#biology mindmaps
mar-why-am · 8 months
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Finally stuck up my mindmaps so I can revise whenever I am in my room wasting time. At least now it won't be wasted time.
Working smart not hard✨
Good luck fellow human being 💪✨
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k00297602 · 5 months
Movement Project - Starting Concepts & Research
With a new project came a new brief, 'Movement'. I started by creating a simplistic mind-map where I found myself zooming in on the sea.
How sea creatures migrate and move by swimming within the moving waves and currents, how I myself moved from living by the sea to now living in a city with only a river.
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To learn more about sea life, I went to the city library read the books Ireland's Ocean- A Natural History and Ireland's Seashore- A Field Guide, taking notes of what stood out to me.
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I'm quite happy with my current concept and the research I've carried out so far and I'm excited to see what this all will become.
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coffeinate · 3 months
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doing some studying for an upcoming biology test. usually i study by rewriting my notes in different ways (mindmaps, digital notes, paper notes) or using flashcards but i wonder if i could be more effective with new methods.
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loser-female · 3 months
Nothing, just every time I sit around to think about ADHD I inevitably see all the abuse I've been through in front of my eyes again.
Now I just want to go cry in a corner.
The truth is that... I don't have any superpowers. I'm a 2x dropout. I cannot remember years of my life and the memories i have are extremely fragmented and difficult to put together. If I didn't have ADHD I wouldn't have been abused causing trauma that will never go away. I barely graduated high school - it took me 7 years instead of 5, I was too depressed to get out of bed at a certain point -and for some reason I thought I could do physics. And I can understand very difficult concepts, they don't fly over my head. But my country universities are completely unstructured. I got told "do these things in a three months time", so I couldn't keep up (and I also had chronic pain). I just cannot. I need a degree to keep going with my career but at this point I 100% believe it's over my possibilities, so I don't think I will ever reach the role of a SOC manager or a CISO.
I struggle daily to daily because all my energy goes to my job and when I'm done I'm exhausted. I have to make my boyfriend that does a physical heavy job (he is a factory worker) do 70% of the stuff because I just cannot. I do want to, but everything goes out of the window because I spent my whole day trying to focus. And he needs to double check because I forget. I forget to do laundry, I forget to take out the laundry and it then smells bad and I need to rewash it, then I forget it again. I don't miss my cats stuff because they are annoying.
While I'm actively monitoring I sometimes forget what I'm doing. And with sometimes I mean twice a day. Then I remembered and I have 10 alerts to analyse and then I get distracted again. It doesn't compromise the quality of my analysis for a miracle. Because I triple check everything, but I'm slower than my coworkers.
I called a customer yesterday because I contained his asset from the network (which is a very invasive operation) and I couldn't remember for the sake of my life if he disabled the email only or the whole o365 account. I still don't know. And it's a problem because I need to report to my coworkers and I will definitely look like an idiot if I gave them the wrong information. (They know about my ADHD and are very understanding)
I say"I need to reply to that email" and it's four months and now it's unacceptable to do this.
I recently failed a job interview because I forgot crucial information at the wrong time. I rely a lot on my notes and mindmaps which are great if you do intelligence analysis, but not that great when people expect you to remember everything.
I forgot to pay my water bill for 6 months because it got lost. I misplaced it, everyone thought it was being paid and it wasn't. (Idk how I didn't get my water shut off. Learned my lesson and now it get out directly from my bank account).
I forget to call my family for weeks because to me time makes no sense. Which is the reason why I struggle so much with my very necessary self study things. I need to get them done. I don't have the brain parts required to do that.
It's so awful, I get help but it cannot change the biology of my brain. I hope I will get some sort of "cure", although I rationally know it's impossible.
I'm scared to have kids because no way I'm condemning someone else to the amount of daily struggle I have. Especially my own child!
This is what living with ADHD actually looks like. Failing over and over again, and if you have good people around they will not mind that much, but I admit I wouldn't give me half of the slack my loved ones do to me. It's not the secret of any success, it doesn't make me "creative" or anything. In fact, I would have written how much stuff if I could finish what I start! How many things could I have done! I'd be a physics professor now. I'd have a PhD or something. I wouldn't have lost a decade of my life (1/3 of my life) to depression and anxiety.
Not that I have a bad job, I love my job, I earn more than I would have if I actually stayed in physics. even if things turned good for me that doesn't mean I don't miss what I could have been.
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pinkacademic · 1 year
What worked for Me: Visual Learner
Hey girlies, I feel like I promised this ages ago, so I’m sorry for the delay! I’m a combination of the three learning styles, so I’m going to share some things that worked for me personally, starting off with Visual!
*Again, this is just worked for me! I hope it helps you, or at least sparks some ideas, but if it doesn’t, I hope you find what does!
Step One: Chicken-Scratch Notes. Just get all the information down, it doesn’t matter if it’s pretty yet. Personally, I suggest a two-page spread, where one half is just notes written down quickly, and then the other is where you make it organised.
Step Two: Pretty-ify Notes Pick apart what you’ve written, clearly re-write the key information. This is the part where you do pretty headers, use highlighters, and go wild. Make it clear, make it concise, make it pretty! You can also stop here if you're not into mindmaps!
Here, have something Visual!
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Yup, that's what my handwriting looks like! As you can see, the left is the chicken scratch side, and the right is where I used my good pens, my pretty highlighters, and I made it actually possible to read it.
Step Three: Mindmap This is my favourite bit! This is how I condense my information. Now that I don’t have exams to study for, I still use SimpleMind+ on my iPad. But for studying purposes, I think the act of drawing it yourself adds to the process. Make it as clean or as cluttered as you like, but make sure its clear enough to read, but still attracts the eye. Colour-code.
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I'm going to break this down a little. Ultimately, what you're doing is getting the Key information onto the page in a visual way. In the centre, we have the title- the theme of the mindmap; In the top left corner, I have a box using the same colour code that I used on the previous page. In the bottom left I have a series of tips:
balance eye-catching with clear information, use colours you want to look at, decorate!
use different shapes- boxes, circles, spikies, arrows, speech bubbles, this is a muffin, be creative. *You can theme your shapes and colours depending on your mindmap eg draw little red toadstools for your micology mindmap, or draw books for your quiz on the works of Dickens
Handwrite it- I think I've mentioned that I find that useful because it adds a muscle-memory, kinaesthetic element
Top right is just the breakdown of the steps again because there's only so many ways to fill the space, but also a reminder- theme your mindmap accordingly with eg swirls in blue and yellow for your mindmap on Van Gogh, or use fishies and oceanic colours for your marine biology exam. Centre-bottom right is the key Don't and how to fix it:
DON'T rewrite a whole essay in a small space- instead use key phrases that will prompt your memory for the essay
Hope you find this helpful! The other two styles are on their way today too x
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ddaeng-angmoh · 1 year
Looking at how A/B/O would work in my mind and there are so many things to consider. I want to make a basic template for A/B/O and Yandere themes for my own writing (and maybe post for reader interest?) and ommml. Omegaverse has some things that I would consider static, or guaranteed. Mostly though it seems up to interpretation? It’s tricky trying to decide what kind of balance I want. Especially as someone who is aro/ace, I struggle with this. Despite consuming romcoms and smut like oxygen, they’re not something I view realistically??? That’s definitely tripping up my considerations lmaooo. Like, are rut/heats always sexual? If not, is that cause of lack of recognized mates? Will the cycles be like in nature where only the FAB have heats and ruts are just MAB reactions? So many A/B/O have ruts as cycles and not reactions to heats. But I still like the idea of it being closer to existing biology 🤔
I’ve always found mpreg odd in this. Omegaverse is an amazing way to comment on the failings of society when it comes to gender roles and toxic masculinity/femininity. With Male Omegas being able to be impregnated, this works well for that message as well, but I’m not sure that’s the theme I want to play with. Gender roles have always confused me, especially because I don’t necessarily identify with my gender. (Apparently people with ADHD tend to have less of a physical “connection” with their birth genders due to our lack of physical awareness?? Maybe that’s why i feel neither male, not female other than my sexual organs 🤷‍♀️) I think I might focus on the psychological aspects instead? Not entirely sure yet. I really didn’t think this would be such a large undertaking until I ended up with a messy mindmap and heaps of confusion. This is really making me question my own perceptions of gender and status. It’s unsettling when you realize how much importance you place on procreation despite it not being a personal value. I always complain about societally enforced stigmas and perceptions, and ooof, this fits that so well.
I’ve always disliked how betas are so frequently considered throwaways because of their lack of reproductive “value” as well. I think I will have the reader as a beta and work with how breaking away from the a/b/o “nucelear” family has impacted the psychology of packs. How missing certain presentations will increase toxic traits from the…present….presentations. So A/A packs will have higher aggressiveness issues (not so much with each other. But competitiveness within pack is likely.) How B/O packs will tend to have power imbalances where the omegas gain an unhealthy upper ground (due to the needy nature of omegas and the mediator aspect of betas.) Stuff like that. Not that every pack like that will encounter those, it’s more a breeding ground for broken boundaries and toxic relationships due to the nature of packs and balance.
But like, there is also the question of how far I should go? Every universe and dynamic has potential for unhealthy and dark things. However, that doesn’t mean I should go that far? So many tough questions, especially when this is going to be the logic base for every omegaverse writing I do on this blog in the future.
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Dshjor not Haegeum being both my anti-capitalist anthem and personal selfishness self-checker jsdf.
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academiawho · 6 months
Hi!! wow okayy I really want to get some neet guidance from you. I'm in 11th right now will be giving neet in 2025. The field that I'm choosing later on is Veterinary.
so uh I've had some 720 marks test, and I have only scored like in the range of 390-400/720 (ik these are really the worst marks) and after the paper I get my mistakes reviewed from my teachers but again in the next exam my score is the same or just a couple marks above or below.
Now I really want to keep a consistent score, and I want to have that burning passion (which I don't) and stubbornness to study which I don't )
Can you give some guidance on how you studied in 11th and did you face issues like this? btw, my zoology professor once was just having a deep conversation over this scores and all, and he said that not all the time you might score what you wanted to score, there will be times when you'll fall back the stairs. But you can slowly climb back on them. It's exactly like the quote success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and patience.
Uh anyways, you can ignore all of that. I just wanted to ask you how you used to manage your studies and the entire day and how did you prep for it during 11th?
Thank you in advance! <3
Hey, thank you for trusting me with this information, and thank you for waiting for *checks watch* *sees that eons have passed by till I answered* such a short time
I'm not aware of the depth of your passion for Veterinary Sciences, but I believe that it wouldn't hurt to keep options open.
The Round One cutoff for All India Counselling this year saw BVSc close at AIR 1,13,272 in case you wanted that information.
As for the mock tests, the marks, while not being downright horrible, aren't quite fully descent either. But what was the test syllabus, you failed to mention... Starting out at that score is but a stepping stone and you can progress from that with the right motivation.
I think more than a consistent score, one at your stage in preparation should focus on consistent concept-learning. Keep practising concepts, chapters, cover your NCERT thoroughly and keep writing tests at regular intervals after you feel like you've completed a particular portion of the syllabus that you can be tested on.
When I was in 11th, covid had just hit and I had just changed education boards and schools so it was all new to me. I wasn't aware of the importance of NCERT, especially for biology so I roughed it through 11th. But in 12th and my first gap year, it really sunk in and I marked up my NCERT, attended my online lectures and made sure I was clarifying concepts which I was poor in.
My advice for zoology is: NCERT is the best source of information you will find, but its format is often confusing. If your coaching offers any mindmaps of NCERT, I suggest you use those to revise. But each and every line of NCERT is important (for human physiology ESPECIALLY) so find a way to keep reading it. However casually you can read it, how many ever times you can set eyes on it, how many ever questions you can make out of the lines.... It's all on how you utilise the material provided to you.
(and maybe, start out with small, non-720 marks tests first, like little unit tests, quizzes or polls first)
Hope you have a nice day, wishing you a rise in your marks graph. If you need any more advice or talks about neet or anything else, I'm always here to lend a ear💛
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nicoleyellow8 · 1 year
2023 Goals :)
Hi, my name is Nicole, going by @nicoleyellow8, and I've created this Tumblr blog dedicated to self-improvement and learning... Soo... to get a productive 2023 started, I've done a little mindmap to see what I want by the end of this year, and what I should prioritize!
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I've listed what I need by the end of the year -- some of these include getting into the IB Diploma program, preparing well for that, and doing well on the AP Biology exam in May this year (praying for a 5!!!) There's more, of course: efficient and consistent violin practice to reach my goals, getting to a higher French level, maintaining my Chinese progress, etc. !! That's only what I need, though. What I want is another story... I've included those in the mindmap too. For one, I'd love to learn oil painting! I would love to be able to learn another language on top of the two I am learning currently... I'd even love to travel to the language's country to speak it! Good goals need to consider both your wants and needs so that you can progress in your professional life while still meeting your personal desires.
How to Approach Goal-Setting
Here I take from Ali Abdaal's amazing video, "I WAS WRONG -- How I set goals" on YouTube, to summarize what exactly makes up good goal-setting. There's no point in setting a goal without enjoying the process of getting there... If not, you would constantly feel unhappy about your current situation until you get to your goal's endpoint.
So it would make sense to focus instead on creating a system, little daily habits that bring you forward, so you can enjoy the process, rather than solely working towards an abstract goal.
That doesn't mean having an endpoint is wrong. In fact, it's important to set a goal and have a direction. Without a goal, the system becomes aimless and there becomes no point in fulfilling these mini habits. A good system and clear goals come hand in hand.
As Ali Abdaal describes, there is a "Yin-yang" quality to it, where you should have a balance of self-acceptance and self-improvement. You should strive towards being better while still accepting your current state. You should, instead of comparing yourself constantly to the best, take some time to also compare yourself to the former you. Celebrate the progress you've made over that time -- it'll give you the energy to strive forward. An inspirational quote to get you started:
"What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him." - Victor Frankl
Funny thing, just the other day I had completed a huge, personal goal, and rather than feeling the joy I thought I would've, I felt more of a sense of emptiness. Frankl states it perfectly here, we love the journey of getting to our final destination, not necessarily the destination itself. This would explain why working for something is so much more satisfying than when it's easy to obtain. Working for money, working for a better life, working for love.
My Personal Goals
After interweaving wants and needs, I've come up with some 2023 New Me priorities to get started on! For each of these, I'll be spending some time making a good system and some great habits to go along with them.
Get into the IB Diploma Program (IBDP), this is the next step to my future!
Work HARD in my French, especially since I love language learning :)). It will also help me in IB French.
Get a 5 on the AP Bio exam -- and learn more to solve a real-world biology problem...
Efficiently and Effectively practice violin... Maybe learn a dream piece, or brush up on pieces I already know (like Czardas) and make pieces performance-ready, instead of relying on retaking videos.
Make some time for health. Get a good amount of sleep each night and exercise consistently. Have some free time with friends and personal hobbies, like oil painting, too!
Of course, these will be refined in a later post! For now, I think I have a good idea how I should work towards a better me.
That's all for now, take care!
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shinra-makonoid · 1 year
So I've been obsessed (as usual) and I discovered a software that's called Obsidian. And let me tell you it's my favourite thing now.
Basically it's a software a bit more complex than Notion, in which you can take notes. Except Obsidian is open source and its concept is to connect topics with others. What does that mean?
It means that in each topic you write about, you can put links to other pages that lead to other pages. A bit like Wikipedia, but your own personal one that you build yourself on your computer.
It's incredible because it put the emphasis on understanding how each separate piece of a specific topic fit in the big picture. To me that's a very effective way of understanding and learning topics. I feel like I can see how each individual parts fit inside one another and why they're important for the other parts. It's like seeing concepts in 3D.
It takes some time, but I think it's because I've been doing that in the middle of my studies and not from the begining, so a lot of key concepts are not in it while they should be for it to be fully functional. Depending on how much time I see it takes, I might not use that for studying when I get to medschool, but damn it is a fun way to explore topics, so when I have an unlimited time before taking back classes (one year but that's basically a long time) I can play with it.
Anyway, it led me to think differently about mindmaps (because I was always afraid of not having key information in it, but if the real information is how pieces fit together... Then mindmaps are actually ok), and I saw a YouTuber basically explaining all the things I already felt was true about learning, aka memorisation is difficult if you can't connect specific bits of information with other bigger parts of information. It's like completing a puzzle, you should start having borders before getting to the middle pieces, and just putting a piece on the board is not really going to help finishing the puzzle.
Which is not to say memorisation is never okay, it is, especially for things that are very detailed (like the diameter of a microtubule in my case), but it's way less difficult to learn than when you think you need to learn the basic definition of homeostasis by heart, and all the other ones, because this is what biology teacher at school do to you (and this is why I stopped biology in highschool).
Like all "Learn how to learn" YouTubers however, he's preying on students for cash, selling online courses. Curious of the price, because like if it's not that expensive why not, I looked for the website. Unfortunately it was under maintenance. He has a discord, so I figured, why not try the discord, I go in, present myself, and 20 mins laters I have two students talking to me to buy his course and putting arguments forth like it worked so much on them etc. It was creepy as fuck ngl. Kinda MLM vibes, selling courses to get more course or whatever.
Which is really problematic because I do think that what he's saying is true and/or sustained by science? So yeah.
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radsenmot · 2 years
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-wrote the Materials and Methods section of my thesis
-started reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series
-studied the Sepsis chapter
Today I’m grateful for mindmaps.
Day Three: Do you have any tips for people sending professional emails or communicating with professors or teachers online? Do you prefer sending emails to people or talking with them in person?
Surprisingly, I prefer talking to them in person. With emails, I tend to overthink every word and then I’d procrastinate sending it so I don’t think I’m the best person to give advice on how to do it.
Day Four:  List five things that make you happy.
Witty humor, reading, mindless doodling, pets and the moments when I have no idea what I’m doing but it turns out well.
Day Five: Who is your all-time favorite teacher or professor and why?
That’d be my highscool biology teacher: super chill and would teach her classes in such a way that you’d leave the room with ¾ of the content already memorised.
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year1fmprvpart2 · 1 year
Research Mindmap 1
Minemap 1 consists of biology and plants Why did i choose this? I chose these words as an option because i have always been interested in botany; the study of plants. And just thinking of making a game in this genre already makes me start to think of loads of potential ideas What could a potential idea for a game be? A broad idea could be : In a post-apocalyptic world you are a lonely biologist in search for the cure for a disease in which has passed over killing millions. You need to go out into the world to find plants and mix them together to make the correct potions to cure the rest of the world. Or You are someone who is obsessed with plants, and you find one of the last really rare plants. You have to hold of hoards of other plant lovers from getting the rare plant (in a style like plants vs zombies).
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ctrinity · 1 year
Science mindmap
                                          Science                                             |                             ————————————————                            |               |                |                |                         Physics       Chemistry       Biology       Earth Science                            |               |                |               …
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llort · 1 year
Mental Experiment 0003 TSEC Vision
Classical Physics and MR Integration
Chemical Properties
Informational Properties and Applications
Experiment on creating a better innate understanding of physics chemistry, biology, and gestalt/non-gestalt emergence and ontological properties of boundaries in the middle world, as defined, and developed by Richard Dawkins, level for active mindmap and MR use, data from concept to be further developed to expand more frames and innate understanding of TESCpm processes.
Leading to major increase in efficiency, iteration cycles, reduce cognitive loads, increase association density, and allow for more ambitious actualization, projects, self enhancement cycles, self-bioengineering, and a not so mental lab (If you are lucky you might would probably have a job or resources at this to have more access to resources technology, people, information, and various coloured liquids/biotechnology.
Endeavour to relearn/understand calculus at a more intuitive level to  incorporate rate change and integration/differentiation into functional MR processes.
Should have decent applications in MR as well.
Practice identifying matter I see around me and what it can do or be used for
Focus on getting better at estimating physical properties of objects in my vicinity. This mental experiment can also be utilized with the mental experiment 0001. 
This mental experiment can also be improved just by looking at an object and trying to "see" all the TESCpm related knowledge related to it. For example, when looking at a textbook, summarize a meta-axiom containing collapsible and expandable MR regarding its contents, contextual associations, and implications. Interesting applications of this ME concerns allocentric MR simulacrum
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angstudiess · 5 years
hey guys. so i’m going to give updates every time i do a chunk of work, so far i’ve done
energy,electricity,particle model of matter and atomic sturcture for physics
family topic for sociology
cell biology for biology
conflict and tension for history
i’ll try and post every sunday for some weekly updates on what i’ve done up until mocks in november x
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theladyfae · 2 years
exam stress has followed me into my rest,,, just trying to sleep and being plagued with visions of myself completing practice questions and essay plans to get my teacher to check over last minute,, it's clearly going well
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