reineydraws · 2 years
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i drew this in like, 2020, with the intention of making it part of an stz summer post and then... never finished..... the other ones......... alas. here's a summer tendou incorrectly using a paddling boat! ☀️✨️
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grungeeuvu · 1 year
An unfinished Shirabu is all I've got for ya today :D he has a birb 👍
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Gods, my camera just has the best quality-
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Karasuno, Shiratorizawa, Inarizaki and Nekoma:
Manager has an Art Exibit
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Karasuno x GN! Manager; Shiratorizawa x GN!Manager; Inarizaki x GN! Manager; Nekoma x GN! Manager
Warnings: PURE FLUFF, light swearing
A/N: This is an Anon request
The most feral of the 4 teams
I think we all know this but just to reiterate
Literally, I don’t care if they know absolutely nothing about art
The fact is they all suddenly become FASCINATED by it just because their manager is into it
Asahi has the most appreciate, followed by Kiyoko and Yachi
When they first find out you are into Art, they demand to see what you do daily
Idk if you only added one line to a drawing or maybe planned a new piece of pottery
These boys will be so into it!
They will ask the same question daily which is “can you teach me YN?”
When you tell them you have an exhibit coming up, they don’t even ask if they are invited
They just assume 😌
If it’s at a fancy place, they were their school uniforms because it’s the nicest thing they own 🤣
Daichi reminds them to keep the volume to a minimum
Hinata tells Kageyama not to look at anything breakable because his face is ugly/scary enough to break it on site
The “iTs My FaCe AsShOlE” speech follows
Tsukki is actually semi interested and wanders around looking at the exhibits
Noya and Tanaka glare at everyone until they say how amazing your pieces are 🙄
Ennoshita tells you that he will forcefully remove them if needed
Suga actually asks detailed questions about your work and super interested
Hinata is forced to stay next to Yamaguchi so he doesn’t accidentally break anything
All in all, solid 20/10 support and 6/10 safety around breakable pieces 🥰
The most regal of the teams
Literally they showed up, literally in suits YN
Someone quick, take a picture for your memory wall 📱
Honestly they don’t talk about your art much because volleyball practice is for volleyball
But after practice, Semi, Reon and Tendou show the most interest
Semi is super into your style and is always looking at your sketches/ finished products
Reon and Tendou are just super supportive, giving feedback and wanting to learn more
Ushijima doesn’t say anything BUT he is totally listening and storing away everything you say
Goshiki, well Goshiki tries 😅
He wants to know more but the boy doesn’t have a creative bone in his body
He is the definition of a “super volleyball idiot”
Shirabu and Kawanishi don’t really understand art but they still encourage you none the less
At your exhibit, they all walk the floor together
Like a flock of birds 😂
One of them moves and they others follow
They only mingle with you and keep a close eye on your work
Literally they don’t want anyone messing with all the hard work you’ve put in
You’ll talk with them about what you’ve done and that’s when Ushijima surprises you
“I see you used the light purple over the dark purple Yn, that was an excellent move.”
The team 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
Tendou 👉🏻🖐🏻👁️⭕️👁️🖐🏻
You 👉🏻🥹
These boys adore you so much YN, solid 10/10!
Kita puts it on the board in the teams locker room
“YN’s art exhibit at 7pm TUESDAY NIGHT! Show up or I’ll make sure you get benched!” -Kita ❤️
That message was meant for one person and one person only
And I think we all know who 👀
*cough* ATSUMU *cough*
It’s not that Atsumu doesn’t support you, it’s just that his brain really only functions on volleyball
Kita and Aran will use every change they get to hype up your art work
Omimi suggests they use it in volleyball somehow
Even if it’s pottery or creative writing, they find a way
Akagi is super interested in what you do, always asking questions
Suna sits by you while you work, you have an unspoken relationship of just silent co-existence
He’s super peaceful 😌
Ginjima is a hype man, literally show him your new work and he will scream your praises
Osamu and you both encourage each other in your chosen talents
You taste his creations and give feedback and he critics your art
He’s an honest boy and we support it!
Riseki, our sweet baby, just loves supporting you because it makes you smile
At the exhibit, they honestly act semi normal
Atsumu and Osamu promised not to fight
Suna and Ginjima stood in between Samu and Sumu so they DIDNT fight
Kita, Aran, Omimi and Akagi are all like ridiculously interested in art
Like they talk to you about all the exhibits and point out their favs
Riseki kind of stands there, awkward but he tries
Sumu compares art to volleyball and how he’s basically the artist of the team
Samu tells Sumu that volleyball is a sport, not an art which leads to fighting
Which then leads to Suna and Gibjima having to take the children home early
Solid 10/10 moral support but they might cause you a lot of stress 😅
I’m calling it, best team for Art Exibit support goes to Nekoma 🏆
Literally they are the most calm of all of the teams here and definitely beyond supportive
Literally YN, they worship the ground you walk on
So when they find out you are into Art, oh lord
They bug you non-stop to show them what you’re doing
Kuroo doesn’t even need to remind them you have an exibit, they just show up
Kai and Yaku are your support system, giving feedback and helping you carry things and organize everything
Yamamoto is security, hype man and literally #1 Yn simp
Kenma thinks your art is awesome and you’re one of the only people he talks to regularly
Lev, Shibayama, and Inuoka literally adore you so much and want to know everything about your art
Fukunaga, a fellow artist but with words, literally always knows just the thing to say to cheer you up
And Kuroo talks about how you are the carbohydrates that fuel the team 😂
Because he would and we all know it
At your exhibit, they are the first to show up and the last to leave
Kenma might sneak off and play a game or two
But the rest are super interested
Kai takes photos, if allowed, and posts them in the teams group chat
Yaku will discuss every single exibit with you
Kuroo stands around like a proud dad 😂
Lev critics things because he’s an honest boy even thought he knows nothing about art
Inuoka and Shibayama literally just gawk at you because you are so cute when you are happy
Yamamoto is alot like Tanaka and Noya but a tiny bit tamer
Fukunaga takes notes on what he wants to talk to you about later when he finally gets to discuss your art with you
100/10 support
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 months
i was feeling shiratorizawa + semiten and kawashira hcs so y'all know the drill LET'S GO
goshiki has 100% forgotten that he sleeps in a bottom bunk bed and consequently has shot up awake at the sound of his alarm only to bang his head on the underside of the top bunk bed
or the ceiling if he has the top bunk it's the same either way
also for some random reason i really enjoy thinking about semi and peach green tea. idk he feels like such a peach green tea person
fun fact when i first got into hq i made a list in my notes app where i could keep track of what i thought EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER (organized by team) would order at a boba shop/cafe so i could reference it for fics. i just looked at it for the first time in years. i apparently put down strawberry black tea for semi which still remains a pretty good choice i think
you know what. semi can be a strawberry black tea AND a peach green tea person. he goes for peach green tea when he feels like straying from his usual strawberry black tea. there i fixed the problem we're back on track
tendou uses the excuse of going on boba runs for the team to get alone time with semi. he'll be like "haha i can't get ALL the drinks by myself!! eita come with me :3" and semi just sighs but is honestly secretly really pleased that tendou would choose him out of everyone to run errands with
the greatest love language of all: running errands together
i actually think that, all things considered, semi was probably a little bit insecure and a little bit shy when it came to performing
like yeah he doesn't mind BEING in the spotlight. but he had to work on thinking he was good enough for it at first if that makes sense??? and i think being benched for shirabu probably exacerbates that
he's not used to showing other people his songs and his music!!! he's not used to being vulnerable!! he's not used to believing that he's skilled!!! because obviously that didn't work out in volleyball!! what if semi isn't actually as good at music as he thought himself to be?
tendou of course is determined to make him throw all these thoughts out the window
furudate please give us the secret cultural festival arc where semi gets a chance to shine because of his musical talents . . .
actually since shiratorizawa is a bunch of rich kids i wonder if yamagata has a smartphone bc i just think that'd make him constantly losing it 100x funnier
yamagata: "can everyone shut the fuck up for like five minutes i lost my phone and need help listening for the vibrations"
honestly why do i feel like half the times yamagata has "lost" his phone was really just tendou messing with him
like he's in the foreground running around looking for it while tendou is in the background snapping selfies with it or whatever
reon, ushijima, and yamagata like to go jogging together early in the morning. semi tried it once and then promptly decided never again
i actually think soft quiet early mornings are reon's favorite time of day!! he gets some peace to himself and he gets to see the sunrise bleed into the sky and he gets that crisp sweet air of fresh dew in the dawn and it's so so comforting to him
god i don't know how he does it i could never be that much of a morning person
however this does also mean reon goes to bed at like nine pm at the latest which tendou is personally offended by
reon the early bird riser who probably does yoga or some shit before meeting ushijima and yamagata vs tendou the night owl who stays up til three reading manga in the dark
genuinely how is tendou functioning at practice he probably stays up til three like four out of seven days of the week
(sorry i know i'm dunking on tendou a lot i'll stop now)
kawanishi will never admit it but he is so incredibly fond of the height difference between him and shirabu
it allows shirabu to fit his head perfectly in the crook of kawanishi's neck during bus rides and such and it makes kawanishi's heart flutter every time
but also kawanishi is MISERABLE during spring because shirabu can't comfortably do that when kawanishi is prone to sneezing like every five minutes
shirabu, teacher's pet that he is, is really good friends with the school librarian
oh my god . . . kawashira blue sky complex au . . . i would actually cry . . .
okay anyways shirabu kenjirou is really good friends with the school librarian and that's how he finds out that the school librarian used to know ushijima's dad
wouldn't that be crazy tho????? i'm thinking it was either the same librarian that utsui had or it was a close friend of utsui's who became the school librarian after they graduated and stuff. i'm kind of leaning towards the second one bc i feel like that makes more sense
i just. can you imagine how alone ushijima had to feel. can you imagine how suffocating it had to be. like there's plenty of reason to assume that his mom's side (and perhaps the mom herself) ended up disliking utsui and i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to scrub him out of ushijima's life
new idea guys utsui comes back and gets with the shiratorizawa librarian
honestly i just think this scenario would really show off how much shirabu and ushijima mean to each other because i think that gets underestimated a lot
they trust each other!!! they respect each other!!!! they understand each other!!! ushijima who knows that he is to be used for his pure raw strength and that that's all shirabu wants to do for him and shirabu who wants to bring out the best in ushijima and thinks of himself as someone who serves ushijima!!!!! shirabu and ushijima who both think they're being used by the other but they don't care because that works best for them!!!! it's their way of showing respect!!! by handing the reigns over!!!!
okay that's a really serious oversimplification of what i'm actually thinking but i got like five hours of sleep and i'm running on two mugs of some strong ass lotus green tea i trust you guys y'all get what i mean
like idk i think ushijima wouldn't really know what to do with shirabu when they first meet in their second and first years. quiet upperclassman who is occasionally a jerk but mostly does not mean to be and his equally quiet underclassman who IS a jerk and DOES mean to be. they'd be so fucking funny together. they back each other up in ways they don't even realize. they could leave entire crowds in tears on accident
actually . . . the poor third years back then who had to deal with this first year they thought was quiet and composed and unassuming and totally chill. but was, in fact, completely unchill
shirabu's gone to bat for every single member of the team at some point btw. soekawa ushijima reon yamagata semi tendou etc etc. none of them have ever witnessed it though word just gets passed around to them like shirabu is some honor-defending ninja who only works in the shadows
and then it really surprises shirabu when they come to bat for HIM
i mean i just. i think shirabu is really used to being independent. is used to doing things by himself. he's not used to other people sticking up for him or other people trying to guide him (which could be another reason why he clashes with semi). it's not that he thinks he's perfect but like. he's never had people who wanted to do that for him before!!
but now he's got goshiki who WANTS compliments from him and he's got kawanishi who loves him for whatever reason and he's got the upperclassmen who ruffle his hair and swing an arm around his shoulders and tell him ot text when he needs help and he's just like ???? like a system error.
give it up for shirabu kenjirou everyone i love him
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strwbrryeyes · 4 months
re: headcanon suggestions !
what do tha boys do when they're tired but can't sleep? do they stare at the ceiling or spiral into thought or get up and do something else until an ungodly hour?
hope sleep finds you soon nini </3
- ada ♡
𖦹°。⋆ haikyuu boys when they can't sleep
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⟡ cw: none
⟡ a/n: LOL i just realized i accidentally deleted the post asking for suggestions </3 im so tired idk what im doing anymore but yay omg i'll do this.
these are all i could come up with lol
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would stare at the ceiling thinking it's the best option but actually slowly loses their mind.
these boys would be responsible and think that if they were to do anything else then yeah, they'd fully be awake. especially if they were to go on their phone because you know blue light and all. they wouldn't even get out of bed to stretch or anything because they're worried that they'd get a second wind and immediately not feel sleepy anymore. unfortunately for them, they still aren't falling asleep and are starting to go insane because they're so bored but so tired but are still holding on until they fall asleep. next thing they know, the birds are chirping and the sun is rising. they end up screaming into their pillow before getting ready for the long day ahead of them.
- ushijima, daichi, suga, iwaizumi, aran, kita, sakusa, kyotani
would start thinking about things that happened years ago
these boys would want to be part of the ceiling group but they end up cringing at everything because their brains decided to remind them of something they did years ago. all they can do is continuously face palm every time a new embarrassing memory pops into their mind. like why did he cry and throw a tantrum first year of high school when their crush politely rejected them? 'oh remember when you tripped in front of the whole school during a fire drill because you wanted to go see your friend?'. thinking about something that wasn't even his fault too like when a kid threw up on him in kindergarten. anything under the sun to make this man feel embarrassed enough that he practically forces himself to sleep as best as he can.
- osamu, asahi, kindaichi, yamaguchi, kinoshita, akaashi, kageyama, goshiki
would play games on their phones
these boys wouldn't even try to sleep lol. they're immediately go on their phones and play dumb mobile games just to pass the time. it pays off in the end though because guess who has the highest score in the country for subway surfers? that's right this guy right here. they'd also probably download all the papas pizzeria games (yes they would pay for them) but end up getting frustrated because why the fuck did wally give them a 98% on the order station???
- kenma, suna, kunimi, matsukawa, nishinoya, shirabu, semi
have a dance party/pretend concert
these boys like to take their sleeplessness in stride and just throw on some banging music and dance around like nobody's business. they'll even turn on their led lights to simulate a dance club or something! they're having the time of their lives while they sing into a water bottle pretending it's a microphone and pretending that they're on a world tour performing for their adoring fans. they eventually tire themselves out and pass out on the floor.
- bokuto, makki, tsukishima (weird ik but let me have this</3), yamaoto, atsumu, tanaka, tendou
would call a friend
if they can't sleep, neither can their friends. they cannot stand the thought of being so bored in the middle of the night and they've already exhausted all other options so they decide to call up their best friend over and over again until they pick up. doesn't matter if the friend ends up being mad at them they just want company dude. after a few minutes though they'll start to fall asleep and snore loudly into the phone causing the other person to get annoyed and scream into the phone to wake them up and hang up because why call them if you're just gonna fall asleep.
- oikawa, lev, kuroo, hinata, fukunaga, komori, terushima,
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atticraccoon · 2 years
Eagle Reon brings his daughter to meet the Shiratorizawa uncles.
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Hayato: "Aw... They grow so fast! Look! She's already bigger than me..."
Goshiki: "Ooh! It's Reon-san's child! A real child!"
Tendou: "Ah! It's a miniature Reon!"
Semi: "She's so cute... It makes me want to squeeze her..."
Kawanishi: thinking she's fluffy
Shirabu: wants to pluck Goshiki's feathers off, but won't, because it would be a bad example
Ushijima: about to ask if she likes volleyball
Now, I shall briefly explain which eagle I chose for each one of them, and why. 
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Ushijima: an enormous Golden Eagle
Why: This is the eagle that you imagine flying freely over the vast steppes. A fierce and powerful hunter. The one you would call the king of the skies.
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Reon (and his daughter): Steller's Sea Eagle
Why: The heaviest and one of the biggest eagles in the world.
Because of this choice, for now, I will call his daughter Stella. Hehe.
(Trivia: Reon has one of the highest BMI in the series)
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Semi: Harpy Eagle
Why: Mostly because of the color, but Semi also has quite high stats, so I think he deserves to be the mighty harpy eagle, one of the biggest and most powerful raptors in the world.
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Goshiki: Verreaux's Eagle
Why: It might not be as big as the others above, but the Verreaux's seems to be quite the daring bird, not being afraid to challenge the bigger and stronger Martial Eagle for their catch. Also, something in them reminds me of Goshiki's bangs...
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Shirabu: White-bellied Sea Eagle
Why: Mostly because of the light color. It was hard to choose an eagle for Shirabu.
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Kawanishi: White-tailed Eagle
Why: Mostly because of the lighter color. But also because it's big, but relatively chill. It was hard to choose an eagle for Kawanishi.
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Hayato: Peregrine Falcon
Why: The 'haya' in Hayato is the same as the 'haya' in 'hayabusa' (japanese for Peregrine Falcon). It's not an eagle, but I think it's a good match. Smaller, but faster.
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Tendou: Bearded Vulture
Why: It's Tendou. Also, they break bones to eat the marrow, so Vulture Tendou would sing the 'baki baki' song while doing that. (Fun fact: The red is not blood, it's just stains that come from the habit of bathing in iron-rich mud.)
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ninapi · 1 year
Save me (Ushijima Version)
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Premise: Ushijima struggles to understand the concept of love and what is expected of him in said equation, but he finds himself in the predicament of wanting nothing more than to be with the woman he loves even if it gets in the way of his established lifestyle.
Word Count: 3297
Chapter 2: Summer heat
Summer was approaching fast, the weather was warmer than it had been for the longest time, the grass in it’s prime as green as it can be, the birds danced happily in the air at the promise of the rainy season now in proximity.
The spring tournament was about to end, and the volleyball team was high in spirits as they managed to reach the finals.
Their club was the one to receive a bigger budget out of the entire school, they were one of the reasons the school was so popular to begin with, so in preparation for the finals and as a reward of some sort, they scored some extra budget for a weekend training camp.
The teacher in charge suggested some beach volleyball, it is harder on your body, and it should help them with muscle building, it was a great time to go to the beach, it wasn’t as hot outside just yet, so they should be able to train on the sand all day.
Washijou was against it, one of his family members was marrying that same weekend and he would prefer to stay closer to the city so he could attend both, but the teacher had already booked an inn for the entire team and the budget was no more.
They were in troubles, the teacher could go with them and surely the team knows what they need to work in individually, they could always ask Ushijima if they needed advice, but what about the rest of things that needed to be done? Their coach is so strict that he only allows one male manager and he doesn’t even allow him in the gym every day, he’s only called when needed, but because of this, he belongs to the astronomy club as well and they were participating in an event of their own the same day, unlike the volleyball team, there he is absolutely necessary and they can’t allow him not being there for the event.
That’s when Shirabu out of all of them, surprised the team with an idea. “How about my class president? She knows what she’s doing, she’s the one in charge of everything related to the events in our class, and all of you seem to like her. Maybe she can go with us?”
Ushijima, who was tying up his shoelaces, got up immediately, giving a deep nod of approval.
“I’ll talk to her, I guess.” Semi got up, heaving a deep sigh. Is not like he didn’t want you to tag along but he was pretty sure you’d be more of a distraction than anything else.
You were on your way to the library; you didn’t want to leave your summer break homework till the very end and thought of getting the books you needed out before someone else borrowed them first. That’s when you heard Semi calling out for you.
“Oh hey, Eita. What’s up?” he was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. He’s been looking for you all over the school, exhausting all possible locations and found you just before he was about to give up, like if phones weren’t a thing.
“Do you have anything to do next weekend?” it sounded off to you, like if he was asking you out on a date and it made you cover your reddish face in panic, “W-w-why??” realizing what he just did, he tried his best to correct himself, trying to subside his embarrassment, “The team, we got a weekend training camp on the beach area, the teacher needed us to find someone who could help us. Shirabu said you’d be the best option and everyone agreed you’d be a good idea. If you have time of course.”
You were still unsure of going out of the school in general, but you’ve been practicing with Eita, and this sounded like a fun way of spending the weekend. You would also have some extra time to spend with Ushijima who had been really busy the past few weeks and you haven’t gotten the chance to see him as much as you would have liked.
“I mean, yeah why not. Is it like both days or?”
“Yeah, the teacher already booked an entire inn for the team, I’m sure you’ll have your own room. Nothing to worry about.” that was honestly the last of your worries. Your parents were now in a European tour and all your clothing was left behind in your house. Thankfully, you don’t spend much money living in the school grounds, so you could just order something online and it should arrive on time.
“Sure, then just text me the details when you get them, and I’ll go with you guys.”
The guys were overly excited with the news, specially certain captain who for some reason found a splinter on the bench very interesting. Was he excited? He couldn’t describe what he was feeling, it hasn’t happened before. He’s been a bit grumpy the last few days, or that’s what his teammates said, he didn’t really understand what they were basing on to get to that conclusion, but it was a fact that he kept on wishing he could see you. He wondered if you had eaten something for dinner or if you had a good sleep last night, he wondered if you also felt this strange need of seeing him or if it was just him and his recent incapability to control his own body.
But knowing you would be there during the weekend was comforting, he felt like he could train the entire week without any sort of discomfort, knowing he would get to see you in a few days.
Goshiki let out a loud shriek, getting everyone’s attention. Ushijima’s face was twitching in the strangest of ways while plucking the damn splinter out of the bench, the scene itself could be used as source material for a horror film.
Little did they know, his heart was actually smiling.
Going to the beach required many preparations, making you regret your decision of not bringing cute clothing to school with you.
Did you need a swimsuit? You probably did, even if you were there just to support the team, it would be weird having a bunch of shirtless guys playing volleyball around you and be wearing fluffy lounge clothing on the sand.
So you ended up ordering a couple of summery outfits and a two piece swimsuit, the bottom being a cute ruffled skirt.
You also decided to bake some cookies for the ride, this time you made sure to make enough for the entire team and the teacher, he was driving you there and was very nice of him to make sure you would have all you needed as the only girl of the group.
The school bus was unnecessarily big, everyone could have their own seat to themselves if they wanted to, but Ushijima wanted to sit beside you. Even Tendo was surprised by this.
“Toshi-san! Why does it feel like I haven’t seen your face in forever? Come here, let me see you.” you chuckled, and he complied, letting you check every inch of his face, his hands and even his jacket pockets.
There was such a peaceful aura around Ushijima whenever you were around. It’s like if he was a different person, even if he still didn’t talk much.
“(Y/N), you smell like cookies." he’s becoming spoiled and you’re 100% responsible for this. “Yes, I baked some! Here’s your share.” you set his bag on one of his big hands, calling the rest of the guys to come and retrieve their own bag full of treats.
“I know you don’t like me, but isn’t Ushijima-san’s bag way bigger than mine? I’m your classmate!”
Everyone’s bag was smaller, not just Shirabu’s. Even Semi got a smaller share. “He’s bigger than all of you combined. Don’t be a pain, or I’ll give him your share too.” Ushijima was quietly chewing on one of your delicious goodness, he didn’t have anything to say really, he was bigger, that was a fact, but he somehow wished that wasn’t the only reason why his bag was fuller than the rest.
The ride wasn’t long, but you woke up before sunrise to have the cookies ready for the team and before anyone could notice you were dozing off on Ushijima’s shoulder. He could feel the soft puffs of air you were releasing on his arm, your neck straining in an odd position. He shimmied himself down a bit as gently as he could not to wake you up, so you could rest comfortably on him.
If he closed his eyes hard enough, he could feel your heartbeat pressed against his arm, and it was magical, everything in life was so much better when you were there by his side, even the littlest of things like a bus ride could create a core memory for him.
“Toshi-san…those aren’t cookies…don’t eat them…” even in your sleep, you’re the sweetest creature he’s ever seen. “I won’t eat them, don’t worry.” he whispered close to your ear, making you grin in your sleep and nuzzled his arm.
If he could live repeating one moment over and over again in a loop for the rest of eternity, it would be this very moment.
The guys had been practicing all morning and lunch time was approaching. The teacher gave you some money so you could go buy ingredients and prepare sandwiches for everyone.
They haven’t seen you since then, you went to the store then spent over an hour making sandwiches for the army of hungry teenagers baking in the early summer sun. So when you arrived with the basket full of food and drinks, a wave of silence fell on the beach.
Ushijima’s eyes were so widely opened, bugs could nest there if they wanted.
You braided your hair and got a lightweight cardigan over your swimsuit, but it was pretty much all out on display for the raging hormones of more than one to perv around.
It wasn’t revealing, just a regular swimsuit, you were actually the only girl in the beach right now that wasn’t showing her assets in abundance, but they’ve never seen you in anything other than your school uniform, except for Semi, but even him was having troubles concentrating now.
“Hey guys! Lunch is here!” you called out for them, and they all walked over to you, to anyone else looking, it was a scene out of a zombie movie, the way they walked mumbling incoherent stuff, their bulging eyes, unconsciously drooling over you. But in your eyes, it was a beautiful summer day to hang out with the boys.
“Here’s your sandwich, Toshi-san. Don’t tell anybody but yours has an extra slide of chicken breast.” you whispered closely, winking at him and you were expecting him to take the sandwich you were holding out for him, but his hands had a very different plan. He grabbed you by your cardigan, bringing you closer to him so he could close it up entirely, button by button, this making you blink in confusion. “What’s wrong? Do I…look that bad?”
He shook his head, not being able to find the right words, he didn’t even know why he did what he did. Is not like he didn’t want to see you in your swimsuit, it was more like he didn’t want the rest of the guys to see it. But why? You’re your own person, you can do whatever you want. He had no right to do this, what if you get mad at him? That was a stupid move. He was beating himself over his own actions when he heard you laugh, one of your hands came over to cup his cheek, caressing it gently, “You’re being extra cute today, huh? My heart was not ready for that!” you handed him his sandwich and continued handing out the remaining contents of your basket, never unbuttoning back open your sweater.
He didn’t know what just happened, but it felt similar to when he wins a match.
“Cute? She said you were cute? Wow, I always knew she was a little weird but maybe it’s just that she sees things differently.” his friend was nibbling on his own sandwich, sneaking glances to watch over your interactions with the rest of the team.
“So how does it feel not wanting other men to stare at your woman’s boobies?” using his sandwich as a fake mic, he went straight into business. “I did no such thing.” “Oh my dear Wakatoshi-kun. Then why do you think you closed her sweater shut on this awfully hot day? You weren’t concerned for her catching a cold, were you?”
Why did he do it? It was still a mystery to him. What was even more confusing was why did you laugh it off? Shouldn’t you be upset? He wouldn’t want someone touching him so carelessly, he was expecting you to slap him on the face, not gaze at him lovingly.
“I’m not sure, my hands moved on their own.” life had funny ways of trying to teach him a lesson, he had it all there for him to act, his body was a faster learner, but he still needed to catch up to it mentally and emotionally.  “She looks way too pretty today; you didn’t want them to eat out of your eye candy. Instead of sulking you should tell her how pretty she looks, before someone else does.” Tendo caught a stray look from a group of unknown girls hanging out under a parasol and so he left his troubled friend to confront life on his own while he tried to score a phone number or two.
Time goes by fast when you are having fun.
The first day of the training camp was almost over, the stars gifting you the most beautiful night for all of you to enjoy.
The teacher made arrangements for the workers from the inn you were staying at to take care of your dinner arrangements, offering you a lovely and most importantly, very much nutritional meal.
The boys were turning in for the night early, they still had to get up at four in the morning for their team run and had to train all morning, the bus wouldn’t leave until noon.
But since you didn’t have to, you wanted to enjoy the trip a bit more, you haven’t been to the beach in years and just breathing in the salty heavily humid air was filling your heart with excitement.
Grabbing a small pouch from your bag you were ready to sneak from the back of your room back into the beach. It was the perfect timing to hunt for seashells, sunburns aren’t fun to deal with after all.
Ushijima had been pacing in front of your room for the past 45 minutes, trying to come up with an excuse to talk to you and somehow convey the message his friend recommended. So, it isn’t surprising that he heard you sneaking through the balcony. He thought someone was breaking into your room, so without thinking, or knocking, he opened the door to your room and headed in like it was his own house. Your leg was still hanging from the rail and his outburst made you fall to the ground startled.
The confused face he was making made you burst out laughing, this man has the worse timing ever, it’s hilarious.
“Yes, Toshi-san? Did you need me for something?” he was trying to analyze the situation, you looked fine, definitely there was no robbery going on in the premise, were you running away at night?
“I wanted to talk to you about this afternoon. If this isn’t a good time I can come back later-“he was about to leave when you stopped him, calling after him, “It’s ok, I was just going seashell hunting. Would you like to come with me?” Seashell hunting? How do you hunt seashells? Aren’t they like dead already? His confused self just nodded and instead of going out through the door, like a normal human being, he decided to follow your steps, climbing over the railing, causing you to giggle.
There was not even a single cloud in the sky, the full moon so high and bright, there was no need for lanterns.
You walked side by side in a comfortable silence, breathing in the peaceful night until you found a promising patch of sand. You sat close to it and Ushijima followed your lead, both of you digging into the sand with tiny sticks, fully equipped for tonight’s quest.
“So, what was it you needed to talk to me about, Toshi-san?” he took a deep breath, looking up at the moon, “I’m sorry I grabbed you like that this afternoon. You looked too pretty, I was afraid the other guys would also see it.”
You’ve never blushed with this intensity before, and you were suddenly glad you decided to come at night. The summer heat would be the one to blame if someone asked.
“Y-you don’t need to apologize for that. I thought it was cute.” you mumbled quietly, poking the sand some more. “You always say I’m cute.” he questioned you genuinely, the definition of cute he has in his head was very different to what he sees in a mirror when he looks at himself. “That’s because you are, cute.” your eyes twinkled in the dark, the stars wouldn’t rival the beauty of your eyes, not even tonight when the stars shine so bright. “Does it bother you? That other guys see me in a swimsuit?” he was hesitant to answer that question, he was now sure that it did bother him, but he still didn’t know why. “It was not my place to do what I did, for that I apologize. I’m sure your afternoon wasn’t as enjoyable due to the heat.”
“It was enjoyable. I didn’t mind it. Did I make you uncomfortable? Maybe I should have chosen a less revealing outfit.” he made you feel bad, that’s the one thing he was supposed not to do tonight, it’s so hard to get your thoughts across to other people, “You never make me uncomfortable. I just didn’t like the look in their eyes.”
“Were you…jealous, Toshi?” you held onto his elbow, the lack of honorifics causing him to forget he needed to breathe. “According to Tendo, yes. I still don’t understand the feeling very well, never happened before.”
You need some level of patience with a man like him, even if all you wanted was to tackle him on the sand and kiss his very essence, you would wait for him as long as it took. Instead, you laid your head on his muscly arm, taking a deep breath as you searched for his hand. It was so large, pretty much doubled the size of yours. “Is it…ok if I hold your hand?” looking at both of your hands, he just hummed in acknowledgement, wrapping his hand around yours.
You stayed there in silence, holding hands, until it was time for you to return to the inn.
Summer was only about to begin, and it already held a special place in both of your hearts.
The day before the big game, right when classes were over, the door from your class burst open, showing a very exalted Ushijima looking for you.
“(Y/N), I found him. The setter you were looking for, Kageyama. He’s playing against us tomorrow.”
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf @lauraagrace
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flowerstardrops · 2 years
here are types of songs with descriptions and short playlists that i think haikyuu characters would listen to.
Slow rhythm, acoustic guitars, quiet beats. A set of melodies that provide an imagery of grassy hills and sunsets. Birds fly across the almost cloudless sky with bees buzzing around trees. It’s cool with the thought of the wind from the west winds brushing against their skin, turning their nose slightly pink which are emphasized from the dewy atmosphere of dawn. They like to listen to songs that bring them peace; be it while doing their work, or resting from the busy life of adulthood.
Best Part (Daniel Caesar, HER)
Oceans & Engines (NIKI)
Rain (Motohiro Hata)
Paris in the Rain (Lauv)
Sparkle (RADWIMPS)
sugawara, tsukishima, yamaguchi, asahi, daichi, kiyoko, yachi, yaku, kunimi, aone, akaashi, shirabu, sakusa, kita, aran, takeda
Heavy and upbeat drums, guitar riffs one after the other, and raspy high notes. They like songs that remind them of the streets after a heavy downpour. It’s wet and darkish, and every area appears muted. Like a dangerous contrast to the life that they live, and they bring themselves the feeling of numbness after walking through a loud place. They like the spirit that comes along with listening to its unique loudness along with its messages. The drums drown into the voices mixed with the bass and the electric guitars, all jam-packed together to form a song that is exhilarating.
Shot In The Dark (AC/DC)
Decode (Paramore)
Brother (Gerard Way)
Dear Maria, Count Me In (All Time Low)
Welcome to the Black Parade (My Chemical Romance)
semi, kyōtani, kawanishi, omimi, tanaka, saeko, coach ukai, tenma udai, fukunaga, terushima
Something slow, yet still loud in a way that is not daunting to listen to for them. There is a prominent rhythm that is discernible. It gives them a feeling of empty streets at 12AM, standing by the still-open ramen places or 24-hour convenience stores. Its aroma and the combined imagery gives them a feeling that is akin to longing and slight nostalgia. These songs they like to listen to are considered upbeat, but frames a deeper underlying meaning that is the opposite of how it sounds.
Rose-Colored Boy (Paramore)
Snap Out Of It (Arctic Monkeys)
Sincerity Is Scary (The 1975)
Milk (The 1975)
The Only Exception (Paramore)
kuroo, kenma, matsukawa, hanamaki, konoha, daisho, izuna, suna, osamu, ginjima
Trumpets, upbeat sounds produced by technology and artificial instruments, and beat drops. The rhythm and the combined sounds make them feel like they're in some nostalgic athletic event like intramurals. It reminds them of the anxiety that they feel that also brings forth an array of sensations, making them want to move. They like the image of the crowds floating around the surface of their minds. The screams, the squeaks of rubber soles against floors, and the smell of salonpas.
High Hopes (Panic! At The Disco)
Victorious (Panic! At The Disco)
Youngblood (5 Seconds of Summer)
hinata, nishinoya, lev, bokuto, tendō, hoshiumi, koganegawa, oikawa, iwaizumi, kindaichi, taketora
Listens to literally anything. They don’t usually care about listening to music much, but if they do, they’ll even stop to hear catchy commercial music from televisions or radios in their phones. As long as it's decent enough, then they won't skip the station.
ushijima, kageyama
© flowerstardrops — do not commit any acts of plagiarism. i do not condone anyone stealing or copying my works, and especially posting these on another platform.
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sapphyrelily · 7 years
Based on The Tengu Wall from the Guild Wars 2 OST
The morning light filters through the branches, warming the earth slowly, casting speckles of white and yellow over the leaf litter. It hovers slowly, gliding by and touching leaf and branch, waking the inhabitants from their sleep.
A little bird hops out of the hollow of a tree, trilling his morning song. It echoes down the glades, ringing across the forest. Seconds tick by, and more and more voices join his – his fellows, awoken by the stroke of sunlight over their feathers, now rising to join the melody.
The wren hops off his branch, diving to the forest floor, searching for breakfast. As the sun wakes the birds, so it too, will wake his meal – insects, of all shapes and sizes.
A beetle crawls off a notch in a tree, an ant marches up a trunk, a spider hangs in its web, waiting for its own meal to pass by.
Swoop, swoop, swoop– He is relentless in his search and capture, and it is not long before he is full, flying lazily back to his tree.
The branches tilt towards him as he approaches, the leaves parting a tunnel for him. He dives in, banking sharply to land on the branch, chirruping his greeting.
“Morning.” The dryad straddles the branch, extending a hand to the wren. It hops closer, tilting its head, and he chuckles, twisting his hand to stroke its head. “Demanding.”
He thinks he sees it open an eye to glare at him, but pays it no mind. This bird he knows – and he knows it is easily placated with pats and the little grubs that always take root in his trunk.
“Northeast side, three metres off the ground,” he tells it. “A few hatched last night.”
This time, the bird chirps almost in offence, butting his fingers with its head. He laughs, recognising the gesture. “Right, right. Save them till they’re fatter.”
The wren chirps again, hopping onto his hand and allowing him to bring it close to his chest. He cradles the tiny bird carefully, letting it snuggle into the folds of his shirt. “You have feathers, shouldn’t you be warm enough?”
The nip to his finger doesn’t faze him, but it does make a chuckle slip out. “If you’re so bothered by the cold, then migrate like the rest of your flock.”
He wheezes as​ a heavier weight crashes into his lap, and then there are appendages wrapping around him, a head tucked under his chin. The newly appeared spirit mumbles sulkily, “You’re warmer than my flock,” and he has to laugh.
“You always say that,” he says fondly, stroking the silky strands of his hair, plucking a down feather or two loose. “But you’ve only spent one winter with them.”
“One winter is enough to know that you can suffocate under the weight of too many feathers.” The arms around him tighten, and he sucks in a breath as he feels the cold touch of a nose even through his shirt. “You’re a better alternative.”
“I suppose I should be glad that you’re so​ attached to me,” he says drily. The bird spirit huffs and tilts his head, regarding him with sharp eyes.
“Who else is going to eat the grubs that like nesting in your trunk?”
“Who else is so stupid to eat grubs off a poisonous yew?” He shoots back, but the other only narrows his eyes.
“The one who is somehow immune to the poison.”
He only has a moment to brace himself before there are lips on his, hard and sharp and oddly bitter – and he doesn’t care that the taste might be insect juice, because he’s kissing him back, hard enough to bruise.
The bird spirit pulls away first, but his hands remain where they are – one cupping his head, one wrapped around his shoulders. His eyes are bright, like those of his animal form, his head tilted just so.
Then he smiles.
“See. Still immune.”
He cracks a grin at that, diving in to kiss him once, twice, thrice more.
It doesn’t matter that he will never taste the softness of his lips – birds don’t have soft beaks, after all – or that one day he will age and die and leave him alone again.
He is the only one immune to the toxins in each of his cells, and he will gladly accept his affections.
They spend every day like that – wrapped up in each other, talking, joking, sometimes going for walks in the forest, frost and leaves crunching under bare feet.
Where one goes, the other soon follows, their quiet laughter echoing through glades.
They are the talk of the forest – of every forest. Every tree and every animal across Japan knows who they are – the yew and his wren, bitter poison dipping in their veins. They talk about how they are an anomaly, how they are, perhaps, a new breed of coexistence.
They hear these things, and they do not care.
They have their worries, their misgivings, but they will never leave each other.
They are a dance, a melody trilled through the forest. They are a soft ballet, a gentle orchestra, a display of adoration that makes many envy to see.
They are the oddest kind of love between a tree and a bird, but they are never far from each other, a symphony and a duet.
They are the legends of the forest, and everyone admires them, but keeps their distance.
(Because no matter how beautiful their relationship, the yew is poisonous, and the wren that eats his grubs can only be, too.)
They are sitting on a high branch, peering at the moon through the branches, the bird spirit nestled snugly against the dryad. Their fingers are lightly intertwined, thumbs stroking skin, but always feeling the truth beneath the glamour.
(Hard, rough bark. Silky, smooth feathers.)
(Wildly different. Worlds apart.)
(Different, different, different.)
“Do you think,” the bird spirit begins, “About what’s beyond the forest?”
The dryad hums a little. “I have wondered. But what’s the point? I couldn’t travel elsewhere.”
The wren squeezes his fingers, and the head resting on his collarbone shifts, breath fanning across his cheek. “I could.”
“Would you?” His voice is thick, the words suddenly tripping over themselves, unable to get out.
There is no answer, only the slide of hair across his chest.
Then, “I could… I would come back, and tell you what it’s like.”
He feels like he can breathe again. “Do you want to go?”
A low hum, then silence. He wonders if he has fallen asleep, and if he should return him to his nest.
“I do.”
A soft admission, a sleepy peep, and he twists in his arms to bury his face in the crook of his neck. “The city would be interesting, don’t you think?”
He cradles him gently, kissing the crown of his head, picking him up and descending. “It might be. Let me know if there are any trees there.”
“Hmm.” The bird spirit twists a little, and his concentration fades away, leaving him with a handful of sleepy wren.
He smiles and places the bird in his nest.
When morning comes, they can discuss it again.
The sun is not too high in the sky, and a little wren soars above the canopy, circling, circling, before it sets off, away from the trees. A dryad stands on the topmost branches, watching until its tiny form is out of sight.
He fingers the tiny buds on some of the branches, smiling wryly.
Spring is coming, and the other birds would be coming back.
How odd then, that his favourite bird would be the one to leave.
Flying is a wonderful thing. Soaring is even better.
He flaps his wings, gliding on an updraft, watching tall, grey things come into view, shiny sides on some of them. There are small suns all around, rising from the ground on thin trees, some of them changing from red to yellow and green.
And people. There are so many people.
He knows what it looks like to be human – he has a human form, after all – but it seems so very odd to be moving around in that form all the time, without concentrating to maintain it.
He alights on a thin tree with a sun-fruit, tilting his head and watching the people. They are brightly or dully coloured, with the most interesting assortment of feathers he has ever seen. Some of them are small, and some are larger; some have long feathers dripping from their heads, while some have theirs short.
He sets off again, looking for other interesting things.
There are big metallic-smelling things moving on the ground, fast, maybe faster than the panthers he has seen in other countries' forests. But they are bigger than the cats, and leave a trail of smoke as they run, and he decides that they are very odd indeed.
There are nice smells and weird smells, and noise, so much more noise than he has ever heard before. Who knew humans were so noisy?
He catches a light scent and follows it, the refreshing smell reminiscent of the forest. With every beat of his wings a speck of green grows larger, until he sees trees spread all around, a small forest in the middle of the city.
He picks a shrub to land on, pecking at a bug skittering away from him. It’s a nice snack after his long flight, and he chirps to himself, hopping along the branch to find more.
There are a few birds that pass him and the tall shrub by, but he pays them no mind. They can always approach him first, if they want to talk.
“There’s a small nest of those near my roots, if you want more.”
He startles a little, peeping angrily at the dryad peering through the leaves. The dryad shrugs and seats himself, patting the ground next to him. “You’re new around here. I wondered why you’d pick me to perch on.”
He hops closer, curious but cautious of the nice dryad. The dryad seems to smile. “You have no idea what I am, do you?”
He chirps, flying down next to him, tilting his head.
The dryad picks a fallen, half-decayed leaf from the ground, wiggling its limp body at him. “Nandina? Sacred bamboo? Poisonous plant?”
The bird is silent, its stiffening body showing its belated realisation. The dryad smiles, a little sadly. “That’s alright. Go find some non-poisonous tree to perch on. I don’t blame you.”
The bird chirps angrily, fluffing up, and then the dryad finds himself face-to-face with an annoyed spirit.
“You’re nice enough. I’m not leaving unless I want to.”
The dryad raises his brows, coughing a short laugh. “Which part of ‘poisonous' didn’t you get?”
“The part that I might get poisoned, I guess.” The bird spirit shrugs, grabbing the leaf from his hand and rolling it between his fingers.
He drops the crushed body, extending his hand. “Voilà. I’m unharmed.”
The dryad stares at him for a long, long moment, before something like shock pops his mouth open. “You’re the poison wren.”
It’s a weird name, and he isn’t sure what to think of it, but it’s almost close enough to let pass. “Poison-resistant, you mean.”
“Of course,” the dryad murmurs, eyes soft, lips tilted up. “Why are you so far from your tree?”
(Even in the city, they know who they are. The wren and the yew, always intertwined, always together.)
“I’m exploring for us.” It’s an easy reply, and he remembers their conversation, shaded by the haze of sleep and lit with the glow of moonlight. “My tree can’t come with me, but he wants to see the city too.”
The dryad bobs his head in understanding, a low gleam in his eye. “You know dryads can visit each other as long as one of them has a living tree, right?”
(He is a young bird; his knowledge is sparse. And in the forest, no one speaks to him.)
(How could he have known?)
“Now you know.” The dryad reaches behind him, plucks a young leaf from his tree. “Take this to your tree. If he wants, he can visit me, and we can explore the forest and a bit of the city.”
The wren eyes the leaf warily. “Why are you being so nice to someone you just met?”
The dryad shrugs, the leaf twirling from limp fingers, an almost wistful look on his face. “From one poisonous being to another? It gets lonely, being isolated because you’re toxic. And besides, I’m a plant; I’ll outlive you. It’ll be nice to have a friend until someone decides to cut me down.”
He thinks about it – he knows that smile, those drooping shoulders, the wistfulness in every vein. He knows what it’s like to be looked upon from afar, never to be approached.
The nandina's not wrong. He knows he will die someday, and his yew will be as lonely as he was before he came along.
“I’ll take your leaf when I return to the forest.”
The dryad nods, graciously accepting, an arm sweeping out to the rest of the mini-forest. “Have fun exploring. I’ve got some bugs if you want to come back.”
They share a smile and the wren takes off, off to find new things, a promise at his back.
He doesn’t know how long he stays – but the city is exciting and foreign, and he can’t get enough of it.
Some days he wanders in the crowd, pressed up against the other humans, eyes taking in the bright colours, tasting something new on every breath. Some days the nandina dryad wanders with him, teaching him the names of human things, showing him hidden sights and sounds.
It’s beautiful and terrifying, but he falls more and more in love with it, though the greasy smells of exhaust and takoyaki stick to his feathers for far too long.
At night he roosts within a thick-growing clump of the nandina’s leaves, their changing colours the only indication that time is passing.
The city is always bustling. It never sleeps, with its lights and loud karaoke and food stalls that close too late. He could watch it forever, this pulsing entity that is at once in its own bubble, suspended in time, yet also speeding along, changing minutely and exponentially.
But some nights, he looks up at the sky, at the moon hanging in infinite space, and he feels a tug in his heart, a deep yearning to go home.
(There are no stars in the city – too much light pollution, the nandina said – and he misses them fiercely.)
(But more than that, he misses the warmth at his back, the puff of breath over the top of his head, the whispers and teasing and jostling.)
(He misses his yew, so much that sometimes, he can’t breathe.)
He keeps wondering, when will I finally be heartsick enough to go home?
He doesn’t know.
(But maybe he does.)
He’s wandering in Harajuku again when it happens, eyes picking out the bright colours and fun outfits, listening to the sounds of people hurrying along, and the occasional human couple bustling by.
He doesn’t know what does it, but he’d stopped in a quieter street just off the main one, hiding in the cool of a shop – and suddenly he can’t breathe, he’s holding his breath, he’s frozen and in suspended animation.
He flees the shop before he can take another breath, and in an abandoned alley sheds his glamour and takes to the skies, washing away the scent.
(The scent, the scent, the scent.)
(Sprigs of yew, cut and dried and leaving a pleasant smell in the air.)
(He knows.)
(It’s time to go home.)
He’s back by the nandina before long, but he’s too agitated, too nervous, too jittery. His song is stilted and broken and so, so sorrowful, and it takes the dryad physically grabbing him before he shuts up.
“Stop panicking and tell me what is the problem.”
He struggles, oh he does, the thrumming of his heart too rapid and his song desperate.
I want to go home, I need to go home, it’s time, it’s time, I need to be home–
The dryad forces a ripe berry into his beak to gag him, sighing when he is finally silenced. “I know you don’t eat berries, so shut up and tell me calmly what the matter is.”
He tries to breathe around the berry, but it’s not easy. But he does, calms himself enough to take on his human form, spitting the berry out and blurting, “I want to go home.”
The dryad raises his eyebrows, unfazed. “So go. But maybe after you’ve eaten, you look terrible.”
“I don’t look bad, I just feel terrible. And I really, really want to go home–”
“Shut up,” the dryad sighs. “Have a beetle for the flight. And stop panicking, it’s a weird look on you.”
He pauses his panicking to snap at him, but accepts the proffered beetle and the family of grubs and a few spiders, apprehension thrumming faintly under his skin.
I need to go home.
He hears the call before he sees the bird – a long trill, a shrieked song – panic and joy rolled into a terrifying screech.
He laughs giddily, disbelievingly, and parts the leaves for it.
The wren dives for the branch, banking sharply and shifting midway in its land-run sequence. They almost fall off the tree when he crashes into him, but he has branches ready to catch them – not that it matters.
He’s holding fast, braced against the trunk, arms encircling the one he had been missing for almost three seasons.
He’s back.
He buries his face in the silkiness of the other’s hair, smells the weird tinge of smoke and city smells and – another plant?
But he’s back, he’s back, and nothing else matters.
The bird spirit still has his face buried in his shirt, arms wrapped tightly around him, and he can feel the shudders going through his smaller frame.
He doesn’t pry but strokes his hair, kisses his head, feels and memorises the shape of him once again.
I’ve missed you.
I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you, and I’m so glad you’re back.
It feels like forever, yet barely a second, before the wren looks up, a wobbly smile on his face, eyes watery. “I’m home.”
He thinks his face may split with the force of his smile, and leans in to brush their noses together.
“Welcome home.”
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Yeah, he's my favourite! Although Semi has been coming for his spot lately and I have a big soft spot for Leon/Reon because he's just so sweet and supportive and the kind of friend I'd love to have. And I think there's so many possibilities with all the boys, but maybe especially Semi, to kind of build the character yourself, since there isn't much info on him. Like Ushijima is often written with two dogs and interest in gardening although I don't know if that's canon or not. But I love it!
Ok late answer bc I finally finished your requests!! Sorry for taking so long nsdbhfj I’ll have them up asap~
I understand completely! Ushijima, Semi and Reon are all so good. They deserve lots of love. I generally don’t mind not having a lot of information on a character either but at the same time I get excited over every single new piece of information so I’m constantly caught up in a dilemma: “i get to make them into whatever i want” vs “i need more content” lol
I don’t know where Ushijima’s supposed interest in dogs came from but I love it, too. It just fits. I can imagine him so well with a dog that goes on runs with him in the morning...
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bubbabooo · 2 years
ao3 recs<3
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hi! sorry i haven’t posted a recs list in a million years, i’ve been busy with school and kept putting it off. enjoy my little christmas gift to you🎄
also i was told that some of my old links in recs didn’t work anymore so i’ll also put the authors name now just incase :)
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Fireworks by Aubriearts
Ushijima x reader, one shot, literally just ushijima falling in love with you, completed
Other Stories of Romance by WritingTheInserts
Semi x reader, Goshiki x reader, Shirabu x reader, Yamagata x reader, okay so this one is like a side story to Golden Girl (i’ve mentioned this one before in a recs list) and its set in the same universe just side stories of these guys getting some love too <3, ongoing
It Takes a Team by mrhenn1669
Iwaizumi x reader and Kyoutani x reader, tw for suicide, phew this one… okay so from the description of the story we know this is going to be sad. it’s flat out stated that y/n will comit and it’s her story with the team until then. i think it tackles mental health really well as the author themself has dealt with stuff. i personally really like it and hope we get an update soon. ongoing
The Fox Witch by moonmayhem
Inarizaki x reader, supernatural au, i personally love magical/supernatural aus so that’s already a plus, actually haven’t finished this one but basically the boys as spirits who love y/n, completed
The Popular Guy by Crescentsteel
Oikawa x reader, friends to lovers, guys, when i tell you this one made me love oikawa. it was so good. it’s by the same author who wrote Keeping Secrets (a tsukishima fic) and it’s very well written. completed
to love, and to be loved (is the greatest happiness of existence) by Amy_Stark117
Atsumu x reader, enemies to lovers (kind of) HOGWARTS AU❤️❤️, if you don’t know i love hogwarts aus, atsumu is from durmstrang and reader is ravenclaw, basically atsumu teasing reader;)), ongoing
First Impressions by Sparklewritesfanfiction
Akaashi x reader, royal au, enemies to lovers, tbh they aren’t really enemies for that long but still, i actually haven’t finished this one yet but i want to soooo badly, i love akaashi and need to read more fics of him, completed
Weight of the World by lalalalavieenrose
Ushijima x reader, magical au but different since it’s inspired by atla and naruto, this one was sososos good, i’ve never seen an au like this and it didn’t disappoint, i love ushijima and if you do you’ll love this, completed
A Bird In a Guilded Cage by JUNMAKo
Ushijima x reader, soulmate au, i have some mixed feelings about this one tbh. Ushijimas a bit weird in this and it make me uncomfy but it’s not awful. i don’t hate it but i don’t love it, i do think that some people would love it and that’s why i’m recommending it, completed
Underwater by wanderwithme (wanderlustt)
Ushijima x reader, friends to lovers, readers a journalist interviewing vb star ushijima wakatoshi ;), completed
Keeping Promises by WritingTheInserts
Tendou x reader, sister series to Golden Girl, this one is about k/name in golden girl and she has her own little series with tendou and it warms my heart sm, tendou deserves love and he gets it in this, this also gets updated ag the same exact time as Golden Girl so whenever the author updates one you know you also have the other one waiting :)), ongoing
I’m Home by popushikuru
Tsukishima x reader, it’s actually an OC but when you read it it feels like an x reader since no physical characteristics are talked about, enemies to lovers, soulmate au, oneshot, no words wow, heart hurts now, completed 
We Should Be Together by popushikuru
Ushijima x reader and Iwaizumi x reader, very interesting love triangle, same as the fic above its more of an OC than an x reader as the “reader” has a name, but again same as the fic above it feels like an x reader when you’re reading it and it’s so good! completed
Free Falling by Amy_Stark117
Iwaizumi x reader, AOT AU!!! i’ve only seen aot aus twice before this, it’s a oneshot but sososo perfect, i read it while i was supposed to be doing work and i could not put my phone down, the ending made me crumble, completed
thanks for checking my recs out, reminder to support the authors :)
happy holidays <3
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romiyaro · 2 years
Calm Boys Snapped
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disclaimer: all characters are aged up.
summary: what does it take for the calmest of haikyu men to snap? and what is it like when they do?
tw: nsfw; oral; voyeurism; bdsm; manhandling; FEM!READER
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Never in your wildest fantasies would you have thought that Suga would be into something so... risque. But you finally managed to get him to tell you all of his kinks... at the price of christening his table, the table those cute innocent kids deposited their homework at. And maybe from the way he was fucking you so well into the table, flashing him your tits after school wasn't such a bad idea. You were getting a live, hands-on session at his various kinks. Maybe you would have been more flustered if you knew that one of his kinks was voyeurism. And there was a certain admirer of yours watching from the window. Suga could only grin, taking what was offered to him at his doorstep. He luckily managed to hit two birds with one stone. First, he could finally drop his cautiousness around you. Second, the annoying admirer of yours would certainly leave you alone henceforth.
Okay, so maybe provoking him wasn't that good of an idea. But Kenjiro was a quiet man who respected his workspace. Then how is it that you were here on his table, legs spread apart and pathetically choking on your moans as he ate you out? How is it that the sweet boyfriend of yours who would make you hot cocoa on your worst days display an expression so scary? His glare as he watched you from between your legs had you come faster than you thought you would. But he didn't stop when you came, licking and circling your clit, lapping you clean even as you rode out your orgasm. You cry out when he overstimulates you, but he doesn't stop. Finally, only the possible threat of someone catching you makes him stop. His form is towering over you as his fingers never leave your lower lips, caressing your nub and flicking your abused clit. It makes you jerk, but he holds you down, all the while glaring at you. Oh, he so wasn't done with you.
Tendou was a fucking snitch. You realize he's been playing the double agent between you and Toshi for so long now. So when you finally conceded to Tendou begrudgingly that you liked light BDSM he promptly snitched you to your boyfriend. And here you are now, tied, blindfolded, ass red, and on your knees on the bed. You can hear your boyfriend hovering around you, reading aloud the various types of BDSM activities he could find on google. Every time he would find one he would ask for your opinion like he did not just spank you for keeping secrets. And once he's done making his list for the night, you are treated to an experimental ton of shit. He's touching you, probing and prodding you, learning your limits and what makes you scream (and cream). You are overwhelmed, the sensory stimulation too much. But damn, you like this. Oh, and he does too. More than you think. Soon enough he's the one approaching you, wanting to try out a new kink he found online. But you feel it too, the additional aggressiveness Toshi holds against you. It's all courtesy of Tendous teasing Toshi how you came clean to Tendou and not to your own boyfriend.
It takes an extremely angry Shinsuke to make you realize that you like being manhandled like this. You don't remember exactly what you did to make him this livid. But you aren't bothered to remember it as he has you cornered and pushed against the wall, strong arms holding you up as he pushes into you. "Come on, say it again, baby." He's not one to be vocal during these moments. But the words falling out of his mouth right now are something else. "Can't speak, huh? Not a word? Did I already fuck you dumb? Is this all it takes?" He coaxes you to pit up a fight. But nope. The moment you open your mouth he's harshly thrusting into you again. You scream it's unfair. But he scoffs, "Unfair? So it's okay for you to be unfair. But not me? How unfair is it of you to hold my heart captive? I can't run even if I wanted to. And you say I'm being unfair?" You want to apologize, say something, anything. But only incoherent babbles fall out of your mouth as he fucks you over every single piece of furniture in your house.
You are feeling conflicted. This is so bad. But it feels so good! Your bravado when you confronted your boyfriend on how neglecting he was nowhere to be seen. You had also quipped that maybe you were better off with someone else. But that blew his fuse. From the suffocating kiss to the near painful hickeys, you had no idea how you ended up here, in Kenma's bed, butt naked and screaming your guts out. He's going rougher than he ever has. His hips snap and roll deliciously. The finger playing with your clit is borderline torturous. But what has you feeling morbid is the camera pointed at your face. Yes, he's filming you, screaming how he will make it go viral if you dare to leave him. Maybe it's the stress finally getting to him. And that's exactly what you wanted, to make him stop the crazy overworking. But, ironically, this side of Kenma has you clenching and dripping. The thought that he can ruin you once and for all, but he would never, it's delicious. You know its fucked up but you relish it either way.
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svnarintaro · 4 years
hi! could u pls write how kuroo,bokuto,semi and oikawa would react to going to the beach with their gf and teammates and getting jealous when everyone’s staring at her in bikini?💖
kuroo, bokuto, semi and oikawa getting jealous at the beach 
a/n: i wrote this on the way home from my camping trip :( it was so much fun !
kuroo tetsuro
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- he is a 'look don't touch' kinda' guy
- like he is eating up how good you look in swimwear
- like it takes a lot for you to make him jealous cause i feel like he really trusts you
- he may have patience of steel with strangers looking at you but if the team of nekoma comes he is keeping an eye out
- he just gets super clingy and his hands tend to wander
- when it comes down to it he will just pick you up over his shoulder and walk away
- he is just super assertive but he will show off that you belong to him
kuroo was just plain annoyed. it takes a lot for him to get annoyed but whatever his team was doing, they were doing a wonderful job pissing him off. "tetsu~ you won't have fun if you just sit there doing nothing.." you pleaded as you tried to pry your boyfriend off his towel. you looked absolutely stunning to him, he loved how the swimsuit made you look even more perfect than you already were but the thing that made him mad was not only were strangers staring at you but his teammates were too.
"kitten can you see i'm having fun here? i'm having tons of fun hanging around the millions of sand grains up my butt crack." he joked around to try and make you happy, but lev came up behind you and asked you if you wanted to go swimming with him and yamamoto. through the process their eyes were busy taking in how your body looked, how the swimsuit showed some of your best assets. the feeling of his own teammates were checking out his girlfriend so he did what he thought was necessary, he picked you up and walked towards to the concession.
"kuroo! let me down now!" you screamed as kuroo hummed a little tune to pretend to not notice you yelling at him to put you back on the ground. "man the weather is kinda beautiful, don't you think kitten?" kuroo played around with his words and let you down when your feet finally met the ground you had a massive frown on your face. "listen kitten i am doing what any jealous boyfriend would do when they have eyes on their precious girlfriend." you were hooked on one word, "wait your jealous?!" "yeah and what about it kitten you got a problem 'bout that cause we can handle that issue right here right now."
bokuto koutaro
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- he doesn't really get jealous
- he gets protective
- like he will just hug you and cover your front side as he gets a towel to cover your back
- like he won't even notice which is the cutest part
- he like puffing his chest a little like a little bird when he wants you your attention
- please let his head when he wants your attention he just has the same smile he has when he spikes a ball
- he just has a pout to guilt trip people into stopping
you put on a cute bathing suit underneath some regular clothing to the annual fukurodani beach outing that bokuto would never stop talking about. you finally got a breath of fresh air when you arrived to the beach, when bokuto faw you he ran up to you and pointed out his lovely swim trunks which had flamingos on them, "me and akaashi found them at the mall and i got them to show you!" he bounced up and down with the endless amount of energy he had.
you squealed in the inside, "bokuto is just too cute' you thought as you watched him run off tot he bathroom. once you got your towel on the sand and sandals off you took off your hoodie and shorts to reveal the swimsuit you got. konoha just widened his eyes and dropped a ball as he turned to ask you you brought any snacks. bokuto was still in the bathroom, "konoha are you okay?" you asked as you tried to think of why konoha has a blush on his face. "suit. cute. you. hehe.." he tried to speak but he malfunctioned.
bokuto noticed his team mate staring so he did the only rational thing he could think of; he came up to you and hugged you. with his broad chest in your face you looked up to see his eyebrows furrowed and a pout on his face. you sighed and brought your hands to his neck, "thank you kou, you're like my hero," you laughed out a bit and smiled. bokuto's chest puffed up a little as a sign of pride and he tightened his grip and held you for while.
semi eita 
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- pretty boy is mad
- like pissed
- not at you but at everyone
- he is calm but i feel like he is a person fully cuddle with you to bring the message that you're taken
- jealousy is something that semi feels cause he really feels like he will lose you
- the only thing that will turn this around will be a kiss
- like on the cheek or lips take your pick
- maybe a jealous make out session if he really is mad ;)
tendou was really getting bored, he tried to play a prank on ushijima and that didn't work. shirabu was away cause he had a cold so he did the only thing he had in mind, get semi mad. you were brought along cause you were the manager of the team but you were also dating semi, so tendou skipped along the sand trying not to kick it in anyone's direction but he got to you. you were standing around the umbrella helping make some food. tendou has this little smirk as he eyed semi.
"y/n~ has anyone told you absolutely tantalizing you look in that bathing suit of yours?" tendou started his line of compliments that were bound to make semi mad. "awe thank you tendou.. um? your shorts look pretty nice to me." you smiled as you questioned his words, you knew something was up but you didn't know wether he was pranking you or someone else. "i'm serious~ semi is one lucky person to have someone who looks like yo-" then you felt arms sneak around your waist and a head resting on your shoulder.
"ouu hi hi semi semi!" tendou waved to the mad boy leaning on you. a huff escaped his mouth as semi asked if you could be excused cause he had an issue that involved you, and proceeded to drag you away from tendou and behind a large tree. "so semi wha-" that was when you felt a pair of lips pressed against yours, you could feel the jealousy seeping through him so you returned the kiss but semi wanted more, he picked up one of your legs and pressed you against the tree and grabbed the other leg. he started to nibble on the bottom lip leaving you breathless and both of your lips pink. "hey there my jealous boyfriend that i love so much~" you teased as semi pressed another kiss onto your lips and you felt him smile a little bit knowing that you were all his.
oikawa tooru
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- super whiney about it
- demands that you wear a jacket
- he throws a tantrum like a child
- like he will pout until he gets what he wants
- will make grabby hands at you whenever he is in your field vision
- always approach a jealous oikawa with a hug or he will be the prettiest little jerk
- he wants you to know that he loves you and wants you to love him back just as much as he loves you
all day the seijoh team was trying to calm oikawa down, he was playing volleyball like a madman and spiking the ball with all of his might. the reason was because you were talking to another boy while you were setting up the table where you brought an assortment of fruits for the team. "oikawa can you calm down a bit? even mad dog is getting a little scared.." makki quietly asked the captain who was pissed out of his mind. you were his and only his, and he hates when people let their eyes wander all over you especially when you are wearing a bathing suit like that.
when the game was over with oikawas team winning by a landslide he stomped over to you with fists closed and pout ready. you looked over to oikawa and he reached out to you, opening and closing his hands to urge you to come to him. you said thank you to the stranger that helped you and ran into oikawas arms. "hey there prince charming~" you smiled as you rubbed you hands on his back feeling the muscles that resided there. "princess... can you please wear my jacket or something?" his played with the bottom of your bathing suit. "but don't you like my bathing suit?" you asked as you looked down at yourself.
"no! it's not that it's just.." he looked around at the amount of males that were around, "i'm scared other guys will like your outfit too much.." he pouted, you shook your head at how silly his reaction was. so to tend to that you went ahead and kissed his lips, "i was seeking your approval dummy," oikawa smiled and turned a little, "i'm dummy thicc." he wiggles his eyebrows, "you're built like a cereal box honey.."
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kimbapisnotsushi · 8 months
oh please talk about kawanishi taichi i love that silly guy
(also i am SO sorry for taking so long oh my god i am back in action and catching up i promise!!)
i think he likes beanies in his casual wear
idk kawanishi feels like such a beanie person but not the douchebag slouchy ones he's got one that's a little snug and has something embroidered on it like a bird or something
okay that's a lie. he has ONE douchebag slouchy beanie that makes him look like how a high school romance shoujo mangaka of the mid-2000s would dress a flashy somewhat-delinquent teenage boy (honey lemon soda my beloved)
this, of course, could not be farther from the truth
the entire second year is scared of him bc they never somehow realize he's there until he says something and they're like "holy SHIT". this also means he knows a bunch of hot gossip
(the hot gossip miyagi group chat: kawanishi, watari, onagawa, and narita)
on the other hand. that means the students of 2-5 win the contest for "best cultural festival attraction" between classes bc they had the best haunted house the miyagi prefecture had ever seen
he's on really good terms with the school nurse because sometimes he sneaks into the infirmary to take naps during lunch or gym periods
knows how to lockpick BECAUSE he keeps trying to sneak into the infirmary. and occasionally the school roof for their "team bonding picnics" so that tendou doesn't have to keep swiping the key from the student council
i'm not just saying this bc i like enamel pins but i think kawanishi DOES like enamel pins. he's got a collection of these edgy sarcastic ones that he thinks are hilarious in a "started-ironically-and-now-i-can't-stop-pipeline" kind of way
he's got this whole tumblr-grunge-indie-hipster thing going on with his douchebag slouchy beanie and denim jacket with pins all over the collar and ripped jeans and converse sneakers and shirabu thinks he pulls it off unfairly well
i feel like kawanishi also really likes fantasy/sci-fi and is actually SUCH a huge secret nerd about it. and really likes cyberpunk and fantasyland settings you'd get from like idk snow white with the red hair or nivalis (i KNOW it's an indie game that's not even out yet but sue me i don't know cyberpunk all that well)
he and tsukki actually become friends while arguing about how much of akira is deep meaning and how much of it is actually just straight up bullshit because WHAT the fuck was that
also he's subscribed to a bunch of these small artists on youtube who make background music and fun art to go with them bc he can put together a great soundtrack for getting hw and studying done
likes getting lil gifts for shirabu, especially to add to his stationary collection. shirabu has sticky notes in the shape of whales and ice cream and paper lanterns and washi tape with fireworks and beach motifs and bakery stuff and it's all because of kawanishi
kawanishi just sticks to the plain solid-color square sticky notes that he uses to leave shirabu notes around his dorm. just small things, really, a reminder that this is a place shirabu belongs and it is a place he is loved. you're doing great. get some water soon. i'll bring you dinner, just text me. don't forget to sleep.
and shirabu will be hard pressed to admit it, but those might be his favorite sticky notes of all
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hargrieve · 2 years
hargrieve’s fic recs — jan 2022
hello!! I am still alive!! and I am back (late) with a bunch of fic recs! this is just from january; I’m planning on posting a separate nov/dec post too. thanks for still being here, if you have been following for this series! sorry that the content slowly swerved away from strictly haikyuu fic recs—whenever season five drops (and I hope they do take as much time as they need) I’m going to be back with a fury. in the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading kang taehyun as much as I do
hi @ravenclawboys I am miraculously still kicking
ALSO if any of these links aren’t working, please do let me know
FANDOMS: Haikyuu!!, Tomorrow x Together, Enhypen
and the birds looking for a place to land. by asynchrony
kageyama/yamaguchi; rated Gen; 2.5k words; 1/1; yamaguchi pov
canon compliant, karasuno first-years in their third year. yamaguchi watches and yearns
really genuinely such a gorgeous study of kageyama through yamaguchi, yamaguchi through kageyama, and the karasuno first-years’ family dynamics. all of this is packed up into a very short very impactful fic
even if you don’t usually read/ship yamayama, I would encourage you to read this
ao3 asynchrony your range is awe-inspiring and genuinely i am your biggest fan
Creative Problem Solving 101 by ftld
sunaosa; rated M; 3.3k words; 1/1; osamu pov
college au in which they are friends with benefits
suna insists that sucking osamu’s dick will help him quit smoking. that’s it that’s the fic. osamu also dresses up in a mascot costume at one point
it was so very enjoyable. clowns being clowns, the true sunaosa dynamic
everything is blue by hatsuna
semishira; rated T+; 3.8k words; 1/1; shirabu pov
canon compliant relationship study
pure poetry in prose form. moments small and big in a relationship
hatsuna’s fics always have an Ending and I think it’s one of the most glorious parts about their writing
Tomorrow x Together:
minimal by sonria
tyunning; rated M; 13k words; 1/1; taehyun pov
college au in america, established relationship. very very simply (and perhaps it is this simple): in which taehyun and huening kai fall in love
I feel like there’s always one fic on each list that made me cry. this was the one. listen ao3 sonria I am a generally romance-repulsed grayromantic person and therefore usually feel a sort of impersonal barrier when reading established relationship fic, but This One Broke Me. huening kai is so in love. taehyun is so in love, and in true taehyun fashion, he tries to use facts and logic to explain it. they’re so young and they’re not perfect but it is going to work because they like each other so goddamn much. I will cry again right here right now
“It was always like this with Kai. Taehyun leaned in expecting resistance, and was surprised when Kai, eagerly, pliantly gave way.” FUCK
trip up to the moon (get a room) by orphan account
yeonjun/taehyun/huening kai; rated M; 5.6k words; 1/1; huening kai pov
au relationship study in which kai slots perfectly in-between taehyun and yeonjun
there are some lines about longing and boundaries and crossing them that are just. heart-crushing. they all WANT so much. it kills me
author has this innate understanding of who these three are as characters
rated M but lowkey it is p*rn with feelings
'cause it feels right by predebut
jayhoon; rated T+; 5k words; 1/1; jay pov
college au, development of a relationship ft. jay’s friends all thinking there’s no way he’s actually dating park sunghoon
this fic is about getting to know someone in steps and integrating them into your life. though it’s an au, their core personalities and motivations and views of the world (esp for sunghoon) are excellently retained. tbh jay is one philosophical mf. what DOES love at first sight mean, jay, please enlighten me
A+++ for accurate enhypen ensemble characterization. there’s a line where sunoo asks sunghoon for his birth time to analyze his natal chart that made me ugly-laugh in public
jake's declassified uni survival guide (results may vary) by chamsae
jakehoon; rated T+; 17k words; 1/1; jake pov
australian college au in which jake and sunghoon are undergrad psych majors but sunghoon is rich and expected to marry a girl his family chose. which is a big plot point but the story is not about that; the story is mostly about jake: college student, down bad, all up in his head about it
ft enhypen ensemble as other college students and affiliates. long-suffering park jongseong. rascal nishimura riki. plus some txt members
what i really liked about this fic is that it’s a college au without relying on college au tropes, esp in terms of characterization. i think this is my favorite jake pov i’ve read so far
recs from dani (all haikyuu!!):
Final Boss by saltedpin
ushioi; rated M; 42k words; 5/5
canon divergent university au
summary: “It’s totally fine, though – Oikawa can, temporarily at least, put aside a grudge that was six years in the making for the sake of trying to impress his coaches and senpai. // Or at least he could, if Ushijima weren’t so obviously and blatantly staring at his ass.”
Botched Dating Escapades by zimriya
kagehina; rated E; 16k words; 1/1
canon compliant, post-timeskip, msby schweiden era
summary: “The holiday love story of Hinata “I Think You Have Big Dick Energy” Shouyou and Kageyama “You Think I’m a Big Dick?” Tobio.”
my twitter
past fic recs
send me a rec!
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star-puff · 2 years
part iii: 蝴蝶 (butterfly)
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☁︎ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ushijima w. x f!reader
☁︎ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: themes of war, mentioning of death and things of that nature
☁︎ ᴡᴄ: 4.8k
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When the training yard contains nothing other than splinters of broken wood and dust, Ushijima sits by his lonesome on the steps leading to the palace’s outer halls, watching the sun not yet fully risen over the horizon. The winter morning chills his fingertips, his joints hardening the longer he remains there, but he stays seated still, breathing in the biting, crisp air.
He has only just been there an hour, silent and watchful, yet to him it feels like an eternity within each second. A flock of cranes fly past, the fog leaving them nothing more than a couple of shadowy figures in the distance, and the beating of their wings sync with the thrum of his subdued blood. His fingers curl around nothing, clenching in and out as it reminisces the presence of something that hasn’t been there for years.
In the midst of a border dispute with Karasuno to the south, Emperor Washijo had fallen fatally ill. With no biological son to inherit the throne, succession automatically fell to the former royal advisor, newly adopted prince, Saito Akira. Washijo had only held few close to him, after all, and his untimely illness left the rest of the royals scrambling to find a proper way for a rightful heir to become the next emperor. The tolling of the bells the morning of Emperor Washijo’s passing was one met with silent relief, the wishes of a new era finally coming to fruition.
After his ascendance to the throne, Emperor Saito proceeded to pull back his troops from foreign lands, sending emissaries to conquered territories and signing treaties to return land that was never his to claim. Sensing a new era, the emperor’s troops slowly began trickling down to a scarce few after the regime change, resignations handed in as they chose to return home to their families instead.
Quietly, traces of what Shiratorizawa once was disappearing into only faint memories and blown dust, a new morning began, its sun never quite reaching where Ushijima had been planted standing.
Foreign things had never lent themselves well in his favor, not during that festival in the port town to the east, nor your repeated encounters which seemed less like coincidence and more like cruelty splayed in a hopeless future. It draws his breath tight, his skin crawling with the uncertainty of a path not yet inlaid with stone; there is too much uncertainty in the yearning.
And yet, despite everything, this is where he’s ended his journey—a boundless plain stretching to the horizon, the last ridges of stone from his built road, his feet too afraid to take his first step into the beyond.
The birds in the sky caw once more, their call echoing into the horizon, clouds shifting in the silent aftermath. The sun has fully risen.
A new day, a new dawn; Ushijima is simply just tired of it all.
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Truthfully, Ushijima has been holding on to a realization ever since the new emperor came into power, ever since the wars had stopped and he was sent back to the palace to be nothing but a common captain of the guard. It’s something he’s pushed to the back of his mind, burying it with routines to train and other acts of familiarity, but the truth can only be hidden for so long before becoming self-evident.
He's lonely, here in this place.
And perhaps he always was, even from the beginning. From the practiced motions and orders and everything in between, maybe he was always trying to make his purpose what he has been told it should be, a repeated mantra until it formed a thin film of truth from one day to the next. But the new era of peace brought a new sense of normalcy to the lives of the country’s subjects, and with normalcy, it gave the opportunity for them to return home.
The first to leave was Semi, his head bowed as he said his farewells to the remaining soldiers, then Shirabu, returning home to take up his ailing father’s mantle as the village physician, then Reon, and slowly, all that remained of his former first battalion trickled down to just Goshiki and Tendou. Though, he supposes not even that could last forever either.
“I’m leaving,” Tendou had announced one evening, crouched and drawing mindless shapes into the dirt.
Ushijima blinked, letting the silence fall as the words sunk in. Tendou’s scraping into the ground filled the silence, a quiet scritch, scritch, scritch, as he waited for his response.
“For how long?” he tried. “I will take up some of your duties while you’re gone, so you can take your time before coming back—”
“Wakatoshi.” No honorific. The rest of the words lodged in Ushijima’s throat. “I’m leaving.”
I’m leaving, and I’m not coming back.
“I”m sorry, Wakatoshi-kun,” Tendou had sighed, standing and brushing the dirt off from his hands and knees. “My time here ended quite a while ago. It’s time for me to go back home.”
Perhaps it was what little naivety Ushijima had allowed himself, but he had hoped that at least Tendou would have stayed with him until the end,. The older, wiser part of him knew that Tendou had stayed for longer than he should have, perhaps as a twisted form of familiarity, but Ushijima knew it was mostly just for him. To not leave him alone, to keep him company for just a little longer while everyone left to return to where they once were. It would be selfish to ask him to stay, Ushijima knew this—it would be almost cruel for him to do so.
Foolish as he might have been, Ushijima was never one to be cruel.
“Okay,” is all he said, the distant shouting of fellow soldiers buzzing in his ears. “Have a safe trip back.”
Tendou had looked at him then, his gaze apologetic in the way his eyes seemed to ingrain the image of Ushijima into his mind, training clothes permanently stained with dirt and dust, shoulders heavy even without the armor tied to his frame.
“I really am sorry,” Tendou said again, parting words as he took a step backwards.
Ushijima shook his head, waving a hand at him. “No need to apologize.”
Backs to the distance, footprints in the ground signaling farewell, Ushijima had simply stood there and watched as Tendou walked away and never looked back.
War is the only language Ushijima has ever spoken, from his youth to his adolescence to who he was in the present. Peace isn’t suited for someone like him, not like it is for the rest of the world. A part of him whispers that maybe that’s what his life truly means, for him to be a weapon for a broken cause, to suffer in silence while everyone else returns to their own meaning of happiness. Alone—even in his suffering, even till the end.
And yet, he stops himself.
Your words echo in his head, what remains of your voice and your laughter and your smile ringing as he shudders out a breath, blinking away the lingering traces of his mother’s cold gaze, silk lanterns haunting, dark rooms yawning in the silence.
It’s not too late. You can choose…choose your own happiness.
Ushijima remembers the bustling of the marketplace, the steamed bun warming his hands as you showed him the sun, the fragrance of your incense as the stone pillar pressed against your back, his lips on yours as you reinvented the moon.
He wonders if this was what you were trying to show him all along, the freedom of an existence meant solely for himself. Perhaps this was the selfishness he had sworn off for so long—perhaps this was happiness you told him he deserved.
Ushijima looks through his window to the night sky. A cloudless night, stars twinkling in the midnight, an owl hooting in the distance. His mind is strikingly clear as he absorbs the sight in, the countless shining specks of white, a moon so full it gleams onto the world below. Ushijima shuffles through the agenda for the next day—training he needs to lead, documents regarding equipment sent in that require signing, sparring practice with a few of his fellow high-ranked officers.
He mulls over the activities once, twice, and then nods to himself. It’s nothing he can’t afford missing.
There is a far more important matter that Ushijima needs to attend to.
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Of all things he would have expected, a woman carrying a baby was most definitely not one of the sights Ushijima was preparing himself for when he reached the front yard of Tendou’s home.
“Is this…the Tendou residence?” he asks, slowly. “My apologies if I was mistaken, if you could lead me to the right address that would be greatly appreciated.”
The woman blinks at him, adjusting the baby slipping down her hip before waving her free hand as she interjects. “Oh, no you’re correct! This is the Tendou residence.” She gives him a quick once over before continuing. Her words have a subtle accent underlying each syllable. “You must be looking for Satori, right? I’ll go get him for you, come on in!”
Before he can even fit in another word, the woman has already swiveled around, the baby’s gurgles at her side growing distant as she walks further into the house.
Ushijima closes his open mouth, what was meant to be said dying on the tip of his tongue at the sight of her turned back and the abandoned doorway. The summer cicadas continue their chirping under the heat of the sun.
“Thank you,” he says, anyway, to the empty front yard. The chicken strutting along the tufts of grass between the slabs of the stone walkway stops to look at him, tilting its head once, before clucking and continuing on its way.
It wasn’t anything extravagant, not like the yards Ushijima was used to seeing in both the palace and in his own family compound, but there was a quaint fondness to it—the worn surface of the veranda, plants placed in etched clay pots and thoughtfully displayed at the front of the house. It didn’t need any extravagant decorations, no elaborate structures or intricate details in the garden; what the yard contained was just enough for it to be considered ‘home.’
Ushijima looks again at the flowers, bursts of color peeking through the leaves, and he wonders if something so delicate as a bud can only survive to its full vibrancy in times of peace like these. A brief memory of wilted petals flashes through his mind, air heavy with ashes and cinders. He blinks, then looks away.
Gravel beneath his feet crunching with each step, Ushijima enters from the yard onto the wooden veranda, shoes slipping off when he steps through the door the woman had left open for him. He closes it gently, wood creaking before the bronze lock snaps shut with a quiet click.
Muffled voices sound from the other side of the wooden walls, interspersed with the padding of his feet on the floor. A part of him wonders if it was a mistake to come here, if all he serves is a reminder of a memory Tendou wishes to leave behind, but a head pokes out from one of the rooms before Ushijima can think too heavily on it.
“Wakatoshi-kun!” Tendou’s call comes with a pair of wide eyes and raised brows, a grin slowly surfacing as Ushijima bows his head in another greeting.
“Lieute…” The rest dies on his lips, lost between memories of bloody battlegrounds and abandoned battlefields, and this: the midst of summer, scent of the sun and heat heavy in the afternoon air. Birds tweet in the trees outside, the loud hum of cicadas an eternal ephemerality beneath.
“Tendou,” he says instead.
The name still feels odd coming out of his mouth, like the ghost of the past still clinging onto his frame and demanding the emptiness before the name be filled with a title. For status, for propriety, for the habits nailed into his bones and the whispers hissing in his mind. The brightness that enters Tendou’s features silences his thoughts completely, even if the repressed rigidity that makes its way to Ushijima’s face gives away his unfamiliarity with this type of setting.
“It’s good to see you again,” Ushijima continues. The smile, stiff as it may be, is warmer than he’s ever allowed it to be before. “How have you been?”
“Well,” Tendou grins, patting him on the arm, leading him to the small table in the middle of the living room. He gestures for Ushiima to sit down first, before pulling out a chair and sitting down himself. “I can’t say there was anything eventful that’s happened since we saw each other last. It’s just been the peaceful same-old, same-old here.”
Ushijima blinks at him. The woman who had greeted him at the door slips by behind Tendou’s back, settling a tea set platter gently on the table. “Let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
She bows her head slightly in goodbye, and Tendou thanks her with a slight touch to her shoulder and a smile before she leaves the room. Placing one cup in front of Ushijima and the another cup in front of himself, Tendou picks up the teapot and starts pouring into Ushijima’s cup.
“You didn’t tell me you got married,” Ushijima comments.
Tendou pauses, tea trickling out of the spout coming to a halt. “With who? Shiori?”
He supposes that’s the woman’s name. Tendou waves a hand, shaking his head. “Oh, we’re not married.”
The baby’s babbles can be heard from the other room. Though he can sense his mother’s dramatics from just the thought, Ushijima was never one to judge. Well, he tries not to. “So the child is from wedlock then?”
The silence is deafening.
Tendou knits his eyebrows together, looking at Ushijima, then to the doorway which Shiori had exited from, then back to Ushijima, then back to the door. And starts laughing.
Flustered from the unexpected response, Ushijima’s mouth gapes open then closes, unsure of what he would rebuke with even under the fumbling of his words. “I, well I—” Ushijima flounders for words. “There is a woman and child in your house.”
Tendou wipes a tear from his eye, letting out a long ‘hooew’ as he tries to compose himself. “I’m sorry I…” He breaks into chortles again. Ushijima thinks in a moment of humiliation-brought clarity that maybe it was a mistake coming here.
“Shiori and her son are just people we’re helping out,” Tendou manages, finally calm enough to take a sip of tea. “Remember that conflict near the northern border a couple of months ago?”
Ushijima nods, reaching for his own cup. Another one of Washijo’s power-hungry advances, the northern conflict had decimated the border between Shiratorizawa and Itachiyama, resulting in more casualties than Washijo could afford to continue ignoring. At the insistence of his highest ranking officials, Shiratorizawa’s troops had retreated three years after the first battle, irreparable damage to both their numbers and morale.
“Shiori’s husband was sent out to fight during the peak of the conflict.” His smile is solemn. “He didn’t make it.”
No matter how many years Ushijima had spent fighting, the dull ache at those words never fades.
“We found her wandering around the village, not long after I came back home,” Tendou tells him. “A newly widowed mother with a newborn baby to take care of and nowhere else to go. Funnily enough, I actually chased after her.”
“Because you wanted to help?”
“Nope, she stole my coin pouch.” Ushijima stares at him. “Don’t give me that look, I was distracted! The candied fruit the grannies were selling at the stall were very captivating.”
Ushijima pours himself another cup, nodding slowly. “I’m sure.”
“In any case, ever since then she’s been living with us,” Tendou finishes. “I think my mother’s happy to have another baby she can spoil—kept saying that it was about time she was made into a grandmother.” He pauses, then jokes, “Actually, I think at this point Shiori is her new favorite child.”
A lull drapes over the room after brief smiles, sunlight streaming gently through open windows, the scent of summer carried by the breeze. It seems almost like a perfect painting, the life of a civilian inked prettily in attempts to hide the spilled and stained mess of their past. Ushijima hesitates, before speaking once more.
“Do you ever miss it…the war?”
Some days it feels like it’s all he has left, fading frayed threads of the past he tries to grasp onto again, if only just to remember what it was like to have a purpose, a duty, no matter how much he bled trying to fulfill it. Some days he feels like all he is made up of are scars, open wounds and scabs picked open until they became a second skin.
“What was that war, in the end?” Tendou asks. Ushijima lifts his head, nothing but burdens in the shadows of his eyes. “Fighting, bloodshed, killing?” He shakes his head, laughing mirthlessly. “I don’t think I could miss it, even if I wanted to. That war…that massacre…all it did was cause suffering.”
Ushijima tries not to flinch. And if he’s known nothing but the blade, the war ingrained into his bones, was that who he was? Someone who could only cause suffering?
He doesn’t want that. Ushijima wants…he wants, he wants—
A clunk sounds from behind, and when Ushijima turns around, he’s met with Shiori’s son, the toddler waddling over clumsily until he reaches the table. Small hands grasp the wooden leg for balance as he babbles nonsense all the while, and Tendou coos at him teasingly before picking him up and setting him on his lap.
“We have a new beginning, Wakatoshi.” The toddler makes a small noise, reaching for Tendou’s empty tea cup and grasping it in between his pudgy fingers, before Tendou gently pries it away from him and sets it back down on the table, farther from his reach. The toddler makes a noise of dissatisfaction, lip trembling in the beginning signs of a cry, but Tendou quickly distracts him, pointing towards Ushijima. “Look, it’s Uncle Wakatoshi! Do you want to say hi?”
Glancing at Ushijima, he asks in a softer tone. “Do you want to hold him?”
“No, I—” Ushijima stops, biting his tongue. Everything he’s touched has just ended up breaking, cracks forming at his fingertips no matter where he’s turned. If this was offered to him a few months ago, even a few days ago, he wouldn’t have hesitated to refuse. It’s for the best, Ushijima would have told himself, to accept things that can’t be changed. But under Tendou’s steady gaze, his careful yet firm hold on the boy, Ushijima finds himself faltering.
Tendou takes his response as a hesitant acceptance, and walks over to his side of the table, holding him out for Ushijima to take.
“Whatever happened back then,” he tells him, guiding Ushijima’s arms and hands to hold the boy properly, “we can’t forget it.” Finished with maneuvering Ushijima’s arms, Tendou takes his hands off Ushijima’s, allowing him to hold the toddler on his own. “We shouldn’t forget it,” he rescinds, stepping back.
“But it’s okay to forgive yourself for what once was,” Tendou continues, gently. “And it’s okay to move on. It’s okay to want to live.”
Ushijima looks down at the boy in his callused hands: round face practically bursting at the cheeks, eyes that know nothing but the goodness of the world. Soft, fragile, and despite everything he’s told himself, everything that has been told to him—unbroken.
“I see,” Ushijima breathes, like a curse released. “Thank you, Tendou.”
The name still feels strange coming off his tongue, but more than anything, it feels like something he’s allowed himself to do. To allow himself to change, to take a step forward off the stone path, to yearn for a better tomorrow.
And, somewhere in the distance, a newly emerged butterfly flutters its wings for the very first time.
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A torn piece of mantou falls onto the surface of the pond, water rippling outwards with a quiet ‘plop.’ A koi comes to the surface almost immediately, gulping down the bun with a fervor unbecoming of a fish so spoiled as those living in the Imperial Garden’s pond.
“Goshiki,” Ushijima starts carefully, watching as the boy tears off another piece to feed the fish. “May I ask you something?”
Goshiki turns to him, eyes wide—even still, even now, after all this time—and nods almost immediately. Ushijima admires that about him, to still be the same Goshiki that joined all those years ago. “Of course, sir, what is it?”
Ushijima frowns, just slightly. “We’re the same rank now, you do not have to keep calling me ‘sir’ as if I am still your superior,” he reminds him, as lightly as he can sound. Even in times of peace, Goshiki had found a way to earn merit in his own way, working his way up the chain of command until he had grown to be a fellow general alongside Ushijima. He still thinks of the memory fondly, Goshiki near rushing through the gardens and narrowly avoiding crashing into the shrubbery to tell Ushijima the news of his promotion.
“Oh no,” Goshiki shakes his head, smiling. The refusal comes automatically now, practiced and repeated until said with ease. “You’ll always be admirable to me, sir, I couldn’t even if I tried. It wouldn’t feel right.”
Ushijima nods in acceptance, like he has every other time, and the water ripples again.
“What did you want to ask me?” Goshiki asks, as a reminder.
Ah, Ushijima had almost forgotten. Perhaps it was his own way of trying to avoid it for as long as possible, maybe in fear of hearing the answer he knows will be said. His silence, his avoidance, is a repeated cycle, as prevalent as Goshiki’s insistence on formalities, or the way each ripple in the water follows one after the other in a seemingly infinite loop.
But a water’s ripple is bound to fade at some point, and Ushijima has long since sworn off the notion that he is but a lilypad on the surface to move as the water wills him to.
“All those years ago,” Ushijima starts, “that war we fought in.” The wars we fought in, he corrects internally. He forms each word carefully, as cautious as when he had posed the question to Tendou weeks ago. “Do you ever miss it—that time?”
He braces himself, preparing for Goshiki’s immediate denial, but instead he’s met with silence. Goshiki scrunches his brows, pondering as he picks at the leftover mantou in his hands.
“Sometimes,” he says finally. Ushijima’s gaze jerks towards him.
“I don’t miss the fighting,” Goshiki clarifies, voice soft. “Not the death that seemed inescapable the moment you would step onto the battleground, but I do miss the feeling of proving myself. To serve Shiratorizawa and feel at the end of the day that no matter what happened, I would always have my comrades beside me.” He shrugs, his smile a little forlorn. “But I like it better now than how it was back then; now I simply prove myself in different ways, training others to protect instead of hurt. Peace isn’t an end, it’s just a new beginning.”
Tendou’s words echo in his mind, sunbeams falling soft on wooden floors, steam curling gently from ceramic teacups, the feeling of a life unbroken in his hands.
This was who he was supposed to be, Ushijima realizes. The words his father had said to him—to serve, to sacrifice—what he had meant wasn’t some distorted vision of a path forcefully set for him, but rather it was everything that Goshiki was, that he had learned to become. Resolute, loyal, strong in ways that meant more than the weight of armor and the heaviness of a blade, and over everything—kind. Goshiki was too kind, the kindest of them all, and Ushijima knows it is why he will be better than Ushijima would ever be.
“I’ll leave it to you then,” Ushijima tells him, looking to the horizon. The orange bleeds into blue between the clouds; it’s the first time he has ever thought of it as beautiful.
Goshiki tilts his head. “What do you mean? Leave what to me?”
“What…” Goshiki trails off, his eyes widening. “Oh.”
For a moment Ushijima thinks he sees something change in Goshiki’s gaze, as if the reverence he had held so fast in his eyes had been let go all at once, a dimming he initially mistakes as disappointment. As if the iron pedestal he had been held on for so long had cracked, its entire back rusted away beyond repair.
But as Ushijima holds his gaze for longer, closer, the disappointment he thought was held in Goshiki’s gaze reveals itself to be clarity instead, the pedestal set down, instead of ruined. In front of Goshiki is not the awe-inspiring figure he had held Ushijima so highly to be, but just a mere person; and perhaps, it’s because Ushijima has finally begun to see himself as a person, too.
“I see,” Goshiki utters finally, bittersweetness tinged in the farewell. “Leave it to me, Ushijima-san.”
Ushijima has been tired for his entire life; it was time for him to finally rest.
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Despite everything, from traveling from one place to another and helping whoever was on his path, Ushijima finds himself back in the port town where he had first met you. He can still smell remnants of what once was, the smoke from newly sparked fireworks still in the air, pork skewers from stalls wafting through the streets, clouds dust that never seemed to settle, even after all this time.
He stays a little longer in town than he usually does. It’s the comforting atmosphere of the town that lulls him to paying for just that extra night, to paying the night after that, and before he knows it, he’s stayed for months in a place that he wants to call his.
The warmth of the town almost has him forget the darkness of the walls of his family compound, the coldness of what he realizes was never his home. Not since the days of riding his father’s shoulders in childhood innocence or the assured comfort of larger hands around his own helping him hold a blade. But he doesn’t forget—he mustn’t, not if he is to remember why he has to hold this town precious.
After constantly helping them carry the heavy items needed to set up their stall every day, the grannies running the street markets know him by name. He politely declines any marriage offers from them for their granddaughters, but even he knows that nothing will halt the determination of women on a mission.
“The offer still stands,” one granny presses, sliding a platter of lamb skewers his way. The woman at the stall next to him sniffs, grumbling under her breath, “Bribery is unbecoming of you.” The granny in front him pointedly ignores her friend, looking back at him expectantly.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to say no,” he repeats, not unkindly, for what seems like the hundredth time this month. “Thank you for the offer, though.”
She opens her mouth to retort, perhaps even to try a new tactic, but before she can say another word, she’s interrupted by the commotion down the street.
“She’s back!” he hears a man say, tapping his friend on his shoulder before they both go running towards the crowd.
The news travels quickly and the air buzzes with excitement, but Ushijima stays seated even as everyone makes their way towards the fuss.
“I wonder who it is,” the granny ponders, hand to her cheek. Ushijima hums in agreement, shifting back in his seat until the clamor dies down for a second—just a brief second—where a voice peeks through.
“Wakatoshi?” he hears, and his heart stops.
Turning to face the voice, the billowing dust settles, and still a jewel that lies within, you’re somehow more beautiful than he remembered. His eyes meet yours, and a million words fly through his head in an instant.
You’re here, I have so much to tell you, I missed you, I—I love—
You smile at him, and he knows you can tell how he’s changed. You had told him once that you would wait not for him if he left, but he knows better now than to expect you to. Ushijima takes a step forward, dirt underneath his feet as he embraces the yearning that pumps the blood through his veins.
A butterfly lands on a bloomed flower; an eagle spreads its wings as the unlocked cage rattles, soaring into the sky.
He’s home.
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