#billy wiccan shield
queen-daya · 1 year
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Happy 12th Birthday Julian Hilliard (June 20, 2011)
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thegreatunifier · 2 months
stop (now a sad? one >:3)
It was all he could do to keep his wits about him. The sounds of battle ad war raged around him, beating against his skull like a war drum and yet he pushed past the pain, past the pressure and the exhaustion because there was something a hell of a lot more important that needed his attention. "Come on.... Come ON!" He pushed himself faster, his wings beating harder and harder to catch up to the being that was 100 feet below him and the distance was not lessoning. He couldn't be late, he wouldn't be too late. He had to get there in time or else....
There was no room for 'or else'. He gritted against the muscles screaming in his back, in his wings in his shoulders. Every cell cried for relief, just for a moment but he ignored it. 70 feet.
50 feet.
30 feet.
"Wiccan!" He was so close, and yet Billy had failed to regain consciousness. The energy blast had barely skimmed Teddy's shoulder but it was just enough to slam into the back of Billy's head right as the spell he was casting left his lips. He had already failed once. He wasn't going to do so again. 20 feet.
10 feet. He caught the very dregs of Billy's cloak and hurled him up and against his body with only one moment more to angle himself out of a direct nosedive. Pain exploded along his head, shoulders, back, the world nothing but blurs of color before it slowed and finally stopped. All he could hear was his heart, the breath tearing from his chest and for another long, agonizing moment, it was all Teddy could do but just let the pain wash over him. The second he felt his healing ability kick in he was moving, rolling so that Billy was laying down against the ground, shielded by Teddy's body. "Come on, Bee. You gotta wake up now okay?" His hand slid to the back of Billy's head and was only slightly relieved that there wasn't any blood. But a blast like that, with how hot he personally knew those chambers were, didn't mean much. It could have cauterized on contact, doing nothing to aid the wound behind it. "Bee...Billy. Please, love wake up. Please..." He shook him as much as he dared, ignoring the sounds of the raging and dying around him. This couldn't be it. This wouldn't be it. This was not how he was going to lose his husband.
"Not today, Death you bastard. Not Today. Come on, Billy..." He shook him once more, barely tapping the skin of Billy's cheek only to see the black eyelashes flutter and finally open. Every ounce of air left Teddy's lungs in a gush, and his head fell down to rest on Billy's shoulder. Thank the gods... Oh, he didn't care what he had to do to repay them, he would. Thank the Gods. "Unngh, what... What happened?" Billy's words were slurred, but they seemed to clear the more he came into awareness. Teddy pressed a kiss to Billy's neck, his chin and finally his lips before he pulled back enough to look into his eyes. "Someone got a lucky shot." He couldn't help the smile, the all out relief that made the pain, the fighting and world around them fall into the background. "But you're okay. Just might have a nasty bump after this." He leaned back, wings still curled around them both as Teddy helped Billy sit upright. Billy's hand moved to the back of his head, hissing when he felt the now obvious line of bald skin. "And a new hairstyle apparently." He looked up into Teddy's eyes, suddenly realizing how close the king was to breaking. "I'm okay, Tee. But we need to move, there are people who-" "No." The command came out harsher than he intended but he didn't back down. He saw the familiar stubbornness flash in Billy's eyes, but Teddy didn't let him continue the thought. "No, we're done. Lauri-Ell can handle things from here. You and I need to go."
"But Teddy we can't I mean, look around-" "Billy, stop." Teddy cupped his husband's cheeks, holding him still so he had nothing else to do but to look at him. "I'm exhausted, you damn near almost fell head first into the crust of this planet and I am not going to allow you to kill yourself when we have people who can help finish this." He rarely pulled rank, hated doing it, especially when it came to Billy. But the image of his lifeless body falling faster than Teddy could catch him would not leave his minds eye, and he doubted it would for a long, long time.
"Please... Our forces are pushing them back. I was about to tell you when someone got a lucky shot past me, okay? Let my Accuser handle this and let's go home." He could see Billy struggling, fighting against what he knew he could do and what he knew he should do. And just when Teddy thought he was going to have to haul his stubborn husband over his shoulder and take him home himself, he saw Billy slump in defeat. "Okay. Let's go home."
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a-crappy-art1st · 2 years
I know we're gonna get a Midnight Sons movie or Show, probably made up of Moon knight, Blade, Werewolf by Night, and Black Knight, but all of those are characters new to the MCU so here's my Ideal Midnight Sons lineup, all characters from before Eternals
Nico Minoru from Marvel's Runaways
Ghost Rider from Agents of Shield
Cloak from Cloak and Dagger (The dark dimension seems like something the Midnight Sons would handle, plus he already knows Nico Minuro)
Daimon Hellstrom from Hellstrom
And a slightly aged up version of Wiccan/Billy from Wanda Vision, this way we could see him start to use his powers before he joins the Young Avengers
and maybe like Wong or Dagger, I don't want to use Scarlet Witch or Doctor Strange because they're too powerful and we already have at least 2 spellcasters
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Tasked with finding Ripley and waking her up so that reality could be righted, a select group of heroes and magic users headed to the hospital. What they found there is not what they wanted to find, though, and it seemed like a loss was on the horizon.
SAM WILSON/CAPTAIN AMERICA (MCU): Traveling on one of Illyana’s discs takes a second to get used to. The group goes from the Town Square to the hospital in the blink of an eye. Sam steps back onto the concrete as he looks up at the looming building. “She’s in the intensive care unit. If I had to guess, this place is swarming with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.”
TONY STARK/IRONMAN (616): "What about asking them nicely? I'm on a kick now." Though no one could see it, there was a hint of a smirk on his face. "But since I know that ain't gonna work- how much of a mess are we willing to make? Our hour is quickly dwindling."
WAND MAXIMOFF/SCARLET WITCH (616): Her eyes move briefly to her sons. She can sense unrest between the two of them, but now is not the time for a motherly therapy session. “Are we to walk through the front door?”
TONY STAK (616): "Well, that's one way to do it. Can't any of you magic users just.. sense where she is?" He wiggled his fingers to mimic magic. "That way we don't have to go on a high-stakes scavenger hunt."
NICO MINORU/SISTER GRIMM (616): Nico’s been silent up to this point, clutching the Staff of One like a lifeline. “We know where she is.” The duh is implied. “Like Cap said, the intensive care unit. That’s the top floor of the hospital. We go up there, we do the spell, we wake her up. Right?” She looks to Wanda and Billy.
TONY STARK (616): "Sounds simple. Simple has a tendency to become messy, in my experience, but for now I'm choosing to be optimistic." As he spoke he took a few steps back, head tilted up as he glanced at the top floor. "What about teleporting up there? We can deal with whoever we run into once we're inside, avoid all the weird stares and bullets that are probably waiting for us in the lobby."
TOMMY SHEPHERD (616): Tommy raised a quick hand as everyone else spoke, suddenly feeling like chopped liver. "Uh, I can just run through the room and disarm them before we all go. It'll take two secs.”
ILLYANA RASPUTIN (616): “Yes, let Wanda’s rugrat clear the way. I’m not the mutant ferry.”
TOMMY SHEPHERD (616): Tommy didn't ask for anyone's permission before his legs were pushing his momentum forward, opening the door in a split second and making his way down the hall. To everyone else, it was like he wasn't even there as he perused down the hall and swiped everyone's guns one by one, aiming some of them towards security cameras and even completely emptying out some of the chambers. By the time he finished all of the floors and made it back outside to the rest of the group, shouting and gunshots could be heard going off for a few moments before total silence, and he raised a playful brow at everyone.
TONY STARK (616): "Neat trick you've got there, kid." Tony sounded both impressed and amused. He then looked to Sam. "Whatcha say, Cap? Shall we? I'll follow your lead."
WANDA MAXIMOFF (616): “Thank you, dear.” Wanda’s hand briefly touches Tommy’s shoulder. In retrospect, she could have cast a spell, but it’s good for everyone to feel included. With that being said, the witch pushes into the building and moves with a rustling cape up the stairs.
SAM WILSON (MCU): “Looks like we’re following her lead.” Sam nods his chin at Wanda as she breezes through the door. He follows with the shield hooked to his back. “Say we get to Ripley, what then? You spell casters cast your spell? Wake Sleeping Beauty?”
NICO MINORU (616): “I wouldn’t call her Sleeping Beauty,” Nico mumbles.
BILLY KAPLAN/WICCAN (616): "It's not that simple," Billy supplies, "we're dealing with an Infinity Stone."
SAM WILSON (MCU): Sam’s Wanda is an expert on the Infinity Stones, but he’s not sure about this Wanda. She definitely seems more witchy, to say the least. “I’m trusting the people with magic here.” He pushes open a door as they make it to the top floor. “Room 8-1.”
TONY STARK (616): "If any part of this plan involves kissing her, I want no part of it." Tony followed the group, still latched onto the Sleeping Beauty reference and trying to ignore his own anxiety by joking around. Classic Tony Things. "Trusting the process sounds easy until you get to the important stuff. We're all trusting the people with magic. But if that spell doesn't work, do we have a Plan B?"
BILLY KAPLAN (616): "Yeah, apparently Krakoa is going to mass execute everyone." Billy remarks bitterly.
SAM WILSON (MCU): “I don’t think I can kiss her, either.” Carol probably wouldn’t like that.
NICO MINORU (616): Nico’s too devoted to Karolina to even consider it.
TONY STARK (616): "Plan C then?" Tony deactivated his helmet, and it dissolved away to reveal his face. "What happens if we separate her from the Infinity Stone? Can we even do that?"
WANDA MAXIMOFF (616): “No one needs to kiss anyone.” Magic pushes the proper door aside. In the room, a hospital monitor beeps steadily. A slight blonde form is hooked into a bed with restraints around her thin wrists and ankles, various cords and wires extending from her. Wanda looks on in pity before turning to Billy and Nico. "More like Plan D. Separating Ripley from the Stone may kill her. She died once at Carol’s hand. How the Stone got into her is a mystery. Even if she’s a criminal, we don’t want to cause bodily harm. Instead, we turn to magic.” She turns to Billy and Nico. “Do you know what to do?”
TOMMY SHEPHERD (616): "Not everyone." Tommy muttered under his breath before his mother began to speak, and he turned his attention back to Billy and Nico.
BILLY KAPLAN (616): Billy didn't bother humoring his mother with an answer. It wasn't her fault -- he could just feel the prickly sensation of his impending anxiety, the roll of skittering underneath his skin that makes him want to peel off his suit and itch at it. Instead, Billy extends a hand and mutters under his breath --- blue aura emerges around where the stone sits. Simple stabilization, except nothing about this was simple.
NICO MINORU (616): Magic is both complicated for Nico and easy at the same time. She has to come up with a new spell, but the staff glows white as magic emanates from it. Along with Billy, she helps to stabilize the Stone.
TONY STARK (616): "Alright. Sleeping Beauty's had enough rest." He lifted a hand, and the nanotech shifted part of his suit into a needle. "Let's get this party started." And with that, Tony injected Ripley with enough epinephrin to wake her up.
RIPLEY RYAN/STAR (616): For a second, she thinks she’s having a heart attack. After months of black, everything is suddenly rushing at her at a breakneck speed. Ripley gasps as she sits upright, the various wires tugging from the motion. “Jesus fucking Christ.” Her voice is barely more than a croak. The Stone begins to throb red.
TONY STARK (616): "Whoa, whoa— alright there. Let's breathe." The needle reabsorbed back into his suit, and now he was holding out his hands to try and calm Ripley after she shot upright. He glanced to the magic users for a moment to make sure they were paying attention. "You've gotta be feelin' pretty shitty right now, I'm sure. If I were you, I would be thinking about submitting to win the title of Longest, Crappiest Nap Ever. But just do us a favor and take it slow. We're not here to hurt you."
RIPLEY RYAN (616): Somebody has hurt her, but she doesn’t know who. “What the actual fuck?” There seems to be magic from two unfamiliar faces channeling towards her Stone. She instantly feels territorial. Ripley begins the process of untangling herself in a hurry. “No, no. You all need to stay the hell away from me. All of you.”
WANDA MAXIMOFF (616): “Ripley,” Wanda’s voice is patient. “We are running out of time.” There’s what? Five minutes left? “You need to use the Stone to right the wrongs of others. It is not fair, and I’m sorry.”
RIPLEY RYAN (616): “No.” She climbs to shaky feet. Ripley has to cling to the side of the bed to support herself. Already, she can feel the Stone recharging her batteries. “Nuh-uh. No fucking way. You got yourself into a bad situation? Get yourself out.” With that, her eyes glow red as she issues a command: OUT. In a flash of red, Ripley Ryan is gone.
BILLY KAPLAN (616): The glow dissipates and Billy slowly lowers his palm. "I'm sorry, what?"
NICO MINORU (616): “Did that bitch really just peace?” The light from the Staff fades out.
TONY STARK (616): For a moment Tony sat frozen, mouth agape. Then he threw his arms up in defeat. "Alright, I was joking around before but we need a Plan B. Right now." He turned to the rest of the team. "We're it, guys. Time's almost out. What do we do?"
WANDA MAXIMOFF (MCU): “Time is out.” Wanda’s face falls. “We’re too late.”
TONY STARK (616): "What? So we just.. lost? That's it?"
WANDA MAXIMOFF (616): She swallows thickly, eyes on the ground while her head shakes. “We need to get to the town square, to tell them -- they need to know.” Know it’s all been for naught.
ILLYANA RASPUTIN (616): She says nothing. Instead, Illyana just opens a portal and takes them there.
BILLY KAPLAN (616): "Time isn't out." He shifts towards Wanda. The clock is incredibly close, he can feel it closing in around him. "And there is another way." he doesn't flat out say it -- they both know better than most what altering reality could do, how their magic, applied by human hands, could be so finicky. The stone was safer, it was a concentrated force with a goal. Billy couldn't do it on his own -- he wasn't sure if Wanda would even agree.
WANDA MAXIMOFF (616): “Billy...” Her voice trails off. Wanda knows. Of course she knows. That doesn’t mean she likes it. “It is more than a risk. If we get it wrong, we can make things more than worse.” She looks around the now brightly lit town square. “Are you ready to run that risk?”
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azurecanary · 2 years
I think I'm officially dipping out of the MCU at this point. It's just... annoying how now that characters that I consider to be my heroes are getting introduced, the MCU execs are just choosing to disrespect all the things that make these characters them as well as what makes them important to their fans.
First it was Spider-Man going from a hero for the beaten down working class to a poster boy for billionaire superhero tech (that's now been fixed with NWH, but still).
Then it was Kate being changed from a badass teenage survivor of assault who raided Avengers Mansion for weapons to help her friends fight a time traveling warlord, to a Hawkeye fangirl.
And now, America is being changed from the reckless and hot headed young adult who rushes into danger to protect her loved ones, to a tween damsel in distress. Not to mention the rumours of her lesbianism being significantly diminished for the movies.
And then there's the very real possibility that we're never going to see Billy and Tommy as Wiccan and Speed, or as gay and bi characters. At least, not in the foreseeable future.
Not to mention the fact that while popular Marvel TV characters such as Daredevil and Kingpin are being brought into the movies, equally as beloved Marvel TV characters such as Quake and Mockingbird are being disrespected. Whether it's not asking the actor for Quake to reprise her role in Secret Invasion (in which Quake was a massive player in the comics), or changing Mockingbird's MCU status to being Barton's retired wife.
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xmenitionexpedition · 4 years
me thinking we were gonna see who monica’s guy is in that episode
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shizukateal · 4 years
Wandavision thoughts post episode 5:
I don’t think Mephisto is behind any of this? The only reason people suspect that is because that’s what happens in the comics, but the show is very careful and deliberate in foreshadowing, set-up, and pay-offs, and so far nothing I’ve seen hints at his existence. The only possibility I see is that Ag(atha)ness’ “husband” “Ralph” could be him, but I’ll talk more about him later.
It is far more likely, however, that AIM is. Aside from the hex being in the shape of their symbol, Zola was already introduced and it would also set up a SHIELD vs HYDRA parallel.
In fact, I suspect AIM already infiltrated SWORD and that’s why, as everyone suspects by now, they were scavenging Vision’s corpse, which Wanda proceeded to steal. And commander dickhead, whatever his name was, is not the only one aware of this but so is that dude who took Monica’s position as SWORD’s director. He sent her to westview unaware that this missing person’s case was related to his weapon trafficking's deal with AIM and now this whole operation is a scrambled race to cover up the bullshit.
I also think that the man and woman on the commercial breaks are the head honchos in whatever fuckery of a mission AIM was attempting before the whole thing exploded in their faces. They could also be the Kaplans? But I don’t know enough about them to say that with certainty, I’m just spitballing here.
However, the reason I bring that possibility up is because this is all “For The Children”. I think AIM joined with Ag(atha)ness who has insight into multiverses and told them that Wanda could create superpowered child soldiers if certain conditions were met. Which is a shaky theory, but not outside possibility. I’m doing my best here. *shrug*
Which leads me to Agatha’s motivations. It’s clear she has more awareness than the rest of the cast and she probably killed Sparky to tempt Wanda into using her powers to bring back the dead again. And I think the reason for that is that “Ralph” is dead. All her complaining about how “Ralph” is a lazy husband is window dressing to cover up her grief. That’s her whole reason for being involved with AIM in this bullshit (which I suspect includes Herb the guy she was talking to in episode 3, as an AIM operative): she gets them superpowered child soldiers, she gets her husband back in the process. In fact, she may have been the one that tipped off Wanda to what they were doing to Vision, hence why she casts her as her best friend.
In fact, I think she may have tried to get Mr. Hart to choke in the first episode both so he would stop asking questions and, if she got lucky, to get Wanda to use that specific power. I think Wanda is in control of the plot and setting, but Agatha controls the actors, and it’s her grief over “Ralph” that she’s channeling through them.
That takes us to the question of whether Ralph(ael? like the arcangel?) could be Mephisto or not. And I think the answer to this lies on whether she brought back Pietro from an alternate timeline or not. If she has that power and “Ralph” was just her normal human being husband then she probably would  have already brought him back that way, but if he’s Mephisto then there could be a reason as to why she can’t do that with him? Everything I’m saying about her is pretty shaky, especially since Vision apparently brings her back to consciousness in the promos. Of course that could be a lie from her part to cover her tracks, but still.
Lingering questions:
How real are the children? It’s implied they may know more than they let on, but that may just be Agatha manipulating them to have even more leverage over Wanda. (who knows what that lavender essence actually was)
Dottie obviously has more going on than we know, but what? My only working theory is that she’s a Sokovia victim, but there’s probably a lot more to her than that.
What about beekeper agent????
Who is the missing man? My 3 leading suspects are: a) Doctor Strange (somehow also involved doing magic here, setting up Multiverse of Madness), b) Ralph (maybe his “disappearance” was actually that Agness accidentally killed him????) c) Peter Parker??????? (highly unlikely, only mentioning it because maybe the FBI put him into witness protection program after the whole Mysterio fiasco and also I think I’ve heard his next movie is also about the multiverse), d) some rando? Who do we know in the mcu that could be in the witness protection program???
And lastly, and most important of all:
How come none of you people are talking about how Monica probably got her Photon powers when Wanda blasted her???? Come on, don’t do her dirty like this.
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phoenixyfriend · 5 years
SHIELD: You do NOT negotiate with terrorists!
Billy, glancing at Magneto: Agent... that's my grandfather.
SHIELD: He's a terrorist.
Billy: I was 'negotiating' in the sense that I was asking him to break a twenty so I could grab some ice cream for my cousin, sure, but--
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winter2468 · 6 years
Wanda: Oh no. I'm supposed to pick up Billy and Tommy from day care in 30 minutes, but I have to stay late to work on an application I just got from Fury.
Clint: They're six. They can take the subway.
Tony: Clint that's crazy. They're babies.
Tony: Wanda, just call them an Uber.
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goodstories08 · 2 years
Reed Richards X Male Reader
Request: No
Description: Y/n and Reed lived a happy and simple life, they fell in love and had a family together. Things weren’t as simple as they seemed how ever, Y/n was an alternate version of Wanda’s son Billy. When she crosses paths with the Illuminati on her journey for happiness, Y/n must face his mother and save his husband.
!Disclaimer! Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness SPOILERS!
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“Stop Wanda, there’s no need for this,” Reed yelled as he swung down to the cold marble floor. The other members of the Illuminati stood behind him in defensive positions as Wanda’s eyes glew a brighter shade of red.
“Do you have kids, Mr. Richards,” Wanda said in a blank tone, Reed furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and nodded. “Is their mother still alive?” Reed was still confused but cautious and in a fighting position, “Yes, their father is alive.” Wanda tilted her head as she raised her hands, bright glowing orbs held between her fingers, “Good, at least they’ll have one parent left to look after them.”
Y/n flung up off his bed panting, he looked down to his arms as Skylar and Athena woke up. The two children rubbed their eyes and slowly rose from their their slumber, “Daddy where are you going, were is Papa?” Y/n’s eyes burned a bright blue, “Papa’s in trouble, stay here.” He ran out of the room while the two girls stay sitting up confused to what was happening.
He ran out of the door and focused his energy to form an orb in his hands. His baggy tee shirt and shorts morphed into a starry suit and red cloak. A light blue aura surrounded his body as he flew up into the night sky.
“Wanda you need to stop!,” Reed yelled before jumping forward, he was stoped however by Wanda. She raised her hand and lifted him from the ground, “Goodbye Mr. Richards.”
“NO!” Y/n flew down and slammed the ground crating a shockwave of blue to slam Wanda into the concrete wall. “Reed,” Y/n yelled while falling down to his side. Reed’s chest heaved up and down heavily as the cut on his forehead bleed more. “Y/n you need to get out of here!”
“No I won’t leave you,” Y/n cried before turning his head to see Wanda fighting Captain Carter and Captain Marvel. The sound of Captain Carter’s shield bouncing of the wall and into her ring through the building. She let out a single groan of pain before falling to the floor. Reed tried to stand but couldn’t balance himself. “Stay here Reed,” Y/n flew up from the ground, hovering about a few feet in the air.
Wanda turned her attention to him and her expression softened. “Billy?,” she said with emotion on her voice, tears rolled down her eyes as they turned back to normal color. “Who the fuck is that?! My name is Y/n,” he yelled causing Wanda to flinch a bit.
“No your my son, but older. No need to be scared come here,” she said in a comforting tone. “Stay away from me and my husband!” Y/n warned while she started to float up to match Y/n’s height. “He’s your husband? You have kids? I want to meet them. Let me see my grandchildren,” she said in a harsh manner, eyes glowing bright red once more.
“Stay away from my family bitch,” Wanda threw a piece of concrete toward Y/n but he stoped it with ease. “I said stay away!” His hands flew I front of his face, the concrete price crumbled away and Wanda was lifted from her place. Blue energy swirled around her, pulling her apart limb by limb. She screamed but shortly after, snapped out of it and pushed Y/n to the ground. He groaned in pain as the pressure increased.
“Billy sweetie I don’t want to hurt you,” She said while coming down toward the ground. She reached out and turned Y/n over, her eyes widened when she saw his eyes. They were glowing brighter than the sun, she immediately fell back. Blinded by the bright light. Y/n let out a scream as a giant force threw her into a giant statue. His screams continued as he fell to the floor. His vision started to blur.
“Y/n!” Reed called as he stumbled over to Y/n, he laid a kiss on his lips and whispered, “Get us out of here.”
Y/n channeled his last bit of energy to teleport them home. Skylar and Athena ran up to their dads as soon as they say them walk through the door, both covered in bloodstains and dirt. “Papa what happened?,” one of the curious little girls questioned. Reed smiled and pulled the two girls and Y/n in for a hug. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Reed,” Y/n whispered, “What about Wanda we can’t stop her.” He shook his head and lifted Y/n’s chin. “Don’t worry about that right now,” he pulled the shorter male into his chest before kissing him passionately. “I love you.”
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ironasss · 3 years
Saw no way home on the 23rd, sent my friend this email:
AHHHHHH OH MY GOD I JUST SAW SPIDER-MAN HOLY MOTHER*language*ING *language* OH MY GOD LIKE I KNEW TOBEY AND ANDREW WERE IN IT BUT OH MY GOD I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE LIKE A CAMEO(which is interesting, because i thought Charlie Cox would have a bigger role) AND I KNEW EITHER AUNT MAY OR HAPPY WOULD DIE BUT WHYYYYYYY????????? LITERALLY AS SOON AS SHE SAID "with great power there must also come a great responsibility" I KNEW IT WAS HER JESUS JAMIE FOXX OH MY GOD HIS HAIR OK BUT VENOM????? See, would this have been explained if I had watched Venom: Let There be Carnage? GET h*ward STARK'S MOTHER*language*ING FACE OF THAT MIT WALL WTF PUT TONY ON THERE NO ONE KILLS ABOUT JOHN SLATTERY Is marvel just like, really reaaaaallllllyyyyyyyyy team cap? because, a) like all of team Iron Man is dead(except Peter, but hey, he doesn't exist!) b) the statue of liberty has a shield. why. GIVE IT A WIDOW BITE OR AN ARC REACTOR Also: DUM-E? I also knew he was in it but GAH IT WAS SO SAD And then at the end, oh my god, at the cemetery, I GUESS SPIDER-MAN ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT AT LEAST TWO FUNERALS HUH EXCEPT NOT A FUNERAL, BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS Happy. Why. LOOK MAN I KNOW YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH TONY STARK. b ut d i d yo u h a ve t o ru b h i s de a th i n m y fa c e l i ke th a t I had a close friend die recently. this feels like that. OR WHATEVER IT IS HE SAID, IDC IT WAS SAD And ok, hold on. You know that set photo, Andrew Garfield said was photoshopped? Ima be honest, I thought it was. I had full confidence he was in it, but liKE I SAID I THOUGHT IT WAS A CAMEO But then, I saw the exact moment that was, and i SWEAR I COULD JUST SEE THE PURPLE SCREEN BEHIND HIM OH MY GOD And the movie theater we went to *language*ing SUCKED like you know how usually they play something related to the movie, cast interviews, moments with the character(s) in past movies if they're a returning character, a comics history if they're new? (like there was comics history when I saw Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings(2021) and Eternals(2021), and a feature thing with Nataliahashalie's past movies before Black Widow(2021), and all of them had cast interviews.) Question: why do people deny Agents of SHIELD being canon, when Maria Hill exists? (like obviously Coulson exists, but people are like: hE's sTIlL dEaD! aGeNTs oF ShiElD iSn'T rEaL!) OK BUT A MILLION YEARS ON INSTAGRAM I SAW THIS POST, AND I DONT REMEMBER IF IT WAS ORIGINALLY INSTAGRAM OR ORIGINALLY TUMBLR OR TWITTER BUT Someone was like, what if when MJ falls, Andrew Garfield Spider-Man catches her? AND THEN HE DID JHEJDGEWUIDG:UDHLKUQ *dies* ANYWAY SINCE IM SEEING IT AGAIN ON THE 28TH AFTER I SEE VENOM AT THE ALAMO ILL GET THE FULL EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!! Also: i hate my brother hes an idiot and hes arguing marvel with me. HJJHGHJDG DIDNT SEE IT THE FIRST TIME BUT I SAW IT IN LIKE IMAX AT THE THEATER THE DOCTOR STRANGE 2 TRAILER THATS AMERICA CHAVEZ WITH THE STAR JACKET ITS GOTTA BE IDK IF YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS, BUT SHES ONE OF THE YOUNG AVENGERS SHES FRIENDS WITH KATE BISHOP(I ship them actually) AND SHE CAN OPEN LIKE, MULTIVERSAL SPACE PORTALS IN THE SHAPE OF A STAR SHES SO COOL IF SHES MCU, THEN THEY HAVE MOST OF THE YOUNG AVENGERS theres David(prodigy), Billy(Wiccan), Tommy(Speed), Teddy(Hulkling), Kate(Hawkeye), America(Ms America), Patriot(FORGOT HIS NAME HE WAS IN TFATWS), Noh-varr(Marvel-boy) and SOMETIMES Nate(Iron lad, but if the MCU was gonna do it they would probably make it Harley Keener) and..... I feel like im missing one? lemme think, i got wiccan and speed and their bfs, hawkeye and her bf, america and patriot... OH YEAH LOKI!!!!!!! o h m y g o d WHAT IF THEY DO KID LOKI Anyway. all the mcu is really missing is David and Teddy now, SO (guess theres the dillema of Billy and Tommy not existing....) OH MY GOD IM SO EXCITED FOR JARED LETO AND JARED HARRIS
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sash-au · 2 years
Hero Teams/Division Members
Team leaders' and squad leaders' names will be first and in bold. Characters who are already in Marvel canon in some way will be in italics.
Captain America (Peggy Rogers-Romanoff)
Spiderling (Trisha Parker)
Deathstroke (Winnie Wilson)
Goddess of Pain (Laura Laufeyson)
Jenny Barnes
Iron Legion
Steel (Morgan Stark-Potts)
Chrome (Penny Rhodes)
Ingot (Tonya Stark-Potts)
Obsidian (James Stark-Potts)
Titanium (Anthony Rhodes)
Young Avengers
Wiccan (Billy Kaplan-Altman)
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
Nomad (Clint Rogers-Romanoff) (Leads when it's just the smaller group)
Speed (Tommy Shepherd)
Hulkling (Teddy Kaplan-Altman)
Ms. America (America Chavez)
Prodigy (David Alleyne)
Patriot (Elijah Bradley)
Warp (Kennedy Foster)
She-Hulk (Breanna Banner)
Captain Universe (Melissa Danvers)
Goddess of Healing (Ashley Odinson)
God of Sound (Chris Odinson)
Tessa Danvers
Captain America (Sarah Wilson)
Black Panther (Sa'rabaah Udaku)
Sara Strange
Falcon (Delilah Wilson)
Naomi Udaku
Sam Strange
Quicksilver (Zoey Maximoff)
Crimson Curse (Clara Maximoff)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Star-Lord (Peter Quill)
Star-Kid (Tom Quill)
Mare Quill
New Avengers
Hawkeye (Lila Barton)
Stature (Cassie Lang)
Eagleye (Cooper Barton)
Hawk (Nathaniel Barton)
Stinger (Ant Lang)
SHIELD Internal Division
Agent Stephen Fury
Agent Lacey Hill
Agent Mateo Lopez
Intelligence Officers
Agent Kai Park
Agent Obi Robinson
Agent Riley Anderson
Agent River Campbell
Agent Floyd Thomas
Agent Veronica King
Agent Samuel Davis
SHIELD Field Division
General Field Agents
Agent Felix Sugiyama
Agent Peggy Carter Jr.
Agent CJ Jacobson
Agent Isabelle Robinson
Agent Anastasia Wright
Agent Benjamin Hill
Agent Pippa Walker
Agent Benjamin Thomas
Agent Legacy Carter
Arrest Agents
Agent Steve Coulson
Agent Ruby Davis
Agent Shazi Ahmed
SHIELD Inhuman Division
Agent Lily Johnson
Agent Hayden Flores
Agent Tobias Jameel
Agent Brianne Williams
Agent Nina Allen
Agent Piper Baptiste
Agent Maggie Schmidt
Agent Ollie Johnson
Agent Ryan Lee
Agent Ayla Thomas
Agent Avery Sandoval
Agent Nova Williams
Agent Ronan Thomas
Agent Robin Maher
Agent Aaron Garcia
Agent Olivia Thomas
Agent Faith Mackenzie
Agent Sage Nelson
Agent Jamie Lewis
Agent Adele Thompson
Agent Owen Taylor
Agent Skylar Harris
Agent Eli Young
Agent Eric Taylor
Agent Eddie Sanchez
Agent Dani Miller
Agent Zach Perez
Agent Anna Barnett
Agent Charlie Nelson
Agent Jayse Chavos
Agent Jesse Thomas
Agent Eliza Zhao
Agent Lily Patel
Agent Rowan Kim
Agent Gabi Roberts
Agent Phoenix Williams
Agent Devin Li
Agent Azalea Green
Agent Betty Robinson
Agent Christian Alexander
Agent Tyler Chen
Agent Victoria Clark
Agent Jacob Morita
Agent Kev Nguyen
Agent Jackson White
Agent Mitchell Thompson
Agent Cory Adams
SHIELD Science Division
Agent Gavin Foster
Agent Hunter Smith
Agent Henry Rodriguez
Agent Kennedy Foster
Chemical Engineers
Agent Skye Fitz
Forensic Scientists
Agent Kareem Abdul
Agent Otis Russo
Agent Connie Goldberg
Agent Elizabeth Mitchell
Agent Josiah Anderson
Agent Kyle Smith
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wiccllng · 3 years
a review, but mostly wiccan and hulkling content and geeking over the ending and ANOTHER relationship.
“The Guardians of the Galaxy have been many things: soldiers, misfits, thieves and, above all... family.”
“But with the galaxy in shambles after constant attacks, it doesn’t need heros... it need super heros.”
WICCAN & HULKLING ( billy & teddy ) + GUARDIANS
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(PG 1) we start off in throneworld, which is having an 8x8 planetary emergency. it’s basically under attack.
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[PG 3] here is one of the monsters... doing something to the citizens of throneworld? ANYWAYS you can see teddy at the bottom being the king space needs.
[PG 6 (not pictured)] kl’rt speaks to nova, informing him about the 8x8 alert at throneworld. Nova tells kl’rt that ‘we’ (superheros) don’t take orders from galatic council members. “Any more than the Avengers take orders from Earth’s nations.” saying they aren’t cops or soldiers, but super heros. after he had said that you think he meant he wasn’t going to help, except that was his plan the whole time, don’t know what he had to make a fuss then 😭.
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[PG 9] THE FIRST TIME we see wiccan in this comic and we get HUSBAND AND HUSBAND CONTENTTTTT! THEY ARE SO AWESOME WHEN THEY FIGHT ALONGSIDE EACH OTHER HOW CAN YOU NOT FREAK OUT??!! anyways, after being on a call with nova, billy calls kl’rt to tell him that the progenitors are no joke and insisting they might need backup.
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[PG 10] WHEN I TELL YOU I GASPED IN REAL LIFE AFTER READING THIS I AM NOT KIDDINGGGG I WENT INTO PROTECT TEDDY MODE I THOUGHT HE WAS ABOUT TO DIE IDK WHY. ANYWAYS they both come to the conclusion that there is a strong source of magic running the giants. while distracted, teddy gets sprayed with some sort of poison that messes with his skrull tendencies, switching his forms like crazy (hurting him). billy also went into protect teddy mode and put him in a shield while trying to get rid of the poison. at this point, nova and the rest of the guardians are entering the atmosphere.
[PG 11 (not pictured)] guardians hold their ground against the progenitors.
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[PG 12] the guardians land on the planet and do what they need to do. due to debris from the giant magic robots, billy puts up a shield for himself and the healing hulkling. nothing much else happens except you know, them fighting. (peep billy and teddy in the back at the bottom).
[PGS 13-17 (not pictured)] other than the guardians fighting in these few pages, star lord does an interesting move with groot... star lord points his gun at the back of groot while groot stares into the eyes of a much bigger giant. as you can imagine, rocket was confused but star lord said he is the master of the sun, and master of the four elements. rocket things star lord is about to shoot and kill groot, but when he shoots the back of groot, groot grows WAYYY bigger and WAYYY stonger, similar to a very very very big and growing tree. he obviously takes out the giant.
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[PG 18] with that, they finish off the wave of progenitors and resolve the 8x8 alert. kl’rt asks for an update on the emperor and his court wizard. they are fine and thanks to wiccan, the mutagen emperor hulkling was sprayed with wore off. AND NOW gamora and star lord have a moment?!?!??
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[PG 19] (DISCLAIMER: TO UNDERSTAND BETTER READ GOTG #1 and #9 I HAVEN’T BUT YEAH) WOAHHHHHH SO JUST READ . I GUESS STAR LORD DISAPPEARED EARLIER ON AND HAD A WHOLE LIFE?!?$?! this kind of puts him off and he was obviously emotionally attached to his family he had, feeling like he needs a break with maybe the team, but mostly a break from gamora.
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[PG 26] so someone had spread the word that there was a kree-skrull alliance to someone with clear power. teddy says that it could have been planned, like an act of war. BUT A BRROOUM OF LIGHTING HITS. While gamora finds the voice familiar, wiccan can pretty much smell the magic in the AIR and informs the team. BUT WAIT, someones inside it, but who? (let’s take a very quick look back at our husbands)
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our angels <3! moving on
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dexi-green · 4 years
Soooo... we agree that by the end of this show what should happen is that Sam will learn about Isaiah Bradley, the OG Black Cap, that the government/history tried to erase, wrestle with his feelings about the government interference (alá Steve in Winter Soldier) and the IMMENSE disrespect of Steve’s legacy (taking his shield was them metaphorically them diggin up his grave(even if Steve’s not dead yet, it’s digging up CAP’s grave after Sam laid him to rest in the museum)) eventually get the Shield back but instead of take up the mantle himself pass it onto Isaiah’s grandson Elijah who will become Patriot and start the parade of bringing in the Young Avengers (w/ possibly Billy/Tommy Speed/Wiccan who already showed up in Wandavision and pass Doctor Strange MoM, Cassie Lang as Stature debuting in the next ant-man, Kamala Khan in cap marvel 2, Kate Bishop in the Hawkeye show, and America Chavez in Doctor Strange MoM) ????
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skyeblue379 · 4 years
So let’s talk about the newest episode of WandVision there is of course a spoiler warning from this point on
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First let’s talk about theories disproved
So the town is made up of the citizens of westview( as far as we know ) the fact the several citizens actors such as the milkman, mailman , and “norm” were shields of agents in previous movies is a conciedence
It’s looking like Anges is a regular citizen not Agatha Harkness, who in the comics was one of the original witches of Salem, a mentor of scarlet witch who was eventually killed by her when she went crazy and almost destroyed the multiverse, but as she was not one the citizens who was identified there is still a chance but we’ll have to wait and see
Okay so let’s talk about what still up in the air theory wise and what we do know thus far
Let’s talk about Mephisto
i still believe that this is how Marvel is choosing to introduce him since he plays an important part in wandas story arch in the comics ( for those who don’t know Wanda creates the twins using a bit of his power/soul and he arranges for them to be stolen by his minion Master pandemonium who uses them as Arms to try and regain Mephisto’s stolen power ( yes you read that right the 80s were wild)
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I still believe that he is the one orchestrating everything behind the scenes but I have a new theory on who he is or at least one I have seen but I’m sure is out there cause let’s be honest I’m not that creative lol
I think during the aftermath of the snap Mephisto took advantage of the chaos to take the identity of Hayward the new leader of SWORD
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Think about he could’ve seen that there was a chance to take power in the upcoming new agency and knowing marvel they might pull an ego, he might’ve had a had in hand in Maria’s death to make sure that he got control of SWORD and to have Monica have a personal investment in this fight
If we go with this theory that explains why he seems to have vendetta to make out Wanda as the villain and dangerous and why we didn’t see the “ footage “ of Wanda stealing visions body my guess is he is trying to alienate wanda from everyone else so she’ll have no where to turn
The reason I think this isn’t entirely wanda is because while in the comics Wanda is one of the most powerful mutants in the entire multi-verse thus far in the mcu she hasn’t shown that level of power and while I would LOVE if they gave Wanda the power and recognition she deserves I don’t think that’s going to happen given The writers treatment Of the marvel women so far and if given the chance they will make the all powerful villain who manipulating the poor defenseless female who couldn’t help but fall for his evil schemes * cue southern lady hand to forehead swoon*(oh I’m going to piss off some fanboys with that one lol) but really think about it Hollywood as a whole doesn’t like bestowing the mantle of most powerful on women or POC especially in action movies which , whether or not you want to admit it , as a genre is engineered to please cisgender straight white men but that’s a whole other debate and I’m already going off enough tangents as is
I don’t think that it was wanda who left the boundary or if it was I don’t think it was entirely of her own volition I think it was a tactic to further villify Wanda in the eyes of SWORD and cementing the distrust of her by them so Hayward can weaponize SWORD against Wanda and Vision
Expanding on that based on what We’ve seen so far from the eps and the previews it’s going to end up being a battle between SWORD/ Mesphisto who is manipulating everything and everyone to make it seem like it’s Wanda controling the town against Wanda and Vision, with the help of Darcy, agent Jimmy Woo, and Monica after they begin to realize what’s happening
Moving on to Wandas role
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So I agree with Visions assement that while Wanda Wasn’t initially consciously aware of what was going on she “ woke up “ at some point is now actively manipulating her surroundings and while she doesn’t want to directly hurt anyone as evident by her protecting Monica while sending her flying through walls and the barrier which could’ve killed her but should’ve at least broken a several bones but she came out with out a scratch
We can see that she knows what she’s doing is wrong but the looks of guilt when confronted with what she is doing she is trying to make sure the citizens are living as normal as possible as seen when she mentions making sure they mow their lawns and make it to their dentist appts and she thinks by controling them she’s making it easier on them but she knows it’s wrong like for example when billy and tommy ask her to bring sparky back to life the look on her face when she tells them there are certain things you can’t mess with and Vision walking up right as she says that I’m guessing within the next couple of episodes she admit to herself that what is happening is wrong
The Twins
So far in the series we see that Billy and Tommy at least posses some of their mother’s power as seen as they can age up seemingly by will power
In the comics billy becomes Wiccan , who takes after his mother’s powers and tommy is speed who inherited his uncles super speed but we have yet to see if these powers will transfer into the show
Side note if they try and change wiccans or speeds sexualities which in the comics wiccan was canonically gay and in a long term relationship hulking, who he eventually married , and Speed who was bisexual and in a relationship with prodigy I will riot
I’m guessing that mephisto is going to take the twins leading to Wanda joining dr strange in his show traveling the multi-verse in trying to find them or some version of them since we can only assume that’s how they are introducing the introducing mutants to the mcu
Speaking of introducing mutants to the MCU
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So at the very end of the episode they get a surprise visitor- quicksilver (which several ppl saw coming ) we see that the X-mans Quicksilver arrive at the door
While I am glad that they are reintroducing Quicksilver as his early death was my biggest problem with age of ultron, we will have to wait and see how this pans out in regards to the series as a whole
When we hear the knock we are being lead to assume same as vision that it is another diversion by Wanda which we’ve seen her do several times at this point she seems as confused as he is so I don’t think he’s appeared by her powers proven by the fact when he introduces himself as her brother she’s visibly thrown and understandably confused before hugging him
My guess is that Mephisto( who in the comics also has the power to manipulate reality tho not on the scale that scarlet witch does which is why he needs her) brought him in to distract Wanda and Vision from discovering the truth
Now we can only assume that because of his appearance that other X-men and ppl from that universe will make an appearance in the mcu but to what extent we can’t be sure yet it will largely depend on what actors agree to resign on to their contracts to continue playing their characters so we can assume that Wolverine will not be making an appearance as Hugh jackman has previously stated that he will not be reprising the role but with everyone else’s we will have to wait and see
Let me know what you guys think what you agree or disagree with, further theories etc
EDIT: I apologize it’s been almost a decade since I’ve read the series of comics feature the storyline that WandaVision were based off it was pointed to me by @Hapllucigenia123 that there were a few inaccuracies in my post
the guy with the baby arms was master pandemonium who while he was working under the direction of Mephisto is not him
the twins were made purely out of fractions of Mephistos soul in the comics and he arranged them for them to be kidnapped in order to regain the power he had lost
This doesn’t change my theories much since I don’t believe they are going to have master pandemonium appear in the series because he was a middle man and the writers are going to probably have a bigger villain name to help draw in more views.( also don’t think theyre going to have anyone use the twins as arms cause I don’t see it being taken seriously in this day and age but imagine the memes if they did lol but I will go back and fix the information when I can thank you again @hapllucigenia123 who can also be found in the comments if the tags don’t work
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lina-lovebug · 4 years
Jason Todd x Luna Maximoff imagine: Someone to You
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"You're scared."
Dick smirked, liking seeing the infamous Jason Todd actually scared for the first time in his life. They were invited to check out the SHIELD compound, courtesy of Luna and her father, but then her cousins showed up.
Tom and Billy, a.k.a Speed and Wiccan. Then Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a Scarlet Witch, then Vision, then Crystalia, and Jason felt intimidated by the sheer power of her entire family.
"Shut up," He hissed, leaning against the wall.
"Not like her mother is an Inhuman, or that her aunt is the most powerful sorceress in the world," Dick reminded him, making him feel so small.
"Jason! Come here," Luna rushed over to her Robin clad boyfriend and started to drag him over to her family.
"This is my mom, Crystalia, and my dad, Pietro. My aunt, Wanda, my uncle, Vision, my cousins Tommy and Billy. Everyone, this is Jason," Luna introduced him and Wanda felt off about his aura. He was so dark, and so angry compared to the light Luna showed off.
"It's nice to finally meet the boy who stole my moons heart. Call me Crystal," Her mother shook his hand.
"Moons heart?" Jason questioned.
"I was born on the moon, kinda in the name," Luna chuckled.
"You never told me that."
"Luna tells us you're the sidekick to Batman. He seems like quite the troubling individual," Vision commented.
"Don't crowd the kid," Wanda stepped in.
"Let him get settled."
Oh thank god, Jason thought.
"And then we'll have a family dinner."
Oh fuck.
"How did Batman even find another Robin? Is there a process or?"
"He found Jason trying to steal the tires off the Batmobile," Luna said.
"Guess he saw potential," Jason shrugged.
"Why were you trying to take tires from the Batmobile? Is that a teenager thing?" Crystal asked in confusion.
"No, I. . .I was homeless," He stuttered out, feeling like he was being judged by her family.
That they'd never accept him.
But might as well not lie.
"I wanted to make some money for food, comfort. My mom was forced to give me up to my deadbeat dad, and his addict wife. He died working for Two-Face and she overdosed, so I was trying to make money the only way I knew how," He explained with a lump in his throat, scared to even meet contact with anyone.
"Bruce saw a little boy in need. If you decided to try and steal someone else's tires that day," Luna curled her hand with his.
"I never would have met you."
"Would that have been so bad?" He chuckled dryly, knowing she deserved better.
"Of course," Crystal spoke up.
"Luna tried so hard to fight like her cousins and the rest of the family, but we were scared. Scared that she was too inexperienced, scared that I would lose my baby girl too soon," Pietro smiled at his daughter.
"But you and the Titans proved us wrong. She's always been ready, it was only us who needed to see that."
"Well, you did egg me on," Luna giggled.
"Did you know she attacked me on my first day?" Jason brought up and he saw the immediate horror on her face.
"What?" Tommy and Billy leaned in.
"Mental attack. I was being a bit of a dick to Raven and called her a freak, so she brought me to my knees with just her Telekinesis and said, "you wanna see a real mental freak?"."
"You hurt Ravens feelings," Luna pointed out.
"So the immediate reaction was to scar me for life?" Jason chuckled.
"You are not scarred for life."
"I don't know babe, I think I might need an asylum."
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