#biromantic Jason Scott
qvarrelsome · 1 year
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╰ ┈ [ ewan mcgregor , fifty , cis male , he/his ] in the time of dragons , MATARYS MARTELL NEE TARGARYEN is entering the game of thrones . said to be compassionate + vivacious , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be absent-minded + garrulous . when asked about them , people are always reminded of a kind smile & a twinkle in his eyes; a vacant expression, a clear sign that one's mind is elsewhere and long, restless nights of little sleep . though they are the RULING PRINCE OF THE TOWER OF JOY , their true loyalties lie with houses targaryen & martell and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THE PEACE TREATY above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .
name: matarys martell nee targaryen
age: fifty
title: ruling prince of the tower of joy
allegiance: houses targaryen & martell
gender, pronouns: cis male & he/his
sexuality: bisexual, biromantic
martial status: happily married
father: king jaehaerys iii targaryen
mother: gwaenn belaerys
siblings: lucerys targaryen
extended family: there are a lot of them
spouse: the ruling princess of the tower of joy
children: tbd.
name: joffrey (many people tried to convince him to change this, unfortunately it stuck)
coloring: color palette.
characteristics: as far as dragon's go, joffrey is considerably friendly. he'll allow people to approach, event pet him, along as matarys is present. he is also incredibly loyal to his rider.
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
height: 5'10''
build: athletic
traits: absent-minded, garrulous, compassionate, vivacious
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
moral alignment: lawful neutral
character parallels: scott lang (ant-man), theodore laurence (little women), jason mendoza (the good place), click here for characters quiz results.
biography -
the younger of the sons born to king jaehaerys iii and his wife gwaenn belaerys, the spare as some would say. and while it was true, no one ever expected matarys to ascend the throne he wasn't treated any differently.
he was never jealous of his older brother either, he saw the pressures placed on lucerys and found himself feeling quite relieved he'd never have to experience them.
on top of this, he was a remarkably well-behaved child, doing everything that was expected of him and more. it wasn't long before his parents started using him for "diplomatic" purposes, sending him to visit the houses of westeros.
matarys absolutely loved getting to travel the continent, meeting new people and representing his house. he quickly discovered just how much he enjoyed being away from king's landing. but it was his home, and he loved his family so he always made a point of returning.
he made his first visit to essos at the age of twenty - visiting braavos, lys, pentos and volantis before returning home. he's returned several times over the years, always returning with new luxuries and stories.
MORE DETAILS TBD. sometime around his twenty fifth birthday, matarys married the princess of the tower of joy. it was arranged, but he didn't mind, and he came to love his wife very much. he took her last name.
they would go on to adopt three children. being a husband & dad is his absolute favorite thing in the world ! he loves to brag about his children !
fun facts -
being a husband & a dad are literally his favorite things in the world. he loves to brag about his wife & kids and could easily talk about them for hours.
i have no doubt in my mind this man would be a swiftie.
he's honestly not that smart, but he doesn't let it affect him. granted this hasn't been much of a problem considering he's a prince. it's also possible he has some sort of learning disability.
this man has an incredibly short attention span.
he's never been much of a fighter, per say, but he's not a pacifist. he just doesn't enjoy participating in tourneys. though he does enjoy watching them.
he is incredibly politically savvy, but he doesn't care much for politics.
he's somewhat of a collector, collecting art and trinkets from around the world. there's no particular rhyme or reason to any of the items he collects, he just finds them to be neat !
wanted connections -
his wife & children.
friends. i want him to have all the friends okay ! he's just incredibly friendly, i feel like it would make sense for him to have a lot of friends.
exes. from his youth ! seeing as he spent a considerable amount of time traveling the continent, i think it'd make sense that he has more than a few exes. because he knew he'd never be staying in one place for too long, i'd like to imagine they ended on good terms !
possibly a paramour. this one will have to wait until after we get his wife, but it's a possibility !
honestly any type of wanted connection is welcome !
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Let Us Take Care Of You - Ch. 2
AO3 Link
Zack groaned when Kim's alarm went off, moving his head off of Jason's arm and burying his face in the pillow.
Kim fumbled for her phone and turned off the alarm, muffling a yawn and sitting up, reaching over Zack to prod at Jason, who groaned at her.
"We have detention," Kim said by way of greeting, agreeing with Jason's string of curses and smiling at his bedhead when he eventually sat up.
"Zack?" Jason asked, reaching for him. "How you feeling?"
Zack just groaned again, keeping his face buried so his voice was muffled.
Kim stood up and walked to her bathroom, returning a few minutes later with some more aspirin.
"Here, Zack, take these. You can sleep through detention and we'll bring lunch, okay?" she said, kneeling on the bed next to him.
Jason stood and changed into his clothes from yesterday, hoping no one at detention noticed, watching Zack take the pills from Kim with his eyes closed, affection warming his heart at how much they trusted each other and at seeing his girlfriend take care of his boyfriend.
"Let's get donuts on the way," he said to Kim, chuckling when Zack proceeded to bury himself in Kim's bed once he'd swallowed the pills.
"Good idea," Kim said, leaning to kiss Zack's forehead before she moved away from the bed to change and get ready to leave.
"Feel better," Jason said to Zack, leaning down to kiss him, too.
Zack appreciated that they cared but he really just wanted to sleep, listening to them moving around before it was finally all quiet and they were gone. He relaxed in his blanket cocoon and slept for another few hours before waking with a yawn, pounding in his head mostly gone.
He carefully stood up and wandered to the bathroom, using it and splashing some water on his face, borrowing a toothbrush and feeling marginally human again. He frowned down at the too-big sweatpants he was wearing, going back to Kim's room and looking around, eventually finding his own clothes.
Too lazy to change, he dug his cell out of the pocket of his jeans and flopped onto the bed again, noting he still had about an hour before the signifs would get out of detention.
So to pass the time, he texted Trini. He let her know he'd crashed at Kim's after maybe getting a little drunk, his best friend somehow easily getting it out of him exactly why he'd felt the need to get drunk in the first place.
He was so caught up in texting with Trini about his mom and all the complicated feelings that came with being her caretaker that he didn't realize how much time had passed until he heard the front door open.
Sending Trini a quick message that his signifs were here and smiling a bit at her emoji eye roll, he sat up just as Jason and Kim walked into the bedroom.
"You're awake, that's good. We brought Chinese," Jason said, moving over with Kim to sit on the bed and start handing out containers.
"How do you feel?" Kim added, sitting and accepting her container.
Zack shrugged. "Little bit of a headache, but otherwise I'm good." He accepted his food, stomach growling.
"Good," Jason said, laughing when Zack's stomach growled, digging in to his own food, the three falling into an easy silence as they ate.
"How was detention?" Zack asked when they were mostly done and just picking at each other's containers.
Kim shrugged. "Detention-like."
Jason snorted, bumping into her.
Zack laughed, glancing between them. "Thanks for last night," he said after a beat.
"Of course, you can always sleep over," Kim said immediately.
Zack nodded, grateful.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jason asked softly, studying Zack carefully.
Zack's default was to say no, laugh it off, divert attention, but he hesitated instead, because Trini said that Kim and Jason had been driving her crazy all week wanting news about Zack, trying to give him the space he'd asked for while also worrying themselves into a panic.
"Not... not really," Zack said, watching Jason nod and disappointment cross his face before he could tamp it down, Kim looking away completely, and he sighed.
"Look, it's not that I don't -- I mean, you guys know I trust you, right?" Zack said.
"Of course," Jason said immediately, Kim echoing him. "We just want to be there for you."
"We want to help," Kim added earnestly.
Zack smiled a bit, shaking his head. "I know, and that's kinda why I don't wanna talk about it." At their confused looks, he continued, trying to make his words make sense. "Look, you both are great. Amazing. You're really good people, who try to help everyone that you can, and I know you want to help me with this, too. But you don't... you just don't get it, sometimes."
"And Trini does?" Kim guessed, trying not to sound bitter.
"Yeah," Zack answered bluntly, watching Kim flinch and Jason reach out for her, not wanting to have this conversation but apparently they were, so. "Yeah, she does, mostly. You and Jase, you've always had friends. You've always had your parents, you have whatever you want. You guys have never worried about anything except your school lives. Trini, her family is a bit messed up, so she gets some of it, and she's a loner so she definitely gets the part about it being so hard to just open up to others."
Zack took a breath, shaking his head. "But she doesn't quite get it all, either. None of you understand what it's like to be the person responsible for keeping the roof over your head or food on the table or your mom alive for just another day... I've been taking care of my mom since I was 13. In your life, you want to go out for Chinese, you just go. Your parents give you money and you get what you want and you don't have to worry about having a bed to go home to at night. If I want Chinese, I have to take an extra shift cause we don't get enough money for all the bills and the meds my mom needs as is it, so first shift pays for the roof and the food and the pills, and if I want anything else, I gotta work a double."
"Zack..." Jason tried, reaching for him. "We could help--"
"I don't want your money," Zack said, meeting their eyes. "I can -- I do this myself."
"It's not pity, Zack, it's not, you're our boyfriend, you're our friend, we just want to help," Kim protested.
"I know, Kim, I do. But this is my responsibility. I can't -- if something happens, if we break up, and I've been depending on you... what if I can't get another job, what if my mom suffers because of it? I can't risk that, I can't risk her," Zack said, trying to explain.
"We won't break up," Jason said firmly, in his leader voice, making Zack automatically sit up a little straighter, making it that much easier to believe him. "And even if we did, we wouldn't just abandon you. You were our friend first, and you always will be, regardless if we date."
Zack blew out a slow breath, glancing at Kim. "Damn, we give him so much shit but then he gives a speech like that and it's just..."
"A punch to the gut," Kim finished, smiling a bit.
Jason glanced between them a bit confused and Zack shook his head. "You were made to be a leader, Red."
"I meant what I said," Jason said firmly, earnestly.
"Yeah, I know," Zack said, pressing forward to kiss him, kissing Kim afterwards. "It's just hard to share her, you know? She's all I got, and she's... not doing so good."
"Zack," Kim said, tugging him to them, both of them settling him across their laps, held close.
"Is that why you couldn't go home?" Jason asked softly, hitting the mark straight on, as always.
Zack nodded, closing his eyes and just leaning into them. "Yeah. When she has bad spells like this... the walls just close in on us. She needs me so much but it's just so hard sometimes, I feel so... so helpless in that trailer, I can't stand it."
"You have us," Kim said firmly, squeezing her arm around him.
"We can help... let us help," Jason said. "We'd come be with you whenever you called, you know that."
"And we can have more fun than you can alone with some beer," Kim added.
Zack chuckled, curling closer to them, one hand gripping Jason's shirt, the other on Kim's thigh, leaning into Jason's hand in his hair and Kim's hand rubbing his back.
"You work so hard to take care of her," Jason said. "You take care of all of us, all the time -- you help Billy with his projects and give Trini the shoulder to lean on that she needs, you go on adventures with Kim so that she can show off her happiness... you come with me when I do runs around town just to make sure everyone is okay so that you can make sure I'm okay... you do so much, let us take care of you."
"Seriously," Zack said, voice cracking. "With the speeches. Killing me, Red."
Jason slid his hand from Zack's hair to cup his cheek, meeting his eyes. "I love you."
Zack sucked in a sharp breath, studying Jason's face and smiling shyly. He turned his head when Kim's hand pressed at Jason's on his face.
"I love you, Zack," Kim said, smiling at him.
Zack felt a bit overwhelmed, smiling at both of them. He leaned into Kim, kissing her and pouring as much as he could into it, breaking the kiss so he could turn back to Jason and kiss him just as hard.
"I love you," he said, turning to them both. "I love you."
Jason's grin lit up his face and Kim laughed breathlessly and Zack's heart felt like it was going to burst, the three falling into easy kisses, holding each other.
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theyreallbi · 6 years
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Jason Lee Scott will use his Tyrannosaurus morphing powers to protect bi people everywhere!
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Scott Malkinson-25- pansexual polygamous cis male.
Dropped out of school because he couldn't afford to continue. Family left when he was still in school but abandoned him. Kept that a secret until it just got too much. Works at the Peppermint Hippo to pay for his medicine, and the girls there do take care of him when they can. He has a tongue piercing that helps keep the swelling down from his diabetes. Blaze let's him stay at her home whenever he needs a place to stay and will accept it.
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Chris Donnely-25-bisexual monogamous cis male.
He is a smart man and conniving. He has landed jobs working for the Bank, Post Office and Police station if not for anything other than to see what he can get away with. He loves gossip and has no qualms blackmailing someone if they get in his way. One of many benefits working at the post office and he can easily cover up thing working in the station.
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Damian Thorn-25- bisexual polygamous??? Cis male
The literal son of Satan, has a very angry approach to most people, but if anyone has the nerve to try getting close he does actually play nice. Secretly wants attention but has no clue on how to get it, or why people always leave. Very lost most of the time and still hangs out in the movie theater. Occasionally he goes to Tweek's coffee shop or just roams the town.
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Thomas Smith-25- bi-curious monogamous cis male
Still suffering with his tourette's, but has it under control mostly. It's resulted in a more physical variant over the years. Recently moved back to South Park, but very shy. Curious if anyone actually remembered him.
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Heidi Turner-25- lesbian- monogamous cis female
Still a sweet girl just trying to figure out her life and learning more about her recent realization on other women. Naive about a fair bit of how to flirt but she tries. She got a job at Buca de Faggoncini as a hostess and enjoys her job. She tends to avoid certain people for what happened when she was younger.
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Red McArthur -25- Polygamous polysexual cis female
Red it the type of girt that doesn't put up with a lot. She's very fierce when it comes to the few she calls her friends even if it isn't that many. Like Chris she has several jobs including an Uber driver, and guard for hire. She has a vast knowledge of guns and most weapons and knows how to use them.
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Tricia Tucker -20- bisexual biromantic cis female
Tricia is a feisty girl, she's a Tucker after all. Currently she doesn't have a job but looking I to getting one. Until then she just does odd jobs for whoever she can. She's also trying to figure out how to tell a certain someone how she feels about them.
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Jason White -24- bisexual biromantic cis male
Jason is a quiet person for the most part and less social then his sister. He doesn't have many friends still after a lot that's happened with their family but he still tries to be friendly for the most part.
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Lexus Martin -24- polygamous polysexual cis female
Lexus has been through a lot since her days working at Raisins. She's lost touch with all the girls and has become a total recluse due to going through a very traumatic experience. She had left South Park for several years to get therapy and discover herself, learning new things such as magic to cope with her trauma. She considers herself a wiccan and has learned to love nature, moving back and making a small house in the woods. No one really knows shes back, but she came back to try to heal where it all started.
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Bebe Stephens -24- bisexual biromantic cis female
Still a very beautiful woman but hasn't seemed to click with anyone yet. She had moved away for a bit to get into modeling and is very seccessful but just not happy. Moving back she's hoping that there is something or someone there that will make her happy.
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Rebecca Cotswolds -24- straight? (she has no idea) cis female
Rebecca is a very sheltered girl because her parents didn't really let her do anything that wasn't academic as a child. She doesn't understand most social norms or love aside from the love she has for her brother. She lives with Mark and mostly stays in the house simply because she has no desire to leave. He is trying to teach her how to be social but she is just getting more confused, especially when she's around other women.
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Josh Myers -25- bisexual biromantic cis male
Josh is relatively reserved, spending most of his time in juvie or jail as he got older. When he was finally released he was able to get a job working at the U Store It. He is not the safest individual and despite what he was know for as a kid, his intentions have grown more violent. What no one ever caught him for were the murders that happened before he went to jail for Hijacking a car. He is unstable and will kill or torture a victim, and where he works makes it very easy to get away with.
OC Muses
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Shiloh “Crim” Voltara -25- polygamous polysexual cis male male
Shiloh was part of Mike’s coven as a kid, he was always quiet and stayed in the background always willing to help whoever he could. He was turned way before joining Mike’s group by an unknown adult as a young child. Being a different kind of vampire He left South Park to try and find his sire but learned Mike had been turned before he left town. Over the next few years he lived with his sire until another vampire leaded killed her, leaving him as a feral vampire. However he retained his serenity thanks to his training from his sire. Unfortunately his sense was still picked up as feral and almost all other vampires would attack him. He made his way back to South Park to see if he still had a place with the coven, even if he highly doubted it.
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Micha “Mikey” Ketone -19-  polygamous polysexual cis male
Micha came from an abusive family as a young child. When Mike took him it he was the closest true kind family he had ever had. He idolized Mike and thought so highly of him he tried to be just like him He would be very kind to anyone and everyone. Sadly his dad pulled him away from the group to get away from his mother and they left before he got to be turned. A few years later a cousin moved back into their old house after his mother passed and took care of him. He is very eager to see his “Dad” again and hopes he will still be allowed in the group.
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Willow Tempest -31 by looks but several hundreds of years old.-  polygamous polysexual cis female
Willow is an ancient type of werewolf that has existed in the shadows for several thousands of years. She is kind and loving but he will fight if someone she cares about is threatened. She gets along with any and all other species weather they are wolf, vampire or human. She has no pack and roams around looking for others to help or take care of. Most of the time whoever moves on from her and she is lonely again. She's hoping to find somewhere to settle down and make her home. She can shift between two forms: bipedal and quadriped.
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Her fur is the same in both forms as the quadruped  form.
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Alden Stolas Goodman-Thorn 15- Unsure cis male- younger Son of Damian and Larry
Alden is mostly a quiet boy, lost in his books and learning. His sister is the more outgoing and energetic. He has strong senses with others, but has yet to achieve the ability to fully see and understand what he senses. He has a few friends and cares intently for them, willing to do anything to help them. As he is Satan’s grandson he likes to spend time with his grandfather and genuinely as a very kind quiet and shy disposition, but he is also very powerful when needed.
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unhowl · 4 years
🖤 pinned post time! for the sake of mobile users, an abridged version of my rules & a complete copy/paste of my muse roster is beneath the cut! if you could use more information, it’s on my blog when you’re next at a desktop.
— about: bard - 26 - they/he - white - spoonie - various brainworms — all warnings and triggers are tagged appropriately including not safe for work — don’t be weird, racist or otherwise awful; also, no minors please — i love memes! send me memes! encourage me to send you memes! — i don’t care how you format but i don’t use small text and rarely use icons
please note: not all muses have faceclaims, or use their canon faceclaims. none of these muses are straight and a good chunk of them are trans. i canon diverge fairly often but that doesn’t really matter until we plot.
leerie, jack - mary poppins returns - fc: lin-manuel miranda he/him | biromantic, ace-spec | human | lamplighter, lightly magic bartolomei, mambrú - a perfect day fc: benicio del toro he/him | bisexual | human | aid worker cromwell, luke - chokeslam - fc: michael eklund he/him | bisexual | human | freelance graphic designer gillick, alejandro - sicario - he/him - fc: benicio del toro he/him | bisexual (not openly) | human | mercenary, assassin, disrupter lane, mike - magic mike - fc: tba he/him | bisexual | human | carpenter and part time dancer rockatansky, max - mad max - fc: tba he/him | bisexual | human | former road warrior, drifter
arainai, zevran - dragon age - fc: in-game he/him | bisexual | elf | spy/assassin anders - dragon age ii - he/him - fc: in-game he/him | bisexual | human | former warden; on the run attano, corvo - dishonored - fc: in-game he/him | bisexual | human |  bull, the iron - dragon age: inquisition - fc: jason momoa he/him | bisexual | qunari | mercenary carver - la by night - fc: taliesin jaffe he/him | gay | vampire | spy, anarchist de rolo, percy - critical role - fc: tba he/him | bisexual | human | lord of whitestone gascoigne - bloodborne - fc: in-game he/him | bisexual | human, sort of | beast hunter, infected miller, joel - the last of us - fc: john cho he/him | bisexual | human | just trying to survive porter bridges, sam - info - death stranding - fc: norman reedus he/him | gay, demisexual | human with DOOMS | delivery man regis, emiel - the witcher 3 & books - fc: in-game he/they | bisexual | vampire | barber, herbalist sol, pumat - critical role - fc: tba he/him | gay | firbolg | shop keeper, wizard strife, cloud - final fantasy 7- fc: in-game he/him | gay | human | mercenary tealeaf, mollymauk - critical role - fc: hale appleman he/they | bisexual | tiefling | circus performer, swindler, mercenary
black, sirius - harry potter - fc: hale appleman he/they | gay | human | unemployed, wizard deschain, roland - the dark tower - fc: idris elba he/him | bisexual | human | gunslinger everdeen, katniss - the hunger games - fc: tba she/her | gay | human | rebel, hunter graham, will - red dragon - fc: andre holland he/him | bisexual (not openly) | human | former fbi, boat mechanic kadmin, dimitri - altered carbon - fc: various they/them | bisexual | augmented human | assassin for hire wicker, julia - the magicians trilogy - fc: tba she/her | bisexual | human | hedge witch, goddess-y
bautista, lincoln - original character - fc: alfonso herrera he/him | gay | human, immortal | witch cavendish, laszlo - dracula but an oc - fc: tba he/him | gay | vampire | property developer darkfeather, marilou - original character - fc: jason momoa he/they | bisexual | vampire | drifter earp, wyatt - info - historical/fantasy - fc: anson mount he/him | bisexual | hollow | beast hunter wildgrube, fenrir - mythology/fantasy - fc: michael eklund he/him | bisexual | monstrous wolf | that fenrir zidane, dihya - original character - fc: sophia boutella she/they | bisexual | human | artist
alderson, elliot - mr robot - fc: rami malek he/him | bisexual | human | hacker, currently unemployed castle, frank - the punisher - he/him - fc: jon bernthal he/him | bisexual | human | he's the punisher coldwater, quentin - the magicians - he/him - fc: jason ralph he/him | bisexual | human | teacher, magician dipierro, dominique - mr robot - fc: grace grummer she/her | gay | fbi agent earp, willa - wynonna earp - fc: tba they/she | bisexual | unemployed, tired earp, wynonna - wynonna earp - fc: tba she/her | bisexual (not openly) | black badge-ish, demon hunter flint, james - black sails - fc: toby stephens he/him | bisexual |  hale, derek - teen wolf - fc: tyler hoechlin he/him | bisexual | werewolf (beta) | he does not have a "job" hobbs, abigail - hannibal - fc: kacey rohl she/her | bisexual | human | college student, bartender house, gregory - house, md - fc: hugh laurie he/him | gay | human | doctor keane, marcus - the exorcist - fc: ben daniels he/him | bisexual | human | (former) exorcist lightwood, alec - shadowhunters - he/him - fc: david castañeda he/him | gay |  luther, john - luther - fc: idris elba he/him | bisexual | human | (former) police macy, rick - in the flesh - fc: david walmsley he/him | gay | risen human (zombie) | army veteran madani, dinah - the punisher - fc: golshifteh farahani she/her | bisexual | human | agent for dhs monroe, simon - in the flesh - fc: emmett scanlan he/him | gay | risen human (zombie) | antiques shop staff mccall, scott - info - teen wolf - fc: tyler posey he/him | bisexual | werewolf (alpha) | community college poe - altered carbon - fc: chris conner he/it | gay | artificial intelligence | hotel and hotelier scofield, michael - info - prison break - fc: wentworth miller he/him | bisexual | human | volakis, amber - house, md - fc: anne dudek she/her | bisexual | human | doctor
alexopoulos, justice - original character - fc: tba deet - the dark crystal: age of resistance (tv) - fc: in-show/nathalie emmanuel karev, alex - grey's anatomy (tv) - fc: justin chambers scythia, andromache of - the old guard (movie) - fc: charlize theron spencer, eliot - leverage (tv) - fc: tba vance, eleanor - the haunting of hill house (book) - fc: isabelle adjani
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rebirtth · 4 years
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Name: Marianne Ursula Wagner Bloom Babenberg Nickname: ( only to her most inner circle ) Marie, Annie, Ann, Gender & Pronouns: Female & She/Her Age & DOB: 46 & 12th December 1973 Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Orientation: Bisexual & Biromantic Nationality: German Ethnicity: White Religion: Jewish Neuroses: OCD
Hometown: Bremen, Germany Father: Wolfgang Wagner, producer (deceased) Mother: Celeste Wagner, socialite (deceased) Siblings, if any: n/a Extended family: Jasper Bloom ( 20 yr old son ), Celeste Bloom ( 16 yr old daughter ), Marlene Dietrich ( godmother ) Educational background: Bremen Private School ( 1779-1985 ), Munchen Acting School (1985-1989) Languages spoken: German (first), English (second, fluent), French (third, fluent) Occupational history: She has never held a proper job, only acts. Her filmography is vast and long. Achievements: Her two Academy Awards, her parts on the silver screen.
Codename: Medea Meaning: in Greek mythology, an enchantress who helped Jason, leader of the Argonauts, to obtain the Golden Fleece from her father, King Aeëtes of Colchis. She was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy. She married Jason and used her magic powers and advice to help him. Traditionalist or Reformist?: Traditionalist Goals in the society: To reaffirm her place amongst society, to become bigger and better than before Opinion on the society: A safe space, they helped her disguise the deaths of her husbands, though what do they ask for in return?
MBTI: entj-a (the commander) Enneagram: type 8 Temperament: Choleric Hogwarts House: Slytherin Inspirations/Parallels: Jackie Burkhart, ( that 70s show ), Regina George ( mean girls ), Lindsay Bluth Funke ( arrested development ), Amy March ( little women ), Lisa ( the room ), Rita Skeeter ( harry potter ), Shannon Rutherford ( lost ), Audrey Horne ( twin peaks ), Daisy Buchanan ( the great gatsby ), Cersei Lannister ( game of thrones ), Mal Cobb ( inception ), Mia Wallace ( pulp fiction ), Rachel Green ( friends ), Samantha Jones ( sex and the city ), Lydia Bennet ( pride and prejudice ), Betty Draper ( mad men ), Jezebel ( hebrew bible ), Aphrodite ( greek mythology ), Sekhmet ( egyptian mythology ), Wicked Stepmother ( snow white ), Anne Boleyn ( british history ), Elvira ( scarface ), Scarlett O’Hara ( gone with the wind ), Tropes: the beautiful elite, beauty is bad, lovable sex maniac, motor mouth, proud beauty, scew the rules i’m beautiful, attention whore, hands-off parenting, in with the in-crowd, femme fatale, the sociopath, blackmail, gossipy hens, it’s all about me, womanchild, generation xerox, the vamp, bitch in sheep’s clothing, gold digger, the ingenue, lonely at the top, parental neglect, stepford smiler, the tease, uptown girl, green-eyed monster, ax-crazy, love makes you crazy, ambiguously jewish, berserk button, Bi the way, all take and no give, beauty is never tarnished, ice queen, my beloved smother, women are wise
A piece of art: Scylla by Ithell Colquhoun (1938) A song: Maybe This Time by John Kander and Fred Ebb (performed by Kye Ballard) A book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925) A movie: Gone Girl (dir. David Fincher, 2014) A TV show: Twin Peaks (1990-1991) A historical era: 1950s A historical figure: Cleopatra A fictional character: Clytemnestra A colour: Emerald green An animal: Black cat
Job: to be an actress Vacation: the french riviera Day: On stage before millions of fans who’s one wish is to see her. As a child: to be the greatest Last night: The moment she plunged the knife into his heart. That they gave up on: Love That they have right now: To return to the stage
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noctem-novelle · 6 years
This February, celebrate Black History Month with Black authors!
Culture is important, whether it’s your own to celebrate or someone else’s that you can learn about and appreciate. In the last few years, we’ve seen a steady increase in people of colour, LGBT communities, non-Christian religions, and non-European cultures represented in young adult and middle-grade fiction. While this is a great improvement and definitely a step in the right direction, people of colour are still underrepresented. We can do more to make sure that authors of colour are seen and heard. The following list, while by no means exhaustive, is a selection of excellent YA and MG novels written by Black authors*. This month, take some time to explore their stories.
*This list appears in no particular order and is not intended to be read as though any one book is superior to another.
1. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (Young Adult)
When sixteen-year-old Starr Carter witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend, she must decide whether to lie low or to join the protesters who seek justice for Khalil. A touching, timely, and often raw story about a girl who finds herself when she feels most lost, it’s no wonder this book has spent more than 100 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers list.
2. Riding Chance by Christine Kendall (Young Adult)
Based on Philadelphia’s Work to Ride program, this novel follows a young man who gets into some trouble at school and winds up doing community service at the Chamounix Stables in Fairmount Park. There, he learns to play polo, an intense sport that teaches perseverance and focus. This book really hit home for me, having spent most of my childhood at polo matches with WTR. In real life, Work to Ride provides underprivileged children and teenagers in Philadelphia with constructive extracurricular activities, peer mentorship, and even college enrollment assistance. To learn more about Work to Ride, check our their website or Facebook page!
3. Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann (Young Adult/New Adult)
Let’s talk about the amazing QPoC rep in this book! Alice, who is asexual and biromantic, is determined to spend her post-breakup summer on a tv binge. She definitely does not intend to fall for her co-worker, Takumi. Whoops. This book is a mostly-fluffy slow-burn romance, full of nerdy pop-culture references. If you remember tumblr circa 2011, this book is for you.
4. Garvey’s Choice by Nikki Grimes (Middle Grade)
Garvey’s father has always wanted him to be an athlete, but Garvey is just not interested. When his only friend convinces him to join their school chorus, Garvey finds confidence and a new way to communicate to his distant dad. Told in verse, this is a heartfelt novel about one boy’s transformation through music.
5. American Street by Ibi Zoboi (Young Adult)
In her debut novel, Ibi Zoboi draws on her experience as a Haitian immigrant to tell the story of Fabiola, a young woman whose mother is detained by U.S. Immigration when they emigrate from Port-au-Prince to Detroit. This book explores the cost of the “American dream” with a mix of family drama, romance, and a hint of magical realism.
6. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo (Young Adult)
Xiomara feels both invisible and too visible in a world that doesn’t want to hear her but is happy to objectify her. To express herself and to find some relief from her religious mother’s strict expectations, she turns to slam poetry. This novel-in-verse includes romance, wavering faith, and feminism.
7. Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson (Young Adult)
This powerful novel features a young woman who is determined to make it out of her impoverished neighbourhood. Jade’s mother taught her to take every opportunity she’s offered, so every day she takes the bus across town to a private school where there are plenty of opportunities, even if she doesn’t quite fit in. But some opportunities are less welcome than others, like the chance to join a mentorship program for “at-risk” girls. Sick of being singled out as someone who needs help, Jade hopes to find some autonomy and to stay true to herself.
8. Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert (Young Adult)
Suzette is home in Los Angeles for the summer and she isn’t sure she ever wants to go back to boarding school. Between supporting her bipolar brother, Lionel, and trying not to think about her clandestine relationship with her roommate, she’s got a pretty full plate. Unfortunately, she’s also falling for the same girl that Lionel likes. When Lionel’s mental illness sends him spiraling, Suzette must face her past to help him. This family features a blended family, Black Jewish characters, and a queer woman of colour.
9. Courage by Barbara Binns (Middle Grade)
T’Shawn has done his best to help out since his father’s death, but life gets complicated when his brother Lamont comes home from a stint in prison. T’Shawn finds peace on the diving board, and earns a scholarship to join a prestigious team at a local swim club. But when the neighbourhood crime rate starts to rise, T starts to think that he and Lamont may never put their pieces back together.
10. Monster by Walter Dean Myers (Young Adult)
A murdered drugstore clerk, a trial, and a young man in crisis. Monster is the story of Steve Harmon, amateur filmmaker and alleged murderer. To cope with the trial, Steve writes down the proceedings as if it were a film script, but as he tries to tell his own story, the truth starts to feel a little hazy. This one has also been adapted as a graphic novel.
11. All-American Boys by Jason Reynolds (Young Adult)
Rashad wasn’t stealing, but people sure seem to think he was. After he drops a bag of chips and a police officer beats him for it, Rashad is stuck in a hospital bed while the nation debates his character. Meanwhile, Quinn, a white boy who witnessed the beating, comes to learn that racism didn’t end with the Civil Rights Movement.
12. Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor (Young Adult)
Sunny is an albino girl living in Nigeria. Her skin tone often makes her an outsider, but she soon finds herself drawn into a community of magic users called Leopard People. Together with her new friends, Sunny is tasked with tracking down a killer known for maiming children.
13. The Red Pencil by Andrea Davis Pinkney (Middle Grade)
Amira is finally twelve and hopes to start school, but her life is turned upside down when the Janjaweed militia attacks her Sudanese village and her family must make the long and difficult journey to a refugee camp. Life at the camp is hard, but when an aid worker gives her a pencil and paper, Amira’s world begins to expand.
14. One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia (Middle Grade)
Delphine Gaither and her two younger sisters travel from Brooklyn to Oakland to spend the summer with a mother they barely know. Imagine their surprise when she sends them to a Black Panther summer camp. Set in 1968, this historical fiction novel explores family dynamics and the importance of sisterhood.
15. Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson (Middle Grade)
In powerfully emotional poetry, Woodson tells the story of her childhood and what it was like to grow up Black in the 1960s and 70s. This novel-in-verse won the National Book Award and the Coretta Scott King Award.
16. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor (Middle Grade)
Between the depression and threats from the night riders, the Logan family has had a tough year. Cassie doesn’t see why her family’s land is so important, but as she becomes more aware of the way their white neighbours treat them, she soon comes to understand that the family’s strength comes from having their own place in the world. This book tackles the ugly reality of racism in the deep south from the perspective of a precocious nine-year-old. It can be hard to stomach at times, but I think that just makes it more important.
17. Zora and Me by Victoria Bond & T.R. Simon (Middle Grade)
Part historical fiction and part small-town mystery, this fictional imagining of Zora Neale Hurston’s early days sees the author as a young girl, exercising her skills as a storyteller. When one of Zora’s tales seems to come true and a man winds up dead, she and her friend Carrie find that things in their little town are not as peaceful as they appear.
18. Blended by Sharon M. Draper (Middle Grade)
Every since her parents’ divorce, Isabella has felt torn in two. Two houses, two families, two races. Switching between her parents, also means switching between two different identities. How can she ever feel whole when she’s constantly split in half? This book examines the life of a biracial girl, and doesn’t shy away from addressing exoticism and the (PG) fetishisation of mixed-race people.
19. Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America edited by Ibi Zoboi (Young Adult)
This contemporary anthology delves into the many-faceted lives of Black teens in the United States. Popular authors from a wide variety of backgrounds have contributed their voices to show that being young and Black in America is not just one singular experience, but a constellation.
20. The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson (Middle Grade)
A hidden letter and a summer mystery are what await Candace when she pokes through an old box in the attic. With the help of her neighbour, Brandon, she deciphers the letter’s clues in the hopes of discovering a forgotten fortune. This book is perfect for readers who like a good puzzle.
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lupuscore · 6 years
gender n sexuality headcanons under the cut thnx.
kira yukimura.  demi-girl.  bisexual. derek hale.  cis male.  bisexual. liam dunbar.  cis male.  questioning.  laura hale.  trans girl.  bisexual,  preference for female identifying people. corey bryant.  cis male.  gay. tommy shepeherd.  cis male.  bisexual (closeted). karolina dean.  cis female.  lesbian. molly hayes. identifies as a cis female, unknown. she has no idea. peter parker. cis male.  bisexual. ellie phimster.  bigender (identifies as female and agender).  lesbian. wade wilson.  doesn’t like labels.  pansexual. kaleb westphall.  cis male.  bisexual,  heavy preference for masculine identifying people. kol mikaelson.  cis male.  pansexual,  doesn’t care about the gender of his partner. josh rosza.  cis male.  gay. claire novak.  cis female.  lesbian. krissy chambers.  non-binary  (uses she/her pronouns because she doesn’t really know there’s any other options).  bisexual. carlos de vil.  trans boy.  gay. evie grimhilde.  cis female.  lesbian. harry hook.  cis male.  pansexual. mandy milkovich.  cis female.  bisexual (closeted). billy cranston.  cis male.  bisexual,  preference for masculine identifying people. amy santiago.  cis female.  possibly bisexual. steve harrington.  cis male.  bisexual. thomas.  cis male.  bisexual. will hunting.  cis male.  bisexual. riley matthews.  trans girl.  bisexual. maya hart.  cis female.  maybe bisexual. eddie kaspbrak.  cis male.  gay. richie tozier.  cis male.  pansexual. beverly marsh.  cis female.  bisexual. spencer reid.  cis male. bisexual. martin riggs.  cis male.  questioning. abel emerson.  cis male.  bi-curious. travis scott.  cis male.  gay (heavily closeted). jackson stevens.  jackson vc: what’s a gender.  non-binary.  bisexual. ariana rosales.  cis female.  lesbian.   daniel foster.   non-binary  (uses he/him pronouns).  asexual biromantic. alexander williams.  cis male.  gay.  caspian morgan.  cis male.  bisexual. sophie braxton.  cis female.  pansexual (closeted). jason monroe.  cis male.  bisexual. cammi murphy.  cis female.  lesbian.
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legacyofpower · 6 years
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Reboot Red Ranger
Primary canon character
A former star quarterback and leader of the Power Rangers, Jason struggles with controlling his anger and properly leading his team. He tries his hardest to be fair to everyone who deserves it, a quality that leads outsiders Emily and Tommie to trust him deeply.
FULL NAME: Jason Scott NICKNAME(S): Jay, J AGE: 17 (Legacy of Power) DATE OF BIRTH: October 20th, 1998 GENDER IDENTITY: Cisgender (he/him) ORIENTATION: Biromantic Asexual NATIONALITY: American ETHNICITY: English, German, Scottish OCCUPATION: Angel Grove High student RELIGION: Agnosticism
FACE CLAIM: Dacre Montgomery HEIGHT: 5 feet 10 inches WEIGHT: 186 pounds HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Blue DOMINANT HAND: Left SCARS: - TATTOOS: - PIERCINGS: -
ARCHETYPE: The Guardian (x) MBTI TYPE: ESFP-T MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor QUALITIES: Confident, pragmatic, courageous, humble, loyal FLAWS: Hot-headed, self-deprecating, abrasive, sensitive, cold NEURODIVERGENCE: Bipolar II Disorder
HOBBIES: Playing football, weightlifting, cycling, playing guitar, running, gaming, acting, playing keyboard/piano, bowling, playing laser tag MENTAL SKILLS: Public speaking, leadership, strategizing, acting, gaming, decision-making PHYSICAL SKILLS: Fighting (karate), weapon specializing (sword), driving, playing guitar, running, playing keyboard/piano ABILITIES: Superhuman durability, superhuman senses, superhuman speed, superhuman strength
HOMETOWN: Angel Grove, California, United States CURRENT RESIDENCE: Angel Grove, California, United States FINANCIAL STATUS: Middle class EDUCATION LEVEL: High school student DEGREES: -
FATHER: Samuel Scott MOTHER: Beverly Scott (née Geiger) SIBLING(S): Pearl Scott, younger sister SPOUSE: - CHILD(REN): - FAMILY: - PET(S): -
Legacy of Power
Chapter 1: The Return to Angel Grove, Part I (mentioned only)
Chapter 2: The Return to Angel Grove, Part II
Chapter 3: The Return to Angel Grove, Part III
Chapter 4: The Return to Angel Grove, Part IV
Chapter 5: Polar Plunge
Chapter 6: Gold Rush
Chapter 7: Residual Effect
Chapter 8: A Fractured Heart
Chapter 9: Aftershock, Part I
Chapter 10: Aftershock, Part II
Chapter 11: Apex Predator
Chapter 12: The Girls Next Door, Part I
Chapter 13: The Girls Next Door, Part II
Chapter 14: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Chapter 15: The King’s Gambit, Part I
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ao3feed-zason · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w4rJXR
by iwasnthere622
Zack is so used to taking care of the ones he loves that he has a hard time letting them take care of him in return.
Words: 1631, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Power Rangers (2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Zack Taylor, Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart, Mrs. Taylor
Relationships: Zack Taylor/Jason Scott/Kimberly Hart, Jason Lee Scott/Zack Taylor, Kimberly Hart/Jason Lee Scott, Kimberly Hart/Zack Taylor
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Dating, Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sick Character, money issues, Underage Drinking, Drinking, Alcohol, Drunkenness, Coming Out, Bisexual Kimberly Hart, Biromantic Kimberly Hart, Bisexual Jason Lee Scott, Biromantic Jason Scott, Pansexual Zack Taylor, Panromantic Zack Taylor, Meeting the Parents, Love, Acceptance, Cuddling & Snuggling, Anxiety, Claustrophobia, Guilt, Embarrassment
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w4rJXR
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purplekimberly · 7 years
Headcanon 003 ⚡ Character Sheet
FULL NAME: Kimberly Ann Hart NICKNAME(S): Kim, Kimmy, Kimmie GENDER: Cisgender (she/her) AGE: Thirty-eight BIRTHDAY: February 14th, 1979 ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual HOMETOWN: Seattle, Washington MOTHER: Maddy Beaumont (née Graham) FATHER: Ted Hart, Steven Beaumont (stepfather) SIBLINGS: Edward Hart (younger brother) HAIR: Brown EYES: Brown HEIGHT: 5'2″ WEIGHT: 143 lbs BUILD: Athletic with a soft tummy TATTOOS: N/A PIERCINGS: Both ears, belly button SCARS: N/A OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST: Optimist INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Extrovert HOBBIES: Shopping, formerly gymnastics, exercising, reading, archery, singing, playing guitar, binging Netflix, cooking, baking, roller skating, stagrazing FIVE TRAITS: Protective, dedicated, sensitive, trusting, sarcastic FAVORITE DRINK: Strawberry lemonade FAVORITE FOOD: Frozen yogurt GREATEST FEAR: Losing her loved ones, being helpless BEST FRIEND(S): MMPR gang (Jason Scott, Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, Tommy Oliver, Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, and Kat Hillard)
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Let Us Take Care Of You - Ch. 3
AO3 Link
Eventually, Zack had to go home to check on his mom and Jason had to check in with his parents, the boys kissing Kim goodbye before kissing each other and heading out.
Zack'd changed into his clothes from the night before, running home and checking on his mom. She was sleeping, but the tray of crackers by her bedside was empty and her two glasses of water nearly so, guilt settling heavier in Zack for leaving her alone for so long. At least she'd also managed to take her pills, the little cup for them empty on the tray.
He cleaned up and got her fresh water, making her tea and leaving that for her as well, setting more crackers out along with her nighttime medications.
Only once he was sure she was set did he go to his room to grab fresh clothes, moving to the tiny bathroom to shower quickly and change. He finished up and moved back to his room, laying on his bed and missing Kim's comfy queen mattress, pulling out his phone to watch some vids while he waited for his mom to wake up so he could make her something more substantial than crackers, mentally going over which soups they had left.
He startled at the knock on the door, frowning and pocketing his phone, moving over to the door quickly. He opened it and just stared.
Kim was standing directly in front of the door, at least a dozen shopping bags slung onto each of her arms. Jason was standing just behind her, holding two cases of water, a case of variety tea, and a case of flavored waters.
"We want to help," Kim said firmly, as if she expected him to turn them away.
Zack stared, belatedly noticing a few of his "neighbors" staring as well, probably because Kim and Jason were holding more than was really humanly possible. That realization jolted him into stepping back and waving a hand to get them inside.
Kim smiled at him, entering the trailer and squeezing around him to put bags on the floor of the kitchen, immediately beginning to take items out and start sorting.
Jason entered behind her, standing patiently while Zack closed the door behind him.
"Where do you want these?" Jason asked when Zack didn't move or say anything.
"Um. Right. Closet," he said, moving down the skinny hallway and pulling open a closet door, quickly shoving shoe boxes into a tower in order to make space, Jason setting his load down and helping him make everything fit.
"You guys really didn't have to do this," Zack said a bit helplessly when they were done and standing again, closing the closet door.
Jason put a hand on Zack's shoulder and squeezed. "We love you," he said softly. "We want to take care of you, and this is one way that we can."
Zack blew out a breath and swallowed his pride, nodding. Okay.
Jason squeezed, offering him a small smile before leading the way to the kitchen, where Kim was making piles of everything they'd bought.
There were crackers, but also cookies and pretzels and popcorn and granola bars. At least a dozen different kinds of premade soups and stews lined the counter. Frozen meals of a wide range were stacked into a neat tower, and there were at least three whole rotisserie chickens on the table. There were also bags of fresh veggies and fruits, real ones, which Kim was working to separate into sealable baggies.
"Kim..." Zack said, not sure there'd ever been this much food in his fridge.
"You can freeze a lot of this," Kim said. "And we bought mostly non-perishables, so this should be able to last a bit without you having to skip meals."
"Most of this is considered light food, easy on the stomach, but it's high in proteins and calories and vitamins, so it'll be good for your mom," Jason continued. "And the flavored waters should be good for her, too, to keep hydration up -- I drank them after practice all the time."
Zack honestly didn't know what to say, thank you just didn't seem like enough but it was all he had. "Thank you."
Kim and Jason both smiled at him.
Before anyone could say anything else, Zack's mom called out for him. Zack shot his signifs an apologetic glance, moving down the hall to the back of the trailer and going into his mom's room.
"I heard voices," his mom said in Mandarin, struggling to sit up, Zack rushing over to help her.
"My friends are here," Zack said. "I'm sorry if we woke you, I'll tell them to leave."
Zack's mom waved a hand. "No, it's fine. Did you offer them something to drink, eat?"
"No, they uh... they actually brought us some stuff. Food, and drinks," Zack said, flushing a little in embarrassment.
"Zack... your friends must care about you," Zack's mom said softly, embarrassed to need their charity but grateful there were others who were looking out for her son.
"They do," Zack said, meeting her eyes. "They're actually, um, more than friends, we're dating."
"You love them," Zack's mom said, it not a question.
Zack ducked his head, nodding. "Yeah..."
"Well, tell them to come in here, then. I want to meet your girlfriends," his mom said firmly.
Zack rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, actually, one is a girl. Kim. But the other is a boy, Jason. We are all dating each other."
"Zack... you have always had such a big heart," his mom said, smiling softly at him. "Bring them in."
Zack grinned, relief flooding him, nodding and hurrying back out.
"Uh, my mom's up, and she wants to meet you guys," Zack said, glancing at them both. "She knows that we're dating. Us three, together."
"Is she okay with it?" Kim asked.
Zack nodded. "Yeah, I told you. My mom is the best," he said, smiling softly.
"We'd love to meet her," Jason smiled, following Zack and Kim down the hall.
"Mom? This is Kim, and this is Jason," Zack said, introducing them in Mandarin, moving to sit on the edge of his mom's bed so there was more room for Kim and Jason to stand next to her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zack brags about you a lot," Kim said, smiling.
Zack flushed a bit, translating for his mom.
"It is nice to meet you," Zack's mom said in accented English. "You are all..." she trailed off, looking at Zack for the word.
"Dating?" Zack supplied in Mandarin, watching her nod and repeating the word in English.
"Yes, we are," Jason said, taking Kim's hand and reaching for Zack's, too. "We love him."
Zack's mom smiled, understanding him enough, watching her son squirm a bit. "Good. Zack is a good boy."
"Mom," Zack protested, embarrassed.
"Zack is a good boy," Zack's mom repeated, ignoring him. "You... take care. All together."
"We will, we'll always take care of him," Kim promised, leaning to riffle Zack's hair and laughing at his huff and gentle smack at her hand.
"He takes care of us, too," Jason said, smiling fondly at his slightly-red boyfriend.
"Good," Zack's mom said, able to see clearly how much they loved her son and how much he loved them both in return. "Zack says... they bought food for us? How much?" she directed the questions to Zack in Mandarin.
Zack answered her in Mandarin, explaining the cases of drinks and bags and food, a little shame filling him at needing the help to take care of his mom.
Zack's mom just nodded, knowing Zack didn't have money to pay for what they'd bought, bowing her head instead to Kim and Jason and thanking them in Mandarin.
"She's saying thank you, for the food," Zack explained.
"You don't have to thank us," Jason said. "We want to help, both of you. You're... family."
Kim nodded, reaching out to take Zack's mom's hand gently, smiling.
Zack leaned into Jason as he translated, smiling at his mom, and if both Taylors' had brighter eyes for a moment until tears could be blinked away, no one said anything.
"You will eat with us," Zack's mom said in English, waving her free hand when Jason and Kim tried to protest. "I want to get to know the loves of my son's life."
Zack translated for her, grinning when Kim and Jason blushed a bit and gave in, standing to get chairs for them, to make plates of food, to spend time with his signifs and his mom.
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Not Broken - Ch. 7
AO3 Link
"No, no!" Jason laughed, tilting his body as if that would save his car from flying off the edge of the road, Billy's zipping past to take the lead.
"You're not a good driver, are you," Billy said, rocking sideways when Jason bumped him.
"Rude," Jason huffed, but he was grinning, mashing buttons to try to catch up to Billy.
They'd finished their homework and were rewarding themselves with some video games, but apparently Billy could play these games in his sleep and was resoundly kicking Jason's ass.
Jason groaned, resisting the urge to throw his controller and setting it down instead, flopping backwards onto the floor in defeat.
"Best five out of seven?" Billy asked, teasing.
Jason glared up at him. "I give up, you win."
Billy clapped happily, grinning at Jason. "You're actually not that bad at the game, I think you could beat Zack."
"Oh yeah?" Jason said, sitting up.
Billy nodded. "Yes, he's not that good -- he only wins when he kisses me to distract me."
Jason chuckled. "That sounds like Zack."
"Why haven't you tried to kiss me?" Billy asked, studying his friend.
Jason blinked, not having expected that question. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Billy nodded, as if he expected that answer. "I appreciate that, but I would really like to kiss you."
"Okay, Billy," Jason said, smiling softly. He reached out, cupping Billy's face with one hand while he leaned in, kissing him softly.
"Okay?" he murmured as he pulled back, thumb rubbing absently along Billy's cheek.
"I'm not made of glass, Jason," Billy said, mostly amused, pushing forward himself this time to kiss Jason a bit more firmly.
Jason shifted, letting Billy set the pace, very surprised when Billy hesitantly licked at his lips, pulling back a bit.
"Kim showed me how," Billy said, staring at Jason, answering the unspoken question.
Jason's stomach tightened but he just smiled and nodded, letting Billy kiss him again and parting his lips for him.
He kind of zoned out and just let it happen, blinking a bit when Billy eventually pulled back, noticing that the other boy was panting and maybe a bit flushed, shifting in his seat and oh. Billy was turned on.
"I think we should stop," Billy said, not wanting to go any further, at least not yet.
Jason smiled gently, relieved. "Sure, let's switch something on." He reached for the remote to switch the input on the TV, wrapping his arm around Billy. Now this part, he could do.
He settled back, tugging Billy with him, holding him close. He linked their hands, playing with his fingers and kissing into his hair now and then, cuddling.
Billy calmed down slowly, cuddling into Jason, thinking that maybe this was his friend's favorite part, too, certainly not minding. He felt safe in Jason's arms.
"Billy? I think it's time for Jason to head home," Mrs. Cranston called, jolting both boys.
Jason quickly pulled away from Billy in a slight panic, listening to Billy yell up to his mom that  they'd start cleaning up.
"Are you okay, Jason?" Billy asked, frowning at how fast he'd been to jump away from him.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Jason reassured, offering a small smile.
"You know my mom knows we're dating, right?" Billy asked.
Jason blushed a bit. "She does?"
Billy nodded. "Yeah, I told her I have two girlfriends and two boyfriends."
Jason absorbed that. "How'd she take it?"
Billy shrugged. "Fine, she said she was happy for me and if being with you guys made me happy then it was okay with her. She did say I have to keep the door open when you guys visit, though."
Jason's blush brightened a bit. "Of course!"
"I told her I wasn't ready for sex, but I'm not sure she believed me," Billy continued.
"It's fine, Billy, I get it," Jason said, putting the video game controllers away and packing up his stuff.
Billy helped him, the pair silent for a moment until they were standing up, Jason slinging his bag over his shoulder.
"Do your parents know?" Billy asked, suspecting the answer but wanting confirmation.
Jason shook his head. "No. They, uh, no. I didn't tell them."
Billy hummed. "Are you going to?"
Jason looked away. "I don't... I don't know."
Billy reached out to squeeze his hand. "That's okay. You know we all love you, right?"
Jason turned back to smile at him. "Yeah, I know. I love you all, too."
Billy grinned, pushing forward to kiss Jason softly. "We'd better go, I'll walk you out."
Jason squeezed Billy's hand in thanks, following him out. He was a little embarrassed that Mrs. Cranston knew, but he was glad Billy's mom was so accepting of him. His stomach rolled when he even thought of telling his dad that not only was he not straight, he was dating four people at the same time and oh yeah, he wasn't sexually attracted to any of them and he never would be.
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Not Broken - Ch. 8
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"Zack, this was supposed to be a study date," Jason laughed, shoving him away.
Zack grinned, homework forgotten, reaching out for Jason again, managing to run his fingers down his side and being rewarded with another adorable laugh.
"I am studying!" Zack protested.
Jason slapped at his hands. "You should study for class, not me!"
Zack just grinned and pounced, knocking Jason flat on his back on the floor, shoving his hands under his shirt and tickling him.
"Whatcha gonna do about it, bossman?" Zack teased, laughing and trying to keep Jason pinned.
"Your mom--" Jason gasped out in protest, squirming on Zack's living room floor, trying to get away from his clever hands.
"Laughter is the best medicine!" Zack said, doubling his attack.
Jason had tears in his eyes and his chest ached because he couldn't breathe, finally managing to slide his own hand under Zack's shirt and run his fingertips down his side, scrambling backwards when Zack jerked and let out a loud laugh.
The pair sat on the floor panting and eying each other, and Jason really didn't like the look in Zack's eyes.
"Zack..." he said warningly, putting a hand up. "We'll break your house!"
Zack actually seemed to be considering it, so Jason stood slowly, inching towards the doorway.
Zack stood as well, crazy grin on his face, eyes twinkling.
"Race you to the cliff!" Jason yelled before bolting, dashing to the door and throwing it open, jumping to the ground instead of using the stairs and racing to the mountain and the cliff that overlooked the water entrance to the ship.
Zack was laughing and right on his heels, the pair pouring on the speed once they were safely out of the trailer park.
Jason laughed, feeling so full of happiness he could burst, racing to the top and kicking out at Zack when he got close.
"Cheater!" Zack laughed, kicking back.
They made it to the top together, Zack tackling Jason to the ground, the pair rolling around a bit until they settled with Zack on top of Jason, both of them still laughing.
"No one ever believes me that you fight dirty!" Zack complained, grinning down at him.
Jason grinned back, putting his hands beneath his head as if he was relaxing as intended all along. "That's because you're the incorrigible one of the group, not me!"
"Ooh, someone's been studying Billy's SAT words," Zack teased.
Jason rolled his eyes. "You should come to more of our study dates," he said, no pressure to his words though they all were a bit worried about Zack's ability to graduate with them.
"Studying is not a date," Zack said with an eye roll of his own, settling his weight on Jason's stomach and leaning down to kiss him.
Jason closed his eyes, hands slipping up to grip Zack's shoulders as they kissed.
Zack kissed the way he lived, fast and reckless. His mouth was insistent and demanding and playful all at once, and Jason was helpless to stop him, just along for the ride.
Being with Zack was like having your feet glued to the side of speeding train; sometimes it made his heart race and adrenaline surge through him and made his feel alive. Other times, though, he felt a little hopelessly lost, Zack pushing towards a goal Jason couldn't ever seem to reach, falling out of sync with him.
"Zack," Jason said, turning his head to break the kiss, not that that stopped Zack, who just moved to kiss at his neck instead.
"Zack -- jesus, no hickeys! -- we're outside, c'mon," Jason said, trying to push Zack up and off him.
Zack pulled back with a grin. "There's no one up here, relax," he said, leaning down to try to suck Jason's tongue out of his mouth, or at least that's what it felt like.
"Zack," Jason protested again, panting when he managed to turn his head.
"Live a little. Let me blow you," Zack said, moving his body backwards along Jason's.
"No," Jason said, heart racing with sudden panic, jerking up to sit, displacing Zack, who just raised an eyebrow at him.
"We're outside," he protested again, knowing he was blushing a bit, hoping Zack bought the excuse.
Zack grinned, but it was more fond than anything. "Prude," he said, but it didn't sound mean, it was more affectionate, and instead of pushing for more Zack settled himself in Jason's lap for more making out.
Jason relaxed a little, letting Zack go back to making out with him, holding him on his lap. He waited for what seemed like forever but was probably only ten minutes before he finally pulled back, lips feeling swollen and definitely able to feel how into it Zack was getting, shifting them so there was some space between them.
"I'm hungry," he said, smiling at Zack's laugh. "Race you to Krispy Kreme? Loser pays."
Zack laughed and shook his head, standing and helping Jason up and then taking off, yelling that Jason would be buying him a variety dozen. Jason didn't even care, just glad to have been able to keep Zack happy, running after him but at a slightly slower pace, letting him win.
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Not Broken - Ch. 11 (End)
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"I call Jason!" Kim said, diving for him.
"No way, I called dibs!" Zack said, also diving for him.
Jason laughed, tackled to the ground by the pair of them. "You guys know you can both lay with me, right?"
Zack stuck his tongue out. "But you're the best cuddler, J, we gotta claim our spots."
"Jason is very good at cuddling," Billy said, setting more blankets down for their makeshift bed on the floor of Kim's living room.
"Champion cuddler," Trini agreed with a teasing grin, arranging the pillows.
"You got him last time, learn to share," Zack said, trying to kick Kim without hitting Jason.
"You had your date night last night I bet you guys spent the whole time cuddled!" Kim protested, kicking back.
Jason laughed, wiggling until he could wrap one arm around each of them. "Okay?" he asked, looking at the both.
Zack and Kim glared at each other but snuggled into Jason.
"You guys might want to move onto the actual blanket bed Billy and me just made," Trini said, amused.
There was a lot of grumbling and a few more kicks, but they relocated to the blankets, Billy and Trini joining the pile once the latter had turned off the last light.
It took them all a few seconds to adjust to the dark, all of them pressing closer and settling in.
"Good night," Billy whispered, everyone echoing it back to him.
When it was morning, Jason was the first to wake, realizing they'd shifted in their sleep and he was now curled around Kim, with Zack plastered to his back.
He yawned, blinking his eyes sleepily, feeling Zack shift in his sleep and murmuring something that was not English, shifting forward a bit himself because Zack was definitely hard and that was not something Jason wanted to deal with.
He carefully pulled himself from the pile, sitting on the floor by their feet and looking at everyone still sleeping, so happy and in love with them all.
He moved to the kitchen and started opening drawers, deciding to make pancakes. He'd just poured the first one into the pan when he felt arms wrap around him from behind, a kiss placed to his shoulder.
"Morning," he said, turning to smile at Billy.
"Morning. Need help?" Billy asked, smiling back.
"Sure, you wanna get plates and stuff?" Jason said, Billy nodding and pulling away to do just that.
Trini trickled in next, jabbing at the coffee maker until it turned on, standing in front of it like a zombie until it was done and she could drink it, slipping onto a stool at the kitchen island watching Jason and Billy cook.
She grinned up at Jason when he gave her the first stack, and he smiled back, reaching out to squeeze her hand briefly before turning back to the stove.
Billy was eating the next stack by the time Kim and Zack wandered in.
"Pancakes?" Kim asked, sitting next to Trini and giving her a quick kiss.
"Dude, I love you," Zack sighed happily, moving to kiss Jason.
Jason laughed, shooing him to sit, too, it taking a bit but eventually there was enough for everyone to eat together so he sat down with everyone and looked around.
Trini was leaning into Kim, the pair clearly holding hands in their lap as they ate. Billy was next to Trini and telling Zack about the repair work they were supposed to help Alpha 5 with, his hand brushing Trini's arm as he talked. Zack was listening intently and nodding, one arm around the back of Billy's chair even as he slipped his foot over to play with Jason's, to keep him connected with everyone.
(Jason was 18 when he realized that he'd found his soul mates -- they were his partners, his friends. His team. They accepted and loved him for who he was and he accepted and loved them in return, and they would be together, always.)
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Not Broken - Ch. 3
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Jason was 16 when he figured out who he was.
After another successful football season, his dad started reaching out to scouts and universities to garner some interest in Jason's talent.
Jason, meanwhile, was just glad the season was over -- spring semester was his favorite because while he still had to practice to keep in shape, he had more free time to hang out with his friends and do his school work.
He'd gotten into a bit of trouble with the last prank he'd pulled with his friends, and his parents definitely weren't happy with the detentions he'd gotten, but the focus seemed more on how this would affect football than how it would affect his academic record, and Jason's resentment for football and for his dad for pushing it grew all the larger.
Maybe it was an attempt to bond or maybe it was just another push to go pro, but Jason ended up spending spring break with his dad, driving to different colleges to visit the campuses and talk with the football coaches.
It was his junior year after all, not too early to start looking, and while he hated the idea of continuing football in college, he loved the chance to check out the different schools, eager to leave Angel Grove and his parents' house.
The state university three hours away was his favorite, though his dad wasn't sure about the football program. The tour had been amazing, and they had actually gotten to talk with a few professors.
Jason had hit it off with the freshmen English professor once he mentioned that he usually did his workout routine listening to his assigned novels as books-on-tape -- it was the best way he had of staying on top of the material, and he actually really loved the older, classic novels they were reading in his classes.
His dad, of course, couldn't wait to drag him away to talk with the football coach, and throughout the trip Jason had quickly perfected the perfect awkward smile as he mentally checked out of the conversation, not interested in bragging about his stats.
A student popped their head in to the coach's office while they were there, and the coach was quick to introduce their current quarterback, introductions made all around.
"Hey, I could give you a tour of our space, if you want?" the guy -- Nick -- offered Jason with a charming smile, glancing at the coach.
Jason's dad nodded. "Go ahead, Jason, I'll find you when I finish up here."
Jason quickly took the escape, following Nick out of the coach's office and down the hallway.
"College tours, huh? You know where you want to go?" Nick asked, leading Jason to their locker area.
"Nah, not really," Jason answered, looking around the locker rooms, equipment area, and gym as Nick led him through.
"That's okay, you'll figure it out," Nick smiled.
Jason ducked his head a bit, smiling back, suddenly aware that they were alone and Nick was really cute.
"Sounds like you're a great player," Nick teased, bumping their shoulders.
Jason's smile dimmed a bit. "Yeah."
"...Not that into it, huh," Nick guessed, opening the door to the small med room and waving Jason in, letting the teen look around.
"It's okay," Jason shrugged, looking around, turning back to Nick when he shut the door behind him.
"You've certainly got the build for it," Nick complimented, reaching out to squeeze Jason's bicep.
Jason blushed, not sure if Nick was flirting with him or just being nice. "Uh, thanks."
Nick grinned, finding this kid adorable, leaning in and kissing him.
Jason startled a bit before pressing into it.
Nick pressed closer when he wasn't shoved away, deepening the kiss and carding his fingers through Jason's hair.
Jason stiffened a bit when Nick pressed to deepen the kiss, resigning himself to it, though the fingers in his hair felt really nice.
Nick sensed his discomfort, though, and pulled back. "Want me to stop? Not into guys?"
Jason blinked at him, licking his lips. "Ah, no. I mean, I am. Into guys. And girls."
Nick grinned. "Romantically or sexually?"
Jason shifted nervously. "There's a difference?"
Nick chuckled, taking Jason's hand and pulling him to sit on the bench with him. "Some people have different tastes sexually and romantically," he explained. "I'm gay, so I'm homosexual, but I'm biromantic -- I can and have dated girls."
"But you don't want sex with them?" Jason asked, frowning, trying to understand.
"Right," Nick nodded. "Romantic relationships don't always need sex. And some people don't even want sex -- they are asexual -- or they only develop sexual attraction once they've been in a deep and committed relationship with someone -- demisexual. Sexual attraction is different from romantic attraction, and they both are sliding scales that vary for everyone."
Jason was stunned, just trying to take that all in. He could... want to date guys and girls, but not want sex? That was okay?
Nick squeezed Jason's hand. "It's okay, you don't have to have it all figured out. Just, do what makes you happy."
"I -- yeah," Jason said, still a bit dazed, turning to face Nick. "So... so there's other people, who don't... want sex?"
Oh this poor boy... "Yes, of course," Nick answered firmly. "One of my best friends is ace -- asexual -- and she's in a loving relationship and very happy with her girlfriend."
"And her girlfriend is okay with no sex?" Jason asked.
Nick smiled. "Yup. She loves her, she doesn't need sex to have a relationship with her."
Jason took a minute to let that sink in. He wasn't broken, it wasn't that he just hadn't found the right person... there were other people like him, who didn't like or want sex...
"Okay," Jason said. "Okay, so if I want to date guys and girls, I'm bi...?"
"Biromantic," Nick said, smiling and nodding encouragingly.
"Wow," Jason said. "I didn't know about this."
"That's okay," Nick said. "Labels suck sometimes, but sometimes... they can make you feel better, too, to know you aren't alone."
Jason nodded. "I'm biromantic asexual," he said softly, his heart pounding in his chest, unconsciously squeezing Nick's hand.
Nick squeezed back and grinned. "That's great, Jason."
Jason grinned at him, feeling happier than he had in years, feeling hope that he could find someone to date and it could be okay.
The moment was broken when they heard his dad calling out for him, Nick giving Jason a quick kiss before letting go of his hand and standing, leading him back out to the main area.
His dad thanked the coach and Nick and Jason echoed him, and then they were leaving. Jason barely listened to his dad talk about the discussion he'd had with this coach, still trying to process that there was a word for how he felt, that other people felt it too, that he wasn't wrong or broken.
(They got back to Angel Grove and his dad put him on a stricter training regime to prep for scouts and incorporate some tips the coaches had given him, and Jason lost his extra free time for the semester and most of his summer, resentment for his dad and this stupid sport growing and growing.)
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