#big tittie tree woman
laurasimonsdaughter · 2 months
A fairy's true name
Earlier I wrote about how much trouble I had finding even one example of a fairy trying to learn a human’s name to use it against them, but folktales where it is the other way round do exist!
Until recently the best example I had for this “use a fairy’s true name against them” plot, was Rumpelstiltskin (and all its variants, for there are many). But technically the Rumpelstiltskin plot itself is not enough to claim that knowing a fairy’s true name gives you power over them. After all, a specific deal was struck between the fairy (or dwarf, or imp, etc.) and the human, with the finding out of the name releasing the human from their debt to the fairy. (Best examples including a fairy: Peerie Fool, Tríopla Trúpla, Titty Tod).
But it turns out that the tale type “The name of the helper ATU 500” contains stories in which I would argue it is made clear that knowing a fairy’s name holds power:
In these stories a the supernatural creature in question is a helpful house spirit or neighbour to the human, but immediately leave them forever as soon as they (sometimes through trickery) find out their name, after they refused to tell them:
Hoppetînken, a mountain dwarf (German, Kuhn, 1859)
Gwarwyn-a-throt, a spirit/elf/bogie (Welsh, Rhys, 1901)
Silly go Dwt, a fairy (Welsh, Rhys, 1901)
And these stories contain what I would call “strong circumstantial evidence”:
In Winterkölbl (German Hungarian, Vernaleken, 1896) a grey dwarf who lives in a tree makes a young king guess his name before he will (somewhat reluctantly) consent to let him marry his human foster daughter (she was abandoned, he did not steal her!).
In The Rival Kempers (Irish, Yeats, 1892) an old fairy woman sets a young woman the task of guessing her name, but then gives it to her freely (with some extra help to win her good fortune), because she was polite and generous to her.
Conversely, in The Lazy Beauty and her Aunts (Irish, Kennedy, 1870) the three fairy women who help the protagonist with her spinning, weaving and sewing, actually introduce themselves by name, but they are clearly nicknames: Colliagh Cushmōr (Old Woman Big Foot), Colliach Cromanmōr (Old Woman Big Hips), Colliach Shron Mor Rua (Old Woman Big Red Nose).
But my two favourite examples are Whuppity Stoorie (Scottish, Chambers, 1858; reprinted by Rhys, 1901) and The heir of Ystrad (Welsh, Rhys, 1888, reprinted in 1901). I'll summarise them below the cut:
Whuppity Stoorie (Scottish, Chambers, 1858; quotes from Rhys, 1901)
A woman is left by her husband. She has a baby boy to feed and her only hope is that her sow will have a big litter of piglets. However the sow gets ill and as the woman weeps with the fear that the pig will die, she sees an old woman coming up the road. “She was dressed in green, all but a short white apron and a black velvet hood, and a steeple-crowned beaver hat on her head. She had a long walking staff, as long as herself, in her hand --” This “green gentlewoman” tells her that she knows the woman’s husband is gone and that the sow is sick and asks what she’ll give her if she cures the pig. The woman heedlessly promises her anything she likes. So the green woman cures the pig with a spell and some oil and then reveals that she wants to have the woman’s baby in return, thereby revealing to the poor woman that she is a fairy. The fairy is unmoved by the woman’s sorrow, but does reveal that: “I cannot, by the law we live under, take your bairn till the third day; and not then, if you can tell me my right name.” Luckily the woman overhears the fairy woman singing her own name and gets to keep her child by addressing her as such, after which: “If a flash of gunpowder had come out of the ground it couldn't have made the fairy leap higher than she did. Then down she came again plump on her shoe-heels; and whirling round, she ran down the brae, screeching for rage, like an owl chased by the witches.”
The heir of Ystrad
A young gentleman hides in the bushes to see “the fair family” dance on the river bank. There he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and wants more than anything to win her for his own. He jumps in the middle of the circle of fairies and grabs her by force, while all the others flee. He is kind to her, but keeps her captive, and eventually she agrees to become his servant. She steadfastly refuses to tell him her name though, no matter how often he asks. One night he once again hides near where the fairies play and he hears one fairy lament to another that last time they were there, their sister Penelope (Pénĕlôp) was stolen by a man. He returns home joyfully, calling is favourite maid by her name, which greatly astonishes her. The young man finds her so beautiful, industrious, skilled and fortunate, that he wishes to marry her. “At first she would in no wise consent, but she rather gave way to grief at his having found her name out. However, his importunity at length brought her to consent, but on the condition that he should not strike her with iron; if that should happen, she would quit him never to return.” They marry and they lived “in happiness and comfort”. She bears him a beautiful son and a daughter and through her skill and fairy fortune they grow richer and richer. But one day while trying to bridle an unruly horse the husband accidentally hits his wife with the iron bridle. As soon as the iron touches her, she vanishes. But one cold night she comes to his bedroom window one more time, telling him that if ever her son should be cold, he should be placed on his father’s coat, and that if her daughter should be cold, she should be placed on her petticoat. Then she disappears forever.
I adore both of these stories. Whuppity Stoorie is probably the clearest example of the power of a fairy's name. But The heir of Ystrad is as good a fairy bride story as The Shepherd of Myddvai and that has been a beloved favourite of mine for as long as I can remember. Either way they're both wonderful takes on the power it grants to know a fairy's name.
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Writer’s Note: I meant to post this last night for Halloween, BUT work & life had other plans for me so I’m posting it now. Enjoy! -Jazz
*IMPORTANT Note: Itadori and Megumi are both aged up in this drabble (early 20s).
*Note: Reader is described as having "curves" (ass and titties).
The boy nearly popped a hard-on seeing you for the first time in that fitting room. Thank God he was swearing sweats at the time. 
After college classes ended, he invited you out for parfaits and Halloween shopping for Gojo’s costume party since he knew how much you loved Halloween. He, also, was a fan of the holiday and loved that you had something in common with him. Maybe that would open the doors to something more, he hoped. 
“We can shop for decorations for our dorms too!” he excitedly said to you as you walked to the Halloween store among the colorful trees and crisp air. “And maybe even get some candy! You think there are gonna be kids at Gojo’s party too?” 
“Other than us?” you giggled. “No way. With how raunchy Gojo’s gigs get, there will be no kids at this, so we can get all the candy we want for just us!” You laughed at Yuji’s fist pump in the air, thinking about how cute he was. 
When you finally got to the Halloween store, it was packed with people searching for candy and Halloween costumes. You and Yuji went right for the superhero and villain costumes, excitedly talking among yourselves about duo costume ideas. “How about Superman and Wonder Woman?” you suggested, showing him the tight spandex suit and cape. You giggled at the idea of him squeezing himself into it and picking at his groin all night because the suit is too tight. 
He tapped a finger to his chin, squinting at the suit like he was really considering buying it. “Eh, I don’t know how I’d look in this,” he tutted. He scanned the rest of the shelves and gasped excitedly. “Hey, what about these? Batman and Batgirl?” He pointed at the two costume packs, specifically the Batgirl one which came with a mask, belt, and cape. 
You looked at the Batman costume, noticing how big the mask is. It practically took up half of your face if you were to put it on. “If you don’t mind sweating in that mask, sure,” you replied to Yuji. He cheered like you just said you were treating him to dinner.
“Awesome!! Here, go and try this on so you can see how it looks. We’ve got plenty of time before the party starts.” He grabbed the costume and pushed it into your chest, hurrying you off towards the fitting rooms. “You go try it on and I’ll stay here,” he said, taking a seat in one of the lounging chairs outside of the fitting rooms. He grinned at you like a little kid, melting your heart. He was so golden retriever-coded. 
“Okay, okay,” you laughed and disappeared behind the door to one of the rooms. You took the costume off of the hanger and stripped off your own clothes before trying it on. The suit was of spandex-like material and stretches when you put it on, but it felt rather tight against your body and seemed to stick to your chest and ass. You attached the cape to your back and put on the black bat mask it came with before walking towards the door. “I’ve got it on,” you called to Yuji nervously. “It’s kinda tight though.” 
“Really?” Yuji asked. “Well, lemme see! It can’t be that bad.” You mumbled in protest, but came outside of the room regardless. You stood in front of Yuji playing away on his phone and twirled for him. “Here it is,” you said. “So how do I look?” 
Yuji looked up once from his phone and then had to a double take when he saw you. His eyes traced over your body in the skin-tight bodysuit, loving the way it filled out your curves and stuck to your frame. It also did nothing to hide your chest or behind, outlining your assets perfectly. All you had to do was add some high-knee boots and he was ready to bow to you, serve your every need. Before he realized that he was popping a hard-on, it was too late. 
“It looks ridiculous, don’t it?” you sighed, picking at the cape. “The cape and mask are cute, but this suit is just…” You trailed off, realizing how quiet your friend was. You looked at Yuji, noticing his mouth agape and eyes wide as he stared at you. “Yuji?” you carefully asked.
Nothing. Not even a blink of an eye. You bent towards him, your tits in his face and your eyes looking into his. “Yujiii?” you sang. “Hellooo?” 
When Yuji blinked and brought himself back to life out of his fantasy of fucking you silly in the dressing room, he realized how close you were. So close that he could smother himself in your titties if you let him. He jumped back and up out of his seat, startling you. “Fine!” he said a little too loudly. “I-I’m fine, I’m good. You look great! You should buy it!” 
Your eyes trailed down and Yuji quickly reacted by covering his hardened dick with his backpack, not wanting you to see how horny he was for you. “You’re sure?” you asked, still looking uncertain. But he nodded rather aggressively, a smile plastered on his face. “Absolutely!” he replied, already turning around to leave. “Now you go change and I’ll go get my costume to try on.” 
“Okay,” you replied, but he was already racing off before he could hear you. When you entered the dressing room again, your face grew warm and you giggled giddily to yourself, his hardened bulge in your mind.
'He’s so big!’ you thought. 
He tried not to look. He really did.
He didn’t want to be like the other horny boys he somehow found himself saddled with at this stupid ass party Nobara dragged him to. 
But goddamn, you look good in red. He was willing to put up with the screaming and drunk antics of these losers surrounding him if it meant he could admire your skin against that bright, cherry red…and your ass in that bodysuit). He couldn’t deny how sexy you looked with those fishnets and horns too. 
The other guys couldn’t deny it either. And Gojo wouldn’t. He also noticed how fine you looked and had been plotting to snag you since he, Megumi, and the gang got here. “God, she’s so fuckin’ fine,” he sighed, eyeing you through his blindfold. 
“Ew,” Yuji gagged in his “Toy Story” costume. He went as Woody while Nobara is Jessie. They tried to get Megumi to be Buzz Lightyear, but he wasn’t having it. He opted for a black hoodie and some jeans.
“Why wouldn’t she just come over here?” Gojo groaned impatiently. 
“Because she’s busy talking to the girls, pervert,” Shoko criticized him, bumping him with her hip in her Pulp Fiction costume. She smoked that damn fake cigarette like it was real. “Let her be. She’s too young for you anyway.” 
Megumi secretly agreed even though you were both in your early twenties. Gojo was in his early thirties around this time, so there wouldn’t be much to criticize or call the cops about, but Megumi still simmered and cringed at the idea of his mentor flirting with you. “Too young,” Gojo parroted, scoffing. “She probably liked older guys!” 
“Well, why don’t you go over there and find out for yourself?” Megumi asked, sipping on his rum and coke. All three looked at him, more because of his tone than his words. He sounded bitter almost though he had meant to sound nonchalant. ‘Fuck,’ he thought. 
A secretive smirk stretched across Gojo’s face. “I have a better idea,” he chuckled. “Why don’t you go over there, ask Y/N, and find out for me, huh, ‘Gumi?” Megumi bristled at the nickname and his mentor’s teasing. 
“Find out what?” a familiar and sexy voice innocently asked. Megumi swore he nearly shat himself when he turned to find you standing behind him. You had been standing and laughing with the Zenin sisters for nearly twenty minutes now. How the fuck did you get here so fast? 
“Oh, there you are, sweetness!” Gojo said. “Listen, Megumi has a very important question to ask you.” “Does he?” you asked innocently, peering at him with those damn, long, pretty lashes. He swore he was going to kill Gojo. “Yes,” Shoko said, stepping in. “And while he does that, we’ll be taking our leave. Come on, boys.” 
While Yuji happily went along, wanting to get more snacks, Gojo had to be dragged away as he protested and whined about missing the show. Shoko smacked him upside the head though which silenced him (for now, anyways). Megumi was then left with you and your stupid ass, sexy ass costume. “Hey, Megumi,” you said, smiling that damn smile at him. “Where’s your costume at?” 
He nearly forgot he was just wearing a hoodie and some jeans to this stupid party. He didn’t care to do it at first, but now seeing the way your eyebrows knitted in concern for his lack of festivity, he felt that he could’ve at least wore a mask or something. “I didn’t wear one,” he grumbled. “Not my style.” 
Luckily, you didn’t seen perturbed for too long. You shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and gave him that dazzling smile that unnerved him to no end. “Well, it’s cool that you’re here anyway,” you giggled. “So what it is you wanted to ask me about?” You stepped closer to him, giving him a whiff of your perfume that smelled like warm apple pie. 
Megumi suddenly couldn't think, his mind jumbled. “I, uh…no, Gojo, he…” You pouted those pretty, glossed lips up at him, your eyes big and waiting for him to spit it out. Those lips…those pretty, soft, thick lips he wanted to press his mouth to if not feel wrapped around his dick. 
It didn’t take long for him to realize he was hard. And extremely so. It chubbed against his jeans, making him extremely uncomfortable and hot in his clothes. Megumi never got horny like this for girls. He found some attractive, sure, but he never envisioned them on their knees sucking him off or pinned against a wall while he fucked them into a stupor. But when it came to you? That was all off of the table. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered to himself. 
“Megumi?” you questioned. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you okay?” He didn’t respond. He couldn’t. How could he tell you that he was popping a boner for you? Your red-gloved hand moved to his forehead, making his breath hitch in his throat. “God, you’re burning up,” you gasped. “Here, come with me and we’ll get you some water.” 
You took his hand and began to drag him through the party to the staircase, oblivious to Yuji and Gojo’s obnoxious cheers as they probably thought Megumi was getting some ass. All he got was a cool towel against his forehead and you sitting with him on the edge of the bathtub, close enough to touch and feel, as you talked about the new horror movies dropping in the next year. He listened, chiming in here and there, but he really just loved your voice. 
After the party ended and everyone went home, he found himself conjuring up the memory of your sweet voice again as he fucked his hand, picturing it as your gorgeous, tight, wet pussy wrapped around him.
Even when he came, he continued to fist his cock, biting back his moans and whines at the image of you behind his lids. ‘You,’ he thought in his clouded brain after his orgasm. ‘It’s because of fuckin’ you.’
They wouldn’t leave you alone.
Quite literally. They followed you absolutely everywhere you went as you made your rounds at the school staff costume party. 
You knew you looked good in your cheetah costume for the night, which you paired with some ears, a tail, and a skin-tight dress under your jacket that hugged your frame and ass just right, but damn! Could a girl breathe? Especially away from two men that she wasn’t interested in. 
After making the last of your rounds saying hi to a professor, you stopped at a snack table and got yourself another glass of “special” punch. You were glad that this party was adults only so most of the drinks were alcoholic. You needed it, especially surrounded by these two.
“Can y’all stop following me, please?” you sighed. “It’s not going to make me any more interested in either of you.” 
When you turned around, sure enough, Satoru and Suguru stood behind you in their costumes. Satoru went as Jason, the mask turned up over his face, while Suguru decided on a vampire, scouting the cape and fake fangs while his thick, black hair was tied in a bun. You didn’t want to admit it but they looked cute.
“We just wanna make sure you’re safe,” Gojo said with a grin. “You’d be surprised how many guys love cat girls.” 
He peeled up his blindfold slightly and gave you a wink that you weren't swayed by. “Like you two?” you retorted. “Please, neither one of you are slick. You’ve been starin’ at me all night.” 
“And with good reason!” Satoru replied, that damn gigawatt smile still plastered on his face. Like he was so sure you would fold for him. “You can’t blame us for admiring how adorable you look!”
Suguru nodded in agreement, more stoic than his friend but just as flirtatious. “He has a point, Ms. L/N,” he agreed. “The ears make it a lot harder for us to not pay attention to you.” 
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “Geto, I told you to just call me Y/N,” you sighed. “And I appreciate the compliment, but I’m still not interested. Especially in two guys.”
You ticked one finger between the two of them. They were all the women (and men, if they happened to like dick) talked about among the staff lounges and school hallways––how skilled and powerful they were; how funny and intelligent they were; how hot they were; how good they were in bed.
You wanted no parts in any of that. You refused to let your head get wrapped up in love or lust when you had a job to do for the students here, and that was to be a great counselor to them. 
While Suguru looked saddened at your comment, Satoru only chuckled. “Such a fierce kitty,” he cackled. He threw up his hands in defense. “Alright, fine, point taken. But if you ever decide that you’re tired of this boring ass party and want some new entertainment, we’ll be right over at that punch bowl.”
He gave you another flirty smirk that stirred something in you. “Don’t stray too far, kitty cat.” 
Then he was gone, sauntering up to the snack table. “Ignore him,” Suguru sighed. “He likes to flirt and tease, but he does like you.” 
You cocked your head at him, swirling your drink around in your red solo cup. “Really? I didn’t even notice.”
The long-haired man smirked at your fiery attitude, liking it. And you hated that you liked that he liked it. “What’s with you two anyway?” you demanded. “Flirting with me when half of the school staff would gladly take you up on your offer?” 
You squinted at him, daring him to say something smart or skid around the question. But to your shock, he didn’t. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils and gave you an apologetic look.
“This is gonna sound really fuckboy-ish and generic,” he began, “but believe me when I say that you’re not like the other school staff members. You’re intelligent, kind, and actually give a shit about the kids here. That’s rare.” 
He quirked a smile at you. A real, genuine, sweet smile that made your stomach flip. “Satoru and I like that rareness in you.”
Against your better judgment, you turned towards the snack table and sure enough, Satoru was already staring at you, his blindfold turned up to give you a look at his piercing, blue eyes. They looked genuine and serene, making you feel as if Suguru was telling the truth. 
You turned back to the handsome vampire to respond, but you were stopped by the slamming of a door as another guest entered the place. Suki, the thirsty school nurse, came barreling in with her long, pink hair dressed as (surprise, surprise) a sexy nurse with a latex dress that nearly exposed her entire ass and pumps.
“Suguruuu!” her shrill voice hollered out. “Satoruuuu, I’m here!” Her voice rose above the music, earning eyes. “Where are my two favorite professors?” she asked, looking around the room. 
You’ve never cringed so hard in your life. Even Satoru and Suguru looked perturbed at Suki’s arrival. 
“Well, duty calls,” Suguru chuckled, giving you a warm smile. “We’ll see you around, Ms. L/N.” He paused, looking almost sheepish. “I mean Y/N,” he corrected, and his name sounded like pure sex on his tongue. “Come around and see us if you need us.” 
You didn’t say anything as he walked away. You felt like you couldn’t. You also felt like he meant much more in that statement than he let on. Throughout the night, you could feel the want to find out rising, the temptation building with every second you stood watching them from afar.
You tried to play it low-key, but you could tell they knew you were watching every time your eyes met theirs across the room: whether at the snack tables or on the dance floor with a very drunk Suki. Every smile they threw her (though friendly and possibly fake) sent a shock of jealousy through you. 
And you were surprised by it. You thought you didn’t want these guys to begin with! But you quickly realized that it was all bluff. A cover to protect yourself and your job.
You wanted them to smile at you; to touch you, even lightly; to be within their presence. You wanted to be pressed up against them, one of them in front while the other pushed up against you from behind. You wanted their lips on you, their hands caressing your body.
You wanted them, badly. 
And you didn’t leave the party that night until you made that known. With the temptation reaching its boiling point, you got onto your phone and made a quick group chat for just Satoru and Suguru.
As an employee at the school, an app was used with every employee to make contacting staff for meetings and other important issues easier. Getting your back broken by the two was a very important issue in your eyes. So, with the buzz of the alcohol and doing something extremely naughty, you shot them both a text. 
You excitedly and nervously looked across the room at the two who sat on one of the leather couches set up for the guests while Suki went to bother with a lizard she suddenly had her eyes set on.
Satoru went for his phone first while Suguru nodded his head to the music. You watched as Satoru’s eyes widened in shock and he bumped Suguru for his attention. Suguru looked annoyed at the white-haired hottie ruining his vibe session, but his expression changed when Satoru showed him your text: 
Took you up on your offer. You two wanna dance? -Y/N 
Both looked at the phone with two disbelieving smiles before their eyes flicked across the room to find you.
When they did, it was as if all time stopped and everything in the room disappeared except for you three. All you knew were their seductive, knowing smirks, the thumping of your heart, and the tingling sensation between your legs. There was no going back at that point. You all knew that. 
Though, of course, you were able to withdraw consent at any time (as both Satoru and Suguru told you later), that never happened. Especially when they had you pinned against their bodies an hour later, their cocks in either of your holes.
You had slipped away from the party for a nighttime “walk” which turned into a very passionate and messy kissing, touching, and groping session. 
You then found yourself behind the brick wall of a vacant campus building with Satoru’s thick cock plunging into the gummy, gushy walls of your pussy and your lips wrapped around Suguru’s even thicker cock as he fucked the makeup right off of your face.
“I think this is a little bit more than just dancing,” Satoru grunted, twirling your fake tail as his hips snapped into your ass, making it jiggle. “What do you think, Sugu?” 
Hushed moans and grunts left Suguru’s mouth as he thrusted into your hot, wet mouth, his cock head touching the back of your throat. “Definitely,” he groaned. “But the way her body moves is amazing either way. Look at how well she’s taking your cock, ‘Tarou.” He caressed your back with one hand, sending shivers down your spine. 
Satoru leaned down to whisper in and nibble at your ear as he fucked your poor pussy into submission. “Does it feel good, kitty?” he teasingly asked, his hand gliding down your naked ass. “You like takin’ this dick while throating Suguru’s cock?”
You then felt his thumb slide between your asscheeks and sliding into your asshole. You nearly came right there as your lips and pussy walls clamped around Satoru and Suguru’s cocks, drawing a moan from them both.
“Told you so,” Satoru chuckled, his laughter melting into moans as he continued to fuck you. “See what happens when you stop playin’ and being so goddamn stubborn?” 
*Note: Reader is described as having "curves" (ass and titties).
He couldn’t stop staring at you. God, help him, he knew it was improper, but shit, did your ass look good in that skirt! 
“Why don’t you just talk to the girl instead of just eye-fucking her?” Satoru whispered, nearly scaring the shit out of Kento.
He had been eyeing you down for so long that he nearly forgot where he was: at the school staff’s annual costume party. And here he was ogling you like he was at a strip club. He was disgusted with himself, especially being that you were such a great teacher and employee here. 
“Eye-what?” he scoffed, disgusted at Satoru’s suggestion and knowing smirk in his Ghostface costume. “Please don’t talk that way around me. You know how I feel about vulgarity, Satoru.” The white-haired male only scoffed. “Then you should tell her off for the vulgarity of her outfit. I mean, just look at that top!” 
Though Kento hated to have a point, his “friend” (and he used that word lightly) had a point. The costume you decided to wear tonight was less than subtle or friendly with your tight pencil skirt that hugged your round ass, low cut white top that just showed the curve of your luscious, milky breasts, and the nylon stockings on your slender legs that led down to your cherry-red pumps that Kento wanted to kiss, lick, and feel stabbing into his chest...call him a pain slut. Toss in your glasses and the pencil behind your ear and he was ready to wreck you. 
But he wasn’t going to let the pervert standing beside him know that. “This is an adult event and she can wear what she wants,” he firmly told Satoru. “And there is nothing to talk about unless we’re working. I have no need to speak to her.” Satoru quirked an eyebrow over his blindfold. “You sure about that?” he asked. “Not even to ask her how her tonight is going?” 
Kento looked back at you, noticing you talking to someone wearing a Catwoman outfit and mask by the punch bowl. “Look, she’s in the middle of a conversation anyway,” he scoffed. “It would be rude of me to–“ 
“Mei Mei is under there,” Satoru interrupted. Kento nearly crushed the plastic cup of punch he was holding. “You may wanna jump in this unless you want Y/N to become pussy-whipped. You know how Mei is with women.” He then paused, thinking for a moment. “Unless you’re fixing to join, then–“ 
“Shut up,” Kento said, though it came out as a growl. “I am not doing this for you, but for her.” 
Satoru stood back and put his hands up in defense, more than happy to see this unfold (because he was a whore for drama). “Say no more,” he chuckled. “Just make sure you get her number later.” Kento was already walking off towards you and Mei Mei, trying to appear calm when he was really freaking the fuck out on the inside. 
What was he going to say once he got over to you and Mei Mei? He really just wanted to see what you two were talking about and if Mei Mei was putting the charm on you. She always had a way with the women and men here with her long, flowing hair like snow, seductive eyes, and lustful yet addictive voice. She always put a spell on people that usually had them under her foot and in her bed. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t want you to end up as another one of her conquests. 
When he finally neared you, he could just make out your conversation, Mei Mei’s voice rising over the music and chatter. “-was hoping we could go for tea sometime,” she said in her soothing, seductive voice. “You know, tea soothes stress…among other things.”
You sipped on your drink and curiously cocked your head to the side. “Other things?” you giggled. “Like what? A personal spa day?” 
Kento nearly groaned. So innocent you were yet you dressed like a vixen straight out of a horny boy’s wet dream. Mei Mei’s red lips curled into a smirk as her hand inched closer to yours on the edge of the punch table. “I was thinking more of…”
She couldn’t say much more because Kento was already looming behind her. He cleared his throat and fixed his leopard-spotted tie in an effort to appear “normal”. “Ms. L/N,” he greeted you. 
Your pretty brown eyes, enlarged by the glasses, ticked up to meet his. A bright, gleeful smile crossed your glossy lips, making Kento’s cock twitch in his slacks. ‘Goddammit,’ he thought, more disappointed in his body than anything. He should know better than to lust after a coworker like this. "Hey, Mr. Nanami!” you greeted happily. “Is that your costume for tonight? It looks like your regular suit.” 
You cutely knitted your brows at his blue suit, dress shoes, and tie. “It is,” he admitted, nervously fixing his tie. “I’m not much of a Halloween person. I’m just here to support the school.” 
You nodded understandably while Mei Mei tittered to herself, irking Kento’s nerves somewhat. “Well, I’m glad you decided to come out of your office finally,” she chuckled, turning to him. “Y/N was just telling me about the stress of her job. I was just offering her my assistance over some tea.” She turned to you then, her smirk growing. “You do like tea, don’t you, Y/N?” 
Kento assessed your connection and reaction to Mei Mei carefully, knowing the game the white-haired woman was playing. She was trying to make him jealous. Get a rise out of him. See if he could go toe to toe with her. “Only iced tea, unfortunately,” you sheepishly laughed. “I’m more of a coffee person though I should stay clear of that.” You turned to Kento then, curiosity in your pretty eyes. “What do you do to ease your stress, Mr. Nanami?” 
Kento and Mei Mei blinked at you in surprise, not expecting you to ask him. “Well, um…” Kento tried to look absolutely anywhere but at your cleavage or your eyes, visions of his cum dripping down your chest and glasses hitting him with every glance. Thank God for the tinted shades he decided to wear tonight. “I suppose exercise and meditation.” 
You nodded, letting out an “ohhh” of realization that made him want to kiss you silly. You were so fucking cute! “That must be why you’re always so calm,�� you giggled. “You’ll have to teach me how to effectively meditate sometime.”
You smiled at him then, but there was a hint of flirtation to it. You were flirting with him, right in front of Mei Mei! Kento swore he nearly blew a hole in his pants with how hard he was for you. He couldn’t believe it! You, so sweet and sexy, were flirting with him, so awkward and out of place? 
He decided right then he was going to give Mei Mei the rise she wanted and smirked down at you, feeling confident now. “I suppose I could make some room in my schedule for that,” he said. “Though meditation takes a long time to master. Months, in short. Are you you’re up for that, Ms. L/N?” He peered over his glasses at you, drilling you with his eyes. 
Though he could tell you were taken aback by the obvious mutual flirting, your smile only grew bigger and more seductive. “I can handle a challenge, Mr. Nanami,” you softly replied. Kento almost bent you over and fucked you in front of everyone at the party at that point. 
“Mei Mei, over here!” All three of you turned to the balcony where a couple of witches were waving at Mei Mei (who Kento nearly forgot was there) to come over. “Mei Mei, I think you’re being summoned on the balcony,” he said, not at all trying to hide his smugness. The long-haired woman cut a very sharp glare his way at pussy blocking her, but strutted off to see her groupies regardless. Then it was just you and him. Finally. 
You looked up at him, so eager and excited as if you were hoping she would leave. He was hoping that you did. “I’m sorry if I interrupted your conversation, but I felt I needed to comment on your costume for tonight. It’s very…” His eyes ran over your body, noticing how nicely you filled out the skirt. “Nice,” he decided on. The other words he had in mind weren’t as appropriate. 
You thanked him regardless. “I had you in mind,” you confessed. “You always look so good comin’ in here. Very put-together and, um…handsome.”
Despite your skin tone, you visibly flushed under the lights as soon the words were out and nervously bit your lip. Kento was taken aback by the compliment as well but felt even more confident and more aroused after you said it.
“I’m sorry, is this making you uncomfortable?” you apologetically said. “Should I chill on the punch?” You nodded down at your cup of vodka-spiked fruit punch (damn Satoru!). 
Kento slowly shook his head, still reeling from your compliment. “No, it’s fine. I’ve just…never been good at the whole flirting thing.” He cleared his throat and once again fixed his tie––a nervous habit.
You shyly smiled up at him, coming an inch closer to him. He nearly held his breath as you did, your perfume hitting his senses. You smelled like the sweetest treat, like a cinnamon bun dribbling in vanilla icing. He wanted to eat you like one.
“Can I tell you something?” you softly asked. Wordlessly, he nodded. “I’m not either.” Your free hand then moved away from the table to brush his fingers with his, sending electric shocks throughout his body. “But maybe, if you’re interested, we can learn together…if you’d like.” You looked up at him, hopeful and open, your cards laid out flat on the table for him. 
He was more than happy to give you everything you wanted then. “Can we start by getting the hell out of here?” he suggested. “I know the track field is empty around this time of night. Would you want to take a walk with me, Ms. L/N?” 
Your brown eyes sparkled happily as you giggled to yourself. “Y/N,” you corrected. “And yes. You’re already off to a good start, Mr. Nanami.” 
His hand found yours, interlacing your fingers. “Kento,” he replied, a smile playing on his lips.  
They didn’t even let you explain the costume to them. They just had their hands up your red skirt. 
“So you said she’s a cartoon character?” Toji asked, his lips playing with your neck as his large hands squeezed one asscheek. You whimpered pitifully, leaning your head back into his broad chest. “Y-Yes,” you answered. “From Scooby Doo.” 
Toji paused from his ministrations for a moment as he attempted to give you some hicks. “Scooby what?” he asked, momentarily distracted by his confusion.
Shiu, with his hand on your other asscheek, rolled his eyes at his partner. “Scooby Doo, Toji,” he sighed. “Fuck, you never listen. Have you ever even seen the show before?” 
Toji carelessly shrugged as he went back to sucking and kissing your neck until bruises appeared. “I barely watched TV growin’ up,” he murmured against your skin. “Too busy trainin’ and bein’ a little shit to watch much cartoons. Sorry for my shitty childhood. So this is what that chick wears? What’s her name?”
Shiu began to glide a hand up your orange crop top, cupping one of your breasts nearly spilling out of your bra. “Velma,” he answered as his lips found your jawline. He began to pepper it with kisses as he trailed down to your chest, groping your breast as he did. “Though her outfit was less slutty. Our girl just can't help but always let us know how much of a horny little thing she is.”
He took his hand and roughly cupped your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes from behind your fake glasses. "Don’t you, princess?” he asked, grinning at you with those plump lips. Toji hummed appreciatively as he kneeled behind you, lifting up your skirt to reveal your red lace panties under your mini skirt. 
“G-Guys,” you pitifully moaned. “Please…this is for tonight. F-For the club.” Your words melted into moans as Toji took two fingers and began to glide them along the underside of your panties which were quickly becoming damp.
“What, you think we’re gonna miss it?” he scoffed. “Or are you just so desperate to throw this slutty little ass around for everyone to see?” He gripped your ass hard before giving one of the cheeks a hard, stinging slap. 
“We’ll get you to the club, princess,” Shiu said, his tongue jutting out to lick your bottom lip. “And don’t worry: your little outfit will be just fine. In the meantime, we have a mystery you can solve.” He looked down at Toji with a devious smirk that the mercenary returned. 
You watched, confused and extremely aroused, as the two men stood before you, practically towering over you. They then stripped themselves of their tops to reveal their rippling muscles and broad chests before their hands went for their pants where two thick, long, and throbbing hard bulges were. All for you. 
“Think you can figure out what monsters are in here, gorgeous?” Shiu asked, cocking an eyebrow at you. “You’ll have to get on your knees and find out for yourself.” 
“You won’t need no clues for this, princess,” Toji cackled, already pushing you down onto your knees in front of his and Shiu’s hardened cocks. “Just that slutty little throat of yours.” He then tilted your head up to meet his darkened gaze. “And the glasses stay on,” he growled. 
You went to the club that night with them completely sore and absolutely fucked out of your mind with your panties being the only thing to stop the cum from dripping down your thighs.
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saltygilmores · 11 months
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Faces of Fear. Bozo got an early flight home, bringing with him an immovable stench cloud that is hanging over the day's festivi-titties. The city of Chicago is letting out a sigh of relief, though. In the middle of her crisis, Lorelai immediately abandons Rory, who is shaking in Dean's presence like a flu-stricken chihuaua. But not before reminding Dean how much she's missed him.
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I heard there's a vacancy at the Shane and Jess Tree now, why don't you two make a reservation?
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What the what! They're still going, in the same spot, completely uninterrupted! The Foreplay King and Queen! I am not worthy! Have they been making out in public so frequently that they just blend in with the scenery and hundreds of people walk right past them without even glancing? They've fused with the FuckTree. The 69 Pine. Witnessing this peep show, Rory experiences an instantaenous full blown sexual awakening so seismic the earth threatens to crack open beneath her. At FND, Emily and Richard take the news of the Lor & Crusty breakup just as well as anyone would have expected, which is to say, Not Well. When Lorelai returns home...presumably after 8 pm,as it's pitch black outside but the summer festival is still underway, somehow, with hundreds of people roaming the streets. The Barbershop Quartet is still singing "Lazy Hazy Crazy Days" into the night sky, creating an eerie scene. This is like something out of the Twilight Zone. The festivals never end, Taylor Doose in his never ending quest for power and money is forcing the citizens of The Hollow to listen to the same song (actually, more like two lines from the same song) on a loop until they go mad, forced to sell corn dogs and cotton candy until they drop dead, while Shane and Jess are still making out against the Poke Oak.
Again, the last few episodes have been making me feel like something was missing, then I remember Luke still exists. Hi Luke! Why don't you put a light on or something, why are you working in the dark?
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Looks like someone decided to put on her big girl panties and be brave. With Lorelai breaking in and Jess always escaping it seems like Luke doesn't know what a lock is. Lorelai states she isn't there to beg for forgiveness or have a conversation with him or to talk to him or interact with him in any whatsoever, but she had a bad night so she wants him to make her coffee. DIdn't you hear the man? He's closeddddd.
When Luke won't budge, Lorelai asks him to just pretend she's some other random customer she made up called Mimi, as if it's in any way possible for Luke to imagine this ridiculous woman as someone else. There's no way these two have ever successfully engaged in role play. I guess he could pretend she's Kirk, both of them take up space for hours at his establishment and don't tip and make him want to lay down face first on the grill with his hand in the deep fryer. Luke won't assist her, so Lorelai helps herself to a pot of tepid coffee, sits down at his counter and starts crying about all the fucky guys she's dated in the last two years.
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"Crusty's gonna have a baby with this woman" True "He's gonna be there for her when she's pregnant" False "He's gonna be there with her to see his child grow up" False "He's gonna be there for her while she does whatever it is she does." You mean be super duper creepy? #CreepySherry
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Am I supposed to feel sorry for you or something? Go cry to Dean Forrester.
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You got a LONG wait ahead of you, sister.
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Wah wah wah. I want a Tyrannosaurus to storm the streets of The Hollow and swallow your boyfriend Dean Forrester, then I want the t-rex to spit him out so he can be eaten a second time by another t-rex, but we can't always get everything we want, right Lorelai?
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Here. Have a 14 hour old donut to ease your pain and hopefully make you go home.
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Me, Outloud (Very Animated): What the what, she was about to pay you for the first time ever and you stopped her?! A flipped script, but that's more or less the same reaction I have during A Year in the Life when Jess offers Rory money. “Why aren’t you taking her money” vs “why are you giving her money”
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Is she gone? Lorelai returns home to find Rory in the living room. It makes me verrrry nervous when Lorelai and Rory meet on the couch at the end of an episode. Shit always goes down on that couch. It's the Scary Couch. The couch where Lorelai imparts horrible wisdom. It turns out my intuition would be correct in this instance. So horribly, horribly correct. Lorelai apologizes to Rory for reacting in the town square earlier, even though for once in her life Lorelai was actually the reasonable one who was totally in the right about Rory's behavior being slimy, and even if Lorelai is a hypcorite of the highest magnitude to try and impart on her child that you shouldn't mess around, cheat and play games. We can throw her a sprinkling of "Do as I say not as I do" points as long as she doesn't fuck it up in the last two minutes of the episode.... Hahahahaha. Ha? LORELAI GILMORE GO 15 SECONDS WITHOUT MENTIONING DEAN FORRESTER CHALLENGE. GO! Lorelai plops down on the couch with 2:58 left in the episode. *starts timer*
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2 minutes and 43 seconds left. From sit-down to How's Dean was 15 seconds, she then asks "How was Dean" three more times. That fucking couch! Oh, and of course, after she took off and abandoned Rory earlier when Dean approached, Lorelai has yet to ask Rory how she's feeling.
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Unfortunately, yes. I called the T-Rex to eat Dean but she's booked to the gills, like, you really gotta know someone to get her to show up in your sleepy Connecticut town. 17 seconds from the last Dean mention to the next.
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It's crazy NOW? No one tell her what a Three Ring FuckCircus the Jess Thing is going to turn into. She has to find out on her own. It's the only way she'll learn.
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She says "I love Dean" with as much conviction as someone saying "Yes, I love walking around in wet socks."
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But..ya kinda do, miss "just because you and Rory broke up doesn't mean we did, Dean." Lucky for you your daughter is a pathological people pleaser who won't dare to upset you or Dean, So you can rest easy knowing your precious Dean won't be going anywhere, for like, another 7 episodes.
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He deserves to have his nuts crushed by a wooly mammoth.
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You know what *deep breath* I'll choose to hear "In this alternate timeline, the HPV vaccination has already been invented in 2002 and I'm going to take you to the gynecologist to get it because I want you to be safe in case you one day decide you want to have sex with Jess" instead of unleashing Double T Rex's on Lorelai.
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randy-is-my-name · 5 months
It's late October, the leaves have changed on the trees to their yellows and reds and some scattering across the ground. It's evening, the sun has gone down casting it's last glow beyond the horizon. You and I have had our dinner early and now, the fireplace is aglow with cracking oak logs. We are sitting on cushions on the floor in front of it, feeling the warmth as the temperatures outside have cooled and our old house is a little drafty. The music is playing the old easy love songs we both love to hear. You're sipping your favorite wine and I'm having a lite margarita. We're sitting close and my arm is around your shoulders, you're leaning back against me as we're propped against the sofa. That perfect song comes on and you set your drink down, lean over to me, kiss my cheek, then, move your body closer and more on me. You look me in the eye and say, "Randy, I want you". You kiss me deeply darting your tongue in and out of my mouth causing me to do the same. As you're kissing me, I set my drink down and wrap my arms around you pulling you over the top of me. Our hands begin to caress each other, all over our bodies, getting handfuls of titty, dick and butt and squeezing, grabbing and stroking what we can through our clothes. You in your short, pretty silver dress and matching heels from our afternoon out to a dinner in a fancy restaurant. Me in my black trousers and white shirt I've pulled from it being tucked in. You are straddling me, grinding against my groin. You've made me hard in my pants and you reach down while still kissing and rub my hardness and say, "Oh, baby, it's so big and hard". I smile and you kiss me more. You sit up and begin unbuttoning my shirt and caress my chest and stomach, running your fingers through the hair on me. It's always turned you on, combing the hair on my body with your long, pretty red nails. Your lips glisten with ruby red lipstick, the long dangling, silver earrings frame your pretty face, the way you wear your eye shadow and mascara makes the blush on your cheeks stand out. You're beautiful, especially on this night. Your back to the fireplace, your sillohette before me, the glow of the fire dances off your long brown hair, streaked with blonds and reds, so perfect on you. You get to my pants and undo them and I push them down to my knees. My stiffness is standing tall and rock hard as you wrap your hand around it and smile. You begin to stroke it, letting your fingers caress my balls at the same time. You slide down and begin to lick my shaft and balls. You suck each ball into your mouth, gently tugging as you do. Your mouth engulfs me, every inch. You bob your head up and down. You want to bring me close to the edge, but, not quite there. You always know. You rise from pleasuring me, still straddling and moving upward, you pull your panties down and pull your girl dick out and rub it against my lips, forcing my mouth to open. You push it in and grab the back of my head and shove it all in. You begin to fuck my face. I love you, you know it, that's why you do it. You bring yourself to the edge and pull out. Without a miss, you reach down and hold my hard on and slide yourself down me and let out a woman's moan of pleasure. You pull your dress off. Your braless, only in your black silk panties, pulled to the side so my dick can have your hole. My shirt and pants have somehow found their way off. I'm totally naked. You are riding me, taking every inch of me into you. The tip of my cock is touching the special place in you that gives you the most pleasure. You're riding up and down, then a back and forth motion. I'm holding your hips pumping against you. The pleasure is getting intense. I can't stand your teasing anymore. I flip you over, push your legs back, pin your arms down and I begin to fuck you with hard, pounding thrusts, using every inch in and out of you for sensation. You are in ecstacy, feeling me fuck you like a crazed man. I'm fucking you hard and getting faster. You're whimpering and moaning and you can't stop. I'm fucking you good.
My dick was meant for your pleasure. You feel it coming, that moment when we both climax. I'm pounding, pushing and pulling in and out of your tight hole. The friction is getting hot making it even more pleasurable. Then suddenly, I'm shooting my load into you, you feel it, like a hot sharp knife, spreading through your insides. It sends you into a tense orgasm, you begin cumming on both of us, your feminine moans have groan louder, your legs are shaking, your body is convulsing. This is the most intense orgasm you've ever had. I pump every drop into you, then I stop, exhausted, I release your arms and legs and lay on top of you. You wrap your legs and arms around me as your body eases in its convulsive shaking. Your legs are weak, but, you can still use them. As my stiffness subsides, it falls out of you. We lay there in our sweat and love juices. You hold me. No words are spoken as you pull a blanket over us, me still on top, falling asleep. You don't mind at all, letting me lay on top of you, after that kind of sex. I dose off, my head against your breasts, you run your fingers through my hair as you smile there in the fire light, thinking how you found this simple country boy and made him your lover and husband. You love me. There is no doubt. I'm the perfect lover for you, the one you've been looking for. I'm Randy.
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Day Nineteen: Titty Fucking - Pero Tovar
Kinktober22 List
WC: 2.4k Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. Established Relationship. Playfighting + Tickling. Smut. Titty Fucking. Oral. (M Receiving) Dirty talk & Degrading remarks (Pero calls reader a slut). Praising kink. Daddy Kink (Reader calls Pero Papi). Hints of breeding kink. Mentions of wanting kids. AN: Oh, I've been looking forward to this fic! I've never wrote anything regarding titty fucking before, but I enjoyed it. I hope you do too, my loves.
It seems uncanny to peg Pero Tovar as the sweet and playful type. Not many would agree. They would agree that his personality matches the cold and ruthless skill he has when wielding a sword but suppose all it really took for that sweet side of him to come out and play was the right woman. And you are that woman. 
Two years ago, Pero laid the sword down and bought a little cottage with you on the outskirts of a village in his motherland, and life since then has been good to you both. There isn’t a need to steal or kill to make a living anymore. You’ve settled down in a place that’s home; that you and Pero have made a home. He works at the local butchers, and you work from home, sewing and knitting the day away to sell clothing to the villagers for extra coins. 
It's a good life that you both live, and the only downside is that you don’t get to see William as often as you’d like to. He went back to China to be with his one true love Lin Mae, and you miss him dearly, as does Pero, but any day now he is due to return for a visit with Lin and their baby boy. You received word almost twelve months back about the arrival of their firstborn and their plans to come for a visit when he turns one. 
Meanwhile, you and Pero have been keeping yourselves busy by prepping day and night for their visit. The cottage you bought is small; two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and dining areas, then the living room with big open fields all around the outside. You’ve been preparing by working on an extension. It wasn’t easy. Gathering the money for materials was difficult, but you both made ends meet and have been working hard every day. 
Now your cottage is double the size it once was. It’s spacious enough to fit two families inside and more. Outback is where all of your crops are, fenced off and protected, but out front is just big open plains of land for the eyes to enjoy for miles and miles. You and Pero are in the big open fields this evening, catching a break under the shade of a large oak tree after completing all the finishing touches for William and his family's arrival. 
“We did a good job, right amor?” The man asks while gazing across the land, his fingers rubbing circles on your arms across his chest as you cuddle him from behind. As much as you love to feel his brute strength pressed against your back in a hug, nothing beats the sight of seeing Pero physically melt when you lay behind him like this, embracing him instead. 
“Of course, we did a good job,” You tut lightly, as if disgusted with his question, though the warm smile on your lips betrays you. “Did you knock your head today and forget that we did?” You joke, eliciting the man’s body to shake with a soft chuckle escaping him as he shakes his head. Upon feeling the ambience change with high spirits, you ask another question. “Are you satisfied that we did a good job, Pero?” 
“Si bebita - I am.” He takes a long inhale of air and exhales breathily with a smile, though you were feeling playful and decided to stir him up a little. “Very well then,” You conclude with a berated tone. “Doubt loves to eat, so don’t feed it. Ok mister?” 
“Ok, señorita (ok, miss).” Pero laughs and tilts his head to look at your face, amusement of your words and tone of voice evident in his expression. He liked the authority in your tone; liked your cute attempt to be strict with him. “Chica mandona hoy. Me gusta (bossy girl today. I like it).”
“Oh, did you just call me bossy?” You gasp exaggeratedly, eyes widening like you were insulted. “I’ll show you bossy, Pero Tovar.” Darting your fingers to his ribcage, you tickle his skin and laugh at the way his body instantly reacts by jerking away from your touch. The man reaches for your hands through a rage of uncontrollable laughter, but you’re too quick for him and change direction. 
Prodding your fingers into his armpits now, your cheeks burn with merriment at the sweet giggly sounds he makes. “Fallarme! (Fuck!)” He yells with a smile, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling with hilarity from your actions, but you were getting too ahead of yourself, and it quickly became too much for him. Pero grabbed your hands swiftly and started to move, no doubt to get you back, but you were just as quick at escaping him. 
“No! I’m sorry!” You bark out a meaningless apology while crawling away from the tree trunk. You weren’t sorry at all for tickling him, you were just saying sorry in hopes that he'll show some mercy. Which he doesn’t. Just as quick as you made a dash for it, Pero turns and grabs your ankle, pulling you back to him.
“Oh no you don’t. Get back here.” He growls with laughter, “chica tonta (silly girl). You want to mess around, huh?” Yanking you around to lay on your back, he was forceful with his actions but not hurtful, though it sparked sexual excitement to run its course through your body and straight to your core. You like it when he gets playfully rough. 
The man enacted his revenge, tickling all of your most sensitive areas and taking pleasure in the way you squealed with laughter for him to stop. He didn’t of course, but he instead opted to drag it out as long as he could, watching your pretty face burn with joyous giggles as you fought him, which therefore only made it worse as Pero fought back. What started off as an innocent play between you and your beloved, quickly became something filthy and vulgar. 
Pero was tickling you, but he had moved up your body and carefully distributed his weight onto your stomach to pin your arms above your head when suddenly, he became aroused with thought. The tickling stopped, thankfully, but you saw him looking down at your breasts from above with a fiery look in his eyes. He thought about how perfectly his cock would fit between them. The man even tilted his head with a crooked brow, picturing the sight in his mind. 
“Oh no. I recognise that look, mister.” You scold, acting like you're not happy with that look you’re all too familiar with. Not only can you see Pero eyeing your breasts up and down, but you can see a tent starting to grow in his slacks too. He’s thinking dirty, and you love that he is. In fact, the man is thinking so hard with a smirk on his lips that he didn’t even hear what you said. 
“A penny for your thoughts, mi amor?” You ask, speaking a little louder this time in an effort to actually penetrate his dirty mind. Pero snaps out of it and looks up into your eyes, the irises expanding with lust as he smiles bashfully for being called out. “Just thinking about how beautiful you are, cariño.” He replies with a truth to disguise what’s really on his mind. 
“Hm. Care to elaborate Tovar?” You tease him skilfully. “I don’t believe that’s what you were thinking about.” You wanted to know what he was thinking about your breasts. You saw the look in his eyes, see it every day as a matter of fact. The man loves your boobs and will play with them at every given chance. If you were to choose only one weapon to defeat Pero Tovar, then that would be your breasts as they always manage to render him weak in the knees. 
“No?” Pero raises both brows and smirks at your question to know exactly what he was thinking about. He’d love to share, love to enact his dirty minded thoughts, but it’s something new for him and for you. But when you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, nodding all innocent and sweet-like, it only fuels those sudden desires to slot his dick between plush breasts. 
“I want to put my cock right here-” He points to the middle of your chest, “-and fuck your tits until I come, querida.” 
“Oh, Pero.” You pout and bat your eyelashes, wiggling your upper body purposely so your boobs jiggle for him. “Why didn’t you just say so?” You ask rhetorically, then gaze at him with big doe eyes, the man's chest rising and falling heavily with your interest in the idea. He thought you’d shoot him down, but apparently not. You saw the way his eyes lit up; saw the way he was taken aback by your answer to what he wants to do, and you couldn’t help but find it so sexy to see him surprised and aroused that you want this too. “Well, what are you waiting for-” You lick your lips slowly, speaking with a seductive tone. “Fuck my tits, papi.” 
“Dios mío! (oh my God!)” He chokes out a grunt, brows pulling together as his cock twitches inside his pants. “Say that again.” He moans - actually moans. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, it was just for fun, you didn’t know he would actually like the term ‘papi’, but now that you know he does, you intend to use it more often. 
“Fuck my tits.” You moan too, breathily and wanton, brows contorting with bliss. “Fuck my tits until you come papi, please.” Your pleading sends the man over the edge, makes him growl and release the beast inside. Primal urges buried deep within the man are brought up to the surface with your sweet voice calling him that one word. It brings out the urge to pump you full every day until you're round and plump with his baby. 
“Ay, carajo (Holy shit).” Pero curses, removing one of his hands from your wrists to palm his aching bulge. “Ok bebé. Te follaré las tetas. (Ok, baby. I will fuck your tits).” He opens his pants and free his cock, licking the palm of his hand before pumping him length. “Open your shirt, hermosa. Go on, good girl.” You blush from the praise. Doing as you're told and popping the buttons on your shirt open; your breasts spill out with your nipples hardening as they’re exposed to the cool evening breeze. 
“Pero.” You whine, hearing him grunt from above as he fucks his fists. “You too. Take your shirt off, sexy.” Licking your lips with the request, you reach out and take hold of his cock while he pulls his shirt over his head. He moans out from the unexpected touch, stomach tensing as rolls his hips into your strokes. “Allow me, mi futura esposa (my future wife).” He looks down at you, moving your hands to the side of your tits. “Hold them here for me, like this.” 
“Si Pero.” You sigh breathily, still doing as you're told like a good girl. He leans down to spit on his cock, then spits between your breasts before you push them together. “Open that slut mouth too.” He growls, placing his hand atop of yours before notching the tip of his cock inside the little pocket your boobs were creating. You smirk at the man then open your mouth for him, your throaty moans escaping you as he rolls his hips forward. 
“There you go, that’s it.” He rewards you with his words after you suck the tip of him when it breaches through the other side. He didn’t even have to tell you. Picking up his pace and panting with each thrust, Pero slips one of his hands around the back of your head, helping you meet his actions halfway as his orgasm begins to build. “It’s so soft, cariño.” He babbles brokenly, voice cracking with his throat becoming dry. “Merida! Your tits are so soft… And warm…That tongue. It’s so wet. Don-shit! Don’t stop.” 
“I… wouldn’t… dream of… it.” You reply between each thrust, taking the tip of him in your mouth each time with a swirl on your tongue. The noises you made were obscene, the gasps and moans reaching his ears working to push him closer and closer to the edge. You loved seeing him like this above you; loved seeing the way his face transforms as he loses himself. His movements became sloppy, laboured and ragged, chasing his high as he drank in your beauty with his eyes. 
“Te amo (I love you).” He hisses, jaw clenching as his brows pulls together. His peak is nearing. You can tell. Watching the muscles in his biceps flex as he grabs your boobs bruisingly, you moan out from the contact. “In my mouth.” You look up at him with pleading eyes. “Come in my mouth.” 
“My pleasure, bonita (beautiful).” Pero replies, his mouth falling open into the shape of an ‘o’ as his hips stutter. You open your mouth, holding his line of sight through half lidded eyes seconds before hot ropes of his seed spill past your lips. You even stick your tongue out, humming with content as you feel him painting the inside of your mouth with his creamy spend. Audibly gulping his load back, you lick your lips and smile at him. “Thank you, papi.”  
“You don’t know how dangerous that word is, bebita.” He chuckles light-heartedly. Swinging one leg away from your body, he moves down to lay at your side then pulls you to face him. You gaze at him with a smug look on your face, knowing exactly how dangerous that word is and why. “I do know.” You say, self-satisfaction evident in your tone. “I know why calling you papi feels so special.” 
Pero shakes his head, disbelieving that you really know what he wants, but you do. You noticed it a while back when William's letter came through about the birth of his baby and you just thought it was a passing phase. Like a cloud of baby fever overtaking him, but that’s clearly not the case. He wants to be the father of your baby. It wasn’t just a passing phase. He’s thought about it ever since he fell in love with you, and in the last year, he has dreamed every night of burying his cock deep inside your cunt to plant his seed. But you don’t want a baby. 
Well, that’s what he thinks and he’s wrong. You do want a baby, his babies.
Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta@dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89 @anismaria @graciexmarvel 
All Pedro Pascal Character Content: @joelsflannel @mswarriorbabe80 @readsalot73 @allthe-ships @avengersftspn @hb8301 @scorpio-marionette @squidwell @sunnshineeexoxo @trickstersp8 @tanzthompson @bbyanarchist  
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seeyouspacecoyote · 10 months
Dumbass Record of Ragnarok modern A/U Whoopee: (feel free to ignore, this is just me brain dumping here)
All the fighters are stuck living together due to insane cost of living (probably in Southern California near the Bay Area but I haven't thought that part out in too much detail tbh.)
Two possible directions this can take depending on just how bad the cost of living is in whoop-de-doo fuck-ass universe #293423823423 and something: Either they all live together in one house or they're all split up into 3 different houses. The fighters from Rounds 1-4 live in one house, the fighters from Rounds 5-8 all live in another house, and the fighters from Rounds 9-13 all live in yet another house.
Absolutely none of them have a proper sense of how time works like at all.
Any house where Tesla spends any amount of time at all will randomly get a wall blown out at some random ass time when he's busy tinkering with some mechanical shit and accidentally forgets he's handling potentially explosive devices/materials.
Adam, Kojiro, Heracles, and Simo are probably the only people in the whole bunch who are actually tolerable to live with who actually spend any amount of time there.
Odin just fucking hangs himself from a tree (like he does in Norse Mythology,) and nobody ever sees him again. He's still perfectly alive, he just can't handle the bullshit of living with everyone else anymore.
Thor does almost nothing but garden, he plants tons of vegetables at a local community garden where he meets a nice woman who he befriends.
Leonidas will bitch about any inaccuracies on any History Channel show involving military history to anyone who will listen (and also those who don't care.) And don't get him started on Ancient Aliens.
Raiden will interrupt Leonidas when he's bitching about Ancient Aliens to theorize out loud about how big and fat and jiggly alien titties and ass-cheeks gotta be and goes on an unhinged hour long rant about how great it would be to get to fuck alien bitches with fat titties and fat asses.
Zeus got arrested in like 5 minutes after sexually harassing a door to door salesperson, but not before he purposely clogged all the toilets by pouring unleaded gasoline into them. Nobody's seen him since and nobody complains about it. At all.
Qin, Loki, Okita, Nostradamus, and Anubis are chronic TikTok users and use insufferable zoomer slang like constantly.
As a result, Tesla, Susanoo, Heracles, Thor, and Leonidas can barely communicate with them.
Leonidas still talks like he spent 5 day straight on Xbox Live Chat when he gets pissed off though.
Susanoo sometimes sprays Anubis with a hose like an actual dog. Nobody stops him because they either don't give a fuck or they're too scared of him to say anything.
Anubis climbs on the furniture, licks the walls, and occasionally eats dog treats like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Buddha takes Zero to shit like Electric Forest and Burning Man despite Zero likely not being mature enough to do that kind of shit.
Raiden steals Hajun's laptop at one point, finds out that he got "fat bitches fighting over food" on pornhub bookmarked on his computer and laughs at Hajun for it, Hajun responds by throwing a fire hydrant he stole from a random street at him.
Raiden unironically enjoys pro-wrestling.
Lu Bu, Chen Gong, the other random members of the Chinese army, Shiva, and Qin absolutely crush it in DDR.
Rasputin does nothing but post horrible edgy/racist shit on 4chan. Nobody ever sees him. Ever. He most definitely has piss bottles in his room. Heracles and Zero are terrified to even walk near there and honestly nobody blames them.
Jack bakes pies at suspicious times. Anyone who asks him what's in the pies never gets a straight answer. He always smells vaguely like cologne.
Susanoo works some horrible soul-sucking C-suite corporate job 100 hours a week and has a terrible cocaine habit so he can spend less time sleeping and work as much as possible so he can try to find someplace else to live asap. He always has bags under his eyes which he has to resort to hiding with concealer so people don't think he's some kind of deranged serial killer or something.
Susanoo may be able to hide his cocaine addiction surprisingly well, but he fails (entirely on accident,) to hide the fact that he has one of those mildly uninteresting/questionable secret NSFW daddy dom type tumblr accounts that you suspect are run by some middle aged cishet dude who has absolutely no idea what the rest of Tumblr's userbase actually uses the site for from Anubis and Okita.
Anubis and Okita roast him for it, Susanoo responds by pulling up Anubis's Sonic the Hedgehog/furry porn DeviantArt account and basically asking him "This you?" (though he talks too formally to actually say that exact phrase) and proceeds to doxx Anubis on the spot.
Anubis hisses at him and leaps out the nearest window.
Despite his best efforts to avoid reckless spending, Susanoo bought a hunting rifle and occasionally tries to shoot Anubis when he's getting on his nerves. Anubis always manages to dodge it though.
Poseidon, Hajun, and Beelzebub eat everyone's food whenever they feel like it.
Zero is usually the main target. Buddha always buys extra snacks for him though. He also takes fruit off of trees and brings it home with him for the same reason.
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hecksupremechips · 2 years
Homosexual Ranks Ugliest 999 CGs
Listen 999 has really great looking character models and animations, and I do think the majority of the cgs look quite nice. But girlie girlie GIRLIE some of these don’t even deserve to be in the pits of heaven with how absolutely DISGUSTING they are! So I’m here to tell it like it is 😤
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Not only was this moment highly uncomfortable to watch, it was literally uncomfortable to watch because this picture is so damn ugly. Junpei looks comically large in comparison to Akane. It feels like they drew him normal sized but then they were like “but wait! How will gamers know hes a big strong man if we don’t INCREASE HIS GIRTH???!!” It also looks like they just photoshopped Akane in there. Plus his hood looks like shit I hate it
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Again Akane looks photoshopped in and she looks really small. At this point you realize that junpei’s outfit has the worst color scheme and it unfortunately makes him look stupid in every scene
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Kanny sleeves are giving miles edgeworth. Ace’s teeth are giving hungry hungry hippo
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For some reason Junpei looks like a human version of Alvin Chipmunk. I can’t explain it. And Lotus boobs go WHOOSH like girlie be careful going up those stairs those things are gonna explode like the ninth man!!!!
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Absolutely homophobic to draw Aoi this way. Who let this happen. Who gave him that face. I would like to have a word with them
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So i think Junpeis expression is good here but SEVEN HELLO???? Why does his head shaped like that???
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This is a hate crime. I am being attacked. I am in the hospital bleeding out. Lotus’s boobs 2, electric boobaloo. Has this artist ever seen titties???? THEY DONT DO THAT
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This is the same image as 8 but with Aoi instead so I guess girlie IS photoshopped! But nah absolutely not absolutely HEINOUS the way this man looks. I don’t believe that is his hair i think it’s just a continuation of his skin flailing around. His ears could crush me to death. His eyebrows are GONE WHERE ARE THEY. His eyes are WHITE WHY ARE THEY WHITE THIS IS UNNATURAL. Worst of all though, the biggest crime ever committed is his fingers. Yaoi hands undercooked sausage edition. Fingernails the size of Texas. Girth of an oak tree. Abomination, absolutely disgusting
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I would’ve put this as 2 but no I think it deserves the worst rank because it is truly despicable how much this game forces me to look at this image. It’s like oh boy the best parts of the game are happening let’s keep this image up for 20 minutes! Where do I even start tearing this woman apart? The hair, the eyes, the pose, the clothes, the boobs. It’s all so awkward looking, so fuck-ugly that I’m impressed. I have no words
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doribuki · 2 years
i think i sent that message after the big delilah sun tree fight and it was the prelude to this: how does it feel to have been so right about delilah briarwood's nasty lich form
me watching the episode and matt describing delilah as a goopy skeleton woman under smokey titties: I KNEW IT
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mamamittens · 2 months
Been having funny thoughts about ToTK and BoTW. Every so often I consider making Nikia in each race just for funzies but I'm really bad at non human characters so I end up trashing the idea.
That and I honestly can't recall a single female goron besides the really old goron lady from Majora's Mask (at least... I think that was a woman??? Deeply titties out with big lips I think?? Hold on... Googling now. Well, if there is, no one knows who they are! So that... Was not a woman?!? It's been a long time so maybe I just don't remember them well enough...)
Anyway! Just for fun, here's some little headcanons about what race random OP characters would be!
Marco, I think, would be a Kokiri! Specifically an unusually tall one! Seemingly ageless with magic abilities, perhaps even a sage for a strange land!
Ace would be a Gerudo who pretends very hard not to be on account of male Gerudo historically being Just Ganon Yet Again. He's not and would never be, but the suspicion he'd revolt and throw the world into darkness would persist anyway. Obvs, his mom was a Gerudo warrior and Roger a Hylian Pirate, or perhaps just a man from another country besides Hyrule.
Izou is clearly a Sheikah with little care for the ninja stuff or gender binary dress code. He can still pull it off just fine, but prefers long range weapons to get it over with.
Luffy? Ngl, I really want him to be a little tree Korok just waddling around like he's swallowed bells. He fits the vibe so well! Maybe he has a 'Hylian' disguise but it usually ends up bursting in a cloud of smoke when he gets jazzed up.
Zoro is a Hylian and probably the only person in history to get so lost in the Lost Woods he perfectly navigated to and from the Great Deku Trees every time. A sort of 'so wrong you looped back to being right again' sort of fella. Hopefully he's not this incarnation of Link or Zelda will have to wait a very long time for him to find the castle, regardless of the size Ganon is circling it.
As tempting as it is for her to be a Gerudo, I think Nami is just a Hylian who lives in a coastal village. She does bullshit Gerudo heritage to scam people though and who knows, she just might have a Gerudo ancestor, but she'll never get that height and cheese shredder abs. Sorry bby.
Robin? Oh, Sheikah. So very Sheikah even though she does more history than ninja work. Undoubtedly the one that knows every legend and scrap of lore by heart and thrives in it all.
Ussop is also from a coastal village but definitely has some mixed heritage from... Somewhere. Unclear where, but he's got too many weird skills for just some fisherman's son. Yossop being Sheikah himself is of course, where all that bullshit magic invention shit comes from, not that Ussop didn't make it his own in due time. Though I wouldn't be against him being Rito! It would be an interesting change and excellent addition to his preference for long range weapons! I don't recall them having magic tho so idk... only downside I suppose.
Brooks? Well... I think he'd make an interesting Twili who found just enough magic spells to live in the daylight but... Looks like a skeleton. Whoops. Can't have everything I suppose! He makes it work, though!
Chopper would make a cute little Goron, honestly! If he wasn't just a reindeer with magic sentience. Wouldn't be out of the question given the shit we see elsewhere! Why not a Korok? Actually... Korok would be super cute! No disguise, just baby! I'll workshop it, there's a few good options!
Sanji would clearly be a Yiga who abandoned the Yiga clan and now pretends to just be a regular Hylian who loves cooking. Certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing out there!
Jinbe's so easy it's almost boring, clearly he'd be a Zora. An unusual whale shark Zora, but a Zora nonetheless! Most Zora seem to be shark based anyhow.
Sabo is a Hylian noble, obviously, and very done with aristocracy, preferring to rough it out in the wild.
Thatch is also a Hylian, one of many who love cooking but is also not dumb enough to poison himself in the name of experimentation... Looking at u, master chef weirdos. Seriously, what the shit?!
Whitebeard is absolutely a Goron though! Massive mountain man who breaks mountains with his fists! Old as shit! It's a great fit!
If I had to choose a race for my OC, Nikia... Imma be a fucking cheat and say Fairy. Great Fairy? Somewhere between the bottle fairies and Great Fairies at least. Their design changes each game honestly and the recent version has them be sisters implying there's a family structure somewhere? Idk, she's still getting the hang of her magic and doesn't want to sit in a pocket dimension via flower portal, so she's not as strong as the Great Fairies yet. Prefers to hang around isolated ponds and tends to attract smaller fairies to her side. I imagine their size/immobility from an area indicates strength, usually, baring Wind Waker where the Great Fairy is literally child sized and implied that the other Fairies you see are puppets... Weird reveal ngl. So she's capable of some interesting stuff in her own right. Almost wanted to say Rito cause I like their designs (even if the idea of an open house like that wigs me out lmao, what a fucking drafty ass house to have!) but no, Fairy works for me. Maybe she gets small when traveling outside of a sacred area to conserve power and safeguard herself.
She would not be naked though, absolutely not lmao, very modest for her race. Another oddity I guess you could say.
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
New crossover ship:
The tree with the big titties from The Last Unicorn, with the Radish Spirit from Spirited Away.
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pinespittinink · 2 years
🥵💦👀💪 for the characters of In the Deep of Trees
🥵 Is your OC perceived as physically attractive to others? Is it at first glance or is it something that takes more time to reach fruition?
SABINE 🌿  — oh she is absolutely. It's easy to look at her and see a beautiful woman (because she is), though there's a more human, less pristine supermodel quality to her than Titus has. Her eyes are down-turned at the outer corners, her face is oval but round, her lips thinner than you'd think at first, her lashes very naturally large. She's got a beauty that grows on you, if it doesn't strike you outright at first.
TITUS 🗡 — he's got tall dark and handsome down pat, and he's very aware of his own attractiveness and good looks-- he uses it to advantage while maneuvering through court. There's a crowd of people who are definitely drawn to him, even if they don't act on their attentions. But he's very easy on the eyes from the get-go, absolutely.
💦 Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
Titus and Sabine both answered here.
👀 Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
SABINE 🌿  — oh she knows, but it doesn't fill her head so much. How other people perceive her doesn't matter much to her (read: at all), but she has a history of teasing and aggravating Titus, playing at coquettishness and using his attraction to her to her advantage.
TITUS 🗡 — went over this a bit already, but he's definitely aware. He's not above using sex to get what he wants, and will literally crawl into bed with allies and enemies to get information or leverage or anything else he wants that goes to serve his own ends and means.
💪 What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute? 
SABINE 🌿  — she's got them TITTIES. That's her main thing really, but she's also got good skin and great hair (black, wavy curls, long enough to reach her butt)
TITUS 🗡 — he's big. I'm a sucker for a big tall broad man in fiction, but his face card also never declines. Well-kept beard, strong jaw, dark brows, green-gold-hazel eyes.
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fatewoven · 3 years
/ ooc. a silly post about my muses sexualities and their types, along with ways to fluster them:
Kenshin — gay, homosexual, gay. One look at him and you know he falls somewhere in the lgbt+ alphabet soup. He likes confidence, someone boundless and full of energy. His personality is firmly in the phlegmatic category, so he appreciates a guy that has drive, has ambitions whether they are big or small, and isn’t afraid to speak their mind around him. Little acts of affection melt his heart. Put your hand in his back pocket and he will give a pleased hum. Give him hugs from behind, kiss his nape and feel his spine shiver. Discreetly interlock your pinky fingers together while walking and he wouldn’t be able to think of anything else. He’s confident and will act that way, but beneath the ink and layers of scars there’s a tender thing that blooms sweetly, shown through action, the careful way he meets your needs without needing to be told. Slow to fall but once he does it’s over. His heart is set. A true ride or die until the end. 
Iara — world cold and cruel, titty warm. She’s the type of lesbian to give herself whiplash and nearly break her neck by turning around to see a beautiful woman pass by on the street. Pines a lot. Imagines cliche dates and loves the idea of showing the world the type of love she can share with someone. Has a soft spot for butches. Likes feeling taken care of. She wants to feed someone grapes and chocolate covered strawberries and kiss your shoulder. She wants to rest her head on your lap, listen to your stomach and the gentle rhythm of your heart, and go discover new, beautiful places on the weekend like museums, hikes, and dates in hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Easy to fluster, always hopeful someone is returning her romantic interest / crush. She loves quickly and can stay, but her heart is easy to mend as the world is big and full of possibilities. 
Rauf — bi but in that discreet, bye-bye-bye way. He likes feeling dependable. He likes to talk, and listen in return. While his tongue is sharp, quick and abrasive, anyone who can fire back at him earns his respect and admiration. He likes natural rapports and honesty. There’s a small army of bonsai trees and delicate succulents in his home; he doesn’t mind putting in the work but this also the reason he dated a very unstable, narcissistic woman in hopes of ‘fixing’ her. Nowadays he’s tired, and just wants something stable, but has given up on finding a partner due to his work schedule and general, cantankerous attitude. Believe me, he knows he can be unbearable at times. He adores pet names. He will wake up early to prepare breakfast and lunch for you. A pretty smile does him in most of the time, but a genuine compliment will make him smile. Bring him gifts and send pictures of things that remind you of him, and he’ll save each one as a keepsake. A reminder that someone like him can be liked.
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nightfall-kachiniko · 4 years
can i request a goth mikasa and gn reader in a college au? where mikasa has a crush on reader but is shy, so she just kinda admires from afar all the time and eren and armin keep on teasing her to just make a move but shes just really shy 🥺 thank you!
Goth mikasa X gn reader (Modern School Au!)
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The woman with black hair stared at the wonderful person infront of her, talking to one of her best friends Eren about a party coming up. The way they spoke made her eyes flutter with love, as she felt the grass beneath her. A leaf fell down from the tree she was under, the soft green colored organism flowed down as the wind sped up.
She looked back at you and the guy talking, her eyes studied all of your spots, all your clothing, hell she could tell you exactly what you were wearing the week before. “Okay Y/n! I’ll see you later!” Erens voice spoke, waving you a small goodbye as you headed off to your next class. “So..” His body sat next to her, plopping down his body laying on the grass. “I saw you staring” A small wink and a smirk face, as his voice grimily giving off a teasing tone. Mikasa rolled her eyes and looked the her other side, avoiding him. ”whatever” her sarcastic tone gave eren a small concerned face. “What? You lost feelings?”
“Who said I had feelings!?”
Eren scoffed and chuckled. “Really? I’m sure that ‘glance’ was more or less a stare to me”
She playfully punched his side, him finding humor in her remark.
“Now come on Eren don’t be mean” a small voice was heard from behind the tree starling them both. Armin peeped around the corner, book in his hand. “But if I’m stating my opinion, I do agree with eren, you show a ton of Interest in them” Armin stated, kicking some rocks around. “It’s not like that...” she disagreed. “Mikasa I’m sure even they know”
“What?! How could they know!?”
He laughed waving his hand around, “I’m messing I’m messing”
“Say, why don’t you ask them out? You guys could become such a good couple” armins eyes fluttered, trying to push her to at least try.
“I-I can’t..”
“Oh so you do have feelings?”
“Of course I do... how could I not? I’m just.. what if they don’t like me back”
“Well atleast start a friendship with them!” The blonde haired boy giggled a bit at her shyness.
“Yeah... okay..” She hugged her knees.
Silence filled the air until a small rang of a bell became known. “Welp..” Eren got up and dusted himself off, “4th period, catch you all later,” he gave a peace sign before heading to the school building. “Okay! Bye bye!” Armin waved with a huge smile on his face.
“Hm?” He looked at Mikasa, her face rose colored and tucked into her knees. “Aww come on mika! I’m sure everything will go out okay!” He patted her back. “I- mm..” she hesitated.
“Now come on! We gotta get to class! Mr.Shadish with kill us if not”
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katsuflossy · 4 years
Misguided Spark
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x black reader
TW: Suggestive themes, some obscenities, Becky
A/n: Why do I always get inspired by Tiktoks 😭😭 but anyways I’ve been giving Mr Bakugo wayy too much attention and neglecting our shocky boy Denki. So please enjoy!!! 💕
P.S. credit to my bb @iiminibattlehero for giving me a title when my brain was pooped😣
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You’ve been with Denki for two years. After joining Uravity’s agency, you’ve met the bolt of lightning that struck through your beautiful black heart (this was after many failed pickup lines and one failed date that resulted in your favorite shirt getting seared off.) Denki did nothing to conceal you, in fact, he showed you off despite your protests; the few couples photos on his Instagram told the story of your love life—not secret but it’s none of your business. 
So why do his fans pair him up with every other hero?!
You would’ve understood if he was shipped with his friends and other heroes in the Big Leagues; your reputation being Uraraka’s sidekick had granted you some fame but you hadn’t reached the big pond yet. 
However, his mass of fans and reporters paired him with everyone under the sun—heroes and sidekicks alike—except you. Just last week Mina nearly choked out a reporter because he trailed her during her patrol, asking what she and Chargebolt did last night. Who knew a simple drink with close friends would spread like wildfire over the news. Oh, not to mention you were there too, holding Kaminari’s hand and laying your head on his shoulder. Your brown face and body had been cut out from every magazine seen the next day. The picture of Mina and Kaminari at an older drink night resurfaced on your timeline, showing Mina slapping his back as he choke-laughed on some beer. 
You didn’t tell Denki your insecurities about the whole world romanticizing him with other very pale—except for Mina’s case—heroes. You can picture his exact laugh, his hand falling on your cheek while affirming you had nothing to worry about. You’re his lovely lady forever and always. 
However, tonight was a different kind of irritation.
The bedroom finally fell quiet, your steamy session released the sexual tension during today’s joint practice. Kaminari’s eyes followed your heavenly molded ass all around the gym, and your own followed his nicely sculpted back when it was angled in your peripheral view. The deed was done now. Your finger made pointless drawings on his naked chest as you laid against his stomach, looking thoughtlessly up at him and his blonde glory. Two nude bodies curled against each other in comfortable silence.
At least that was the case until your phone pinged due to a notification. Your phone glowed the Twitter symbol, the only app you used to keep up with the hero scene and news. One glance at the title and you wished you had put your phone on Do Not Disturb.
Chargebolt's with a civilian fiancee?! Read more about the Electric hero dating top American chef, Becky Gudhear, and their secret relationship.
Your lips formed a scowl at the picture. The blond female chef was entering a car as Denki held her umbrella above her head, the rain clattering against the umbrella as he smiled at the lady. Only for you to remember the next two minutes after the photo was taken; Denki snatched you up, running through the rain as both screamed in delight. 
You shot up from his muscular chest, the middle of your brows creased and your brown thumb scrolled through the hashtags. Denki looked at you before going on his own phone.
Deku’s ratty shoes @noticemesemmpai: “I didn’t know Denki liked white girls *this goes completely with my fantasy*”
Ground zero’s harem girl @otakuforevaava: “Not him cheating on Mina.”
Ground zero’s harem girl #2 @lemmebiteacrumbofdatass: “@otakuforevaava Nah, he’s with Jiro. Did y’all not see when she gave him that hug?”
Your eyes darted from one ship to another, none ever mentioning you, before throwing your phone on the mattress. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, removing yourself from its comfort to pace around the room in frustration. Denki cocked a brow at your strange behavior; you weren’t usually this upset and if you were, you’d simply just watch baby videos until you perked up. The screen glowed through the mattress despite being faced down, holding the secret of your furrowed eyebrows and sharp glare. He took up the phone, showing all the news outlets, fan mentions, and titles creating a relationship not with his black girlfriend but with some random lady that he helped out of the kindness of his heart. 
“Damn, they’re really going bonkers over this one act of kindness. Is Chivalry that dead?”
“As dead as their brains are.” You grumbled out, flopping back on to the edge of the bed.
“It’ll die out in a week. Give or take.” 
“Or not at all. They always come back when they spot you 6 feet from this lady, then resurface this same picture or even better crop me out and photoshop her in it!” Your outburst was met with silence and a wide-eyed, very concerned lighting wielder. 
“...but it’s cool tho.” 
“(Y/n)? Why didn’t you tell me this’d been hurting you?” Your gaze averted to your fingers, twiddling as your embarrassment heated your cheeks.
“I didn’t want to because I thought you’d think I was silly for thinking like that. Plus, I was the one that told you that being with a superhero like you will make me look like a whore trying to climb the ranks.”
“Silly? Baby, I nearly threw your teddy bear across the room because it was looking at your ass too much. If anything I’m the silly one.”
“You didn’t nearly throw Parker across the room, you did throw him across the room.” Two pairs of eyes went to the slumped bear at the opposite corner of the room. It’s patched tongue ratty due to the force it was a victim to.
“... And I’d do it again.” Your attempt to sigh only released the giggle in your throat as Denki continued.
“And baby? Fuck what these tabloids are saying. You’re a skillful fighter and Ochaco’s number one sidekick! If that isn’t a fine, brave, amazing woman then I don’t know what is.” Your body tingled in warmth, unable to hide the physical effects of his compliments as wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him straight on his lips.
“Thank you Denki, I really needed to hear that.” 
“Oh, I’m not done yet.” He moved out of your embrace, kneeling to set his phone up on the bedside table. The lamp was used as support, showing the front camera the entirety of the room. 
“Denki? What are you doing?”
“Don’t worry doll, just sit there and look pretty.” He continued to tap against the screen before a familiar symbol popped up.
Tiktok, one of Denki’s favorite apps, met your eyes as it began to start up. Denki was one of the only pro heroes on Tiktok, which garnered him 5.5 million followers, and at least a million views each video he made. He swiped and scrolled until his eyes lighted up.
“Go put on my shirt. I don’t want them seeing any parts of you only for my pleasure.” You raised an eyebrow at the request but still complied. 
“Now come here, sexy.” Your footsteps hesitantly approached his side of the bed, unknowing about what scheme he made up in his brain. You stopped right where the camera couldn’t see you but you were too far for his liking, so he grabbed the plush of your thigh, pulling you close enough to bury his nose into your flesh. 
“That’s more like it. You ready?” 
“Denki I swear to God you better answer me. What are we doing—”
He tapped the screen, unaffected by your threat, and began to record. The beat was all too familiar before your eyes widened and your face erupted in heat. Sex Talk?!
“Aye uh...ahhh.” He wasted no time getting into character, sticking his tongue out as he winked at the camera. Your melanin-rich thigh stared back at you through the phone, making it known that the leg Denki held indeed belonged to a black person. His hand, under the shirt, kept firm on the back of your thigh to ensure that you stayed within the frame as he continued his Tiktok.
“Aye, bad bitch tastes like cherry kiwi, real big titties these double DDs.” He sings out the song, pointing to your very exposed thigh. Your face hot, the thought of this going online burned your face with not only embarrassment but also excitement. You buried your face in your hands as Denki skimmed your leg with his nose.
“Mwah…” He pressed his lips against your flesh, the epicenter sending tingling waves through your body as he looked straight up at you. His eyes twinkled with mischief as the sound ended. He grabbed the phone before you could reach it, hitting ‘post’ before you could snatch it out of his hand.
“Denki! Your PR manager is so going to kill me.” You scrolled through his phone frantically; it was already pinging with likes and comments from the video posted just 10 seconds ago.
He plucked the phone from your hands and placed it down on the table.
“Never mind that baby girl. The song said a bad bitch tastes like cherry kiwi and I suddenly forgot how that taste. Maybe I should sample you again…” Without ceasing he pressed his lips against yours, ready to start the night off again. 
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(H/n)’s footstool @blackshipper: @theeofficialy/n this you? *Chargebolt’s new TikTok*
Chargebolt and (h/n) sittin in a tree @comegetyalljuice: I fucking knew it! (h/n)’s living our Chargebolt fantasy.
Stream Sex Talk by Megan @kpophoebutnotondalow: If your man ain’t kissing up your thigh like Chargebolt did with (h/n), is he even your man?
Mirko’s left rabbit foot @westanMirko: Guys, that’s not @theeofficialy/n, that’s Mirko duh…
You rolled your eyes at the tweet before scrolling through the rest of them. Denki’s chest raised and lowered as he looked through his own phone. Suddenly, you received an email notification. Your eyes widened as you read its body.
“Denki! Some talk show wants us to come in and talk about our relationship. They finally recognize that I’m your partner!” He craned his neck to face you, offering a smirk at your excitement.
“Good, that’ll show Parker who you’re real man is!” The teddy bear stayed in the corner it was thrown, now laying on its side, looking solemnly at the bed. 
“You’re annoying.”
“You still love me though.” A smile spanned your face as you inched closer to Denki’s. Your lips met his in a soft embrace before withdrawing. 
“Yeah, I do.”
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echotorelli · 3 years
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since her mother was in town, she decided it would be a good idea to bring the youngest boys to the park. while she sat under a tree on a blanket, the boys were within eyesight and earshot on the playground. she was trying to entertain tabitha, but she was having none of it, so after changing her daughter’s diaper, she proceeded to nurse her --- which worked, but got the attention of another woman. “there are children here, that’s completely indecent,” the woman muttered as she walked past. “if you can see my boob then you’re too fucking close to me anyways, there’s no way in hell you can see anything past her big ass head, don’t like it then don’t look, it’s that simple,” echo snapped as the woman walked away. she looked down at tabby, patting her diapered bottom. “don’t worry about her, she’s probably jealous she didn’t get enough titty time, huh?” she asked kissing tabitha’s head.
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fanfiction-funtime · 3 years
Spritefather and Selene Interaction
A fan drabble for @clouds-rambles, I hope I characterized Selene right
Without much prompting it's a tad hard to write like this, but I hope it works.
Also I hope you don't mind me mentioning Cael amnesia anon.
(Selene was hanging out with Cael when Venti makes trouble, bringing the night to a close)
(Selene pov)
Yet again, I had to drag Cael's boyfriend out of the bar. This time because he thought someone was insulting his father and punched them, but he was just talking about some mythological person called 'Spritefather'.
I haven't thought about that story in a long time, not since I was a kid. Something about him being able to "use all elements" or something and how he "taught Barbados about freedom", maybe I'll ask Lisa about it.
"Excuse me madam, my father needs to speak to that man you're carrying. Please, hand him to me." I heard a voice from behind me say, the accent was a thick Schneznayan one.
I turned around to meet the person, a woman in an outfit that wouldn't look out of place in a family portrait of old Schneznayan nobility, they also held a vision.
A cryo vision.
I three Venti into a hay pile and summoned my spear, "your a pretty bad liar, LA SIGNORA!"
"No wait! You've got it all w-" I jabbed at her with my spear, using conduct to increase it's power, "I said wait!-"
"I don't bargain with people who hurt my friends!" Hehe, that was a cool line, nice one Selene.
"W-WHAT!? HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE THAT I WOULD HURT MY OWN BROTHER!" The woman gasped and pointed behind me.
I looked back and saw an abyss mage sneaking away with Venti.
The mage noticed and bolted away. We chased it all the way to star conch cliff, where it threw Venti over the edge.
"Haha! Do your worst human! I have already completed my mission! Now without your precious archon, mondstadt will-!"
A tornado of water sprouted up from the sea, then froze in place. From the newly formed spiral of ice rose a cloaked man, and around him were 6 wisps of every element but cryo.
The mage turned around, and were it not for the dendro tendril crushing it's windpipe they would have screamed in horror.
"First you threaten to kill my son," the cloaked man stepped off the spire, the air polarizing itself with electro to form a step, "then you kidnap him while my daughter is trying to retrieve him," another step, this time the air simply pushes him up to form a step, "and now you have followed through on that threat. It tried to," the man took one last, powerful step, to which a geo platform met his feet and lifted him to the hanging abyss mage, "how truly foolish must you be."
He man then lit the tendril on fire, burning the mage like a furby in a campfire.
The man lowered himself down, Venti in his arms, and said, "I'm sorry Barbados, I should have gone to get you myself. Viktoria, what happened?"
Then he noticed me.
"EEEEP!" He shouted as he dropped Venti with a thud.
(3rd person limited, Spritefather pov)
'Oh celestia, a person! No no, keep it together. You love interacting with humans in a controlled manner. This is just as controlled, just...a suprise.' Spritefather thought.
"By Barbados' hairy nostrils! You're the Spritefather!" The human Selene shouted.
Spritefather straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "y-yes, I am. But I am not 'the' Spritefather, I'm just Spritefather. Saying 'the Spritefather' is like calling you 'the Selene'. But now isn't the time for such trivial bickerings," Spritefather gave a gentlemanly bow, "thank you for attempting to rescue my eldest child, and for taking him home everytime he indulges a bit to much on vices."
Viktoria facepalmed, "dad! They aren't supposed to know that!"
"Well why not? They're friends with him, and best friends with his boyfriend. Which by the way I STILL need to meet-" he noticed Selene was seeming kind if pale, "you ok?"
"Oh dear."
(3rd person omniscient pov)
(There's no good point to explain this, but they're in a serenitea pot)
Selene woke up in a very confused state, and on a cloaked woman's lap.
"Please do not be alarmed, neither me nor my daughter did anything to you." The woman said.
Selene, in response, punched the woman and scrambled away, "who the abyss are you!?"
"Well I'm not particularly loved by celestia but I'd hardly say I'm abyssal.."
"Father, people here are not as accustomed to the divine as Liyue or Inazuma." The woman from before, who Selene thought was La Signora, said as she approached them with some tea.
"Wait, fa-no, no. Don't do that Selene, it's rude."
The cloaked woman shook her hands to dismiss Selene's concern, "it's fine, however I thank you for your accepting nature. Though it is to be excepted given your personal identity."
"How do you know me?"
"Heh, have you forgotten already? Though I suppose the change in form is not common among you humans. And nonexistent in the way me and the wisps can do."
The woman got up and started twirling, then surrounded themself in elemental power, and when it cleared stood the cloaked man Selene saw in her dream...
"That wasn't a dream...holy shit that wasn't a dream! You're the Spritefather-I mean-you're Spritefather! Your real!"
"Indeed I am. I would think everyone in mondstadt believes I'm real, but atleast that leaves less for that misconception."
"What misconception?"
"Ask Barbados, shouldn't be too hard since you two are close."
"Barba-wait Venti is actually Barbados!?
"Oh dear I'm making this worse."
The still unnamed woman sighed and shook her head, "how about we focus on why my dad decided to be a woman? Surely that would be a far more easy thing to understand."
"It's because she likes women, and I don't blame her. World cold and hard, titty warm and soft."
"Dad who taught you that!?"
"You do realize I can hear the lives of all in my home yes?"
"I guess I'm at fault." Selene laughed.
"I will have my revenge upon you for this." The woman responded.
Spritefather chuckled, "oh? And how about you get your revenge over a date. Anastasia."
"What? She's single, friends to someone who can teach her proper tea ceremonies, and uh....they have....hmmm..." Spritefather was trying to think if what he could say to convince his daughter, "look I just want to see grand kids!"
"Look I'm pushing fifty million! If one of you doesn't get me kids in the next ten million years I'm going to grow grey hair!"
Anastasia starts forming an ice throwing knife, "REBEL'S-"
"Papa, what happen?" Came a childish voice.
Selene gasped, they were looking at probably the cutest thing EVER!
"Yes that's my child Flameo-"
Selene, already having picked up the the baby, "they're so CUTE!"
They hugged the little flame close to their face and nuzzled them, to which Flameo quickly responded to with their own.
"Smell like..." they thought for a moment, "big Bro Bardos!" They flew around Selene excitedly, "friend!"
Spritefather sighed, "Oh dear, now the rest will be coming out. And I just got them to sleep aswell."
It wasn't long before Selene was surrounded by six Sprites.
The Electrosprite landed on her vision and started vibrating happily.
The Geosprite asked, "are you strong!? I think I could be you!"
"Oh I'm sure you could." Selene said to appease the little Sprite as she chuckled chuckled.
The Anemosprite and Pyrosprite flew around her head like children.
The Hydrosprite was inspecting her clothes, "how utterly bourgeois, has my Brother and father been teaching you how to dress? Honestly, the people of mondstadt should learn from the reconnaissance captain of the knights. Now there's a woman who knows how to dress."
"Oh you mean Eula?"
"You know her?"
"Oh yeah, she's invites me to tea every now and then."
"SHE...invites....YOU...out for TEA!?-"
Anastasia puts her hand over the Hydrosprite and tries to hold her back
"Sorry about that," the woman replied, "kids and their crushes."
Selene couldn't respond to that as they felt a prick in her spine, causing them to yelp.
A Dendrodsprite slinkied up her back and put it's head on her shoulder, "just sampling...never seen blood like yours...so intertwined with the...divine....yet so distan-"
Spritefather picked up his child, "please forgive Leafy, they're in their...adventurous stage. And their adventure is to learn things. Often things that involve pins and needles."
This was going to be a looong night
The next day, Vanessa's tree
Selene yawns and falls on the statue, Venti doing the same. The difference between them is one is hungover and waiting for his boyfriend to take him home after the fifth assassination attempt this week, the other has to deal with the consequences of being loved by children and being there to try and stop the most recent assassination
"Holy shit....this hang over....I thought Decrabain's hailstorms were bad..."
"You shouldn't try watching after Leafy.....but I think half the pains are from Agua's jealousy bites......"
"You think that's bad?.....you should have seen them when they realized Cael and I....were dating....."
"...archons I hope I was never like that as a kid...."
"Oh cherry up you two!" Spritefather said, a bit too loud for the two, "it's a new day and-"
Venti hit his father with a clump of grass using anemo
"Ohheythere'sCaelgottagobye!" The archon said as he ran off.
Spritefather sighed, "he's always like that, running from responsibilities. But he always means up when it counts, so I can only say I'm proud of the man he's become," he thought for a moment, "except for when he turns into a woman for whatever reason, then I'm proud of the woman she's become...you know, after being around single form life for so long stuff like that feels so strange. I mean you humans are born with one form and cant naturally change it. But if you feel it's wrong you'll go through so much trouble just to get close to what us shape changers can get. While to humans it is inspiring purely because of the person's determination to take the form they so deserve, that they were truly meant to have. But for me it's so much more! The human spirit and will is oh so inspiring, but the amount humans go through! So much money, so much time, and in many places simply enduring life! Why even I couldn't get the...uh...transphobia is it?...out of Inazuma!Terribly sorry human language changes so much. Oh and on language! To think that I was there when the first cave man was trying to mimic the grunts of the gods, only to make something so much superior to them to the point that the gods copied THEM! And speaking of copies have you ever heard of the time Dainsleif-" he paused as he saw Selene's bored face, "sorry. One little thing and I start ranting and rave...no, it's info dumping. And I should thank you humans for making that term, and all the other wonder words you've made, and the medical advances. They've helped me understand myself....ah but look at me, rambling on again. You know what? For entertaining my kids the whole night, and listening to an old man's ramblings, I'll give you a boon. Anything you want, if I can get it you shall have it."
Selene thought for a moment. She thought about asking him to bring back her father, but they knew he couldn't raise the dead. She even thought...of her mother, to see her again, but they knew that it wouldn't help. A selfish part of her even wanted someway to reignite her's and Rosaria's relationship, after all that part of her life was, but she knew it would be wrong and that they both agree they just didn't work.
Perhaps just ask for mora? She did need some for a good night's rest, but that felt wasteful. What was one night's rest for what could be a lifetime of amazing power. But maybe it would be wrong to ask for something like power. Ah! She's got it!
"How about a spear? A really powerful one that compliments my powers perfectly! Oh! And make it look really cool!"
Spritefather blinked, then laughed, "well, that's rather simple isn't it? So amazing you humans. You expect them to make something big and/or selfish, like taking control of a country, or killing someone. Yet never once has one of my boons been used for anything bad. Even when they're selfish. Like one time I met a very selfish person who I granted a boon, and all he did with it was ask me to make sure the kids of Inazuma were never hungry. Ah, now that. That was ranting, sorry." Spritefather walked over to the statue's base and knocked three times, "hello Vanessa. It's been a while since I last called you, but I was hoping you could give me a hand? And perhaps a very sturdy branch off your tree?"
A light shown down from the heavens and the ground shook, causing a skeletal hand to rise from the depths.
Selene would have screeched if she weren't so tired, "I'd prefer my weapon to be less...body part-sy."
"Nonsense! Everyone knows that bones make the best weapons! You know why it's called a prototype rancor?! BECAUSE NOONE WANTS TO ACCEPT THAT THE PERFECTED VERSION I, THE INVENTOR, MADE INCLUDES THE SHINBONES OF MITSCHURLS! YOU EVER SEEN A-*ahem*-sorry, rambling."
As he was ranting, a branch handed Spritefather a sturdy branch from the tree.
"Perfect, now a bit of magic and-" the two items blew up in Spritefather's face before reforming into a purple and black spear that ended in a feathery sleeve like pattern that was attached to a sharp blade that looked very much like a hand made into a spear blade. Mainly because it was.
A brilliant light shone down on the Spritefather as he floated up and presented the spear to Selene(mumbled: thanks Venessa)
His voice became that of s god's, filled with power and compassion, booming across windrise.
He leans imup to Selene and whispered to her, "do you like the eternal father moniker? I thought it up myself."
"Oh yeah, 10/10, really keeping with the Inazuman background."
Selene took the spear, "uh...thanks?"
"Oh your very welcome. By the way how was that delivery? I've been working on the whole 'I am a powerful being' delivery for a few centuries."
"A bit hard to understand, but overall gets the vibe across. Maybe 8/10? Low seven probably."
"Yeah, I kind of expected that. Wonder how else I could get that effect, you know without the whole can't understand thing."
"Well, I've got teo other immortals to meet. Ones I need to question."
"Ah yes, I'm sure Cael and Barbados have much to answer for to you."
"Yes they do. I don't suppose 'see you around' would be appropriate here?"
"On a sense? It's appropriate. After all I'm your friend now aswell, and I prefer a life without isolation. So...see you round?"
"Sure, see you around."
Admittedly didn't know how to end this. I like it but I'm a tad worried I made it to focused on my character and didn't give Selene enough attention.
Regardless I hope you enjoyed it cloud! I really tried to get Selene right. And sorry it took so long, sleep kept getting messed up, and then covid shot+forgetting to hydrate kicked my ass.
(Tagging: @storytravelled, @golden-wingseos, and @clouds-rambles)
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