#bless this beautiful child
lilybug-02 · 9 months
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I found another hyperfixation [Via]
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finleyforevermore · 2 months
Do not forget.
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saydesole · 5 months
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ae-cha08 · 4 months
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As you get that down in your spirit, you'll have a whole new outlook on life. It won't matter what odds are stacked against you. It won't matter what the circumstances look like.
If God is for you, who can be against you?
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sonicenvy · 1 month
one of my favorite library kid encounters this weekend was a with a little Greek three-year-old named Andromeda. She and her mom came up to get her beads for SRP, and, as is pretty common, they start telling me about what they've been reading. Friends, this child and her mother have been reading the Odyssey in Greek together. The mom and the kid chat back and forth in Greek together about the Odyssey while picking beads (and counting them in Greek), translating bits and pieces for me as they go along.
Apparently, Andromeda's favorite character in the Odyssey is Penelope, which, uh, girl I see u!!!!! Obsessed with the vibes of this toddler who read the Odyssey in Greek with her mom FIVE times this summer because that's her favorite book! GOOD! FOR! HER!
Additionally the mom was like, "yeah we also read the Iliad this summer."
no notes. impeccable. there are days when i love our kids so much y'all.
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𝔑𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔥  -  𝔅𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡
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addaxus · 2 years
Guys I’m really sorry it took so long, but Mirabel’s Mamá has finally been finished after several scraps and trial drawings, but I loved how she turned out in these…
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Maria Morricone🌸
Bruno’s wife and Mirabel’s Mamá in Unforeseen! She is of Italian decent alongside her brother, Alonzo and is the one that takes Bruno in after he’s been wounded.
More details will be disclosed later, but her and Bruno fell in love after helping him discover and explore what love really is, because in Unforeseen that emotion and feeling is uncharted territory for him! He’s been deprived and lonely all those years, killing and slaughtering without a care for human life and dignity.
Of course marriage came next and what came after that? Little Mirabel!
I hope y’all like her because I think I do but anything could change. (She’s also slightly taller than him!)
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triglycercule · 19 days
i love characters with barely elaborated on personalities and traits and all that. dust sans??? absolute perfection i can do whatever the fuck i want with him. headcanon anything i want as long as it fits the framework that askdusttale has given me. nightmare??? his one main trait is that he's bad do you know how amazingly vague that is. i have even MORE freedom with him than anyone else. there are various different types of bad guy and i can make nightmare all of them and none simultaneously because he's simply not all that elaborated on. once i lose that creative freedom i lose all will to do anything with characters
#FREE ME!!! FREE ME FROM THE CAGE THAT IS CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i LOVE fanon i LOVE being ooc I LOVE doing things that go against canon material#I HAVE FREEDOME!!! THESE ARE JUST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH THEM!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!#creative freedom is one trait i enjoy the most in this fandom and i think it is something that we need not to restrict but to encourage#yeaahhh OKAYsure. sure there might be a ton of little details in say like horror's lore that you can nitpick and expand on#but then you have to worry about it going against the other canon facts ans then ghsaakassaahhhfkksodks youre RESTRICTED BY CANON#canon i love canon but it is just going to choke me out stab me and then make me eat dirt and my own shit in the end#let me be free let me live in fanon elysian utopian paradise#i CHOOSE to believe in canon i CHOOSE to make these characters canon#but just know. it is a threat when i say that the mtt are very fun fanonized. fanon murder time trio is so fun#as long as jokes dont get overplayed and theres a variety of interactions fanon isSO FUN!!!#kist love hate relationship!!! FUCM YEAH!!! even though i think dust and killer would avoid eachother its more fun this way#just make sure to let horror get mad at dust and killer and let killer get mad at dust in a while and we've got VARIETY!!!#fluffy domestic soft horrordust??? FUCK YWAH!!!! just acknowledge canon horrordust would be stepping on cracked eggshells!!!#i think we need absolute creative freedom again no more restriction. man where are the silly fun dumb aus like empireverse.#even cringe shit like naj or pjs daycare except they arent made by a total loser and are actually good#PLEASE i just need more silly aus that aren't fully canon adjacent or continuing or compliant or a what if.............. maybe like jk fashi#no no. no shameless promo here. anyways i miss creativity please make it a trend to throw the sans aus into more than just canon storylines#guys WHERE is the child au. where are the elementary school sans aus. that would be fun#WHERE are the superhero aus. WHERE ARE THEY.#idolverse or whatever is a beautiful example of non canon aus and stuff i love idolverse. also magical girl au#i forgot who made those 2 aus but just know you are blessed and loved by triglycercule#it's a MULTIVERSE there are MULTIPLE UNIVERSES. let's explore branches further away from the canon base of the tree and onto a leaf of fanon#i just love dust a lot for the freedom he gives me. also nm because i came up with a egregious hc for him earlier today but forgot to post#tricule rant
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thatsadguymochi · 1 month
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I made a reference sheet for my dnd character since we have artists in the party! I dont really know where else to share this so it will be here
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ljussangen · 11 months
I can not believe that within a month or so my man and I will finally meet our little sun. I will miss feeling his kicks and rolls and hiccups, but I am so happy that we will finally get to meet him. To see his face and his eyes, touch his skin and hair, hold him in our arms and give him kisses.
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zeezeebum · 6 months
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If you dance, I'll dance
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And if you don't, I'll dance anyway
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ae-cha08 · 4 months
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You are covered and shielded by His love. Therefore, let your heart be glad in the majesty of your Savior. Let your soul celebrate because no matter what it looks like, you are a cherished vessel, and you are loved by the King of all! 💙
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
The Beautiful Journey of Adoption: Embracing the Numerous Benefits
Shaina Tranquilino
December 14, 2023
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Parenthood is a remarkable experience that brings joy, fulfillment, and unconditional love. While some may choose to have biological children, others find their hearts drawn towards adopting a child in need. Adoption offers countless benefits not only for the children who find loving homes but also for the adoptive parents themselves. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous advantages of adoption and celebrate the beautiful journey it entails.
1. Creating a Forever Family:
Adoption provides an opportunity to create a family where love knows no boundaries. Regardless of biological ties, the bond formed between adoptive parents and their children can be just as strong and meaningful as any other parent-child relationship. Adopting a child allows individuals or couples to experience the joys of parenthood while giving a deserving child a sense of belonging.
2. Providing Stability and Security:
Many children in foster care or orphanages yearn for stability and security in their lives. By adopting a child, you offer them a stable home environment filled with love, support, and consistency. This stability positively impacts their emotional well-being, self-esteem, and overall development.
3. Offering Unconditional Love:
Adoptive parents often possess an immense capacity to provide unconditional love to their adopted children. They understand that regardless of past circumstances or challenges faced by the child, they are worthy of love and acceptance just like any other child.
4. Fostering Growth and Development:
A nurturing home environment plays an integral role in shaping a child's growth and development. Through adoption, parents can provide opportunities for education, personal growth, hobbies, and extracurricular activities that enrich the lives of their adopted children.
5. Expanding Cultural Diversity:
Adopting across cultural lines allows families to embrace diversity within their own households. It fosters understanding, appreciation for different backgrounds, traditions, languages, and customs - creating a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives.
6. Giving Back to Society:
Adoption is not only a transformative journey for the adoptive family but also a way to contribute positively to society. By adopting a child, you provide them with opportunities and resources they may have otherwise missed out on, helping break cycles of disadvantage and opening doors to their future success.
7. Learning and Growing Together:
Adoptive parents often find themselves embarking on a journey of personal growth, compassion, empathy, and resilience. The challenges and rewards that come with adoption can deepen relationships within families as they navigate together the unique experiences associated with this remarkable path.
The choice to adopt a child is an extraordinary act of love that brings numerous benefits for both the adopted child and the adoptive parents. From creating forever families, providing stability and unconditional love, to fostering growth and embracing diversity – adoption offers immeasurable rewards. It's a beautiful journey full of learning, personal growth, and the joy of giving back to society. So, if your heart feels called towards adoption, take that leap - change lives, create memories, and experience the incredible privilege of becoming an adoptive parent.
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ddelicadezas · 2 years
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“Amanhecer e Agradecer !”
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oceansrevenge · 1 year
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TIMING: Current PARTIES: @eldritchaccident & @oceansrevenge SUMMARY: Coming across Teds destroying a ship, Marina mistakes them for their father. A tense interaction ensues. CONTENT: Mentions of child death
After so many years locked away in an artificial recreation of the ocean, Marina found it hard to pull herself away from the waters for long. There were things that needed to be attended to on land, yes, but every fiber of her being craved the sway of the waves, the feeling of life encompassing her. The waters here felt her rage and welcomed her as their protector. She dove into the feeling of chaos that passed through every current in this area. She loved the thrum of it going through her, there was simply never a dull day in the waters of Wicked’s Rest, yet they still offered her peace. Given, she found contentment in the violence the ocean possessed, but there were little hidden alcoves all her own, too. 
Marina dived deeper into the ocean, spinning as she swam around a small octopus. Delighted in the way the gesture seemed to be returned, the sense of whimsy it gave her, but then she felt it. From her depth, the change in the current was slight, but for her to feel it all, that meant something big was happening above. Whatever it was, she was not about to miss it. “You stay safe, mikros,” she murmured to the octopus before swimming away at a full speed. 
As she neared the source of the change, Marina felt a growing feel of warmth. Leviathan. Its form looked a bit different this time. The dark scales were familiar, but they had a different hue to them. More of a purple than the seafoam accents it had before. What were the odds there could be two such beautiful creatures in the same waters? Was it Leviathan or kin of it? She swam closer, happy to help speed up its destruction of the human vessel it was currently terrorizing. There were strange crystals on it that reminded her of the ones she’d seen in the fissures around town. Had something happened to it? Had the humans' careless disregard for the earth somehow harmed this beautiful being?
“Leviathan,” her voice questioned, deep and reverberating in the currents around them, “Is that you?” The feel of thrashing overhead caused her to instinctively dart a tentacle upwards to grab the struggling human. They kicked and clawed at her grip, but she cared little. Her focus remained on the demon.
Nighttime came and went like a hazy memory. Each and every one the same. The sun sank below the horizon, and deep deep below the leviathan’s ward somehow knew. Something in Teddy’s body rose, ripped through the skin carefully reconstructed each night and slipped into that more monstrous visage. Nor baring the monstrosity moniker a bit more literally. Attacking with abandon, no clever plots, no meaning behind the senseless destruction left in their wake. 
Occasionally they would drag some poor soul down to the mines. Sometimes they’d be alive. Sometimes they wouldn’t be. Thankfully, the demon came back to their senses long before ever piling corpses around the kids that acted like the place was a clubhouse. It made sense with Nora. She was afflicted too, but Cass? Aside from a lovely little encounter where the girl professed how much she loved Big Finn, Ted didn’t know much about her. Enough to know she probably wouldn’t like fresh meat in the same way a little demonling might. Probably. You never really know, right? Stranger things had happened over and over again in Wicked’s Rest. 
While the demon slumbered, the beast lumbered. Their body, its mind. And that night it was on the prowl for blood, rather than new companions for the mine. The ship was large, but no match for claws that rendered hardened steel as soft as paper. It wasn’t long before it began to sink, and the feast aboard became a panicked mess. Gills flashed and fluttered under the waves as something else drew near. As a voice called out beneath the depths. Uttering their father’s name. One of many.
“Who calls for the Leviathan?” 
While it had the same destructive tendencies and looked similar to the Leviathan, something didn’t seem quite right. Even when Leviathan had shifted from one large form into something even more massive, its glowing accents had remained the same beautiful shade of seafoam. Marina wondered if it had something to do with crystals that seemed to be stuck to its body. They looked… painful and not in a way that could be considered pleasurable. The voice that reached her soon answered her questions. It was not Leviathan, she would remember its voice anywhere. The way it had thrummed through her, it was more a feeling, but she would know its voice anywhere all the same. This was not Leviathan, but it knew Leviathan. 
“I am Marina,” she answered the creature, who she suspected bore some relation to the demon she had grown fond of, “You are not Leviathan, but you look… similar.” Who was this? After their more violent endeavors, it was not as if there had been much in the way of talking.  The resemblance was far too uncanny for her to not assume some sort of relation and its tone seemed knowing. 
There was thrashing in the water from some of the overthrown humans, but they were of little concern to Marina at the moment. If this creature let her join it, she would gladly pull a few under the surface. She always did love the feel of them fighting to break free from her grasp. Her focus remained on the creature behind the wreckage. “I am a friend of it. A new friend,” she recalled their meeting fondly, “We enjoyed quite similar recreational activities together.” She gestured towards the pieces of ship floating in the water. 
Many eyes rolled about until they focuesed entirely on the cephaline creature before it. Teddy’s mind was not entirely their own right then. A bit more animalistic than the usual candor the sea beast took upon. They’d been doing this since they were just out of adolescence. Just not the same way. Normally  (save for a few life saving moments) it was Ted’s choice to change. However ill advised it might be, considering the weight it put on their joints when they returned to ‘normal’. This was not. 
This was torn flesh, viscera coating the cave floor. This was dreamlike delusions driving destructive direction. A dragon of sea and crystal. Somewhat suspiciously it eyed the octopus. Settling slightly as she went on to describe the way she knew its father. Something of a toothy grin spread across its maw. The crystalline coated tendrils that stuck out from Teddy’s face flexed. Frilled outward and rippled in the water around them. 
“Any friend of my father is a friend of mine.” Ted’s voice was pushed outward, into Marina’s mind rather than through the liquid between them. In the same way Leviathan communicated, the way they’d learned over the years. Distracted, however. Sounding just a bit far away, like this conversation was not the forefront of its mind. Unfortunately. 
Had they been present, Teddy would have loved this. Would have been swimming circles around this bathypelagic queen. Would’ve soaked up every inch of her, and been just flowing with compliments. For now, they were cautious. 
“Care to join me for dinner then?” 
Father. Was it her surprise or had its words really sounded distant while inside her own mind? Admittedly, there had not been much in the way of conversation during their first meeting. Marina of course wanted to learn more about the demon, but their chance meeting had been far too wonderful to sully with topics that could add an air of sadness to the day. Because surely a mention of its child would lead to sharing that she had been a mother and there would be strain in her voice in the use of those words in the past tense. She hadn’t been a mother for decades and no longer being one would never not ache. The love she possessed for her daughter never diminished just because Eula was no longer there to receive it. That protective instinct didn’t just fade. It was alive and well now as she examined the crystals protruding from it. This was Leviathan’s kin and the connection she shared with its father had been so instantaneous, so natural, that concern for the safety of the demon’s child was just as instinctive. 
“A new friend,” Marina answered thickly, “But a good one. It had a similar meal when we met. Enjoyed how the propellers tickled its maw.” Something in the creature seemed guarded in a way that Leviathan hadn’t, which only furthered her sense that something with these crystals was not right. Even if her intentions had been ill, Leviathan and its child both could easily dispose of her. Not even her pull on the water could counteract their massive size. “What are you called,” she asked. 
While humans were not a meal for her as much as they were play things, Marina would join for its meal. The iron in their blood made them painful to digest, but drowning them was always great fun as was watching their vessels sink. That didn’t take away the sense of unease she felt. There was much she could protect in the sea, but these crystals seemed too large a problem to simply drag to the ocean floor. “I would love to join you,” she told it, “But…” 
She trailed off and refrained from reaching out to touch the young demon. “Are you alright? These rocks, they look painful.”
The sea beast’s head tilted. Its gills flushed and flattened as it eyed the octopus. Watched it partake in the destruction, listened to her honeyed words. It wrestled with a decision, to trust or to take? She’d be a lovely addition, the crystal chorus sang. Just get her close enough to the mines. Get her to touch the crystals. Join. She should join them. The obsession wasn’t as strong in Teddy as it might have been in Nora, but it was still there. Growing stronger each night. Each shift. A small part of the demon’s mind may have known this was an outside influence. That all of this was wrong somehow but every day down in the mines had soothed these thoughts into smooth fabric running over their eyes. Blinding them to reality. To what was really happening. 
This was the best they had ever felt. 
When the crystal's melodious tune rang throughout their body, the aches went away. Thoughts that should pry and hurt and winnow at the demon’s spirit were a thing of the past. There was only the song. Only the union. It had brought them a small family, and all of them could stay. No one would ever leave. No one would ever have to move again. Teddy wanted to share this joy, wanted to rush around the neired and welcome her home until– Until…
‘Those rocks, they look painful.’ 
In an instant a defensive wall shot up. She wanted to take this away. Wanted to pull the stones from its beautiful carapace and leave it dead on the ocean floor. 
The smaller creature encroached on Teddy’s space, and they should have been enthralled. Should have enjoyed the close contact, reveled in it. Instead its mind reeled. Paranoia tinging every thought with delusions of deception. Ideas flitted through, casting doubt on the word friend. The crystals accusing this Marina of nefarious dealings. Had she hurt Leviathan somehow? Was she lying? Just barely below the surface, the choir thrummed. They sang so much louder in this form. Pulled the creature like a puppet on strings. Easier, perhaps, because it was much more a beast than a person like this. Because they were too wrapped up in a panicked wave that they didn’t stop to think about the fact that fae couldn’t lie. 
“This is just my new form.” Teddy snapped in her mind while a low growl pushed out of its gullet. Jaws clacking shut just inches from Marina’s closest tentacle. It swam back, leaning more on the boat until it sank further. Trying its best to divert attention away from itself. “They have helped, if anything. The crystals. There is no pain here. Not when I am like this.” 
The greeting from the Leviathan’s kin had already been lukewarm at best and Marina had clearly said something to insult it. The gems were just a bit curious— a bit concerning. It was evident it was not something she should push as the creature approached her aggressively, its maw stopping just shy of a tentacle. Whereas with Leviathan, she would have found thrill in the move, the show of dominance— she didn’t have the same trust for its kin. Almost immediately, she had the sense its father would do her no harm, but the same could not be said of the child. 
“My apologies, agapité machití, I did not mean any offense,” Marina spoke gently, careful to not push the creature further, “Forgive me, I was a mother. You are the Leviathan’s child. Being protective is somewhat of an instinct. I know you do not need my protection.” A tentacle carefully gestured at its size, “But I hope you can at least tentatively accept my interest in your well-being.” 
Marina didn’t dare move from her place. One wrong move could be a lost appendage or worse. She tried to keep her tentacles close to her body, give herself the illusion of being smaller to assure the creature she was no threat to it. “The gems are beautiful,” she spoke lowly. It wasn’t a lie, but some crucial details were left out. “Almost reminds me of an oread,” she added as soothingly as she could, “I did not mean to imply you were anything but a beautiful creature.” 
Something deep inside raged, fighting a losing war against the paranoid mind that had been woven around it. Teddy was still in there but so many layers of abstraction turned worries about letting their father know of their condition turned into malice at the person who could divulge the secret. In Teddy's mind, it was going to get fixed. It had to be fixed. Leviathan did not need to know. Just like it did not need to know about the pains and aches that plagued the young demon. In Ted's mind it was a weakness that would eventually be purged. They just had to slog through the present until the skies cleared up. 
Same with this mess. 
Emilio was working on it. The man might have the world's most piss poor self image but Teddy had seen. He was a damn good detective. And he clearly cared a LOT for Nora. He'd do anything to fix her, they could tell. Teds was just a bonus. 
All of this, however, twisted like the demon's skin. Wrapped up in delusions and obsessions. The sea beast grumbled. Seeing the octopus' words for an attempt at self preservation. Not actual care. "This is boring me. I do not need this care. You are right about that." Any other day Teddy would have preened like a vain little bird at the compliments. "They are and I am." It responded, coldly. 
Every instinct provided by the crystals simply bid the creature to end it. That nothing could possibly get back to the Leviathan if this nymph had no mouth to speak with. Only a fighting spark kept the beast from attacking. A glimmer of their true personality, one that hated the idea of violence against one so beautiful as Marina. One that truly meant that any friend of their dad's was welcome around them. They'd be embarrassed about all this later, surely. But there had to be a later for that to happen. 
The creature growled, eyed her closely and ignored the impulse to rend flesh apart. Instead of snapping again it simply adjusted its trajectory. Acting as if it were to get a better angle on the boat. Instead it waited until it was out of sight, then dashed downward. Crafting a torrent of bubbles and viscera as it fled. Dragging down bodies and broken parts of the ship alongside the massive frame. Hoping it was enough to deter her. Hoping it was enough to get away. 
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hobisexually · 11 months
#one of my best friends just texted me she gave birth today#and her baby is beautiful and healthy and so is she and I’m so happy for her#and I will be the best rebel aunt this child is gonna need#and she texted me before she told any of our friends#the text was the most her thing too and nothing like those standard baby announcements. bless her at least that hasn’t changed#so yk. all. Good.#but also.#this is baby number two while our third friend just announced his gf is pregnant too#and I am starting to panic a little bit#because what?#what do you mean we are in the life phase where we are bringing new life to the world?#I don’t feel like MY life has started yet? I’m still waiting for my own to pick up where I need?#and I know that’s the sweet combination of mental illness + being queer + burn out + pandemic talking#making it feel like. idk. I lost years cumulatively#and naturally I would Never say any of this to my oh so happy friends#but I’m…………………#bro what I was not prepared for this??????????#and not this emotion in general#genuinely want to burst into tears#(1) pregnancy is a fluke#(2) is a coincidence#but (3) is a pattern#so this is where we’re at now and we’re never getting those years back#and I’ll be here just trying to figure out why the fuck I’m stuck in the past when everyone else is Living#anyways.#cant BELIEVE one of my LONGEST friends just GAVE BIRTH TO A HUMAN BEING#WH A T??????#like . WHAT#even without all my complicated feelings about this that is WILD and INCOMPREHENSIBLE TO MY BRAIN
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