#bless you app designers i love you
thestarmaker · 1 year
Kissing my bank on the mouth for having an easy to use mobile app
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izicodes · 1 month
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Hi, Hello! It’s me, Izzy and I am back from a very long break!
For those who don’t know who I am and just saw my post, I’m Isabelle but Izzy for short (and even shorter, Izi)! I run a Codeblr blog which I post about anything coding! I try to strictly only talk about coding, programming and computer science, but frankly, I ramble on about something else eventually! Hope you’re doing well!
Now, I know I said I wouldn't come back, but that was because I suddenly became stuck on what to post about and wanted to give myself a break and figure out how to do things on my blog and my online presence in general!
So, in summary, I am back from my break very inspired and eager to help more people get into programming / get better at programming! I will go on to talk about exactly what I have been doing during my break later on in this post, but wanted to say thank you to everyone who messaged me throughout the months and saw how I was! Very thought and extra blessings from God to you, please!
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Working at my new-but-not-so-new job!
Yes! So, obviously, as a 21st Century girlie, I am working! Still at the music company that I started back in January! Now that I am 8 months into the job, I feel now I am fully immersed in the job and the projects and not feeling like an outsider! I went on multiple out-the-office events with the whole company and it was nice! Some I couldn’t attend because of religious reasons, but I still had fun! I got to meet a lot more girlies at my office that I don’t usually talk to (because I’m still the only girl in the frontend engineering team but there is a backend girlie but we don’t work close together so… distance)! Cheatingly, I am always ticking the box of “code every day”! However, work has made me do more UI/UX designing + frontend programming websites which I love! Always wanted to be both and not just one or the other! We are allowed to have 2 job titles, remember? (But make sure the salary is in accordance, of course, ~)
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Learning new technologies! (for fun, obviously)
By “for fun” I mean personal reasons, the technologies I learnt on a whim were not for work but because I needed to learn them for personal projects I wanted to learn! I stress again; it’s more fun to learn something because you want to and not because you have to! So, I have been learning how to create desktop applications using ElectronJS and ReactJS (React has become my best friend!). Me now compared to me when I started my break is 10x smarter I feel like! My brain has definitely expanded somewhere…!
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Latest project?!
Inspired by study productivity apps and wanting to track my Korean language progress, I am making a desktop application called ‘eStudySpace’! It would be my own personal app, but I want to see if I can actually pull something like this off! Right now I have not coded anything because I want to work on the design aspect first (which is smarter and a time saver in the future), so I have been on Figma for the last 2 weeks coming up with designs!
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(It looks bad, I know this is like idea no.3287368 ugh...)
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I have been learning Korean for 4 months now. 
I have plans to move to a South-Eastern country, The Philippines? Singapore? Unsure!
I do have plans to switch to a new career but that’s more like 5 years into the future! But right now, I’m happy where I am at!
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fatuismooches · 1 month
Your brain for Star Rail!Dottore omg...
I always think he would've been like Ruan Mei, only more extreme... he's will be pathless at first but if he's under genius society then he'd follow nous...Meta/game play wise he'd be 5 star Ice Nihility or Erudition DPS who focus on break and freeze team (So his good team would have Ruan mei on it because they're both my fav).
Also, since Star Rail doesn't have designated weapons, creative liberties could be taken, no?? (Ratio did use a chalk and a book as weapons, so there's many possibilities for him. Hmmm, Dottore fighting with syringes, or chainsaw, or surgery knife would be nice lololol
His lightcone could be of like Boothill's but instead it's just the creations his segments on a lab (does he still need segments in this universe?we'll never know) and his splash art would be so cool if it were lab centric since most star rail splash art focuses more on scenery.
His phone case....it would be plain boring black-grey-blue color that probablyhave blood splatter on it...and his expression when looking at phone could've be like welt. His texts would consist of talking about how expensive it is the equipment to do experiments these days, or asking the trailblazer to hear his new experiments or just him complaining. And when he visits the astral express, he'd be curious about Pom-Pom and the machinery of the astral express.
If Dottore were ever be a genius society member and got invited to simulated universe collab he would get his own Occurrence and Curio (There's this one curio in divergent universe, a new endgame mode which was a syringe that cause you to go auto for the rest of the game and i thought it was funny lol) I think Dottore's Occurrence would be "The Wise Doctor" and it would give you options something along the lines : You are approached by a figure, a charming doctor who need a volunteer for his bext experiment "Are you willing to help this doctor's experiment" And the choices are :
1. Give in and help the doctor (Your party lose 50% of their HP and given one blessing of 2 star rarity)
2. Refuse the doctor (You will lose 99% of your HP and gain a negative curio)
His curio will either be his mask or the wise doctor's pinion with effects, including: Whenever you enter a domain (up to 3 domains), you lose 10% of your HP. After the curio is destroyed, you will lose 1 Blessing of 3 star rarity. (I THINK his curios will mostly have negative effects, lol)
This is a different section if he's with fragile!reader:
1. Dottore definitely would make an appearance in their lightcone and splash art, maybe them running in the field of flowers whilst dottore follow close behind??? Or maybe them dancing with dottore...that would be cute...
2. Since there's phones and all I really agree with what you said dottore does not care for his phone!! It's reader who teaches him how to use camera and messaging apps and teases how he's a genius but have a hard time keeping up with phone technologies lol
3. If they're playable, meta wise they will have harmony path, wind or ice...their kit would go well with Dottore maybe increasing weakness break efficiency or atk% (kinda like Ruan Mei lol) I would want to make their kit to focus on frozen enemies only but that would make them niche in meta ?? AND THEIR EIDOLONS....oof I imagine if they still have their sickness here it would be them in their comatose state while looking very troubled (like a nightmare) :( but in this happy universe they're just smilling peacefully!!
4. Would see them as the type to be traveling around the cosmos. They love collecting trinkets and gifts from their visit!! Also, they would be a big fan of Robin, me thinks... dragging Dottore to her concerts or just blasting her song in his lab.
5. They would!! Love!! Pom Pom!!! They would much want to take Pom Pom home.
Overall, they're just happy in this universe living their lives to their where they don't have to suffer :((
I have been having the biggest star rail dottore brain rot ever!!! I hope you don't mind me writing it out here!!
(x) YES. He would definitely be more extreme than Ruan Mei (who is also one of my top favs, her and Reader would be besties because I said so! I'm sure Trailblazer would make some catcakes of you and Dottore, which you happily take off their hands. Dottore is unsure of how to feel with the two things constantly stacked on each other and staring at him...)
I also love how unique HSR weapons are - it could quite literally be ANYTHING. I've always imagined Dottore using syringes, for his skill, he'd switch the size, fluid, and quantity of it for an enhanced attack, the mysterious liquid inside anyone's guess. I'm not sure if he could have segments in HSR, just because he was only able to create the segments thanks to having a very good test subject (Scaramouche) so he would need to somehow have an equally good experimentation partner in this universe. If he did though, it'd be amazing - he'd get so much done by sending his other selves to different planets...
His lightcone would be similar to Natasha's - a doctor helping their patient, except in his case, the "doctor" will be doing the opposite. His blood-red eyes would pair well with the blood stains on his hands. For a soft route, Dottore falling asleep on his desk and Reader placing a blanket over him. For an angsty route, Reader being injured and he has to hold your dying body. (Poor Pom-Pom... they'd hide behind a crew member the whole time, in fear Dottore might snatch them up for some experimenting... Even more, they would NOT be amused with you trying to constantly pet them.) And yes! I feel like besides his negative curios, they would be high risk, high reward - you're going to have to prove yourself to him if you want his help!
If you want to be soft, Reader's lightcone would be them flustered as another pair of hands (Dottore) place a carefully woven flower crown on their head. If you want to be angsty, it would be them sickly laying in a bed as Dottore scrambles to do anything to keep them stable. Reader and Dottore's E6 would be like Hanya's and Xueyi's - they hold hands with each other! Except they would be more intimate with each other, they would bring each other's hands closer to their lips for a small kiss. Or perhaps they would have a hand over each other's hearts.
You steal Dottore's phone often. You have like... a dozen games installed on his phone, and although his phone is always on Do Not Disturb, sometimes he scrolls through and just sees tons of notifications from random apps... he texts you as to what the hell you did with his phone and you just beg him to log on and do your dailies. He leaves you on read.
You would love traveling about too. (Kind of like Himeko - she was unable to fulfill her wishes in HI3 but now she can!!) You bring back so many items that you have to use Dottore's storage rooms to fit them all (he's not amused.) You probably even got a Warp Trotter as a pet somehow... OMG AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT ROBIN... you have her playlist blasting during research time and he's just... not amused once again!! Reader falls back dramatically into Dottore's arms once they meet her...
I love the pookies dearly...
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sena-shi · 2 years
SAGAU but with Scheming Creator!Reader Imposter AU
PT. 1
You were going about your day as usual when you decided to read some SAGAU Imposter AU fanfictions on the internet. The plot does not provide you with as much satisfaction as you would want, and the readers' ability to exact revenge seems too — in your opinion, quite lacking.
On the other hand, you consistently maintain a nonchalant attitude about it. You are still going to go ahead and read it, then continue scrolling until you discover another fanfiction.
A retribution in the form of exile? You probably won't find this interesting. Taking your newfound powers and using it to wipe them off as payback? That is quite thrilling; however, wouldn't it be preferable to make them regret and bear the sins of killing their one and only creator for the rest of their lives?
The shame and remorse that would slowly consume everything within them until there was nothing left.
The vivid memory of them using the blessings that you bestowed upon them to dishonour your divine existence is particularly satisfying.
The effort that you put into everything to get them to the position that they are in right now.
The memories that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives of how they used everything you blessed them with to get rid of you. 
The SAGAU AU fanfictions you've been reading have somewhat convinced you that the characters in the game can actually hear your voice, so occasionally you open the app, play the game, and talk to each character as if you think they can hear you.
The characters with the most heartbreakingly repetitive lines would receive your highest praise and reassurance.
You would hear Zhongli speak his infamous voice line, “Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?”
And you would always reply with, “If the universe permits it, I would be delighted to share a drink with you and listen all about the wonderful times you and your loved ones have had together over the years.” In the warmest, and gentlest voice you could muster.
It's possible that you've gone insane because those are only fanfictions, yet you still find amusement on doing it.
And then, all of a sudden, it was as if the heavens had listened to your thoughts and made the decision to send you to the world of your creations, directly in front of the divine statue they had sculpted just for you.
Specifically designed with you in both heart and mind. The very statue that they would bow down to and pay respect to, something that they would look upon with reverence in their eyes.
You, the one who brought them into existence. You, the one who gave them life. You, their one and only creator.
Who would have the audacity to imitate the appearance of our Diving Creator and to step foot on the sacred ground!
Our Goddess was right; now that she has chosen to descend to our humble plane, a great number of people will attempt to copy her and steal her divination while her body is still adjusting to the conditions of our realm.
“Ah,” A sound like a gentle whisper was coming from your mouth. You did not move from where you were seated on the ground, keeping your attention fixed on the floor below you, which featured the most exquisite carvings you had ever seen. A smirk grew on your lips as you tried to stifle the chuckle; perhaps it was a maniacal laughter that was threatening to break forth. Fortunately for their sanity, they were spared the trauma of seeing it.
The fake, as one could have anticipated, displays an excessive amount of caution.
You were familiar with those lines. Where they would straight out deem you as fake. Imposter AU, huh? Then you guess that there’s no need to negotiate. After all, all of them will act like rabid dogs and probably decapitate you.
You slowly lifted your head, revealing long, wavy, glittering white hair that had fallen to the ground and was streaming down your back. The color of your hair was the most pristine that any human being could ever hope to witness. And your eyes. If one were to stare into them, they would be as dark as the abyss, and upon doing so, they would reveal the universe that is contained inside themselves. It appears to be a reflection of the night sky, where stars would shine brightly in honor of the one who nurtures the world, one whom they would always protect and one whom they would always look after.
As their attention was drawn to your face, those who were entrusted with the responsibility of guarding the sacred grounds began to tense up. The eye that had the most loving gaze was staring at them, as though the person they suspected of being an imposter is connected with them.
The imposter observed them in a manner like to that of a mother observing her children.
Despite their threats, they saw how you continued to lovingly glance at them with a hint of curiosity, perhaps wondering why they are so hostile to you.
Seeing them come to a complete halt makes you feel amused, but you keep up the act as if you are a compassionate and forgiving divine entity. However, at the bottom of your heart, you secretly wish for them to be ashamed by the way in which they regarded you as a fake.
Are you too vicious with your thoughts? Maybe.
Are you meant to ignore all of it simply because they are completely devoted to you?
Then why aren't they able to recognize that the imposter, who you believe was probably seated on the throne and bearing the title of God of the Gods, is the one who is being deceitful?
Is it because of your appearance?
You maintained your position on the ground, staying perfectly still as you watched them patiently while keeping your amusement well veiled in your eyes.
The only thing that can be seen by them is a stunning woman who is smiling warmly in answer to their presence. Simply the fact that the woman was watching them caused them to increase the pressure they applied to the grips of their spears and swords.
The wind that was not intended to enter the enclosed place unexpectedly caressed their bodies as if it were talking to them—
Do not hurt our Creator.
The grounds trembled, as if enthusiastic and pleased to be blessed with your presence, that their Creator was willing to dirty their feet to step on the land. The grounds were evidently happy that their Creator was willing to bless them with your presence.
It's not even an exaggeration to say that the entire Teyvat, the first child of the Creator, is likely experiencing an incredible amount of joy just from recognizing your divinity.
The big and broad doors swung open with a bang, and the glances that your beloved and wonderful acolytes gave you as they heard that someone was copying their dear God seared deep holes into your skull. In all honesty, you would prefer to stay and witness how they will act from that point on.
My, my… You thought. Have their IQs decreased dramatically in the span of a single night as a direct result of the arrival of the real fake?
The holy grounds are far too little for a game of "hide and seek," despite how much you love to have fun playing with them. You can't wait to discover how they will deal with someone they have identified as an imposter like yourself. You are patient, and you will embrace everything they will give you.
You would counteract any evil intended for you with acts of kindness. You, in turn, wish they wouldn't let you down as the shame destroys them from the inside out.
After all, it's hard to see a mother being the source of any kind of harm to her children.
If they wish to hurt you, then so be it.
You wonder.
Who will kill you first?
Or yourself?
You heard them running after you as you escaped the place, which you didn't find particularly difficult. Your lips formed an unconscious sneer as you ran, not too fast, and not too slow. You want them to catch up to you so that everyone may play together.
And perhaps, if they decide to give you the performance you want to witness, you would forgive as any other benevolent being would.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
miscellaneous haikyuu hcs that are scattered to the four winds bc i need to de-stress and i haven't done them in a while
tendou uses hair gel but tells goshiki that every morning he sticks a fork in an electrical outlet and that's how he gets his hair to stand up
goshiki, bless his soul, believes him
tsukishima freaks the fuck out when he learns that tenma asked out akiteru not because he's an overprotective brother or has misplaced resentment for the former little giant but because he's the biggest fucking fanboy of tenma's works
"what do you MEAN udai tenma asked you out what do you MEAN you've never read any of his works have you been living under a ROCK - "
this goes on for a whole hour and akiteru basically gets a free lecture of how amazing his little bro thinks his boyfriend is
when kageyama is really missing his grandfather he goes to the park where they used to play volleyball together and that's where he asks kunimi and kindaichi to meet him so they can finally have the proper conversation they needed in middle school
(i think about this hypothetical scene SO MUCH)
shibayama's parents own a cafe/bakery and the team converges there sometimes to hang out and will occasionally lend a hand
they help decorate it for the holidays!!
atsumu: "hey kita-san, i'm really sorry but i think i've caught updog" kita: "are you okay? do you need soup? tea? medicine? you should go home and take a break, i'll have gin send the notes to you, i'll let coach know - " atsumu, crying to the other second years later: "i can't fuckibg do this to him i feel like a momster"
kita DOES know the joke btw akagi did it to him back when they first met
inarizaki vbc is at war with inarizaki student council btw. inarizaki student council has been trying to steal kita for AGES ever since kita saved their asses in his first year from looking like total fools
kawanishi doesn't look like it but he is absolutely willing to fight for shirabu's right to be a snarky piece of shit
semi, exhausted, after stopping the third person that day from curbstomping shirabu: "kawanishi, why" kawanishi: "i like him like that"
sakunami is the most well-adjusted out of all the first years
at least every single one of them has broken some minor trespassing or breaking and entering law to play pokemon go
terushima is the type to try and show off in front of his crush and whenever this happens every single member of johzenji is determined to make him look like as much of a fool as possible
one day he's talking to komaki yuzuru and humble bragging about how oh so brave he was for his piercings and didn't even feel any pain or whatever and all his friends are walking by like
"hey yuuji thanks for singlehandedly lifting my parents' car out of that ditch they crashed into!!" "hey yuuji i heard you rescued twelve orphans from a burning house the other day!!" "wow yuuji i can't believe you steered an airplane after the pilot lost control and saved thousands of people!!" "hey yuuji remember that time you took on a whole gang of robbers and knocked out all of them??"
they are so fucking stupid i love them so much
reon is one of those early risers and tendou WILL throw a pillow at him if he doesn't shut off his alarm within five seconds of it going off
if it's winter and tendou has kicked all his blankets off then reon will carefully tuck him back in before leaving the room, flareon plushy included
reon has the BEST sweatshirt collection btw. they're comfy and have neat designs and everyone ends up wearing one at some point or another.
i love reon guys he deserves so much more love
kogane is a hopeless romantic and has a list titled "dream date spots" in his phone's notes app. there is an addendum at the end of the list in parantheses that says "must actually ask out sakunami first in order to go to dream date spots". kogane hopes to erase that addendum soon.
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
can we get more cute naruto headcanons🥹
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of course, love. i wasn't sure if you meant naruto - the character, or naruto - the show, so i just went along with the first option 'cause i've been feeling in a nart mood lately and he's been bouncing around my brain a lot, lol. hope you like it!!
also, i actually wrote a post about naruto headcanons a long while back and that one includes various characters. you can find it here if you wish to check it out.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: fem!reader, mix of modern AU and canonverse // fluff so sweet it makes your teeth ache. naruto being a lovely friend/boyfriend/human being.
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every tiktok he finds at least mildly funny, he’ll send it to you. the 99+ notifs usually come from him and him alone, and if you don't open them fast enough and react to at least half of them, he spams you over text to ‘open the fuckin app!’
wears mismatched socks all the time. usually bright, vivid colours with funky designs that peek from underneath his jeans whenever he sits down. i'm thinking happy socks type of beat.
grows hot and sweaty in his sleep, but luckily for him you’re a loyal girlfriend, so you endure it all. yes, you stay put even as he drapes his heavy arm and leg over you every night and murmurs pure gibberish into the side of your neck.
holds your hand everywhere you go. it’s not even subtle, he intertwines his fingers with your own and holds on tight. strokes your knuckles, too, and thus turns you into putty as a result.
sometimes forgets you can’t hear him speak with kurama, so whenever he zones out so out of nowhere, it’s really funny. especially if it happens in a public place, like in the middle of the street or a grocery aisle; he looks like how the windows shutting down noise sounds.
texts his kisses with ‘mwah, mwah, mwah!!!!!!’
has the ugliest picture he’s ever taken of you set as his contact photo for you. whenever he loses his phone and he asks you to call him (it happens more often than you’d think) so that he can find it, you see the caller ID and get upset. he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
you definitely own matching onesies (yes, even as adults.)
his sneakers always look busted af.
doesn’t like going to the hairdresser’s, but he’s more than happy to sit patiently as you cut his hair at home.
covers his ice cream in sprinkles and chocolate syrup. the thing is a nightmare to eat, but he loves it.
is very clumsy whilst eating his food, he always ruins his shirt. it drives you insane because you have to clean him up like he’s a toddler.
he yanks the covers off of you when he feels like it’s time to get out of bed and tugs you by your ankle when you try to protest as a result.
definitely a morning person.
is willing to have chapstick applied only by kisses.
never carries a backpack, he stuffs everything he owns into his pockets and if it isn’t enough, he whines until you have to put the remainder of the stuff into your bag.
is unable to take you seriously when you’re pissed off. he just finds you too cute, it’s fucking infuriating.
loves hugging you from behind.
doesn’t know how to cook, but at least he tries to help you out.
insists on showering together all the time (he’s super gentle while washing your hair, bless him.)
if you have younger siblings, he gets along with them super well. he’ll play dolls with your baby sister and will beat your little brother at every game on the console.
can’t take a decent picture to save his life. whenever you ask him to take one of you, it always ends up blurry or with the tip of his finger in the shot.
kisses you goodnight no matter the hour.
i feel like he’d make you watch the entirety of one piece with him.
has trouble focusing, but he feels very calm whenever you’re around, with his hand in your own. it’s very sweet.
so, so, so clingy. and touchy, too.
he's definitely your friend first before he becomes your boyfriend.
super nosy. if you’re gossiping over the phone with a friend, he’ll drop everything to listen in.
loves you more than you love him. it’s just how he is.
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journey-to-balance · 7 months
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I wonder. When is it that a flower is most alive? Is it during the restful moments of winter, deep rooted moments beyond our comprehension? Or, is she most alive during the impermanent hours of spring, when worldly pleasures designate her appearance as a beautiful sight?
Oh, winter. You're a fascinating, quiet season that lulls me to sleep with your icy song, one that seems to linger incessantly. I confess, for many years you were hard to love with your cold breath that chilled me to the bone, and a bold presence that seemed to last so much longer than spring or summer ever did. But, that was then.
Now, I see you are a blessing in disguise, as you offer the opportunity for a reset - a time to slow down and reassess priorities. Sometimes, the most productive thing we can do is give ourselves time to rest. Because if we don't, there may come a day when we are forced to do so. Besides, without you, would I appreciate the fleeting moments of an Autumn afternoon? Or, would I tire, perhaps get bored of summer's length of days?
Dear friend, how lovely it is to write to you again. I took a break from sharing new posts and poetry with you, and while my time away was extremely rejuvenating, I am feeling ready to begin a new year and new routine.
Sometimes, even when we feel like we should continue onto the next big project, it is necessary to step away for a moment and reassess how we want to show up in the world.
While I was away, many days were spent cleaning, cleansing, clearing my home to welcome this year's new energy and purging what no longer serves me. Many days were also spent cooking, baking, trying my hand at new recipes, and of course, writing.
I tackled some long, overdo DIY projects with the goal to beautify and upkeep our old, but very loved home. I went on a self imposed social media detox, switched off apps, removed them from my home screen and really forced myself to watch for my unhealthy consumption habits.
Moreover, I focused on healing my body and on addressing bad habits that were mainly caused by too much desire over discipline, too much restlessness over patience, too much impulsivity over clarity and too much feeling over reason. As matter of fact, my journey to better health and healing continues by addressing ongoing and newly surfaced health concerns.
Going forward, I will have to figure it out, make time for me, for self care that I've neglected for years, detach from people, habits, and fears, in favor of living more fully, taking deeper breaths. I want to create more, at a slower pace, for the simple joy of creating, rather than for vanity metrics and for fear of falling behind. I want to travel more, not as a tourist, but as an explorer, exploring my own mind most of all.
At the moment, I'm dwelling with the high feeling that comes from new beginnings. I know it will subside. I also know it takes a while for the subconscious to convert a new habit into a routine.
So much can happen in a year - or in a day, if we really think about it. There is always a part of us which needs more love, more healing, more stillness. Maybe that alone is reason enough to celebrate winter.
Thank you, sweet friends, and with you I welcome the year of our Lord, 2024. Ah yes, the year of the Green Dragon, one of many changes, in which I will do my best to accept, and adapt... and learn, yes, there is still much to learn.
Respectfully, Maritza
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kaeyachi · 2 years
I saw your post about the Alberich surname and was curious about kaeya being half tayvatian! Can you explain that for me please? I miss and forget a lot of details and stuff in game, but I do genuinely love genshin lore related to khaenriah and kaeya! I also flip flop between kaeya being full khaenrian and being half whatever just because his star eye doesn't seem to be as pronounced as dainsleif for example. At least in game. (always zooming into his face to try and see the pretty star lol) Like I've seen the hc of his mom being sumeran and I think that's super cute! It could explain his darker skin tone compared to dainsleif and pierro? Or like idk the star trait has been deluted after many generations? Uh I've rambled a lot but I was just curious cuz I didn't know anything about him being half teyvatian!
but anyway...THANK YOU FOR ASKING!
I think it would be better for me to come back to this after 3.5 that way I can confirm most of what I initially typed out, but heres a summary of what I've thought of
1. His name being the only one in the history of known Khaenri'ahns to originate from Hindu instead of Norse/Scandinavian
2. Due to the Hindu origin of the name, we can connect it to his constellation which is represented by a peacock- India's national bird as well as the representation for the Spantamad in the Akademiya.
3. Him being there for the 3.5 Archon quest in Sumeru as well as him getting a possible skin that is clearly half Sumeru and half Khaenri'ahn inspired
4. notes or letters from a member of the Alberich clan in Sumeru
5. Most known Khaenri'ahn characters have been pale-skinned (were unsure about Pierro due to dim lighting but even then, he and Kaeya might be related) with distinctly shaped four-pointed star pupils while Kaeya was designed differently (unsure if its because he's the first one released in-game, if its a diluted gene trait, or if it might be indicative that he is curseless)
6. Seemingly curseless or unnafected by the curse. Was even "blessed" by Celestia with a vision, which is already odd. He's still the only canonical Khaenriahn with one (clearly Celestia doesnt care whether you want a vision or not either)
If someone can elaborate please go ahead! I'm sure I've missed some!
***Additional notes mildly unrelated to this theory***
-The Alberich clan must have been known for their strategic thinking, war knowledge, and mind games if they were able to rise as the leaders for Khaenri'ah during the war. If I were a Sumeru scholar, I'd tap that too lmao
-Kaeya's name meaning "Monsoon flower" is oddly tragic yet fitting. The monsoon flowers thrive in the rainy season. Kaeya thrives during the rain as well. His main growth points and tragedies in life have happened in the rain. If it rains during the 3.5 archon quest i will scream and cry please note this.
- oddly enough i am more of a believer of the "Kaeya being frozen in time for 500 years" theory. Its possible! Olaf Katzlein got frozen for 300 after all! Some old Sumeran must have immigrated to Khaenri'ah prior to the Catalycism and got the Alberich started. Alberich clan being the smartest family in Khaenri'ah maybe?? hmm...
-Majority of teyvat suspiciously dont know that Khaenri'ahns are the hilichurls and the abyss order which means this might be forgotten history...which is weird because if its a supposedly slow acting curse then even in future generations there should still be slow-turning Khaenri'ahns right? If they purposely stopped repopulating then how did Kaeya come to exist? Pierro getting funky with whom??????? He has only been beside the Tsaritsa for the past hundred years... OH MY GOD WAIT CRACK THEORY TIME- Kaeya being the Tsaritsa and Pierro's son which explains the white streaks in his hair. No? Ok I'll stop lmao...unless?? NAH JK THIS AINT IT...or is it... JUST KIDDING I SWEAR-
That's all for now! Hope this helped others figure out the thought process behind the Half-Teyvatian Kaeya theory!
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hahahahawk · 27 days
I want a fake person to live in my computer. But not like that.
The neurospicy coping/productivity technique “body doubling” is about seeing someone doing your desired activity helps your executive functioning circuits let you also do the desired activity.
I’m not a scientist about this, I just have a wonky brain that responds well to this (but not working in an open plan office, go figure (that probably has to do with agency and consent, but this is a derail))
Today I tried a utility/tool/“game” called Spirit City: LoFi Sessions. You get an avatar in a cozy apartment, and both avatar and apartment can be customized. You set the lighting/time of day and tell your avatar where to go (“on the bed”, “at the desk”, “on the window seat”, “by the fire”) and what to do (writing, typing, gaming, drawing, meditating, knitting (as a knitter, I judge the knitting animation “not bad”)).
There are lofi-chill out music playlists in the “game” and rudimentary productivity tools like a todo list, a habit tracker, a pompodoro timer, and a “journal” feature.
The gamification is earning coins (by logging in, having the app open, and using the productivity tools) to buy different furniture/clothes and following hints to find new wacky pets.
I’ve spent about 15 years obsessing over productivity tools and techniques, so that side of the utility did nothing for me. I pay for Spotify, so the included music did nothing for me (the songs were pleasant, but repeated too soon for my liking, and I wasn’t interested in manually switching the playlist every 40 minutes). Dress up/decorating does nothing for me.
Needless to say, I got a refund pretty quickly.
Well, I did… but not without some hesitation because holy shit the body doubling aspect did something for me. At a few junctures in the hour-ish I had the program open, I looked over from my main project, saw my avatar typing away at their desk and thought “hell yeah, we’re getting stuff done” then went back to my project without doing any random googling or checking social media.
I considered keeping the “game” just for that aspect, but
The window didn’t fit well on my vertical monitor
The avatar wouldn’t change tasks/take breaks without my input
I would *so much* love to have a CG avatar in the corner* of my screen that would have its own pompodoro timer and mostly spend 5 hours typing on their laptop in a variety of locations, but also model “get up and stretch/snack/drink water” for me.
The interaction I’d want to have with this avatar:
Patting them on the head to tell them they’re going a good job.
I do *not* want that behavior reciprocated to me because I refuse to be complimented by inanimate objects (or people who don’t know what they’re ‘complimenting’)
Them suggesting I take a break whenever they do
Me notifying them when I start a break/get back to work. (I do a lot of flow state work and usually prefer flexible breaks rather than scheduled ones)
I will accept feedback (and data exports) about my working/taking a break patterns
* I think the large default window was both a blessing and a curse for Spirit City. It allowed the avatar to be big enough to feel like a person in an environment instead of a stick figure in a box. But I don’t actually have a lot of screen real estate to give over. So it’s be nice if the program handled being odd window sizes better.
Anyway, Rusty’s Retirement is an idle game that doesn’t scratch the body double itch (though it might if you identify as a robot), but it is a calm farming game that is designed to only take up a strip along the bottom/side of your monitor and it’s been much better for my productivity. It’s great for the occasional quick hit of dopamine (bring it to the front, plant some crops, queue some bot upgrades, put it away again), and also useful for short breaks. On those longer short breaks, I make larger functional and aesthetic changes to my farm, but it generally takes less than five minutes to catch up/run out of content. After that I’m generally ready to jump back into work, and if I’m not it’s usually a sign I need to stand up and take care of some other needs.
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v7n5 · 2 months
exclusively appalled that the only reason I opened this app after a long ass time was to see if anyone had made bcs brat edits but there was nothing.......... you have 2662627272626 IQ and fractals that build reality brain. blessed
LMAO this has to be the greatest thing someone has ever said about the stuff that I create. Everyone can go home now. Thank you so much anon.
With that being said, there are a few lovely brat-themed bcs/brba fanarts that I've seen on here, like this Jesse and this Kim . I love that the brat concept can be incorporated with characters to design either something fun or something thought-provoking since this album is a harmony of Charli both living up to her party girl title and opening up about her personal life, the adversities she's faced as a female artist in the (bloodsucking) mainstream music industry as well as showing her appreciation towards life, women and making a bit of social commentary. With something as iconic and recognizable as that bright neon green representing the whole concept, it's truly the album of the decade, as far as I can tell at least.
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ventismacchiato · 11 months
excuse me! just hopping by on your inbox to say that i absolutely adore your Scaramouche smaus!!! It's so well thought out and wonderfully designed. I love the concepts you bring to the table !! Never thought of drama major scara (jptp) and WOW. the way you managed to incorporate enemies to lovers in that smau of yours was so amazing and i loved every second of it. I wish I could turn back the time to when I first came across this jewel of a blog. hope you're doing well always, bless ur soul my good fellow scara lover <3
p.s : for smaus, what apps do u usually use? I've been thinking about attempting at least to make a smau, and I don't really know where to start. anyways, take good care of yourself and always be hydrated and stay slaying and devouring as usual mwjebsns
wow this is so sweet tysm 😭❤️ i’m so flattered u think so <33 thank u for reading and leaving me such a nice comment ^^
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4noki-vns · 1 year
August Update - Recent News & Game Announcement
Summer is coming to a close! It’s hard to believe that we’re two-thirds of the way through the year. Let’s take a look back on what’s been going on recently and what my plans are for the near future:
Recent releases
Short story poll results
Game announcement…!
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If you want this content straight to your inbox, consider subscribing to my newsletter at https://4nokivn.substack.com/
We had two releases in the last two months: a demo and a Steam release.
Consummation ~wind above the dragon sea~ (demo)
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This is an island spared by the heavens, a cage for the remnants of humanity. A freelancer blessed by the wind receives a strange letter, leading her to a promised place of her youth. In that same district-city, the four great families chosen by the four great gods gather for their biennial conference. As the paths of those hated and loved by the gods cross, a darkness beneath the sea stirs—to devour, to drown, to destroy, to choose.
Lachesis or Atropos (Steam Edition)
A private investigator visits a small town after recovering from a coma. She searches for her mentor's lost beloved, but the very eyes she was born with, those that can see the black strings of hate, drag her down into the darkness of conspiracy. A cult, two priestesses, and the threads that puppet the world.
short story poll results
After a combination poll on Twitter, tumblr, and Substack, it was decided that I will write a Who is the Red Queen? short story to be delivered via this newsletter!
This short story is still in the concept phase. Please note that due to the multi-ending nature of the game, the short story should be considered non-canon or alt-canon.
I wonder what it’ll be about…
Perhaps a little short featuring Cheshire and the White Rabbit? Perhaps an exploration of what happens after a certain ending? Perhaps a story about the past between the White Queen and Red Queen?
Only time will tell.
And with the slow and excruciating death of Twitter, I will make a quick aside to mention some other social media sites that I have made an account on.
misskey.io (fediverse, can be followed from mastodon)
It’s hard to say what will take the place of the dying corpse of the bird app, but for the time being, please feel free to follow me on any of those places!
Still, the best way to keep track of my work will be:
this newsletter (even if substack dies, the newsletter can be transferred easily)
game announcement…!
Now, enough with the gloomy talk. Let’s talk about something exciting! A game announcement!
This is not the long term project that I spoke of previously (you’ll have to wait a bit longer for that), but rather…New Project!! The Final Prize is Soup - a spooky grey background with 3 chibis of girls with black hair and gold, red, green-blue eyes from left to right.
I will be participating in Spooktober again this year as director, character designer, and co-writer for a survival horror yuri visual novel by the title, The Final Prize is Soup.
After a disastrous break up, Qian Hailu wakes up to find that she's dead. Luckily (or unluckily), she's been given a chance to turn back the clock and avert her death—as long as she can pass three rounds in the game of life. You who are unqualified to drink Meng Po's soup, you have been chosen for the game of life. Three worlds, three rounds. Win all three and you may avert your fated death. Lose any and your bones are forfeit for tomorrow's lunch broth. Good luck. Our ghosts have prepared their takeout containers, all plastic, non-microwaveable.
tldr. death game in the afterlife (ft. cannibalism lesbians)
You’ll hear from me about this game, hopefully, quite a lot during the upcoming month of September. Please look forward to it!
See you in September!
If you want this content straight to your inbox, consider subscribing to my newsletter at https://4nokivn.substack.com/
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m0nswoon · 1 year
Palia - my little journey
TLDR; This game is worth the time you put into it. Some of the later objectives are a bit of a grind, but if you need a stop gap until Haunted Chocolatier or any other cozy game this is a pretty nice distraction. You can add me if you like, I'm pretty active on the game my name is: kerr
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This game feels like a poem to the experiences that I loved from classics like: Stardew Valley, The Sims, and Harvest Moon. Making friends by talking to everyone everyday, even if they are a map away, to opening a notes app to try and remember everyone's wants for gifts. Farming materials so I can try and build my perfect house. It has everything I've wanted in an experience like this.
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It is a massive undertaking to try and upgrade your tools and level your skills. I've easily clocked over 80 hours into and i'm getting close to the "end game." Housing
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God, I love designing my house, placing objects feels great, farming to get the stuff to build your dream furniture sets feels nice to me. This is where my grips begin! I know this game is in beta, and things will be smoothed out when it fully launches! The later quests are a huge grind. Hoping for RNG to bless me so I can get these fish for the bundles. When I finally got the Void Ray (that i was convinced didn't exist) I felt so much joy my hands started shaking. It personally took me over 5 hours to get that one fish.
Bugs We all expect them, but there are a lot that stop quests from continuing. It just really sucks when it's the max level friendship quest. Uneven farm land?
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This is a very small one, I have all the plots unlocked at my house, but even with me having level 11 farming there isn't enough slots to make a even square, might just plant a tree in the odd one out, still feels strange. Find Your Shepp
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WOW this quest is taking forever for me, maybe others will have completed this a lot earlier than me, just feels really hard to get to level 4 friends? Maybe that is the point! List of small things I would love to see - let us right click in chat to add to party - remember password on login - pets for those who can't spend real money - different body types (they confirmed they will add!) - changing our face for in game gold price (or free either or is cool) - sitting animations, please let me sit in my nice chairs, maybe also sleep on my bed! - Larger community sizes This could go on and on. All this being said, easily 8/10, thank you for letting me romance the fish robot. Kinda love that. (also the community in the game has been great from what I've experienced, but I went into the discord and It's pretty toxic in there. I would avoid.) Thank you for reading.
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I finally started watching Word of Honor and it's got me in a choke-hold and I'm not even 7 episodes in.
But... I have some questions - and as you are the Word of Honor specialist on my dash I was hoping you could help me out.
Does it have a HEA? If it doesn't I'm still gonna watch it, but I feel I need to be prepared. (Do I need to stock up on my wine?? Is it a tequila ending?!? Or is it a The Untamed ending?)
I keep seeing mentions that it is based on a book. As both a book lover and a media traditionalist (as in, you should always read the book) - is it available in English? (I am dumb and do not speak/read any other languages. 😩)
I started watching on Netflix because that was the app I was browsing when it showed in my suggestions and I said "Yes, this is good time to start this!" (at 9pm on Sunday 🤦🏻‍♀️) - But I have Viki, is Viki going to have the better subs? (my experience says yes, but thought I'd ask.)
And why did they make this show so specifically bingeable, every episode ends in the middle of a scene!
Oh my god to be considered a WOH specialist is like a life goal achievement. Thank you!!
Ok let’s dive in:
1) If you don’t watch the special 15 minute epilogue (available on YouTube), then yeah you will need tissues and tequila. I actually loved the sad ending though. It was beautiful. But after crying you can watch the epilogue and decide which you prefer.
2) It is based on a book called Faraway Wanderers by Priest (author of many novels, BL like Guardian and non-BL like Legend of Fei). The book has not yet been officially published in English, but there are English translations available online. I’ve not read it, so I don’t have a link. I’m hoping Seven Seas will publish it soon. They have just started publishing Guardian and are preparing to publish another Priest novel this year.
3) I watched it on Netflix. A month or so ago @linameka started watching it with me using Viki and I instantly clocked the poor quality subtitles. I switched her to Netflix immediately. You really never know which is going to have the better subs. For instance I started Falling Into Your Smile on Netflix and I couldn’t get through 5minutes of it. Switched to Viki and it was 1000x better. Finished the show in a weekend.
Yeah cdramas do that on purpose. They are like potato chips. I watch them faster than kdramas because they are just designed to binge.
Bless you for thinking of me 💜
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cryiling · 10 months
in honor of totk NOT winning goty 🫡 here is my notes app from when totk first came out and I wrote all my thoughts abt the game down
today totk got released!! and I played for 8 hours straight 😭 I'm not suuper far in the game yet, I sort of just started the rito quest with tulin, but here are some things I love and dislike about the game so far:
first of all I love the archaic outfit 😊 however I'm very sad that it only does 1 protection because I wanted to wear it all the time AJDBAJDB
I love everything about the zonai, like the way they look, the music associated with them, the way they talk at the end of a shrine, the way you can tell something is of zonai make just by looking at it, like that's how you know a concept design is well done ✋ I'm so fascinated by how rauru looks, he's just so amazing
I do hate how extremely similar aspects of the great sky island are to the great plateau, though. "room of awakening" bro r u serious rn 😭 the way rauru follows you around like the king good bye. I just feel like this could have been done a little more uniquely so that it didn't feel like the great plateau with a texture pack slapped over it
there's also some things that I felt botw just did so much better than totk. like the way rauru's ghost would disappear felt very cheap and uneventful, like why does he just fade to 0 opacity and nothing else happens ?? at least with the king his ghost faded with the little blue flames and sparkles, it made it seem more interesting
I hate the inventory layout I'm sawryy 😭 the botw inventory looks very sleek and easy to comprehend, but the way the totk inventory is designed just feels very cheap and elementary to me. not the scrolling on one page instead of having multiple pages, that's not my issue. just the color design and how so much more information is crowded into each tiny box when you are selling things, it just confuses the player with too much info
uhh what else. oh! I also hate the animation for when you get the abilities at the beginning, and when you get those lights of blessing or whatever (honestly I hate that name too, why is it so long I literally can't remember it 😭). like why do the orbs with the abilities and blessings look so 2d and unfinished? they look like they were slapped on top as a fanmade effect rather than actually being a part of the game, and every time I see it, I feel removed from being immersed in the games because it's distracting
but I totally love the way the zonai statues are at the end of the shrines!!! the way they talk is SO 🙏🙏 like I'm totally obsessed with it. also!! this is very specific, but I love the music that plays during shrine battles, like why does that song go so hard fr
omg something else I love is the pony points system it's so cute 😭✋ and honestly it's a great incentive for me to use the stables, I don't think I used them that much in botw so I definitely appreciate this new addition
however I am devastated that we can't pet dogs ☹️ like was no one at nintendo listening to us when we were all asking abt it hello ??
this is more of a personal preference rather than a game quality thing but I AM SO HAPPY THERE'S PIRATES IN THIS GAME AAAAAAA i can't wait to go to lurelin village I rlly hope they let me join the pirates 🙏 (hi it's me from the future here, girl wtf why are the pirates literally just MONSTERS ON BOATS 🙁 give me real fucking pirates you cowards)
omg yeah I was obsessed with the frozen rito village ost, it had the core elements of the ost from botw but with that lonely haunted vibe and I was gonna cry omg it really set the mood and I loved listening to it 😭
ohh yeah something I didn't enjoy was how it felt like I was being overloaded with so much plot-heavy info, especially once I started the rito village quest. like yeah I get maybe playing for 8 hours in one day is probably gonna fry my brain and attention span but it just felt like they were telling me to do all these things and I just felt so overwhelmed that I literally had to put the game away and stop playing for the night 😭 I think if things were spaced out more for what they tell you then the plot might have been more digestible
oh yeah this is minor but I don't like how when you go to a new place it says "discovery!" and also when you cook a new food it says "new!" like it felt very commercial and broke the immersion in the game for me, there was literally no reason for it to be in the game? (upon playing the game further I've decided I don't mind the "discovery" notif. but I still don't like when it says "new!" on a food I cooked sorryyy)
OMG WAIT SOMETHING I LOVED was how link cycles through humming different things when he cooks!!! it's so cute and I love him for it 😭
also I loved the function of when you open a chest and get a weapon but your inventory is full, instead of having to close the chest drop a weapon and reopen the chest, they added the feature where your inventory pops up and you can drop a weapon while still in the chest so you don't have to switch back and forth. it was so relieving for me ✋
umm I definitely feel like there was more I wanted to say, I just forgot 😭 but let me just say, despite me having a lot of negatives on here, I still really enjoyed this game, and honestly aside from the things I mentioned I disliked, I love pretty much everything else about the game!! there's so much to love and appreciate, I really can't list it all or else I'd just be listing literally every aspect about this game ajdhskfj. so yeah. while I'm disappointed that I found parts of totk to be lesser than what I had hoped, I am still overall ecstatic about this game and I'm so excited to see what else I'll discover in this game!!!! (hey it's me as of writing this post, I definitely wrote this last paragraph to avoid getting bullied for not liking a lot of things LOLL)
hey I'm back (not as of writing this post, like a couple months after initially starting totk), listen ok I hate these stupid sage powers like 💀 they're literally not useful at all, I think tulin's is the only one I use regularly, and even then I'd rather have revali's gale bc at least it goes up ??
I've been watching other ppl play and I realize that actually yunobo and riju can kinda be useful when fighting large groups, like if you just activate yunobi's ability you don't really need to aim him, and he'll hit a bunch of monsters. same with riju, just activate her and shoot somewhere random and it'll do damage. but other than that, like sidon and mineru are useless 😭 also I get rlly annoyed when I'm trying to pick things up and tulin gets in the way like GIRL GO AWAY ugh it would just be so much better if the abilities were activated like the champions instead idk
ok I'm obsessed with the way rauru's ear twitches LOLL THAT'S SO RANDOM but in the memories it's just so satisfying to see
hm idk how to explain this but there's some aspects of this game that feel very aoc to me and it annoys me. like, the defend kara kara bazaar + gerudo village quests, and that one thing in hateno with the stupid pumpkins, idk but it totally threw me off guard with having to fight with npcs, like it felt very jarring to have in the middle of totk. i never liked aoc or any hyrule warriors games so that's probably why I don't like this very much, but yeah I just didn't enjoy it very much
god I can't describe how much I hate everything abt mineru I'm sorry I just hate her bc like,, bro I hate to say it but I never connected with her character at all. every part of her in the storyline felt forced, and her connection to zelda and the sages never felt authentic. also I hate the eng voice acting like why does she talk like that 😭
her talking about draconification felt sooo forced. she said "there are stories of eating the stone to turn into an immortal dragon" like that could be a solution, then when rauru asked if they could do that, she was like "however 🤓☝️ you'll lose your sense of self and it's forbidden. I thought this would give us an answer but maybe not 😞" like BITCH IF YOU KNEW IT WAS FORBIDDEN WHY WOULD YOU SAY ANYTHING 😭😭 the way she said it, it sounded like she was reading a book and learning this information as they went, which would make sense why she brought it up but turns out it won't work. BUT SHE KNEW THE FULL THING ALREADY WHY DID SHE SAY IT LIKE THAT???? god it annoyed me so much, it was such a bad foreshadowing plot point
and honestly her entire quest confused me, bc the whole first part has a very thunder/lightning theme so I thought her power would be related to that but it wasn't at all? like how come we didn't do anything spirit related meanwhile all the other sages had areas that related to their powers, ugh it felt so dumb. lightning is already heavily associated with riju + the gerudo, so it felt weird that they themed the whole first half of mineru's quest around it too.
I hate her stupid construct. IT'S SO LAME 😭 has anyone actually enjoyed fighting with it. has it actually benefitted anyone. like be so fr rn. I hated it so much that I built a freaking airbike and just flew to the final temple without fighting any of the stuff along the way bc I refuse to be forced to do things I don't like 🫶
and then at the end of the game when her spirit leaves her construct and she dies or whatever, I was just like 😐 they tried to make it emotional but literally mineru is my worst enemy and I was cheering and applauding atp. like I could care less. her character felt, idk how to describe it, like.. cringy and self-inserty? something about it felt very off to me and so I was just never able to like her. it felt like nintendo was trying to force me to like her and I was Not about to let that happen
hang on I have other things to complain about... oh yeah the STABLE TROTTER CONDUCTOR LIKE BRO 😭😭😭 why does he sound like mario, like I actually want to punch him in the face. the rest of the band is fine tho, I like their music 🤞
hm something I'm annoyed about is how much harder it is to find the dragons now. in botw their flight pattern was more predictable, but here like istg I can never find them when I need them 😭 it's just vv inconvenient
ok I'm back back. I think that about covered all my thoughts BUT one more thing. the map is so fucking cluttered. something that was done so well with botw was the openness of everything, it really fit the vibes and it immersed you in the expanse of the game. but the totk map was WAYY too busy 😭😭 not only with the purah pad map (which btw I still think sheikah slate is a better name) but just in general when you're walking around hyrule. there is Too Much going on and I don't like it
LAST THING although tbh this could be a whole separate rant. the way the purah pad is compatible with zonai technology makes no fucking sense???? like there is NO logical explanation for how it can mark waypoints at zonai shrines
in botw it made sense, because the shrines were sheikah-made and so was the slate, so ofc the sheikah would have built them to be compatible and programmable with one another. but the zonai shrines??? first of all they're just rocks on sand. no sort of technology the purah pad can latch onto. second, you activate the shrine with the ZONAI ARM, not the purah pad. literally no connection is made. this is such a small thing to fixate on but every time I think about it I am filled with inexplicable rage
I have a whole OTHER rant on why the sheikah tech disappearing makes literally No Sense but. this post is long enough as it is. if u want I can make a separate post but I think this is good enough for now 🤗
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
Ayoo, this might be a weird fan letter(?)
Even if sonadow ain't my thing, I really really like your drawings, I've been following you for a couple of months on Twitter and I just run to the app everytime there's a new post of the vampire au ;;;;; (I'm full Metal Sonic x Shadow brainroot- because both of them are my comfort characters and Sonic... Well I don't like him(?) childhood stuff(??)).
I really really like your art style and I love a lot lot the way you draw Shadow and his attitude in the vampire au💕 The entire lore around it it's so well done I can't just stay away because I wanna see what will be next. ALSO THE OUTFITS ARE SO COOL, AND EVEN THE SKETCHES ARE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY AND I CAN'T-
Somehow your drawings are like my daily happiness dose even if I'm just looking at Shadow or Mephiles whenever you draw him AHSHDHSCB- 💕💕💕
Your drawings are a blessing ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ💖
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^ actually me reading this BHJASJHBASHBJSHAB THANK YOU its not weird at all!!! it makes me so happy aaaaaa thank you!!! i draw a lot of sonadow bc those two Are My comfort characters so i totally get it lol something im really striving for (but i still have a long way to go!) with my au is trying to get them to feel in character, its been something ive been aiming for for a while, but now its guns blazing for wanting to analyze these characters in canon and applying that to vampire (and others) au!! a lot of my shipping artwork is super self indulgent (usually when im feelin down or tired) and will not be featured in any of the actual plot lmao hhgggg!!! /pos i love designing outfits so muchhhh, i think shadows outfit is really good from a character standpoint, like what it says about him through the design >< thank youuuuuuuuuu <333333
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