (being that this movie supposedly leans on Chinese culture, with Shang-Chi being Chinese) China might argue that they still did them wrong (valid racist historical ptsd, cultural splicing, the whole martial arts thing, plus the main character is actually Canadian). It's not my place to weigh-in. But, I will say that making Shang-Chi Canadian, NOT a martial artist, but instead a hockey player, who loves Drake, and co-starring another Canadian, like Micheal Cera or someone 
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probably wouldn't have worked as well for the MCU. Then, maybe Canada would have a problem with Marvel. I don’t envy movie-makers in this context. 
When I was a kid I was big into Black Belt Theater, Bruce Lee movies, 
Bruce Leroy, 
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and within my love for martial arts and fighting entertainment was 
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I liked it, though I remember it being a lil racist. It's weird going back in time to see your fav childhood shows and books that wouldn't fly today:
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I mean we've certainly been a lot more sensitive these days:
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Regardless, Shang-Chi is here! (played by Canada's main man Simu Liu) He goes by the name of Shaun! 
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Don't let that name fool you. Shaun will whup that ass! He says "Bleep all those super powers, and serums, a suits, and magic, and the rubber bones of Widow! That's some ol bullshit! All I need is my Wu-Tang style!" A style fueled by his daddy issues. And he's got some serious daddy issues. To be fair, his dad is the villain of the story. If your father was the active villain of your story, you'd also have issues.
Awkwafina is his sidekick
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(much better than Michael Cera would be), she plays as Katy. That's fun. Every Katy I've ever known has been fun... and a heavy drinker:) This Katy is here to drive fast and crack jokes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Marvel duo!
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It's not just daddy issues for Shang-Chi, but mommy issues (she dead), avoidance issues, his sister kicks him in the balls. He didn't even seem shocked. I mean, his balls were shocked, for sure, but it seemed like she just did that all of the time. I'm imagining Christmas when they were kids. "Here's your gift, bro. KNEE TO THE NUTS Merry Christmas" What kind of relationship is that? And why?! - well, he did abandon her for like 10 years, but... you know, that's plenty of time for her to get over it, right?? So, we'll say sister issues, his daddy training him to be an assassin issues, and his friends have issues with him! - AND KATY! They don't respect Marvel's new duo. They think Shaun and Katy should be doing more with their lives.
They are both valets during the day, and at night they rock drunken karaoke. That seems like the perfect life to me.
But, Daddy and his power rings couldn't allow them to keep living the dream. I haven't mentioned the ten rings yet. 
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They give him super-duper-magical martial arts powers, and make him eternal. AND made him an asshole.
To be fair, he was probably already an asshole before the powers. He's been killing a lot of people. You figure he's been around for 1000+ years. His wife is dead, and he has no hobbies. It's not like he kills a few people and then goes home to read a book, or play video games, or make TikTok videos. It's sunrise to sunset killing all day, every day for generations. Then, he forms an evil terrorist group called "Ten Rings" to amplify his killing.
"Murder Death Rings" are what they should be called.
"Daddy Death Punchy Time"
""Dead Doomy Rangs of Killer Dad"
"The Legendary Killer Rings of Deadly Death Death Murder Pops"
"The... " sorry, I've been drankin a lil bit while I write... I lost my place.
I like "Daddy Death" Where was I?
Right! He can't have Shaun being happy! We've gotta get this plot going, so he sends the only white dude he can find in this movie to start some trouble for them. I guess, there might have been a couple of more white people in the film, but they all got the snot beat out of them in that bus scene. This white dude's name is "Razor Fist", yep... "Razor Fist!". 
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At least they didn't stick to the original design. 
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Ridiculous. How does he use the bathroom?
He's played by Florian Munteanu, who is a former heavy weight boxer. Yeah! Was also in "Creed" his nickname is "The Big Nasty". Isn't that a drink? A bartender once offered me to sample a drink called "The Big Nasty". I chose to go with a drink that doesn't have "nasty" in its title. ... I think he was offering me a drink.
"Daddy Murder Death" and "Sharp Fisty Man" spark this thang. And Shaun becomes Shang-Chi, beater of ass!
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The visuals in this movie are the best Marvel has done to date. The action is so good. I just got finished raving about the action in "Black Widow"; this surpasses that. I dug the cast. I know some people don't like Awkwafina, but... get over it. She was great in this; everybody was!
I loved the soundtrack! I'm not normally the "I loved the soundtrack guy" , but it was perfect. It begs to be mentioned.
No issues with the story. And the emotions that they're stirring in you. Whew!
One moment I'm enjoying the beater of ass, then Katy is making me laugh, then the slew of issues got me in my feelings, then the visuals wow me, then more swelling issues, back to ass beating - all the way through.
And the ending! True, Marvel has a formula (and this sticks to it), but if it ain't broken, why bleep with it?? The ending was Game of Thrones-ish, but with light so a brotha can see, and all the colors of the rainbow - like a Skittles commercial with martial arts.  Fun! - so not like GOT at all, I guess. The only fun they had was when there was torture or prostitution going on.
I don't have anything bad to say about the movie. They could have shaved 5-10 mins off, but I won't take off for that; there's just too much to love about this!
Grade: A+
Fun for the whole family! I can see the fam working through some issues after the watch.
Daughter: "You know, Dad. That asshole dad of Shang-Chi kinda reminds me of you."
Mom: "Daughter! You do NOT talk to your father that way!"
Daughter: “Just sayin...”
Dad: "That's interesting, cuz his ungrateful, bitch of a daughter reminds me of YOU!"
Mother and Daughter: *gasp
Son: *laughs
Dad: "All I want you to do is take your school work seriously and maybe date a guy who doesn't smell like weed!"
Daughter: "I'll have you know that's his natural smell! And maybe I'd focus more on school, if I didn't have to focus on YOU being such a BLEEPING ASSHOLE, DAD!"
See, that's healthy dialogue, right there. Maybe the family that watches this movie buys mommy a bunch of guns for protection, so she doesn't end up dead like the mommy in this movie. Like a ridiculous amount of guns!
And I could see brother and sister kicking each other in the crotch to resolve their differences. BUT, if they're close-by, fighting each other, then there's no time to abandon one another.
Marvel does it again!
Whichever of the Marvel films is your favorite, this one will probably be up there as well.
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