bendreality · 10 months
today.... i think about vax'ildan as a character reflection of devotion
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gwynever · 2 years
guys I legitimately thought this "lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship" was just a meme that someone made up like the marine biologist thing and now I find out its an actual thing that some internet celebrity said to excuse cheating on his wife?
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blaithnne · 2 months
Hilda fandom I have not forgotten you this month has just been a hell of a year
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 days
fic-related rambling
I decided that 'Sifki Breakup Fic' should be a 5 Times (maybe a 5+1) fic because 1) this means I can use a few stray not-enough-for-an-entire-fic ideas I have, 2) I can skip time as needed and it'll just seem like the stylistic conventions of the genre, 3) similarly I can just fill it with porn without that being overkill, and 4) I forget what the fourth reason was but I just like the classic 5 Times format generally.
"oh you mean you started another wip that'll take forever to actually write and divide your attention further?" No! No, cos it was an existing idea and I am gonna use fragments that didn't belong anywhere else!
ANYWAY, the general idea is to get them from 'Joy-Filled Youthful Lovers' to 'Whatever The Fuck This Was':
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...via the medium of Angsty Pornographic Fanfiction.
Anywho, let me know what the sifki folk like, as there may be room in this fic for some of whatever that happens to be.
WAIT! I remembered Reason 4! It was that I don't think I can fit any porn into the sifki fic that's a sequel to my previous sifki fic, and since the first one was E-rated I worried that would disappoint people. If I fill a different fic with porn then that... doesn't actually fix that problem, does it? Umm. WELL AT LEAST I TRIED.
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gay-ppl-real · 2 months
Just thought of Eddie and said, out loud to myself,
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nikibogwater · 1 year
Niki Blethers: Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio LET’S FREAKIN’ GOOOOOOOOO--
In case it was not already obvious, this was my most anticipated movie of the year. Heck, it was my only anticipated movie of the year. Having learned the hard way just how deeply disappointment stings, I don’t usually get my hopes up this high. But darn it, everything I heard about this movie prior to its release just filled me with too much excitement to ignore, and now that it is finally available to the wider public, it is my great pleasure to say--
First up: stop motion animation. We love to see it. And this movie doesn’t cut any corners with the stop motion. Even the fire is stop motion. The backgrounds are paintings (gorgeous ones at that), not just CG landscapes. The sets are so incredibly detailed I could’ve spent several minutes just staring at any given wide shot. There were very few instances where I could clearly see any effects that were obviously done in a computer. The animators and set builders went hard on this movie, and they have 1000% of my respect for it. 
Despite being a whimsical fairy tale, there is a pretty heavy sense of realism with this movie. Like, one scene, you have an overeager Pinocchio singing a cute little song about how excited he is to be alive, and then in the next one, he and Geppetto are walking past buildings plastered with posters promoting Mussolini’s Fascist regime. The way the film balances these two tonal opposites is absolutely genius, and I can’t remember a single instance of a jarring shift in tone. The light and whimsical always eases into the dark and realistic in a way that makes me feel like the two sides couldn’t exist without each other. 
This is obviously a personal thing for me, but I pretty much never see any accurate, respectful portrayals of my religion outside of films that are specifically made for Catholics. And I’ma be real with you, more often than not, the films made specifically for us turn out to be unbearably preachy or saccharine (and they’re never animated--another major point against them). To see a character who simply IS a Catholic (because this is Italy during the 1910s, so it’d be a little out-of-the-ordinary for him not to be), doing his little Catholic things, without it being a huge focus of the story or directly influencing the plot--ie, Catholicism being portrayed as just another normal part of every-day life--GAH. IT WAS JUST REALLY SPECIAL TO ME, OKAY? 
Also Geppetto locking Pinocchio in a closet because he doesn’t have time to deal with this, it’s time to go to Mass is a big fat Catholic mood. 
Okay, I’ll shut up about the Catholic stuff. Back to the movie.
If I had a nickel for every time David Bradly made me cry with his performance as a struggling father-figure overcoming the estrangement between him and his adopted son, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t very many, but it’s great that it happened twice. 
Ewan McGregor practically carries this movie as Sebastian J. Cricket. I knew he was going to be good, but somehow I failed to foresee just how good he truly is in the role. This interpretation of Jiminy Cricket as a mildly self-absorbed novelist who sees Pinocchio as little more than his house for most of the film is just *chef’s kiss.*
Ron Perlman as the Podestà was incredible. I actually didn’t realize it was him until three-fourths of the way through the movie, he just vanishes into the role so smoothly. And gotdang, is that character scary. 
Christoph Waltz clearly went all out with Count Volpe and I bet recording sessions with him were very fun. 
Gregory Mann did so great for such a little guy! It’s hard to find child actors, and even harder to find child voice actors, but he was fantastic, and really sold the character. 
Geppetto is a very sentimental old guy whose only joy in life was his son Carlo. After Carlo is killed in a bombing raid, Geppetto completely collapses under the weight of his grief. Carving Pinocchio isn’t something he does out of creativity or joy, but rather the result of drunken and despairing rage. The scene is played out as a grotesque and heartbreaking moment, and I LOVE it. 
Pinocchio himself is a Very Real Boy from the start--by which I mean, he never shuts up, he gets into everything, he’s kind of a brat, and he brings unbridled chaos to Geppetto’s life in the way that only a young child can. I like it when movies portray children as, y’know, actual children, not just tiny adults. Yeah, kids are loud, they break stuff, they annoy the heck out of you, and they are also so, so precious, they’re worth every second of it. 
I’ve already talked about Sebastian J. Cricket so all I’m gonna say here is I felt the line “Oh, the pain! Life is such hideous pain” right down to my core.
This movie covers a lot of heavy themes, such as the difficulties of fatherhood, abuse, war, death, and grief. But it does so in a way that left me with a sense of hope. It doesn’t shy away from the reality of these things, but it assures you that you can endure them, that you can find immense joy even in the midst of great suffering. 
To get a little personal for the second time, the way this movie goes about presenting the reality of death and the grief of those left behind resonated with me very deeply. I’m the youngest child in my immediate family, and deep down, there’s a part of me that dreads the day when they will pass on and leave me behind. Barring any unforeseen accidents, I will likely outlive most of my siblings, and I’m lowkey terrified of that inevitablilty. So there was something oddly comforting about a film that speaks directly to my fear like that. A film that doesn’t sugar coat or try to persuade me that it won’t be so bad. A film that tells me my time with my family is so much more precious because it is so fleeting. 
So yeah, tears were shed, I’m not ashamed to admit it. 
I could probably say a bajillion things more about this movie, but it’s getting late now and I’ve prattled long enough. In conclusion, 10/10, easily the best movie of my year, and I truly think I can forgive Del Toro for Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans now. 
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junipernight · 5 months
Starting to suspect the gears in Slade's lair didn't do anything, and he was just an early adopter of Steampunk 🤔
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dreichrainbow · 5 months
I'm a psychologist by day and it's finally happened. I'm writing psychological theory into my ineffable husbands smutty oneshot. I feel like I've hit a new low. It's not even deep and meaningful, just an excuse to get their wahoo on.
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secretwellkept · 1 year
Sometimes being aroace sucks.
Especially when the aro and the ace part work differently.
Like I don’t feel sexual attraction, but like I’m not actually opposed to the idea of like sex, especially if it was with someone I feel comfortable with.
But then I don’t feel romantic attraction but sometimes I just crave crave a romantic relationship so much, but the idea of actually being in one is just too much for me, I either feel guilty that I want something that I can’t give back, or just romance feels repulsive.
And I know a QPR would be the ideal thing, but it’s already hard enough to find other aromantic people, it’s even harder to find any you’re actually compatible with.
I just hate feeling so lonely, it didn’t use to be like this.
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bendreality · 10 months
personally vega never Did It for me, yknow, but i KNOW hush is going to be a problem. give me a healer listener who immediately steps in to help for better or worse, regardless of the consequences?? apologies for the man i will become
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gwynever · 8 months
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I feel like tumblr would have loved this
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blaithnne · 1 month
I’ve convinced my Hilda followers to watch Ducktales, now I just need to get my Ducktales followers to watch Hilda
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maesterchill · 3 months
first sentence patterns 🏳️‍🌈
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks to @thecouchsofa @tackytigerfic @ghaniblue and @peachydreamxx for the tags! I loved reading yours! Been ages since i did this game - here is the previous one in Oct 2022.
Analysis: there's a mix of long and short sentences here. i can't really see a pattern except for #5 and #6 which are both "X person is doing Y thing when Z happens." Or maybe a pattern with #3, #9 and #10. (According to... / When it comes to.../The trouble with...)
“The green shirt?” Angelina asked, “or the daft purple one with the rainbow poo emojis?” - Bad omen, right? (Fred/George, dead dove fic)
Dear Deirdre, following a most unfortunate accident rendering my flat unliveable (don’t ask), an acquaintance suggested I lodge with him while Accidental Magic Reversal investigate. - Idiots, of Islington (Drarry, epistolary drabble)
According to Rose Weasley, when it comes to hitting it off with a date, there are a few questions a girl can ask that will save a lot of wasted time and energy. - Girls Just Wanna (Rose/Lavender)
It’s weird, the way it happens. - More than anything (Drarry microfic)
Draco's eyes have only just fluttered closed in that tenuous bliss seconds before orgasm when he hears the shout. - In the lining of your skin (Drarry, Sudsfest)
Malfoy is two knuckles deep inside Harry when he mentions her name. - Call if you ever get desperate (Drarry microfic)
In that moment, everything is solved. - try to fix you (Harry/Ron/Hermione, HP Snooze fest)
“So… should we talk about it?” - heaven to gaudy day (Drarry microfic)
When it comes to what the Employee Code of Conduct evasively describes as ‘personal relationships’, the Ministry of Magic adopts an antiquated policy not too dissimilar to what the Muggle Americans used to call 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. - with your mermaid hair and your teeth so sharp (Drarry microfic)
The trouble with Harry having a genius idea about how to fix things with his high-maintenance husband was that it invariably involved Ron having to do something he really didn't want to do. - Fantasy Fulfilled (Drarry collab, this is the first line of my section, Elise wrote the actual first line!)
Who hasn't done this yet? I've seen a few but how about @skeptiquewrites @lqtraintracks @kbrick @aibidil @lettersbyelise @apricitydays-lazynights @moonflower-rose @squintclover @saxamophone @mintawasalreadytaken
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oleandernodeath · 2 years
Sometimes I go back and look at coldnessinmyheart and I wonder how the hell she did that. I know she had a disorder that dulls your pain sensors, but still, a human body should be going into shock with wounds like that, even if you can’t feel the pain. She’s... anomalous. It fascinates me so much, even as horrible as I feel for her. 
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celestialmesses · 1 year
would you guys still love me if i moved my blog again
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nikibogwater · 1 year
Final Daniel Spellbound Blethers (season 2):
In terms of overall quality, it’s like Season 1+. All of the stuff I love about the show has gotten even better. But unfortunately, a lot of the things that didn’t work for me in season 1 were done even worse in season 2. Or, maybe they just looked worse because the good stuff was better? Yeah, let’s go with that, I like that better.
Anyways, I’m gonna be bouncing all over the place here (more so than usual, I mean) so apologies if this is a little jumbled. 
Spoilers below the cut!
My biggest positive from this season was the new characters and their involvement in the story. Shak is an endearing little brat in the way that only kids can be, and Jayce is a deliciously tragic villain with all the swagger and charisma of a main protagonist. It genuinely broke my heart a little bit to see Shak reunite with her brother, only to realize that he’s not the person she once knew and loved. 
On the flipside, I also often felt like the show wasn’t giving this situation the emotional weight it should have had. Shak and Jayce reuniting played off more like old classmates running into each other at the grocery store. And Jayce being able to temporarily fight off the Dread Magic within him because of the love he still had for his sister seemed more like an afterthought than a serious character moment. 
Looking back on it, I think this was more to do with how the scenes were directed and edited than with the script. Like I said, the characters and the story they are part of are enthralling, it’s just something about the way it was delivered in the final product that felt a little....I don’t wanna say half-assed, but more like the directing/editing team were skittish about making things too serious. Which is a real shame because they had everything they needed to make a really emotionally compelling arc here. 
Jayce as a character is surprisingly complex and oddly sympathetic. I loved that there were often no clear visual cues to let you know who was talking at any given moment--you’re left guessing as to whether this is really Jayce saying/doing these things, or if it’s just the corrupting force of the Dread Magic. 
I’m anticipating a redemption arc for him somewhere down the line. There were just too many hints that the real Jayce is still in there for this to be the end of him.
Shak is just as fun to watch as her brother, and speaking as a little sister who loves her big brothers, I think the writers nailed her personality and motives. Her bit about touching all of Jayce’s belongings when he’s not around to yell at her felt particularly true-to-life, haha. She’s also allowed to be vulnerable, and I like that the show never lets you forget that she is just a child.  
Daniel getting a little sister in Shak is everything I could have asked for from this show (sans Hoagie being turned into bacon) and I can die a happy woman now.
I really loved Daniel’s character as a whole this season, even more than last season. He’s clearly grown a set of morals since we were first introduced to him, and he constantly gives off these wonderful Exhausted Oldest Sibling vibes. I love seeing flawed characters change and grow to the point that they can start guiding other characters through their arcs. 
Hoagie was slightly better this season, but not enough to really change my opinion of him (I detest him and I’m always extremely disappointed any time he escapes from a near-death experience). He had a handful of moments where he acted more like a genuinely likable character, which is a marked improvement over season 1, where he had literally zero. But he’s still unbearably loud and obnoxious and just overall despicable, and I’m afraid no amount of self-aware jokes about his general awfulness is going to fix that. They’d have to either send him through one hell of a character arc to make him clean up his act, or turn him into lunch meat. Personally, I’m voting for the latter.
This second season also delved into darker visuals and implications, which really lent a feeling of weight and tension to the story. I’m of the opinion that antagonists/antagonistic forces ought to be at least a little unnerving, but Dread Magic and the way it manifests is downright scary, and I love it. 
I adore Elyse. She exudes massive amounts of raw Karen Energy, and Julie Sype sounded like she was having a blast voicing the character. She was a really fun minor antagonist. 
Alright. I’ve put it off long enough. I have to address my biggest negative with this season: the character drama. 
The conflict between Daniel, Lucy, and Hoagie felt as forced as a toddler jamming a circle into a square-shaped hole. In order to establish conflict, one or more of them had to act in a way that is painfully at odds with their established personalities. And what’s even worse is the way this retcons all of the relationship development that happened in season 1. Lucy is constantly assuming the absolute worst about Daniel and flat-out refuses to hear his side of the story. Like, Luce, honey, I thought you guys were friends. I thought you cared about him and valued his friendship, why are you suddenly so determined to push him away???
Then there’s poor Daniel, who is constantly being treated like he’s the one who needs to learn a lesson here, but given the circumstances, he’s really not the one who should carry the blame. Yeah, of course he can’t help Lucy find her scepter, he has a literal bounty on his head. He’s not actively putting off finding a way to turn Hoagie human again, he genuinely has no idea where to even start. The show keeps painting this as Daniel putting his career as a Tracker before his relationships, but in an effort to keep him from looking irredeemable, they kind of forgot to have him actually do that. In fact, it’s always his supposed friends who push him away first.
If anything, the lesson Daniel needs to learn here is how to end toxic friendships, because my LAND, Lucy and Hoagie spend the entire season treating him like trash when he’s not done anything that even comes close to warranting such behavior. And then they have the gall to make him feel like he’s at fault??? I’m sorry, but no matter how much this show tries to convince me otherwise, the fact of the matter is that Lucy and Hoagie were the ones instigating every negative interaction with Daniel. Why wouldn’t he focus more on his job instead of his toxic friends? The whole Friends Before Career thing only applies if your friends are actually, y’know, your friends.
I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this, maybe I missed some crucial detail, or maybe it was just the ten-episode limit that kept the writers from being able to tell the story they actually wanted to tell. Whatever the case, the whole thing left me with a very bitter taste in my mouth, and I’m actually a little concerned about the kind of influence this could have on young kids starting to form friendships of their own. Like, I think it’s great to show kids protagonists who screw up and do or say awful things, but if you then forget to portray those protagonists realizing that what they did was wrong and working to fix it, then you’re just telling kids that it’s actually okay to treat people like this. 
I feel like I should clarify that I really only notice this show’s flaws because it does so much so well. It’s like when you love someone, and then that person does something stupid that only hurts themselves, and you want to take them by the shoulders and shake them because DANGIT, STOP SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT YOU BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL FOOL!
So yeah. In conclusion, season 2 was a very fun time for me, but also as frustrating as it was fun. But I will definitely take strong feelings of fondness and frustration over apathy and anger any day. So go watch Daniel Spellbound if you’re even a tiny bit interested. This is an original IP floating in an ocean of soulless reboots and cash-grabs, so even if it’s not absolutely perfect, I still want it to get as much attention as it possibly can. I will always want a flawed but inventive story over tasteless, risk-free rehashes. 
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