misseviehyde · 1 year
BITCH-SEED: (The leaving gift)
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Jenny loved her younger brother Toby so much. He was funny, kind and musically talented. He was a drummer in a Nirvana inspired school band and didn't lack for moral courage. He was a cool kid who looked out for others - she was really proud of him.
That was why she begged him to stop trying to intervene with her bullying by mean-girl Aimee and her bunch of cronies.
Aimee was a blonde, spoiled rich girl who had taken a dislike to Jenny. She was cruel, self-absorbed and malicious and seemed to spend a considerable part of her energy looking for ways to ruin Jenny's life.
The popular mean girl had a vindictive and cruel streak and Jenny didn't want her brother being targeted and victimised next. Besides, they were moving schools next week so what was the point? Her Dad was getting a job in a new town and the family were all moving. Jenny was looking forward to the fresh start.
She was by the lockers clearing out some of her things ready for the move one day, when she heard a familiar voice.
"Hey loooooser."
Jenny's bowels clenched in fear as she heard the teasing, superior voice of her bully behind her and she turned to see Aimee and her clique of girls standing before her.
Aimee was impossibly pretty. Her blonde hair was platinum and straight and perfect in every way. Her flawless features were smooth and beautiful, her clothing expensive and painfully tasteful. She wore white knee length boots, so shiny you could see your face in them, a pleated black mini-skirt and a cute pink sweater of some highly expensive material. A pretty pink bow was pinned into her hair.
Cold blue eyes regarded Jennny maliciously, Amiee's pink lip-glossed lips twitching into a malevolent smile as she examined her acrylic nails - long and white - and advanced on her victim.
"Ohhh are you clearing out your locker already loser? So sorry to hear you're leaving us. I guess that means you think you're getting away from me?"
Jenny backed nervously away from the other girl and shrieked as she crashed into the open door of the locker behind her. The impact bruised her back and sent a stab of pain through her body.
Amiee and her girls howled with laughter enjoying seeing Jenny make a clutz of herself as usual.
"I'll have to find some other pathetic fuck to do my homework and top up my coffee money," laughed Amiee. "You're so fucking pathetic Jenny. It doesn't matter where you go, you'll never amount to anything."
"Hey - leave her alone," snarled a voice and Jenny felt a stab of fear as Toby suddenly appeared at her side. "You bunch of bitches better leave my sister alone. I'm sick of watching you float around here as if the world owes you a living. None of you have got any real backbone. You're just parasites who live off your Daddy's money. Get out of here."
The girls all looked at one another in genuine puzzlement and Amiee smirked - tossing her hair coldly and folding her arms dangerously beneath her breasts.
"Oh yeah nerd? You think you can protect your dumb sister from us? I don't think so and thanks for helping me make my mind up about something I've been planning for a while. Girls I think it's time we gave our leaving gifts to these losers."
Holding out their palms facing up, the popular girls all began to giggle and smirk as with a buzzing, crackling sound, tiny motes of energy materialised above their open hands. They formed into small spheres of pastel coloured energy that floated in the air. The siblings gawked in astonishment.
Amiee's was the largest. A ball of bratty pink light that shone with a powerful radiance and seemed to whisper toxic ideas into the mind.
"Each of these is a bitch-seed. It's how we make more members of our clique. The seeds contain our memories of makeup, boys and fashion and also our stronger personalities and feminine desires that will corrupt and transform anyone they enter. One of you is going to become JUST like us and I think we both know who..."
Laughing Amiee turned and blew on her seed. It shot from her hand and hit Toby... crackling as it entered his body and he groaned in shock.
He gasped as the delicious pink energy throbbed and thrummed through him and around him... strange new thoughts and desires filling his mind as his bones and body ached.
Doesn't it feel good to be girly?
It did feel... good. Really good.
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Toby's short brown hair lengthened and his features became softer. Pretty lashes blinked in astonishment and he tugged uncomfortably at his clothing as his hips cracked out and his chest tingled as budding breasts began to form. He was becoming a girl!
"You see Jenny," laughed Amiee. "When you start your new school - it's the perfect time to send someone to start a new clique there. I've done my research and your new school is pathetically short of bullies. I've decided your brother will be perfect to start things there. He has real leadership potential and once I've turned him into my mini-me then you'll never be free. The transformation changes reality for any who don't witness it, and soon you'll be the only one who remembers your brother. Now let's fill him up with more, girls!"
More bitch-seeds floated from the girls hands and into Toby. Pink and purple sparks crackled as they merged into him and Toby moaned as each one was absorbed into his body accelerating the physical changes.
Toby groaned as his nice personality was attacked and overwhelmed. He felt so sexy and bitchy and it felt so good to give into all the whispering girly voices telling him to accept the power.
Yesssssss let your like loser personality become ours. Be a mean girl, you know you want to.
Toby giggled and threw back his head - eagerly spreading his arms wide and accepting the energy into his body. He needed this! It felt AMAZING!
Amiee watched in wicked delight summoning another ball of energy and sending it into him.
"Yessss that's it bitch... take all our power and let it transform you. Let your new thoughts take control. Become a fucking bitch just like us."
The girls surrounded Toby and holding our their hands shot more energy into his body. Each blast caused Toby to moan in pleasure and to writhe in ecstasy - clearly enjoying the wicked energy pulsing into his body.
"Yessssss... give it to me... mmmmhhh fill me up. Mmmmh this feels so good yes I wanna be a bitch just like you girls!"
Toby moaned as wicked nails shot from his fingers and his hair lengthened and turned lighter then finally platinum blonde. His body became more feminine with tanned soft skin and beautiful features. Hips cracked out as his chest began to bulge pushing his t shirt out in interesting places.
Jenny sobbed in horror as she watched the transformation. She was powerless to stop the corruption. Toby wasn't even resisting!
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The girls were all moaning in unison now, the bullies groaning like sluts as they pushed their most evil, depraved, slutty memories and thoughts into the bitch-seeds.
Toby's mind was being corrupted and overwritten by dozens of memories - Amiee's strongest of all. His own useless boy memories were being overwritten.
Memories of sucking dick, spending money, acting like a spoiled bitch filled the transforming sluts mind. It overrode now useless knowledge. Who needed to play the drums when you could be a cheerleader instead? Who needed to know the names of his male friends when he could be friends with the most popular girls in school.
Hours worth of makeup tutorials, knowledge of how to bully people and manipulate others seared through Toby's malleable mind. The bitch seeds were finding fertile ground.
"Yessssss, I love it," drooled the blonde girl happily as her pretty eyes rolled back in her head. "Give me moooooore!"
"Wow girls - she's really receptive. Pump her mind full of our nastiest memories. Turn her into the meanest, most spoiled slut ever. Burn that boy out of her. Make her into our new friend... Naomi."
Naomi moaned happily as she heard her new name. Yes... that was who she was now. Her pink lips curved into a wicked smile as she felt her breasts swell up nice and big and her useless dick retreat into being her new clit. This was MUCH better.
"Fuck yes girls - make me fucking EVIL!" laughed Naomu as she felt all positive memories and love for her pathetic sister burned out of her mind. This was glorious.
Sobbing in the corner Jenny watched her bullying sister being corrupted into the worst kind of bitch.
By now the energies had even affected Toby's former clothing. His Nirvana t-shirt was now no more, replaced instead by a tight pink dress that fit the new bitch perfectly.
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Naomi's nails were long and sharp, her shaven pussy covered by a tiny black thong whose string rode up between her perfect ass cheeks. Full firm breasts, bigger then Jenny's stood proudly on her chest and her bitchy blonde hair fell like a perfect wave around her shoulders.
She and Aimee looked like sisters now.
Aimer and Naomi hugged as if they had known each other all their life and Jenny squirmed in fear at the matching smiles on their perfect faces...
Linda had thought she should go say hi to the new girl on the beach. Jenny seemed nice - although the look of terror on her face as Linda approached was weird.
The chubby nerd wasn't sure why Jenny was so terrified and she didn't even see Naomi from behind till it was too late.
Linda moaned as the bitch-seed conjured by Naomi flowed into her body and she began to change. "That's it nerd," hissed Naomi, "let the bitch in you grow. Become the bitch you were born to be."
In moments Linda had been replaced and had become Leanne instead. Now a spoiled beach bitch she moved to flank her new Alpha with a wicked smile on her face.
"Thanks sis," giggled Naomi. "Another new girl for my clique. I do enjoy turning the ones that would have been your friends into MY friends."
Jenny cried as she looked into her once kind brothers sneering face. Naomi was even worse that Aimee had been. She constantly mocked and teased her sister and made her feel inferior. Worse - her parents were totally enthralled by their popular, successful, beautiful daughter and now despised Jenny.
School was a nightmare - Naomi had created a new clique of bullies and turned the school into her personal playground. She was now head cheerleader and dating the quarterback. Having to listen to Naomi scream in ecstasy as Chad fucked her brains out in hwr bigger bedroom next door was yet another indignity Jenny had to endure.
"Oh by the way loser," grinned Naomi. "Aimee and the girls are visiting this weekend. They're staying over the whole time and I bet you can't wait to catch up with her."
Laughing Naomi strutted away to the admiring stares of everyone whilst her sister cried like a pathetic little bitch.
Guess Penny wasn't enjoying her leaving gift after all...
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trek-tracks · 5 months
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areyoudoingthis · 9 months
more than one person asked so i'm making a post about it. i use this program to download torrents (it's safe, no viruses or ads, i've been torrenting for years). and this is the website where i found the ridiculously hd version of ofmd. just type "our flag means death s01" in the searchbar at the top. for s2 you might have to search episode by episode, so "our flag means death s02e01" and so on (i don't know if the season has been uploaded in a single torrent yet, it hadn't been when i downloaded it). then just click the little red magnet symbol that looks like a big U, and it'll ask you if you want to open the link with qbitorrent. click yes, pick a folder to save the episodes in your computer, and have fun (the higher the green number next to the episodes is on the website, the faster the link will download, so if a link doesn't work just pick another one). you can always ask if you get stuck somewhere, i don't mind!
oh btw 2160p is the highest definition available right now so aim for those links, I'll leave them seeding forever
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motherjanerainy · 8 months
booktok cannot handle unfriendly or emotionally complex female characters. show them a woman who’s a little problematic and they start shaking and shitting themselves. women can be either be martyrs or victims, anything else and ppl short circuit. men can be fucked up emotionally manipulative mass murders but if women have one unpalatable emotion they’re drawn & quartered.
if booktok bitches saw the female characters i liked they would piss blood for a week !!!!
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 98
So there’s been a leucistic raven around the area I live and they are giving me ideas. 
 Danny is having fun. He’s on vacation! Sort of. Look, the GIW can barely find ecto-animals, and apparently being a halfa means that once Amorpho helped him with shapeshifting, he was golden. Well not literally, apparently his form’s coloration is based on his hair. So. But even then, who expects a raven of all things to be stopping crimes? Or aiding them. Look, the plant-lady has the right idea and he thinks Sam would adore her. Er, as long as she doesn’t kill anyone that is. 
 And Clockwork even gave his approval to do some time shenanigans too! Apparently there’s some super-speed heroes who he’s getting frustrated with and he’s allowed to follow them back in time to mess with their own stumbling through the time stream. Or something, does he really care? No, he’s on vacation! 
 But his absolute favorite has to be this sad funky british man and this age-shifting magic boy. He of course brings them all the best gossip- and food for the kid. Look, just because he’s on vacation doesn’t mean he’s gonna’ be heartless. He remembers how it is as a teenage-hero and the kid is like, ten so. 
 Though he’s pretty sure Mr sad-trench coat dude knows he’s not a normal raven but it’s hilarious to hear him try to figure it out. 
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glorygodngore · 1 year
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daenerystemper · 1 month
to be honest if i was daenerys during season eight episode one & sansa bitterly snipped "and may i ask how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? while i ensured our stores lasted through winter, i did not account for dothraki, unsullied and two full grown dragons. what do dragons eat anyway?" i would have said "lol nothing i guess," given the order for my troops to turn around & march back to dragonstone & let the north deal with whatever they had coming.
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kennyomegasweave · 8 months
Okay, listen, I am a Certified Way Hater and have been since like episode three, at least, but the man better not die on Friday. If he dies, Babe will never get closure working through everything that was their friendship, and he deserves that. Dying is also easy and I want Way to have to live with what he's done. And Pete will be sad. And I refuse, REFUSE, to see Pete be sad. So, Way must live.
Way can get shot, as a little treat to me specially, but he can't die.
I'm manifesting that.
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littlemisswrath9 · 5 months
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I just want to thank @xbaebsae for her amazing mods, I always thought it was so unfair that Joseph was walking around shirtless like 98% percent of the entire game while Jacob and John were clothed.
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I’ve said this before but I genuinely love seeing people’s swtor OCs. It’s just a video game with eight storylines and some pretty basic or even non existent backgrounds, yet people can take that and spin it into their own completely new story with complex interwoven backgrounds and relationships and I just love that for us.
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lollytea · 12 days
I really love hope is a thing with feathers and I also really LOVE the hope as a sewer rat poem too but I wish it was not explicity written as "well actually" against Dickinson asgvsjnk. The imagery is SO GOOD but this whole vibe of "my metaphor is better than your metaphor" kinda sours it for me
#i dont like the patronizing usage of ''Emily'' like theyre explaining something to a child#admittedly dickinson has been dead for over a century so its probably huge deal to talk about her flippantly in terms of poetry#this is just me personally. how i feel about it#i dont like her being namedropped like that#it has this energy of ''haha lemme school this bitch''#when the poem itself was never supposed to see the light of day. she never consented to it being published. girl was 5 years in the grave#it feels like making fun of somebodys diary#i also dont like how it kinda makes fun of dickinson's imagery of hope as something ''beautiful delicate'' thing#i always interpreted as it is told. a little bird. i pictured a fat fluffy thing like the ones i see outside my window#ive known them to be stubborn and mischivious#when we leave out seeds on the lawn the little ones are always bullied away by the crows and magpies#but they keep trying. theyll attempt to sneak over and peck away before the crows notice them#they ARE optimistic and resilient little things. tougher than they look#so i always found the metaphor apt#sewer rat also fits just as well. but i think it depends on the angle from how youre looking at it#so i dont like this vibe of ''it should be more RAW it should be UGLIER'' cuz even tho i love that style of writing#it just feels like unnecessary one-upping here#especially considering dickinson was severely depressed and tons of her poems reflect it#god forbid she dabble around with the occasional light hearted poem about seeing hope as a silly little bird#asgsjsnk sorry im not trying to make a statement or anything. ill delete this later probably
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moonliteve · 1 year
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like a lamb to the slaughter
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Me in an educational setting: it’s important to present dress history facts in context and as free of personal aesthetic bias as possible! remember, people liked these styles, whatever we may think of them, and my job is to connect my audience to those people’s mindset
Me in private: guys I’m gonna fistfight 1920s fashion
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spnfistfight · 1 year
Round One, Left Side
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erythristicbones · 1 month
21 pages of my book edited!! wooo!!!
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paeinovis · 5 months
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Compiled this lil piece from solar filter I used during the eclipse and plants I grabbed from my friend's parents' yard in Arkansas (they have those cool helicopter seeds we don't have around Florida)! Included Jupiter and Venus symbols on two handheld filters since those planets were very visible during the eclipse, and bits of a cyanotype I did the day before! So all the components are directly related to the eclipse/general area I viewed it from :-)
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