#blaine anderson headcanon
ciinelqura · 2 years
i hate the reason glee came up with for having blaine move to mckinley in s3 espesially because i feel like it could have been written without interupting the plot at all and it would make more sense. 
i’ve always headcanoned that he moved schools because his dad left and his mom could no longer afford dalton which sounds conveluted but i think it could have easily fit in with the other things glee randomly mentions once as a joke and never comes up again. 
while rewatching the purple piano project i realised that it really could have been fit into the scene where they’re discusing how they’ll get more people to join. i’m obviously not a writer but i feel like it could have gone like this.
(keep in mind i’m trying to write in the tone and style of glee)
kurt: well we could be accuiring a warbler - blaine might be enrolling in mckinley soon.
tina: what? i thought blaine loved dalton, it’s like gay heaven. (i hate this line i’m sorry)
kurt: his mom can’t afford dalton since his dad skipped town with his secutary.
*pause* (maybe a rachel reation shot)
kurt: don’t... don’t tell him i told you that. 
mr schue: whu.. *head shake* 
and i know this would be a huge plot conveniance but so is blaines parents letting him move from a private school to a public school to be with his boyfriend.
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arizonaaaaaa · 4 months
11- Mike Chang- pansexual
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-Goes with my Tina hc, he falls in love for who the person is, not how they are
-really supportive of Tina when she came out
-his father wasn’t supportive at first so Tina had to interfere again but now his cool with Mike
12- Matt Rutherford- gay
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-he had a crush on Mercedes before he realized he actually likes guys
-I like to think him and Mike met again in university and they dated for a bit 👉👈
-he had so much potential😭
13- Jesse St. James- bisexual
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-not calling Jonathan Groff a bad actor but not even for a second I believed this man was straight
-he was totally into Finn back in season 1
-bi4bi4bi St. HudBerry throuple?
14- Sam Evans- bisexual
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-do I have to explain why?
15- Lauren Zizes- pansexual
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-I mean, girl slapped Tina’s and Brittany’s asses while singing about what she knows what boys like
-she really deserved to stay in season 3, this 👆 is the only fruity scene she has😭
-her and Tina being goth girlfriends tho
16- Blaine Anderson- gay and trans
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-canonically gay
-him being trans is not a unpopular headcanon surprisingly
-I don’t know why but this just makes so much sense
-I don’t have a lot to wright here, not the biggest Blaine fan out there
17- Sugar Motta- lesbian
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-crazy how she radiates lesbian energy, like all woman surrounding her just becomes sapphic
-she has the biggest crush ever on Santana, like really, this girl was legit staring at her boobs in 3x04
-she and Unique are girlfriends I don’t make the rules
18- Rory Flanagan- gay
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-“you now I wish I was Jessie’s girl”- Damian McGinty Jr on The Glee Project
-this was my Roman Empire
-totally had a crush on Finn and totally was flirting with Sam on Christmas
19- Joe Hart- questioning
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-he is a christian teenager of course he’s queer those are the rules
-not only that but he’s also on the glee club
-I think he never knew his identity, his parents always told him he was going to marry a woman someday so he thought that was the pattern…
-…until he saw Sam shirtless in the locker room
20- Dave Karofsky- gay and Bear
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-in my opinion, as a gay man, he’s the most well written lgbtq character on the show, his story is perfect
- @starpawedart opened a universe of Karofsky ships for me, thank you king✊
-he out of all people deserved a happy ending
-anyways, kurtofsky 🔛🔝
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lusthurts · 2 months
so i discovered this headcanon generator on tiktok and im a big fan of the results (yes i’ve included my ocs, why wouldn’t i???)
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thewcrblers · 4 months
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American Pie (Glee Cast Version).mp3
a little headcanon scene i have for finn’s storyline in season six, this would basically take place in 601 ‘loser like me’ instead of ‘suddenly seymour’ ✰
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i want to upload my whole headcanon to tumblr but i still haven’t figured out how(?) i basically have a whole different show from season four to the finale lol. it focuses a lot more on the glee club, especially the newbies, no new york, and it will have a pov primordially from finn’s, showing his whole journey in finding himself and becoming a teacher, that includes rachel not taking charge of the glee club in season six, it would be finn !! omgg i have a lot of storylines, songs, justice for the characters, i can’t wait to somehow share it here
btw, in case it wasn’t clear, the “script” page is also made by me, this is not in any means material of the original tv show, lol
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mynonah · 1 year
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The Anderson-Hummels 🌈
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autismtana · 4 months
glee religion headcanons
rachel - jewish (canon)
finn - agnostic but carole is very loosely christian (episcopal)
quinn - evangelical protestant
mercedes - baptist
blaine - catholic (confirmation saint - st gregory the great, patron saint of music)
santana - catholic (confirmation saint - st vitus, patron saint of dancers)
brittany - very loosely christian (episcopal)
puck - jewish (canon)
kurt - atheist (canon) but burt sometimes goes to church if he can be bothered for christmas/easter/weddings etc.
tina - christian from non-practising jewish family (canon)
mike - agnostic but his parents are christian
sam - evangelical protestant (he goes to the same church as quinn)
artie - agnostic
emma - christian (canon)
sue - atheist (canon)
mr shoe - agnostic
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wowbright · 9 months
So how does Kurt feel if Blaine cries during or after sex? I’m sure they both get emotional and both shed tears at times.
Maybe the first time he's worried, but after that he's just like, "guess I'm doing something right", because crying is basically a function of Blaine being super turned on (the parts of his brain that control emotional expression short circuit because of being super turned on)--it's usually that, though sometimes it's "you move me (in bed) Kurt".
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acapellasaurus · 2 years
Rachel: Thinks she's really good and is going ok but falls over after about 20 minutes which causes her to storm off but she rejoins after she's calmed down
Finn: Is decent but keeps crashing into the wall and fell over a few times
Quinn: Graceful but sticks close to the sides and doesn't really let go until near the end
Santana: Good skater, fast and confident and can do some tricks, probably wears inline skates instead of quads
Brittany: Same as Santana and at times, they go round holding hands
Kurt: Pretty graceful but never skates very fast and sticks near to the sides incase he need to grab onto them
Mercedes: Sticks near the sides and falls over a lot which causes her to get the giggles with Quinn
Blaine: Very skilled and wears inline skates and zooms around the rink, although he takes time out to skate with Kurt
Sam: Pretty good and speedy but attempts a trick a falls over which humbles him and he returns to skating normally
Puck: Skates very fast and shows off which causes him to get a bit reckless. He falls over but that doesn't stop him. Everyone else tries to skate away from him incase he knocks them over too.
Tina: Only skates holding Mike's hand and takes him down with her on the only time she fell over
Mike: Extremely skilled skater but tones it down for Tina. Towards the end of the session he shows of his skills and impresses everyone
Sugar: Refuses to partake because the hire skates are unhygienic and she doesn't want to mix with the poor people. She watches from the side with snacks
Joe: Skates were a shock to him, as he was still getting used to closed toed shoes. He is not very good and falls over too much so gives up and watches from the side to cheer the others on
Rory: Decent skater but cannot do any tricks or skate very fast so sticks near the sides just incase
Rachel definitely brought her own pair of personalised pink roller skates instead of using the ones available to hire because she thinks it's unhygienic to hire things
Mercedes and Quinn go round the edges together and get the giggles to the point where they need to sit down because they are laughing so hard
Everyone, especially Rachel and Kurt, sing along to every song that plays through the speakers
Santana and Brittany race each other around the rink when they're not holding hands
Finn leaves the rink before the session is over because he's tired of crashing into things so he goes and gets a drink and cheers Rachel on from the side
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calsvoid · 10 months
fully believe that sebastian responds to blaine saying “i hate you” with “no you don’t, you love me” (and other variations) so much that blaine also has a habit of it now
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blaintism · 2 years
blaine in blame it on the alchol has always been so interesting to me, and i wish that the episode was told more from his perspective. what always stands out are the things he says to kurt - it’s more confusing for him, and he’s trying to figure out who he is.
i wonder a lot about his journey with being gay to this point. perhaps he’s always had these questions, and came out before truly being sure of who he is, and if there’s one thing about blaine, he can fake confidence. it might be a degree of projecting, but i get this idea that, despite being “out and proud,” blaine still has a lot of insecurity about his sexuality, and, maybe just a little bit, is seeing if his attraction to rachel is real because of this insecurity. this seems very possible when, in the very next episode, blaine drops the absolute bomb that keeps me up at night that, at the very least in his mind, his father has tried to “make him straight,” and when later we learn about the sadie hawkins incident.
this is a kid who has been attacked for who he is, who believes his father doesn’t accept him, of course kissing a girl under the influence could give him these thoughts that maybe that is a possibility for him. his relationship with his dad could be better, it might make the world safer for him. but in the end he has to accept that that isn’t who he is. to me, that’s a much more compelling story than kurt’s side of things, and i think a really relatable plotline for someone like me who identified other ways for a long time because the idea of being gay was difficult.
and an aside: this could all work so well into klaine getting together in t-minus two episodes. what if blaine demonstrably sees how his feelings for rachel are not the same things he feels for kurt? what if the security this episodes conclusion gives him of knowing who he is makes him more ready to be with kurt? much to think about.
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ciinelqura · 2 years
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— glee characters as social media posts [pt38/?]
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backslashdelta · 2 years
If Puckurt were making a list of potential thirds, who do you think would make the top three?
Obsessed with this question actually thank you so much.
Assuming this is strictly for a threesome and not like a third for their relationship. If that's not what you meant, feel free to let me know.
So first of all, who would it not be? None of the girls because although Puck likes women, Kurt is very much gay. Also it couldn't be Finn because that's Kurt's brother, and even if he wasn't, I think Puck might feel a little weird about it.
So let's take a look at some potential contenders.
Blaine. This is going to depend a bit on what happened with Klaine in the AU we're talking about. If they never dated, I think Blaine would be really high on both of their lists. If Klaine dated briefly and ended amicably, I think they'd also consider Blaine as a good option. But if Klaine meant anywhere close to as much to each other as they did canonically, I think this would be a hard no from Puck's side. Kurt would be up for it (assuming they ended on good terms), but I think Puck would be uncomfortable with their history and would feel like things were a little unbalanced. He'd want someone more neutral. And Kurt would understand and respect that.
Sam. Yeah Sam is high on both of their lists. Let Kurt live out all his high school football player fantasies. Puck and Sam are bros but also both a little gay about it ("How many tennis balls can you fit in your mouth?"). And Sam would be up for it I think so this is a great combo.
Artie. Definitely a little not straight so he might be up for it. Puck and Artie are kinda bros so I feel like this suggestion would come from Puck. I don't think he would be the first person to come to Kurt's mind, but I think he'd be open to it.
Mike. I think both Puck and Kurt would be similarly up for a threesome with Mike. But I think Mike would politely decline the offer, so does it matter where he is on the list if it wouldn't happen?
Dave. This is a tricky one and very dependent on timing. Early seasons Dave? Absolutely a no from all of them. But the Dave we see in season 6? There's definitely some potential. I think Dave would for sure be up for it. Kurt's forgiven him, and he hasn't forgotten but in this AU he's also willing to look past all of the bullying from Puck and actually be in a relationship with him, so while Dave's was on a different level I think Kurt would still be alright having a threesome with this version of Dave. Interestingly I think Puck is the one who would need the most convincing – I could see him being very "but Kurt he was awful to you!" about it, until Kurt reminds him that Puck wasn't the greatest either but people can change, and then I think he'd warm to the idea. Still not at the top of their lists, but a contender in this situation at least.
Jesse. I feel like neither of them are super fond of Jesse, so for that reason I think he's out.
Sebastian. Puck suggests this as a joke, just to watch the look of mixed horror and disgust on Kurt's face. Unless we're in an AU where Kurtbastian are friendly in which case Sebastian probably comes to them suggesting a threesome. They would agree.
Elliott. He is the first person that Kurt thinks of to suggest. He trusts Elliott a lot, thinks he's attractive, and they don't have a romantic history to complicate things. I could also see Puck being really attracted to Elliott, and I think they could get along, so he'd be on board too. As for Elliott's thoughts – I think he'd be down.
So, all that in mind, I think the top 3, in order, would be:
Artie (though Blaine or Dave could be above him depending on the specific AU and the timing, respectively)
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hevansiowa · 2 years
If glee had like, an actual halloween episode in season 1-3, what do y’all think the characters costumes would’ve been?
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othergaywarbler · 1 year
Guessing glee characters favourite films
Finn - The Blind Side (2009)
Rachel - Funny Girl (1968)
Kurt - The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant (1972)
Santana - But I’m a Cheerleader (1999)
Quinn - Casablanca (1942)
Brittany - Cats and Dogs (2001)
Tina - Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Artie - Le Mepris (1963)
Puck - Wayne’s World (1992)
Mike - Footloose (1984)
Blaine - Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Sam - Zoolander (2001)
Mercedes - Dreamgirls (2006)
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gleekidshooray · 2 years
Which Stranger Things Ships I think Glee Characters are rooting for:
Sam- Stancy because he’s all about second chances after high school.
Blaine- He is a Byler stan first and a human second thank you very much.
Santana- We’ve seen she likes non canon wlw ships obviously she loves Ronance.
Quinn- RONANCE. She feels a spiritual connection to Nancy Wheeler for some reason.
Puck- None because he watches for the monsters. (It’s Jopper)
Tina- Lumax!! She sobbed so much during the season 4 finale. (She’s also a Elumax truther she told me herself.)
Artie- He definitely wants Mileven endgame.
Kurt- Byler. He just wants the sad gay boys to be alright </3
Rachel- Huge Mileven fan! A controversial ship for a controversial gal.
Mercedes- Lumax because she thinks they’re the sweetest! (I also think she doesn’t really care about the Jonathan/Nancy/Steve love triangle which really offends Sam)
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Quinn Fabray from Glee is a femme lesbian with depression and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns!
Her girlfriend Rachel Berry is a Jewish femme bisexual girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Rachel's boyfriend Finn Hudson is demisexual and uses he/him pronouns!
Finn's brother Kurt Hummel is a GNC gay man with depression, anxiety, C-PTSD, and OCD who uses he/him pronouns!
His boyfriend Blaine Anderson is a gay man with depression who uses he/him pronouns!
Blaine's best friend Sam Evans is a dyslexic bisexual trans guy with ADHD and anorexia who uses he/him pronouns!
Sam's girlfriend Mercedes Jones is unlabeled and uses she/her pronouns!
Artie Abrams is a bisexual trans man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a polycule with Tina, Mike, and Brittany!
Tina Cohen-Chang is a pansexual transfeminine demigirl with anxiety who uses they/them, she/her, and he/him pronouns!
Mike Chang is bisexual and uses he/him pronouns!
Brittany Pierce is an autistic bisexual intersex girl with ADHD, PTSD, and hypersexuality who uses she/her pronouns!
Brittany's girlfriend Santana Lopez is a femme lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
Noah Puckerman is a Jewish butch lesbian with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
His brother Jake Puckerman is a Jewish unlabeled guy with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
Jake's girlfriend Marley Rose is a panromantic asexual person with bulimia who uses she/her pronouns!
Marley is in a QPR with Unique Adams, a trans woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Unique's boyfriend Ryder Lynn is a cishet guy with dyslexia and PTSD!
Ryder is also dating Kitty Wilde, a closeted asexual girl with PTSD and hypersexuality who uses she/her pronouns!
Her friend Myron Muskovitz is a Jewish closeted trans girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Madison McCarthy is an autistic aromantic lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
Her twin brother Jason McCarthy is a trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
Mason's girlfriend Jane Hayward is an autistic queer person who uses she/her pronouns!
Roderick Meeks is aroace and uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
His best friend Spencer Porter is a gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
Spencer is dating Alistair, a gay nonbinary person who uses any pronouns!
dni link
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