#bisexual Kimberly Hart
vianwrites · 7 months
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So, I decided to continue with that previous Trimberly fanfic I did? And, this time it's on Kimberly's side of the story...so, yeah...ended up making it multi-chapter? Sort of? I'm not really sure how well I am doing with this, but I hope I am doing well.
Anyways, here's the second part/companion piece to Eyes Open (Trini's Version). The title of this one is Jump and Fall (Kimberly's Version)...and, yeah, pulling titles from Taylor Swift's discography because, why not? Will be postin this on AO3 and Wattpad as well. Anywho...this fic goes like this:
Kimberly Hart sat at her desk in her room, the soft vibrant hues of the cloudy afternoon sun basked her room with enough light that she didn’t need to open the lamp by her desk. She sat there for a reason, had been seated at her desk for much of the afternoon already. And, in all honesty, she should have been focusing on the opened textbooks in front of her, on the notebooks strewn haphazardly on her desk, on school assignments demanding her attention. But they ended up all fading to the background, like they were unimportant set pieces. Instead of diving into algebraic equations or historical dates, grammar and the proper use of punctuation, Kimberly found herself lost in a maze of thoughts and emotions as she tapped to a random rhythm with her pen.
It had been a whirlwind these past few months—months that felt like years. A whirlwind of emotions and events. It had been months since she made that brash and reckless action—some would call it a boneheaded move, a social suicide—that ended up destroying her reputation, getting her status as the ‘Queen Bee’ revoked and made her a pariah in school. That led her to a path she never dreamed would even be one possible to trudge on. It was so impossible and fantastical and something straight out of a comic book. It also led her to people—outcasts and misfits, like herself—that she would form a connection with. To people she would call her “family” and would call her theirs.
If she were to be honest, it felt like a lifetime ago. She felt as though the person she was then and the person she was now were from two different alternate universes. And, in the midst of all the drama, all the training and the struggles of trying to morph and the disappointment and frustration that came with failing to do so, witnessing a friend die and be revived, and almost dying herself in the process of defending their town...yeah, she would like to think that she had changed quite a bit. All the Rangers—Jason, Billy, Zack, and Trini—had.
But, in the midst of her thoughts of her journey as the Pink Ranger thus far, there was one thing that stood out to her as clear as daylight: the surprising bond she had forged with Trini Gomez, the Yellow Ranger. It was, if she was being honest, she had never thought Trini would be her closest in their friend group. After all, Trini wasn’t exactly easy to get along with. At least, not from the start.
The lonesome girl had been wary of her, and for good reasons. Still, they did end up getting along and now she considers Trini her best friend and knows the other girl thinks of her that way as well.
Suffice to say, it wasn’t the first time the Yellow Ranger wormed her way into the other girl’s thoughts.
Still, no matter how many times it has happened, it always managed to surprise her. She wasn’t doing it on purpose, so it wasn’t something she comes to expect at times or even sought after. But, regardless, it always had a way of creeping up to her. Sometimes it came slowly and insidiously. Other times it came like a freight train that comes barreling with such unstoppable speed and force. Regardless of how those thoughts invaded, they were always impossible to ignore. There was just something about Trini—her strong sense of individuality and fierce independence, rebelliousness to conforming to societal norms and social hierarchies, the confidence she seemed to carry that belied her years, and the juxtaposition she found with her hardened facade to her soft caring attitude.
She was captivated by the way Trini carried herself; captivated by the way her lips would quirk into a genuine smile—often a rare occasion to others, but one that had become somewhat of a norm recently whenever they have hung out together; captivated by the way Trini had been treating her as of late.
And yet behind that ruggedness that she showed and the lone wolf attitude she had initially portrayed, Kimberly found a multi-faceted girl that drew her in, like a moth to that proverbial flame.
When Trini was with her, Kimberly couldn't shake the feeling of solace and peace she felt. It was like a warm embrace, a fluffy blanket of comforting presence in the midst the hectic chaos that their life had become. At the same time, there was always something lingering—like a spark just about ready to ignite—whenever they interacted, making her feel something akin to an adrenaline rush. Kimberly found herself seeking out Trini's gaze, drawn to the warmth and depth of her brown eyes, deep and soulful.
As the Pink Ranger sat there in her room, she couldn’t help but wonder why she felt that way about Trini. Why did she crave Trini's approval, seek out her company, cherish each interaction they had together? Why did she feel a sense of loss whenever Trini wasn't around. Like a piece of her was, not necessarily incomplete but, missing? It wasn’t like that with the other Rangers. And, to be honest, she doesn’t remember it being the same way with anybody else. Well, there was somebody else, but that was before he cheated on her and—
—And then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit her.
This undeniable attraction she felt towards Trini was more than just admiration, more than just respect. It felt like it had morphed—pardon the pun—from something more than just friendship and a sense of camaraderie. It was now something deeper, more profound; something simple but yet oh so complicated. Something she had never felt before with another girl.
She had feelings for Trini. Feelings that went beyond platonic, more than just mere friendship.
The thought terrified her. Her mind couldn’t quite wrap itself around such an epiphany. She had never considered herself anything but straight. She had never entertained nor imagined the thought of being attracted to another girl, much more falling in love with one. But, as she sat there in her mess of a room it, strangely and jarringly, made undeniable sense to her, like puzzle pieces being put in quick succession into place.
It frightened her as much as it elated her. It made her heart skip a bit and thundered between her rib cage. Her chest constricting and breath hitching at the realization of her own desires; of acknowledging the possibility of her own queerness and sexuality and of the path her heart had suddenly decided to open up for her.
As she wrestled with these conflicting emotions, she caught glimpse of the photo she had tacked on the wall near her desk: the photo of the Power Rangers, taken as a group, during the celebratory campfire they had after Rita’s defeat. Her eyes gravitated and fixated themselves on Trini standing next to her in the photograph, grinning widely, skin glowing with the light of the campfire’s flames, and memories of her interactions with the shorter girl flooded her mind—from their first exchange and the chase that followed and every memory since.
But one memory stood out above all others: that night at the campfire.
In the midst of Zack’s suggestion to share about themselves—a proposition that irked Kimberly at that time despite what merits may be gained, what with not wanting to talk about the whole Amanda-thing and the shame that came with what she had done—in the hopes that they would trust each other more and be able to morph, Kimberly witnessed the strength and resilience beneath the tough exterior of one Trini Gomez. She saw the vulnerability and uncertainty hidden behind Trini’s bravado. After all, it takes quite a lot of courage to speak up about one’s insecurities the way the shorter girl had.
In that moment, Kimberly had felt a sense of awe and wonder at Trini, whom she initially thought was just someone with a lot of pent up rage and angst personified in such a small body. She felt something begin to form with the Yellow Ranger and with her desire to try and emulate such strength and get to know Trini further, get her to share more, to open up more.
That connection solidified itself and grew into actual friendship when Trini pulled her locker door out of its hinges after it had been vandalized and had offered her own locker for Kimberly to use. It was an act that she didn’t think she would be receiving from anyone. Certainly not something Trini would instigate without much egging. Granted, she didn’t know much about the girl at that time, but up until then Trini was pretty much aloof with her. They talked, yes, but she didn’t get a sense that the girl had any desire to be protective of her outside of their training until that moment. So, yes, that had come as a surprise. So much so that she distinctly remembered herself being at a loss for words.
And now, as Kimberly sat there in her room, her heart heavy and wrestling with longing and uncertainty, she couldn’t help but wonder what it now all meant for her. Did she really crave for something more? It did feel that way. Did she want to do something about it? More importantly, does Trini feel the same way? Does she want to risk what she had with Trini in favor of what they could have if the feeling was mutual? What would her parents say? What would everyone think? So many questions, one after the other, bubbled up to the forefront of her mind.
Any other day and those questions would have been ones she would be avoiding for weeks, pushing it to the back of her mind in favor of what little bit of normalcy was left in her life. After all, things were changing too fast, she wanted to slow down a bit. But now, there was nothing to occupy her mind with. It was simply fixated on the possibilities that lay before her...that was, if Trini did feel the same way.
And, she knew she was reckless. She knew it was, perhaps, her fatal flaw. Her recklessness was often tied to her emotional state—on what she was feeling at the moment and that energy being converted into some spontaneous action. It was that recklessness that often landed her into all sorts of messes in the past, and would no doubt continue to do so in the future. Especially when she does something without fully analyzing the consequence her actions would bring to herself or to others.
It was that sudden impulsiveness that had Kimberly reach for her phone, unlock it, and with trembling fingers type out and send a message to Trini without so much as second guessing what she was doing.
“Hey Trini, can we talk? It’s important.”
Yeah, if things went south, she could blame it on that. Or own up to it with the fact that one of the things she had learned with this whole ordeal with Rita was she shouldn’t take things for granted; that when the time to act came, she must be decisive about it, act on it. No regrets. Because you only live once, and once should be enough.
As recent as the revelation of her feelings for her best friend was, Kimberly felt it was time for her to come into terms with them, to explore them, to understand them and herself. And who better to do that with than Trini? She just hoped the other girl felt the same way.
As the three dots appeared on her messenger signifying Trini writing a message, Kimberly felt a rush of adrenaline course through her veins.
Yes, this was uncharted territory for her. She didn’t know where this would lead her. It was the same with becoming the Pink Ranger and, well, she’d like to think she handled that as well as it she could—maybe even better than she think she would, all things considered.
Yeah, positive thoughts and all that.
With that thought in mind, she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, only opening them when her phone notified her of Trini’s reply.
“I’ll be there in a few,” it had said.
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twicetheheartx2 · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Power Rangers (2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kimberly Hart/Trini Characters: Kimberly Hart, Trini (Power Rangers) Additional Tags: Bisexual Mess Kimberly Hart, Glasses, Trini wearing glasses, The boys show up briefly, Oblivious Trini (Power Rangers), Fluff, Fluff without Plot Summary:
Kimberly thought that this weekday morning was just like any other, but when she arrives to pick up Trini for school like usual, she discovers a new piece of information about the yellow ranger that throws her for a loop. And now the girl can't stop staring at her crush/best friend.
Um the recent Trimberly drawing I did caused my brain to remember that I had written this short little Trimberly drabble several years ago, and I decided to check it out and turns out I had completely finished it 4 years ago but never posted it??? Anyway, figured I might a well post it in case anyone’s interested.
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faevix · 11 months
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    marielle chettiar, better known as agent faerie has been with cerberus corp as an eo since 2019 and is level ii. a fall whilst “flying” over a theme park has gifted them fairy physiology, though de-transformation when overexerting has also been noted. when they aren’t protecting the tri-state area, they are fond of modelling and are never seen without their charm bracelet. civilians think they are ardent & magnetic, but some of the other agents see them as impetuous & ostentatious. cerberus corp should consider the fact that their last mission status was successful though her partner became comatose after getting hit by stray fairy dust when giving out the next one.
name. marielle lalitha chettiar. nicknames. mari , elle , mariposa , any fairy from pop culture. age. thirty , flirty and thriving. date of birth. 25th september 1993. zodiac.  libra. place of birth. long beach , california. current residence. soho , new york. gender. cis woman. pronouns. she / her. sexuality. bisexual , biromantic. occupation. model , level ii cerberus corp agent , child actor and theme park character performer ( formerly ). faceclaim. simone ashley. height. 5’8”. tattoos. none. piercings. both lobes and bellybutton. distinguishing features. it would be rude not to say her wings. positive traits. appealing , devoted , poised , self-assured , tender , versatile , vivacious , witty. negative traits. free-spirited , irreverent , materialistic , melodramatic , opportunistic , self-oriented , quixotic , wilful. labels / tropes. action fashionista , class princess , contractual purity , drama queen , everything’s better with sparkles , fairy sexy , girly bruiser , magical girl , master of mixed messaging , power gives you wings , proud beauty , transformation sequence. inspirations. barbie ( both the character and the animated fairytopia trilogy ) , magical girl shows : winx club , sailor moon , w.i.t.c.h. , tokyo mew mew , totally spies , etc. megan gwynn ( marvel comics ) , kimberly hart ( power rangers ) , tinker bell ( peter pan ) , angel salvadore ( x-men : first class ) , annie january ( the boys ) , justine ( gen v ) , golden age / old hollywood starlets. likes. performing arts , the colour pink , burlesque , partying , modelling , glitter , fashion , punctuality , attention. dislikes. being told what to do , her child-friendly image. fears. rejection , falling… the feeling of falling asleep for the way it mirrors that. hobbies. modelling , content creation , collecting charms , yoga , flying. habits. tapping her nails on every hard surface , flourishing her arms as if she’s flying even when she’s not , tends to talk over people , flutters her eyelids often.
near death experience… for  as  long  as  marielle  can  remember,   she’s  always  been  something  of  a  natural  performer.   a  precocious,   outgoing  girl  who  saw  the  world  as  her  stage,   just  as  the  great  bard  once  said.   her  mother  recognised  this  emerging  talent  early  on  and  set  about  utilising  it  as  soon  as  she  could.   mari’s  little  face  was  to  become  a  regular  sight  amongst  advertisement  campaigns  and  bit  parts  on  network  television  shows.   she  worked  steadily  throughout  her  childhood,   attending  performing  arts  school  and  eventually,   graduating  from  drama  school  at  twenty  two.   despite  her  wealth  of  girlhood  experience  in  the  industry  however,   marielle  didn’t  have  much  luck  with  auditions  post-college.   already,   there  was  an  image  she  was  having  difficulty  shedding  but  the  stars  eventually  aligned  when  she  was  hired  to  work  at  a  famous  entertainment  resort  complex  in  orlando.   mari  was  a  character  performer  there  for  three  years,   playing  iconic  princesses  and  mermaids  and  fairies  alike  day  in  and  day  out  and  entertaining  children  endlessly  as  she  did  so.   it  wasn’t  the  best  job  by  any  means,   fending  off  leering  fathers  became  a  pastime  and  her  mother’s  disdain  for  it  all  was  more  than  evident  but  it  paid  the  bills  and  she  was  getting  to  do  what  she  loved…
so,   she  always  persevered.   one  job  she’d  occasionally  perform  was  that  of  the  fairy  during  the  evening  firework  display  the  resort  would  put  on  each  day  in  their  main  park.   it  was  absurd  and  unnerving  and  involved  being  launched  across  a  zip  line  atop  the  park  for  all  the  patrons  to  see  but  it  did  come  with  a  substantial  bonus  so,   who  was  mari  to  turn  it  down?   the  day  was  like  any  other  when  marielle’s  near  death  occurred.   she’d  climbed  to  the  top  of  the  castle  with  her  supervisor,   dressed  in  a  green  mini-dress  and  blonde  wig,   ready  to  make  some  “magic”  before  being  sent  across  the  zip  line  as  usual.   fireworks  burst  into  colour  behind  her,   the  audience  wholly  mesmerised  by  the  display  until  that  adoration  swiftly  turned  to  abject  terror  as  they  watched  in  horror  as  the  fairy  fell  from  her  harness  mid  flight.
the  thing  had  fucking  snapped!   was  all  mari  could  really  string  together  in  terms  of  coherent  thought  as  she  plummeted  to  the  ground,   LED  wings  and  all.   that  and  the  likelihood  of  her  very  imminent  death.   the  bright,   colourful  world  she’d  come  to  know  immediately  fading  to  black  upon  impact  with  the  ground.   ambulances  were  called  soon  thereafter,   just  as  clips  of  what  had  happened  began  circulating  online.   the  entertainment  company  tried  to  subdue  the  coverage  and  bury  the  lede  but  sure  enough,   news  of  actor,   marielle  chettiar  and  the  extensive  injuries  she’d  suffered  under  their  employ  broke  that  very  night  and  nothing  was  to  be  the  same  again.
power… she  used  to  dress  as  a  fairy  for  work  so,   she  became  a  fairy!   sorta.   marielle  possesses  the  unique  ability  to  transform  into  and  subsequently,   access  the  traits  of  a  fairy.   through  a  sparkling  transformation  (   which  used  to  be  triggered  by  a  vocal  command  but  can  now  be  performed  non-verbally   ),   she  shifts  into  her  “supersuit”  and  grows  a  set  of  beautiful  butterfly-esque  wings  which  allow  her  to  fly  with  great  manoeuvrability  and  at  enhanced  speeds.   this  glamorous  transformation  also  grants  her  the  ability  to  produce  fairy  dust,   which  possesses  hallucinogenic  qualities  when  it’s inhaled  or  comes  into  contact  with  skin.   through  her  work  as  an  agent,   she’s  learnt  she  has  an  innate  magical  aptitude  and  often  tests  the  effectiveness  of  her  ability  by  honing  her  hand-to-hand and close  combat  skills  too.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… when  hit  or  overwhelmed  and  overexerting,   marielle’s  found  she’s  prone  to  detransformation.   which  effectively  powers  her  down  completely  and  often  puts  her  at  great  risk  of  suffering  similar  falls  to  the  one  that  gave  her  the  power  in  the  first  place.   they’re  not  easy  to  recover  from  either,   requiring  a  period  of  rest  and  rejuvenation  before  she’s  able  to  fully transform  into  a  fairy  again.
cerberus corp… in  the  wake  of  a  landmark  workplace  injury  lawsuit  against  the  entertainment  company,   marielle  amassed  a  large  and  very  dedicated  following.   the  proceedings  were  all  public  and  these  fans  saw  what  had  happened  to  her  as  an  injustice,   backing  her  at  every  turn  when  it  came  to  righting  that  immense  wrong.   including  her  new  career  ventures,   which  had  now  expanded  to  modelling  —  wherein  she  debuted  her  fairy  form  to  the  world  and  incidentally  captivated  the  hearts  of  children  all  across  the  globe.   hers  was  a  story  dubbed  “the  american  fairytale”,   a  pr  dream  and  before  she’d  had  time  to  process  it  all,   who  should  knock  on  her  door  but  elena  navarro  herself.   cerberus  corporation  were  interested  in  recruiting  her  and  with  her  aspirations  higher  than  ever  before,   mari  was  quick  to  accept  the  offer.
she’s  been  with  cerberus  corp  for  four  years  now,   since  2019  and  whilst  she’ll  convey  that  it’s  all  been  smooth  sailing…   it  hasn’t  really.   outwardly,   marielle  is  everything  an  agent  should  be.   singularly  dedicated  to  the  cause,   with  her  eye  ultimately  set  on  becoming  a  level  i.   but  she  and  the  corporation’s  pr  team  clash  more  often  than  mari  would  like  to  admit  and  it  all  comes  back  to  that  child-friendly  image  of  hers.   the  one  she  can’t  shed.   because  despite  being  a  woman  grown  with  all  the  adult  needs  and  interests  that  come  with  it,   her  past  and  fantastical  ability  mean  she’s  a  huge  draw  for  the  younger  demographic  of  eo  fans  and  the  corporation  have  stayed  firm  in  their  position  of  not  wanting  that  to  change.   it  leads  marielle  to  act  out  on  missions.   she  plays  fast  and  loose,   living  up  to  her  codename  and  doing  as  she  pleases   (   within  the  confines  of  what’s  been  asked  of  her   ).   she’s  caught  between  a  rock  and  a  hard  place.   perpetually  wanting  to  progress  higher  but  not  at  the  cost  of  who  she  is.
codename… given  that  her  ability  is  so…   self-explanatory,   faerie  was  something  that  came  to  mari  early  on  and  it  caught  on  quick.   of  course,   people  still  spell  and  say  it  as “fairy”  as  well  as  calling  her  by a  spluttering  of  fairy  names  from  pop  culture  but  it’s  faerie  and  she  will  correct  you  if  you  get  it  wrong.   do  shorten  it  to  “fae”  if  you  like  though.   she  doesn’t  mind  that.
the  ken  to  her  barbie.     can  i  get  a  himbo?   be  it  pr  relationship  or  genuine  friendship,   their  energies  are  perfectly  matched  and  they’re  seemingly  attached  at  the  hip.   perhaps  a  fellow  level  ii/iii  agent  who’s  trying  to  climb  the  ranks  like  she  is?   just  all  the  fun,   playful,   party  vibes  please.
a   partner.     someone  whose  feet  are  firmly  planted  on  the  ground  whom  she  can  provide  air  support  to.   doesn’t  have  to  be  an  entirely  amicable  dynamic  but  they  make  a  damn  good  team  in  the  field  and  continually  find  themselves  paired  up  together  because  of  it.
the   not   winx   club.     i  had  to  ask!   maybe  they’re  more  gotham  city  sirens  /  marvel  divas  vibe  but  an  eo  girl  squad…?   please?
misc.     friends ,   a  mentor ,   ex’s ,   friends  or  enemies  or  frenemies  with  benefits ,   a  rivalry ,   a  level  i  she’s  trying  to  get  cozy  with  to  raise  her  status ,   someone  who’s  trying  to  do  the  same  to  her ,   photographers  she’s  worked  with ,   people  who  are  annoyed  by  her ,   hidden  depths  duo  i.e  they  get  deep  with  each  other ,   somebody  that  knows  or  recognises  her  from  her  acting  days ,   tol  and  smol  (  she  might  be  the  tol  ).
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ragnaarson · 8 months
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Percy Jackson.
The Son of Poseidon. He/him. Bisexual.
FCs: Walker Scobell & Brenton Thwaites.
Annabeth Chase.
The Daughter of Athena. She/her. Bisexual.
FC: Taylor Russell.
Grover Underwood.
The Satyr. He/him. Demisexual.
FC: Xolo Mariduena.
Luke Castellan.
The Son of Hermes. He/him. Pansexual.
FC: Gavin Leatherwood.
Clarisse La Rue.
The Daughter of Ares. She/her. Bisexual.
FC: Cindy Kimberly.
Sally Jackson.
The Queen Amongst Men. She/her. Heterosexual.
FCs: Cailee Spaeny & Virginia Kull.
Helen Crane.
The Daughter of Hades. She/her. Bisexual.
FC: Courtney Eaton.
Daphne Miron.
The Daughter of Demeter. She/her. Pansexual.
FC: Paulina Chávez.
Penelope Jackson.
The Daughter of Poseidon. She/her. Heterosexual.
FCs: Isabella Sermon & Suki Waterhouse.
Delia Hart.
The Daughter of Apollo. She/her. Bisexual.
FC: Rain Spencer.
I will write other muses upon request, but these are my mains.
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vntagetee · 22 hours
tv show muses ;
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batman beyond. · dana tan. early-20's. fashion design student. heterosexual. fc ; natasha liu bordizzo. primary · max gibson. early-20's. college student & online gamer. bisexual. fc ; tati gabrielle. secondary
batman the animated series. · veronica vreeland. 20's. trust fund baby. heterosexual. fc ; christina hendricks. primary
dawson's creek. · jen lindley. early-20's. college student & radio show host. pansexual. fc ; michelle williams. secondary
gotham. · fish mooney. early-40's. mobster. bisexual. fc ; jada pinkett smith. secondary
law & order svu. · amanda rollins. 30's-40's. svu detective. heterosexual. fc ; kelli giddish. secondary
mr robot. · darlene alderson. mid-20's. hacker. bisexual. fc ; carly chaiken. primary
the musketeers. · constance d'artagnan. mid-20's. queen's assistant. bisexual. fc ; tamla kari. secondary · queen anne. mid-20's. royal queen. heterosexual. fc ; alexandra dowling. secondary
one tree hill. · peyton sawyer. early-20's. music producer. bisexual. fc ; hilarie burton. secondary
peaky blinders. · ada shelby. mid-20's. shelby limited employee. bisexual. fc ; sophie rundle. primary
power rangers. · kimberly hart. early-20's. power ranger. bisexual. fc ; kaia gerber. secondary
reacher. · frances neagley. mid-30's. corporate security. homosexual. fc ; maria sten. primary · karla dixon. late-30's. forensic accountant. heterosexual. fc ; serinda swan. primary
smallville. · chloe sullivan. 20's. journalist & hacker. bisexual. fc ; kathryn newton. primary · lois lane. 20's. journalist. bisexual. fc ; erica durance. primary · martha kent. 40's. us senator. heterosexual. fc ; annette o'toole. secondary
teen wolf. · lydia martin. early-20's. college student. heterosexual. fc ; holland roden. primary
the last of us. · sarah miller. early-30's. unemployed. bisexual. fc ; alexandra shipp. primary
the royals. · princess eleanor henstridge. mid-20's. royal. bisexual. fc ; alexandra park. primary · queen helena henstridge. 50's. royal. heterosexual. fc ; elizabeth hurley. primary
supernatural. · jo harvelle. mid-20's. bartender & hunter. bisexual. fc ; alona tal. primary · ellen harvelle. 40's. saloon owner. heterosexual. fc ; samantha ferris. primary · ruby. 20's. demon. heterosexual. fc ; katie cassidy. primary
the white lotus. · daphne sullivan. mid-30's. stay at home mom. heterosexual. fc ; meghann fahy. primary · portia. mid-20's. personal assistant. bisexual. fc ; haley lu richardson. secondary · tanya mcquoid. early-60's. entrepreneur. heterosexual. fc ; jennifer coolidge. secondary
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augment-techs · 11 months
*stares at the empty folder with no reference point* Oh, we are going to get into some TOTALLY weird stuff~ No starting point means I automatically go to the comics and no character means more than one ^^
Jason Scott: Knows how to make those little sweet bread rolls in the shapes of chibified animal heads because his mother thought it would help him focus his anger before he started taking karate classes. It didn't when he was little, but now that he's older and burns about a million calories a day and is always stressed from being the leader, he finds himself baking more often when home alone and therefore working off steam in a productive way. (Bonus: His specialty are the bunny heads with chocolate filling and white frosting UwU faces.) Tommy Oliver: Has lived in nine different cities on four different continents since he was adopted by an executive assistant of a government translator and as such has a slightly more refined taste than he ever, ever, ever thought he would when he was growing up as little more than an alley rat with a place to sleep at an orphanage. (Bonus: Part of living in London for a year made him realize that as bad as some American coffee was, British coffee was worse and it makes him appreciate the options when he got back to the States.) Kimberly Hart: Does not really love her dad anymore. She does of course care about him in that obligatory "you helped make me and tried to help raise me for fifteen years so I have to" way, but when her parents got divorced and it was barely three months before he started dating his secretary--who was only twenty--it became infinitely harder not to see just how many flaws the man has. (Bonus: She's kind of been holding off telling him she's bisexual because she's certain he's going to be an idiot about it; whereas she told her mother when they kept the house and Kim realized Trini was making something happen in Kim's night fantasies.) Zack Taylor: Would have been an excellent Green Ranger if he had taken up Rita's offer and then flipped the script and gone back to Zordon without the mind control issues that Tommy had. Green is managed and made by Chaos Energy, which makes it a pain in the ass for anyone that wields it, but Zack was a Black Ranger first, and Black is a little bit of everything. Some of the Morphin Masters even argued that Black was the starting point for the Grid and blossomed outwards to help the other Colors, but scholars disagree on this throughout the galaxy. (Bonus: Zack would also make a VERY GOOD Pink Ranger.) Trini: Would eat nothing but variations of eggs if her mother didn't tell her NOT TO DO THAT when she noticed her daughter trying to gulp down a whole egg--with the shell--more than once when she was little. So far all of her friends have seen her eat eggs: poached, fried, seasoned with tabasco and lemon, deviled, pickled, stuffed with chestnuts and dripped with cow's blood, over easy, scrambled with a side of fire ants, covered in soy sauce and squished between two slices of cucumber nut bread, soft and hard boiled to the extreme, left to slowly roast in the ground with potatoes, and covered in a truly repellent amount of salt and vinegar. (Bonus: But at least she doesn't do that thing where she eats an entire roasted chicken off of the bones while leaving the carcass intact anymore.) Billy Canston: His favorite stock characters in movies seem to follow a theme that all of his friends have noticed, but Billy hasn't. The Bad Boy, The Bard, The Fall Guy, The Foil, The Fool, The Grotesque, The Harlequin, and the Lovable Loser. No matter what the movie genre or the twist in some more recent films, he can always be counted on to root for these types--even when they're obviously flawed and, more often than not, are not the main character or even make it to the ending. (Bonus: He actually loathes the very concept of the Geek character in modern media and will smite the hell out of anyone who works in a comparison between himself and a fictional other of this type.)
Bulk: Actually comes from a very rich background. His father came from a family that got loaded in the Gold Rush and his mother's family have been in the oil industry for almost a century. But he hates them both, so he won't touch his inheritance. Skull: Sleeps in the woods three times a year for a total of thirty days altogether. His mother doesn't like him around when she comes back from her work abroad. Bulk doesn't know.
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cchus · 11 months
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#𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐬. independent, mutually-exclusive multimuse .ᐟ
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— ୨୧₊˚ industry
♡ ➔ mone kim. wonyoung. idol. female + heterosexual. age 19. pinterest.
♡ ➔ naeun kim. chuu. model. female + bisexual. age 21. pinterest. bio.
♡ ➔ nari lee. suzy. idol. female + bisexual. age 27.
♡ ➔ seolhwa choi. song jia. youtuber & chaebol daughter. female + heterosexual. age 26. pinterest.
— ୨୧₊˚ slice of life
♡ ➔ aera bae. lee naeun. ballerina. female + bisexual. age 25.
♡ ➔ hyejin park. seo yeji. writer. female + heterosexual. age 30. pinterest.
♡ ➔ liliana rivera. cindy kimberly. onlyfans model. female + bisexual. age 25.
♡ ➔ lolly olsen. kristine froseth. ballerina. female + bisexual. age 25. pinterest.
♡ ➔ polly pocket. sabrina carpenter. nepo baby + trying to be a singer. female + heterosexual. age 24.
♡ ➔ sooji kim. soojin. sugar baby. female + bisexual. age 26.
♡ ➔ sora tsukino. sana. violinist. female + bisexual. age 25.
♡ ➔ yoojin choi. lee yubi / song yoon-ah. eldest daughter of a chaebol family; from lamb to wolf. female + heterosexual. age 29+.
— ୨୧₊˚ period / fantasy / royal
♡ ➔ princess mari hart. nayeon. extremely bratty princess. setting is like a modern royal vibe. female + heterosexual. age 26.
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,, ♡ ︰dni﹒🌸 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
you support callout / cancel culture, you do nothing but start drama and vague and anything along those lines. there's age gap ships on this blog so if that bothers you, don't follow ! i'm pretty lax here ~
i typically add muses according to new plots but these are the ones i usually have !
wanted plots here. wanted opposites.
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bloodyraw · 1 year
#BLOODYRAW. private multi-muse sideblog to warpainte for both canon and original* characters. current roster: tara carpenter, jackie taylor, trini guerrero, annabeth chase, asher adams, deena johnson, ziggy berman, axle taborn*, augustus cassius*, nova bertille*.
tara carpenter, scream. 18-19. lesbian. cis woman, she/her. follows scream canon, other than her relationship with chad. primary.
jackie taylor, yellowjackets. 18. lesbian, suffers from comphet. cis woman, she/her. secondary/testing.
trini guerrero, power rangers 2017. 18. lesbian. nonbinary, she/her. single-ship with kimberly hart (not together, just pathetically pining). primary.
annabeth chase, pjo. 18. bisexual. cis woman, she/her. single-ship with percy jackson. primary.
asher adams, all american. 18-19. heterosexual. cis man, he/him. primary.
deena johnson, fear street. 18. lesbian. nonbinary, she/them. primary.
ziggy berman, fear street. 17-33. bisexual. cis woman, she/her. testing.
axle taborn, pjo-based oc. 30. bisexual. trans man, he/him. son of hephaestus.
augustus cassius, pjo-based oc. 35. bisexual. nonbinary, they/them. child of mars, retired praetor.
nova bertille, pjo-based oc. 29. lesbian. cis woman, she/her. daughter of aphrodite, resides outside of camp, florist.
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nanamins-overtime · 3 years
Bisexual culture is growing up obsessed with these two
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Let Us Take Care Of You - Ch. 2
AO3 Link
Zack groaned when Kim's alarm went off, moving his head off of Jason's arm and burying his face in the pillow.
Kim fumbled for her phone and turned off the alarm, muffling a yawn and sitting up, reaching over Zack to prod at Jason, who groaned at her.
"We have detention," Kim said by way of greeting, agreeing with Jason's string of curses and smiling at his bedhead when he eventually sat up.
"Zack?" Jason asked, reaching for him. "How you feeling?"
Zack just groaned again, keeping his face buried so his voice was muffled.
Kim stood up and walked to her bathroom, returning a few minutes later with some more aspirin.
"Here, Zack, take these. You can sleep through detention and we'll bring lunch, okay?" she said, kneeling on the bed next to him.
Jason stood and changed into his clothes from yesterday, hoping no one at detention noticed, watching Zack take the pills from Kim with his eyes closed, affection warming his heart at how much they trusted each other and at seeing his girlfriend take care of his boyfriend.
"Let's get donuts on the way," he said to Kim, chuckling when Zack proceeded to bury himself in Kim's bed once he'd swallowed the pills.
"Good idea," Kim said, leaning to kiss Zack's forehead before she moved away from the bed to change and get ready to leave.
"Feel better," Jason said to Zack, leaning down to kiss him, too.
Zack appreciated that they cared but he really just wanted to sleep, listening to them moving around before it was finally all quiet and they were gone. He relaxed in his blanket cocoon and slept for another few hours before waking with a yawn, pounding in his head mostly gone.
He carefully stood up and wandered to the bathroom, using it and splashing some water on his face, borrowing a toothbrush and feeling marginally human again. He frowned down at the too-big sweatpants he was wearing, going back to Kim's room and looking around, eventually finding his own clothes.
Too lazy to change, he dug his cell out of the pocket of his jeans and flopped onto the bed again, noting he still had about an hour before the signifs would get out of detention.
So to pass the time, he texted Trini. He let her know he'd crashed at Kim's after maybe getting a little drunk, his best friend somehow easily getting it out of him exactly why he'd felt the need to get drunk in the first place.
He was so caught up in texting with Trini about his mom and all the complicated feelings that came with being her caretaker that he didn't realize how much time had passed until he heard the front door open.
Sending Trini a quick message that his signifs were here and smiling a bit at her emoji eye roll, he sat up just as Jason and Kim walked into the bedroom.
"You're awake, that's good. We brought Chinese," Jason said, moving over with Kim to sit on the bed and start handing out containers.
"How do you feel?" Kim added, sitting and accepting her container.
Zack shrugged. "Little bit of a headache, but otherwise I'm good." He accepted his food, stomach growling.
"Good," Jason said, laughing when Zack's stomach growled, digging in to his own food, the three falling into an easy silence as they ate.
"How was detention?" Zack asked when they were mostly done and just picking at each other's containers.
Kim shrugged. "Detention-like."
Jason snorted, bumping into her.
Zack laughed, glancing between them. "Thanks for last night," he said after a beat.
"Of course, you can always sleep over," Kim said immediately.
Zack nodded, grateful.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jason asked softly, studying Zack carefully.
Zack's default was to say no, laugh it off, divert attention, but he hesitated instead, because Trini said that Kim and Jason had been driving her crazy all week wanting news about Zack, trying to give him the space he'd asked for while also worrying themselves into a panic.
"Not... not really," Zack said, watching Jason nod and disappointment cross his face before he could tamp it down, Kim looking away completely, and he sighed.
"Look, it's not that I don't -- I mean, you guys know I trust you, right?" Zack said.
"Of course," Jason said immediately, Kim echoing him. "We just want to be there for you."
"We want to help," Kim added earnestly.
Zack smiled a bit, shaking his head. "I know, and that's kinda why I don't wanna talk about it." At their confused looks, he continued, trying to make his words make sense. "Look, you both are great. Amazing. You're really good people, who try to help everyone that you can, and I know you want to help me with this, too. But you don't... you just don't get it, sometimes."
"And Trini does?" Kim guessed, trying not to sound bitter.
"Yeah," Zack answered bluntly, watching Kim flinch and Jason reach out for her, not wanting to have this conversation but apparently they were, so. "Yeah, she does, mostly. You and Jase, you've always had friends. You've always had your parents, you have whatever you want. You guys have never worried about anything except your school lives. Trini, her family is a bit messed up, so she gets some of it, and she's a loner so she definitely gets the part about it being so hard to just open up to others."
Zack took a breath, shaking his head. "But she doesn't quite get it all, either. None of you understand what it's like to be the person responsible for keeping the roof over your head or food on the table or your mom alive for just another day... I've been taking care of my mom since I was 13. In your life, you want to go out for Chinese, you just go. Your parents give you money and you get what you want and you don't have to worry about having a bed to go home to at night. If I want Chinese, I have to take an extra shift cause we don't get enough money for all the bills and the meds my mom needs as is it, so first shift pays for the roof and the food and the pills, and if I want anything else, I gotta work a double."
"Zack..." Jason tried, reaching for him. "We could help--"
"I don't want your money," Zack said, meeting their eyes. "I can -- I do this myself."
"It's not pity, Zack, it's not, you're our boyfriend, you're our friend, we just want to help," Kim protested.
"I know, Kim, I do. But this is my responsibility. I can't -- if something happens, if we break up, and I've been depending on you... what if I can't get another job, what if my mom suffers because of it? I can't risk that, I can't risk her," Zack said, trying to explain.
"We won't break up," Jason said firmly, in his leader voice, making Zack automatically sit up a little straighter, making it that much easier to believe him. "And even if we did, we wouldn't just abandon you. You were our friend first, and you always will be, regardless if we date."
Zack blew out a slow breath, glancing at Kim. "Damn, we give him so much shit but then he gives a speech like that and it's just..."
"A punch to the gut," Kim finished, smiling a bit.
Jason glanced between them a bit confused and Zack shook his head. "You were made to be a leader, Red."
"I meant what I said," Jason said firmly, earnestly.
"Yeah, I know," Zack said, pressing forward to kiss him, kissing Kim afterwards. "It's just hard to share her, you know? She's all I got, and she's... not doing so good."
"Zack," Kim said, tugging him to them, both of them settling him across their laps, held close.
"Is that why you couldn't go home?" Jason asked softly, hitting the mark straight on, as always.
Zack nodded, closing his eyes and just leaning into them. "Yeah. When she has bad spells like this... the walls just close in on us. She needs me so much but it's just so hard sometimes, I feel so... so helpless in that trailer, I can't stand it."
"You have us," Kim said firmly, squeezing her arm around him.
"We can help... let us help," Jason said. "We'd come be with you whenever you called, you know that."
"And we can have more fun than you can alone with some beer," Kim added.
Zack chuckled, curling closer to them, one hand gripping Jason's shirt, the other on Kim's thigh, leaning into Jason's hand in his hair and Kim's hand rubbing his back.
"You work so hard to take care of her," Jason said. "You take care of all of us, all the time -- you help Billy with his projects and give Trini the shoulder to lean on that she needs, you go on adventures with Kim so that she can show off her happiness... you come with me when I do runs around town just to make sure everyone is okay so that you can make sure I'm okay... you do so much, let us take care of you."
"Seriously," Zack said, voice cracking. "With the speeches. Killing me, Red."
Jason slid his hand from Zack's hair to cup his cheek, meeting his eyes. "I love you."
Zack sucked in a sharp breath, studying Jason's face and smiling shyly. He turned his head when Kim's hand pressed at Jason's on his face.
"I love you, Zack," Kim said, smiling at him.
Zack felt a bit overwhelmed, smiling at both of them. He leaned into Kim, kissing her and pouring as much as he could into it, breaking the kiss so he could turn back to Jason and kiss him just as hard.
"I love you," he said, turning to them both. "I love you."
Jason's grin lit up his face and Kim laughed breathlessly and Zack's heart felt like it was going to burst, the three falling into easy kisses, holding each other.
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yourdailyqueer · 3 years
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Kimberly Hart-Simpson
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual / Pansexual
DOB: Born 1987
Ethnicity: White - Welsh
Occupation: Actress
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inkypinky · 4 years
kim: don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
trini: yeah, break their bones. they have 206 of those.
kim: dont do that either!
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wingedsilva · 5 years
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Happy Pride guys! As a little addition to my 2018 pride piece, I decided to update it with some more of my favorite ships! 
I hope each of you beautiful people is enjoying your pride month and remember that love knows no boundaries!
p.s. bi girls are the cutest and you can’t change my mind
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super-rangers · 5 years
I'm turning Kim into a yeehaw wlw and no one can stop me
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ffshipsmoodboards · 5 years
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Kimberly Hart & Aisha Campbell-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
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thecousinsdangereux · 6 years
Yooooo Weiss’ haircut in your fic sounds like Good Shit. What made you go for that?
Oh, it’s probably because I’m a 1000% predictable trope mess. lol. I just love the idea of the DRAMATIC HAIR CHOP, like with Korra or Kim Hart or Mulan (or countless others) to symbolize a change. I know it’s been overdone, but do I care? Absolutely not. I don’t know if I actually actually want it to happen in the show, but I still get a kick out of it.Plus, I just think Weiss would look bombass with really short hair. If I had any artistic capabilities I would have drawn it a thousand times by now. 
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