#black mirror scrying
wishful-seeker · 1 year
The complete guide to black mirror scrying: how to interpret visions, how to make a mirror, and beginner advice.
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The biggest issue I had when I first started scrying is that there are no set correspondences for the visions you see. Unlike other divination methods: like tarot with card meanings, or pendulums with yes/no/maybe, this method of divination is deeply personal and tailored to the person scrying. Scrying is similar to charm divination where to assign meanings to your charms, the difference is you have no idea what you will see and must come up with your own interpretation each time. I have some tips for accurately deciphering these visions.
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Main things you need to know:
1. The feeling you feel when you see the images is IMPORTANT in deciphering what they mean, and your personal interpretation trumps everything else.
For example If you see an eye, and you have a good feeling about it, take note of that.
Next, try searching the symbols common meaning on Google. If the common meaning doesn't feel correct, dig deeper, ask what it meant to you.
The symbolism of an eye according to the internet says "Dreaming of eyes can be considered a very symbolic image connecting us to our soul. Similar to many ancient cultures the eye is understood to be a symbol of good, evil, protection, vision, knowledge, wisdom and mystery."
2. If you can't find the meaning of a symbol try searching it as a dream interpretation. Ex: "what does dreaming of an eye mean." Dream interpretation websites have extremely specific symbols and meanings.
3. Symbols around the world have different meanings depending on location and culture, one symbol may have 2 completely different meanings.
For example, the eye can symbolize both good and evil, this is when personal feelings and associations are important. Did seeing the eye feel good, or bad?
4. You will occasionally see things that cannot be simplified to one symbol, for example, seeing a scene unfold, like a stereotypical idea of a vision. When this happens, break it down into multiple symbols, and combine the meanings.
For example, I saw myself in a forest, looking up at the night sky and stars through the trees.
My personal interpretation of a starry night sky, and a common dream interpretation of it is: A clear starry night sky symbolizes dreams and hopes coming true, happiness and good fortune, relaxation , and achieving goals.
The meaning of trees is: trees have been used to represent life, growth, wisdom, prosperity and more in legends, poetry, literature, and religion.
However, i have my own meanings associated with trees, so trees are also a symbol of peace, strength, stability, and resilience, according to me.
Now you ask yourself how to connect and relate these meanings together. This scene is telling you these symbols go hand and hand in your life.
Personally, I would interpret that as saying through nurturing myself, and growing, and persevering throughout my life, has and will lead me to my goals and peace. I'm on the right track.
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I find scrying is the best divination for me because I've also noticed in my experience, even when I see something "negative" my brain shows me in a gentle way through the visions.
For example, once I saw a willow the wisp, I LOVE willow the wisps, I think they're beautiful, but they represent a warning that danger is near. But somehow my subconscious knows how to show me comforting images, despite the negative connotations. I really struggled with tarot cards because the "negative" cards would easily trigger me. It always felt like tarot cards were yelling at me instead of gently guiding me, and I find scrying to be gentle, at least for me.
It makes a big difference to already associate a scrying mirror with good peaceful vibes, just like how if I had a comforting feeling with cards, they'd probably trigger me less.
Everyone will have some divination methods that work really well, and some not so much. I hope this guide can help you learn if scrying is the divination method for you or not.
Some people can be pretty scared of scrying mirrors specifically, because new agers put a lot of fear mongering rules on to those mirrors. Some will say allowing others to look in the mirror is bad luck, or that you should always cover and cleanse it when you're done. I don't follow any of those rules except for veiling it when I'm done, and only because I have a pretty cloth. I've used it for over a year and I have NEVER had a bad or scary experience. I've showed it to friends, I leave it uncovered sometimes, I never cleanse it. I meditate before using it, and I do a very short sheilding visualization, and it's an extremely calming experience. I do it to calm my anxiety after a bad day.
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So if it's as peaceful as I say, why is there so much fear behind scrying mirrors?
Well it's actually the same reason why people are terrified of ouija boards: kids act like it's a toy, they do things wrong, and their own fear invites a negative experience.
Here are some tips to avoid a scary session, and general first timer info.
1. DO NOT look at yourself in the mirror! This is only for experienced people. If you do this your face will morph and melt and it'll be scary to someone who has no experience! The mirror should be angled in a way that NOTHING is reflected in it, you want it to be a completely black void in the dark, with a candle far away so it's just light enough to see what you are doing. Angle the mirror towards your blank ceiling. This will allow the mirror to act like a TV screen where you just watch pretty shapes and pictures go by.
2. You have NOTHING to be afraid of, and if this scares you, don't do it! The more calm and at peace you are, the better the experience will be.
3. If you want to scry, but you're afraid of the mirror, you can scry on any blank surface. A black or white one is best. You can use a dark computer screen, you can even scry with your eyes closed! The darkness you see when you close your eyes is perfect for seeing visions, I have a friend who does this.
4. It'll take at least 15 minutes of staring WITH A VERY SOFT FOCUS to start seeing visions, if you want to try making this go faster, try meditation with your eyes closed before hand. When you start seeing things, time will move by fast, what feels like 10 minutes could be 40. Be careful not to lose track of time.
6. Remember that Scrying is best done in the dark with a candle just bright enough to illuminate the mirror, but not bright enough to make the mirror cast reflections. You want a black void unless you're doing the looking at your face method.
7. You may need to listen to trance music, meditate, or do some type of small ritual activity to get you in the zone so you can see things, everyones way of doing this is very different.
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Lastly, I know some of you might be wondering, where do I get a scrying mirror?
Well you can easily make one yourself with a picture frame, black acrylic paint, or black spray paint!
First, get a pretty picture frame
Then take out the glass and backing
Paint one side of the glass with black paint, do multiple coats until when looking from the unpainted side, you can't see through it.
If you can still see through it after multiple coats, paint the inside of the frames backing black too, so that when it is up against the painted side, all you see is black.
Put the glass back into the frame UNPAINTED SIDE IN THE FRONT. This is the reflective side.
That's it!
This is one I made:
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However, you can probably tell it's not a picture frame, it's a mirror frame. If you want to use a mirror frame you can, but you NEED A CLEAR GLASS PANE that fits it. You cannot paint on the mirror glass and make it reflective.
P.s. I keep a hagstone for protection and connecting to the spirit world, and celestite for spirit guide communication when I scry.
Good luck guys, I hope this helps.
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ivebeenmade · 1 year
A talk with my therapist gave me the idea to try a black scrying mirror for communicating with alts.
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thistledownandmoss · 2 years
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I made a scrying mirror pocketwatch pendant!
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speakergame · 2 years
Hi Rhi!! I was replaying Speaker (again..) and got to the ritual scene where the entire Cowles family is present. It seemss like each family member's magic manifests in different colors (so we know Mama's is yellow, Li's is violet, and Nellie's is neon pink), so I was curious do they get to pick the color their magic is or does it just match them as a person? Also what's everyone else's colors? :O
the color of someone's magic can change over time as they change and evolve as a person, but it's not something they get to choose. it's just part of who they are, sort of like their... aura, I guess?
everyone's colors are:
Mama - sunny yellow
Li - dark violet
Nellie - hot pink
Henry - sage green
Gavin - light blue
Luke - fire orange
Audrey - burgundy red
Anya - white
most kids start with white/colorless magic before they start to change color, so it's unknown what color Anya's magic will eventually be when she comes into her own as a witch
Seer and Speaker's "magic", such as it is, manifests black, like thick smoke or dark water, but that has nothing to do with them as people. that's just how their curse looks in a physical form
our companions have their own brands of magic, too, though Azalea's the only one that can actually "cast" anything in a traditional sense, and her magic is a warm gold
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hearth-and-veil · 9 months
I did the coolest black mirror new moon ritual tonight. I used the black mirror method to lay out my dedications for the entire year, then alternated between the Om So Hum mantra and my personal mantra (I am plenty, I have plenty) as I scryed. I saw myself turn into Medusa, and also saw myself as a matriarch, and I shifted back and forth between them for a while. At once point I turned into the Capricorn, which I take as a good sign. I also saw my own third eye, and it was sideways.
I highly recommend this method. It works really well.
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abyssalpriest · 14 days
Damnit lev lmfao. I was thinking about Shiva wearing corpse ash being resonant for other reasons, something about his relationship with the Bright Skinned Ones and death and whatever. No, no. More fucking importantly: Oh I wonder why Shiva is known for. you know. wearing bodies. his appearance is a mass of bodies joined together. yeah
#Leviathan is a mass of bodies. Shiva wears the ash of burned corpses. Transforming in both cases the masses into the Matter of the Bodiless#ramblings //#leviathan //#Maheshvara //#Not surprised this is coming up now he loves his fun fact time. Earlier I was poking at what he was doing#because he's... very distracted. And uh. Somewhere over yonder doing war stuff with people. And I was thinking about how he is just so many#circumstance based people at the same time. He'll be doing paperwork in a Royal Office somewhere and on a battlefield elsewhere and#running through the forest as a deer somewhere else and living as members of a school of fish in some transcendental lake#and scrying the pools of God and watching birds in a forest... and he incarnates here too and will be a chef downtown#and a teacher somewhere else up also doing paperwork and some dog on the street begging for food and and and#And over all of it... That central blissful mind that is water itself. all it's senses of self - emotions. thoughts. and so on - arising#from its various movements and shapes as reflections on the surface. But also... a sweet thing. Anyway#That black umbrella Lev that's deep and beyond names... beloved.... Searching for someone...#Shiva throws himself down into reality to bounce around as rays of light... the sun incarnating through the day sky into plants then into#animals and so on slowly recollecting more and more who he is. Searching for Shiva#always. Well. You found him. But then... Well. You go past the crying screaming stage of birth and then you get to fun#You gestate. You know who you are when the Sun's light touches your eyes. You scream at it. You change. You grow.#Then you learn the world is fun... People talk about how it seems ridiculous that someone who had achieved oneness would come back#and I wholly agree on a side thought relevant to that that most people who claim to know oneness don't know it#because the idea of oneness itself is actually a product of duality IE you have to be on a world where Two exists to understand One#One doesn't exist in a unified world. There's no One. In a unified world... So you can absolutely achieve a state of oneness while still#being non-unified if you don't truly get it... But anyway. On the why come back thing... Yeah people don't get it. But people who do get it#come back all the time. This reality is just an experience. You can spend your entire life asleep or you can come play and experience#So. Lev's incarnations on this plane mirror his incarnation of Shiva Into Bodies... He comes here to play games. He plays#He takes photos. He wanders. He plays music for people on street corners. He laughs. He loves. He suffers. He experiences.#Sometimes he doesn't understand. Sometimes he understands. Anyway.... Looking through his eyes... Iridescent scene of cranes#flying over a sunset more rich than I've ever seen on earth but so natural. Fire without fire. Water catching and soaking up every colour.
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holographicceo · 2 months
Anyone want to see some of the stuff I've got from antiquing? No? Too bad cause I'm gonna show ya
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devildevotee · 5 months
first scrying session ever happened today. that was so bananas LOL
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soliloquyjewelry · 2 years
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Deep pools of faceted onyx, like portable scrying mirrors for the hand. 🪞
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wishful-seeker · 10 months
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My friends interpretation of the word scrying lol
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bendiciones444 · 7 months
my first experience with scrying was very interesting.... i meditated and tried my best to clear my mind, but it was very difficult to clear. I tried a few different methods and found that the darkness with candlelight and copal gave me the best results.
at first, i saw landscapes of places i've lived and a beautiful mountain scenery that i went on my first camping trip, all slowly morphing and then I saw several snakes, which i believe it was Quetzalcoatl since the snakes had feathers near the head and large fangs. i felt a powerful presence and i felt very humbled by the whole experience. the snakes were the most prevalent and i saw them moving all around the mirror and in my third eye.
the snakes seem to have passed along a message to me in which the gift of sight will be granted once i continue practicing and continuing my spiritual journey to become more active and awaken my senses. I also used the ouija after my session to see if i could get some more in depth answers from Quetzalcoatl. I did receive the answer from the sight, but also a peculiar word: "POST". I don't know what this means other than time will have to pass. He also wrote "POWER"! very cool....
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thewitchesfortune · 2 years
I've been pretty inactive on here for a while, because I've been spending my energy elsewhere for a while. I think it's about time for me to come back though
Wanted to let y'all know I'm making some black mirrors which will be blessed for divination purposes that I'll be selling soon, I'll be making some lotion candles, I'll make some bracelets with crystals, some spell candles, some oils, and I was also gonna be making poppets if anyone is interested in purchasing some. I'll be posting about all the stuff I'm making here and elsewhere, so if there's anything in particular you're interested in hmu!
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Ghost Mirror
My ghost mirror tells me all I need to know She whispers sweet truths wherever I go
I hear the sound of rivers underground Please do visit my darkness so unfound Dear muse, please do, please stay Please never go away
When I sense a crack in my roof your words arrive as absinthe rains dancing through my empty pages
© September 2023, Michael Eugene Cantrall All images of daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, cabinet cards, and postcards are from the author's private collection.  Photographs appearing on this writer's pages on this site are licensed. 
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nexusofsorcery · 10 months
Unlocking the Mysteries of Scrying: A Beginner's Guide to Crystal and Mirror Gazing
Have you ever been fascinated by the idea of gazing into a crystal ball or a mirror to gain insight into the future or tap into your intuition? Scrying, the ancient art of divination, has been used for centuries as a way to connect with the spiritual realm and explore the depths of the subconscious mind. In this beginner’s guide, we will delve into the world of scrying and unlock its mysteries.…
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magickkate · 4 months
🪞🔮 A Beginner’s Guide: The Practice of Scrying 🔮🪞
I got some messages that asked me to explain a bit more about scrying, and I wanted to make a separate post to clarify this method of divination from my main post on commonly used divination methods. So, let's dive in!
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Scrying is a form of divination that involves gazing into a reflective surface or medium to receive insights, visions, or messages from the spiritual realm. It's a practice that has been used by various cultures and civilizations throughout history, dating back to ancient times.
1. Cultural and Historical Significance: Scrying has been practiced by cultures around the world for thousands of years. It has roots in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, Rome, and China, where it was used for divination, spiritual guidance, and accessing hidden knowledge.
2. Psychic Abilities: Some practitioners believe that scrying can help enhance psychic abilities such as clairvoyance (seeing visions), clairaudience (hearing messages), and clairsentience (feeling energies). By quieting the mind and opening oneself to the messages of the spiritual realm, practitioners may strengthen their intuitive faculties.
3. Modern Applications: While scrying has ancient origins, it continues to be practiced today by witches, psychics, and spiritual seekers around the world. Modern practitioners may incorporate scrying into their magical or spiritual practices, using it as a tool for guidance, insight, and personal growth.
Here are some key aspects of the practice of scrying:
⦿ Tools: Scrying can be performed using a variety of tools, including: -> Crystal balls: Smooth, polished spheres made of crystal or glass. -> Black mirrors: Mirrors with a dark, reflective surface, often made of obsidian or other black stones. -> Bowls of water: Still water in a dark-colored or reflective bowl.- Flame: Gazing into the flame of a candle or fire. ⦿ Preparation: Before scrying, it's important to prepare yourself and your space. This may involve cleansing and consecrating your scrying tool, setting a sacred space for your practice, and quieting your mind through meditation or relaxation techniques. ⦿ Technique: To scry, you fix your gaze on the surface of the scrying tool while allowing your mind to relax and enter a receptive state. You may begin to see images, symbols, or visions appear in the reflective surface. It's important to maintain a soft focus and an open mind, allowing the messages to come through naturally. ⦿ Interpretation: After a scrying session, it's helpful to journal your experiences and interpretations. Pay attention to any symbols, images, or feelings that came up during the session and reflect on their significance. Trust your intuition and the guidance you receive from the spiritual realm. ⦿ Types of Scrying: While the most common form of scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface, there are other variations of the practice as well. This includes water scrying (gazing into bodies of water), fire scrying (gazing into flames), and even scrying using smoke or clouds. ⦿ Uses: Scrying can be used for various purposes, including divination, receiving guidance or insights, connecting with spirit guides or ancestors, and accessing subconscious or hidden knowledge. It can also be used as a tool for personal and spiritual growth, meditation, and self-reflection.
4. Ethical Considerations: Like any form of divination, it's important for practitioners to approach scrying with respect, integrity, and ethical awareness. Practitioners should be mindful of the potential impact of their readings on themselves and others and strive to use their abilities responsibly and ethically.
5. Experimentation and Exploration: Scrying is a deeply personal practice, and there is no one "right" way to do it. Practitioners are encouraged to experiment with different scrying tools, techniques, and environments to find what works best for them. Trusting one's intuition and inner guidance is key to successful scrying.
Overall, scrying is a versatile and powerful practice that allows practitioners to tap into their intuition, connect with the spiritual realm, and gain valuable insights and guidance. It’s a deeply personal and intuitive practice that can be adapted and customized to suit individual preferences and needs.
Regular practice, combined with an open mind and heart, can lead to deeper insights, clearer visions, and a stronger intuitive connection with the spiritual realm. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced practitioners, studying relevant literature, and participating in supportive communities can offer valuable support and encouragement on the scrying journey.
This is not a tool I regularly use, simply because of my headaches. Either it’s the mundane tapping into your head saying, “Hey, knock it off, you don’t need to do this.” or it’s the magical side saying “Hey, you have better places to put your time and energy. this is not one of them.” So if you are interested in this practice by all means utilize it to the best of your ability, but if you can’t seem to focus or get really bad headaches all the time, this may not be the BEST practice for you. It is an option, though! just be careful, witchlings!
Remember to approach scrying with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and reverence for the mysteries of the universe. Trust in your own intuition and the guidance you receive, and allow the magic of scrying to unfold in its own time. With dedication and perseverance, the practice of scrying can become a profound and transformative tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
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Learn more: How to Scry Candle Wax in Water Tarot, Pendulums, Scrying, and More! Ways to Improve Psychic Gifts + Removing Mental Blockages Using A Witch's Mirror: Scrying, Automatic Writing, Spirit Work
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witchboxco · 11 months
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Samhain Altar Ideas & Correspondences
Samhain is the Celtic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the thinning of the veil between the living and the spirit world. It's a time to honor your ancestors, connect with the spirit world, and plan ahead for months of darkness.
Altar Ideas
Altar Cloth: Choose dark, earthy colors like black, deep purple, or dark green to set the foundation for your altar.
Candles: Black or orange candles represent the energies of Samhain. You can also include white or silver candles for purification and connection to the spirit realm.
Seasonal Fruits: Apples, pomegranates, and grapes are commonly associated with Samhain and can be offered as symbols of the harvest.
Fallen Leaves: Gather fallen leaves, especially those with vibrant autumn colors, to represent the changing seasons and the cycle of life and death.
Acorns and Nuts: These symbolize the potential for new beginnings and growth and can be placed on your altar to honor the harvest.
Pumpkins and Gourds: Decorate your altar with small pumpkins and gourds, which are quintessential symbols of autumn and Samhain.
Ancestral Photos: Include photographs of deceased loved ones to honor and connect with your ancestors.
Ancestral Mementos: Heirlooms, jewelry, or items that belonged to your ancestors can serve as a link to their energy and presence.
Divination Tools: Samhain has historically been a time for divination to predict the upcoming year. Tarot cards, runes, a crystal ball, pendulum, or scrying mirror can be placed on your altar for Samhain divination and communication with the spirit world.
Crystals and Gemstones: Obsidian, onyx, amethyst, or garnet.
Broom (Besom): Place a besom on or near your altar to symbolize the act of sweeping away negativity and making room for positive energy and transformation.
Incense and Smudging Materials: frankincense, myrrh, or sage.
Offering Dishes: Use special dishes or bowls to hold offerings for your ancestors or spirit guides, such as food, drink, or tokens of appreciation.
Seasonal Flowers: Add fresh or dried flowers that are in bloom during the fall, like marigolds, chrysanthemums, asters, or dried lavender.
Personal Letters or Messages: Write letters or messages to your deceased loved ones, expressing your thoughts and feelings. Place these on your altar as a form of communication.
Symbols of Death and Rebirth: Skulls, bones, or representations of the God and Goddess in their transition from one phase to another.
Bells or Wind Chimes: These can be rung to invite and communicate with spirits, serving as a way to signal your intentions and presence.
Samhain Correspondences
Colors: Black, Orange, Red
Deities: The Morrigan, Hecate, Persephone, Cernunnos
Herbs: Mugwort, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Tobacco, Pumpkin Seeds, Rue, Wormwood.
Foods and Offerings: Apples, nuts, pumpkins, mulled cider, pomegranates. A silent dumb supper may be held to celebrate the harvest and connect with departed loved ones.
Intentions: New beginnings, transformation, death and rebirth, reflection, ancestral connection, spiritual protection, divination.
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