#blabbering about bakugou
assassyart · 1 year
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gojosprettyprincess · 8 months
Thinking about...
Big strong beefy men lifting you, wrapping your legs around his hips, while he's holding your ass, bouncing you on his cock up and down like you weigh nothing, both of your arms are wrapped around his neck for support, not that you even needed to do that in the first place cause of how fucking strong he is.
Then he just starts drilling his cock into you from below, his tip kissing your sweet spot with each thrust causing rings of cum to appear at the base of his cock, some even dripping onto the floor. His cock is stretching your poor little cunt so much, your crying and blabbering a bunch of nonsense while he's manhandling you effortlessly like some rag doll, he's eyeing the way your boobs bounce with each of his hard thrusts.
And then he starts thinking about how the position is perfect for breeding you and stuffing your cunny full of his cum. He picks up his pace, hammering his thick cock into your tight walls, hissing at the way your cunt clenches around him before shooting his cum so fucking deep into your pussy, emptying his balls straight into your poor cunt, filling you up with his seed and cock to the hilt.
Simon Ghost Riley, Toji, Nanami, Gojo, Bakugou, Sukuna, Kirishima, Todo, Geto
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aakeysmash · 7 months
Roommate or boss?
Pairing: f!reader x Katsuki Bakugou.
Warnings: a lot of yapping. Male masturbation. A bit of violence from Katsuki’s part when a guy tries getting in your pants.
Word count: this part is 2.4k, added to the others (part 1, part 2, part 3) it’s 8.9k.
Next part: part 5
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"It's too hot" you mewl while lying on your couch. “Step back, it’s my turn to be in front of the fan” you add, getting up and walking towards Katsuki.
“Fuck no, it’s been 3 minutes since you had a go at it. Go back to the hell hole you came from, pest” your roommate answers while throwing daggers at you.
You poke your finger in his exposed bicep. He doesn’t budge. Damn, this man is hard as a rock.
“Come onnnnn! This is the time when you should be a gentleman and let me cool down my beautiful face. Do you really want to be such a brute, Mr. Bakugou?” you bat your eyelashes seductively, trying to convince him.
Bakugou stares at you like your face is green and you’re a slimy frog that just came out of a pile of mud.
“I don’t fucking care. You’re a big girl and I ain’t no prince charming. Step the fuck back or I’m throwing you on that damn sofa. Wait your shitty turn” he says, flicking your forehead.
You whine some more, whisper “bitch” (it gets you another flick) and then turn back to lay on the floor. It’s colder than the couch, at least.
It’s summer, there’s 41°C outside, and your AC broke the other day. It’s so hot that you take out the ice from the freezer and it melts in 4 minutes (max). You happened to have one old crusty fan, that you and Bakugou take turns using. You have been surviving on iced coffee and iced lemonades. You feel like you’re slowly dying.
“You know, this is the only time I really wish my boss would call me in early. He might be a ghost, but he sure uses money for the AC” you blabber while staring at the ceiling, contemplating booking a trip to Alaska.
“What do you mean a ghost?” the blond asks. He’s been much more talkative in the last few months, maybe because seeing you being so domestic was doing something to him. In the last few days he really wants to be your friend, but not because he’s suddenly nice: he thinks he could bribe you to gift him the fan if he’s kinder and breaks your defenses. He’s even planning on asking you to go to a cafe nearby and offer you one of those sweet fuzzy iced drinks you like so much. He’s scheming.
“A ghost because I’ve never seen his face. Can you believe that? My colleague says he’s an asshole though, so maybe that’s for the better” you answer. You get on your elbows to see him better, then squint and frown, “I feel like you could be my boss, you know. Seeing as you’re an asshole too, making me die here on the floor like a common drug addict”.
Yeah, screw the fan. He was asking you out to kill you.
“I hope he fires you”.
“Fuck you”.
You throw yourself back on the floor. The movement makes your boobs giggle, and he catches himself staring at your white tank top. You didn’t wear a bra since it’s indeed still your house and it’s indeed still hot as hell.
Things have been going so much better between you two. You now bicker like you’re siblings, but you do also take walks together sometimes, mainly to get groceries, and talk about stuff. You even convinced him to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians with you, and even if he doesn’t want to admit it, he likes the drama more than you.
At work you have a new manager and she’s super nice. Her name is Mina, and you found out that she and Kirishima are engaged, even if they’re 22 like you. She’s a great worker, and you’ve gone out for drinks a couple of times with her and Momo. She’s been at the cafe for 2 months, but you feel so much better already. She throws you weird looks sometimes, like she knows something you don’t, but you pay it no mind.
The timer on your phone rings, and you jump up before throwing your whole body on Katsuki’s. He’s distracted and you get him off guard, managing to move him away. He notices your tits touching his arm.
“Hah! My turn!” you say triumphantly, positioning yourself in front of the fan. The cold air makes your nipples harden. He seems to not be able to look away.
“Awh, Katsuki, cat got your tongue? Don’t worry, baby, the floor is not that bad” you snicker.
He snaps out of his trance and looks at your smirk. Baby? Did you just call him baby?
Fuck, what is he doing? The heat is getting to him. He hastily turns around and starts walking.
“Fuck off, I’m getting in the shower. You can have your fucking fan until I get out” he grunts while almost running away. He needs to have a cold shower.
“We’ll see!” you smile devilishly at him, not having noticed how he’s furiously blushing while slamming the bathroom door.
Katsuki puts his back on the door and slides to the floor. He rubs his face before staring at the obvious tent his semi is causing in his shorts.
Have you always been so hot?
He gets out of his clothes and jumps in the shower, hoping this feeling will go away once the scorching temperature of his skin gets back to normal. But after a few minutes the icy water does nothing to quell his desire, his fully standing cock a statement to that.
He curses under his breath, then wraps one of his hands on his shaft. He feels so dirty doing this, and the fact you’re one door away makes him feel even more embarrassed.
“Let’s get this fucking over with, fuck” he says to himself, pumping his member slowly.
He imagines the way your hand would feel instead of his, or your big eyes staring up at him like you did before, just that in this case you were forcing yourself not to cry while choking on his cock. His hand would be in your hair instead of on his dick, pushing your mouth snugly against his pubes. Your mouth would be hotter than the sun outside and he'd give you a reason to sweat. If you pleaded hard enough he'd fuck you too. He’d really throw you on the sofa, ripping your damn white top and sucking on your nipples. Fuck, what if you pierced them? Your tits would look so good covered in his-
He cums, grunting. "Fuck, this is the most embarrassing shit I've ever had to do to cum" he adds, whispering to himself.
He makes sure to scrub the shower wall clean before putting on the pair of grey short sweatpants he was wearing before. He decides on not to put his black compression tee on, since it’s drenched in sweat.
He exits the bathroom and finds you lying on the couch with the fan blowing directly on your face. Your eyes are closed, and the peaceful expression you're wearing makes his dick throb again.
"Oi, wanna go out? We're short on ice" he finds himself saying.
You open one eye, but when you realize he's half naked you hastily close it and throw him the pillow you were resting your head on.
"When has this become a whore house?" you scream.
He rolls his eyes. "You're such a prude. It's not like you've never seen a man naked" he scoffs, while throwing the pillow back at you.
You open your eyes again and glare at him. You know you must be as red as a tomato.
He looks so good with his hair still dripping wet. You've known that he works out, but now that you see his torso this close and with so little covering his whole body, you find yourself feeling shy. There's a particular drop of water that cascades just in the middle of his pecs, and you follow it with your eyes until it reaches his belly button.
"Earth to y/n. I know I'm hot, but stop ogling and answer my fucking question" your roommate says smirking, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
You throw the same pillow you threw before right on his smiling face. "I'm coming if you're not gonna be naked!" you say, hastily going towards your room.
"But wouldn't you like it, baby?" he mocks the tone you've used with him just 30 minutes ago.
"Fuck you. I'll be there in 10" you respond, slamming your bedroom door, feeling hot and bothered.
It must be the summer.
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You and Katsuki go to a store nearby to get ice.
“When is the landlord gonna repair the AC?” you ask, since he was the one to make the call.
“He said he’ll come next week, probably even the next one. Said he’s on vacay or some shit” he grunts from next to you.
“I can’t survive 2 weeks like this” you whine. “Oh, you know those noodles you did the other day? The spicy ones? Want to make them for dinner today?” you change the topic, looking up at him.
He spares you a glance before smirking and saying “you just said you’re dying, you sure you wanna eat spicy things?”.
“It doesn’t matter, that’s not the question” you say, pouting.
He smirks again. “Sure. Go and take the noodles, I’ll get the vegetables. Call me when you’re finished if you can’t come back here, I know you get lost like a dumbass”.
You slap his arm. “I do not! This place is just big, asshole”. Then you turn around and march straight towards… the wrong aisle. Katsuki shakes his head. You’ll find a way. You always do, somehow.
After 10 minutes you’re still not back and you still haven’t called, so he sighs and gets his phone out.
He missed your texts from 3 minutes ago.
Y/N: Help
Y/N: I feel like a guy is following me
Y/N: I’m next to some spicy sauces, I guess
Y/N: Mom come pick me up, I’m scared
He raises an eyebrow. You’re usually too prideful to text him when you don’t find the ingredients he tells you to search for, so this situation is weird. He tries to remember where the spicy sauces are, and goes for that aisle.
Meanwhile, you were right and a creepy guy was indeed following you. He’s slim, not that tall and looks like a predator. For the past couple of minutes he’s obviously been trying to get in your pants, and you don’t know how to remove yourself from the situation.
“Come on, just give me your number. You got a boyfriend? Is this why you’re being so… spicy?” he says with a low tone of voice, walking towards you and effectively blocking you from the eyes of the people who are walking down your aisle. From outside, he just seems like he’s talking to you.
“I said I’m not interested” you repeat for what feels like the 10th time. Then you decide to lie: “and yes, I do have a boyfriend. He gets crazy when he’s jealous, I wouldn’t want to anger him if I were you”. You hope you sound confident enough.
“Awh he doesn’t have to now, baby girl. It can be our dirty little secret… I love spicy little things like you” he says seductively, touching your arm and licking his lips.
You’re just about to raise your elbow high enough to break his nose when you feel a familiar voice behind you.
“Step the fuck back before I break your fucking hand” Katsuki says to the man in front of you.
You snap your gaze to his eyes, but he’s looking at the guy with a murderous intent.
The slimy guy in front of you doesn’t let go, in fact he just strengthens the hold he has on your arm and you wince. Katsuki notices this.
The guy is definitely intimidated, but still manages to say “mind your business bro, we’re together, this is my bitch-“. But before he can finish the sentence he finds himself crashing on the sauces of the aisle.
“I said step the fuck back. I don’t like to repeat myself. Don’t ever call my girlfriend your bitch again, or next time I’m breaking your damn nose“ your roommate says while putting a hand on your small back.
He then looks down at you, and while he’s looking deep into your eyes, tells you “you good, baby?”.
You nod. You feel your knees shaking, but not because of the guy who’s currently on the floor.
Which, by the way, is now scoffing and declaring “oh so this is your crazy boyfriend? Nobody likes good guys anymore, huh”. He then stands up, adding “you were never pretty enough for me, anyway”.
Katsuki looks at him and suddenly he laughs. “You’re a pathetic ass bitch if you really believe someone like you could ever be near someone like her. You’re not a good guy, you’re an awful piece of shit who only tries to get his dick wet by forcing girls to have sex with him, and you’re obviously failing at that too. Go back to your room and rub one out on some shitty porn like you always do, fucker” he spits out. “You have 5 seconds to get out of my fucking face”.
The asshole thinks he’s joking, so he doesn’t move from his spot, but Katsuki is obviously not playing. He looks super scary, and he’s towering over the pathetic boy.
Katsuki is losing his patience. “5, 4, 3…”.
The guy gets that he’s serious and flees the scene, running with his tail between his legs.
Your roommate takes a big breath before mumbling “I hate people”. You snicker, before looking up at him. “Thank you, you know” you say smiling.
Your gratefulness blinds him, or maybe it’s just that you’re that pretty.
“You’re welcome”.
He doesn’t remove his hand from your back for the rest of your walk, and it feels so natural to be so close to him that you don’t say anything.
A/N: If you want to be put in the taglist make sure your age is visible on your blog first, and then tell me so in the comments <3
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prodkatsu · 2 years
he comforts you during a panic attack ⨾ bakugou katsuki
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"hello, love!"
"i don't think i can do this."
"what—" the painful sobbing from the other side interrupted katsuki from finishing his sentence.
"it's too much. the world is spinning around me and i think i'll throw up if this goes on. im not enough prepared for this. they'll know im not the best and im nothing but useless bitch who can't do much other than being nervous. i don't think i can do—" your sobs of panic were interrupted.
"breath, love, breath for me." the soft voice of your boyfriend spoke from the other side — this is the softest you've ever heard him. you take a gulping breath, choking on the process. "i need you to calm down and tell me what happened, 'kay?"
you nod. "words, love, i need words. tell me what happened."
and you started to tell him all your worries and he listened to those, patiently among all the chokes and sobs you let out. "—and i don't think im qualified enough to give this exam. all the people around me are so talented and experienced, and im nothing but a blabbering mess. i don't think i come even close to them." your sobs swallow few words but katsuki caught up to them "it's— i— ugh! i feel so insignificant among all this amazing people. it's tough imagining that i'll even do well, let alone score good."
you started to sob into the phone, praying that no one will use the restroom at this moment. you don't think you'll be able to take the humiliation along with this anxiety.
the line stayed quiet for some time, making you blabber more nonsense than you mean. "im so sorry. i did not mean to disturb you during your duty. i know how busy you are. oh god! i can't even be a good girlfriend—"
"hey! enough. stop saying shit about my girlfriend. i know my girlfriend better than anyone and i love her despite what she thinks of herself, so do not say anything bad about her." he said sternly, his words making you smile through the tears slightly.
clearing his throat, katsuki said in a soft voice, "i was giving you time, love, to organize your thoughts. im sorry it gave you more things to worry." you shake your head on the other side, realising he can't see. "you know what i think, i think you'll do amazing. ive seen you work hard and i know how much effort you put in your work."
"your classmates might be good, but you're better, you can't underestimate your power, you understand?" you nod. "i need words, love." you reply in a shaky voice, "yes."
"good. you need to know it's normal for you to feel nervous but please believe in yourself. i know you have work hard and i know how good you are. you need to believe in yourself and see what an amazing person you are, yes?" you sobbed and reply, "yes."
"good. now go out there and break legs. i mean literally." you laughed which pulled a smile on katsuki's face. "you good now, baby?"
"yes, im better." you wiped your eyes and nod your head.
"that's my girl. you're better you need to know." you hummed and stood up to dust your dress. walking out of the toilet stall, you went to wash your hands.
"'suki, do you ever feel nervous?" there was a pause before his voice came through.
"always, love, always when you're not with me. i always feel nervous that a time can come when im far from you and you get hurt and im not fast enough to save you. this always haunts me in the night." you can hear the vulnerability in his voice. your katsuki was many things but vulnerable wasn't any of them. he only let this side show with you, that's what you admire the most. he was a force to reckon with but soft breeze when he was with you.
"you're the best, 'suki, i love you." katsuki could feel his ears turning red. you still have that effect on him even after being in a relationship for four years, and on the way to get married. "i love you too, baby. now go and do your best."
you whispered a farewell to him and left the restroom with a new earned determination.
you have prepared your best so you don't need to worry about anything else.
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© prodkatsu 2023 — do not plagiarise, translate or repost my work on any other sites. the characters that i write about are not mine (sadly), they belong to their respective creators.
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
✨Hero gala
Tags: fem!reader x bakugou, angst, bakugou's birthday series 2023
This gala was stupid.
Bakugou hates doing this shit. He glares at himself in the mirror, trying to find comfort in these restrictive garments meant for formal wear.
Gone are his slacks and repetitive tank top and in are shiny, polished shoes and a tigh dress shirt. Irritated, Bakugou releases a couple of the top buttons of the shirt to relieve at least some of the confinement the suit brought him.
It’s better, but he still feels like a caged animal.
The blond finally tears his eyes away from the mirror and slips his phone into his pocket, before stomping to the lift to meet everyone downstairs.
Stupid gala…he’s gonna feel like a sleep-deprived panda tomorrow with how little sleep he’s going to get. He doesn’t mind giving up a few hours of his precious slumber, but he’d appreciate it if it wasn’t right smack in the middle of the examination period.
If he all he meets are heroes dolled up in dresses and suits wearing fake smiles and sugary voices, then he wants a refund, because there’s no way in the ever-loving hell that he’s gonna sit there and—
The elevator dings, and his eyes shoot up from the ground to meet whoever decided to join his lonely trip down to the ground floor. A dress swishes into the lift, the colours of Sakura blossoms.
Instantly, he locks eyes with you, and his heart stutters in his chest.
He takes back everything he was thinking and tosses it out of the imaginary window.
Fuck, you look hot as hell.
Bakugou has only ever seen you with that semi-neat hairstyle you wear to school. Most of the time, he sees you with a messy bun, one of the only ways to keep your hair out of your face. But now, your hair's tied in a beautiful French braid, face adorned with whispy pink eyeshadow and raspberry red lipstick.
God dammit.
"Hey," You greet, eyes twinkling as he stares at you, starstruck.
"Hey yourself," Bakugou says dumbly, finally dragging his eyes away from you to glare hotly at the metal doors of the lift. "Dress looks good on you, Sunshine."
"Suit looks good on you too, Bakugou," You smile, radiant and genuine.
He's gonna fucking die.
"A few years ago, I actually stopped a villain from robbing a jewellery store while I was on patrol. It really taught me how to be-" Bakugou had to restrain rolling his eyes at the hero's blabbering. What did he think it was? Father and son bonding time?
The blond knew the drill with these kinds of conversations. I used to think yadda yadda, then yadda yadda happened to me, I learnt yadda yadda from this incident, yadda yadda yadda yadda.
Yep. Bakugou wants a blood refund, an exit ticket and his warm, comfortable bed.
He excuses himself as politely as possible and ducks over to the buffet table, yanking a plastic cup to fill it with fruit punch. He needs a fucking drink.
"You too?" A voice interrupts his angry downward spiral.
Bakugou gives you a lazy side eye midway through his drink. You're there too, leaning against the wall in that pretty little dress he picked out for you. "If you mean these heroes tryna preach about their entire life history, then yes, Sunshine. I'm having the time of my life over here."
"I can see the excitement practically oozing out of your face, Bakugou. Could've fooled me." You sip your drink with a straight face, humouring him.
He smirks at you, mood already lifting. "I'm guessing I'm not the only one who wants to ditch."
You shrug bringing the punch away from your mouth. "Just trying to be as patient as I can. These heroes have been out in the field for a while now, there's much we can learn from them."
There you go again, being all optimistic and cheery. Bakugou almost can't stand it.
" I can't deal with these sparkly people anymore." He announces to you, stalking over to the fruit punch bowl to refill his drink. "I'm taking a fucking break." It makes you crack a smile (one that makes Bakugou's heart do summersaults), as you push yourselves of the wall. "I'm gonna go back." You say, punch in hand. "See you around."
You only make it a few more steps before he's calling you all over again. "Sunshine."
You stop and turn.
Bakugou's eyes meet yours. "Tell me if you ever manage to learn something from them, yeah?"
That beautiful smile adorns your lips again as you nod. "Right."
Bakugou watches you with piercing eyes as Midoriya stops you halfway, smiling broadly as he converses with you excitedly about what Bakugou presumes is the Heroes here.
Right, this is probably paradise for the hero-obsessed nerd.
He takes a sip of his drink, about to tear his eyes away from you...
And then a window shatters. One window turns into two, and then three and soon there are hordes of people threatening to enter the entire building.
Alarm bells blare loudly in Bakugou's head as he drops his drink onto the ground.
This is a god damn villain attack.
Well, at least something interesting happened at that goddamn ball.
With Shigaraki defeated, there's been a major decline in villains on the loose. However, some strays from the LOV that have yet to be captured are still stirring up havoc and plotting to kill All Might, along with some other dangerous villains, to disrupt the peace that all the heroes fought for.
That was how they got here. With the teenagers split up from the adults because the oh-so-powerful villains wanted to terrorise those of Class A to join their cause.
What a fucking joke.
But who was Bakugou to complain? He was getting bored of the washed-out heroes talking about their experiences he already read up about over the news. He'd rather them talk about anything else than their achievements of successful endorsements and how much their family gave up to get them this far.
He knows what that feels like already.
"Who the fuck are you?" Bakugou spits out, allowing tiny sparks to fly out of his hands as Kirishima hardens his arms. "And what the hell do you want?"
One of the 4 villains giggles, eyes glowing red. "Oh, I like you! I can't wait until you join our cause! I'm sure Boss would be so happy to have someone as dashing as you!"
"Toga 2.0" Bakugou grits out, clenching his fist, pausing. "Got it."
It was surprisingly difficult to take down all 4 of them. Kirishima was a good backup, so Bakugou didn't have to worry for him because he knew he could take care of himself.
The fight lasted longer than Bakugou could keep track, and by the end of it, his friend could barely stand. Bakugou had to admit his arms were aching like crazy as well.
His dress shirt was also completely seared off due to the over usage of his Quirk. Shame. He was just growing fond of it.
"Fucking losers," He jeers, giving the fallen villains a thumbs down to emphasise his point. "We'll never join your despicable league, assholes."
"Bakugou," Kirishima's voice rings through the empty hall, causing him to turn to his red-haired friend. "We should go check on the others. They-" He winces, flesh breaking and bleeding out after his Unbreakable. "They might have had it worse than us. I have a feeling Midoriya would break his bones again."
Bakugou straightens his back at the mention of his childhood friend, nodding his head. "Yeah. I hear sirens outside. Think the police finally showed up."
Come to think of it, where are you? When they got separated, the person he saw you talking to was
His blood pressure spikes. No way.
The ache in his muscles vanishes, and suddenly adrenaline is surging back as Kirishima and him bolt to a broken door frame. You have to be here somewhere, he doesn't believe that you'd get blasted out of the building like a human swatting a fly.
You have to be here.
And he's right, for the most part.
Because when he races downstairs and is finally reunited with his friends who are thankfully safe, he sees you, lying unconscious on a stretcher, with blood pooling from your limbs.
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
Off-Button (My Hero Academia)
Pairing : Lee!Kaminari Ler!Bakugou
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A/N : oh my god who new scumbag could actually post again, it's a marvel. no but fr, i've been lurking around the tickle tags forever and reading all of yall's amazing fics and i couldn't help getting back into it, even for just one fic. this isn't tickletober, i do not have the patience for that (u guys having the willpower to make something new every single day is fucking astounding to me idk how u do it lol), but i hope u guys enjoy it anyways! as always, please like and reblog if u can bc i really appreciate the support :D enjoy!! &lt;3
Summary : Denki is incapable of being quiet during Bakugou and Kirishima's movie night they invited him to. Bakugou can't stand it, and decides to take matters into his own hands.
Word Count : 3359 
. . .
What the absolute fuck was Spiky Hair thinking when he invited that energy filled blabber mouth to their movie night. 
Denki hadn’t shut up since he got into the damn room, his mouth seemingly going for an exercise run when the movie started and he got to make his own commentary. Katsuki was hoping for a nice, relaxing time with his boyfriend, watch a horror movie or two so Eijirou would snuggle close for comfort, and just all around actually enjoy his evening. 
But goddamnit if Denki wasn’t just the right man for disturbing the peace.
“Holy shit, did you see that?! That head went FLYING! It looks like someone throwing a football to a field goal! Wait, is it a field goal? Kiri, what’s the difference between a touchdown and a field goal? I’m not much of a football man, more of a baseball kinda guy. Although, I’d never turn down tickets to the Superbowl if I ever got the chance. You know they have these huge performances in the middle of the game where famous singers take over the field and just go ham?! I’d go just for that! But not if-”
Katsuki was going to become the next serial killer in a blockbuster horror movie if Denki didn’t shut his fucking mouth soon.
He glared at Eijirou, who was grinning from ear to fucking ear. Oh he did this shit on purpose. He hangs out with Sparky way more than Katsuki does, able to withstand his constant rambling in a way the short-tempered teen has never been able to understand. 
It’s not that Katuski dislikes Denki, though he would never ever fucking admit that out loud. He actually finds him funny sometimes, especially when paired with Sero. The two would probably make a good stand-up duo if Denki wasn’t the type to steal the microphone away just to ramble about every stupid thought that popped into his mind. 
But overall, Katuski does enjoy his company…most of the time.
“-I mean I don’t hate vegetables, but I’m not gonna pick them if I have the choice, y’know? Like if I have the choice between a beautiful bowl of pre-packaged ramen and a fucking green bean, I’m going with the ramen every single time, no question. Oh, but fruit though? That’s a whole different story-”
“Holy shit do you have a FUCKING off button?!” Katsuki shouted to Denki’s spot on the floor, feeling Eijirou give his shoulder a tight squeeze in return. Katsuki whipped his head around to find a disapproving gaze that really pissed him off. “What?! This is supposed to be a movie night, but I haven’t been able to hear the damn thing for it’s entire fucking duration! He’s ruining it!”
“You don’t have to be rude,” Eijirou whispered with a frown. Denki had fallen unusually quiet, and though they couldn’t see his face from their spots up on the couch, they knew what that meant. Katsuki knew what that meant, and damn Eijirou for giving him the ability to feel empathy for others.
Katsuki sighed through a groan, pushing himself off the couch and onto the floor next to Denki. Both were quiet, just sitting next to each other and watching the movie together in an uncomfortable silence.
“I’m sorry for ruining your movie night,” Denki mumbled into his arms which were now propped crossed on his knees. Katsuki pinched his lips together, gaze refusing to avert from the screen.
“You didn’t ruin shit, idiot,” he said, his tone much softer than before. “ Our fault for thinking you could actually be quiet for an hour and a half.”
“Katsuki,” Eijirou threatened from the couch, his inflection enough to make Katsuki realize his mistake in words.
“It was a joke, relax,” Katsuki grumbled like a teen to a scolding parent. Finally looking over at Denki, he started to feel his guilt bubbling to a boil. He cringed hard when he realized what needed to be said, feeling the words practically squirming in his chest with utter discomfort. “I’m…sorry. Okay? I’m sorry,” Katsuki rubbed his face anxiously, basically covering his mouth like it would make his words unheard. “I just like watching shit in silence, alright? Nothing personal, you moron, just…agree to disagree, I guess.”
Denki sat there for a moment. He was letting Katsuki’s apology settle in his system like swallowing a pill he’d never taken before. Bakugou…apologized to him. Actually said the word sorry, and TWICE at that. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips.
Denki launched himself at Katsuki, throwing his arms around him tightly before Katsuki had the chance to realize he was fucking hugging him. Katsuki quickly shoved him off like he had a disease, but that smile never left Denki’s face.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Sparky! This changes nothing!”
“You like me!” Denki beamed, repeatedly poking at Katsuki’s arm like it would make him realize it himself. “You said sorry, you apologized to me! Kirishima, we’ve gotta throw a party or something, bake me a cake--shit, bake Bakugou a cake! This is a real turn of events, my friends, a real turning point in our friendship if I do say so myself,” Denki sighed happily, criss-crossing his legs and facing Katsuki with a wide smile. “You like me.”
Katsuki growled at the notion. He couldn’t even deny it, the bastard was right. But he didn’t have to be so damn smug about it. 
Then, like his guardian angel was sending him telepathic messages on how to fucking destory this loser, he remembered something. Something very interesting.
Last week, Sero and Denki had been roughhousing on the floor of the common rooms over something Katsuki couldn’t care less to find out about. All he knew was that Denki had been the annoying little shit he always is, and Sero was finally retaliating against it and winning. He had Denki in some weird wrestler hold, his arms held firm behind his back as he kicked and struggled and refused to apologize for whatever annoyance he had caused.
Then, there was a screech. A loud one, followed by bouts of hysterical laughter and far more thrashing than before. Sero was tickling at his ribs with his free hand, fingers never relenting from the one spot he had a firm ticklish grip on. Denki pleaded and begged, and eventually with enough persuasion, Denki apologized. 
Denki is ticklish, and apparently ridiculously so. This could be helpful. This could be vital.
“I suggest you shut your mouth right now before I find that fucking off button myself,” Katsuki threatened, his eyes peering through his brow in the way a predator would before striking its prey.
“Oh c’moooon, you wouldn’t hurt your best friend, would you?” Denki creened through a grin before giggling with his tongue stuck between his teeth. Such a little shit, he was really milking this for all it’s worth.
“Not gonna hurt you, fucknuts. But I am gonna make you regret everything you just fucking said,” Katsuki growled before shoving Denki onto his back, the electric blonde letting out a confused yelp as he went down flailing. Katsuki kept his hand pressed firmly on Denki’s chest, pinning him to the floor with ease as he clambered on top. 
“Woah, we turning this duo into a trio or what, KitKat?” Kirishima chided in, having been scrolling on his phone for the past minute before realizing the action that was happening right before his eyes.
“Can it, idiot. I’ve got business to attend to here,” Katsuki growled before turning back to Denki with an evil grin. “You ticklish, Sparkplug?”
Denki’s eyes went wide before immediately throwing his arms around himself to protect his torso. “Nope.”
“Ohoho really? You seem awfully nervous for someone who ain’t ticklish,” Katsuki wiggled his fingers in the air menacingly, like a predator about to strike. “And if I recall correctly, Sero had you pretty fuckin’ beat the other day after you tried your luck annoying the shit outta him too.”
Denki’s lips pressed together tightly, the corners wobbling in a vain attempt to keep from giggling already. He shook his head vehemently. “No idea what you’re talking about,” his words came out quick, curling his lips under his teeth as soon as his talking ceased.
“Oh yeah? Well how ‘bout I jog your memory a bit; get that pea-brain of yours back up to speed, huh?” Katsuki slowly moved his wiggling fingers down towards Denki’s sides, the electric blonde unable to keep his giggles in any longer as they flowed out of him through puffs of air through his nose and a bouncing chest filled with butterflies. He swatted slapping hands at Katsuki's quickly, trying to both fight back while also protecting himself at the same time. His elbows stayed glued to his ribs while his hands uselessly bat at the weapons of mass destruction easing towards his torso.
“No, nonono nohoho wahahait,” he giggled nervously, having yet to even be tickled but unable to keep it at bay any longer. 
“Nah, it’s too late for that shit,” Katsuki growled before finally striking, fingers pinching strategically at the boy’s sides right below his ribs. Denki screeched, back arching and legs kicking out behind his tormenter as he reached down to grip Katsuki’s wrists and try to push them away, but it was futile. Giggles poured from him with ease, interlaced with squeals when Katsuki’s fingers came just a bit too close to his ribs for comfort.
“Ahahaha! Wahahait, c’mohohon! Dohohon’t!” Denki shook his head, trying to find any relief from that torturously funny sensation Katsuki delivered to him through gentle pinches and scribbles.
That was another thing throwing Denki completely for a loop; Bakugou was being so gentle. He expected rough digging, hard squeezes that would leave him gasping for air and swirling punches. But instead he got agonizingly tame, insanely ticklish pinches that had him already nearly pleading for mercy. 
“Don’t? Please, you asked for this as soon as you tried fucking with me. I was even being nice to you before, idiot. But noooo, you just had to keep poking the damn bear, didn’t you?” Katsuki emphasized his metaphor by sporadically poking all over Denki’s torso, at his belly, then his sides, up to his ribs, and even his chest, which Denki didn’t know could feel as ticklish as it did.
Denki giggled hysterically, squirming like a worm with his arms pulled close, basically giving up the fight and letting Katsuki do as he pleases. He knew he wouldn’t win if he tried, so he might as well let it happen until Bakugou tires himself out with it.
That is, until, Katsuki’s thumbs found their way into the hollows of Denki’s armpits. Denki squealed loudly, his heels digging hard into the carpet with every kick as his head turned to try and smush his red face into the floor beside him. 
“Oh, sweet spot, huh?” Katsuki grinned, thumbs practically glued to that little spot under Denki’s arms that kept the boy cackling and squirming like crazy. “You seeing this, Kiri? Think he’s gonna keep messing with me after this?”
Eijirou chuckled, phone now beside him on the couch as he enjoyed the show before him. “Oh definitely. Guy’s a glutton for punishment.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see about that after I’m done with him.”
Denki blushed deeply, turning his head towards Kiri and opening a single eye as best he could with his face all scrunched in laughter. “Kirihihieehehe! Pleheheease! Hehehelp me!” he gasped for air through giggles, talking through his hysteria quite the difficult task. “Mahahake him stohohop!” 
“Oh no, absolutely not. You got what’s coming to you, gigglebox, and I’m not interfering with him when he’s like this,” Eijirou couldn’t help but laugh along, the boy’s laughter too contagious to help it.
“You could always help me, y'know? Cause you already know what I’ll do to you if you don’t, gigglebox,” Katsuki sent Eijirou a wicked smile, fingers still tickling the boy under him relentlessly. Eijirou blushed, before getting up from the couch with a sigh.
“Sorry, Denks, nothing personal,” he apologized with a giggle, obviously not sorry in the slightest. He sat down above Denki’s head, giving his hair a little tussle.
“Nohoho! You dohohon’t hahahave to do thihis!” Denki’s squirming increased before letting in a big gasp of air as Katsuki’s assault finally relented, though his arms stayed glued tightly to his sides. “C’mohon, man, we’re friehehends!” 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re friends, man. And no, I don’t have to do this,” Kiri grinned before grabbing Denki’s wrists, trying to pull them up above his head. Denki tried hard to keep them down, unable to keep the giggles to himself in pure anticipation, repeating “nonononohoho!” as he felt Kiri winning the fight for his hands. They came to a standstill when his hands were near his face, Denki pulling hard to keep them down.  “But I kinda want to, y’know?” Kiri giggled, giving Katsuki a look. “A little help, love?”
“No problem,” Katsuki smiled before bringing his fingers up to flutter softly at Denki’s neck and ears. Denki squealed, high-pitched giggles escaping as he struggled to keep his strength, too focused now on trying to protect his neck with his shoulders. This allowed Kiri to finally pull his arms up above his head and pin them there by the wrists, Denki whining loudly and kicking his legs out in protest.
“Plehehease! I’m sorry, okahay, don’t tickle mehehee!” He pleaded, bringing his knees up to drum against Katsuki’s back.
“Don’t care, didn’t ask,” Katsuki said before bringing his fingers down to flutter softly against Denki’s armpits through his shirt, the boy squealing and screaming out a “no!” in response before falling helplessly into giggles and cackles. “Plus, this is kinda fun.”
His fingers fluttered and spidered for a while, relishing in Denki’s frantic laughter. Katsuki got bored of the flutters after a while, switching to pinching up and down Denki’s ribcage with gentle precision. 
“Nohohoho! I cahahahan’t, mahahan, plehehease! It tihihickles!” Denki shoved his face into his now raised arm, trying to muffle his giggles and hide his flushed face.
“Damn right it tickles, I’m tickling you,” Katsuki looked at Eijirou with a mocking shake of the head and a sigh. “This fuckin’ guy, amirite?”
“His face is so red, man. I think he’s embarrassed ~,” Kiri cooed down towards Denki’s face, giggling at the squeal his words brought.
“I’m nohohot! I’m nohohohot!” Denki shook his head into his arm, squirming even harder and screaming as one of Katsuki’s hands came up to flutter at the open side of his neck, the other still preoccupied at his ribs.
“He’s tryna deny it, Kiri,” Katsuki tsked before bringing his face closer to Denki’s. “You know what we do to liars around here?”
“Nohoho!” Denki cried, not sure if he was replying to Katsuki’s teasing question or just yelling out his preferred word to cry out in ticklish agony.
“Weeeeee…” Katsuki paused both his sentence and his tickling, his hands standing still in the spots they were last playing with. Denki continued to giggle through his panting breath, body tense in anticipation and eyes squeezed shut tight. Seconds passed and still, nothing. Curiosity killed the cat, but Denki couldn’t help opening one of his eyes hesitantly and looking up at Katsuki’s wicked grin. 
Then, he screamed when Katsuki’s hands shot down quickly to squeeze at his hips, falling yet again into helpless cackles. “...tikitikitikitikitickle them!”
“Ahahahaha gohohohod! Thahat’s sohoho- pppffttt hahahaha! -stuhuhupihihid!” Denki shook his head in protest, kicking and bucking his hips like he could knock off his tickler with one good throw. Obviously it didn’t work, and Katsuki continued to tickle him while staying put like he was riding a bull.
“Oh, you callin’ me stupid now? Do you really think that’s the smartest move to make when I’ve got you squealing like a little girl for saying some stupid shit earlier?’”
“I juhuhust said- gahahahaha nohoho! -thahat you lihihike mehehee!” 
“Yeah and how did that turn out for you?” Katsuki asked before scribbling his hands over Denki’s waist, the boy screeching and giggling frantically in response.
“Bahahahad! Sohoho bahahahd!”
“That’s what I thought,” Katsuki grinned before going back to poking around Denki’s belly, a much easier task now that Denki’s flailing arms were out of the equation. “How’s about we find that little off button we discussed earlier, huh? Maybe we can finally get you to shut your trap for once.”
Eijirou giggled with a shake of his head. “You are so mean, Katsuki.”
“Yeah, yeah, you love it,” Katsuki looked at Denki’s face, grinning at the blush he wore and the giant smile overtaking his features and making his nose scrunch up all cutely. “And from the looks of it, so does this little guy. You enjoyin’ yourself up there, dumbass?”
Denki’s belly bounced through his giggles, much softer than before now that he was just being poked at, but still frantic as his belly was very ticklish. “Nohoho!”
“I think that’s the word of the day. ‘No, no, no,’ it’s all you’ve said since we started this shit. You mean that? You want us to stop? Cause hey, say the word and playtime’s over, Sparkplug.”
For the first time since their little tickle fest started, Denki had nothing to say. Just a response of happy giggles and an even brighter blush that he yet again tried hiding in his arm.
“Well would you look at that! Seems like our friend here has some sense after all,” Katsuki smiled up at Eijirou, who rolled his eyes fondly. The redhead already knew Denki didn’t mind the tickles as much as he loved to claim he did, so he wasn’t surprised in the least to find him happily allowing them to continue the torment. 
Katsuki’s pokes never ceased, like they were still on the hunt. “So, about that off button…” He hummed curiously, his pokes traveling all around his belly, sides, and ribs like in a search. “Oh, I know. How about riiiiiight…here!” He stuck his finger in Denki’s bellybutton, scratching and poking at it gently but very obviously efficiently, as the blonde under him let out a loud squeal before his laughs fell silent. Just a bouncing chest and belly with occasional gasps for air to prove he was still laughing up a storm on the inside.
“Hehey, I think you found it! See, he’s gone all quiet now!” Eijirou boasted, looking down at Denki’s hysterical expression with a chuckle.
“Well ain’t that a relief,” Katsuki said, eyebrows shooting up when Denki’s cackles and shrieks returned in a wild new wave. “Guess we know how to shut him up now. Just a little tickle right in this off-button and we’ve got a nice night of peace and quiet,” he said with a hint of sarcasm, as Denki’s laughter had never been louder than now.
Finally, Katsuki’s assault ceased, giving Eijirou a nod to let his arms go. Denki brought them down over his belly protectively, rolling over on his side to curl into a ball of giggles when Katsuki got off and sat next to him.
“So, you still think I like you, numbnuts?” Katsuki asked, grinning proudly as his boyfriend rubbed Denki’s back.
“Ehehe…yeah, kinda,” Denki looked at Katsuki over his shoulder. “I mean, you did just have a tickle fight with me, man. Not really something non-friends do with each other.”
“Hey, not a tickle fight. I didn’t see you getting any jabs in there, did I?” Katsuki said with a poke to Denki’s side, the boy flinching with a yelp before scooting closer to Eijirou like he’d protect him from mean ‘ole Bakugou.
“Fine, a tickle attack then. Either way…” Denki tilted his head with a smug expression, a smile still very present on his face. “...you totally like me.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes before getting up and plopping himself back on the couch, grabbing his phone to scroll like nothing happened. “Whatever, idiot. Just know who you’re messing with.”
Denki giggled, looking up at Kirishima who shook his head with a fond smile. “Trust me, I am very well aware.”
There was a comfortable silence between the three of them before they all seemed to realize at the same time, it wasn’t actually silent in the room.
The movie was still on.
“Oh fucking hell you’ve gotta be KIDDING ME-“
. . .
A/N : hope y'all enjoyed! im working on another fic rn but don't plan on that coming out super soon, y'all know how long it takes me to write sometimes and i've kinda been drowning in schoolwork lately. college is truly a different experience LMAO. anyways, much love y'all imma go do some homework and hopefully get some sleep tonight.
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lovelyiida · 2 years
I hope it's okay for you to take on another request, because I'd love to read something about how the boys ( maybe Izuku, Bakugou or hawks- you can choose) are about to dance with reader, after they saw those couple dance trends on instagram (of course they don't know he's got a crush ;)))
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okay first off, THIS IS SO CUTE!! I swear you guys have the cutest ideas oml. I think I'll do Bakugo since I'm so familiar with how I characterize him lol. I'm not really into the pro-hero's yet so this will have to do, I hope you like it :)
also, since you didn't specify, I'm going to do she/her pronouns.
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DOING COUPLE DANCE TRENDS WITH BAKUGO consists of a lot of cursing, shouting, and laughter.
"you actually need to put your foot in the back instead of in the front stupid," you laugh out loud, as yet again, bakugo messes up your almost perfect take doing this dance challenge.
"okay how about you fucking show me again, since your the top dancer in japan and shit" bakugo cursed at you, a smug smile pressed against his lips.
you were currently in your dorm room, you blew up your best friends phone asking him if he could do this dance with you. first he replied no, you then replied "okay :(" and not even 5 minutes later you heard a knock on your door.
"he hates makin' you upset," or some shit like that.
Bakugo crashes down on your bed, hands behind his back he looks at you pressing the play button and doing the silly little dance again. you smiled to the camera, at you pressed the stop button.
sitting down on the bed, you click a few buttons and type a couple of things before turning your phone off. Bakugo's eyebrows press together, "are you not gonna show me the video?" he asked.
"Nah, I just posted it" you laugh.
"what? I was in the fuckin' shot!" he shouted, reaching for the phone you shoot back out of arms reach with a chuckle.
"don't worry, you're not distracting anything!" you told him.
so he believed you, until the next day the whole fucking class was blabbering about the video you posted.
it went viral...
as soon as Bakugo walks into class, Mina almost floats from her seat and towards him. "omg, you and y/n are viral on tik tok!! 400K views and 100K likes!" she gushed in joy.
"what!" bakugo yells, Mina hands him her phone, snatching it from her grip he sees the video of you and him.
he watches how you dance, so rhythmically and with so much confidence, you were so cute. thats until he looked over and saw himself gawking at you like an absolute idiot.
he reads the caption of your video, "when your friend is too lazy to learn the dance so you show him how its done."
he lets out a quick chuckle, then he goes to the comments.
oh...the comments!
there were a lot of "THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER" and "if only my man looked at me the way he looked at her" comments. there were also a lot of people who found Bakugo very attractive and asked for his username, but no one has given it out yet thankfully.
Bakugo click off the comments and watches it again. I mean, is he wrong for looking at you like that? you looked so cute! especially during that one part of the dance where you poke your ass out, he notices how he was full-on staring at your ass.
clearing his throat, Bakugo hands the phone back to Mina and find his seat. a light pink blush dusted across his cheeks.
"they're definitely gonna know I'm crushin' on em' now" Bakugo mumbles under his breath.
another hour or so passes until it was lunch time, sitting down with his food, Bakugo notices you walking up to him with a frown.
now you think he's some creep, don't you?
he can kiss his chances with you goodbye now.
you sit down next you him, your bottom lips poked out as you look into his eyes.
"Bakugo can we talk about something-"
"I'm sorry, okay? I know you think I'm some disgusting pervert and I swear I'm not! You're just so fuckin' cute and I want you to myself and shit!" he yells, you look at him in shock.
"I...I didn't know you felt that way about me, I like you too" you bite your lip. you didn't know wether or not you should've said that, but you did it anyways.
now Bakugo is the one in shock.
"oh," was all he could say.
with a chuckle, you reach your arms out to hug Bakugo. "If you want me I'm all yours," you muffle into his should. Bakugo melts into your touch, holding on to your waist tightly, hiding his shit-eating grin.
COMMENTS (10,768):
pinned! midnightslover: uhhhh, is he available-
>>>>reply katsuki_explosionmurder: nope, officially taken.
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sunbroy · 3 months
My Hero Academia HC'S
HC: Asking them to go harder in bed
Ft: Bakugou, Deku, and Aizawa
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He's definitely harsh with you in bed but if you want him to get really fucking rough, he will. Added bonus if you get off to degrading.
"Don't ask for what you can't handle, slut." He's says while grinning, thrusting in and out of you at a maddening pace.
You end up a blabbering mess, drooling, covered in a mix of your juices.
"N-no more!! M' sorry- baby!!! I- I'm sorry!!!" You miraculously managed to moan a coherent sentence.
He stops his thrusts immediately and looks directly at you. "You want me to stop?" He pulls out, knowing exactly how you'll react.
"W-wait!" You didn't actually fucking think he was going to stop. You chase after his hand when he smacks it away.
"Great. Now I oughta teach you that sometimes, your eyes are bigger than your cunt."
Couldn't feel shit in your legs the next day.
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"Isn't this what you wanted princess?" You've been going at it for hours. When you had asked him to go harder a few days ago, you didn't think he'd be like this.
"Answer me." He growled, sounds of raw skin slapping against each other.
"K-kitty! Slower~please." You moan out, he's got you folded. Lazily, but surely, fucking the living daylights out of you.
"You were asking as if I don't go hard at all. Don't tell me you've been faking." He groans as he hits a particular weak spot.
"N-never Sho'!! Ah- please slow down..!" You still managed to go to work the next day, everyone was wondering why you so suddenly had a walking stick.
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Who would've thought this small little nerd could be so powerful??
You knew he had an awesome quirk but this tops it.
You're trying your best to keep your voice down but the way this little green haired bastard is fucking you makes you weak and vulnerable.
"Zuzu please!!" Usually, he'd only focus on only pleasing you, being the little generous soul that he is, but you told him your request at a really fucked up time. Bakugou and Kaminari was fucking around in the hallway and knocked into a wall, causing one of his figurines to fall and crack. They immediately knew Deku was going to be pissed so they sent you to cheer him up... He was on your ass too!
"No no no no. You wanted this remember? 'Ohhhh Izu, I was wondering if maybe you could be a little harder with me next time!' Those were your words right?" Hours of shamelessly loud intercourse and he's refused to let you cum.
He finishes inside you, you think it's about the fourth time. Who knows, you've stopped counting after three.
"Get on all fours, babe I'll show you rough."
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lizzy-pop · 8 months
Sparky Giggles
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A/N: I’m sorry about how long its taken me to post, I lost alllll motivation for the month TvT
Summary: while Kiri and Bakugou were watching a movie Denki was being an ass, like usual, but something odd happened when Kiri was trying to shove him away.
Normally Kiri could take Denki’s idioticness, but for some reason today was different. He was trying to enjoy a movie with Bakugou in his dorm when a certain electric hero came strutting in and began blabbering on and on and on, it was starting to get on Kiri and Bakugou’s nerves. “My god, will you shut up already, dunce face?!“ Bakugou shouts at him, glaring. “Ha! What, is blasty getting upset?~“ He teased, bursting into snickers at his own stupid joke, slamming into Kiri who was peacefully sitting on the ground. That was it, Kiri was losing his patience. He shoved Kaminari off of him, “dude!! We are trying to watch this, atleast try to shut up for a little bit!!“ He snaps. “pfft- Woah dude, chill out, I was just messing around!“ he giggles, leaning on him again.
Kiri grabs him by the sides and was about to shove him away, but.. He heard something, a squeal maybe? “dude s- what was that?“ He questions, noticing Kaminaris visibly red face “n-nothing! I’ll be quiet now.“ Kaminari rushes to change the subject, failing miserably. “Okay, great, but mind telling me what that squeal was?“ as he asks this, Kaminari starts to struggle to get out of his grip. “what squeal? I dont know what you’re talking about!! Heh, Bakugou, a little help here?!“ Bakugou grins, “sure, I’ll help~“ He grins as he gets up and walks over to them, then grabs Denkis wrists and pins them above his head “T-That is not helping!!“ Denki begins to panic, tugging his arms downward, knowing he could never outstrength Bakugou, especially in this predicament. “You never specified who to help, Sparky~“ Kiri could’ve sworn he heard Bakugou giggle for a moment, but he’d bring that up later. Right now, he was ready to wreck Denki.
Before Denki had time to process it, Kiri was digging his fingers inbetween his ribs. Suddenly, there was a shrieking Denki on the ground, begging for Kiri to calm down on the tickles. “EEEEEHAHA!! KIHIHIRI!“ Kaminari manages to get out through his cackles, “yes, ticklish Denki?~“ he teases, snickering at how his face got even redder than before, “QUIHIHIHIT IHIT, MEHEHEANIE!“ Bakugou and Kiri notice small sparks flying from his hands, getting larger the faster Kiri tickles. “hm, that’s neat. So if I tickle this fast you might shock Bakugou?“ He ponders aloud, speeding up to insane speeds (atleast to Kami). Suddenly, Bakugou yelps as large sparks shoot out of Kaminaris hands, almost making him let go. “Shitty hair, slOW down!!“ he glares at Kiri. “fineee“ he groans as he slows down a bit, switching to his stomach “PLEHEHEASE STAHAP!!“ Kaminari begs, trying to convince Kiri to give him a break. “hmm, maybe in a little bit~“ Kiri says with a squeeze to his hips “EEHAHA!! NOHOHO!“ Bakugou grins and switches to pinning his arms down with his knees instead of his arms, then he starts to lightly scratch at his armpits “Heh, who knew sparky was so ticklish?~“ Bakugou teases. “BAHAHAHAHAKUGOU NOHO!!“ Kami screeches, tugging even harder at his arms. Bakugou jumps when he feels a spark at his knees, cracking a smile “ghh! Okay okay, dunce face has had enough.“ He blurts out, stopping his attack.
“huh? Oh, okay dude! Kinda weird you were helping him though.“ Kiri points out as he slows to a stop, once he does so Bakugou immediately hops off his arms. “I just- it was nothing. Wait- shit the movies over, now we gotta rewind.“ he quickly gets up and speed walks to the remote, earning an odd look from Kiri, but he just shrugs and goes back to his spot on the ground. “Now please shut up this time, Kami.“ Kiri warns Denki with a stern voice. “w-wihill do..“
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seiwas · 2 months
sellie bee!☀🐝 first and foremost, congrats on your one year!! it's been so lovely having you as a moot, you've been such an encouragement to me since my very first bakugou fic and i hope you know that i adore and appreciate you very very much!! 💕💗💓
secondly, what if 👉👈 what if i told you that i typed out an outline for your collab last night?? 🥺👉👈
i never really do titles (and this probably won't have one either), hope that's okay!! but-
pairing - pro!hero bakugou x fem!reader (shocking i know hehe)
summary - bakugou likes to think he knows everything, can handle just about anything that's thrown his way with flying colors and then some. so why can't he figure out this tug in his chest, or the upset in his stomach whenever you come around lately? you with your stupid quirk and all your stinkin' audacity. who do you think you are to figure him out with one little touch, one measly brush of your fingers against his anyways?
tags - hurt/comfort, established quirk, strangers to friends(?) to lovers
pspsps... not to be sappy or whatever but... you've really made this site feel like a community for me again. you're literally such a light to everyone and your kindness has had such a chain reaction; whenever you reblog anything of mine i can always tell who reblogged from you bc they leave the nicest comments, and i find myself trying to reach out more often, and be more open and honest about content that i consume bc i remember how i felt the first time you left that entire love letter on my first bakugou fic. aslkdfj anyway... all that to say ilyyy sel 💗 ty for reaching out to me all those months ago. it means more than you know. 💓
waaah amber 🥺 thank you so much 🥺 it's been so lovely having you as a moot 🥺 you get me in a lot of ways and i completely adore how bright your presence is 🥺 i appreciate you for all the light and support you bring, ily 🥺
and omg!!! that makes me so happy 🥺🥺 i'm so glad you've taken an interest in my collab!! this is so exciting 🥺 and your summary is already so juicy omg def one of my fave ways to examine that man under a microscope 🥺🥺 adding this to the masterlist rn!
and gawsh you'll make me cry 😭😭😭 all of this is so touching 😭😭😭 you are too kind!! and so so so sweet 🥺 i am so happy that all my blabbers in the tags have made you feel this way!! you saying it's a chain reaction fills my heart up so much 🥺 because it's really all i could hope for 🥺 before posting my stuff, i was primarily a reader, and made this account to reblog fics and show my support that way!! so hearing you tell me this now 🥺 really just 🥺 i don't even have the words for it!!! 🥺 ily loads amber 🥺 thank you for being such a joy to be around 🥺 i am so grateful to have stumbled upon you in my one year on here 🥺💗
check out my one year anniversary collab event here! open to anyone who wants to join 🥺
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searenbound · 1 year
I must be ovulating again, why the fuck am I so desperate to talk about my deviant thoughts on my way to work? I was normal not even a minute ago and now I want blabber about a whiny little kitty cat that wakes Bakugou up by rubbing her sopping cunt against him because she wants to make a kitten with him.
But I can’t because I don’t have the time
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assassyart · 1 year
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the end of an era...........
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marbelcrossovers · 2 years
I'd like to imagine this is a coversation Bakugou would have with the Duo while they're attending some important event or something
Bakugou: Getou, Gojo you must be on your best behaviour if I catch you doing anything but that I'll stich your mouths shut
Gojo:He said nothing about the girls behaviour (the twins).
Getou:He didn't
Somebody is getting ice-cream or juice spilled on their dress/suit. LOL The duo would definitely "encourage" out of line behaviour but told the girls to fake it as an accident. Who is going to get mad at the girl who slipped and accidentally spilled juice over the balding and blabbering man's suit? Everybody will be like "good timing" inside their heads.
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suguru-getos · 2 years
꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚about me ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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hellxx wassup? my name’s en/ena and welcome to the blog. <3 pleasure to have you around loves.
i’m a 23 yo word vommitter who goes by she/her prns, intj aries cat mum. i love dc, fluff, drawing things, journalling, kickboxing, singing. dark academia hoe inside out, i love blabbering here under the tag #en rambles
i kin itachi, loid forger and ayato kamisato with bakugou in a pinch of salt 🧂
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namis-daydream · 10 hours
katsuki scanned the bathroom, noticing everyone and anyone in the tiny bathroom. he found you instantly, eyes boring into the back of your head as he watched you check up on “ito”. he felt his heart fall to his ass, dread of what he had just done sinking in. he huffed, walking away from the scene not wanting to see you talking with the disgusting man any longer.
“so what are we doing to fix your rep, bakugou. we’ve got to do something to mask over the fact that you attacked a CIVILIAN. you could lose your job over this.”
sana followed him in sync, her mood just as sour as katsuki’s because she didn’t expect to hear working on her night off — but really what did she expect from the explosion hero?
“you okay babes?”
mina asked you once you had moved away from “ito” who had began to spew insults at you to protect his pride once he realised you weren’t actually interested, ever. she wrapped an arm around your waist as the two of you walked, a small smile on her face — what was she so pleased about ?
“i know kats got jealous, but i didn’t think it was that bad! i guess he just loves you soo much. i wonder when he’s gonna ask you to be his girlfriend again…”
mina continued to blabber on about her thoughts, still thinking that katsuki had the courage to speak to you after their argument a few months ago… oh how wrong she was.
— bkg nonnie 🧡💥!
I find myself staring at Katsuki’s back as he’s being mouthed off by his PR manager— clicking his tongue and turning his nose distastefully at her words. He then turns to say something, a few words that got her flustered and stuttering before she steps away, but still within his vicinity, too close for my comfort. It didn’t matter what he said, its awful enough that he knows her well enough to know how to push her buttons… like he did with me.
“Gotta update me when something happens between you lovebirds, mmkay?”
yeah…fat chance Mina.
Amongst the noise and the crowd forming, everyone agrees to end this awful night before it gets even worse. And only then does my mind whirl… was it all because of me? did i cause this?
“Here, lemme help you. Maybe i should drive you home. You look real shaken up.”
Izuku’s hands brush along my skin as he guides my arms in my sleeves, and only then do I realize how intoxicated i must be. Not noticing how flushed my cheeks are from the incident inside until the cold air hits them when we step outside. Everyone chooses to ignore the loud scoff coming from Katsuki.
“okay… thanks izuku, s-sorry.”
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
"here, take this. you'll catch a cold." / villain bkg has made his appearance to make sure toga is well cared for, as she deserves
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it's not often people go out of their way to do nice things within the league of villains, let alone, the paranormal liberation front. it was winter, and.. after getting severely injured in their last battle to secure their representation in the plf, toga was... recovering. or well-- trying too.
since everything that had happened, toga wasn't doing well, it was winter. winter meant it was cold. and while they were no longer homeless, going from abandoned home to the next abandoned safe house-- this compound, though it had nice furniture, wasn't that much better. it was big, confusing, and filled with too many people for her pounding head. toga almost missed the peeling wallpaper and blood stained walls she'd grown so accustomed too. at least there the only noise was jin blabbering on about something and dabi telling him to shut up. toga thought she was alone in the room. she was curled up on a leather sofa in the center of the room, trying to figure out how the fancy all in one universal remote controlled the largest tv screen she'd ever seen when she heard a voice. along with her injuries, toga had realized yesterday that she was starting to come down with a cold. oh, how she hated winter. she was going to go hunt for a blanket, but.. that required moving, and her head and stomach still really hurt.
she pushed herself up slightly from her pillow, just enough so that she could see who it was that had come and found her. she rubbed her nose with the back of her sleeve and scratched beneath her eyepatch as he handed the blanket to her. one amber eye stared at it in confusion before she looked back up at bakugou, a small smile finding her lips as she unfolded it and settled it around herself.
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" ... why're you being so nice to me? you don't owe me anything. and you don't have to feel sorry for me: she's dead and that's all that matters. " slowly, toga scooted over further into the corner of the sofa, pulling her legs to her chest. she glanced at the middle cushion beside her and then back up at the blonde in front of her, contemplating her next words carefully. " you.. can sit if you want. "
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