#blaine anderson angst
justgleekout · 1 year
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Happy birthday to my dearest friend @blurglesmurfklaine! Have some domestic klaine! 💕
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blaintism · 1 year
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blaine per episode
2.14 "Blame It On The Alcohol"
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
Hello again!!!can I do an ask for the episode when sebastion throws the slushie in blaines face and the reader just attacks him? (Sebastion deserved a beating for that ong) or could you write about when coach bieste first showed up and when everyone was avoiding her the reader does their best to talk to her(bieste also deserved better, shue and sue were jerks)??? THANK YOU
❥ hiii! so glad to see you on my asks again! i shall write the first option! i apologise that this is late and short and the ending is so abrupt 〒▽〒
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definitely deserved pairing: glee x gn!reader genre: platonic, angst warnings: light violence, light assault, sebastian being an ASSHOLE, not rlly a character x reader word count: 1.5k
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walking through the library on a monday morning was the usual routine for y/n, rummaging through books for research and song ideas. just as they took a book off a shelf, they were jump-scared by the face of a beaming rachel berry.
“holy shit, rachel. you can’t just do that to a person.” y/n scolded, placing a hand above their chest, trying to calm down their rapidly beating heart. “sorry, was wondering what you were up to. needed something to get my mind off… something.” rachel said suspiciously, looking like there was something heavy on her mind as she walked around the bookcase towards them. y/n noticed the tension but decided not to pry. “i’m just looking through some things.” the two of them made their way to the seating area, joining quinn and tina who were having a conversation.
“hey, guys.” y/n greeted, taking a seat beside the blonde. the two only smiled and waved.
y/n went through their books as the other three had their conversation before blaine came strutting into the library, singing a michael jackson classic, ‘wanna be startin’ somethin’’ alongside kurt, mercedes, santana and brittany. the four joined immediately, used to this at this point.
they all regrouped at the choir room soon enough and discussed about the first michael jackson number they’d do for the weak, planning out costumes based on some of mj’s iconic outfits.
after the rehearsal, a small part of the glee club met up after school the next day. “okay, favourite michael jackson memory. go!” blaine tells them and they all smiled. “when i was one, my mom showed me a vhs tape of his motown special, and when he did the moonwalk across the stage for the first time in history, i uttered my first words - ‘hot damn.’.” y/n grinned at the thought of a baby artie saying those words, finding it totally believable.
“i owe the king of pop a deep debt of gratitude. he’s the first one to pull off the sequined military jacket long before one kurt hummel made it iconic.” kurt boasted, “i have to be honest. i never really got him.” rachel’s words immediately caused everyone’s faces to morph into disbelief. “no way.” “and we are no longer on speaking terms.” y/n and artie share a look.
rachel quickly defends herself, saying she believed he is an amazing performer but she never really got what he was about. though these reasons did not calm them down, y/n could understand where she was coming from.
“okay, but just since you guys are so jazzed about him, i think it’s a good idea for regionals-” “that might not be the best idea.” a new voice entered the discussion and it was a voice they all dreaded. “hey, blaine. hello, everyone else.” sebastian smythe, a member of the dalton academy warblers and basically kurt’s arch nemesis. “does he live here or something? seriously, you are always here.” kurt asked incredulously, flabbergasted at the fact he showed up out of nowhere. y/n snorted before taking a sip of their drink.
artie ignored the two of them, “why don’t you think that’s a good idea?” “because we’re doing mj for regionals.” at sebastian’s words, y/n sighed into their cup before sinking further into the leather armchair they were on. “you see, warblers drew first position, so as soon as i heard what your plan was, i changed our set list accordingly.” he explained with a smug expression on his face, y/n really wanted to punch him.
“i’m sorry, how did you hear?” rachel asked, fully upset. “blaine told me this morning.” y/n’s head turned to look at blaine who only rolled his eyes at the boy, “i just called for a tip on how to get red wine out of my blazer piping, and he would not stop going on about it.” at this point, the whole group was staring at him with an accusing look.
blaine avoids their gazes, “i may have mentioned it.” “how often do you talk?” kurt’s question makes sebastian fake chuckle. “oh my god! hey, kurt! i didn’t recognise you. you are wearing boy clothes for once!” santana had enough after that. “alright, twink, i think it’s time that i show you a little lima heights hospitality.” this made y/n throw their head back against the chair in exasperation, “unless you want to join your relatives in prison, that’s probably not the best idea.” sebastian’s comeback only makes them feel worst. y/n tuned him out as he talked even more, wanting nothing more but for him to leave and go away.
when he did, they sighed. “thank god. i thought he’d never shut up and leave. he’s like those never-ending interactive voice responses you get on automated telephone systems. he never shuts up.” y/n groaned, sitting up straight again. “we need to do something about michael.” kurt announced and they all nodded, agreeing to discuss what to do the next day.
the next day came faster than it could. everyone piled into the choir room and were complaining about the whole incident when puck suddenly spoke up about his suspicions over how blaine was still somehow a warbler. “come on, blaine’s with us. he’d never intentionally hurt our chances at winning regionals.” y/n defended, walking into the room with their sling bag, taking a seat beside blaine. 
blaine gives them a grateful smile, “either way, he’s on notice as far as i’m concerned.” “we should all be on notice.” finn interrupted his best friend, trying to reason with them. “i mean, next to vocal adrenaline, the warblers are the best glee club in the state and for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship, so we should stop complaining about the warblers and figure out how to beat them.” finn told everyone, being the voice of reason as usual.
“i couldn’t have said it better myself, finn.” mr. schue commented, walking into the room. “i’m less worried about our set list right now, and more interested in getting us in the right mind-set to crush those guys. which is why our lesson for the week is…” with a marker, he wrote down on the whiteboard ‘wwmjd’. “what would michael jackson do?” “he’d fight back. he’d say regionals is ours. mj is ours, and if they want it, they can pry it from our sequin-gloved hand.” y/n grinned at finn and nodded along, “mhm. straight up. in 1983, mtv said they wouldn’t air his ‘billie jean’ video, what’d he do? he fought back, they aired it and the thriller album sold an additional ten million copies.” artie added and y/n only stared at him, “you’re like a michael jackson encyclopaedia.” they commented quietly, the boy held a hand to his chest. “why, thank you.” he gratefully said.
blaine smirked, “i know what michael would do. i think he would take it to the streets.” at his words, the whole room filled with excited mutters. y/n kept quiet, though. they couldn’t help but feel like something was going to go wrong with this, terribly wrong.
after the glee club dispersed, they tried to chase blaine down before he got too far away. “blaine, are you sure this is a good idea?” they asked as the two of them walked to the entrance of the school. “i’m sure it’ll be all good. we’ll show them that they’re gonna regret taking michael from us, and then we’re going to get him back.” the former warbler said excitedly before heading out the door. “god, i hope so.” y/n whispered to themselves, clutching their bag tightly.
the day of the showdown arrives quicker than they expected. they’d all agreed to wear matching leather jackets, after kurt’s persistent determination, to have some unity. it was the new directions against the warblers after all.
at the sound of santana’s snap, the rest of the group came out and they started their jackson-off. truth be told, having a dance and sing-off in an empty parking lot was a very 60s thing to do but y/n had no complaints. their only complaint was that the more the song progressed and the closer they got to the ending, they’d seen one of the warblers grab a paper bag.
y/n’s eyes widened when they realise that sebastian was going to slushee kurt. “kurt!” they yelled but blaine had thrown himself in front of the boy, getting the liquid assault instead.
blaine yelled out in agony at the impact, falling to the ground as he pressed his palms against his eyes. everyone froze but y/n couldn’t handle it anymore. “you fucking asshole!” they clenched their fist tightly and laid a hard punch against sebastian’s face, making him stumble back towards his group members. “y/n.” finn warned them, placing a hand on their shoulder to calm them down so they don’t rip their rival into shreds.
the warblers soon fled the scene with guilty looks on their faces as they helped sebastian stabilise himself and walked off. the new directions could see that his lip was bruised and his cheek was swollen when he passed by. it was easy for any of them to say, he’s definitely deserved that punch in a while.
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calsvoid · 2 months
idk i just think sebastian should write poems for blaine and blaine should produce songs for sebastian and i think they should never forget each other despite all their efforts
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fallevs · 8 months
day nine – lover, taylor swift
Christmas lights in a ghost town
Have I known you for twenty seconds
or twenty years?
You are here
I look at you
and I love you like never before but
you are far away.
Far away.
It's a pain that rises, and
it hurts.
I feel it inside
in the blood
that gets warm if you touch me
the way you used to touch me.
The way I hope
you didn't touch
that someone else.
When the night comes
and I'm alone
with the Christmas lights on,
I think back
to when we were something more.
When we danced in your room and no one could hurt us,
no one was watching us;
you would hold me
the way you used to hold me.
The way I hope
you didn't hold
that someone else.
It's a pain that rises, and
it hurts.
A thousand fallen tears
but I am still here
anchored to you.
I tried to run away
I tried to despise you,
to turn the frames
and burn away the pains;
but now you are here
close to me
with your scent that smells like home,
like something I still need.
But are you still my home?
Only yesterday
we were together and
at the same time
we were far apart,
like on two different planets.
Sometimes the thought takes me
of what we were and
what we could have been;
I, who after you,
don't want anyone else.
I hear you leaving this house,
hear the sound of your footsteps,
your smell fading on the pillow, and I think
life may tear us apart
but love
will continue.
I always carry you with me
because you taste of memory.
I don't know if I get used to the pain.
Let's wait.
Wait for me.
Maybe you and I
have another time.
You, the cold of my mornings,
that lump in my throat that won't
go down.
Without you I feel
like a ghost town.
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
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You are the love of my life, Kurt. And I'm pissed off that I have to learn, for the next year, what being alone is gonna be like.
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nerdywriter65 · 8 months
You're Safe Here (Married!Klaine Fanfiction)
Hello! Scarlett here, I've been posting irregularly on ao3 for a couple months now, but figured I'd start cross-posting over here as well, so here's one of my favorite little Klaine fluff piece, I hope you all enjoy it!
Trigger warnings for g/ns, and p/nic att/cks
Blaine knew it was stupid.
He was twenty three. He'd been living in New York since he was nineteen. He was used to the sounds of the city.
He was pretty sure he'd never get over the sounds of gun shots.
Kurt was sound asleep next to him, snuggled up next to him, with an arm thrown lazily across his chest. Blaine wondered if Kurt could feel how fast Blaine's heart was racing. It was fine, he was fine. The gun senior year hadn't even been someone trying to shoot anyone, he knew that. Why were the sounds bothering him so much more tonight? It didn't make any sense.
A gust of wind blew through the apartment, and then he realized what it was. They'd left the window open, deciding to use the cool evening air to keep the room comfortable, opposed to the air conditioner. It had worked, both of them were comfortably wrapped in their comforter, proving that the room was cold enough, but the window being left open meant the sounds were all louder.
Blaine's breathing stopped when he heard another, unmistakable gun shot. Not only were there gun shots, but those shots meant someone died, and he couldn't do anything. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks, but instead of helping, all it did was make it easier for him to picture every terrible thing going on in the streets below them. Every image wasn't of being stuck in the choir room, knees pulled to his chest as he had the worst panic attacks of his life, back to back, without anyone there to help. No, every image he saw was finding Kurt, dead and bloodied, evidence of bullets across his beautiful skin. He remembered seeing Kurt in the hospital, all those years ago when he got beat up. He remembered getting the call like it was yesterday. Every time he got a call from an unknown number he felt like vomiting, because he feared it was someone telling him that his beautiful husband was dead.
Since all those years ago, they'd been married, and had moved to a supposedly safer part of New York, and he knew all the gunshots he heard weren't from outside their apartment. They could've been miles away, but especially at night the sound traveled easily. He knew that. But he also knew that it wasn't a terribly unlikely thing for Kurt to get shot on the way home.
He was going to be sick. Kurt had rolled over, no longer touching Blaine, so he carefully crawled out from under the covers, careful not to wake his husband. Kurt didn't need to deal with his trauma from when he was eighteen. As soon as he stood he realized throwing up wasn't a thought, but a reality. He stumbled to the bathroom, falling to his knees in front of the toilet as he threw up, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't breathe, his chest hurt. Everything hurt. Was this was a heart attack felt like? He couldn't breathe in between painful dry heaves, and that was just making him gag even more. Everything ached, he couldn't breathe, couldn't move, tears were streaming down his cheeks. He didn't know when he managed to stop throwing up, but the small victory that was barely made it to his awareness.
And then Kurt's beautiful voice cut through the blinding pain that was consuming him.
"Blaine?" he asked, his voice slightly rough from just waking up. Guilt washed over Blaine as it occurred to him that he'd woken his husband up. Kurt had an early day the next day, he didn't need Blaine getting in the way of his sleep.
"Sorry," Blaine choked out, trying to compose himself in some way, "sorry, I'm sorry,"
"Shhh," Kurt said in response, falling to his knees next to Blaine, and taking his hands in both of his, "are you going to throw up again?" he asked, and Blaine considered for a moment, but shook his head. He'd thrown up all he'd eaten that day, and the nausea was mostly gone.
"I need you to breathe, okay? I know it hurts, but you can breathe. If you breathe everything else will hurt less, okay?" and Blaine was so grateful for the man sitting next to him, his deep blue eyes so kind and loving as they looked into his. Blaine couldn't bring himself to reply as he took shaky breaths in and out, squeezing Kurt's hands as though his life depended on it.
"There you go, you're going to be okay. You're safe, I promise," and Kurt wrapped his arms tightly around him, and Blaine all but melted into Kurt's chest, sobbing into his shoulder. When his breathing had somewhat calmed, and he felt somewhat in control of himself again, he pulled away slightly, once again feeling guilty for waking Kurt.
"Hey, don't feel bad for waking me up," Kurt said, before Blaine could apologize, and despite his guilt, Blaine felt his heart soar at how much this man truly knew him.
"I'm still sorry," Blaine said, his voice raw from throwing up.
"I'm your husband, it's my job to help you when something is wrong," Kurt replied, simply. Blaine let himself relax back into Kurt's arms momentarily.
"How about you brush your teeth, to get rid of the taste, and I'll go make some tea, and then we can sit and talk for a while?" Kurt suggested, and Blaine was quiet for a long moment.
"Would you stay here while I brush my teeth?" he asked, and Kurt nodded instantly.
"Of course," he said, and he stood, offering Blaine his hand. Blaine took it, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. Kurt stood next to the sink, patiently as Blaine brushed his teeth, and washed his mouth out with mouth wash. When he'd finished, Kurt took his hand, and lead him to the kitchen. Blaine hovered next to his husband as Kurt filled the kettle with water, and set it on the stove to boil.
"What kind of tea would you like?" Kurt asked, selecting a tea bag for himself.
"Whatever you're having," Blaine replied, and Kurt pulled a second tea bag from the tea box, before turning to the cupboard and glancing over the mugs they had. Kurt selected his favorite one, one that Blaine had bought for him for their first wedding anniversary. It wasn't particularly fancy, just a white mug, that was decorated with red and yellow flowers. Blaine had bought it, because red and yellow flowers had always been their thing, red for love, and yellow for friendship. Kurt studied the cabinet a moment longer, before selecting another fairly simple mug, this one with a yellow warbler drawing being the main design. Kurt set both mugs on the counter, ripping open the tea bags with his teeth, something he'd always done, but Blaine had never understood why. He knew each individual detail of what his husband was doing didn't matter, but paying attention to them always seemed to calm Blaine down. The kettle wasn't boiling yet, but Kurt seemed to think it was warm enough, as he poured the steaming water into each mug, holding the tea bag string with his finger so that the tea bag didn't get pulled all the way into the mug. He spooned sugar into each mug, two spoonfuls into his, and four into Blaine's.
"Here," Kurt said, pressing the warm mug into Blaine's hands. Blaine expected it to be almost painfully hot, but it was pleasantly warm instead.
"Thank you," Blaine said, and Kurt smiled softly, pressing a kiss to Blaine's cheek as he walked past, from the kitchen, to the couch in their makeshift living room. Blaine following, sitting next to his lover, and resting his head against Kurt's shoulder.
"What happened?" Kurt asked softly, no anger or judgement in his voice, just interest.
"There were gunshots," Blaine said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Oh, baby," Kurt said, wrapping his free arm around Blaine's shoulders, "you should've woken me up,"
"You have work early tomorrow," Blaine explained, and Kurt shook his head.
"That doesn't matter. If something is wrong, Blaine, I want you to wake me up, okay? I don't want you to have to go through that sort of thing alone," And Blaine sighed, setting his mug on the coffee table as he rubbed his face with his now free hands.
"I just hate feeling like I can't handle things. I'm twenty three, Kurt. I know we've both started thinking about kids, how am I supposed to be a father if I can't handle my own shit myself?" Blaine asked, and he felt tears pricking in his eyes once again.
"Oh, Blaine," Kurt breathed, his own tea placed on the coffee table beside Blaine's, reaching and pulled Blaine's hands from where they were nervously running through his hair, instead squeezing them tight in his own hands, "your trauma doesn't mean you'll be any less of a father," Blaine didn't have an answer for that, he instead let himself fall back into Kurt's arms.
"I couldn't stop picturing you getting shot," Blaine admitted, and Kurt just held him tighter.
"I'm okay. We're safe here, Blaine," and Blaine's breathing was still shaky as tears rolled down his cheeks, but in that moment, wrapped in Kurt's arms, he truly felt safe.
"I love you," he said after a long moment, and Kurt rubbed his back softly.
"I love you too, Blaine. So much," and Kurt pushed him away just enough to see his face, wiping his tears away before leaning in to kiss him. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, kissing him back, gently.
"How about we go back to bed?" Kurt suggested, and Blaine nodded slowly.
"Can we... can we close the window?" Blaine asked, and Kurt didn't even question it.
"Absolutely," and when they'd both stood from the couch, Kurt reached for Blaine's hand again as they walked to the bedroom. Kurt closed the window, before following Blaine to the bed, crawling in next to him, and rolling so they were facing each other, their legs tangled together, and arms wrapped around each other.
"I love you," Blaine breathed once again, nuzzling into Kurt's neck.
"I love you too," was Kurt's breathy response. Blaine's panic and fear was completely gone as he relaxed in Kurt's arms. They were both safe, and that's all he needed. 
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imogenlefay · 10 months
Chapters: 12/25 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Christmas Compilation, The Great Seblaine Christmas Extravaganza, Fluff and Sweetness, Occasional hurt/comfort, probably, But mostly fluff Summary:
A collection of Christmas-themed oneshots about Seblaine.
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Battle of the Blaine Solos : SEMI-FINALS A
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lusthurts · 1 year
Just posted an angsty little canon compliant one shot that takes place in the aftermath of slushygate. If you need a pitch to read, I will note that it features an unsolicited Bill Clinton reference, no happy ending, and Sebastian Smythe being incapable of handling bad situations properly.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Language: English Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe, Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, The Warblers (Glee), New Directions (Glee), Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, slushygate, Aftermath, Angst, Self-Loathing, Wishes, Minor Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Summary: It’s 11:11 in a hospital room in West Lima, and instead of wishing for the shooting pain in his eye to stop or for the surgeon to prescribe him stronger pain medication, Blaine’s wishing Sebastian would text him back.
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merinelsa · 2 years
requested by @izzydoesnotknow
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they-them-mayhem · 2 years
Some Background
So I started this Klaine fanfiction in 2012. I'll be the first admit that my writing wasn't at its best; I was just glad that people loved the story so much! Especially since it's kind of a cathartic way to process the trauma of my past. A lot of the abuse/issues/problems/insecurities my characters suffered were similar to my own experiences.
But I digress.
As Let Me In grew in popularity, as the characters developed, and-not to toot my own horn-as my writing improved, I fell in love. I LOVED my story, and I was so inspired by all of the support given to me by my readers. However, I was still under the control of my abusers, and I let them dictate my life. I had to write below the radar, and then I eventually had to abandon Let Me In, leaving it unfinished. I was devastated, but it was what it was.
And then came the long, drawn out process of healing. I got out of my abusive situation thanks to some incredible people who've had my back for as long as I can remember. I owe my life and happiness to them, and I'll never be able to thank them enough.
But this post isn't about me.
Fast forward six years-I'm healthy, happy, and can't stop thinking about Let Me In. Truthfully, I've never stopped thinking about Let Me In. I wanted to finish it; the problem, though, was that original Let Me In didn't really get good until over halfway through the story; it would never reach the full potential I knew it could have.
My decision?
Revive and revise.
I posted an announcement that I was bringing Let Me In back, and I was SHOCKED that so many people showed their excitement. I truly didn't think people were still hanging around this story. It made ME even more excited! However, life always gets in the way, and in the course of four years, I only have six chapters done. And of course I feel guilty, because I feel like I've continued to make empty promises, but I want this revision to be fully complete before I start posting anything, because people don't deserve another unfinished story from me.
So here's where the blog comes in. For anyone who was following me before, here's the proof that it's coming. You can see sneak peeks, updates, random drabbles, and any new people can hopefully join this family I felt like I'd found so long ago. And even if everyone has given up, this is for me, too. I need to finish Let Me In, for the sake of my younger self, and to feel like I can really heal and move on from my past.
And if anyone wants to join and enjoy the ride with me? Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to give Let Me In another chance <3
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kurtstiaras · 4 months
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gleekingdom · 6 months
A Blam or seblaine Rp or just a MxM ship with Blaine or sam. 1x1 on discord with fluff. Details can be discussed on discord be atleast 18+ I'm in my 20s
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calsvoid · 11 months
my thoughts on the 1989 tv vault tracks:
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fallevs · 8 months
day ten – last night on earth, green day
The moonlight of my life
your face shines bright,
guiding me through the darkness
eith your love, my soul is touched.
In your essence,
I find strength
to overcome the trials and
Your memory fills the emptiness
of my nights,
bringing back a sense of life.
Though your absence
causes pain
the thought of you is my solace.
In my mind, I see your shadow
and feel the warmth of your embrace.
Your kisses
were sweet nectar
sustaining me day by day.
But now I am left with only remembrance
of you, a faded photograph
that I pray.
Love is a language I struggle to speak
but with you, it was effortless
and though our love may have ended
you will always be my new beginning,
my muse,
my essence.
I'm here to honour you.
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sendin' all my love to you.
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