#bloodborne dnd
werederg · 4 months
What if I just started posting my Bloodborne DND original NPC’s without context? Huh? What if?
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Look at this fucker. His brain is make of scrambled eggs and he’s going to bite you.
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serpentsembrace · 2 years
Bloodborne D&D Rules!
A while back, I mentioned that I'd be running a Bloodborne one-shot and would be coming up with some extra rules for it. I haven't run the one-shot yet, but I think I have a set of fairly straightforward rules that you should be able to use in your own games! I haven't included stats for individual weapons, but the rules I've explained here should give a good framework for them. If people want, I may share the ones my players end up using, so others can see how I went about it. Some of the rules below I would change for a long-form campaign, but for a party of level 5s that are unlikely to have a healer, this should suffice. I recommend treating PCs with these tools as a couple of levels higher than they actually are, since these certainly increase their power.
In any case, here you go, see below the cut for those tasty, tangy mechanics!
Trick Weapons. Most weapons in Bloodborne will "transform" in some way - most often by unfolding, splitting, extending, or otherwise altering the way they are wielded. There are exceptions, but most weapons will follow this template.
Base damage = 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier
Transformed damage = 1d10 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, and add or modify a property of the weapon
Firearms. Firearms may be effective against men, but beasts and those from beyond are not easily deterred by such minor puncture wounds. Even so, they still have a place in a Hunter's arsenal. By placing a precise shot during a foe's attack, you can attempt a Parry and Riposte. using your reaction while wielding a one-handed firearm.
Alternatively, when you take the Attack action, you can use your bonus action to make a ranged attack with a one-handed firearm. However, doing so prevents you from using your reaction to attempt a Parry until the start of your next turn.
Special Actions
Transforming Attack. For many weapons, you can use your bonus action to turn one of your attacks with your action into a transforming attack, which transforms the weapon as part of the same attack, potentially adding damage or other effects.
Parry. While wielding a firearm or certain offhand weapons, you may use your reaction to attempt to parry a creature within 5 feet of you by firing a shot during an instant of vulnerability. Make a ranged weapon attack roll against the creature. On a hit, the creature is unable to continue attacking this turn, and you can immediately attempt a Riposte. If your parry attack misses, the attacking creature has advantage on all attack rolls made against you that it makes this turn.
Riposte. When you successfully Parry a creature's attack, if you are within 5 feet of it, you can immediately make a melee weapon attack with the same reaction you used to Parry. This attack is made with advantage, and if it hits, is considered a critical hit.
Other Equipment
Blood Vials. Standard healing item. As a bonus action, you can inject yourself with blood, instantly restoring 10 hit points to yourself. If you do so while within melee range of a hostile creature, this will trigger an attack of opportunity. You can also use your action to administer a Blood Vial to another creature within 5 feet of you. Each Hunter begins with 5 Blood Vials.
Quicksilver Bullets. Standard ammunition for firearms. Also consumed for certain special tools, weapons, or abilities, such as the Flamesprayer or the Church Cannon. Each Hunter begins with 20 of these bullets.
Blood Bullets. If a Hunter runs out of Quicksilver Bullets, their own blood can suffice. As a bonus action, you can choose to deal 8 points of necrotic damage to yourself in exchange for 5 Blood Bullets. This damage cannot be reduced in any way. When fired from a weapon, Blood Bullets deal additional damage on a hit equal to your Wisdom modifier. A Hunter can hold only 5 Blood Bullets at a time.
Beastblood Pellets. A small pill of concentrated beast blood, used to enhance a hunter’s melee prowess, but at a cost. See the rules for Beasthood for details.
New Mechanics
Eldritch Insight. This world is fraught with secrets beyond the sight of mere mortals. Eldritch Insight reveals these secrets, simultaneously making one more powerful and more vulnerable to the threats that flit between the gaps in reality. Each Hunter may choose to begin with 0-5 points of Eldritch Insight. A minimum of 3 points is required for spellcasting to be possible. In addition, there are benefits and detriments as follows.
For each point of Eldritch Insight you have above 3, when you deal damage with a spell, you add 1d6 to one of the spell's damage rolls, up to a maximum of 4d6.
For each point of Eldritch Insight you have, add +1 to all Insight, Investigation, and Perception checks.
For each point of Eldritch Insight you have, you may be asked by the DM to add to or subtract from certain saving throws.
Certain, terrible truths may be revealed to characters with larger amounts of Eldritch Insight.
Beasthood. Some hunters may seek to harness the strength of beasts for their own. But beware the ire of a blood-drunk hunter. As a bonus action, you can ingest a beastblood pellet. When you do so, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute.
1. Each time you successfully hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you gain 1 point of Beasthood. Your Beasthood Score is equal to the number of Beasthood points you have minus the number of Eldritch Insight points you have.
2. You gain the additional effects based on your current Beasthood Score Each as listed below. Each tier of effects also includes the effects of the previous tier.
3. Unless fully transformed, your Beasthood Score decreases by 1 each time you end your turn without hitting a creature with a melee weapon attack.
Beasthood Effects
Beasthood Score 1-3: You gain a bonus to your melee weapon damage rolls equal to your Beasthood Score.
Beasthood Score 4-6: You gain advantage on all melee attack rolls, and all attack rolls have advantage against you. In addition, you can use a bonus action to make an additional weapon attack when you take the attack action.
Beasthood Score 7-9: At the start of each of your turns, you must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, you are able to act normally. On a failure, you can only take the Attack action this turn, targeting the closest creature to you, or choosing a target at random if the distance to two or more creatures is equal.
Beasthood Score 10+: The Wisdom saving throw DC increases to 16, and on a failure, you transform fully into a Beast and lose control of yourself. This transformation is believed to be irreversible.
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undueodium · 1 year
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When your partner is over 7ft tall but you carry a 200lb Kirkhammer with you every time you leave the shop
[OC Fenwarin and his tiny partner Lane]
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bornetoblood · 2 years
Stories from the Bloodborne DnD game:
Yahar’gul has a holiday called “Micolash day” where everyone is forced to go to the square and watch the Mensis Scholars show off their little science projects and Micolash give his little speeches (enforced by the Yahar’gul hunters of course).
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arnaerr · 6 months
I'm still having troubles with my job, so I would appreciate you buying my prints/or coffee or supporting me on Patreon 🫣
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eliotbaum · 1 year
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a scene from our last Curse of Strahd session featuring my cleric PC
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ordheist · 5 months
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low rez prisna
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5ecardaday · 12 days
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Swordtember 2024, Pt. 2
Continuing my strange, pop-culture, RPG-style take on Swordtember, I've got a collection of 8 new swords from across a variety of media. This set includes Bloodborne, Magic: the Gathering, Monster Hunter, and more.
What you see here isn't all though. Two other famous blades-- Frostmourne from the Warcraft series, and the Poison Blade from Asssassin's Creed-- are also available, but only over on my Patreon! No worries on price though, it's totally free, as long as you're willing to follow my work on there.
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killjo-q · 9 months
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Recent commissions belongs to:
@/mvthhew.wav (2)
Still accepting 2 more for January and February waitlist is open! ( 9 slots for now ) Also small update ig, I'll probably be taking bit more time on comms from now on because I'm starting a new job at a clinic haha
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ginsays · 7 months
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can anything in the world compare to the rush and relief of discovering one of the party’s most beloved NPCs, who you all thought was dead for months of play time, is actually only MOSTLY dead and just in a box, which is definitely still partly alive
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pastelpuppet · 3 months
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Clapping my hands, another one! His name is Wisely and he is so normal I pr
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werederg · 9 months
Back on my Bloodborne DND bullshit, babey!
Today’s Topic: Setting!
Okay so obviously Bloodborne takes place in Yharnam, but like most soulsborne games, the world of Yharnam is relatively empty of people/npc’s compared to other games, and especially compared to what Dungeons and Dragons is designed for. So obviously a big part of adapting Bloodborne for dungeons and dragons is filling out the world more, but for the sake of my own creativity and bc I thought it would be fun and interesting to give such a different setting compared to the vibes of the game, the setting for Bloodborne DND, as I’ve been playing it, takes place in Yharnam at least a few decades before the game takes place. So the world is less degraded, there are more people, the church is still at its full functioning and power, the hunters workshop is still operating as intended, NPC’s from the original game aren’t in the same places in their lives as they are in the game, significantly younger or not born at all (except for Gilbert bc I love him and I want him to be there lmao).
And it’s been really fun exploring what Yharnam would look before everything really went to shit, but while things are still very fucked up. It does change a lot of NPC’s from the game. I’ll give a few examples!
Laurence is still Vicar of the healing church.
Meaning Amelia is not vicar, probably currently a lower member of the church officials.
Father Gascoigne is not in Yharnam yet and his children definitely haven’t been born.
Eileen the crow is not a hunter of hunters yet.
Ludwig is still around and kicking as the head of the church hunters.
So as you can see it does eliminate a few bosses from the game, but I think that works with the vibe of this version of Yharnam being less degraded and therefore less dangerous than that of canon Bloodborne.
I’m still working to put a coherent timeline together, bc it’s not like we know when most events happen or how much time happens in between them. It’s confusing to me what the time spacing between the old hunters like Gehrman and Maria is between the events of like the founding of the healing church.
It’s explicitly stated that the Hunt (tm) started the night old Yharnam burned down, but also obvious that there were hunters before the start of the official hunt. So I don’t know lmao.
Although to be clear I’m not necessarily being 100% accurate to every lore note, for the sake of storytelling. But Bloodborne has very good writing and creative design so the more lore I dig up, the more ideas it usually gives me.
I can’t wait to talk about all the new NPC’s I’ve made to populate the world, I’m very proud of them and it will probably what I talk about next, even though I should probably elaborate on the timeline some more, but it hurts my brain a little. I’m running off of pure vibes here.
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dorkiethedork · 2 months
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Oh Amygdala, oh Amygdala! Have mercy on poor @rabbitdoesarts during this Artfight!
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gamchawizzy · 1 month
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Reblogs appreciated!
Opening commissions again! Catchin up with my bills 🏃‍♂️ Let me draw for you!
I can do:
✨ Fantasy / DnD / TTRPG ✨OCs / OC x Canon / Fanart ✨Penguins, Critters, Furry, Anthro ✨Faux Medieval Manuscripts ✨Emotes
(I am now also open to 𝓃𝓈𝒻𝓌 work - inquire first)
TOS: gamchawizzy(.)weebly.com/commission-me.html
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samarzart · 2 months
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seren (he/him) my charming lesbian prince for a bloodborne inspired campaign
he lost a fight with a vampire and she kept him as a consolation prize
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artofknoth · 26 days
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Nowhere else to go…do you enter?
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