"How'd you get all the way out here?"
#multiverse #multimuse #NSFW #SFW #RP
Touchpoint for any and all blogs of mine. Want to explore writing, drawing, and worldbuilding more, and what better way to do that then flush it out with other people!
Been here since 2011
Experienced Writer
Novice Artist
Primarily SFW
Dungeons and Dragons
Magic the Gathering
Monster Hunter
Dark Souls
Original and non original
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wackulart · 1 year
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sobbing and weeping over this rp ask interaction
with @witch-huntergeneral and @phobylee
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dxnse-macabre · 4 months
the urge to make an ala.stor or hu.sker rp blog from h.az.bin ho.tel is very great
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unboundpower · 1 year
I'm going to add to my rules that I most likely won't rp with you if you predominantly use heavy purple prose or extensive descriptors. Like to the point I literally cannot make sense of what your responses are even....saying. Because, if I have to sit down and analyze your writing just to figure out what is even going on (which makes responding myself be unnecessarily difficult), there's ZERO point in continuing to interact with you.
I understand wanting to add some flair and spice to your text, but the saying "less is more" is often times true when it comes to literary writing in particular. I'd rather have a single paragraph or two of something, than multiple paragraphs full of nothing.
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adventureswithdipplin · 5 months
Pelipper mail!
The plushies that were used to bribe you
..thanks.. i guess..
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canisonicscrewyou · 10 months
everyone say sweet dreams andrew
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foxpostingalpha-tba · 4 months
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Yknow. I don’t think you guys have ever seen my true form. I’m just a big ol vixen
Personal/non-rp blogs DO NOT INTERACT
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mellybabbles · 4 months
What's kickin', chicken?
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I've decided to finally make a masterpost for this blog
HIHIHIHI!! You can call me Mel, Jynx or whatever floats your boat! This is an UTMV blog, meaning a lot of sanses will be poppin up 'round these parts. Specifically Dust- Pronouns are he/him, I'm a minor, artist, blah blah all that hooby hobby stuff. I have a big ol fanfic called Dreamscape and a few others on AO3. AO3 Acc is MelatoninDepicts I'm a guy!! I go by he/him, but dw if you get the wrong pronouns I really do not mind. My other blogs are @shattereddreamrp and @melatonindepicts !! DNI: Pedophiles, 18+ Blogs, Homophobes, Racists, Proshippers, all that jazz. If you support Israel and the actions, please DNI and unkindly fuck right off. I'm open to drawing/writing requests! Expect a lot of self insert, x reader, etc. I can't really do many ships, usually only on my own terms. I'm Pansexual and Polyamorous(?), and possibly genderfluid but still working on my sexuality and identity, heh. I'm open to chatting about whatever, just don't be a dick and such! Certified Dust Addict. I will never shut up about him. Literally obsessed with him to an unhealthy degree. Anyways, enjoy your time on my blog! Feel free to pop in an ask or anything. Always happy to talk <3 Tags for navigation: Regularly Scheduled Dust Simping = Dust shit. Drawings, writing, etc my art = well, my art melly's silly talk = Me answering asks and just chatting Melly's silly reblogs = reblogs !! Melly's silly sketches = Doodles/sketches Discord is melatonindepicts, feel free to friend me and chat whenever haehaeh This is my discord inv! For my story, chatting, whatever. We vibe and chill here. Positivity space/negative free!! Oh and RP and other many things https://discord.gg/UnpQvhtQfT
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hi this isn’t necessarily an ask so you don’t really need to answer in or out of character but I feel the need to tell you my feelings
I am aaaa very big Brock fan! He’s been my favorite for a long time and I was pretty bummed out that he didn’t have a lot of fan interpretations. Then came this year with his official design!! I was so SO stoked for him to have actual fanart just for there be.. so little. And honestly seeing this blog come to life and people enjoying him (and hopefully drawing him more) makes my heart feel really full. We don’t know a lot yet but I think your lore and headcanons for him are wonderful and I definitely want to integrate them with my own and you draw him PERFECTLY you capture his energy so well I cannot stress enough how happy I am to see this guy on my feed
tldr this is just a big ol love letter to your rp blog. So sorry if this is overwhelming/uncomfortable but as “Brock’s Number One Fan” (/joke) I feel the need to share this. Continue your whimsy….
;; OOC
I'M SOBBING???????/vvvvvvvpos
Oh my god thank you sosososo much genuinely.... Brock definitely is in dire need of more attention, and this blog is the most fun I've had on tumblr. I'm so happy it brings you joy, thats all I wanted when I made this
This doesn't make me uncomfortable in the slightest, I absolutely ADORE recieveing lovemail, it makes me whole day. I solemnly swear i will keep up the good work and spread my brock Throckmorton propaganda for the MASSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pizzatrocious · 1 month
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So! With the end of this wonderful little event, I do have a bit of a bittersweet announcement.
I'll still be around here and there on a low-effort multimuse I plan to make a while from now... but, save for any light activity you'll still see from me, I plan on retiring from writing.
I'm not retiring for any bad reasons, quite the opposite! But as someone that's been writing on Tumblr for roughly... 14 years? I think I've done most of what I've wanted to do. Every kind of thread you can imagine, every type of character, and every type of genre. For the past few years I've jumped blogs A LOT, but really only because I loved chasing whatever next big thing felt fun to write.
I was here when ask blogs were the standard instead of RP blogs, regardless of whether or not the mun could draw. I remember my first ever Bowser RP blog, iconless and full of crack on a classic Redux theme. I unfortunately remember the Homestuck and Danganronpa craze, and an era where icons were a semi-new novelty that only the 'fancy' blogs used. I remember back when a majority of the Pokemon RPC was a fairly popular crack group that, at its peak, had 300~ active blogs all at once.
I remember the Splatoon Marie roleplayer that chased after me, even when I'd socially isolate myself during the darkest spots of my life, and the Rosalina blog she made later down the line. You might know her now as my wife, Rosie. Funny to think, our more popular duo wound up being Peach and Bowser.
I remember all the different iterations of the Smash RPCs, and all the people that rocked the community with every post. Then there was the Sonic RPC, a place that was almost torn apart by an awful person's hold on the community, only to rise from the ashes! That RPC's pretty quiet nowadays, but those guys may as well be sleeper agents for Sonic content.
Then there's the people I affectionately call 'The Elder Gods'. The ones that, despite being here over a DECADE, they still dedicate themselves to the same characters they always have. They're usually the ones with the ancient-looking blogs that go largely under-the-radar nowadays, but they're the foundation that built these writing communities. You guys mostly just keep to yourselves nowadays, but I see you.
And of course, my good ol' kindred spirits, the people that roleplay the most obscure, hyper-specific characters. Those one-off indie games, obscure shows, characters stuck to a spinoff title or are just dubiously canon, or characters with basically no canon that they've made into their own!
Of course, that's not to forget the people that take the big popular characters, and absolutely ROCK them in a way that makes the character all their own. Gotta toot my own horn, considering one of my old Bowser blogs had a couple thousand followers.
I could go on, and on, and on... but long story short, I've had a great time here.
Part of me never wants to stop, to be honest. But in all this time, I've become a different person. My hobbies have changed, my interests have changed, I'm a completely different person now! But I've also always been a stubborn creature of habit, never wanting to give anything up.
As a result of being anchored to my old habits so long, I'm left a little at a loss for what I want in life. More and more I've felt like a caged animal, just circling around my little enclosure and doing the same things over and over for enrichment. Add to that the usual struggles of adult life being rough and expensive, and you can imagine wanting to spend more of my time on survival is a factor too.
Nobody's gonna know what I really want now, except for me. I need to get out there and do some soul-searching. Find new hobbies, make new friends, experience new things... who knows what I'll be doing a year from now!
That said, I give my genuine, most heartfelt thank you to everyone I've ever crossed paths with in throughout all of the Tumblr RPCs I've been in. Honestly, the only reason I don't list off names is purely because I want to make sure nobody gets left out of my little expression of gratitude. You all know who you are, anyway.
I wish I could've known some of you a little better... but that's just life, isn't it? Sometimes the most impactful people in your lives are the ones you never get to really know. I'm sure I've gotten to be that person for my own fair share of people, with how reclusive I tend to be.
Again, this isn't goodbye. I mean, I'd be a little embarrassed if people thought I was gone forever, only for me to pop up a week or two later. This is a hobby I've always loved, I'll always find my way back to it. I'll always be lurking about, sometimes posting during funny shenanigans. Like I said at the start of this post, I plan on making a private, low-effort multimuse! Mostly I'll just use it to keep tabs on my friends and the writers I really enjoy seeing, but I still have a small list of characters I'd like to play around with a little.
Otherwise though, it's time to leave the nest and try other things.
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Thank you again. This is Vincent, signing off.
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bewitchingbaker · 2 months
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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[long post so under a cut it goes]
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Ummmmm technically all my pairings are OTP's in their own way. Idk the closest is maybe his potential canon partner/wife Delainey and even then I'm still writing and figuring that out.
I think ships with @moonrevolutions @siiinfully (Harper) @dethdvncer @brooklynislandgirl @smolcuriouskitten and @hunting-songs had a big influence on how I write his romantic headcanons honestly.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Nonmonogamous things are cool, platonic things, romantic things. I’m pretty game for most things. noncon and abusive stuff clearly not for me. i work a 9 to 5 i hate, i'm trying to have fun and vibe. Maybe the occasional toxic ship but Chris is a very tired dude and doesn't have time for another toxic ting.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Are you selective when shipping?
Half and half? Like Chris is easy to ship with but by the same token it also makes tough to ship with? Like he's such a nice easy going guy that he can work with alot of people. But at the same time, he's not always going to go for just anyone. I think it depends on the chemistry of the muses and their dynamic with Chris.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Usually when clothes start getting removed and Chris is begging for more of his partner I usally slap on a read more or move it to the ol smut blog.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
-I have a few shippy ships
- familial - @escapedartgeek , @the27percent @everyoneismytoy @smolcuriouskitten (Rocky) @tarnishedhalo
-platonic - @pyrokineticwarrior @weregonnagetyou @temporalobjects (Pinky) @awkwardcourage @gretaphasmatosmartin
-romantic - @brooklynislandgirl @hunting-songs @siiinfully @moonrevolutions (its still in the beginning courting/crush stage) @smolcuriouskitten (Ren) @jelloandbeer @temporalobjects (Eshu) @werspinna (technically FWB/casual but there's that hint of more) @illbringthechaosmagic @ofdemonessence and Chris's potential vampire wife Delainey
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
Not exactly ask but having some form of interaction between our muses would help. Even if it's just a introduction that works or if you reach out, I'm down to clown and figure out their love story.
How often do you like to ship?
Alot more than I thought. I was anxious to ship when I came back cause I did'nt want Chris to fall into any weird shipping things (fetishizing, trying to infantilized my boy, or just weird dynamics) and I haven't written a ship for a while. But now that I'm here, I have a solid list of ships for the young Luna.
Are you multiship?
Yep yep.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less? Idk, I love me a good ship with nice dynamics (friends to lovers, childhood friends with a crush, opposites attract and I love the figuring things out deal I have with a few ships)
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Hit ya boy up if you see a thing. Write with me and Chris to get a little chemistry going and we'll go from there.
Tagged by: stole it from the homie @escapedartgeek
Tagging: steal the ting.
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townofcadence · 1 month
If you’re looking for more cool RP blogs with cool and chill muns, might I recommend @/fatexbound!! They are a lovely mun with multiple muses, they’re toms of fun to write with, and they are a big ole nerd just like me!! Tell them I recommend you to them too ;3
RP Blog Recs
Oooh thank you! They sound like a fun person, I will give them a look!! :3
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theangel-aziraphale · 2 months
This is a little bit embarrassing (which is why I’m making it anonymous 😭), but like it’s been brewin in the ol’ noodle for a while and I wanted to say that your blog genuinely brings me a lot of comfort 😭 I’ve gone through a lot this year (/neg), but idk. I’m a Crowley fictive (in an OSDD system), and like when I’m not feelin too great I like to look at your posts
Also sorry I’m like really nervous about writing this because I know it’s embarrassing and could be perceived as cringey or weird 😭 But uhh yeah 👍
// You're so sweet, anon - that's not weird at all! I really appreciate that I can bring you so much comfort! I went on a tangent below, but thank you for coming forward and saying this! 🩵 🩵 🩵
In honesty, Aziraphale's personality is a big part of who I wanted to be when I first found out about him in 2019. So there really is a concerted effort on my part, to be in tune with him as a person as well as through rp.
That I can bring you some peace after a difficult year makes me really happy, and means I'm doing something right here. I hope this next year is better for you 🩵 Aziraphale would say the same.
Also, let's be honest here, I'm an AuDHD person kinning Aziraphale and putting my own headcannons and things on him while still trying to stay true to the source material. Cringe is dead here, + being cringe in this way is a good thing. We're having fun and expressing ourselves and I think it's very good for the brain! //
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apocryphall · 3 months
So. I've said this before but this blog has a BIG roster. And it'll only continue to grow. I've realized I can treat this acc as one where I can add new characters and either 1) try them out or 2) let people pick them out to rp with if they want. Otherwise, they'll just sit in the toybox until they get taken out.
With that being said...anybody remember my Lunala OC? First created her in 2016 (I think lanilunne was one of the earliest URLs), and she's gone through many blog moves & some revamps since. I'm thinking about adding her here and giving her another whirl in the good ol pokeverse.
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" Ugh.. Here goes it. "
The child sighs, and shakes her head in exasperation.
" hm.. Monaca has been absent, hasn't sheee~? Well Monaca's back, nya! Eheh, did it made you happy? Little ol' Monaca is back to talk! "
Monaca giggles, her big doe eyes staring back at you, like she's staring through your soul.
[Sorry for the big absence, Mod is back to rp again. Any interactions are welcomed! Mod isn't sure on how many RP blogs are still active, but they did manage to see one heh.]
@human-monokuma & anyone available! <3
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the-haunted-office · 11 months
Send “rare” for a starter where my muse eats raw meat.
Thursday doesn't necessarily count herself as a vegetarian, but she does prefer plant based foods as opposed to meat. Occasionally she will find herself eating a burger or a piece of fried chicken or a wedge of fish, but for the most part it's non-meat items that she regularly dines on.
Lately, though, she's been heavily craving meat - in particular, steak. Rare steak. She wants the taste of it for some reason. In reality it's her body craving iron, she just hasn't figured that part out yet.
Pretty soon she's found herself pretty much tearing into a piece of bloody filet mignon like some kind of feral wild animal. She doesn't even bother cutting the steak into smaller pieces first, the meat is so soft and tender and juicy.
It's at this moment that Katsuko shows up, gaining Thursday's attention. She smiles around the chunk of bloody meat.
"Hey, Katsuko!" she says, waving over at her. "Don't mind me! Just eatin' a big ol' piece of meat! Ehehe."
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