#bkdk discourse
rirururu · 1 month
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Can we talk about how this entire My Hero Academia season 7 stage preview panel was just the voice actors/actresses of Izuku, Katsuki, Toga, Ochako, and Shigaraki discussing Bakudeku and Togachako for 50 minutes? 😭 These screenshots were certainly a choice.
We're getting close to endgame. Season 7 or 8 will probably be the last season. We know Horikoshi had recently confided in Bones on what the ending of MHA was going to be so they could start the production process sooner. Now there's a sudden shift of promotional material and interest towards these two ships in particular which is-- interesting.
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Izuocha also briefly appear in the stage discussion but only at around the 40 minute mark near the end. They also made sure to put those screenshots below the Bakudeku apology scene. No hate towards Izuocha of course. I'm just saying: this is not how you treat a pairing in marketing if they were meant to be endgame.
Does this mean anything? Probably not. We've all sung this song before with shounen manga and been hurt in the past. But Bakudeku and Togachako might actually stand a chance here. Regardless if this comes true, I'll still love both pairings and appreciate the time these VAs took to discussing them.
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Children throwing tantrums when adults read material made by/for adults in a fandom space made by/for adults about objects that don't exist. You are a guest here, mind your own business. Your tantrums aren't going to change a thing in regards to fandom, bkdk or mha.
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red-sneakers · 1 year
When I first started shipping bkdk, I was like, “Welp. Guess I have my first toxic ship lol. It’s fine, not everything I enjoy reading about in fiction has to be something I’d endorse in real life.”
See, I latch on to a favorite character, and I just want them to get what they want (even if I’d advise them otherwise if they were my friend irl). And from my perspective, Katsuki was what Izuku wanted from the beginning.
But now in the manga, after everything Katsuki and Izuku have been through, and all the growth they’ve done both together and separately, I’m like,
“Oh no it’s nolonger toxic?? Have I been fandom brainwashed, or is this… Actually one of the greatest love stories of all time?”
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defnotkanyewest · 4 days
Something I will genuinely never understand is some peoples obsession with a characters sexuality like people will say “so and so is gay because of this and that” and then someone else is gonna reply to them being all mad “Erm actually they aren’t because of this and that” like why do either of you care so much
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firyfox · 1 year
Lmao ppl think it shouldn't matter to us whether or not bkdk becomes canon? Couldn't be me 🤨 Imagine thinking that we shouldn't care whether or not we get monumental queer progress in popular media, or get a satisfying ending that makes the most sense for the characters, or avoid the typical No Homo ending that action series's always get -
Imagine thinking that we shouldn't legitimately hope & ask for more than the little representation we have, simply based on the patterns of other series's that were made years before now
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katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
i really really really really really really really hate when people’s sole reason for not liking a character is because they cannot imagine that character being an actual human being. they look at this character and go “what a bitch” instead of processing that oh, maybe this character is a human person too and feels things the same way everyone else does.
this is about bakugou. specifically. everyone else too but explicitly him rn. because so many people look at this little bastard of a guy and say “he’s so cocky and shallow and rude and prideful” YEAH! YEAH HE FUCKING IS! Y’KNOW WHY? because he’s a human being who has experienced life in a way that led to that kind of behavior.
why in the world does it take him Reaching His Fucking Breaking Point for you to look at him and realize he’s human, too? why? why does he have to cry and express shame and guilt before you finally understand that he isn’t the untouchable god he’d have you believe?
and it makes me so upset because it’s clear as fucking day to me. he’s like that for a reason. a reason that makes complete and total sense given his circumstances. does that make everything he’s done okay? of course not! but it means he’s Human, for crying out loud. and you’d all have him burnt at the stake before understanding that.
i’ve been through it. i understand why he’s like that. and it makes me so upset to see people acting like he’s unlovable or irredeemable. because i know people have looked at me the exact same fucking way. why is it so hard to believe we’ve got feelings too, huh? can you not see the humanity in anyone’s eyes but your own?
i don’t usually get heated about stuff and i try to be mostly chill in fandom whatnot. but this is an issue that really gets me pressed because damn, is that how you think of people in real life too?
anyways. moment of vulnerability over, stepping down off the soapbox.
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explodcor · 6 months
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@randdodraggo said: On the plus side today, the fact that Bakugo openly called himself Kaachan in the heat of battle? Oh my Horikoshi, you’re spoiling us Bkdk shippers rotten.
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OOC: I wait with baited breath every week, because I swear, Katsuki just gets progressively gayer with each new chapter.
Never in my life did I ever expect Katsuki to call himself "Kacchan." Like, hearing Nobuhiko yell "CALL ME KACCHAN!" at live events in Katsuki's voice is one thing--but having it be series canon thing is amazing.
To me, it feels very explicit in emphasizing that he wants to connect himself to Deku. He wants AFO to know that he's tied to Izuku and OFA. He wants to be Izuku's protector, hero, and partner (whether in a fighting sense or in a romantic one is up for interpretation). It's especially obvious since in just the previous chapter, he does a direct reference to Deku by saying "I'm here to step in when that nerd can't handle things by himself!"
Twitter discourse is a goddamn mess. People are trying to claim that he was thinking of Kaminari when he called himself "Kacchan" because they refuse to acknowledge that Katsuki's relationship with Izuku is different than his relationship with other characters. It's really not that hard to understand.
I'm just so happy that, finally, the bkdk antis can shut up about how Katsuki apparently "always HATED" Deku calling him "Kacchan." Apparently, he "told Izuku" that he hated it and Deku just never "respected his boundaries." On what planet had he ever said that? I have no goddamn clue. They're confusing fanfiction with canon.
I always thought Katsuki was indifferent to it, but then as Izuku and him got closer, he started cherishing that name because it's something that only (mainly) Deku calls him. There is only one "Kacchan" to Deku.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 years
Someone: "Deku is straight"
Me: lmao, sure, ha
Other Someone: "Bakugo is straight"
It's not even that Izuku is less obviously queer, it's just that Katsuki has never thought twice about a girl in his life and I can't imagine the the sheer level of hetero entitlement needed to believe otherwise. I wouldn't believe it's possible, but I literally saw someone so confidently say he's gonna get paired off, just the other day...
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cinnabea · 3 months
"no one leaves comments anymore" "I'm afraid to comment" "It's okay you can COMMENT ANYTHING" "but not that" "if I can't criticize I won't comment" "the author never responds anyway so I don't see the point" "no one leaves comments anymore" comment discourse is an ouroboros!!!
I am taking fanfic writers by the hand I am so gently encouraging you to find your own motivation, your own community, outside of just ao3. Even finding one person to share fics with (or leaning in to writing for just yourself) will make the uncertainty of public reception bearable.
Yes I love kind comments from complete strangers, but I only want them if the reader has something to say, not because I've got a knife to their throat. And if they won't comment because I don't respond, that's fine too, because that's not the kind of comment I probably want either.
Writers have to post without the expectation of comments. Readers have to comment without the expectation of a response. And if they get something more out of it, that's great, but let's stop guilting each other for not engaging more in an internet landscape that is already built on manipulating us to maximize engagement.
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spinji · 2 years
I'm just gonnna say it since the manga is almost over. If bakudeku isn't canon by the end of the series, I am begging all of you guys to do one thing.
Do not, under ANY circumstance, try to frame it as Horikoshi queerbaiting or intentionally being homophobic.
Would it be a more satisfying payoff to their character arcs? Yes.
Is the currently foreshadowed boy-meet-girl lazy romance one of the weakest parts of MHA's writing? Yes.
But you cannot assume that Hori has genuinely considered bkdk in a romantic context, or that Jump would even allow it. There's a lot built for an intimate relationship between Bakugou and Deku but unless Hori says that's where the story is going and then backs out that does not count as queerbaiting.
If the manga ends and the entire fandom devolves into just that argument, I will not forgive you guys. I'm just asking you guys to use just a fraction of the brain power you apply to bakudeku meta posts to this possibility.
I'm trusting you, okay?
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bochitoblanco · 2 years
Very long rant:
I'm actually not fond of kr//bk anymore. I really strongly dislike its community and the ship itself is starting to bug me because of it.
The take those shippers have?? Calling Izuku a creepy stalker that overstepped Katsuki's boundaries which is why he got bullied???
Are you kidding me?... how can someone blame a kid, A LITERAL KID for being bullied. Literally victim blaming.
They made up a whole thread of headcanons and then claimed it was canon.
I know we sometimes love headcanons a little too much but please, I beg you guys, headcanons are just things made up by you/others, they are not real, don't delude yourself into thinking your headcanons = canon 💀💀💀
I get kr////bk is dead and they haven't had any canon interactions since forever so the shippers need to rely on headcanons, but they deluded themselves to a point it is so ridiculous.
Katsuki doesn't hate Izuku, he is the closest person he has and he has basically put his life on the line to protect him.
He likes Izuku, he loves Izuku (platonically so far until proven otherwise) and no headcanon will change this.
Katsuki loves Izuku, he is important to him, cope 👍
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bkdkdump · 10 months
Saying Horikoshi is one of us is not assuming his sexuality.
Saying Horikoshi is one of us is not assuming his sexuality.
Saying Horikoshi is one of us is not assuming his sexuality.
Saying Horikoshi is one of us is not assuming his sexuality.
We also said it with Nobuhiko, Noguchi, Ryota Kobayashi, LISA, Eve and every artist working on MHA who gave us BKDK content.
I repeat, saying Horikoshi is one of us is not assuming his sexuality. Don't get it twisted
And obviously is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than saying he's HOMOPHOBIC, don't put it on the same level, it's not.
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Here is a collection of twitter users who are trying to dictate the types of content people can and can't enjoy. It's giving massive colonizer vibes, all over a bunch of bkdk pixels too! Literal objects! Simply insane that people believe that they can try and force others to their wills.
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the only way i can think to make it worse is if they went with "katsuki bakugou midoriya-bakugou" and "izuku midoriya bakugou-midoriya"
or they invent a name. bakumi idk
You're right that is absolutely worse whhhy the triple name the best i can do is katsuki midoriya-bakugo or katsuki bakugou-midoriya and the counterparts
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dekusheroacademia · 2 years
I am sorry but I see a big part of the bkdk fandom directed towards disappointment.
DO NOT already decide that "if bnha ends with no romance at all, it means izuocha is canon/bkdk is not canon. It needs to have a proper explicit canon ending".
BNHA is not going to turn into a romance, indipendently from the ship. And it is not going to have an explicit canon bkdk ending even IF bkdk ends up being canon.
So, for me, I am not going to write out anything. If bnha ends up with no romance? For what concerns me, bkdk canon.
Remember that even Yuri on Ice which was an anime about a romance, basically, had to use subtle hints. So do not expect a full on confession
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superbeeny · 1 year
I feel the reason the Izuocha fandom has changed so much the past few years is because while the Spirited Away tribute Izuocha pic by Horikoshi IS really beautiful, I wonder if a lot of fans took it too literally and started to watch the series assuming Izuku and Ochaco’s relationship is supposed to have the same level of importance to BNHA that Chihiro and Haku did to Spirited and Away.  So it might be why so many fans felt so slighted when Horikoshi went for ShiggyAFO targeting Bakugou specifically to hurt Deku/spelling out Bakugou is Deku’s closest person.
(admittedly, I kinda have a feeling Horikoshi DID intentionally bait people into thinking Ochaco was Deku’s closest person post Villain Hunt to make the reveal more shocking to at least some viewers. Whether Hori is making the series too click-baity is for another time).  
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