#bill hader is almost too good
cevans-is-classic · 1 year
"Your hair is getting longer." You ran your hands through the locks, little slivers of gray catching the light.
His finger traced the line of your kneecap, dragging over a scar you're not sure you know the story of.
Maybe a childhood thing? Fell off the monkey bars or scrap it on a tree, maybe. Did you climb trees as a kid?
Seb hummed, moving his head to look up at you, "Yeah, growing it out for Bucky."
That makes sense.
Bucky had good hair. Oily hair.
You contemplate your next words but decide to land at, "That's hot."
He snorts, rolling back over to bury his face in your thigh and ignoring the cackle you let out.
It'd be raining all day for the last three days and the air outside had a humid heat that made it difficult to breathe. The two of you decided to stay inside — lounge around half the day and get some work done the rest.
That lasted for about one day before Seb declared feeling restless and needed to move. He went to the kitchen, paused, looked up the stairs, went back into the kitchen then out, and decided on working out for a few hours.
You'd brought your laptop into the spare room to body double and realized that instead of editing any photos, you spent hours watching him — sweat.
Maybe more than sweat, the man was a walking Romanian God (despite what he says. It doesn't matter.) Ogling him turned into fondling him which turned into being fucked against the wall of the gym wondering if you could spend your days tasting his skin.
Who could blame you — it's Sebastian.
Which meant for the last three days any work you were supposed to get done got pushed to the back burner for the opportunity to glue your eyes to Sebastian or the TV — with him splayed across your lap.
It wasn't a bad thing, except for your photographer who trusted you.
You still had Sebastian wrapped around you with sleepy eyes and a warm smile.
Your photographer would understand.
They like Seb.
He stretched, "You want to watch another movie?" Seb kissed your thigh, sending a zing of adrenaline through your body.
"Sure what are you thinking?"
"Something light-hearted." Kiss, "Maybe a comedy," another kiss, "You're obsessed with that Pedro guy, how about one of his movies." A nip of teeth, and you gasped.
"Or," He kissed your thigh, moving slowly, his hand following the path as he turned onto his stomach and slid off the couch, "We could have an early lunch."
You gasp when he nuzzles you, his nose pressing in, the thin material of your shorts warming as he breathes against you.
"I was thinking we could watch a buddy comedy-" Seb trailed his fingers up your legs to the waist of your shorts and gave a little tug until you lifted your hips and helped him pull them down.
He left your underwear where it was but pulled you closer to him.
"Which one?"
His fingers traced you, stroking up and down, dipping in enough to make you squirm, then back out, "Baby."
"Ah-" He moved them to the side and slowly slipped his fingers inside, spreading them, curling them, starting a slow stroke.
"What are you thinking?"
You hiss a moan in response.
"Baby, I need you to use your words."
"I — shit — uh — Superbad." Bill Hader's glasses popped into your head, which distracted you from him, slipping two more fingers in, and Seb huffed when you yelped in surprise.
"I could be down with that." He pressed the hell of his hand against you, "What about that Seth Rogen movie, uh, oh, Sausage Party?"
You gasped, jerked, almost hitting him with your knee, "Too crude. It's a slow day — the movie doesn't fit the vibe."
He hummed again.
Both of you focused on his fingers, the prodding curl, how he spread them out and made a hissing noise when it squelched.
"Damn, baby. Talking movies riles you up-"
"Now and then-" you gasp. Your thighs were shaking, quivering, that tell-tale pressure building behind your belly button and up your thighs.
"The movie or your reaction?' His thumb pressed down on your clit and your skin felt electric.
"The movie. Instead of come-oh-comedy we do feel good."
"Yeah," Your breathing picked up more, "You want to feel good?"
"Yes." Pant.
"Want both of us to feel good?"
Pant, twitch, "Yes."
"What about-"
Your hand reached out, grabbed his wrist, back arching off the couch as you came. Seb's fingers deep inside you and his breath against your neck as he tugs you forward, then down for a kiss.
"What about Captain Fantastic?"
You laughed.
He kept going.
"I said lunch, didn't I?"
Hey, wonderful Anon — is this along the lines you were looking for 😃😄
Sebastian Stan
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Started watching the new Barry episode yesterday night.
Blacked out for 20 Minutes thinking about Eddie's reaction to that last shot of Bill Hader-...
Bon appetite!
Alright, so maybe Bev feels a little bit bad for laughing as hard as she does.
Really, normally she is good at being sensible if Eddie asks that of her and it shouldn’t be this goddamn funny. On any other day but today really, in any other situation, Bev would just shut it and talk Eddie through it. But not today.
Because as of 10 Minutes ago she watched Eddie lose his mind over 4 seconds of screentime for Richie’s shoulders on TV.
And the thing is she gets it. Richie does have nice shoulders and it’s not like Bev can’t appreciate a nice back in general, especially in a nice suit, but this thing between Eddie and Richie, ever since their return to Derry over a year ago, also has been going on for way too long at this point.
Richie and him keep dancing around each other and because they aren’t able to talk to each other about their feelings like adults, Bev now has Eddie face first lying on her couch.
Because of a pair of shoulders.
There’s no way she won’t tell Stan about this immediately.
“Hey Eddie, say cheese.”
Eddie flips Bev the bird but doesn’t move any further from his face down position on the couch, while mumbling something into the pillow that Bev doesn’t even try to understand as she’s taking the picture. She knows what he’s trying to say, anyway.
“You could just talk to him you know, get to see that nice back up close.”
Just as Bev opens her messenger, Eddie makes her jump back with a yelp by kicking after her with his socked foot.
“Hey! I’m just trying to help.”
Before Eddie can trip her up any further, Bev sends the picture to Stan with a quick caption about how Eddie had to lay down after the new episode, before sitting down on the floor besides Eddie’s head. She starts poking his cheek but doesn’t get any other reaction besides a frustrated groan.
Bev doesn’t hide her laugh at that either “Well, at least you’ve got good taste. Besides Ben, Richie's got the nicest shoulders out of all of you."
Another muffled groan into the pillow “God, they’re so nice!”
The urge to tease Eddie some more almost wins out when her phone starts vibrating with a message from Stan.
Is he ok?
Bev huffs out another laugh at the question, quickly typing in her response
Oh yeah. The 'sexy shoulder shot' (Eddie's words, not mine) at the end just took him out.
A moment later another pair of dots appears on the screen and it takes Bev exactly two seconds to realize how majorly she just screwed up, announcing herself with a startled shriek at her phone which finally gets Eddie to look up with wide eyes.
“What? What happened?!”
“Eddie, I’m so sorry! I thought I was talking to Stan but I accidentally opened the group chat-“
Eddie hurriedly pulls the phone from her hands and throws it back with his own yelp a few seconds later after getting a look at Richie's message at the bottom
Uh sorry but Eddie called it what-
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adultswim2021 · 4 months
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Freaknik: The Musical | March 7, 2010 - 11:30PM | Special
Whither That Crook’d ‘Sipp? 
Freaknik: the Musical! A special that I’m ill-equipped to truly go deep on because 1) I am a cracker-ass and 2) I live in a hell of my own making and sometimes it's far too difficult to tune out. Oh well! I’ll give it a shot, yuh know? See what happens! Also: I pledge to not google anything about this, so I will be speaking from my threadbare knowledge of the subject at hand.
Freaknik is based on a real-life recurring block party, or outdoor music fest, or something like that, held, uh, probably annually in, I’m guessing, Atlanta, Georgia. It probably has rap stuff going on and people probably have a lotta fun listening to live music and attempting to find sex partners among it's many attendees. I have gleaned this from the special itself, as well as the fact that when you search for this to see if it’s playing on any streaming services you’ll instead find a documentary called “Freaknik: a big party that happens” or something like that. 
This special follows a likable rap group who are down on their luck. They intend to travel to the big event so they can compete in some battle of the bands type thing. The party is happening because Freaknik, a ghostly personification of the party itself, has sprung back to life. I forget how. He’s a black ghost with money signs all over himself and hes real charismatic. He embodies good times, blackness, and above all, love. We see him going on a publicity tour, while a council of hater-ass black establishment figures (including mostly unidentified-but recognizable figures like Oprah, Jesse Jackson, Bill Cosby, and Al Sharpton) all scheme to stop Freaknik once and for all. 
The rap group have little adventures along the way, such as a memorable stop at a white frat. They tangle with a rival rap group, who look just like them. They meet a car full ‘o bitches and a brand new bong. One of the "bitches" is a character from That Crook’d ‘Sipp, but with a different name. There is almost no continuity between the two specials, just reused assets. That’s probably a best case scenario for That Crook’d ‘Sipp, which is maybe one of my least favorite things I’ve ever watched on Adult Swim. This is far from the worst thing. In fact, it’s fairly solid. 
That Crook’d ‘Sipp felt like it was speaking an alien language, and was borderline incomprehensible. This doesn’t feel that way. But, and I mean this in a non-insulting way, this show doesn’t feel like it’s for me. It’s a flavor I have a bit of a shallow distaste for. This is ultimately a good thing! I like when shows get on the air that are very specific and meant to appeal to a certain segment of the population.
I could quibble with the humor here and there, but I don’t think this special was designed with specifically pleasing me in mind. So why don’t I focus on the positive, instead? In fact, why doesn't everyone do this when faced with stuff that's not specifically for them? Okay , here I go: the characters are colorful! A lot of the drawings are great, funny, and cartoony! Even when it felt like it was about to veer into broad, stereotypical humor, it still pleasantly surprised me by aiming higher! It wasn’t boring, and a lot of the songs were pretty goddamn great! 
I actively enjoyed three moments in particular. One was the bit where Tyra Banks goes undercover as a corpse. This was a parody of the time she went undercover as an obese person utilizing a fat suit. (whoops, I googled this, just because I thought maybe I was confusing her with the episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air where Will did that. Wait, wasn’t she on that show? Aw, geez!)
Moment two: the frat bros, who have their party shut down by the cops (you’ll hear famous white people Andy Sandburg and Bill Hader in this scene). When the cops leave, they lament being targeted by them, but then one says “I kinda like cops though, because they found the guy that killed my mom.” This right here is my favorite line in the show. 
The other part I liked, which I recalled from watching this way back when, was the scene where Al Sharpton is watching the news report that he died in his home after being struck by lightning. He looks around quizzically and then it happens. A lotta really fun cartoon gags like that are in this! I respect it!
Not my favorite thing to air on Adult Swim; not by a long shot. But the more I think about this show, especially its final act, the more I think that this special is pretty undervalued and underseen, and that’s a real shame. I honestly think that Adult Swim really should try to bring this back at some capacity. Maybe repeat it with a special promotion? Maybe a sequel? Maybe there’s a reason for it's absence that has nothing to do with Adult Swim or their parent company. But I think if they pushed this back out into the world and tried to get more eyes on it, only good things would come. 
From KON:
The funniest thing I ever said in my life was about Freaknik: The Musical. The special aired on the same night as the Oscars that year, the year that The Hurt Locker FAMOUSLY upset Avatar and won best picture. When the winner was announced, at one point they cut to James Cameron looking pissed. I said, "he's mad because he's missing Freaknik." Thank you, thank you
BIG LOL. I really do hope that he DVR’d it. And that he didn’t get it on DVD, because the DVD looks like shit. I hope he DVR'd it, or had a 1080p webrip from cartoonchaos on his seedbox.
THANK you for your neon knome review. As one of five people on planet earth who actually likes the problem solverz I'm glad to see another fan out there. Granted, PS was nowhere near as good as Neon Knome (even one of Ben Jones' own friends said it was 'too shouty'), but it's definitely not like, "Consistently and infamously ranked the worst cartoon of all time among a large amount of people" bad. Most of the hate seems to be from people who hate the brash art style and think the colors hurt their eyes, and from people who think that Alfe is annoying. I'll give them the latter, but like you said the style is very deliberate and I like how... 'visceral', it is, for lack of a better word. I unironically feel it was just too ahead of it's time and aired on the wrong network. This was when tumblr normies were geeking out over Adventure time, so something like this freaked them the F out and it stuck cause of word of mouth. Kinda like how Freddy Got Fingered was called 'the worst movie of all time' until pretty recently. I think if Neon Knome came out 15 years later, on [AS] in it's original form, people would love it. Cruelty Squad has like 10,000 positive reviews on Steam and it's just as visually abrasive/experimental as this is.
Thanks! Hopefully Criterion Channel will add Problem Solverz to it’s line-up so we can properly reassess it’s place in the culture at large. It does feel like if it got deleted by Zaslav that nobody in the world (except you and me, I guess) would stick up for it. People all snarkily saying “at least he got this one right”. The snark would be off the charts. The snark charts.
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pynkhues · 1 year
Hey!! Not sure if you watch variety mash ups. The actors on actors. I think the pairings are really good and sometimes really uh interesting lol Was wondering if you have a pairing that you would really like to see ?
Hey! Yeah! I love all of the round tables and the actors on actors sessions, although I haven't watched many of them yet this year (just been a very busy few weeks!). I've been particularly looking forward to watching Kieran Culkin's one with Claire Danes, espcially because I think Kieran actually interviews other people so well - his Actors on Actors with Dan Levy a couple of years ago shows that really demonstrates that.
There are so many Actors on Actors interviews I'd love to see, but I have Succession on the brain still and given these sorts of interviews are usually in the lead up to the Emmys, I'm going to do the main Succession actors and the current Emmy contenders I'd love to see them do one with:
Alan Ruck and Henry Winkler (Barry). Two actors who broke big as iconic 80s characters (Cameron Frye and The Fonz!) who made their careers in sitcoms only to get these new career defining roles in their 60s and 70s? Love it for them and for us and I feel like they'd be a lot of fun to watch.
Jeremy Strong and Rhea Seehorn (Better Call Saul). I couldn't tell you specifically why with these two, but I do think they've had some similarities career wise where they've been jobbing actors for such a long time and are both experiencing unmatched recognition and success in their 40s. I also think they're both really thoughtful actors who have real insight both into the interiority of their characters and the themes of their respective stories, and I just thinking getting to hear them talk would be neat.
Sarah Snook and Melanie Lynsky (Yellowjackets). I almost put Sarah with Rhea, but it feels almost too obvious, haha. Yellowjackets is a really different show to Succession, but I think there's this really interesting territory between the shows in terms of female rage, repression and survival that would be super ripe for discussion. Plus Sarah and Melanie both being antipodean - - it just feels right to me.
Kieran Culkin and Bill Hader (Barry). The comedy vs drama balance! The cycles of violence and trauma and the different outlets their characters have for that! Another opportunity for comical height difference! The convo would be great, I can feel it.
Matthew MacFadyen and Hannah Waddingham (Ted Lasso). This would be the most British Actors on Actors imaginable, haha, but they're another one who have interesting parallels personally and professionally, particularly being the children of performers (Matthew's mother was an actress and Hannah's an opera singer), and to talk about that along with the English theatre scene, which they're both very familiar with too, would be interesting, I think.
J Smith Cameron and Sheryl Lee Ralph (Abbott Elementary). I mean, who wouldn't want this one? Their respective backgrounds in theatre, their roles in formative 90s cinema (The First Wives Club! SIster Act 2!), both of them having paid their dues in a zillion one or two ep arcs on every imaginable procedural. I just love that.
Brian Cox and Harriet Walter (Succession / Ted Lasso). I mean, obviously, right?? We were robbed of more scenes with the two of them on the show, but the fact they've been acting with each other on stage since at least the 1980s is magic. Tell me everything, and also every headcanon you dreamt up about Logan and Caroline's relationship.
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doublelp · 5 months
I've been watching a lot of tv shows lately so here's my assessment of each:
Young Rock - fucking sucks lol. Watched it mostly for the wrestling lore but Dwayne does some revisionism with how his dad got let go from the fed. The show leans a little too heavy into "look at how cool and great The Rock is" that it doesn't come across as a joke.
Abbott Elementary - probably the best iteration of the Office-style mockumentary shows. More feel-good than funny but still pretty funny. Also gets a bonus point for having a free pass at making fun of how bad public schools are with getting funding. Need to get around to season 3 at some point.
Succession - goddamn roller coaster. Almost Shakespearean at times. I think everyone's a bit burned out on the "rich people bad" premise but this is probably the best one to execute it. Would not be nearly as good if not for Greg.
Barry - absurdly funny until season 4 when it goes completely off the wall. Only Bill Hader could make this work nearly as well as it did, but the more I watched it the more I wanted to see NoHo Hank doing dumb shit. Love NoHo Hank.
Workaholics - only got up to season 2 before stopping. Extremely dated both in humor and style. Some funny bits and pieces but the sort of bro-comedy that this show has going for it doesn't work for me.
Girls - every character sucks and I have to remind myself that this is likely on purpose. Well-written from the perspective an outsider looking in on the lives of Entitled Millennial White Women living in New York City but not something I can see myself returning to.
Severance - god this shit is so tight. One of the best shows i've watched in recent memory. The suspense, the concept, the aesthetic choices, everything really comes together with this show. I need season 2 so goddamn bad.
The Boys - interesting inversion on the capeshit genre but doesn't do anything terribly interesting beyond "what if superheroes were pieces of shit?". They take a lot of liberties with their R rating though, i thought that was kind of neat.
Smiling Friends - heehoo :)
Now I'm watching Gravity Falls because I remember watching the first few episodes when I was younger and really enjoying them. Still holds up so far. I'm open to other show suggestions, I just like watching shit at work.
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Deep breaths
This is the third Monday in a row where I have been all out of sorts, and I'm starting to take this personally, Monday.
But let's focus on today's issue first, kay?
I'm going to try and talk myself down and hopefully calm down a bit and change my outlook (fingers crossed for that one especially) too in the process. I once saw a gifset of an interview Bill Hader did where he talked about his anxiety and how he started almost sort of asking it questions to find out what he was anxious about and what he could do about it, so I'm gonna try some form of that here and we'll see what happens.
"Hi there. Okay, so you're not feeling top notch and you want to figure out why. All right, let's do this.
You're nervous and/or anxious about several things. Sounds about right, but let's break them down and see if we can make it a more manageable load, okay?
You're worried about your test tomorrow. That's fair, but is there a reason in particular? Okay, I see, you've put a lot of emphasis and pressure on this test because doing decently on it means you don't have to take the final... and you haven't studied the same as you did for the first one... or really at all. Hmmm. All right, well let's take this one bit at a time. It's understandable that you'd want to do just as well on this exam so you don't have to take the final, that absolutely makes sense. However, is it worth the additional stress you've been assigning yourself? You are not defined by how you do on one test. It will be okay, and even if you have to take the final, it's not the end of the world. About the studying thing, you're gonna go and work through the review that was posted and read through the notes for the more abstract parts, and maybe write down a list of steps for each kind of problem rather than going through a hundred examples for each, since a lot of the work is the same but applied to different circumstances.
Let's take a couple of deep breaths here and visualize this plan of attack in action.
Okay, good. Moving on.
You're worried about another test, lots of tests here, wow. But this one isn't until next week... on a Monday, that's probably feeling a bit like an omen but we're not gonna focus on that because it's not helpful. What exactly about this test are you worried about? Okay, so a lot of pressure about this one as well, need to do fairly well to keep a passing grade without having everything ride on the final, that's definitely stressful, and you're worried about your schedule making it difficult to study for and/or even get to the test on time. Well, that is a lot, let's divide and conquer. So since it is a week away, you definitely have time to start studying and feel better about the test, so how about you put that particular worry on a shelf and we'll see if you even need it later, okay? I know this isn't your favorite class, but the second test was way better than the first one, so maybe you'll be right in the swing of things for this one as well. As for the scheduling thing, there's nothing you can do about that until the schedule drops, so let that one go for now. Stressing over it will do absolutely nothing in either direction, so don't waste your time or energy. And what if you still don't do great on the exam? Once again, you are not defined by how you do on one test. If you have to take the course again (totally doing worst case scenario here, don't freak out), you would absolutely not be the first one to do that. The world would not end, and everything would be okay, I promise. But let's get through this part first before worrying about that.
Let's do another couple of deep breaths here and try and feel the weight of some of these pressures shrinking or melting away.
Feel better, even if it's just a little bit?
Okay, good. So take a few minutes and then get started on your study plan for your first test. You already know how to handle some of the stuff being tested, and you know of at least one topic that will for sure be on the exam, so you've got that going for you. Stressing hard isn't going to help you retain information any better, so keep moving forward and it'll all be okay in the end.
You can do this. Even if it doesn't go exactly as planned, you can do this and by noon tomorrow, you'll be free from at least half of this stress and you'll feel so much better regardless. You can do this.
You can do this."
Well, I think it helped a little. Now to actually put it in motion. We'll see how it goes...
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leguin · 5 years
sugarbabytheo replied to your post: just like…the way the second season of barry makes...
I think the scene with Barry’s first kill is Soo damning. bill somehow makes Barry look like a child and he has clear mental issues and they’re all praising him like he won a ball game for murdering three people. And meanwhile the class assumes that Barry hysterically cries while his teammates hold him. It’s utterly brutal
oh absolutely. the cuts between what actually happened and the acting class's assumption of what happened - which is based entirely on popular american military narratives - is extremely well done. and i think season 2 does a great job in general of showing barry's trajectory from relative innocent to cold-blooded killer as something that is something that is both done to him and he does. like...on the one hand, he's being groomed by fuches, pushed in that direction by his fellow soldiers, and encouraged at every turn by people who want to take advantage of his ability to be violent. and on the other hand, he's always the one pulling the trigger. he learns violence, and he learns to be afraid of consequences, and the combination of those things in his hands is as tragic and destructive as it always is.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Prompt number: 18 “you don’t see it?”
Fandom: Saturday night live? Pete Davidson?
Paring: Pete Davidson x reader 
Rating: T
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: An asshole cheater. Mentions of Ariana Grande (yes that’s a warning- don’t come for me). Swearing. Mentions of slight sexting- just mentions boobs nothing graphic. Mentions rehab. Slightly angsty ends fluffy.
A/N: So I broke my one rule and wrote for an actual person. Pete Davidson is precious and doesn’t deserve the hate he gets. I was also almost hella basic because I was so close to titling this the king of Staten Island. Anywho, the cheating scum part of this story happened to me and I immediately thought Pete would never do this to me- so I wrote this lmao. I think my love for the Knicks seeped into this story a bit. 
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You had been talking to a guy for close to three months now. You thought he was charming, and sweet, and he was built like a god! You’re friends were a little weary, none more than Pete, when you admitted you hadn’t met up with the man yet. Their faces would go from being happy for you to pitting you instantly. But you knew you weren’t being catfished, you video called with Henry multiple times a week. While Henry wasn’t your first choice, he never would be, you were starting to see a future with him. 
But that vision went to shit with one simple text. You had gotten a new bra, maroon and lacy, and boy did it make the girls look good! Feeling a little flirty in your new bra, you texted a picture to Henry to be a little tease while he was at work. Almost instantly you got a text back, and it read; ‘shit baby, you’re tits are way better than my girlfriends!’ with multiple heart eye and drooling emojis to follow. 
You had never felt more embarrassed in your life! And that’s saying something considering Pete makes jokes about you on SNL and in his standup routines, all approved by you beforehand of course. You had met Pete years ago, while he was scrawnier than he is now, had a lot less tattoos, and right when he was just starting SNL. You had bumped into him on the sidewalk while trying to catch a cab in the pouring rain, you expected to be yelled at with a thick New York accent for what felt like the millionth time that day, but it never came. Instead Pete hailed the cab for you but not before exchanging numbers and promising to show you around since you had just moved to the city for college. 
After showing you around the next day, you were surprised when he continued to text you for the next month. To pay him back for his generosity you took him to see a Knicks game, lucky for you your dormmate had a fight with her boyfriend so she sold the tickets to you for dirt cheap. The seats weren’t great, all the way up in the nosebleed section, but you were in Madison Square Garden watching the Knicks! Pete was pleasantly surprised by you when you could name the players and you actually knew how the game was played, unlike girls he had dated. Of course before you left the arena you had to splurge and got yourself a Carmelo Anthony jersey! 
Many years and Knicks games later you’re still friends with Pete. You’d call him your best friend, but you know Colson is his even if he claims it’s you when you’ve asked in the past. You’d be by Pete’s side every time he admitted himself into rehab- making sure you were there to pick him up when he got out. You had been there to pick up the pieces after Ariana- hell you were picking them up when they were still together. You were beside him every time he got bullied off his social media by stupid haters or little Ariana stans after they broke up. He made sure to be at your graduation, and he was there to rant to when you had a bad day at work. Pete was there to hold your hand when you got your first tattoo, which he wanted to pick out for you but you refused. Pete was there to pick up your pieces when a guy hurt you, like right now. 
You’re in his basement, curled into his right side, his right arm slung securely over your shoulder, his fingertips making soothing trails up and down your arm. You had convinced him to watch an old episode of SNL- before he was on it, but new enough that Kate McKinnon and Bill Hader were on it together. You snuggle further into his warm side and let out a content sigh. 
“You were too good for him, (Y/N/N),” Pete finally brings up the elephant in the room. You had hoped that watching an episode of SNL would put the ‘you deserve better than him, he’s just scum,’ talk Pete gives you every time you go through a break up.
“If I was too good for him, then I’d still be with him,” you murmur a line from the movie clueless into his baby pink sweatshirt covered chest. 
“None of these guys deserved you, (Y/N/N),” Pete says sternly, you roll your eyes not in the mood for him to tell you how amazing you are but not make a move on you, yet again.
“Pete, stop,” you pull away from his chest, his arm falling off you as you scoot to the front of the cushion. “I really don’t want to have this conversation again, no matter how many times you tell me I still won’t believe you. I should get going, don’t want to miss the last ferry back to the city.”
“(Y/N), please, wait,” Pete’s skinny fingers wrap around your wrist as you stand and go to walk towards the door. “We just ordered pizza, just stay the night.”
“I can’t Pete,” you whisper, staring down at your sock covered feet, you had gotten Pete to take better care of his hardwood floors by convincing him to have a no shoe policy. “Give some pizza to your mom and your sister.”
“You’re off tomorrow, you originally planned on staying,” if you didn’t know any better you’d say his voice was laced with hurt and disappointment. “Why won’t you stay now?”
“I can’t keep doing this Pete,” loud laughing coming from the studio audience on the now forgotten episode of SNL only seems to be mocking you and your feelings. “Every time you tell me how amazing I am and you don’t- it’s just hard to believe when no one seems to agree with the sentiment.” 
“You don’t see it?” his voice is soft, he stands from his seat, getting momentarily stuck in the blanket that was draped over your laps. “You really don’t see it,” this time it’s not a question, it’s a statement. 
“See what Pete?” he lets go of your wrist to spin you around to face him. 
“That I’m in love with you,” his eyes shine in sincerity, but they aren’t what you’re focusing on. “That I have been since that first Knicks game!”
“You don’t love me,” your voice shakes as you stare at the heart that was once Ariana’s bunny ears peaking out above his left ear. You reach up and gently trace your finger over the heart. “You’ve dated models, and movie stars. You were engaged to Ariana, even after you knew she didn’t want us to be friends. Because she didn’t trust me. You didn’t love me Pete, you chose her, and yet I was still there to pick up the pieces after you ignored me for months, because I love you. Because I didn’t care how much I was hurting, I knew I had to be there to make you feel better, to be able to see your smile again.”
“I was settling for Ariana!” he grabs your cheeks so you can’t look away. “I thought I could get her to warm up to you, I’ve never wanted you out of my life (Y/N)! You were with Eric at the time, it hurt like hell to see you that happy with someone that wasn’t me! So I proposed to Ariana because Eric bragged that he had a ring for you! But then you guys broke up and I couldn’t just break up with her right after I proposed.”
“Eric did propose, I said no and broke it off,” you smile sadly. “He, like Ariana, didn’t want us to spend time together, so I dumped him. All of the guys eventually realize they’re second to you, so they either break up with me or ask me not to see you anymore. And I was selfish every single time, I hurt them so I could be happy with you in my life.” 
“Fine, you want the truth?” Pete asks, and you nod. “It wasn’t the Knicks game. I knew I wanted to date you that night. But the first time I knew I loved you was when you came with my mom to pick me up from rehab the first time after we were. You didn’t run far away from me, you still wanted to be around me and you put up with my shit. Everyone leaves when I go to rehab, they think I’m too much to handle.”
“Well I don’t! I never have Pete!” you’re crying by now. 
“I know! Fuck, you’re too damn perfect for me (Y/N). I convinced myself for so long you were too good for me, that you couldn’t love me,” you don’t know how to verbally respond, so you do the first thing that comes to your mind. 
You grab the back of Pete’s neck and pull him into a kiss, it’s all teeth and tongue. The passion sends jolts of electricity through your body, a wave of giddiness rolls over you as you realize that this is really happening. You’re really kissing Pete, he really loves you too. As the kiss continues it becomes slower and more gentle, both of you want this feeling to last as long as it can. When you finally pull back, lungs burning and desperately in need of air, the feeling of his lips linger on yours. 
“I do love you, (Y/N/N). There’s never really been anyone else,” he caresses your cheek and gently brushes his lips on your forehead. 
“I love you too Pete,” you lean in for a peck, which he quickly deepens. You pull away giggling, “so much.”
Permeant tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
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broadwayandnetflix · 4 years
Slow Down - Bill Hader x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: Fluff + 1/4 of Angst
Summary:  Hi I’ve literally been binging all of your fics and I didn’t know if you were still taking requests, but I was wondering if I could request an imagine with Bill Hader where the reader is sick and passes out at SNL and Bill helps them and takes them home
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Ahh thank you so much for your patience @bduchrnskei​ I really hope you enjoy this fic and it met your prompt expectations. I absolutely loved writing this one amongst all of my evil schoolwork, but what can you do? 
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Living in a small-sized New York City apartment was not all that it’s cracked up to be. Whether it’s the heavy traffic and clutter of construction that never halts or the extreme temperatures during any season.
In this case, in particular, winter.
Or, more specifically, in this case, your heater broke, and it had become like an iceberg within your apartment space. As stated by your landlord, the repairmen were supposed to come on Saturday night, and as of right now, it was Thursday.
So bundling up had to do, in a way, you kind of missed the heater’s incessant rattling, as it had become a sort of a white noise these last few months.
You hadn’t been in New York City for very long, a little under a year, maybe? It wasn’t like you to pack up and move randomly to the Big Apple, but after clearing a spot as a new cast member with Saturday Night Live. It was most certainly a must.
Ever since you were little, you’d always had a knack for making others laugh or just getting to see someone smile. Saturday Night Live became your goal, and to secure it was like winning a million dollars. Even if it meant having to endure New York’s extreme seasonal changes.
This week was no different in the typical workflow; you were technically a new cast member. So the number of sketches you had been in was significantly limited. Still, you loved it nonetheless, with the lack of skits that you had been in lately allowed you to get to know your cast members more.
Specifically, your other recurring cast members like Nasim Pedrad and Jenny Slate, the three of you would often meet up for coffee on Sundays. Taking the time to decompress and discuss your favorite sketches of the week. It was nice to have a group of people you could relate to and find solace in, especially when the weeks became stressful or exhausting.
And oh boy, did your week’s become exhausting, especially on Saturdays. You shuddered at the thought of dress rehearsal as it stretched late into the night; losing sleep was worth the excitement.
You looked at the clock, it was nearing close to four in the morning, and you still had been awake at this point. Maybe it was the cold or the thousands of thoughts swirling through your mind, much like the snow accumulating outside.
Work was gonna be a bitch tomorrow.
You sneezed at the thought, sighed, and made sure to set your alarm before letting sleep take over.
You awoke with a headache and a blaring alarm that was erupting from your phone. Groaning, you shut the phone off and tried to ignore the incessant pain protruding from your forehead.
Swallowing some painkillers, you got dressed, grabbed your keys, and headed to work. Totally not picking up a coffee and a breakfast sandwich on the way.
“Why good morning Y/N!” Jenny chirped as you walked into the room, still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“You sound oddly chipper, what happened?” you said as you put down your stuff, eyeing her curiously.
“She got some sleep, that’s what happened.” Nasim replied, nursing a cup of coffee in her hands, giving you a sleepy smile.
“Lucky duck,” you murmured, instinctively reaching for your coffee as well. It coated your throat nicely, you sighed in content.
Jenny only smirked before starting up another conversation with Nasim; you let your eyes wander across the room. Everyone in motion, working hard to make sure shit got done. That’s the thing about working at 30 Rock; no one ever really stopped moving.
One thing that you still had not gotten used to was Monday’s. The grueling and exhausting twenty-four hour stretch period of planning and concocting up sketches. It was a scary feeling, as if you could ever compare to everyone else.
Every now and then, a pitch you threw into the ball pit would get picked, the tiny butterflies in your stomach reminding you why you did what you did.
Your eyes landed on a particular figure as he strolled into the room. His hair beautifully tousled, eyes half-open, and shirt resting ever so comfortably upon his chest. You diverted your eyes quickly, only to feel yourself begin to sneeze.
Fuck, for the love of all that’s holy, please do not sneeze in front of Hader.... too late.
He looked up, meeting your widened eyes, and gave you a soft smile. It lingered for a bit until Andy swept up from behind and hugged him along by the arm. For a second, you could’ve sworn he was gonna look back, but Andy had appeared to say something.
“Bless you!” Nasim and Jenny said in unison.
You mouthed thanks and leaned back against the wall, replaying the scene over and over again.
“Thinking about Hader again?” Jenny asked, following your line of sight, as she nudged you in the side playfully.
“Jenny! Not too loud, he might hear you.” you frantically whispered, a stern look aglow in your eyes.
“Oh honey, it’s so obvious.” Nasim chimed in, Jenny nodding eagerly in response.
“Plus he’s too far away, you’re more than safe Y/N, I think it’s cute that you like him. All the more reason to make fun of you.” Jenny says quickly before she is shoved by Nasim.
“I’m joking! I’m joking! Okay maybe not fully joking.” Jenny yelps, giving you a wicked grin.
You groaned, rubbing your hands over your eyes in embarrassment. It was so bad, crushing on cast members, but man, was he handsome. Although you had denied it, a lot of your favorite sketches from the past weeks always seemed to involve Hader.
It was not like it was gonna go anywhere; you two barely spoke, and plus you’d probably be a mess if you did. Every now and then, though, you’d often find Hader sitting beside you at table reads. His laugh is always so goddamn infectious, and Jenny and Nasim eyeing you playfully like schoolgirls.
God, you were a mess, and it seemed like everyone knew it. Maybe even Hader knew; let’s hope he doesn’t.
“You know Y/N, I’ve never seen Hader as shy as he is when he’s around you. I mean the man literally sniffed my hair yesterday,” you quirk a brow, “But- but with you, he’s soft” Nasim’s voice crowds your thoughts, and you instantly look up to meet her in disbelief.
“Bullshit.” you retort, trying to ignore whatever attempt she was trying to make.
“Girl, you’ve kind of got a point. He’s not as jokey as he usually is whenever he’s around you Y/N.” Jenny adds, only to be interrupted by Lorne calling for a meeting.
Ah, how could you forget? Dress Rehearsal. While these days didn’t run as long as the others, they were equally draining and stressful. The three of you walked to Lorne’s office just in time as the rest of the cast stood beside you.
You felt yourself to begin to shiver unexpectedly, hugging yourself tightly. Since when was 30 Rock so cold? You felt Nasim look at you questioningly, and you shrugged her off.
Lorne had discussed the skits’ arrangements for the day, murmurs of excitement beginning to spread like wildfire around the room. Everyone just itches to get out and see if their sketch would succeed or bomb.
You took your seat in the audience as the sketches would come and go, meeting your cues whenever necessary. At the same time, your painkillers had seemed to wear off as your headache only seemed to get worse.
You made your way backstage to find the building’s first aid kit, only to brush past another coworker. That just so happened to be Bill Hader.
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out, slowly clamping it shut; his eyes met yours in slight confusion before softening slightly.
“Woah, hey Y/N, everything okay? You were in kind of a hurry there.” he asks; you could barely meet his eyes as they searched yours for any sort of response.
“Oh,” you gulped, “Yeah I just have this crazy headache, um I was just looking for the first aid kit.” you say, shifting the balance on your one foot to the other. 
His eyes widened before nodding quickly as if he was just reminded of something. The butterflies in your stomach crescendo as he quickly rested his palm upon your shoulder. You didn’t even know how to act, your body practically freezing at the contact.
“Actually to save you the trouble I have some painkillers upstairs in my dressing room. Not that I have like tons of drugs, but it’s no problem with me if that’ll help your headache.”
You quickly nod in response, trying to hide back a small smile before following him up several flights of stairs. God, you hated being so shy around Bill; it wasn’t like he was some mean old jerk; he was oh so genuine and thoughtful.
The two of you halt at a labeled Hader door; he looks back at you almost to check if you’re still there. Opening the door, he led you in, giving you a quick smirk, before crouching down and digging through the contents of his bag.
You had realized that this was the first time that you had ever been in a specific cast member’s dressing room. In particular, Hader’s room was neat and tidy, but you could see bits and pieces of his character sticking out. You couldn’t help but smile at it all, so caught up in the intricate details you didn’t even notice him get back up.
“Y/N, you good?” he asks; you focus your attention back on him quickly.
His hands outstretched, one holding a bottle of Advil and the other clamped tightly around a water bottle.
“Oh, um yeah. Thank you so much you have no idea how much I appreciate you for doing this.” you say rather quickly, but Hader doesn’t seem phased by your awkward nature.
You reach for the bottle and water, fingers gently brushing against his. The two of you looking down at the contact before parting ways.
Hader clears his throat, and you feel your stomach begin to tighten. Slipping two pills into your mouth, you unscrew the cap and down it carefully.
“You nervous about tomorrow?” he asks while placing the pill bottle back within his bag.
“A little I guess, I mean I tend to get nerves closer to the show. I’m sure at this point though, you’ve become an expert at staying calm.” you reply, his gaze falling towards the floor.
“Oh my god, I’m a wreck Y/N. This show is so stressful it eats at me every week, no matter what. I mean, clearly I’m doing something right and Lorne’s not gonna fire me, but, my anxiety gets so bad.” he says quickly. His eyes widened, and his posture became slightly tenser than before.
You couldn’t help but soften your gaze; you had no idea that he even went through this every week. Even now, with the buzzing tension in the air for tomorrow night, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through. Let alone the fact that he made the time to help you out.
“I wouldn’t have ever noticed,” he looks back up at you. “I mean, you’ve always just looked so...confident. I just can’t even begin to imagine what’s that like, every week constantly. I’m so sorry you have to go through that.” you quietly admit.
He shakes his head quickly, putting out a hand almost as if he was trying to stop you.
“No, no, it’s fine. Thank you though, it’s awfully sweet to hear that. Especially from someone like you.” Hader’s eyes filled with such warmth.
Was Hader blushing? Or were you losing it? Probably losing it.
“Oh about that headache, everything okay up in there?” he murmurs, stepping just a tad bit closer to you.
“It’s probably nothing, but I do appreciate the help.” you look back at the door, “We should probably get back? Right? Don’t wanna miss our dress.” you say quickly.
Hader nods within an instant, eyes widening at the realization of how long you two had been gone for. He led you to the door, giving you a quick smile before he ran out, murmuring something about a skit that had something to do with the guest host.
You giggle softly, heaving a contented sigh. It definitely was gonna be a long day, and you could’ve sworn that the temperature had just dropped.
You couldn’t have stumbled into it until at least one in the morning, but sleep had been desperately calling your name. Oh, how you missed having a regular sleep schedule; it would make mornings less of a struggle.
Except this morning was different, or more so than you were used to. The headache that had arrived less than twenty-four hours earlier was now ten times worse. Your body ached, and you couldn’t decipher if the bed was too hot or too cold.
This was torture, and quite possibly the flu, not to mention, you had the show tonight, shit. You practically sprang upwards before feeling the instant aftermath of that decision settling in. It felt absolutely criminal to leave those sheets as you groaned and grimaced your way towards your kitchen cabinet. Eyes barely opened while you blindly searched for the thermometer you had kept.
One quick temperature check later, you were running a low-grade fever. Shit, shit, shit, shit. I mean, you couldn’t miss the show, right? It just didn’t seem plausible, or maybe it did?
You frantically wondered while your fingers grazed over the Google search bar whether going to work with a low-grade fever would be beneficial?
Every answer didn’t really seem to fit the unrealistic expectations that you had set for yourself. Still, one disgusting shot of Dayquil later, you were out the door.
The day went by in a haze, and the headache never really did seem to falter. It was almost like yesterday in a sense, but seeing Hader waltz into the room made you smile. He smiled back.
Of course, Jenny and Nasim knew something was up; they always did. It wasn’t like Lorne was gonna fire you for missing one show; it was the flu. Except, you had made it this far, how bad could it possibly go?
The lights were too bright, far too bright for you to even think properly, and your fever was sure burning up. Or maybe it wasn’t, you always had to ask others around for that sorta assistance. Except, this was the primary night of the week and you weren’t gonna ask a cast member to feel your forehead.
Imagine if Hader did, Y/N, please stop being a dork.
You found solace in a large water bottle, but it didn’t do much to help the way your body ached miserably. You looked like a mess, you felt like a mess, but this was the big leagues.
The last time you had checked, the previous performance of the musical guest had been underway. Which meant you had survived, but the exhaustion that had been ever-growing was begging for you to lay down.
The floor looked so good right now, yeah, just for a hot second, ugh why is everything burning up?
Slowly closing your eyes, you let yourself press up against the wall, except there wasn’t a wall right there, and down you went with a thud.
Bill had been anxious all night, of course for the show, but for you in particular. You usually always looked so put-together, but tonight something about you was just off. It was beginning to rub him the wrong way.
“Andy, do you notice anything strange about, um, Y/N over there?” he said, trying to muffle the concerned edge that rested within his voice.
“Y/N? Oh that new cast member you like?” Andy replied without much thought, earning a stern look from Hader.
“She’ll hear you, god man you sure can be loud. Whatever, she just looks kind of off man, I’m a little nervous for her.”
Andy’s gaze softened just a tad until something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.
“I mean normally I would say that she looks fine and you’re just crushing, but I don’t think that is normal.” Bill’s gaze instantly locked onto the same thing, which was you fainting onto the floor.
His body going rigid before ultimately bolting upright, he wasn’t gonna catch you in time. Still, he definitely was gonna help if he could. Although he most definitely wasn’t the only one, other stray coworkers who happened to be backstage stood, jaws dropped.
There you went, tumbling to the ground, and Bill couldn’t help but feel his heart drop. Maybe that headache was worse than you had let up. He felt guilty for not speaking up sooner, but there was nothing he could do now.
They called a medic on the site, trying to keep it discreet as possible. It was a live show; he didn’t think it would be professional if broadcasted that shit.
He tried to fill in all of the details of how you had been acting the past few hours. It felt like he couldn’t do much to help, but he didn’t wanna leave your sight. It was odd; something about you really drew him in, leaving him reaching for more.
Plus, at this point, the last thing he had to do was go on stage while they rolled the credits. Bill was optimistic that this would count as a good reason.
He watched anxiously while the medic’s placed you upon a stretcher, his feet following without much thought. They wheeled you out to a waiting ambulance; he gulped at the thought of you having to be taken to the hospital.
Surprisingly they allowed him inside the ambulance; he was so convinced he’d be forced to wait until god knows how long. The vehicle provided seats off the side, allowing him to catch his breath and try not to worry about his current state.
That is until he saw you looking back groggily at him; now, this was definitely normal, as the medic had explained. He just didn’t see it coming; you blinked a few times, looking around at your surroundings.
“Hey, saw you took a little snooze there.” he teased, his gaze never leaving yours.
The ambulance rattled slightly, and you gasped a little before focusing your attention back onto him.
“Is this an ambulance? What happened?” you sat upright, feeling ten times worse, trying to piece together precisely why you and Bill Hader, of all people, were in the ambulance?
“Y/N, you fainted. The doctor’s said you’re burning up, they’re taking you to the ER.” he explained carefully, as you groaned in frustration.
He cocked his head slightly, clearly not expecting that response.
“About that, yeah I think I have the flu, I had a low-grade fever this morning.” you admitted sheepishly, not even daring to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry what?” he exclaimed, his eyes as wide as literal saucers. “Lemme get this straight, you went to work, with the flu?” you nodded, and he ran his hands over his face.
“Listen, I didn’t wanna disappoint Lorne. I mean it’s the night of all nights.” the words came out softer than you had intended; Hader practically melted.
“Oh, did you really think that Lorne’s gonna get pissed at you for having the flu? Oh sweetie, you know your health comes first right?” his words falling ever so sweetly off his lips.
You could barely look at the man, let alone control the multitude of butterflies that jolted in your already queasy stomach. Not to mention that he even thought to tag along, you nodded, not saying a word, focusing on his blue eyes like they were a safety net. Until you closed them, letting sleep overtake you.
You awoke once more to the sounds of machines beeping, people going from room to room, and an incessant tapping of one’s shoe.
This was most definitely the emergency room, your eyes scanning its surroundings until they landed on one person in particular. He looked exhausted, more so than you did, and you felt awful given the time it was at night. In fact, it was practically morning.
“You’re still here,” he sat upright, rubbing his eyes, “Thanks for sticking it out, Bill.” you tried to give him the most genuine smile you could possibly muster.
“Of course, I mean I overheard the doctor anyway. You’re cleared to go when you wake up, and definitely have to get some rest. I already spoke to Lorne.” you gaped, but he only stood up.
“Bill, what did he say?” you whisper.
“That you should listen to the doctor, and me.” you raised a brow. “Okay maybe he didn’t say me, but you get the point?” he exclaimed as he helped you get out of the bed.
The two of you walking towards the desk in which you had to sign out some papers, the pen unsteadily perched upon your fingers. Bill’s hand holding securely upon your back, in hopes you wouldn’t stumble. In reality, just being near him set your heart aflutter.
“Now I’m taking you home, but first I was thinking I could get you some soup for home. That sound good?” you could only look at the man in pure awe.
“You don’t have to do this Bill, really, I mean you’ve already done enough.” you gulped, only to see the man give you a smirk, his eyes glinting at you mischievously.
“Soup it is.” his hand clamping against yours, he led you out of the hospital and into the cold streets of New York City.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach the little soup shop he’d been talking about; it was cozy and apparently open twenty-four seven. Against his offer, you paid for two soups that looked the most delicious and cupped the cups while strolling back to your place.
“How do you think you got the flu?” he asked gently, looking at you with curiosity.
You had to try not to laugh; I mean, at this point, it was your fault, you subjected yourself to the tundra in your bedroom for the past few nights.
“Well, my heater has been broken for the past few nights. I assume that’s how I got it.” a smile aglow upon your face, giggling at Hader’s shocked expression.
“It better be fixed tonight when we get to your apartment complex. That’s ridiculous, Y/N.” you kept giggling, and soon he joined in with that gorgeous laugh of his.
You enjoyed your time with Hader even though internally you felt like shit; he made it so much more bearable. The air was light between the two of you, he made it easy to open up, and you wanted to know so much about him.
God, wait till you let Nasim and Jenny know about this night. They’re so gonna flip; you just knew it. Not to mention, the big looming ‘I told you so’ that was so coming your way.
“This is it.” he came to a halt, admiring the quaint little building that you happened to call home.
“You do know I’m not leaving until that heater is back on, right?” he ordered, but underneath his serious tone, you could see the concern.
“Oh come on Hader, let’s go see.”
The two of you taking the steps at a time, your body wanting to collapse, but you couldn’t let him know. He stood beside you while you inserted your keys into the lock, twisting it, before walking inside.
“What’s that rattling noise?” Hader wondered aloud.
A huge grin meeting your lips, you looked at him in pure delight, and he soon got the memo. His eyes widening before heaving a sigh of relief, only to halt.
“You call me if you need anything okay? Get some sleep, and um, stay warm. That’s an order, you hear me?” you could see his performance wavering as he tried desperately not to laugh.
“Yes, Sir.” you saluted weakly, but he only began to break instantly.
You really did love that laugh.
Thanks, Bill, for everything, really.” you said as he turned to head to the door, stepping up on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
His face instantly turned red before trying to compose himself as he walked away. You watched while he left the residence, giving you one last smile.
You awoke in a drowsy stupor that next morning to a text message from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: Want me to bring you some coffee and breakfast? - btw, this is Bill. Hope this l wasn’t too creepy. I ain’t no stalker.
Maybe: Bill: ps. How do you like your coffee?
Bill: ps.s yes or no?
You fell back on the bed with such a shit-eating grin, only to groan in response to the mistake you had just made.
You: Yes 
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fawninthewinter · 3 years
Feel this is a good time to post this before it gets too late after the Mario movie cast announcement.
The thing about celebrities doing voice overs in animated movies isn't that it is a problem that they are doing it at all or there should be no live action actors doing voices in animated films period.
There are talented camera actors that respect voice acting as another form of acting and are able to apply their talents to the art so well when voicing animated characters like Simon Pegg, Bill Hader, Robin Williams, Ben Schwartz etc. And I think almost everyone would agree Tom Hanks was perfectly cast as Woody and brought so much to the character.
Then you have those actors that have such distinct voices they legit sound like cartoon characters like John Mulaney, Kristen Schaal, Kate Micucci, Wallace Shawn, Gilbert Gottfried, etc. So they are right at home doing voices in animated media (also aside from their voices they also make for good voice actors as well again because of talent).
The actual problem is so much of it in the current times doesn't take people being right for certain roles into account and just casts the most popular stars as of the time said animated movie comes out for all the central characters based on the fact that they are big names alone. And place having an all star cast to sell the movie over every other aspect of it. Like as soon as an animated film is in production they're already thinking 'what popular star should we get to voice this character and that character?' as opposed to 'who is right for this character? Were they written with someone in mind? Do they even need to be voiced by a celeb when a veteran voice actor who's job is actually voice acting could do just as good if not a better job bringing this character to life?' and the fact that vas are rarely even given the opportunity to audition for animated features and are usually only called for additional voices after an all star cast has been filled out for central and supporting roles in of itself is bullshit.
In situations like the Mario movie or any movie based on existing video game or cartoon properties where the vas have been doing it forever, the trend of celeb casting is at its worst. Charles Martinet and the other Mario vas have been the official voices for years now and the fact they are tossed aside for star power just to get butts in seats is such a disservice and so unfair to them. And going back to being right for a role, Jack Black as Bowser and even Seth Rogen as DK sure I can picture them doing well in those roles but Chris Pratt is like one of the least people I would associate with Mario? I guess we'll have to wait and see It's just. I dunno.
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heartofnowhere · 3 years
omg i finished Project Hail Mary and it was literally SO good and FUN!!! the funnest book i’ve read in SO long! rambly spoilers under the cut i need to get some things off my chest lol
im really glad i didnt look anything up about it before starting because it was just fucking WILD going into that not knowing there was gonna be aliens, let alone like an 80s buddy comedy vibe! WHAT! i remember when i finished the martian i was like damn i love the realism here but it would have been so fucking wild and cool if halfway through he like discovered alien life. and i remember thinking i wish that watney had given us more emotion... tbh i feel like andy weir heard me personally because project hail mary had all that in buckets. i did cry lol
I can just see how the scene where he remembers about how he “volunteered” for the mission is going to be such oscar bait in the film honestly. speaking of the film i did find out halfway through my read that they had cast ryan gosling to play grace and i was like! INTERESTING. i had been trying on leading men in my mind as i read.... some memorable ones were chris pine (too captain kirk).... ryan reynolds (TOO snarky)... bill hader (?? just cant see him in space ???) and had ultimately settled on charlie day.... rogue i know. but he worked for me.  ryan gosling is a great actor so i think he will be good. i’m very excited to just see how they do this film. the settings are very vivid in my mind. i’m anticipating some very impressive inception esque spinning room zero g effects and hopefully a creature design that feels real and solid and vaguely 80s??? like ET texture lol. i wonder who they will cast as stratt because i feel like she will really make or break the flashback scenes. OMG and the sound design, i wonder how theyll do all the communication!!!!! excite excite excite!!
i really loved the structure and the way the memories were revealed to us. at first i did feel like it was a bit gimmicky like oh of COURSE the coma made him forget everything so the reader can discover alongside him. OF course. ;) but it didnt bother me at all because ultimately it was lending itself to a really interesting way of unravelling of the story... in an almost over the top camp way???? but then the twist where stratt had done that on PURPOSE really turned that on its head for me. i loved that so much. it was genuinely harrowing????? like so scary what the FUCK??? it really just shook everything for me. that was when i was like “oh, this is. really genuinely something”. and then grace gets to prove himself as brave dskjfhjdksfhs im crying again just thinking about it 
i have read some stuff from andy weir on goodreads that in the martian he was very intentionally not telling anything about watney that wasnt immediately relevant to the story because... like. not relevant to the story. so i was expecting that a little with project hail mary too, i wasn’t asking questions about his life before the start of the story. but then when stratt just lays into him about how he’s a coward and has no relationship because he’s scared i was like. oh so this man is gay. that is my reading of it. it makes sense to me. id like to spend some time with andy weir interviews and try and Get him some more but the impression i got was that the book and grace in general was written in a kind, thoughtful way that doesn’t confirm or deny for a reason, so that the reader can make their own mind up. my mind was made up when he gave rocky male pronouns and then a male name for his mate.... gay rights :’)
anyway yeah that went on longer than i thought but im literally desperate to talk about this book so HAVE MY RAMBLINGS. incidentally has anyone here read artemis. why does everyone hate it... im going on holiday in like 2 days and was thinking about getting the ebook to read but some people are actually SCATHING about it LOL whats that about 
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haderberkman · 4 years
God, I’ve Missed You
Bill Hader X F Reader
Warnings: Smut, Language
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Requested by: Anonymous
Bill had been away for a couple months, filming a new movie. Y/N missed him, and she was ready for him to come home. She missed him in other ways too.
She missed the way his hands and lips felt on her body. She missed the lustful looks and kisses he would give her. Of course, they had phone sex, but it was nothing like he real thing. In every way shape a form, she missed her husband.
He had called her earlier and told her that he was flying back today, and she couldn’t contain her excitement. She was ready for him to be home. He texted her when his plane landed and said that he would be home in about an hour.
Y/N was sitting on the couch watching Snapped when she heard the first door open. She ran to the door, and Bill dropped his bag before wrapping his arms around her. They hugged each tightly then Y/N pulled back a bit to capture his lips in a passionate kiss. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her with his hands resting on her ass. He pulled back and smiled at her.
“God, I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too, baby.”
“What do you say we go upstairs and make up for lost time?”
Y/N nodded at him and grabbed his hand, leading him to their bedroom. Once they made it to the door, Bill pinned Y/N against it and kissed her lustfully. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned as he moved to her neck. She reached down and opened the door. They walked into their room still wrapped in each other’s arms.
Bill pulled his lips off of her’s long enough to pull her shirt over head. He tossed it behind him and reconnected their lips. He undid her bra like an expert and slipped it off her arms. He dropped it to the ground and slid his hand up her body, and Y/N moaned as he massages her breasts. She tugged on the hem of his shirt, and he pulled it over his head.
“Get on the bed, baby.”
Y/N quickly made her way to the bed, and she pulled her sweats off before climbing on to the bed. Bill loosened his belt and pulled it out of his jeans, dropping it to the floor. He undid his jeans and let them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and climbed onto the bed, placing himself on top of Y/N.
“You’re so fucking hot, babe. Damn, I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
He leaned down and kissed her lips before moving to kiss her neck. He slipped his hand into her panties, and he rubbed circles on her clit.
“Oh fuck, Bill.”
He snickered as he kissed his way down her body. He removed his hand and kissed her stomach right above her panties. He pulled them down her legs and threw them somewhere behind him. He kissed up her right leg all the back to her lips. He pulled back and sat on his knees. He lightly tapped her calf as he smiled at her.
“Turn over for me. Get on all fours.”
Y/N quickly got into position as Bill stood up and slipped his boxers off. He looked up and gave himself a couple of good strokes at the sight of Y/N. She had her face down and ass up, waiting for him. He got back on the bed behind her, and she lightly gasped as he ran his hands up her thighs to rest on her hips.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Are you ready, baby?”
“God, yes. Bill, please.”
He took his hard member in his hand and lined it up with Y/N’s entrance. He slid into her, and they both moaned as he bottomed out. He tightly gripped her hips, hard enough to leave bruises. He missed this whole he was gone. He missed the feeling of Y/N around him. He was pulled from his thoughts as Y/N spoke.
“Baby, I’m good. Move, please.”
“Sorry, I needed a minute.”
Bill pulled almost all the way out of her before thrusting all the way back in, earning a loud moan from Y/N. He thrusted in and out of her, setting a slow pace that was killing both of them. Y/N couldn’t handle the pace so she clenched her walls around him to get his attention. He moaned as he felt her clench around him.
“Bill, I’m begging you to go faster. Fuck me into mattress or something, please.”
“Okay, you asked for it.”
Bill tightened his grip on her hips and began thrusting into her at a relentless pace. Y/N moaned loudly at the sudden pace change, and she balled her fists into the comforter. The bed began rocking with Bill’s movements, and the headboard bounced against the wall. Y/N would worry about the bed breaking, but at this moment, she didn’t really care. All she cared about was the amazing man fucking her like there was no tomorrow.
Y/N continued to moan strings of curse words and his name as he hit all the right places. She felt warmth began to spread in her body, and she clenched around him again.
“I’m-I’m close. Fuck, Bill.”
Bill moved one of his hands to rub her clit, and she came with a loud moan of his name. He began to thrust into her a little faster, and she felt like she was coming apart. After a few more thrusts, Bill moaned out her name and came in the her harder than he ever had. He pulled out of her and flopped down onto the bed beside her.
Y/N, on the other hand, was still in the same position that Bill was fucking her in, trying to catch her breath. Bill looks over at her and chuckled as he saw that she hadn’t moved. He helped her out of the position, and he wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her face into his neck.
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Bill.”
“I think that light be the best we’ve ever had.”
“Don’t forget that time on our honeymoon in Bora Bora.”
“Oh shit, yeah. That was some good sex. This kinda close second though.”
Bill smiled to himself as Y/N began to drift to sleep. He loved her so much, and he knew that she would be waiting for him. No matter where he had to travel for work, she would always be here, ready for him to hold her like he always would. He would always want her because she wants him also, and they love each other, more than they could describe.
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Moment {James Ransone x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @buckybarton03​ Wordcount: 2631 Summary: At an IT Cast Party, you fall into a really good, long conversation with a friend of James’s. But he couldn’t be jealous, could he?
With your mouth open, you couldn’t help but stare at everyone who was at the party. You were close with James Ransone, sure, but you didn’t think you would actually get invited to this A-List event! You were dressed to the nines, along with everyone else, and you stayed by James’ side as he went straight to the catering table, filling a small plate with snacks. You were too excited to eat, and too nervous that you would do something embarrassing, like spit a cracker on James McAvoy. “Oh my God, there’s Jessica. She’s absolutely stunning in person, I’m going to pass out.” You had to hold onto James’s arm for steadiness, because you felt like you were going to swoon. You were breaking one of the only rules that he had set for you this evening. Don’t embarrass him. Though when he asked you that, he was probably joking. Now there was a real risk.
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“Okay, keep you away from Chastain,” James muttered under his breath, handing you a glass of champagne since you didn’t grab any food. “Just have this. And try to relax. It’s a party, not a red carpet. Be cool.”
“Cool, cool, cool,” You said, sipping at the champagne. “Yeah, I can be cool,” You said, your eyes flitting around. So many celebrities in one place, and all of them, every single one, was a gorgeous human being. “Do you mind if I just stay around you for a while? I’m still nervous.”
“I hope so, you’re my plus one. It would be rude if you just left me,” James laughed. You laughed along with him and for the hundredth time that day, you were glad that you knew someone as cool as him. He was a diamond in the rough, and a very good looking one if you did say so yourself. He was wearing a nice suit, but a casual shirt underneath it, not getting too dressed up. He looked as relaxed as you wanted to feel.
He introduced you to everyone, slowly. It wasn’t a big meet and greet, it went more organically than that. To both yours and James’ delight, you were able to keep yourself handled, even when you met Jessica Chastain. “So you’re the one that James has been talking about,” The beautiful redhead said, after you introduced yourself.
“Whatever he said, I didn’t do it. Unless it was really cool, then it was all me,” You joked, making her laugh. “No, but really, he goes on about how awesome you all are too, all the time.”
“And it’s always y/n this, and y/n that,” Jessica teased, nudging James, making him fall a little pink. You looked up at him with surprise. The fact that she remembered your name so quickly proved that she wasn’t just being polite. He really talked about you.
“Well, I’m the lucky one then, if the cast of the best movie of the year all know my name,” You said, trying to change the conversation around before you started to feel all warm and fluffy. James McAvoy joined the conversation, and then Bill Hader, and it became full of laughs. Very funny, all of them.
“I didn’t think you were real. I thought you were some sort of imaginary friend,” Bill Hader said to you, a serious expression on his face. “He made you sound too good to be true.”
“You know what’s funny?” You asked, finishing the last of your champagne. A caterer came around and took it for you, along with James’s empty plate. He was being rather quiet. “Before we left, he told me not to embarrass him. I’m starting to think that message was meant for you.”
Hader laughed pretty hard at that one, and eventually the conversation got off of you, and then back onto the movie. There was a newcomer to the conversation - Andy Bean, who only had a small role in the film but it was Stan so it was still a big character. He had moved in between you and Jessica, and you noticed that he was standing quite close. And you found yourself not really minding.
“So, did you like the movie?” Andy asked, and you found yourself in an almost one on one conversation with him. The other actors were drifting off, but James stayed by your side.
“Of course I did!” You said, surprised that he was even asking such a thing. “It was different from the book in a lot of ways, but it was really good. I mean, obviously I wish that you had more scenes but that’s more a problem with Stephen than with you. But there is one thing I wish that they hadn’t changed from the book...”
“And what’s that?” Andy asked.
You looked up at James and grinned. He groaned, figuring that something humiliating was coming his way. He was right, as per usual.
“Can you imagine Eddie wearing a little Chauffers hat? They should have stuck to the limo business, just for that alone.” You said, ruffling James’s short hair. He swatted but never actually came close to hitting you. You laughed and ducked, which only made you all the closer to Andy.
“I’m getting more food,” He grumbled and walked off, leaving just you and the other actor. He was smiling at you, and you smiled back.
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“So you two seem very close,” Andy said, watching James leave to go back to where the buffet was.
“That’s what everyone keeps saying tonight,” You said, turning to look at Andy since you could see James’s back anytime you wanted, really. This was to meet new people, to have fun. “All I am going to say, before the gossip magazines start showing up, is that he is one of the best people that I know. And we’re going to leave it at that.”
“Okay, okay, defensive,” Andy said, raising an eyebrow. “He is a good guy though. I hope I get to work with him again. And the kids because they were actually really hard shoes to fill.”
“Oh my God, the kids,” You said, nodding in agreement. It turned out that you both had a lot of the same views on things, especially the movie. You wished again that he had gotten more screen time so that you could have seen him more. He was more of a stand-out guy than the movie had given him credit for.
“So yeah, I actually did do that bird jigsaw puzzle all by myself, and I’m proud of that,” Andy said, well into his third glass of champagne. You were as well, since every time Andy grabbed himself one, he’d get one for you. He was being a perfect gentlemen and you were growing impressed. It helped you to feel a lot more free, and a lot less nervous about making a good impression. It seems that James had done that for you.
“And how many pieces was that - fifty?” You teased, making him bark with laughter.
“A thousand, I’ll have you know. I worked on it when they were getting the rest of the scene ready!” He protested.
“Okay, I guess I’ll have to watch it again, just to admire your amazing puzzle skills.” You smiled. He grinned back at you, his smile rather lopsided. “
Two more drinks. The waitress just kept coming around with plates of it. Champagne was a celebration drink and there was a lot to celebrate tonight. You were getting pretty tipsy at this point, and you were so wrapped up in your conversation with Andy that you didn’t notice people were starting to leave. You were laughing at one of his on-set anecdotes when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see James standing there, hands in his pockets, face looking a little down.
“Cheer up buttercup!” You said, trying to give him your half-emptied glass. “Here, this is making me happy, so maybe it will do the same to you. You’re looking dour.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t expect to get lonely tonight,” James said, not sounding impressed at all. However, you were in too a good a mood to deal with his grumpiness. You wrapped your arm around his and laid your head upon his shoulder.
“There, you’re not lonely now,” You said, motioning Andy to come and join the hug. He did, chuckling the entire time, wrapping his arms around the both of you. James stiffened, you could feel that much, but you didn’t let go of him.
“I was thinking it’s about time that we head back to the hotel anyway,” James said, after Andy had let you two go.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” You said, excited at the prospect of the big hotel beds that were in your double room. “Andy, I must get your number.”
“I must give it to you!” He said, taking hold of a napkin and scrawled some numbers on there. You took it with a smile, folding it in your hand so the ink wouldn’t transfer onto your skin. “It was lovely to meet you, y/n. And always good to see you, James.”
“Yeah, you too,” James said, putting his hand lightly on your shoulder and lead you out of the party to where the car was waiting. You slipped inside first, getting yourself comfortable when James came in after you. He seemed to be in the most sullen mood. A little too-Eddie like, you noticed.
“Okay, come on buttercup,” You said, putting your hand on his knee and gave it a squeeze. “Fess up. There’s something on your mind and I want to know what it is.”
James sighed dramatically, looking out the window. I bent forward, trying to swerve under him to get him to look at me. “Quit it,” He said, but you noticed that his mouth went up a twitch. He couldn’t stay mad at you.
“Come on, please? It was a fun party, you shouldn’t be scowling.”
“You and Andy seemed to be getting along pretty well.”
“And that’s why you’re being a frowny face? I thought you wanted me to get along with your friends... Unless...” You gasped in surprise. Due to the drink, it came out more dramatic than intentioned. “Are you being jealous, Mr Ransome?”
“No,” He said, but he said it too quickly. “Why would I be jealous?”
“Well, there’s two possible reasons. One is that you don’t want me close to Andy because you wanted his attention all night or...” You blinked at him, realization coming across you. “Or the second is I’ve been a bad date because I spent almost the whole time talking to someone else. Gee, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” He said, grunting, still refusing to look over at you. “You were having fun-”
“But I was being rude.” You put your head on his shoulder, trying to entice him to look at you again. You even did your puppy dog pout, which finally made him catch your eye. You made sure to keep up the contact so that he wouldn’t be able to look away again. “James, I’m really sorry. I just got kind of carried away. It’s really nice to have someone else to talk to about you.”
“You were talking about me?” He asked, in a tone of disbelief.
“Quite a bit actually. What else do I have to talk about? You’re the person that I do everything with. And that I make all my plans with. I was telling him about the trip that we’re going to take to the beach in the Summer, just you and I. He said it sounded fun, but I think I got the point across that it’s just supposed to be the two of us.”
“Oh,” James said, having the good sense to feel a little embarrassed. “I didn’t know that you were talking about me.”
“Should have,” You said, noticing his fingers inching closer to your leg. “You’re my favorite person in the whole world. Am I your favorite?”
“You have to ask?” He questioned you, making you grin like you had the first time that you had met him and realized just how your life was going to be positively impacted.
“Yup,” You said, popping the P. You took hold of his hand, lifted it, and set it down upon your own thigh so he would have to feel the luxurious fabric of your outfit. He stiffened in his seat, but his fingers went a little further, squeezing your thigh. “I’m sorry I ruined our date. Can I make it up to you?”
“You’ve been drinking, y/n,” James said, sounding apprehensive.
“Liquid courage,” You said, leaning in. You leaned in to finally kiss those lips that you’ve been wanting for a while, but never had the bravery to go for. But he stopped you by turning his head, so you got his cheek. You pouted with disappointment, and he sighed, taking his hand back. What a drama queen, you thought.
“I can’t, not when you’ve been drinking. If you were sober maybe, but-”
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“I only had a couple of drinks. I know what I’m doing. I’m still in control of myself. James. Just ... please?”
James looked worried, stressed and a little happy at the same time. It was a weird mix to see on his face, but you found it endearing. Even more so when you realized that he was rejecting you, not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t want to take advantage. “No,” He said again.
The car pulled in front of the hotel, and he got out quickly, but still stuck around to offer you his hand to get out onto the sidewalk.
“Okay. I’ll give up - for now. But don’t think that these are just tipsy thoughts,” You said, holding onto his side as you entered the hotel, making for the elevator so you could go to your room. “Because I’ve kinda loved you for a long time and I was just so happy that I could finally tell someone about it that I almost ruined it.”
“You didn’t ruin anything - hey, mind the buttons,” He said, as you nearly tumbled inside, your hip hitting a couple of buttons for floors that you weren’t going to. It was going to be a long ride up to your floor. You smiled at him teasingly and pressed a couple more, making him groan. “What are you doing?”
“Making the ride last longer, you said gleefully. “I know you don’t want me to kiss you but can I hug instead?”
“Yeah, I guess,” He said. You wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your face against his shoulder, taking in the smell of the cologne that he was wearing that night. “It’s not that I don’t want to...” He said, as the doors opened and then closed on an empty floor.
“Do you love me too?” You asked, trying to feel his heartbeat through your own chest, but all that you could place was yours. It was going quickly.
“You know I do,” He said, more to himself than to you.
“So I can kiss you in the morning when I’m sober?”
“I.. I guess you could.”
“Good. Come on elevator, I gotta go to bed so I can wake up!”
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artigas · 4 years
2020 Year in Review
I was tagged by some of my truly favorite people: @jadedbirch @vowel-in-thug & @old-long-john. Thank you, my sweets! I hope and pray that the next year is kinder to us all. 
Top 5 Movies you saw this year
Uncut Gems
The Personal History of David Copperfield
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Top 5 TV shows you watched this year
The Terror
La Casa de Papel 
The Mandalorian
Schitt’s Creek
Top 5 songs of 2020
Golden - Harry Styles 
Boderline - Tame Impala
I Know The End - Phoebe Bridgers 
Late Night Feelings - Mark Ranson feat. Lykke Li
Biking - Frank Ocean
Top 5 books you read in 2020
I set out to read 40 books this year to keep the bar low and ... instead, I only read 21. I used to easily churn out that many books in two months but this year zapped me of my energy to read, which gave me a lot of guilt before I tried to be more patient with myself. 
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell (an incredible book I still think about to this day but I seriously forewarn reading it without knowing what it’s about because it is a very difficult read)
These Violent Delights by Micah Nevermeer (very influenced by the Leopold and Loeb case. The Secret History and If We Were Villains if both authors stopped that stupid coy shit and just made their characters explicitly gay) 
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates (a deeply important book that is written with such beauty that the raw, painful honesty of the memoir somehow balances perfectly with how soft and delicate the greatest moments of Coates’ personal history reads) 
Master of Reality by John Darnielle (a heartbreaking narrative that so authentically feels like the words of a teenager whose passion for music was both endearing and gut-wrenching in its boyishness)
Dead Man in a Ditch by Luke Arnold (such an improvement on the first of the series and I have really fond memories reading this one around this time last year. honestly, of course i was gonna like this one- he brought back the one character that caught my interest in the series debut!) 
5 Positive Things that Happened in 2020
I became an adjunct professor! I got hired one of the colleges I studied at and taught an introduction to English class. It was definitely a challenge and, to put it how I was told by the chair of the department, a real “trial by fire” to see if I genuinely love teaching ... and I do. I really do. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life. 
I fell in love and entered my first serious relationship! my partner and i met in november 2019, but we didn’t ‘officially’ enter a relationship until February of this year. I still remember our first date so vividly. how nervous i was, how gorgeous and intelligent they were, how my nerves eased when we both realized we share a love for SNL and Bill Hader, haha. Genuinely one of the greatest sources of joy this year and unlike any happiness I’ve had before!
I finally moved out of my family’s home and got my own apartment!
I got into really, really good shape for the first 6 months of 2020 and then spent the rest of year biking 8-10 miles minimum on an almost daily basis. Now that it’s too cold to do so, I feel the difference in my body- I’ve also put on a little weight again. But knowing how strong my body became and knowing that reaching and surpassing my goals was something I actually did once this year, for the first time in my life, is fueling me as I try to get back into working out. 
I got my first tattoos!! I’ve been wanting a tattoo for a decade at least, but I knew I wanted to move out and live on my own before I got on and now I’m obsessed!
Tagging a few people who i really admire and would love to learn more about!! absolutely no pressure to do this tho: @tenderheliotrope @wolfhalls @dykerory @castellomargot @introvertia @emraanhashmi @reluming @mastcells @beanarie
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // AUGUST 21
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Happy 2nd birthday to these Round Ups! For two years I’ve been making monthly pop culture picks, and they’ve included:
More than 200 movies
32 TV shows and specials, plus 8 different Saturday Night Live Round Ups
27 albums, singles, playlists, and more music picks
13 podcasts
12 books
2 concerts
There have also been articles, events, museums, social media bits, trailers, and a service that helps you find movies across streaming platforms. (Find all of them here.) This month I’m adding a few more, like: 
2 podcasts
2 albums
5 vampire movies
A conversation between two GOATs
A very funny dead guy
A terrifying Robert Mitchum performance
Another Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed
Here’s to another year!
August Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Jungle Cruise (2021)
Indiana Jones meets Pirates of the Caribbean with a dash of The African Queen. I like all those movies, so sue me, I had a nice time! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10
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2. Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Genetically-enhanced sharks try to break free of their cages in an ocean research facility, chaos ensues for the characters, and it’s a delight for us. For no intelligent reason, I love movies that make me guess who’s going to get killed off next, so a big dumb shark movie starring L.L. Cool J and Samuel L. Jackson? It’s a particular brand of joy. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 5.5/10
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3. Double Feature — Adam Sandler Comedies: 50 First Dates (2004) + Murder Mystery (2019)
Adam Sandler movies are little like IcyHot for the brain—that is, they’re the relaxing kind of mind-numbing. Thanks to a stressful month at work, I watched six Sandler flicks in August—which I don’t necessarily recommend but also don’t regret—and the Netflix original Murder Mystery (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10) was one of the the best of the bunch. It’s a silly spoof of Agatha Christie’s work, and it’s a scenic two-hour European vacay. I also gave 50 First Dates (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10) another try and was pleasantly surprised. Once you get past some of the gross-out humor at the beginning, you’ll find a sweet story all about how we need to keep showing up for the people we love.
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4. Double Feature — SNL Comedies: Wayne’s World (1992) + Hot Rod (2007)
My love for Saturday Night Live is more than well-documented, so exactly zero mes were surprised that I loved these flicks from its alums. Wayne’s World (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10) follows up with Wayne and Garth in the basement we first saw on late night. Now they have the opportunity to make it big on TV thanks to a sleazy exec (Rob Lowe). Brian Doyle-Murray and Chris Farley show up, and so do Laverne and Shirley? Hot Rod (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6.5/10) follows Rod (Andy Samberg) as he tries to make it big as a stuntman and impress his stepdad (Ian McShane). Will Arnett, Bill Hader, and Chris Parnell show up, and now I can mostly forgive all those boys in high school who quoted this movie non-stop.
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5. Weekend at Bernie’s (1989)
If those SNL comedies weren’t enough silliness for you, how about you add some Bernie to your lineup? Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman are wannabe-yuppies who think they’ve got their  career breaks when an exec named Bernie invites them to his vacation home for the weekend. What they don’t know is that Bernie (Terry Kiser) has been laundering money, is connected to the mob, and, is now, um, dead. The right thing would be to call the police, but then we wouldn’t have a 97-minute high-concept comedy, now would we? Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
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6. Twilight series (2008-12)
I mostly skipped the Twilight phenomenon at its peak, but I’m so glad I hopped on the train years later—this series of vampire vs. werewolf showdowns are ridiculous.  But major kudos to the filmmakers who somehow turned a dump truck of nonsensical gobbledygook and unhealthy teenage relationships into something insanely watchable. Also, major kudos to Billy Burke and his understated, curmudgeonly, sarcastic performance. Bella’s dad is the MVP with the only appropriate responses to all of the nonsense he's forced to participate in and the only tether this franchise has to reality. Be sure to watch with a friend so you have someone else to process this weirdness with. Series Crowd: 8/10 // Series Critic: 5/10
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7. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at The Muny
You know what’s great? Live theater! This month I made my first trip back to the stage at America’s oldest and largest outdoor amphitheater, the Muny in St. Louis. Their productions never disappoint, and these performers reminded me of Howard Keel, Jane Powell, and Russ Tamblyn in the best ways. 
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8. Wimbledon (2004)
Paul Bettany and Kirsten fall in love at Wimbledon! Frankly, that premise alone should be enough to sell you on this very winning rom-com. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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9. Career Opportunities (1991)
This month’s Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! Frank Whaley and Jennifer Connelly fall in love while stuck overnight at a Target—which honestly sounds like a dream scenario—and since it’s a John Hughes script, it’s got some heart beneath its thin premise. John Hughes directing would’ve made it better, but there’s enough Hughes in there to catch my heart. Crowd: 7/10 // Critic: 4.5/10
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10. First Blood (1982)
Aka Rambo: Part I. Sylvester Stallone is a tough-as-nails Vietnam vet, and Brian Dennehy is the self-righteous sheriff who ticks him off. It digs a bit into PTSD and how we don’t take care of our veterans, but mostly, it’s just Stallone going ape with a knife and explosives. Oddly, also from the same director as Weekend at Bernie’s! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10
August Critic Picks
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1. TCM’s The Plot Thickens Season 2 (2021)
You know those movies that make you ask, “How on Earth did this get made?” This season of The Plot Thickens, subtitled The Devil’s Candy, is an attempt to answer that question. Pretty much no one thinks 1990’s The Bonfire of the Vanities works as a film—including yours truly—and reporter Julie Salomon documented many of its production troubles leading to the final product. A must-listen for anyone who loves hearing behind-the-scenes stories or just gets a kick out of schadenfreude. 
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2. Gene and Roger (2021)
Gene and Roger, the summer series on The Big Picture podcast, is an overview and reflection on the work of Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, starting with the launch of their individual careers in the ‘60s through their partnership that lasted into the ‘90s. Another must-listen for movie lovers, especially those who love digging into the history and criticism.
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3. Gold-Diggers Sound by Leon Bridges (2021)
Chill vibes and cool groves to transition you from Summer to Autumn.
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4. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Come for the Clint Eastwood, stay for the Ennio Morricone. Actually you can stay for Eastwood, too, because his humor is at his driest, and for Eli Wallach, whose Tuco is an insanely charming cockroach. It’s almost three hours, but this treasure hunt breezes by like a tumbleweed in the wind. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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5. AFI’s Master Class - The Art of Collaboration: Steven Spielberg and John Williams (2011)
Two GOATS talking about making some of the GOATs. They share clips and explain their collaborative process (including on projects like Jaws and Schindler’s List), and they take questions from film students at AFI. I’m only wishing it were 10 hours instead of 1!
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6. The Night of the Hunter (1955)
Robert Mitchum’s terrifying preacher elevates this classic into more than just a standard crime thriller. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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7. Respect (2021)
While a few scenes indulge in melodrama, Jennifer Hudson’s killer performance—both in vocals and character work—more than makes up for it. This Aretha Franklin biopic hits the familiar beats, but it makes you feel like you’re in the room listening to Franklin sing , which is really all you want from a movie like this. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8/10
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8. Solar Power by Lorde (2021)
At first listen, this minimalist pop record sounds worlds away from the angst of Pure Heroine and the melodrama of Melodrama. At second listen, you realize it’s the Lorde you know and love, just with a Laurel Canyon influence. Carole King even gets a shout!
Also in August…
This month Kyla and I checked out Loveline, a call-in radio show popular during the run of Gilmore Girls.  Should our favorite Yale students give up dating OR call into the syndicated radio show Loveline? Should Dr. Drew Pinsky and Adam Carolla give strangers advice OR make fun of them? Oh, and Germany OR Florida? Listen to ep. 107 of SO IT’S A SHOW?
The '40s are coming! Reviews of 1940s Best Picture winners are on their way, and I kicked it off with an overview of the Academy that decade focusing on how they responded to World War II and their new prestigious reputation.
Photo credits: The Muny, The Plot Thickens, Gene and Roger, Leon Bridges, AFI, Lorde. All others IMDb.com.
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bisluthq · 4 years
Not to stay on this topic but I think I should add my feelings as well since I have been holding them in. Nat, we get it the Ashley Graham stunt was cringy and embarrassing and Kaydom’s version of Karlie isn’t true at all. But sometimes it gets uncomfortable because you sometimes will entertain the idea that Karlie and Taylor hooked up and may have had something messy and that Karlie has bottom energy then in the other breath say that Karlie has such aggressively straight girl vibes and say it in such a judgy way that I feel like I can almost see you rolling your eyes.I don’t think you even realize how that may come across to femmes who face erasure all the time even though you’re a femme yourself. Maybe it’s because of how you feel about Karlie. It’s like sometimes I would be ready to laugh along with you about how this girl is soo straight and then some of your points are things I also do and it’s like ohhh. I mean I want to laugh at straight girl stereotypes too. Some stereotypes can be fun & harmless like how you pointed out that article about bisexuals not sitting well in chairs - at least I think that was you- but the things you point out about Karlie don’t even sound like really widely held stereotypes or not any I’ve heard except for the movie night girl kiss. Then other takes are not funny for me because I’m a lesbian and find myself relating to certain things probably because I behave in a way that people might view as very girly girl. Then it seems like you think she couldn’t be some version of queer and also love Josh with her entire being as well and want to do everything to be with him and that feels problematic as well. I feel like if you knew me and all the stupid stuff I did just to be with my girlfriend you’d call me a golden retriever too. And maybe this rant is less about you and more about how I feel like somewhere along the line society seems to have decided that being a girly girl is uncool, annoying and demeaning. It’s like you’re not the right type of girl if you love pink, played with barbies till you were 12 and love love and definitely - you automatically belong to the dumb blonde category- and you are most definitely not the right type of lesbian or sapphic. No one takes you seriously in the community or anywhere else if you’re a certain type of femme. Even if you have a whole girlfriend. I still have family members who will gossip and have no shame in telling me to my face that they’re just waiting for the day I finish experimenting and laugh like we’re all in on the same joke. I could be out with my girlfriend at a bar and men will still try to flirt with me even after I point out that we’re a couple. I’ve been in queer spaces and felt like an alien and a complete outsider. You’re not feminist enough if you’re a girly girl who cares about appearing attractive. Heaven forbid you’re a girly girl and in love. I feel like I’m very much the type of girl that would get called a pick me girl. Hence why I hate the whole she’s such a pick me girl statements. I haven’t seen you saying it, this is just something I observe in general. For me, it’s like aren’t all types of women and individuals valid? I call myself a feminist but I feel like there are people out there who’d look at me and roll their eyes. And that’s for almost everything about me.
I hear you - and other anons on this - and I agree I wasn’t right.
Like you say to me it was mostly comedy, partly genuine annoyance at Karlie (which is just a personal thing), and a HUGE dose of “what the fuck were Kays on when they made up boyfriend Karlie!???!!!??”
But I hear that it hurt people and there’s a really good take by Bill Hader which I always apply to stuff like this. He said “I’m never interested in upsetting anybody” and like... idk that’s my rule on playing shit for laughs.
So to me it was funny specifically because this woman had this reputation of being Klossanova able to derobe women with a glance or whatever but like irl she was a sweet, kind, peppy, nerdy, energetic golden retriever (/affectionate).
What I didn’t think through tho was in laughing at what she actually was relative to what she’d been sold as to me - and to many others - I was making people who relate to her feel bad about themselves.
And the thing is there’s nothing wrong with relating to her.
And I shouldn’t have made people feel like there is.
Again, Karlie is most likely someone who identifies straight (whether she is or isn’t) based on how she has positioned herself publicly with relation to the community. She hasn’t been confusing like Taylor and her “our pride” shit - like Kar is very straightforwardly an ally.
However, many people anywhere from Kinsey 1 to 6 act like her.
And those people are queer enough and aren’t bad or embarrassing and shouldn’t be made to feel that way.
So I unreservedly apologize for hurting y’all.
And I promise to do better.
When I talk to Kar’s girly stereotypes it will be in a positive way, designed to make anyone - queer or straight - who shares those traits feel good about themselves.
Again, I’m sorry and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to share this stuff with me.
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