#bloo's writing
bloos-bloo · 4 months
I did something silly, am I following a trend? Yes. Yes I am
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bloo-the-dragon · 9 months
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I see you and i raise you: panicked Moon comforting panicked Sun ;D
For full context, this would be set right after their separation when Moon has just woken up. Sun came online after Moon was removed from his head and he panicked, went into a frenzy scaring off the staff possibly even injuring one or two in his efforts to get Moon's chip back.
And while he is not programmed to work the parts and service machine it's amazing the things one can do when panicking and desperate. But he can't get Moon back into his own head because that would require someone else manning the machine so he gets one of, if not their only spare endo thats available (not counting Eclipse who is in the basement currently)
Moon wakes up, starts to panic because he can't sense Sun but then Sun is right there in front of him, in a very frantic and shaky state. Confused, scared and not knowing whats going on Moon just holds onto him and plays his music box, though the tunes are out of note because he hasn't fully calibrated to this new body.
They'd remain this way for a long time before getting Moon fully dressed (he actually wouldn't have any clothes here but i didn't have the energy to draw all the robot details lmao) and then they'd head back to the daycare.
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berryblooo · 1 year
We’re about to get the 1.2 update and finally learn some more about the tumultuous past between Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan, and Jingliu but god if I’m not more than a little happy for the first three that they’ve found a new community and family after their previous one was lost.
Dan Heng has the Express crew.
My hope for him in the story is that he has a moment where he realizes how much they’ve come to mean to him. He’s been so focused on running from his past that maybe he forgets to cherish the present.
Jing Yuan is the general for the Luofu. The whole ship looks to him for leadership.
He’s no longer that little boy looking to his master for guidance. He has Yanqing, Fu Xuan, Yukong, Tingyun—the whole Luofu.
Blade has the Stellaron Hunters.
It can be seen as purely transactional. Blade is a useful weapon and they’ll give him what he desires: death. But the little details the story sprinkles in—Kafka calling him Bladie, him accompanying Silver Wolf to arcades—shows that there’s fondness too.
I highlighted these three specifically because I don’t know if or think that Jingliu has found something else since the quintet.
Her appearance in Yanqing’s quest leads me to believe otherwise. She and Blade are very similar—struck with Mara and having certain ways to control it, yet all the more disconnected from reality and dangerous for it.
But the crucial difference is Blade has people he can rely on. It’s clear the Stellaron Hunters take care of each other in their own unorthodox way, even if it’s just following Elio’s script.
Jingliu doesn’t.
TL;DR found family matters. Those four were once family and their most important connections, then it fell apart.
Three of them have managed to find other people in their grief and it makes all the difference.
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May's Strip Game Part 6
[> Ask about the Lights] "The lights?" he queries. It is nearly a mockery of your own tone. "My, the Beth is an old dear I'm afraid. It's rather prone to structural issues. What with all the bills stacking up, it's rather hard to keep the lights on, I'm afraid. Sometimes half of the building will simply go out! Now, sit back, and continue to enjoy the show, won't you?" When did the votes begin to pour in so quickly? When were the Attendants able to count so rapidly? Shoes next. Did you vote for that? You're certain you.must have. It is difficult to remember the number you wrote down on your paper. Two? No, layer two has been removed a while ago. Your opinion seem to be making up more and more of the vote. Perhaps you and your fellow votes are simply more in tune. A chair has been brought out for the Merry Gentleman. He rests his cane beside it, and begins to work on his laces. Two shoes, two laces, undone nicely and neatly. A pair, but separate. How odd it would be for him to wear only one, and not the other. He sets them aside, then swings sideways in his chair. The mirrors flicked behind him. It's rather improper posture, but my does it afford you a nice view of his thighs. There are gasps, there are whimpers.
There is a brush against your back. A hand? Wider than your own. It is gone quickly. "Yes yes, let's get on with the voting."
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{<<<Part One} {<Part Five} {Part Seven>}
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BLOO LORE?!!?!??!
(i don't have access to images right now so please imagine the deer in headlights image thanks)
ahaha.what. i mean. uhh.
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clownjail · 11 months
people who write 10k or even 5k for one chapter are not only gods strongest soldiers but are god’s best soldiers, and deserve all the support and love in the world, because me personally I get up to 2k and want to end it all
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Hihi Naff! I wanted to ask a bit about your writing process if that’s okay. :) I like seeing how everyone writes hehe.
When you start on a new fic, how far ahead in the story do you plan for? Do you add details as you go?
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Have this doodle of the bois as thanks for all your writing!! ^^ Not bad for a first try I think.
I talk about how I go about writing here! I hope that answers your question ♥
As for plotting, I plan as far as the ending. I need to have a clear path to move towards and being able to steer the story/characters toward something is very helpful for me when writing! However, I only plot the very big plot beats before I begin writing. When I prepare to write a chapter, I write a small summary of what I want and what needs to happen in this chapter which helps me focus on the 'medium' size plot beats. Then, when I actually begin writing, a lot of finer details and other tidbits spring up, especially in an organic nature as it slows into the scene/dialogue while I'm writing.
I think that's a good mix of pantser and plotter, and I find it helps me to stay organized but also allows room for things to grow and appear as I go along :)
Awww, them! They're such a creature, a cute little cryptid hehehe ♥ Thank you so much for sharing! :D
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My version of the FHFIF episode Bloo Tube (I didn’t like the episode so I rewritten it).
Bloo is in bed sick, he wants to go outside to play with Mac and the others but Frankie tells him he’ll get everyone else sick. Bloo asks Frankie what to do so he won’t get bored, she gives him her laptop saying that he can watch videos on FHFIF official video account on ViewTube.
Bloo was unsure but decided to give it a shot. He watches a video of Wilt’s basketball moves, he enjoys it and gives the video a thumbs up👍
For the rest of the day he watches videos of Fosters residents, including Eduardo singing about Explorin' Lauren, Coco juggling her eggs and Jackie having a guest star in his show, who happens to be himself. Bloo sees the battery is almost dead. Before, he can close the laptop he sees a video titled The Dope Teens curious he clicks the video surprised to see none other than Terrance and other 13 year old boys.
Terrance and his gang build a monstrous, indoor water slide called the Undertow, made solely out of "used lumber, almost fifty nails, and lots of tape and super-glue" (for the places where they ran out of nails). The teenage boys gang ride down their slide was disastrous and caught on camera by all the residents at Terrance’s friend’s apartment.
Bloo gives the video a thumbs up👍 he typed down a comment saying they’re doofuses.
The End
Okay, this was really fun and creative idea concept!
I loved reading it!
Personally I thought the episode itself was fun (I enjoyed watching the viewtube videos that the characters made), but you rewrite is 10X better.
It actually feels like something straight from the show.
I'm impressed.
Good job!👍
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writerofweird · 1 year
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Happy 19th, Foster's!
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bloos-bloo · 4 months
Guys- that's it- it's done <3 Oh my godddd. Again, this isn't the last fic I plan on writing. My writing skills have been rusty and this has helped me slowly get into the groove of it.
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bloo-the-dragon · 18 days
Run Boy Run
A bit of an experimental one shot focusing on Bloodmoon (sams) and FC set when Bloodmoon was under Foxy and Monty's command many months ago, which is actually when i first drafted this lol. Woke up in a cold sweat and wrote most of it before forgetting about it until today.
So basically it's a what if situation where Stitchwraith shows up and Bloodmoon fulfils his command to protect FC. It's really not a redemption thing, more a what if they obeyed their command kinda deal. About 2.7k words!
(Also on AO3!)
Bloodmoon was guarding FC at the daycare. They did not want to be here. They would rather be anywhere else than stuck in this accursed place. Perhaps it would not be so bad if there was human children running around, but it was well after hours and it was just them and the little fox brat here. And he was under very strict orders not to harm the child lest they find theirselves swifted wiped from existence.
So here they sat, grumbling and clawing at the playmats as they were co-erced begrudginly into playing a game of castles by FC who wanted them to be the monster in the loch that surrounded his mighty castle made from those stupid barrels.
Admittedly the sight of the spherical objects made the twins a little uneasy, memories in the back of their shared mind of being faced with one held by a certain yellow animatronic, a flash of light and then nothing. But the barrels were supposedly safe now and no longer a danger. They remained skeptical of this, and so chose not to touch them leaving the fox child to stack them as he wished while they lay sprawled out on the ground, tearing fresh holes into the gross blue mats.
They wondered how much longer of this hell they would have to endure. One half was consistently egging the other to make a break for the doors, they could so easily clamber up the woodwork and squeeze between the gap toward their freedom. Multiple times the more logical half had to remind their erratic twin of the bomb planted so neatly into their head. And more so again as FC bonked them with a barrel to get their attention. They did snap their jaws in warning though, which ceased FC's actions and they snickered as the little fox suddenly startled and fell backwards.
However they quickly realised it was not them who caused FC to startle so. Hearing the sounds of uneven footsteps, they snapped their head around to see the Stitchwraith making it's way toward them.
Immedietely Bloodmoon was on their feet, teeth bared and claws out ready to attack. But experience had taught them to not immedietely jump and to be wary of the abomination as they knew it had many foul tricks up the cloak it wore. They made the mistake of jumping into action against it once, they would not do so again.
'FC' The Stitchwraith called out, drawing out the C' in a sickeningly soft voice. 'Come here, come to me.'
FC did not respond. He appeared to be too frightened, crouching behind the barrel that he had been hitting Bloodmoon with not a minute ago. Stitchwraith took another step forward and Bloodmoon growled, snapping their jaws in warning. The command to protect FC was starting to kick in in full and despite how much it sickened them, in the end they hated Stitchwraith more than they did the fox and his brat.
Stitchwraith seemed to notice their presence, and it called out to them next. 'Bloodmoon. Bring him to me. Now.'
Bloodmoon twitched at the command. They almost complied, the accursed instincts to follow orders activating. Plus it being Stitchwraith, someone they had unknowingly followed like an obediant dog for months.
But Stitchwraith was no longer their ward, their master. They had none.
Was Foxy their master? Coding said yes but Bloodmoon aggressively disagreed. 
The old fox had treated them well though, better than the others. While they were forbiddan to maim people they were still provided sustenance as meager as it was. Animal blood couldn't compare to human blood afterall. It was less sustaining. But it was something.
FC whimpered, as Stitchwraith called for him again. This time Bloodmoon recognised the voice, the so called 'nice' one. They knew it to be a lie. They knew that one was more a snake than the other.
The twins considered briefly their next course of action. One side, the more angry one wanted to follow as they had been told and to lunge, kill the Stitchwraith as was their command.
Attack ATTACK it is weak, we shall maim and tear and feast!
No.. Something is wrong brother. Surely you feel it too. Weakened as it is, i sense something is amiss.
Their spiral eyes narrowed, and they growled menacingly as they lowered themself to the ground ready to pounce or bolt. Yet there was something... off about the Stitchwraith. When they first spied it they immedietely noticed it appeared to be more damaged than it had been the last time they'd seen it. The steps it took were uneven and it walked with a heavy limp. They could hear a sickening grinding noise with every movement almost as if it were forcing itself to move. It did not sound comfortable. It sounded like it was in a great deal of pain.
And that meant it was weak. Less of a threat, easier to take down.
But still they'd held their ground. Past experience aside, the closer it got the more the twins sensed that it seemed to be almost more.. powerful than before. Despite how badly damaged it was, the red core that sat in the center of the mangled robots chest thrummed with such potent energy that even they could sense it.
The abomination's patience appeared to wane, as with a sudden burst of energy it took a couple of quick steps forward, claws outstretched toward FC.
'Come here. Now.'
Bloodmoon saw red. Quite literally.
The red core in Stitchwraith's chest began to glow and Bloodmoon reacted on pure instinct. Twisting their head, they clamped their teeth onto the scruff behind the tiny fox's neck elicting a startled yelp from the child before turning and bolting out of the daycare on all fours.
There was an angry shout, something that sounded like a 'No!' But Bloodmoon didn't dare look back, didn't slow down. They scrambled up the wooden doors and squeezed through the gap at the top just as one half had been pre-planning prior to this. As they lept down, the wooden doors cracked and splintered before bursting open with a looud bang behind them.
But the twins and the little fox within their jaws were already up the stairs. They ran faster, running in an erratic zigzag as bolts of red electrical like energy struck the ground on either side of them.
They dashed out of the daycare, their claws scrabbling to find grip on the marble floor that led toward the main entrance. They began making big leaps and bounds, almost like a bunny and at one point they even ran briefly across the wall before finally making it to the double doors leading to the pizzaria lobby.
They burst through the doors, nearly snapping one off its hinges in the process. They stop briefly to finally check behind them, to see how close the Stitchwraith was. They couldn't see it, they had managed to outrun it. But they knew better than to hang around in such an open space.
They looked around, the little fox swinging in their jaws as the red and blue animatronic searched frantically for a place to hide. One side pointed their shared view to a specific hole in the ceiling, meant for the elevator that sit broken by the escalators. It could work to hide them if they could get up there.
Wasting no time, they darted toward the giant glowing pillars that connected the elevator to the ceiling. They lunged and grabbed onto one, grunting and hissing as the bright light hurt their sensitive eyes. But they scrambled their way up it regardless and into the gaping space above.
They were able to only get up so far though as there was a metal barrier of some kind blocking the rest of the way. A safety measure should anything fall in from above they would assume. But they were up far enough that they should not be so easily spotted.
Bloodmoon adjusted theirself, finding purchase with their claws and supports for their feet to keep theirselves in place. FC remained scruffed in their teeth, and the little fox whimpered as he hung almost precariously, his eyes closed tight as to not look at the high distance between them and the ground below.
The red and blue jester hissed a low and dangerous 'quiet' just as the Stitchwraith appeared, slamming the daycare entryway doors aside and completely snapping the already broken one off the hinges.
Both Bloodmoon and FC went very still. They couldn't directly see Stitchwraith at this angle but they could hear as well as sense it. The eerie energy that radiated from it was all too hard to miss, as were the uneven footsteps and sounds of broken machinery as the mangled animatronic prowled below them.
'FC? Where are you buddy? If you hear me just call out! Did Bloodmoon hurt you? I'll come rescue you, don't worry'
FC didn't make a sound but Bloodmoon could feel him tremble, how the tiny fox curled in on himself even more tucking his legs and tail close. The smell of fear was strong and it took all of their effort to not give into the sudden urge to bite down fully.
More accursed mechanical noises, more soft calls carrying false words of encouragement and poisonous promise. At one point Bloodmoon spied the Stitchwraith as it moved below them. Their spiral eyes fixed on it immedietely following its every move with intense focus, their body completely still and tense and ready to lunge the moment the mangled robot turned its hooded head up toward the two.
But it did not. Instead the calls fell quiet and Bloodmoon could barely hear the angry hushed whispers to itself. With a sudden angry snarl accompanied by crackles of more red energy that had FC flinching harshly, Stitchwraith turned and stormed off in another direction once again leaving their line of sight.
However Bloodmoon dared not move, remaining completely still. Both sides were silent even in their mind, both being completely hyper focused with one side listening and looking out for the looming danger below them and the other holding back the bloodlust being triggered by FC's terror.
Even as the sounds grew softer and eventually disappeared entirely they did not dare to move. For all they knew, the Stitchwraith could still be nearby, waiting for them to come out of hiding so it could ambush them. They wern't taking the chance.
They knew not how long they stayed there. Could have been an hour, could have been ten minutes. Either way, FC started to whine softly the events taking its toll on the little fox. Bloodmoon growled a warning and that shut him up quick. But not a minute after, there were sounds of footsteps approaching which had both tensing up once again before a familiar voice followed.
'FC? FC Where are you? Bloodmoon? Either of you are you here?'
It was Foxy. FC perked up instantly, and with only slight hesitation called out to his dad.
'I'm here father!'
With that, Bloodmoon finally moved from his position, grabbing onto the accursed glowing pillar and sliding down it to where Foxy was waiting for them.
Bloodmoon released FC from their jaws, and the little fox instantly bolted away and over to Foxy. Bloodmoon twitched in a barely restrained effort to not automatically chase after him, but otherwise remained where they were, flexing their claws as they fought to calm their bloodlust as well as their own nerves.
Meanwhile Foxy checked over his son frantically. 'Are you alright? Did he hurt you?' Foxy immedietely shot Bloodmoon a glare as he noticed the faint bite mark on the back of his sons neck. While the faux fuzz skin was not torn, there were clear puncture marks.
Bloodmoon notices his glare and they let out a scoff, turning their head away. But FC is shaking his head drawing the older fox animatronic's attention back.
'No no! I am not hurt they... Bloodmoon saved me from the Stitchwraith!'. 
'I.. see' Foxy couldn't help the slight skeptisim from entering his voice but. 'Well.. Good. Glad to see you're capable of following orders then' Foxy directed his voice over to Bloodmoon. The red and blue jester shot him a snarl but they did not answer, instead plopping theirselves onto the floor and clawing halfheartedly at the carpet.
Foxy sighed, and turned back to his son. Aside from the bite mark he looked to be ok just a little shaken. 'I saw the Stitchwraith on the cams. Came here fast as i could. I'm sorry you had to deal with that but you're safe now.'
FC fiddled with his hands. 'Can we go home now?'
'Yeah kid, we can go home. Won't be back here for a while. I already gave Monty a call on my way down here so. He should be here soon, so just hang tight for a bit alright?'
'What if the Stitchwraith comes back?'
'Then we'll deal with it should happen. But i think it's gone for now and we won't be here for much longer.'
'Ok father..'
Foxy ruffled his sons head. 'Atta' boy.' He then stood and turned his attention to Bloodmoon, considering his options. They had done exactly as they were commanded which was... surprising honestly. Foxy had assumed they would have been torn apart by the Stitchwraith. Afterall their main purpose was to hold them off long enough for him or Monty to get down there. They had surprised him today.
Foxy hummed. He wondered.
While Foxy and FC were talking, Bloodmoon had tuned them out. They were starting to feel weary. The effort it took of holding back their bloodlust combined with the sudden burst of energy that had them bolting across the plex was starting to take its toll. The twins were tired and hungry and their arms and legs beginning to feel a little sore. Conflicting emotions swam within them from both sides. The satisfaction in their code of fulfilling their order to protect FC conflicting with the command denied to bring FC to the Stitchwraith as they were told to.
They hated this. Hated being stuck like this. Hated that they were bound to the commands of two masters. They knashed their teeth, wanting nothing more than to feast on soft flesh and warm blood before curling up and going to sleep.
They flinched as their name was called, flinching back as they realised the old fox was suddenly standing next to them. One half of them automatically hissed and swiped but the other half held them back as they processed a question that had been asked to them.
Foxy had his hands held up in a non threatening manner. A difficult feat to accomplish when one had was literally a hook. 'Negative O. That's your favourite right?'
Bloodmoon tilted their head in a confused manner, but they warily nod. 'Alright, ok good got it' Foxy replies, 'listen you did good today so tell you what. I'll get you one blood bag as a treat. Maybe two if you behave between now and when we get home. Sound good?'
The twins do not answer, squinting at the old fox in suspicion. Was this a trick? Some kind of ploy? For what reason would he do this? They did not believe for a moment this 'good behaviour' shit he was spewing. They had simply done what they were commanded to do, nothing more.
However, the prospect of having actual human blood, and their favourite type no less was too good to pass up. They inwardly agreed with one another they could play the little nice nice game for a little longer too if it meant getting an extra bag so they nodded their head again.
'Alright good' Foxy nods mostly to himself before turning to FC. He had noted Bloodmoon looked tired and FC was looking increasingly like he could use a nap, the stress finally starting to take it's toll on the little fox. Bloodmoon too, as they stopped clawing up the carpet and resorted to curling up on the floor. Nasty place to lie down Foxy mused but he wasn't gonna tell them otherwise.
Eventually Monty did arrive and set up the portal back home. Foxy sent Bloodmoon and FC through first, and quickly passed on his request to Monty to grab the two negative o blood bags for Bloodmoon to which the gator agreed. As he passed through the portal himself Foxy wondered if perhaps he could use this as a consistant reward for good behaviours in future to keep Bloodmoon in line.
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berryblooo · 1 year
Mona, Albedo, and Wanderer: Truth-Seekers & Defiers of Fate
Cross-posting from HoYoLAB.
What do an alchemist, an astrologist, and a wanderer have in common?
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A lot, as it turns out, in terms of design, literary themes, and lore implications.
Allow me to connect seemingly unrelated dots between these three characters. Perhaps by the end of this you too will be eagerly anticipating an event or quest that features all three some day.
Albedo is a genius alchemist, working for the Knights of Favonius as Mondstadt's Chief Alchemist. His knowledge in alchemy goes beyond what even the Sumeru Akademiya possesses, the Art of Khemia from Khaenri'ah.
Mona is a genius astrologist and one of the few practitioners of Hydromancy. Her reputation as an astrologer led to her being asked to take on the All Things Astrological column in Fontaine's newsletter, The Steambird. Her work is revered in the Rtawahist Darshan at the Sumeru Akademiya.
Wanderer, known as ‘Hat Guy’ among the students of the Vahumana Darshan, has become an ad-hoc student of theirs after his papers refuting the popular academic theories surrounding the Tartarsuna incident became popular. He later wrote pieces about Inazuman politics that garnered acclaim. Apparently having a knack for academia, he’s been invited to Vahumana lectures and was able to serve as its representative in the Akademiya Showdown.
Appreciators of the Arts
Albedo is an artist, who has illustrated A Legend of Sword books under the pseudonym Calx and was invited to Inazuma during the Irodori Festival held after the nation opened its borders to illustrate the Five Kasen paintings.
Mona enjoys singing and does so while stargazing. During the 2.8 Summertime Odyssey event, she accepts Xinyan's offer to give her voice lessons.
During his time as Kabukimono living at the Mikage Furnace, he learned how to sword dance and would perform alongside the other blacksmiths. His talents and their excerpts, constellation, and namecard reference theater and poetry, which may indicate his interest in those arts.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
The Geo construct Albedo creates is called the Solar Isotoma, and his 3rd Constellation is titled "Grace of Helios".
Albedo's namecard is titled "Sun Blossom".
Albedo's splash art and Solar Isotoma design features flower and sun-like imagery.
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The name, Mona, means "Moon" in Old English.
Her redesigned outfit is titled "Pact of Stars and Moon" and features crescent moon pendants on her hat and leg.
The eight-pointed star on the pendants has likely influence from the Star of Ishtar, the inspiration for Teyvat's Istaroth, who may have some connection to the three moon sisters.
Her 2nd constellation is titled "Lunar Chain".
Mona's namecard is titled "Starry Sky".
Naturally, as an astrologist, she also has countless star-related symbolism which are fairly obvious.
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Two of Wanderer's constellations have moon-related names. His 2nd constellation is "Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves" and his 3rd constellation is "Sanban: Moonflower Kusemai".
Interestingly, Wanderer's splash art is different from most other Anemo characters in that the elements surrounding him are more black and navy than turquoise, and features a galaxy and star design.
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What defines a human?
Albedo and Scaramouche are both artificial beings, homunculus and puppet respectively.
Albedo was created by his mother, Rhinedottir, using an ancient technique from Khaenri'ah called Khemia. He was part of her Primordial Human project and was the last of her (known) creations, considered her magnum opus. The only evidence of his being a creation is the pontil mark she left on the front of his throat, his one "imperfection" that makes him human. Rhinedottir considers him her son and only child left.
Wanderer was created by his mother, Ei, using an ancient technique now lost. It's implied Irminsul was used in his creation. He was the prototype puppet made for the purpose of storing the Electro Gnosis, but was deemed too weak when he cried while storing it and was thus left to sleep in Shakkei Pavilion with only a plume to signify his connection to the Shogun. He bears the Electro symbol on the back of his neck, the complement to Ei's.
It's unknown whether Albedo is immortal or ages differently than humans, while Wanderer has lived for nearly 500 years, created just after Makoto's death during the Cataclysm. He has always appeared as a beautiful young man, never aging.
In Mona's voicelines about other characters, she almost always references their constellations and interprets parts of their fate from them. The only exception is her voiceline about Albedo. It's speculated that the reason Mona doesn't comment on it is that she's aware of him being a homunculus and purposefully does not reveal his secret.
In the same vein, when Mona first meets Scaramouche during Unreconciled Stars, she is immediately able to see through his facade and tell that he is both a Fatui Harbinger and that he had killing intent towards the Traveler. After Mona teleports the group away, Scaramouche himself wonders if she was able to figure out his true identity—which, during 1.1, players take to mean him being a Harbinger. Looking back, it's likely he meant him being a puppet with powers close to Archon level.
Albedo and Wanderer both represent questions about what makes one human, on both a physical and spiritual level.
"The difference between synthetic and natural life lies in the directional flow of the life force. The energy of a natural life form flows out from within. That's why flower buds bloom and curled leaves unfold. It is the very reason we watch in wonder at blossoming flowers. Creating life artificially, on the other hand, involves — to a certain extent — the introduction of an external source of energy into the embryonic life form. When the hole where the life force was infused is sealed at the end, it leaves a mark not dissimilar to the pontil mark in blown glass wares. The alchemical substance drips and spreads out in all directions, resulting in this rather ingenious diamond shape. This mark is a sign of my artificial origins, and proof of my imperfection as a human."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act II: The Shadow Deepens
"But Subject Two wanted to become a perfected human. So, he erased the mark on both his and Subject Three's necks, for these marks were a symbol of imperfection... He so desperately craved to become a perfect human being that he forgot something: Human beings are defined by their flaws."
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
"As beings who set foot in this world, how arrogant are we in desiring to control our destiny, and in desiring to create?"
Albedo, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes
Wanderer: In your eyes, are there any differences between humans and puppets? Nahida: Do you think there are any differences between your present self and your previous and future incarnations? If not, then what are the differences between humans and puppets? Whoever has tasted the joys and sorrows of life in the human realm is human. Whoever has loved and lost, cried with grief, howled with rage at the tragedy of death that eclipses the miracle of life... they are human, too. Wanderer: I've always believed that human lives follow a set of rules, with each person being a collection of past experiences. As a puppet living in the human world, my life is subject to the same rules. I've lived with a void in my chest my whole life. My creator didn't need me, and ever since I awoke, I've just drifted from one place to the next. But then I met you, and I finally realized that reclaiming my missing sins might be my one opportunity to become my true self. I've always felt I have an innate tendency to yearn for something more, in a way that goes deeper than for most people... But for all my soul-searching as a shugenja, I've never fully understood it. Looking at it now, it seems that I brought this curse upon myself. So I beg you... grant me this opportunity to gain a purpose. To change my destiny and end my wandering.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - The Kabukimono's Finale
Nahida: To be human is to live with imperfections. You can choose whether or not you want to be human. Wanderer: ...But humans can't live without a heart, can they? Anyway, I gave up trying to become a human a long time ago. Nahida: You understand what pain is perfectly well, even without a heart. You're just burying your feelings. The past is set in stone, but you can keep moving on. And the longer your future lasts, the shorter your past will become, until one day it is but a tiny fraction of your life.
Wanderer and Nahida, Interlude Chapter: Act III: Inversion of Genesis - As Though Morning Dew
We can see the similar themes of questioning what it means to be human, of recognizing and accepting imperfections as a part of their humanity for Albedo and Scaramouche.
How does Mona tie into all this? She isn't an artificial being. (As far as we know.)
Mona's Character Story 5 talks about similar themes, namely human hearts and the laws that (supposedly) govern them.
During her apprenticeship, Mona found that the subtle abstractions of her master's teachings could explain the laws that governed the existence of all things. Human hearts were guided by these laws, and if one had great enough powers of calculation, all the mysteries of the world could be understood. Mona once believed this to be true. But when she had to strike out on her own and live day-to-day, she found herself doubting. Not everyone lived wealthy and comfortable lives. Some neither had food nor warm clothes, living no differently from beggars. And it was just such an adventurer who, when meeting Mona while she was out looking for fruits and vegetables to fill her stomach, shared half their food with her. "Out here, we've gotta have each other's backs." This was not something inscribed on these so-called principles of the world. And many other such things she encountered on her journey — the honesty of a thief, a robber's change of heart, a coward's courage, the good deeds of a wicked person... Mona began to have some doubts, but she also felt like she finally had her feet on solid ground. When she was again alone with her thoughts under the stars, she marveled that her research had been so full of holes. Perhaps she would have to continue researching the world's principles for the rest of her life.
We see these same questions brought up by Wanderer at the start of his journey of repentance.
This story of the adventurer she meets is the same one that Mona references during her mirage in the Summer Odyssey event. She divined that if he continued adventuring, he would meet his death within two years. Despite this, the adventurer continued on. Mona believes him to be dead now, since fate is immutable and that encounter was over three years ago.
It's speculated that this adventurer is none other than Joserf, who gets lost on Dragonspine and does indeed meet his death. Except that during the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms events, Albedo uses a whopperflower to bring new life to "Joserf" and reunite "him" with his son, Joel.
In doing so, is Albedo rewriting fate?
Irminsul, Fate, and the Truth of the World
We know that Irminsul is tied to the fate and truth of Teyvat, and all three characters have ties to these themes.
Mona and Albedo are both apprentices/inheritors of knowledge of Hexenzirkel members: Barbeloth and Rhinedottir. The Hexenzirkel is known to embark on Irminsul explorations (which Albedo accompanied Gold on) and at least two members, Alice and Nicole, are implied to be immune or able to know when Irminsul tampering occurs.
Mona and Albedo share a common goal: to uncover the truth of this world. Albedo was tasked with this by Rhinedottir before her abrupt disappearance after discovering the Heart of Naberius, while it's currently unknown if Mona inherited this goal from Barbeloth or if it's her own.
Both are foreshadowed to incur a dark fate in their pursuit of the truth. In Mona's Collected Miscellany, Dainsleif says, "But beware, O young seeker. You must sacrifice your all to unravel the world's secrets," while Albedo is foreshadowed to lose control of his power or be susceptible to corruption and endanger Mondstadt.
As a student of the Vahumana Darshan, Wanderer studies the truth of history.
During his time as a Fatui Harbinger, Scaramouche was sent on missions to the Abyss by the Fatui, implied to be because of his ability to withstand and recovering from damage/attacks. We know that truly ancient Irminsul is located in the Abyss.
He is implied to be created from Irminsul and can navigate the memories stored within, as seen in Inversion of Genesis.
He tried to rewrite the past/fate by erasing himself from Irminsul but learns that fate cannot be changed. This is a line we hear often in game from none other that Astrologist Mona Megistus.
In the confrontation between Dottore and Nahida in the Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, we learn that Irminsul hides the secret "truth" that "the sky and stars of Teyvat are fake".
This corroborates what Scaramouche said in Unreconciled Stars: that the stars, the sky are all a gigantic hoax. A lie.
Mona also corroborates what Scaramouche revealed: she said she was taught to talk about the false sky in her readings.
This means both the Fatui and the Hexenzirkel are aware of the false sky.
In Conclusion
Coincidentally (or perhaps not) all three were sent to Mondstadt.
Albedo was instructed by Rhinedottir to seek out Alice in Mondstadt and take up residence there.
Mona ends up in Mondstadt after being sent to retrieve something of Barbeloth's from Alice's successor (Klee) and when she accidentally reads her 50 year old diary, she feels forced to hide in the city lest she incur her master's wrath.
Scaramouche was chosen by Pierro to investigate the meteorites in Unreconciled Stars, and he speculates that the Jester not only knew what he would discover about the false sky, but that he wanted to frighten him with this information.
I believe all of this is building up the three of them meeting, whether as allies or rivals, in connection with the false sky/truth of the world plot. I feel there are too many connections between them for it not to be intentional.
Or it's all copium!
Additional tidbits that didn't fit in with the rest.
According to Mona and Klee's voicelines, Albedo and Mona are friends/colleagues and meet regularly for meals and to play with Klee.
In the Irodori Festival, Albedo paints Kuronushi of the Five Kasen based on Scaramouche's likeness, which was only revealed when Hydro was applied to the canvas. Similar to the concept of Hydromany, which divines truth in the reflection of water.
The forging technique passed down from the Raiden Shogun to the Raiden Gokaden incorporates astrology into its process.
Barbeloth, Mona's master, likes hats and helps pick them out for people. (Like Klee, and maybe Mona as well.) She would probably appreciate Wanderer's taste in hats.
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pheita · 8 months
17 and 22 for your most chaotic ship? (Most chaotic is such a good parameter I stole it from you lol)
Haha, yeah chaotic ships rule @jezifster I love them.
The most chaotic one would be Lyran and Arritit. Just don't ask how it happened there is a time in the 30 years long timeline of the series during which this bastard of a disaster bard was with the sister of his boyfriend, and later husband. We don't talk about this.
But damn, they are a chaotic pair, I love it.
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
*laughs nervously* spending the time at a tavern and waiting for some bullshit to happen. Most of the times it only takes a few hours and a mug or two for the male patrons to try hitting on Arritit, who will answer quite violently (She loves to burn things to crisp) and Lyran has to save her ass.
OR he ends up in the middle of a discussion because he acts as the white knight again for some poor tavern maiden and Arritit has to save his ass.
Either one, one has to save the other. Yes, causing chaos relaxes them because it's fun.
22.How do they apologize after arguments?
Sweets (they both have a ridiculous sweet tooth), sweet words, and the chances are high it ends in a whole night of sex. At least. They both can be insatiable and have some inhumane endurance. I feel for every tavern owner and his employees whoever had them.
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Find the Word WIP Game
I was tagged by the wonderful @visceravalentines and most marvelous @bluecoolr
Rules: search your wip(s) for the words given to you and share a sentence, then assign words for the people you tag
sooo from Meg I got: mouth, fall, dirt, teeth, open
from Bloo I got: fix, night, cold, blood, smile
lines under the cut bc it got kinda long xD
mouth - I went through like five wips or so to find this afsghafdgas, Cathryn x Patron, no title bc I usually come up with them when I'm done xD
Just when Alicia opened her mouth to respond, there was a knock on the door, and Cathryn got up. 
fall - joking title is "Hooked", self-ship Captain Hook thing although I just noticed that I apparently have been switching between first and second person agsadh
When your parents had fallen ill, with no regular medical practitioner able to figure out what was wrong, there had been no money to hire more experienced doctors.
dirt - same as above
Not chained up in some dark, dirty chamber below deck, no disrespectful or improper comments by the crew.
teeth - also Cathryn x Patron (why is that sentence so long aaaa)
She gently nuzzled the juncture where his shoulder met his neck, breathing in his scent, the citrus note of his shampoo much stronger here, and she couldn’t help but let her tongue run over his skin, feel his pulse so close that her instincts were begging her to sink her teeth into his flesh, get that blood she craved -  but she didn’t feel like making it quick.
open - previous Hook thing still
A sudden knocking at your door startled you out of your recollections, and despite the fact that you had no actual control over who did or did not open the door, you called "Come in."
fix - guess what
His gaze remained fixed on me, watching me intently while his hook played with the collar of my dress, "Is that what you think or what he says?"
night - another untitled self-ship Stardew Valley/Captain Hook (well, the film is Peter Pan but y'know) crossover fic
The tent looked just like every other tent, red and white stripes, but the table was covered by a dark blue cloth and the room behind her hidden from view by curtains the colour of the night sky.
cold - kinda blurb for an AU thing I got going on with Meadow and Jas <3
The ground underneath my back was hard, cold, and when I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry.
blood - Stardew/Hook as well xD
I felt the blood rush to my face and turned around, disappearing behind the next closest tent and somehow ending up at the fortune teller's table.
smile - WIP title is "Missing", short thing about my OC Rón
"Guilty as charged," Rón replied with a crooked smile, before getting up to put his crafting materials away and get some plates. "You reckon Sally will get here soon?"
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clownjail · 10 months
does anyone know how to get beta readers ??
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outeremissary · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
(this got terribly ramble-y. apologies.)
Ah, this is difficult. Putting self-deprecation aside, I've accomplished a lot in the past year that's been significant improvement for me in terms of visual art. I guess that I really like the Valentine's art? Which is good since due to a series of mishaps it wound up framed next to my desk (realized I had no safe storage for it that wouldn't smudge it to hell and back) so it would be very sad if I wound up hating it.
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I really loved the Crystalhue art I never finished as well. The sketch was really cute and it had the most complex composition of any large scene I'd done at the time (and probably since).
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And it's silly, but I did really enjoy the letter I wrote back to you. I always struggle with Balthazar's voice. It was a helpful exercise even if it turned out messy. I'm sorry for not continuing the chain better. But thank you for the opportunity despite my unsociability. Lately I've been doing other art that I really liked too, so I'm surrounded by cute expressions right now. There's a beautiful smile to my left and some terrible (affectionate) smirks to right. Hopefully I can finish things in a reasonable time this week to share :) It's been a long while since I last did sequential art, so I'm always excited even when it's simple.
Ah, and recently there was a lot of really good art with Vio (@mountainashfae's character, as always), so that's lovely. This was messy (and color made it messier) but I still like it because 1) it's cute and 2) I challenged myself a lot to try things I always wanted to draw but avoided because I just thought I couldn't do them well. Well, the omnipresent mistake hiding eraser speaks to the imperfection, but I'm still happy.
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I'm seldom satisfied with what I make, but I try to see it as a good thing. I'm always growing, perhaps. My therapist thinks it's like living with a curse though. ^^;;
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