#bleach la movie
animedegens · 12 days
** New Podcast Episode **
Anime Degens Ep. 84: Fall 2024 Look Ahead!
With summer coming to an end soon, we’re taking a look at the Fall Season & picking our must watches & some underdogs of the season!
Spotify (Video)- https://tinyurl.com/Ad84S
Apple- https://tinyurl.com/Ad84ap
YouTube- https://youtu.be/ORrLuIjCOd4
Links- https://linktr.ee/animedegens
Discord- https://discord.gg/QqaWgcaR7B
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babyflorencee · 8 months
Hair dye
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Timothée Chalamet x fem!Reader
"Tim, you have to sit still, unless you want to look like Oscar the grouch." I teased, carefully applying more blue hair dye to my boyfriend Timothée's now blond curls.
With less than a week before he had to return to film his latest movie in LA, Tim arrived home two days ago with a list of tasks he needed to complete, including the need for blue hair.
Nerves fluttered within me when he first mentioned dyeing his hair. Since it had been five years since I last experimented with hair dye at the age of 16. And the last thing I wanted to do was to jeopardize his appearance and disrupt the film schedule.
"Are you almost done?" he whined, growing bored.
"Just about, you just have to sit with this in for an hour then rinse it out." I replied painting the last bit of his bleached blond hair.
"Done," I announced, watching as he eagerly grabbed his phone to catch a glimpse of his new hair. His eyes widened in a mixture of shock and distaste, causing a chuckle from me.
"You're dashing, baby," I teased, causing him to roll his eyes.
I retrieved a hair cap from the table to contain the dye and returned to Tim. "Do you still love me, even though I look hideous?" he pouted, turning to face me.
"My love, I hate to break it to you, but I never loved you," I teased, prompting a shocked expression from him before he enveloped me in a hug from behind.
"You really don't love me?" He said pouting in disappointment. "Because I love you," he declared, showering kisses along my shoulder and neck, knowing full well I was ticklish there.
"I love you too, Timmy," I responded, turning around to face him, and immediately he ducked his head down and pulled me into a kiss. What started as just an innocent kiss now turned into a make out session. His lips travelled to my neck, gently sucking on the skin. He was planting sloppy kisses on my collarbone making his way up to my neck. Suddenly, the timer interrupted, eliciting a groan from Tim.
"Well, thats your cue," I remarked, stealing a quick kiss before retreating to wash my hands.
As I turned on the faucet, Tim's voice echoed from the bathroom doorway, "Don't forget the soap! I can't go back to filming with blue handprints all over my body!"
I chuckled, shaking my head. "Oh, believe me, Tim, that won't be a problem!"
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angelofthenight · 9 months
Kenchanted Pt.1
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(Ken x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Lost in the chaotic and gritty human world, you come to Ken’s rescue. He’s determined to find his one true love who is also lost in the human world, Barbie, and despite your cynical and pessimistic view of “true love”, you help. You and Ken’s views of life and love are constantly clashing and arguments constantly follow. Yet the more time you spend together, you both begin to fall in love with the epitome of everything you once disagreed with. But you are both promised to others and you are from two different worlds, pink and grey.
Warnings: Swearing, V brief harassment (nothing intense), YN thinks Ken is mentally ill/disturbed, Mentions of police
( Super special thanks for my pookie mutual @detectiveapparatiagreen for proofreading for triggers💖 )
Word Count: 3.5k
Tropes Used: Grumpy x Sunshine, She fell first/He fell harder, Slow burn, Unexpected/Unintentional pining, Fantasy vs Reality
( This is based off the Disney movie Enchanted so it’s kinda like an AU, with a touch of Warm Bodies and Aquamarine. Also I named YN’s boyfriend after Oppenheimer in honor of Barbenheimer but I just realized that a Robert is in Enchanted too😭. Also this is steering off a bit from canon in the Barbie movie to cater more to Enchanted’s storyline so Ken doesn’t become a typical man/antagonist.
And lastly YN is basically Ken’s opposite personality-wise and clothing color palette-wise, I typically always have all my YN’s fashion style ambiguous in my stories unless it’s a direct effect to the story so that’s why I’m just forewarning )
Table of Contents
(R/n) = Roommates name
“God, learn to have a little fun, bitch!”
You flipped out your middle finger over your shoulder as you walked away without looking back at the man near the bar. Despite your platant rejections and constant explanations that you were about to leave the club, the man that approached you with sexual intentions still ran his mouth on how you should let him buy you a drink. You endlessly declined and when he began to grow impatient and rude that’s when you told him off and marched off to find your roommate, (R/n), in the crowd who had gone to retrieve your coats.
The music thrusted into your eardrums and rumbled your brain so intensely you wondered if you’d be able to get away with calling off work the next morning. You leaned against a wall to take off your heels, leaving your feet in just your pantyhose as (R/n) reunited with you holding both hers and your own jacket in her arms. She laid your jacket over your shoulders and you instantly huddled it around your short dress to prepare to step into the breezy, rainy night.
“Of course the night we finally have the energy to go clubbing is the night we have work in the early morning.” (R/n) chuckled into your ear as the two of you left through the doors in giggles. Once out into the storming outdoors, (R/n) and you stood by a wall under some shade as she began to order an uber through her phone to get you guys back home. You yawned as you people watched while you waited for her to order, letting your eyes wander and linger on the LA characters that either rushed past you with jackets over their head or walking with umbrellas.
Some you could assume were clubbing like you, some ran to catch cabs, some looked to be just getting out of work. Each person that crossed your line of vision were all different and unique… but there was one specific individual that made you do a double-take: the bleach blond man wearing rollerblades and blindingly bright neon that stood out in the dark night.
He was sitting on the curb of the sidewalk getting drenched by the rain with his head in his hands, seemingly sobbing dramatically. You frowned in concern and curiosity. You faintly nudged your friend. “Is that guy okay?” Your friend looked up at you with confusion until she looked over to where your eyes were locked. She wasn’t as worried as you and simply brushed him off. “Huh? Oh… Just leave him to it.”
That offered no apathy to cease your attention on the bold man. You just couldn’t brush him off no matter how hard you tried, it was like you were feeling this magnetic pull towards him. “I’m just gonna go check on him.” You told your friend as you stepped into the thundering storm with your hand acting as a shield above your eyes to prevent rain hitting them, and began walking towards the perfectly tanned stranger.
You stopped once you were right next to him, the cold droplets of water quickly dampening your styled hair. “Hey. Are you alright?” You said, loud enough for him to hear you over the rain.
The bleach blond thrashed his face out of his hands to look up at you with tears endlessly flooding out of his blue eyes and his lips trembling. “No! I am not alright!” He loudly wailed out. “Barbie got arrested! And they wouldn’t take me with her! I tried to follow them but then I got lost in this humongous place! But while I was wandering I discovered that men on horses rule this world and at first that seemed so awesome but I still couldn’t even do anything because I need a bunch of papers to do stuff! And even though I am a man, people are still not being very nice to me!”
He already lost you a while ago with his fast yet confusing words which prompted you to stare blankly, but his last complaint resonated with you enough to erupt a chuckle from you. “Yeah, well, welcome to LA.”
The man halted his dramatic crying to stare at you with his watering eyes lighting up. “Thank you.” He breathed out with a sniffle and a grateful tone of voice. Your smile twitched down and your brows furrowed at him.
“And I lost my visor cap! And now I am leaking from my eyes!” He suddenly exclaimed as he touched his wet cheeks. “But the worst part of it all is…” he reached up to grip onto his soaking wet blond locks, “my hair is WET! Why is the sky sprinkling water and making my hair flat and squishy?!” He yelled and physically jumped and yelped like a child when lightning cracked in the sky.
You didn’t mean to just stare blankly stare at him with your mouth slightly open and your eyebrows slightly furrowed, but you just didn’t know how to react to how this man, who you were now assuming wasn’t right in the head, was acting. “You mean the rain?” You finally asked with multiple confused blinks.
The man harshly sniffled again. “Well, I HATE the rain!” He yelled while glaring up at the sky like he now had a vengeful grudge against it.
You kneeled down next to him to be at eye-level. “Do you have your phone with you? Or any money?” The man wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “I’ve never owned a phone.” He looked back over to you, the rain dripping down his face washing his tears away. “And what would I need money for?”
You blinked, dumbfounded in its rawest form. You just stared at him again with a complete loss for words at his question. You looked him up and down, taking in every neon detail on his skater outfit. You probably looked like you were seeing an alien for the first time. “…Do you need me to call somebody for you?”
He vaguely chuckled with a small smile as he looked at you like you were the weird one. “I don't think they'd hear you from here.” Again, your jaw went slack at your loss for words; intense confusion baffling you. “What?”
You glanced around, trying to find some sort of camera crew. Your eyes returned to the blond man who cradled his knees to his chest and reached up to touch his wet hair. He was pouting and wearing the saddest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen on a grown man. You needed to help this poor, troubled guy.
“What’s your name?” He took his hand out of his hair and released his knees, letting his legs fall straight as he looked at his neon strain roller blades. “Ken.” “No, like, what’s your full name?” You added. He tore his eyes off his feet to look back at you. “Kenneth or And Ken.”
You forced an awkward laugh and smile as you tried to hide how you were beginning to lose your patience. “No, what’s your last name?” Ken gave you another weird look. “How many names do you people have?”
Your frown began to deepen as your annoyance began to grow visible in your features. “…So it’s just Ken?” You asked, a slight snap to your voice. “Well it’s usually Barbie and Ken.” Ken explained with a pep to his own voice. Your brows crinkled, “You keep mentioning Barbie. Like the doll? Are you named after Barbie’s boyfriend Ken or something?”
Ken shook his head with a toothy smile. “No, I am Ken.”
‘This guy must have escaped from the ward.’ You mentally noted. “Where exactly are you from, Ken?” You asked, hoping to get a solid enough answer to help you navigate where he needs to get to.
“Barbieland.” Ken answered without hesitation, leaving you once again baffled. A loud thunderclap snapped you back into your senses as the rain began to pick up. You looked over your shoulder at (R/n) who pointed at her phone, trying to tell you the uber was about to pull up. You looked back to Ken who returned to sadly staring at his rollerblades and clutching his sopping wet hair.
You pursed your lips together, deep in debating thought, until you let out a groaning sigh. You rose to your feet and draped your jacket over Ken’s head and shoulders. He looked up at you with surprise and opened his mouth to say something but you strictly cut him off. “Stay right here, I’ll be right back.” You instructed him before rushing over to your dry friend.
“Okay, so Boris will be picking us up in a gray Toyota and I’ll just request what you owe me on Paypal-” “I think we should take him with us.” You cut (R/n) off as she watched the tracking map on Uber, her eyes snapping up towards you. She glanced over at Ken getting pretty comfortable in your jacket on the sidewalk curb before looking back at you with an eyebrow raise.
“(Y/n), what?” Now she was the baffled one looking at an alien over how out-of-character your request was. However, a smirk stretched across her lips. “Usually I’m the one wanting to bring home strange men at night.” You rolled your eyes and gave her a glare. “It’s not like that.” You glimpsed over your shoulder at Ken.
“That guy is the farthest thing from my type as you can get.”
You turned back to (R/n). “And you know I would never do that to Rob.”
(R/n) visibly cringed and shut her eyes, holding her hand up to stop you. “Ew, I’ve told you before I don’t like to hear that guys name on girls night.” You slapped her hand out of your face. “We’re not gonna have this argument again right now.” You grumbled, knowing how passionate (R/n) was about verbalizing her distaste for your boyfriend Rob. She shook her head. “We’re not because you didn’t say his name.”
You sighed, dismissing that whole rift in the conversation. “I just can’t leave him like this. He’s lost and confused and will get sick in this rain.” You explained to your roommate who didn’t seem to even mind. “As long as I don’t have to give up my room or share my morning waffles and we lock our bedrooms. And if he ends up being a thief or murderer or rap-” You cut her off.
“He’s not staying the night. I just wanna get him out of the rain and send him back to whatever mental institution he came from. He is not staying the night.” You stated with a stern expression. He’d be out of your apartment quicker than he got there. It’s not that you didn’t have room for a guest, other than prioritizing you and your friends safety, you just didn’t want to take care of this crazy man any more than you had to.
After (R/n) told you you’d be taking the heavier load on the overall cost, you hurried back over to Ken who was still wrapped up comfortably in your jacket. You planted your hand softly on his shoulder, grabbing his attention rather quickly. “Come on, Ken. You can get dry at my place and we’ll try and get you home.”
Ken’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and tried to stumble up to his feet due to his rollerblades before you grabbed his muscular arm to help him up safely. You pushed away the observation of how tall he actually was when he stood up to focus more on wheeling him over to the Uber (R/n) was waving you over to.
Ken skated circles around you and (R/n) as you walked down the hallway of your apartment building as he talked your ear off. “-and then we had to ride a snowmobile through the snow, which was very cold and not good for my hair. And then that’s when we rollerbladed into Venice Beach. Barbie did not like your world by the way, like within the first second we got there her mood instantly bummed out. And then-”
As soon as you got him seated in the car, he instantly began telling you how he got to that sidewalk curb that somehow involved his whole life story. You tuned him out about halfway through, you just couldn’t comprehend what he was telling you; Barbieland, Barbie, disco parties, Kens, Barbies, beaching, Mattel, a portal, Barbie’s flat feet, horses.
It was crazy to you. His story, his words, his personality, his clothes, quite literally everything about him. You nearly began to regret picking up just another LA nutjob on the street.
“-and now I’m here with you tired looking ladies in this kinda ugly, gloomy building. They should paint these walls a brighter color. Like pink! Or blue!” Ken joyfully said with his wide smile never faltering as he continued to skate down the halls. His upbeat energy was beginning to sicken you.
He started to skate backwards to continue talking into your annoyed face. “But don’t worry, I'm positive that Barbie is already out of jail and looking for me. No doubt by morning she'll come and pick me up and we’ll go home and the two of us will finally kiss under the stars.”
A snigger finally cracked out of you. “Right.” From the snippets of his story you paid attention to, it didn’t sound like this Barbie girl he kept talking about was all that interested in him. You wanted to press on about that but knew you’d just be met with blind stupidity.
(R/n) seemed to be having the opposite reactions and opinions from you as all she did was humor his story and laugh at his jokes. What was entertaining for her was agitating for you. “Well all I can do for you is let you in for a minute so you can dry off.” You asserted as you neared your apartment door.
“Thank you!” Ken chirped out, still clinging to your jacket that was still wrapped around him. “So if she’s (R/n), what’s your name? You never gave me it.” You told him your name and he repeated it out loud, testing it in different voice tones which annoyed you even more. ‘I just need to last another hour or two and then he’s out of my life and out of my sight’ you kept telling yourself to keep your composure.
You finally reached your front door and began to fish out your keys from your purse. You rustled through your stuff and held back your exhausted groan, digging through to find them. Ken’s vibrant neon color palette still blinded your peripheral vision. You fleetingly glanced over to him, “What is it with this outfit of yours anyways?”
Ken looked down at his clothes with a confident smile and placed his hands on his hips. “You like it?” Your brows furrowed together. “No, it's just… I thought you said you didn’t have any money.” “I don’t. Clothes just come to me.” Ken said simply as you finally found your keys.
“Like people give you clothes or you design them?” (R/n) questioned. “No, clothes literally just come to me.” Ken stated with that bright grin still intact with his lips.
You stared at him with that ‘are you serious’ expression. “Why don't we see about getting you a car.” You quickly said before you unlocked your front door.
(R/n) approached you in a fit of giggles while you sat at your dining room table scanning over a map for places to drop Ken off. She grasped onto your tense shoulders as she tried to regain a steady breath after her stomach-hurting laughter from something Ken had previously told her.
“C’mon, (Y/n). Can’t he sleep here tonight?” She asked you with a pleading smile. You didn’t spare her a glance and shook your head like a strict mother, your eyes still remaining on the map. “No way.”
(R/n) sighed in disappointment and was about to go back over to the couch where Ken was sitting all wrapped up in towels until she caught the sight of him leaning all the way back into the couch. His eyes blissfully closed and his mouth open enough for a vague snore.
“Um, (Y/n). He looks really tired.” She whispered down to you. Your eyes shot up to see the couch from where you were sitting to witness Ken already fast asleep. “What? Oh, no. That's not acceptable.” You stood up, the intention of physically hurling him off your couch flaring your imagination.
“Are you really gonna make him go?” (R/n) asked sadly with a pout. You turned to her with a glare. Of course you had to be the only sensible one, taking on responsibility. Sometimes you felt like the only adult in a world full of children, the only one with a stable head on their shoulders. “Just go to bed. I’ll handle this.” You asserted.
(R/n) delicately grabbed your arm before you could march over to him. “He’s so funny though, and he seems pretty harmless.” You sighed and turned to her with a softer tone in your expression and eyes. “(R/n), he is a seriously confused and troubled man who's fallen into our laps. All I want to do is get him home.” You explained as plainly as you could.
“So he’s not gonna stay?” (R/n) asked again but put on a brighter smile to try to convince you. “No.” You harshly deadpanned. “Now go to bed.” She huffed but turned on her heels anyway in pursuit of her room.
Once you heard the closing of her door, you made your way over to the snoozing psychopath. With your hands on your hips, you glared down at him as if trying to telepathically make him wake up. You reached down to his arm, about to violently shake him awake, but your fingers halted and hovered over his toned bicep.
You glanced up to his face as you were frozen, mindlessly taking the time to get a proper look at his face for the first time. You nearly couldn’t mentally deny that when he wasn’t rabidly sobbing or babbling his mouth off, he was actually very beautiful. The most beautiful guy you’ve ever actually seen, almost like he was fake. He was too physically perfect.
You snapped yourself out of your admiring daze, almost not believing you got distracted with physical attraction. You deepened your frown and finally pushed your hand against his arm, a weak attempt to wake Mr Sleeping Beauty. You pushed one more time to find he was still fast asleep. You gruffly sighed and pulled out your phone, clicking into the Uber app.
You were just going to send him to the nearest police station, he’ll be the cops’ problem now and Ken can tell them all about his Barbie life. However, before you could hit the final button to get the car your eyes glanced up to Ken once more. Except this time you couldn’t look away as he subconsciously snuggled in the towels wrapped around him.
‘Just push the damn button and get him out of here’ is what you kept yelling at yourself. So why couldn’t you do it? Of course right when it came down to it, you felt yourself going soft for this lunatic… with very blue eyes and an innocent kind of sweet smile. Despite his prettiness and despite his aggravating immaturity, you still felt this gravitational pull towards this strange man.
You sighed and turned off your phone, ruthlessly cursing yourself at your failure to get rid of him. You just couldn’t bring yourself to kick him out, something you knew you were going to regret when he woke up and began talking non-stop again. Still, you found yourself gently laying him properly down across the couch on the pillow and replacing the damp towels with a blanket.
You denied your own small smile at his sleeping form as you left for your bedroom. You hadn’t thought about Barbie dolls in a very long time, but all of his Barbie talk made you sit in your bed in silence for a few minutes. You wished you still had your Barbie dolls with you instead of them sitting in a box in your parents basement. You just wanted to at least look at your favorite childhood toy.
Not your Ken doll though.
You buried him three feet underground in your backyard when playing funeral with your Barbie dolls and forgot he was still down there.
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bellysoupset · 2 months
"Hey man, you busy?"
Daniel's head snapped up so quickly he felt his neck cracking. He winced, grabbing it to rub it and tried not blush out of embarrassment. Monacelli was hanging at his door, looking incredibly amused, his bag slung over his arm and falling near his hip, blocking most of the sunlight from entering the classroom.
Max recovered quickly, clearing his throat and looking back to the task at hand. He was putting away the dried dishes utilized during his chem experiment with the 14 year old kids, the bell having already rung signifying the end of school day, "No," he dried his hands on his bleach stained jeans and crouched down to put away the beakers, "just finishing up here, why?"
"You got any plans for tonight?"
Max thanked god his head was inside the cabinet and Vince couldn't see his surprised expression. Without looking at the man, he shrugged, "nope..." in truth, he had plans alright. Make himself dinner, get high and watch a movie in the tv, probably crash his own couch.
"Great, I'm taking you out!"
Now Max straightened up, hitting his head in the inside of the cabinet. He let out a whine, rubbing at the sore spot, "...What?" the words came out strangled and Vince let out a chuckle.
"So, turns out it's your birthday today?" Vince leaned against the door, "I'm guessing you're aware of that."
"No, first time hearing it," Max rolled his eyes, "I don't care about my birthday, man, you don't ha-"
"I'm not asking," Vince squinted at him and Max gulped down, cursing himself. He hadn't realized how much... How nice Vin was to look at, "get your shit, I'm waiting for you in the parking lot!"
Max felt ridiculous as he grabbed his bag in the teacher's lounge and went to meet with Monacelli in the parking lot. He hadn't had a crush in a lifetime, since his high school years and Max hated the clammy feeling in his hands or the fluttering in his stomach. Not only it felt childish, but it was completely out of place, Vince was very very taken. He needed to digest those butterflies.
"So what's the plan?" Max walked towards his own pick-up, noticing Vince had already put away his bag under his bike's seat.
"I wasn't sure what was your style, so I came up with a couple ideas," Vince scratched as his cheek in an embarrassed manner and Max raised his eyebrows. More than one option?
"Let's hear them," he leaned against his car, throwing his bag in the passenger seat.
"We hit the bar down your street, what's the name again? Stache's?"
"So yeah, Stache's, then we go up La Dolce Vitta for cake," Vince raised his thumb in order to mark it as option 1, then uncurled his index finger to show it was a new option, "or we can go to the community soccer game and finish it up with beers at the Stache's," he uncurled his middle finger, "or we can go bowling and order the cake from La Dolce Vitta. I'm open for ideas, too."
Max's mouth was dry like a desert. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had remembered his birthday and here was Vince, just some dude he had met nearly six months ago and actively disliked for five of these, with three options of celebration.
"All of them suck?" Vince pouted, misunderstanding his silence, "I don't know, what do you do for fun? Go to a shooting club?"
"Sometimes I hike," Max answered unhelpfully, feeling completely thrown out, "soccer- Soccer's cool."
"Oh yeah?" Vince brightened up like a labrador puppy, opening a huge smile, "okay. Soccer it is -" he squinted then, "but don't expect me to go easy on you just because it's your birthday."
"Oh nooo, whatever will I do," Max rolled his eyes, sarcasm dripping from his words and Vince brushed him off, sitting on top of his bike, so they could drive separately.
Doveport had a big community sport's center, but Max didn't frequent it. In fact, he was very antisocial. The opposite of Monacelli, who jumped from his bike and immediately was greeted by five other men, whom Max had never seen in his life, of various ages. Young kids just fresh out of high school, older retired men...
"Do you know everyone?" Max frowned, as he followed Vince to the locker room's that led to the small outdoor soccer field. It wasn't big, but made do, much like the other fields. One for tennis, one for volleyball, one for basketball and a pool that clearly had seen better days and no one was using.
"I talk with people," Vince shrugged, turning around and walking backwards, "you should try it, it's a wonder what being nice to other's can do."
"Yeah, sure Mary Poppins," the blonde rolled his eyes, then paused as they entered the locker rooms. He definitely couldn't play in jeans-
Vince stripped down his shirt, balling it up and throwing it in the bench in the middle of the room and Max's thoughts vanished. The brunette turned around, undoing the fly of his own jeans and frowned, pausing, "you're not gonna change?"
"I don't-" Max looked away, grimacing at his own fumbling, "I've never been here, I don't know-"
"Ah, you can't go in the field wearing jeans," Vince gestured to a big locker open in the opposite side of the room, "see? They have gym shorts and vests for you to grab. They're smelly, but whatever, I don't mind. Do you?"
"Oh, no- We just grab them?"
"Yeah," Vin nodded, "but we need to return them when we're done, of course -" he pointed at a wall with smaller lockers, "here you put your clothes and take the key, there's a board near the field to hang them up and write your name under... I can't believe you've never been here, you lived in this town your whole life, dude."
Max shrugged, glaring at his feet, "team sports are not very my speed."
"Uhm," Vince let out a judgmental huff, "c'mon, hurry up, they're about to leave the field."
Max was going to throw up.
Not just because of the fucking-ridiculous-damned butterflies, but because he had forgotten Vince was a football star. How had he forgotten that?
Sure, this was soccer, not football, but that meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. He had erroneously assumed he'd be more fit than Vince, given the man was chubby, while Max fairly slim. Wrong.
"My nonna runs faster than you, Daniels," Vince teased him, not breathless in the least, slamming that huge hand of his against Max's back. The blonde groaned, bracing against his knees, sweat running down... Well, everywhere. He was drenched in sweat, couldn't catch his breath and his lunch was threatening to come back up.
Max let out a groan, raising his middle finger and causing Vin to let out a cackle, "c'mooooon, you can still win!"
No, he couldn't! The game was mano a mano, meaning there was no goalie or other player, and yet the points were 8 goals for Vin, versus Max's measly 2 points.
"Fuck. You," Max groaned, walking out of the field and collapsing down on a bench. The older men who had been watching them snickered, other people entering the field and patting Vince's arm as they passed him by.
Max spread out his legs, clutching his chest and struggling to breathe, "fuck. Why did I pick this?"
"I don't know," Vince's voice was full of glee, "should've gone bowling, I suck at that."
The blonde raised his head, it was already past sunset and there were crickets chirping and people shouting and laughing in the background, although mostly he only heard the blood drumming in his ears.
"You fooled me."
"Nope," Vince grinned, passing him a paper cup filled with water, "you just didn't think it through."
"You're such an asshole," Max groaned, greedily chugging the water and the letting out a small burp, "I feel like I'm gonna barf."
The other man only laughed, thumping his back once more and sitting down next to him, "we'll go bowling some other night so you can stop being a sore loser."
"Shut the fuck up," Max scoffed, straightening up once he managed to let out another small burp and his lunch seemed content staying put. Sorta, the queasy feeling was still there.
"Beers now?"
He should've said no. Come up with any excuse and bailed.
However Max was having fun, even if he was dead on his feet and his head pounding from running that much, and Vince's face was all blushed, his curls sticking to his forehead and... Well. Yeah.
Stache's was a seedy bar next to Max's place, the name wasn't even actually Stache's, but everyone called it that given the sheer amount of men wearing ugly mustaches that frequented it.
Max was still dizzy from overexertion when they sat down in a little table near the door, in order to enjoy the cold night air, and Vince went to the counter to get them beers, insisting he'd buy since it was Daniel's birthday.
"Here you go," Vince planted a cold bottle in front of his eyes, then messed his hair and Max ducked his face, trying to move away from the touch.
Vince sat down in front of him, clinking their beers together, "cheers man, happy birthday."
"Thanks," Max's cheeks hurt with a blush and he busied himself chugging his beer, "how'd you find out anyway?"
"Shelley, from the front desk," Vince raised his eyebrows, "she's suuuch a gossip and happens to adore my cookie recipe."
"She is such a gossip, uh?" Max snorted, "pot calling the kettle black here," he took another big gulp, "when is yours?"
"In a month," Vin rolled his eyes, "4th of July."
Max opened a smirk, "America's most patriotic immigrant," he teased lightly, causing Vin's brows to meet and him to hesitate, "you are an immigrant, right? I'm not remembering it wrong...?"
Vince's frown cleared up, "No, I am, just didn't think- Didn't think you remembered."
"Hard to forget, I have your kid sister swearing at me in Italian every exam season," he leaned back, starting to relax. This didn't have to be weird, he could small talk.
Eight beers, each, later and Max's cheek was resting on his hand as he heard Vince prattle on about his family.
"No-" Max shook his head, then grimaced as the movement made his stomach roll. A burp sneaked up and he curled his hand in front of his lips to let it out, "we still talk, just not-" another thick burp rolled up and he made a face, hating the sensation, "not much."
"Ah, that sucks, I'm sorry," Vince sounded so sympathetic and Max rolled his eyes, knowing the guy couldn't relate in the least to Max and his distant relationship with his parents.
"Eh, it's fine," he shrugged, finishing off his beer, "we're very different people anyway."
"Do you still keep contact with those guys you used to hang out with-" Vince's squinted, trying to remember, "the big ginger kid and the asian one-"
"Tyler and Lee," Max cleared up, shaking his head, "hell no, nobody from high school. Lee's kid is in your class, though. Little girl, super cute."
Vince looked like he was trying to figure out whom out of his students, before he shook his head, dropping the subject, "met with my high school sweetheart in the grocery store the other day, that was an experience."
Max chuckled at the sarcasm, then regretted it when his stomach churned uneasily and caused him to jump with a painful hiccup, "sorry- HIC! So-Hic!- how was..." he trailed off, moving a hand under the table in order to press on his belly and Vince leaned back on his seat, finishing off his own beer.
"She seemed happy, but tried to pretend she didn't see me, so-" he raised his eyebrows as Max jumped with yet another hiccup, this one ending with a frothy burp, "you alright there, bud?"
Max groaned at the condescending nickname, before lowering his head in shame, "drank too-HIC!-fuck-" the hiccup brought with it a splash of alcohol and it burned his throat to swallow it back down.
"Aww, shit, I forgot you got the world's most sensitive gut," Vince cringed and despite his teasing words, he looked genuinely concerned, as Max's alcohol flushed cheeks started to pale, "I'm gonna get the bill."
"Here-" Max reached for his wallet, agreeing wordlessly it was time to call it night, but Vince shooed him off.
"I invited you," he circled the table, "my treat."
"Nons-" before he could complain, Vince had already left and Max was feeling too queasy to insist on the matter. Instead he collected his keys and walked outside, to the familiar bush he had already thrown up more than once in. He was a regular at Stache's.
Max braced against the brick wall of the side of the seedy bar and took a deep breath, staring at his sneakers. He wasn't drunk, far from it, but quickly decided he was gonna leave his pickup there and walk to get it in the morning. His house was just around the corner anyway.
His stomach was burning and it felt tight to the touch, letting out an upset growl when Max pressed on it. He spat in the curb, cringing at the taste, then belched deeply.
"Oh, there you are, I thought you left!" Monacelli's voice was loud, in every setting. Like he had a microphone inside his chest. Max groaned, his throat bobbing dangerously.
"Gonna hurl."
"Really? Couldn't tell," Vince teased him lightly and Max flinched when he felt the other man's hand coming to rest between his shoulder blades, the pressure causing another belch to come up, this one with a mouthful of stale beer with it, "there you go."
"Uuuurgh-" Max squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his fist to his stomach, trying to hurry the process along. Faintly he heard Vince saying in a distant voice "hey, don't do that", but finally his belly threw in the towel and the next wert burp brought up a rush of liquid.
Max curled up, jumping back when the pressure caused the vomit to splatter and he whined as he felt his hair tickling his cheeks, falling from the knot he had loosely made a couple hours prior.
"I got you," Vince planted a hand on his shoulder, then the strands of hair vanished, just as Max coughed up another powerful stream and hiccupped once more.
"Fucking- Embarrassing," Max thumped his chest, until a burp came up and then stumbled back, until he was resting on the opposite wall of the alleyway, "sorry."
"Why are you apologizing, you're the one getting sick in your birthday," Vince frowned, then raised up a bottle of cold water, "got you this."
Max's eyes stung at the gesture and he cleared his throat, snatching the bottle and mumbling a little "thanks," as he started drinking it, "gross."
Monacelli shrugged, "your stomach's better?"
"Eh," Max sighed, wiping at his face and cringing when he felt his beard was humid. He wiped it with the hem of his shirt, "it's gonna be a bitch for the rest of the night, but it's not as bad as before."
"How do you live like this?" Vince wrinkled his nose and Max let out a chuckle, moving so he was standing next to the man and realizing Vin was walking him home.
"Don't ask me," Max huffed, continuing to sip the water, "make it a sport. Last month I only hurled seven times," he grinned as Vince gave him a horrified look.
"You're a champ," the guy said, shoving his hands in his pocket, "I mean, in everything but soccer."
"Oh fuck you," Max cried out, but he was smiling from ear to ear. This was the best birthday he had had probably ever. He was so fucked.
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fortunelowtier · 8 months
I still 100% unironically wholeheartedly believe that this scuffed ass reality tv show from 2007 where CBS stranded 40 children in the middle of the NM desert a la Lord of the Flies is one of the most genuinely fascinating pieces of TV I've ever watched just because of how ABSURD it is on every level
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-Their society is a bizarre Communism/Democracy hybrid whose entire economy is based on the barter system
-There is a set class system everyone is sorted into against their will who each get paid more or less money depending on how high or low they are on the ladder, and at the end of each episode they must compete in competitions to decide who gets to be at the top, with the "strongest" being able to get the esteemed title of "upper class"
-Every time they would complete a challenge, at the very end they were given a choice of 2 things that could be added to the town, to which the leaders of the teams would vote on which to get (For example, in one episode they had to choose between fresh produce or 50 pizzas). One of these things was letters from the children's parents, implying that the adults on site were receiving the mail from these kid's parents and deliberately withholding it from them
-In one episode the district leaders of each of the 4 teams (the classes) go out and find a chest full of buffalo nickels (the town's currency), they bring the chest to the town and naturally, this creates unprecedented inflation near instantly, as there's now a mass amount of currency that suddenly appeared in the economy
-Their entire society existed in relative stability until the moment religion was introduced in the form of various religious texts (Bibles, the Quran, etc), after which the town immediately started to go to shit. The Jewish kids and Christian kids were at each other's throats about which religion was """better""" (because they're children who had religion forced upon them at a young age before they were able to think for themselves but that's an entire can of worms I won't open), while the 1 (one) Hindu kid was trying to keep the peace
-At one point the kids start to crave meat, as their food up to that point was mostly canned goods and various produce, so one of the """eldest""" members of the group, (I say """eldest""" because he was still only like 14 or 15) who had worked as a butchers apprentice, took one of their chickens and lead the kids into the desert to where he then taught them how to decapitate, pluck, drain, and cook a chicken.
-One of the kids later did a Reddit AMA about his experience on the show, where he then disclosed various things that happened outside of the camera such as, but not limited to: Oil burns, a kid drinking bleach, scorpions, venomous snakes, an outbreak of herpes, the lack of showers, the lack of multiple toilets (up until I believe a few weeks in they only had one outhouse), etc etc etc
-The parents of these kids allegedly had to sign a 22 page waiver that was basically CBS going "If ur kids get hurt you can't sue us", specifically noting "acts of god" in the contract of things that they weren't to be held accountable for
-At the end of every week, the 4 leaders got together to choose which person would receive that week's "gold star", a star made out of 20,000 USD of solid gold (around 30k after adjusting for inflation), an unfathomable amount of money to give to kids who likely had no concept as to how much money 20 grand was
-The town used for Bonanza City is actually a ghost town/film set located just 20 miles from Santa Fe used as a filming location for movies like A Million Ways to Die In the West (2014) and The Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981). The reason I bring this up is because it's the same film set in which 14 years later, Alec Baldwin would accidentally discharge a firearm on the set of Rust, resulting in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins
To anyone asking where to watch this, I genuinely don't know. All of the 13 episodes used to be available on YouTube by someone who re-uploaded them in 2010, but the channel was terminated last year. I've heard that there are a few Google Drive folders floating around that have the raw MP4 files and you could watch them that way but you'd probably have to go digging for it
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thehumantrap · 6 months
Rating Ryan's haircuts, I wanna know what your favorite is!
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2018 First Man Ryan - 3/10, doesn't look right for his head
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la la land era Ryan - will always be a 10/10, the side part/slick back look just suits him so so hard
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Patriarchy Ken - 10/10, so hot, yes even with the bleached hair
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2023/2024 Ryan - 8/10, I feel like he needs a lot of styling right now and while it's kinda cute and playful on the one hand it's also not my favorite look
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2023/2024 Colt Seavers hair - 10/10 though, the only difference to the one before is that it's all in his face but it makes him look so good, that's the main reason I can't wait for the movie. Also I think this is the first time we've ever seen him with this scruffy fluffy look and I'm HERE FOR IT
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Holland March The Nice Guys 2016 look - 10/10, his la la look a little longer and wilder but still super hot... and the moustache, don't even get me started🥵
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Officer K in Blade Runner 2049 - underrated look fr, only slightly longer than his First Man haircut but it does way more for him, he looked insanely fine in that movie
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partypoisonzz · 1 year
passenger princess (90s!trey parker x fem!reader)
Thanks to my beloved mutual @sqiblet for the title and inspiring the concept with a message they sent me a week or so ago.
- Road head (woohoo)
- Mean!Trey
- Degradation AND praise kinks
- Hair pulling
- Everyone's a switch and nothing hurts (except for when it's meant to)
Word Count: 2,826
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
Hope you enjoy.
- Pen
You shift in the passenger seat, eyes opening slowly. Squinting at the clock on the dash through the dark, you find that it is currently 10:47 PM.
Jesus, you think as you blink and stretch. I've been asleep for over four hours.
You straighten in your seat, turning to look at your boyfriend as he stops at a red light. Even in the dim light from the road, you can see that Trey looks tired, and no wonder.
The two of you threw a handful of your belongings into the trunk of his car before the sun rose this morning and started driving out to California. You're headed to some cheap little apartment that you've never even seen in person because Trey and Matt rushed to sign the lease as soon as they finished the walkthrough. You don't know exactly what to expect. You just know that your life as you've known it all these years is done, and you're starting over.
You should be scared shitless, but you aren't. You owe all of that to the guy in the driver's seat. 
A drowsy smile comes over your face. It might not be smart, but you would follow him anywhere. Once school was over and the first movie was out, the possibility of success seemed all the more real. It just wouldn't be too easy to find in Colorado. When he suggested pooling some money together and heading towards LA sooner rather than later, he was only met with agreement from Matt and Dian. And you, of course. 
Now the four of you have a one-bedroom apartment waiting for you on the outskirts of the city. It's real, and it all could be the world's dumbest flight of fancy, but you can't bring yourself to worry about it right now. 
Not when your boyfriend looks so fucking beautiful in the glow of the traffic light. 
"Hey," you rasp out, throat still scratchy from your nap. 
He glances over at you, shooting you a tired smile. "Good morning," he says, despite the fact that you still have a little over an hour to go before midnight. "How'd you sleep?" 
"As good as I can in a car." Taking note of the dark circles forming under his eyes, you ask: "Do you want to switch off again?" 
He shakes his head, loose strands of his newly-bleached hair falling over his face. "Nah," he says. "We've only got a few more miles 'til the rest stop. Then we can stop for the night." 
You frown. "You sure? You look like you're about to fall asleep…"
"I'll be fine," he assures you. His free hand lands on your thigh as the light changes, squeezing as the car creeps back into motion. "As long as I have you to keep me awake, I'll be good."
You grin, reveling in the feeling of his fingers against your skin. You find yourself wishing he would dig them in just a little bit harder, leave behind some of those pretty bruises you love so much. Reminders of who you belong to. "Keep you awake, huh?" you ask. "How?"
"Talk to me," he responds easily. Try as he might to play coy, you are keenly aware of his hand climbing higher and higher up your leg, stopping at the seam of your shorts before traveling back down. "Have any interesting dreams?" 
You laugh. "Do you want me to be honest or make one up?"
"Hmm… Honesty first."
"We made it to the apartment," you tell him. "We were unpacking. It was a dumpy little place, but I was just so happy that it was ours."
"Mmm-hmm." He gives your thigh a slight squeeze. "And what about the more interesting one?" 
You bite back a laugh as your own hand travels across the center console, stopping to hover over his zipper. "I found a more fun way to keep you awake." 
You can tell that he's struggling not to look down at where your hand is going, wondering if you're getting at what he suspects. "And what was that?" 
With that, your hand meets denim. "I blew you while you were driving."
Before he can try to suppress it, a groan breaks up from the back of his throat. "Shit," he curses.
A spark of satisfaction runs through you, noting that he's already getting hard before you even start moving your hand. It really doesn't take much. "You didn't seem tired anymore, that's for sure." You manage to keep your voice level as you palm him through his jeans, hiding the fact that you're getting wet at the mere thought of it. "Only problem was you only had one hand on the wheel. The other one was on the back of my head, pushing me further down onto your cock." You laugh. "We made a real mess, too. I tried to swallow it all, but…"
Your words drift off as he finally digs his fingers into your skin, biting out an order. "Shut up." 
Though the dominance in his tone makes your heart flutter, you continue your teasing. "Wanna do it for me?" 
"Fuck." The hand that was resting on your leg falls away, reaching to undo your seatbelt. "Come here." 
You hesitate. It's always fun to get him hot and bothered, then piss him off. All the better outcome for you. "You really think you'll be able to concentrate on the road while I'm sucking you off?" 
"Yeah, I will," he snaps. "Just get over here and…"
"Okay, okay." You lean over the center console, contorting yourself in a less-than-comfortable position. Though it's really only a mild inconvenience, you opt to put on for just a bit longer. See how wild you can drive him before getting down to it. "You know… This is sort of an awkward position…"
"Don't care," he cuts you off. "Just… Fucking…"
"Shouldn't you be a bit more patient?" you chastise him, even though you're already tugging down his zipper. 
He huffs. "Shouldn't you be a little less of a fucking tease?" He freezes, shivering slightly under your touch as you quickly manage to snap the button on his jeans and tug them down. 
Though you know he isn't looking at you, you smile up at him, anyway. "You know that you love it, baby," you coo, planting your hands against his trembling thighs. "Look at you. You try to be all mean, but you're fucking shaking for me." 
His jaw clenches. You know he's about to say something that would probably hurt your feelings if you weren't so damn turned on. Before he can, you grab ahold of his cock through the thin fabric of his boxers, inspiring a desperate gasp as he involuntarily bucks his hips up into your hand.
You laugh. Suddenly, you're the mean one. "See? You can try to take control all you want, but at the end of the day you're just my good boy." 
Your eyes flicker back up to take in his expression, only for heat to pool in your belly. 
Yeah. You've really done it now. 
Though he's obviously flustered, it's all the more apparent that he's pissed off. You love this struggle that the two of you regularly engage in, the constant question of who will be the first to give in and let the other have their way with them. 
Tonight, you had no intention of winning this struggle. You just wanted to see how much it would take to push him over the edge. 
When he stops at the next light, you know for sure that you've reached that point. His hand momentarily leaves the steering wheel, pulling his pants down the rest of the way while the fingers of his other hand curl beneath your jaw, holding your head in place. "You and your smart fucking mouth," he spits. "I'm gonna give you something else to do with it."
Just like that, any semblance of dominance leaves you. You find yourself whimpering, relishing the force of his touch. "Please."
He laughs. "Please?" he echoes. "Baby, you don't have to beg." He releases your jaw, his left hand returning to the steering wheel as his right settles on the back of your neck. You swear you could melt into the seats as he presses down. "Just fucking take it."
With those words, you do exactly as you were told.
He groans as you wrap your lips around him, tongue running over the side of his cock. You cast your eyes up again just in time to see him catch himself after leaning back against the headrest as his left hand curls back around the steering wheel. "There we go," he chokes out as he straightens his posture. 
You feel a rush of heat between your thighs as his hand moves from your neck to your hair. Now that he has you where he wants you, his forcefulness has melted away into tenderness. "That's my good girl," he praises you as you lick back up the side and over his head. You moan around him at the affectionate name, inspiring a breathy chuckle. 
"You like that, don't you?" he asks. "Yeah, you do. My desperate little good girl, sucking my cock to keep me awake while I drive."
The car begins to move again as you continue to work him. By this point, you have each other memorized, knowing exactly what sends one another over the edge. You know exactly where to press your tongue, when to hollow your cheeks around him, how fast to go. It's familiar, but it isn't boring by any stretch of the imagination. You're just waiting for the reward of making him come, — a privilege that never gets old. 
You could never get tired of his voice, either. You swear that every word and sound that leaves his mouth makes you wetter, spurring you on. 
Despite the fact that his eyes are focused on the road, Trey sounds just as thoroughly debauched as if you were kneeling in front of the couch. Each desperate groan inspires you to slow down, drawing out every repeated movement as the salty taste of precome meets your tongue. 
"Fuck," he curses as you swirl your tongue around his head at a frustratingly slow pace. "Thought you were done being a little tease…" His complaint is cut off by a gasp as you abruptly take him all the way down. 
His fingers tangle in your hair as a desperate, high-pitched sound escapes his mouth. Finally, he reaches the back of your throat, eliciting a gag.
"Holy shit, baby." You feel his thighs shaking beneath your hands again as he forces out the breathy curse. He lets out another sharp gasp as you momentarily lift your head, only to lower yourself back down, constricting around him again with a quiet choked sound.
With that, his desperate moan turns into a growl. "That's what you want, huh?" he asks. "You want me to fuck your throat?" 
You bob your head again, resulting in another gag, followed by an affirmative hum. 
He laughs, fingers running absentmindedly over your scalp. "Pretty little slut," he mutters before bucking his hips up against your mouth. 
Tears prick at your eyes as you gag again. The growing warmth between your legs causes you to shift a bit, squeezing your thighs together in an attempt to satisfy your growing desire to be touched. 
Each buck is harsh, though the violence of your gag reflex's response lessens over time. Even still, Trey's hand in your hair and the sounds that he makes are enough to leave you whimpering, shifting against the seat desperately. 
"Such a good fucking slut for me… Oh, fuck…" He rolls his hips up again, causing your throat to tighten at the same time that your walls clench around nothing. You can feel him, pulsing and twitching in your mouth, letting you know that he's getting close. 
The way his hand tightens in your hair confirms this suspicion. You moan as he collects a handful of hair and harshly tugs before pushing you back down on him. "Is this what you wanted?" he asks through a series of strained groans. "Wanted me to use you? Wanted me to treat you like my own little fuckdoll?" 
You try to hum an agreement, only for an unintelligible sound to break up from your throat. 
He laughs. The combination of affection and condescension makes you even wetter. "Don't talk with your mouth full, baby." He pushes your head down again, resulting in another choked sound. 
You focus on breathing through your nose as each push of his hips gets faster and his groans grow louder and more desperate. 
"I'm gonna come," he announces. "Gonna fill up your pretty little mouth…" 
He gives your hair an especially harsh pull as he releases with a loud, shaking groan. You let out a quiet, desperate sound as warm come fills your mouth, swallowing around him as he rides out his orgasm. 
Finally, he relaxes back against the seat with an unsteady sigh. "Fuck…" His fingers relax in your hair, going back to stroking gently as your breathing begins to even out. "You okay, baby?" 
You nod as you pull away, running your hand across your mouth as you swallow once more. "Yeah," you choke out, voice slightly rough. 
He hums in reply as he flicks on his turn signal, turning into a convenience store parking lot. 
He pulls the car into a dimly-lit parking space before reaching for the glove compartment. He comes up with a stack of fast food napkins. He uses one to clean himself up before fixing his pants. Discarding the first napkin, he turns towards you. "C'mere, hon." 
You scoot closer to him, allowing him to begin wiping at your face. 
You lean slightly into his hand as he cleans up the mascara-tinged tear streaks and mixture of come and drool. "You weren't kidding," he comments as he grabs another napkin. "We really do make a mess together."
Finally, he deems his work satisfactory, crumpling the last napkin before gently cupping your face in both hands. He presses a gentle kiss against your lips before pulling back, running his thumb against your cheek. "So good for me," he says. "I love you."
You smile, resting your forehead against his. "Love you, too."
You stay there like that for a moment before he gently pats your cheek. "Let's go get something to eat, hmm?" he says. "My treat."
You sit your selection of various snacks aside, grabbing a large cup from the stack next to the soda fountain. As you fill the cup up with ice, you feel a familiar pair of arms snake around your waist. 
You smile as Trey rests his chin on your shoulder, holding you as though you were standing in your own kitchen and not some random convenience store in the middle of the night. "Find anything you like?" he asks.
You lean back into him, pulling your cup away from the ice dispenser. "Mmm-hmm."
"Good." He kisses your forehead as he pulls away. "I'll be able to actually spoil you one day. I promise." 
Warmth blooms in your chest at that thought. You don't care if the spoiling part ever comes to fruition. Just the promise of one day is enough for you, assuring you that, whatever the future holds, you'll be doing it together. 
He doesn't let you drive the rest of the way to the rest stop. "Just a few minutes," he tells you. "Then we can both get some sleep."
Soon enough, you're parked in the parking lot, hulking trucks on all sides. The two of you climb into the backseat, where Trey takes off his jacket and folds in his lap. "Here."
You lay your head in his lap with a contented sigh, allowing him to go back to playing with your hair. You close your eyes, leaning into his touch.
"Do you want me to, ah… Do anything for you?" he asks quietly.
You laugh, shaking your head. "We'll be at the apartment tomorrow. Matt and Dian won't be up here for a few days. We'll have plenty of time." You laugh. "Too many creepy old truckers here."
"I'd make those truckers look the other fucking way…" 
You swat at him lazily. "Shut up. I know you can't fight."
"For you, I could." 
You look up at his dark-circled eyes and make an incredulous sound. "I don't think you could even stay awake for long enough."
"For you, I could," he repeats. He reaches for your hand and pulls it up to his lips. Your eyes flutter as he plants a gentle kiss against your fingers. "Love you, baby."
"Love you, too." You close your eyes, feeling yourself beginning to drift off. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Even with your eyes closed, you can hear the smile in his voice. "Yeah," he says. "Tomorrow."
Another promise to soothe you to sleep. 
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eternalsams · 2 years
City of Stars ⇴ B.Bradshaw
pairing: bradley bradshaw x gn!reader
warning: tooth rotting fluff
summary: Bradley always hears you humming that same song but can’t put a name on it. It’s 24/7 on his mind and it’s starting to drive him crazy. But without forgetting his new best friend, Google.
words count: 855
a/n: this comes from a discussion I had with @rockchicj4y​ the other day and I couldn’t not write this, so enjoy! (also, Miles Teller was supposed to play Sebastian in La La Land before Ryan Gosling was chosen, I just give you that, you do whatever you want with that info)
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The first time he heard it was when he came home from work on a Friday night. He was about to greet you like he always did but stopped at the moment he heard you humming the song. The second thing he noticed that day was the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He silently laid his bag on the floor and took off his shoes. A smirk appeared on his lips when he saw your figure behind the counter. You were meticulously cutting the vegetables for dinner and humming the song that Bradley couldn’t get out of his head for weeks.
He tried to be as quiet as possible and snuck behind you. “What are you doing?” He asked, startling you. “Bradley!” You hit his chest and he simply laughed before pecking your lips. “Hi honey, I’m home.” He whispered in your ear and kissed your forehead. “What are you cooking?” He then asked, looking over your shoulder to see the numerous bowls of ingredients on the counter. You turned around and finished cutting the broccoli. “A risotto, your favorite.” Your boyfriend literally moaned and wrapped his arms around you. “God, I love you.” You giggled and leaned back against his chest. “You should go take a shower before I finish this. And then we can have a movie night, if you want.” You rapidly glanced at him and saw him nod. “Sounds like a great plan.” He kissed your head another time and gently slapped your butt before leaving for the bathroom.
The second time it happened was three days later. He had almost forgotten about it when he heard the familiar melody coming from your lips. You were both laying on your couch, Bradley’s head on your lap while you were running your fingers in his sun bleached locks. You weren’t singing any word so he couldn’t clearly recognize or put a name on the song but he was pretty sure he didn’t know it. It sounded soft and he closed his eyes, enjoying the sound of your voice. That night, he managed to fall asleep still on your lap, lulled by the humming and your fingers in his hair.
The other times he heard you humming, he didn’t ask anything about it, trying to finally put a name on this song he couldn’t get out of his mind. Weeks passed and he still nothing on the mysterious song. He even asked Phoenix and the guys if they’d ever heard you humming but he seemed to be the only one having that privilege. After three weeks without any results, he decided he had to do something more, but still couldn’t ask you. He wanted to find without your help. So, when he heard you humming the song in the shower, he took his phone out of his pocket and asked Google to recognize what you were singing. God, he loved technology! He slightly panicked when he heard the artificial voice telling him it found multiple results and quickly left the bathroom.
What led you to follow your boyfriend into the Hard Deck instead of staying home like you always do on Saturdays. He said he wanted to change your habits, but only for tonight. You found his behavior a little bit weird but sometimes that’s just Bradley, acting weird for no reason. That’s the man you loved. His hand was still in yours when you both reached the counter where you found Penny and you greeted her with warm smiles. Bradley got you your favorite drink and a beer before you saw your friends coming to you. “Who are you and what have you done to the old couple we know?” You heard Jake chuckle and couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “We do go out. Sometimes.” You said and Penny gave you your colorful drink. You thanked her and when you turned to thank Bradley in turn, you couldn’t find him next to you. You frowned and try to look around you to find him. Nothing.
Then you heard it. The piano. Someone (most likely Bradley) unplugged the jukebox and he was now sitting at the piano, his fingers running on the keys. You quickly recognized the song he was playing and was surprised he knew it since you’ve never listened to it with him. Then it hit you. It was 24/7 playing in your head and sometimes you surprised yourself humming it. Bradley must have heard you and guessed you liked the song. You grabbed the drink on the bar and headed towards the piano. Bradley was focused on the keys and didn’t see you sitting down next to him. He only felt you put your head on his shoulder and smiled.
“City of stars, are you shining just for me?” He started singing softly before giving you a knowing look. “City of stars, there’s so much that I can’t see.” You looked up at him and smiled. “Who knows?” He kept singing, the bar had now gone quiet for you. “I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you.”
“That now our dreams may finally come true.”
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 5 months
List of already polled characters:
2b/YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Nier: Automata: Hug
A.B.A - Guilty Gears: Hug
Abe - The Oddworld Series: Hug
Abed Nadir - NBC Community: Hug
Aborto - Filler Bunny: Kill
Abramar - The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Kill
Abuela Claudia - In the Heights: Hug
Adam - Hazbin Hotel: Kill
Adonis “Donnie” Creed - Creed movies - Rocky franchise: Hug
Adrian Andrews - Ace Attorney: Hug
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Aeryn Sun - Farscape: Hug
Ageha Hijiri - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Hug
Agnea Bristarni - Octopath Traveler 2: Hug
Aidan - The Illuminae Files: Kill
Aiden Clark - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Aiden Sousuke - Bleach: Kill
Aigis - Persona 3: Hug
Akane Sonozaki - Higurashi: Kill
Akira Kenjou - KiraKira PreCure à la Mode: Hug
Alan Wake - Alan Wake: Hug
Alexandra Trese - Trese: Kiss
Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange: Kill
Alex Taylor - Good Game: Kill
All Might - My Hero Academia: Hug
Almalexia - Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Tribunal: Kill
Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Hug
Alucard Tepes - Castlevania: Marry
Amanda Ripley - Alien: Isolation/Alien franchise: Hug
Amane Momose - MILGRAM Project: Adopt
America/Alfred F Jones - Hetalia: Kill
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - Star Wars: Kill
Anacostia Quartermaine - Motherland: Fort Salem: Hug
Anders - Dragon Age 2: Hug
Andrew Minyard - All For The Game: Hug
Andy Knightley - The World’s End: Hug
Angela - Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruin: Hug
Angelica Schuyler - Hamilton: Hug
Angoramon - Digimon: Hug
Anthony "Tony" Prince - Grand Theft Auto: Kill
Antonio Madrigal - Encanto: Pat on the head
Applejack - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Apple White - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Archer - Pokemon: Kill
Argan - Winx Club: Hug
Aristotle - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Arthur Dent - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Hug
Arthur Lester - Malevolent: Hug
Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2: Marry
Arvin Russell - The Devil all the Time: Hug
Ashe Bradley - Witch's Heart: Kill
Ashley Graham - Resident Evil: Hug
Ashley Williams - Mass Effect: Hug
Ashlyn Banner - School Bus Graveyard: Pat on the head
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3: Hug
ASTRA - The Entropy Centre: Pat on the head
Astro Boy - Astro Boy: Pat on the head
Atlas - Cryptid Crush: Hug
Atropal Scion - Dungeons & Dragons: Kill
Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Augustus Sinclair - Bioshock: Kill
Avicenna - Some Desperate Glory: Kill
Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity - The Locked Tomb: Kiss
Aya Maruyama - BanG Dream: Hug
Ayame Sohma - Fruits Basket: Kill
Aziraphale - Good Omens: Hug
Baba - Baba is you: Pat on the head
Babe - Pit Babe: Hug
Bai Wuchang - Word of Honor: Kill
Bandit Heeler - Bluey: Hug
Barbara Kopetski/Barb Wire - Comics Greatest World/Dark Horse Comics: Kill
Barbra - Night of the Living Dead: Hug
Barnaby - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Barney - Barney and Friends: Kill
Barry Klemper - The Boys Next Door: Kill
Bart Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Basil - Omori: Hug
Basil Exposition - Austin Powers: Kill
Battler Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Bayonetta - Bayonetta: Marry
BD-1 - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor / Fallen Order): Adopt
Beatrice - Umineko: Marry
Becka - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Beebee - Adventures with Anxiety: Hug
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out: Hug
Bernd das Brot - KiKa/German TV: Kill
Bernkastel - Umineko: Hug
Bibble - Barbie: Kill
Bierce - Dark Deception: Kill
Big Hill - Reservation Dogs: Hug
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls: Kill
Billy Coen - Resident Evil 0: Kill
Blazer - Stray: Hug
Blitzwing - Transformers Animated: Hug
Bloaty - Invader Zim: Kill
Blood Pet - Magic the Gathering: Kill
Bob Newby - Stranger Things: Hug
Bob Pancakes - The Sims: Kill
Bog King - Strange Magic: Hug
Bolt - Disney's Bolt: Adopt
Bonnie - In Stars and Time: Hug
Boyfriend - Friday Night Funkin: Kill
Bradley Nicholson - Milo Murphy's Law: Pat on the head
Bradley Uppercrust III - An Extremely Goofy Movie: Kill
Brad Meltzer - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy: Kill
Brainy Smurf - The Smurfs: Pat on the head
Breezepelt - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Brian Flanagan - Cocktail: Kill
Brian Robeson - Hatchet: Pat on the head
Brian The Prethinker - Toontown Corporate Clash: Kill
Bridget - Guilty Gear XX: Hug
Brooklyn - Gargoyles: Hug
Bruce Wayne - Batman: Hug
Bucky Beaver - Shipwrecked 64: Hug
Buffy Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hug
Buggy - One Piece: Kill
Cale Tucker - Titan A.E.: Hug
Camila Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Camille Saroyan - Bones: Hug
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Captain Pip Bernadotte - Hellsing Ultimate: Hug
Captain Haddock - Tintin: Hug
Captain Takeo Masaki - Call of Duty: Zombies: Hug
Carlos the Scientist - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Castiel - Supernatural: Hug
Catherine - The Gregory Horror Show: Kill
Catra - She-Ra: Hug
Cecil Palmer - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Celty - Durarara!!: Hug
Cerise Hood - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones: Kill
Charlene "Charlie" McGee - Firestarter: Pat on the head
Charles Calvin - Henry Stickmin Collection: Hug
Charlie Cutter - Uncharted franchise: Kill
Charon - Hades: Hug
Charon - John Wick: Hug
Chelsea - Royal Scandel: Hug
Chibiusa/Sailor Mini Moon - Sailor Moon: Pat on the head
Chikai Kuji - Sarazanmai: Kill
Chilchuck Tims - Delicious in Dungeon: Hug
Child - Young Justice: Kill
Chloe Bourgeois - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Chloe O'Brian - 24: Hug
Chococat - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Choi Chul-woong - Oasis: Kill
Chrom - Fire Emblem: Marry
Chrome - Dr. Stone: Pat on the head
Claire Fisher - Six Feet Under: Hug+Kill
Claud - Fire Emblem Genealogy of the holy war: Kill
Clay Puppington - Moral Orel: Kill
Clea - Doctor Strange: Kiss
Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Marvel: Hug
Clive Handforth - LittleBigPlanet/LittleBigPlanet2: Hug
Cloud Haetae Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Pat on the head
Cogimyun - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Clyde ‐ Dreams of an Insomniac: Hug
Coco - Witch Hat Atelier: Adopt
Cole Brown - Martin: Hug+Kill
Colette - The Thea Stilton novels: Hug
Conan Edogawa - Detective Conan: Pat on the head
Coraline - Coraline: Hug+Adopt
Cordell Walker - Walker 2021: Hug
Cormag - Fire Emblem: Kill
Coro chan - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Crash Man - Megaman 2: Hug
Cream the Rabbit - Sonic: Hug
Crow Strider - Homestuck/Crow Strider AU: Kill
Crying Child - Five Nights at Freddy's 4: Adopt
Cully Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Cynthia - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Marry
Daijin - Suzume: Pat on the head
Daisy Johnson - Agents of SHIELD: Hug
Daisy Tonner - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks: Hug
Damian Wayne - DC Comics: Pat on the head
Damien Darhk - Arrow: Kill
Damon Salvatore - The Vampire Diaries: Kill
Dana Scully - The X-Files: Marry
Daniel - Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope: Kill
Daniel Matthews - Saw: Pat on the head
Danny "Danny Boy" Archuleta - Predator 2: Kill
Danny Butterman - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Danny Fenton - Danny Phantom: Hug
Da Quing - Guardian: Hug
Darcmon - Digimon: Hug
Darkiplier - Who Killed Markiplier: Kill
Dash Parker/né Arkadin - Minority Report: Kill
Dave - Total Drama: Kill
Daxter - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Dean Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Death - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kiss
Death the Kid - Soul Eater: Hug
Delenn - Babylon 5: Hug
Desmond Hume - Lost: Kill
Detective Noel/Charlie Dowd - Malevolent: Hug
Dewey Duck - Ducktales: Pat on the head
Dexter Morgan - Dexter: Kill
Diana of Themyscira | Wonder Woman - DC Comics: Marry
Dib - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
Dick Grayson - DC comics: Hug
Dieter - Monster: Kill
Digby - Dead Estate: Pat on the head
Doctor Strange Supreme - Marvel's What If...?: Kill
Dogday - Poppy Playtime: Adopt
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Donald Duck - Ducktales 2017: Hug
Donald Trump - Real Life: Kill
Donald Trump - Real Life: Fuck
Donatello Splinterson - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Hug
Don Ramón/Seu Madruga - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Hug
Doorstopper - Animatic Battle/Object Fool: Kill
Dorana - Winx Club: Kill
Dr. Boris Habit - Smile For Me: Hug
Dr. Claire Finn - The Orville: Hug
Dr. D Light - It's Not Me, It's My Basement: Hug
Dr. Flug ‐ Villainous: Hug
Dr. Herbert Lankmann - Dreams of an Insomniac: Kill
Dr. Loboto - Psychonauts: Kill
Dr. Ludwig/The Medic - Team Fortress 2: Kill
Dr. Temnova - PAFL/Parties are for Losers: Kill
Dr. Two Brains - WordGirl: Hug
Dragon - Shrek: Hug
Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter: Kill
Dream of the Endless - The Sandman: Hug
Dylan Lenivy - The Quarry: Hug
Echidna - Fire Emblem: Marry
Echo - Star Wars The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch: Hug
Ecolo - Puyo Puyo: Hug
Ed - Shaun of the Dead: Kill
Edd - Eddsworld: Hug
Edie Finch - What remains of Edith Finch: Kill
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Pat on the head
Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate - One Piece: Hug
Ego Core - Meet the Cores: Kill
Eileen Leahy - Supernatural: Hug
Eisen - Sousou no Frieren: Hug
El Chapulín Colorado - El Chapulín Colorado: Hug
El Chavo/Chaves - El Chavo del Ocho: Kill
Elena Shimabara - THE iDOLM@STER Million Live: Pat on the head
El Huachimingo - 31 minutos: Hug
Elias - Noli Me Tangere: Kill
Elias Bouchard - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Elizabeth Swann - Pirates of the Caribbean: Marry
Emily Kauffman - Gylt: Hug
Emperor Belos - The Owl House: Kill
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Ena Shinomome - Project Sekai: Hug
Entrapta - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Hug
Eowyn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Eri - My Hero Academia: Adopt
Eric Foreman - House M. D.: Hug
Ericht Samaya - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Pat on the head
Eric Matthews - Saw: Kill
Eric Wynn - Cube Zero: Kill
Erik (The Phantom) - The Phantom of The Opera: Kill
Eucerin - Object Fool: Kill
Eva Ushiromiya - Umineko: Hug
Evan "Buck" Buckley - 9-1-1 TV Series: Hug
Ezio Auditore da Firenze - Assassin's Creed: Hug
Ezra - On Air Island: Hug
Fan - Rockman Strategy: Kill
Fantoccio - Billie Bust Up!: Hug
Felix Fathom - Miraculous Ladybug : Pat on the head
Felix Kranken - The Walten Files: Kill
Feng - Balls of Fury: Kill
Fernando Vera - Mr. Robot: Kill
Fezzik - Home Movie: The Princess Bride: Hug
First Aid - Transformers Animated: Hug
Fitz Vacker - Keeper of the Lost Cities: Pat on the head
Five Pebbles - Rain World: Hug
Flowey - Undertale: Pat on the head
Floyd - Trolls Band Together: Kill
Flynn - Shin Megami Tensei IV (Apocalypse): Hug
Folca - Pathfinder: Kill
Fox Mulder - The X-Files: Hug
Francine "Fran" ("Flygirl") Parker - Dawn of the Dead: Hug
Francis Mosses - That’s not my neighbor: Hug
Frank Fontaine - Bioshock: Kill
Franklin Saint - Snowfall: Hug
Freddy Fazbear - Five Nights at Freddy's: Kill
Frisk - Undertale: Pat on the head
Fubuki Shirou - Inazuma Eleven: Hug
Fukase - Vocaloid: Hug
Furina - Genshin Impact: Hug
Future Edd - Eddsworld: Kill
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs: Kill
Gabe Ugliano - Percy Jackson: Kill
Gabriel - Ultrakill: Hug
Gale Hawthorne - The Hunger Games Franchise: Kill
Gamzee Makara - Homestuck: Kill
Garden of Thorns Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Garfield - Garfield: Pat on the head
Garry - Ib: Hug
Garu/Karu - Nu:Carnival: Hug
Gary King - The World’s End: Hug
Gelus - Death Note: Pat on the head
General Sarah Alder - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Geno - Super Mario RPG: Hug
Gideon Nav - The Locked Tomb: Hug
Giles - The Shape of Water: Hug
Gilgamesh Wolfenbach - Girl Genius: Hug
Ginpachi-Senpai - Gintama: Kill
GLaDOS - Portal: Marry
Glenn Close - Dungeons and Daddies: Kill
Godzilla - Godzilla (Monsterverse): Hug
Gomamon/X-Antibody - Digimon: Pat on the head
Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa: Hug
Gorōbei Katayama - Seven Samurai: Hug
Gosha - Beastars: Hug
Grant Ward - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Kill
Gray Wing - Warrior Cats: Kill
Gray Yeon - The Weak Hero Webtoon: Kill
Greg Heffley - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Kill
Gregory - Five Nights at Freddy's, Security Breach: Kill
Gretchen - Scarlet Hollow: Pat on the head
Grillby - Undertale: Marry
Grimora - Inscryption: Kill
Guardener - Undertale Yellow: Hug
Gummigoo - The Amazing Digtal Circus: Hug
Gundham Tanaka - Super Danganronpa 2: Hug
Hal 9000 - Space Odyssey: Marry
Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3: Marry
Hal Stewart/Titan - Megamind: Kill
Haruhi Fujioka - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb: Adopt
Hau - Pokemon (Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Moon): Hug
Heath - Blackstar Theater Starless: Hug+Kill
Heathcliff - Heathcliff Comic Strip: Hug
Heather Mason - Silent Hill 3: Hug
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Hello Kitty - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Helob - Cult of the Lamb: Kill
Hernan Alvarez/Shades - Luke Cage: Kill
He Who Gets Slapped - He Who Gets Slapped: Kill
Heywood Floyd - Space Odyssey: Kill
Hideyasu "Sōki" Yūki - Onimusha games: Kill
Hikaru Sulu - Star Trek Continues: Hug
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia: Pat on the head
Hinata Shouyou - Haikyuu!!: Hug
Hiro Hamada - Big Hero 6: Hug
Holston Becker - Silo: Hug
Homelander - The Boys: Kill
Homer Simpson - The Simpsons: Kill
Homura Akemi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Hug
Horrid Henry - Horrid Henry: Kill
Howard "Bunny" Colvin - The Wire: Hug
Huey Duck - Ducktales: Pat on the head
Hug Kiss Marry Kill Tumblr blog - Tumblr: Hug
Husk - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Hwoarang - Tekken 7: Kill
Hyuk Lee - Sweet Home: Kill
Hyun Cha - Sweet Home: Hug
lan jingyi - The Untamed/cql: Pat on the head
lcb Sinner Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Ignatz Victor - Fire Emblem Three Houses: Pat on the head
Igor Grom - Major Grom: Hug
Ilya Oblomov - Oblomov: Hug
Indika - Indika: Hug
Inosuke Hashibira - Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba: Pat on the head
Inuyasha - Inuyasha: Pat on the head
Invidia Bat - A Little Vice: Hug
Iris Black - Countdown to Countdown: Hug
Iron Giant - The Iron Giant: Hug
Isaac - The Orville: Hug
Ivan - Alien Stage: Hug
Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!: Kill
Jack Horner - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kill
Jack Kline - Supernatural: Hug
Jaime Lannister - A Song of Ice and Fire: Kill
Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle: Hug
Jak - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Jake Carter - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
Jake Holling/Megaforce Black/Super Megaforce Green - Power Rangers Megaforce / Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Kill
James Wilson - House MD: Hug
Janet - The Good Place: Hug
Jason Todd - Batman: Hug
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th: Hug
Jax - The Amazing Digital Circus: Kill
Jay - Beyond Two Souls: Kill
Jeanne - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Jedah Diamond - Tokyo 7th Sisters: Hug
Jeff Whitman - The Devil in Me (The Dark Pictures Anthology): Kill
Jerry - Undertale: Kill
Jessica "Jess" Riley - Until Dawn: Hug
Jester Lavorre - Critical Role: Hug
Jiang Cheng - Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed: Hug
Jim Phelps - Mission Impossible: Kill
Jiro Yamashita - The Idolmaster SideM: Hug
Jobin Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Joe Biden - Real Life: Kill
Johan Liebert - Monster: Kill
John Coffey - The Green Mile: Hug
John Crichton - Farscape: Hug
John Doe - Malevolent: Hug
John Gaius - The Locked Tomb: Kill
John “Soap” MacTavish - Call of Duty - Modern Warfare series: Marry
Jonathan Sims - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Joshu Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: JoJolion: Kill
Josh Washington - Until Dawn: Hug
Jotaro Kujo - Jojo’s bizarre adventure: Kill
Joyce Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Juan Carlos Bodoque - 31 Minutos: Hug
Judy Hopps - Zootopia: Hug
Julian - Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja: Pat on the head
Juliette - Mushoku Tensei: Pat on the head
Kabru - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Kagamine Len - Project SEKAI: Pat on the head
Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha: Hug
Kakashi Hatake - Naruto: Marry
Kaladin Stormblessed - The Stormlight Archive: Hug
Kanba Takakura - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
KAngel/Ame-chan - Needy Streamer Overload: Hug
Kankri Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Kanta Higurashi - Zom 100: Hug+Kill
Kaoru Hakaze - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Karkat Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Karma Akabane - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Kasane Teto - UTAU: Hug
Kata Akuna - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor/Fallen Order): Pat on the head
Kat Neese - Raising Dion: Hug+Kill
Kayne - Malevolent: Kill
Kazuya Kinoshita - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Keiju Tabuki - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Keine Ron - UTAU: Pat on the head
Kel - Onori: Hug
Kellyn - Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Pat on the head
Ken - Barbie: Hug
Kendall Roy - Succession: Hug
Kensuke Kurosaki - Corpse Party: Pat on the head
Kermit the Frog - The Muppet: Hug
Kestrel - Wings of Fire: Kill
Kevin - Welcome to Night Vale: Kill
Kevin McCallister - Home Alone: Pat on the head
Keyleth - Critical Role: Hug
Khalida - Motherland: Fort Salem: Pat on the head
Kikunojo - One Piece: Marry
Kikuchiyo - Seven Samurai: Kiss
Kikyo - Inuyasha: Hug
Killua Zoldyck - Hunter x Hunter: Pat on the head
Kim - Kinnporsche: The Series: Hug
Kim Dokja - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint: Hug
King Andrias - Amphibia: Kill
King Randolph - Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses: Kill
Kinito - KinitoPET: Pat on the head
Kinzo Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Kira Seijirou - Inazuma Eleven: Kill
Kirby - Kirby: Pat on the head
Kitty Jones - Bartimaeus Trilogy: Hug
Klaus von Reinherz - Kekkai Sensen: Marry
Klavier Gavin - Ace Attorney: Hug
Klutzy - Club Penguin: Pat on the head
Kohaku - Dr. Stone: Pat on the head
Kokichi Oma - Danganronpa V3: Kill
Korosensei - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Korra - Legend of Korra: Hug
Kotoko Yuzuriha - Milgram: Hug
Kou Minamoto - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun: Hug
Kris Dreemurr - Deltarune: Hug
Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor - Limbus Company: Kiss
Kuzco - The Emperor's New Groove: Pat on the head
Kyle Drako - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Kyubi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Kill
Kyungsoon - Purrgatory: Hug
L - Death Note: Hug
La Chilindrina/Chiquinha - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Pat on the head
LadyDevimon - Digimon: Kiss
Lady Eboshi - Princess Mononoke: Marry
Lady Sio - Afro Samurai: Kiss
LaFawnduh Lucas - Napoleon Dynamite: Hug
Lance - Pokemon Special Edition: Pat on the head
Lance Serrano - Voltron: Hug
Langly (X-Files): Kill
Lantern Gregor - Limbus Company: Hug
Lara Vega - Minority Report: Hug
Lee Doo-hak - Oasis: Hug
Lee Everett - Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Hug
Lenore "Lenny" Busker/The Breakfast Queen - Legion: Kill
Leo Valdez - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Leshy - Inscryption: Hug
Lestat de Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire: Kill
Lev Myshkin - The Idiot: Hug
Licorice Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Hug
Lila - Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022: Hug
Lili Zanotto - Psychonauts: Pat on the head
Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Liu Qianqiao - Qord of Honor: Hug
Lloyd the Lion - Indigo Park: Kill
Logan Fields - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Luke Trapper - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
Lonely Wizard - Inscryption: Hug
Looks to the Moon - Rain World: Hug
Luan Loud - The Loud House: Kill
Lucia Villanueva - Snowfall: Hug
Lucifer Morningstar - Hazbin Hotel: Marry
Luigi - Super Mario Brothers: Hug
Luisa Madrigal - Encanto: Hug
Luke Carder - Inscryption: Hug
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars: Hug
Lumine - LUMINE: Pat on the head
Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter: Adopt
Luz Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Mabel Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Mademoiselle Anastasie "Tasi" Trianon - Amnesia: Rebirth: Hug
Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica: Hug
Madotsuki - Yume Nikki: Pat on the head
Mafuyu Asahina - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Magnificus - Inscryption: Kill
Magolor - Kirby: Kill
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon: Hug
Malak - Dark Deception: Kill
Malcolm Merlyn - Arrow: Kill
Mallow - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/Super Mario RPG: Pat on the head
Manny Heffley - Diary of a wimpy kid: Kill
Man with the yellow hat - Curious George: Hug
Marceline Abadeer - Adventure Time: Marry
Marge Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Maria Ushiromiya - Umineko: Adopt
Marie Whitman - The Devil in Me/The Dark Pictures Anthology: Hug
Mark Beaks - Ducktales: Kill
Marnie - Stardew Valley: Hug
Martin Blackwood - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Martin Payne - Martin: Hug
Martyn InTheLittleWood - Life Series: Kill
Mary Schmidt - Five Nights at Candy's 3: Pat on the head
Master Kohga - Legend of Zelda: Kill
Matcha Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Matsudappoiyo - UTAU: Hug
Matt - Eddsworld: Kill
Matty - Witch's Heart: Kill
Max Goof - An Extremely Goofy Movie: Hug
Max Madigan - True Jackson, VP: Kill
Medkit - Phighting!: Kill
Melchior - Riot Kings: Hug
Mia Dolan - La La Land: Kill
Miae Hwang - After School Lessons for unripe apples: Pat on the head
Michael - The Good Place: Hug
Michael Afton - Five Nights at Freddy's: Hug
Michael J. Caboose - Red vs Blue: Hug
Michael Kaiser - Blue Lock: Hug
Michael "Mike" Munroe - Until Dawn: Kill
Michonne Grimes - The Walking Dead: Hug
Mike Horvath - Saving Private Ryan: Hug
Miki Sayaka - Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Hug
Miko Nakadai - Transformers Prime: Pat on the head
Millennial Tree Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Millie Fitzsimmons - FNaF Fazbear Frights: Hug+Pat on the head
Min - Parallel City: Hug+Kill
Mina Harker - Dracula: Hug
Mini Yaemori - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Minish Cap Link - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap: Pat on the head
Mion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Hug
Miorine Rembran - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Misa Amane - Death Note: Hug
Misaki Ayuzawa - Kaichou wa Maid Sama: Hug
Miss Circle - Fundamental Paper Education/Basics In Behavior: Kill
Miss Kobayashi - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Hug
Miss Piggy - The Muppets: Hug
Mithrun - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Mitty - Made in Abyss: Kill
Miwako Sakurada - Paradise Kiss: Hug+Kiss
Miyo Takano - Higurashi: Kill
Molar Boatworks Fixer Sinclair - Limbus Company: Hug
Momo - Stray: Hug
Monika - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Mono - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Monsieur Tidbits - The Who Was? Show: Kill
Moonwatcher - Wings of Fire: Hug
Mo Ran - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha): Hug
Morgan Yu - Prey: Hug
Mothwing - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Mr Bean - Mr Bean: Hug
Mr Peanutbutter - BoJack Horseman: Kill
Mr. Puzzles - SMG4: Kill
Mrs. Asahina - Project Sekai: Kill
Mr. Scratch - Alan Wake: Kiss
Munehisa Iwai - Persona 5: Hug
Murmukusmon - Digimon: Kill
Mustache Girl - A Hat In Time: Pat on the head
Mylene Farrow - Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Kill
Narrator - The Stanley Parable: Hug
Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto: Adopt
Nastasya Filippovna - The Idiot: Hug
Nastya Rasputina - The Mechanisms: Hug
Natalia - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Hug
Nate Wright - Big Nate: Hug
Natsukage Suoh - 1bitHeart: Pat on the head
Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-sama: Hug
Near - Death Note: Hug
Ness - Earthbound: Pat on the head
Newton Pud - Little Big Planet: Hug
Nicholas Angel - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Nick - Zootopia: Hug
Nick Valentine - Fallout 4: Marry
Nico Robin - One Piece: Marry
Nicumond the Red aka Santa Claus - Violent Night: Kill
Niffty - Hazbin Hotel: Pat on the head
Niki Sanders - Heroes: Hug
Niko - Oneshot: Hug
No.96 Dark Mist - Yugioh Zexal: Kill
NOAH - Lancer TTRPG: Hug
Nobara Kugisaki - Jujutsu Kaisen: Hug
Noe Archiviste - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Norma Jennings - Twin Peaks: Hug
Norman - Honey I'm Home: Hug
Nurgle - Warhammer: Kill
Nurgling - Warhammer: Pat on the head
Obi - Akagami No Shirayukihime: Hug
Obscurum/Dark Argan - Winx Club: Kill
Oh Jung-shin - Oasis: Hug
Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon: Hug
One-One - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Ongsa - 23.5: Pat on the head
Onion San - Undertale: Pat on the head
Orel Puppington - Moral Orel: Adopt
Oroboros - Honka: Star Rail: Kill
Oscar - Malevolent: Hug
Ozen ""The Immovable"" - Made in Abyss: Hug
P03 - Inscryption: Kill
Pal Percy - Playtime with Percy: Kill
Patrick Star - Spongebob Squarepants: Hug
Pavel Yudin - Fear and Hunger Termina: Kill
Peacock - Skullgirls: Pat on the head
PearlescentMoon - Double lifesmp/Traffic life series: Hug
Peter Washington - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Phaya - The Sign: Kiss
Philippines - Hetalia: Hug
Phillip Price - Mr. Robot: Kill
Phoebe Spengler - Ghostbusters: Pat on the head
Phosphophyllite - Land of the Lustrous/Houseki no Kuni: Hug
PicoDevimon - Digimon: Pat on the head
Pink - Everhood: Hug
Pinkie Pie - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Playtime - Baldi’s Basics: Kill
Pomni - The Amazing Digital Circus: Hug
Popeyes Employee - RDCWorld1: Hug
Poppy - Poppy Playtime: Kill
Portgas D. Ace - One Piece: Hug
Princess Leia - Star Wars: Marry
Priya Singh - Tenet: Hug
Prospera Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Kill
Qifrey - Witch Hat Atelier: Hug
Quark - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hug
Quico - El Chavo/Chaves: Kill
Rachel Green - Friends: Kill
Radahn, Consort of Miquella - Elden Ring: Kill
Raelle Collar - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Rainbow Core - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Rambley the Raccoon - Indigo Park: Hug
Ramona Flowers - Scott Pilgrim: Hug
Randy Random - Rimworld: Kill
Ranko Mannen - Akiba Maid War: Hug
Ranma Saotome - Ranma 1/2: Hug
Ranpo Edogawa - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Rantaro Amami - Danganronpa: Kill
Rasputin IV - X-Men: Kiss
Rasta Beast - Everhood: Hug
Ray - The Promised Neverland: Hug
R.B. Sous-chef Gregor - Limbus Company: Kill
R. Daneel Olivaw - The Robot Series: Kill
Red Harvest - The Magnificent Seven: Hug
Reese Kelly - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Regina - Dino Crisis: Hug+Kill
Regina George - Mean Girls: Kill
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100: Kill
Reimi Sugimoto - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Rei Sakuma - Ensemble Stars: Hug
Rem - Death Note: Hug
Ramy Hassan - Ramy TV show: Kill
Retsuko - Aggretsuko Anime: Hug
Riamu Yumemi - The iDOLM@STER Cincerella Girls: Hug
Rider - Centaurworld: Hug
Riku - Kingdom Hearts: Hug
Ringo Oginome - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
Roadhog - Overwatch: Hug
Robert E. O. Speedwagon - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Robert Freeman/Granddad - The Boondocks: Hug
Robin - Honkai Star Rail: Hug
Robin Scherbatsky - How I Met Your Mother: Kill
Rod Sullivan - Ice Scream: Kill
Ronald Novikov - Jackson's Diary: Hug
Rory - Morgana and Oz: Hug
Rosa Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Rose Quartz - Steven Universe: Hug
Rozy/Rozana - The Guy Upstairs: Hug
Ruby Rose - RWBY: Hug
Runaway Kid - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Ryland Tate - Good Game: Hug
Ryo Akizuki - The Idolmaster: Pat on the head
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4: Hug
Ryuji Sakamoto - Persona 5: Hug
Saburo Yamada - Hypnosis Mic: Pat on the head
Sakuna - Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin: Pat on the head
Sakura Haruno - Naruto: Pat on the head
Samantha "Sam" Giddings - Until Dawn: Hug
Sam Drake - Uncharted Franchise: Marry
Sammy Lawrence - Bendy and the ink machine: Kill
Samuel J. Stuhlinger - Call Of Duty:Black Ops 2 Zombies: Kill
Sam Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings: Hug
Sanetoshi Watase - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Sans - Undertale: Hug
Sarah Lynn - Bojack Horseman: Hug
Sara Lance - Legends of Tomorrow: Marry+Kill
Sasara Nurude - Hypnosis Mic: Kill
Sasha Nein - Psychonauts: Hug
Sasha Waybright - Amphibia: Pat on the head
Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen: Marry
Saturday Tasogare- vivid/stasis: Hug
Savannah - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Sayori - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Scissors - Paper Mario the Orgami King: Kill
Scrappy Doo - Scooby-Doo: Kill
Scrooge McDuck - Ducktales: Hug+Kill
Scylla Ramshorn - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Seliph - Fire Emblem: Hug
Senku Ishigami - Dr. Stone: Kill
Sergei Dragunov - Tekken: Marry
Sergey Razumovsky - Major Grom: Hug
Serial Designation N - Murder Drones: Hug
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha: Kill
Seungha - Odd Girl Out: Hug
Severus Snape - Harry Potter: Kill
Shaggy - Scooby-Doo: Pat on the head
Shannon LaFae - Heart Fragment: Hug
Shauna Shipman - Yellowjackets: Hug+Kiss+Marry
Shaun Riley - Shaun of the Dead: Hug
Sheryl Luria - Evil: Kill
Shigaraki Tomura - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shinobu Sengoku - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Shinra Kishitani - Durarara!!: Kill
Shin Sato - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Hug
Shion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Pat on the head must
Shirogane Ryo - Tokyo Mew Mew: Pat on the head
Shouko Komi - Komi San wa komishou desu: Hug
Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shrek - Shrek: Hug
Shu Itsuki - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Shuji Ikutsuki - Persona 3: Kill
Shuya Nanahara - Battle Royale: Pat on the head
Siffrin - In Stars and Time: Hug
Simon Keyes - Ace Attorney: Kill
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Six - Little Nightmares: Pat on the head+Adopt
Skull Kid - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Pat on the head
Skyler White - Breaking Bad: Hug
Slate - Outer Wilds: Hug
Slaymate - Dungeons & Dragons: Pat on the head
Snow White/Red Shoes - Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs: Hug
Sojiro Sakura - Persona 5: Hug
Soldier Boy - The Boys: Kill
Solomon - Obey Me: Marry
Sonya - Fire Emblem: Marry
Sora Harukawa - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Spamton G. Spamton - Deltarune: Kill
Sparkle - Honkai: Star Rail: Kill
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds: Marry
SpongeBob SquarePants - SpongeBob SquarePants: Hug
Stanley Poole - Bioshock 2: Kill
Stan Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Stardust Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom: Hug
Star Flower - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Starscream - Transformers Prime: Kill
Stephen "Flyboy" Andrews - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Steve Harrington - Hug
Stokely Mitchell - The Faculty: Hug
Stonemover - Wings of Fire : Hug
Strider Hiryu - Strider: Kill
Subspace - Phighting!: Kill
Suletta Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Sypha Belnades - Castlevania: Marry
Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls: Hug
Taiga Kagami - Kuroko No Basket/Kuroko's Basketball: Hug
Takuto Maruki - Persona 5 Royal: Hug
Tali'Zorah - Mass Effect: Marry
Tally Craven - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Tangerine - Bullet train: Kill
Tarvek Sturmvoraus - Girl Genius: Hug
Taylor - Simulacra: Hug
Taylor Hebert - Worm (Parahumans): Hug
Taylor Swift - Real Life: Kill
Teddy - Among the Sleep: Kill
Terry - Deltarune: Kill
Teruki Hanazawa - Mob Psycho 100: Pat on the head
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: Kill
Tessa James Elliot - Murder Drones: Hug
Testament - Guilty Gear: Strive: Marry
Tetsuya Kuroko - Kuroko no Basuke/Kuroko's Basketball: Pat on the head
The Collector - The Owl House: Adopt
The Dud - The Simpsons: Kill
The Emperor - Baldur's Gate 3: Kill
The Goose - Untitled Goose Game: Pat on the head
The Grim Reaper - The Sims: Marry
The Maker/Reed Richards - Ultimate Marvel: Kill
The Mask - The Mask Animated Series: Kill
The Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who: Hug
The Nowhere King - Centaurworld: Kill
Theodore "Teddy" McDonald/Reed Thompson - Snowfall: Kill
Theodore Peterson - Hello Neighbor: Kill
The Once-ler - The Lorax: Kill
The Princess - Slay the Princess: Hug
The Puppeteer - Five Nights at Candy's: Kill
The Second Coming - Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft: Hug
The Shade - The Longing: Pat on the head
The Shapeshifter - Odd Squad: Kill
The Snatcher - A Hat In Time: Kill
The Stalker - Stalker: Kill
The Survivor - Rain World: Pat on the head
The Test - Baldi's Basics: Kill
The unnamed salesman who recruits participants for the Game - Squid Game: Kill
The Wandering Trader - Minecraft: Kill
The Works - The Works: Kill
Thomas Richardson - The Apostle: Kill
Thorn - Wings of Fire: Hug
Tien Shinhan - Dragonball: Hug
Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII: Hug
Tippi - Super Paper Mario: Hug
Titania - Fire Emblem: Marry
Tom Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Tony Tony Chopper - One Piece: Adopt
Tord - Eddsworld: Kill
Toya Aoyagi - Project SEKAI: Hug
Trevor Belmont - Castlevania: Kiss
Trevor Garbo - Smile For Me: Kill
Tsubasa Yuunagi - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Pat on the head
Tsukasa Okino - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: Hug
Tulio Triviño Tufillo - 31 Minutos: Kill
Tulip Olsen - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Turbo - Wreck It Ralph: Kill
Twelve - Zankyou No Terror: Kill
Twice - Boku No Hero Academia: Hug
Ubel - Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Kill
Ukitake Jushiro - Bleach: Hug
Umi - Sharkgirl Umi: Pat on the head
Uncle Iroh - Avatar: The Last Airbender: Hug
Unpleasant - Regretevator: Kill
Uraume - Jujitsu Kaisen: Hug
Usami - Danganronpa: Hug
User Friendly - 3DV: Kill
Uta - One Piece: Hug
Vanessa - A Hat In Time: Kill
Vanitas - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko - Servant of the People: Hug
Vee - The Owl House: Hug
Vegas Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche: Hug
Vertin - Reverse: 1999: Hug
Victoria Best - Wordgirl: Pat on the head
Vigilante - My Friend Pedro: Hug+Kill
Vinegar Doppio - Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Virgil - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Vriska Serket- Homestuck: Kill
Wabuu - Wabuu the cheeky raccoon: Kill
Wade Wilson - Deadpool: Hug
Wallace - Pokémon ORAS: Hug
WALL-E - WALL-E: Pat on the head
Wally Franks - Bendy and the Ink Machine: Hug
Warren the Eagle - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: Kill
Wednesday Addams - The Addams Family: Pat on the head
Wes - Pokemon Colosseum: Hug
Wheatley - Portal: Kill
Whitty - Friday Night Funkin: Hug
Will Solace - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Winry Rockbell - Fullmetal Alchemist: Hug
Winfrey/Speciment 02 - Dreams Of An Insominiac: Hug
Winston Byrd - Toontown Corporate Clash: Hug
Wombat - Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!: Hug
Wooly - Rune Factory: Pat on the head
Wu Xie - Daomu Biji: Hug
Xavier - Xavier: Renegade Angel : Kill
Xavier Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yadina Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yagami Eiji - Danball Senki: Kill
Yamato - One Piece: Hug
Yang Xiao Long - RWBY: Hug
Yato - Noragami: Kill
Yellow - Malevolent: Hug
Yellow/Amarillo del Bosque Verde - Pokemon Special Edition/Pokespe: Pat on the head
Yoda - Star Wars: Hug
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: Hug
Yor - Yor, the Hunter from the Future: Kill
Yor Forger - Spy x Family: Marry
Yoshino Himekawa - Date a Live: Pat on the head
Youhei Sunohara - Clannad: Kill
Yui - Sakuna: of rice and ruin: Pat on the head
Yukito Ayatsuji - Bungo Stray Dogs: Gaiden: Kill
Yuki Yoshikawa - Horimiya: Pat on the head
Yura Beletsky - Pafl: Kill
Yuri - DDLC: Hug
Yurika Hakonaka - Yuri Kuma Arashi: Kill
Yu Shu Lien - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Hug
Yusuke Urameshi - Anime House: Hug
Yuugo Tennouji - Steins;Gate: Hug
Zenkichi Hasegawa - Persona 5 Strikers/Scramble: Kill
Zeus - Greek Mythology: Kill
Zhang Chengling - Word of Honor: Pat on the head
Zhou Zishu - Word of Honor: Hug
Zim - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
ZombieCleo - The Life Series: Hug
Zuko - Avatar The Last Airbender: Hug
30 notes · View notes
geffenrecords · 4 months
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update on my physical media collection (not including books / records ). list of everything shown in the pictures below the cut ⬇️
IT (1990)
it / it chapter two
ready or not
glee season 1 (sorry)
glee season 2 (SORRY)
the secret of nimh
jurassic park, the lost world, jurassic park 3
the breakfast club / sixteen candles / weird science (John Hughes collection)
bill & Ted's excellent adventure / bogus journey
the lost boys
diary of a wimpy kid
Grey's anatomy season 1 (SORRRYYY)
alien resurrection
TMNT (honestly idk why I still have this)
the outsiders
over the edge (matt dillon first movie)
Donnie darko
Jennifer's body
jackass number 2
the karate kid
the princess diaries
fight club
star wars phantom menace, attack of the clones, and revenge of the sith
Narnia the lion the witch and the wardobe
the osbournes season 1
little miss sunshine
spiderman 1, 2, and 3
the amazing spiderman
Kung fu panda
the passion of the christ
pay it forward
original star wars trilogy
the polar express
a clockwork orange
life as a house
surfs up
bowling for columbine
natural born killers
terminator 2
mysterious skin
moonrise kingdom
American idiot Greenday documentary
that was then, this is now
jackass the movie
suicide kings
the matrix
the Goldfinch
the day after tomorrow
stand by me
rumble fish
the black parade (mcr)
danger days (mcr)
American idiot (green day)
21st century breakdown (green day)
in love and death (the used)
may death never stop you (mcr)
baby one more time (britney spears)
life on the murder scene dvd / cds
nevermind (nirvana)
dookie (green day)
nimrod (green day)
uno, dos, tre (green day)
nirvana greatest hits
blue weezer
selfish machines (pierce the veil)
collide with the sky (pierce the veil)
three cheers for sweet revenge (mcr)
from under the cork tree (fall out boy)
teens of denial (car seat headrest)
in utero (nirvana)
licensed to ill (beastie boys)
lost and found (mudvayne)
what it is to burn (finch)
no strings attached (nsync)
infinity on high (fall out boy)
fallen (evanescence)
green weezer
mellon collie and the infinite sadness (smashing pumpkins)
Tallahassee (the mountian goats)
bleach (nirvana)
in the areoplane over the sea (neutral milk hotel)
the downward spiral (nin)
facelift (alice in chains)
smash (offspring)
dirt (alice in chains)
peace sells but whos buying ? (megadeth)
garage days (metallica)
folie a deux (fall out boy)
devil put dinosaurs here (alice in chains)
spit (kittie)
alice in chains
incesticide (nirvana)
hot fuss (the killers)
load (metallica)
american beauty / american psycho (fall out boy)
among the living (anthrax)
oops i did it agian (britney spears)
viva la cobra (cobra starship)
almost here (the academy is...)
kill em all (metallica)
and justice for all (metallica)
lets knife (shonen knife)
lithium single (nirvana)
ride the lightning (metallica)
homemade bullets cd my dad made for me for christmas using scans he found online :)
nirvana unplugged
killings my business (megadeth)
enema of the state (blink182)
take off your pants and jacket (blink182)
pretty hate machine (nin)
screaming for vengeance (judas priest)
fabulous disaster (exodus)
let go (avril lavigne)
hidden treasures (megadeth)
dude ranch (blink182)
there be squabbles ahead (stolen babies)
master of puppets (metallica)
the black album (metallica)
twilight soundtrack
neighborhoods (blink182)
south of heaven (slayer)
angst (kmfdm)
adios (kmfdm)
nevermind the bollocks, heres the sex pistols (sex pistols)
hybrid theory (linkin park)
the lion and the cobra (sinead o connor)
seasons in the abyss (slayer)
reign in blood (slayer)
meteroa (linkin park)
anything is (my bloody valentine)
pearl harbor attack story
music from hungary
so far so good so what (megadeth)
the four seasons (vivaldi)
concerti (vivaldi)
hangin' tough (new kids on the block)
tchaikovsky / liszt paino concertos
bach flute sonata
mozart symphonies
cats musical
days of future passed (the moody blues)
60s surf hits
doomsday for the deciever (flotsam and jetsam)
st elmos fire soundtrack
phantom of the opera highlights
defenders of the faith (judas priest)
a year and a half in the life of metallica (original 80s tape from my dad!)
cliff em all (also original 80s tape from my dad )
walking with dinosaurs bbc
dead poets society
the lost boys
family values 1998 tour (korn, limp bizkit, ice cube, rammstien, orgy)
attack of the clones
the terminator
not pictured are my books (way too many and way too unorganized to actually take pictures of), and my records. im not big into record collecting but i do have;
life on the murder scene soundtrack
three cheers for sweet revenge
the black parade is dead!
kill em all
master of puppets
16 notes · View notes
animedegens · 10 months
When is Sunraku getting a Bankai in Shangri-La Frontier???
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cryptocism · 8 months
how long did it take for you to come up with the designs for the clones?? did it come naturally or did you have to do a lot of thinking / concepts?
hm im having to go back thru my memories for this one bc it was a while ago... but iirc i had a handful of specific ideas for some of them: Three essentially as Bart with blue eyes, Five as an older clone, Seven as a robot, Nine/Nathaniel not having powers. And then i had a thing with their colour-coding which used to be more significant than it ended up in the actual story, along with the roman-numeral incorporation a la the movie Stardust.
the rest i pretty much made up on the fly when i drew that first comic, and its wild that their designs have stayed pretty much the same bc i was fully expecting to overhaul their looks once i actually nailed down their characters.
a couple details have changed since that tho. Six's cybernetic eyes came later, along with Eight/Jude's heterochromia and birthmark, and now Seven tilts more into the mech direction. I also hadn't figured out what Five's face would look like under the mask yet, and Nine/Nathaniel's hair being bleached was basically an afterthought that I decided to come up with an explanation for later. (iirc I didn't want Three to be the only brunette, so I debated Eight and Nine having brown hair. Pretty sure i made them blonde and bottle blonde respectively purely to have Three stand out more in the foreground for that one panel lmao)
also because I had vague ideas on their internal relationships I put a teaspoon of thought into their jumpsuit designs and how they relate to each other. Three and Five have the same earpieces and a black/white/accent color scheme. Eight and Nine have a black/grey/accent thing going on. Six's suit is a step removed from the rest of them with only black and blue happening, and the hardware around his face/ears matches Seven's design.
but yeah basically some stuff i had ideas for and planned out and other stuff i came up with after the fact, and a lot of stuff i threw in there and then came up with an explanation later lol
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agnostic-priest-metal · 4 months
Timeline of Agnostic Priest & Introducing characters
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1996: Tobbe and Skwisgaar found Agnostic Priest
1996-1998: The rest of the bandmates join AP
1998: First studio album releases
2004: Skwisgaar leaves
2005: AP officially splits up and ends their contract with the label
2024: Nana makes contact with everyone and starts setting up sns account
⬇️ Backdrop of the character
1. Erik Ekdahl
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- Born 10 June 1975, Gothenburg, Sweden. He is an only child.
- Started playing viola when he was 4 years old but soon his interest moved toward acoustic guitar, he was 6 years old at that time. Few years later after listening to KISS and Iron Maiden - a music that changed his entire life - he started playing electric guitars when he was 11.
- His first guitar was an Ibanez RG550 and later he bought a Jackson rr24 Rhoads with his own money. He continued using that until now(1998).
- Attended the University of Gothenburg, but soon he dropped out(1995) with a dream of making his first metal band. Due to his decision he had a lot of fights with his parents and eventually left his home.
- His first band’s name was Moonchild, a symphonic metal band, and he was also a guitarist in that band. But its genre didn’t suit him and he wasn’t satisfied with the quality of the music so he decided to disband it(1996).
- Wandering around for 2 years, having some part time jobs and sleeping in an abandoned car, he saw the notice about Skwisgaar and Tobbe’s band by chance and decided to join the audition.
- Current(1998) music inspo: Alexi Laiho(COBHC), Björn Gelotte(In Flames), Johan Norman(Dissection), Michael Amott(Arch Enemy), Ihsahn(Emperor)
- Later music inspo: Kim Carlsson(Lifelover), Georg Börner(Coldworld), Neptune(Gris), Einar Selvik(Wardruna), Amalie Bruun(Myrkur)
After Skwisgaar’s departure(2004)
For a few months he was totally wasted. He tried to contact Skwisgaar one way or another but kept failing, and it made him more and more fall into depression.
Eventually, he decided to leave the band(2005) and thought he should sublimate his feelings into music - so he created a one-man DSBM band called Viva la Vida(2007), using his stage name as W. Although his band drew excess attention to listeners and achieved pretty much success, he refused all show suggestions and all interviews at that point.
In 2012, his parents accidentally died in a car crash. He heard that news from his friend and had a small funeral with his friends, but didn’t invite AP members(He didn’t want to show his weakness). After their death he started getting into some kind of old norse religion, so he stopped Viva la Vida(2013) and made another side folk music project called Heimdall. He devoted his entire life to it(2014~) until he received Nana’s call.
- Fluent in Swedish. English is conversational but sometimes broken. Or many times.
- Never dyed or bleached his hair.
- That time when he was a member of Moonchild he was in a dating relationship with one of the band members, however the disbandment made him break up.
- Had a huge crush on Skwisgaar at the first sight and still secretly likes him. But well everybody knows that except Skwisgaar…
- Always wasted especially after the concert, he’s the one who brings all those boozes with a box. Became more mischievous and flirty than ever when he got drunk(natural bottom energy?)
- Soooooo jealous. One of the default personalities of a moody person.
- Doesn’t like outdoor activities or exercise, the only way to make him chill is a horror movie with a pint of beer. Or some phone calls with Skwisgaar.
2. Natalia (Nana) Berg
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Childhood (5-14)
- Born in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil-december 20th 1975.
- Natalia was "made" as an accident by two young adults who didn't feel like wearing protection at a party. her dad was a Swedish tourist , and her mom was a stripper.
- When she was born,Nana lived with her mom till she was 5 in a messy shack in the slums of the city. but she was taken from her after many neighbors report loud crying and screams coming from their house, her mother used to leave her child alone for days to attend funk balls/parties without leaving food or anything for them.
- She was forced to move to Sweden to live with her dad, who was mostly an emotionally absent man,whom Nana would be homeschooled by until they turned 14 and were registered into an actual school.
- But before they were even attending classes, Nana already had a fascination for bugs from any shapes and sizes, and used to play with those in their father's backyard, sparking their interest in biology.
- Soon after Nana starts to attend school she starts to get bullied by her classmates for being a quiet(mostly non verbal) and ‘’weird’’ kid,which made them completely change their personality to become more defensive but that only made things worse,as now they would constantly get into fights with her bullies.
- Towards the ending of their highschool years, Nana began to date a guy she met in biology class, she didn’t know how to differentiate between platonic and romantic feelings and ended up accepting his offer to date him.
- like 2 years go by,and Nana at some point realizes she didn’t like him that way, but couldn't bring himself to break up with his partner as they are now living together after their dad kicked them out for coming out as queer.
- And while dating this guy, Nana realized their talent for music and they would sometimes do some gigs here and there to pay their rent. She would sing while her partner would play guitar.
- After saving enough money to move out and finally breaking up with their boyfriend,Nana moves into a shitty apartment next to a bar,in which he would perform almost every night,singing some cheesy and moody blues.
- This goes by for almost a year and a half until he auditions for agnostic Priest as the vocalist.
Skwisgaar leaves and AP breaks up.
- After trying to keep everyone close and failing at it,Nana loses contact with his old friends and goes back to Brazil to get a new start at life. with the money they got while being in the band he’s able to buy a good new house in a good neighborhood.
- Things where going great,he goes to a good university(UFRJ) and starts studying biology like he always wanted to,though he still misses working in the music industry.
- Until he decides to get drunk in the middle of a Carnaval,blacks out,and wakes up in someone’s bed.(9 months later he has a VERY UNEXPECTED surprise!!!)
- Finally after such a long time,Nana gets her biologist degree and decides to contact their old friends again to try for one last time to get everyone back together,luckily this time it’ll work out.
- (They never really moved on completely,just avoided thinking about it all the time.)
- Fluent portuguese and swedish,a bit shitty at english,sometimes he’ll forget words and curse in portuguese until he figures out how to speak again.
- Was terrified of thunders as a child,never grows out of that.(the nights where Ocelot sleeps with him helps him chill out in case it’s raining)
- Really wants a pet snake.
- Might not be the best at giving advise,but will def listen to a dear one vent and comfort them.
- Has trouble opening up to people,even those he’s close with.
- There’s bug bites literally all over his body.
- If they’re angry at someone or just wants them to shut up he just stares at them without saying anything until the person gets uncomfortable.
- Forgets to eat for hours until he starts to get a bit dizzy.
- Longs to know what true loves feels like (OH THATS SO CHEESYYYYAUGGHHHH)
- Kept contact with Skwisgaar for a few weeks until they were asked not so politely to leave him alone.
- considering top surgery after their baby grows up a bit
- Gains a bit of weight,which makes them happy
- Still uses the friendship bracelet Ocelot made him years ago
- Damn i still want a pet snake.
3. Torbjørn “Tobbe” Sørensen
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- Born 9 September 1974 - Aarhus, DK. Oldest of 3 children (a younger sister and brother).
- Pretty normal childhood. Parents had an amicable divorce when he was 5 and both remarried. Tobbe and his siblings spent time with both sets of parents evenly.
- Began piano lessons at 7 but wasn't really into playing the classics like Bach and Beethoven. He was good at it despite being bored and continued playing at the urging of his parents.
- Got into hard rock and heavy metal around age 12. He tried learning both guitar and drums for a few years but had no patience for it. In the early/mid 80s, he realized that keyboards had a place in hard rock and heavy metal through artists like Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Nocturnus, Faith No More, etc. He swapped his piano for a Korg Krome and began learning lead guitar solos on the keyboard.
- Dropped out of high school at 16 (1990) and moved to Copenhagen with a group of friends who wanted to start a band. They had limited success and performed local gigs at small venues. Spent some time living in a VW van.
- By age 19 (1993), their band had broken up. Tobbe moved to Gothenburg which had a bigger metal scene in hopes of more opportunities to advance his musical career. He played as a session guy with limited success until meeting Skwisgaar in 1995/96(?) and beginning to record demos.
- AP releases its first studio album.
- Current (1998) equipment: Korg Krome 88 key workstation.
- Other musical abilities: Classical piano. Occasionally does backing vocals. Can play very basic chords on an acoustic guitar.
- Current (1998) musical inspo: Jesper Strömblad (In Flames), Stian Aarstad (Dimmu Borgir), Janne Wirman (CoB/Warmen), King Diamond (Mercyful Fate)
2004 - Present
- 2004: Tobbe and Skwisgaar's argument leads to Skwisgaar leaving the band. Tobbe immediately cancels all remaining shows on their tour so the band can re-group and plan what to do next. However, they never find a replacement for Skwisgaar.
- 2005: After Erik leaves, Tobbe officially dissolves AP and ends their contract with the record label. He disappears back to Denmark and has no contact with his former bandmates for several years. He leaves the music industry altogether at this time.
- 2007: Starts one of the only long-term romantic relationships he ever has.
- 2008: He finally gets his student matriculation degree (basically a GED/high school diploma) and begins attending university for a tourism management degree.
- 2009: With social media becoming more popular, he reaches out to those of his former bandmates who he can find online with a long written apology message about how everything ended. However, he doesn't maintain conversations with anyone, still feeling guilty about everything. He marries his partner, which is probably a mistake.
- 2011: Divorces. It's not bitter but they don't stay in touch.
- 2012: Finishes his degree. After this, he moves around Scandinavia and the US for some time, unsettled and kind of aimless. Never really gets into a new career and just kind of works odd jobs here and there.
- 2018: Finally settles in Copenhagen to be nearer to his siblings and his nieces/nephews.
- 2024: Returns to Gothenburg after receiving Nana's call.
Misc. Facts:
- Languages: Danish (fluent/native), Swedish (conversational), English (conversational), Norwegian (very basic)
- He's been bleaching his hair fringes for years…perhaps the bleach has affected his brain…
- Doesn't really like doing interviews - especially if it's not in Danish. He gets nervous.
- His personality is pretty reserved and easygoing. Alcohol makes him come out of his shell a bit more, and on the rare occasion that he gets VERY wasted, he's like a totally different guy (loud and laughing at everything, flirtatious, etc.)
- Health-conscious and likes to be outdoors every chance he can get. Also loves exploring different cities when they have free time during tours.
- Keeps his private life separate from his rock star persona/work life.
- Skwisgaar was one of his best friends before… everything. :c
- Still visits his siblings and parents when he has time. They're quite supportive! His mom has a scrapbook with mementos from all their tours, interviews from magazines, ticket stubs, etc.
- His freckles are more pronounced after a lot of sun.
4. Ziggy
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- Born May 29, 1980
- He is grumpy, introverted, and picky. He prefers spending time alone rather than socializing with others, valuing his personal space and time. He doesn't easily show his emotions and often appears aloof, but he is actually warm and sensitive inside.
- His favorite is Drum playing. He has been playing the drums since he was 5 years old and is highly skilled, excelling at creating fast and complex rhythms.
- His hobby is Collecting vintage records. Ziggy has a deep interest in music, particularly vintage records from the 60s and 70s. His room is filled with a carefully organized collection.
- He loves Spicy food, especially Buffalo wings. He enjoys eating spicy food to relieve stress.
- He hates Seafood. He especially dislikes food with a fishy smell.
- He prefers simple street fashion and mostly wears dark-colored clothes. He likes comfortable yet stylish outfits, often seen in black T-shirts and jeans.
- He lives with his parents and an older brother. His father is a mechanic, his mother is a nurse, and his brother is studying engineering in college. Though he gets along with his family, he spends a lot of time alone.
- He has a black cat named Shadow. Shadow is a close companion who understands Ziggy's introverted nature.
- He dropped out of high school after finishing middle school. He attended an arts high school, majoring in music, but left to focus more on actual music activities.
- He listens to Rock, punk, metal. He enjoys playing and listening to aggressive and powerful music.
- His favorite stuffs are Drums, particularly his vintage drum set. This drum set, inherited from his grandfather, holds great significance for him.
- He has a small circle of close friends. He dislikes large groups and prefers deep conversations with a few trusted friends. His best friend is Erik, the band's guitarist.
- He avoids Crowded places and parties. He feels uncomfortable in noisy and crowded environments.
- He loves video games. He particularly enjoys arcade games and often spends time at a local arcade.
- Most Cherished Item: Drumsticks inherited from his grandfather. These sticks are a source of inspiration for him.
- He hates Rude people, noise, overly cheerful individuals. He prefers serious and quiet atmospheres.
- His dream is to become a famous drummer and tour the world. He wants to move people with his music.
- He is actually emotional and sensitive, though he rarely shows it. He struggles with expressing his feelings, which can make him seem cold at times.
- He's fluent in English and has trouble with speaking Swedish but he's perfect at body language so it doesn't matter.
5. Ocelot
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(CW: Physical and verbal abuse, drug addiction)
Pre-band - Present (1998)
- Born on August 29th 1976 in Gothenburg Sweden. She was the youngest of four, though with a fifteen year age gap between her and the nearest sibling
- Was generally a pretty outgoing, loving kid up until the teenage years when they started getting verbally and physically assaulted by her parents
- Moved out swiftly the day she turned 18, leaving to Germany for a few years
- Made some friends there and that's when they realized they were a lesbian. It's also where they found their passion for music and was introduced to alternativae bands
- In 1997 she moved back to Gothenburg to hopefully patch things up with her parents, which didn't go well
- Soon after breaking up with her girlfriend she met Tobbe, who practically picks her up off the street. She was one of the last members to join the band in 1998
Post Band
- When Skwisgaar leaves in 2004 Ocelot quickly descends into a deep depression, though trying to pull herself together and keep the band going. She never openly talked about it or expressed it
- In 2005 when everyone breaks up she attempts stability, failing miserably
- From 2005 - 2012 she spirals into a major drug addiction, mainly downers, becoming heavily reliant on heroin and pain killers.
- In 2013 she meet someone who helps her back on her feet and forces her into rehab where she makes a full recovery. She begins focusing on music again and attempts to reach out to her old band mates, though mostly failing
- In 2015 she's broken up with and that sends her into another deep depression where she ends up in and out of homelessness and desperately attempting to not slip into old habits
- 2020, as the world fell into disarray, she gained an emotional dependency on weed
- When Nana reached out in 2024 she was quick to respond and more than happy to regroup
Fun facts
- Languages: Swedish (obviously), German (conversationally), English (conversationally and somewhat broken)
- Avoids any sort of conflict unless absolutely necessary due to the abuse she received as a child
- Wears little cat ears because she thinks they're cute
- Is intensely physically affection, having lacked it throughout her life, quickly growing attached to anyone that gives it to her
- Isn't very emotionally available
- Will drop mildly disturbing facts for no reason, always with a deadpan face
- Her favorite color isn't actually orange, she just really likes how it goes with all the black she wears. She actually prefers purple
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dragonmarquise · 7 days
Since devil theory is into anime, what types of genres do they usually watch????
Oh boy, this is gonna be a fun one to talk about :D
Well, for the most part. Also a bit long!
But first, something that’s probably not needed, but just in case: A disclaimer that some of the series mentioned here might not have aged well in terms of like… depictions of minorities or handling certain serious topics in questionable ways. I know a lot of the stuff I loved as a kid had problems like that.
*gestures towards Cardcaptor Sakura which has at least 3 different child/student x adult/teacher relationships, including the protagonist’s own parents for fuck’s sake!!*
Long story short, some of the mentioned series here are ones I have watched myself at some point in my life! I still love some of these for the good parts, but I’m not gonna make excuses for the bad parts (if what I just said about Cardcaptor Sakura doesn’t already make that clear). Again, this kind of thing is probably obvious for most people? But it’s also probably a good idea to state the obvious anyways.
So yeah, now that the disclaimer is established, onto anime talk!! Also a bit of manga talk here and there, since there’s overlap with different series. :u
Reiterating from my big Devil Theory post, all four of them had a little anime-manga club going during their school days (Nunchaku was an honorary member since she still lived in the US during this time). Adding more to this headcanon/idea, they kinda-sorta still have the club going, but it’s really just the four of them hanging out and watching/reading/talking about anime-manga stuff together like friends anyways. Also debates on stuff like power levels, which characters would win in a crossover battle (a la Death Battle), arguments over why a certain manga series does or did not deserve to have an anime adaptation, etc. :P
Also each of them have been bullied for this particular interest to some extent and at some point in their lives. Even with anime and manga being more “acceptable” these days, their first instinct is to still keep quiet about it, and hide any merch they have from anyone who notices. It takes each of them a while to actually open up about the topic to their own partners, let alone any friends outside of their own little circle. They get there eventually!
Moving on to the specific topic of favorite genres, in general they’ll at least check out the popular stuff together. Astro Boy, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, YuYu Hakusho, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist, Mob Psycho 100, My Hero Academia, Delicious in Dungeon, Odd Taxi, also various anime movies like the Studio Ghibli films, so on and so forth. You probably get the point! Dragon Ball and its sequels is probably the big one they all remember starting off with. Each of them also have preferences for other stuff they’ll watch/read on their own!
Just as a reminder of who’s who, I’ll put in parentheses which OC corresponds to which DT palette, and a little blurb about them.
For specific favorites for Sai (spring palette, guy with anger problems who gets it sorted out eventually), his favorites are pretty straightforward: as long as it has awesome fights, he’ll watch it! He’ll suffer through a show with a crappy plot if it at least has excellent animation for the fight scenes. Like basically “we saved the budget for the fight scenes and cheaped out on everything else” levels of blegh. Same with manga, it better at minimum have cool art and fight scenes or it ain’t worth it in his opinion. Also he was absolutely inspired to get into art because of those fight scenes, and thus he now works as a freelance artist!
For Nunchaku (summer palette, butch lesbian with high gremlin energy), she really likes sports manga. Admittedly I don’t know a whole lot about this genre of anime/manga myself, but from snippets I’ve seen, I know it can get wild sometimes! Because of the period of her life where her parents forced her to do as many sports as possible, she knows a decent amount about a lot of different sports. She likes to see how the series she reads/watches compare to the real thing, and enjoys when things get really ridiculous.
Also a big fan of the early seasons of Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh. Those were her big intros to anime besides Dragon Ball. The later seasons of those three, eh, not so much. She doesn’t hate them but doesn’t love them either, y’know?
In addition to that, she also keeps an eye out for good wlw/yuri series. Nunchaku mostly checks out series made by (or at least written by) actual lesbians, bi women etc. But even then she has a very small pool of stuff she particularly loves, and is also frustrated with how little butch x butch stuff there is.
For Bō (winter palette, blond hair and weightlifting tech guy), he will check out anything involving mecha or cool technology, though he doesn’t always like them (Neon Genesis Evangelion is probably a big one that he regrets watching at all). At the least, if he likes the designs of the mecha/robots featured in the series, he’ll still buy figures or kits of them.
With series he’ll check out on his own that he actually likes, it’s mostly gay manga (i.e. stuff that tends to get labeled as "bara" in Western anime fandoms, even though the term itself is not generally seen as a positive in Japan. At least from what I’ve researched, it probably varies). Of course he enjoys them because Gay, but also because they tend to feature characters with similar body types as him who aren’t meant to be jokes in some way. Which, probably says a lot, doesn’t it? :(
So then besides those two genres and the big popular series he’ll check out with his friends, he’s more into gaming. Like, they all play video games and have their favorites, but Bō is the only one who would call himself a gamer. He has suffered through a lot of horrible video game adaptations of various series, lol…
And finally Daishō (autumn palette, leader of Devil Theory and sometimes basically roleplays as an anime villain while in costume lol), with his love of horror movies, he is also of course a big fan of horror anime and manga! Though whether he genuinely loves what he reads or not kinda depends, due to… sorta complicated feelings.
Okay so, the idea is, for a long while (including even into adulthood), he would check out particularly gruesome and gorey series, even if it got to a point of making him feel genuinely ill. Like, I’m talking about stuff with no deep story or themes to them, no cathartic or at least bittersweet endings. They were mostly if not completely just for the shock value of truly horrific things happening to the characters, who never survived in these series.
And a lot of the time, he read them just to laugh at the characters for being stupid, thinking they deserve the suffering. This also applies to non-anime/non-manga series too. He’d check out the stuff even big slasher fans would want to avoid, if that gives a better idea of what he was seeking.
After sorting out some personal issues (a lot of issues actually, including his big guilt about almost getting his friends and himself killed due to the deal with Faux), he comes to realize he only bothered with that particular subset of horror as a form of self-harm. Again, the big guilt about the Faux deal going wrong, though also guilt about feeling like he’s not doing enough for his friends, that his problems aren’t as bad as other people’s, and so on. Made himself suffer through horror content he can’t stand himself as a sort of subconscious punishment.
Once he works through those feelings, he stops reading/watching stuff like that. He even throws out and burns a lot of the books/DVDs/etc that he collected from that horror subset. After that, he still enjoys horror stuff of course! But he actually respects his own limits and doesn’t force himself to watch/read stuff he knows will just make him feel terrible or ill. He’s a big fan of Junji Ito stuff, plus other stuff in the same vein.
And, I think that about covers it! I was expecting to namedrop a few more series than this, but eh. :P
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notoriousbeb · 4 months
Lighthouse Keeper Tweets
Part Two: November 2023 - January 2024
Back to Part One
Nov. 3, 2023 8:30 a.m. GMT
“And everything I love about you I shelve and store in my museum of the home.”
This is sweet. Same day, H is pictured in Vancouver with TR.
Nov. 9, 2023 4:40 p.m. GMT
“We will be reborn.”
TS plays TVFN and Labyrinth and wears Satellite stompers. Harry and TR in Vegas at Sphere for U2.
Nov. 14, 2023 4:15 p.m. BST
“Saint Venerius guide me true from heaven above to tidal blue”
Nov. 20, 2023 12:30 a.m.
“Seasons don't fear the reaper, nor do the wind, the sun or the rain”
These are lyrics from “Don’t Fear the Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult. Now, I know the lyrics to this one are about joint suicide and they’re depressing as hell, but I dig it because this song is my jam. Baby, I’m your maaaaannnn. La, la la la la. Anyways…suffice it to say. LK is up late and not doing great. On this date, Tay played “So It Goes…” And someone leaked “I’m Not Happy” (gee, whoever could it have been?!) on 11/21, “Pop Tart” on 11/22 and “Super Pretty” on 11/26.
Nov. 25, 2023 9 p.m. BST
“Singing if it’s meant to be then it’ll be I forgive it all as it comes back to me”
These are lyrics from Ethel Cain’s “Sun Bleached Flies.” In his replies, LK also makes it known that he loves “A House in Nebraska” by Ethel Cain, which has similar vibes. I love the line “I’ll forgive it all.” I hope that’s true for both of them. Another key lyric, the last in the song, is “it’s all I know and it’s all I want now.” Also, someone asked LK what he dreamed about and he said, “I was front row at a very empty concert, and then was running around the back of an empty stadium! Was very bizarre.” Not that I can make heads or tails of this, I just thought it was interesting and something a pop star would dream about versus a normie.
Nov. 28, 2023 12:45 a.m. BST
“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.”
I've already posted about this one. Also, this is a Pride and Prejudice quote. Do I think H has read it? Maybe probably. Do I think he’s seen the Keira Knightly movie adaptation? 100%.
Dec. 3, 2023 6:15 p.m. BST
“What a sight for sore eyes”
Home for the holidays early? Maybe in Italy already?
Dec. 13, 2023 9:30 p.m. BST
“You can arm yourself with stolen lines, pretty chains and fancy wines, you can flick through magazines, and get your hair cut from the movie scenes, happy so it seems, but we both know.”
These are lyrics from “Juice” by Mount Zooka a band from Bristol. Obviously, this was Taylor’s birthday. Imma go out on a limb here and say mans was feeling some kind of way. Also, on this day, “Jesus Christ, Happy New Year” leaks. So.
Dec. 19, 2023 2 a.m. BST
“I’ve bitten my tongue until I’ve learned to like the taste of my own blood.”
This is after rumors were roiling post 12/13 that Taylor was engaged because of the ring from Keleigh Teller (before Keleigh shut them down on 12/21). Dude. Stop biting your tongue then and just say something.
Jan. 1, 2024 3 p.m. BST
“Let me lay dormant in the haze…”
That’s one way to ring in the new year.
Jan. 9, 2023 5:30 p.m. BST
“I'm not afraid of being the one with the ace card 'cause I'm just like everybody else. I leave my door closed shut in case you come trying to kick it down.”
These are lyrics from “Freight Yard” by The Garden This is either the day or the day before he leaves for the Caribbean with TR and others (Jeff, I believe). This is an angry-ass song. Interestingly, there are zero loved-up pics captured on this trip. And there are a whopping 17 HS leaks this day. Then more leaks on 1/6. Are the leaks the ace card? Did he not want to go on this trip? Afterwards, Harry is in LA from 1/6-16.
Jan. 14, 2023 7:45 p.m. BST
“I met you in my dream and I didn’t say a word, but we know who we were, and that was enough.”
This is so bittersweet. Also, it reminds of that line from "Sad, Beautiful, Tragic:" "In dreams, I meet you in warm conversation. We both wake in lonely beds, different cities."
Jan. 19, 2023 - 11:45 p.m. BST
"Red crosses on wooden doors. And if you float you burn. Loose talk around tables. Abandon all reason."
These are lyrics from Radiohead’s “Burn the Witches.” On this day, a photo of TR with Jeff Azoff at HS’s 6/13 Wembley show surfaced.
Jan. 23, 2023 11:45 p.m. BST
“Oh you’ve got some stitches and babe I need some fixing.”
At this time, both TS and HS were dealing with their respective stalkers.
Jan. 29, 2023 11:15 p.m. BST
“But she can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool. And she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree. And the most she will do is throw shadows at you. But she's always a woman to me.”
These are lyrics from Billy Joel’s “She’s Always a Woman.” On this day, deepfake images of a nude Taylor Swift went viral on Twitter.
Ahead to Part Three
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venusvity · 1 year
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The pink carpet at the “Barbie” premiere in Los Angeles on Sunday night was riddled with self-proclaimed Barbie Girls, but five dolls and their seven Kens got heads turning and the internet talking.
Despite their massive popularity in the States, it's been years since VENUS has had proper US promotions. After their contracts were bought by Flowerbank Entertainment, the girls began making their way back into the western market releasing an English single "Wasabi", performing at Coachella, and now being featured on the Barbie soundtrack alongside rapper Flo Milli with the track "Pink Playhouse."
The group appeared on pink carpet dressed in custom-made iconic dresses from Barbie movies. Dressed as Odette from Barbie Swan Lake, Chloe stunned with platinum blond hair with bleached brows, her dewy makeup giving her an ethereal and unforgettable look. Yoonah stood in the center dressed in an iridescent pink dress, paying homage to Clara of Barbie and The Nutcracker, dawning new blond hair as well. Jiah and Sena caused "The Princess and the Pauper" to trend on Twitter, posing hand in hand in their coordinating dresses and pretty smiles. Jiah dressed in blue as Erika the pauper and Sena as Princess Anneliese. Eldest member Aki was dressed in a long blond wing and purple gown, embodying Barbie Repunzle,
"Did you all dye your hair blond for this?" A Vogue reporter asks the girls, causing them all to giggle amongst each other. "No! Just me!" Chloe would answer, flipping her blond hair playfully before patting her roots to prove that her hair is dyed.
"We're so excited for this film. We're such a Barbie group. Our Jiah has been our Barbie for years now," Yoonah would go on to say, accent dripping from her words as she motions towards Jiah, who smiles at Yoonah and then nods at the camera.
"We're for the girls and Barbie has always been for the girls," Jiah comments as she leans towards the pink microphone.
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The highly anticipated premier of VENUS's latest project had fans and fashion enthusiasts buzzing with excitement. However, the VENUS girls weren't the only ones making waves that night, as their brother group DeepDive made a memorable appearance by their side. While DeepDive preferred to stay low-key, allowing VENUS to take the spotlight, their outfits sparked a flurry of discussions across the internet.
Showcased from left to right: Jisung, Blue, Noah, Kiwoo, Woojin, Jacob, and Finn. Fans and fashion lovers alike were divided in their opinions, either loving or hating the ensembles.
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Social media was abuzz with tweets expressing their thoughts on the outfits. "Do y'all think Jacob dressed himself?" one fan questioned, igniting a playful debate. Another chimed in, saying, "He's giving off country club Ken vibes. I don't know, but I kinda like it." However, it was Noah and Finn who managed to capture everyone's hearts, earning accolades for their impeccable "kenergy" during interviews and for their gallant acts, such as assisting their VENUS counterparts and even holding their purses.
During an interview, Finn casually remarked, "I'm just here as arm candy," flashing a charming smile. The interviewer couldn't help but laugh at his confident delivery, while the camera caught his shrug, adding to his undeniable charm. "Being a Ken is such an honor," he continued, captivating the audience. "I'm glad to have that title."
When asked about their outfits, Noah took the opportunity to shed some light, asserting, "He dressed everyone," as he pointed to Woojin, who modestly smiled, offering a shy bow and a wave to the camera. Woojin concurred with Noah's statement, gently placing a hand over his heart.
"I like pink. More boys should wear pink," Woojin explained, his radiant smile capable of making anyone weak in the knees. His words resonated with fans, who found his confidence and support for breaking gender norms utterly swoon-worthy.
The premier night was truly a spectacle, with VENUS and DeepDive making a lasting impression. As the discussion about their outfits rages on, one thing remains certain: this collaboration has left an indelible mark on the hearts of fans, and the fashion world will be buzzing about it for days to come.
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.゚۪ ♡ ۫  ...     FAVORITE MOMENTS !
a video taken by chloe of aki freaking out after meeting ryan gosling. all the girls are laughing at her as she freaks out against a wall, covering her face. "oh my god, i can't believe he's real." aki groans into her palms, shaking her head dramatically.
a fan taken video of finn holding the tail of sena's dress to help her walk with two different purses on his shoulder. despite being busy, he still smiles and waves to fans, looking like a prince as he does so.
jiah getting caught staring longingly at margot as they pose for a picture together.
jisung and yoonah posing for a picture together. they broke the internet with their visuals <//3
venus x flo milli group photo!! they all looked so happy to be together again, giggling and hugging one another when they reunited.
sena and dua lipa doing the flower challenge for venus' tiktok! sena would go onto say she was so excited to meet dua and still can't believe she knew her song.
a fan taken video of noah going "dude, is that ice spice?" with the most shocked expression on his face when he saw the woman herself. he managed to get a selfie with her that he would later post to his Instagram with the caption: "it's blurry bc i was shaking lol :)"
greta gerwin talking animatedly with jiah. nothing they said could be heard but fans would speculate that greta was trying to recruit her for her next movie. other constellations would make joke fake captions of the video.
yoonah gasping "karol g?!" when being told by a reporter that karol would be on the carpet. the pair would later take a photo together and yoonah would go onto say her dreams came true that night.
deepdive pulling out pink lemonade caprisuns for the whole group. no one knows where they kept them but they had one for all 12 of them.
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