#black clover millie
lyranova · 8 months
Her Name is Alice
Hiya guys! So, I was inspired to write this little oneshot after what happened in COTF: Shadows 14! I promise I’ll try to get to everything else on my plate as soon as I can. This fic focuses mainly on Henry, Millie, and Sally, however there are brief moments of other characters and OC’s! But for now, I hope you enjoy~!
Acylla and Zoisite belong to @faewraithsworld and Josele, Sterling, Dawn, and Dusk belong to @loosesodamarble
Word Count: 2,779
Warnings: Mentions of Pregnancy, Mentions of abandonment.
Henry watched quietly as his friends talked with their spouses and played with their children. Captain Yami was playing with his four year old daughter Hikari, Josele, Nacht, Acylla, and Zora were sitting together watching Sterling, Dawn, Dusk, and Zoisite playing together and Grey was holding two year old Aloys as Gauche tried to convince him to eat his breakfast. On the other side of the room Finral was letting Vanessa, who they all recently found out was 2 months pregnant, rest her head on his lap as she napped on the couch.
Gordon and his spouse were currently talking about starting their own family soon as were Charmy and Rill, and Asta and Noelle had just gotten engaged which also meant they would be starting their own families soon…
And he couldn’t help but feel left out.
While his curse was more controlled now due to Charmy’s cooking and a magical device Sally made for him, he still didn’t feel comfortable being around others that weren’t members of his squad. He always worried about meeting someone, falling in love with them, and then his curse suddenly draining all of their mana from them.
He didn’t like hurting people, especially if it was someone he really cared about…
So he made the decision long ago that he would stay single, and watch happily as all his friends fell in love, got married, and had children of their own. But now that he was actually beginning to see that happen he realized:
He wanted it too.
“ Finral…” Henry began slowly as he walked up to his friend.
“ Oh hi Henry, do you need something?” Finral asked softly so as not to wake up Vanessa.
“ Will…you…take…me…to…see…Sally…please?” Henry asked, and he watched Finral blink in surprise.
“ Sally? Why? Is your magic device broken?” Finral asked in concern as he sat up a little straighter, but Henry shook his head.
“ No…I…just…want…to…ask…her…a…question.” Henry said, deciding it was better to keep the real reason to himself for now.
Finral frowned but didn’t ask anything else, he just quietly stood up, put a pillow under Vanessa’s head, and created a portal to Sally’s lab.
“ Do you want me to stay with you?” Finral asked as he stood outside Sally’s lab and gave the building a hesitant and nervous look, but Henry shook his head.
“ No…thank…you…I’ll…be…okay.” Henry told him with a warm smile. Finral nodded but still looked at the building unsurely.
“ Alright, just let me know with the communication device when you’re ready to leave, I’ll be at the Hideout.” Finral told him, and he watched Henry nod before walking through the Spatial portal.
Henry turned back towards the door and gave it a small knock, hoping that Sally was there and that she would agree with his idea.
However he blinked in surprise when it wasn’t Sally who opened the door, instead it was Millie Maxwell.
“ Oh, hello Henry.” She said in surprise, and Henry smiled.
“ Hello…is…Sally…here?” Henry asked, and the woman frowned but nodded.
“ She is, but she’s a bit busy right now,” Millie said as she looked over her shoulder. “ May I ask why you want to see Sally?”
“ I…want…to…ask…her…about…something,” Henry began. “ But…I’ll…come…back…later.”
“ Wait a minute!” The two jumped as they suddenly heard an excited shout emit from inside the lab, and then after a few seconds Sally showed up beside Millie.
“ You’re the Black Bull that’s cursed right?! The one I made a magic item for?” Sally asked excitedly, and Henry nodded. “ I thought I recognized your voice! Come in!”
Sally turned back into the lab, and Millie stepped aside to allow Henry to walk inside the room. The three walked over to a small table that was covered in different papers and books and sat down.
“ You said you wanted to ask me something?” Henry nodded again.
“ I…want…you…to…cure…my…curse. Is…that…possible?” Henry asked, and he watched as a look of surprise appeared on both Millie and Sally’s face.
“ You want Sally to cure your curse?” Millie asked with a frown. “ Doesn’t the device we made you essentially do that? And isn’t there a member of the Bulls who makes dishes to help keep your curse from absorbing too much mana?”
“ Yes…but…I…don’t…want…to…rely…on…them,” Henry responded. “ I…want…to…be…able…to…be…with…someone…and…not…worry…that…my…device…will…fail.”
“I…want…to…have…a…family…like…my…friends,” Henry continued. “ But…to…do…that…I…need…my…curse…to…be…cured.”
“ So…can…you…help…me…please?” Henry asked, and he watched as Millie and Sally looked at each other for a moment.
“ Well-,” Millie began but Sally cut her off.
“ It’ll be difficult, but I would love to try it!” Sally said excitedly. “ I’ve been a little bored lately with my research, so this challenge is exactly what I needed!”
“ Sally-.” Millie sighed, but the woman ignored her and instead ran over to one of the other nearby tables and grabbed a bunch of tubes and other medical equipment.
“ I’ll need a few samples from you first and then I can get started!” Sally exclaimed excitedly, and as Henry began rolling up his shirt sleeves Millie cleared her throat loudly.
“ You’ll only take what samples you need, nothing more and nothing less. Understand?” She asked, and Sally sighed but reluctantly nodded in agreement.
After Sally and Millie took the samples Henry thanked them and left with Finral to go back to the Hideout.
“ Was Sally able to answer your question?” Finral asked as he and Henry walked back through the Spatial portal.
“ Yes…She…was. I…think…it…will…work…out!” Henry said brightly, and Finral smiled.
“ That’s a relief. So, are you going to tell everyone what you asked Sally for help with?” He asked curiously, and Henry nodded.
“ Tonight…at…dinner…when…everyone’s…together!” Henry said happily.
Later that night, Henry did as he said he would and told everyone why he had gone to see Sally. At first, everyone was a bit worried, but when they saw the bright look he had on his face at the thought of having his own family…all of the Bulls worries disappeared.
They gave Henry their full support, and told him they would help him in whatever way they could!
And then days began to pass with no news. Henry would go to the Science department once a week to see how everything was going and to give Sally more samples, but whenever he asked about the cure she and Millie would shake their heads.
“ Nothing yet, so far it’s all ended in failure,” Sally said with a pout. “ I think I’ll have to change tactics.”
“ Change…tactics?” Henry asked, and Sally nodded.
“ I’m going to combine your DNA with an old subject of mine from when I was a part of The Eye of the Midnight Sun,” Sally said with a grin. “ Who knows? Maybe it’s just what we need to cure your curse!”
But instead of curing it, something else began to happen.
About 2 months after Sally combined Henry and Subject 0906’s DNA, she went to go check on the test tube that she had placed it in, she blinked.
“ That’s odd. What’s going on?” Sally muttered as she stared into the tube, and Millie frowned.
“ Did the test fail again?” She shook her head.
“ No. I think…it’s working. But not in the way it’s supposed to.” Sally muttered with narrowed eyes, and she heard her colleague sigh before walking over.
“ What do you mean?” She asked as she also began to peer into the tube, and then a shocked gasp escaped her. “ Sally, do you know what this is?”
“ Uh, not really?” Millie sighed again.
“ I’ll explain on the way to the Black Bulls Hideout, but I think you’ve accidentally created something magnificent!” She exclaimed as she dragged the other scientist out of the room.
“ What…did you say?” Henry asked, his normally slow voice suddenly picking up speed as he and the other Black Bulls stared at Millie and Sally in surprise.
“ I said that Sally’s experiment worked, although not like it was supposed to,” Millie said as she rubbed the back of her neck. “ Instead of curing your curse like it was supposed to, it began to create a new lifeform!”
“ I’m a god! I’m a god!” Sally cheered excitedly from beside her.
“ How did that happen?” Yami asked, and Millie shrugged.
“ We aren’t sure either,” She admitted. “ It hasn’t happened before, so I think there’s something with Subject 0906’s DNA. Maybe there was something in her magic or genes that allowed this to happen.”
“ So… instead of curing my curse…I’m going to have a child?” Henry asked softly, his voice almost sounding like he was in disbelief.
“ Yep! It seems that way!” Sally said cheerfully, more happy at the thought that she had ‘become a god’ then about Henry possibly becoming a parent.
Henry slowly stood up, his mind blank. He…was going to be a father? He had hoped his curse would be cured before he had a child…
“ Will the baby be affected by my curse?” He asked hesitantly. It was a question he really didn’t want to ask, but he needed to know.
“ Since the child will have 0906’s DNA, which seems to be immune to your curse, along with your DNA that actually has the curse…there’s a very good and high chance that they could be immune.” Millie responded, but Sally hummed from beside her.
“ But there’s also a good chance that the baby could inherit your curse too-.” Sally began but Millie quickly quieted her as she saw a sad look suddenly cross Henry’s face.
“ But we won’t know for sure until the baby is, er, ‘born’. So for now, just focus on the positive side. You’ll get what you wanted; a family.” Millie told him with a warm smile, and he slowly nodded.
She was right, he could worry about the other things when it was time, but for now he was going to have a baby. A baby!
“ I’m…going…to…be…a…dad!” He suddenly exclaimed, his voice slowing back down and his face turning bright with happiness.
The Bulls looked at each other hesitantly for a moment, but as soon as Asta happily congratulated him, the others did as well.
Henry was so excited that he immediately added another bedroom to the ever growing Hideout that very same evening!
After Henry found out he was going to be a father, he would go to the Science department and visit his child three times a week, sometimes more!
During the months that he waited for his child to be “born” the Black Bulls expanded even more. Finral and Vanessa’s son Ezio was born, Gordon and his spouse announced that they were expecting, and Charmy and Rill announced that they had finally decided to try to have a child as well!
Henry couldn’t remember the last time he had seen the Hideout full of so much happiness and excitement!
Then one night, Henry suddenly received a call on the communication device, and it was from Millie.
“ I think it’s time Henry,” Millie began as he could hear Sally panicking in the background. “ You might want to hurry over here.”
Henry had quickly nodded and went to wake up Finral, who was grumpy at first about being woken up in the middle of the night, but after his friend explained he gladly got up and transported him to the Science department.
He quickly rushed into Sally’s lab, and the two scientists inside looked at him.
“ You’re just in time,” Millie said with a small smile. “ The fluid in the tube is almost completely drained. Sally, go get some warm water, a blanket, and a few towels, we’ll need them.” Sally quickly nodded and rushed away, and Henry rushed forward.
“ Nervous?” Millie asked, and Henry nodded.
“ I’m…very…nervous,” He admitted softly. “ But…everything…will…be…okay…won’t…it?” Millie nodded.
“ Yes, I’m sure everything will be okay, you have nothing to worry about.” She told him honestly as she patted his shoulder comfortingly.
Henry nodded. For the past few months his friends had been telling him the same thing whenever he expressed doubts about everything, and he always believed them. So maybe he should believe her too…
Soon, Sally returned with the requested items and all the liquid in the test tube drained, and as soon as Millie opened the door a loud cry echoed through the room.
Millie quietly picked the baby up and cleaned them off, before turning to Henry with a gentle smile.
“ Congratulations! It’s a healthy baby girl!”
A girl…he, he had a daughter?
Henry watched as Millie walked over to him, and without thinking he took a quick step back, making everyone blink in surprise. Including himself.
“ Henry, we’ll be back soon, alright? Just sit here and wait for us.” His mothers voice suddenly echoed in his mind, making his heart stop dead in his chest.
“ When…will…you…be…back?” He had asked, his parents shared a hesitant look.
“ Maybe tomorrow, or in a few days, we’re not sure,” His father had told him as he cleared his throat, and Henry nodded slowly. “ Just do as your mother said and wait here for us.”
“ Okay. Can…I…have…a…hug…before…you…go?” He asked, hoping his parents would grant him this wish.
But instead, he was scolded. Just like he always was.
“ Henry, you know we can’t do that! If we get any closer than this you’ll take too much of our mana!” His father scolded harshly, and his mother nodded in agreement.
“ He’s right. If we get any closer you’ll hurt us, and you don’t want to hurt us, right?” She asked, his voice soft and delicate, as though she were trying to portray herself as innocent.
Henry nodded and smiled at them, trying to hide the hurt he was feeling.
“ You’re…right. I’m…sorry.” He apologized softly, but his parents only nodded before they turned and walked out the door.
He waited…and waited…and waited. But his parents never returned.
“ Henry, would you like to hold her?” A voice suddenly asked, pulling Henry out of his memories.
He suddenly looked up and saw Sally and Millie staring at him with looks that were full of concern. As his senses began to return to him he could hear his daughter wailing and squirming in Millie’s arm.
His daughter…
“ I…don’t…want…to…hurt…her.” He admitted softly, his yellow eyes staring at his daughter as she continued to cry.
“ You’re not going to hurt her. You’re wearing your device right? So it’ll be okay.” Millie said as she walked up to him, and Sally nodded in agreement.
“ She’s right! If your curse was activated right now we would have already felt it, even your kid would have!” Sally agreed, and he slowly nodded.
Even though he had his magical device on him, and he didn’t feel his body siphoning mana from Millie or Sally, he still felt unsure…
“ Here, you know how to hold a baby don’t you?” Millie asked before quickly putting the crying baby into his arms, making Henry panic slightly as he scrambled to hold the newborn.
Admittedly, he had only held his friends' babies a few times, so he was far from an expert. But as soon as she put his daughter into his arms, it was like he knew what to do and how to hold her.
He could feel his heart beating anxiously in his chest and his mind began searching for a solution as to how to get her to stop crying and to not be afraid.
“ Hello…there…I’m…your…papa,” He began gently. “ I’m…sorry…if…I…scared…you.”
“ I’m…sure…this…is…all…very…scary. But…I…promise…it…won’t…be…scary…forever. I’ll…do…my…best…to…make…sure…you…are…always…happy…and…that…the…world…is…always…bright…for…you.”
“ I’ll…hug…you…everyday…,…I’ll…tell…you…that…I…love…you…everyday, and I…will…never…abandon…you.” He promised softly, a warm smile appearing on his face as he used a finger to gently remove tears from her eyes.
As soon as he had begun to speak, the baby instantly stopped crying and squirming. Instead, she just stared up at him. Her yellow eyes looked at him with wonder and curiosity, all the fear she had a moment ago seemed to quickly dissipate.
When Henry went to pull his finger away his daughter quickly reached out and grasped it with one of her much smaller hands. She didn’t pull it towards her, she didn’t shake it, she just held it, and she held it tightly.
It was like she didn’t want him to go.
Henry pulled the bundle close to his chest and hugged her tightly, but not too tightly. He didn’t want to accidentally hurt her.
“ Do you have a name for her yet?” Millie asked curiously as she and Sally watched the father and daughter. Henry looked up at her and nodded firmly.
He had this name picked out for a while, it was his favorite character in a book he read after his parents had abandoned him. He so admired her for her ability to go to a new and fantastical world, and was envious of how she was able to make friends even though she was different.
By giving his daughter this name, he hoped she would be able to do the same.
“ Alice…her…name…is…Alice.”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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seeyounexttime · 2 years
This is Part 2. Please read Part 1 first.
Whenever you scroll down, a red square that says MENU appears in the lower right-hand corner
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Tap that
You get a menu like this:
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新着情報 "What's New"
Sends you to the same place that the ARCHIVE button from the home page did.
チケット・劇場情報 "Ticket - Theater Information"
This is only in Japan: those who go to the movie premiere will also receive the special volume 23.5 "Sword of the Wizard King" written by Johnny Onda (who wrote previous Black Clover light novels), with the original draft by Tabata.
"Wait there's light novels?" you may find yourself asking. The answer is yes. Yes, there is. There's 3 of the them. Part of the first light novel was adapted into the two "The man named Fanzell" episodes from the anime. Fanzell, Domina, and Mariella were all introduced in that first light novel, and later they appeared in the manga in the Witchs' Forest arc.
There is no official translation, but there's a fan translation available here:
Apparently this new novel will also contain interviews with the voice actors.
イントロダクション・ストーリー "Introduction - Story"
Takes you back to the home page. I already covered this in the previous post.
キャラクター・キャスト "Character - Cast"
Click on that one. Here's a direct link while I'm at it:
It just gives a little description of the characters. Nothing we don't already know.
They have their designs from the 6-month timeskip (Yuno is listed as vice-captain and Julius is a child too), but the movie will take place before the Dark Triad's attack.
Then there's some info about their voice actors like awards and some roles, but you can find more thorough info about them on Wikipedia or myanimelist, etc
So let's go the actual interesting part: the new characters 👀
Conrad Leto
The 27th Wizard King. Attribute: ???
Julius's Wizard King predecessor. He was respected and loved by the citizens of the Clover Kingdom, but suddenly rose in revolt against the Clover Kingdom.
Edward Avalaché
The 20th Wizard King. Attribute: ???
A person who was once Wizard King. He was also a Father in the church; a presence who was idolized and depended on by the people. He thought he needed to change the situation of weak people.
The description of his voice actor, Hōchū Ohtsuka, actually adds a bit of information about Edward:
He plays the resurrected 20th Wizard King Edward, an original movie character. Pay attention to how he plays Edward's strict personality.
Princia Funnybunny
The 11th Wizard King. Attribute: ???
A person who was once Wizard King. A larger than life mighty warrior who took pride in having one of the best combat abilities among successive Wizard Kings. She was feared by people because of that strength.
The description of her voice actor, Miyuki Sawashiro, also includes a bit more about Princia:
She plays the resurrected 11th Wizard King Princia, an original movie character. Pay attention to how she plays Princia, who has a cold and cruel personality, but relaxes her guard around companions she can trust.
Jester Garandros
The 16th Wizard King. Attribute: ???
A person who was once Wizard King. He is sometimes seen speaking and behaving like he looks down on others, and has a flippant attitude like a clown, but he possesses a calculating strategist side.
From the description of Jester's voice actor, Fumiya Takahashi:
He plays the resurrected 16th Wizard King Jester, an original movie character. Pay attention to how he plays the calculating Jester.
Millie Maxwell
Magic Tool Research Lab: Branch 0
As the coordinator of the "Magic Tool Research Lab: Branch 0", she conducts research with Sally. She doesn't like unfounded ways of thinking that leave it up to chance such as "doing something without a plan", and people who take action with nothing but sensibility are not her cup of tea.
After that is the Black Bulls. Again it's just a short description that we already know. But there was this: they wrote Zora as Zola, and Henry Legolant as Henry Legorant.
Then it's the captains, some magic knights, and others. Again, stuff we already know.
Clover Kingdom's prince 500 years ago. He protected the kingdom from a demon, and later became known as the "Wizard King." He left behind numerous magic tools for future generations.
Considering that one of the original characters is a researcher for the Magic Tool Research Lab, I wonder if one of Lumiere's magic tools will become relevant in the movie?
A magic scientist who loves research and experiments. She used to belong to the terrorist organization "Eye of the Midnight Sun", but is now conducting research on magic tools at the "Magic Tool Research Lab: Branch 0"
スタッフ・音楽 "Staff - Music"
Talks a little bit about the previous work of Tabata, the director, character designer, (background) music, and studio – which as previously noted, is the same folks behind the anime.
TREASURE, the same boyband that provided the anime's 13th ending song "Beautiful", will again contribute a song to Black Clover (I assume the ending song)
世界観 "World"
This page gives a quick rundown of the Black Clover world, such as: the Clover Kingdom, the Wizard King, the Magic Knights, the Black Bulls, and grimoires.
ムービー "Movie"
Videos related to the movie's advertisment.
TVシリーズ "TV Series"
That takes you to the website about the anime series.
And that's just about it for the website besides some bits of information from the newsflashes.
Remember the Date: March 31st
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valtoswife · 2 years
Sally’s in the movie, I’m so excited!!!
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marcus-vice · 2 years
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torushawty · 2 years
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BACKGROUND: bisexual, writer, working uni student, psychology major, INTP, horror lover, dog mama, manga reader, former cheerleader, beloved loyal wife to fuck ass toji fushiguro, hopes of being a screenplay writer in the future~
• english isn‘t my first language so if you see any embarrassing typos in my writing i sincerely apologize </3.
INSTRUMENTS: i play electric guitar, piano, clarinet, flute, and i used to play the cello ! i wanna learn to play bass so bad.
FUN FACTS: i have four tattoos and four piercings. some languages i am currently studying is russian, mandarin, and italian. sports i played were basketball & volleyball. in my spare time i love collecting vinyls from the 70s/80s. i also love playing games like gta, fnaf, resident evil, or dead by daylight. oh yeah, i prefer angst over smut if i’m being real :')
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WHAT’S ON KARMA’S PLAYLIST: jhené aiko, brent faiyaz, gorillaz, melanie martinez, monsta x, svt, blackpink, tame impala, queen, (the band) the neighborhood, sza, don toliver, lady gaga, ashnikko, britney spears, aaliyah, selena quintanilla, the weeknd, $uicideboy$, backstreet boys, koffee, kim petras, tv girl, partynextdoor, jeremih, ski mask the slump god, insane clown posse, lauryn hill, she wants revenge, erykah badu, flo milli, playboi carti, j cole, kendrick lamar, bob marley, future, kehlani, frank ocean, nicki minaj, nirvana, lesley gore, steve lacy, lana del ray, chase atlantic, kid cudi, rihanna, mitski.
KARMA’S FAVORITE SCARY MOVIE(S): i have a lot and i probably wouldn’t be able to make all of them here </3 but my top three scary movies of all time would be — scream, friday the 13th & the shining, and the ring !!!
KARMA’S FAVORITE ALBUMS: currents, to pimp a butterfly, nevermind, the triology, after hours, crybaby, starboy, k-12, who really cares, a night at the opera, blonde, damn, the pink print, plastic beach, the slow rush, demon days, gemini rights, thriller.
KARMA’S FAVORITE ANIME/MANGAS: tokyo revengers, attack on titan, lookism, lady k and the sick man, dragon ball z, bleach, black clover, assassination classroom, the disastrous life of saiki k, soul eater, berserk, naruto / (shippuden), death note, pumpkin night, a silent voice, secret alliance, jojo’s bizarre adventures, one piece.
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silvyavan · 1 year
Black Clover Movie thoughts and review:
The movie is a good treat to anime onlys and adds a bit of zest to the story line the manga is currently going with.
You know how Neon Genesis Evangelion has the same movies sent out with essentially the same plot but with a twist? This is what Black Clover Sword Of The Wizard King is going with.
The plot is a bit of a combination of what Lucius and Patri had going on. Lucius because this is literally some Exodus shit and Patri because it's limited entirety to the clover kingdom. This arc is a mix of Elf Arc and Spade Arc, whether you like or hate it.
It definitely gives the impression of a doomsday movie, where everything is falling apart and the characters somehow gotta survive it. The difference is that this is Black Clover, which means everything is going to be going as fast as humanly possible and survival alone does not get you a passing grade.
In a way, the plot and lore make this a bridge type of movie that connects Elf Arc with Spade Arc. I previously mentioned that Zenon is essentially Dark Timeline Yuno, and with this in mind, Conrad is Dark Timeline Asta. Lots of references back to Lemiel and the duties of Wizard kings to protect the people.
The plot does feel a bit copy pasted but because Conrad STAYED the big bad right up until the end, it gives a bit of a difference.
Conrad betraying the Clover Kingdom and THEN resurrecting the dead Wizard Kings who share his ideals is like pregaming the Lucius arc we have in the arc Currently, and likely will end up being as more fuel to the later parts of the manga arc.
I say this because in this thread, there's an active explanation on Black Clovers story line. The story was always planned to have 3 acts, Elf Arc from 1st to 222nd chapter is the first one, Spade Arc and this movie are second, and the current arc is the last one. This means there's no guarantee that the arc is gonna end with Lucius, but Lucius is a means to an end.
I say this because the story line of the movie fits in with a possible theme the third act is gonna focus on - Why have the Wizard King if all of them end up betraying the country anyway? Conrad and his doomsday plot fits on the same category as Lucius', so he ends up being a second example used against the position of Wizard king. It doesn't introduce anything new, so much as it propagates the already given themes.
The animation is absolutely killer. If nothing else, watch it for the animation. Every frame feels like it's given proper love and attention, from start to end. This is Black Clovers Neon Genesis Evangelion. Does it repeat the same tune over again? Yes, but it's got a twist to it and the animation is paired with it perfectly.
The JumpFesta that had the official release and exposition of the movie didn't hide that this movie was all about the fights and it was NOT lying. Very choreographed, lots of combination magics and stellar form.
Ngl, I was hoping for more lore on Wizard Kings and we did get it, but at the same time there was a bit of it all over the place. Nero has a job alongside Sally and Millie, which is out of left field and hilarious. It makes sense she's in a position of looking after Lemiels legacy after he's gone for real, with the development and preservation of magic tools.
We get some history of the wizard Kings and how even if you're the top dog, you still get backstabbers and prejudice. Some new stuff was introduced, like the Clover Olympics (Triumph), Imperial Sword being like an archive of all the wizard Kings and the mana veins, but it also doesn't go into depth on the history, origins or proper definitions. It's giving the audience pieces to work with but at the same time, this has been Tabata's way of work and we're kinda tired of guessing and getting crumbs to follow rather than a map.
What it DOES give the impression of picking up is that the role of the Wizard King is full of people wanting to hurt you and sacrifice. Lemiel sacrificed his life to protect the kingdom, Princia was ostracised for her insane strength and maybe sexism, Edward was trying to run churches for orphans to help them and ended up having all of that destroyed, Jester personally has seen the hellish oppression the nobles and royals dish out, Conrad had lost his ENTIRE squad and wife and ended up becoming a villain and Julius essentially lost his autonomy and freedom.
Being the Wizard King is both power and bondage and Asta's gonna have to implement some HELLA mad changes if he doesn't wanna end up the same way.
The movie is focused on repeating themes to hammer them down more, so some characters end up sorta placing in there as props or soldiers. Noelle had a good beginning run but ended up losing her magic, which made me a bit disappointed but her getting her luster back at the end and carrying the Edward fight was slay. The talk between her and Edward was giving grandfather vibes, and from Edwards flashbacks, one could almost assume that Edward is related to the Silvas somehow. The beginning of the movie had Asta and Noelle tagteaming in fights, so the movie seems to fill in the cracks of development we didn't get in the first timeskip.
If this movie has nothing, at least it has Mereos Lesbian Fighting Wedding. The current manga arc shows that Mereo is more than a fighting maniac and this movie hammers that point in. She cares about her squad, her brothers, Yami and even Asta. She fights as a way to connect to the people around her. This fucken movie loves Mereoleona more than anyone and they make it obvious.
Princia is like Dark Timeline Mereo, but instead of trying to kill each other like Zenon and Yuno or trying to get the other to switch sides like Asta and Conrad, Mereo and Princia are actively making out with their fists. The entire fight is Yaoi For Lesbians and its absolutely perfect for pride month.
Sekke, as per Tabata's Plan of The Gods as the best male runner up for Best Girl, is there. Unlike previous shows of his character in the anime and how he's currently inspired by Asta in the manga, Sekke acts as the civilian voice of reason in the movie. Sekke is a small-town boy who joined the magic Knights and is, once again, faced with a continental threat that threatens the kingdom. Naturally, the safest and SANEST way to go about this, especially for people who don't have the tools to stop it, is to run away. Evacuate and run to heart, because frankly they have better chances of doing that AND making it out alive than fighting Conrad.
Asta even actively acknowledged that that point IS the safest thing to do, for those who are aware they can't do it. It's a nice little touch up because most cowardly characters are looked down in shounen, but it's nice for it to eventually be shown as a reasonable response, even if Sekke is cowering the whole time cause what else is he supposed to do.
Yami in this movie was like the typical Yami we see, and it's nice to see how in this he always prioritises the people he cares about. Refusing Julius' orders to protect him, sending Noelle, Asta and Finral to run to the labs, even making an opening for the rest of the Knights to escape and telling Yuno to go and take care if Asta. This man is a team player and it shows.
Conrad, Conrad, Conrad. The mid-life crisis baby girl. The Miguel O'Hara of Black Clover.
When I say that this man is Dark Timeline Asta, I mean it. This man is EVEN AWARE OF IT. He sees himself in Asta and rather than hating that naive part of him, is projecting onto Asta and wants to reward him. Genuinely the first antagonist who Asta respects to a degree and vice versa. The man asks on 3 different occasions how he wants Asta to join and holds back on actively killing him until the very end.
This man became everything Asta wanted to be and ended up losing his squad, his wife and his love for the kingdom and decided to go full Lucius. Even then, he's still mentally ill enough to see the parallels and wanting Asta to become his successor. It's a way of self care through projection. He's so mentally ill. I know they had to kill him for continuity stability, which in BC is held up by glue and popsicle sticks, but if this man had lived to see Lucius pull his shit, he would've been the first to run around looking for Asta and ragging Lucius for killing him.
Princia and Edward share a but of a foil. Princia was feared and avoided to the point where she repressed all her emotions behind fighting, whereas Edward lost his entire support network and was traumatised by it. All the wizard Kings are traumatised. It begins to feel like a rite of passage.
Jester is a wild card. He talks about oppression and how uts affects people like he's seen it first hand, but he's the only dude who never gets a flashback. He's mysterious as fuck. You can't pinpoint this man's priorities.
The movie is a fixer-upper in some cases, depending on the audience and expectations. JumpFesta made it obvious that the selling points were the fights, but the lore and little to no character interactions made it a bit lackluster. If added to canon, it feeds the anime only fans and manga fans may have an additional bullet to shoot in terms of "the final arc is gonna be about disbanding the wizard king title".
All in all, I'd give this 7.5/10. Very solid for what it promised, but super good parts either overshadow or make the bad ones stand out more. A bit flashy, but for a movie of a genre where said movies actively implement new abilities which never show up in Canon, Sword of the Wizard King sticks to what is already known and reiterates the valuable themes.
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suguella · 2 months
about me!!!
yo!! im bella but you can call me ella, bells, belly, bell-a-boo (anything atp cus yall be creative with nicknames) 21, black, bisexual, french, born and raised in paris, anime obsessed <3
likes: sleeping, writing, weed ( duhhh ), music, cats especially kittens, interacting with my moots, anime, toji, SUKUNA!!!
dislikes: flies, rude people, chewing loudly, soggy food, zionists, hate anons, mahito, GOJO.
animes i’ve watched: one piece, fairy tail, jjk, aot, mha, demon slayer, black clover, solo leveling, chainsaw man, bleach, jjba.
artists i listen to: sza, jhené aiko, summer walker, bryson tiller, party next door, chloë, kehlani, ciara, lucky daye, flo milli, jt, alicia keys, rihanna, ice spice, h.e.r, chris brown, tory lanez, brent faiyaz, ariana grande, tyla, chase atlanic, tv girl, the weeknd, saweetie, gucci mane, usher, arctic monkeys, kendrick lamar, future, gloRilla, 21 savage, frank ocean.
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horrorcore2002 · 1 year
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Milli, 19 &black, I b simpin' hella, so beware ig 18+ MDNI WITH ANY NSFW POSTS! I will have to block you, but please don't take it personally, It makes me uncomfy mainly cause it feels like I'm providing you with that shit, and I don't want that.
Requests are open btw!
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★RULES ☆☆☆☆ ♱RULES: NO’s -Scat/piss kinks -Yandere/physical abuse relationships -extreme BDSM -roleplaying kinks -DM/ask me for more details🤍 -Unfortunately I do not do character x character unless it’s polyamorous x reader :\ ★RACISTS, HOMOPHOBES, XENOPHOBES, ANTIRELIGION, EXTREMISTS, AND TOXIC MFS GET OUT! I DON’T WANT YOU SPREADING HATE ON MY BLOG AND I DON’T NEED YOUR NEGATIVITY! KEEP YOUR OPINIONS AND FEELINGS TO YOURSELF, I CAN AND WILL BLOCK YOU, I WANT MY SHIT TO BE A SAFE SPACE, ★ ★MDNI WITH MY BLOG! IF YOU WANNA LIKE REBOLG OR REQUEST, PLS HAVE YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO OR I WILL HAVE TO BLOCK YOU! SORRY, NO HARD FEELINGS, I JUST DON’T WANNA CATCH A CASE ★ ♱I usually write for black readers, anyone can read tho. usually fem, but I can do Gender neutral (gn) and male readers too. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ♱MASTERLIST ♱haikyuu!! (hq!!) ♱Black clover ♱One piece ♱yu yu hakusho (yyh) ♱saiki k ♱tokyo revengers (tr) ♱jujutsu kaisen (jjk) ♱samurai champloo ♱black lagoon ♱naruto ♱my hero academia/bokuno hero academia (mha/bnha) ★dabi/touya todoroki ⭑ Toxic!Relationship drabble w/Dabi Suggestive/mentions of smut / Angst ⭑ Ansty-smut w/ Dabi Angst / Smut ★Hawks/Keigo Takami ⭑ Wet dreamz Smut / lime(?) / mentions of mastubation(m) ♱bunguo stray dogs (bsd) ♱solo leveling ♱killlakill ♱hellsing ♱bleach ♱demon slayer ♱attack on titan (aot) ♱trigun ♱hunterxhunter (hxh) ♱castlevania ♱avatar the last air bender (atla) ♱blue exorcist ♱deathnote ♱soul eater ♱tokyo ghoul ♱Spiderman across the spider-verse/Spiderman into the spider-verse ~REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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moreandmoredior · 1 year
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⭑⭒My name is Milli, welcome to the side blog⭑⭑
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~♱THE PEOPLE CALL ME THE SURGEON OF DEATH-Trafalgar D. LAW♱ ♱RULES: NO's -Scat/piss kinks -Yandere/physical abuse relationships -Pegging -extreme BDSM -roleplaying kinks -DM/ask me for more details🤍 -Unfortunately I do not do character x character unless it's poly :\ ★RACISTS, HOMOPHOBES, XENOPHOBES, ANISIMETIC, EXTREMIST, AND TOXIC MFS GET OUT! I DON'T WANT YOU SPREADING HATE ON MY BLOG AND I DON'T NEED YOUR NEGATIVITY! KEEP YOUR OPINIONS AND FEELINGS TO YOURSELF, I CAN AND WILL BLOCK YOU, I WANT MY SHIT TO BE A SAFE SPACE, ★ ★MDNI WITH MY BLOG! IF YOU WANNA LIKE REBOLG OR REQUEST, PLS HAVE YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO OR I WILL HAVE TO BLOCK YOU! SORRY, NO HARD FEELINGS, I JUST DON'T WANNA CATCH A CASE ★ ♱I usually write for black readers, anyone can read tho. usually fem, but I can do Gender neutral (gn) and male readers too.
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★★Smut ★★Fluff/Comfort ★★Angst ★★SAMU/Texting ★★Headcanons/Drabbles ★★Suggestive/mentions of smut ★★DARK CONTENT!
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♱MASTERLIST ♱haikyuu!! (hq!!) ♱Black clover ♱One piece ♱yu yu hakusho (yyh) ♱saiki k ♱tokyo revengers (tr) ♱jujutsu kaisen (jjk) ♱samurai champloo ♱black lagoon ♱naruto ♱my hero academia/bokuno hero academia (mha/bnha) dabi/touya todoroki ⭑ Toxic!Relationship drabble w/Dabi ★★Suggestive/mentions of smut / ★★Angst ⭑ Ansty-smut w/ Dabi ★★Angst / ★★Smut ♱bunguo stray dogs (bsd) ♱solo leveling ♱killlakill ♱hellsing ♱bleach ♱demon slayer ♱attack on titan (aot) ♱trigun ♱hunterxhunter (hxh) ♱castlevania ♱avatar the last air bender (atla) ♱blue exorcist ♱deathnote ♱soul eater ♱tokyo ghoul ♱Spiderman across the spider-verse/Spiderman into the spider-verse ~REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King | Official English Subbed Trailer
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King anime film will hit theaters in Japan and stream on Netflix worldwide on March 31, 2023.
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Cast additions
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Marie Iitoyo as Milly Maxwell
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Fumiya Takahashi as Jester Galandros
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Houchu Ohtsuka as Edward
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Miyuki Sawashiro as Princia
Previous announced cast member
Toshihiko Seki as Konrad Leto
Original Creator, Chief Supervisor, Original Character Designer: Yūki Tabata
Director: Ayataka Tanemura
Character Design: Itsuko Takeda
Music: Minako Seki
Animation Production: Studio Pierrot
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shadowbugtidbits · 2 years
Shadowbugs and Piebaldism
Not all Shadowbugs are pitch-black. In about 20,000 litters produced by regular Shadowbugs, one of them is bound to have something known as a "Piebug".
As their names suggest, Piebugs are Shadowbugs that have a condition known as "piebaldism". What that means is these individuals are lacking some of the pitch-black pigmentation that Shadowbugs are known for, thus creating patches that are white. This makes Piebugs look like they're spotted. Piebugs still have all the abilities that regular Shadowbugs have, though they have to be careful in their shadow form as their spots can give away their location.
Though this mutation can naturally occur when two regular Shadowbugs have babies, the chances of it manifesting is higher when two Piebugs mate. The same goes for when a Shadowbug and a Piebug mate as both the standard black and piebald genes are dominant in this species. A piebald Shadowbaby is affectionately known as a "Piebaby".
Due to their black-and-white coloration, Piebugs are also called "Moobugs" as they often resemble dairy cows. These guys are often given common cow names, as well (ex: Myrtle, Millie, Clarabelle, Clover, Bessie, etc).
Regardless of their missing pigments, one thing is for certain: Piebugs are just as cute as any other Shadowbug.
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redsnerdden · 2 years
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King Gets A Brand New Visual and Cast Member
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King Gets A Brand New Visual and Cast Member #ブラッククローバー #BlackClover #anime #manga #netflix
It was five days ago, Actress and Model Marie Iitoyo was announced to join the new Black Clover Film to voice an original character named Milly Maxwell. Today, we have another actor joining the cast, his name is Fumiya Takahashi. That’s right. We have a Kamen Rider (Kamen Rider Zero-One) joining Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King. Fumiya Takahashi will be taking on the role of Jester, a…
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cloverscranny · 2 months
My Webkinz
Penguin - Penelope
Pink Pony - Rose
Pink Poodle - Lola
Polka Black Fish - Luna
Rabbit - Clover
Peace Out Puppy - Carly
Other items
Stuffed animals (3)
Love Frog keychain
Clothing packs (4)
Figurine (2)
Pets & Items I want
Blossom Fish (will be named Chelsea)
Bloomin' sink and counter
Millie's slide
Floral Princess Furniture
Collect pet medallions
Beat my current high score on smoothie moves
Save up wish tokens for the wish machine
Complete max level at the kinzville academy
Finish my gem collection at the curio shop for the legendary crown of wonder
0 notes
Assistir ― Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Filme Online Dublado Legendado
Assistir Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Filmes Online (2023) Baixar Filme Completo Dublado Legendado Online em Português HD Torrent.
Onde Assistir Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Online Dublado Legendado
🎬☞ Clique aqui para assistir filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago
Onde Assistir Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago filme online grátis?
Se você é assinante do Disney Plus, pode assistir gratuitamente aos filmes My Fault na plataforma.
Qual é o filme do Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago?
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago é um filme de animação japonêsdirigido por Ayataka Tanemura e produzido por Pierrot . Baseado na série de mangá Black Clover de Yūki Tabata
Quem é o Elenco principal do filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago?
Ficar Gakuto Kajiwara Yuno Greenberryall Nobunaga Shimazaki Noelle Silva Kana Yuki Yami Sukehiro Junichi Suwabe Júlio Novacrono Toshiyuki Morikawa Conrado Leto Toshihiko Seki Edward Avalache Hōchū Ōtsuka Príncipe Funnybunny Miyuki Sawashiro Jester Garandaros Fumiya Takahashi Millie Maxwell Maria Iitoyo Vanessa Enoteca Nana Mizuki
Quando o filme do Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago é lançado?
O filme foi lançado nos cinemas japoneses pela Shochiku em 16 de junho de 2023. Recebeu um lançamento de streaming internacional na Netflix no mesmo dia.
Jim Caviezel afirmou que este foi o segundo filme mais importante que ele já fez. Ele classifica isso por trás de seu papel como Jesus Cristo em 2004, A Paixão de Cristo.[14]
Em 30 de março de 2023, a Variety informou que a Angel Studios havia adquirido os direitos de distribuição do filme em todo o mundo, com lançamento planejado para o segundo semestre de 2023. Posteriormente, foi confirmado para ser lançado em 4 de julho de 2023.
Dados completos sobre o filme do Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago
16 de junho de 2023 na Netflix / 1h 50min / Animação, Ação, Aventura, Fantasia, Ficção científica Direção: Ayataka Tanemura Roteiro Johnny Onda, Ai Orii Elenco: Jun'ichi Suwabe, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Toshihiko Seki Título original Black Clover: Sword Of The Wizard King
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Disney Plus?
Não há vestígios de Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Trail no Disney+, prova de que a House of Mouse não tem controle sobre toda a franquia! Lar de títulos como 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National GBlack Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago graphic', ESPN, STAR e muito mais, o Disney+ está disponível por um preço de assinatura anual de $ 79,99 ou uma taxa mensal de $ 0,99. Se você é só fã de alguma dessas marcas, vale a pena se inscrever no Disney+, e nem tem anúncios.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no HBO Max?
Desculpe, Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Way não está disponível no HBO Max. Há muito conteúdo do HBO Max por $ 14,99 por mês, essa assinatura é livre de anúncios e dá acesso a todos os títulos da biblioteca do HBO Max. O A plataforma de streaming anunciou uma versão suportada por anúncios que custa muito menos por US$ 9,99 por mês.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Amazon VidBlack Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago ?
Infelizmente, Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Path by Water não está disponível para transmissão gratuita no Amazon Prime VidBlack Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago . No entanto, você pode escolher outros programas e filmes para assistir a partir daí, pois possui uma grande variedade de programas e filmes que você pode escolher por US $ 14,99 por mês.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Peacock?
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago Way não está disponível para assistir no Peacock no momento da escrita. A Peacock oferece uma assinatura que custa US$ 4,99 por mês ou US$ 49,99 por ano para uma conta premium. Como seu homônimo, a plataforma de streaming é gratuita para jogar com conteúdo ao ar livre, porém limitado.
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago no Paramount Plus?
Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago The Road to Water não está no Paramount Plus. O Paramount Plus oferece a opção de assinatura adequada: a versão básica do serviço Paramount + Essential suporta um anúncio por US$ 4,99 por mês e um plano premium sem anúncios por US$ 9,99 por mês .
Onde posso ver filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago de graça?
dd.filmy-zilla.lat é um site que oferece mais de 20.000 filmes gratuitos de streaming de todos os gêneros gratuitamente. Ao fazer login, você encontrará filmes em alta definição e sem limites, um grande catálogo para consultar e uma barra de pesquisa para permitir que você pesquise todos os filmes que deseja ver.
Você está se perguntando como assistir legalmente ao streaming gratuito do filme Black Clover - A Espada do Rei Mago ? Se assim for, você ficará feliz que isso seja realmente possível, porque atualmente existem vários sites na Itália onde você pode assistir a filmes de todos os gêneros e épocas gratuitamente. Em alguns casos, pode ser necessário se registrar por e-mail ou usar sua conta online para fazer login.
Vou lhe contar em detalhes como você pode usar os sites mais populares da Internet, serviços online e aplicativos de smartphone/tablet para transmitir filmes gratuitamente. dd.filmy-zilla.lat é um dos melhores sites, A gama de filmes disponíveis vai desde os filmes mais recentes aos clássicos da história do cinema, dos filmes americanos aos filmes italianos, dos filmes de terror às comédias… enfim, a liberdade de escolha, o número de filmes é impressionante. Claro, você não o encontrará se for ao cinema.
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trillyke · 3 years
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I am sooooooo excited to share my first ever collection, on which I’ve been working on since mid May! 🌼 This collection was inspired by instagram models, especially by @/oanhdaqueen and her iconic fits! In this collection you will find 12 new pieces of clothing and shoes to create 4 full looks, but you can mix and match all the pieces to you liking, as they all come in the same palette! 18 vibrant colours and 7 fun colourful patterns make a nice, summery 25 swatch palette! You will found more info and a little description of all the pieces under the cut! Hope you enjoy! I definitely had soo much fun working on it! ❤
Public release: 21st July, 2021
General info:
custom thumbnail
25 swatches
base game compatible
edited EA mesh by me
please read and respect my TOU
you can buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi if you want
👗Odette Dress (inspo)
a ruched mini dress with a cutout and bow
👙Thea Bikini Top and Thea Bikini Bottom (inspo)
cute bikini set with daisies
separate files
🌞Thea Bikini Cover Up (inspo)
a cover up that works with most bikini bottoms
comes in two versions: solid and sheer
💎Nell Pants (inspo)
comfy and stretchy high waisted pants
🍀Clover Skirt (inspo)
mini skirt with pearl details
🎀Clara Top (inspo)
bell sleeves top with a front knot and pearl details
👒Nicole Top (inspo)
backless, ruffle crop top
💄Kiara Boots (inspo)
big, chunky heel platform boots
come in three versions: ankle, knee and thigh high length (new!)
👡Millie Slippers (inspo)
slippers with big, straw platform
Credits: Black Hair / Blonde Hair
UPDATE 12th October, 2021
The shine really bothered me on the Kiara Boots, so I removed it. Redownload for a nicer look I guess!
A added a thigh high version to the Kiara Boots!
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brwnicons · 3 years
Character roster and Masterlist
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Fandoms coming that I need to add here: Sherlock, Spyxfamily, Moonknight, Harley Queen DC, Addams Family, Good Omens, Edward Scissorhands...
I like LOTS of characters and I will write for lots of fandoms soo scroll, scroll, scroll
I'll keep adding more as I take interest in more characters
I can also quit writing for some of them, so it'll be kind if you check that the character you want is here <3
☆ Characters in bold are the ones I'm specially excited to write about! ☆
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- Hawks / Keigo Takami
- All might / Toshinori Yagi
- Endeavor / Enji Todoroki
- Eraserhead / Shota Aizawa
- Nighteye
- Present Mic / Hizashi Yamada
- Kurogiri
- Himiko Toga
- Fat Gum
- Twice
- Rumi Usagiyama / Mirko
Poly relationships: Endhawks, Erasermic...
- Joe
- Cherry Blossom
- Shadow
Poly relationships: Matchablossom, Shadoka...
- Nanami Kento
- Ijichi
- Muzan
- Enmu
- Susamaru
- Rengoku
- Uzui
- Inosuke (platonic)
- Tanjiro (platonic)
- Zenitsu (platonic)
• GHIBLI (soon)
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- Freddy Krueger
- Jason Vorhees
- Brahms Heelshire
- Tiffany Valentine
- Hannibal (NBC)
- Pennywise
- Chromeskull
- Asa Emory
- Bubba Sawyer
- Vincent Sinclair
- Bo Sinclair
- Lester Sinclair
- Candyman
- Billy Loomis
- Stu Matcher
- The Grabber
- Bonus: Musical!Beetlejuice
- Bonus: Joker (Arthur Fleck)
Poly relationships: Chromeskull x The Collector, Ghostface...
(Other killers or horror characters)
- Travis Hackett
- Erik destler
- The Daroga / The Persian / Nadir Khan
- Cherik (Charles dance's Erik from 1990)
Poly relationships: Erik x The Persian...
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Ask about anyone
- Brewster
- Blathers
- Tom Nook
- Redd
- Gulliver
- Ask for your fav neighbor!
- Jean descole / Desmond sycamore
- Hershel Layton
- Grimsley
- Giovanni
- Maxie
- Archie
- Ghetsis
- Nanu
- N
- Guzma
☆ Also fluff platonic scenarios with your fav pokémon!
Poly relationships: Maxie x Archie...
- Papyrus
- Sans
- Grillby
- Mettaton
- Toriel
- Asgore
• GENSHIN IMPACT -> I won't write NSFW for the youngest characters
Ask about anyone
- Ningguang
- Jean
- Sara
- Ei
- Xinyan
- Xiangling
- Sucrose
- Keqing
- Yanfei
- Hu Tao
- Beidou
- Amber
- Zhongli
- Kaeya
- Itto
- Tartaglia
- Thoma
- Gorou
- Diluc
- Bennet
- Razor (platonic)
- Fischl (platonic)
- Chongyun (platonic)
- Baizhu
- Dottore
Poly relationships: Childe x Zhongli, Ayato x Thoma, Beidou x Ningguang...
- Almond Cookie
- Expresso Cookie
- Mushroom Cookie
- Lilac Cookie
- Herb Cookie
- Clover Cookie
- Vanilla Cookie
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- Izzy Hands
- Blackbeard / Ed
- Stede Bonnet
- Lucius
- Spanish Jackie
- Frenchie
- Fang
Poly relationships: Steddy Hands, Ed x Stede...
Ask about someone anyway even if they're not here!
- Hughie Campbell
- Starlight
- Maeve
- Billy Butcher
- Stan Edgar
- Homelander
- Soldier Boy
- Boba Fett
- Darth Vader (Not Anakin)
- Din Djarin
- Armitage Hux
Poly relationships: Kylux...
- Tony Stark
- Dr. Strange
- Bruce Banner
- Natasha Romanoff
- Peter Parker (Tom Holland) (Platonic only)
- Deadpool
- Eddie Brock & Venom (they're a pack!)
- Otto Octavius (Doc Ock)
- Norman Osborn (Green Goblin)
Poly relationships: Otto x Norman...
- Silco
- Viktor
- Sevika
- Jinx (sfw)
Poly relationships: ask!
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- Eda
- Raine Whispers
- Alador
- Hunter (platonic)
- Luz (platonic)
- Amity (platonic)
- Willow (platonic)
Poly relationships: Raine x Eda...
- Blitz
- Stolas
- Fizzarolli
- Asmodeus
- Alastor (sfw! Gotta respect the ace king)
- Sir Pentious
- Millie
Poly relationships: Asmodeus x Fizzarolli, Stolas x Blitz...
- Flugg
- Black Hat
- 505 (platonic)
- Demencia
- Ford Pines
- Stanley Pines
- Dipper & Mabel (platonic)
- Reagan
- Brett
- Rick Sanchez
- Double Trouble
- Bow
- Scorpia
- Hordak
- Entrapta
- Shadow Weaver
Poly relationships: Entrapta x Hordak...
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