#blame FMA and the Elric brothers
thealienarchivist · 5 months
Edward Elric really is The main character ever
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coockie8 · 11 days
Do you think the reason for Brotherhood's popularity level is partially to blame for the original FMA anime having such deep connection and lust between the Elric brothers?
I don't know if either series' popularity was overly impacted by 03's seemingly unintentional queer baiting.
03 is kinda just Like That™, because it focused pretty heavily on character relations more than anything in that version, which, fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you wanna look at it, tended to err a bit on the homoerotic side in areas (the Conqueror of Shamballa movie in particular is an Experience), but I don't think that they meant it like that.
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novelmonger · 7 months
4 for Alphonse Elric and 5 for Mac Campbell?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? (Alphonse Elric)
Ooh, this is hard, because he's already in just about every kind of media there is - manga, anime, live-action movies, video games, novels...what's left?
Okay, I've got it. I would have someone make an FMA musical, and Al would get a solo for the whole Lab 5 debacle, and there would be a song that keeps getting a reprise at regular intervals that's for the Elric brothers, and they would harmonize with each other. It would be great! XD (Alchemy would be portrayed by a mix of creative lighting choices and interpretive dance.)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? (Mac Campbell)
Well, this was the first one that came to mind, but maybe you can tell me if you think it fits!
"She Is the Sunlight" by Trading Yesterday/David Hodges
And if loving her is Is heartache for me And if holding her means That I have to bleed Then I am the martyr And love is to blame Cause she is the healing And I am the pain
Character ask game
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angstandhappiness · 1 year
Hi, do you have any theories about Rumble and Savage? How do you think they could appear on the show?
I would love to hear your theories/ideas on Rumble and savage
Hello! Keep in mind I am not exactly a dedicated fan, more of a lurker. If we start at how Rumble and Savage came to be, I theorised that they were made from Macaque's remains, because that monkey DID die, whether SWK was the culprit or not, so the two monkeys were made from his flesh and bones, with some bit of DNA from SWK maybe a stand of hair, for his power. I want at least one of them, preferably Rumble, to be vehemently hostile towards Macaque the same way he was towards SWK previously, for funny irony, because they blame him for their existence, because being created into life as someone's tool with no say over your own life and ending up with your progenitor's emotional baggage as your own would send anyone into a bit of rage really. And LBD is definitely involved with their creation, directly or indirectly.
While the project succeeded, Rumble and Savage's creation was NOT intended. The entity that was supposed to be the end result ended up splitting into two to stabilised itself and the overwhelming power it was infused with, so the twins were created with their powers halved from its original strength, which they make up for with innate telepathic mind link they have with each other and extremely resilient healing. They looks so similar to each other that the only way to tell them apart outside of battle is how they carry themselves.
The twins were born with Macaque's traits but divided between them, so you have Rumble, who ended with Macaque's baggage and anger issues, and Savage, who got his more quiet traits and introspective nature. Think of the Elric brothers from FMA Brotherhood anime. Thought born at the same time, Rumble declared himself as the older twin while Savage is the younger one, and looks after her in his own way.
Rumble is a he/they, slightly shorter than his twin, and isn't shy about being loud and venting his anger at anyone he can get away with. He lashes out very easily, but also would run out of steam for it quickly if the situation doesn't provoke him constantly so. He tends to stew on his emotions if not given an outlet for them, but is surprisingly more open with his thoughts and feeling, whether asked about them or not, though very violently. He's picks fight very easily and quite enjoys it, and is confrontational enough to seek them out if he feels ignored. Though he does have a soft spot for his "sister", and is more likely to listen to her first. Uses a chain whip as a weapon and his shadow powers to keep his opponents off balance while he attacks them easily.
Savage is a she/they, a bit taller than her twin, is seemingly ironic with her name as she's quite hesitant and more polite compared to her twin, but as she doesn't enjoy fighting and dragging things out the same way her twin does, despite her timid and meek demeanour, she'll act on her missions in a brutally efficient and ruthlessly relentless manner, just to get them over with. She holds herself back quite often when it comes to her thoughts and opinions, repressing herself until it boils over into something explosive. Rumble was the only at first who can spot her tipping point before she snaps and get her to let it out before that happens. She can be quite surprisingly cruel and terribly blunt with expressing her opinions even if she doesn't realised it. Uses sickles as her weapons and her shadow powers to keep her opponents in place for her to attack without them moving away.
They're both incredibly bitter due to being forced into a life of servitude against their will since birth, with a deep existential anger about their existence on Rumble's part. Rumble has a deep hate towards Macaque, seeing him as the reason for their painful creation and will not rest until the Macaque is dead or at least suffers for their pain. Savage is more open to cooperation and truce than her twin and does not share his violent fixation on Macaque and is less likely to be aggressive from the get-go, but is just as wary in letting others in. They both have an unhealthy co-dependancy with each other due to the nature of their lives, and while Savage really wants more to her life and not be alone, she's just as afraid to be let down.
If they were introduced into the show, they'd be the antagonists lackeys, tasked to obtain items and fight the enemies, in this case the Monkie crew. They'd hint themself by only being seen in mobs and in the background at first, until the first "quiet" adventure happens and they reveal themselves fully. In the fights, Rumble would be more focused on Macaque if he's involved, but would strongly enjoy himself toying with his opponents while Savage is less likely to get carried away by her emotions and would focus more on completing the mission hand.
For their redemption arc, it's more of a healing arc, with Rumble learning to let go of his hatred and rage towards Macaque as an unhealthy coping mechanism, and Savage would try to learn to let her guard down around other people other than Rumble.
Rumble and Savage both enjoy savory food, though the former has quite a sweet tooth. Rumble has Macaque's love for the theatre and enjoys acting out the roles, while Savage is content to be merely a spectator. They both can be very dramatic, especially more so when they feel safe, with inside jokes only they get. They both can be quite mischievous and enjoy pranks as well, though Savage is better at covering up their tracks.
That's all I've got! Sorry if it doesn't reach your expectations. Have a good day!
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lesbianfakir · 11 months
"#if anyone cares send me an ask id love to ramble about my issues with how mangahood are structured" oh? owo?
ANON YOU ARE MY HERO!! You have been warned these are my personal taste opinions and don't necessarily reflect what makes a "good" story
I have two main points that sort of tie into one: I think fma makes more sense as a smaller scale story.
Under the readmore because this got long:
Yes, it’s a shounen of course it eventually has a grand arc with the world at stake. I can’t really blame it for that. But at its core the story is about the Elric brothers’ love for each other, and their loss of innocence as they venture out into the world that's hurt them so. We care about them, about their near impossible struggle to right a mistake and get their lives and bodies back. And we see how cruel and horrible the world can be through the eyes of children. Keeping with mangahood’s hopeful tone we also see how good the world can be, and imo this works best in the smaller interactions ie winry helping to deliver a baby, the hughes’ family’s generosity to the elrics and winry, etc. The jump from a character driven story (Edward wants to save his little brother) to a more shouneny plot driven story (Edward needs to save the world) takes the focus away from a lot of what I find compelling about FMA.
3/4's of the way into mangahood the Elrics are sort of subsumed into the plot at large and the story doesn't come back to them until Al makes his sacrifice. If I'm being honest, the final battle feels a little contrived to center our protagonists when the whole conclusion could've been written with them at the center to start with (that said I LIKE the end of Brotherhood, this is just a personal taste for story structure thing).
Now obligatory 03 ramble, in contrast 03 keeps the Elrics centered throughout. The final battle isn't much of a battle at all. And sure, it isn't as grand. But it feels in keeping with the heart of the story--Dante is going to kill Alphonse so she can live forever. The whole series up until this point is about Ed trying to save Al, it makes SENSE for this to be the conclusion. The brothers' codependent love comes to a forefront with each unwilling to let the other die, even at the cost of his own life. In this way not only do we begin and end with the Elrics, but we've stayed with them the entire time. 03 is a much more character driven personal story and that's where its charm lies.
My second and bigger issue with the structure of mangahood isin the way it uses large-scale tragedy to fuel its plot.
There are better posts than I can make already written about how mangahood centers the feelings of the perpetrators over the victims. What I will say is the fact that the ishbal war started due to an “accidental” hate crime against an ishbalan child by a military officer is a very sensitive topic and hits close to home (I’m American and this is a very, very relevant conflict). It feels a little in poor taste to me to take something so political and so sensitive and go ahaha but you see it was ENVY all along! Arakawa picked a very heavy subject as the backdrop for her story and sort of relegated it to that: a backdrop. What’s presented as a racially motivated genocide actually was just the bad guys being evil. It falls just short of a real, in-depth criticism of the military. Instead we are left with good men and women who were just following orders (which she DOES explore to a good extent and I appreciate how she does not shy away from making it clear what they did was unforgivable). The corrupt military being corrupt because it is the pawn of a big bad inhuman god-wannabe just... falls flat for me.
In 03, the child's murder at the hands of the police is a fabricated story created to "explain" the genocide--instigated by the military without provocation. And this happens because one, powerful human selfishly wanted to extend her own life. This is the story that feels more true to life and dares to really engage with the themes presented instead of writing them off as some plot device. Not to say that 03 didn't have its own problems with its depiction of genocide because. oh boy nazis in shamballa?? HUH!.
Anyways again these are all my opinions. I think FMA has a lot of heart, and it works best on a smaller scale in order to tell a more personal story.
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izanyas · 1 year
Hello! I noticed you said you're currently engrossed in FMA 🤭 it's also one of my all time favorites anime 🥰
If you don't mind, can you say what personally draws you to it and what are your thoughts on your favorite characters? (In case these 2 aren't your favorites, can you mention what you think about Ed and Roy? Not as a pairing :)) just them individually)
Sorry for being so specific in an ask 😅
Hope you have a great day! 🤗💫
fma has been my favorite manga since i was a kid i'm really attached to it 😭 me and a couple friends decided to rewatch the CoS movie together and we both fell down the deep end and have been obsessively rereading and rewatching everything since then. i'm having so much fun i luv fma...
i think what really drew me in was edward himself tbh! he is such a unique protagonist, and especially at the time he was the odd one out among shounen heros—not naive and untalented meant for eternal nekketsu powerups but a boy who had always been frighteningly smart and had gone thru extremely traumatic events and whose goal as a hero wasn't to become The Best at his craft or to save the world but to fix a mistake he had already made.
i was (still am) very attached to him being disabled and how the story manages to include all that this entails (chronic pain, reduced mobility, special needs...) while at the same time engaging in really cool prosthetic design and functions and without ever making it demeaning or pithy toward amputees. arakawa was an absolute genius for how she went about ed's disability.
ed is just such a GOOD character. flamboyant and flawed and unflinchingly moral. self-sacrificing and self-hating but with a drive and devotion to overcome everything. he's a truly unforgettable character and he is insanely enticing as a protagonist in a story like fma, where every plot point is carefully connected to the overall story... like a transmutation circle in and of itself. icarus fell as his wings melted but ed keeps standing back up even with a whole leg missing, even after facing his own punishment for trying to play god. he is loud and bad-tempered and hilarious and his character design is awesome and that would've been enough to make him a fav for me but when u add in his generosity and kindness, which are so painfully obvious despite the prickly exterior, he's Ultimate Fav material. my blorbo my meow meow.
that his personal story is all about love for his brother and trying to fix the terrible mistake he made and which he will forever blame himself for (even tho everyone around him knows that he was only 11 at the time, and it's a miracle he managed to save alphonse at all, and doesn't think he deserves to hate himself for it) is just... it's good ok. it's a wonderful story with a wonderful conclusion. it suits him, his personality, perfectly. edward elric is a marvel of a protagonist.
damn it's hard for me to pick other fav characters bc i love everyone so much. i love izumi and ling and greed (both versions lmao) a lot... and scar and hawkeye and hughes... its too hard to pick.
roy mustang is definitely up there in the fav list tho. it's a bit funny because usually i wouldn't be much into him as a character bc his whole shtick is pretty much "i committed genocide but i feel bad about it" but he managed to have enough personality and flair to make himself vital to the story and extremely enticing too. it helps that everyone in fma has so much chemistry together, so his team has a lot of charisma. if mustang had been alone or even with just hawkeye or hughes i don't think he would've been nearly as interesting to me. i do think the story should've gone a bit deeper with his goals bc people tend to forget that he doesn't just want to become fuhrer, he wants to disestablish the military state altogether and make it so war criminals (including himself) can be tried legally. his ultimate goal can be seen as very selfish in that way—he wants to be made to face justice. and to the end he's not reluctant to use every tool at his disposal, including marcoh's last philosopher's stone from ishval to heal himself... that's the sort of plot point that leaves you feeling a bit sick and makes him into a character worth his weight in salt.
it's cool to put his choices next to ed's. like ed literally refused to use his deadbeat dad's philosopher's stone, which was made from people from 400 yrs ago that he never knew and who would've been dead anyway and whom hohenheim actually talked to in depth, to save alphonse; instead he sacrificed his most precious passion. and he refused to use kimblee's philosopher's stone when he almost died in baschool—instead he used his own damn lifespan to heal himself just enough not to die lmao. meanwhile, mustang, even while expressing reservations and acknowledging all that it means, used a stone made from the lives of the people he personally massacred. he is what you can genuinely call a morally grey character and that doesn't change thru the story. and i like that.
also he's funny
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homunculusalphonse · 1 year
i agree the elric brothers deserve a good parental figure but 1) none of the adult characters in the franchise are good parents (except maybe scar but him parenting the elrics would be rlly weird imo), and 2) y'all ignore alphonse probably bc you think he's less traumatized than his brother, except al lost his body and he lost his mother in the same night. you guys forget that al is even younger than ed (even if just a year), that al apologizes every time he needs help, that he blames himself for his brother losing his limbs, and even the fact that al is very forgiving of hohenheim. and if you take fma 2003 into account, al doesn't even grow up: when he's restored, he's back as his ten year old self, without memories for the following two or three years.
basically, ed and al deserve better than this. and in this case, al deserves better than to be pushed aside constantly.
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badfanficsforlyfe · 8 days
Wakingdeath Alchemist CH. 4 (FMA FF) (2012) (Age 13/14) [Posted to wattpad]
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Chapter 4
The week passed quickly without anything interesting happening. I cut the bread, Ferdinand baked, and Ms. Corosps made the bread and took care of the people who were ordering. At night I read the beginner book over and over again to memorize everything I was learning just in case there was an explanation to what I made the other day. But each time I read it, the letters didn't rearrange, move, or change. It was the same each time.
Then it was Friday and I couldn't figure out which one was worse; leaving or talking to those guys. Here's what I mean by those guys.
I woke up on Friday morning wiping my eyes with the back of my hand and smiled at Kuagra who was still sleeping. Her soft fur coat slowly rose up and down matching her breathing and it sort of looked like she was smiling but I knew that cats couldn't smile. They sometimes just appeared to be.
Just as I slipped out of bed Ferdinand woke up sitting up.
"Jeez. You are a light sleeper." I scoffed and landed on my feet before walking over to the mirror. I straightened my white tank top before pulling over my shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair once again.
"Well I couldn't get a lot of sleep becuase of you." he said sourly.
"What? Why not?" I asked looking at him through the mirror.
"You were tossing and turning, talking in your sleep, and at one point you started screaming and crying."
"And you blame me for that?" I scoffed. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
"You'd go into a hitting fit."
I shut my mouth and looked at my feet. Was I really that violent? Was I really that bad?
I turned to my bed and went to pick up my belt before I got my satchel but instead Ferdinand got a hold of it and started running around the room like a hyper child. I grabbed my satchel and chased after him not having any luck because he was too fast. I decided to stop in the middle of the room and wait for the right moment.
When he jumped onto his bed, I flung my satchel at him making him crash into the wall and stop moving so I could run over there and get my belt back. When I tried getting my satchel back though, he played tug-of-war with me and wouldn't let go.
"Let go! what are you doing?" I grunted as I struggled to stay on my feet. He smiled and yanked harder making the strap slip from my grasp.
As I fell to my bottom, I saw my satchel fly in the air spilling everything. My dad's research papers floated to the ground and I tried my best to pick them up before Ferdinand got a good look at them. I successfully did that but he had another thing in his hand that caught my attention.
"You're learning Alchemy?" he asked surprise and quiet.
I neatly stacked the papers and folded them back into the satchel. "So what? I told you there's nothing wrong with it." I said simply.
"So you've been reading Alchemy books in the middle of the night?" he looked hurt and lied to.
"An Alchemy book. It's no big deal anyways. I already know how to do stuff." I shrugged.
"You mean you can actually learn stuff from these books!?" I heard Kuagra growl at him.
"Yes." I reached for the book but he got out of my range.
"What's the point of learning this stuff?" he asked narrowing his eyes at me.
"Because everybody does it. Do you remember the Elric brothers who used to live back in our village? They do Alchemy now too. They were the ones that told me about it in the first place. Give me my book back." I stood up and reached for the book but he stood up on the bed making me scowl.
"Tell me the real reason why you're learning this garbage." he said coldly and I stepped back sighing.
"Okay, if I tell you, can I have my book back? Information for a book equals equivalent exchange. It's only fair." I explained.
"Fine. Just go on." he said and I sighed.
"I want to get my Mother back from whoever took her. I already told you this, stupid." I reached for my book but he just laughed.
"You think Alchemy can fix your problems? Nothing can get your Mother back! She's gone forever!" I jumped onto his bed and punched him in the face earning back my book.
"How would you know that if you have two loving parents and an older sister? You don't know the pain of getting something ripped away from you by surprise. That's happened to me twice! I have to believe that I can get my Mom back or else everything's gone to waste." I stuffed my Alchemy book back into my satchel and stomped away while fastening my belt. I slammed the door behind me leaving him inside hopefully forever.
I was angry. I was so angry that I could just take out my knife and…I had to calm my thoughts down. I didn't want to see anymore blood.
I wiped my tears as I walked down the hallway.
My footsteps calmed and I walked into the bread shop. Two men were standing next to Ms. Corosps laughing and talking.
"Oh! Shiomaki!" she said happily once she saw me. "These are my two original workers Meiwakuna and Iyana! Iyana this is one of the substitutes Shiomaki." she introduced. I looked at the two men. They had goofy smiles on their faces. Meiwakuna was taller than Iyana who had dark brown hair. Meiwakuna had short blond hair. I could tell they were both English gentlemen from their accents but it was hard to not think they were annoying and obnoxious.
"Well ay there little one. How a' you today?" Meiwakuna asked bowing and taking off his black top hat. I just stared at him oddly while Iyana stepped up. "If e' bows you bow back. It's a propa' greeting." he explained kind of rudely.
When I said 'talking to those guys' earlier, I meant these guys.
"Oh I'm sorray gentlemen. 'ere's my little bow. Do you like that?" I asked mocking their accent and bowing.
"My, a' you from the east too?" asked Meiwakuna and I smiled evilly.
"Only if you believe it my ducky." I said in my accent realizing that they were quite dumb.
"Lotus dear, when a' these little kids going to get out of ou' way?" Iyana asked Ms. Corosps. I scowled and moved my hand to my back holding on to the handle of a steak knife.
No. I can't get in the habit of this, I thought and reluctantly pulled my hand down.
"Why would she want to get rid of us? After all we are faster and work harder instead of some slackers who take a vacation off for who knows how long and leave one person to do all the work alone!" my words started off quiet but began to increase on volume.
"Calm down child. And we a' not slackas! We a' betta' and hada' working than a couple o' babies!" Meiwakuna yelled even though he was supposed to be the more mature one.
"Right Lotus?" asked Iyana but she had turned around to avoid that question.
"Hey, why is everyone yelling?" asked Ferdinand as he came out from behind me. I felt both of the boys' glares as they felt mine. We were drilling holes in each other's heads and we would have killed each other if Lotus hadn't noticed and broke the chain.
"Well," she started clapping her hands together. "I know this is an awkward moment to break in but it seems like the best so, " her expression softened and she looked at us small children. "I'm sorry you two but I can't fire my cousins just for a couple of kids. It may seem harsh but I'm sorry. You have to go." Ferdinand was about to protest when I elbowed him in the stomach to stop his whining.
"It's okay Ms. Corosps, we completely understand. It's for family. We'll be on our way," I said and pulled on Ferdinand's wrist and started tugging him out of the door.
"Wait you two!" she called. I turned around and saw her coming towards me with a paper bag and a piece of paper. "This will last about two days and the map is of this region." she handed us the bag and mapso I thanked her and pulled Ferdinand out of the door seeing Kuagra sitting on the dirt grooming herself.
"Kuagra? When did you get out?" I asked her but she just whined and rubbed her cheek against my ankle. "Come on girl. We're going to find Dad." I said and Ferdinand stopped.
"Your Dad? Since when did your Dad come into this situation?" he snapped.
"Since my Mother was taken. I need to know if he's alive. He's the only one who can help me get my Mom back." Ferdinand looked hurt.
"But I'm here." I shot lasers through my eyes.
"Since when was the last time you EVER stood up for me in my neighborhood when I was--just--I need to find my Dad. He knows more than both of us. I need to ask him where Mom could be and how to get her back if I can. My Dad can help. What have you ever done to save someone's life?" I said sounding nasty and mean.
It was silent until we exited the town and back into the green.
"Well if your Dad were to be somewhere, where would he be?" asked Ferdinand breaking the silence who obviously didn't know when to shut up.
"He would be in a hospital if he still is in his coma." she said bitterly spitting at the ground.
"There could be hundreds maybe millions of hospitals in the world! Where we we look?" he asked flying his hands everywhere.
"A long time ago--about a year-- I heard my Mom talking on the phone. She sounded like she was talking to Ms. Elric. It sounded like she said that the Hospital she sent him to was the one a town over from hers which is only a three day trip from here I do believe so that would only leave us a day without food which isn't so bad." I softened my voice only because I was talking about Ms. Elric who was very sweet and didn't deserve to talked about in a mean loud voice.
"What about the Elric brothers?" he asked.
"We'll drop by their place to see if they can come with us. I'll have Alphonse teach me Alchemy sooner or later but for now I'm stuck with the books."
There was a silence from him that told me that he didn't want to hear anything more about Alchemy. I could understand that. After all my Mother was considered a freak of nature when she learned it and he trusted her until she started doing it.
Was it my fault then?
Was it my fault my Mom was taken away, that she learned it and everybody turned against us, made Ferdinand not trust Alchemy?
Was it even my fault my Dad was put into a coma and shipped off?
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haikujitsu · 6 years
i know this isnt fair... but how'd you pronounce mine. . . Yours is easy in comparison hah
Honestly? Zee-Uhl-Rick. Is this right? I have no idea? That’s just how it sounds in my head?
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katsuieki · 2 years
so I had a few people asking if they could hear how I thought the trio from Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward, Winry and Alphonse) have some similarities or parallels to Hunter, Willow and Gus. Fair warning I haven’t watch FMA in its entirety in quite some time so most of what I’ll be saying is from memory and random YouTube clips.
So since I forgot a lot about the dynamic between Ed and Alphonse in the show I won’t really go into depth with that besides just saying that in TOH they seem to be pushing for an older brother-younger brother dynamic with Hunter and Gus, as per the last scene of the season two finale and Dana’s official art where he has his arm wrapped around both Gus and Willow.
Also wanted to point out that their personalities seem to be a little similar at least to me. While Hunter may not be AS abrasive as Ed, I definitely saw the similarities in LR where Hunter told Gus to stop being foolish” and Gus was like, “yeah alright tough guy let’s keep moving” it seems similar to the way the elric brothers personalities are that way to compliment each other. With Alphonse being more compassionate, level headed and patient with a much higher maturity level than his brother who is more stubborn, strong willed, sarcastic and impatient.
Now of course that’s how Ed is on the outside, but the more you watch the show you get to see that he is extremely loyal, and has a lot of compassion. He also struggles with a guilt complex where he solely blames himself on what happened to his mother and his brother and because of that, tries to take on everything by himself and only accepting help from his brother. Over time he realizes that he doesn’t have to do that, and he has friends around him that he can rely on and share his burdens with.
Which reminds me a lot of Hunter, and how we have seen him constantly push away help from others whether it’s Luz (in Hunting Palismen & Hollow Mind), Gus (in Labyrinth Runners) or Willow (at the end of Any Sport In A Storm). But over time we see him grow and start to rely on those same people and in others despite what he’s been through with Belos and how he may have that survivors guilt.
And with Gus and Alphonse, they both have that kinda one up over their protective older brothers either in a sense of maturity or intelligence. But they are still overly kind and compassionate to the people around them, whether they had malicious intentions or not.
(Side note is that Gus and Hunter also seem to share having an imposter syndrome.)
I don’t know if I explained the similarities with those two extremely well just because I’m used to thinking these things and not actually writing them down but TLDR: they both share a sibling relationship and their individual personalities are also very similar to one another.
Now to move on to the other side that I think is very similar and that’s between Edward and Winry, and Hunter with Willow.
Now, personally Edward and Winry is probably one of the best ships on all of shounen anime just because of how well done it is.
We see them for most of the series as childhood friends and even as family, Alphonse and Ed both care about her a lot and consider her to be a sister to them and Edward even argues with her more than he does his own brother. However, their bond is different than compared with Alphonse and Winry as Ed and her are both really stubborn and always seemed to be at odds with each other.
BUT! With Winry being Ed’s automail mechanic, she’s been his support system, not only with that but emotionally as well. Edward never outright admitted that he had romantic feelings for Winry but as the series goes on you can see their dynamic change and grow (plus he always got flustered when people would ask if they were together) and by the end he ends up proposing to her by saying “I’ll give half of my life to you if you give half of yours to me”
(Not to be that person but the proposal and then Hunter and Willow having this half a witch thing in common? Dana I’m in your walls)
But with Winry we actually see her come to terms with the fact that she has been falling for Edward and even admits to herself that she’s in love with him, but it doesn’t really make their dynamic awkward after she realized it, if anything it made it stronger. (Also she never got flustered after she realized she fell in love, until he proposed so I just thought I’d mention that because a lot of people think that Willow needs to blush or be flustered in order to show that she cares and likes Hunter back when she really doesn’t.)
(Adding quickly the similar personalities with Winry and Willow not only being extremely kind and empathetic but very strong willed and passionate about the things they love. Also being the emotional support for their friends when the time calls for it.)
With the show setting up Willow being one of the first people to give Hunter a second chance and to be there for him emotionally, I’m very eager to see how they will handle their relationship in season three since we have the idea that Hunter has developed a crush on her over the time they have been talking on screen and off.
Considering that I’m pretty sure Dana likes FMA and some of the crew does as well, and this isn’t the first time there’s been similarities in TOH with FMA, I wouldn’t be surprised if this trio will be another one with the main trio from FMA.
Willow, Gus, and Hunter all care about each other in different ways, similar to Edward, Winry and Alphonse and in the end it sort of gives off that vibe of “the older brother got a girlfriend and they love the younger brother unconditionally.”
I’m pretty sure I did NOT explain this the way I wanted to but if you got the overall theme of what I was trying to say that’s all that matters, not to mention in the romantic aspect of it Winry and Edward never once kissed on screen, and their relationship was more on how they acted around each other and how they could support one another. Which I’m pretty sure is what the theme is going for with Hunter and Willow, and if the series was longer we could’ve gotten more of that development.
Anyways, I hope this helped into understanding what I meant with my last post, hopefully I didn’t make it more confusing if anything I would suggest watching clips of how all the FMA main characters act with one another on YouTube to understand a bit more on what I’m saying.
Dana if I’m right in season three, I will be coming out of your walls.
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calangkoh · 3 years
Sometimes i think abt the envy being ed and al's older brother plotpoint in 03 and it suddenly hit me how fucking. Good it is. Because there's this constant theme within the fma fandom where people will make an oc and go "what if there was a third elric sibling?" And 03 went ahead and made that a thing in the best possible way. Envy being a constant threat to the brothers because he's envious of everything the elrics had and could've gotten. Being raised and manipulated by Dante has made him a monster vs Ed and Al being raised by Trisha and having had eachother made them kinder people in the long run. Ed and Envy being similar in that they both hate Hohenheim to some extent for abandoning them, but Envy lets it completely consume him to the point of utter destruction. By CoS he's unrecognizable.
It's a poetic sort of tragedy and sometimes I wonder about what would've happened if Envy had gotten the chance to properly know his brothers.
(Btw i used he/him pronouns for envy because i cant remember if 03 envy also went by they/them!! Sorry if I messed up djej))
Love your brain! I always wondered about the possibility of an envy redemption arc because like, he’s blaming the wrong people. ed and al have nothing to do with envys shitty situation, and they suffered from the same people envy did. Like the thing he envies that gives him his name appears to be having a perfect family (i say that also because of the way he eyed hughes’ family photo before killing him), but ed and al’s family isnt perfect. Perhaps just their brotherly bond is enough? Like he’s a homunculus who his own mother treats as subhuman so maybe hes envious of any good family bonds at all. so yeah redemption arc? where he realizes the elrics arent the enemy, and maybe actually becomes a third brother. “If you didnt want ti br assimilated into my found family you shoulda killed me when you had the chance”
of course this is all self indulgent musings. i think the point is that envy is too far gone to ever see how flawed his reasoning is for his hatred is for the brothers
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artistfingers · 3 years
do you have ant fic recs for fma? I just recently finished both series
!!!! yes, i am overjoyed to give FMA fic recs!!!
Here’s a little scattering of nine ten of my favorites—almost exclusively complete FMA:B AUs, and one or two pre-or-post-canon ones as well.
The little ★ beside an author means I recommend checking out their whole archive.
Fic links & summaries below the cut (。・∀・)ノ゙
i'm still, still dreaming magnificent things by @anthropwashere ★
“Brother,” he says, dismayed. He reaches out to touch Ed’s hunched shoulder, to comfort him, to help him on his feet, to carry him bodily to the Rockbells’ house if he has to to make sure Ed will be okay—
—but his hand passes right through Ed instead.
(An AU in which Ed is eleven, terrified, in pain, and alone on that terrible night, and he doesn't think that some small scrap of Alphonse might be salvageable from the Gate. He crawls out of his house instead, thinking he's killed his little brother—and Alphonse's ghost is forced to watch the years pass him by, invisible and mute, trapped in the in-between and blaming himself for everything that's gone wrong.)
hell (in high water) by @presumenothing ★
They weren’t even meant to stop in Resembool.
Wouldn’t have, if not for the torrential rain that had forced everyone to disembark instead of continuing on to the next stop, and Roy makes sure to include the appropriate dismay in his voice when he reports this to East Command over the train station’s phone.
The Switch and the Spur by colonel_bastard
Something tickles at the corner of his mouth, and on instinct, Roy reaches out with his tongue to quell it. To his horror, he disturbs the rest of a large black fly that has been drinking his sweat.
Welcome to Ishbal.
maestoso by novalotypo
Edward Elric is about eleven when he stands up, makes an extended effort to knock as many books off the old bastard’s shelves as he can, and says, “Fuck the military. Al, you interested in music at all?”
Everybody's got their own ideas of retirement.
The Elrics don't even do retirement, what with the world trying to blow itself up every other month, but this shit has got to take the fucking cake.
Be Kind, Rewind by icewhisper
Maes Hughes died on a Tuesday night. When Roy woke up the next day, it was Tuesday morning. It kept being Tuesday morning.
Demon Alchemist Series by @metisket ★
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re doin’ your best. It’s just your best isn’t quite good enough, Colonel. So while you’re doing whatever the hell it is you do, I’ll be here cleaning up after you.”
It's Not a Big Deal by hangonsilvergirl
(6:50) I thought you wouldn’t want to be left hanging re: my dick epic
(6:51) Pun again unintended
(6:52) And wow that makes it sound like I want to tell you the magnum opus of my own dick
An AU in a modern setting where Edward and Winry don't know one another until he texts the wrong number.
Inappropriately, naturally.
To the Night Sky by @problematic-ranowa★
They tell him he lost his mind. He doesn't remember anything else, so he believes them. But if that's the case, then why does he sometimes feel like he doesn't belong here... and neither does that little, annoying, blond kid named Ed? Parental RoyEd, not traditional amnesia fic.
Stock Market Crash by VIKAN
Stranded in the middle of the Eastern Desert, Roy Mustang must try to get himself and a concussed Edward across it safely before he completely loses his mind.
Thermal Flux by artistfingers (does this count?? ehh sure it counts)
Winry prided herself on her situational awareness, quick thinking, and high bullshit threshold. Hell, for Colonel Mustang’s team, those qualities were all but requirements. It also meant that she was well-equipped to handle a stranger bleeding out in a blizzard—even with the eerily familiar face, never mind the shoddily alchemized perforating trauma.
But automail built straight from her childhood designs?
Well. She might need a slightly higher bullshit threshold after all.
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Can i get some La Squadra headcannons with a fem reader (it can be either platonic or romantic) who is like an anime mom ? You know... the hair, the kind smile, the delicious food, their motherly personality, the fact that they would probably die because of a horrible disease or death ?
I laughed way more than I should’ve when I read this. I’ve always said I’ve wanted an anime where the horrible death came at the end but that we got to see the parents date (before the father inevitably left/disappeared and she had to die for their kids)
So I’m gonna make this romantic and I’m saying someone is gonna realize she’s an anime mom in the pre-mom phase
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- Risotto is absolutely the kind of guy who’s heart would be stolen by a gentle, kind woman who would be an anime mom with the side ponytail
- It’s a tragic love story. “He’s a dangerous man, you shouldnt love him!” “I love him anyway! Maybe I can change him!”
- She succeeds and Risotto really does consider stepping down from Passione. Settling down with a family even though he has killed so many people and feels as though he doesn’t deserve it... I’m getting big FMA Elric brother vibes heres
- Unlike Van Hohenheim (???) though, when the anime mom dies Risotto goes on a righteous fury slaughter to kill whoever’s fault it is.
Chances of being the father of an anime protagonist: moderate, i can’t see him wanting to have children but she might convince him
- Formaggio has read his manga he knows an anime mom when he sees one
- Unfortunately for him he kinda falls in love with her. I mean, she’s so gosh darn nice how could you blame him. It’s literally the story of a tough guy softening up for the gentle, sweet woman who comes into his life
- Does everything he can for her. He probably tries to install a good sense of self-preservation in her now. He will try to stop fate from taking her but only fools think they can truly stop the death of an anime mom with a side ponytail
- Chances of being the father of an anime protagonist: pretty high because hes stupid enough to have kids with the woman even with his foresight
- Illuso is an asshole and as much as i love him it fills me with rage to think of him getting a lady as nice and loving as an anime mom
- He’s probably mean to her but in that slightly-nicer-than-everyone-else-gets way
- He makes a lot of comments about the style she wears her hair and mimics it sometimes by pulling his ponytails to the side
- Chances of being the father of an anime protagonist: Pretty high because hes both 1) ignorant to the fate of the woman and 2) tell me illuso isnt a horny bastard
- Okay 100% I believe Prosciutto wants a housewife. He wants to be THAT gangster
- So anime mom is lowkey his type
- He’s the tough love sort, doesn’t say it a lot but his actions are very clear. He and Pesci both adore this woman and will do anything for her
- Pesci is the one who realizes she’s an anime mom and worriedly tells Prosciutto but by then it’s too late there’s nothing he can do
- Chances of being the father of an anime protagonist: High, he’s way far into his happy gangster family life when he realizes it. she almost certainly dies because of something gang related which makes his anime protagonist child hate him for being in the mafia
- Also could see anime mom being a type Melone’s into, but i also cant imagine there’s not many people out there who arent Melone’s type
- He also notices she is an anime mom like Formaggio, but is less freaked out by it. instead he’s quite interested and wants to see the theory through
- Of course he does love her and doesn’t want her to die so he’ll do what he can but he’s quite aware that the universe may just... not make that possible
- Chances of being the father of an anime protagonist: Very high, he wants to see the theory through so he isn’t afraid of having children with her. Also get a breeding sort of thing from him with his stand so I think Melone just wants kids period
- A gentle, sweet woman is exactly the kind of person Ghiaccio needs. and lots of patience
- He falls head over heels in love with this woman, and will do anything for her. unfortunately the poor guy has no idea of the anime mom curse
- so when she dies a horrible death he probably does not take it well
- Chances of being the father of an anime protagonist: Low, I don’t see Ghiaccio as ever wanting children and he’d be kind of a bad dad, i think
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novelmonger · 7 months
12, 13, 16, 19
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
@x-rainflame-x is one of my absolute favorite FMA fic writers. (It's been a couple years since she's written any, and to my own embarrassment I haven't tried out any of her more recent Trigun fics, but I'm sure they're just as good! ^^') Stairway to Paradise remains one of my favorite FMA fics. Parental!RoyEd hurt/comfort? Torture? PTSD? Roy getting to show his softer side, but then also sending the bad guys packing? YES PLEASE. And then on the other end of the spectrum, she can also be hilarious, as seen in Silver Bullet, in which Ed becomes convinced Roy Mustang is a werewolf XD
Getchu a fic writer who can do both, I say :3
13. your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
Well, I've already answered this one and said my favorite is prompt challenges. But one I've always wanted to do yet never had the chance is a Big Bang. Getting to write a big long chapterfic and be assigned someone to make fanart of it? 8D Sounds like a dream come true! And I've read some truly phenomenal fics that have come out of that sort of thing.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I've been saying this for years, but I wish more fic writers paid attention to how Alphonse Elric never calls Ed by name. I know most of the blame probably falls on the English dub, where he does say his name from time to time, but in the Japanese he only ever calls him "nii-san." Part of that is cultural, I know, but he never even says "Ed o-nii-san" or something like that, which I would understand translating as simply "Ed."
Oftentimes, I feel like I'm the only one who thinks this is a small but vital piece of Al's characterization. It tells you something about him - if you ask me, it says that Ed being his brother is almost more integral to his identity than his own name. And I wish more people would talk about that.
19. your current fandom(s)
The fandoms I currently think/talk/write about most often:
Captain America
Lord of the Rings
Full Metal Alchemist
Star Wars
There are a lot of other ones that pop up now and then, and I'm always down to talk about them. Once a fan, always a fan. I'm also dabbling in a lot of fandoms that have lesser prominence in my life now because of Let Me Count the Ways.
Love Your Fandom asks
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splittlipped · 3 years
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Is that JULIAN NOTT, the PUREBLOOD working as an UNSPEAKABLE? Some say the TWENTY-SIX year old is DEBONAIR, METTLESOME, GUILEFUL but they’d argue they are MERCURIAL, RECKLESS and PRIDEFUL. They look an awful lot like ARON PIPER. 
[ pinterest. ] [ playlist. ]
bruised knuckles, split lips, not needing your wand to get your point across, ‘goddamn right you should be scared of me’, not caring about your work, feeling at home in the shadows, a vault full of gold, ministry ambitions, false smiles, blood on your hands, a talent for duelling, quick with a wand and even quicker to anger, sleeping around, relishing a challenge, ‘may the bridges i burn light the way’, spending hours on a broom, a well worn bat and calloused fingers, shattered glass, scars you refuse to talk about, a smirk as sharp as a knife, thestrals in your vision, ‘anything you can do i can do better’.
Full Name: Julian Theophilius Nott Gender/Pronouns: Cis man | he/him Age: Twenty-six Birthdate: October 23rd Parents: Atticus Nott & Cordelia Nott (née Rosier) † Siblings: Felix Riordan Nott † Birth place: St. Mungo’s Hospital, England Height: 6″1 Weight: 88 kg Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual Demiromantic Body Alterations/Marks: An Augury with its wings spread tattooed on his right bicep fighting with an Occamy that twists and wraps in a spiral down that side’s forearm most of the time, a young Hebridean Black Dragon on the left guarding a shield emblazoned with the Nott family crest. These were done with magical ink and often move around his skin. Strings of runes tattooed across his collarbones, a sun and a moon, roman numerals XIII.IX.MCMXXI. 
Occupation: Unspeakable, Department of Mysteries Blood Status: Pureblood Hogwarts House: Slytherin Wand Arm: Left  Boggart: His younger brother, just as Julian last saw him, blaming him for everything. Pet: A crup named Montague but mostly calls him Monty Patronus: Grey wolf Wand: 12 1/2 inches, Red Oak, slightly yielding, Dragon Heartstring
You will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its owner’s hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. Less common than English oak, I have found that its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are, in my opinion, among the most handsome.
CHARACTER PARALLELS: Prince Zuko (ATLA), Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders), Harry Bingham (The Society), Lip Gallagher (Shameless), Trevor Belmonte (Castlevania), Edward Elric (FMA), Daryl Dixon (TWD), Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows), Finnick O’Dair (The Hunger Games), Christopher Schistad (SKAM), Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Neil Josten (TFC), Diego Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls), James Cook (Skins), Ronan Lynch (TRC), Garrett Hawke (Dragon Age 2), Wolfgang Bogdanow (Sense8), Regan Abbott (A Quiet Place), Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You?)
The Nott estate, Ebongrove, is in a hidden valley northwest of Hollow Meads in the Lake District. Craggy mountains and hills filled with caverns bordered by beautiful lakes were the backdrops to his childhood, he has an extremely complicated relationship with his ancestral home. 
Cordelia, Julian and Felix’s mother, was a part of the infamous Silver Spears duelling club. She was very considerate of Julian’s sometimes volatile temper but was overall rather cold and distant. He isn’t entirely aware but she would take a light sedative potion most days to cope with being a pureblood trophy wife who was pushed to manage their estate rather than pursue a further career and drank a bottle of wine minimum most evenings. Cordelia was a talented potioneer and herbologist, their gardens boasting all of the native potion ingredients as well as being beautifully landscaped. 
Felix, Julian’s younger brother, was sickly from the moment he was born. He showed no signs of magic until he was almost eight years old, when it did manifest it was completely chaotic and uncontrollable. The lad could never live up to his father’s expectations no matter how much Julian tried to shield and protect him. Despite this, the kid had a keen mind and a voracious appetite for knowledge that bemused his older brother into helping him fuel it. He taught him the precise notes you had to play on the harp above the mantel in the library to gain access to their Father’s private study which held many ancient, rare and sometimes dangerous texts.
Atticus is an eccentric academic, a foreign guest lecturer which is a cover for his criminal activities across Europe. The man is extremely neglectful and abusive but shows to the world a collected, charming and sophisticated genius. He held a post for forty years in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement under the Department of Intoxicating Substances which is how he knows so much about substances. Horrific anger issues. Teaches Alchemy. Julian would take the brunt of the abuse from a very young age, knowing that of the three other inhabitants of the house that he was the strongest, even then. Deliberately attempted to soak up the damage that his father’s rage and cruelty wrought behind closed doors. He was often scared of the fury that raged inside of him reminding him as it did of his Father and for many years, believed that he deserved the scorn he received.
A month before Felix’s ninth birthday and mere days from his Mother’s, Julian was asked by his younger brother to help him get access to both of his parents’ laboratories and experiment spaces. He agreed on the condition that he’d be with him the entire time, chest puffed up with pride at already heading into his second year of Hogwarts in a few weeks and so knew more than Felix about safety. They argued, Julian can’t even remember what started it anymore but it ended when he stormed out, locking Felix in the labs. 
Julian was gone for less than seven minutes, he counted, seeking their Mother and having to walk the length of the west wing to the main body of the house to find her. He hadn’t seen the tome that Felix had hidden under his perpetually baggy shirt, unknowing of the alchemical drugs his father had been experimenting with, refined down to extremely high potency. The majority of the equipment contaminated, not yet properly clean. Cordelia unsealed and opened the door less than two and a half seconds before the explosion which rocked the very foundations of the Estate.
The only clear memory he has was of peering around his Mother’s hip into the room, a tiny form’s silhouette bent low over a cauldron just a dark outline consumed by light and roaring blue, glittering fire. His Mother screaming as she ran to Felix. All of the windows shattered, the apparatus was hurled to the walls, some drifting strangely in the air but each were warped and mangled beyond use. Julian was thrown twenty feet from the doorway back into the wall at the end of the corridor. Their house elf was the one to discover the scene. One young master dead, utterly unrecognisable from the myriad of volatile substances catalysing causing a multitude of thoroughly gruesome magical effects. A few metres away, their Mistress had crawled mortally wounded and cradling a barely conscious Julian. 
Cordelia died leaning over him, blood and tears dripping down onto her eldest son’s cheeks. Atticus never forgave him and Julian never saw that House Elf again. In fact he didn’t see anything for two weeks, blinded by the blast and in a coma for forty-eight hours then a magically induced one for a further three days. Julian was left to navigate this completely on his own at the age of twelve and has a lot of worry about one day losing his sight again even though Healers were amazed at his recovery. Both hands and the majority of his forearms had the skin severely burned, quartz-like crystals jutted from his wrist and knuckle joints, fingernails turned to wood as just a few of the many injuries he sustained. Mentally, he was experiencing effects not unlike a beffudlement draught.
Over the course of the next few years Atticus’ abuse and ‘testing’ of Julian reached all new lows, especially when he began using his best product after years of abstaining. Julian spent most summers after fifth year carefully plotting so that he would return home as little as possible. However, he used to freelance for his Father under threat that he’d be cut off. At the time he started he still believed that his father was merely selling high quality, time sensitive potions ingredients to people from the house’s grounds and orangery when in reality his ridiculously quick flight times on his broom were being put to use for dealing. 
He found out the truth after being jumped, somehow still coming out as the only one conscious despite serious injuries. Atticus pulled him into the fold after that, for the first time ever insisting he was proud. At nineteen Julian orchestrated surveying his father, pulling strings where he could and using the man’s own shady tactics against him until he could leverage a rocky peace treaty by blackmailing him. 
Julian is very intelligent, though he worked hard to appear otherwise at Hogwarts. He seems quite easily irritated by helpless and meek people having been the only one to have his own back for many years. In reality he will bleed himself dry for you if you’re important to him. Chosen family takes precedence over real family even if he has to hide it. Probably would have been a pro-Quidditch player or worked with Magical Creatures if it wasn’t for the whole... family legacy thing. 
He was always cheeky and full of energy as a small child but he’s been carefully manicured down to a smouldering coal of roguish charm and quick wit, carefully holding the seams together to mask his anger. Less confrontational than when he was in his teens and channels a lot of that energy into Quidditch. Perfectly trained in your standard pureblood etiquette, had some of the best tutors before Hogwarts, money has always been a given in his life. 
Genuinely enjoyed being seen as a ‘bad boy’ type, seeming a little rough around the edges tends to ward people off commitments and he hates the thought of anyone getting tangled in with his Atticus mess. Whilst he will do what he can to not upset the status quo, he thinks Muggles are annoying in that they get so much of the world now but isn’t really invested in blood purity the way people hope he is. He will sleep with anyone and show them a good time, mixed blood or not. His Dad is as pure as they come and clearly, that did nothing to alter how he turned out. Not saying that he won’t pipe up with it, when prompted, to save face. 
Trains and does Quidditch drills four to five days a week, sometimes hosts a friendly league at Ebongrove. Still an extremely strong player, it’s the only way he can make himself exercise aside from duelling and the game is still pretty much the only thing that makes sense in his life, if he could he would be flying all day every day. He keeps up with fighting and duelling training out of begrudging respect that this routine his father instilled in him has technically helped him survive thus far and keep people he cares for safe since Felix’s accident. 
Julian sometimes struggles with impulsiveness, hedonism and putting himself at risk. He likes adrenaline, what he can do with it. Has been banned and then mysteriously unbanned from many venues for fighting, he is intimidating enough that it rarely escalates to all-out violence anymore but his fuse length varies day to day. 
He owns a flying motorbike, which he argues isn’t quite as thrilling as being astride his broom but he enjoys the power the engine provides. He has a dislike for flooing and apparition, he can do both with ease but prefers to take ‘the long way’ in most scenarios.
Montague, Julian’s Crup, is about five years old and was bred from the old purebred stock of the Notts. He has not docked the twin-tail from Monty, he thinks it’s fucking barbaric and instead concentrates extremely closely on glamour charms whenever Muggles are nearby. Monty often rides in the custom sidecar Julian created for his motorbike, when he was younger he would take Monty everywhere with him. Monty is a red tan, black & white-coated dog, with less white dominant in the fur than you’d expect from a Jack Russell. ( x. x.)
Even though he knows how attractive he is and uses it to his advantage and to his detriment frequently, Julian is usually covered from neck to toe in public. He has a beaten-soft pair of dragon skin gloves that he wears all the time apart from the height of summer, high collared robes that sweep the floor, everything sharply tailored to the contours of his form. It’s easier to keep up appearances that way and not show his extensive scarring. 
Riddle is nothing yet, just a kid but there’s potential. Maliciousness. Julian is a man of action and needs proof before he will believe anything anyone says, even Dorian. He finds the whole: one of his minions, little sycophant thing extremely entertaining though and he doesn’t give a single shit if laughing about it gets him in trouble. Dance Lestrange, dance. 
Trying to avoid staying directly under the watchful eye of many of his Father’s colleagues at the ministry, he decided to strike out entirely on his own by securing a position as an Unspeakable within the Department of Mysteries. He tells most people that he works in the Magical Games and Sports department. Even though the subjects that do cross him at work sometimes push him, he finds himself apathetic and having lost a lot of the drive that saw him impressing everyone six or seven years ago. 
Pledging allegiance to any cause isn’t something Atticus finds tasteful but under pressure he would have sided with Grindelwald, despite his son’s talent for all kinds of martial magic Atticus isn’t a particularly talented duelist. 
carefully spinning the sovereign ring around your little finger, thunderous skies, fingers combing through thick dark curls, draping yourself dramatically over a loveseat then peeking from behind your arm to see if anyone is watching, the sting in your nose from whiskey splashed tea, a sure hand hauling you out of windows to sit on cold roof tiles, righteous fury clenching your knuckles white, a dear friend slinging their arm around your shoulder, remaining standing through the agony of crucio, the half-cool touch of a chain dangling from your lover’s neck against your racing pulse.
eileen prince: a little afraid of julian, used to go to school together.
dorian lestrange: julian respects, follows his lead.
tom riddle: julian doesn’t really think he’s all that yet.
miranda goshawk: intrigued by, amused by her hidden spark.
lucretia black: enjoys winding up, used to be friends.
charis black: schoolmates, she’s totally irritated by him 
alistair mckinnon: former quidditch rivals, dislikes julian alot
nicolas mulciber: good friends, they hang out often
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
fuck you, you and oh, you too.
synopsis: So. It’s time to kick some nosy and annoying asses.
# tags: headcanons; goddess/hunter/alchemist!reader; current relationships or friendship; comedy; some fluff; maybe soft angst & light drama; reader’s is... very overprotective and supportive girl, we stan; the characters are older and taller; sfw
includes: female reader ft. yato {noragami} + killua zoldyck {hxh} & edward elric {fma}
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↘ Like black-haired, you were also a god. However, unlike your friend, other gods and their holy weapons/items respected and knew you well. Of course, Yato didn’t blame you ‘cause of it, after all, both of you knew that he would also gain his believers and his own, huge temple.
↘ However, with the passing of time you couldn’t stand the constant jokes of other deities about your bestfriend. Whenever you appeared somewhere together, questions were asked whether he wasn’t ashamed to appear at the side of someone as amazing as you. Other gods and their holy weapons laughed at Yato (and Yukine), and you couldn’t forgot it.
↘ Your patience, as a god of war, wisdom and judgment, as well as Yato’s closest friend has finally run out. What a shame that you had to explode next to the Seven Gods of Fortune. But who cares? Certainly not you.
↘ “All of you should be an Ayakashi if you can’t behave like real gods. You oversee fortune and save lives, but on the other hand, you behave like tyrants to a friend of the same profession. You are worse than all Nora’s and all the demons that ever exist! If you don’t accept Yato and don’t stop insulting him, you may never come to me for help or advice. Likewise, I will never come here to meet with you. Y’all are gross. Someday all of you will surely regret these disgusting words. I promise.”
↘ I don’t have to explain that after this confession, all the Gods of Fortune (and also other gods) apologized to both you and Yato. You were very happy.
↘ “... You didn’t have to do this, Y/N.” The young-looked god’s cheeks were pink because of blush.
↘ “You know. Friends are because they don’t have to, but they want to.” You replied with a smile, showing him the tongue.
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↘ Oh, how you hated and hate him right now.
↘ There was literally only one person in the world that you hated like this. And it was him, of course.
↘ Illumi fucking Zoldyck. You’ve been hating him so much for years that it seemed impossible.
↘ “Killua. Why did you bring the girl to house? Our parents knows about this? Do you think they’ll be glad that you invited a stranger?”
↘ You wanted to say something, but the white-haired teenager overtook you. “Brother, Y/N didn’t come here for the first time. Stop meddling in my affairs and leave my room!”
↘ “You shouldn’t oppose the stronger and older, remember?” He reminded him with an empty expression, and Killua start shaking. You sighed deeply, grabbing your boyfriend by his pale hand.
↘ “Hey, Illumi-kun, have you ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend?” You asked kindly, looking at him.
↘ “Hm? What’s that question? No, I didn’t.” He replied gently confused, which you nodded to.
↘ “Then I’m not surprised at all because you are disgusting and annoying. You spend more time with your seventeen-year-old brother than with your own stuff or job, it’s toxic and sick. Leave this room, unless you enjoy seeing your younger brother kiss another person. What a pervert.”
↘ You saw the elder Zoldyck’s eyebrows twitch and he reaches for his needles, but hey. You weren’t weak or slow at all. It didn’t take a moment, and the movement of your hand caused a strong gust of wind, which pushed Illumi out of the door, additionally closing them and turning the key in the lock.
↘ Plus, after a while you were greeted by the sight of blushing Killua, so you couldn’t resist kissing his babie face.
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↘ Your boyfriend had a lot of complexes and of course you always tried to make them disappear from his life slowly.
↘ Edward grew up with the time of your relation and his own growing age, but obviously there were always people taller than him or more important (because of their position or life experiences). And also unfortunately many of them criticized his appearance and alchemical abilities at the same time.
↘ “... Stop making fun of my height.”
↘ “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had such a short temper.”
↘ “It’s not funny, you know?”
↘ “Maybe not, but your transmutation ability actually is super ridiculous.”
↘ You saw Ed clench his fingers, but you grabbed the piece of his coat and stopped him quickly.
↘ “Hey, loser. No offence, but maybe you will look at yourself? You bald, ugly bastard. At least Edward has hair on his head, unlike you.” You laughed out loud, causing the man’s face to turn red with anger.
↘ “You little b...”
↘ “Little is your dick. Next, please.”
↘ You were arguing for another two, no, three minutes, and Edward stood next to you in extremely shock, unable to believe that his sweet girl had such a coarse language and so much sarcasm in herself.
↘ On the other hand, it was so damn hot for him and the boy had to think about how he should thank you for defending his ego.
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